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Just returned from hiking in Mammoth which was beautiful and freezing!!  Just my luck it is warming up later this week.  

I heard the news about Bill Brockbrader’s arrest and turning himself in to face and clear himself of charges.  At least that is what this article says from Steve Beckow.

Bill said that it was a choice that he made to stay and fight the charges against him or flee, live underground and continue reporting. He made the choice to fight the charges.

I have not seen the video and don’t know if this is accurate or not.  Based on my prior knowledge I assume it has to do with the “statutory rape charges” and NOT to do with talking about “mass arrests”.  Especially since he ‘turned himself in’.  

Bill reports that he was found innocent of the charge against him in state court and now plans to establish his innocence in federal court.

It is important that people not be misled into thinking that talking about “mass arrests” gets anyone “arrested”… That would make this country a police state and I don’t think we are quite there yet although certainly moving in that direction.

Regarding the statements of the “Former White Hat”… posted here, these are untrue, to my knowledge.

This statement is also false, although I am sure they would like to have it be true…

Some will say this is all a warning to others out there who are thinking of whistleblowing, to stop Kerry Cassidy from interviewing whistleblowers, etc., and they will be right too: that is what some of this is about.

The fact is, (correction:  with the possible exception of Drake…are “white hats”… or whistleblowers… (I could say more but that should cover it).  

Keep in mind FWH (Former White Hat) is spoofing this sector and does this with a purpose in mind.

Additional note:  No doubt the government wants to keep Brockbrader on the run (mentally) and in a state of fear.  This suits their purpose.  I stand by my original interview of him.  I do not however appreciate the lies and fabrications he has felt compelled to tell about me or Camelot since then.  Although I totally get that he is being mind controlled along with several others that shall remain unnamed.

It also makes total sense that Brockbrader would wish to face charges and get his name cleared once and for all.  From what I know, he has a good case and should be successful at this assuming the PTB don’t continue to twist the law to keep the manacles on him (mentally/emotionally).


Without naming names, it has come to our attention that some people are saying that they don’t understand why certain people are categorized by Camelot as whistleblowers when they don’t seem to “qualify” for the title based on the consensus reality “matrix” definition of the term.

The CAMELOT definition is as follows (now added to the right-margin disclaimer on the website):

Definition of Whistleblower

The Project Camelot definition of a Whistleblower is “whistleblower from the Matrix”  that is, that in “a time of deceit it is a revolutionary act to tell the truth”… so by that definition anyone who tells the truth about what is really going on is a Camelot Whistleblower.

05/18/2012 – Douglas Hagmann

Douglas Hagmann

Click here to listen/download to the show

Click here to listen/download the show update – including Kerry's intro


Bio taken from coasttocoastam.com

Douglas Hagmann is the Director of the Northeast Intelligence Network and the CEO of Hagmann Investigative Services, Inc.  He has 20 years of experience performing investigations in the private sector for many Fortune 500 companies and is a well known surveillance specialist.  He is the author of Tactical Surveillance , a training manual for investigators who perform covert surveillance assignments.

Hagmann has received certification in Email Tracing, Internet Profiling, and Threat Assessment in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.  He is also a graduate of the Laboratory of Forensic Science and is certified in Bloodstain Pattern Analysis.  He has been used as an operational asset by federal law enforcement and various police departments.  Following the attacks of September 11, 2001, Hagmann began using his investigative skills and training to fight terrorism as an unpaid volunteer from the private sector and established The Northeast Intelligence Network, monitoring terrorist websites so that another 9/11 could be avoided.



Because of the great diligence of a Camelot supporter, the Friday show with Douglas Hagmann is now available here and in the Revolution Radio archive.  see the link below

This show was heavily interfered with as those listening live will know.  First the entire station was thrown off the air right before the show was due to air on Friday, May 18th.  They came back up about 35 minutes into my first hour when I finally got online and they came back up.  

Then my guest was nowhere to be found.  However, luckily, he got the message on his phone and showed up around 8pm.  The rest of the show was a dynamic and sometimes relatively intense discussion between me and my guest.  After the show, we found out that the total servers for Revolution had been wiped clean.  No sound!!

Thanks to the Camelot listener who wrote in and recorded the show on his own we now have a very viable copy and have posted it for all the world to hear.

The only question that remains is why THEY went to such lengths to take down this show??  Only by listening to the show can you determine that…

click here for the recovered show on YouTube



We have to warn the others, they are coming… – Walter, FRINGE (last episode) May 2012

The drones, terminator warfare is being rolled out before our eyes.   Click here to read more….

The fact is, the line up of Earth – Moon – Sun – Pleiades that was so dynamic on May 20, 2012 augers an agenda that puts the Moon in front of the Sun and the Pleiades behind the Sun.  The real message may not be the one of balance so often repeated lately.  Rather, with the Moon, symbolic of the dark side, the past, the number 9, the hooded ones, the occupiers, the mind control tower and more… interfering with the light of the sun.. a dark path was drawn. 

There is an age old war between the Draco and the Pleiades and the Solar eclipse signifies not peace but a stalemate in that war.  Where lines are drawn and Earth goes into Moon’s shadow.  

From here we move into the Light yes, but not without battling our way forward using the sword of truth.. cutting a path with that piercing through into the next world.

The Shasta stargate is interfered with.  The Telos need our help to maintain the light of the place.  They are holding the mountain strong.  This is the message that I received.   




I was sent the following from someone who calls himself ‘John Galt‘… which I believe comes from Ayn Rand’s book…

The following info has not been vetted or verified.  If you wish to respond to the this feel free to post comments or email me.

A massive solar flare is about to cause an electrical event beyond your imagination. This is the same electrical event that carved the Himalayan mountains. I have attached an article describing ley lines and dragon paths. Hundreds of new skyscrapers have been built around the world to catch the atmospheric electricity and disperse it into the ground. This is why the Pyramids were built !!! They grounded and dispersed electrical discharge. This is what mosques and temples were built for. Why do you think mosques are covered in gold and have tall thin spires around them ???? (SEE ATTACHED PIC). Why do you think skyscrapers have spires that are so massive. They are not radio transmitters. They are massive electrical grounding structures. Chemtrails are currently being used to insulate the earth’s surface from excess ionization above the ionosphere. Just think about what your seeing. The USA’s electrical grid and power outages are at an all time high (it’s not caused by old infrastructure as the media propaganda would have you believe). A solar flare is about to cause a disaster beyond your imagination. What do you think the GOLD BALL AT THE VATICAN represents ??!! (SEE ATTACHED PIC). Why do you think the aurora is getting lower and moving toward the equator. The sun(son) is returning. WAKE-UP. Just look at the new skyscrapers being built. Most completion dates are 2012. Most start dates were 2001. There is a reason for this. Talk to an electrical expert if you have to. Where do you think all the knight and dragon myths came from. Chemtrails are our shield, skyscrapers are our swords. Why do you think China built 1000s of pyramids in 5000BC. They knew thousands of years ago and they know now.  Since the year 2000, thousands of skyscrapers have been built to absorb and disperse most atmospheric electrical discharge. What you call the illuminati have known this for eons. JesUS, YaWEh died on the cross. Most of WE US died on the cross going through the photon belt. The ionized space will charge our sun and atmosphere to an incredible level. Aurora is Athena is Minerva (she was born from Jupiter’s head). She was born to fight for Zeus (Jupiter). Our aurora is Demeter who is the reaper. She was Jupiter’s aurora which interacted with a solar flare thousands of years ago. The aurora will be so intense it will act like an ARC welder (Noah’s ARC, the ARC of the covenant). The electrical arcing also occurs under ground. It actually will melt through rock and cause volcanic activity and earthquakes. This is the real reason for the increase in earthquakes. They are actually underground electrical explosions !!! This is what caused Japans tsunami. This is actually how HAARP causes an earthquake. This electrical energy is also how the human race will become free of fossil fuel. Your scientists will finally be allowed to use it to create free energy. Pandora’s box will be opened. – “John Galt”




Apparently according to a Source there is lots going on in Chicago. All the hotel rooms are booked through next week in Louisville, KY… People leaving Chicago in prep for what might be coming.

This reminds me of a great song… let’s send this viral… pass the word:  CHICAGO – CROSBY, STILLS & NASH: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e7oidHuSWjE

This situation needs careful monitoring. Again anyone with more info contact me.

CONTACT: kerry@projectcamelot.tv


We NEED YOUR HELP! My Friday show with Douglas Hagmann has been lost… the Servers at Revolution Radio were attacked and the entire show erased!! This was a very important show… if anyone made a recording please send it to me at:


ASAP. More evidence we are getting the truth out there that THEY DON’T WANT YOU TO HEAR… DON’T LET THIS HAPPEN… help us recover this show. Thank you.


Our new site has gone live:  http://www.blue-science.org/

A primary goal of Blue Science is to shine light onto the suppressed physics and technologies that have been kept from us. The risk of our enslavement, for ourselves and future generations, by a scientific dictatorship now outweighs both the alleged risk to national security, and the inconveniences incurred to the petroleum and related energy industries should their oligopolies be negatively impacted. The very hands that our well-intentioned predecessors attempted to keep the new technologies out of are exactly the ones to which they have fallen into. This unbalanced state of forces catalyzed by the Internet now sets the stage for the new energy physics and technologies to inevitably emerge into the public sphere. This is the stage upon which we now choose our roles, write our scripts, and play out our parts in History.— Matt Pulver, editor, co-Founder


This site is a place for those pursuing new technologies to share their thoughts and discuss the viability of new discoveries and research.  Yes, we know they are watching… But at this point, innovation and growth cannot be stifled.  It is alive and it is within the minds of the masses.  Let’s share the knowledge.

If you are an inventor or researcher and want to share with others feel free to contact us at: matt@blue-science.org

Message from Tommy

Hi everyone!

I just wanted to post a BIG thank you to everyone who mailed me, messaged me and donated to me for my birthday! I wanted to respond to each one of you, but the messages were just far too many to even get started on! So I asked Kerry if I could post it here instead.

You guys and gals are the best and you make all my efforts worth while when showing your amazing care!

Thank you to everyone 🙂

– Tommy