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I am very sorry to report that the Camelot witness, Ed Laughrin has died suddenly of a heart attack.  Apparently, he died on May 3rd.  This has been reported to me tonight from Stew Webb who was in fairly regular communication with him.  

He was contacted by Ed’s wife who said that Ed had received a threat over the phone, threatening him and his wife. and shortly after that had a massive heart attack.  She called Stew tonight to give him the news.

Stew is looking into the situation.  He said that Ed’s wife is not staying at the house at this time as she does not feel safe there.

Please join me in sending loving energy and thanks to this brave man, who toward the end of his life came forward to give evidence on the ballistics of the Kennedy assassination and was also investigating other situations that he found suspicious. 

Ed was a profoundly principled man and an American patriot who dedicated his life to his country.  He had a great admiration for John Kennedy and wanted to see the truth come out about the assasination as well as many other matters.


ed laughrin

For those that would like to listen to the interview here is the link.

Thank you Ed for your service to humanity.

I will post updates to this story as they are received.




I am pleased to announce that Douglas Hagmann will be on my Revolution Radio show this Friday night 7pm PT.

I will be broadcasting from Mt. Shasta so hopefully the connection will be stable and allow for this to happen.

He will be responding to my previous blog post, which I am reposting below.  Rosebud is Hagmann’s latest whistleblower.  Hagmann graciously responded to my statement with an interesting email…  I plan to go further down this line of questioning and into other areas as well.  Hagmann and his investigative agency have their share of detractors out there.  Some accuse him of being part of Homeland Security and spreading disinfo etc such as Ken Welch in this article written back in 2006.

This should be a very interesting show!


Wednesday, 09 May 2012 23:11

Written by Kerry Cassidy

According to this latest Rosebud release of info from Doug Hagmann, Obama & his minions are actually looking forward to creating a civil war in the U.S. 

“There are file drawers full of papers, heavily guarded papers at the ‘TEC building’  so I can only imagine what’s in them, about international financial dealings going back decades. I do know, or at least I was told, that they involve organizations that are the so-called conspiracy fringe groups, such as the Bilderberg group, the Trilateral Commission, and people including George Soros, Henry Kissinger, and current leaders of big industry. Some are fossils. They’ve been around a long time. Others are up-and-coming. They’ve got one thing in common though, and that is to put in place a global system of governance, including a common currency. Economics is a huge part of this revolution, and they want to replace the dollar, to see it collapse. They expect, that is, they are working toward this very goal, and when this happens, it will cause chaos like never seen before in the history of this country.”

Now there’s something slightly suspicious about the SLANT this whistleblower “Rosebud” is giving things (with Hagmann’s help)…  And that is, that according to all the info I have been getting, Obama is low man on the totem pole and he takes orders from Bush Sr.  And as Bush Senior’s health worsens Jay Rockefeller is stepping in to fill the gap.  

Further DHS is not taking orders from Obama but is well under the control of the Bush Cabal.

Another statement from this Hagmann communique:

“The end-game plan for America is its destruction as a Constitutional Republic, with the assistance of the agencies under the umbrella of the DHS.”

And everything I hear about this is that actually the DHS is fighting tooth and nail to preserve the current status quo… while preparing for worse case scenarios.  Civil war may come but because the people are fed up… and not from Homeland Security who are responsible for the demise of the republic and departure from the Constitution as we know it.  That is the department standing by for the crackdown should civil unrest occur.

I do have insider intel that says DHS is preparing for the worst… including in terms of CMEs (Coronal Mass Ejections), Pole shift and Magnetic Pole Reversal.  

It is an interesting question as to who they report to… Because in the taking down of America as it is presently organized there are at least two contingents who both want a revolution albeit from completely different angles.  And this is no doubt what Rosebud is alluding to …  The People want to clean up the current mess and go back to the Constitution or at least to take back all the rights that are summararily being removed while at the same time removing the corrupt bankers, politicians etc etc… While DHS wants a revolution that they can then bring in their order out of chaos that results in a NWO further loss of freedom and liberty except where the elite are concerned.

Where does that leave us?  Do two pluses make a minus or…. ?  At the very least we have 2 opposing groups opting for Big Change and the Earth herself is also feeling the strain.  

Meanwhile the Hagmann/Rosebud material seems to want to paint Obama and his friends as a plotting arch villain and somehow I don’t believe that.. I see him as a pawn in a bigger game.



From a friendly Camelot supporter:


You may be feeling a huge rush of photon energy on May 20th, directly related to our central sun, Alcyone, as the alignment is estimated to take place between 4:44 pm and 4:50 pm (PST) on Sunday!!

Alcyone (also known as the Central Sun) is right smack in the middle of the photon belt, and we are going to be lined up to Alcyone, our Sun, and the Moon (ring of fire eclipse), which is very cool, and full of weirdness. You can be certain that the energy will nothing short of incredible. This Photon Belt has been outside our solar system for a long time and now it is inside our system, and guess who is feeling it — YOU! 

Photon Light vibrates at a very high frequency and it has a direct impact on our bodies, on our DNA, and on our brain waves (which makes you feel so tired in the middle of the day you think what is happening here).  If you keep an eye on SpaceWeather.com you can see the changes to the photon energy every 10 minutes and quite frankly you can feel it increase and then check the website for confirmation (if you want).

I have been told that the May 20th solar eclipse (ring of fire) signifies a ‘reboot’  for the Multiverse. This reboot is not just a local deal, just little old us, but rather it is a major reboot for the entire Milky Way Galaxy. Thereafter we start a brand new 25,920 year cycle. 

This eclipse will intercept important energetic lines (the serpent and dragon lines) on Earth at two locations. One is at Mt Shasta and the other is at Mt Fuji.  Those two locations will be charged up with very potent energy, and you’ll be right there. 

We have to be emotionally prepared for major changes after this eclipse, some natural, and others contrived to put us into a state of intense fear. The duality of the situation is quite interesting. This period of time marks a fantastic opportunity for humans to wake up and get with the plan, while at the same time it marks the perfect time to create intense emotional fear to feed off of.


Interesting way of looking at it!  At any rate there’s no doubt about the cool energy coming in at this time.

Egypt Trip 2012 Terms and Conditions

Journey Agreements and Responsibilities



Payment of deposits or full amount for participation in the
CAMELOT IN EGYPT 2012 DECEMBER 10-23rd to Egypt

WAIVER OF RESPONSIBILITY: Project Camelot and Kerry Cassidy,
and their representatives in Egypt (“Tour Organizers”) are making all
arrangements pertaining to domestic travel within Egypt including hotel
reservations, transportation and Tour operation, subject to the condition that the
Tour Organizers will not be held liable for delay, theft, damage, injury, terrorism,
or irregularities, however caused.
The Tour Organizers will take no responsibility or liability for:
1. any changes or delays in air schedules, missed airline or other carrier connections, or other services.
2. injury, loss, or damage to persons or property, including luggage.
3. additional expenses resulting from changes in exchange rates, tariffs, or itinerary.
4. defect in any vehicle or the act or default of any company or person engaged
in conveying the Tour participants, or in carrying out the arrangements of the
Tour, or otherwise.
5. additional expenses incurred or due to sudden sickness, weather conditions, strikes, war, terrorism, quarantine or other causes or acts of God.
6. losses due to cancellations.

CHANGES IN ITINERARY: Even though changes to the printed itinerary are not
anticipated, the Tour Organizers reserve the right to make any changes that may
become necessary in the best interest of the operation of the Tour, with or
without advance notice. In such cases, any additional expenses must be borne
by the Tour participants. In the event of any change in rates of exchange,
tariffs, or itinerary, resulting in additional costs, if any, must be paid by the
participant before departure or as soon as the change becomes known. Changes
will not result in a refund of any portion of the Tour price.

RATES: See Rate Schedule above for the rates and required non-refundable
deposits for the Project Camelot in Egypt 2012 tour. The Tour prices are based
on rates of exchange and tariffs in effect at the time of publication and are
subject to change prior to departure. The Tour Organizers reserve the right to
adjust these rates and also to substitute accommodations. Quoted rates are only
valid for period specified.

ROOMMATES: If any Tour participant wants to pay for the Tour at the
shared-room price, yet does not have a specific roommate, the Tour Organizers
will attempt to match that Tour participant with a roommate. However, the Tour
Organizers cannot guarantee that a roommate will be found. If no roommate is
found, then the single-room supplement must be paid by the Tour participant.
If the Tour Organizers match the participant with a roommate whom the Tour
participant deems unsuitable, then the Tour participant must pay for the single
supplement for him or herself and also for the unsuitable roommate’s additional
charge. There will be no refunds for complaints about roommates, and if any
Tour participant cancels the Tour because of a roommate, there will be no

1. Accommodation in single or double rooms at assigned hotels, or hotels of similar category.
2. Transfers and sightseeing by coaches or by taxi. 3. Airfare or train fare within Egypt.
4. The services of our representative at all airport transfers.
5. Expert trip leaders for entire journey.
6. An English speaking guide on sightseeing Tours.
7. Entrance fees to all monuments and museums visited on the Tour.
8. Breakfast and other meals as indicated on itinerary. (All meals on the boat are included)

1. Any thing not specifically mentioned in the itinerary. 2. Inoculations or any other medical attention.
3. Travel expenses from home to Cairo.
4. Passport and Visa fees.
5. Tips and gratuities to drivers,guides, and bellboys at hotels.
6. Excess baggage charges.
7. Any beverages, alcohol or items of personal nature, such as laundry, telephone calls, cover charges, etc.
8. Gratuities and taxes for personal services and purchases.
9.Travel, accident, baggage, health, or life insurance.
10. Any increases in airfares, entrance fees and Government imposed taxes.
11. Expenses for guides or transportation not included in the itinerary.
12. Lunch and dinner. (most are included as indicated on itinerary)

All requests for cancellation must be submitted in writing,
via email or fax (to kerry@projectcamelot.tv and copied to
tommy@projectcamelotportal.com. Those canceling their booking will forfeit their
non-refundable deposit. See above cancellation fees. Regarding airline
cancellations for airfare from participant’s home, tour participants are responsible
for getting their own refunds on their tickets from the airline carrier from which
their ticket is issued. Some airline tickets might have penalties or surcharges for
cancellation, or may be completely non-refundable. The Tour Organizers will take
no responsibility or liability for losses due to cancellations. There will be no
refund for any participant who leaves the Tour prior to its conclusion, for
whatever reason.

Weather and loading and unloading can cause more than usual
wear and tear to luggage in Egypt. Accordingly, all luggage should be capable of
with standing rugged treatment. The Tour Organizers will not be
responsible or liable for any lost or damaged baggage or personal effects.
RESERVATION RESTRICTIONS: Any prospective participant with a disability,
pre-existing medical condition, or medical history requiring special attention or
treatment should advise the Tour Organizers at time of booking the reservation
and are advised to consult with a medical specialist prior to reserving space
in the Tour. People who are unable to travel alone or who would require
special assistance or handling must be accompanied by a companion who will
provide the required assistance. The Tour Organizers assume no responsibility
for any cases such as these.
INSURANCE: All participants in the Tour are advised to get travel, medical,
accident, cancellation, and baggage insurance independently. The Tour
Organizers carry no insurance whatsoever for the Tour participants. Participants
are advised to consult the following non-profit informational web site:

TRAVEL DOCUMENTS AND VISAS: Visitors to Egypt from most countries
require a visa and a return ticket to their country of origin. Tour participants are
required to have a valid passport and a visa, purchased upon arrival in Cairo.
Incomplete documentation will result in the airline and airport authorities refusing
permission to enter the country. The Tour Organizers will not arrange for
passports or visas (our Egyptian representatives will assist you upon your arrival
in Cairo) and will not be held liable for any irregularities caused due to improper
documentation. Each participant is responsible for determining specific passport
and visa requirements in the participant’s country of origin and for obtaining the
necessary documents prior to departure
NATURE OF TOUR: Portions of the Tour could be considered rustic and rigorous
and are best approached with a spirit of openness and adventure. Portions of
the Tour may be at higher elevations (not an issue in Egypt) or in remote
locations, where there may be no telephones or means of rapid evacuation in
case of emergency.

1. All Tour participants should be healthy in mind and body and not have had
surgery within the last six months. 2. Tour participants should visit a
qualified Medical Doctor before leaving for Egypt to obtain the recommended
vaccinations (not necessary for Egypt) and procure whatever medicine their
physicians prescribe. No vaccinations
are required for travel to Egypt. See: http://www.cdc.gov/travel/
for more information about recommended inoculations and health information for
Egypt travel.
3. Be very careful of altitude sickness at heights in excess of 9000 feet.
Drink plenty of water when traveling to high altitudes. (Not an issue in Egypt)
4. All participants must have enough prescribed medication to last them for the
duration of their stay in Egypt, if undergoing any medical treatment or taking
medication. Egyptian hotels may not be as modern or luxurious as hotels in the
5. While in Egypt Tour participants are advised not drink any tap water and
they or eat any raw salads, raw fruits or raw vegetables unless tour leaders give
consent. If Tour participants want to purify their water before drinking it, they can
either bring a 220-volt heating coil for boiling water, or they can use waterpurification
tablets or a water purifier, which is available at any camping store.
The Tour Organizers are not responsible for participants’ health problems during
or after the Tour. (The four and five star hotels we stay in as well as the boat
have safe food for you to enjoy).
6. Tour participants are advised to leave all valuables in the hotel safe, including
passport, credit cards, and other identifying papers. 7. Tour participants are
advised to leave valuable clothing, precious jewelry, valuable papers, and all
unnecessary items at home and not take them to Egypt. 8. Clothing could get
dirty and wrinkled and might get damaged, even when it is sent out to be
laundered. The Tour Organizers are not responsible for any lost, stolen, or
damaged property during the Tour. 9. Tour participants may have to sit on the
wet or cold ground or on a mat. Chairs will not be provided. Participants are
advised to bring their own cushion if they want one.(Not an issue in Egypt) 10.
The Tour Organizers are not responsible for participants’ health problems during
or after the Tour.

PHOTOGRAPHS/VIDEOTAPE: Representatives of the Tour Organizers may be
photographing and/ or videotaping the Tour. The Tour Organizers reserve the
right to publish any such photographs and videotapes without obtaining further
consent from any participant. Each participant releases The Tour Organizers and
its representatives from any liability in connection with any such use of such
photographs and videotapes.
The Tour Organizers reserve the right to accept, decline, or retain any
person as a participant on the Tour at any time without liability and without any
obligation to pay a refund or any other amount whatsoever. The Tour Organizers
take no responsibility or liability for any participant who leaves the Tour
prior to its conclusion or for any activity undertaken by any participant which
is not included on the Tour itinerary.
By signing this Tour Participant Agreement, the participant releases the Tour
Organizers and its representatives from all responsibility and liability.

NOTE: If you plan to participate in more than one tour, please fill out a
separate form for each tour. If there is more than one person in your party,
please fill out a separate form for each person.

I am entirely responsible for my personal safety, health, and
well-being during the Tour. I hold the Tour Organizers harmless for anything that
might happen to me or to my possessions on this Tour. I understand that no
health insurance or travel insurance will be provided by the Tour organizers, and,
if I wish to be insured, I have to do this myself. I have read and understand
the Tour Participant Agreement above.



CLICK HERE TO SEND LETTERS… it’s easy and they do most all the work for you!


Thank you so much for writing a letter to the editor encouraging your media to increase its coverage of Pfc. Bradley Manning’s trial.

We need your help to build this campaign:

1. Tweet it to your followers on Twitter:http://clicktotweet.com/NaceC

2. Share it with your friends on Facebook:http://fdl.me/Kq5g8l

3. If you haven’t already chip in $5 to help support Firedoglake’s coverage of the Bradley Manning trial and help us continue to organize actions like this to raise awareness and support:https://secure.firedoglake.com/page/contribute/manning-general

Thanks again,
Brian Sonenstein





Advertise with Camelot



All advertising on the Home Page is located on the right hand side of the web pages (on projectcamelotportal.com) under “From our Sponsors”.  All other pages have ads placed below the top section of the header.


Note:  Camelot Newsletter ads are also available… price per send to our 17,000 subscriber base is $125 per Newletter for  180×180 banner or special pricing for large ads with text.  Contact:  kerry@projectcamelot.tv


There are two main options:

1. Banner Ad = (new discounted price) $300 / month …  (only the 180 X 180 pixel square banner, 32,400 square pixel area).

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Project Camelot Portal has over 1.5 million visitors per month. When we have new releases that can increase to around 2.5 million visitors per month.  


Terms and conditions

Preferred payment by Paypal, to:  kerry@projectcamelotportal.com


Monthly payments should be submitted 3 days prior to the beginning of each ad period by check made payable to:

Project Camelot

638 Lindero Canyon Road, Suite 277
Oak Park, CA 91377

Please contact us with any questions:


Email: kerry@projectcamelotportal.com with “ADVERTISING” in Caps in the subject line or “AD QUESTION” in Caps in the subject line. 

Thank you for supporting Project Camelot.


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For Banners:

  • Your ad must be 180 X 180 pixels
  • File formats: jpg, png, gif
  • Links (we need the anchor link that you want the ad to point to)
  • How many months the space is paid for – please indicate the date of your paypal payment.

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  • Your ad must be no more than 61 characters in length, Arial font size 12
  • Links (we need the url link that you want the ad to point to as well as a title for the
  • How many months the space is paid for – please indicate the date of your paypal payment.


Project Camelot will only accept ads from companies and services in alignment with our goals and commitment to create a better world. This includes products that are earth friendly and not harmful to health or well being of plants, animals and humans. We appreciate your support and thank you for all you do.

This site may contain second and third party advertisements and links to these sites. Project Camelot does not make any representation as to the accuracy or suitability of any of the information contained in those advertisements or sites and does not accept any responsibility or liability for the conduct or content of those advertisements and sites and the offerings made by the parties involved.  Advertisements and links to other sites where goods or services are advertised are not endorsements or recommendations by Project Camelot of the third party sites, goods or services. Your access to or use of them is at your own risk.


Project Camelot further reserves the right to refuse or cancel any advertising which does not meet the approval of the guidelines endorsed by the Project Camelot Website criteria.



Please feel free to send birthday wishes to Tommy Hansen via tommy@projectcamelotportal.com

If you want to send him donations (for all his hard work!) you can also send money to him on that same address!


This was a Livestream event conducted without preliminary advertising or notice now with titles and short intro added and posted to YOUTUBE.

Romanian Crackdown on Yoga & Consciousness

This was a completely impromptu interview which developed into a fascinating discussion about the rise of consciousness on the planet and the potential threat that governments are sensing in this respect.  

Ultimately, with the Romanian government crackdown on Yoga Schools and practitioners seen alongside the book by Radu Cinamar & Peter Moon, “Transylvanian Sunrise” which details the discovery of a device hidden deep inside a mountain a correlation begins to emerge.

The device, which may be a time machine or even part of what could be a stargate or ascension gate the possibilities begin increase that something is going on that could affect the destiny of mankind on planet Earth.  

I encourage you to listen to this fascinating discussion and read “Translyvanian Sunrise” and begin to follow the clues in this investigation.  This is certainly not over or conclusive and there is much more here than meets the eye.


I will be in Mt . Shasta along with Sean David Morton and many others, speaking at the Great Pleiadian Eclipse Alignment event.  

Hope to see you there.  Please use my name when registering!

