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Iran is Not Our Enemy


January 13, 2012

Iran is Not Our Enemy

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MVS titleslide


This is a fascinating discussion that took place in front of a live audience in Estes Park, Colorado in late September. We cover sovereignty of Planet Earth and the real exopolitics of interaction with the Galactic community of races currently visiting us. The footage is excellent for the most part due to the expert help we had with the filming…        

Click here to see the interview


Letter from Keith Hunter and More…




BREAKING NEWS! — from a Camelot supporter:

"Periodically I take care of a baby relative of mine -not so much of a baby anymore; a toddler now and growing up fast. Last night we were sitting in the dark by the wood burning stove enjoying the fire. Out of the blue she said, "the ocean is coming." She got up went to the door and looked outside." She lives 50 miles inland at about 4000ft. in San Diego County."

Very interesting…

TONIGHT PROJECT CAMELOT RADIO … my first UNSCHEDULED GUEST IS ANTHONY SANCHEZ WITH SOME BREAKING NEWS.. Followed by Mike Sparks… on everything Ian Fleming knew about the illuminati and more… the real Titanic etc. http://americanfreedomradio.com/listen_live.html

– His Investigation into the following story I posted yesterday

Here is the original post:

Scientists Evacuating Ensenadas, Baja Mexico

Click here for the article

Notwithstanding that this article is dated erroneously at the top as "2014" …. if true it would have serious consequences for Southern California. However, I have not received any confirmation of this information. If this article is accurate then a cataclysm to the area is being anticipated and is known by at least some of those in attendance at this meeting. If anyone has contact with a scientist who was in attendance please contact me… kerry@projectcamelotportal.com

Here is Keith Hunter's very interesting research into this story:

Dear Kerry,


I may have some information regarding your article: "Private: Scientists Secretly Evacuating Mexican Port Town Of Ensenada Due To Impending Cataclysm"


From my work, there is a very intriguing connection to the region that may indicate a possible earthquake event – either natural or artificial. I may have mentioned this to you Kerry in one of our interviews.


Do you recall the ancient city of Jericho? It was destroyed by Joshua. But I believe this was via use of the Arc of the Covenant which was a high-tech weapon. God's instructions to Joshua for bringing the walls down were are follows:


"Ye shall compass the city, all ye men of war, and go round about the city once. Thus shalt thou do six days. And seven priests shall bear before the ark seven trumpets of rams' horns: and the seventh day ye shall compass the city seven times, and the priests shall blow with the trumpets. And it shall come to pass, that when they make a long blast with the ram's horn, and when ye hear the sound of the trumpet, all the people shall shout with a great shout; and the wall of the city shall fall down flat."


The above I believe is 'code' for engineering a high-tech resonance effect, and that Jericho was particularly vulnerable due to its location.


In my work Kerry I have spoken about how pure latitude arc measures displaced from the equator are carefully selected to engineer a nuclear explosion or trigger an artificial earthquake. This is how I believe Jericho was destroyed. Now, the latitude up from the equator to Jericho – which survives as a city today is:


31° 51′ 19.6″ North (31.855444 N)


The elliptical Arc Length = 11567661.625 feet


What is very interesting though is that this is practically dead-on the latitude of the Mexican Port Town Of Ensenada:


31° 51′ 28″ North (31.857778 N)


The elliptical Arc Length = 11568510.719 feet


The Ideal Value I would calculate for the optimum latitude at which a possible earthquake event might occur shortly, if there is some sort of event forecast (or to be engineered artificially), would be:


31° 52′ 23.05″ North (31.8730706 N)


This would give an elliptical Arc Length up from the equator of:




The significance of this is that 1/11574074.074… = 0.0000000864


864 as a progression is linked to time units:


864 / 6 = 144


144 / 6 = 24


Also, I find a ratio of 0.24 linking the value of 11574074.074 to an arc length associated with the Chile 9.5 Earthquake. This may too be of interest.


The above connections at least let me propose that if there is some sort of high level earthquake (or nuclear event) of significance to strike near to the Mexican Port Town Of Ensenada in the near future, then the location of the event would in my estimation be at the latitude of 31° 52′ 23.05″ North (31.8730706 N), elliptical arc 11574074.074…feet + or – 1500 feet or so. This would be the optimum to achieve the necessary energetic effect.






My added note on this individual Nithyananda…

Look it doesn't matter whether he is in jail or not… he is telling the truth about what happens to the body/spirit in this time.

Meditate and you will feel it!! Listen to the informatiion and forget the messenger…

An excellent explanation for what is happening now in 2012… If you meditate you will quite possibly recognize this and experience it real time. This is happening for me as well.

More notes on this:

What he is talking about is how thought leads to action and then action to materializing ones vision. What he is saying is that it takes less thoughts less time to lead to action which results in materialization in this level of reality. It's key to understanding the difference between this time we are in and the past…. again it has to do with an increase in lightness… of beingness. Another more prosaic way of saying it would be to say our thoughts manifest faster now… our reality. So be careful what you ask for… By the same token we can dematerialize ourselves and reality around us just as quickly.. And yes this is what is happening!


Part two is also recommended but this in a nutshell covers the essence…



anthony sanchez



This groundbreaking interview covers Anthony’s investigation on the Archuleta Mesa where he contacted a nerve agent that has caused facial paralysis and then links to Project Leonid a top secret SKYNET ALA TERMINATOR type project where a grid of nano-satellites. 

Click here to see more



anthony sanchez



This groundbreaking interview covers Anthony’s investigation on the Archuleta Mesa where he contacted a nerve agent that has caused facial paralysis and then links to Project Leonid a top secret SKYNET ALA TERMINATOR type project where a grid of nano-satellites. 

Click here to see more

MARSHALL VIAN SUMMERS : Allies of Humanity


Marshall Vian Summers : Allies of Humanity

After many months delay due to travel and various problems with editors and camera equipment, I am pleased to be releasing my interview with Marshall Vian Summers sometime this weekend.

This is a fascinating discussion that took place in front of a live audience in Estes Park, Colorado in late September. We cover sovereignty of Planet Earth and the real exopolitics of interaction with the Galactic community of races currently visiting us. The footage is excellent for the most part due to the expert help we had with the filming…

The key concept here is that Earth Humans need to regain their sovereignty over their dominion–Earth. As Guardians of Earth we must not only safeguard our own development but nuture and protect the planet. One key difference of opinion between Marshall and I is that in my view we are being visited and are already very much involved as members of the Galactic Community… Where we agree is that we don’t know our own power and need to take back not only our power but our sovereignty of the Earth and our future. We decide, when we decide how and we decide where…

Kerry Cassidy
Project Camelot



January 10, 2012


click here to view

After many months delay due to travel and various problems with editors and camera equipment, I am pleased to be releasing my interview with Marshall Vian Summers.

This is a fascinating discussion that took place in front of a live audience in Estes Park, Colorado in late September. We cover sovereignty of Planet Earth and the real exopolitics of interaction with the Galactic community of races currently visiting us. The footage is excellent for the most part due to the expert help we had with the filming…

DON'T MISS THIS EVENING… Update: apparently we broke some records for viewers on this… see archived show when available on the link below.

"URBAN REVOLUTION" on Revolution Radio @ http://www.freedomslips.com. Special guest 'Kerry Cassidy' will be on at 6pm PT / 9pm EST to discuss 'THE ANGLO-SAXON MISSION' with host 'One Iam'.



Richard Gabriel & Judith Elter re NC2 – Investigation on the Giza Plateau

Click on the pic below to view FREE broadcast…

Cick here to read the background material


Yesterday – John Zaskoda interviewed Kerry on his radio show – Stranger Advice – on American Freedom Radio

click here to listen

Scientists Evacuating Ensenadas, Baja Mexico

click here for the article

Notwithstanding that this article is dated erroneously at the top as "2014" …. if true it would have serious consequences for Southern California. However, I have not received any confirmation of this information. If this article is accurate then a cataclysm to the area is being anticipated and is known by at least some of those in attendance at this meeting. If anyone has contact with a scientist who was in attendance please contact me… kerry@projectcamelotportal.com

Phobos — Mars Probe Grunt to Hit the Ocean on or about the 11th

Depending on where you are on the planet that could be today or tomorrow… Meanwhile, this story is undoubtably a lie… But there are at least 2 ways to look at it. Either this is a probe created by Russia's NASA equivelent type agency (that is, a space program for public consumption) and therefore they are telling something like a truth when the article says it was planning to do this or that. Or it is a total fabrication and the mission was completely different than what is being pubicized in the press. Either way, the probe's problems were likely the result of off-world interference. And whatever the planned mission of the probe… someone in charge on Phobos (the Anunnaki, I am told) were not in favor of it. In which case, it was more of a "what part of 'no' don't the Russians understand?" type encounter….

click here for the article

New Interview out Now and Many other Updates



Click here to watch!

After many months delay due to travel and various problems with editors and camera equipment, I am pleased to be releasing my interview with Marshall Vian Summers.

This is a fascinating discussion that took place in front of a live audience in Estes Park, Colorado in late September. We cover sovereignty of Planet Earth and the real exopolitics of interaction with the Galactic community of races currently visiting us. The footage is excellent for the most part due to the expert help we had with the filming…

Update: apparently we broke some records for viewers on this… see archived show when available on the link below.

“URBAN REVOLUTION” on Revolution Radio @ http://www.freedomslips.com.
Special guest ‘Kerry Cassidy’ will be on at 6pm PT / 9pm EST to discuss ‘THE ANGLO-SAXON MISSION’ with host ‘One Iam’.


Richard Gabriel & Judith Elter re NC2 – Investigation on the Giza Plateau

Click on the pic below to view FREE broadcast…

Click here to read the background material

richard gabriel

Yesterday – John Zaskoda interviewed Kerry on his radio show – Stranger Advice – on American Freedom Radio

Click here to listen

Scientists Evacuating Ensenadas, Baja Mexico

Click here for the article

Notwithstanding that this article is dated erroneously at the top as “2014” …. if true it would have serious consequences for Southern California. However, I have not received any confirmation of this information. If this article is accurate then a cataclysm to the area is being anticipated and is known by at least some of those in attendance at this meeting. If anyone has contact with a scientist who was in attendance please contact me… kerry@projectcamelotportal.com

Phobos — Mars Probe Grunt to Hit the Ocean on or about the 11th

Depending on where you are on the planet that could be today or tomorrow… Meanwhile, this story is undoubtably a lie… But there are at least 2 ways to look at it. Either this is a probe created by Russia’s NASA equivelent type agency (that is, a space program for public consumption) and therefore they are telling something like a truth when the article says it was planning to do this or that. Or it is a total fabrication and the mission was completely different than what is being pubicized in the press. Either way, the probe’s problems were likely the result of off-world interference. And whatever the planned mission of the probe… someone in charge on Phobos (the Anunnaki, I am told) were not in favor of it. In which case, it was more of a “what part of ‘no’ don’t the Russians understand?” type encounter….

Click here for the article

Chinese Year of the Water Dragon


January 9, 2012 Updated

Chinese Year of the Water Dragon

…"The Water Dragon is reputed to be a great danger to persons in high places who have been part of a criminal conspiracy or a cover up of a criminal conspiracy because the Water Dragon can see through the veils that are maintianed to cover up criminal mis-conduct." — unknown

Since I was born in the Year of the Water Dragon… well this is Camelot need I say more?

Rumblings about the Dinar reval and the Global Settlements

We are hearing back channel chatter that the dinar is going through along with the global settlements… lots going on. No confirmation on this at this time: 3:53PM Pacific

For Tuesday:

Tuesday January 10th, 2012 at 8pm est., it's "URBAN REVOLUTION" on Revolution Radio @http://www.freedomslips.com. Speial guest 'Kerry Cassidy' will be on at 9pm est. to dicuss 'THE ANGLO-SAXON MISSION' with host 'One Iam'. 6pm Pacific Time…


Time Change for John Zaskoda Show

Today at 12pm Pacific Time – John Zaskoda interviews Kerry on his internet radio show – Stranger Advice

click here to listen or go to American Freedom Radio and Listen live

Gordon Duff – On UFOs, Majestic and more…

Listen to Gordon Duff Reporting on UFOs, the Real Majestic Documents, an alien/human exchange program that took place in 1965… on Mike Harris's radio show January 6th Hour 1 in the Archive.

As one source says, who is letting this guy out there to talk!! Ex-alphabet agency… once an agent always an agent… this is disclosure.

click here to access the archives of Republic Broadcasting

t's very affordable at $1.33 a month


TUESDAY, JAN 10, 2012 – 11AM PT

Richard Gabriel & Judith Elter re NC2 – Investigation on the Giza Plateau

Click on the pic below to view live…

Cick here to read the background material in preparation


