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2 files containing Photos of a very large body near Mercury


October 13, 2011

2 files containing Photos of a very large body near Mercury…



Oregon quake originally 5.9 now downgraded to 5.3

clcik here for proof of original magnitude

Why are they so afraid of posting true magnitude of certain quakes? It would appear certain quakes are more 'managed' than others.

Phil Scheider


October 12, 2011

Phil Scheider

click here to view (fixed link)

There are many Phil Scheider videos on the net… I highly encourage you to view them.

Here is another link someone sent to me.

Latest Canary links and more…

El Hierro Volcano on Red Alert: 2 New Eruption Vents Discovered

Magma Plume: 5.1 Magnitude Earthquake Strikes Near Easter Island

USGS Says No Warning Will be Given for Canary Islands as People Would Panic

Canary Islands La Palma, Atlantic Tsunami Simulation US UK

Investigation into Particle Beam or Portal?


youtube video link

An interesting accidental capture of a particle beam weapon, jumproom or portal technology in action in the mountains around Taos, New Mexico by a filmmaker/musician, named Sam Zurick. His blog is: http://samzurick.com

This is a legimate investigation by someone who stumbled on something unusual. We interviewed Dave Rosenfelt a UFO investigator in Utah about a similar sighting on the TV show yet to be released by TruTV. Click on the pic to view the documentary short…

Dave Rosenfelt's site: http://www.aliendave.com/

Here's a link to the beam he shot a pic of : http://www.aliendave.com/Photos_Skywatch_UTTR_72204.html

From a Source re Soccer Fields and Future Event Planning


October 11, 2011

From a Source re Soccer Fields and Future Event Planning

…"As both the Canaries evacuation process and the Military's food packing process at Cheyenne Mountain in Denver get rolling along I just thought I'd drop you a line to let you know what the US Army's Civil Affairs (Special Operations) units have been training on since March of this year. They are training on locating and re-locating "DISPLACED CIVILIANS". There is a write up on it in this months issue of "Warrior Citizen", The OFFICIAL magazine of the US ARMY RESERVE. They make no attempt to hide what it is they're doing now. The write up is on the 450th Civil Affairs Battalion based out if Virginia but I'm sure this is MOS wide. Anyone who is paying attention can easily start putting these pieces together. 

I don't know about anyone else, but where I live here in the [removed…] California, there have been a lot of sunken-in "Soccer Fields" being built. They are sunk in the ground at about 10 to 15 feet, outfitted with mono pole stadium style field lighting and are surrounded by cyclone fencing with gates on them. One of these fields unparticular has a small 6X6 area that is fenced in and inside of this fence is telemetry equipment and an electronic wind sock. (The type that has, and looks like 3 spoons spinning around on top of it) Directly across from this "Soccer Field" is one of those new fancy highway bulletin boards that light up and tell you to report drunk drivers etc. And on top of this electronic bulletin board sits a camera that likes to swivel around, not only looking down the highway, but it likes to watch the "Soccer Field" for some reason. I know because I drive by this field and a couple of more just like it every day. These aren't "Parks", and our city has never, nor will they ever have, at any time enough soccer teams that would justify or even constitute a reason to build so many of these types of concentration camps, uh,.. I mean soccer fields. 

Its blatantly obvious to those of us who are AWAKE AND AWARE and watching what is being put into place around us. The question is, is it a planned event, or are they preparing for a natural one? 

You'll be amazed at how BIG these new "fields" are. It's obvious to any body following all of this stuff what these places are. You'd have to be an idiot to not recognize what you're looking at. Buckle up.

Out here."–a source

Awake and Aware Streams Now Newly Configured for all users

Hi all,

We apologize for the difficulty with viewing the streams. Our provider, Indigo Platforms TV has been working hard to reupload the videos and reconfiguring them for easier streaming across platforms. Hopefully, the issues have now been resolved. Please continue to make the effort to view the footage… it's really very special. We encourage you to write to: tommy@projectcamelotportal.com with your comments and any issues you may still be having.

Thank you for your continued support! Blessings, Kerry Cassidy, Project Camelot

Go to http://awakeandaware2011.com
to stream.

Canaries News – Alert has been moved to RED.



Here is the Official URGENT Communicate directly from the Canaries Government dated Tuesday, October 11, 2011


It says: Before the evolution of the seismic event that effects the Island of "El Hierro" and as a preventive measure, we are moving all residents form the "La Restinga" to another location following our civil contingency plan, taking into account the possibility of migration of eruptive focus closer to the coast. — from a Camelot supporter

Kerry will be on Late Night in the Midlands Radio – this Friday 6:15 Pacific Time/9:15 PM EST


October 10, 2011

Kerry will be on Late Night in the Midlands Radio – this Friday 6:15pm Pacific Time/9:15 PM EST

Tune in to get the update!


Travel to India with Ashayana Deane


October 7, 2011

Travel to India with Ashayana Deane

Note: from October 15th to November 2nd I will be traveling in India with Ashayana Deane and may not be able to do any live Radio shows during that time. This could change depending on my access to the internet and allowing for the time difference. Check back here for updates…

I will make blog posts and updates whenever I have access to a decent connection during that time. This trip is made possible by Ashayana Deane and Azurite Press. Many thanks to them for this wonderful opportunity. While the trip is primarily a ‘grid work’ meditation trip I hope to do some filming when possible.

***We have set up free access for those who attended and streamed the live event


October 6, 2011

***We have set up free access for those who attended and streamed the live event. You should receive this access info via email from Camelot. If you have not received access by tomorrow, October 7th please feel free to write to: tommy@projectcamelotportal.com

The streams are now available for purchase for those who did not attend or were not able to Live Stream the event at the time. Go to: http://awakeandaware2011.com

Here’s to the Crazy Ones: Tribute to Steve Jobs


October 5, 2011

Here's to the Crazy Ones: Tribute to Steve Jobs

“Here's to the crazy ones ~ the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers ~ the round pegs in the square holes ~ the ones who see things differently — they're not fond of rules. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them ~ but the only thing you can't do is ignore them ~ because they change things ~ they push the human race forward ~ and while some may see them as the crazy ones ~ we see genius ~ because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world ~ are the ones who do” ~ Steve Jobs

"Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart. Stay hungry. Stay foolish." -Steve Jobs



October 4, 2011


Click on the ad banner above to view and purchase.

***For those who attended free access will be granted as soon as we get that set up.

Occupy Wall Street

Best Rant video of demonstration

Reposting video: What I learned about Libya

click here to view on youtube


Charming video: 150 mile wardrobe

click here to view

This is lovely and inspiring on how to make a wardrobe that is local fiber, real color…thank you A for sending this to me!



click here to read this communique

So many people are driven mad at this time searching for answers outside themselves. This statement contains some grounded advice on going within to find the truth you seek.


Still waiting for our CONFERENCE STREAMS to load from Indigo TV

We expect to have this available no later than Monday (today).

We apologize for the delay!!


LIBYA : latest news and issue regarding video posted here on Oct 2

Go here to view latest news on Libya… this is in English

reposting video link to What I learned about Libya formerly on vimeo now on youtube

As it happens, the video telling it like it is in Libya by Michels.tv (the truth about Libya) was removed by Vimeo claiming a copyright violation… Mike from Michels.tv is in contact with me and said there is no copyright violation and he has written to Vimeo to prove so.. It appears this video was removed by them after Camelot posted it here. This video will be available soon on his website. I will post the link when I have it.

From John Moore – Mounting elements

Sent to me from a source:

…"John Moore reports that a contact from U.S. Northern Command
in Denver, Colorado tells him that there is very frenzied activity
there, including food storage activity. Recall that Pres. Obama
was there just a few days ago; it appears that he may be preparing
to go underground in response to N.A.S.A.'s tracking reports of
comets and asteroids in a bee swarm, which has to be growing more
dense as this known baby star is pulled ever closer into our inner
Solar System by the great gravitational force field of our Sun.
Most urgent is John Moore's report from his contact that a volcano
on the Canary Islands is about to erupt in about seven to ten days.
Geologists agree that if the Cumbre Vieja volcano erupts, its resulting
landslide will surely generate a tsunami that will kill many millions
of people along the East Coast of the Americas, from Canada, down
over the United States, the Caribbean Islands, and down through
Central and South America."
Scroll down to the rebroadcast of the third hour of September, 30th of the Dr. Bill Deagle Nutrimedical report….

Still waiting for our CONFERENCE STREAMS to load from Indigo TV


October 2, 2011

Still waiting for our CONFERENCE STREAMS to load from Indigo TV

We expect to have this available no later than Monday.

We apologize for the delay!!

The Truth About Libya

click here to view this important video (this video was removed a few hours after I posted it here by Vimeo stating there is some violation of copyright etc. According to Michels.tv this is clearly an attack as a result of Camelot focus!

The invasion of Libya is undoubtably a suppression and takeover exercise. That much is clear. Whereas there may be other sides to this story there is no doubt the NWO is seeking to bring this country into its control but there is also a strong indication that there is more to this than is being revealed. Any whistlblowers who believe they have the deeper truth of what NATO is looking for (besides wealth and oil and the obvious) please contact me atkerry@projectcamelotportal.com

UFO Documentary for Friends and Family

This UFO documentary is fairly comprehensive in covering the story from Roswell on. Whereas, it leaves out much of the more sophisticated knowledge about the visitors and the ongoing secret space program as well as the story before Roswell, it can be quite useful for giving people new to the subject a good, though simplistic, history of the subject.

It is also winner of the EBE award from the International UFO Congress (a yearly conference now held in Phoenix, Arizona).

click here to view

Hi there


October 1, 2011

Hi there,

We just got back in town from a couple day break in Yosemite… We are working on getting the streams from the conference online. Please be patient. They should be available sometime later today!!

Thank you.

Kerry Cassidy
Project Camelot

CONFERENCE: http://awakeandaware2011.com
.."he asked if it was classified and he was told no,
because you can't classify something that doesn't exist."–Hawk Tales
