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Solar Flares on Time


January 23, 2012

Solar Flares on Time

From a source:

January 23rd 2012

"At 9AM Alaska Standard time the entire North side of Barrow, Alaska, the northernmost city in the United States, went dark. THE BLACKOUT included the only Native American accredited Tribal College in the State of Alaska in Barrow, Alaska situated under the northern lights which have been very active for the past three nights (uh er– and day-dark hours).

At the same time, two large electric motors in Ilisagvik College college caught fire and burnt up, prompting an evacuation of the college and an entire shutdown until the situation could be evaluated. It wasn't until 4 pm that the "all clear" was given. There are stranger things in the far North Country under the noonday dark, and the residents have learned to survive and thrive there. "


Camelot Needs a Translation/Transcription coordinatorwith excellent English skills and close attention to detail. Please contact me at kerry@projectcamelotportal.com if you are interested. This is a volunteer position!

David Wilcock's Trillion Dollar Lawsuit Parts 4 & 5 now available…

click here to read the new Part 4

click here to read Part 5

Note: What used to be Part 4 is now re-written and contains more detailed information regarding the Keenan Lawsuit, bonds and gold…


Magnitude 5.0 hits Hawaii


January 22, 2012

Magnitude 5.0 hits Hawaii

click here for USGS info


Alex Collier Aid Project

Please help support Alex and his contribution to humanity over the years. Please click on the link to read the article to donate. I have also invited Alex on my radio show and to do a livestream event… no response as yet…

click here for the article

click here to view the Camelot presentation Alex Collier gave at Awake & Aware 2009


Russia Favors Peace but on Alert and Mark Bruzonsky on the Zionist hold over the U.S.

click here for the Veterans Today article by Dr. George Krasnow and don't miss the fascinating video interview with Mark Bruzonsky at the bottom!!


Two Must Read Books

The following two books are both MUST READS in my view. Both contain excellent synthesized knowledge, that is, they take information out there and compile it in one place and in a creative way thereby bringing into sharp relief concepts that were beforehand, widely dispersed, sometimes hidden or little known and not always associated with each other. What results is something new… a theory or fundamental truth that has been overlooked or ignored because people were not taking the time to put two and two together…in a sense something greater than the sum of its parts…

Sands of Time – Sean David Morton's new book

click here for the book

This is a must read…. with the true story behind Montauk, time travel and more. I am still reading this book and can't put it down. This is real information framed in a fictional way to get the truth out. Information from a whistleblower in the true sense of that word.

Source Field Investigations – by David Wilcock

click here for the book

Chapter 9 The DNA Phantom Effect

In my view this is one of the most important areas of this excellent book by David Wilcock. I haven't finished it but for the most part it appears that what he does is primarily synthesize the science across the world pertaining to what Dr. Pete Peterson called the Information Field and what scientists in the 1900s called the Ether… and more. What he has apparently renamed "the Source Field".

This particular chapter section found on page 160 highlights experiments of a scientist named Dr. Peter Gariaev regarding an energetic 'duplicate' that appears to remain after the original DNA is removed… indicating there is something more, something outside of DNA that persists… and can withstand being exposed to repeated blasts of liquid nitrogen.

And then the reference to two other scientist's work regarding reincarnation and the carry over of facial features, personality quirks and even birthmarks from prior lives… This is all quite accurate in my view and something those with deeper knowledge of the occult have known for some time… that is, that we 'look' the same throughout our incarnations. This is key.

That DNA captures and holds light.. I would say sequences light according to a hyperdimensional pattern or vibration that it then picks up and reflects into this dimension resulting in our physicality.


The strange case of MegaUpload…

click here for the article

There does seem to be more than the obvious to this story. If anyone has more info and I mean more than the obvious please contact me.


The Tuesday night Livestream link is: http://livestream.com/projectcamelotlive/

more info on this event coming soon…

Comments on the latest Financial Tyranny Article


Status on Dinar Reval

…so i hear that all the key code systems have just been implemented by UST for a reval from central bank aka BIS… from a source then again another source said this is old news lol…

wild times.

My comments on the latest Financial Tyranny article:

From what I have read so far, David is attempting to weave a backdrop upon which the lawsuit rests and bring that out before he deals with the nature of the lawsuit itself. The information regarding pedophilia highlighted in the Franklin Saga has been in the public domain for some time. Granted the mainstream news does not cover it but those with eyes to see and ears to hear have known about this and the information is out there.

I applaud David for emphasizing how important bringing to light this demented sexuality is, but there does not seem to be any real understanding of WHY there is such a preoccupation with man-young boy sex within the ranks of the Illuminati…. And this gets into the secret behind stimulating kundalini energy in the base chakra in order to raise the sleeping cobra so that the energetics are tapped that can lead to samadhi and eventual enlightenment. This is done as a short circuit to reaching that goal. This is what the purpose is behind this low form of stimulation is… And why they are so preoccupied with it. As usual, they don't want to spend the years meditating and clearing their karma and their chakras.. they want a fast easy fix that will get them to the higher energetic areas. It's destructive and ultimately short-sighted but so is population elimination, enhancing the physical with robotics, and manipulating the genome. It all works together to form a poison concoction that in their view leads to ruling the worlds… Earth and beyond. Side note: of course there are plenty of those involved who are practicing this not with any understanding of its real purpose, instead they are simply into a power-domination-pain-pleasure syndrome.

Another issue is that in referencing Adam Smith and the issue between the fiat money and the gold standard his reasoning does not take into account what the fiat system has brought us so far.. which is an inflationary spiral based on money you deposit into a bank.. being lent out allowing banks to then make 9 times that amount in interest… This is one area in David's article that does not make sense. Continuing the fiat system would very likely end with us under a NWO where they would step in and revamp the system in such a way that even better suits their needs and is even more repressive.

What has to happen first is that the dark cabal must step down and they are not about to do that without a fight. This is where the idea of a new system becomes a real issue. You cannot take down the current system without putting something in its place. And killing all the so-called bad guys is also not really an option… This leaves dealing with a system that may need to be reworked but not taken down. As one source says the issue is that in this case we have a group of people who are acquiescing to a change of the system when those in power will simply use that opportunity to put their NWO in place in the interim. This is what happened in Nazi Germany. The people were fed up and accepted the promises of a group who then revealed themselves to be on the dark side once they were in power. The question is, how to prevent this from happening again?

The suggestion made to me is to recommend everyone read The Creature From Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin as background to understanding it's not the system so much as it is the people running it. How are you going to depose them without a bloody battle? The wishful answer is for the "people" to demand change.. which they are doing. But putting people in place who are not going to replace the current system with one that is much worse is going to be the real problem…

I have proposed a Livestream Roundtable discussion to David and the 2 people behind the lawsuit; Neil Keenan and Keith Scott. I also would consider bringing on others representing other points of view that can bring to light some of the issues here.

This is a developing story… more as it comes in.

For David's article referenced above click below…

David Wilcock's Article Parts 3 & 4 of Financial Tyranny: Defeating the Greatest Cover-Up of All Time

For those who have been following the Keenan Lawsuit Story, David Wilcock has now released Part 3 and Part 4 of his article exposing aspects of the background with the caveat:

"A 122-nation alliance is backing a lawsuit that could free the Earth from financial tyranny. This investigation reveals who the perpetrators are and what we can do to solve the problem.

[PLEASE NOTE: This article will be undergoing dynamic updates throughout the weekend. Please LINK to it but do not COPY and MIRROR it until Monday. I highly recommend reloading every 15 minutes to catch small but relevant updates."




Special Announcement: Re Tuesday, January 24th 7pm PST


January 19, 2012




David will be joining me to co-host this special Q&A. The viewers will be able to type questions into the chat…

FREE…. donations requested but not required.. This event will be dedicated to raising awareness and also gathering signatures for a Petition protesting the NDAA recently signed by Obama…



Just fyi… he's a whistleblower trying to hold on to some remnant of safety… no doubt someone will blow his cover… but maybe not for a while.

CAMELOT BEING AUDITED BY THE IRS! Accident? I don't think so….lol

Too bad for them, but I have the receipts for everything. You might think these people have something better to do with their time than to go after documentary filmmakers working to get the truth out… oh right I forgot… they don't want the truth out… after all, they might not have a job if the truth were known. Actually they wouldn't. Your days are numbered IRS…. today you audit me but tomorrow we audit YOU!



Excerpt: […"Why have Bill Bonney and the Argo Trust still not been settled? Just these two elements of the Global Settlements represent Trillions of dollars for American Projects, jobs and the elimination of the US national debt of 15 Trillion dollars.

Again, Herzog threatened he would expose Bush Sr. if he’s made to pay back what they have stolen. ARREST HERZOG AND GUINETTE, AND CLEAN UP AMERICA! Arrest Dewhurst and Nevin, and impeach Biden. Let the White Hats expose the criminal activities of Mitt Romney! How can Mitt run for President when he is responsible for hundreds of offshore bank accounts that have skirted U.S tax laws?

Americans have no idea that the Shadow Government and the Military Industrial Complex take not only 55% of all known accrued U.S. Tax income, but also works in conjunction with the co-owned Cabal Federal Reserve Bank of New York, which maintains a vast unauthorized Ponzi Pyramid Cash Machine hidden from Congress.
These groups engage in so many clandestine activities often beyond the rule of law or ethics, while our inner cities decay and collapse as crime and drugs thrive. This money feeds the Cabal, not our own people. Multi-Trillions are squandered annually paying for this Second-Tier Government, unelected and unchecked, answering only to Agency Shadow bosses like Bush Sr. and Senator Jay Rockefeller, etc./end of Excerpt]

The white hats within black projects, military and cross alphabet agency lines are the ones who are assisting us in bringing the truth out… These guys can substantiate their claims… please read the reports and get up to speed with where things are at…



January 18, 2012

TONIGHT: CAMELOT RADIO GUEST James Fetzer talking about possible False Flag with Iran

Don't miss James Fetzer on my Whistleblower Radio show this Wednesday Night where we will be discussing this and other relevant topics on American Freedom Radio. 7pm PST

click here to listen

Articles we will be discussing:

James Fetzer and Joshua Blackeney : Possible US/Israeli False Flag With Iran May Be UnderWay

click here for the article




CAMELOT FORUM NOW UP & RUNNING… thank you Tommy!!!



Free! Donations requested but not required… thank you… more details coming soon.



January 17, 2012


We apologize for any delay in service on the Camelot Forum and elsewhere we are handling the attacks as best we can… Thank you Tommy for hanging in there….

Please support this work… Donate so we can afford to pay a staff and move to better servers!!!


New Release! Today I am releasing my interview with Bill Wood : Above & Beyond Project Looking Glass:

An interview with an ex-Navy Seal who during the years 1992-2000 was sent on top secret bombing missions in the Middle East, predominantly in Iraq. Years after the first Gulf War when we were supposedly not at war with Iraq yet he and Seal Team 9 were targeting Tomahawk Missiles on a monthly basis taking out targets that were increasingly "soft"… involving deaths of hundreds of innocent civilians. Find out how this highly trained young man and his team were coerced by the military into purposely destroying villages and creating future terrorists as part of a plan that would ultimately serve their dark purpose, the war on terror and 911.

And if that weren't enough, hear how he was trained in Area 51 as a specially gifted group of highly classified psy spies to see beyond the famous Looking Glass technology into the future involving 2012 and beyond.

Groundbreaking in every way.


To any fools who believe the disclaimer/insurance policy at the beginning of the Bill Wood video …need to get real and wake up and smell the napalm! He is trying to stay out of jail and alive!!! — and you can quote me — Kerry


James Fetzer and Joshua Blackeney : Possible US/Israeli False Flag With Iran May Be UnderWay

click here for the article

This article contains some interesting cross correlations of data that may point to a false flag operation in the making based on an article by former Israeli intelligence officer, Avi Perry originally published in the Jerusalem Post http://www.jpost.com/Magazine/Opinion/Article.aspx?id=252675

However, Fetzer and Blackeney are positing that another ship will be the actual target. Now whether the exposure in advance of such a plot will work to counter it ever becoming a reality is the real question on the table…

Don't miss James Fetzer on my Whistleblower Radio show Wednesday Night where we will be discussing this and other relevant topics on American Freedom Radio.

New Groundbreaking Interview out! Servers under attack + more…



We apologize for any delay in service on the Camelot Forum and elsewhere we are handling the attacks as best we can… Thank you Tommy for hanging in there….

Please support this work… Donate so we can afford to pay a staff and move to better servers!!!


New Release! Today I am releasing my interview with Bill Wood : Above & Beyond Project Looking Glass:

An interview with an ex-Navy Seal who during the years 1992-2000 was sent on top secret bombing missions in the Middle East, predominantly in Iraq. Years after the first Gulf War when we were supposedly not at war with Iraq yet he and Seal Team 9 were targeting Tomahawk Missiles on a monthly basis taking out targets that were increasingly “soft”… involving deaths of hundreds of innocent civilians. Find out how this highly trained young man and his team were coerced by the military into purposely destroying villages and creating future terrorists as part of a plan that would ultimately serve their dark purpose, the war on terror and 911.

And if that weren’t enough, hear how he was trained in Area 51 as a specially gifted group of highly classified psy spies to see beyond the famous Looking Glass technology into the future involving 2012 and beyond.

Groundbreaking in every way.


To any fools who believe the disclaimer/insurance policy at the beginning of the Bill Wood video …need to get real and wake up and smell the napalm! He is trying to stay out of jail and alive!!! — and you can quote me — Kerry


James Fetzer and Joshua Blackeney : Possible US/Israeli False Flag With Iran May Be UnderWay

Click here for the article

This article contains some interesting cross correlations of data that may point to a false flag operation in the making based on an article by former Israeli intelligence officer, Avi Perry originally published in the Jerusalem Post http://www.jpost.com/Magazine/Opinion/Article.aspx?id=252675

However, Fetzer and Blackeney are positing that another ship will be the actual target. Now whether the exposure in advance of such a plot will work to counter it ever becoming a reality is the real question on the table…

Don’t miss James Fetzer on my Whistleblower Radio show Wednesday Night where we will be discussing this and other relevant topics on American Freedom Radio.

Fed gives away billions to banks


January 16, 2012

In case you missed it… Fed gives away billions to banks, domestic and international


Project Camelot Needs Your Help

I have had to replace 2 computers with updated editing equipment and now one of my cameras is broken and needs to be replaced. Please help by donating if you are able. Thanks very much.

Veteran's Today Article – Gordon Duff on Iran, Israel and correcting the concept that the Strait of Hormuz 'matters' to the U.S. among other intel tips and quips…

click here to read

Note: this article by Duff contains pieces of "intel" aimed at certain parties… for example here:

…"Israel has gone furthest.  They were involved, with American backing, in the planning and execution of many terror operations, from Bali and the Marine Barracks in Beirut to the embassy bombings in Africa to 9/11.  Any attack on a scientist in Iran by the Mossad would have to have been accidental at best." – Gordon Duff, Veterans Today

And click here for the article on Mossad Agents Pose as CIA to Recruit Terrorists or go here to get the articledirect from Foreign Policy's Mark Perry.

"..There is no denying that there is a covert, bloody, and ongoing campaign aimed at stopping Iran's nuclear program, though no evidence has emerged connecting recent acts of sabotage and killings inside Iran to Jundallah. Many reports have cited Israel as the architect of this covert campaign, which claimed its latest victim on Jan. 11 when a motorcyclist in Tehran slipped a magnetic explosive device under the car of Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan, a young Iranian nuclear scientist. The explosion killed Roshan, making him the fourth scientist assassinated in the past two years. The United States adamantly denies it is behind these killings."–Mark Perry, ForeignPolicy.com

And lastly, to pick up on the reference Gordon makes regarding the mysterious death of an Iranian scientist.. click here to scroll down in the Foreign Policy blog and see the item "Santorum" ….indicating that in spite of the denial of the US or Israel in the death of the nuclear scientist, that they would be considered regardless an "enemy combatant"… This telling us that it appears highly likely that Israel and the U.S. are involved as far as I can tell.

This is how the intel game is played out in the press for those with eyes to see…

The Fed gives away billions, Veterans Today and We need your help!


In case you missed it… Fed gives away billions to banks, domestic and international


Project Camelot Needs Your Help

I have had to replace 2 computers with updated editing equipment and now one of my cameras is broken and needs to be replaced. Please help by donating if you are able. Thanks very much. 

You can donate by clicking here 

Veteran’s Today Article

– Gordon Duff on Iran, Israel and correcting the concept that the Strait of Hormuz ‘matters’ to the U.S. among other intel tips and quips…

Click here to read

Note: this article by Duff contains pieces of “intel” aimed at certain parties… for example here:

…”Israel has gone furthest. They were involved, with American backing, in the planning and execution of many terror operations, from Bali and the Marine Barracks in Beirut to the embassy bombings in Africa to 9/11. Any attack on a scientist in Iran by the Mossad would have to have been accidental at best.” – Gordon Duff, Veterans Today

And click here for the article on Mossad Agents Pose as CIA to Recruit Terrorists or go here to get the article direct from Foreign Policy’s Mark Perry.

“..There is no denying that there is a covert, bloody, and ongoing campaign aimed at stopping Iran’s nuclear program, though no evidence has emerged connecting recent acts of sabotage and killings inside Iran to Jundallah. Many reports have cited Israel as the architect of this covert campaign, which claimed its latest victim on Jan. 11 when a motorcyclist in Tehran slipped a magnetic explosive device under the car of Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan, a young Iranian nuclear scientist. The explosion killed Roshan, making him the fourth scientist assassinated in the past two years. The United States adamantly denies it is behind these killings.”–Mark Perry, ForeignPolicy.com

And lastly, to pick up on the reference Gordon makes regarding the mysterious death of an Iranian scientist.. click here to scroll down in the Foreign Policy blog and see the item “Santorum” ….indicating that in spite of the denial of the US or Israel in the death of the nuclear scientist, that they would be considered regardless an “enemy combatant”… This telling us that it appears highly likely that Israel and the U.S. are involved as far as I can tell.

This is how the intel game is played out in the press for those with eyes to see…

Status on Dinar Reval


January 15, 2012

Status on Dinar Reval

…so i hear that all the key code systems have just been implemented by UST for a reval from central bank aka BIS… from a source then again another source said this is old news lol…

wild times.


My comments on the latest Financial Tyranny article:

From what I have read so far, David is attempting to weave a backdrop upon which the lawsuit rests and bring that out before he deals with the nature of the lawsuit itself. The information regarding pedophilia highlighted in the Franklin Saga has been in the public domain for some time. Granted the mainstream news does not cover it but those with eyes to see and ears to hear have known about this and the information is out there.

I applaud David for emphasizing how important bringing to light this demented sexuality is, but there does not seem to be any real understanding of WHY there is such a preoccupation with man-young boy sex within the ranks of the Illuminati…. And this gets into the secret behind stimulating kundalini energy in the base chakra in order to raise the sleeping cobra so that the energetics are tapped that can lead to samadhi and eventual enlightenment. This is done as a short circuit to reaching that goal. This is what the purpose is behind this low form of stimulation is… And why they are so preoccupied with it. As usual, they don't want to spend the years meditating and clearing their karma and their chakras.. they want a fast easy fix that will get them to the higher energetic areas. It's destructive and ultimately short-sighted but so is population elimination, enhancing the physical with robotics, and manipulating the genome. It all works together to form a poison concoction that in their view leads to ruling the worlds… Earth and beyond. Side note: of course there are plenty of those involved who are practicing this not with any understanding of its real purpose, instead they are simply into a power-domination-pain-pleasure syndrome.

Another issue is that in referencing Adam Smith and the issue between the fiat money and the gold standard his reasoning does not take into account what the fiat system has brought us so far.. which is an inflationary spiral based on money you deposit into a bank.. being lent out allowing banks to then make 9 times that amount in interest… This is one area in David's article that does not make sense. Continuing the fiat system would very likely end with us under a NWO where they would step in and revamp the system in such a way that even better suits their needs and is even more repressive.

What has to happen first is that the dark cabal must step down and they are not about to do that without a fight. This is where the idea of a new system becomes a real issue. You cannot take down the current system without putting something in its place. And killing all the so-called bad guys is also not really an option… This leaves dealing with a system that may need to be reworked but not taken down. As one source says the issue is that in this case we have a group of people who are acquiescing to a change of the system when those in power will simply use that opportunity to put their NWO in place in the interim. This is what happened in Nazi Germany. The people were fed up and accepted the promises of a group who then revealed themselves to be on the dark side once they were in power. The question is, how to prevent this from happening again?

The suggestion made to me is to recommend everyone read The Creature From Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin as background to understanding it's not the system so much as it is the people running it. How are you going to depose them without a bloody battle? The wishful answer is for the "people" to demand change.. which they are doing. But putting people in place who are not going to replace the current system with one that is much worse is going to be the real problem…

I have proposed a Livestream Roundtable discussion to David and the 2 people behind the lawsuit; Neil Keenan and Keith Scott. I also would consider bringing on others representing other points of view that can bring to light some of the issues here.

This is a developing story… more as it comes in.

For David's article referenced above click below…

David Wilcock's Article Parts 3 & 4 of Financial Tyranny: Defeating the Greatest Cover-Up of All Time

For those who have been following the Keenan Lawsuit Story, David Wilcock has now released Part 3 and Part 4 of his article exposing aspects of the background with the caveat:

"A 122-nation alliance is backing a lawsuit that could free the Earth from financial tyranny. This investigation reveals who the perpetrators are and what we can do to solve the problem.

[PLEASE NOTE: This article will be undergoing dynamic updates throughout the weekend. Please LINK to it but do not COPY and MIRROR it until Monday. I highly recommend reloading every 15 minutes to catch small but relevant updates."

