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San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant Springs a Leak


January 31, 2012 Updated

San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant Springs a Leak

click here for the story

Our country, the USA is littered with nuke power plants… just waiting for more plate movement, Earthquakes, volcanism or other acts of destabilization to really make the enitre place uninhabitable if earth changes really escalate…

Genetic Manipulation

Nong's Blue Eyes Can See in the Dark

click here for the article

5 U.S. Banks to go into Bankruptcy? developing story…

Jim Sinclair on the Ellis Martin Report

click here for the youtube


USS Enterprise – False Flag setup in Progress?

click here to view this important video warning

MORE on CHICAGO nuclear/quake incidents

Dutchsinse Report on the link between the Nuclear incident in Chicago and the Quake reported here on my blog … minutes after it happened.

click here for Dutch's important venting on this important correlation

Interesting statement from a local to the area…

"….I live about [removed] from the Byron Nuclear Power Plant in Byron, IL – the one that shut down yesterday. [removed]The local news said that an outside power source went down, and that was the cause. Of course we should not be worried at all about the 'safe levels of radiation that were released..!'

My addition to this info is that about 7:30 last night the emergency sirens went off for a couple of minutes. Normally, we hear them during a tornado warning. We got on the phone with the Sheriff's dept *while the sirens were blasting!* and they said they were unaware of any emergency."

Addendum: from Sean David Morton’s book “Sands of Time”


January 30, 2012 Updated

Addendum: from Sean David Morton's book "Sands of Time" click here for the book

There were back in the 60s.. the following primary areas of operations for the BLACK PROJECTS if the info from this fictionalized version of the truth is actually true:

1. AREA 51 : Reverse engineering Saucers & Time Travel

2. S4 : Stealth Technology and high altitude /advanced engine design (Aircraft)

3. Dulce : Genetic engineering an Alien-Human Hybrid as a mid-point between humans and Grays

4. Washburn : AI – Artificial Intelligence that is self-aware

5. Los Alamos : Thor's Hammer – An electromagnetic cannon that can shoot a pulsed beam of electromagnetic energy in a straight line… according to at least one source this goes as far as the moon…

Believe me, this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to black projects.



This just in: a contact from Chicago just reported SONIC BOOM or something like that…

He says felt over wide area shattered windows. He said the following…


"It looks like a small quake in Wisconsin. But the strange thing was that someone around San Francisco said he heard the same thing at the same time? Anyway, this was felt and heard for about 100 miles around this site."

Just received this video link… reported problem at a nuclear power plant TODAY in the same general area…

click here

This is beginning to look suspicious.


Bill Wood AKA Bill Brockbrader Original Interview Transcript now posted

click here for the transcript


If you are outraged by my interview with Bill Brockbrader and you don't believe he was a Navy SEAL, I invite you to turn your analysis in the direction of the military authorities that you hold in such high esteem and entertain the notion that there is a parallel organization that is way above TOP SECRET that is working counter to your organizations.

This is your big opportunity to come face to face with the real military industrial complexity that Eisenhower warned us about… and you will realize that there is a rogue highly extensive SECRET GOVERNMENT operating above top secret handling things that you know nothing about…

This is the story that we have been exposing from the beginning of Camelot back in 2006.

I would also encourage you to read RICHARD DOLAN'S BOOKS: UFOs and the NATIONAL SECURITY STATE Volumes I & II… click here for those books…. as your primer to understanding how this black project community has been operating since the days of Truman and likely before that… Then watch every Project Camelot interview and read all the material from whistleblowers on our site. And then we can talk!

A lot of you are suggesting I haven't done my research… actually I have and its documented all over Project Camelot. The trouble is… you guys are so busy taking orders you forgot to do your OWN research and free your minds from the Machine!!! This is your wake up call. Make of it what you will.

Kerry Cassidy
Project Camelot





NEW! Update from Michael Prince aka James Casbolt – Life Extension – 1992 Sirius Sector

This new material has now been published here. This contains very interesting information pertaining to the role of AI in genetic re-engineering the human race into what they hope is Humanity 2.0…click here to view


Regarding Bill Brockbrader and the White Hats he is referring to…

I have put out a request to get in touch with the white hat group Bill Brockbrader is now being protected by to find out more about this group and their objectives. This is not the same group of White Hats who publish the "White Hats Reports" that I link to from time to time on this blog.

What is interesting to note is that there are many White Hat groups out there. Some may in fact be working at cross purposes or not consider the other groups 'white hats' and so on. The White Hat designation is an insider term for 'the good guys'… Keep in mind that what consitutes a "white hat" to one person my be seen as the "enemy" by another.


Electromagnetic scaler weapons aimed at citizens…

click here for the IntelHub article


This article was sent to my by a Camelot viewer click here to read



January 29, 2012



If you are outraged by my interview with Bill Brockbrader and you don’t believe he was a Navy SEAL, I invite you to turn your analysis in the direction of the military authorities that you hold in such high esteem and entertain the notion that there is a parallel organization that is way above TOP SECRET that is working counter to your organizations.

This is your big opportunity to come face to face with the real military industrial complexity that Eisenhower warned us about… and you will realize that there is a rogue highly extensive SECRET GOVERNMENT operating above top secret handling things that you know nothing about…

This is the story that we have been exposing from the beginning of Camelot back in 2006.

I would also encourage you to read RICHARD DOLAN’S BOOKS: UFOs and the NATIONAL SECURITY STATE Volumes I & II… click here for those books…. as your primer to understanding how this black project community has been operating since the days of Truman and likely before that… Then watch every Project Camelot interview and read all the material from whistleblowers on our site. And then we can talk!

A lot of you are suggesting I haven’t done my research… actually I have and its documented all over Project Camelot. The trouble is… you guys are so busy taking orders you forgot to do your OWN research and free your minds from the Machine!!! This is your wake up call. Make of it what you will.

Kerry Cassidy
Project Camelot


Drones operating on AI – Terminator Scenario


January 28, 2012

Drones operating on AI — Terminator scenario… The question is how linked will they be to a centralized Skynet?

click here for the article

Obama barred from running on the ballot in Georgia

click here for the article

Gordon Duff starts down the Exposing the real Osama Road – Veterans Today


January 27, 2012 Updated

Gordon Duff starts down the Exposing the real Osama Road – Veterans Today

A must read for ALL NAVY SEALS who think Seal Team 6 took him out… get ready for true history lesson 1:

click here to read the full article from beginning to end


Time Travel Expert Dr. David Anderson

click here for an update from Peter Moon publisher of the Montauk books…

I have invited Peter Moon to join us on the Thursday night LIVESTREAM on time travel and time manipulation… as well as Joseph Matheny cult author Ong's Hat a time travel classic and AI programmer extraordinaire… Don't miss this AMAZING EVENT…

click here for Joseph Matheny's website

Troop Movements in LA and along the Malibu Coast

According to a friend the troop carriers were seen going along the Malibu coast yesterday…

click here for the story (I downloaded a copy on pdf in case this doesn't work!)

click here for the youtube

White Hat Report #35 outs Romney and the dirty money he is using to get elected


How does he explain a billion dollars in his bank account…

click here for the report

These reports are going to get even more on point going forward. Must read if you are following the money.

Obama doesn't show for Court Date in Georgia

click here for article

According to a source this Obama birth certificate issue is going to have legs in coming days…

Project Camelot – Navy Seals are said to be filing complaints against Kerry Cassidy/Project Camelot


January 26, 2012

Project Camelot — Navy Seals are said to be filing Complaints against Kerry Cassidy/Project Camelot regarding my video with Bill Wood aka Bill Brockbrader

Naval Criminal Investigative Service / Re: William Newel Brockbrader, aka Bill Wood, Stolen Valor / 27130 Telegraph Road / Quantico, VA 22134 / ncis[DOT]navy.mil/ContactUs/Pa­-ges/default[DOT].aspx

Quoting from an unknown source: .."There have been several complaints filled in this 'Stolen Valor' case. Also a complaint against Project Camelot-Kerry Cassidy…."

Someone sent me the above…

Looks like someone is filing some kind of charges… Look, if you want to file charges and get us in a courtroom to discuss CLEARANCES that go way above top secret and what the secret government is up to… We will be happy to oblige and break open this can of worms to reveal the real truth of what your tax dollars are paying for and where the majority of military funding is really going.

Chances are, they don't dare push this case any further than online threats.

As a friend said…"you KNOW you're over the target when you take flak"!!!

Bill (Wood) Brockbrader Q&A Part One



If you find our work of value please consider donating so we can continue our work! – Thank you!






[videopress PvNNkGjf]


Live Q&A:




Banking Update – from a Source (not edited for typos etc)


January 25,2012

Banking Update – from a Source (not edited for typos etc)

* Again, Please Note. * We did not expect to be giving you and your team
a 5th Up-Date concerning Current Banking Status.

* At this time I would like to acknowledge Project Camelot for their
incredible diligence and hard work bringing the truth forward. Thanks
again Kerry.

* Our Team would also like to congratulate David Wilcox and Benjamin
Fulford for and amazing job exposing the FED and the Trillion Dollar Law
Suit. (Something we are following closely)

* Also to give kudos and a Hats off to jonniewg, Historian, Terryk, and
Studly for all the extremely hard work they have done trying to figure
out just what is going on within the Banking Sector, then bringing it to
us without ruffling too many feathers.

* Systems Stat – UST still in Lock down. Confirmed through several
sources. Time to completion – UN-known. (jonniewg is right again)

* BIS systems Re-Organization (DEC 15th to Jan 15th) to re-issue all
Bonds for Re-Alignment, Re-Valuation in progress. Time to completion – 6

* Blank Screens and the Bank screens reading 00.0000 then older rates,
then Blank again. UN-known. Assume it is being tested. (I have seen this

* Personal Banking Confirmation (CHASE, Main Branch, Manhattan, N.Y.)
Memos to Executives, (VP or better) Expect large influx of foreign
currency exchanges from Clients at the beginning of next month (1st thru

* Analysis – Still UN-Known.

* Conclusion – UN-Known – Amazingly UN-usual Banking Activity.


Regarding HIS NEW BOOK "Sands of Time" (click here for the book) about an above top secret project — true story based on the life of a black project scientist who was given the task to repair the tears in the timeline. The real story behind Montauk and beyond. We will be discussing the manipulation of the timelines and much more….

More guests TBD

I spoke with Sean this morning and he reminded me about Terrence McKenna's prediction –Time Wave Zero… which is a computer model based on the I-Ching… that posits that "the TIMEWAVE ZERO software, which has been on a downhill wave begins to WILDLY SPIKE staring Feb. 8-9 of this year, with a series of plateaus that mean we the HUMAN RACE will GLOBALLY come aware in a matter of MOMENTS rather than DECADES! This SPIKES to INFINITY on 12/21/12!! "… says Sean.

This directly relates to what Bill Wood has been saying regarding the Convergence of the Timelines.

Sean went on to say that, "Terrenc McKenna said Dec. 3, 2011 would be the START of the FINAL WAVE and 385 days=1 full LUNAR YEAR to Dec. 21, 2012, which is also the End of the Emperor Winn's I-CHING….and this is the year of the BLACK WATER DRAGON which is THE SYMBOL ON THE LAST PLATE OF THE MAYAN CODEX!"

You have to love Sean's encyclopedia like grasp of all this history…

He continued…"He (Emperor Winn) created the I-Ching in China in 5132 BC and Terrance McKenna based all the time wave stuff on a computer model of the I-Ching."

This is what our LIVESTREAM DISCUSSION will be about. As well as the various interventions of the secret government into manipulating the timelines…. And the Wingmakers material that relates directly to this. I urge you to read Sean's book prior to this Livestream!!

Sands of Time – Sean David Morton's new book

click here for the book


BILL WOOD LIVE EVENT – this event is now complete and available to stream on both youtube and livestream.

This version has been edited to remove the technical delay in the beginning and very end and everything else is the same:


Please click on the above button to DONATE to Project Camelot. To donate to Project Avalon please go to projectavalon.net or to donate to David Wilcock please go to divinecosmos.com

We had over 3000 live listeners and we want to thank you for the great success of this event!

For those who want to view the Camelot video Stargate Secrets : an interview with Dan Burisch
click here…
