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More Banker Resignations

March 27, 2012 Updated at 1:51pm PDT


click here for the detailed list

I don't mind if you re-blog this listing. Save yourself the wear and tear on your karma and do me the favor of including http://americankabuki.blogspot.com in your reposting. Thanks to all who have caught minor errors. Special thank to Gabriel at Facebook Global Mass Resignations for some resignations I did not find in my searches." — American Kabuki blogspot.com


CLICK HERE for the more recent Democracy Now Report March 12, 2012

(thank you to Bill Brockbrader for sending the updated link to Democracy Now)

Click here for the Democracy Now Report from May 18, 2011

This report dated May 18th comes of no surprise to those of us who deal with whistleblowers from above top secret however it is notable in that it brings into focus how a crackdown on revealing truth about violations within standard Matrix government also reveals a corresponding crackdown on all whistleblowers.  It is obvious that any attempt to prosecute whistleblowers from black projects (top secret and above)  would simply reveal that such projects exist and this they cannot have.   

Place this report next to the recent lawsuit against Bill Brockbrader and Wolf radio and it immediately becomes clear that this may even be some attempt on the part of the Matrix government (by that I mean the surface government not to be confused with the REAL SECRET GOV operating with impunity without regard to protocols that demand representing the  "People") to cross the line without appearing to do so.  Again, as mentioned below in my statement "CAMELOT'S STAND ON THE MATTER" (see March 23) this attempt to prosecute a whistleblower by attempting to prove his above top secret unit (SEAL  Team Nine) does not exist is an exercise in futility on their part.  

This brings one around to the GARY McKINNON case where the government, again Matrix gov, crosses the line into the Secret Gov and does their bidding without quite knowing what they are supposed to do… and McKinnon, sadly, following the advice of counsel fell back on a defense of "aspergers's syndrome" for his defense tactic when taking the high road and emphasizing what he REALLY FOUND which was clear evidence of A SECRET SPACE PROGRAM that included off-world fleet to fleet transfers of materials and lists of officers apparently assigned OFF-PLANET.. that line of defense WOULD HAVE BEEN SO MUCH MORE LIKELY TO GET HIS CASE DROPPED simply because in prosecuting they force the issue of revealing the above top secret world they so desire to KEEP SECRET.  You see the problem?

So herein is the dilemma that whistleblowers coming forward now face and that the Secret Gov must handle because once a person becomes public it is not so easy to simply 'knock them off'.  Indeed what recourse do they have?  The Secret Gov must act without revealing its true nature or mission and that requires of course, using the Matrix gov patsies to do their bidding without knowing what or why they are doing what they are doing!  An interesting quandary.

The bottom line here is two-fold:

1.  The truth is coming out as part of the WAVE OF AWAKENING that is in part being stimulated by the incoming energies to our solar system and corresponding repair of DNA taking place in humanity's genome.  This is happening simultaneously, that is the awareness reaching the hearts and minds while their DNA repairs itself in a sea of energy that even HAARP and chemstrails and bad food and water cannot contain…

2.  The Secret Gov is attempting to clamp down the lid on Pandora's Box all the tighter while desperately trying to keep their very existence SECRET.  Not an easy task.

Where is this leading?  Well to a CLASH OF CIVILIZATIONS where on the one hand the Secret Gov/Secret Space program ROGUE WORLD is fast colliding with the MUNDANE MATRIX GOV/ PROGRAMMED SHEEPLE contingent who are waking up at an astounding rate and no longer willing to be "managed"…

Watch as this cross-over begins in earnest because it is starting to happen NOW.   This IS THE CONVERGENCE of TIMELINES.. this is where the Earth entity and Humanity as One BEGIN TO COME INTO SELF REALIZATION.  As this happens and the chakras of Earth and Humanity open and CONNECT… resulting in a gradual but permanent state of enlightenment also known as "Ascension".

It is however important to note that this awakening and corresponding MERGE is not going to come easily or without pain to both sides… The force of resistance increases with respect to the FORCE OF CHANGE… and some sparks and the sound of things smashing together is unavoidable as long as the force of status quo refuses to acknowledge it's shadow self also known as "the light".  This will be accomplished regardless of their preference.  However note it may take longer and look like the dark side is prevailing for longer than one would wish simply because they are going to fight so hard against it.

CAMELOT AND OTHERS LIKE US ARE THE BRIDGE that smooth the way between two opposing forces… the Dark/Secret Cabal/ NWO / Reptilian Overlords and their sleeping minions and the AWAKENED ONES… who are spawned out of our revealing the truth behind the Matrix.  We are the avant guarde in a very real sense and those on the dark side on the highest level know that they NEED US to provide the bridge and open the door between the worlds.. because even they know (at least the wiser among them) that their days are numbered and they cannot survive even in BODY without becoming part of the CONVERGENCE…. 

You might envision a narrow path between two great moving walls coming toward each other head on… eventually the walls will meet and the CLASH OF TITANS will be heard round the world and beyond.  

Side Note:

While watching a FRINGE EPISODE detailing the drug they call "cortexiphan" which removes limitations from brain thus changing the way one thinks and therefore changing reality… It occurred to me that this is another way of understanding converging timelines.  That is, that what we are experiencing is actually simply the converging of multiple realities revealing our multiple selves.  This results in a kind of 360 type peripheral view being nonstop…unlimited creating sense of wholeness.. of completion.  Which would result in a kind of transcendence.  Because likely, the sum of all our selves is greater than the whole… 

This may be the true meaning of ascension.



This book and the others to follow, is a metaphor for the times we are living in.  And never so true as now.  The movie does not do justice to the book… it barely grazes the surface although the lead, Jennifer Lawrence, is excellent and well cast.  Read the book.  The dilemma, which surfaces most in Book Two, has to do with something very close to every rebel's heart at this point… do you stay and fight or escape to somewhere safer and saner?  Leave family and friends behind to fend for themselves as the United States melts down?  

This country is in a state of siege as we all know.  Every day our rights are being taken away and heavier surveillance and the weight of the authoritarian state increases.. and (yes, it is a state in fear and turmoil because they the so-called ones in power positions are seeing red and showing real fear perhaps for the first time).  As their fear of the awakening in all of us grows so does their desire to control and eliminate their risk… We are growing stronger and more restive… less malleable.  Funny how heavily sedated and programmed they have had to make the masses in order to control them.. And still they AWAKEN… some, are lucky enough to never have fallen for the opiates they serve… some come into this life immune.  Regardless of where you fall on that spectrum if you are reading this you are one of those awakening… and more will come. 

The real question you may, if you become a target in their sights.. have to ultimately decide STAND AND FIGHT or RUN and save yourself and a few close friends or family?  And if you decide to run, where you gonna run to?  It is, after all, a spiritual war.

Is there another country or safe haven in some backwater in South or Central America that is going to keep the tyranny from your door?  Is Africa immune?  Is anywhere on Planet Earth going to provide escape from this war for the hearts and minds, the very soul of humanity?  You can run but can you hide?

It's possible you can blend in to some distant culture… if you are lucky enough to have the right skin tone or hair color or a gift for languages.  Or you may be thinking that some other country, say, Sweden, Norway or Australia can shelter you if you are white.  But are those governments not in on it?  Is any government not already bought and sold, stamped with the coin of the realm on their leaders, their wealthy, their elite.  And so you must decide, eventually.  Because this last bastion of freedom, is going down.  And we all must chose to stand and fight or run, and maybe in the process, live to fight another day.

click here for the trailer of Hunger Games

click here for the book


March 27, 2012


This book and the others to follow, is a metaphor for the times we are living in.  And never so true as now.  The movie does not do justice to the book… it barely grazes the surface although the lead, Jennifer Lawrence, is excellent and well cast.  Read the book.  The dilemma, which surfaces most in Book Two, has to do with something very close to every rebel's heart at this point… do you stay and fight or escape to somewhere safer and saner?  Leave family and friends behind to fend for themselves as the United States melts down?  

This country is in a state of siege as we all know.  Every day our rights are being taken away and heavier surveillance and the weight of the authoritarian state increases.. and (yes, it is a state in fear and turmoil because they the so-called ones in power positions are seeing red and showing real fear perhaps for the first time).  As their fear of the awakening in all of us grows so does their desire to control and eliminate their risk… We are growing stronger and more restive… less malleable.  Funny how heavily sedated and programmed they have had to make the masses in order to control them.. And still they AWAKEN… some, are lucky enough to never have fallen for the opiates they serve… some come into this life immune.  Regardless of where you fall on that spectrum if you are reading this you are one of those awakening… and more will come. 

The real question you may, if you become a target in their sights.. have to ultimately decide STAND AND FIGHT or RUN and save yourself and a few close friends or family?  And if you decide to run, where you gonna run to?  It is, after all, a spiritual war.

Is there another country or safe haven in some backwater in South or Central America that is going to keep the tyranny from your door?  Is Africa immune?  Is anywhere on Planet Earth going to provide escape from this war for the hearts and minds, the very soul of humanity?  You can run but can you hide?

It's possible you can blend in to some distant culture… if you are lucky enough to have the right skin tone or hair color or a gift for languages.  Or you may be thinking that some other country, say, Sweden, Norway or Australia can shelter you if you are white.  But are those governments not in on it?  Is any government not already bought and sold, stamped with the coin of the realm on their leaders, their wealthy, their elite.  And so you must decide, eventually.  Because this last bastion of freedom, is going down.  And we all must chose to stand and fight or run, and maybe in the process, live to fight another day.

click here for the trailer of Hunger Games

click here for the book



March 27, 2012


CLICK HERE for the more recent Democracy Now Report March 12, 2012

(thank you to Bill Brockbrader for sending the updated link to Democracy Now)

Click here for the Democracy Now Report from May 18, 2011

This report dated May 18th comes of no surprise to those of us who deal with whistleblowers from above top secret however it is notable in that it brings into focus how a crackdown on revealing truth about violations within standard Matrix government also reveals a corresponding crackdown on all whistleblowers.  It is obvious that any attempt to prosecute whistleblowers from black projects (top secret and above)  would simply reveal that such projects exist and this they cannot have.   

Place this report next to the recent lawsuit against Bill Brockbrader and Wolf radio and it immediately becomes clear that this may even be some attempt on the part of the Matrix government (by that I mean the surface government not to be confused with the REAL SECRET GOV operating with impunity without regard to protocols that demand representing the  "People") to cross the line without appearing to do so.  Again, as mentioned below in my statement "CAMELOT'S STAND ON THE MATTER" (see March 23) this attempt to prosecute a whistleblower by attempting to prove his above top secret unit (SEAL  Team Nine) does not exist is an exercise in futility on their part.  

This brings one around to the GARY McKINNON case where the government, again Matrix gov, crosses the line into the Secret Gov and does their bidding without quite knowing what they are supposed to do… and McKinnon, sadly, following the advice of counsel fell back on a defense of "aspergers's syndrome" for his defense tactic when taking the high road and emphasizing what he REALLY FOUND which was clear evidence of A SECRET SPACE PROGRAM that included off-world fleet to fleet transfers of materials and lists of officers apparently assigned OFF-PLANET.. that line of defense WOULD HAVE BEEN SO MUCH MORE LIKELY TO GET HIS CASE DROPPED simply because in prosecuting they force the issue of revealing the above top secret world they so desire to KEEP SECRET.  You see the problem?

So herein is the dilemma that whistleblowers coming forward now face and that the Secret Gov must handle because once a person becomes public it is not so easy to simply 'knock them off'.  Indeed what recourse do they have?  The Secret Gov must act without revealing its true nature or mission and that requires of course, using the Matrix gov patsies to do their bidding without knowing what or why they are doing what they are doing!  An interesting quandary.

The bottom line here is two-fold:

1.  The truth is coming out as part of the WAVE OF AWAKENING that is in part being stimulated by the incoming energies to our solar system and corresponding repair of DNA taking place in humanity's genome.  This is happening simultaneously, that is the awareness reaching the hearts and minds while their DNA repairs itself in a sea of energy that even HAARP and chemstrails and bad food and water cannot contain…

2.  The Secret Gov is attempting to clamp down the lid on Pandora's Box all the tighter while desperately trying to keep their very existence SECRET.  Not an easy task.

Where is this leading?  Well to a CLASH OF CIVILIZATIONS where on the one hand the Secret Gov/Secret Space program ROGUE WORLD is fast colliding with the MUNDANE MATRIX GOV/ PROGRAMMED SHEEPLE contingent who are waking up at an astounding rate and no longer willing to be "managed"…

Watch as this cross-over begins in earnest because it is starting to happen NOW.   This IS THE CONVERGENCE of TIMELINES.. this is where the Earth entity and Humanity as One BEGIN TO COME INTO SELF REALIZATION.  As this happens and the chakras of Earth and Humanity open and CONNECT… resulting in a gradual but permanent state of enlightenment also known as "Ascension".

It is however important to note that this awakening and corresponding MERGE is not going to come easily or without pain to both sides… The force of resistance increases with respect to the FORCE OF CHANGE… and some sparks and the sound of things smashing together is unavoidable as long as the force of status quo refuses to acknowledge it's shadow self also known as "the light".  This will be accomplished regardless of their preference.  However note it may take longer and look like the dark side is prevailing for longer than one would wish simply because they are going to fight so hard against it.

CAMELOT AND OTHERS LIKE US ARE THE BRIDGE that smooth the way between two opposing forces… the Dark/Secret Cabal/ NWO / Reptilian Overlords and their sleeping minions and the AWAKENED ONES… who are spawned out of our revealing the truth behind the Matrix.  We are the avant guarde in a very real sense and those on the dark side on the highest level know that they NEED US to provide the bridge and open the door between the worlds.. because even they know (at least the wiser among them) that their days are numbered and they cannot survive even in BODY without becoming part of the CONVERGENCE…. 

You might envision a narrow path between two great moving walls coming toward each other head on… eventually the walls will meet and the CLASH OF TITANS will be heard round the world and beyond.  

Side Note:

While watching a FRINGE EPISODE detailing the drug they call "cortexiphan" which removes limitations from brain thus changing the way one thinks and therefore changing reality… It occurred to me that this is another way of understanding converging timelines.  That is, that what we are experiencing is actually simply the converging of multiple realities revealing our multiple selves.  This results in a kind of 360 type peripheral view being nonstop…unlimited creating sense of wholeness.. of completion.  Which would result in a kind of transcendence.  Because likely, the sum of all our selves is greater than the whole… 

This may be the true meaning of ascension.




March 26, 2012


click here for the story


click here to register for that event 

There will be many interesting speakers at this event including Sean David Morton!


Click here for the story


We are doing a Fund Raising Campaign surrounding first getting 10,000 "Likes" on our Facebook page CLICK HERE FOR THE PAGE.

We are already close to that… once we reach that goal we will put together a LIVESTREAM EVENT as a thank you and also request donations to cover buying TOMMY our Webmaster and right hand a new computer (his old one is over heating madly) and a working cell phone… plus more to cover operating costs and upcoming travel to Australia.

Thank you for your support of our work!!


According to a source the magnetic pole has shifted around 45 miles this year and the shift is cummulative and will eventually result in a massive shift.  Here is a Special Report on this subject:



March 24, 2012


click here for the article

This is the latest article by the author of the "Puzzle Palace", "Body of Secrets" and other books on the NSA.  There are direct links to the info in this article and my recent livestream with Stew Webb where we talk about the technology being developed by Raynond Lavas and Michael Riconosuitto that could bend light and sound waves allowing them to create what has become known as the "death ray".  According to Stew Webb this technology is linked with being able to turn a human being to dust in a matter of seconds and the disintegration of the Twin Towers in 911.

Note:  It is apparent that most of the information in this article regarding surveillance capability and breaking encryption is not as up to date as the info obtained a couple of years ago from our whistleblower known as Jake Simpson.  Click here for the testimony from Jake Simpson regarding the real state of this technology:


…"The AI surveillance system, Jake told us, was literally "out of this world". It operates hyperdimensionally, based on a highly advanced quantum computing model that is basically our development based on acquired alien technology. This system is so advanced that the ETs themselves are unhappy that we have it.

Not only does it enable access to what any given person is saying, or even thinking – if targeted for investigation – it can also transcend time itself and thereby access information about the thoughts and words of historical figures. Whether this system can look into the future – the Tom Cruise movie Minority Report, based on a story by the prolific author Philip K. Dick, comes to mind – we omitted to ask."


linked here on Stew Webb's site

"…We can reveal that the U.S. NSA (National Security Agency) has been fingered in using laser radiation technology to interfere with and contaminate cell phones of American citizens.  The program is called "Archangel" and is funded directly on behalf of the NSA through Pentagon defense procurement programs." — Stew Webb


March 23, 2012


I am now back in the LA area after traveling on a vacation down in Tikal area and Belize.  Some relaxation and some challenging explorations.  After hiking in the jungle, canoeing down the Belize rivers and exploring the Mayan ruins in Tikal on the spring equinox I am happy to be back in California.  This was the first 'vacation' I've had in many years!  

Note in reference to the rumors I was kidnapped:   In fact, I am alive and well and my webmaster Tommy is innocent of all charges leveled by the Former White Hat LOL…  I have never been to Venezuela 🙂 .. at least not in this life.


Click Here for the story

And click here for Bill Brockbrader's comment on the lawsuit 


Brockbrader & Wolf Radio vs. Navy SEALS

My comment :  While it seems to me obvious that Brockbrader was a Navy SEAL, clearly the Navy believes it can prove it's case or they wouldn't be backing Shipley's lawsuit.  I highly doubt Shipley is operating on his own.  And in naming Wolf Radio it is unclear what they hope to gain especially with the disclaimer that Corso has on his site.  I will say a huge amount of disinfo and baseless attacks on Camelot have come from that site and some of the hosts of shows there.  Recently I hear they have been backtracking on those attacks.  But regardless of that, the REAL question is, why does the Navy want to draw further attention to the Brockbrader story?  What is really going on here?

Regardless of the unfortunate and unfounded attacks by Brockbrader and Wolf Radio on Camelot, I think it is important to keep the kernal of truth in mind with regard to Brockbrader's story.  What was going on in Iraq and Afghanistan was a clandestine war during the years since the gulf war and up until 911.  This was an orchestrated operation to stimulate the formation of  'Arab terrorists' that the Secret Government could blame for the 911 attacks.  Do not lose sight of this!

Shipley and the Navy are playing a high stakes game in bringing a lawsuit against Brockbrader.  This lawsuit cannot go to court without bringing black projects to the fore in the public eye.  Shipley should be alerted that Project Camelot will gladly encourage ALL OUR WHISLEBLOWERS from Black Projects to stand up and be counted with regard to the existence of very real above top secret levels of operations that substantiate the testimony of Brockbrader regarding his past clandestine activities.  

What this lawsuit is in my view, is an attempt to prove the impossible… as the saying goes .."he asked if it was classified and he was told no, because you can't classify something that doesn't exist."–Hawk Tales

So the question is, do Shipley and the Navy SEALs want to test that hypothesis?  Are they willing to stand up in court and admit they don't know what their military is really doing?  Has the Secret Gov become so BRAZEN they are  try to prove someone is NOT A MEMBER OF AN ABOVE TOP SECRET CLASSIFIED LEVEL THAT SUPPOSEDLY DOES NOT EXIST ISN'T REAL?  You do see the logic here right?  Because in proving Brockbrader is not a member of some above top secret force simply proves that there IS an above top secret force.  You see the problem?

Because Project Camelot has witness testimony from insiders proving such operations and secret forces do exist, they didn't dare name us in the lawsuit.  And, I will bet they are not prepared to bait the Tiger in this case… There are far too many disaffected and downright angry ex-military out there who have served their country in the dark and been shoved to the side and in some cases discredited, tortured and killed for attempting to tell the truth.  They are among us and basically you are betting they won't have the balls to stand up and be counted.  If ever they do, watch out…

In fact, why not give them another opportunity (post the Steven Greer Disclosure Conference) to do just that:  Project Camelot is prepared to put together a PRESS CONFERENCE of Whistleblowers that will prove the existence of a Secret Government and Secret Space Program that have been operational since the 1950s…  

To all Whistleblowers from Black Projects… it's time to take a stand.



March 23, 2012


Click Here for the story

And click here for Bill Brockbrader's comment on the lawsuit 


Brockbrader & Wolf Radio vs. Navy SEALS

My comment :  While it seems to me obvious that Brockbrader was a Navy SEAL, clearly the Navy believes it can prove it's case or they wouldn't be backing Shipley's lawsuit.  I highly doubt Shipley is operating on his own.  And in naming Wolf Radio it is unclear what they hope to gain especially with the disclaimer that Corso has on his site.  I will say a huge amount of disinfo and baseless attacks on Camelot have come from that site and some of the hosts of shows there.  Recently I hear they have been backtracking on those attacks.  But regardless of that, the REAL question is, why does the Navy want to draw further attention to the Brockbrader story?  What is really going on here?

Regardless of the unfortunate and unfounded attacks by Brockbrader and Wolf Radio on Camelot, I think it is important to keep the kernal of truth in mind with regard to Brockbrader's story.  What was going on in Iraq and Afghanistan was a clandestine war during the years since the gulf war and up until 911.  This was an orchestrated operation to stimulate the formation of  'Arab terrorists' that the Secret Government could blame for the 911 attacks.  Do not lose sight of this!

Shipley and the Navy are playing a high stakes game in bringing a lawsuit against Brockbrader.  This lawsuit cannot go to court without bringing black projects to the fore in the public eye.  Shipley should be alerted that Project Camelot will gladly encourage ALL OUR WHISLEBLOWERS from Black Projects to stand up and be counted with regard to the existence of very real above top secret levels of operations that substantiate the testimony of Brockbrader regarding his past clandestine activities.  

What this lawsuit is in my view, is an attempt to prove the impossible… as the saying goes .."he asked if it was classified and he was told no, because you can't classify something that doesn't exist."–Hawk Tales

So the question is, do Shipley and the Navy SEALs want to test that hypothesis?  Are they willing to stand up in court and admit they don't know what their military is really doing?  Has the Secret Gov become so BRAZEN they are  try to prove someone is NOT A MEMBER OF AN ABOVE TOP SECRET CLASSIFIED LEVEL THAT SUPPOSEDLY DOES NOT EXIST ISN'T REAL?  You do see the logic here right?  Because in proving Brockbrader is not a member of some above top secret force simply proves that there IS an above top secret force.  You see the problem?

Because Project Camelot has witness testimony from insiders proving such operations and secret forces do exist, they didn't dare name us in the lawsuit.  And, I will bet they are not prepared to bait the Tiger in this case… There are far too many disaffected and downright angry ex-military out there who have served their country in the dark and been shoved to the side and in some cases discredited, tortured and killed for attempting to tell the truth.  They are among us and basically you are betting they won't have the balls to stand up and be counted.  If ever they do, watch out…

In fact, why not give them another opportunity (post the Steven Greer Disclosure Conference) to do just that:  Project Camelot is prepared to put together a PRESS CONFERENCE of Whistleblowers that will prove the existence of a Secret Government and Secret Space Program that have been operational since the 1950s…  

To all Whistleblowers from Black Projects… it's time to take a stand.



March 21, 2012 – Updated


Note:  this quake was downgraded to a 7.4 after the initial 7.6 and 7.9 reports.  

Click here for the CNN Story

Quake happened same day as scheduled drill… This is becoming a pattern.  Of course people should all prepare whenever they hear the words "drill or military game" being organized in their area.

CLICK HERE for the Alex Jones Infowars story on the "drill" that was planned by the Mexican authorities.



NOTE!: Kerry's Radio show for tonight on American Freedom Radio is being re-scheduled due to lack of stable internet connection while travelling. See later updates on this blog for more information.

Kerry’s Radio show for tonight on American Freedom Radio is being re-scheduled due to lack of stable internet connection

March 20, 2012

I am currently on vacation going to Tikal in Guatemala…
Last night I had massive feet energy happening that tells me there's going to be an EQ I even told that to the person I'm traveling with….

NOTE!: Kerry's Radio show for tonight on American Freedom Radio is being re-scheduled due to lack of stable internet connection while travelling.  See later updates on this blog for more information.


Obama signed a new Exec. Order in the night that allows him to take over all libertys 3/16/12

March 18, 2012

Obama signed a new Exec. Order in the night that allows him to take over all libertys 3/16/12
Did you know that King O. signed a new exec. order that let's the goverment take over now if they choose?
"Planning martial Law in advance of CANCELING the election?” "


The Exec.Order allows the nationalization of pretty much the entire USA even in peacetime if he desires. They can, under this order, restrict civilian travel by any mode, including (probably) foot travel. They can ration food. They can restrict water usage, even from private wells. They can ration any and all drugs, including OTC and vitamins. They can collectivize farms. They can take over all energy production, including home solar units.
It also allows for drafting civilians. If they have need of your skills, they can compel you to work for no compensation.
All this not in a time of war, but in time of “National Emergency” (several EO national emergency states already in place) or even in Peacetime
controlling the food.

That’s in there:

Sec. 201. Priorities and Allocations Authorities. (a) The authority of the President conferred by section 101 of the Act, 50 U.S.C. App. 2071, to require acceptance and priority performance of contracts or orders (other than contracts of employment) to promote the national defense over performance of any other contracts or orders, and to allocate materials, services, and facilities as deemed necessary or appropriate to promote the national defense, is delegated to the following agency heads:
(1) the Secretary of Agriculture with respect to food resources, food resource facilities, livestock resources, veterinary resources, plant health resources, and the domestic distribution of farm equipment and commercial fertilizer;
(e) “Food resources” means all commodities and products, (simple, mixed, or compound), or complements to such commodities or products, that are capable of being ingested by either human beings or animals, irrespective of other uses to which such commodities or products may be put, at all stages of processing from the raw commodity to the products thereof in vendible form for human or animal consumption. “Food resources” also means potable water packaged in commercially marketable containers, all starches, sugars, vegetable and animal or marine fats and oils, seed, cotton, hemp, and flax fiber, but does not mean any such material after it loses its identity as an agricultural commodity or agricultural product.
(f) “Food resource facilities” means plants, machinery, vehicles (including on farm), and other facilities required for the production, processing, distribution, and storage (including cold storage) of food resources, and for the domestic distribution of farm equipment and fertilizer (excluding transportation thereof).
They can take charge of all aspects of food production and processing.
control energy:
Sec. 201 … 
(2) the Secretary of Energy with respect to ALL FORMS of energy; …
Sec. 801. Definitions.
(b) "Energy" means all forms of energy including petroleum, gas (both natural and manufactured), electricity, solid fuels (including all forms of coal, coke, coal chemicals, coal liquification, and coal gasification), solar, wind, other types of renewable energy…
control working for no money:
Sec. 502. Consultants. The head of each agency otherwise delegated functions under this order is delegated the authority of the President under sections 710(b) and (c) of the Act, 50 U.S.C. App. 2160(b), (c), to employ persons of outstanding experience and ability without compensation and to employ experts, consultants, or organizations. The authority delegated by this section may not be redelegated
Here’s your Civilian Military Force (Brown Shirts?)
Sec. 501. National Defense Executive Reserve. (a) In accordance with section 710(e) of the Act, 50 U.S.C. App. 2160(e), there is established in the executive branch a National Defense Executive Reserve (NDER) composed of persons of recognized expertise from various segments of the private sector and from Government (except full time Federal employees) for training for employment in executive positions in the Federal Government in the event of a national defense emergency.
(b) The Secretary of Homeland Security shall issue necessary guidance for the NDER program, including appropriate guidance for establishment, recruitment, training, monitoring, and activation of NDER units and shall be responsible for the overall coordination of the NDER program. The authority of the President under section 710(e) of the Act, 50 U.S.C. App. 2160(e), to determine periods of national defense emergency is delegated to the Secretary of Homeland Security.

More from Stew Webb
New Evidence Updated March 15, 2012 – Go to the link below for more:


Stew Webb's YouTube Channel:

