Wade Frazier : A Healed Planet, and the role of Free Energy



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Wade Frazier :

A Healed Planet, and the role of Free Energy

March 2009





— I believe that much of that so-called advanced technology tries to mimic advanced spiritual abilities.  My understanding is that much of our advanced technology is quaint by certain “extraterrestrial” standards, because we have a primitive understanding of consciousness.  By and large, the heart is not in charge on Earth.

Wade Frazier

Wade Frazier, “groomed as a scientist from an early age”, became fascinated by the subject of Free Energy when just a teenager. As is so often the case with those with a clearly envisioned life mission when so young, his life’s path then propelled him through a series of hard-hitting experiences that qualify him to be one of the preeminent writers on the subject today.

Wade’s website, AHealedPlanet.net, comprises over 1200 pages of deeply thought-out, intelligent and well-informed commentary on a number of the most important issues of our time. His direct personal experiences include working shoulder-to-shoulder for a number of years with Dennis Lee, who he describes as ‘The Indiana Jones of Free Energy’. Wade attests that Lee’s larger-than-life experiences, many of which Wade witnessed at first hand (including the viability of his technology) were authentic and occurred just as he reports on his site. He is courteously dismissive of uninformed critics.


Brian O’Leary, writer, speaker and ex-astronaut, who many listeners will already know – also a veteran Free Energy activist – joined us for our 90 minute, wide-ranging conversation. We discussed the paradigm shift that is necessary in the world for the concept – let alone the technology – of Free Energy to be accepted; why maverick lone Free Energy inventors find themselves up against the most powerful hidden agendas on the planet (‘like a mouse against an elephant’, says Wade); what has happened to some inventors when they have ‘come up against the system’; and how if this could be effectively countered – by large numbers of people embracing the concept AND working together on advanced technologies – we could transform our world into what Wade describes as paradise on Earth.


Click here for Wade Frazier’s website.

Previous article15 MARCH 09 – 14 MAY 2009
Kerry Cassidy
Kerry Cassidy is the CEO/ Founder of Project Camelot. Kerry is a documentary filmmaker/investigative journalist, author and well known host of Project Camelot TV broadcasting weekly live shows .  PROJECT CAMELOT  http://projectcamelot.tv aka projectcamelotportal.com  -  is a leader in the alternative media sector, with a Youtube channel (NOW ON OUR OWN PROJECT CAMELOT LIBRARY)  that has over 1000 video interviews over past 18+ years, plus 5 years of radio show interviews and over 70 million unique viewers worldwide with over 312,000 subscribers at the time our youtube channel was removed by the Youtube censors in March 2021. Kerry travels the world conducting interviews and documenting the testimony of whistleblowers with above top secret clearances as well as authors, researchers and experiencers covering conspiracies, the secret space program, black projects, ETs, kundalini and ascension and free energy. She speaks at conferences around the world and is considered one of the leaders of the disclosure movement. Kerry's book, "Rebel Gene: Secret Space and the Future of Humanity" documents her trip down the rabbit hole and years in Project Camelot. 5-STARS ON AMAZON! Due to censorship and demonetization by Youtube Project Camelot has now become a subscription based platform.  JOIN NOW BECOME A MEMBER KERRY CASSIDY - PROJECT CAMELOT was banned and deleted from the several platforms for telling the truth about covid:  WATCH OUR VIDEOS HERE: https://media.projectcamelotportal.com/ Over 900 free videos...on ODYSEE.COM RECENT VIDEOS ON MY WEBSITE AND RUMBLE.COM Kerry Lynn Cassidy Founder / CEO Project Camelot skype: snowjaguar http://projectcamelot.tv TELEGRAM: intel and updates daily…. https://t.me/projectcamelotKerry JOIN US AND SUBSCRIBE to support our work: https://projectcamelotportal.com/join/ DISCLAIMER Project Camelot does not necessarily agree with or endorse all of the views represented by those we interview or have on our radio shows, internet TV shows or other broadcasts and productions.What Camelot is about is the investigation into the mysteries that surround us. We are all, in a sense, investigators of our world. And while we, as individuals, may not agree with everything presented on our site, we fully support freedom of thought and speech as well as the Quest for truth. JOIN ME ON TELEGRAM:  NEWS & UPDATES DAILY! https://t.me/projectcamelotKerry SUPPORT OUR WORK!  SUBSCRIBE!


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