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I am receiving the following from varied sources.  Make of it what you will…  Just be aware that this is a highly volatile time and the intel reflects that.

Banking update:

About 1 week ago the dinar was set to reval.  That didn’t happen.  According to sources the funds were in place and Wells Fargo was positioned to go ahead with this.   Still waiting for more info on this.

The bond purchasing is compounding away from the International Banking system at a rate that is hard to believe. Who ever is doing this has control of tens of trillions (If not more) and since I’ve never seen this before I have no idea what is really going on. It appears that a privately controlled entity is quietly absorbing World debt. Beyond belief! I’m monitoring. — an undisclosed source

War or undisclosed object event:

I am in a rush as we have received orders to prepare to STOP something. My comrade said this month, “a government” is planning to explode H-Bomb (You are correct, it is the level of H-Bomb) underwater, and several military operations will start if it triggers….  I am now heading to THE base. — from a source in the Far East

Note:  the above source has been called to the base before and nothing disastrous on a worldwide basis occurred.   From what I can gather, he is referring to the recent Project Camelot Ustream event with David E. Martin where he discusses his theory based on his own intel gathered from his software that there may be a false flag connected with the UUV (Unmade Underwater Vehicles).  At this time please simply add the above to whatever other information you are collecting and follow your intuition.

NSA whistleblower:

This witness who brought forth information re Colorado wild fires and large equipment (back on July 14th, has been ‘called away’)  We are waiting for further information.


Please note:  the above intel can neither be confirmed nor denied at this time.  


As figures the recent Sikh shooting is most likely another manchurian candidate scenario… and sure enough here is the background:

Article link to Jon Rappoport’s info on Sikh Shooter

And From Facebook:

To: The Global Voice 2012 <137466796377979@groups.facebook.com

Sent: Monday, August 6, 2012 1:35 PM

Subject: Re: [The Global Voice 2012] This guy is PISSED OFF!
Lilah Lighto commented on Rob Jasko’s post in The Global Voice 2012.
Lilah Lighto
1:35pm Aug 6
~Eyewitness report:4 Caucasian men in black, wearing all black, committed the murders.Murders committed at a Sikh Temple (not Muslim, not Jewish), the temple at which Kaleka senior,the father of Amardeep Kaleka, Director and Producer of the disclosure film Sirius Documentary, was murdered. Kaleka senior, the director’s father, is President of the Congregation at the Temple, and his family meditates there.This is an attack on Disclosure, and attack on Sirius Documentary.Why would the permanent central covert government make such an attack?I saw the report on CNN before the commercial break. After the advertisements, the story turned into a lone gunman “domestic terrorist” and that has been the official story since.Official disinfo story now is, one lone gunman, domestic terrorist, the only suspect, which is now dead.Murder Inc. Never an aspect of a crises goes wasted by them. Trying to sequester the ET truth by the making of Sirius Documentary and disarm the public with confiscation laws.They’re trying to stop the truth Sirius Documentary from bringing light on the subjects of the UFO secrecy, the negative fear spin, Free Energy suppression and how these things connect.We won’t let them succeed in their malicious plan of maintaining status quo control! They can’t stop the change!


Link to Police Dispatch radio Courtesy of Nitehawkk from Revolution Radio

Link to original Washington Post Article

MISC. INTEL — updated 11:15pm

Two pieces Several pieces of intel from sources today…

I got a report today that “…Israel has now pushed the button and has special fighting forces inside syria and iran”…

So far most of the military base movement seems to be on the East Coast.

Update:  “Lots of activity at Ft. Lee… I haven’t seen so much activity since the Gulf war.”

Update 2 @ 11:15pm from another Source:

“Last weekend, a source went to a Gun Show in Eastern Tennessee. While there, he was talking to a friend who was with the National Guard. After a long conversation, this friend said that his Guard unit was being called up on August 15 to help deal with an imminent “Natural Disaster” and it was his understanding that this “natural disaster” would include a large tsunami hitting the East Coast.”


And another report “there is a lot of debris from the galactic plane hitting our atmosphere now..”  This could cause fireballs etc.



Please be aware that my job is to report to you, the readers, what sources that I trust and/or find credible are saying to me about what is really going on behind the matrix.  I will also write on this blog my pov of the information I receive and commentary on information being bandied about that I find questionable or downright wrong.

The point here is that I believe a well informed people are better able to make important decisions about themselves, their future and the futures of their loved ones.

If you don’t like what you read, sorry, but I don’t make the news I report it.  I try to stay away from bogus rumors and innuendo.  You will note I don’t go around for example pontificating about “impeding arrests” that haven’t happened.  

Project Camelot has risked our lives countless times to get the truth out.  We will continue to do so.  I know the risk and I made that choice long ago and it will not change.  I will get the truth out.  I don’t have to like it.  In fact, the truth is often less hearts and flowers than the lies.  I can recommend some prominent mainstream networks if you prefer to get your news padded and twisted with disinfo.

On another subject, I am being told by a source that the Saudis are packing up quietly one by one and leaving the Olympics.  Further info suggests the reason for this may be wrapped up with immediate plans for war.  

This source disputes the “incoming object” as being the reason for goings on militarily in the U.S. and says it is all about rather sudden preparations for some ‘act of war’.  

What may be really going on is a combination of the two.  Or not.

The issue here is that our military and apparently Saudi preparations on some level are going on.  How much and WHY are still being investigated.

I will report more as soon as I know it.

08/03/2012 – Dr. John Waterman


Click here to listen/download the show

Revolution Radio link

Kerry interviews Dr. John Waterman re Aurora, food shortages and viruses.

The Waterman Files at Argusoog Radio




I have now spoken with Mike Harris’s foreign intelligence source and verified that he has a scientific background and that he is convinced that the moon-sized object is headed this way and will pass as close as 1/3 the distance from the Earth to the Sun (if I understood this correctly) sometime between August 17 and September 26th.

This recent article from NASA is only showing you the resulting affect and not the true cause which is, I am told this incoming object.  I am told there have been 3 earthquakes above 6 in the last day or two and this morning we had a quake above 6 on the Argentina coast.  Note:  USGS has downgraded their quake magnitudes a factor of 1 in order to mislead the public.  If you see a “5” be aware this is actually equal to a “6” on the Richter scale.

There will also likely be some corresponding volcanism resulting from this passing.

This source also verifies that we are not orbiting the sun as commonly thought but that our entire solar system is part of a helical orbit and that Einstein in fact was aware of this.

Dr. Bill Deagle has released information on the sudden evacuation of military bases along the coasts.  They are saying this is in preparation for war but this is not true, according to this foreign intelligence source.  The real reason for the evacuation according to this source is the incoming moon-sized object.  Note:  I have not been able to verify military evacuation of bases along the coast at this time… Developing….

I am told the plates are going to move, that the area around Australia and Asia will be heavily impacted and that the West Coast can expect a tsunami 3 meters high… 

For the information from Deagle go here to listen.




Nutrimedical Report Archives




August 03, 2012 (hour 3)