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06/01/2012 – Brien Foerster


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JUNE 1, 2012

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Guest Bio

Brien Foerster has appeared numerous times on the History Channel. Brien is a Canadian explorer who has moved to Peru to investigate the many mysteries present there.  He has taken on the position of co-director of the Paracas history museum, this has provided him with the opportunity to study many of the strange elongated skulls found in the region and led to working with Lloyd Pye on DNA analysis of the skulls. Brien is also an expert on the many Megalithic sites in Peru and Bolivia, after speaking with indigenous wisdom keepers he has come to understand many of the sites attributed to the Inca are much older than originally thought.



Several years ago we received a very large and almost undecipherable book, originally in German. Some of the physics were in English but the translation was very rough.

Here is the original Project Camelot page with the link to the original for those interested.

A few days ago, I was contacted by Barabou Vedu again.  He wrote the following:

Ladies and Gentlemen!

In 2008 I have sent you a report about a underground base called “Base New Berlin”. Here is the english translation of the most interesting chapter “Our Theories”. 

To the electron model I have added a few equations and figures. I think I understand now what’s all about with our quantum number 4,5. So I can predict now the mass of unknown particles like for example the tt-Meson and other particles (compare the new chapter “Predictions”). 

Barabou Vedu

Attached is the Chapter he calls “Our Theories”.  

Note:  this has not been reviewed or edited at this time.  I am sending it to some individuals with backgrounds in physics for their review.

Click here to viewdownload the PDF

View/download the English translation of page 14

reposted below:

Camelot logo The ‘New Berlin’ base:
Nazis in the Antarctic


Update from E.S, a German-speaking researcher, who has been in direct touch with Barabou Vedu, and who has done some excellent work.

Click here

The large document which can be downloaded here (a book of 400 pages, with maps, diagrams, equations, and hand drawings) was sent anonymously, on two disks, to a well-known UFO organization. There is little information about the author, and the material has not been seen before.

The disks were then passed on to a respected German investigator. This person, whom we know well, passed them on to Project Camelot for publication stating that the material might be highly significant.

We do not read German, so we do not know the precise content. But it’s clear that this is extraordinary material. It appears to document extensive, detailed information about a base in Antarctica originally established by the Nazis, advanced physics, mind control, something apparently resembling the ‘Montauk chair’, and alien involvement in the affairs of the human race.

Included in the document are dozens of pages of higher mathematics, apparently detailing the physical theory of interdimensional travel. Whoever assembled this did so with a very great deal of time, trouble and technical knowledge.

The author states he has been a victim of mind control and/or mental illness, and appears to document a bizarre personal journey. But he also certain of what he is reporting. He recounts a large number of very peculiar dreams, but also describes the Antarctic base in detail. Most compelling are the many pages of mathematical physics, which of course cannot be hoaxed.

Strangely, a number of pages which contain the physics have a commentary in imperfect English, as if they have been partially autotranslated. We don’t yet know how this has come about, or if the text was written that way in the original.

Many questions are raised, of course – none the least being how one escapes from Antarctica. But the answers may present themselves to those with the resources to study the document thoroughly.

We intend to get it all translated, which may take time and require professional involvement. We are publishing this immediately because our experience suggests that it is an effective insurance policy not to sit on potentially explosive material privately for too long.

We welcome all and any responses to this, and invite German-speaking researchers and anyone with a knowledge of advanced mathematical physics to contact us privately to discuss the contents. Project Camelot makes no claims for this document, but is publishing it simply because of its potential importance for others to investigate thoroughly.

Click here to download (PDF 18.6 Mb)


German Researcher’s summary

We asked the German researcher to write a summary of the book for the benefit of English-speaking readers:

About the book

I obtained the book from a German UFO society. They had received the book itself (around 400 pages) and two CDs containing the text and several drawings. The envelope had no address on it. However, the postmark reveals that it had been sent from Berlin.

The book was written by “Barabou Vedu in cooperation with R. Eckelt” (both anonymous). The author, Barabou Vedu, claims that his writings are an actual report from his experiences on an old alien base, where he was being kept “somewhere in the eternal ice” until he was 15 years old. He claims that people on the base spoke English and “Indian” language.

About the base

The author says that the base is no longer under extraterrestrial but under human control. He says the reason why there are so many human scientists on the base is because this is a place where many exotic phenomena can be observed, like “vectorial viewing into the future”, “soul travel via machine”, “technical telepathy” or what he calls “eye-movies” (living another’s experiences by proxy).

The author says that the base where he lived it is located not far from another alien base which bears the name “New Berlin”. He suspects that the base where he lived was part of the “New Berlin” base. He describes it as a huge building of glass and plastic, several square kilometers in area. During his stay, he says never left the base physically.

How he left the base

Around the year 1996, the author says that he left the base due to the first signs of schizophrenia; however, he has no conscious memory of how exactly he was “thrown out”. He woke up outside the base in a mountainous area “somewhere in Tajikistan”, where he was welcomed by four Turkish people that he later identified as “one of their criminal mind-control-gangs”. He stayed with them for a while, but then fled and traveled to Germany by train, a trip which took about three weeks. He says that after his arrival in Germany, he was officially accepted as a refugee.

Why he wrote the book

Because of recurring flashbacks, nightmares and “apparent signs of post-traumatic stress”, he was assigned to a psychiatric hospital in May 1998. He says that no-one there would believe any of the stories he had to tell which is why he decided to start lying to the doctors. He eventually managed to discharge himself and decided to confide in a person he trusts, whom he told about his past in order to cope with his fears and nightmares.

It seems that the book is a direct result of these conversations. The author says that it was a good idea to write everything down because it was an effective way to “get rid of everything”. One may suspect that the aforementioned person “R. Eckelt” is the one who gained Barabou’s trust and helped him to write down his memories.

His memories

The author says that he and the other humans on the base followed a schedule. They received their food from a tube which came out of the wall. He describes it as a kind of “brown paste”, which tasted like fruit. In order to receive food, they were obliged to follow certain tasks for which they received “bonus points”. Not fulfilling a task resulted in receiving no points, and therefore no food.

One of the main tasks that he and the other humans had was to “follow the thought structures of humans outside the base”, using a technology he calls the “Bereschewan-seat”. The seat itself is described as far too small for a human being – it seems to have been created for beings with another anatomy.

In order to use the seat, the author says they had to put on a specific suit with a cable which ended in a machine. Using the seat, it was apparently possible to see and feel the world outside as if one would experience it with one’s own senses (sight, smell, sound, touch etc). The author says that he was eventually obliged to draw what he saw. Sometimes he was ordered to distract people outside the base from their original thoughts and to “implant” different, more violent thoughts. The author furthermore suggests that this manipulation has been going on for a long time – and probably from the future.

The author says that among the humans, there were also other beings present on the base. He refers to them as “Lemurs” – reddish, greenish robots which he suspects are inhabited by human souls who failed to accomplish their tasks. Another type of being mentioned is described as small and humanoid in appearance with brown, hairless skin. Humans living on the base worshipped them, considering them to be “Gods”. In one part of the book, the author describes how he once saw one of these brown beings sitting perfectly at ease on the Bereschewan seat, a detail which suggests that the seat was their technology.

I have only read, in detail, a quarter of the book so far. There are many more things in the book which are not described in this summary.

A glance at the text

The book is almost entirely written in German, although some paragraphs are written in bad English and seem to have been translated either by a German-speaking person or by an automatic translator. As for consistency of the content, no apparent contradictions can be observed. On the contrary, throughout the book, the author keeps relating again and again to details he has already mentioned before.

There is one chapter which contains numerous formulae and diagrams about what the author describes as “Our theory of everything”. This complex mathematical physics seems to describe an advanced model of a multidimensional universe, and how to travel through it. He states that investigating these formulas might prove the authenticity of his claims, but possibly only “in 20 or 30 years from now”.

First steps undertaken so far

A very experienced remote viewer has been asked to assist to give an opinion on the book’s authenticity. One initial session has been done so far and more are planned.


A complete translation into English would be advisable so that researchers from around the world can investigate this independently. The book is obviously linked to the persistent reports that Hitler discovered an alien base in Antarctica and went there before the end of World War II. Therefore a thorough investigation of parallels between the book and existing Alien-Nazi-Antarctica research seems to be a good idea.


Theoretical physicist’s summary

We asked a theoretical physicist if he would comment on the mathematical physics section of the book. He is a respected academic with a Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics (quantum mechanics, electrodynamics and relativity) and over 200 international scientific publications in journals from several countries. His first language is not English, but his English is nonetheless excellent.

1. The mathematics is genuine. The education level of the author would have to be Ph.D.

2. It is a model. In Physics we have many models, and we must consider them all with respect if they don’t lead to experimental contradictions.

3. For example, String Theory is a model. Some people accept it, and others (such as Roger Penrose) do not believe in Strings. But the final word is in the experiment.

4. This presents a Photon Model which reproduces known results in Physics, but it also admits (which is important) the involvement of the Ether. In my personal opinion: Current Physics will advance if it accepts the existence of the Ether.

5. This is an innovative model… and in a few aspects it reminds me of extensions from other models (for example, Tewari’s model for the electron).

6. The ‘Ghost-balls’ remind me of some of Tesla’s experiments.

7. It employs 5 and/or 6 dimensions, which is normal in Physics. For example, the Kaluza-Klein Theory uses a 5-dimensional space.

In summary: the model presented in this material has genuine ideas and mathematics. Separately from that, it may or may not be successful in describing Nature. If this material is rejected, then one must reject many, many similar scientific papers that each day are published in the Journals of Physics.



Preliminary translation by anonymous translator

Here is the translation. I know that some sentences sound wrong… but they also do in German. This is his style.

I tried to keep the translation as original as possible. [Some notes have been added within the text.]

[ ____ ]

Preface (Vorwort)

Hello, my name is Barabou Vedu. I was born in 1983, and until I was 15, I was trapped inside an alien base somewhere in the eternal ice. Beside English, we also spoke Indian in this base. I think in Indian my name means: “May you be his firstborn son of the Moon!” Strange name, isn’t it? Seriously, who would name his son like this? Having such a name, you might as well let yourself be lined up against a wall to be shot. Was this name supposed to just make me furious, or did it have another reason as well? In addition, my father in our base [translator’s note: later he talks about another father who also gives him a Turkish passport] had a similar idiotic name. His name was Hohunarao Vedu. I think this means in Indian: “May you be someone who will be bathed (man of) Moon.” In the world of the symbols in our base, this meant as much as: “Though you are not of pure clear spirit, you deserve to be washed clean with clear pure spirit.” This ritual of the washing clean of one’s own dirty spirit with clean clear spirit could be connected to the common baptism ritual here in the world outside.

My mother in our base also had a very strange name. Her name was Wara, which means in Indian “Swan”, I think. In the world of the symbols in our base, this meant that you belonged to the light blue-green side of the spirit on which all divine entities are at home as well. Alone, my elder brother, eight years older, had a name without a religious background. His name was simply Magba, which means in Indian as much as tenth Moonhouse. I can’t say why they spared him all this religious stuff in his name.

At the start, I spoke about our alien base being a former alien base. By this, I wanted to state that in present time our alien base is not any more under extraterrestrial control, but probably under terrestrial control. The reasons for this are obvious. For example, there were scientists in our base who spend nearly each whole day developing new physical theories. Well, which alien lets his own technologies be examined by terrestrial scientists, so that they can tell him how that works what one has carried around the whole time with oneself? One can be sure that everywhere, where scientists walk around, terrestrial powers have taken the power. So, probably, also in our base.

But in this connection I’d like to mention that the scientists of our base kept the same demonic dressing protocol concerning the choice of their clothes as we did. This protocol stated that the color of one’s clothes must match one’s current emotional state. You wore red in anger, orange in pain, yellow in fear, green in kindness, blue in love and violet in grease [translator’s note: ‘grease’ in German also means to make sure someone else doesn’t get caught while doing something]. The color white could be combined with the colors green and blue, and black with the colors orange and red. The choice of these colors for the corresponding human emotions corresponded to the coloring of their spirit, which changed colors depending on one’s state of mind.

Why so many scientists took care of our base isn’t difficult to guess. A place in which so many exotic phenomena like vector viewing into the future, “soul travel” by machines, technical telepathy, or eye-movies of people could be watched, shouts for a scientific examination. The interesting things the scientists of our base discovered during their examinations, one can readily read in the chapter “Appendix of our physical theories of tomorrow”.

This chapter about our physical theories might be a real treasure trove to physicists with an interest in the Nobel Prize. Those who think highly of themselves, and would like to prove to all of us that alien bases really exist, are free to earn their Nobel Prize at my expense. I think that’s only fair. Because I don’t own these ideas either. And I don’t see why I should take these theories with me to my grave, just because it isn’t yet the right time for these theories.

The ether-theorists of the 19th century were not that wrong in their ideas about the world. But I’m afraid they should have experimented with 4 to 5 dimensional ethers instead of three-dimensional. Because then their physics would have been perhaps a little more successful, and Einstein wouldn’t have blocked the further development of ether-physics by his SRT [Special Relativity Theory]. But that’s a completely different problem.

So what to do to prove that their ether-physics is more correct than our ether-less physics of today? The way it looks, first SRT must go before one can continue with classic ether-physics – the physics of the extraterrestrial? But this is easier said than done. Einstein is an acknowledged expert in physics. To attack him and to claim new experiments about the topic of SRT, is a hard nut to crack for modern physicists. Especially as the disproof of SRT in favor of our 4-dimensional ether-physics indeed needs very demanding experiments for light propagation.

For example, one would have to measure the linear speed of light between two places, without using reflected light. A measurement which unfortunately currently still involves high measuring-errors. But a change from the physics of relativity to the physics of ether-theory includes, as I will show in my report “Their Theories”, great physical discoveries.

Among other things, one can for example prove that the Theory Of All could be a fractal hollow-sphere-model in a 6-fold or 6-dimensional space. In such a fractal hollow-sphere-model of All, the world repeats itself in the micro as well as in the macro, again and again at each level/plane of size. No matter where and no matter in which of these level-sizes one is currently situated, the world always looks the same.

Funnily enough, one can at the same time take this Theory Of All also totally informally to a string theory. Because if the world repeats itself on the level of a universe or of a photon again and again in the micro, then one has automatically contracting since produced by gravitation, fields in a space. Combined with a 4-5 dimensional hollow-sphere form of these fields, the result in a 6-dimensional space with a shifting of space dimensions 1 — 3 to 4 — 6 are contracting strings to expanses in space.

And so we get from the original hollow-sphere-theory an incomplete string theory!


From Thomas Kirschner, editor of the German NEXUS Magazine:

Dear Bill,

Our team here spent a few hours analyzing the document, and I made a few calls to other “well-connected” friends.

It’s probably too early to make a definite assessment, but my general impression is to be careful.

This document consists of two parts: 95% of it is a fantastic story, and my own judgment is that it isn’t more than that. I could be wrong, of course, and some of my friends disagreed with me. Still, I would advise everybody to be extremely cautious. Besides that, this part of the book doesn’t really contain much useful information (in the sense that the material could be related to anything in the “real” world).

It does make claims that bear similarity to certain Montauk-concepts (the author talks of a certain chair that can be used for remote viewing etc.) – but anybody could come up with such a story, having read the Montauk books and other far out material.

The physics section is something else, and it seems to me rather unrelated to the rest of the book, which makes it seem to me as if the author just copied it into his own story to gain credibility. But coming back to the physics:

One of my friends is a really, really well informed scientist, who is familiar with the work of Dr. Burkhard Heim. He told me that the material seems to be definitely based on Burkhard Heim’s work, and he had the impression that it even goes beyond that – like a practical application. If that’s true, then it would be really something.

I asked for my friend’s opinion about the rest of the book, but he did not want to go into detail. However, he assured me that it is indeed “something”. He also assured me that the Russian video documentary, which I have not seen yet, would be “very revealing”.

So, that’s really all I can tell you at the moment about this book. But I learned some other interesting things in that phone conversation:

My friend assured me that the information from Henry Deacon and Dan Burisch is absolutely head on, especially the claims regarding T1 and T2 [timeline 1 and timeline 2]. He said that there are two calculations regarding that fork-point: One says that it might come already this year. The other says that it will come right at the end of 2012.

I asked him: “Why do you think that it would come now? Do you think the Mayans made a mistake?” His answer was that the Mayans were surely right, but that our calendar system could be wrong, i.e. the “real” 2012 might be earlier than we think.

Then I asked him for the physical, scientific evidence for this [the timeline split], and he said that it would come from Burkhard Heim and from physicist Kip Thorne. He urged me to Google for “Thorne” and for “Vega”.

He also said that for top-ranking scientists who work for the (shadow-) Government, Montauk is absolutely standard knowledge. Whether it happened exactly as in the famous Montauk books would be another question, but T1 and T2, as Dan Burisch describes them, are current topics of discussion.

I asked him about Planet X and if he thought that was a real danger. His comment was that it might only be for those who stayed on T2. Then I asked him how he imagined the transition from our time into T1 or T2, and he said that he imagined that we will go into some kind of tunnel, or enter a short sleep, that might only take seconds, and then we’re in the new time.

To conclude: these are all exciting topics. But let’s try to not get carried away. Remember, everything that I’ve just written is just human opinion, and each of us could be wrong.

The only “hard” evidence that can be checked out is that last section of the book, which contains scientific material. Whether that is real has still to be researched. And whether that author came up with it by himself or whether he just copied it from some book, is another unanswered question. I myself would tend to the second conclusion.


From E.S., German-speaking researcher :

E-mail exchange with Barabou Vedu – a Summary

After finding out his email address in late January 2008, I contacted Barabou Vedu with a couple of questions.

He replied with the following : The base New Berlin was most likely NOT founded by the Nazis: he himself was shown inside the base several “eye-movies” dating back to the 17th century. He concludes that the base must therefore be much older. As for a possible Nazi- Alien connection, he says that he does not know anything about that. He mentions that were many tall, blond and blue-eyed people present. As for the “Indian” languages spoken in the base, he says that he was often addressed in an unknown language that was called Indian. However, he only remembers a handful of words from that language.

As for the advanced physics in the last part of the book, he explains that modern physics can not progress without integrating the idea of the “Ether” into their models. He lists a number of possibilities that should result, albeit with different probabilities, from the advanced physics in the book: among these are, Space Travel at any desired speed (even greater than C), leaving our 3-dimensional space in the 4th or 5th spatial direction, use of Ether as an information storage medium, with advanced Mind Control technology as a consequence.


In my next email, I asked about his personal life and circumstances. BV replied that is was rather tough going and he mentions for the first time “terrible traumatizing events” which he would rather forget forever.

He says that he finished school and then did not do anything for years as he did not comprehend that someone who wants to have a job must go out and find a job. In 2004, he finally decided to try and learn a craft. He mentions that he even dreamed of studying math and physics, but this came to nothing as he realized that intellectual work was not for him.

Being asked whether he had approached publishers with his book, he said that he had not- but that he would not mind someone doing this, so long as he could remain anonymous.


I decided to challenge him on several points that I found hard to believe when I read his report.

To give just two examples, I asked where the Coca-Cola cans in the secret base came from: Barabou Vedu says he does not know, but they may have been received in exchange for Advanced Technology.

In another surreal bit of that email string, I remarked that a film about the great famine in America can hardly have been called A Film about the Great Hungary. I explained to him that Hungary is a country in central Europe. He replied, perplexed, that those films he saw about “Hungary” talked about hunger and poverty in the 30s in the USA.

I also asked him why he says that the base was in Antarctica, when on the cover page of his printed edition there is a poem that reads “The future has already begun here, under the ice of an Arctic glacier” ? I asked, which one is it now?

He replied, that while writing the report he had become more and more convinced that the base was actually NOT located in Antarctica but near the North Pole.


After several more email exchanges with BV, I suggested that we finally meet in person. BV declined, but he agreed to participate in a conference call that (as Bill had suggested) I set up with BV and another German-speaking researcher.
During our phone call, we put forward the following to BV:

Q : Do you have a visual memory of your father?
BV: No, all I remember is that he used to sit in a corner and cry when I was in the (bereschewan) seat.
Q: What is your mother tongue?
BV: My mother tongue is English. I only started learning German once I got out of the base
Q: Do you have any “missing time” in your life ?
BV: Yes, between the autumn of 1996 and around March 1997, I cannot remember a single thing.
Q: Give us an example of those “terrible, traumatizing things” that you witnessed at the base ?
BV: One day my friend and mentor, Walter Pfeffer went up to the glass roof of the base, and he looked through the glass and said “Well, spring is here finally !”

We also asked BV what exactly the purpose of the base and its operations was: he said one purpose was to go into people’s minds, to read their thoughts, and influence them.

Another purpose of the Chair was to share new ideas with scientists. It was also used for telling bad people to better themselves and for making warlike people more peaceful.

As for the science, BV adamantly insists that he saw pictures (not formulas) in the “eye-movies” inside the base and that he wrote down the formulas and equations years later.


I discussed the above exchanges with Bill and Kerry on several occasions: we all agree that Barabou Vedu must have gone through some very traumatizing experiences, very likely involving advanced Mind Control technology.


After the phone call, we sent to BV a link to an important, leaked NSA document that summarizes in detail the different Mind Control techniques developed in the US over the last 40 years.

BV replied, commenting that the technology that was used on him must have been much more advanced than that. He suspects that the NSA scientists must have come across something very advanced in a strange place and must have been trying to replicate it ever since. With limited success, he says.

He finds interesting that the NSA’s MC masters ask their victims to write diaries.. much as he himself was encouraged to paint whatever he had seen in the eye-movies inside the base. He concludes, there are striking parallels between the NSA experiments and his own experiences, but that in his case the transmission of pictures directly into the brain was far advanced.

Lastly, and this is the last we heard from BV: He categorically refuses to consider any kind of regression or hypnosis therapy in order to come to the bottom of his strange tale.

He insists that his personal “therapy” has been the writing of the report, and the “case is closed” for him.


The fact that BV lives de facto in hiding – and yet he made a great effort writing, printing and distributing his work is another, fascinating contradiction in this whole story. It is one of many, we feel. With so many fundamental questions unanswered, it is hard to believe that the “Base New Berlin” story is really to be taken at face value.

On the other hand, we clearly feel that BV is a troubled man who has suffered greatly through something that is shrouded from his conscious memory at the moment. His decision to call the case closed is understandable and we respect it. Although it may only be temporary .. as we hope.


Click here to download (PDF 18.6 Mb).
Click here to download as a torrent.

Click here to view the May 2006 Russian TV documentary NAZI BASES IN ANTARCTICA, which contains some extraordinary and apparently authentic images.

Click here for the Jim Marrs article ANTARCTICA: A NAZI BASE?


Click here for the article EXPLORING THE ANTARCTIC REICH.

Click here for the article EXPLORING THE ANTARCTIC REICH – Part 2

Click here for the excellent summary article THE NAZIS AND THE ALDEBARAN MYSTERY.

In three of the above five articles, ‘Neu Berlin’ or ‘Neuberlin’ is referenced as a Nazi base in Antarctica. The source of this in each case is a 2003 report by Russian researcher Dr Konstantin Ivanenko.


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Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy





I received the following input from an undisclosed source… with regard to the truth of what is going on with chem trails and what may be contributing to this growing proclivity for zombi-izm in America if not the rest of the world.  Suffice to say that this information came to this person from channels within EUCOM.  Food (!) for thought.  

Chemtrails have been employed for numerous desired effects. These include ‘sickening’ the general populous and lowering the soul vibration/hindering the consciousness of the populous. This is coupled with contamination of the water/food supply to achieve the same things. 

People know this is happening, they only have to look into the sky to see it.

In recent years we are now seeing, what I call the second phase. The introduction of designer drugs that contain chemical compounds that either ‘activate’ or act as a catalyst for the chemicals dispersed over us in the form of chemtrails. 

The active chemicals or molecular structures in these so called ‘Bath salts’ or whatever other synonym you know them by, could also be implemented in regular pharmaceuticals. Drugs, lotions, moisturisers, make up etc. 

Nevertheless, no matter how you receive the ‘active agent’, the outcome will be the same. Psychosis, insanity, mental breakdowns. Whatever. The behaviour that has been experienced in Florida recently, I fear is going to become commonplace as the frequency and intensity of both ingredients increase. 

This is how I feel they are trying to cause mass hysteria and panic, all within a comfortable time frame of the 2012 Olympics and the upcoming December events (whatever they may be.)

My reply which should at least ease the minds of some… was as follows:

I agree that it certainly looks very plausible that whatever is in the chemtrails contains a number of actionable agents that could increase receptivity to outside electromagnetic or other affects and also lowering immunity etc.


The good news is that if you raise your frequency they can’t get at you in any case.  Of course that doesn’t help that those around you may be vulnerable and losing their minds or whatever the case may be.



Just as predicted by Henry Deacon back in 2006 people are starting to lose it.

Here is a report on some of those incidents… Day of the Dead type stuff.  Actually, come to think of it I have just recently been thinking some people out there are reminding me of the movie RESIDENT EVIL  Great movie.  Very instructional for these times.

click here for the article


I got a report from a source who said he encountered an unmarked military convoy with guys wearing combat boots, camo pants and black shirts with an insignia…  

This convoy was huge and the trucks were carrying large metal containers.



Wow, what is the world coming to…   Jeez.  Well I will say this.  Good for this journalist to come out with that and even though its been going on behind the scenes for a long time… Making it public is never a good sign.

It’s so in your face.  We rule the world and so….





I have been contacted behind the scenes by various people who might be in positions to help Bill Brockbrader with his case.

In the hope that open disclosure will not only help him but all those on both sides of this question, regarding what went on with respect to Brockbrader and Camelot and where things stand at the moment I am posting a copy of a letter that I sent to someone who made such an offer.

Thank you for writing to me with your offer to help Bill Brockbrader.  Unfortunately, I don’t feel that it is possible to advise you to get involved in this.  I cannot advise you for or against at this time, in other words.  It must be your own decision.


At this point the story has become so convoluted that there is some possibility (if you trace all the clues back) that he was originally sent in as a “whistleblower” to deceive and take down Project Camelot due to his questionable past.


Regardless I believe this back-fired on them when his testimony (the part of which is truthful about the act of valor deflecting the missile in my view) resonated with such a large group of people along with his message of hope with regard to 2012 and the converging timelines theory.


Unfortunately, it appeared (at least in one possible scenario) that he has subsequently been interfered with  and quite possibly re-programmed to turn against Camelot publicly.  Or possibly that was the plan all along of the “puppet masters”.  There are some who feel his taste of sudden fame went to his head and he became desperate when he discovered he had lost his audience.  Regardless it is, as I said, now a very convoluted situation.  


This gets into what it means to be a whistleblower and what we are dealing with in these types of situations.  And the bottom line is that they are individuals who have been heavily programmed by the military machine in addition to whatever programming they received as children in a society where the TV and organized religion and education are already instruments of mass mind control.  The question is, once this breakdown of personality structure has occurred (a common approach in Illuminati programming of their children see Svali testimony for more on this), can they ever escape it and is their mind ever their own?  These are the questions we must ask.


I would say they can and they do make their way back, eventually breaking through programming because human beings are so inherently gifted that they will ultimately triumph over these tactics however not without great strides in personal growth and raising their frequency along with a dedication to truth on all levels.


My take on the charges of his being a “sex offender” is as follows:  It was trumped up as initially it happened when he was in his twenties and the girl and her parents never pressed charges at the time.  It happened, as I recall in San Diego area.  The military went out and re-earthed this info then charged him later when he had become a “disciplinary problem” due to his act of valor in deflecting the 2nd missile aimed at the Iraqi town.  This kind of coercive maneuver is typical of the military when wanting to control a soldier.  And this was covered in my initial interview with him.


Whereas, the charges are bogus, the “registering as a  sex offender” was another coercive step in keeping tabs and control over Brockbrader in a more subtle mental way that is used no doubt to demean him and keep him from doing anything else “outside the box”.   And see the attached document which is what he was arrested on this time around.


This is about all the background I can give you and it is up to you if you want to become involved in this situation.  I am sure he can use some help.  However I cannot vouch for his character in this case because of what I have experienced with respect to his verbal attacks on Camelot since the interview on various unnamed radio shows.  It is important to keep in mind, that, as he testified on camera for Camelot, he was held and mind controlled for six months prior to a sudden (and unexpected release) from military prison.  


What this indicates to me is that he was likely programmed as a sort of manchurian candidate… where all it takes is a phone call and a certain number of words or codes in order to trigger him to perform in whatever way they choose.  In a sense, his mind is no longer his own.  He has no doubt worked to turn all this around and his testimony on record for Camelot worked very well for him in this regard.  However, due to his interaction with a certain person and group that has a substantial history with MK Ultra after the interview, I have to say it is entirely likely that even this step is somehow part of a larger scenario.  I do not mean to sound diabolical but if you follow the clues they certainly lead in this direction.  The trouble is, all of this is nearly impossible to prove or disprove.


Obviously, this does not mean he shouldn’t be cleared of the “sex offender” charges.  He should.  And this would at least allow him to live a life relatively more free at least in the sense that anyone is “free” in this country at this time.


Note:  I will post this letter on my blog so others in your position can decide what they wish to do with hopefully some added insight into what went on….

Kerry Cassidy, Project Camelot

May 29, 2012



I will be speaking this coming weekend on Saturday, June 2nd and on Speaker’s Panel on Sunday June 3rd at 7pm.

Hope to see you there!



Assistance with FLIGHTS

I will be appearing on June 16 & 17th at Anthony Sanchez’s Sacramento UFO Conference.  http://sacufocon.com/


Anthony has contacted me and said that he would very much like to invite Michael Schratt to be a speaker at his event however, due to fnances cannot afford to lay out more money for speaker airfare at this time.  Anyone who would also love to see Michael Schratt is encouraged to send donations toward funding a flight or perhaps donating miles to fly Michael from the East Coast.  The dates of June 16 & 17th.  Please contact Anthony Sanchez at Sacramento UFO-PARANORMAL sacufocon@gmail.com


PROJECT CAMELOT needs assistance to finance Tommy Hansen’s flight back to the U.S.  Tommy is our webmaster as most of you reading will know.  He is working with Camelot in various other ways including assisting with filming and streaming of speaking events.  Any donations toward this would be greatly appreciated.  Please donate to:  kerry@projectcamelot.org 

DONATIONS NEEDED:  Project Camelot needs your donations to fund this work.  We are planning speaking events in Europe in the next few months as well as funding to cover basics, web admin, hosting and paying the rent.  We are building an online store for companies and individuals with like-minded products and services as well as offering advertising.  If you are a company or individual with a like-minded company and product please consider supporting Camelot by becoming an affiliate and/or advertising on Camelot pages.

Regarding the Online Store

Contact:     jerry@projectcamelotportal.com 

Regarding Advertising:

Contact:  Shelia at :  Sheila Kelly advertisement@projectcamelotportal.com