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Chinese Year of the Water Dragon

…”The Water Dragon is reputed to be a great danger to persons in high places who have been part of a criminal conspiracy or a cover up of a criminal conspiracy because the Water Dragon can see through the veils that are maintianed to cover up criminal mis-conduct.” — unknown

Since I was born in the Year of the Water Dragon… well this is Camelot need I say more?

Rumblings about the Dinar reval and the Global Settlements

We are hearing back channel chatter that the dinar is going through along with the global settlements… lots going on. No confirmation on this at this time: 3:53PM Pacific

For Tuesday:

Tuesday January 10th, 2012 at 8pm est., it’s “URBAN REVOLUTION” on Revolution Radio @ http://www.freedomslips.com. Speial guest ‘Kerry Cassidy’ will be on at 9pm est. to dicuss ‘THE ANGLO-SAXON MISSION’ with host ‘One Iam’. 6pm Pacific Time…

Time Change for John Zaskoda Show

Today at 12pm Pacific Time – John Zaskoda interviews Kerry on his internet radio show – Stranger Advice

Click here to listen or go to American Freedom Radio and Listen live

Gordon Duff – On UFOs, Majestic and more…

Listen to Gordon Duff Reporting on UFOs, the Real Majestic Documents, an alien/human exchange program that took place in 1965… on Mike Harris’s radio show January 6th Hour 1 in the Archive.

As one source says, who is letting this guy out there to talk!! Ex-alphabet agency… once an agent always an agent… this is disclosure.

Click here to access the archives of Republic Broadcasting

It’s very affordable at $1.33 a month


TUESDAY, JAN 10, 2012 – 11AM PT

Richard Gabriel & Judith Elter re NC2 – Investigation on the Giza Plateau

Click on the pic below to view live…

Cick here to read the background material in preparation

richard gabriel

My Interview with Marshall Vian Summers – Coming Soon!


January 7, 2012

My Interview with Marshall Vian Summers – Coming Soon!

After many months delay due to travel and various problems with editors and camera equipment, I am pleased to be releasing my interview with Marshall Vian Summers sometime this weekend.

This is a fascinating discussion that took place in front of a live audience in Estes Park, Colorado in late September. We cover sovereignty of Planet Earth and the real exopolitics of interaction with the Galactic community of races currently visiting us. The footage is excellent for the most part due to the expert help we had with the filming…

Livestream Event with Richard Gabriel and Judith Elter – Giza Geomatrix Team

Tuesday, January 10th 11am Pacific time, 7pm GMT

Free! Join Us to hear about their latest findings out at the Giza Plateau in Egypt…

New Interview and Free LiveStream Event!


My Interview with Marshall Vian Summers – Coming Soon!

After many months delay due to travel and various problems with editors and camera equipment, I am pleased to be releasing my interview with Marshall Vian Summers sometime this weekend.

This is a fascinating discussion that took place in front of a live audience in Estes Park, Colorado in late September. We cover sovereignty of Planet Earth and the real exopolitics of interaction with the Galactic community of races currently visiting us. The footage is excellent for the most part due to the expert help we had with the filming…

Livestream Event with Richard Gabriel and Judith Elter – Giza Geomatrix Team

Tuesday, January 10th 11am Pacific time, 7pm GMT

Free! Join Us to hear about their latest findings out at the Giza Plateau in Egypt…

Hijacking the Fed


January 6, 2012

Hijacking the Fed

According to a source certain parties attempted to hijack the Fed a day or two ago… Apparently they were trying to move some derivatives through the system from what I hear. This was unsuccessful…. developing story. Feel free to contact me and let me know if you heard anything about this in more detail!

Camelot TV Show on TRU TV – Pilot Episode "Shadow Operations" Pushed from Schedule Again!!!

Originally slated to air in February our show has now been pushed once again off the schedule for some unknown reason… We urge those interested to write to Tru TV and demand that this show be aired!!! Considering how many of our whistleblowers are in the show… we understand their trepidation… yes it's disclosure in a box for all intents and purposes but why not, after all it's 2012 and all bets are off as they say.

Civil War in the US? Preparations for Something Coming…

Without going into too much detail suffice to say I have been having interesting conversations with individuals who are very close to the ground with respect to military and officers from various alphabet agencies who are preparing very seriously for something…. Among other preparations they are brushing up on combat and defensive measures here within the borders of the US. Some of these types are saying something is up and they are setting about preparing for their families for the very near future. The future is now…

Gordon Duff Hits Out of the Park Again with his latest Sunday post to Veterans Today


January 1, 2012

Gordon Duff Hits it Out of the Park Again with his latest Sunday post to Veteran's Today

Wow… this man is out there telling the truth. A 'retired' alphabet agency agent..turned journalist. And now we have RUBICON.. one of the best TV shows ever… is mentioned in his column. How awesome is that? See my What I am Watching… on the lower left side of this blog for the link to watch that show on Project Free TV… and read what Gordon Duff has to say about that and what's really going on with Israel and Iran….



See this developing story.. . below is my statement in regard to David Wilcock's recent response to James Martinez who appeared on Conscious Media Network discussing a plan conceived by what he calls a group of …"global leaders and financiers from 130 nations". This is all about a new global economic restructuring…


Hi all,

Regarding James Martinez Consciousness Media expose' — http://www.cmn.tv/news/new-world-currency/

Note: James Martinez is a very good well meaning guy and I have interviewed him at least twice on my radio show…

See my Whistleblower Radio show page http://projectcamelotproductions.com/whistelblower-radio-hp.html show under October 12, 2011) for archived shows for more background on him.

If this is a hoax he is not aware of it… You can be sure of that. I would say it is unlikely to be a hoax however it is very likely he represents and is working with a group that he believes in. That is not to say he is correct in his belief. Please understand there are many factions in this who are each attempting to put forward their own agenda.

I will get in touch with James and see what more I can discover.

Best wishes to all,

Kerry Cassidy
Project Camelot

link to David's statement mentioned above (scroll down to very bottom of his blog to read the update for Jan 1, 2012 where he references James Martinez…)

click on the above right for previous months….

Veterans Today and reg. James Martinez


Gordon Duff Hits it Out of the Park Again with his latest Sunday post to Veteran’s Today

Wow… this man is out there telling the truth. A ‘retired’ alphabet agency agent..turned journalist. And now we have RUBICON.. one of the best TV shows ever… is mentioned in his column. How awesome is that? See my What I am Watching… on the lower left side of this blog for the link to watch that show on Project Free TV… and read what Gordon Duff has to say about that and what’s really going on with Israel and Iran….



See this developing story.. . below is my statement in regard to David Wilcock’s recent response to James Martinez who appeared on Conscious Media Network discussing a plan conceived by what he calls a group of …”global leaders and financiers from 130 nations”. This is all about a new global economic restructuring…


Regarding James Martinez Consciousness Media expose’

Note: James Martinez is a very good well meaning guy and I have interviewed him at least twice on my radio show… See my Whistleblower Radio show page.
See http://projectcamelotproductions.com/whistelblower-radio-hp.html show under October 12, 2011 for archived shows for more background on him.

If this is a hoax he is not aware of it… You can be sure of that. I would say it is unlikely to be a hoax however it is very likely he represents and is working with a group that he believes in. That is not to say he is correct in his belief. Please understand there are many factions in this who are each attempting to put forward their own agenda.

I will get in touch with James and see what more I can discover.

Best wishes to all,

Kerry Cassidy

Project Camelot

Link to David’s statement mentioned above (scroll down to very bottom of his blog to read the update for Jan 1, 2012 where he references James Martinez…)

Veteran’s Today Picks Up the Baton of Truth and Happy New Year!


Happy 2012 to all!

Created by: Tommy A. Hansen

Veteran’s Today Picks Up the Baton of Truth

Special thanks to Mike Harris and Gordon Duff for the courageous reporting…

Click here for the article “America the “Bad Guy” – A Lesson in Historical Hypocrisy”

Contains breaking news info on Vietnam POWs sent to Russia, Stalin’s concentration camps and much more….

Jim W. Dean – Veteran’s Today – Stands Up to the Neocon Crowd – Nuremberg Style

Click here for the article

Dean explains why Iran is no threat, and how Israel has been influencing American policy in order to set the stage for a pre-emptive strike.

Two key quotes from Dean:

“There are two American governments in existence now. One is for show…the one the most are familiar with and think is really theirs. And then there is the real government, where elections are never held, and public support is not necessary, nor sought.”

“The American shadow government is not going to voluntarily give back the power they have covertly taken through cold blooded subversion. We will have to take it back from them.”

— Jim W. Dean

The above two articles along with other recent radio shows on Republic Broadcasting (including one with Kerry Cassidy, evidence that Veteran’s Today and Republic Broadcasting are doing real journalism in a time of stark supression of news in major media. Turning the tide of tyranny one broadcast, and one article at a time.

Eugenics and Food/Water Additives, Packaging and more…

Recommended: Alex Jones : Slow Kill Holocaust

Gold and Immortality vs. Eternal Life


December 30, 2011

Gold and Immortality vs. Eternal Life

According to information from Ashayana Deane, gold is used as manna by the Anunnaki and other Anunnaki hybrids… in order to turn their bodies into immortal vessels… This is not the same thing as eternal life which is something granted through soul link up with the divine or Source.

If sources are correct about gold being nearly as plentiful as grains of sand… and this comes from among others my source Anonymous and before that from David Sales who was interviewed by Rayelan on Rumor Mill News April 7 2011 ..with this much gold to go around they could feed and house the world population easily.

So what we have are a group of self-serving beings who are their descendents hoarding and confiscating the gold wherever and whenever they can at the expense of the rest of the world. Yes, duh but worth repeating. What is striking about this information regarding Immortality vs. Eternal life is that it is the basic distinction between what I call the two paths; Robotic Superman vs. Angelic Human. On the one hand you have a focus on technology and power over others (saping the life force from others) vs. allowance… allowing humans to develop on their own using the process of bio-regeneration through meditation and clearing of karmic debt to re-activate dna…12 strand and beyond that leads to special powers and enlightenment. One is based in time and limited by time and resources which are finite and the other is everlasting. Which do you choose?

click here for Nexus Magazine articles by David Guyatt for further information on the Gold on this planet

8 Billion Dollar Ponzi Scheme – ThinkProgress.org article

click here for the article

KCRW – show yesterday on Iran

I listened yesterday to a show on KCRW with a Financial Times Journalist who seemed to be acting as a paid informant for the NWO… In it he said, [paraphrasing] 'Obama spent the last year negotiating with Iran but now time has run out'.. intimating that the next step is war. This kind of talk and articles cropping up all over are pointing to a real agenda for them to start WWIII in the New Year.

Looking Glass Before it was "Shut Down"

One source said the plan is to take down Obama in the first two months of this year and then replace Biden (he moves aside due to health problems … no doubt 'helped along' and then Hilary or Bill Clinton step into first the VP slot then the President. The Speaker of the House is predicted will step aside… to allow this to happen…into the VP slot. Early succession games. A game of thrones indeed. All this in order to put Bill Clinton back into office during 2012 because they want a war president. Keeping in mind, this is all conjecture and conveyed to me by someone unnamed… there is one element here that could be in keeping with the Looking Glass prediction (according to D. Burisch) that said Hilary would be in the Presidency during 2012…

Walnuts are Drugs… according to FDA — what's next?

click here for the article

Gold, Eternal life, Ponzi Scheme, Iran and more..


Gold and Immortality vs. Eternal Life

According to information from Ashayana Deane, gold is used as manna by the Anunnaki and other Anunnaki hybrids… in order to turn their bodies into immortal vessels… This is not the same thing as eternal life which is something granted through soul link up with the divine or Source.

If sources are correct about gold being nearly as plentiful as grains of sand… and this comes from among others my source Anonymous and before that from David Sales who was interviewed by Rayelan on Rumor Mill News April 7 2011 ..with this much gold to go around they could feed and house the world population easily.

So what we have are a group of self-serving beings who are their descendents hoarding and confiscating the gold wherever and whenever they can at the expense of the rest of the world. Yes, duh but worth repeating. What is striking about this information regarding Immortality vs. Eternal life is that it is the basic distinction between what I call the two paths; Robotic Superman vs. Angelic Human. On the one hand you have a focus on technology and power over others (saping the life force from others) vs. allowance… allowing humans to develop on their own using the process of bio-regeneration through meditation and clearing of karmic debt to re-activate dna…12 strand and beyond that leads to special powers and enlightenment. One is based in time and limited by time and resources which are finite and the other is everlasting. Which do you choose?

Click here for Nexus Magazine articles by David Guyatt for further information on the Gold on this planet

8 Billion Dollar Ponzi Scheme – ThinkProgress.org article

Click here for the article

KCRW – Show yesterday on Iran

I listened yesterday to a show on KCRW with a Financial Times Journalist who seemed to be acting as a paid informant for the NWO… In it he said, [paraphrasing] 'Obama spent the last year negotiating with Iran but now time has run out'.. intimating that the next step is war. This kind of talk and articles cropping up all over are pointing to a real agenda for them to start WWIII in the New Year.

Looking Glass Before it was "Shut Down"

One source said the plan is to take down Obama in the first two months of this year and then replace Biden (he moves aside due to health problems … no doubt 'helped along' and then Hilary or Bill Clinton step into first the VP slot then the President. The Speaker of the House is predicted will step aside… to allow this to happen…into the VP slot. Early succession games. A game of thrones indeed. All this in order to put Bill Clinton back into office during 2012 because they want a war president. Keeping in mind, this is all conjecture and conveyed to me by someone unnamed… there is one element here that could be in keeping with the Looking Glass prediction (according to D. Burisch) that said Hilary would be in the Presidency during 2012…

Walnuts are Drugs… according to FDA — what's next?

Click here for the article

Unusual Banking Activity Report #4


December 29, 2011

Unusual Banking Activity Report #4

Note: behind the scenes the Global Settlements have been due to be released a number of times over the past year… and each time it gets close someone steps in to stop them. We are told, each time, the members of the Bush Cabal are responsible.

Along those lines, if the Global Settlements are released, according to the White Hats the next step is the revaluation of the Iraqui Dinar… This is what may be causing the strange banking now for the report from an undisclosed source:

* Note – We did not expect to be giving you a 4th up-date concerning Current World Wide Banking Status. The Re- Alignment should have Been Completed 14 Hrs ago.

*Systems Stat – UST & All other Letter Agencies just removed from Lock down (Washington, London, Zurich, Basel, Geneva). This includes UST, BIS, IMF, and almost every other Major Bank in Europe, The Americas, Africa, Asia and most if not all of South American Banks and Financial Institutions.

* Since we have never seen this before, it still remains a mystery how the International Banking Community could keep 154 Exotic currencies off the Boards Listed at 00.0000 Buy / 00.0000 Sell and not in the Exotic trading community, for 19 Business trading days, is still beyond our comprehension . One would think at some point it would reach the Financial sector, or they would at least discuss the matter publicly in the International Community. Talk about Banking & Media Control. Jeeses Lawissese.

* Analysis – Still UN-known.

* Conclusion – UN-known at this point – Extremely Unusual Banking Activity.

–from an undisclosed source

At this point one has to ask ones-self… what is the game and is the objective to push the White Hats over the edge and cause them to do something wild and crazy…in order to take them down?


Nuclear Blackmail on Governments – Has Israel Planted a Nuclear Bunker-Busting Bomb Underground in Chicago?

According to Alan Hart, guest of Mike Harris, radio talk show host from Republic Broadcasting, 1 nuke went missing from a group of 5 and was traced to a warehouse in Chicago… reported sometime in 2010… on Rense and other news outlets…

…"The Delta force was deployed to recover the missing nuke in East Chicago [Illinois–correction], this was in the news a while back, Delta Force conducted a raid an empty warehouse, with radioactive residue from having an unshielded nuclear bomb on the premises. (Public record, should still be available on Rense.com)."– Mike Harris

This was independently confirmed by two top level sources to Mike Harris.

Click here for an article released in May 2011 regarding the warehouse raid and Minot incident.

Where this all leads is that a nuclear "bunker busting" bomb is said to be hidden undergroun by Israel as "insurance" to make sure our Congress and so-called leaders continue to keep Israel's demands first and foremost in mind. This is nuclear blackmail. Out of this, as remarked in the above article from IntelHub, a false flag attack triggering WWIII is entirely possible.