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Instructions for viewing Courtney Brown Livestream:

1. Go to projectcamelotportal.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=105&Itemid=228
2. Enter password when prompted: iexperiencethis32
3. Enjoy the the event! Questions are taken from the chat-room present at the Livestream site.

Courtney Brown Livestream Viewing Information

Instructions for viewing Courtney Brown Livestream:

1. Go to http://livestream.com/projectcamelotlive
2. Enter password when prompted: iexperiencethis32
3. Enjoy the the event! Questions are taken from the chat-room present at the Livestream site.


I realize there is a lot of concern and some paranoia around the Olympics in London and a possible false flag…  And whereas I don’t buy into that (home of the Illuminati bankers), I don’t see them destroying their own power center anytime soon!  However the following news item was brought to my attention and I have to say this could indicate something is being set in motion:


Peculiar Security: UK hires human rights abusers to protect Olympics

The British government is up for questioning from Parliament over why it has handed over the Olympic Games’ security to a company accused of human rights abuses in the Israeli-occupied Palestinian territories. ­The UK-based G4S, which describes itself as the “world’s leading international security solutions group,” was selected as the “official provider of security and cash services for the Olympics.”

Tony Gosling, investigative journalist talks to RT. He says it is unclear how a company with such a questionable reputation could have been chosen to provide security during the London Olympics. “G4S is about the worst you could pick in the world to do this job.”








I will be speaking at this event on Sunday June 17th.  Tommy Hansen and I will be there the entire weekend.  Come on down and say hello.  Whistleblowers welcome 🙂






I find it fun and entertaining to actually hear someone speak the truth once and a while.  In the case of Gordon Duff, editor of Veteran’s Today we get at least some truth which is more than can be said from most anything else out there on the net today…

For example.  In today’s article he is writing the U.S. Army and DARPA official story on 911 and it goes like this…

Here is where things stand on 9/11 today:

  • The official accepted belief on the towers is that the two were destroyed by 4 small nuclear devices, two in the basement, two on upper floors, that produced over a million degrees of heat that dissolved the building, put out minor radiation for a short distance and kept fires burning for months.  It vaporized enough steel to build 3 huge aircraft carriers and huge beams hundreds of yards away show more damage than anything in Hiroshima.  This is the official opinion of DARPA and the US Army.   This is highly classified but I am printing it anyway. 
  • Building 7 is said to have been destroyed with conventional explosives.
  • No official secret finding has been reached on the Pentagon attack other than that wreckage from a Columbia crash in 1995 was dumped on the lawn and the site was altered during the day to simulate an air crash.  I have not been given access to anything beyond this and choose not to make something up.
  • The official finding as to rationale for the 9/11 attacks was to cheat insurance companies out of billions.  Those who have examined US policy said that there were other simpler possibilities for bringing the US to war other than the 9/11 action against the US.  (for those who don’t catch the connection, it has been accepted that 9/11 was an “inside job”)
  • Many Israeli teams were involved in 9/11 and the twin tower attack was entirely an Israeli action with our military and intelligence services denying involvement.  This is not my opinion, this is official.
  • Several Israeli teams were arrested on 9/11, one after the George Washington Bridge explosion.  There were other attacks on 9/11 thwarted by police, one on the Lincoln Tunnel.  There is no evidence of an attack on the Verrazano Bridge or Brooklyn Bridge.  Arrests were made of the Israeli’s at the GWB, hard proof exists but the arrests at the Lincoln Tunnel, two Israeli citizens, van of explosives and weapons is only backed by limited police testimony and they are scared to death.  An authoritative source on the scene says the terrorists, Israelis, were turned over to Bernie Kerik, Police Commissioner and never heard from again.

Now he hasn’t mentioned the liklihood of a particle beam weapon (Judy Wood is talking about this) being used on the Twin Towers or the holograms of Planes which Jim Fetzer and John Lear describe very well but this is a case of “and they used a particle beam weapon and holograms” not “or”… So I still give Duff cudos for coming out with a good dose of truth.  

Of course there are places he doesn’t go but his info on Romney who is a real piece of work (later in the same article) is full of good info and I for one, appreciate this excellent true statement:

The nominating process, which has yet to conclude, has been wrought with vote rigging, millions in bribes and violations of every kind.

Ron Paul won and Romney is a foreign spy, a demagogue, a dangerous fanatic and has spent his life as part of an organized crime syndicate.  Most elections, priaries, caucuses were rigged, almost all show clear criminal activity and there is no effort to correct this because the election for president of the United States is being managed from Tel Aviv (read Moscow).

Thanks Duff for telling it like it is regarding so-called free elections in the U.S.!!


Peter Moon : Transylvanian Sunrise: Romanian Underground

This is an interview regarding the discovery of a hidden installation within the vicinity of the Romanian Sphinx containing a chamber with tables containing holograms built by very tall beings.  The holograms read the human body and contain a library of the history of humanity and more…. The information is contained in a book called Transylvanian Sunrise, a book by Peter Moon which is in essence a translation of a book by Radu Cinamar, a Romanian journalist.

Right click on play box and save as MP3 to your hard drive (if the save menu does not appear try refreshing the page)

Peter Moon

Click here for the show

Click here for the Youtube link

Revolution Radio link

Bio extract taken from Digitalmontauk.com

Peter Moon was born in San Fernando, California and grew up in both Sothern and Northern California.  Interested exclusively in athletics in his early years, he became  interested in creative writing, science fiction, and science during his high school years

His exploration into these fields, during the 1960s, led to an interest in Eastern Religion and Western Occultism which culminated in a unique career and association that centered around the private concerns of L. Ron Hubbard, a renown science fiction writer who was an accomplished occultist but is also known as the controversial founder of Dianetics and Scientology, a movement which explored the brutal effects of mind control that have been afflicted upon the human race and sought methods to free the human spirit from the confines of the human body.







Wednesday, June 13, 2012  7pm to 9pm Pacific Time


Register now!  $7 per person


Post-2012 Earth Changes


Courtney Brown, Ph.D., will discuss the results of the remote-viewing project conducted at The Farsight Institute involving what appear to be highly significant post-2012 Earth changes. One of the most important remote-viewing projects ever conducted anywhere, this is the only remote-viewing project in existence that specifically addresses the post-2012 period utilizing data collected by a large group of military grade, 2nd generation remote viewers with extensive and publicly documented accuracy records. Courtney Brown, the leading scholar in the field of remote viewing, will outline the results, describe how the data were obtained, and summarize the significance of the project’s findings. Elaborate scientific controls were followed when collecting the data for this project. High quality data, squeaky clean scientific controls, and enormously significant results makes this a “must see” discussion.



Additional note:  This event will be simulcast on Revolution Radio and American Freedom Radio.  All money earned goes to support the work of Project Camelot and the Farsight Institute.  Please register and support our work!


Thank you.


This was filmed on location at Conspiracy Con in June 2012 when I ran into Jo Ann Richards who was working behind a booth in the vendor area of the conference.  I had been meaning to interview her for a while but never had the chance.  I also wanted, of course, to interview her husband, Mark Richards, as I knew his story from before I got involved in Project Camelot.

Mark Richards was an officer involved in the Dulce Battle as well as very active in the Secret Space Program and U.S. Space Command for many years prior to his being arrested and convicted of a murder he did not commit.  This is a classic case of the government framing someone who they feel may be turning against them from within the military.  Some might see parallels in the recent Brockbrader case as well as the case against Michael Riconosuitto who is to this day also in prison in California.  You could say all three are guilty of one thing “knowing too much”.  This the powers-that-be cannot have and especially if they sense the individual may decide to go rogue.

This is hopefully just the beginning of an investigation into the story of Mark Richards.  If things go as planned I will secure an interview with him at the very least via audio sometime very soon.



Kerry Cassidy
Project Camelot

June 2012