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Bill Brockbrader contacted me from County Jail where he is waiting for trial and hoping to get released on bail.  He believes if he receives a large amount of mail in support of his cause that they will allow him to post bail.

He is asking for those who wish to support him to write to him at this address:

William Brockbrader 1046233
c/o ADA County Jail
7210 Barrister Dr.
Boise, ID 83704

Note:  you must include a Return Address & Name or the jail will not deliver the mail!!!

As I stated in a previous blog statement Bill Brockbrader is being harrassed as a whistleblower in order to silence him.  Whereas I do not agree with some of the things he has done or said I support his right to live as any other free man within this country regardless.

Click here for my previous more extensive statement with regard to his case.




This was filmed on location at Conspiracy Con in June 2012 when I ran into Jo Ann Richards who was working behind a booth in the vendor area of the conference.  I had been meaning to interview her for a while but never had the chance.  I also wanted, of course, to interview her husband, Mark Richards, as I knew his story from before I got involved in Project Camelot.

Mark Richards was an officer involved in the Dulce Battle as well as very active in the Secret Space Program and U.S. Space Command for many years prior to his being arrested and convicted of a murder he did not commit.  This is a classic case of the government framing someone who they feel may be turning against them from within the military.  Some might see parallels in the recent Brockbrader case as well as the case against Michael Riconosuitto who is to this day also in prison in California.  You could say all three are guilty of one thing “knowing too much”.  This the powers-that-be cannot have and especially if they sense the individual may decide to go rogue.

This is hopefully just the beginning of an investigation into the story of Mark Richards.  If things go as planned I will secure an interview with him at the very least via audio sometime very soon.



Kerry Cassidy
Project Camelot

June 2012



titlesliderichards copyA Conversation with Jo Ann Richards regarding Captain Mark Richards, U.S. Space Command.
This was filmed on location at Conspiracy Con in June 2012 when I ran into Jo Ann Richards who was working behind a booth in the vendor area of the conference.  I had been meaning to interview her for a while but never had the chance.  I also wanted of course to interview her husband, Mark Richards, as I knew his story from before I got involved in Project Camelot.

Click here to watch the interview



Kerry Cassidy
Project Camelot
June 2012


According to Gordon Duff at Veteran’s Today, Germany is supplying Israel with nuclear warheads and arming submarines with missles.  

What is more likely is an attack on the US, Great Britain or South Korea.  What makes this possible is that Israel currently has, unlisted in its inventory, more than one submarine with long range nuclear capability and an unclear naval command stucture.  Israel, in actuality, has no civil government and only a minimal military government.  An examination of political moves made by Israel clearly demonstrates that they don’t function as a nation at all but rather as an outpost for a post war conglomerations of secret societies, some closely aligned to Himmler’s SS and Gehlen’s DVD.

British security experts are of a general belief that the Gehlen group, under Operation Paperclip, run by the Dulles brothers, Allen and John Foster, aided by a young Richard Nixon (highly classified) created the CIA, not out of the OSS but entirely out of German intelligence groups who had worked, hand in hand, with counterparts in America during the entire Second World War.  Among their best known operations were the Kennedy assassinations, their manipulation of American media and their ability to hide behind Jewish identity.

The implication here is that Israel will launch a false flag attack blaming it on Iran and the Nazi cabal headed by Bush will orchestrate behind the scenes.  In the end we have “conglomeration of secret societies” running Israel and then the U.S. and behind that a stargate located in the leylines that converge in the desert of the Sinai (see my Keith Hunter interviews for more on this). But the bottom line on what he discovered is that military installations such as Pine Gap, Dimona and Menwith Hill are connected by leylines that due to hyperdimensional physics have a unique relationship facilitating portals, time travel and activation of the transdimensional capability where a nuke that is detonated has far greater repercussions beyond just this solar system.

Connected to this of course is the notion of the Anunnaki operating along with U.S. military and Space Command from the 4th dimension… using Phobos as a command and control center, so I am told.

This is where former Nazi’s, Israel and the Anunnaki link up in a mad configuration that points to the planet being run from off planet and in that sense ‘untouchable’ by conventional weapons.  It also manifests in a top down system where orders come from off-planet (a 4th dimensional Mars base for example) and via Phobos where the solar system itself is monitored such that no craft come in or go out without their knowledge.

Combine this with the role of Israel on the planet’s surface and keeping in mind this very clear statement by Duff (who is telling the truth about this) and you have the real recipe for what is going on.

Needless to say, there are plenty of rogue players in this scenario including some STO (service-to-others) Guardian races who step in when possible without violating this free will sector, to create balance.

How this will all play out is unclear.  But I am told that as of December 21, 2012 and maybe sooner, there is some kind of a line up which facilitates the possible invasion of a race of robots who as mentioned in Wingmakers are and have been headed this way.  

According to Ashayana Deane, at least during our interview back in part III, this has become less likely an alternative.  James of the Wingmakers wrote his Ancient Arrow Project about this possibility however.  And the recent discovery of the site in the Carpathian Mountains in Romania of a library of records/ time travel device (see Peter Moon’s book Transylvanian Sunrise by Radu Cinamar for this story) indicatees that the sites mentioned in the Wingmakers may still be activatable… These sites have within them material or devices said to contain a natural technology that when linked and activated (by way of human discovery) 7 sites around the globe will provide Earth with a protective shield and/or jump her into another dimension where she avoid the invasion scenario.  

How all of this plays out within the diabolical designs of the uber nazi / anunnaki / Lucifer rebellion is also not clear.

In other words, Earth could be saved from invasion by a race of robots only to fall prey to the robotic superman/ nantech/ AI that has already begun to take control orchestrated by the Bush/Israeli/ Rothschild/ Rockefeller Cabal conglomeration of secret societies and military orders of which the Asian secret societies no doubt also have a part.

For more about the secret space program and hidden troops of android or human looking robotic supersoldiers see our interview with Pete Petersen.

And all this gets back to how Germany is supplying Israel with nuclear weapons and submarines with missles and they want a war in the Middle East.  The final question here is why?  Why is war in the Middle East so coveted?  The confluence on stargates (Iraq, probably in Iran, Israel/Dimona, Egypt/Giza, Gulf of Aden and possibly others) certainly could be part of it.  

From what I understand above all else the various on and off planet races are warring over Stargates ie. Ascension gates, most of the natural and artificial ones have been taken over by the dark side.  Although according to the Guardians (via Ashayana Deane aka A’esha aka Anna Hayes) there are some gates still in their hands and those are the ones we humans will use when exiting this planet in the future.  (We created a few gates in India with the help of the Guardians).  

As far as group ascension goes, in the future (not on December 21, 2012, there will be a 3 way split with one group opting for a step-back version of Earth and the oher going to a middle Earth some are calling Aurora Earth and lastly those headed for true ascension.  And this is not going to begin to happen for several years from what I understand.  Individually, in my view, ascension ie. getting out of this matrix is always an option depending on your level of development.

However none of this is completely agreed upon out there.  And meanwhile we contend with this mixture of races playing games for control.  Few humans get any sense of the real big picture… However the above is a short summary of at least one way to think about all of it.







This was a completely impromptu interview which

developed into a fascinating discussion about the rise of consciousness on the planet and the potential threat that governments are sensing in this respect. Ultimately, with the Romanian government crackdown on Yoga Schools and practitioners seen alongside the book by Radu Cinamar & Peter Moon, “Transylvanian Sunrise” which details the discovery of a device hidden deep inside a mountain a correlation begins to emerge. The device, which may be a time machine or even part of what could be a stargate  or ascension gate the possibilities begin increase that something is going on that could affect the destiny of mankind on planet Earth. 

I encourage you to listen to this fascinating discussion and read “Translyvanian Sunrise” and begin to follow the clues in this investigation. This is certainly not over or conclusive and there is much more here than meets the eye.    Click here to view the video…


Updated: 6/8/12

Prison Planet has now picked up this story with added information for those interested.

Here is a link to the Dutchsinse video on this same issue.  (Alerted by me and Revolution Radio to this story…)

Originally posted on 6-6-12 around 1am PT

According to Revolution Radio there is a spike rather off the charts at least according to this site:


Everywhere else is 4 or 7 or 13 and Chicago is 1707 or right now 3507… makesno sense!??  Putting this out to Dutchsinse and others who might have more info.


“Note: Spikes or high readings do not necessarily indicate high radiation level readings. Stations are privately run and data accuracy is not guaranteed. If one station reads high but nearby stations show normal readings, then it was probably a glitch.”

There are reports of an increase of UFO sightings in the area as well.

There is large radio bursts across the short wave band.

Anyone with news from the Chicago area please contact Nighthawk in the next 2 hours at 347-688-2902.  Or send me an email:






The White Hats have just released a new report…


This plot includes the current and past Presidents, the current Vice President, the current Secretary of State, the CIA, a presidential contender, a German banker, a German bagman, and a Lt. Governor. It also includes bank trade programs, and attempted murder, or better yet, let’s call it like it is, an assassination attempt.  There were multiple attempts.

So this means they are making attempts on Falcone’s life… and failing???  

After the first two attempts failed, it has been reported to us that Bush Sr. then contacted President Obama to engage the CIA in another attempt to silence Falcone. We were told that Obama issued orders to the agency to carry out an assassination against Falcone, a citizen of the United States of America. At this time, it’s unclear whether the President was aware of the two failed attempts to assassinate Falcone as ordered by Bush Sr. and carried out by rogue agency operatives.   

A third attempt was made on Mr. Falcone’s life at the Four Seasons Hotel in Palm Beach, Florida. Falcone had discovered an article of clothing missing from his room and so the hotel staff offered to pay for dinner and drinks for he and his wife in the hotel’s restaurant at their expense.  When Falcone refused the offer, they sent a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon wine to his room with an apology from the Hotel.  Mr. Falcone again did not open the bottle but instead took it to a laboratory to be tested.  Again, the wine was poisoned.  The results of these tests are being held by the attorneys representing Falcone and are being heavily considered by the prosecuting authorities.

Bottomline we have the Obama/Bush assasination squad making weak attempts to do away with Falcone.  Why are they failing so miserably?  Seems to me certain sources have said if they wanted you dead you would be dead.  In this instance they are making repeated attempts.  Reminds me of when they wanted to kill Castro.

Yet I have a whistleblower named Ed Laughrin who received a phone call and was dead of a heart attack moments later.  How hard is it?

Something is going on here.  But what agency makes these types of attempts and fails?

Don’t get me wrong, I am glad they are failing but it rather begs the question… if they can’t make it look like an accident maybe they will let the guy live.  Yet again, I do buy this notion that these guys have all the means necessary to carry out the deed.  So in the end, it’s a warning.

They intend for the attempt to fail.  They know Falcone has body guards and white hats all around him (unlike my whistleblower) and so… 

This doesn’t change the fact that they really can’t figure out how to settle their differences except by wacking people.  You would think the Bush/Obama cabal would realize that wacking people is no answer to anything.  Because in the end there are more of us than them.

So keeping in mind that this is a “warning to the White Hats & Falcone” from the Bush/Obama cabal… what’s left?

They publish their report.  We read about it.  And clearly when Falcone flew over to testify against Herzog.. they didn’t like that.  The noose is tightening around the cabal.  Yet they persist with their nonsense.  And to follow the logic trail a bit further they must think their warnings will be heeded.  And indications are to the contrary.  So now what?


My thought here is that enough with playing cops and robbers… let’s cut to the chase.  Out with the goods on the trading programs and the nefarious schemes they are running behind the scenes.  If you know something worth changing the world put it out there.  Otherwise Falcone may not make it and you will be singing his eulogy.. such as it is.

And as for the Congress and government officials reading this communique and the White Hat Reports and not stepping up to shout to the roof tops the truth about the cabal… Here’s to throwing down the guantlet…  Or perhaps you don’t remember the famous quote:

…”First they came for the communists,
and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a Jew.

Then they came for me
and there was no one left to speak out for me.”

And for those reading this who haven’t heard my interview with Ed Laughrin, the Camelot whistleblower who died recently, very likely murdered, according to his wife… click here to listen.

The next question you need to ask is WHY… and for that I would say that contained in that interview is some very important information that “they” didn’t want you to know.  For my money, it’s the Challenger story, and not the Kennedy ballistics… so pay attention.

And no we don’t get whistleblowers killed.  They come to us.  And they know full well (and I tell them) that they are putting their lives on the line.  But that is their inalienable right.  And in Ed Laughrin’s case.  He made his choice and he was proud to do so.  

How many more people have to die before those who can step up decide to do so in mass?  If you are reading this and you listen to the Laughlin interview and think you know what information is contained there worth killing a man over… feel free to contact me.

And, I suggest you spread the White Hat Report far and wide along with this blog post.  This is the alternative press and we are ignored by the mainstream.  If you want to help get this information into the mainstream and see that it reaches the rest of the people.

For the rest of the article and new video: http://tdarkcabal.blogspot.com/





Join me today along with Stew Webb for an update on the latest regarding the financial system, a recent attempt on Stew’s life and outting the KIMBALL CASTLE aka CHEROKEE CASTLE Illuminati satanic rituals…

go to:  http://livestream.com/projectcamelotlive/

go here for Glenn Canady’s update relating to Stew’s disclosures:  http://www.project.nsearch.com/profiles/blogs/occupy-kimball-castle-cherokee-castle

And click here for Stew Webb’s site:  http://www.stewwebb.com/breaking_news.htm


I just returned from Conspiracy Con where I spoke for 1 !/2 hours on 2012 the power elite and what’s really going on above top secret out beyond the Matrix where most people live.  This was a fun event with many excellent speakers.  As usual the targeting of the place with scaler weapons made me ill.  This is par for the course in any ufo related event unfortunately.

I have 2 new interviews to release as soon as I can edit them, which should not take much since I only had one camera.  They were both shot on the fly, on location and without all the bells and whistles that people so desire in this technologically manic time.  

1.  Jo Ann Richards re Mark Richards :  Dulce & Way Above Black
Mark Richards is a former officer of the U.S. Space Command currently serving 30 years to life in a California prison, framed for a crime he did not commit.  This interview gets into the history behind Richards and his life long exposure to ET visitors and his active involvement in our secret space program.

2.  Jim Traficant – Ex-congressman from Ohio, who was framed and sent to prison for 8 years for crimes he did not commit.  In 1983, he was charged with racketeering for allegedly accepting bribes. Traficant represented himself in the criminal trial and argued that he accepted the bribes only as part of an undercover investigation into corruption. He was acquitted of the charges, becoming the only person ever to win a Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) case while representing himself.  This interview gets into why Traficant was framed and the power and corruption of the Iraeli lobby in our government.



For an agency credited with some of the most incredible technological innovations in human history, the revelation that two more powerful Hubbles even existed must have been a complete shock, especially considering that the Bush administration less than a decade ago almost cut NASA’s funds for a crucial Hubble repair missiion. 

Then they really dropped the bomb: Since the Pentagon never got around to using the telescopes, they figured NASA might be just the place to offload the old hardware.

Wow, I had no idea NASA with her fleet of world class scientists and engineers not only couldn’t afford a decent telescope (nor could they build one). But instead they have to rely on THE PENTAGON hand-me-downs, several years old in order to ‘scan the sky’.  


Not to mention, that this ludicrous article PLANTED as it is appears to be a build up toward a disclousre whereupon no doubt NASA will “suddenly” now be able to SEE PLANTE X / THE DARK STAR / SOMETHING WICKED THIS WAY COMES in the sky whereas in the past they certainly couldn’t do so because they didn’t have the several years old telescrope from the PENTAGON (their wealthy cousins)…

Thank God or I mean “the Pentagon”.  Now we can all sleep at night.  What with Hubble supposedly no longer operational.  Right.


Gimme a break.

Click here to read this article