Home Blog Page 94

Questions Answered and other Clarifications


Further to my Post Below answering more questions:

Sorry, I guess I neglected to reply explicitly to that area of your post regarding why he held on to releasing until a few days later after the big build up to having to release Part II that night… Well, the whole point is what happened during the radio show!! Because of the counsel of Anonymous (not to be confused with any other person claiming to be Anonymous of which there are many all over the internet that being a generalized title for someone who prefers to remain uh, anonymous.. 

To continue. One must be able to grasp that what happened on my show was I brought on someone who represented a group who then made statements ON AIR that made it clear that David was not to be touched or there would be repercussions of the kind that those types (he said lower level on the power chain) understand. If you listen closely it was unmistakable. And after the show, he spoke with David to assure him of his safety.

That being achieved, and I had further confirmation from another source that it was…. David then didn’t have to “obey” those threatening him who had been insisting he release the Part II by such and such a time (as I said) and it must have so many views etc or he wouldn’t make it past 3 days. Why is this so hard to understand?

As I wrote on my blog… David could at that point say F–k you and do it in his own time. Which he did. 

Again, one has to examine the situation from all angles. Regardless of how David took it this was a PSYOP and therefore the demands of the perpetrators could have simply been the trigger.

According to Rayelan from Rumor Mill News… (and no Anonymous is not the Shamus / Gunther’s higher self) that she remembers although he may have been on a few starships… and yes I know him very well…. anyway, Rayelan insists that actually Keenan and group are part of the Bush cabal and they are using David and the lawsuit to try to steal more gold… I have no more info than that. But I will endeavor to get Rayelan on my show and get more details on her pov or theory on all of this. 

There is simply no doubt that David is late to this whole who is hiding the gold game (at least in this incarnation) and so he is trying (as we all are) to get up to speed on the convoluted aspects of this story. Meanwhile, although I haven’t finished reading Part 2 yet… I can say that I know from other sources unrelated to David’s sources that this is a story that goes off world and does involve the Anunnaki…

As far as sales of his book, web traffic spikes and so on.. Well if you don’t think his fear and crying were real then you need to check your heart chakra for signs of life… He is not that desperate in fact with a best selling book he really didn’t need threats on his life in order to get more sales!! 

Please try to wrap your minds around the notion that he, I and many like us are in this for the SERVICE TO OTHERS aspect and we want to change the world and save humanity… That’s our priority. And yes, we would all like to pay the rent in order to continue to fight another day. In fact we would all like to live well because among other things it’s fun and as they say living well is the best revenge. Indeed it is… f—-k em. The PTW that is… Scarcity is the old world paradigm by the way…. just sayin.

I think that answers the questions you wrote me about.

Best wishes,


…”if you build it they will come”
Field of Dreams

Post to Duncan’s blog:

Kerry Cassidy said,

December 19, 2011 at 5:47 pm

Ok Duncan, I get where you are comin ‘ from you just want to cut to the chase and cut the b—lshit and get on with it. I’m with you. But that’s not what we got. What we have is a war of words and we are in it for the hearts and minds.

In the end, there’s nothin so powerful as the truth. But it can happen not only in the dead of night faced with evil so dark you wish you were never born. It also happens in the revealing of the secrecy so deep and dark it shines the light like a beacon all the way through to the dawn.

You are wired differently. And yes, you could have asked David to man up off line… without an audience. But here we are.

You can call it a dog and pony show but whether you know it or not you are intimating that it wasn’t real… and it was. Real fear, real danger. Whether it means anything to you or not is not the question. It meant something to David… and me and the man who stepped up to save him…

Wars are fought not only on battlefields but online and in public. Yes he has fans, don’t we all? That doesn’t make it any less true or less real.

Sure the lawsuit may go no where. Probably it won’t…. see the Kuomintang backing it’s got and think again because perhaps they take it more seriously than you do. Who cares?

At this point the real battles are yet to come. I stand with you regardless and love you like a brother. So hang in there. We have a war to fight and where and when we are called I know I’ll be there. So will David and so will Miranda and Tommy and Bill and many others. We aren’t perfect (who would want to be?) but we are strong and we are determined. You might even say invincible.

This money game will come and go. Gold is in the ground and being taken off Earth and will continue to be. But we will remain behind and fight the good fight. It’s not a show… It’s LiVE.

Love and blessings,


Post to Camelot Forum and Avalon Forum:


Reposting here from an Avalon thread…

my reply following:

Hi Christina,

Actually 90% of the feedback I am getting is overwhelmingly positive for the radio show, David and Anonymous.

I guess many people don’t understand the sequence of events that at least I was party to… which is simply that 25 mins approx before show time someone forwarded the quoted text from David’s Wilcock warning people that he had received a death threat and might not make it to morning… He’s a good friend, and naturally I was concerned. So I called him to see if this was bogus (someone hacking his site etc). I could tell instantly he was scared and it was true so I said in true Camelot style… hey let’s get you on the air and make this so well known they don’t dare hit you. So we did.

It was my idea to bring on Anonymous (actually I called him immediately after I hung up with David and although I can’t remember if I asked I remember he volunteered to come on the air and make sure the low level guys got the message). I was surprised he would risk everything to do this on the one hand but knowing how loyal and caring he was and how he could protect David (that is, contact those who could) I agreed. He then asked permission and sorted out a quick cover story.. and we arranged to have him call in on a special phone.

This all ended up happening partly during when I was on air in the beginning with David.. since things took some time to get to happen… the phone hook up etc. I had no idea how David would react.. and no idea he would break down. But then, Bob Dean broke down when he talked to me about his off-world encounters on camera and so I was no stranger to emotional displays… This was not scripted and it was real. David barely had time to think about anything before he came on the air…. what happened was LIVE and raw. If you wish it were otherwise might I suggest CNN…?

At any rate he broke down because in many ways he is not a hardened type and facing the real thing (in the form of the threats) and because the source (person who contacted him relaying the threats was a trusted friend) he totally believed them. I have said on my blog at that point the fact that they didn’t just kill him but instead threatened to do so indicated it was a psyop… and I said as much on the air.. in the form of a question to Anonymous. Listen back and you will hear it. Having had a similar threat myself a year ago I was familiar with the approach…

Why they targeted him is still a mystery. In fact it may be they wanted to create just such an effect… stirring the waters to see how this sector reacted and whether they could manipulate his behavior… Generate enough fear to where he would drop it or release it sooner.. that’s a weird twist. They threatened him if he didn’t release it within such and such amount of time, and unless he got such and such amount of viewers.. only then would he survive beyond 3 days… What is that about? Two possibilities come to mind, either they wanted the info out there or they wanted to see if he had anything worth killing him or anyone else over (ie. such as naming names). As it happens, so far it seems the answer is no he doesn’t really have anything new…

The only things that a source told me he would be killed over is having copies of or the original, Book of Codes and Maklumat. And the chances of him having copies of both are astronomical I am told. Unfortunately if you listen closely to the beginning of the show he says he has them. Later he denies it. Later he had to have been warned… to say he didn’t have them. On air, before he had time to think, when he was crying and stating what was going on presumably he spoke the truth.

You are wondering why he made sure to put out in separate locations copies of crucial info he has but presumably has not yet released?? Well that is simply what we are all told to do. Some of us are organized enough (in our saner hours) to do so and others may be more … uh, serendipitious.

It’s not about deception. David may have an audience, so do we, but truth is our drug of choice and we don’t lay down for anything less to put it crudely. Service to others. Get it? You can still have a big ego, and intellect and still react emotionally to things that trigger you. In David’s case this was it. That doesn’t mean he isn’t a seasoned performer (speaker to large groups with years of experience mastering the emotions using the intellect and trouble shooting social situations on the fly) this is the identical type of recovery a trained actor has… I know because I studied acting with the best. And this doesn’t mean he didn’t honesty feel great fear and honestly cry as a result of the pressure… it was real.

I do understand, it’s an old story… yes it is. But David is a journalist and a researcher and his contacts Keenan et al are coming to him with a personal angle on an old story of danger and intrigue to do with MONEY… well I would take them on… wouldn’t you? The fact is we all want to change the system. If running a lawsuit brings certain inequities to light then so be it.

Now the fact that Keenan and company are likely run by the Kuomintang behind the scenes and that they, that org, might have access to such off limits things like the Book of Codes and Maklumat… well that just makes it interesting.

My source says, he went into the Philippines and he saw the Book of Codes… 11 men went in and only 2 came out alive and he was one of them. He is scared to even “talk” about it. He said the Book of Codes is covered with a heavy black energy and warned David (by way of me) to stay far, far away even from copies…

Lastly, it’s not about the drama. Life is drama…like it or not. Get used to it. All I am trying to do is use my public formats; interviews, Camelot roundtables and my blog as places to do just that. I think we can handle the truth no matter how ‘dramatic’ it is. It’s not drama for drama’s sake or some self-serving agenda… it’s about awakening humanity and that doesn’t come easy… hell sometimes realizations also known as “truth” make you cry!

More later….


On Separation and Holding the Light

… a Camelot viewer wrote in “I am seeing more separation of those who should be more closely alligned NOW more than ever.. I am reading from many parties information that seems to coming from ego… and those are attacking “verbally” in one way or another against each other… this is the exact opposite of what we need now…”…

Here are my thoughts on the subject:

Keep in mind that during this time it is nearly inevitable that these separations will manifest. People are showing all sorts of discontinuities… both in their outward manifestations and in their relations with others. Staying coherent under the current energies is a challenge for everyone. But if you have soul integrity and alignment it is possible to stay true to the inner you.

It is enough to be a light for others… you cannot be their light. I think it is not possible to reflect them back to them at this time. Especially when they are so fragmented. Each must find their own innermost light and shine that forth.

The ESF and the Fed

click here to view this interesting overview of how the ESF and the Treasury influence the Fed

and don’t miss Part II – funding Covert Operations…

Part II Released by D. Wilcock and Reply to Duncan


Part II of David’s article now published

Note from an undiclosed source…

Someone wrote to me the following:…paraphrased to protect their identity….

” I have actually held several of those one hundred million bonds that were going to China in my hands. What may not be known is that there were 3 airplanes each with 3 or 4 safes loaded with the bonds taking the bonds to China for the gold from the U.S. and they were shoot down by our own planes. But, one limped off to some place in the Philippines and the safes were recovered by some Philippine people. Then they were recovered by an American over there. Etc etc.”

Too Tough to Cry my reply to Duncan’s attack

click here for the Camelot Forum post

Yes, I am giving this added coverage. Not because Duncan is right but because many people who are out here on the firing lines with us including Duncan are feeling that somehow David got singled out because his reaction to a death threat became so public. Sorry guys. That includes me. I am out there every day. And we went public in this case because that is the Camelot motto and for good reason. It works. ‘The best place to hide is out in the open’.

I was notified of the threats 25 minutes before my Wednesday night show. This is LIVE radio. Deal with it. No canned dramas, no rehearsals. Just the real thing.

And yes, he cried and showed fear. It wasn’t an act. He’s not a supersoldier and he doesn’t wear a mask. He has that wonderful gift of a rich emotional life close to the surface. Sure he could have stood it like a man, stoic in the face of the threats. I caught him unguarded and totally accessible. So sue me. This is what we do. We put the truth out there. Raw and uncensored.

My reply to Duncan’s post also posted on Camelot Forum:

MY REPLY to Duncan’s Blog post also posted as a comment on Duncan’s Blog

Kerry Cassidy said,
December 18, 2011 at 6:16 pm


You know Duncan, you are insulting me here. Interesting how an act of love and concern on the part of me (it was MY SHOW) and no it was not a dog and pony show… and the love and concern on the part of Anonymous gets twisted… by you into something it was not. Yes we went live with it… and David is not you. He has not been necessarily beaten and tortured and given several alters. He’s not a hardened super soldier. But he reacted honestly to a real threat. The other people you are insulting here is Anonymous (who you know and should respect) and the original contact/friend who told David about the threats from 2 individuals who called that person.

You also know that friend. And you are insulting him. Why? He’s also someone who deserves your respect.

The fact is, David and I are out there on the front lines right along with you and many others. So why are you and certain other people who will not be mentioned by name attacking us? Because he showed some emotion and fear. At least he was telling it like it is for him. No mask there. No alter covering the layers… You are attacking him and me For telling the truth. For revealing something going on at the time. That was live radio. Deal with it. It was real. And you of all people should know that.

If you wanted to counsel David like an older brother or father figure and tell him to suck it up I suggest an email to him would have been more of an act of love. In essence you wanted David to ‘act like a man’ stand up and fight back … well fine by why make it public? Why attack him at his most vulnerable in public? What are you aiming at?

I don’t know why “they” are winding you up… but you are off base here. I think you have your targets mixed up. Aiming at close friends and comrades in this struggle is hardly honorable.

I suggest you rethink your approach… or ask your alter to stand down. WE are not the enemy. AND WE ARE NOT A DOG AND PONY SHOW.

Kerry Cassidy
Project Camelot

A Note on Anonymous

For the record, as I have stated on Avalon Forum… I do know Anonymous.. I invited him to come on the show. We did this in order to get a message out there to protect David. That mission was accomplished. At great personal risk Anonymous came forward. He is not from ‘off world’ as some surmised. He is very much one of us. By that I mean, he is a highly gifted human with ET roots as we all are.

Another clarification

The risk to David has to do with having copies of or seen copies of the Book of Maklumat and possiblity that he may have seen the Book of Codes. The people David is dealing with have seen them (as least this is what they claim). According to one of my sources who has seen the Book of Codes, this is supposedly enough to get you killed. Several others he was with were killed.

Nothing in this story is new. All of it is out there a multitude of places. The drama focuses for the most part on the gold in the Phillippines. The word we have is that it has since been taken many places including off world. There may be some remaining gold which is under guard and also surrounded by what one might call a force field likely erected by an off-world race, possibly the Anunnaki.

Update from David’s site:

…”I have also now been contacted by the Dragon Family representatives associated with the lawsuit, and as a result of this threat, I have been told to relay the following:


Note: what David was given are copies of a portion of the The Book of Maklumat which are quite difficult to read and are separate from the Book of Codes….

David Wilcock: Trillion Dollar Lawsuit–Death threat


Special Broadcast: Death Threats against David Wilcock


December 14, 2011 – Part 2

Breaking News! David Wilcock receives Death Threat

9:42 PM

First, David is now safe and protected. Please read below and listen to the two hours unfolding to get a clear picture of the sequence of events.
This is a very emotional very real unscripted show.



Or ListenDownload for free here:


Thank you to everyone listening for all the help and love. Please continue to send your love and stand in solidarity with David and all of us during this time. We place arms around the world in blessing and stand together – for together, united we are. 

Kerry Cassidy

   Project Camelot



December 14, 2011 Part 1

Breaking News! David Wilcock receives Death Threat



" For the first time in my entire career as a journalist, I have been given a very severe threat, handed to me from one of my top insiders. I was told that I have tonight only to get Part Two out — "it would be a very good idea" for my own safety, as publicity is protection.Although the exact nature of the threat is unspecified, I was told I might be "lucky" if all I got was torture. If I am savvy, so I am told, I may get away with spending the rest of my life in a top-secret facility in a "deep, dark hole" working as a black-ops scientist.

The best protection I have is publicity. For that same reason I will be releasing Part Two as soon as possible, even if I have to stay up all night.It has been an honor serving you. Never forget how much you are loved. If I am to die, then I die with honor — a noble soldier of the Light. I thank you for all the love and care you have shown me over the years and am grateful that I have left such a vast legacy of helpful material for you.I have to get to work now. Thank you and God bless you."

The above qoted text reprinted from David Wilcock's site DivineCosmos



McCain a double agent? And note reg. “The Book of Codes”


David Wilcock does not have the Book of Codes

Important Note:David does not have the Book of Codes nor does he have any copies… Apparently having a copy of this in possession will get you killed. Among other things it lays out the Illuminati agenda authored many years ago… positing the cashless society and credit cards when they did not yet exist. A Source has told me that he was one of the few people to see it. He didn't look long because among other things it is surrounded by a very dark energy.

click here to listen to my radio show with David Wilcock, Anonymous on Youtube without commercials

From Veteran's Today – Gordon Duff's article — reveals among other things that McCain is a double agent being run by Putin…

Spies, Just Another Job but Dumber


and another very well researched article sent to me by a source…on surveillance

Carrier IQ … by Madison Ruppert

…"The details surrounding Carrier IQ are still quite fuzzy at this point but it is clear that it is not just a diagnostic tool collecting anonymous information to make our user experience better."

Iran and the downed drone + More on David Wilcock and Fulford


Benjamin Fulford is on American Freedom Radio right now with Sean David Morton

click here to listen

Drone a Trojan Horse sent in to trigger war

Here's another approach to the captured drone issue. Judging from Cheney's theatrics and the state of the secret space program technology, it is highly likely that if Iran 'captured' a drone it did so because the PTB wanted it to. I would say based on what I know, the drone in Iran is like a Trojan Horse. If you read below (reposted link here) Mike Harris's article on the back doors in hardware and you add info from one of our top whistleblowers, even a back door can have another back door… Think Chinese boxes.

The Drone was sent in as a trigger to stimulate war and take down our President… as just one more sign (they hope) that we need a change of regime. As things crowd upon Obama you need to ask yourself what is it about 2012 and the next 4 years where they want to get someone else in the White House and why can't they wait. It seems something wicked this way comes…

Another note: don't get rid of your gold… that's exactly what they want you to do. Evidence is that there is more to the fixation on gold on this planet than simply as a 'medium of exchange'. The Anunnaki are still taking it off planet I am told and they use it to jump start the transformation of consciousness.

The threats on David Wilcock are a psyop … and that doesn't mean that they aren't real. Simply that if they were going to kill him (as one contact from law enforcement told me) they would do so. The threats imply that they simply want to coerce him into a fear, fight or flight mode. My advice to David echoed by one of my more astute sources is tell them to f—k off. I would.

Link to the GPS spoof-hack Drone theory

Link to Mike Harris's excellent article on Drones, China and Back Doors

Update: David is fine. I just spoke with him. His report will be out later today.

This is a developing story. I will post updates when possible. Thank you for your support.


For the record:

From A post on Ben's blog:
"Ben said….The truth, however, is that I went to a stream by the mountains in order to have a private conversation with a certain individual. These days mobile phones are GPS enabled portable listening devices while drones and other surveillance technology make having a private conversation almost impossible. For that reason, I find it necessary to go near a loud (lots of static) stream in a narrow mountain valley to make sure I can have a private conversation. However, I can assure everybody that I am just fine and was not “kidnapped.”

Last night's show on Youtube without commercials thanks to American Freedom Radio

click here to listen

The Return of Camelot on Earth

This morning I received this extraordinary painting and message in my inbox.

Posted with permission.

Greetings Kerry,

I have just listened to the interview with David Wilcock and Anonymous; It was amazing and had an incredible l impact on me, quite impossible to express in words i think.
Bless you all for your courageous hearts ! I would love to honor "Anonymous" words that – humanity one day will be covered with rainbows – by sending you a picture of a painting I made some years ago. If it can be of any inspiration, hope or encouragement – please feel free to share it in abundance !

Much Love and Light to all of you out there at the "Front" !

Helene in France

helene rainbowspaintinglowrez

Kerry guest on ‘Republic Broadcasting’ and Letter to a Friend



Breaking Into the Other Side of RADIO – Kerry was a Guest Today on Mike Harris's Radio Show on Republic Broadcasting… the Repercussions

This morning history was made in a very quiet way on Republic Broadcasting. I was interviewed by Mike Harris on his morning show that goes out to a very mainstream audience of veterans and others. Shortly after the show (see below for links to the show) Mike Harris received a phone call from the very irate owner of the network who proceeded to berate him for letting 'someone like me' who believes in things like (as he put it) shapeshifting aliens and reptoids', on the show! Although we never actually discussed shapeshifting in any depth the point was clear. It seems that Mike Harris, writer for Veterans Today has inadvertently crossed theline from mainstreaminto the fringe or alternative sector!mikeharris

Mike Harris is a uniquely gifted individual who ran for governor of Arizona and has a substantial background in the semiconductor industry, among other things. He is an unlikely Radio Talk Show Host and joined Republic Broadcasting just under a month ago through a serendipitous set of circumstances. To hear about that and much more I encourage you to tune in to my show on American Freedom Radio on December 21st where we will continue our discussion from the broadcast today and move into much more about our areas of common interest! As a long time fan of Project Camelot he has listened to dozens of our interviews and is quite knowledgeable about things going on beneath the Matrix…

Link to today's show on Republic Broadcasting coming soon…. You must hear this show… pay special attention to the number of times Mike was thrown off the air and the subjects I was talking about at the time… clearly this show was never supposed to happen! But it did. Score one for the light side!




click here for Mike's short bio on Republic Broadcasting Network (RBN)

click here for Mike's important article on Veterans Today: "The Great Chinese-Iranian Stealth Reconnaissance Drone Theft Caper"



Thanks so much for getting back to me.  Let me say that I am totally aware of the fact that Richard is deeper in than he reveals and that he is playing on both sides (so to speak).  This is known to me.

As a whistleblower and insider, by definition, it goes with the territory….

I also know, psychically a number of things about him that I do not talk about.  It's simply that he has a right to be who he wants to be and withhold certain knowledge etc as he does.  That doesn't mean I agree with it but I believe in the freedom and sovereignty of each individual fully.  And if he chooses to walk on the dark side in some respects that is his soul prerogative. 

This does not change the fact that he has also been one of the very few willing to fight to get truth out about what NASA has really been doing and he is a thorn in the side of the secret space program.  He may also be aligned with a side of the agenda that I don't agree with but that is the nature of the beast. Whistleblowers have their pov and their allegiances and they have every right to them regardless of the fact that we don't agree with them.

I am not a fan of Hoagland's conclusions and I have made no secret of that, but I support and applaud his research and courage and dedication for getting the truth out there.  He's no different than many other Camelot whistleblowers in that respect.

You and others have also had to work on the dark side (as I know you know) and you can be used in a heartbeat by them if you are not completely on guard and careful.  This goes for many others including Aaron, Bill and David Wilcock for that matter.  Things that look 'positive' can easily be twisted and used by the dark side to facilitate some nefarious agenda they have in mind.  It happens every day.

Whistleblowers by nature of who they are — walk on both sides of the line.  They have to.  They wouldn't be whistleblowers otherwise.  And in my experience many of them go back to the other side after they have come forward to tell the truth, sometimes because they are coerced and other times because they actually find themselves aligned with or in agreement with some overall agenda that the dark side has… it's a fascinating dynamic and agenda.

It takes an exceptionally clear individual to resist the temptations the dark side rolls out to lure people out telling the truth back to their side.  You and Duncan are likely more familiar with this than most!

On a psychic level I am very much in touch with many of our whistleblowers on an ongoing basis.  You should not wonder that I see beneath the surface of these individuals.  But I too have an agenda.. a light side agenda..and there are a number of people who are serving the light even when they think they are serving the dark!  Not many people recognize this.

It is not a black and white world out there.  And being aware of the nuances is what separates the men from the boys and the adepts from the neophytes.  Failing to see how some gesture or act is being used by one side or another is something that can have serious consequences on a soul level.  

It's not as simple as coming forward and telling the truth.  It's being aware of how certain knowledge and revelations are going to be used and manipulated. That is the real indicator of a master player in the game.   Playing the Players so to speak.  This is where the game gets really interesting.

Stakes are raised at the moment and people in our sector are being taken out right and left (psychically, mentally and emotionally)– taken out of the game.  They are pitting us against one another and being very successful.  I urge everyone to look deeper at this attack on Hoagland and realize what is really being facilitated here.  Who benefits (qui bono) you have to ask yourself…. It is not the people.

The fact is that we the people have very few who are able to come forward and speak publicly about these subjects.  Hoagland has key access to insiders most people have no clue about and this makes his approach very valuable to all of us.  That and his astute and inquiring mind.  We need more people like him to come forward and battle on the part of the people.  No he's not perfect, nobody is, but he is fulfilling an important role and doing a service to humanity.

There are others out there and I wish to hell they would have the courage to come forward…. It is actually sad how few whistleblowers there are.. but when you are out here in the cold, telling it like it is and being laughed at, attacked and denigrated in every which way it does make you wonder why we bother.  It takes a huge sense of mission, of right and wrong and of courage to keep at it every day in the face of such adversity… 

Even to the point where the very people you are working so hard to bring the truth to, throw it back in your face and don't recognize it for what it is.  On top of that the people who should be fighting side by side with you turn on you and join the dark side in lying about who you are and what you are doing.  

We have witnessed many of our Camelot whistleblowers do just that.  We put ourselves and our lives on the line to help them get their message out there, and it is heartbreaking to see how often those people, who we have stood by and taken bullets for in the public sector, turn around and knife us in the back. It truly shakes the foundations of the strongest among us and it's no wonder many fold or go under or worse go back working for the 'man'.  

I know you understand this.  I can only say, it is more vital now, as the battle intensifies that we stand strong together.  We don't have to agree on everything but we each have a message and in some cases the message may even challenge the people around us who thought they knew everything about what is going on… Sometimes they are the hardest cases because they think they know… but they may be being misled.  It happens everyday.

Certain of those among us have been out there long enough and been flattered long enough to think they know the real truth above and beyond everyone else. This is the biggest deception of all.  It takes a huge act of soul searching to realize you may still have things to learn.  Stay open.  The mind as they say, is like a parachute, it only works when it's open. 

I applaud your courage and steadfastness in the face of the obstacles in our path.

In truth,

Kerry Cassidy
Project Camelot

Link to this post on Camelot Forum if you want to take part in the discussion click here.

MK-Ultra Shooting in Hollywood?


This incident brings to mind the shooter in Norway not long ago as well as Whitley Strieber's book called "The Grays". The high liklihood that this person is another one of their 'experiments' in psychosis is blatant….

A source wrote:

…"I was sitting in a coffee house blocks away from this when it went down. I heard the shots, heard the cop cars and saw the helicopters swarm.

I read this later in the day and have yet to see anyone else in the media repeat it or bring it up.

"Alligood described Brehm as a "humanitarian," and someone who was "extremely motivated to change the world for the better." He even managed a non-profit organization for a friend, she said, but would not name the organization.

She said Brehm was "really stressed out lately."

He met a woman he thought was a pharmaceutical saleswoman, who had given him some kind of pills, Alligood said. He began taking the pills, which was alarming because he never took "hard" drugs before.

"He was very anti-pharmaceutical," Alligood said.

After Brehm met the woman — who Alligood would not name — he was never the same."

Say what?" — a source


EVIDENCE of the Brown Dwarf


click here to view (note: must translate)



“Intrigued by The Fact That long-period comets Observed from Earth orbits seem to follow are not randomly oriented That in space, a scientist at the Open University in the UK These comets is Arguing That Could Be Influenced by the gravity of a large undiscovered object in orbit around the Sun. Writing in the issue of the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society published on 11th October, Dr John Murray sets out a case for an object orbiting the Sun 32.000 times farther away Than Earth. It would, howeve, be moving Extremely faint and slow, and so Would Have ESCAPED detection by present and previous searches for distant planets.

Long-period comets originate in Believe To are to vast ‘reservoir’ of Potential comets, the Oort cloud Known as, surrounding the solar system at distances Between 10.000 and 50.000 About astronomical units from the Sun. (One astronomical unit is the average distance Approximately Between the Earth and the Sun.) They reach the Earth’s vicinity in inner solar system when to Their usual, remote orbits are disturbed. Only when near to the Sun do These icy objects grow and eat the tails That Give Them the familiar form of a comet. That Dr Murray notes the comets Reaching the inner solar system include a group coming from directions in space are strung out That Along an arc across the sky. He Argues That This Could mark the wake of Some large body moving-through space in the outer part of the Oort cloud, giving gravitational kicks to comets as it goes.

The object Would Have to Be at least as massive as Jupiter to create a gravitational disturbance large enough to give rise to the Observer Effect, But Currently Favoured Theories of how the solar system can not Easily Formed Explain the Presence of a large planet so far from the Sun. If It Were ten times more massive Than Jupiter, it more akin to Would Be a brown dwarf (the coolest kind of stellar object) Than a planet, brighter, and more likely to Have been detected already.”

Indefinite Detention Bill


Keep your Eye on Stan Deyo for Earth Changes Reports

click here for his website and view latest news

I recommend upcoming radio show on Dec 12th… as well as recent ones listed there for updates on what's happening.

Indefinite Detention Bill

…"because the Senate is using the bill that authorizes funding for the military as its vehicle for this dramatic constitutional claim, it’s pretty likely to pass."

click here for article

FAA Head Resigns and Object Near Mercury


click here to read
Is it just me or are they planning something to do with planes?

Object near Mercury

Several people have been asking about the object near Mercury. Back on October 13th I posted 2 photos and opened the discussion for those who read my blog regarding this object.

According to my sources this may well be a planet… possibly Nibiru or the Brown Dwarf. Yes I realize this doesn’t fit current views of what’s going on in space!

PLEASE CLICK HERE for my blog entry from October 13th…

This video link shows the object as well I believe… click here to view (I have no confirmation on this one).