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I agree with John Kettler (see his post here) regarding the questionable cause behind the Colorado fires.  There appears to be substantial evidence that these fires are not the result of natural causes.  And my intuition is telling me that they are a distraction.  Something else is going on here.  The question is what?

Home of NORAD and the future capitol of this country for starters leads me to think that it has something to do with the underground bases and something they don’t want out there.  

The question is, whether they are covering up a nuclear incident underground that may have happened as a result of a battle with certain ET groups down there or if there is some need to get the people and homes out of those areas for some future purpose. Or both.

This situation bears closer investigation.

EVERYONE WANTS TO BE CAMELOT (Disclosure this way comes…)

In some ways it’s a dream come true. Finally, it begins to look like there are people out there who are realizing that ‘getting the truth out’ is the name of the game and that the Camelot example is worth following…

Doing interviews and radio shows and leaping on that bandwagon had been going on for a while. But this new wave, in some ways being led by Gordon Duff by way of his Adamus Group, is publishing article after article disclosing truth… even with regard to the ET presence and interaction with our government and believe it or not, time travel.

click here for the latest one

click here for the one before that

For those who didn’t hear my recent radio show with Mike Harris (linked here), Mike, a radio show host from Republic Broadcasting, is a contributor to Veteran’s Today and a friend of Gordon Duff, the senior editor. And an announcement was made not long ago by Duff on Veteran’s Today that Mike was tapped to join his “Adamus Group” a group which is “quaisi governmental” read agency backed.

On this radio show I am asking hard questions and giving Mike, who is a friend 🙂 a hard time by asking him things like “where do they get their funding”… and what is their purpose/intention etc. And you will hear him state he doesn’t know yet, he just joined etc etc. And eventually he says well they are a group that wants to out the “new technologies” and of course I recommend they go to my Blue Science.org website, a Camelot spin-off site headed by Matt Pulver because they will be interested in seeing we are also doing this… lol.

But at the very end you will hear me taking him to task (so-to-speak) to get him to recognize that we all don’t need another “study group” that’s trying to reinvent the wheel… Noooo what we need, is for those individuals such as the apparently highly ranked ex-military guys who are part of this group and can be found around the world, to STEP UP and talk to their co-workers and peers in the military black ops that they rub shoulders with and have for eons, and get them to TELL WHAT THEY KNOW to the people. Hello? This is the real task at hand. This is what those Adamus guys need to do. That’s the real order of business and what the WORLD NEEDS NOW… is not love love love,… it’s truth, truth, truth and for that matter telling the truth is actually the truest kind of love.

With that said, what is now apparently happening is with Gordon Duff as the point guy Veteran’s Today is now disclosing on a pretty regular basis. And what has come to me is that the word is coming down from somewhere up on high that the ex-military who are its prime readership, have a RIGHT TO KNOW.. and its time to clue them in. Finally. Well congrats. Go for it.

The other thing I am hearing out on the grapevine is that the White Hats (tdarkcabal.blogspot.com) are about to do the same thing… from their own insider connections. What used to be a drip drip drip from Project Camelot out there in the wilderness is about to become an avalanche… well hopefully… at least a steady stream 🙂

Bottom line what do you need to do about it. One thing. Very simple but very potent. Simply tweet this all around the world “Have you got your ticket yet?” That’s it… Just Tweet and Facebook and get that short phrase out there… because as Camelot followers all know, the ticket being referred to is your ticket that gets you into an underground base in the event of a solar flare, meltdown or whatever item from the smorgasboard of disaster scenarios (hah and including alien invasion!!!) or what have you.

Never mind that they are already here.. Listen to my Norm Bergrun interview.. more are coming. Big Question: are they good guys or bad guys? This sh–t matters.

But the reason for doing this is to get a foothold in the mainstream media… And maybe just maybe one of those yahoos… I mean journalists will pick it up …  And ask say some presidentilal candidate during a press conference “Have you got your ticket yet?”  and see their face turn white or red or what have you…depending on 1. whether they indeed have a ticket  and 2.  whether they are in the know.. in which case if they know but they don’t have one, well…. Maybe its time for them to put some thought into changing sides… Just sayin.

In fact, why don’t you ask Alex Jones… That’s as good a place as any to start.  Ask him if he has his ‘ticket”…And then ask Drudge from Drudge Report… and let’s see where this all goes.


* You May Publish*****

* Extremely Unusual Banking Procedures.

* I’m very sorry to be writing you concerning this subject, however I feel I have to under these circumstances.

* I am not a light weight in this matter.

* I have confirmed contacts within BIS, ABN, Credit Swiss, UBS, HSBC, Bank Of London, and other high level Banks Worldwide to confirm my findings.

* The blocking of the current Rv Status is as follows.

* The Powers that Be (Powers That Were) are currently blocking the transfer of the revaluation of world currencies for the reasons to stop the transition of funds to the public.

* It is understood within this group, that if power (financing) were to be transferred to a private group, or individuals, would in fact be detrimental to it’s effects. Thus effective to our outcome.

* In essence. “This cannot be allowed”. (Quote from upper level Banking individual)

* End of Line. — From a Source

And from an email sent to me by a friend, the following info, which was posted somewhere, (not sure where because I don’t have his website), by Dick Eastman.  Posted with permission…

On Sat, Jun 30, 2012 at 5:16 PM, Dick Eastman wrote:
Iraq adopts competing currencies, one for each loop, beginning in 2013.
Parliamentary Finance Committee  member Hassan Salman,  has announced that a second currency, the new dinar,  will be floated, the new issue running along side the old money, will initiate as 1 for 1000 “redenominating” — new versus old,  within six months from now. This will bring the numeraire of the dinar close to the dollar, i.e., close to one for one following the decimal shift sizing of the new currency.   The Iraqi dinar is on a US dollar reserve system.  Four Private Banks are also demanding authorization to sell the US dollars at a fixed rate.  Pegging the dollar to 1,170 dinars from 1,116 has not been favorable.

What is not said is that the new currency will operate in Iraqs upper loop and the old currency in the lower loop.  After creation, the two currencies will be allowed to float against each other, an elite currency and a currency for paying labor.  Lenders will be able to specify which type of money must be used in the payment of interest and principal.  In all of Iraq there are less than 60 banks with fewer than 1000 branches total.  The new currency is aimed more at speculative buying of the dinar on the currency markets with easy installment buying (margin buying) available from select (monopoly) dealers and marketed through an affiliate of a holding company in Dubai.  They will effectively control the price of the new (private) Iraqi dinar.
Sinan Al Shabibi is the Governor of private Central Bank of Iraq that was created after the conquest and occupation of Iraw.  Whether Iraqis opt to convert their old dinars into new ones or not, the exchange rate between the two currencies of this two-tier national system will be held hostage the exchange and supply politics of this private and largely non-Iraqi owned central bank.
With all of the finance leaders of Iraq having been blown up or shot or disappeared over the years since the conquest of Iraq by the US (itself controlled by its Zionist financial elites) ….   read more

06/29/2012 – George Kavassilas & Michael Tellinger


Click here to listen/download the show 

Revolution Radio link

Bio extract taken from michaeltellinger.com

Michael Tellinger, author, scientist, explorer, has become a real-life Indiana Jones, making groundbreaking discoveries about ancient vanished civilizations at the southern tip of Africa. His continued efforts and analytical scientific approach have produced stunning new evidence that will force us to rethink our origins and rewrite our history books.

In the last six months Michael has shared the stage with international celebrities like Graham Hancock, Robert Temple begin of the skype highlightingend of the skype highlighting, David Wilcock, Bob Dean, Kerry Cassidy (Project Camelot), Dr. Seven Greer, Stanton Friedman (PhD), Andrew Collins, Klaus Dona, and many more. His successful 2010 and 2011 USA and Canadian tours enthralled not only the American audiences but also his Canadian followers.

Bio extract taken from our-journey-home.com

George Kavassilas:

George has always seen the world through different eyes as compared to those around him. From a very young age, he was aware that the universe was full of life, and could see and feel life around him more deeply than other people. This included the teachings of the so called, education system, religious doctrines and society in general which portray a vastly different and limited perspective.

The journey began for George as far back as his memories of this current life allow, to around the age of five. He has memories of being taken from his bed at night onto ships, and being taken to other places on the planet and to other worlds. His interactions with other Beings on many different levels of realities have been occurring throughout his life. These experiences were with both benevolent Beings, of which George calls his “Greater Family”, and malevolent others who have the ability to appear in many guises.



First Live Q&A with Project Camelot tomorrow FOR SUBSCRIBERS ONLY….

Tomorrow, Saturday June 30th we will start our live Q&A sessions for our subscribers. 

We start at 11 AM PST (6 PM GMT) and will be taking questions from the chat-room. 

Subscribers will recieve access information before the event begins, so be sure to check your inboxes! 

Note: Access information will be sent to the paypal address you subscribed with.

Norm Bergrun : Ringmakers of Saturn New Release!

As promised, I have just released the complete interview with Norman Bergrun.  See above under Latest Release.

pic:  Camelot crew with Norm (left to right: Jerry Avalos, Tommy Hansen, Kerry Cassidy and Norman Bergrun).


In June of 2012 on the way to the Sacramento UFO Conference, we had the good fortune to interview Norman Bergrun the 91 year old author of “Ringmakers of Saturn”.  Norman is a scientist/engineer who worked in an above top secret capacity (his level of clearance, way above the President) for Lockheed.  Prior to that he was at NACA a precursor to NASA.  

Upon leaving Lockheed, he wrote “Ringmakers of Saturn” about the enormous craft spotted in the rings of Saturn and became something of an outcast in the scientific community.  This interview covers his views on time travel, the nature of the vehicles that he says are creating the rings and much more…  His conclusion is that the Ringmakers of Saturn are now creating rings around other planets and they are on their way here….

Groundbreaking and a real wake-up call for the mainstream scientific community not to mention the World.


Kerry Cassidy

Project Camelot

June 2012



This just in :


Supreme Court Lets Health Law Largely Stand, in Victory for Obama

The ruling upheld the individual mandate requiring nearly all Americans to obtain health insurance or pay a penalty.


From Revolution Radio:  Join the Revolution!  Come to RevolutionRadio@freedomslips.com today and express your thoughts about the ObamaCare debacle. Be part of our chatroom and be outraged along with others like yourself, or call in to share your ideas with listeners all over the nation about what we can do to take back our government and our personal sovereignty

I will join the discussion when possible today once I am done editing 🙂

This ruling is unacceptable and violates the rights of every American to be free to choose!  Stand up and fight for our right NOT to have health care from the poisoness system that creates disease rather than prevents it.  HEAL THYSELF!


According to the sources on this Global Research article, Netanyahu has decided to attack Iran prior to U.S. elections…

“Netanyahu’s major backer, Sheldon Adelson, is now firmly behind Mitt Romney, and they are known to believe that an Israeli attack on Iran in September or October will displace Obama and many dovish Democrats in Congress and establish a hawkish regime in Washington.”

We all know that by stating this to the press they are hoping for some kind of advance result.  Threats will get you…everywhere?  One has to begin to step back and figure out why announcing this in advance helps their cause.  Because ordinarily the Israelis favor surprise attacks from what I know.  Now given this doesn’t say when it does leave some element of surprise on the table.  And it also seems that an attack on Iran by Israel is asking for …Armageddon?  This is, according to our Illuminati whistleblower, Leo Zagami, the real plan and reason for any escalation in this area.

And then one must ask why Armageddon would be something ‘they’ would want… leading to the NWO and a place to use their new robots and other toys…Meanwhile, according to 91 year old Norm Bergrun, something well, Saturnian, this way comes…

Norman Bergrun Preview Clip

Here is a short raw preview clip of our upcoming interview release with Norman Bergrun, author of “The Ringmakers of Saturn”.

Full interview Coming Soon!

Until then, enjoy this preview:

Now on Youtube…


Audio Only version:



Military alert since 5 a.m. in Saudi Arabia …There are news saying that Syria strike in two days …NATO forces are about to move to Turkey


Another tweet from Saudi Arabia….

: Tonight our brothers in the Saudi Special Forces and National Guard are on heightened alert. Allah keep them safe and give them strength.

Apparently US forces in Gulf on forward positions and high alert. Targets in Syria pin pointed for strike. Israel on mobilization too.


where there is smoke there is fire…..

Turkish MPs are collecting signatures for an extraordinary meeting in case Parliament authorizes Turkish gov’t for Syria intervention.