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Project Blue Beam Roundtable Recording

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07/20/2012 – Dr. Sasha Lessin


Click here to listen/download the show

Revolution Radio link


Sasha Lessin Ph.D (U.C.L.A. anthropology Ph.D.) studied with the late Zecharia Sitchin,  for many years, asked Lessin to create college-level courses to revise ancient anthropology and include written, graphic and traditional stories of ETs, hithertofore considered mythic “gods” on Earth from 450,000 years ago to 300 B.C. as well as the latest findings in astronomy that relate to the planet Nibiru from which the ETs came to Earth for gold to shield their planet, Nibiru.

Sasha writes “In anthropology in the ‘60s, my teachers attributed all human development to gradual evolution. A Miocene or Pliocene anthropoid ape that evolved from simpler primates slowly, in turn, evolved over millions of years into us [Clark, D., W., 1959, History of the Primates:178]. We multiplied as we planted food, created cities and developed ever-more effective technologies. Yet, in terms of biological evolution, we lacked linking intermediate skeletons of primates from which the teachers thought we evolved and modern finding indicate several contemporaneous advanced hominids co-existed with Homo Erectus, and may have been the product of human settlement on Earth long before Enki and crew colonized Earth, some 400,000 years ago.

“Anthropologists documented mysterious uplevelings of civilizations every 3,600 years or so, improvements Ancients said their gods gave them. Anthropologists believed gods imaginary. My chairman at U.C.L.A. said that technological innovations people themselves developed triggered population increase, greater sedentariness, more material goods, increased specialization and leisure, all of which accounted for social evolution. Neither he nor I ever considered gods the Ancients said gave them the inventions, crops and livestock that let them increase their numbers were real, let alone the source of cultural evolution. In the thrall of evolutionary anti-creationism, we discounted what Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Indian, Norse, Chinese, Tibetan, Central and South American said about gods who rode Celestial Chariots and threw thunderbolts and periodically boosted our civilizations with devices, laws and knowledge. [Goldschmidt, W., 1959, Man’s Way: 110 -117]

“C. W. Mills documented how power elites control the world and lead it to war. Diverse countries’ elites collaborate to perpetuate competition and war. These elites descended from the bloodline of Enki, a human scientist from the planet Nibiru whom Sumerians saw as a god. Some 300,000 years ago, Enki combined his genes with those of a local hominid, Homo Erectus, to create goldmining slaves and, some 13,000 years ago, fathered Ziasudra, the hybrid ancestor our ruling elite. The elite still employ a master-slave code to run humanity. Ziasudra’s descendants, today’s elite leader-rulers, passed their mandate to dictate “from Sumer through Egypt to Israel through David and the messiahs, fostered by the Essene communities. Jesus was an Essene as was Mary Magdalene. They were man and wife in that tradition. The Roman Catholic Church perpetuated slave-code fear and subservience and suppressed, persecuted and brutalized the human-centered strain of the bloodline[that’s most of us].”  [Gardiner, L., 2000, Bloodline of the Holy Grail; quote from Freer, 2004, Sapiens Rising]

“In 2000, Cody and Robin Johnson brought me to a seminar led by Zecharia Sitchin. He gave evidence in clay and stone of astronomical, geological and biological knowledge Sumerians said gods gave them, knowledge our scientists only verified many millenia later. Sitchin’s findings made sense of the missing links in our physical history as the result of genetic fusing of genes from Homo Erectus and seven – twelve foot humans from the planet Nibiru. He documented the early development and perpetuation of the power elite, the punctuated quantum jumps in our technology and the inadequacy of both the theistic and evolutionary dogma perpetrated by the elite. I saw that Sitchin’s work could break the elite’s stranglehold on us. I attended every Sitchin seminar I could and read everything he and the revisionist anthropologists wrote. Revisionist anthropologists, of which I am one, look at “myths” of the seemingly immortal gods as reports of what “gods” said and descriptions of what people saw these gods–with planes, helicopters, spaceships, laser and nuclear weapons, computers, weather-changing technologies do.”

Neil Freer wrote: “Sitchin advanced a coherent paradigm of our genesis to rewrite our beginnings”.


Articles/Essays by Dr. Sasha Lessin – thelivingmoon.com/42stargate/02documents/Sasha01.html


Update:  07/20/12   8:25AM

Just to add to the confusion here is one of the links to John Moore’s radio show also announcing Nibiru as “coming soon”… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUMAuY32Cjc&feature=relmfu

Additional note:  John Moore references Robert Harrington was killed shortly after he announced that the 10th planet was a reality.  

Excepted from our Project Camelot interview with Luca Scantamburlo regarding Planet X and the Jesuit Priest who gave secret testimony to journalist Cristoforo Barbato.

robert harrington lgLS: …”This is a picture which belongs to a US Naval Observatory. It is in the public domain, in the US Naval Observatory website. The gentleman on the right is Robert Sutton Harrington, an astronomer who worked by the US Naval Observatory. On the left there is his former colleague, [James] Christy, who was the author of the discovery of one of the satellites of Pluto – Charon – in 1978.

BR: Who was Robert Sutton Harrington?

LS: Robert Sutton Harrington was an astronomer involved in the search for Planet X. He wrote several articles about the possible existence of this planet in our solar system. And Zecharia Sitchin is the author of this book, End of Days – Armageddon or Prophesies of the Return, who, in 1990 – August 1990 if I remember well – went to Harrington’s studio at the US Naval Observatory. They talked about the possible presence of another planet, not yet discovered.”

It is worth noting that in my prior post from the NSA whistleblower (see below) he states “The system approaching us coming out of the Kuiper Belt (Nibiru) is part of this equation, but this is manageable. ”   Therefore according to “Z” the Brown Dwarf is in the vicinity of the Kuiper belt… which is not close.  Note also that he says “system” which alludes to the Brown Dwarf (2nd Sun) that Camelot witness, Henry Deacon aka Arthur Neumann told us years ago, is a known fact in the scientific community at this time, which may have planets rotating around it including Nibiru…(see my interview with Andy Lloyd for more on this). Although it is interesting to see that “Z” says it has been “manageable”.. whatever that means…


Update  07/20/12  3AM:  according to one of my trusted sources, [the info below re planet-sized object being close to Earth] is not true… This is a psy-op to distract attention away from the more “earthly” problems that will be coming to the fore in the next few months.


Original report:

CAUTION URGED:  Here’s a link to a youtube copy of today’s radio program with host Mike Harris, who announced, based on information given to him from a high level source (at the level of General Patreus) in a Foreign Intelligence group, that a “planet sized object” is coming close to the Earth as of August 17th and then moving out of the solar system (after another pass-by?) around September 26th.” 

I spoke with Mike Harris tonight who was a member of my Camelot Roundtable on Project Blue Beam.  In answer to a question from the audience regarding a similar piece of information that has apparently been announced by Dr. Bill Deagle last Friday (and today) that he has a source who talked about the same dates.  Mike Harris then came forward on the Ustream and announced that according to his high level source this is indeed true.  In other words, both sources are saying the same thing.

I have invited Mike Harris on my radio show tomorrow night on Revolution Radio.  He is checking with his source and will let me know if he can accept my offer and whether there is any added information he can release.  

All Mike said when questioned for further information is that there will be earthquakes and other affects from this passage.  He is urging people to prepare.  

IMPORTANT NOTE:  I am seeking verification of this information at this time.  I cannot confirm that it is accurate in any way.  If you have independent verification please get in touch with me kerry@projectcamelot.tv

DEVELOPING STORY…. unconfirmed and unverified.

Be warned that there are often efforts to deceive members of the Alternative Community with bogus information.  This could be such a time.  This may be an effort to discredit Mike Harris and Dr. Bill Deagle and others who automatically take this information for the truth without further investigation.

From a scientific point of view if such an object were “close” to Earth it would seem to be visible as well as making it’s presence known for many months if not years in advance.  From the pov of conventional science this information would be considered untrue and misleading. 

It may simply be the PTB doing a market research study to see how the information of such magnitude would travel.  How it would be handled etc. 



Update:  according to one of my trusted sources, the above re the planet-sized object being close to Earth, is not true… This is a psy-op to distract attention away from the more “earthly” problems that will be coming to the fore in the next few months.


07/18/2012 – Peter Eyre


Click here to listen/download the show

Guest bio:  PETER EYRE

Peter Eyre: Joined the military at the tender age of 15 and whilst in his teens travelled the world. Conflicts in the Middle East (Aden-Lebanon-Suez-Trucial Oman), Far East (Borneo-Indonesia-Malaysia) and the “Cold War” were in full swing. He served on many ships & also staffed FOST, SOSM and NATO. Peter participated in landings in the Middle East and Borneo, covered the icy waters of the Artic (searching fishing trawlers) and the hot waters of the Gulf and Far East (searching vessels for illegal gun running). His life as a Supervisor, Manager & General Manager covered many sectors: Construction-Aviation-Marine-Oil & Gas-Mining-Search & Rescue-Ambulance-Fire-Police –Communication-Airport/Oil/Gas/Mining Security-Customer Relations – VIP Centre. He then started his own consultancy business and has spent considerable time in the Middle East including Iraq & Sudan. 

Peter’s life took a dramatic turn at the start of the 21st Century when he started to see things from a totally different perspective. He became humbled by the life of the Irula Tribe (Adivasi’s) in Southern India where he spent much time. He has carried out years of research covering high technology – poverty. In 2007 Peter assisted in the making of a documentary film “Impoverished Villages of Scheduled Tribes in India” He now reflects on the excessive greed in this world, the wars, the pain, the suffering & the poverty that “American Imperialism” and “American Foreign Policy has created. Peter believes all of this is directly linked to a rise in self induced terrorism, conflicts, genocides and the displacement of millions of people around the world. We have a critical deterioration in poverty at a level never seen before. 

Peter Eyre 

PETER'S BLOG:  www.eyreinternational.wordpress.com



My contact referred to as “D” has come forward with more from the NSA contact designated below as “Z”…

This is excellent material:

I thought it best to outline a series of questions related to the “Movement of Equipment” while I am still able to meet and question my friend. He appeared to be comfortable still answering questions and when I asked about it, he shrugged and said “if I can’t answer, I won’t.” He continued, saying: “There is a common misconception concerning Classified and Ultra Classified material getting into public hands. At this level they are moving forward so fast and so intently it really doesn’t matter to them any more. We are rapidly approaching the end of the road and they believe nothing can stop them at this point. True, I am taking a risk discussing certain matters with you, but in the end I know this will help a lot of people and I’ll know that I tried to help them.”

* (Z) So what’s on your mind?”

* (D) Were any of the objects brought into the DIA area manned?

* (Z) There was a minimal crew brought out of stasis to manage holographics in the first ship, the rest remain in stasis for a different agenda. There were six objects transferred in all. This took four days.

* (D) Can you elaborate on the use of this technology?

* (Z)  It is going to be used to manage the situation here once things become very complex. You see everyone is focused on the wrong thing, which of course is what they want. They’re masters at getting everyone looking in the wrong direction.

* (D) What’s the right direction?

* (Z) The system approaching us coming out of the Kuiper Belt (Nibiru) is part of this equation, but this is manageable. However the Base Disk (Black Hole) holding our Galaxy in position below us is the real problem. All material known to us that was sent into it on an exploratory never returned. Ships or probes. We are approaching this at a very high rate of speed and the material is charged with a plasma UN-known to us. It is believed that the area which is commonly referred to as “the Rift” is multidimensionally polarized and thus our current systems will not function during the passage through it. The pulsed phasing alone would probably render most, if not all electronics inoperative and you can forget about all satellites. The speed or movement of the disk is not measurable and because of the angle of approach, it is believed we will skip off its surface several times before entry. The last geologic survey pertaining to a complete passage, or one full rotation around the central sun recorded a ” World Quake,” where all tectonic Plates shifted at the same time. It is believed that this event was caused by a Base Disk Impact. This is the real reason most of the Elite are nervous. 

* (D) You mean about entering the D.U.M.B. bases?

* (Z) Yes. Although there are other alternatives, they would rather not get trapped below.

* (D) Have you been to the bases?

* (Z) Most of them.

* (D) Can you elaborate?

* (Z) No.

* (D) Have you personally used the Jump Room Technology? 

* (Z) No Comment.

* (D) Should we be seriously concerned about the “Rift” passage?

* (Z) You weren’t really thinking when you asked me that were you? (Laughs)

* (D) Sorry, my questions seem to have their own momentum.

* (D) Are the Elite groups united as a whole? Are there any inner conflicts or divisions?

* (Z) There are always conflicts. The technology crutch is beginning to crumble and the rift between groups is widening, but as a whole they move in unison.

* (D) How serious a grip or “hold” does this group have over our World?

* (Z) At the moment, complete control. But things are changing very fast. Since the passage is uncharted territory no one knows what to expect on the other side. There is some concern that once they are exposed for who they really are, they would be eliminated. I personally think this is a distinct possibility. All Empires fall sooner or later.

* (D) Are they actually considering implementing project Blue Beam?

* That is a possibility, but with the Solar System in such flux and a secondary System (Nibiru) rapidly approaching, (more electronic havoc) it has been formulated that it could be unreliable in critical moments, thus not entirely effective. There are much more effective methods to reach their goals without using an elaborate holographic hoax. As you may have surmised I have been against this sort of nonsense through out my career.

* (D) What do you see being the single most important thing going on right now?

* (Z) People in high level positions are actually taking responsibility for themselves and our World.

* (D) Are you going to get into trouble for talking with me about all of this?

* (Z) Probably. 

* (D) After [removed] years of service, are you relieved to be out of the N*A ?   

* (Z) You’re never really out, it just appears that way on the surface.

For the prior post from this Whistleblower see the one entitled:  Ultra Classified : Secret Gov Moving Large “Equipment” 


After reading my recent blog post regarding movement of large equipment via dimensional doorways, a Camelot viewer sent in the following photos, suggesting they appear to be ‘shielding’ or hiding something.

The photographer wrote:

These cloud formations were in a straight line for what looked to be going on “for miles” and headed south toward Denver.

Strangest clouds I’ve ever seen.  I actually thought I was looking at an aerial transfer of something cloaked in clouds.

This type of photo is not that unusual.  And it does often appear to be hiding a ufo.  These were taken in January 2012 and posted here as examples of some very interesting cloud formations that may be more than meets the eye.





colorado cloud3


I have been told by a source some information that seems to coincide in a strange way with the moving of “large equipment” disclosure I wrote about recently.  The following information is coming from a completely different and unrelated source who did not know about the ‘large equipment” posting made on this blog a day ago.

According to a source, our Solar System has entered a sector of space where we are being periodically bombarded by what appears to be areas of electromagnetic force fields, surrounding sections of what they termed “non-space”.  Causing something like going through a field of bubbles. This odd and treacherous field our Earth is encountering is necessitating the shifting of the Earth (and the moon) over just slightly to change the ‘flow pattern’ through which we are moving.  In order, they said, to avoid a rougher transition through this portion of space.

(Note:  I envisioned this as one might a section of river where one in a craft must negotiate rapids where there are edies or strong currents that have to be avoided….

Because of this, in some strange way, they are actually utilizing certain massive machinery and techniques, with the help of certain sympathetic Off-world races… to move the Earth and moon just slightly.  They will do this very slowly in order not to cause any undue vibrations that rock the already unstable plates any more than is necessary.  

Now, I am aware (and so is my source) that what they are telling me violates most any science commonly accepted and therefore will be easily discounted.   

What I was told is that I am being given this info because certain groups wihin the so-called PTB want to alert people so that they can be aware and prepare for times ahead.

They also said that it is recommended to have at least 1 year of food, filtered water, and shelter from the elements.  (Some say as many as 7 years)…They also stressed the need to be able to filter the Air… Apparently, sticky particles that are rather large and get in the way of breathing, and can cause coughing etc. are going to become more prevelant in our air.  And therefore, a system will be needed that specifically can filter these particles out.

They also stressed being away from coastlines on higher ground.

I was told that all of the above will most likely be laughed at and ignored by most people.  And that is the best defense for those disclosing the truth.


I have often heard that SAIC is a company very closely connected with various alphabet agencies and above top secret defense organizations.

Today I received the following communication from an undisclosed source.  This information has not been verified or collaborated at this time.

The information I will relate is TOP SECRET, yet like everything else it is actually hidden in plain view.

S.A.I.C. company is a private defense contractor whose specialty  is to manufacture and train soldiers in the use of drones as an anti UFO defense weapon.

A very curious thing has happened of late; the department of defense is suing this company because over 1000 classified files, (records), of enlisted personnel trained by S.A.I.C. have gone missing.

Please do not use my name if you decide to post this information concerning this company.

There’s a very interesting definition of S.A.I.C. company in Wikipedia.                                                                                                                                                                            http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SAIC_%28company%29 

Behind the scenes many of us are cheering for you, you are a lot more braver than I could ever be.

My prayers and thoughts are with you always.