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Unusual Banking Activity Report #4 + More…


Unusual Banking Activity Report #4

Note: behind the scenes the Global Settlements have been due to be released a number of times over the past year… and each time it gets close someone steps in to stop them. We are told, each time, the members of the Bush Cabal are responsible.

Along those lines, if the Global Settlements are released, according to the White Hats the next step is the revaluation of the Iraqui Dinar… This is what may be causing the strange banking now for the report from an undisclosed source:

* Note – We did not expect to be giving you a 4th up-date concerning Current World Wide Banking Status. The Re- Alignment should have Been Completed 14 Hrs ago.

* Systems Stat – UST & All other Letter Agencies just removed from Lock down (Washington, London, Zurich, Basel, Geneva). This includes UST, BIS, IMF, and almost every other Major Bank in Europe, The Americas, Africa, Asia and most if not all of South American Banks and Financial Institutions.

* Since we have never seen this before, it still remains a mystery how the International Banking Community could keep 154 Exotic currencies off the Boards Listed at 00.0000 Buy / 00.0000 Sell and not in the Exotic trading community, for 19 Business trading days, is still beyond our comprehension . One would think at some point it would reach the Financial sector, or they would at least discuss the matter publicly in the International Community. Talk about Banking & Media Control. Jeeses Lawissese.

* Analysis – Still UN-known.

* Conclusion – UN-known at this point – Extremely Unusual Banking Activity.

— from an undisclosed source.

At this point one has to ask ones-self… what is the game and is the objective to push the White Hats over the edge and cause them to do something wild and crazy…in order to take them down?

Nuclear Blackmail on Governments – Has Israel Planted a Nuclear Bunker-Busting Bomb Underground in Chicago?

According to Alan Hart, guest of Mike Harris, radio talk show host from Republic Broadcasting, 1 nuke went missing from a group of 5 and was traced to a warehouse in Chicago… reported sometime in 2010… on Rense and other news outlets…

…”The Delta force was deployed to recover the missing nuke in East Chicago [Illinois–correction], this was in the news a while back, Delta Force conducted a raid an empty warehouse, with radioactive residue from having an unshielded nuclear bomb on the premises. (Public record, should still be available on Rense.com).”– Mike Harris

This was independently confirmed by two top level sources to Mike Harris.

Click here for an article released in May 2011 regarding the warehouse raid and Minot incident.

Where this all leads is that a nuclear “bunker busting” bomb is said to be hidden undergroun by Israel as “insurance” to make sure our Congress and so-called leaders continue to keep Israel’s demands first and foremost in mind. This is nuclear blackmail. Out of this, as remarked in the above article from IntelHub, a false flag attack triggering WWIII is entirely possible.



 Thank you so much for your generosity. Your donations make our work possible!


1.  PAYPAL –  You can click the PAYPAL BUTTON below or you can send money VIA your PAYPAL to: kerry@projectcamelot.org 


click this PAYPAL button… Note:  Paypal also takes CREDIT CARDS

NOTE: Donations are not tax deductible for United States citizens. 

Project Camelot is not a non-profit company.

Note: If you wish to donate to Kerry by check or money order please make it payable to:

Kerry Cassidy  Mailing address:

Project Camelot

638 Lindero Canyon Road, #277
Oak Park, CA 91377

Note:  this is a mailing address only!

Donations Important Notes

Special note: All videos and information have been free on Project Camelot for over 9 years, since its inception in 2006.

Regarding Project Camelot Live Events: These events take a great deal of time and work to organize, advertise and set up involving programming and technical back end work. In addition, we often pay the speakers who take part and therefore we charge some small amount for viewing and participation via chat or call-in number.

Project Camelot reserves all rights on all interviews and live events that we Produce.

Thank you for your continuing support of our work!



Donations to Project Camelot and Project Avalon:

We have split our operations now for over 6 years.  Bill Ryan is heading up Project Avalon and Kerry Cassidy is solely in charge of Project Camelot.  

If you wish to contribute to Project Avalon go here:  http://projectavalon.net


Support Us


First of all, I want to thank everyone who has already donated and supported our work at Camelot over the past 6+ years. You have made our work possible!

Note: If you wish to donate to Kerry use the Donate Button on the right side of the page or for MAIL:  by check or money order please make it payable to:


Kerry Cassidy

Project Camelot

638 Lindero Canyon Road, #277

Oak Park, CA 91377

 Special Note:  Please do not send mail or money for Bill Ryan to this address.  To support Bill Ryan and Avalon please go to http://projectavalon.net

 wide clean


If you want to support our work going forward you can do so in the following ways:

Investor needed for Worldwide Speaking Events

I am planning speaking events Australia, New Zealand & Europe and could use an investor to establish backing for this venture. Interested parties contact  kerry@projectcamelot.tv

Advertising Space Now Available

Advertising space is now available for like-minded companies and individuals on Project Camelot. Please visit our ADVERTISE page for rates and details. (This page from the old site relates also to the new site!)  We also have ad space available on the Camelot Forum.

Volunteers & Job Openings at Camelot

Web Team Needed


As you will have seen, this new site is still UNDER DEVELOPMENT in several areas.  We are now looking to add team members for the new site in several areas:


1.  Quality Control/Proof-reading – expertise with Joomla and site project management with special ability in the Quality Control and proof-reading/testing area.  Must have excellent attention to detail.  


Basically we need someone who can go through the old sites and make sure nothing has been left off the new site.  And then make sure everything on the new site is tested and works including players, links and page layouts.  Note:  this job does not necessarily have to be someone with coding skill just the ability to make “to do” lists and make sure the other team members make the fixes.


If you have this ability and the time to devote please contact kerry@projectcamelot.tv


2. Sales & Management for Online Store – we need someone to find like-minded companies with green products and positive life style products including survival kits to sell through our online store.  We are hoping to generate a revenue stream from this that will help us pay our web team members and keep Camelot afloat!  Commission based.


3. Designer for VIDEO LIBRARY :  This is the archive of all the Camelot videos, audios and written material.  We need someone with superior Joomla design skills to create a Hulu.com layout for videos (see layout at http://hulu.com ) to make finding and searching of videos easier and more user friendly.


Please contact : kerry@projectcamelot.tv


Please put WEB TEAM in all Caps in the subject line.




We are seeking two translators from each language for translating and proofing of the translations of the material on the Project Camelot Library.

Please email “M.W. Walako” transcripts@projectcamelotportal.com for more info.

Advertising Sales Executives needed

To sell ad placements for Project Camelot. This will be commission based – percentage off the top of sale of ad space. If you are interested contact kerry@projectcamelot.tv

Round Table


Over 1500 people have now committed to our Round Table pledge list, from all over the world.
It’s an honor for us to publish the names of those taking the stand.

We invite you to join us.


Contact us, or send us an e-mail with the word
“PLEDGE” in the subject line.


Being of sound mind, heart and spirit,
we each declare the following to be true:

We have no intention of ending our own lives.

We will not tolerate suppression of our truths, our ideas, our freedoms, or our work.

We stand together to support others in the expression of truths and freedom to speak out… no matter how radical those ideas may seem.

Standing for freedom takes courage; together we shall be strong in the face of all odds.

If it is ever claimed that we have committed suicide, disappeared, been institutionalized, or sold out financially or in any other way to self-interested factions, we declare those claims false and fabricated.

We testify, assert and affirm without reservation, on behalf of all those who have dedicated their lives to the ending of secrecy and the promotion of freedom of thought, ideas and expression… that we shall prevail.

Bill Ryan 
Kerry Cassidy
Capt. Randy Gernert
Janet Tyson
Ann Eller
Meria Heller
Ann Ernst
Jacobus Esaias Theron
Annie Reddock
John Brady
Barry Chalmers
Dexter Ator

Tim Sandgren
Wendie Press

Jason Groves
Sal Carrubba
Mike Jones

William Spowage
John Proctor
Gary Poulton

Alec Ferrell
Yonadav Bar Ilan
Marco Pelloni
James W. Barry, Jr.
Paul Stow
Michael Soeltaansingh
Andrew S. McCombs

Philip Dawes
Wayne Such

Rodney B. Morrill
Nancy Duey
Robert L. Ellis
Bernd Edgar Hildebrandt
Ann Parker
Robert Lennox
Curtis Bard

George C. Hutslar
Andrew R. Biggins
Debra McCollam
Dante Anderson
Javier Leal
Uwe D’rose
Alex Greaves
Ernest J. Karhu
Amanda Greathouse
Johnny Lone
Scott Johnson
Ryan Walsh
Kelly Cavanaugh
John Aspray
Jeremy Stride
Jim Stucke
Eugene Duran
Peter Roslund 
Graham Harte
Rick Clark
Kari Väisänen 
Mike Probert
Marko Vrtaric
Trond Egil Nørstad
Jou A. Camara
Sir Dr. Matthew Buckley
Jeneane Planc
Stuart Ward
Vicki Dreher
Ian deMontfort
Pete Masi
Elias Damon
Tom Wright
Paul Jackson
Arthur Cristian
Fiona Cristian
Paul Nicholas Hunter
John Rigon
Zen Benefiel
Ray Reed
Géry Van Landeghem
Thomas Kirschner
Nick Smith
Shaun Watson
Kelvin Rigon
Pascal Theissen
Danny Heytens
Adara Jones
Sammy Lindstrom
Hette Buitenrust Hettema
Janne Kuoppamäki
Jean Dedieu
Jonas Eriksson
Jason Hillman
Rosemary C. Kelly 
Chani Jacobson
John Canning
Daniel Costello
Richard Barendregt
Andy Patterson
Harald Peter Falk
Tomas Stach
Voloshin Philipp
Lynn Taylor
James M. Booth
David Lloyd
Ek Chuan
Alex Schuster
Kelly Reeves
David Barclay
Tim Bergkvist
Petter Gustavsson
Mattias Rönnlund
Armando Campo
Ronald E. McCowen
Jan St. Germain
Pierre Vinodolac
Ron Gershinsky
Tom Fox 
Jennie P. Shetina
Karl Donaldson
Richard Bland
Kathleen Donovan
William Thompson
Russell Isaac
Yvonne Reneman
Patti Robin Smith
M. Moosbauer
Robert van Harrewijen
Chris Armes
Jason Lemons
Laura McNerney
Jurgen Alan
Rebecca Jernigan
Andrew Davidson-Clark
Jorge Alejandro Garcia Flores
Tim Larkin
Cheryl Nelson O’Brien
Dan Goderre
Murray Barlow
Andrew Shackleton
John Dickson
Wil Ky
Michael D. Chappell
Selby Anderson
Erwin Pauli
Laura Morrison
Jessica Stiffler
David Watkins
Larry Schiller
Mitchell W. Reese
Mike Fairman
Maka Fairman
Dmitri Vada
Gogo Bela MacQuillan
Pepon Jover del Pozo
Øivind Heggen Bechensten 
Aubert Little
Grace Thompson
Debbie Kiely
Kevin Stocks
Michael A. Melton
Paul J. Salmon
Yuri Gurevich
Jenine J.M. DiConti
Lance Boley
Matthew McKill
Janice Murdoch
Pelayo Martinez
Jaap Oosterklamp
Paul E. Coughlin
Rebecca Shanks
Uldis Knakis
Deborah R. Sontag
Linda Peterson
Paul Burke
Paul Connolly
Sherwood Ensey
Jarle Johansen
Lea Beau
Minoe Dotwood
Ray van Halen
Tayfun Karatas
Stefan Holmberg
Brian Egan
Kevin Meier
Alberta Phillips
David Houck 
Elainie King Valenta
Jon Danner
Joshua R. Wijaya
Andrew Richards
Harriet Capes 
Joshua Dharma
Ash Staunton
Jeffrey Long
Robert W. Steell
Anja Morit
Samira Malakpour
David Pierce
Anthony Broodman
Arjan Bos
Alex Richard Catton
Michael Stefaun
Butch Holland
Kyle Parton
Mark Sullivan
Daniel Asquith
Gina A. Chartier
Matthew Thompson
Sylvain Larose
Blake Osman
Wendy Armitage
Celeste Lhombreaud
Cynthya Jensen
Tom Cato Aslaksen
Patrick Eakin
Crystal Birch
Lisa Dalton
Brigitte Lafrechoux
Allan Reed
Keith Copsin
Noel Newell
Yu Ly
Daniel van Ameyde
James Smith
Rasmita Adhikary
Amber Seree Allen
Philip J. Balesteri
Andrés Boulton
Ian T. Cruz
Martin Carter
Kristian Snabbhare
John Hodder
Ben Barends
Chris Thomson
Leslie Smith
Martin Hill
Hilde Majanke Makkinje
M. G. Page
Ron Jovellanos
Odd Arild Thevik
Hans Christian Deila
Jay Rivett
Bruce Fenton
Tony L. Harris
Gordon D. McHendry
Dr. Ali Fant
Richard C. Hoagland
Pratap Adhikari
Todd Schimke
Umit Iyigonul
Dr. Anngwyn St. Just
Oliver Roese
Bryon Osborne
George Simonca
A. Piotr Lesinski
Michael Hyatt
Brian D. Russo
Christopher Mamphey
David Evans
Thor Riki Byhre
Guido van Loenen
Michael A. Curcio, Sr.
Jill Livingston
Ingrid T. Sorum
Sangeeta Singh
Alan Karna
Phil Moufarrege
Roger Meuffels
Tom Fisher
Kevin Kessell
Reny Kitto
Roemer Karst
Gregory Wade Peterson 
Robin Korneliussen
Armin Bahrami
Yvonne Vikan Kolden
Julie Anna Norris
Brian McGilvray
Martin Lindgren
Douglas Day
Duncan Maxwell
Frank Samuel Vega
Christian Fecteau
Tom R. Grøndahl
Jean-Pierre Brault
Matthew Foreman
Chris Case
Jaeme Newton
Mark Harbour
Nancy L. Williams
Paulus Najim van der Meer
Barry M. King
Galatea Katsuragi
Raymond Reid
Dr. José Luis Lopez-Bonilla
Ricky Weber
Jón Tryggvi Unnarsson
Tony Topping
Orion Morris
Rama Demetrius Dyushambee
Michael Priebe
Liv Bjøringsøy
Graig Yarbrough
Sampson Knight
Barry Andrew Winfield
Kevin Smith
Craig Woods
Jason Holloway
Pietro Sciacca
Thor Fornes
Andy Contreras
William S. Watson
Espen Xandrius Leinæs
Jon J. Doucette
Kim Stensbøl
Scott Halliburton
Dave Carlson
James Chapman 
Chuck Ketchum
James Stuart Morris
Eric Janovsky
Ken Q. Vo
Chuck Willman
Noeline Clayfield
Skyler Phoenix
Lionel Baker
John G. Howard II
Charlene O’Donnell
Michael Maylam
Philip Howery
Knut Falch
Ola Razzaq
Don Armstrong
Debbie Williams
Alan Bebbington
Douglas Graff
Alex Salkin
Eric Caires
Daniel Wiberg
Kevin Gamuzza
Sigurd Mellqvist
Liam Dunlop
David Neo
Patrick Breakwell
Rob Devost
Paul Andrew Harlick 
James Powell
Sheri Amara
Brian Rogers
Jessica Rockwell
Marianne Bishop
Gwen Blanchard
Robert Bast
Benjamin Read
Frank Fihn
Atle Abrahamsen

Michalis Kalogeras
Rune Abrahamsen
Marco Malservisi
Rok Samsa
Danny McDonagh
Eddie Batista

Erik Strasser
Steve Ogden
Charles Michael Carpinelli
Valin Lynn Claire Stutler
Prana Suhr
Mark Chappell
Fritz Stammberger
Stephen Penniket
Mal Pearson
Gabe Gabriel

Glynis McIntyre
Ray O’Beirne
Alexis Pashalis
Richard Crabtree
Mila Perez

Tommy Borms
Gary Smith
Ludo Barendregt
Devin Keith
Blake Hughes
Richard Roy Heinz

Matt Potter
József A. Szabó
Hans Kristian Gaarder
Bonnie Grant
Dan Krebs
Tim Degrande
Paul Coates

Erin Homes
Lance Lawlor
Alex McCready
Kim Tore Jensen
Yolanda Arenas
Jacqui Davis

John McCatney
Daniel Alexander
Angel Cruz
Robert Dunwoody
Svant Bjorkman 
James Thompson
Gil Williamson
Marc Rolland
James I. Greene
Sky Barstow
Brian Peck
Brenda Jongerius
James L. Stevens
Gary Brandt
Scott Peters
Jared William Cook
Kenneth Peek
Jonny Silverwolf Jostar
Ardeth Merklinger
Alex Merklinger
Doru Neacsu
Magnus Jägerman
Sidney England
Genevieve Organoff
Steven Sterling
Jenny Van Laar
Bradley Richmond
Theosis Northam
Don Merrick
Peter Haley
Tommy A. Hansen
Jonathan Frederick
Andrina Hine
Patricia Diane Steele
Randy Ratcliff
Dale Tucker
Ty Dailey
Peter Laszlo
Rosie Laszlo
Martin Matthews
Georgie Brent
Michael Hoather
John Bryden
Wendy Bryden
Geoff Burgess
Storm Mansell
Dawn Proulx
Maggie Passaro
Martez de Wit
Gary Webber
Jason Buchanan
Marco Metselaar
Kerry Hettleman
Pam Georgel
Michael Fishwick
Kim Struiljaard
Dustin C. Kolodz
Derek Cabral
Vic de Ruyter
Lisa Cork-Twiss
Christopher V. Andersen
Danny Frederiksen
Stevan D. Looney
Daniel Rinehart
Harri Moffett
Anthony Brandolo
David Lloyd Rowson
Douglas J. Sanders
Marijke van Meer
Neel Patkar
Ron Walter
Frank Conde 
Brian Patrick Smith
Xavier Guzman
Prem Lulla
Tom Carper
Michael Hansen
Dino Vidakovic
Leslie Carper
Danny Wright
Jason Riggs
Shari Peterson
Joe Kelley
Victoria Jones
Brenda Eggleston
Ton Weenink
Veronica Chapman
Jeroen Van Straaten
Rick Koen
Walter Müller
Kelly Heilig
Steven R. White
Shaun McAulay
Tyler Luking Macmillan
Tadas Sokolovas
Michael Ventri
Sylvia Mercado
Keith Siler
Jeffrey Backus
Brant England Mohrhardt
William Hawes
Ron Shain
Olivier St-Gelais Viau
Mark A. Chanez
David Langley
Nigel King
Marianne Coats
Nick Mitsoulis
Stephen M. Duhamel
Jay Pierce
Eivind Brinks
Gary Glancy
Jimmy Bergman
David A. Lowe
Antonio De Luca
Steven J. Wood
Anthony O’Brien
Christopher Scholey
Robert Kenny
Vicki Timms
Chris van Oijen
Matthew Paul Gray
Alain May
Frank Henry Køhler
Ahmed Hefnawy
Gloria Douglas
Francois Chinzi
Elizabeth Paddob
Joey Villanueva
Mark Snider
Ryan Donald
Martie Turner
Max Swagemakers
Bregje Snel
Pedro González
David J. Odell
Julio Conde
Aree Laxyn
Kyle Schlup
Roger Puliatti
Merih Atilla
Alan Cachia 
Patrizia Sellam
Christian Eriksson
Bert Brooks
Renate de Groot
Jurjana Hunter-Stodder
Paul Andrews 
Daniel Gerhard Kauba
Leif Engvik
Heather Dolheguy
Angela Edward
Joseph Dragon
Ana-Paula Lippett
Corby Lindseth
John Iysun Brooks
Maria Anita Willems
Øystein Dagsgard
Peter Chamberlain
Priscilla Bell
Andre Heath
Debbie Slauenwhite
Richard Hertzog
Steven Ouellet
Matthew Kingcome
Chris O’Loughlin
Kathleen Kelly
Edwin Busscher
Steve Phillips
Ethan Janssens
Lance Madrigal
Gano Perez Jr.
Dereck Williams
Dawn Flockhart
Francois P. Thibaud
Debbie Rusher
Shellie Perreault
Alec Rupert
John Walter Thompson
Gary DePiro
Peter Chamberlain
Joe Stirling
Jeremy W. Schulze
Joseph Shamblin
Reynard B. Bockart
Tim Schoettmer
Erik Wijnands
Simon Reeve
Colin L. Falcon
Sarah G. Kelly
Carrie Todd
Carlos Estrada
Claire Mendelsohn
Dave Raven
John-Karl Keck
Patti Jeanne Politte Spencer
Mark Chapple
Branden Cohen
Geraldine Daly
Elizabeth Theriault
Bryan Pelletier
Paul E. Russell
Bret Tomasini
Eugene Fields
Lee Jackson
Jeroen F. Beentjes
Kathleen M. Martell
Francisca Becerra
Christian Fetterman
Elin Skårland Frøyland
Lee Spencer
Julez Edward
Candace Lawson
Amit Zala
Alonso Araya
Clyde Stephen Kaufman
Paul Harmans
Steve Gresh
Daniel Brouse
Philip S. Kuhn
Dalan Houston
David Casper van Rooyen
Paul Thomas
Al Amaraitis
John Mariani
Steve Burnand
Joy Moon
Jan Zeboski
Steve Andrews
Dwayne R. Dotson
Dean Whyte
S. Chandra Mohn
Charles Swanepoel
Hazel Trudeau
Gregory Funicello
Barry Hora
Rowan Horton
Erik van Weert
Mitakuye Oyasin
Janus Putkonen
David H. Diette
Travis Gevedon
Andrew Tony Olsen
Paul Bondarovski
Marijke van Meer
Martin Silva
Philip Snow
Brandon Reasoner
Peter Duffy
Max Wan
Sgt. Peter M. O’Connor
Mike Cechanowicz
Juergen Griesand
Bonnie Grant
Geraldine Gillette
Richard A. Greenwood
Chris Ortico
Rafael Cervantes
Hugo Gregory
Rob van der Vliet
Martha Fitzharris
Nicholas Jensen
Philip C. Catalano
Chris Squire
Rick L. McLean
Joe Lello
Richard Lachapelle
Glen Currier
Jay Blaisdell
Calixto Manuel Bello
Matthew Equen Reed 
Douglas Dickinson
Morgan Kochel
Teemu Vehkala
Alex Luna
Andrew Arthur
Jesse Smith
Yoriko Masunaga
Neil Morrison
Michael Richard
Saddhen Edwards
Matthew Rule
Bill Brockman
Harvey Swire
Eliot J. Niemczyk
Filip Jelinek
Kay O’Neil
Edward van Ulft
Hugh McGonigle
Alec Dieppa
Gary Walton
Ewald Celie 
Sandra van Damme
Michael Jon Anderson
David J. Pavlak
Deejay van Tonder
İlker Karaalp
Dan Bruenning
Dallas Gibson
Kate Barvainis
Ian “James” Colmer
Dienand Christe
Cynthia D. Fox
Linda (Irwin) Sanders
Charles Beamish
Graham Bates
Adam Banahan
Maurice Smulders 
Mar Servera González 
Joy Kingsborough
Brian Mattern 
Ivo Krushkov
Craig Steven Maupin 
Klaus Jaeger 
Carolyn Hamlett
Heath Cruz
Rainbow Latrimurti
Gregory Spindler Brown
Colton Patrick Porter
Dr. Anthony E. Scrima Jr.
Kimberly Allen
Matthew Davis
Daron Elliott
Abi Tani
Graeme Long
Narain Ramchandani
Marc Andy Broatch-Stevens
Brian McKenzie
Steven Pomeroy
Calvin Rosett
Eric Jennings
Cheryl Winsor
Dean Scott
Filipa Ávila de Simas
Sylvia Postema
Pedro Barros
Kayla Garcia
Derek Muellejans
Juan Antonio Mondragón Miramontes
Gregory B. Kalvelage Sr.
David McKinnon
Joan Gillis
Bruce Anderson
Dienand Christe
Alexander Bishel
Tariq Osman
Rachit Soni
Charles Ruan
Jason Lamp 
Joshua White
Francois Cholat 
Stephen John Richard Allen
Luka Lizatović
Jan Haertel
Gabriel Thorsteinson
Edward Alexander
Katoto Galgani
Andy Godish
Aidan Cloney
Gerard Linehan
Marchesa Casati
Thompson B. Crozier III
Steven Stroyney
Samuel Martin
Hector Suarez Gomis
Don Sugath
Timothy N. Tuck
Kellie Hinton
John Fritjof Marlatt
John Holley
Terry Scalia
Maxie Maxwell
Douglas L. Walker
Santha Kumar
Anthony E. Romyak
Arish Ghaderi
Israel Uosovich
Billie Magada
Aartje Siemensma
Mike Benwell
Andrew Hathaway
Thore Olsen
Joanne Goyer
Timothy A. Smith
Fabien Briffa
Jonathan Forster Scott
Jerold L. Smith
Paul Bakkum
Marco Kylis
Gerald Santana
Bernt Elset
Elsa Wellenkamp
Tim Rowe
Per Dahlstrom
Daniel C. Jackson
Margarita Turzhanskaya
Simon Kaiwai
Gregor Arturo Clary
Josef Stubler
Simen Forberg Kåsa
Trevor J. Peck 
Guilherme Carvalho
Brian L. Needham
Yvonne Hatch
Gabriel Gutierrez
Trice Sheridan
Matt Trigell 
Daniel DuFort 
Colin Dailey 
Jeff Cornell 
Lyn Taylor 
Sean Phillips 
Anthony Ray 
Scott Stanley
Dylan Dimarco
Vladas Motieka
Jessica Wigg
Lissa Dale
Becca Dakini
Andrew Cecere
Carollynn Brooks
David Alan Weidemann
Bob Leck
Steve Antal
Mike McBrien
Jose Garza
James Heonakos
Nina Valai
Ethan A. Cain
Janine Ray
Julieann Rose
Christof Zanecchia
Michael Brouse
Sonje Rosie
Vinay Sengar
Terry Carraway
Elizabeth McCammon
Allison Thompson
John Beckett
Craig Thayer
Evert Smid
Timothy A. Blackhurst
Dinesh Panajkar
Rhonda L. Thomas
Serge Losier
Chris Tapley
Jason Giaco
Kari Saksenvik
Allen T. Schwartz MD
Ken Orris
Bibi Nielsen
Cristina Efthymiadis
Bernard Faucher
Yra Vaage
George Dimmock
Rowan Barrett
Peter Doedens
Keith Miller
Kent Miller
James Robert Gregg

Charles J. Kelleher
Deborah Winegar
Bob Cofresi
Heidi King

Diane Wright
Hugo Esparragoza
Brian K. Copeland
Mattias Berg
Richard Harris
Alan P. Chetcuti
John G. Root Jr.
Kenneth H. Olsen

John Houghton
John Black
Jeremy McHargue

Ann Nordfjell
Lukas Jankauskas
Christopher C. Thompson
Kjetil Dreyer
Matthew Knapp
Stephen Wilson

Robin Lawson
Candis Fickell
Maria Eugenia Miranda Gutierrez
Andrew Wilson

Frankie Rodriguez
Rupert Medic
Dereck Pettit

Andrzej Kotowiecki
Rebecca F. Comfort
Patrick Rowe
Stig Aaron Maehlum

Vladislav Gasperov
David Ross
Deborah Christensen
Luke Hansen

Lidia Malkic
Eric R. Clark
Benjamin D. Halford
Ian R. Mumford
John Brooks
Dustin Beard
Jaya Deva Spidel

Brooks D. Nelson
Banks H. Nelson

Dawn Malloch
Gerard de Frens
Gary Doo
Heather Toms Sirotak

Jeremy Drinkard
William Gazecki
Mimi Burns
Dom McGarry
Aaron Hudlemeyer
Clifford L. Falen Jr.
Caroline Jønland

Holly Keahey
Roger Poustie
Bruce A. Fisher

Mark Ottolangui
Judith Wilder

Craig White
Jason Matthew Lawrence
Vidar Berg
Sylvia Voss
Harry Vissers

D. Jeanne Goetzke
Shaun T. McMahon
Robert M. Easterbrook
Rafael Amichis Luengo
Tracey Garteiz
Megan Ryan McGuirk
Ryan Span
Benjamin Silvers
Jason Merrett
Toke Lykkegaard Thomassen
Nancy Brickman
Chris Terry
William Sirotak
Gonzalo Di Matteo
Richard H. Clark
Ricco Slade
Nuno Lima
Sverre Eriksen
Thomas Bray
Dirk Landkroon
Teri Whittlinger 
Dina D’Antonio Smithson 
Kathleen McErlain
Kyla Poth
William Malcolm Poth
William Poth
Denise Poth
Chloe Poth
Kattie Poth
Mary Poth
Josh Poth
Jake Poth
Rhys Enloe
Joshua Hudson
Joseph Manzanares
Jason Trater
Makal Mann
Katherine Deavers
Thomas Findlay
Jean Barby
Brad Martinson
Ravi Paul
Jonathan Shevels
Richard Carty
Christopher Scott Eaglin
Kaia Evert
Robert Knott
Christina Knott
Jodi Hart
Cierra Knott
Scott Sterling
Ross Clark
Derek Nolan
Glen Silvia
Mikkel Grum Bovin
James Parker
Mandy Ives
Waleed Nuriddin
Firash Mohamed
Lenny Nembhard
Nathalie Nembhard
Karen Cochrane
Carlos Campos
Jesse Swing
Ian Fischer
Jonathan Michael Warren
Sharon McGrail
Ernie du Toit
Dr. Mary Ann Ghaffurian
David C. Conner
Mark Williamson Sr.
Debra Brown
Franco M. Pisano
Michael Paul Smith
Katie Clark-Williams
Shanona Ryder
Jia Jefferson
Alejandro Calvo Gómez
Edward Straka
Robert Mackie
Haydn Peter Masterman
Antonio Leonardo
David Beam
Stan Jezyk
Maxim K. Rice
Karl Byas
Cheryl R. Summers
Sjaak Bijman
Miguel Oliveira
Trevor G. Ellis
Greg West
Arild Ystanes
Diego Alonso
Kenneth Anderson
Carole Griffiths
Ionut Strugaru
Ales Crnic
Abhijeet Sahai
David McDaniel
Mariusz Zienkiewicz
Batuhan Uveyik
Andrew Bingham
Annika Törnlind
Antonia Leslie
Lydia Mearns
Paolo Paganelli
Robert Ranck
Veronica Tate
Will Pritchard
Sylvie Pollard
David Duhn
Jakob Ahler
Meta Regis
Matt Marczel
Michael Taylor
Jonathan Bishop
Trevor Toll
Daniel Cochrane
Rihards Raja
Jonathan Kraus
Stuart John Bradman
Adam Bacon
Michael Spillman
Stephanie Abels
Michael E. Smith
Helaine Camacho
Eva Tatangelo Bishop
Corin Christian David McFadden
James Soper
Suzanne MacDonald
Fran Horan
Tyler Roscoe
Dawn Adrienne Taylor
Timothy Patrick Miller
Dennis Botrel
Jeroen Pleket
Phil Smith
Elizabeth Peter
Amelia Porcella
Kacee Floerke
Steven D. Schultz
Jullian Mihailov Manasiev
Sathya Mohan P.V
Elizabeth Abbott
Kelly Anderson
Malcolm Reynolds
Cheryl Reynolds
David Marks
Christopher Robert Pearson
John William Payne
Svein Finvåg
Santokh Singh
Jack Heimsoth
Donald J. Wyzard
Bill Umbarger
Daniel Dillon
Lars Kirketerp
Chico Estevam
Nishan Karki
Roberto Camara
Niv Dor-Cohen
Clint Pickney
Gibran Selman
Anthony Stuart
Erin Crook
Jeroen Wanningen 
Paul Gardner
Jan Kregers
Andy Russell
Paul Vale
Francine Vale
Bill Bard
Michael Amirault
Ryan Mullins
Connie Turley
Rudie Mens
Sofia Casassa
Moroni Tapia
Dieter Eggers
Bryan James Chamberlain
Anthony Benson
Kara Benson
Gerrit Crafford
Alderic Foster
Michael Pan
Duncan Sims
Nathan Elout-Armstrong
Danny Davis
Tommi Lindeberg 
Chris Mercado
JJ Diambrini-Palazzi
Rhian Smith
Kenneth Lindström
Darryl E. Berry Jr.
Lars-Roger Moe
Roberta Leed
Phillip Renton
Jeroen ‘t Hoen
Marius Johansen
Daniel Urquhart
Joshua Vermont
Johan Fourie
Donald F. Truax
Mirek Kaim
Kai Axel Schäfer
Larry Knight
Elizabeth Watson
Sharyn E. Marion
Sinisa Prole
Sean Burger
Artur Mendes
Marian van der Veen
Robert W. Kiser
Zachary Butcher
Craig Singh
Pabloperez Gonzalez
Darick Charbonneau
Roger Wilcock
Heidi Drecksler
Jim Sherlock
Alvin Le
Justin Verrengia
D Sterlin
Juan Laborde Crocela
William Meyer
Ronny J. Aunli
Timo Uhrig
Thomas Conisbee
Susan Rioux
Trudy Wall
Alvin Charles: Whaley©,Sui Juris aka SpiritWalker
Marilyn Brannon
Patrick Cassidy
John Dorsett
Marko Blom
Connie Broadworth
Angela McBride
Toby J. Zellers
Jason Harper
Mela Harper
Chris Gaffney
Andreas Hofmann
Abby Johnson
Gabi Bliss
Kinsey Bruynooghe
David van der Merwe
Miguel Gomes
John R. Leerskov
Louise Entwistle
Andy Cook 
Fraser Bell
Angie Telatar
Cornelius Lockett
Jim Tour
Jhoane Garcia
Ronald H Berluchaux, Jr.
Jeramy Roberts
Dominique de Graaff
Sean Edwards
Raphael Wiedemann
Roshanna Sidney Evans
Kent Sanders
Brad Barratt

Pauline Gardiner
Mark Bamberg
Hakon Ringstad
Domenick Signorino
Ellie Rosenthal
Virginia Morehead
Mark van Gelderen
Brian Shuard
Jennifer A. Brookshire
Martin Palm
Dane Patterson Stolp
John Ferranti
Cheri Ameen
Marie Armone
Raimo Tudre
Desmond Diamond
Greg Crossfield
Greg Eldridge
Samuel Rees
Rebecca Austen
Cor Oort
Christian Smith
Larry Cox
Rosy Hendy 
Stewart White
Andrew Butler
Steven Brown
Anastasios Birbotsoukis
Taco Stijnenbosch
Corey St. Pierre
Marcus Schulz
Alfred Krupa
Mladen Krupa
Anthony Lares
Lydia Atanasovski
Jonathan Bertil
Daniel Mechanik
Kere Thomas
Teka Luttrell
Christopher Sumner
Sean Faynor
Jakob Ahler
Jivan Wells
Jurgen Bastian
Bill Hickey
Daniel Romolliwa
Angelika Katterbach
Ron Shankel
Jack Woodall
Cathy Woodall
Thomas C. “Clay” Slape
Jonathan Abbey
Holly Lindin
Dawn Sheppard 
Jake Maverick
Jesse D. Pennington
Mark Berger
Sharon Kenney
Kathy Daigle
Wambui Bahati 
Jason Sutton
Matthew Roy Leoniak
Richard Nunn
Keith Sinclair
Robert Platteter 
Alison James
John Briggs

Krystian Michalak
Oliver Fredriksen
Kathleen McIntyre
Wissam M. Zeid
Bergvin Stefánsson
Dominic Gleeson
Prism Kinkaid

Justin Stephen Dodd
Ray Maor
Jonathan Schmidt
Graham Harris
Ari Rautio
Yohannes Camps-Campins
Mike Hedge
Rev. J. W. McCulley
Amber Lynne Slump
Rufus Greenhalgh
Sandra Baker
Majduška Gunzer
Frank Slobodnik
Jacob Valderrama
Jean-Marc Blanchette
Leen Peeters
Yvonne Ollivier
Amir Ahmed Ramadan
Asia Kostka
Thomas Böhm
Joshua Sanchez
Josh Compton
Marlene Marion
Steven Trevor Rich
Randall Joel Best
Morten Julius
Rolf-Gerhard Schoeder
Paul Morrison
Jaffar Abbas
John Peralta
Sonja Steiger
David Austin McInnis
Erick Legrand

Ingeborg vd Berg-Harte
Pedro M. A. Rocha
Matthew Micallef
Damon Elias Gurule
Daren Ward
Simone Aalders
Michael Irving
Guillermo Hernandez
Russell S. Oliveiro
Darren Phelps
Liz Donahue
Anthony Corton
Morguana Hathaway
Jacob Laubauskas
Kurt Schilling
Josh Rojas
Paul Owen
Antoni Patrick
Scott Hall
Cindy Hall
James d’Earth
Shaman Rawb
Susan Such
Rosebud Kinkead
Neil G. Ferries
Geson Perry
John Findlay
Morten Saurdal

Lorenzo Labadie-Cortés
Cory Drake
Sanjivta Bedi

Stephanie Christie
Paul Adams
Martin J. Oreilly
Wayne Everett

Mark Miller
Concetta Owens
Michelle Dodge
Cornelis Huisman
Kerry Smith
Edwin E. Pulley Jr.
Richard W. West
Russell Thompson
Michelle Saul
Michael Wriston
Janet Middel
Cliff Hare
Peter Glaister
Neil Fisher
Robert Pritchett

Wayne Zhang
Curtis Hedges
Glenn Moore
Bobbie Hayes Hoxit

Graham Nicholson
Mark Finnigan
Michael Burns
Anne G. Knutsen
Asta Lyberth

Alison Littlejohn
Erik Jacobs
Joseph T. White
Lars Høvset
Carol Hochstedler
John Vezina
Mannu Shivaram
Aaron Shehan
Cindy Shehan
Ida Sorensen
John Lucanas
Ole Jensen
Peet Segov
David Bruning 
Nicola Jane Hobday
Ana St Claire
William H. Bartlett III
Jeremiah Shattuck
Laura Dean
Abhijit Juvekar
Gina Galate
Chris Morgan
Geoffrey West
Anthony Denne
Audrey Quick
James Robson
Thiago Mello
Annette O’Toole
Michael Kiselicka
Joshua Allen Bane
Nils Lunde
Sam Lwin
Professor Markanand Alla’n Dharm-Reese
Rich Besco
Frank Bator
Michael Morris
Alan J. Osmond
Brett MacGillivray
Michelle MacGillivray
Sean Sapstead
Anette Tjørhom
John Spisak
George Preduca
Christine Burnett
Sylvia Hart
Mena Aupy
Boris Zorrilla
Jonathan Howe
Marco Silva
Aleksandar Topic
Michael D. Gorman
Anthony Beck
Holly Alba
Matthew Watts

Leigh Dezelan 
Ted Cleveland
Pierre Newberg
Garrett DeRooy 
Benjamin Eric Murphy 
Angelo Marsico 
Philip James Nofi Jr.
Albert P. Venczel 
Kevin Elandiel Bernelve Bouayed
Seana Collins
O. Normann Saeterlid
Shawn O’Neal
Marcelle Nebiker
Luiz Lage
Thiago A. A. Mello
Randall J. Skates
Mike Petrakis 
Mary Allais
Christopher Sanks
David John Balzer 
Ruud Deijs 
Alan Kaisher
Michael Denham
Carl Helsby
Bryan Smith
Victor Kauffman 
David William Ellis 
Skylar Glass 
Bryan Baack 
Gabrielle Wells
Tim Coxon 
Michael Kwame Itoka
Ines Lucia Jaime 
Jason Ryan 
Andrea Karal
Hector D. Perez Torres 
Scott Powell
Simon Barnett
Rob Walton
Pascual Alfonso Rabadan Galindo
Kindoo Raheem Mathew Mannion-Vanove
Leighton Connely
Edgar Flores 
Florian Schunowski 
Sven Steine
Celina Hernandez
Keith Krug
Koen Stroobant 
Ben Salmon
Xavier Hawk 
Doug Herich
Dennis R. Smith 
Daniel E. Axelrod
Chris Kusins
Lee Leffingwell
Franck E. R. Scuotto
Neill Symonds
Bruce A. Fisher 
Ina Bories 
Robert Hicks
Winfried Bolik
Igor Tenorio
Bryn Kirk MacDonald
Wayne A. Jeffery 
Christie Gardner
Sandy Lunøe
James Sclar
Bernie Brechtlein 
Marc van der Beek 
Mariyan Zhelev 
Corey Tataryn 
Mike Troy 
Erik Norman 
Adam Young 
Eric Lorge
Andrew Clay
Daryl Arthur Zerkle 
Mike Meehan
Scott Cousland

Diego Nuñez Pernasetti
Cindy White
Houtan Tahaeideo

Blake Robert
Martin Coleman
Ralph Gillispie
Luis F. Hernandez
Kenneth McRae
Henry P. Middlebrook
Rose A. Middlebrook
Charlene Johnson
Ian Beeler
Linda Joslin
Vincent Bast

Daniël Sterckx
Ståle Johansen
Georg Chriske
Marc Lippeveld
Sami Korpela
Ana K. Lopez
Lester MacKenzie

Douglas J. Benson
Laurent Leonard
Rena Mitchell
Michael O’Gorman
Stephen Harper
Filipe Orsato Tessaro
Walter L. Bradley Jr.
Melissa Worley Kriger
Matej Dzurik
Scott Brooks
Jaime Solera
Patrick King
Landon Lake Lindsey
Bjørnar Berntsen
Vilius Jurgelevicius
Jacalyn Burke
Martine Nicole Bongard
Daniel Wykes
Walter Nicolau Neto
Jay A. Lounsberry
Frances Arnold
Vonda Allan
Tilimpea ‘Silver’ Alexandr
Stephen Maye
Jenita Wang
Louise Smith
William Andrew Walton
Kevin Munson
Dario De Nicolò
Stephen Ackers
Matthew Collier
Sharon R. Collier
Michael G. Walsh
Kathryn E. Shaw
Mark T. Moriarty

Paul Cherek
Donna Surles

Rafael Mederuci
John Hankins

Nikhil Vekaria
Bryan Smith
Farzad Taghavi
Bjorn Theunis
Alina Lamasanu
Mark Taff
Eskild Arntsen
Stefan Kowalski
Miguel Queiroz
Michael Stephen Henson

Bruce Harris
Jing Wei Chai
Daniela Lofaro
Benjamin Gill
Mariusz Jędrzejewski
Cynthia Hunter-Shupe
Davie Grimes
Ted G. Sixkiller
Codin Adrian Petrus
Brian Grant

Anne Marie Kral
Christopher Shah
Liv Eriksen
Rotem Sibylla Shefa
Adam Arnet
Martin Kashinski
Sandy Lunoe
Nuno Viana
Lorraine Specht
Helen Webb
Nicholas Lamb
Colleen Crarer
Иван Христов Иванов
Stephanie Gilfillan
Honey Joles




Barcelona Exopolitics Conference | July 2009
Brussels Conference
Camelot Conference in LA: Awake and Aware | Sept 09
Zurich Conference | 10-12 July 09
Aaron McCollum: Gulf of Aden Project Seagate | 27 Jan 10
Alex Collier: Camelot in LA Conference presentation | 19 Sept 09
Alfred Webre: Camelot in LA Conference presentation | 19 Sept 09
Duncan O’Finioan & David Corso: Camelot in LA Conference presentation | 20 Sept 09

Video Interviews

The Anglo-Saxon Mission – Bill Ryan | 16 Feb 10
Barcelona Exopolitics Speakers Panel on Disclosure | 23 July 2009 Part 1
Barcelona Exopolitics Speakers Panel on Disclosure | 23 July 2009 Part 2
Benjamin Fulford: The Ultimatum | Feb 08 Part 1
Benjamin Fulford: The Ultimatum | Feb 08 Part 2
Benjamin Fulford: The Ultimatum | Feb 08 Part 3
Dr Bill Deagle: Prognosis for Planet Earth | Sept 08 Part 1
Dr Bill Deagle: Prognosis for Planet Earth | Sept 08 Part 2
Dr Bill Deagle: Prognosis for Planet Earth | Sept 08 Part 3
Bill Hamilton: Calling Down the Craft | Mar 06
Bill Holden with Jim Sparks: Making the Connection | April 08
Bill Ryan Freedom Central Interview | 16 Nov 09
Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy interviewed by Arjan Bos, Amsterdam | 2 Aug 09
Bill Ryan Keynote Address, Zurich Conference | 12 July 09
Bill Ryan Workshop, Zurich Conference | 12 July 09
Bob Dean: Camelot in LA Conference presentation | 19 Sept 09
Bob Dean: Presentation at the Exopolitics Summit, Barcelona | 25 July 09
Bob Dean at the Exopolitics Summit Press Conference, Barcelona | 24 July 09
Bob Dean: The Coming of Nibiru | Sept 08
Bob Dean: An Officer and a Gentleman | May 07 Part 1
Bob Dean: An Officer and a Gentleman | May 07 Part 2
Bob Dean: An Officer and a Gentleman | May 07 Part 3 (with Marcia Schafer)
Boriska: Indigo Boy from Mars | Oct 07 
Brian O’Leary: Workshop on Free Energy – joined by Henry Deacon, Zurich | 12 July 09
Brian O’Leary: The Energy Solution Revolution | Jan 09
Camelot Live at Vilcabamba | Jan 09
Camelot Live in Amsterdam | 1 Aug 09 (coming soon)
Sgt. Clifford Stone: ET Interpreter | Nov 06
Cynthia Crawford: Camelot in LA Conference presentation | 19 Sept 09
Dan Burisch Workshop (with Marcia McDowell), Zurich Conference | 10 July 09
Dan Burisch: Stargate Secrets | June 07 Part 1
Dan Burisch: Stargate Secrets | June 07 Part 2
Dan Burisch: Out from under Majestic | July 06 Part 1
Dan Burisch: Out from under Majestic | July 06 Part 2
Dan Burisch: Out from under Majestic | July 06 Part 3
Dan Burisch interviewed by Bill Hamilton | 18 Sept 02
Dan Sherman: Way Above Black | June 07
David Icke: In Conversation | Feb 09
David Wilcock: Camelot in LA Conference presentation | 19 Sept 09
David Wilcock: Futuretalk 1 | Mar 08
David Wilcock: Jumproom to Mars | Dec 07
David Wilcock: The Road to Ascension | June 07 Part 1
David Wilcock: The Road to Ascension | June 07 Part 2
David Wilcock: The Road to Ascension | June 07 Part 3
David Wilcock: The Road to Ascension | June 07 Part 4
Dolores Cannon: Convoluted Earth | April 2010 
Duncan O’Finioan: Camelot in LA Conference presentation | 19 Sept 09
Duncan O’Finioan and David Corso: An Unconventional Friendship | Jan 07
Duncan O’Finioan: Ultimate Warrior | Nov 06
Elizabeth Nelson – Flight 93 | Feb 09
Erich von Däniken: Questions, not Answers | May 09
Futuretalk 1: A further conversation with David Wilcock | Mar 08
Futuretalk 2: Michael St. Clair | 21 May 08 Part 1
Futuretalk 2: Michael St. Clair | 21 May 08 Part 2
Futuretalk 3: Henry Deacon and Michael St. Clair, A Conversation | 15 July 08
Futuretalk 4: David Icke: In Conversation | Feb 09
Futuretalk 5: Bob Dean, Henry Deacon, Alfred Webre | 26 July 09
Gabriele Stähler: Vitamin D3 | Oct 09 
Gary McKinnon: Hacking the Pentagon | June 06
George Green: Messages for the Ground Crew | April 08 Part 1
George Green: Messages for the Ground Crew | April 08 Part 2
Gordon Novel: Renegade | Dec 06
Henry Deacon interviewed by Rafael Palacios | July 09
Henry Deacon: Futuretalk 3, including Michael St. Clair | 15 July 08
Henry Deacon, a Livermore Physicist | Sept 06 Part 1
Henry Deacon, a Livermore Physicist | Sept 06 Part 2
Henry Deacon, a Livermore Physicist | Sept 06 Part 3
Henry Deacon, a Livermore Physicist | Sept 06 Part 4
Henry Deacon, a Livermore Physicist | Sept 06 Part 5
Jane Bürgermeister: David and Goliath, Vienna | 8 Sept 09
Jessica Schaub: A Crystal Child Speaks Out | Dec 08 
Jim Humble: The story behind Miracle Mineral Supplement | Nov 08
Jim Marrs: The Rise of the Fourth Reich in America | Feb 09 
Jim Sparks and Bill Holden: Making the Connection | Apr 08
Jim Sparks: The Keepers | June 07
John Lear Tells All | April 08 Part 1
John Lear Tells All | April 08 Part 2
John Lear Tells All | April 08 Part 3
John Lear Tells All | April 08 Part 4
John Lear: Flying into the Sun with John Lear | August 2006
Jordan Maxwell: Camelot in LA Conference presentation | 19 Sept 09
Jordan Maxwell: The Takeover of Planet Earth | Sept 09
Joseph Farrell: Nazi International | Feb 09

Keshe, MT – Death Threats & Free Energy | March 16 2014
Klaus Dona: Spiritual Archaeologist | Oct 09
Leo Zagami: Illuminati Whistleblower | Feb 08 | Part 1 
Leo Zagami: Illuminati Whistleblower | Feb 08 | Part 2 
Leo Zagami: Illuminati Whistleblower | Feb 08 | Part 3 
Dr. Leonard Horowitz: Emerging Viruses | June 09
Luca Scantamburlo: The Return of Planet X | Feb 08 Part 1
Luca Scantamburlo: The Return of Planet X | Feb 08 Part 2
Marcia Schafer: Camelot in LA Conference presentation | 19 Sept 09
Marcia Schafer: Ground Crew 101 | Sept 08
Marcia Schafer: Part 3, Bob Dean An Officer and a Gentleman | May 07
Michael St. Clair: Futuretalk 2 | 21 May 08 | Part 1 | Part 2
Michael St. Clair: Zen of Stars | Sept 06
Miriam Delicado: Camelot in LA Conference presentation | 19 Sept 09
Miriam Delicado: A Message | 21 Aug 09
Miriam Delicado: Miriam Blue Star | Sept 08
The Mitchell-Hedges Crystal Skull interview with Bill Homann | Oct 08
‘Mr. X’, ET Archivist | May 06
Patrick Geryl: The World Cataclysm in 2012 | Aug 09
Dr Paul LaViolette: Earth under Fire | 29 July 09
Dr. Pete Peterson | June 09 Part 1 – Bill Ryan
Dr. Pete Peterson | June 09 Part 2 – David Wilcock
Dr. Pete Peterson | June 09 Part 3 – Kerry Cassidy
Peter Levenda: Sinister Forces | Feb 09
Ralph Ring: Aquamarine Dreams | Aug 06
Richard Dolan: Camelot in LA Conference presentation | 19 Sept 09
Richard Hoagland: Dark Mission | Dec 07 Part 1
Richard Hoagland: Dark Mission | Dec 07 Part 2
Richard Hoagland: Dark Mission | Dec 07 Part 3
Dr Steven Greer: The Unknown Agenda | 26 July 09
Valery Uvarov: Pyramid Power and 2012 | Oct 07 Part 1
Valery Uvarov: Pyramid Power and 2012 | Oct 07 Part 2
Zurich Conference Panel Discussion | 11 July 09

Audio Interviews

Angelo-Saxon Mission, Witness Interview (transcript only)
George Green: Telephone interview transcript | 2 Sep 08
Bob Dean: An informal interview | 25 Feb 09
Clay and Shawn Pickering | 3 Nov 09 (coming soon)
Rebecca Jernigan: Telephone conversation transcript | 4 Oct 08
Dane Tops | Sept 09 (transcript only)
David Wilcock’s Amazing True History of the World, telephone interview | 9 Sept 08
Elizabeth Nelson: Flight 93 | Feb 09 (transcript only)
Gerald Celente | 10 Oct 09 Not Available
James Martinez re Walter Bowart and Mind Control | 30 Nov 09 (coming soon)
Ricardo Silva: Vilcabamba Insider | Jan 09 transcript only (coming soon)
Stephen Bassett | 13 Nov 08
Wade Frazier: A Healed Planet and the role of Free Energy | Mar 09
Dr John Waterman: On Vaccines | 14 July 09 (coming soon)

Whistleblower Radio

No transcripts available.

Need transcribers

Other Audio

Benjamin Fulford | 20 Nov 09
Benjamin Fulford, telephone interview | 6 Sept 08
Dr Bill Deagle | 24 Nov 09 (coming soon)
Dr Bill Deagle | 15 Nov 09 (coming soon)
Dr Bill Deagle | 19 Aug 09 (coming soon)
Dr Bill Deagle | 29 April 09
Dr Bill Deagle | 16 Feb 09
Dr Bill Deagle | 4 Oct 08
Dr Bill Deagle | 24 Sept 08
Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy interviewed on Dr. Bill Deagle’s radio show | 12 Jan 10 (coming soon)
Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy interviewed by Rayelan Allan, Rumor Mill Radio | Pts 1, 2, 3 | 27 Nov 09 (coming soon)
Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy interviewed by Rebecca Jernigan | 21 Sept 09 (coming soon)
Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy interviewed on Paranexus Radio | 18 Sept 08
Brian O’Leary: Short conversation on free energy, Switzerland | 8 July 09 (coming soon)
Brian O’Leary: Introduction, Camelot Live in Vilcabamba | Jan 09
Duncan O’Finioan | 13 April 09
George Green | 24 Feb 09
George Green | 21 Oct 08
George Green 23 Sept 08
George Green | 2 Sept 08
Henry Deacon: A Conversation – Futuretalk 3 | 15 July 08
Henry Deacon, a Livermore Scientist (transcript only)
Dr. John Waterman | 1 Nov 09 (coming soon)
Peter Levenda, audio interview | Feb 09
Wade Frazier and Brian O’Leary talk about free energy, Skype conference | 27 Mar 09 (coming soon)

Israel Smuggles Missiles? + More on unusual banking…


Missiles Smuggled by Israel to go to China

This story is breaking news courtesy of Gordon Duff at Veterans Today and background contributions by an unnamed source who is a friend of Camelot:

click here for the article

Why is Israel getting China up to speed militarily… isn't this a conflict of interest? Kinda like the backdoor in our technologies being accessed by China while the US looks the other way… who is orchestrating this and why?

For some background on this listen to my radio show from last week with Mike Harris.

click here for the show

Letter from a Source:

Unusual Banking Activity Report #3


Merry Christmas Everyone!!!

I would like to begin by thanking Project Camelot & Kerry Cassidy for an amazing job of Professional Journalism, an UN-dying passion for her art, and true bravery in the face of adversity which I have witnessed in only a few true Warriors on this Planet.

Thank you Kerry. You carry that beautiful light where ever you go, reminding us in even the darkest times there is always hope. Our Team thanks you from the bottom of our hearts.

* Last Up-Date before the Shift – 12/25/11 2:45 P.M. EST Christmas Day.

* System Stat – UST and other three letter agencies out of lock down as of yesterday. Skeleton crews remain to assure of completion of currency re-adjustment.

* Assured that this is not a crash. I repeat. Not A Crash. Quote from a 24 year veteran of a letter agency * Quote – (We are leveling the playing field, giving everyone a breather.) – End-Quote.

* Banking screens still showing 00.0000 on over 149 different Countries, up from 138.

* Finally received information out of Europe that the last of the adjustment codes out of Geneva (from Basel -aka-BIS) have been implemented and are working their way through the World Wide Banking System.

* Banks will now answer to their regional directors in a 10 Region World Wide Central Banking System. Very similar to the EURO being Pegged to the Swiss Frank. Each Region will have it's controlling Currency.

* Analysis – Still UN-known if this is possible. Some of the more outdated systems in the more isolated countries had to be implemented physically with programmers sent from Europe and the States.

* This schedule is still on point. We are not sure what to expect.

* Conclusion – Unknown – (However many of us believe that this is a beginning move to completely take over the Banking System Worldwide). – Extremely Unusual Banking Activity.

Overview of Where All The Money Goes


Someone (who shall remain nameless for the moment until I can get their ok to post the email) sent me a good overview of why the Global Settlements haven’t gone through yet…

I was inspired to write the following reply, and since this is the kind of thing I have been trying to get across to the white hats among others, for quite some time, I thought I would post it here:

Good article. I will forward this along to the White Hats, if you don’t mind…

But you stop short of understanding why Bush et al want all the money…

Answer: the secret space program ,,,

Why is the secret space program so important? Humanity 2.O and up… And terraforming other planets for them. They have a manifest destiny for Galactic frontiers and this is the biggest secret no one out there but me is talking about.

It’s not just population reduction so they can have this planet for themselves. Noooooo…
They want to cull the herd so only the best and the brightest (where have we heard that phrase before?) survive.

If you see the Universe in terms of who rules… The answer is obvious. They are Nazis. what do you expect.

So now with that in mind we forward this to the White Hats at tdarkcabalblogspot,com and ask them if they really think this insatiable beast is going to allow for the global settlements. Answer only if it fits in with their above mentioned agenda.

It all comes back to that. They don’t want to become members of the galactic community…they want to Rule it!


My gift to you: one of the best sites on the net : American-Buddha.com

Has a library of material… it’s a labyrinth.. register for free and have fun…



A Very Gifted Artist with Second Sight- Guenn, 84, her Painting: Earth Mirror


Click here to view the site: http://anglamarke.com/

I was sent the above link and came upon the very mystical and spiritual paintings of Guenn:

…”ANGLAMARKE is Guenn Eona Nimue’s amazing View of Creation, and her Journey into Creation, told with words and Fine Art Portraits,  Paintings and Drawings of some of the Spirits that dwell within it and help to guide it’s Spritual Evolution….”

Unusual Banking Activity


Another Update from my source on Unusual Banking Activity:

* Up-Date – 12/22/11 5:17 P.M. EST

* Systems Stat – Current UST Lock down still in effect, although the extra teams have been allowed leave as most of Computer Up-Loading is now in Place.

* Two of the 3 Letter Agencies still in Lock down. Conformation from 4 sources (Pentag*n, 3 Letter, Local Banks) have Confirmed this is taking place.

* Banking Screens on 138 different Currencies still Showing 00.000 , Although fluctuations in Rates are beginning to appear.

* Still no Answers from European Banking System, however they have been notified to expect a large change in all Currency Rates.

* Again, We have never seen this before and neither have the Banks.

* Analysis – Not enough Data at this time to support any type of Conclusion.

* Critical – An Attempt will be made to by B.I.S. (Bank of International Settlements), IMF, W.B. (World Bank) U.S.T. to Re-Align or to RV (Revalue) all Currencies Worldwide Simultaneously. I Repeat Simultaneously. This has never been attempted in the History of Modern Banking. Ever.

* This is scheduled to take place within a 24 to 72 Hour period from NOW. *NOTE – Still unknown if this is physically possible.

* We are not sure what to Expect at this time. We are following it hour by hour.

* Conclusion – Unknown – Extremely Unusual Banking Activity.

The Trillion dollar Lawsuit – Negative force field

Considering the number of people who seem to be flying off the handle and ranting over the lawsuit without ever having read it or investigated further… leads me to suspect that there is a substantial force field around this material bouncing people off of looking deeper. It also seems to be triggering animosity toward those who are legitimately willing to investigate. This is a sad state of affairs when people no longer wish to analyze and examine the mysteries and conspiracies in and off world. My advice to those who wish to look no further is do what you will but don’t judge others who wish to look deeper.

Unusual Banking Activity mentioned earlier (more detail)

It has taken me until this morning to get the ok to release this info. The following is from a source with substantial background in the financial sector (both traditiional and unorthodox by the way)…

Systems Stat – Current UST (United States Treasury) in Lock down on Currency comp upload of all Exotic & Major Currencies in progress, NOW.

* Pentag*n & all upper level 3 letter agencies on 24/7 call in conference concerning re-adjustments of Worldwide currencies in action for 48 hr. systems from BIS have been activated.

* All currencies reading 00.000 on all Bank computer screens. Active NOW.

* Cannot get any answers from ABN AMRO, BOL (Bank Of London) UBS, Credit Swiss, or any other Major World Banks on what is taking place.

* Have never seen this before. Ever, Anywhere!

* Analysis – Unknown

* System status – Unknown

* This could be a system adjustment. – Unlikely.

* Conclusion – Unknown at this time. – Extremely Unusual Banking activity.

Keenan Lawsuit PDF, The ‘Book of Codes’ and Cliff High


Extremely Unusual Banking Activity

A source has just communicated that there is some unusual banking activity taking place now. (More details in next post)

Wow Clif : the truth is stranger than fiction…

Suffice to say, as my investigation continues into these matters… I will bring forward some pertinent whistleblower testimony to augment that the lawsuit is legit. I do not however as mentioned think it will ever make it to court… again because the Book of Codes as evidence would reveal far more than they want out there.

Clif wrote: …"This, of course, assumes that David, Kerry and Ben are innocents… untrained in analysis, language and the wicked ways of the enemies of humanity and are thus not able to discern when they are being jerked (the common term in the 'green eyed' agencies). That being the assumption, then the cast of played players will react as they are projected, for the benefit of the game masters."http://www.halfpasthuman.com/breakdown.html

Hmmm… no innocent here anyway. I am merely investigating the story. Why so troubled Clif? Interesting that you entertain the notion that David has been scammed (actually that's why I got involved — to investigate further) — but you don't wrap into the scenario the actual true con that the lawsuit outlines in detail… A con that happens all the time. Trading programs, I am told, are often a ponzi scheme if not always. This is an important aspect of the story. The further long term con of the American people and for that matter the world… into a financial system that is backed by a hidden financial network based on the metal consortium and managed by off-worlders… Anunnaki that never left and others… It's like the tip of a very large iceberg. In the end, the lawsuit is merely a window in… And may take you down the rabbits hole to reveal what machinations have been going on with gold and other metals and the farce that is the takedown of our economy.

I don't think brushing it all off and turning a blind eye are quite the way to deal with this. I am no advocate for or against the lawsuit. I simply feel it bears investigating. My source information is already substantiating that yes, this story has legs… and so is worth the effort to find out the real truth. Surely you've nothing against that, right Clif?

I will also be talking with Rayelan who has a whole different take on who these people are and what the lawsuit is all about…

Stay tuned… or go back to sleep … as you were– as the military are fond of saying. Kind makes you wonder.


Two Key Paragraphs from the Keenan Lawsuit:



Note: This shows the status on the Book of Codes and seems to indicate that the Book of Codes and the Maklumat are the same thing…. Further, it explains that Dr. Soekanto has the originals. And it explains what the Book of Codes contains…



165. Dr. Soekanto has further agreed and has confirmed that he holds the "full secret
Book of Codes (Maklumat Book) and Ledgers and all Records of the Accounts as delivered" to
him and that, upon their request, he will "deliver or cause delivery of the originals of such books
for presentment to any court determined to have such jurisdiction" and "for any other purpose"
KEENAN may require or need the Books. KEENAN and others under his direction are
presently in custody of certified copies of said Book of Codes (Maklumat Book) and Ledgers
with the authorizations to use them when needed.

166. These Books and Ledgers define the information that is held in the Federal
Reserve screen system. They contain the secret code cyphers and data on legal decisions,
treaties and other arrangements. Upon information and belief, they provide information
pertaining to all the accounts and sub-accounts that contain the gold and other assets, as well as
information pertaining to the financial instruments issued against the gold. Further, they specify
and provide the factual information as to what is in the Global Accounts, such as who owns the
gold and the source of its ownership. The protection and security of these Books is, therefore, of
the utmost importance and central to the authentication and verification process.– FROM Case 1:11-cv-08500-JFK Document 1 Filed 11/23/11 Page 79 of 114 (ACTUAL PAGE 75 per numbering on document


o. Deed of Authorization and Agreement from Dr. Edy Soekanto

163. In November 2011, KEENAN was issued a deed of Authorization and Agreement
(the "Agreement") from Dr. Seno Edy Soekanto, who has sworn to be the "legal heir of record as
stated in the last will and testament of the late President Soekamo of Indonesia and heir son of
the late Kiyai Hadji Djawahir, as well as the legal holder of the Family Heritance Guarantee, as
attached to all the gold deposits as ordered by President Soekamo between 1948 and 1968 when
he was granted such Heritance Guarantee as C'payment for his services to the World." See

Breaking News! David Wilcock receives Death Threat


David Wilcock was my guest along with Anonymous discussing the death threat David received and a clear message was sent out to the perpetrators….

LISTEN HERE to the archived show and spread the word around the world.

Special thanks to Maxine Taylor for holding the space and to American Freedom Radio, Danny and Daniel our engineer and Tommy Hansen our webmaster for the outstanding job tonight!

Our guests tonight:

Anonymous – a white hat from a distant location

David Wilcock

click here for his site: divinecosmos.com

David is now safe and protected.

Thank you to everyone listening for all the help and love. Please continue to send your love and stand in solidarity with David and all of us during this time. We place arms around the world in blessing and stand together – for together, united we are strong.

click here for music to raise the spirits

Breaking News! David Wilcock receives Death Threat — Tune in to my Radio at 7pm tonight to hear David — please protect him with your love and light!


For the first time in my entire career as a journalist, I have been given a very severe threat, handed to me from one of my top insiders.

I was told that I have tonight only to get Part Two out — "it would be a very good idea" for my own safety, as publicity is protection.

Although the exact nature of the threat is unspecified, I was told I might be "lucky" if all I got was torture.

If I am savvy, so I am told, I may get away with spending the rest of my life in a top-secret facility in a "deep, dark hole" working as a black-ops scientist.

The best protection I have is publicity. For that same reason I will be releasing Part Two as soon as possible, even if I have to stay up all night.

It has been an honor serving you. Never forget how much you are loved. If I am to die, then I die with honor — a noble soldier of the Light. I thank you for all the love and care you have shown me over the years and am grateful that I have left such a vast legacy of helpful material for you.

I have to get to work now. Thank you and God bless you."

******** reprinted from David's site http://divinecosmos.com

Troop movements near Jordanian border

BREAKING : US Troops Begin Operations on the Jordan-Syria Border (unconfirmed, no onsite video)