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Another link regarding the structures in the desert in China


Nov 16, 2011

Another link regarding the structures in the desert in China

click here for the article


click here for the article


click here to listen live at 7pm Pacific Time

click here to listen to his audio interview from last week


click here to view

Special thanks to Tommy Hansen for handling the DOS attack!

We are under a DOS attack on our servers right now…


Nov 15, 2011

**We are under a DOS attack on our servers right now… The Awake & Aware footage might be having some trouble loading as a consequence.







Tommy and I will be discussing Project Camelot, past and present, my trip to India and anything else people want to hear about as well as our plans for the future of Camelot. Please join us for an open Q&A….


SIPL | April 17 2005
For reasons you will understand as you read this I can not divulge my identity.
I am an aircraft mechanic for a major airline. I work at one of our maintenance bases located at a large airport. I have discovered some information that I think you will find important. First, I should tell you something about the “pecking order” among mechanics. It is important to my story and to the cause to which you have dedicated yourself.
Mechanics want to work on three things. The avionics, the engines, or the flight controls. The mechanics that work on these systems are considered at the top of the “pecking order”.
Next come the mechanics that work on the hydraulics and air conditioning systems. Then come the ones who work on the galley and other non-essential systems. But at the very bottom of the list are the mechanics that work on the waste disposal systems.
No mechanic wants to work on the pumps, tanks, and pipes that are used to store the waste from the lavatories. But at every airport where I have worked there are always 2 or 3 mechanics that volunteer to work on the lavatory systems.
The other mechanics are happy to let them do it. Because of this you will have only 2 or 3 mechanics that work on these systems at any one airport. No one pays much attention to these guys and no mechanic socializes with another mechanic who only works on the waste systems.
Fact is, I had never even thought much about this situation until last month. Like most airlines we have reciprocal agreements with the other airlines that fly into this airport. If they have a problem with a plane one of our mechanics will take care of it.
Likewise, if one of our planes has a problem at an airport where the other airline has a maintenance base, they will fix our plane.
One day last month I was called out from our base to work on a plane for another airline. When I got the call the dispatcher did not know what the problem was. When I got to the plane I found out that the problem was in waste disposal system. There was nothing for me to do but to crawl in and fix the problem.
When I got into the bay I realized that something was not right. There were more tanks, pumps, and pipes then should have been there. At first I assumed that the waste disposal system had been changed. It had been about 10 years since I had worked on this particular model of aircraft.
As I tried to find the problem I quickly realized the extra piping and tanks were not connected to the waste disposal system, at all. I had just discovered this when another mechanic from my company showed up. It was one of the mechanics who usually works on this particular type of plane, and I happily turned the job over to him.
As I was leaving I asked him about the extra equipment. He told me to “worry about my end of the plane and let him worry about his end!”
The next day I was on the company computer to look up a wiring schematic. While I was there I decided to look up the extra equipment I had found. To my amazement the manuals did not show any of the extra equipment I had seen with my own eyes the day before. I even tied in to the manufacturer files and still found nothing. Now I was really determined to find out what that equipment did.
The next week we had three of our planes in our main hanger for periodic inspection. There are mechanics crawling all over a plane during these inspections. I had just finished my shift and I decided to have a look at the waste system on one of our planes. With all the mechanics around I figured that no one would notice an extra one on the plane.
Sure enough, the plane I choose had the extra equipment! I began to trace the system of pipes, pumps, and tanks. I found what appeared to be the control unit for the system. It was a standard looking avionics control box but it had no markings of any kind.
I could trace the control wires from the box to the pumps and valves but there were no control circuits coming into the unit. The only wires coming into the unit was a power connection to the aircraft’s main power bus.
The system had 1 large tank and 2 smaller tanks. It was hard to tell in the cramped compartment, but it looked like the large tank could hold about 50 gallons. The tanks were connected to a fill and drain valve that passed through the fuselage just behind the drain valve for the waste system.
When I had a chance to look for this connection under the plane I found it cunningly hidden behind a panel under the panel used to access the waste drain.
I began to trace the piping from the pumps. These pipes lead to a network of small pipes that ended in the trailing edges of the wings and horizontal stabilizers.
If you look closely at the wings of a large airplane you will see a set of wires, about the size of your finger, extending from the trailing edge of the wing surfaces. These are the static discharge wicks. They are used to dissipate the static electric charge that builds up on a plane in flight.
I discovered that the pipes from this mystery system lead to every 1 out of 3 of these static discharge wicks. These wicks had been “hollowed out” to allow whatever flows through these pipes to be discharged through the fake wicks.
It was while I was on the wing that one of the managers spotted me. He ordered me out of the hanger telling me that my shift was over and I had not been authorized any overtime.
The next couple of days were very busy and I had no time to continue my investigation. Late one afternoon, two days after my discovery, I was called to replace an engine temperature sensor on a plane due to take off in two hours. I finished the job and turned in the paperwork.
About 30 minutes later I was paged to see the General Manager. When I went in his office I found that our union rep and two others who I did not know were waiting on me. He told me that a serious problem had been discovered. He said that I was being written up and suspended for turning in false paperwork.
He handed me a disciplinary form stating that I had turned in false paperwork on the engine temperature sensor I had installed a few hours before. I was floored and began to protest. I told them that this was ridiculous and that I had done this work.
The union rep spoke up at this point and recommended that we take a look at the plane to see if we could straighten it all out. I then asked who the other two men were. The GM told me that they were airline safety inspectors but would not give me their names.
We proceeded to the plane, which should have been in the air but was parked on our maintenance ramp. We opened the engine cowling and the union rep pulled the sensor. He checked the serial number and told everyone that it was the old instrument. We then went to the parts bay and went back into the racks.
The union rep checked my report and pulled from the rack a sealed box. He opened the box and pulled out the engine temperature sensor with the serial number of the one I had installed. I was told that I was suspended for a week without pay and to leave immediately.
I sat at home the first day of my suspension wondering what the hell had happened to me. That evening I received a phone call. The voice told me “Now you know what happens to mechanics who poke around in things they shouldn’t. The next time you start working on systems that are no concern of yours you will lose your job! As it is, I’m feeling generous, I believe that you’ll be able to go back to work soon.” CLICK.
Again, I had to pick myself from off the floor. As my mind raced, it was at this moment that I made the connection that what had happened to me must have been directly connected to my tracing the “mysterious” piping.
The next morning the General Manager called me. He said that due to my past excellent employment record that the suspension had been reduced to one day and that I should report back to work immediately. The only thing I could think of was “what are they trying to hide” and “who are ‘THEY'”!
That day at work went by as if nothing had happened. None of the other mechanics mentioned the suspension and my union rep told me not to talk about it. That night I logged onto the Internet to try to find some answers.
I don’t remember now how I got there but I came across a site that talked about chemically-laced contrails.
That’s when it all came together. But the next morning at work I found a note inside my locked locker. It said, “Curiosity killed the cat. Don’t be looking at Internet sites that are no concern of yours.”
Well that’s it. Now I know ‘THEY’ are watching me.
While I don’t know what THEY are spraying, I can tell you how they are doing it. I figure they are using the “honey trucks”. These are the trucks that empty the waste from the lavatory waste tanks.
The airports usually contract out this job and nobody goes near these trucks. Who wants to stand next a truck full of sh–. While these guys are emptying the waste tanks, it makes sense that they could easily be filling the tanks of the spray system.
They know the planes flight path so they probably program the control unit to start spraying some amount of time after the plane reaches a certain altitude. The spray nozzles in the fake static wicks are so small that no one in the plane would see a thing.
God help us all.
— A concerned citizen



APEC World Leaders Dinner Gets Occupied

By Andy Bichlbaum on Nov 13 2011
November 13, 2011
APEC World Leaders Dinner Gets Occupied
Within secure zone, musician sings on behalf of the many
(this is the song – below is what happened***http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xq3BYw4xjxE We Are The Many- by Makana)
Honolulu – A change in the programmed entertainment at last night’s Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) gala left a few world leaders slack-jawed, though most seemed not to notice that anything was amiss.
During the gala dinner, renowned Hawaiian guitarist Makana, who performed at the White House in 2009, opened his suit jacket to reveal a home-made “Occupy with Aloha” T-shirt. Then, instead of playing the expected instrumental background music, he spent almost 45 minutes repeatedly singing his protest ballad released earlier that day. The ballad, called “We Are the Many,” includes lines such as “The lobbyists at Washington do gnaw…. And until they are purged, we won’t withdraw,” and ends with the refrain: “We’ll occupy the streets, we’ll occupy the courts, we’ll occupy the offices of you, till you do the bidding of the many, not the few.”
Those who could hear Makana’s message included Presidents Barack Obama of the United States of America, Hu Jintao of China, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono of Indonesia, Prime Minister Stephen Harper of Canada, and over a dozen other heads of state.
“At first, I was worried about playing ‘We Are The Many,’” said Makana. “But I found it odd that I was afraid to sing a song I’d written, especially since I’d written it with these people in mind.”
The gala was the most secure event of the summit. It was held inside the Hale Koa hotel, a 72-acre facility owned and controlled by the US Defense Department; the site was fortified with an additional three miles of fencing constructed solely for the APEC summit.
Makana was surprised that no one objected to him playing the overtly critical song. “I just kept doing different versions,” he said. “I must’ve repeated ‘the bidding of the many, not the few’ at least 50 times, like a mantra. It was surreal and sobering.”
Makana’s new song is inspired by the Occupy Wall Street movement, which has taken root in cities worldwide. Last Saturday, eight protesters were arrested when they refused to leave the Occupy Honolulu encampment at Thomas Square Park. Occupy Honolulu has joined other groups, including Moana Nui, to protest the APEC meeting, and while Makana performed, hundreds of people protested outside.
After facing large-scale protests in South Korea, Australia, Peru, and Japan, APEC moved this year’s event to Hawaii, the most isolated piece of land on earth. In preparation for the meeting, homeless families were moved out of sight and millions of taxpayer dollars were spent on security—including over $700,000 on non-lethal weapons for crowd control. In a bitter twist, the multi-million dollar security plans backfired when a local Hawaiian man was shot and killed by a 27-year-old DC-based federal agent providing security for dignitaries.
Makana’s action was assisted by the Yes Lab and Occupy the Boardroom. In recent weeks, Occupy protesters have been showing up at corporate events, headquarters and even on the doorsteps of those in power. “Makana really raised the bar by delivering the Occupy message inside what is probably the most secure place on the planet right now,” said Mike Bonanno of the Yes Lab.
“My uncle taught me to feel out the audience and play what my heart tells me to,” said Makana. “That’s what I did tonight.”
Mike Bonanno: music@yeslab.org, 917-209-3282
John Sweeney: hawaii@yeslab.org, 808-230-0799
Photos (click some for high-res):


We Are The Many
Lyrics and Music by Makana

We Are The Many

Ye come here, gather ’round the stage
The time has come for us to voice our rage
Against the ones who’ve trapped us in a cage
To steal from us the value of our wage

From underneath the vestiture of law
The lobbyists at Washington do gnaw
At liberty, the bureaucrats guffaw
And until they are purged, we won’t withdraw

We’ll occupy the streets
We’ll occupy the courts
We’ll occupy the offices of you
Till you do
The bidding of the many, not the few

Our nation was built upon the right
Of every person to improve their plight
But laws of this Republic they rewrite
And now a few own everything in sight

They own it free of liability
They own, but they are not like you and me
Their influence dictates legality
And until they are stopped we are not free

We’ll occupy the streets
We’ll occupy the courts
We’ll occupy the offices of you
Till you do
The bidding of the many, not the few

You enforce your monopolies with guns
While sacrificing our daughters and sons
But certain things belong to everyone
Your thievery has left the people none

So take heed of our notice to redress
We have little to lose, we must confess
Your empty words do leave us unimpressed
A growing number join us in protest

We occupy the streets
We occupy the courts
We occupy the offices of you
Till you do
The bidding of the many, not the few

You can’t divide us into sides
And from our gaze, you cannot hide
Denial serves to amplify
And our allegiance you can’t buy

Our government is not for sale
The banks do not deserve a bail
We will not reward those who fail
We will not move till we prevail

We’ll occupy the streets
We’ll occupy the courts
We’ll occupy the offices of you
Till you do
The bidding of the many, not the few

We’ll occupy the streets
We’ll occupy the courts
We’ll occupy the offices of you
Till you do
The bidding of the many, not the few

We are the many
You are the few

11/13/2011 – Intel Behind the Scenes on the Bankers


Nov 13, 2011

Intel Behind the Scenes on the Bankers

According to a source, contractors and builders in Connecticut are reporting that banking families are vacating their houses. Suddenly and without explanation, whole families are leaving the state. Where they are going isn't known. This is one of the more chilling "signs" I've heard that something major is coming down with respect to the banks in the near future.

Additionally, a source who made a recent trip to Switzerland and met with a secret Swiss banker has revealed the hidden story behind how Swiss Bankers are choosing to deal the squeeze from the Americans (and presumably New World Order contingent) to reveal who their clients are… This crackdown on Americans with off-shore bank accounts also extends to those in other countries such as Saudi Arabia and UAE (United Arab Emirates), think Dubai.

Some bankers have folded and joined the ranks of the SEC turning over records and details against the long cherished code of secrecy (client privilege) that has made the Swiss banking industry so successful and respected worldwide. Others have not.

Without going into any detail, suffice to say that some bankers are risking their lives and reputations and livelihood to continue to safeguard their client's money. One can't help but to admire this tenacity. And what comes to mind is the era of the Nazis where the streets of cities like Zurich and Bern are no longer safe havens for those seeking to conduct business. Especially if it involves banking. Now the business is conducted behind closed doors in out of the way places and hidden vaults. Switzerland, hasn't stood alone for quite some time politically, choosing to align itself with various factions over the past few years. But the stronghold of banking has maintained a sort of island of secrecy even beyond the fluctuations in the winds of politics. Until now.

As Swiss bankers endeavor to maintain their integrity they say that the moving tide of this relentless new world order machine will eventually reach them and their clients. It's only a matter of time.

Lithium in Afghanistan – Jesse Ventura

The fact of lithium in Afghanistan as motivation for our involvement there not only for cell phones and electric cars but apparently for use in going off planet was revealed by Camelot whistleblowers some time ago. Jesse does a good job of addressing why we go to war at least partially. One wonders when he will get to the point of talking openly about the secret government and black projects and the hidden economy that operates surrounding our secret space program. Given the incredible amount of activity and war being conducted in our skies with various visitors… any bankruptcy of the American economy is likely fairly superficial. One might say, above ground only.

People need to realize that their focus on banksters is misguided. The real culprit and drain is the Secret Space Program and Black Projects being conducted under cover.

click here for Jesse on Afghanistan etc.

How the Vatican can Save Italy

…"This morning, the euro has gapped up 1-cent after it was announced that Italy had successfully auctioned off 5 Billion (euros) of Bills. (at the highest rate in a month of Sundays)." — Chuck Butler, Daily Pfenning newsletter for Everbank

I was thinking of how well Italy did with their "auction" and it occurred to me that if the Vatican would do two things it would likely 'save Italy' and bring Gods grace upon their halls such as hasn't been the case in aeons…

1. Make an announcement they are no longer collecting donations in their churches and at Vatican city and urge all Italians to either start savings accounts with the money or donate to their city/state infrastructure etc.

2. Open the halls of records below the Vatican and charge admission for entry (time spent) and donate the funds gathered to the refinancing of Italy's debt and feeding/sheltering the people.

3. Auction off gold relics stored in the Vatican to wealthy patrons.

Note the above is not only sarcasm but common sense!

As Steve Jobs would say 'THINK DIFFERENTLY".


PAGE EIGHT -This is a highly recommended very well done spy thriller done in the time honored British style… low key and tastefully like a good wine, smooth with a bite at the end. What is revealed in this and some previous such movies coming out of Britain is the constant allusion to how the Americans don't share well what they are doing with the Brits. Interesting focus.

While it is clear dedicated British civil servants and spy masters may feel that their is an imbalance afoot considering all the black projects and military industrial weight on the side of the Americans. However my info says that at least under cover of blackness the Brits and Americans are sharing quite well in places like Menwith Hill and other bases not so well known.

So that while I admire the accurate human depiction of intricacies of relationships within the 'service' and superb direction by David Hare, I wonder why he neglects to go deeper into why (if it were even true which it is not) the Prime Minister would be operating independent of his own secret services and parliament. Even in fiction, there should be more insight into the real back chamber goings on that top levels of British government must have some knowledge of and involvement with. No doubt they are operating on the outside while the Rothschilds and other no so well known accomplices and the City of London are involved in really running things. Still one would think by this time there would be some bleed through into scenarios found in TV and cinema.

click here for IMDB details


While this is a superbly well acted and expertly directed old style biopic unfortunately it glosses over crucial historical events in which J. Edgar Hoover is known to have been very involved, including notably, the assassinations of John and Bobby Kennedy and Martin Luther King. In fact, it even makes it appear as though J. Edgar was more involved in gathering data for his files, bringing mob members to justice and maintaining the "image of the bureau" rather than what was most certainly the real truth.

Unfortunately the emphasis on the personal side of J. Edgar's life at the expense of his professional activities ends up as a whitewash and a lie in terms of his real role in American history. The efforts to make him seem a sympathetic character even calls to mind the possibility that Clint Eastwood, the highly talented and respected director, has either become knowingly or inadvertently, a salesman for the New World Order as well as the conservative side of American politics.

Some would say that J. Edgar Hoover was very involved in the planning if not implementing of the Kennedy assassination. He also well known for hounding Martin Luther King and many celebrities, well known artists and revolutionary groups. It is also completely possible, given the time, that he was being run from within the secret government to carry out their instructions.

Under Hoover's watch, …."The FBI participated in the Venona Project, a pre–World War II joint project with the British to eavesdrop on Soviet spies in the UK and the United States. It was not initially realized that espionage was being committed, but due to multiple wartime Soviet use of one-time pad ciphers, which are normally unbreakable, redundancies were created, enabling some intercepts to be decoded, which established the espionage. Hoover kept the intercepts—America's greatest counterintelligence secret—in a locked safe in his office, choosing not to inform President Truman, Attorney General J. Howard McGrath, or two Secretaries of State—Dean Acheson and General George Marshall—while they held office. He informed the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) of the Venona Project in 1952." — Wikipedia

Given the involvement of the FBI in COINTELPRO and the necessity of dealing with the Brits and American branches of intelligence also operating during those years J. Edgar had to be a lot more involved and quite possibly instrumental in creating the National Security State as we now know it. Keep in mind the backdrop of WWII, Project Paperclip and the advent of MKULtra not to mention the building/expansion of underground bases and the entire machine of secrecy that we now "enjoy" living under and within. Unfortunately the filmmakers of J. Edgar preferred to emphasize instead his personal relationships while there is much more of critical importance to be wrapped into a movie script on his life.

While the movie is still worth seeing for the acting and direction and the deft and perceptive handling of a deep long lasting love affair between two men, in the final analysis it lends little to the effort to reveal the true history of Hoover or his real role in the culture of secrecy established in America over the period of his leadership of the FBI.

clcik here for the IMDB info

Iran Loses Top Missle Expert in Blast


Nov 13, 2011

Iran Loses Top Missle Expert in Blast

click here for DebkaFile article

There is something unclear about this incident… It will be interesting to see what intel surfaces on this.


All footage has now been moved to our servers for viewing by our webmaster Tommy. Please note hosting this footage and the amount of work our webmaster Tommy has had to do has been substantial. Please understand we are a very small team existing on very small resources at this time. In order to pay our rent, food and bills we must charge for this footage.

click here to view


Project Camelot is now in need of a assistant website administrator for our current and future projects:
The requirements needed for this position includes:

– Expert Joomla 1.5 (andor above) skills
– Practical MySQL knowledgeskills
– At least basic server management knowledge (WHM, Webmin and Ubuntu Server)
– PHP code editingdevelopment
– Flexible hours
– Initiative
– People skills (user support, etc)

Preferred skills (but not required) :

– Expert Linux Developer knowledge 
– Server side transcoding and streaming
– IPTV related technologies 
– Editing and Producing skills for online events (live and post-stream)

Intel Behind the Scenes on the Bankers

According to a source, contractors and builders in Connecticut are reporting that banking families are vacating their houses. Suddenly and without explanation, whole families are leaving the state. Where they are going isn't known. This is one of the more chilling "signs" I've heard that something major is coming down with respect to the banks in the near future.

Additionally, a source who made a recent trip to Switzerland and met with a secret Swiss banker has revealed the hidden story behind how Swiss Bankers are choosing to deal the squeeze from the Americans (and presumably New World Order contingent) to reveal who their clients are… This crackdown on Americans with off-shore bank accounts also extends to those in other countries such as Saudi Arabia and UAE (United Arab Emirates), think Dubai.

Some bankers have folded and joined the ranks of the SEC turning over records and details against the long cherished code of secrecy (client privilege) that has made the Swiss banking industry so successful and respected worldwide. Others have not.

Without going into any detail, suffice to say that some bankers are risking their lives and reputations and livelihood to continue to safeguard their client's money. One can't help but to admire this tenacity. And what comes to mind is the era of the Nazis where the streets of cities like Zurich and Bern are no longer safe havens for those seeking to conduct business. Especially if it involves banking. Now the business is conducted behind closed doors in out of the way places and hidden vaults. Switzerland, hasn't stood alone for quite some time politically, choosing to align itself with various factions over the past few years. But the stronghold of banking has maintained a sort of island of secrecy even beyond the fluctuations in the winds of politics. Until now.

As Swiss bankers endeavor to maintain their integrity they say that the moving tide of this relentless new world order machine will eventually reach them and their clients. It's only a matter of time.

Lithium in Afghanistan – Jesse Ventura

The fact of lithium in Afghanistan as motivation for our involvement there not only for cell phones and electric cars but apparently for use in going off planet was revealed by Camelot whistleblowers some time ago. Jesse does a good job of addressing why we go to war at least partially. One wonders when he will get to the point of talking openly about the secret government and black projects and the hidden economy that operates surrounding our secret space program. Given the incredible amount of activity and war being conducted in our skies with various visitors… any bankruptcy of the American economy is likely fairly superficial. One might say, above ground only.

People need to realize that their focus on banksters is misguided. The real culprit and drain is the Secret Space Program and Black Projects being conducted under cover.

click here for Jesse on Afghanistan etc.

How the Vatican can Save Italy

…"This morning, the euro has gapped up 1-cent after it was announced that Italy had successfully auctioned off 5 Billion (euros) of Bills. (at the highest rate in a month of Sundays)." — Chuck Butler, Daily Pfenning newsletter for Everbank

I was thinking of how well Italy did with their "auction" and it occurred to me that if the Vatican would do two things it would likely 'save Italy' and bring Gods grace upon their halls such as hasn't been the case in aeons…

1. Make an announcement they are no longer collecting donations in their churches and at Vatican city and urge all Italians to either start savings accounts with the money or donate to their city/state infrastructure etc.

2. Open the halls of records below the Vatican and charge admission for entry (time spent) and donate the funds gathered to the refinancing of Italy's debt and feeding/sheltering the people.

3. Auction off gold relics stored in the Vatican to wealthy patrons.

Note the above is not only sarcasm but common sense!

As Steve Jobs would say 'THINK DIFFERENTLY".


PAGE EIGHTThis is a highly recommended very well done spy thriller done in the time honored British style… low key and tastefully like a good wine, smooth with a bite at the end. What is revealed in this and some previous such movies coming out of Britain is the constant allusion to how the Americans don't share well what they are doing with the Brits. Interesting focus.

While it is clear dedicated British civil servants and spy masters may feel that their is an imbalance afoot considering all the black projects and military industrial weight on the side of the Americans. However my info says that at least under cover of blackness the Brits and Americans are sharing quite well in places like Menwith Hill and other bases not so well known.

So that while I admire the accurate human depiction of intricacies of relationships within the 'service' and superb direction by David Hare, I wonder why he neglects to go deeper into why (if it were even true which it is not) the Prime Minister would be operating independent of his own secret services and parliament. Even in fiction, there should be more insight into the real back chamber goings on that top levels of British government must have some knowledge of and involvement with. No doubt they are operating on the outside while the Rothschilds and other no so well known accomplices and the City of London are involved in really running things. Still one would think by this time there would be some bleed through into scenarios found in TV and cinema.

click here for IMDB details


While this is a superbly well acted and expertly directed old style biopic unfortunately it glosses over crucial historical events in which J. Edgar Hoover is known to have been very involved, including notably, the assassinations of John and Bobby Kennedy and Martin Luther King. In fact, it even makes it appear as though J. Edgar was more involved in gathering data for his files, bringing mob members to justice and maintaining the "image of the bureau" rather than what was most certainly the real truth.

Unfortunately the emphasis on the personal side of J. Edgar's life at the expense of his professional activities ends up as a whitewash and a lie in terms of his real role in American history. The efforts to make him seem a sympathetic character even calls to mind the possibility that Clint Eastwood, the highly talented and respected director, has either become knowingly or inadvertently, a salesman for the New World Order as well as the conservative side of American politics.

Some would say that J. Edgar Hoover was very involved in the planning if not implementing of the Kennedy assassination. He also well known for hounding Martin Luther King and many celebrities, well known artists and revolutionary groups. It is also completely possible, given the time, that he was being run from within the secret government to carry out their instructions.

Under Hoover's watch, …."The FBI participated in the Venona Project, a pre–World War II joint project with the British to eavesdrop on Soviet spies in the UK and the United States. It was not initially realized that espionage was being committed, but due to multiple wartime Soviet use of one-time pad ciphers, which are normally unbreakable, redundancies were created, enabling some intercepts to be decoded, which established the espionage. Hoover kept the intercepts—America's greatest counterintelligence secret—in a locked safe in his office, choosing not to inform President Truman, Attorney General J. Howard McGrath, or two Secretaries of State—Dean Acheson and General George Marshall—while they held office. He informed the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) of the Venona Project in 1952." — Wikipedia

Given the involvement of the FBI in COINTELPRO and the necessity of dealing with the Brits and American branches of intelligence also operating during those years J. Edgar had to be a lot more involved and quite possibly instrumental in creating the National Security State as we now know it. Keep in mind the backdrop of WWII, Project Paperclip and the advent of MKULtra not to mention the building/expansion of underground bases and the entire machine of secrecy that we now "enjoy" living under and within. Unfortunately the filmmakers of J. Edgar preferred to emphasize instead his personal relationships while there is much more of critical importance to be wrapped into a movie script on his life.

While the movie is still worth seeing for the acting and direction and the deft and perceptive handling of a deep long lasting love affair between two men, in the final analysis it lends little to the effort to reveal the true history of Hoover or his real role in the culture of secrecy established in America over the period of his leadership of the FBI.

clcik here for the IMDB info

Upcoming this Saturday: Alchemy Event


Nov 11, 2011

Upcoming this Saturday: Alchemy Event


Camelot Supporters: SPECIAL DISCOUNT!!!

Tickets for $139 for 3 days NOV 11-12-13 2011

Camelot supporters cash door ticket is $80 per day.



Alchemy Event NOV 11-12-13 – 2011
TIME: Friday & Saturday NOV 11-12 from 8:00 AM to 12:00 AM Midnight,Sunday 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM
VENUE LOCATION: Olympic Collection Banquet Hall & Conference Center, 11301 Olympic Blvd, West Los Angeles, California 90064

THIS EVENT WILL ALSO BE STREAMED LIVE PAID PER VIEW  $69 for 3 days GLOBAL AUDIENCE – Event Produced by David Farman/Alienshift.com
Keynote VIP Speaker: Swami Paramahamsa Nithyananda
Keynote Panel Speaker: Nithya Bhaktananda Swami 
Keynote VIP Speaker: Princess Kaoru Nakamaru of Japan
Keynote Speaker: Kerry Cassidy
Keynote Speaker: DR. Joseph P. Farrell 
Keynote Speaker: Kevin Smith 
Keynote Speaker & Healer: Sudi Burnett

SPEAKERS: Saeed David Farman, Nancy Leider, Alfred Webre, Richard Dolan, Klaus Dona, Pane Andov, Mike Bara




I have sveral interviews waiting to be edited and my equipment is no longer working properly. If you are an experienced editor and have time and dedication to assist Camelot please contact me immediately! Must be dependable and have excellent follow through. In exchange you will receive full editing credit and free advertising for your site and akills on Project Camelot. Other compensation available for anyone who wants to transfer titles into DVD and handle all aspects of DVD sales for Camelot using an online format such as Amazon Create Space.

Please put EDITOR in all caps in subject line.

Contact: kerry@projectcamelot.org

ANY EXPERTS with Mac/ Finalcut Pro and HDV etc. Please also contact me immediately if possible to help fix problems with footage upload. Specifically the camera/final cut is splitting the upload into hundreds of small segments with is not at all useful for editing purposes. If you know how to prevent this please let me know.


We are expanding our operations and need people with superior web skills to assist with transfering our site to a Joomla platform /template as also construct the Project Light Warrior site. Please contact us only if you have excellent skills and time to devote to Project Camelot. Thanks.


The pyramid has been closed today to prevent any groups from using the space and doing meditations or rituals on this date. This is interesting as it is inadvertantly an acknowledgement of the power of the pyramid connected to consciousness and guided intention!

click here for the story


Special thanks to our transcription volunteers for making this possible.

click here to view

Regarding the YU55 Event on Livestream


Nov 10, 2011

Regarding the YU55 Event on Livestream… Tommy is reposting these shortly along with the Awake & Aware footage on our servers… stay tuned.

Thank you.

Back in town — Energy Pouring in to the Planet tonight

In case no one is talking about it… be aware there's a great deal of energy flowing in to the planet and humanity tonight. This is most beneficial and consciousness raising.

On another note apparently the Sun is especially active as well and a CME is headed this way. From what I can tell this will be mitigated and not a direct hit. But I am told that fault lines worldwide are being affected….

Last Night’s YU55 Livestream


Nov 9, 2011

Last night's livestream covered the current trajectory of YU55 and the interesting theory that a "decoy" might have been put in place due to the new metallic "signature" that the object now shows in readings. This leads to the possible conclusion that the real trajectory of YU55 may be a lot closer to the Earth and headed for the moon or could have stopped and be parked somewhere in our skies and cloaked. The look of the object has led some insiders to wonder whether it was actually an occupied spacecraft… If it is on a different course we may never get the real status on what happens with it.

Listen to the fascinating discussion with Richard C. Hoagland joined by David Wilcock in Part Two – click below… A Camelot Free Live Event.



Nov 8, 2011

Project Camelot – LIVE FREE EVENT TONIGHT!! 7PM PT — event complete and viewable on Livestream indefinitely… http://livestream.com/projectcamelotlive

RICHARD C. HOAGLAND will do a free broadcast regarding YU55 and events connected tonight with Kerry Cassidy …. more guests To Be Announced


TO LISTEN AND ASK QUESTIONS: GO TO: http://livestream.com/projectcamelotlive/

Interesting possible angle? Found this on Above Top Secret's Forum:

I am an engineer and my job involves various approaches to manipulating and analyzing data. I have this macro tool i use to interpolate and extrapolate data. So I took the distances of YU55 between Nov 4 – 11 (according to JPL, the close approach data is Nov 9 at 0.0022AU). Therefore, i get the following dataset:

Date Ref App Dist. 
4 -5 0.0391 
5 -4 0.0312 
6 -3 0.0234 
7 -2 0.0156 
8 -1 0.0079 
9 0 0.0022 
10 1 0.0085 
11 2 0.0162

Then I interpolate a per hour basis. So it looks something like:

Date Ref App Dist. 
4 -5 -0.0391 
-4.958333333 -0.038770833 
-4.916666667 -0.038441667 
-4.875 -0.0381125 
… … …

Now think about this for a second… First of all, over a 7 day period, the trajectories of these two bodies are going to be relatively linear (straight). Therefore, the relative distance between the two will be linear as well (no corealis or angular acceleration or anything like that). Therefore, I should not see any significant disturbances in the data. 
Secondly, the day to day distance given by jpl is taken at a 24 hr interval. Everything in between, they interpolate (supposedly just like I did). I compared their hour by hour distance to my interpolated data. All was spot on Until I got to the 8th (day before/of close approach). I observed that their distance decayed much more slowly than mine. So I created the following data. Notice, i applied the use of negative and positive distance to account for distance before and after close approach:

4 -5 -0.0391 
5 -4 -0.0312 
6 -3 -0.0234 
7 -2 -0.0156 
8 -1 -0.0079 
9 0 0.0022 
10 1 0.0085 
11 2 0.0162

And came up with this during the course of Nov 8th:

8 -1 -0.0079 
-0.958333333 -0.007479167 
-0.916666667 -0.007058333 
-0.875 -0.0066375 
-0.833333333 -0.006216667 
-0.791666667 -0.005795833 
-0.75 -0.005375 
-0.708333333 -0.004954167 
-0.666666667 -0.004533333 
-0.625 -0.0041125 
-0.583333333 -0.003691667 
-0.541666667 -0.003270833 
-0.5 -0.00285 
-0.458333333 -0.002429167 
-0.416666667 -0.002008333 
-0.375 -0.0015875 
-0.333333333 -0.001166667 
-0.291666667 -0.000745833 
-0.25 -0.000325 
-0.208333333 9.58333E-05 
-0.166666667 0.000516667 
-0.125 0.0009375 
-0.083333333 0.001358333 
-0.041666667 0.001779167 
9 0 0.0022

Which indicates that the close approach distance is actually 0.0000958333 AU at about 7pm.

When I plotted this across the close approach date (9th, or day 0), I saw an odd jink (referenced above by differing distance decay), indicating that the supposed close approach distance (.0022) was further than the distance that the data would indicate IF (0, .0022) was not a 'known' point in the data. 
So, I took the same approach, except using this data as reference:

Date Ref App Dist. 
4 -5 -0.0391 
5 -4 -0.0312 
6 -3 -0.0234 
7 -2 -0.0156 
8 -1 -0.0079 
10 1 0.0085 
11 2 0.0162

Now things get interesting. According to this data, removing the supposed close approach distance which made me suspicious, the following is what the 8th looks like:

8 -1 -0.0079 
-0.958333333 -0.007558333 
-0.916666667 -0.007216667 
-0.875 -0.006875 
-0.833333333 -0.006533333 
-0.791666667 -0.006191667 
-0.75 -0.00585 
-0.708333333 -0.005508333 
-0.666666667 -0.005166667 
-0.625 -0.004825 
-0.583333333 -0.004483333 
-0.541666667 -0.004141667 
-0.5 -0.0038 
-0.458333333 -0.003458333 
-0.416666667 -0.003116667 
-0.375 -0.002775 
-0.333333333 -0.002433333 
-0.291666667 -0.002091667 
-0.25 -0.00175 
-0.208333333 -0.001408333 
-0.166666667 -0.001066667 
-0.125 -0.000725 
-0.083333333 -0.000383333 
-0.041666667 -4.16667E-05 
9 0 0.0003 
0.041666667 0.000641667 
0.083333333 0.000983333

Which indicates that the close approach distance is 0.0000416667AU = 3904 miles at about 11pm on the 8th, which is quite about closer than 200,000 miles.

This might not make sense to some. All I am trying to say here is that it appears the JPL data is inconsistent.

Some have asked for some sort of data representation. Here is a basic plot of the two datasets described above. One 'With' (blue) the 0.0022 point included, and the other 'Without' (red) the 0.0022 point included, substituting interpolation. I have done nothing to exaggerate how this data appears. It is what it is. In response to Phage, you can see when looking at such a narrow scope of 1 week, the data should be relatively linear. You can admit that this visual representation of the data indicates adverse manipulations. I apologize for any confusion. The point of this post is indicated in this image. It has little to do with accurate/inaccurate interpolations, but rather the accuracy and integrity of the supposed 0.0022 close approach distance. 

x = Days (-6 to 2) 
y = Distance (negative prior to close approach, positive after close approach) 
edit on 7-11-2011 by TomServo because: (no reason given)
edit on 7-11-2011 by TomServo because: (no reason given)
edit on 7-11-2011 by TomServo because: (no reason given)
edit on 7-11-2011 by TomServo because: (no reason given)
edit on 7-11-2011 by TomServo because: (no reason given)




Hi all, I need someone who knows MAC to help me set up and figure out how to use Wirecaster & Skype for a live broadcast. I paid $500 to buy Wirecaster and can't get it to work!

please email kerry@projectcamelot.org


If you are an attorney or know someone who can advise on immigration matters for my webmaster Tommy Hansen please contact: tommy@projectcamelotportal.com

Geoengineering Destroying the Atmosphere : Rosalind Peterson

Important information: click here to view

Military Intel re troop movements and Object viewed moving past Earth

click here to view this interesting video

Interesting… tonight according to Hoagland YU55 will hit the moon unless it is redirected. NASA insists it is not going to do so. It will not hit Earth but will pass between Earth and Moon. There is the possibility of ripples of energy should this craft/directed asteroid.

El Hierro – Canary Islands volcano activity

click here to view latest

Asteroid YU55 According to NASA


Nov 7, 2011

Asteroid YU 55 According to NASA

click here to view

According to Hoagland and sources this is a controlled craft. Hoagland (see below) has predicted it is headed for a direct hit on the moon… unless redirected. The drama is set to play out on the night of Nov 8th… stay tuned.

Ed Laughrin – Kennedy Ballistics & the Challenger Crash



mp3 | note: also see below for written transcript now available

Ed Laughrin is a retired ex-Navy/intelligence specialist with a background in ballistics who in his spare time has thoroughly investigated the Kennedy assassination. In this recorded phone call he describes the exact trajectory of the bullets fired during the event.

This audio interview was recorded without pretense or preparation due to an impending operation Ed was about to undergo where he wanted to make sure that his testimony was taken by someone who would document for the public the areas of his research.

From that point we moved onto the Challenger disaster because as it happens, he was onboard the first Navy vessel to encounter the downed capsule when it hit the water after the crash. What he reveals here is clear evidence of supreme negligence on the part of NASA which leads to the possible conclusion that there was malice and intent in this lack of action to save our astronauts.

This testimony brings into sharp relief evidence of a organization working toward a particular agenda that does not safeguard the well being of Americans and specifically our astronauts under circumstances whereby the agenda they are working with takes precendence. This is unconscionable.

Prior evidence of the hidden mission behind NASA is well documented by Richard C. Hoagland and Mike Bara in their groundbreaking book Dark Mission. Highly recommended.

Given the rough quality of this impromptu testimony with regard to the Challenger disaster evidence of negligence obviously requires a great deal more investigation. I encourage researchers to take this testimony and investigate further. There must be others out there who were on board the Navy vessel and witnessed the events causing their ship to be turned away from attempting to rescue the astronauts at that critical juncture.

As we move into the future whistleblowers from within the Matrix who have witnessed events where the agenda of the PTB swings into play and alters the world from that point forward should begin to surface. History was made but it was also witnessed. Those witnesses are everywhere. They are your brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers… As awareness grows they will begin to come forward and the real truth behind the curtain of secrecy will be revealed provided they have the courage to realize that they have nothing to fear but fear itself.

Link to video of Challenger disaster

Kerry Cassidy
Project Camelot
November 6, 2011



Ed Laughrin – Audio Interview

Kennedy Ballistics and the Challenger Crash
October 9, 2011


Ed Laughrin (Ed): …[over] this… material, and use your own judgment, because I don’t want to put you or anybody associated with you, in trouble, [in] any danger. And also too, I was sort of taken back with your audio [interview] with Gordon Novel, because he knew a lot about this.

Kerry Cassidy (Kerry):  Right.

Ed:  And he said it was a perfect operation. Well, you might say, yes. But I would never laugh or joke about the seriousness of this. I remember when I was 11 years old, and… when it happened, and I grew up in the Mahoning Valley. And, well, in 1960, I was just a wee little kid, eight years old. And I sat on my dad’s shoulders and there’s quite a turnout in Youngstown, and we listened to John F. Kennedy’s speech. So, I was close enough that I saw him. I looked at him. I heard him loud and clear, and I was cheering like everybody else. But, anyhow, maybe that should be up to your own personal discretion. ____

Kerry:  Okay. Well, at this moment, because we are recording and because you’ve come to me, this is… what I’d like to do, is just qualify this recording and say this is Sunday, October 9th, 2011.

Ed:  Okay. [Correct.]

Kerry:  And your name… Are you coming out under your name? Do you want your name on the material or not?

Ed:  Yeah. Might as well take credit for it. And I’ve already been threatened. People know who I am. [But who…]

Kerry:  Please state your name.

Ed:  It’s Edward Gerard Laughrin.

Kerry:  Okay. And if you give a slight background as to who you are and how you got involved, before you explain what the information is.

Ed:  Well, I’m [a] retired civil service and I’m a former United States Navy sailor. And I’ve been around the world quite a bit. And I was engaged in two special operational groups, during my time in the United States Navy. Prior to that, I was involved with aviation, general aviation. And I enjoyed flying and I was into that, and I did a little stint as a skydiver. And my educational background — I hold a bachelor’s degree in human relations. Okay? And… [I got started…]

Kerry:  And how did you get involved in this… in investigating this material?

Ed:  Well, my father was a World War II Navy veteran. And he was one of the first ‘Seabees,’ and he and some of his veteran friends, on the 22nd of November, when this took place in 1953… As a kid, I’d hang out with him. I’d go places with my dad, naturally I would. And [heed] me up [when] it was a topic of conversation. And a lot of World War II veterans view the Zapruder film. And they noticed that the President, when he was hit [by] the fatal gunshot, that his head recoiled back. And any of them that were in combat and witnessed or had to take actions against our enemies through World War II… And even our G.I.s — a head shot to the front, always there’s a recoil back. It will snap your head back.

And that result is a mystery. Lee Harvey Oswald was always… was he really the one, the shooter? Because the sniper’s nest didn’t really make a lot of sense in the Texas School Book Depository. There’s a question that should be asked about that. When President Kennedy came up Houston Street, to the intersection of the Elm, that was a perfect shot, from the Texas School Book Depository — straight down, unimpeded, clear shot on Houston Street.

Another opportunity to take the shot would have been right at the intersection turn onto Elm Street. No shot was taken. There were credible witnesses that knew that Lee Harvey Oswald was standing on the corner of Houston and Elm Street. And then, after the presidential limousine passed by, he went up to the second floor break room. Now, it’s my opinion that the Texas School Book Depository was an observational platform. And… because it’s located where it could coordinate a sniper team.

So, [sighs] what I have come up with, is based on Dr. Crenshaw’s work, ‘Conspiracy of Silence,’ in my review of that book and thoroughly going over it. And also in the book, ‘Conspiracy of Silence,’ there are morgue pictures, post-mortem of President John F. Kennedy, and there are untainted. They are actual. And they denote a wound in the neck. And then also, fragments on the back of the neck in the upper shoulder midline. And also a small dime-sized entrance point above the right eyebrow, just below the hairline, on the right side. And then the catastrophic exit wound. So, that is obviously… you have gunshots in the front. Now, the wound in the front of the neck, it so happens to be a tracheotomy, because they opened that wound up, to ventilate the President. [coughs] Excuse me. [clears throat]

But I’ve worked everything out from an aerial picture. And part of my education is, I think of all the [firings in it], to give ballistic analysis, because I was trained in the Navy, and I went through course studies as an intelligence specialist, which dealt with aerial pictures. So, what I did, I blew this aerial picture up, scaled it, and worked the problem, based on [morgue] pictures from Parkland Hospital. Now, the sequence of shots are as follows. And I think I’m relatively pretty accurate on this.

When the presidential limousine came up to, up Houston and made a left-hand [a tree’s yard] turn onto Elm Street, the first shot that was fired, was from an upper floor area on the rooftop of the building, which is right adjacent on the same side of the street, on Elm Street. That bullet flew down the centerline with good elevation, good angle, unimpeded, clear line of shot, intentionally trying to hit the President in the back of the head. It missed. It passed over President Kennedy’s right shoulder and it struck Governor Connally. That’s bullet number one.

Bullet number two was fired directly in front of the limousine, and there’s a triple highway underpass bypass, and there’s railroad tracks there, right down on the center line in front of the limousine, with good elevation, clear line of shot. That’s the second bullet that was fired. It struck President Kennedy in the neck. [That’s number two.] Okay. President Kennedy raised his arms, and he looked in the direction of Mrs. Kennedy. And Mrs. Kennedy leaned in.

The third shot was fired, but it was pulled. Direct miss. Because the sniper on the grassy knoll did not want to penetrate President Kennedy’s right side of his head and have the bullet pass into Mrs. Kennedy. It missed. It struck the curb. And you can denote… you can go put your finger on the… on the nick on the curb. It corresponds.

Okay. Bullet number four penetrated to the right. [Pfizer.] And you can see it if you run it frame-by-frame, and the [Pfizer] is in the upright, right above a Secret Service agent in the limousine. Okay, that’s bullet number four.

Bullet number five is the kill shot. It strikes John F. Kennedy above the right eye, below the hairline. Those are the ballistics. Those are facts. That’s what happened. And there you have it. One, two, three, four, [and] five.

Kerry:  Okay. But, what I… if… correct me if I’m wrong here, but basically, you are telling me where you think the bullets went. You’re not telling me who shot them.

Ed:  Who shot them? I gave you positions, which just automatically, this should be strong evidence to clear the name of Lee Harvey Oswald, that he is not the sniper. Absolutely not. Now, I can’t prove this one way or another, but in my research and going over a lot of material, there’s a guy by the name of Sarti, and that’s on the internet, and he was a Corsican Sicilian. And then also, I talked to an individual. I’m not going to give you his name. And he’s 85 years old. And like your friend, Command Master Sergeant Bob Dean, he also was a command master sergeant in the United States Army. And he’s been there, and he went over this material with me. And he confirms the location of the kill shot, because he’s been there when he was in the Army, in Army Intelligence. And he’s 85, and he’s a resident of Florida. I spent three hours with him. And then also, I have, I know an individual who’s a Navy SEAL, who has gone over this material, and he agrees with it, based on ward pictures from Parkland Hospital, thanks to Dr. Crenshaw.

So, it’s pretty tight-knit here. I mean, there’s no room for sloth. But the blowback on this material and this work, is that it… I’m sorry to say this, but I absolutely cannot agree with the Warren Commission or Arlen Specter and the single-bullet [theory]. It’s just not factual. It just didn’t happen that way. Based on the entrance and the exit wounds on President Kennedy. And it was a horrific, horrific event. It’s absolute treason, even to this day, to murder a president, the President of the United States of America. But I understand, through a lot of my other work and everything… Well, this is basically my work — ballistics.

But all the factors, Kerry, that have come into play, all the enemies that John F. Kennedy happened to accumulate during his time in the White House, all came down on him, all at once. And that was in the Dealey Plaza on 22nd of November, 1963. And you can see today, currently, right now, that the American people are getting quite fed up with the Powers That Be. And basically, I think it’s time for people to try and get their country back by peaceful protest. And this, in and of itself, should be a motivator too, to bring back what our Founding Fathers intended for all of us, as Americans.

So, do you have any questions Kerry, for me, in addition to this? ___ [of mine. Go ahead.]

Kerry:  Well, first of all, are you familiar with the work of Robert Morningstar?

Ed:  The name’s familiar, but I can’t stay I’m really familiar with any of his work. No, I’m not. _____

Kerry:  Okay. Well, I did an interview with him quite some time ago. We talked in brief about the Kennedy assassination. He’s been investigating it for years and has also written books about them. There… I believe that you may have some information that might be useful to some other researchers, but to tell you the truth, you don’t really have anything, that I can tell, that is more over-the-top than what is generally known at this point. No one believes there was a lone gunman, unless they’re just part of the mainstream and they’re just so programmed, they really can’t see straight.

Ed:  Yeah. You’re right there. Yeah.

Kerry:  So, at this moment, there’s no doubt that it was a conspiracy. There’s no doubt that there was a number of individuals and organizations involved. Certainly the CIA, certainly the mob at the time. And…

Ed:  Yeah.

Kerry:  And from what I understand, there could be some other elements including the Israelis. But at this moment, what you were telling me doesn’t really constitute anything too [radical]. So, if you keep it quiet, it’s when they bother you. It’s when they’re trying to intimidate you, just to get you to shut up or just to mess with you, because they’ve got nothing better to do with themselves.

Ed:  Well, _______. The one thing that concerns me, I agree with your good advice that you’re giving me. But Phil Schneider — why in the world did they knock him off? I mean, I’ve listened to him, and I… about deep military underground bases [so on and so forth].

Kerry:  Right.

Ed:  And then [they turned around]. And then I found out that Phil Schneider was left-handed. And he died from a gunshot wound of the right temple, Kerry. And there’s no possible way that he shot himself if you’re left-handed in the right temple. It’s quite awkward.

Kerry:  I mean, look. If you’re a ballistics expert of sorts… I’m not sure if that’s…

Ed:  Of sorts. Of sorts. I’ve studied it.

Kerry:  That can be very useful at looking at evidence across the board. There are many, many people that have been suicided in various ways. And so, I… Why don’t you start a YouTube channel and start going over all the cases out there, not just the Kennedy assassination, from the point of view of ballistics.

Ed:  That would give me something to do. That would give me something to do, to pass my time as a retired civil servant. [laughs] ___________

Kerry:  Well, yeah. If you have expertise like that, it can be valuable to the mainstream.

Ed:  Well, I have a knack for things. I have a way of cutting down and being… can discern and unravel things. And look for the truth, like you do. But we all do it in a different way.

Kerry:  Sure.

Ed:  Yeah. Yeah, we do. But, anyhow, I’ve given you complete ballistics. And I have talked to the Federal Bureau of Investigation about this, and they have all this material. But if… And then the individual that I talked to, I don’t feel comfortable telling you his complete name. But…

Kerry:  That’s fine.

Ed:  He said that they were picked up, this Sarti… Lucien Sarti. He was involved with [coverup].

Kerry:  Yes. I’m familiar with the name Sarti. I’m familiar with this.

Ed:  You’re familiar with him? Okay. But, they were picked up by the Dallas Police. And there are other witnesses that saw a man in front of the limousine coming down off that highway underpass/overpass and then the railroad tracks looped around. They loop around from… in front there. And then they go past the grassy knoll onward. But I have [came across] E. Howard Hunt for his deathbed confession. This was known, according to him, as ;Operation 40,’ the Big Event. And he considers himself a benchwarmer. And, from what I understand, from the internet, which is in public domain, there were like 27 individuals involved in it. And then also, another one that’s very, very dirty, is Lyndon Baines Johnson. And that’s from testimony from his mistress, that she came out with all that.

Kerry:  Yes.

Ed:  But, they were murdering people left and right over this thing. _________

Kerry:  Right. And, I mean, you’re asking why they killed Phil Schneider. I mean, Phil Schneider came forward at a time with key information. Had he come forward at this time, when the information was already out there en masse, maybe he wouldn’t have been knocked off.

Ed:  Yeah.

Kerry:  But obviously, he came forward at a certain juncture. We’re at a different time right now, and there’s the knowledge about the things he talked about, are well known in part because of him. And so, they do knock off people. They kind of pick and choose, I guess, who they decide to do that to. I like to think that they’re not doing that quite as much anymore, because they really have little to lose, because it’s becoming pretty obvious, what’s going on.

Ed:  Right. Yeah.

Kerry:  In some ways, they are still threatening people, because I’ve been threatened, and other people I know agree, but there’s a lot more leeway at this time. And especially with regard to past events. So, in the sense of what you’re talking [about], we can put this out, as it is, as an audio recording. It’s going to be fairly rough, but it is…

Ed:  Well, what I’d like to do, I’d really like to get through this ordeal, because I’m overwhelmed with what I have to go through, to get myself back in shape. It’s not going to be very pleasant, but I’m just going to have to just do this. But I’m going to wait later on. Once I get back up to feeling right, and then I can pursue this and maybe get some help from others that are far more computer-savvy in my area than I am.

Kerry:  Okay.

Ed:  But I think maybe you should just take this raw, the way it is, because I gave you the sequence of shots, and you won’t… I’ve never heard the sequence of shots, and I have studied this and pondered it, and laid awake at night. I’ve gotten up in the middle of the night and worked on it, and gone over everything. And it’s all because that I was eight years old, I sat on my dad’s shoulders at a rally for John F. Kennedy in Youngstown, Ohio. And… I was for Kennedy. And I think that was horrific the way he just got himself destroyed in Dallas. And my opinion is, that it’s high treason and there’s no statute for the limitations on treason.

Kerry:  [laughs]

Ed:  Absolutely, yeah.

Kerry:  Okay. I hear you. All right. Well, well said. Let me say this. As far as your ballistics background, can you go into more detail as to why you’re… why you think you’re sort of a semi-expert in this field. In other words what was your exact training?

Ed:  Well, when I went in the United States Navy, I had a choice. I went through a horrific de force process, because I was a fool and an idiot to get married at the age of 22. What was I thinking? But, I… It just didn’t work out. And after a nine-year period, I was getting a little on the hot… upper end. And it all just fell apart. So, I was there alone in my apartment one night, feeling sorry for myself. And I got to thinking, there’s gotta be some adventure for me. And my first thoughts were, ‘Hey, you know the French Foreign Legion might be a good way to go. You know, on second thought, I don’t speak French, so I’d be at a disadvantage. I’d have to be an extremely fast learner.’

And my second choice, actually, was the United States Navy, because my dad always used to tell me, when I was kid growing up, and my [father] used to call me ‘Edward.’ And he said, ‘Edward, if you’re ever at loose ends, just take time out and join the Navy. Be a fleet sailor and see the world.’ So, I did. And I was 30 years old when I went in, and absolutely out of shape. And I went through Great Lakes [Navy Station]. And I was in… the ‘state flags and sailors.’ You wouldn’t know what that means. And then we had ‘Triple Threat’ with us. And I sort of represented the State of Maryland. And we were like a parade unit. We were pretty fancy-looking recruits.

But I transitioned from that and graduated from boot camp. And to my great surprise, I was in extremely good physical shape and completely focused on the Navy, completely committed. And there was our division officer. There were two of us that were selected. And there was another sailor and myself. They wanted us to go to BUD School. Are you familiar with that term, ‘BUD School,’ Kerry?

Kerry:  [chuckles] No.

Ed:  Well, they wanted to transform me into a United States Navy SEAL. Well, it so happened, before I got on the bus to leave for boot camp, I [came across] Jimmy. He’s a retired Navy SEAL. And, well anyhow, he… It was too adventurous, as far as my mother was concerned, because she was a cousin to his mother, and really worried his parents quite a bit, what Jimmy was doing, especially during the Vietnam War. Because he used to take [reaper eaters] [24:59] and go in and recon the Hai Phong harbor, and things of that nature. And I promised my mother — but I thought it was a real long shot. Why would they want me to be a Navy Seal? Really. Well, for some odd reason, they thought they… They pick you. You don’t pick them, more or less. You could put a request in for it. But I was one of these characters that was getting picked on. So I declined it.

And then I went through Gunner’s Mate ‘A’ School and did quite well in that. And then I was assigned my ship. And it was the U.S.S. Aubrey Fitch (FFG-34). And I was a member of Destroyer Squadron 8 in Mayport, Florida. And our claim-to-fame was, we were the first Navy vessel to go on-scene when the Challenger exploded. And we picked up debris down there. And we all have [night] certificates and I still have mine. Presidential commendation from Ronald Reagan. But I’ve been to El Salvador… special operations, Operation Blue Light. I’ve been involved in the Persian Gulf. And I’m a Blue Nose. I’ve been up over the Arctic Ocean or Arctic Circle, rather. And I’m also a Shellback. I’ve crossed the Equator and I sailed down through the Suez Canal. And I’ve been to Karachi, and I don’t recommend it. We were there for R&R for a week. And you have to be very careful. And you be very careful when you’re in India. The Karachi’s a heck of a lot worse, let me tell you. This [is the way it is] today.

So, as I went along, I requested another additional school in the Navy. And it was intelligence specialist. So, I went through that. And… well, anyhow, the reason why I really didn’t make a career out of the United States Navy [is] my mother, we discovered she had Parkinson’s Disease. And she really wanted me to come home, because I only got two weeks’ leave out of the year, so I carried a lot of leave. We get thirty days a year. And I went… I was a member of the Naval Reserve. And then I met my second wife. And things are fine and I settled down in… here in Warren, Pennsylvania. [chuckles, clears his throat] So, that’s my background.

Kerry:  Okay…

Ed:  But I also hold a Federal Fire Arms License too, and I’m a… I do instruct as a fire arms instructor. So, I’m familiar with weapons. I’m familiar with a variety of handguns, rifles and [because I was] in the Navy, I’m very familiar with assault weapons. ______

Kerry:  Okay. It sounds like maybe you’re a little modest in terms of calling yourself a possible expert. It sounds like you are an expert.

Ed:  Well, I’ll tell you what. With the new modern technology and everything, you can’t really miss a target with some of the advanced weapons that we have today. And computers. It’s not like old school. And… it’s just absolutely amazing, how they’ve advanced on a lot of stuff. I was watching a YouTube video the other day about this new camouflage that they have, special forces, our guys. And it actually refracts light, someway, somehow. Must be nano or something, but it actually is sort of similar to… oh, you’ve seen the Arnold Schwarzenegger movie, ‘Terminator.’ Or no, it’s not. Yeah. The first… not actually ‘Terminator.’ I’ve got my movies mixed up. ‘Predator,’ with the alien that could cause himself to be relatively invisible.

Kerry:  Right, yes. Yes.

Ed:  You have that [fight there] in Central America. And Jesse Ventura got zapped in the chest with a laser. [laughs] But it’s similar to that, but the technology is so advanced, all the way around. I mean, completely, and weaponry. And then I know another individual who states that our military now has the capability to shoot somebody with ultraviolet laser. And what that does is, it causes your heart to stop. And you’re done. And you never see it. So… And I have to take issue with a lot of this stuff. I have a problem with a lot of this weapons technology. I mean, we should only use and get involved in wars — it’s my personal belief — is if we’re really threatened, our way of life. And for defensive purposes only. We should never be out running around, looking for a war. But there again, that’s the military industrial complex.

Kerry:  Right.

Ed:  Because peace is cheaper… or not cheaper, more expensive. Excuse me. Peace is more expensive than war.

Kerry:  Yes.

Ed:  For some unknown, crazy reason.

Kerry:  Okay. So…

Ed:  [sighs]

Kerry:  Let’s get back to this… to some of the things that you’ve done. One of the questions I have is the Challenger explosion.

Ed:  Okay.

Kerry:  You said you got a piece of it. And I wonder if you ever tried to investigate whether that was a natural occurrence.

Ed:  Well, I didn’t really get a piece of the Challenger. We got quite a bit of it. It was spread out. And what we were doing on that day, we were coming up, we were on an exercise, our squadron. And other Navy ships. And we go down there, what’s called a ‘PACFIRE’ in the Caribbean. And we did a missile shoot. And at that time, we had a Mark 13 missile launcher, so we fired it, at target drones. And anti-submarine warfare. That was roughly about a week’s worth. It was a work-up of exercises and drills. And we were coming up the coast. And right at the time, we were right off of the Kennedy Space Center. And we went on-deck and we tracked the ascension of the Challenger on our surface search radar. And all of a sudden, it blew up. I mean, and that was it. And then, you have the booster rockets were out of control, but they can detonate them from the ground, to destroy them.

So we tracked all the debris, and it took us twenty minutes to pull up on the crew compartment. And we had them on our surface search. And it floated for about ten minutes. And when we pulled up on it, where we were at, the ocean was relatively pretty clear and we could see the windows in the front, because it was sinking stern-first, or the back of the compartment. And we had a couple divers on-board, and we weren’t allowed to put them over the side. But the depth there on our fathometer was 90 feet. And we pulled up on the crew compartment. They submerged about 40. And then, through the grapevine in the Navy, after they waited forty-some days and pulled the bodies out, they couldn’t bail out of that thing. And there were a couple of survivors, as we found out later from Navy divers. Because there’s a grapevine. We know. I mean, there’s like, whatever. Like… ___________

Kerry:  Okay. What are you saying? You’re saying that the seven people who died, some of them survived?

Ed:  They survived the initial impact, because the… we got the aspect. When it reached terminal velocity, when it came out, I was… its ordinance dropped. It was blown free, because that’s the compartment where the crew is at, is extremely strong. It’s like a diving bell, more or less. And it fell and it hit on the left side. And the door was sprung, but they tried to jettison the door. From what we did understand, and we did see movement when we pulled up on-scene. There was movement, because the windows were pointed up and it was sinking. The back end was going under, and then we were pinging them with sonar, to get their location. And we had a medium range sonar on my ship. And they were definitely at forty feet. And they were decompressing. We could see air escaping.

But… then we were ordered off because there was an AGI, and what an AGI is, it was Russian. And it looks like a fishing trawler, but they’re intelligence-gathering ships. And we had to an intercept on the AGI, keep them out of that restricted area. Because there was quite a lot of debris that was thrown free. And you’re talking manuals. Some… There were several manuals. And one of the gloves we picked up, that they use on their suits, when they go outside into the space environment. And we would pick up debris and we also recovered a lot of assemblies, because it’s made out of titanium. And it was amazing, because we actually recovered the right landing gear assembly. And then we would run it into the cape, and they’d offload it, photograph everything. And then we’d go back out. But the USS Aubrey Fitch (FFG‑34) was the first ship and that was the ship I served on, that was first on-scene during the Challenger accident.

Kerry:  Okay. But, there seems to be some confusion as to whether or not, what the astronauts actually died of, and also, from John Lear…

Ed:  [coughs]

Kerry:  …I recall that the Challenger situation was actually, that there is some unknown information out there about it, possibly some intended effects of actions that were taken on the ground, before the thing took off.

Ed:  Well, the thing…

Kerry:  Do you know anything about what, why the astronauts were not rescued?

Ed:  They were written off, as far as we could determine. And it was poor judgment by Mr. Truly. ______

Kerry:  Okay. They were written off by us?

Ed:  Yeah. They gave up on them. They assumed, because of the catastrophic explosion, they were dead. And then we desperately, my commanding officer, gave them all the information. ‘We think there are survivors.’ And then we were ordered off. And then a lot of the guys… ________

Kerry:  So, you were there first on… wait, wait, wait. You were there first on the scene.

Ed:  Correct.

Kerry:  In theory, you could have helped recover the bodies or help get people to safety, but you were ordered off.

Ed:  Yes, ma’am. Yeah, we were. Yeah. That’s the way it was.

Kerry:  So why, as an investigator, have you never, like, gone down this road at all?

Ed:  Well, because… I mean, you can’t really take on an error that NASA made. And that was their big blunder, because they didn’t have a real picture of the situation out there and they weren’t paying attention to a United States Navy ship.

Kerry:  Why would they not do that, though? I mean, in other words, I’m Project Camelot, right? So, I’m looking for conspiracies everywhere I turn. Some would say that’s foolish and others would say that you’d be foolish not to look for that, at this point in this juncture of our history. So, what I’m asking you is, if your ship was there, if you were first on the scene, if you were on the crew, didn’t something strike you as being wrong, and not just because of human error or foolhardy judgments, because you’ve got people in NASA who are… they’re sending astronauts out into space. They have to have good judgment to even get their jobs. So…

Ed:  I understand that, Kerry. But they didn’t have any good judgment. Their judgment flew out the window that morning at 11:35[am], roughly, or whenever. [Plus, the actual…]

Kerry:  Okay. Is it possible they were under orders? They were under orders to tell you to leave the scene?

Ed:  Well, I can only tell you how it was and we had to go chase after an AGI, a Russian trawler, and we were told to pull back. However, I have heard stories, we’ll call them, that they had an in-… an on-board computer. They do have black boxes. And the Challenger had one. And it was reported that they were actually, saw us, [some part of our] ship pulling up, and they were quite excited about rescue. And they heard us, because we did a back-down, and what that is, we threw our propeller… It’s like an umbrella. And you can shift the blades — it’s hydraulic — and you get cavitation… when you’re on forward momentum, and then you reverse the propeller, and it bites backwards. It will… [the thing] turns inside-out. All hydraulic. And you cavitate the ship, and it will vibrate.

On their flight recorders in the Challenger, they heard our cavitation. And all that stuff we sealed up and put away. But I’m getting my certificate out, and I’ll just briefly read this to you. And it… manned flight awareness certificate of appreciation is what it is for NASA, presented to Edward G. Laughrin. ‘The appreciation of your dedication to the critical task you performed in support of presidential commission investigating the Space Shuttle Challenger accident. Your valuable contribution assisted in identifying the actions required to return the national space transportation system to flight status.’ And… there you have it. They…

Kerry:  Okay. But in reality, that’s… that sounds like a ticket to be quiet.

Ed:  A ticket to be quiet? Eh, maybe, I guess. [laughs]

Kerry:  Okay. [chuckles] Uh-huh.

Ed:  I don’t…

Kerry:  No, I mean, Look, I have a commendation from some work I did as a contractor over at JPL. So, I understand how they dole these kind of things out. Look, in terms of what goes on with your being there, you said that there was an ‘AGI.’ Is that how you termed it? A Russian trawler?

Ed:  A Russian trawler. AGI. Correct.

Kerry:  Now, what was the role of the Russian trawler. Were they trying to help? Why were they there?

Ed:  No. Not at all. What they do, they would monitor our activities here at the Cape. They did have real special interest in filming the… anything that NASA would launch, from shuttles to satellites to whatever they do, whatever launch, launches they happen to have. And they were always trailing us. When we go out on deployment, we’d go out as individual ships and then we’d form up into a battle group. And they would follow us around. [laughs]

Kerry:  Okay. So, but at this point, you’re the first ship on the scene, and then there’s a Russian trawler, and you’re told to leave the scene. Does the Russian trawler follow you, or do they stay on the scene?

Ed:  We backed them off. We forced them out of the area. They were warned off. ‘Leave.’

Kerry:  So, you guys left. Who went in, when you left?

Ed:  Well, there was like a lull right there, because they had to gather their resources. And our _____

Kerry:  Why would they do that? I mean, that’s not… it doesn’t sound intelligent, if you’ve got a…

Ed:  They’re not prepared for accidents. They were caught flat-footed on this thing.

Kerry:  Right. But you were there. You were there and able to assist, but you were turned away. Why were you turned away? Did you ever not report that there was something very suspicious about… If I’m in a distressful situation, I see a ship in the vicinity, and that ship turns away and goes away, I’m going to be extremely upset.

Ed:  Well, the deal was, in the Navy, we have to follow orders.

Kerry:  Sure.

Ed:  And it’s a chain of command.

Kerry:  But you are able to question an order that is illegal or…

Ed:  Not really. Well, if you can really prove it’s illegal, you have the Unified Code of Military Justice, but you have to have witnesses. But by and large, you have to follow an order. You don’t ask why _________

Kerry:  Okay. But you were… How many people were on your ship?

Ed:  My frigate… we had roughly about 185. ______

Kerry:  So, 185 people were witnesses, right?

Ed:  Correct. Not of all them. Some of them down in the engine room are the cooks and store keepers.

Kerry:  Okay.

Ed:  They weren’t really privy, but everybody, all hands on deck, when we were recovering wreckage and debris. So everybody basically chipped in and they were aware…

Kerry:  I see.

Ed:  …after the event. _____

Kerry:  I mean, is there some danger that your ship posed to the survivors of the Challenger?

Ed:  No. None at all. No. Negative. No. Not at all.

Kerry:  Okay. So then, I don’t understand, in good conscience, if I’m captain of a ship and I… and the Challenger with these very famous astronauts is in danger, how in good conscience, do I turn my ship around and leave?

Ed:  You follow orders. Now, [that’s] orders.

Kerry:  And never question, never question, never investigate further?

Ed:  No. You don’t. You follow orders. And that’s your primary objective, serving in the armed forces. And I was an enlisted man. So, my thoughts belong to me. But… _________.

Kerry:  Okay. What about among your crewmates? Did you guys ever discuss the idea that possibly the… and the fact that you guys were turned away, that that was the last chance that those people had, to stay alive?

Ed:  Well, we’re human beings, too. And you’re correct. We did discuss it. And it was disturbing to us.

Kerry:  Wow.

Ed:  It was. It bothered a lot of us. I mean, all of us. It bothered us. It was horrific.

Kerry:  That’s incredible.

Ed:  Yes, it was. Well, you see, our Navy, the admiral up there in Mayport, turned us over to NASA, to take our orders from them. But then, our duty was to protect the scene. And there’s the North Atlantic drift, and a lot of material was drifting up from… up towards the Northeast. It started to spread out. And… I mean, it was just… I mean, the sea was just littered with debris. And then the heavier objects sunk down to 90 feet, because that was the depth on our fathometer we were pinging off the sea bed.

Kerry:  Right.

Ed:  And you know, and I don’t know if you, being from California there, you’d probably… Have you ever done scuba diving? If you have, you know you can go to 90 feet. You just have to be careful on your decompression up. ________

Kerry:  So are you saying… Maybe I don’t understand, because I have done scuba diving, but I’m… I don’t know much about it. I only tried it once, I think.

Ed:  Yeah.

Kerry:  But at any rate, not here in California. Are you saying that the Challenger landed in water that was 90 feet deep?

Ed:  Yeah, which is… They landed short of the continental drop-off…

Kerry:  Right.

Ed:  …that runs out [clears throat]. Yeah. Because we, they could not have… Well, they could have recovered them, but they was in relatively shallow water, 90 feet.

Kerry:  Well then… Okay. So… Even here again… So, there had to be some pretty significant evidence that they were able to recover, right?

Ed:  Well, we took our orders. And then they… we did what we did. We followed orders. We were [all]… Well, I’ll be honest with you. It was sort of an assumption that they were gonna, they had a search-and-rescue operation within their capability at NASA. Now, it turns out, Kerry, they do not. They did not. They had nothing going for them. They had to rely on the Navy and the Coast Guard. They had no capability, at all. Their only way was to… like, if something went snafu through the vehicle, to turn around and land. [laughs] And… ________

Kerry:  Well, I guess I’m not understanding… Maybe I just don’t get what you’re talking about. Are you saying NASA or the space shuttle itself had no capability to deal with a crashed… craft?

Ed:  Of that catastrophic event… there’s no way. I mean, they were done. I mean, they had no wings. They were blown apart except for the crew compartment, which you have an upper tier and a lower tier. I mean, that was it, in a nutshell. And they dropped and they hit the water. And they… it was the left side where the hatch apparently was at, and we had them on radar. I mean, we actually painted them, plotted them, had them right on the button. And it was through our CIC. And we were relating all this information. We were in… It’s like it was too much for them. They went into like a vapor lock. The Powers That Be, their managers and the ones… because it was a shock factor. Naturally, it caught them off-guard.

But let’s roll this back a little bit. As to what I understand, being in the United States Navy, what caused the accident? What caused the accident, from what we understood in the Navy afterwards, was that they were had a boom, and you have the external tank. Then you have the forward strut attachment point, where the Challenger attached to the forward… Well, forward strut on the external tank. They had a boom that got away from, some way, somehow. And it punctured that tank. And they did a repair job. I mean, they patched it. Whatever.

And then that morning, it was very, very cold, because we had some relatively warm jackets on, that morning. The ones that were on the rev watch. And I believe the story where the O-rings on the solid fuel rockets. I mean, they were frozen, so they contracted. It wasn’t proper seal. So on the ascension, that patch let loose, and you can see a flame if you watch the video, where it ignited and a flame shot out of the one side of the one rocket booster, igniting in a blue flame. Look for a blue flame. And it travels all the way up, right behind the front attachment point of the Challenger to the external fuel tank. And then a split-second later, you have a catastrophic explosion. And that’s how… [it wiped out].

Kerry:  Okay. Well… I’m actually on the internet, as your speaking, looking up fatal events involving NASA astronauts. And what you said was, they were unprepared, as if they had no idea that such a thing could happen. And we are saying this happened in the year 1986.

Ed:  Correct.

Kerry:  Okay? January 28th.

Ed:  Correct. _____

Kerry:  So, NASA had been operation for what? Twenty, at least twenty years at that point?

Ed:  Well, quite a while, but… _____

Kerry:  [chuckles] You know, I don’t buy it. I’m sorry. I appreciate…

Ed:  They’re all type-A personalities. [laughs]

Kerry:  Yeah. I appreciate that. But I don’t buy it. I have to say that, they have to prepared for anything and everything, under their circumstances of what they do for a living. And I…

Ed:  Well, you might be a little biased, because you worked for the… for those folks.

Kerry:  That’s right.

Ed:  So, I understand where you’re coming from. And I appreciate that. And I respect you. But, however, this event, psychologically, this was a mind-blowing experience.

Kerry:  [laughs]

Ed:  My goodness [the] shockwave… _______

Kerry:  Even so, but if… Let’s put yourself in that situation of a mind-blowing experience, and you’ve got people in NASA who are on, I guess, on the floor or on the board, whatever you call that, watching events. And at the same time, in connection, in communication with your ship, and telling your ship to back away. See, there is something very, very profound going on there. I don’t understand. As far as I’m concerned — and I know we started talking about the Kennedy assassination — but this is just one more…

Ed:  This is really transitioned, hasn’t it, Kerry? It’s a big transition. Yes, it is. Well, I’ll be… I’m being as honest and straight-up with you as I possibly could be. But you might say we critiqued NASA. I mean, we most definitely did. And… I mean, we’re trained for disasters. We look awful cute in our crackerjacks. You’ve seen sailors. I’m sure you have. Aren’t we cute. However, our business is warfare at sea. To destroy. To sink. To smash submarines. That was the mission of my ship. And that’s what we were trained to do. And we see the world differently.

And if it was a Navy operation from the get-go, you probably would have had a different end result, because NASA is actually civilians. Sure, they’re rolled into the federal government. Whatever. But they don’t have mind-set of… of the military. And I can’t really speak for the other branches, because I don’t know that much about them. But I do feel comfortable about addressing what it was like to be a member of the United States Navy. And… I don’t know why they dropped the ball.

Kerry:  Okay.

Ed:  I can only speculate. Really… I mean, it would have been a little different outcome, I think. And I guess what _______

Kerry:  Right. But dropping the ball. I’m sorry to interrupt you here, but dropping the ball and sending a rescue vessel away. And not having that investigated further. I don’t know that it’s ever been investigated. I don’t know if there are books written, investigating suspicious aspects of this event or not. I haven’t really gone down that road. It doesn’t sound as though you have either.

Ed:  Well, we’re compartmentalized. I mean, the Navy, we did our thing. We were… we would have done more, if called upon to do. And we stayed there. We finished the mission. And we finished our mission. And then we were released after several days, to go back up to Mayport and Liberty Hall, Liberty Hall. And while the married the fellas wanted to get home to their wives and their kids. And then we go about our business. What’s the next agenda for us to do? What’s our next deployment? And then we prepare for that and do our work-ups. And we’re a tight group on a Navy ship. It might be steel, aluminum, brass wires, but the soul of a ship is her crew. And… we did what we did, and we followed our orders.

And it’s actually amazing that we got into this subject, because I had no idea I was going to go over this. None whatsoever. I thought we were just going to talk about my ballistics with Jack Kennedy. But anyhow, you’re getting a bonus here. [laughs]

Kerry:  [laughs]

Ed:  [laughs]

Kerry:  Okay. Well, I appreciate that. At this time, what I would suggest is that we wrap this up. It’s been going for a while. I think that I will just put it out with the Kennedy information and that the… the sort of questions that are now raised about the Challenger. I know there will be investigators out there. I am doing a quick search on the net, to see if there are other people who have started to investigate it. And it looks like there are some. And possibly this will sort of pique some interest out there, and you may get some feedback. Do you want to give out an email address or anything like that, so people can reach you, if they have more information about either subject?

Ed:  Well… I don’t know how I’m going to be feeling, after I go through all this business I have to go through medically. And… I can give you my email address at a later date, if that’s okay with you.

Kerry:  No problem. So, if people are interested in this subject, and they want to talk to Ed Laughrin, why don’t you write to me, [email protected], and then I will forward the emails along to Ed. And then he can answer them, if and when he gets a chance.

Ed:  Yeah. The last name’s pronounced… It’s very Scotch-Irish, Kerry. I go all the way back to [Aries] Loch, and that’s 50 A.D. in Scotland.

Kerry:  Okay.

Ed:  I had… I mean, one of my cousins and then an aunt and several other ones, kept track of the family record. And it’s pronounced ‘lock,’ like the lock on your car, lock on your door. And the ‘rin’ is Irish, because we had to evacuate, along Hadrian’s Wall, because we weren’t doing very good against the Romans. And they made a tactical withdrawal to the Isle of Man in Northern Ireland. So, that’s my lineage. And ‘Aries,’ by the way, means Mars. So, what does that mean? [laughs] We can get into a whole new topic, couldn’t we? Very easily, yeah.

Kerry:  Sure. Absolutely. Okay, at this point, I’d like to wish you good luck. If you haven’t already read Richard Hoagland’s book about NASA, I highly recommend it, which is called ‘Dark Mission.’

Ed:  Oh yeah. Yeah, yeah. I’m a little bit familiar through you…

Kerry:  Uh-huh.

Ed:  …you and Project Camelot about it, and I’ve thoroughly found these very educational. And I really enjoy Bob Dean. I’ve never met him, but you… give him my respects from a former fleet sailor. [laughs]

Kerry:  Okay.

Ed:  And… Yeah. He’s pretty remarkable, but he… I’m really amazed that a retired command master sergeant has such a fantastic pigtail. How far down does that actually go down his back? Pretty darn far. But, anyhow…

Kerry:  [chuckles]

Ed:  I appreciate this. And the reason why I never really went public on any of this business about the Challenger, is because respect for the families and also, too, what used to gall us, was that they were blown to bits, on the media and national news. ‘Oh, they were blown to bits.’ And then speculation — ‘They must have been blown to bits.’ Well, they weren’t blown to bits. The fallen astronauts, the seven, were laid to rest in coffins. They were in… they had their toes and their fingers.

Kerry:  Right.

Ed:  The ones on the bottom deck, they suffered shrapnel. But Judy used up all her air, and she was on zero and she had a dry head. And… if you go on the internet, you might be able to get that up. But that was all what we heard through the grapevine in the United States Navy at that time. So, [sighs] again, I want to thank you and thank you for Project Camelot. And give my respects to Bill Ryan, who, by the way, did an interview with — you could him a friend of mine — and that is Paul Hellyer, former Minister of Defense. I know Paul. I helped him a little bit with his book, ‘Light at the End of the Tunnel,’ and I set up the interview that he did with Travis Walton. And I also know Travis.

And I’ve had the same type of experience but not so profound, back in March of ’75 with a crescent-shaped vehicle. And we have quite a bit in common, and there were… if there’s ever points where he gets down a little bit, I try to cheer him up about it, such as, ‘Well, Travis, they didn’t eat us.’ [laughs] So, I know Travis and Paul.

Kerry:  Okay.

Ed:  Yeah. So, yeah.

Kerry:  All right. Well, listen, Ed. Thank you very much for your testimony at this point. And possibly we can continue this when you return and you feel better.

Ed:  Okay.

Kerry:  And I would appreciate it, if you possibly would consider looking further into the Challenger information, if it interests you at all, simply because, if you were a ship on the scene, and you were turned away, and these astronauts could have been rescued, and some could have survived, then we have a whole different ballgame happening. And it’s just more of this sort of kind of conspiracy that has been plaguing NASA since the beginning, and that there are other very, very strong elements, even happening now. And you can… I’ll give you free access to my — if I haven’t already — to my ‘Awake and Aware Conference.’

Ed:  Okay. Thank you.

Kerry:  So you can listen. And I advise you to listen to Richard Hoagland’s presentation on Elenin and other matters, because you can see, in following his train of investigation, that there is a lot of evasion going on by NASA on a constant basis, and obviously, it didn’t start yesterday. It started many, many years ago. And this involves the secret space program, etc., etc. So, the rabbit hole goes very deep.

Ed:  Yes, it does.

Kerry:  And I appreciate the level that which you’re trying to investigate, but I think that you could go a lot farther.

Ed:  Well, thank you for that. And also, too, you did an interview with Andrew Basiago. [pronounces it BA-sa-go]

Kerry:  Basiago. [pronounces it ba-SAJ-yo]

Ed:  Basiago. ___________

Kerry:  Basiago. Yeah, we have not interviewed him. We did interview him in a TV show that is handled by truTV, and we are waiting for the release of that TV show. It is sitting on the shelf right now. They’ve gone outside of their contract and have not shown it yet. And we are still waiting for an air date.

Ed:  Well, I don’t get along with him. I’ve had conversations with him, and I have problems with the ethics, human rights violations. I… we talked about timelines — and I’ll be straight with you, Kerry — he accused of me of… a possible individual to interfere with the timeline. Now, that’s… We got into a little argument over the phone. And he vented on me pretty good. But personally, I don’t hold anything against him, but we don’t see eye-to-eye on Pegasus. And certain…

Kerry:  That’s all good. I’m sure that we could cover that at another date. I mean, it’s very important for people to compare notes and to cross-correlate information. So, if you have a different information, we’re happy to listen to it.

Ed:  Okay. yeah.

Kerry:  Whatever.

Ed:  But I believe in our autonomy as human beings. I believe that we shouldn’t be modified and we should not be enslaved. Absolutely not.

Kerry:  Right.

Ed:  And that’s my point of view. I’m very pro-human and pro-planet. And that’s just the way I’m put together. And Andy seemed to be a little obtuse. A little impersonal. And me, I take it very seriously, especially the business out there. It… what do you call it, Dulce, human experiments, bio-genetic stuff is outrageous.

Kerry:  Right.

Ed:  Yeah. It’s absolutely an abomination, in my opinion. And I’m very pro-human. And I’m going to be that way for the rest of my life. And we are royalty — I’m convinced of that — in the universe. We are very unique, our species. We’re special. [laughs]

Kerry:  I hear you, and I agree with you, Ed. Okay. Well, thank you very much. Like I said, I’m going to wrap this up, and I hope the recording came out, so it’s audible and understandable. Let’s reconvene at some point in the near future. I’ll be in India for about a little over two weeks. And I’m sure you’ll be recovering. Good luck with your surgery. If… I highly recommend natural healers rather than going through the medical establishment, if you could avoid it, but I assume you’re following your own… inner dictate[s].

Ed:  Yeah. I did have a very sore chest. So, I’m going to have to have a very good pillow if I cough.

Kerry:  Okay.

Ed:  [laughs]

Kerry:  All right. Well, you hang in there, all right?

Ed:  I’ll do that, Kerry, and you have a very safe trip.

Kerry:  Thank you very much