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Regarding the Thrive documentary…


Regarding the Thrive documentary– (link now disabled from what I hear..)

Putting together the Puzzle but leaving out the Elephant in the Room: ET – Military relations

Whereas, this is a legitmate well made documentary look at the NWO agenda, it does not encompass the real reason the ‘controlling elite’ wants a one world government aside from their eugenics program… which is ultimately, the alien agenda operating behind the scenes. Without that card all the rest is a short sighted view from inside a fish bowl with no idea of what the real environment that we exist in and are part of … as multi-dimensionals.

There is also a lack of understanding of the fact that one world government is already operational and orchestrated from behind the scenes by an ET-human partnership in place for decades.

This is what we are up against. And why without a background in all aspects that can be gained by viewing Project Camelot videos.. see our Camelot library if you haven’t already begun that journey or to fill in the gaps in your overview and understanding.

Free Adam’s Calendar – Short trailer shot by Alfred Webre on Location


click here to view

At 6am we were all there, the group from the UFO Science & Consciousness conference sounding off about why Adam’s Calendar should not be closed to the public and what the site may have been used for…


Alfred Webre will be on my radio show Wednesday night 7pm PT on American Freedom Radio and will be discussing the event as well as the recent Kuala Lumpur court case where Alfred and four other judges found Bush and Blair guilty of war crimes… click here to see article

click here for Whistleblower Radio shows and details on how to listen

AND…CLICK HERE to experience what it’s really like to be there…Adam’s Calendar and the Stone Circles of South Africa my documentary shot on location a year ago…

Inquest into Death of Dr. David Kelly – microbiologist


click here for website and to donate in support of this inquiry

There are a number of reasons why David Kelly's death was not a suicide but a targeted hit on a man who knew too much… Many microbiologists have died mysteriously over the past 10-20 years. Apparently a group of doctors in the UK don't want to let this one go ignored. A special hearing will be held in London on December 19th. This is just the tip of the iceberg but might begin to open investigation into the black projects that Kelly was also involved in…

click here for more on the death of David Kelly

Yet another Mars craft goes incommunicado…


Click here for the article

According to a source, Mars is simply a portal into the 4th Dimension and that is where the real action takes place. Obviously either these repeated problems with craft attempting to get close to the red planet are being sent off-line by the Anunnaki in control there or they are in contact and making it appear as though they are not. Regardless, Phobos is one of the command and control centers… where I am told, we work with the Anunnaki but they are in control.

Special thanks to a Camelot viewer for bringing this article to my attention.

12/01/2011 – The Truth is Out There : Layers of the Onion and Richard C. Hoagland


December 1, 2011

The Truth is Out There : Layers of the Onion and Richard C. Hoagland

Hi all,

I have read the Glen Canady/Michael Vara article on Late Night's Before It's News click here to view and I have to take issue with several of the points made there.

Whereas clearly the writer has good intentions and is trying to 'do the right thing', unfortunately this is a case where the surface incidents and facts do not tell the whole story. Working with whistleblower testimony for nearly six years and having spent 24/7 researching this field I have to say that what comes to light most during this time of transition is how people who are well meaning seem to be misled or lack the skills and experience to delve deeper into the truth of all the things going on around them.

Richard C. Hoagland is not perse a disinfo agent or a liar. He is however playing politics and carefully working to craft his message regarding the truth about NASA in such a way to not only expose the game being played but to do so WITH REGARD TO TIMING which he feels is all important. At the same time, he, like anyone else who discovers the truth about the Matrix, wants to stay alive in the process. Whereas, it is entirely possible he is a Mason, (I do not know this) he is not one of the "bad" ones. I can say in my dealings with him, with multiple conversations in depth about areas of his research, that he is working hard to get the truth out. 

What many people who get into this sector don't realize is that every person out there has multiple alliances and that not all alliances agree with each other. Given the incredibly diverse playing field we are dealing in, it is important to also note that anyone out there who stays alive is both protected and on some level dealing with shades of grey. The minute a person starts pointing fingers and looking at the world of multiple dimensions from a perspective of black and white they lose track of the game and what is really going on. 

This is where discernment comes in. While I am well aware that Richard holds back data, I am also well aware he does so because he is still collecting substantiation and withholding elements that may seem random or that would change the game and cause him to be derailed, taken off-line and/or killed, if revealed too soon or at the wrong time. Especially if he releases what he knows without regard to the consequences not only for himself but for humanity.

People who call for the truth rarely realize that there is a huge responsibility to releasing it. This is something one who deals in the real stuff… only realizes over time. Every new release of info carries with it a ripple effect on the planet that is far-reaching and not to be taken lightly.

While I do not know the details of Hoagland's interaction with Gary other than what is said in the article linked above, I can say that as someone who has gone deep down the rabbit hole and put my own life in danger multiple times, I can tell you that Gary is someone who would have been targeted by the PTB from the very beginning of his dealings with Richard. This is a no-brainer. And once you realize this, then, what happened to Gary follows a through-line that makes logical sense in this Alice in Wonderland world that the purveyors of MKUtra, mind control and scaler weaponry take full advantage of…. 

The fact is, that it is entirely likely that the pictures of Mars that Gary is focused on exist and are being kept from the public. Hoagland may even have been told on no uncertain terms not to release them. This doesn't make him a liar. It makes him someone who wants to stay alive (and also by the way someone who wants to keep his loved ones alive).

I do not know what Robin Falkov's role was in this saga… Or if what is said in the article is at all accurate. I do know that in my dealings with Robin, she comes across to me as a very intelligent, caring person who is also putting her life on the line for humanity. Clearly her perspective as a sometime confidante of Gary's wife put her in the middle of this drama but I believe it's very likely the real story is far more complex.

Suffice to say that I have offered Richard and Robin a venue to discuss these accusations in a public forum either on my radio show on American Freedom Radio or on a Livestream event.

A note on the money: many people do not understand what goes on behind the scenes with regard to the money, how people who investigate the Matrix and stay alive, pay the rent and so on. Just recently David Wilcock and Richard Hoagland did a FREE livestream event with me that is still available for free on the Project Camelot Live Channel on Livestream

People have got to realize that in this quest for the truth there are two major aspects… one is gathering and reporting the data, another is interpreting it!! JUST BECAUSE YOU DON'T AGREE WITH SOMEONE'S CONCLUSIONS OR INTERPRETATION OF THE DATA IS NO REASON TO THROW OUT THE ACTUAL FACTS PRESENTED. Learning to discern, cross-correlate and understand the complexities of right and wrong, who the good guys are etc is an intense discipline and takes years of experience, a level of detachment and discernment that few people are able to master at this time. 

For example, both David Wilcock and Richard Hoagland prefer to see Obama as a good guy… They are fighting against all odds and appearances to maintain this perspective but this doesn't make them "liars". What it does indicate is that they are seeing levels of secrecy beyond the obvious. And, they are coming to this conclusion based on what they think they know. 

My take on Obama is that as a soul he has a choice, he came in to play the game on the side of the masters (so-called) and in order to stay alive and move through the levels of the game he must appear to be on the dark side. He may in the process have been compromised and joined them. On the other hand he may at some point reveal himself to be on the side of the light by, in some strategic moment coming out with something so devastating he will get himself killed doing it. This is the Kennedy dilemma facing him. Now, all indicators are that he has gone over to the dark side and is completely compromised. However, this game is nothing if not a Hall of Mirrors. So I keep an open mind in regard to all players and all information going forward… watch and listen carefully. 

There is no doubt if you follow the White Hat Reports that Obama is taking pay-offs, stealing money and stashing it… but why? This is the question you need to ask. Many White Hats MUST PARADE THEMSELVES AS OF THE DARK in order to complete their mission. So keep this in mind.

Another thing that is going on here is WISHFUL THINKING… many people including Hoagland, Wilcock and many others want to see the LIGHT SIDE win… we all do. But wanting something and seeing it happen are two different things. However, this desire can color the way you interpret the current goings on here on Planet Earth moving rapidly front and center into 4D. There is a level at which the fact is that the LIGHT WILL WIN in the end… however that may be a long time from now. So when you hear someone talk and relay info it's important to understand what they WANT and weigh it against what they say they KNOW. Because distortion is the name of the game here.

This is what I suggest. Start to realize that players in this game are playing on multiple levels. You cannot look at simply surface data and think you have the whole story. At this time, more than any other those who seem to be working to benefit Humanity are often just as easily using that as a cover, just as those who may seem to be working against you are using the dark as a camouflage in order to stay alive and complete their mission on your behalf.

Lastly, with regard to Elenin and YU55: all the Camelot whistleblower info with regard to both these so called asteroids is that they are and were CONTROLLED by someone. That means they are able to change course etc. The entire group of contacts Hoagland was dealing with—with regard to YU55 went black right after it was supposedly crossing our atmosphere. At the same time, Obama and the whole APEC conference was going on in Hawaii… Simultaneously, Hoagland's sources were seeing a SUBSTITUTION in the skies… with a metallic overlay, going along the original NASA trajectory. We were live on Livestream when this was happening. This is what his sources told him they were getting… All info on YU55 went black and then, a substitution appeared. According to Hoagland it wasn't even a good decoy… It was as if, those who are running YU55 wanted the scientists and white hats who were tracking it to KNOW they were being lied to… Where did the real craft go? Did it rendezvous with one of ours? Was there something on board being dropped off? All these are good questions but where are you going to get the answers? Listening to channelers who are as easily programmed as anyone else is not the answer.

Of course Hoagland looks like he's wrong if the people behind the scenes can change the game at any moment! And that goes for a lot of good people right now making bad predictions. Hoagland is following the clues and doing so meticulously and at great personal risk. He is not a NWO shill. There are a lot easier ways to kiss the ass of those in charge. 

You can focus on tearing down other people because you see discrepancies in their logic, conclusions or behavior but I suggest keeping your eyes on the ball. No one has the whole story. And the fight to discover the real truth of what's going on and get it out to the people continues. They are waking up. And so are you. But in the end, you have to learn to see the layers within the layers. It's all cloak and dagger, yin and yang, light and dark. But in this game, especially at this level, the dark masquerades as the light and the light as the dark. Learn discernment and pay attention to what resonates. Because what resonates with your heart and spirit is where the truth is.. .not in superficial details that don't add up or painting a logic trail with a broad brush saying this is black and this is white. 

Above all, as Hoagland has said again and again, 'the lie is different at every level'. This is what a source said to him and it's very very true. Especially when it comes to what the public is told. They are lied to every which way to Sunday and beyond. Nothing is as you see it. It's all maya and illusion. But within that, the truth is out there. And in all of us. 

Best wishes,

Kerry / Project Camelot

click here to reply to this post on the Camelot Forum thread

The Truth is Out There : Layers of the Onion and Richard C. Hoagland


The Truth is Out There : Layers of the Onion and Richard C. Hoagland

Hi all,

I have read the Glen Canady/Michael Vara article on Late Night’s Before It’s News click here to view and I have to take issue with several of the points made there.

Whereas clearly the writer has good intentions and is trying to ‘do the right thing’, unfortunately this is a case where the surface incidents and facts do not tell the whole story. Working with whistleblower testimony for nearly six years and having spent 24/7 researching this field I have to say that what comes to light most during this time of transition is how people who are well meaning seem to be misled or lack the skills and experience to delve deeper into the truth of all the things going on around them.

Richard C. Hoagland is not perse a disinfo agent or a liar. He is however playing politics and carefully working to craft his message regarding the truth about NASA in such a way to not only expose the game being played but to do so WITH REGARD TO TIMING which he feels is all important. At the same time, he, like anyone else who discovers the truth about the Matrix, wants to stay alive in the process. Whereas, it is entirely possible he is a Mason, (I do not know this) he is not one of the “bad” ones. I can say in my dealings with him, with multiple conversations in depth about areas of his research, that he is working hard to get the truth out. 

What many people who get into this sector don’t realize is that every person out there has multiple alliances and that not all alliances agree with each other. Given the incredibly diverse playing field we are dealing in, it is important to also note that anyone out there who stays alive is both protected and on some level dealing with shades of grey. The minute a person starts pointing fingers and looking at the world of multiple dimensions from a perspective of black and white they lose track of the game and what is really going on. 

This is where discernment comes in. While I am well aware that Richard holds back data, I am also well aware he does so because he is still collecting substantiation and withholding elements that may seem random or that would change the game and cause him to be derailed, taken off-line and/or killed, if revealed too soon or at the wrong time. Especially if he releases what he knows without regard to the consequences not only for himself but for humanity.

People who call for the truth rarely realize that there is a huge responsibility to releasing it. This is something one who deals in the real stuff… only realizes over time. Every new release of info carries with it a ripple effect on the planet that is far-reaching and not to be taken lightly.

While I do not know the details of Hoagland’s interaction with Gary other than what is said in the article linked above, I can say that as someone who has gone deep down the rabbit hole and put my own life in danger multiple times, I can tell you that Gary is someone who would have been targeted by the PTB from the very beginning of his dealings with Richard. This is a no-brainer. And once you realize this, then, what happened to Gary follows a through-line that makes logical sense in this Alice in Wonderland world that the purveyors of MKUtra, mind control and scaler weaponry take full advantage of…. 

The fact is, that it is entirely likely that the pictures of Mars that Gary is focused on exist and are being kept from the public. Hoagland may even have been told on no uncertain terms not to release them. This doesn’t make him a liar. It makes him someone who wants to stay alive (and also by the way someone who wants to keep his loved ones alive).

I do not know what Robin Falkov’s role was in this saga… Or if what is said in the article is at all accurate. I do know that in my dealings with Robin, she comes across to me as a very intelligent, caring person who is also putting her life on the line for humanity. Clearly her perspective as a sometime confidante of Gary’s wife put her in the middle of this drama but I believe it’s very likely the real story is far more complex.

Suffice to say that I have offered Richard and Robin a venue to discuss these accusations in a public forum either on my radio show on American Freedom Radio or on a Livestream event.

A note on the money: many people do not understand what goes on behind the scenes with regard to the money, how people who investigate the Matrix and stay alive, pay the rent and so on. Just recently David Wilcock and Richard Hoagland did a FREE livestream event with me that is still available for free on the Project Camelot Live Channel on Livestream

People have got to realize that in this quest for the truth there are two major aspects… one is gathering and reporting the data, another is interpreting it!! JUST BECAUSE YOU DON’T AGREE WITH SOMEONE’S CONCLUSIONS OR INTERPRETATION OF THE DATA IS NO REASON TO THROW OUT THE ACTUAL FACTS PRESENTED. Learning to discern, cross-correlate and understand the complexities of right and wrong, who the good guys are etc is an intense discipline and takes years of experience, a level of detachment and discernment that few people are able to master at this time. 

For example, both David Wilcock and Richard Hoagland prefer to see Obama as a good guy… They are fighting against all odds and appearances to maintain this perspective but this doesn’t make them “liars”. What it does indicate is that they are seeing levels of secrecy beyond the obvious. And, they are coming to this conclusion based on what they think they know. 

My take on Obama is that as a soul he has a choice, he came in to play the game on the side of the masters (so-called) and in order to stay alive and move through the levels of the game he must appear to be on the dark side. He may in the process have been compromised and joined them. On the other hand he may at some point reveal himself to be on the side of the light by, in some strategic moment coming out with something so devastating he will get himself killed doing it. This is the Kennedy dilemma facing him. Now, all indicators are that he has gone over to the dark side and is completely compromised. However, this game is nothing if not a Hall of Mirrors. So I keep an open mind in regard to all players and all information going forward… watch and listen carefully. 

There is no doubt if you follow the White Hat Reports that Obama is taking pay-offs, stealing money and stashing it… but why? This is the question you need to ask. Many White Hats MUST PARADE THEMSELVES AS OF THE DARK in order to complete their mission. So keep this in mind.

Another thing that is going on here is WISHFUL THINKING… many people including Hoagland, Wilcock and many others want to see the LIGHT SIDE win… we all do. But wanting something and seeing it happen are two different things. However, this desire can color the way you interpret the current goings on here on Planet Earth moving rapidly front and center into 4D. There is a level at which the fact is that the LIGHT WILL WIN in the end… however that may be a long time from now. So when you hear someone talk and relay info it’s important to understand what they WANT and weigh it against what they say they KNOW. Because distortion is the name of the game here.

This is what I suggest. Start to realize that players in this game are playing on multiple levels. You cannot look at simply surface data and think you have the whole story. At this time, more than any other those who seem to be working to benefit Humanity are often just as easily using that as a cover, just as those who may seem to be working against you are using the dark as a camouflage in order to stay alive and complete their mission on your behalf.

Lastly, with regard to Elenin and YU55: all the Camelot whistleblower info with regard to both these so called asteroids is that they are and were CONTROLLED by someone. That means they are able to change course etc. The entire group of contacts Hoagland was dealing with—with regard to YU55 went black right after it was supposedly crossing our atmosphere. At the same time, Obama and the whole APEC conference was going on in Hawaii… Simultaneously, Hoagland’s sources were seeing a SUBSTITUTION in the skies… with a metallic overlay, going along the original NASA trajectory. We were live on Livestream when this was happening. This is what his sources told him they were getting… All info on YU55 went black and then, a substitution appeared. According to Hoagland it wasn’t even a good decoy… It was as if, those who are running YU55 wanted the scientists and white hats who were tracking it to KNOW they were being lied to… Where did the real craft go? Did it rendezvous with one of ours? Was there something on board being dropped off? All these are good questions but where are you going to get the answers? Listening to channelers who are as easily programmed as anyone else is not the answer.

Of course Hoagland looks like he’s wrong if the people behind the scenes can change the game at any moment! And that goes for a lot of good people right now making bad predictions. Hoagland is following the clues and doing so meticulously and at great personal risk. He is not a NWO shill. There are a lot easier ways to kiss the ass of those in charge. 

You can focus on tearing down other people because you see discrepancies in their logic, conclusions or behavior but I suggest keeping your eyes on the ball. No one has the whole story. And the fight to discover the real truth of what’s going on and get it out to the people continues. They are waking up. And so are you. But in the end, you have to learn to see the layers within the layers. It’s all cloak and dagger, yin and yang, light and dark. But in this game, especially at this level, the dark masquerades as the light and the light as the dark. Learn discernment and pay attention to what resonates. Because what resonates with your heart and spirit is where the truth is.. .not in superficial details that don’t add up or painting a logic trail with a broad brush saying this is black and this is white. 

Above all, as Hoagland has said again and again, ‘the lie is different at every level’. This is what a source said to him and it’s very very true. Especially when it comes to what the public is told. They are lied to every which way to Sunday and beyond. Nothing is as you see it. It’s all maya and illusion. But within that, the truth is out there. And in all of us. 

Best wishes,

Kerry / Project Camelot

click here to reply to this post on the Camelot Forum thread

UFO Science and Consciousness Conference in South Africa


Nov 30, 2011

Kerry has just returned from speaking at the UFO Science & Consciousness conference in South Africa. Here is a partial group shot including some of the speakers and attendees…

In the photo from left to right: Sandy Mac, Fernando Vossa, Duncan Roads, Laura Eisenhower, Kerry Cassidy, David Hudson, William Brown, Michael Tellinger, Alfred Webre, Lloyd Pye.



This was an excellent conference that attained substantial notice in the South African press. The conference was the first of its kind to take place in South Africa and was very well attended. After the conference a small group of the speakers and others made a trip out to Adam's Calendar. DVDs of the conference will be made available for viewing soon on UFOs Science & Consciousnees click here. Highly recommended.

A few of us did a remote viewing of the Calendar and came to very similar conclusions, picking up the time travel/portal aspects of the site. I shot a short video that will not yet be shown to the public that contains a fairly detailed drawing I made of what I 'see' underneath Adam's Calendar. The video info will be held back so as not to front-load any other remote viewers and psychics who chose to visit and view the site in the coming year. At some point I will release our report. In a controversial move, the South African government has temprarily (we hope), closed the Adam's Calendar site to the public. This is a highly questionable move that will need further investigation. Overall, it seems that there are a number of moves being made by the South African government to interfere with the public accessibility of the site rather suddenly. With the incoming energies becoming more and more evident impacting us on a daily baiss, closing ancient power places is highly suspect and significant. More on this in the next few days once I recover from jet lag. I have been flying for 22+ hours.

Kerry leaves today for South Africa


Nov 19 2011

Kerry leaves today for South Africa to speak on Nov 25-27 at Michael Tellinger's UFO Science & Consciousness conference.

click here for more info….


Swiss Saga : Inside the hearts and minds of the Swiss Bankers

Click here for the latest installments on the Swiss Saga….




Nov 17, 2011

SAGA with the SWISS : A story of an American, a secret bank account in Switzerland and the crackdown from the NWO – from an undisclosed source

The following is the first of several posts covering one person's dealings with the breakdown of Swiss banking secrecy and the advent of the New World Order. All efforts have been made to protect the identilty of the author.


dear Kerry,
I have long admired your interview style for it's courage and forthrightness. Personally I do not know how it is that sometimes you ask a totally unexpected question, the person being interviewed does a double take and things heat way up! It has been very exciting when these moments occur and I have wondered how on earth you get sudden inspirations and "go for it"

Well, I am going to write to you about an amazing experience I had with some Swiss bankers, in which I felt I may have tried your methods, at least I was trying to emulate you.

I will start from the beginning. In the 70s, I opened a secret untraceable Swiss bank Acct. There was a secret trusted runner who I met in foreign countries in order to give him money for my account and over the decades, the account became large considering I am a just one person, not a corporation. The runner was my only contact over the decades and my trust in him was as good as it gets. In fact we became close friends.

There was a certain bank acct in the states where I regularly received cash that had filtered down thru many untraceable channels. It has been several years since I invested more money thru my contact, but everything continued to proceed as usual.

Suddenly, there were no deposits in the special accounts in the states After a couple months, I called a bank in [DELETED] where I knew my contact had affiliations. He was "no longer there". In fact, no one there " knew" him.

Well needless to say, this alarming incident marked the beginning of a sometimes harrowing adventure worthy of a Sherlock Holmes novel!

In the end, I felt I was part of a human story that provided a most rare insight indeed- that of an era crumbling from within the hearts and minds of the very persons who represent and hold in place the bastion of world financial security- The Swiss.

As my time to write is limited, I am going to send you this story in segments you have my permission to publish if you wish, but please keep my personal info completely private." – a source


My next action was to look up and call every bank listed in Switzerland, searching for my contact. I never made calls from my own home in the past, so as not to be traced and I saw no reason to start now. So, several evenings a week, I called banks looking for my contact, the man who had taken all my money for decades to deposit in my secret account.

One evening I was transferred to a man who would not tell me his name. He told me to call another number at an exact time in one week, which I did. Anew person answered who took down my name and the name of my contact. The new man said that he may "know someone" who knew who "took over" my contacts accounts! Mind you Kerry. This call was over 2 months after my search started. That is how much searching I had done before even getting this dismal response.

1week later, I again called a different number given to me. After being on hold for some time a timid voice answered. He gave me his name, (glory be) and said he had information for me. But when I tried to get the man to tell me the information, he was completely unwilling to speak and only repeated, "you will have to come to Switzerland to find out anything further". "Anything further", I said? "You have not told me anything!" And more desperately "Has something happened to my money? Where is it? Who is in charge?"

These were of course, fruitless questions,receiving the same answer. "You will have to come to Switzerland to learn anything further". In frustration, I asked if I could be guaranteed an appointment. I was again given a number and call back time. When I called back I was told to decide on a month and week I wished to be in Switzerland.

Well, I run my company 24/7 Kerry and it takes me a couple months advanced planning to make an overseas trip. So as the necessity to actually have to go to Switzerland became clear, I planned a date I could be absent from my company for a week, 3 months out. The date was agreed on and I was told there would be NO further contact until I showed up at the appointment.

Kerry, I was at the complete effect of an unknown party and had no verified names of people or any company name; I was arranging to have someone fill in for me during my absence and making the plans to go on what could very well be a wild goose chase!


Installment3 inside the Hearts and Minds of the Swiss bankers

Well, the infamous date finally came. I booked myself in one of the hotels and traveled by taxi to the address I was given.
Looking for the address was nerve wracking, as it did not seem to exist, except for a tiny locked unidentified little alcove off the main busy street,although it was at least in a financial district with all the major Swiss banks on that street.
I gave up in despair, but there was no one to call, and so the next morning I arrived at the appointment time, and found the little alcove open.

I walked in toward a courtyard and saw an unmarked door. Having an inclination, I walked in the door to an extremely small room with an tiny elevator. I got in and went up one floor yto the top. The elevator opened up onto a door that said Finance! As my shaking hand reached out to knock, the door simultaneously opened and a pretty woman greeted me. I jumped in surprise. How did they know I was there?

I looked toward the ceiling for hidden cameras and announced "I have a meeting here with Mr X" I said. While I never did see any cameras in this place (and I looked on each of my subsequent visits), the exact description I just made was always repeated with the door opening the moment I stepped out of the elevator to knock.

I was escorted in and asked to wait. After an indeterminable length of time, the woman returned to tell me my party did not have an office there and "they" would try to locate my party. I became upset. "What is this place? What are you doing here? This is a strange way to run a finance company!" Well my short tirade immediately produced another slightly older woman who told me calmly that if I were to return in a few hours, I will have some luck. She then suggested I try some delicious Swiss chocolate at the lunch cafe down the street.

Utterly dumbfounded, I returned to the tiny elevator that had just enough room for me. And then, so help me God, the elevator jerked to a stop and stalled half way between floor 1 and 2. I literally froze, holding my breath. Scenarios flipped through my mind of movies and mystery novels where elevators opened up to unnamed floors. I waited a long minute, pushing the down arrow over and over. Suddenly, there was a rough jerking and the elevator proceeded to ground floor, where I breathed a sigh of relief.

Surely I thought I was going mad as I sat quietly staring at my cup of chocolate. How on earth could all my years of investment, so carefully protected, have turned to a scenario so crude, so unsophisticated,as to speak of dark places and whispered innuendos?

Well, I better get a sense of deep adventure about me, I thought. And that is when I was reminded of you Kerry. Be it only personal to me, this was a dilemma that needed hutzpah. I think my personality changed a bit right then and there. Kerry Cassidy would get to the bottom of this. And if she is ever scared, she is nevertheless courageous and gets, as my favorite radio announcer used to say. -The Rest Of The Story!' With a hyped up sense of gall, I hurried back for whatever came next.


Well Kerry, I have not really faced what has been happening in Switzerland until this trip. yes I had read the articles on the back pages, far from an upfront view, you know, how the world as we have always known it, is coming apart. I guess I just thought it could not happen to me. on this day, as I prepared to go back, I reviewed these 2 most telling articles below. 
I guess that a lifetime of hearing and knowing that Switzerland has been for centuries, the most trusted banking as the world knows it, a tradition that goes back to the middle ages.


Article Swiss banks cave in


God help me now. perhaps I will have lost my fortune: perhaps I will go to jail for keeping my own money intact! not that I have not paid my taxes- I have. Yet, anyone who knows the constitution knows that income tax is unconstitutional and the fed and Irs are part of the plan for 1 world govt.

Oh my God, all my money may be gone. So far, these people are the last kind of people I would imagine myself dealing with.

I simply must remove this from the personal and try to get some real answers.

to be continued….


Kerry, if you think I am in any way embellishing or exaggerating the details of this story, I assure you, I am not. I am reporting things as they happened, other than to protect my own identity. I say this to you now Kerry because this saga is about to get all the more surreal and I want you to really understand that what I am about to tell you is exactly what happened.

So, back I went up on the elevator that jerked to a stop mid floor 50% of the time. I did not even reach out to knock on the door with the word FINANCE on it. I simply stood quietly and the door opened, young woman and all. I was told to sit in the chair near the door. After10 minutes, the slightly older lady came to lead me through a door into a room with a huge butcher block table and a few chairs. She offered me plain or sparkling water.

Sipping the bubbly, I waited another 15minutes.
Then quietly a very attractive well dressed woman of some stature came in and told me her name. She sat opposite me and became very still. I waited, expecting her to speak. But, she did not speak. 
"What is happening?", I asked.

"Oh,Mr X will be coming soon."

"Would that be the same Mr X I made the appointment with?"

"The very same".

Silence prevailed for another 5 minutes. Well this is it I thought. I did not have a real clue what was going on, but I simply must be like Kerry and plunge in.

I smiled at the lady. She smiled back. I leaned over conspiritorily and whispered. "I think the bankers have it harder than anyone else in this whole mess". Her eyebrows raised, indicating some form of acknowledgement. Little did I know that I had just hit upon a case cracker!

"In fact, I know I am not the only one in this conundrum and it must be really hard for you all."
Eyebrows raised again, "We are not traitors".

"The thing is", I whispered, "What about those who are?"

"Well, 10 banks have gone under." she offered under her breath.

"What's your list?" I asked

And she started to name banks that were obviously still in business.
Then it hit me. she was talking about those banks that had given over private account numbers.

I bolstered my courage. "What about you? Has your institution given up anyones personal secret bank account numbers."?

Silence! Then, "I have great admiration for Mr Y. He will be coming to meet you. He is in charge."

The lady excused herself and I was left sitting alone for ten minutes. She returned with…Mr X?

"Are you the Mr X who made the appointment for me while I was in the states?"

"Yes I am, but Mr Y has been traveling from out of the country for the last 15 hours to meet you since you arrived at the airport and will be here later. Please be patient. We did not know exactly what to expect. Nice meeting you."

Holy Smokes!!! How do they know when I got here???? Mr "Y"???? Please God give me back my most stable one trusted person to deal with my account!

And then he left the room with the lady. And then she came back.The lady sat with me again, but now, I asked her to tell me about Mr Y, her boss and the head of her unnamed institution.

"He has the greatest of integrity. He has circumvented the laws for now in order to protect the clients. He is brilliant. He is wise and smart
His clients are the most wealthy of individuals and the real time heads of state. He is amazing. Few persons have come up with a system such as his. You will see when you meet him, your faith will be restored".

I sat attentively but really I wondered. Is this woman the Mistress of Mr Y? I smiled and nodded. It was dusk. Suddenly, abruptly she stood up and walked out. 3 minutes later, the door opened and she came back in with a most alive but "careful" Mr Y.

They sat down at opposite ends of the table with me in the middle and both smiled stiffly. I prepared for silence. To my surprise Mr Y profusely apologized to me.

"We are sorry we stopped your payments. We are sorry we would not talk to you
We had to know it was you. We had no way to know, as we could not say who we were. We had to be sure it was you."

"I am all ears", I said.

Promptly, the lady poured more sparkling water and I sat quietly observing a rather unusual cleansed looking gentleman, robust yet extremely cautious; wishing to please at the same time. Yet I sensed he was a man who had been around in a most worldly way,  Still his deportment was within himself intact. However somehow, I sensed fear and.. …..

He explained, fully pausing, then observing and watching me at the end of each statement, leaving me opportunity to respond. I was so anxious to listen, I made no response.

"You were not our account…We didn't know you or know anything about you…We had to be very very careful…We finally decided how to reach you, if you really existed at all. We stopped your payments on purpose…"

(Mr Y took a deep breath. For the first time, he looked directly at me, focused an intense energy toward me and I sensed he was giving me space to respond, but I remained silent and attentive. Yet, he continued to watch and focus on me for another minute. I just wanted him to continue.) Then, finally
"We knew if you were real or still alive, the stopped payment would be the only safe way, that you had to find us."

Suddenly I bristled. I realized simultaneously, this was the out of control reaction he had been waiting for.

"Well, where is my contact? Why do you have his account? We were good friends. I trust him. where is he???" We were Friends. I TRUSTED him. He was supposed to be my only go between for life."

Mr Y took a sharp deep intake of air and lowered his gaze down at the table, folding his hands tightly in front of him.

I couldn't stop.

"Where IS he? I want to see him. He is not at the same bank anymore. I want him to be here at this meeting. Do you know him? Where IS he? You don't understand. He belongs here. I really really TRUSTED him!!!"

Alarm swept Mr Ys face and for the first time he became emphatic. " Meeting him is not advisable".

The lady jumped in. "We don't even think we have his contact info."

I jumped right back in. "Who are you people? What are you doing in the middle of my business? This is Switzerland! Where is my money????"

I think I heard my voice trailing off. I am loosing it here. Get a grip.  Where are you now Kerry?


Installment number 6 Inside the Hearts and Minds of the Swiss bankers

I looked down and folded my hands. And closed my eyes and I tried to think of what to say next. Then, I heard one of them leaving. OMG, what has happened now??? I slowly opened my eyes and to my surprise, no one had left, but, Mr. X was now sitting quietly opposite my chair.

“I know who your friend is, but contact has been lost” he said. “But we are not quite sure how we received your account”
WOW, I must be in a Stargate to Never Never Land! Almost everything these people said to me was absolutely unbelievable!!! You do NOT KNOW HOW you acquired by account??????

I looked at each of them, one by one and each seemed to be nodding and trying to look pleasantly at me. So, I looked back and smiled and was oh so silent I waited. I did not speak. I waited. I smiled. 

Mr. Y leaned over and spoke in a tone of caring reassuring concern. “ I am not sure how we received your account and we would like you to look at it now. But we would also like you to know that your money is no longer in this country. And we do not quite know how it came from your friend to us. But we moved it out of the country for your own safety” 
My mind raced a mile a minute. I must compose myself for the worst of news and I worked overtime now at light speed mental processing the incongruities of a lifetime. I excused myself to the restroom and stared in the mirror. REALLY! This is the land of the SWISS CLOCK… the most precise place in the world. You do not KNOW HOW you got my account!!! ???????? 

I practiced being steady and strong and silent. From years of running a business, steady and strong I am used to. Silence: that is a new technique. I did not tell you this, but I am a Doctor Kerry. And I have faced the threat of financial ruin before, because a Doctor is thee favorite person to sue you know. 

But, I am very steady. I have lived through great financial loss before and come back to thrive. Yet, I was younger. This account was to have been the real reward from a life well planned and lived, a business beautifully run with much to be proud of. 

At least these people, whomever they are, say they have my account; who knows if they do? 

If it is true, who knows how much is left of it??????

If this is the worst scam I have seen in my life, I think I am about to find out about it. I thought rapidly, preparing for the very worst news, that the account was completely drained. And I walked back and sat down, steady as a rock. l I looked right at Mr Y and waiting. He now had in front of him an open book of financial records. Mr. Y spoke rapidly now. He was even more energetic. 

“We had to move your account to protect it. It is safe. It is secret. It is elsewhere and no one in Switzerland knows where it is. 

I am…and Mr Y began to recite a long list of his clients by names of countries. 

It was more than impressive. I just knew at that moment that Mr Y managed accounts of the extremely wealthy, far in excess in amount that mine ever was or could have been. 

“ But,” Mr. Y continued, “We had not seen your account the last time you saw it, so we do not have the records very far back, only since we acquired it.”

Mr. Y showed me his credentials and I did not feel disappointed. He showed me his personal papers and identification. 
However and THIS was NOW my burning question. What happened to the account between the time my friend managed it and the time Mr. Y acquired it??? HOW much is LEFT???

MR Y sat back and waited after I had seen his credentials. I looked at the woman who was gloating and proud. I must have frowned and she smiled wider. She simply MUST be his mistress I thought again. 

But really I could not stand the silent game anymore. 

“Well, by all means” I piped up matching the energy of Mr Y. to the tee, “ Please DO SHOW ME MY ACCOUNT!!!
And then, Mr. Y leaned over and showed me my account. He did not even know if I would believe it was too low or too high. I could see, he did not even know what to expect. For some minutes I looked it over, but more than anything else, I looked for the balance and, glory be, I breathed a long sigh of relief. The amount was not too far off to tolerate. The stated fees were alright. My fortunes were not gone! 

The room was different now. The storm was over. Now it was a matter of understanding what to do, but thank God, without the mystery itself. 

But, I soon discovered, the surprises were not over yet. And in many ways, Kerry, they had just begun.

SAGA with the SWISS


Nov 17, 2011

SAGA with the SWISS : A story of an American, a secret bank account in Switzerland and the crackdown from the NWO – from an undisclosed source

The following is the first of several posts covering one person's dealings with the breakdown of Swiss banking secrecy and the advent of the New World Order. All efforts have been made to protect the identilty of the author.


dear Kerry,
I have long admired your interview style for it's courage and forthrightness. Personally I do not know how it is that sometimes you ask a totally unexpected question, the person being interviewed does a double take and things heat way up! It has been very exciting when these moments occur and I have wondered how on earth you get sudden inspirations and "go for it"

Well, I am going to write to you about an amazing experience I had with some Swiss bankers, in which I felt I may have tried your methods, at least I was trying to emulate you.

I will start from the beginning. In the 70s, I opened a secret untraceable Swiss bank Acct. There was a secret trusted runner who I met in foreign countries in order to give him money for my account and over the decades, the account became large considering I am a just one person, not a corporation. The runner was my only contact over the decades and my trust in him was as good as it gets. In fact we became close friends.

There was a certain bank acct in the states where I regularly received cash that had filtered down thru many untraceable channels. It has been several years since I invested more money thru my contact, but everything continued to proceed as usual.

Suddenly, there were no deposits in the special accounts in the states After a couple months, I called a bank in [DELETED] where I knew my contact had affiliations. He was "no longer there". In fact, no one there " knew" him.

Well needless to say, this alarming incident marked the beginning of a sometimes harrowing adventure worthy of a Sherlock Holmes novel!

In the end, I felt I was part of a human story that provided a most rare insight indeed- that of an era crumbling from within the hearts and minds of the very persons who represent and hold in place the bastion of world financial security- The Swiss.

As my time to write is limited, I am going to send you this story in segments you have my permission to publish if you wish, but please keep my personal info completely private." – a source

click here for Part two and ongoing parts…