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February 10, 2012



It is amazing to me that putting our lives on the line for our whistleblowers to get the truth out to the people sometimes ends up with them turning on us and telling lies.  The dynamic of what went on with Bill Brockbrader/Wood is a case in point.  He is not the first one… yes Pete Peterson did as well.

While I am happy to hear he has found another outlet for his ideas… the following information must be clearly made public.  

1.  I did not call David Wilcock in distress over someone unearthing his "channeling"… this is not only not surprising to me but as a matter of fact it is my observation that almost without exception our witnesses; researchers and whistleblowers all end up "channeling" some more than others.  I have stated this publicly in my Sedona Presentation a year or two ago and others.

2.  Pete Peterson has held a grudge and has been working hard to turn a certain person against us for a while now.  What actually happened… and I have a witness, both Bill Ryan and I were involved in that interview process. We waited a month for his PENTAGON SOURCES to VET THE INTERVIEW… Finally he gave us the ok on the phone.  We posted it to youtube and then several hours later he called and wanted it taken down and changed.  At that point it was too late.  People had already seen it and downloaded it.  Anything taken out at that point would simply make it go even more viral.  Be aware:  He doth protest too much..now as he did then.. I didn't hold a gun to his head and I didn't give him drugs, torture or mind control.. something he knows a LOT ABOUT.  And yes I could get killed, as he said several times for saying so… 

What he and BILL BROCKBRADER and anyone else out there needs to know is WE ARE FREE as interviewers to ask whatever questions we choose.  Just as the whistleblower is FREE to take the 5th and not answer.   He's a big strong man… I don't think he was afraid of me but then again you never know.  There was nothing to take out there because he never admitted anything.  He simply got a lot of flak from his PENTAGON HANDLERS (along with some possible rewiring) and this made him uncomfortable… 

3.  Regarding Bill Brockbrader — the only thing I asked after consulting a lawyer… because originally he had said he was going to release NAMES and EVIDENCE that would as he said "shut the SEALS up"…etc.  I simply said we don't want to get caught up in useless lawsuits for slander etc so please ONLY USE first and last initials or ROLES… FOR EXAMPLE I said.. if it's a Police Chief say that.. do not use names… and then put the evidence which presumably would have the names on a site we can link to. … Why he would choose to lie about this now is something only his handler can say for sure…

4. Regarding spiritual matters… If you pay attention, on my first interview and on the second Livestream with David Wilcock and Bill Ryan .. we delved into Looking Glass, the timeline convergence and so on.  He had plenty of time to speak about this and answer questions and he did so…  I am a HIGHLY SPIRITUAL PERSON… that is why I do what I do… And why I don't lie about anything.  Unlike some people.  

What I don't care to do is give a whistleblower a platform to repeat himself over and over again or spout rhetoric and philosophy for hours on end.  The 3rd Livestream was hugely problematic… And it is public record.  Judge for yourself.  




February 10, 2012


OR GO DIRECT TO:  http://livestream.com/projectcamelotlive/



Kerry on KHEN.org Radio

To LISTEN to the archived show on Khen.org CLICK HERE  – from Feb 7th where Kerry was interviewed by Guest Host Mike Harris and Mel Hallett of Truth Oracle Radio



TWILIGHT OF THE OLD BOYS NETWORK | Phoenix, Arizona, February 2012


This is a video of several guerrilla style interviews with Bob Dean and Clifford Stone conducted over a 2 day period at the 2012 UFO Congress… Retired, Command Sergeant Major, Robert O. Dean and Retired, Sergeant Clifford Stone hadn't seen each other in some time. They are old friends and both have been given special access to the above top secret world of the military involving interaction with ETs of various races.

In this once in a lifetime interview we get them together, at one place and time, sharing war stories and reminiscing about their encounters. I ask them the hard questions and attempt one more time to get them to reveal the true nature of the military involvement with ETs. What it means for humanity and where it is leading…as well as the fact that there are friendly and not so friendly visitors to this planet. Some, as they say, walk among us and down the halls of the Pentagon.

Not to be missed.

Produced, directed and shot by Kerry Cassidy, Project Camelot
Additional camera work by Robert Pepino & Makoto


Two More Upcoming Livestream Roundtables and Interviews


February 8, 2012

Two More Upcoming Livestream Roundtables and Interviews:

1. Anthony Sanchez and research partner David Weatherly and Jay Weidner — tentatively set for Friday, Feb 10th 7pm PST.

2. Interview with John Kettler : regarding his book "UFOs, Antigravity, Vimanas & Mystics", current events and his blog; contacts on and off-world… – Monday, February 13 at 7pm PST

Lastly see below for the 3rd Livestream event to come next week sometime on the Interstellar Fluffy Cloud… with Chad Adams, Susan Rennison and TBA


SPECIAL NOTE:  As of a  week ago, Bill Brockbrader has chosen to spread lies about me and Project Camelot.  Unfortunately we can no longer support him at this time.  WE STAND BY MY ORIGINAL INTERVIEW WITH HIM.

Kerry Cassidy

Project Camelot

NOTE:  My reply to the statements made by Bill Brockbrader about Camelot on Lisa Harrison's interview with him…is now on the ARTICLES tab… GO TO THE TOP OF THIS PAGE AND CLICK THAT LINK to read.



The following is the challenge that Bill Brockbrader wrote to Don Shipley…

"On Feb 7, 2012, at 3:04 PM, Bill Wood wrote:

Mr. Shipley,

I need to put this issue with my past to bed. Focus needs to be on the future, not on my past. I have a great deal of compassion for those out there who struggle with the truth I am shedding light on. It is not an easy journey to come to terms with the reality of our collective pathology. I am honored at the opportunity to lead you in this example and I recognize your passion and devotion to your perpetuation of an infective limiting information set that is not based on reality. So do you want to get real?

I think that it is now time to reveal some information that I possess that would more than validate that I am a truly extraordinary person and that I possess some extraordinary abilities. Some of those abilities being those of an individual that has been through SEAL training schools. See…they can purge all paperwork that validates my past. They throw up a smoke screen of disinformation that blinds individuals to the truth of what I say I am. There is one thing that no one can take away from me…the abilities that I possess from my training. I think that you would admit that there are somethings that only SEALs can do. What you've missed is that I'm a cold and calculating operator. You may think that you are in control but in all reality you have been stupid enough to walk yourself right into a bottleneck ambush and I am about to show the world how an individual like me proves to the world that if he walks like a SEAL and talks like a SEAL and has the abilities of a SEAL…he might just be a SEAL. And the funny part is that when its all said and done…you will be the one that proved it to the world.

So answer this question Mr Shipley? Tell the world…because the decisions that you make now are going to be very important when viewed by history. What is drownproofing? What are the odds that someone that wasn't a SEAL could be drownproof? Lets just say that I know that there is plenty of information out there on the internet that speaks to the fact that the odds are astronomical.

So here's my challenge…I want to demonstrate my drownproofing for the world to see. Drownproofing – the act of having your arms tied behind your back, your leg bound at the ankles and surviving in a 9 foot deep pool for up to 20 minutes while performing various tasks. You administer the test. I pick the location and you come to that location at your expense. You also agree to protect my security and safety during the demonstration and you swear that you will keep the location secret until after the evolution is completed. (Lets just say I don't want this event used as means of getting me back into government custody. I really don't like being drugged and brain washed.) You also agree that the video of the evolution is validated by you. You pick either the current standards or the 1992 standards of what must be performed to demonstrate the ability of being drownproof and I will accomplish the tasks. You provide what is necessary to ensure that this event can be performed safely to the satisfaction of the owners of the pool. The current naval standards of safety would be satisfactory. And finally…if I satisfactorily perform the skills involved in drownproofing, you give me your trident.

Now let me clearly explain your situation to everyone that may not completely understand what you have crated that I am now going to capitalize on. One – you accept my challenge and risk that I am who I say I am. You know that if I accomplish drownproofing and you give me your trident that it is the way that every SEAL becomes a SEAL. A SEAL only becomes a SEAL when another SEAL makes him a SEAL. So after that point…no matter what anyone says…I will be a SEAL because you, another SEAL, made me one by giving me his trident. Two – you fail to accept my challenge and I blast that information out to the world. Every blog…every SEAL forum…to every one I can. I say that the government would not allow you to give me the validation that I need to prove who I am because they know the truth – you don't. That they don't want the information that I possess to get out. With all of the fever that is now out on the internet now, it would support that the department of disinformation is working serious overtime to keep the truth from getting out. Certainly, I know that everyone clearly understands that I am willing risk my life for my country and what I believe in. Couple that with the fact that I am starting a revolution of peace and hope throughout the world and that I am forming an army of light that will stand shoulder to shoulder with me…I'm pretty sure that everyone that hears my voice after this understands that those are the quintessential qualities that embody what a SEAL is.

Now there is a third option but it is one that you may not have considered till now but I can promise you this…it is the honorable option. You see the truth in my words and you remember your oath to your country and the people of this country. You make a conscious decision to return this country to its former glory and stand with me in the fight for the freedom for the people of this country against the tyranny that we all now face.

I, Carol Don Shipley, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic;

that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.

None of us are obligated to follow unlawful orders but it certainly takes a very brave person to not follow unlawful orders. There are always consequences to refusing to follow unlawful orders. They can be seen as negative because we see whats happened to Bradley Manning but we all also know that is exactly why he isn't guilty of the charges now levied against him and how he will eventually be found innocent for that very reason. He refused to follow unlawful orders.

Honor, courage, commitment. Those are the Navy core values and what we choose to embody as warriors in the fight for the freedom of our people and our country. The words that are emblazoned on my back in Arabic. I put them in Arabic as a symbol that, as Americans, we have forgotten the meaning of the words.

No matter what you do at this point…you need to realize that all of this has an inevitable end…freedom. David Icke and his experiences have taught me that bravery and perseverance are what's important in your beliefs. People laughing at you in the moment mean nothing. History will tell the story of the trials and tribulations that I face now. He faced and defeated the same humiliations that I now face and is now revered for his perseverance. Ill thank him for that in person one day. (Good job 'jesus')

Wither you understand/like it or not, Im the guy that believes that he changes the world. According to the information set I have, its already happened and I simply need to follow my intuition and my task will inevitably be accomplished. You and the rest of the SEALs can stand and fight for hope and freedom as brothers with me and have history see us all as proud, formerly misguided, warriors that eventually found their way or you can be seen as one of many that stood against your people and the freedom and hope that they wish for.

Ill leave you to your decision. You have a week to respond. Make sure you reply to all when you do.

Bill Brockbrader AKA Bill Wood "

Here is Don Shipley's response: CLICK HERE AND SCROLL UP ON THAT FORUM

For those who don't want to read Shipley's offensive reply…. he basically said he wasn't interested.

As I mentioned to someone recently… I spoke to Don Shipley… he does not know anything about above top secret or black projects… or anything else above his paygrade. As a friend once said, "…it isn't secret if you know about it."



Wednesday on American Freedom Radio: USA
Wednesday: 7pm PST to 9pm




Bill Brockbrader Feb 4, 2012 Follow Up Interview now available on Youtube.

click here to view (edited out delays due to technical issues) with titles added.

John Kettler's Blog : interesting sources and info

click here to view his blog

click here for an interesting statement of support for Kettler from a person calling themselves Anonymous II

click here for a recent article regarding a Submarine headed for San Onofre Nuclear Plant – False Flag Averted?

I am checking into this but there are some interesting correlations to the recent leaks reported here on my blog at the San Onofre plant.

February 7, 2012


Focus on two researchers into the INTERSTELLAR "FLUFFY" CLOUD: Chad Adams & Susan Rennison

I am in the process of organizing a Livestream discussion regarding the Interstellar Fluffy Cloud detected in space that it appears we have entered into.. so far I have Chad Adams, who released the paper called "The Coming" documenting the Boeing whistleblower who first broke the story about this interstellar mass of electromagnetic energy. Susan Rennison has also done substantial work on this subject including publishing a book called "Tuning the Diamonds" on electromagnetism and spiritual evolution. Click here for her website

Susan Rennison and her paper on Mayan Cosmology & Space Weather

click here to read

She also has a new book out called "What is Space Weather" click here to view

Chad Adams : Paper called "The Coming" documenting Boeing whistleblower testimony


click here for the paper

click here for Chad Adam's Website

–from Mike Philbin and others/ fragments from …./ 36272983the-coming.pdf available at Scribd:http://www.scribd.com/doc/36272983/The-Coming (http://mikephilbin.blogspot.com/)

I have also contacted Paul La Violette in regard to this interstellar cloud and there does seem to be a correspondence between the space dust/interstellar cloud being described and the Superwave that he has described in our interview with him sometime back… (click here to view). In response to our inquiry he wrote…"there is a high likelihood that a superwave of unknown intensity (large or small) will arrive within the next 400 years, possibly even this year for that matter. Unfortunately, we will only know of its date of arrival when it has already arrived here."–Paul LaViolette

Along these lines, our Camelot whistleblower Jake Simpson spoke to us about the Secret Space Program having gone to beyond the edges of our solar system and recorded the approaching Superwave on instruments several years ago. Paul La Violette was very interested when we communicated this to him but we have not been able to find any substantiating testimony beyond Simpson to date…. Click here to read the testimony of Jake Simpson

Additionally, I was notified by a source a short time ago that this interstellar cloud may possibly be what is cloaking the approach of the Brown Dwarf… This is unverified but is what has, in part, stimulated me to get together a Camelot Roundtable discussion/investigation into this subject.

More information will be forthcoming as the details of the livestream event become solidified.


TONIGHT: Kerry joins Mike Harris on Truth Oracle Radio…http://khen.org

click here to listen Tueday at 7pm PST to 9pm


Transcript of the Bill Brockbrader/Wood Livestream Q&A from January 24th now posted on the following page:

click here for the page

Youtube version of the Feb 4th Livestream is being exported and should be available later today…

02/05/2012 – Evaluating Whistleblower Testimony from Bill Brockbrader aka Bill Wood:


February 5, 2012

Evaluating Whistleblower Testimony from Bill Brockbrader aka Bill Wood:

Thank you for all who took the time to listen and participate in the recent Livestream follow up interview with Bill Brockbrader. Unfortunately some of what was initially promised by Bill prior to the Livestream event was not delivered. If nothing else, what becomes evident is that what one person considers to be earth shattering or mind blowing can easily be seen as run of the mill to someone else. It all has to do with your frame of reference. In addition to that, as the interview progressed, what appeared to happen is that Bill Brockbrader had stretched his security oath as far as it would go. From that point on, it is evident that he is primarily talking from a personal/philosophical point of view.

It also became obvious, at least to me, that there was a lack of familiarity with what Project Camelot is all about. And therefore Bill and Eva are not able to assess accurately what is new and what is well known to the Camelot audience and so both he and Eva Moore, although well meaning, ended up discussing concepts and experiences that are already out in the public domain and therefore not at all novel or new. You be the judge.

Naturally, Bill's personal experiences seem unique to him. This is understandable. Unfortunately a lot of the material in this livestream had already been revealed in the first interview I did with him. The rest of the material with regard to the Las Vegas police department while interesting is hardly surprising. Actually it would be more surprising if they weren't run by the mob, on the take and corrupt as well as deeply involved in scandals of every kind… What you will see is that halfway through the interview I simply decided to take charge of the process and attempt to get some focus and answers to direct questions that some of the viewers had.

Suffice to say, whistleblower testimony is often full of distortions, blanks and unanswered questions due to the impact that mind control has had on the person's life. In this regard, Bill Brockbrader is no exception to this rule. I suggest that rather than judging him you consider the impact that simple mass mind control has had on your own lives and then try to put yourself in the shoes of someone who has that and on top of it joins the military and becomes the focus of intense mind manipulation over long periods of time. Then you will begin to understand what it truly means to be a whistleblower, or someone who has chosen to break ranks and come forward to tell the truth about what they have experienced.

We need more people who have that kind of courage. Unfortunately they are few and far between. On top of that, the very people who could substantiate and stand beside a whistleblower often choose to hide in the dark.

As we enter this time where the veils are thinning between worlds consider how many lies you and people around you are dealing with on a daily basis. Then consider whether you would have the courage to come forward into the public domain to tell the truth about what you know. Consider how you would become an outcast among those who supposedly are your friends and loved ones. Consider how once you take the RED PILL you can never go back. Then look again at the testimony from Bill Brockbrader.

Ultimately truth is something each person must discover one step at a time using their own heart and mind to discern.

Lastly, for those of you who do not understand what my role is as a filmmaker and investigative reporter… please understand. I am not interested in following in the steps of others. Project Camelot has a unique mission in this regard. For more on this mission click on About Us.

Please note: A viewer came across the following link which contains a written expose apparently posted back in July 2011 by Bill Brockbrader on the internet. Some of his statements and the information described there may be useful to people attempting to understand where he is coming from regarding his past, channeling and philosophy. On the other hand, it may simply confuse things even further…You need to decide what resonates with you and what does not. CLICK HERE for his previously published statement.

Drones target civilians, rescuers in Afghanistan


February 6, 2012

Drones target civilians, rescuers in Afghanistan

click here for the article

Bank of America does not accept mortgage payments in cash..

click here for the youtube video

Walled City Discovered off Georgia Coast Predates Pyramids



Walled City Discovered off Georgia Coast Predates Pyramids

click here for the story


LIVESTREAM EVENT – now complete… streaming available at the links below


This event is happening and on schedule!!!

click on the poster to join us…. or go to: http://projectcamelot.tv

if that link is too slow go directly to Livestream: http://livestream.com/projectcamelotlive/









Here is a communique from Bill Brockbrader aka Bill Wood has asked me to post in this regard:


Bill wrote the following statement as preliminary to his statement below: “Shortly after his last interview, Bill was forced into leaving for a secret location for his own safety. He is now being directly protected by White Hat sources [My Note: NOT the same group as those who publish http://tdarkcabal.blogspot.com/ called The White Hats Report] at this secret location. He will be speaking about some of his experiences in his new life. Also, because Bill’s true identity was exposed by government agents, he will be revealing his conclusions into his investigations about the single largest criminal organization in Las Vegas and how an ex Navy SEAL and his wife’s ‘swinger’ parties are involved. He will be joined by a new mystery guest for his interview. You will hear a unique newly developed perspective based on Holodynamic principles that calls for the transformation of America and other military personal similar fears as a uniting factor that will be the foundation for change NOW in the face of the NDAA. Other key concepts highlight the similarities between Bill’s experience and Kay Griggs 1998 interview exposing how her husband Colonel Griggs similar use of sexual coercion, mind control, and extensive abuses of U.S. army personal that have led to inspiring support for Bill. Bill is now working actively to construct a plan that brings about the changes in the world that everyone has been long anticipating. Please join us as he will be revealing much, much more about how we all can work together to incorperate these changes throughout the planet. This interview will be the game changer for the changes coming at the end of 2012. He has asked me to include the following announcement:

Thank you all for your emails and comments. I apologize for not responding but life has gotten pretty interesting here in ‘the land where freedom began’. I would like to ask a favor from all supporters for changing the world. There is some debate here. Realize that there are still some battle hardened veterans of light here that don’t seem to agree that the new army of light is standing up and asking to be counted on for support. So I am asking this as a unique means of showing just how many people are ready to work for some change in the world. I have included a donation button below. I would like to ask that everyone that is ready to see the world change, donate one dollar. You can donate more but that is all I need from any one person. The idea is to show just how many of us are out there so the boys that can put down some zeros on the checks will see that the support is here and the time to move is now. Realize this – one donation of $100,000 doesn’t help…as the universe responds to action, individual donations are the keys. I need to identify the number of supporters that are out there currently.

Thanks all for the support in advance. Just be ready to have your minds blown WIDE open in the next interview.”


This is a donation paypal button that Bill has sent for people to donate to assist him in his work. He prefers that you send only $1 per person to show your support….

Mail : Donations to Bill Brockbrader 2764 North Green Valley Parkway #410 Henderson, NV 89014

or Paypal go to http://projectcamelot.tv to donate to Bill…

More on San Onofre Nuclear Plant Problems

click here to view

02/01/2012 – Bill Brockbrader aka Bill Wood and Jelaila Starr

Right click on play box and save as MP3 to your hard drive (if the save menu does not appear try refreshing the page)
Bill Brockbrader aka Bill Wood and Jelaila Starr

Sean David Morton, Joe Matheny & Peter Moon


February 2, 2012

LIVESTREAM EVENT WITH SEAN DAVID MORTON, JOE MATHENY & PETER MOON – this event was a big success and the video is available to stream now as well…

[videopress UmtHgzSF]



Plume activity from Southern California Desert Area – Dutchsinse video

Pisgah area… click here for video

This is indication of volcanism in the area… Put that alongside the recent San Onofre Nuclear Plant problems and you have a good possible explanation for what may be going on…This whole thing bears watching.

click here for more on the San Onofre plant issues

Camelot Radio – Bill Brockbrader – 15 Minutes


February 1, 2012 Updated

CAMELOT RADIO – Bill Brockbrader – 15 minutes

For those that are interested… Bill Brockbrader aka Wood came on my radio show tonight for the first 15 mins. After that I had a very interesting conversation with my scheduled guest Jelaila Starr about Annunaki, Reptilians and Artificial Intelligence and converging timelines in 2012.

click here for the arichived show



We are the Wikileaks for ABOVE TOP SECRET… and when the people threatening us with legal actions of any kind get that through their heads.. let's just say this.. BRING IT ON… because we are going to BREAK OPEN THIS STORY so far it will go Worldwide…. so go ahead MAKE US FAMOUS!!!


The following was posted on our Facebook wall. Please contact me if you have advice, are able to assist us as a lawyer (update we now have legal advice) or other person with expertise in the law, or are a white hat military person with expertise in the areas of surveillance etc. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR WORK AND MAY THE TRUTH PREVAIL!! PLEASE SEND THIS MESSAGE VIRAL….


"Ok, now what is this about? Any knowledge?

" “He who hath ears to hear, let him hear”

Send lawyers, guns, and money…the shit has hit the fan!!!

Sources very close to the principles are telling me that a criminal investigation has been initiated into the DEATH THREATS made against David. Also being investigated, are the apparent threats, subsequent to his interview with Kerry, which caused William/Bill Wood/Brockbrader to go into hiding and need protection provided by the “White Hats”. And also, apparently a Grand Jury has now been convened to determine if there is enough evidence to issue subpoenas and/or bring criminal charges against the principle players.

My source guaranteed me that the authorities now active on this case, including the; Ventura and LA County Sheriffs/District Attorneys, Oak Park and LA PD’s, FBI, ICE, FCC, and the US Dept of Homeland Security, will be listening with a very keen ear to Thursdays and Fridays broadcast, and that electronic tracking technology is to be employed that will determine the locations and identities of all primary participants.

Relevant statutes that may have been violated include California Penal Code 422 PC, which is classifies as “wobbler”, meaning that prosecutors may file it as either a misdemeanor or a felony. If you are convicted of the misdemeanor, you face up to one year in a county jail. If you are convicted of the felony, you face up to four years in the California state prison. Using a dangerous or deadly weapon increases your sentence by one year.

And because a criminal threats conviction is a "strike" under California's
three strikes law, you must serve at least 85% of your sentence before you are eligible for release.

In addition, under the Fourteenth Amendment, courts have given a particularly broad interpretation to the "Commerce Clause" power, permitting Congress to make a federal crime of many common law crimes such as kidnapping, murder, threats of murder and/or bodily harm; if state lines are crossed during commission of the crime, using instrumentalities of commerce such as telephone lines or the U.S. mail.

Other statues being looked at as to their applicability are:

– Aiding and abetting

– Using the airwaves in the commission of a crime. It will be interesting to see how broadcasting over the “internet” as opposed to actual “airwaves plays out in the interpretation and application of the law and which, if any, statutes have been violated and/or crimes committed

– Solicitation (hiring/contracting/making arrangement for someone) to commit a felony

– Failure to report a crime and/or concealing the identities of those who may have committed a crime, i.e, issuing death threats, and/or conveying the message that death threats have been made are also crimes.

– If perchance it turns out that all this was staged for show/theater/book sales …then you have the crime of “yelling fire in a theater”. The people of the greater Ventura County area, upon hearing the interviews have a justified and reasonable cause to be concerned for their and their children’s lives and well-being if a galactic star wars type of battle is about to commence in their back yards

– And I’m not sure what crime or penal code would apply if someone from “far, far, away” threatens to come “here” and not just kill someone, but mess with his or her soul after death too, must be against some law?

– Then you have Bill Wood/Brockbrader possibly blackmailing, at the very least, the Navy SEALS…”hurt my family and I’ll release information that will damage you…leave me alone and I won’t”. And at the worse, since the threat involves agents/agencies of the US Government; it may even be construed as Treason and/or cause said person to be determined to be an “enemy combatant; and eligible for an undetermined stay at GITMO.

– Finally, the “White Hats” representative, the guy with the Irish accent apparently floating around in space along with Michael and the other Archangels, Jodi foster, and John Hurt could be considered a gang and/or member of an organized crime syndicate.

Having said all that, the good news, gang; is that this pimple is about to pop and soon all US conspiracy nuts are about to discover whether this ongoing saga/drama is/has been; “Live or Memorex”…Real or a Publicity stunt…Sanity or a Delusional Disorder.

Peace be with you all,

Rabboni T ReVealer "

end of Wall Post