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Crystal Pendants



You are all invited to stop by tonight between 5pm PST and 9pm and join in the discussion regarding how Consciousness creates matter and to contribute your views on this subject and how we will go about creating our future.

Thank you and we hope to have you join us for any amount of time if you are so moved…





Revolution Radio tonight 5pm PST/ 8PM EST  to 9pm PACIFIC TIME

call in number:  347-688-2902




REVOLUTION:  http://www.freedomslips.com/newchat/live.htm

PROJECT CAMELOT:  http://projectcamelotportal.com/chat.html




If there are any Italians or Swiss or Germans nearby to Lake Como or who have contacts in the Lake Como or Lake Lugano area that might be able to put us in contact with someone who can donate a VENUE for myself and Sean David Morton to speak at on August 27th for a few hours please contact me:  kerry@projectcamelot.tv

We are looking for venues that allow for 75 people or more…

Thank you in advance.



To help raise awareness regarding our speaking tour in Europe and Ireland we are starting a poster contest…  We need posters to depict Awake & Aware Europe or Awake & Aware one of the cities or countries on the tour:

Konstanz (Lake Constance) or Germany

Amsterdam or Holland

Antwerp or Belgium

Dublin or Ireland

Glastonbury or England

London or England

Posters must have our names:


presented by Project Camelot


Use words and images.

We will create a viewing gallery online of these posters with credit to artists and links to either their facebook page or websites.  We will allow for voting and the winner (and a guest of their choice) will be featured on the Gallery page and have free access to our Camelot speaker party coming sometime in the very near future.

Help us spread the word about our European Tour!  Submit posters via email as .pdf files  and send to:  kerry@projectcamelot.tv and copy tommy@projectcamelotportal.com


Steps to participate:

1. Register an account at Project Camelot




2. After account is set up and activated (see activation e-mail) go to:




3. Reply to the thread linked above and enter your submission as an attachment in your post!

    Download profile pictures for Sean David Morton for use in posters below:


4. You are now entered into the contest!



Watch live streaming video from projectcamelotlive at livestream.com

Today I was looking at the Seismic Monitor showing real time quakes.. and see that the Ring of Fire is lit up.. in well a ring…  Most of the quakes appear to have happened on the side nearest to Australia.  But the West Coast from Alaska on down is also very active, especially in the last day or so.


According to Miriam Delicado, who I just spoke to, there is something major coming. 

We are going to do a live broadcast in the next few hours on this topic.


It may not be related or even true but I was sent the following info for what it is worth.  

Added note:  I always have Earthquake symptoms and I am not having any at this moment.  


There was an article in the news about a 4.5 in Orange County yesterday (Wednesday) ….that apparently caused some minor damage.


Dated August 7, 2012:  
Nonetheless he has just posted his first real prediciton since the Japanese earthquake and tsunami, and if he is correct, we are in for a massive global incident very shortly.
Here is what he posted about 45 minutes ago on his Facebook page (see image above):
“Ok everyone, you’ve been warned of what’s to come, we are getting extremely close to the 104 hour tsunami warning. I strongly advise that if you live on the east coast of NSW and west coast of USA, have your evacuation gear ready to go as soon as possible. I said on March 11 that California would be next after Japan’s countdown… Sydney’s earthquake will be magnitude 9.5, California’s earthquake will be magnitude 9.6, followed by two 9.4’s, all of these tsunamis will be created in the same exact hour.”

Will he be correct?

When asked how far inland these tsunamis would reach and when exactly he will give his 104 hour countdown he replied, “70 miles inland. Days…”

He is describing an unprecedented event that would pretty much change the face of the planet – if correct, nothing to be taken lightly.

Coombes states he hacks into HAARP and once the HAARP personnel fire up the array, they cannot simply shut it down. In other words, once the process has begun, the exercise is a done deal. From the moment the array is fired up, says Coombes, there are approximately 104 hours before the destruction occurs and the process cannot be aborted.

Coombes maintains that he will ONLY give the 104-hour alert once the array start-up process has already begun. Thus, once the countdown announcement has been given, he cannot recant without being exposed as a fraud.


And from George Ure:


Oh…this is not pretty but an email from Patrick Geryl  (yes, of How to Survive 2012) which I shared with Peoplenomics readers yesterday notes the high risk mega-quake window coming in the next few days:


“”And these ones especially…..


August 11, 2012: Jupiter – Moon – Earth Lined Up


August 12, 2012: Ceres – Moon- Earth Lined Up


August 13, 2012: Venus – Moon- Earth and Pluto – Moon –Earth Lined Up


August 14 – 15, 2012: Long Triple Line Up: Saturn – Mars – Earth


August 14 – 15, 2012: Long Triple Line Up: Pluto – Earth – Venus


August 15, 2012: Mercury – Moon – Earth Lined Up


August 17, 2012: Sun- Moon – Earth and Neptune – Moon – Earth Lined Up


Aug 23 – 24, 2012: Conjunction Earth – Neptune and the Sun “




We are ‘entangled’ and connected…


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The Project Camelot Web Administration


A source has brought the following to my attention:



Performances by gifted children of North Korea 

According to an undisclosed source, the reality is, that if you notice, we are looking at PROGRAMMING of a robotic being…. Does this not bring to mind a ‘puppet’?  This is what is happening here on planet Earth.  And, I understand that this is not the only culture that has this going on.

Bottom line we might be looking at a grey-human hybrid.  However, the suggestion was made to me that these may actually be robots or androids.  A soul-less being?  Apparently this is a very real possibility.  Note:  I mean no offense toward these lovely little children.  

Extend this to a much larger human looking soldier and you begin to see where things are going.  Of course, the hybrid program has been quite successful.  And these beings are now here.

The implications for the robotization of humanity are far reaching.

We are not talking about a conventional “invasion” as you might have anticipated it.  In fact, indications are it has already happened.

This type of being along with the sleeping masses may ultimately be a ruler’s dream come true… in terms of a servile race programmed for pleasure and obedience.  



Clarification:  With regard to the above about the gifted Korean children, as I state this is very likely a phenomenon that is appearing in many cultures including the U.S.!  This particular video is simply an example pointed out by my contact.

The above information addresses the appearance on Earth of the Grey-human hybrids who are the result of the massive abductions over the last 60 years… maybe more.  The robotic side of the Greys is also not often talked about or considered in this light.  This again is from a secret source and it is up to you whether you care to consider this hypothesis or not.

I have several whistleblowers who have indicated that the Chemtrail program is part of a concerted effort (including disasters like Fukushima) to permanently change the atmosphere and weather of our Planet to a more methane like environment.  They insist this is the kind of environment needed by the Greys and their hybrids as well as various Reptilian races to better survive on the surface.  Needless to say, the implications of this are vast.

My previous post about the programming embedded in Bach’s music is another example of the pervasive control mechanisms that have been set in place here on the Planet.  This is true of many forms of music not only Bach and is again activated not when listening as an individual but in a group.  

It is very important that humanity begins to peal away the layers of programming and controls that have been put in place by races (Annunaki, reptilian and perhaps others) in order to maintain their rule over this planet and her people.  What some see as only a human scale oppressive set of controls is actually much more intricate, pre-planned and orchestrated by overlords who rule by secrecy.  This is the nature of the game and it requires a clear, unbiased view in order to begin to understand how deeply embedded into the fabric of our lives this has become.  Once we understand the true nature and origin of mind control mechanisms and programs we can then begin to awaken to what true freedom and sovereignty are really about.

If you don’t truly know and recognize where the real oppressors reside and who they are how can you begin to break free from the chains that bind?







This update so far:

Banking sector:

Massive, absoluely massive PUT options on US and EU markets…nearly exact pattern as prior to 9/11 and 7/7

So, heads  up…the puts in 2001 were made 5 days ahead of event…which may mean 8-12. — a source



FROM Gordon Duff’s article from Veterans Today:

….And if I have the richest nations in the world and the biggest arms dealers handing out weapons like they were nothing, then why are we seeing tanks and not burning hulks, helicopter parts and the Syrian army burned to cinders?

If someone is handing out weapons meant to defeat Syrian army units, something I have no small expertise in explaining or doing, there is no evidence of this.

Sixty countries build these things, Japan, Ireland, I even think there is a missile from Canada that only destroys igloos.

Here are some assumptions:

  • There is NO foreign effort, US, Israel or otherwise to damage Syrian military capabilities. 
  • Israel and Saudi Arabia are playing a game here, figure it out.
  • If Turkey is so angry at Israel and so intent on saving Gaza, what are they doing parading around Syria’s northern border?  Is it just possible they aren’t who they claim to be? (duh)
  • There obviously are very large forces inside Syria that hate the Assads.  There have been since 1971.  The Russian and Chinese veto in the UN will assure they lose and tens of thousands will die.
  • If the UN let the west fight Syria, their air defense system would have eaten NATO alive.  Thus, Russia and China let the US, Britian and France walk away from a bombing campaign they would LOSE.  (The Fix was in.)

Is Turkey Israel’s enemy?  NO.

Is Syria Israel’s enemy?  NO

Is Saudi Arabia Israel’s ally?  YES

Is Russia Israel’s ally?  YES

Is Russia Syria’s ally?  YES

What does this tell you? The answer is simple. Everyone is lying.

YouTube – Veterans Today –

This is a “detuned”version of the system Syria is using.  Their system works past 185 kilometers and is effective against Cruise type, ICBMs and all aircraft.

Don’t expect to see someone bombing Syria really soon.  Now you know why Syria and Israel have secret meetings all the time.–Gordon Duff

So if this is true, then what is going on with the tanks and all the military activity around the U.S.?

What are they “lying” about?  Maybe a better question is, what aren’t they lying about.  But for the sake of simplicity let’s ask one question at a time.

If as he states the objective is not Syria even though he writes…

“…There obviously are very large forces inside Syria that hate the Assads.  There have been since 1971.  The Russian and Chinese veto in the UN will assure they lose and tens of thousands will die.”

if the game is simply regime change it would appear they are already there…