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Kerry will be speaking this Friday at 3:15pm here in Los Angeles at the CONSCIOUSNESS & CHEMTRAILS CONFERENCE.  Come on down.  Hope to see you there!

Here is a link to one of the many excellent speakers discussing Chemtrails:  Allan R. Buckmann







Caveat:  We had already been told that people are being taken off-planet in preparation for coming events and earth changes.  These are people who have their “tickets” because of their level of involvement in the NWO or secret government projects known as ‘black projects’.  Or in some cases simply bankers and their families.  This is also widespread in the alternative news.

However, the following confirmation was given to me from a trusted SOURCE who is in touch with a scientist who either attended a Bilderberg meeting 3 years ago or has a close associate who did…

He was told that they are making preparations for going off-planet due to the incoming Brown Dwarf (and surrounding planets) also known as NEMESIS  or NIBIRU or PLANET X.  In this case the person referred to this brown dwarf as NEMESIS.  

They said the secret space program has been preparing for 60 years… and using “warp drive technology” to make it possible to establish bases, first on the Moon and Mars and then on the MOONS OF THE OUTTER PLANETS:  specifically, moons of Jupiter, Saturn and one of the moons of URANUS.

They have been preparing for the return of NEMESIS since then.  This object and her surrounding planets have been visible, they said, from the IRAS telescope since 1983.  It does return every 26,000 to 30,000 years and yet this pass by will be the closest ever according to this scientist.  He states that “they” at the Bilderberg meeting are very afraid because they do not have control over what it will do.  They are worried their underground bases will not provide sufficient safety during this crossing.

This scientist would not reveal where NEMESIS is now but says it is going to impact things in a big way on and around December 21, 2012.

They see the year 2012 as significant but NOT just because of the Mayan prophecy.

The earth changes will get worse before they get better, I was told.  This much is obvious if the above is true.

Additional random data:

1.  The European Space Agency Mars “Express” Probe sent out 3 years ago took pictures of the surface and captured green foliage.  This was put out then hushed up and changed.

2.  They discovered on their off planet bases that they need the SCHUMANN RESONANCE in order to maintain human health so they have had to build and install transmitters in all their off planet bases.

3.  The Bilderbergs and Rothchilds control the financial system and are planning a collapse within 5-6 months of the time this was relayed to my source in March of 2012.  That would make it right around August-September of this year.

NOTE:  I am simply passing along this information from a source because his source (this scientist) has no reason as far as we know to fabricate this information.  He is very unwilling to talk about any of it and will not discuss any of the above beyond his initial revelations to my source.  However, you cannot discount the possibility that this information is false and planted to create chaos.  

HOW TO DEAL WITH THIS TYPE OF INFO:  There is mounting corroborating testimony with regard to Project Exodus… However even if publicly stated at a Bilderberg meeting it is still entirely possible that none of the above is true or that it is slightly or majorly twisted to create a state of fear in those that hear it.  There is always a mind control element to the dissemination of information that may eventually reach the public, in my view.  What that means is that other than adding this to other info you have received and cross-correlating it you should be wary and rely on inner discernment to ‘vet’ this and how it impacts you and your world.

Because the mission of Project Camelot is, to get the truth out, I will release information as I receive it when and if it correlates with previously vetted information which lends it credence.  However, in the end, I wait until I receive inner guidance from my higher self before acting on anything or taking it as the whole truth and nothing but the truth.  

For my part, I do think the Brown Dwarf is real and incoming based on multiple whistleblower testimony and my own intuition.  When and how close I do not know.  



There has been a 7.7 Earthquake (actually 8.7 according to my sources who say the entire Richter scale was downgraded by 1 point across the board recently presumably to avoid having to explain what the escalation in quakes really means…).  This happened today in the area of Siberia called the SEA OF OKHOTSK..  This is much larger than anything we have seen so far.  This will have been more in line with what Miriam was feeling Especially since she is located north of Vancouver.


7.7 in Siberia Aug 14 copy



THE TOP OF THE NEWS  (reprinted here from http://www.sans.org/newsletters/newsbites/newsbites.php?vol=14&issue=55&rss=Y#sID200

 –Pentagon Seeking Authority for Cyber Command to Take Action on

    Non-Military Systems in Emergencies

(August 9, 2012)

A proposed change to the US military’s standing rules of engagement

(SROE) would give cyber experts employed by the military the authority

to take action on certain non-military computer systems. The SROE

provide guidance for military commanders when they find their troops or

systems are under attack and there is not time to consult the president

or secretary of defense if action is to be taken before serious harm

occurs. Cyberspace is posing special issues for SROE for a number of

reasons: the time frame of cyberattacks; the difficulty of identifying

the attackers; and the possibility of collateral damage. Some in the

military would like the Cyber Command to have the authority to disable

servers in foreign countries to prevent malware attacks. The military

currently has the authority to take those actions only within its own



[Editor’s Note (Pescatore): Back in the 1980s I worked for the US Secret

Service and when using military (not National Guard) personnel

domestically we had to make sure we observed the guidelines around the

Posse Comitatus statute which dictates that such use must “be expressly

authorized by the Constitution or by act of Congress.” It is healthy

that we start the dialog on how this applies to cyber-incidents vs.

hurricanes and the like. The National Guard has traditionally been the

rapid reaction force, with the armed forces staying bound by Posse




And along the lines of points made in my interview with David E. Martin “Apostles of Power”:



Just what are they building up to?  David E. Martin would say a false flag UUV attack on one of our ships in the Gulf to kick off WWIII… as a result of leaked cyber access to the UUV’s internal tech…



For those interested here is a bit more info on Mitchell Coombes the hacker etc.

Note:  at this time I believe his Facebook page has been removed… This info is reposted below in case it to gets removed…





For a while now, I have been unsure of whether to post a thread about this guy but I feel that some may benefit from some good discussion/further info thus I will take my chances. I must emphasize that I am not trying to fear monger and I’m not saying that all of what he says is the truth. I am simply trying to get this information out so that I can discuss it rationally with others.

Some background first.

I first became aware of Mitchell on Above Top Secret (not the most credible of sites I know) sometime around last March. A poster on ATS had started a thread claiming that Mitchell had provided a warning on Facebook about the Japanese Tsunami 104 hours before it actually materialized. The poster knew this to be fact because he was a friend of Mitchell’s on Facebook and saw the status update warning just as anyone else would had they also been his friend and to prove his point he posted the screen shots of said warning in the thread. Of course I was immediately interested and decided to add Mitchell Coombes on Facebook. It took a few weeks to have a friendship confirmation as even back then he already had an overwhelming amount of people adding him as his infamy spread. As of this moment he has 5000 (which I believe is the limit) friends and 1,964 subscribers on Facebook. Here is the link to his FB page http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1427705082.

Since I added him I was able to see for myself the original Japanese Tsunami warning which he claims was a product of HAARP. In the course of the year he has posted many fore-warnings about the future in regards to HAARP, WW3, Terrorist Attacks, Economic crash etc. Recently he has also posted scores for Rugby League Football Matches in Australia (he is Australian) prior to the games being played to demonstrate how the matches are fixed and the NRL is rigged. Again this is because he has access to insider info.

From the little information I have gathered on him I am aware that he is young possibly in his teens or early twenties and lives in Wollongong, Australia. He used to work for the Poker industry and endorses operations carried out by anonymous. For now as far as I know he uses Facebook and his own website (which may or may not still be active) which I am not a member of as membership is charged.. to broadcast this information.

Below I have copied and pasted some of his comments on his FB wall responding to people’s questions regarding warnings etc about the future:

On fear mongering:

Mitchell Coombes The basic message in this video is that not everything is a conspiracy. There is a lot of fear-mongering and paranoia when it comes to conspiracy theories. You must remain logical when it comes to looking for the truth instead of letting your emotions distort you in the web of lies. There is no proof whatsoever that Comet Elenin is a threat to the earth. Many people are ignorant towards what HAARP is, some people don’t even know what HAARP stands for or where it is located and yet these same ignorant people think they have the right to point the finger at those that actually know what’s going on in this world. People don’t want to believe that TAB is rigged, or that the casino industry is rigged, or that the FBI are a bunch of drug dealing pedophiles. Anon and Lulsec have already exposed many of these corrupt corporations (CIA, NATO) and published their classified documents on Wikileaks. It is important to co-incide with the logic and evidence and not emotion and fear.
27 September at 03:07 • Like • 2 people

Mitchell Coombes I am not trying to spread fear.. I am just trying to spread awareness of the truth.. I keep telling people repeatedly not to fear anything but fear itself… In this knowledge we should remain strong. The truth will set us free. I am 99% sure of my sources based on the track record of it’s authenticity and accuracy (NZ earthquake and Japan tsunami)… The only way for me to get the actual dates for certain events is solely through exclusive information.
30 May at 10:45 • Like • 7


Mitchell Coombes Yes the FBI / HAARP have the ability to create earthquakes/tsunamis wherever they want, especially around tectonic plate areas (Pacific ring of fire is their weapon of choice). This is ultimately a weapon of warfare. They can wage a silent war against any country they please, just like they did with Japan back in March with the tsunami. HAARP is definitely a weapon of warfare. I have slowed them down dramatically though since March, but that does not mean the FBI will not attack California. It is no co-incidence that there were countless disasters around the east coast of Australia, NZ and the Pacific areas (Japan) from January – March 2011 and for the last 9 months virtually nothing has occurred in the Pacific areas. They realize now that I am on their tail. If they were indeed planning to create the California tsunami this year I would have given out another 104 hour warning. The reason behind the 104 hour countdown is because this is known as the ‘point of no return’ for HAARP in relation to experimenting/testing their technology.
Yesterday at 02:02 • Like • 2

• Gregory Lynn when you say You’ve slowed them down, how did you manage that? it seems they could easily block your fb account. i’m wondering why they don’t. I think they would allow certain Thing’s to get a little publicity on purpose like a game. But they could stop it at any minute
Yesterday at 08:28 • Like

Mitchell Coombes No actually if you read Facebook’s terms and conditions Facebook are not allowed to delete an account for any reason other than violating the terms and conditions, and that I have not done. So for HAARP to get this Facebook profile deleted is breaking the terms and conditions, unlike Youtube, which is run by Google and they can cease accounts at will. Slowed them down because they are playing the waiting game with the Cali tsunami and it’s taking a while and they could easily do it any day now but they choose not to by the press of one button. Yes in regard to publicity look at Comet Elenin and YU55 the fear mongering and panic about Sept-Nov being the end of days and the world being destroyed its designed to discredit those that actually do speak the truth no matter how bizarre it sounds when I say it , it’s real .
Yesterday at 08:39 • Like

Mitch, do you know about technical documentation where I can read about HAARP’s high frecuencies influence in the environment and even some kind of control over weather? Is the basis of measurement of magnetic field, mutually orthogonal directions: north, south and downward respectively

Yes… This is how HAARP operate in order to create tsunamis, earthquakes and hurricanes. The RP in HAARP will soon be modified. HAARP go through three phases when it comes to D1 drills. Analysis phase, research phase and test phase. The magnetic field (nT) is a byproduct of the orthogonal directions. It is true that these orthogonal directions include N, E and SW mutually respective of each other

Canary Islands:

Mitchell Coombes Yes there will also be a magnitude 10.4 tsunami in the Indian Ocean off the coast of Africa (La Palma, Canary Islands). The Canary Island will landslide into the ocean causing a twin-tsunami.

Mitchell Coombes 1. Hard evidence? The proof is in the predictions. They will do all the talking. You should be familiar with the 104 hour tsunami warning, there will be more of those.

2.Australia will not be affected by the earthquakes per se but will be affected by the tsunamis. HAARP are not able to create tsunamis off the coast of Aus because there are no tectonic plates in the Tasman Sea. Obviously northern QLD and NT will be hit by the Indonesian tsunami planned by the FBI in 2013, but don’t worry if you live in Australia….. 2012 won’t be that bad.

3. You can help by spreading the word. When the 104 hour tsunami warning begins, tell everyone you can, your family, friends, do whatever you can to get the word out. This is NOT about personal credit, this is about saving lives and uniting together to expose corrupt corporations (FBI, CIA, AFP, ASIO, NATO, NORAD, HAARP, TAB Sportsbet, etc etc).

Marci I still keep to my words. If anything has changed I will make it public. The California tsunami is still planned before the New York tsunami

Canary Island landslide (and resulting tsunami on east coast of USA) comes approximately 96 days after the California tsunami. EPICENTER APPROXIMATELY 85 MILES WEST OF PORTLAND, OREGON.

Mitchell Coombes No it won’t be this year, it’s planned for 2012, and a lot sooner than you think too.
28 September at 07:56 • Like • 4 people


Number 1. Stockpile basic necessities. This includes canned food, bottled water, herbs and petrol.
Number 2. Invest large amounts of money into Gold, oil, copper, uranium and Westpac.
Are there any safe areas? Yes, central western USA will remain untouched in regard to terrorist attacks and natural disasters. Australia (excluding the east coast), and the southern island of NZ. We can fight back (protesting, spreading awareness) but it is only delaying the inevitable. We will not be able to stop their NWO regime.
Not every single day, but eventually it will be most days. Disasters is referring to cataclysmic events (planned) that will be on mainstream media 24-7 for days on end (just like NZ earthquake and Japan tsunami).

The USA will turn into a police state (martial law) after the US economy collapses. The US will have enough problems of their own to worry about other countries. They are the only superpower that invades other countries for OIL and WATER in the name of the ‘War on Terror’. The US won’t even be assisting Israel in WW3, now that says something.

Similar to 9-11 and the War in Iraq and Afghanistan. The US military will conduct a nuclear terrorist attack against their own people. These nuclear attacks will be throughout the USA capital cities. Again, they will blame ‘Jihad, Al-Qaeda’ and go along with their ‘War on Terror’ against Iran. The US and Israel will invade Iran, this will trigger WW3. America will be unable to assist Israel to its full potential in this invasion (due to the economic collapse and natural disasters).

Israel & Britain VS Iran, Turkey, Libya, Russia. Israel will win the war.

US Economy
According to the same contacts that provide me with 104 hr tsunami warnings we have until December/January. The debt matter obviously won’t be significant but it’s still important to stockpile. There is no turning back for the US economy… the hole is far too deep.

please note.. all interpretations to this message is to ones own evaluation of Mitchell coombes and his predictions. my personal viewpoint has not been added or included in this message as to keep this discussion authentic.

· · Share · August 10


08/10/2012 – Rebecca Jernigan – Consciousness Creates Matter Roundtable


Four hour combined show – Consciousness Creates Matter

Part 1

Click here to listen/download part 1 (courtesy of Revolution Radio)

Part 2

Click here to listen/download part 2


Rebecca Jernigan – Channel/Translator for the Elohim, Psychic, Mother, Grandmother, Speaker, Healer, Teacher, Cook, Talk Radio Show Host – Her talents and experiences are wide and varied.

Rebecca is a natural energy sensitive possessing the unique ability to define what energy signatures are and what they go to. Her gifts of remote viewing, timeline jumping and clairvoyance combined with her experience in these and many more fields, have resulted in a unique experience for the many who have availed themselves of her services. Her experience includes everything from hosting her own television show, working with police on missing person cases and crime solving, doing readings at psychic fairs, hosting her own radio show, house clearing, developing and teaching classes on meditations and tarot, and much more.

Rebecca's talents and experiences give her a unique perspective on life and love and what it truly means to be human. With laughter, love and an open heart, she shares the knowledge she has garnered through joy, sorrow, loss and love – from her guides, the Elohim, the guests on her shows, her children, her friends, all those she has come in contact with and the many who surround her.

Rebecca's website





Apparently this is the actor Frank Vidal and sponsored by a production company…perhaps as part of a movie they are releasing.

I thought to myself, finally a scientist with some guts and a conscience who cares more about the well being of humanity than he own skin… alas it was not to be.


I can say we have other information similar to this from at least one other scientist who is highly respected and is no longer in communication with us.  That scientist told us that those in the know were expecting 3 major events in the near future including possibly during 2012:

1.  CME  — direct hit on Earth

2.  Magnetic pole shift

3.  Pole reversal



For a good overview of the evidence with regard to the Frank Vidal/Dr. Sal video go here to Mel Fabregas’s site:





This new video overview by Dutchsinse is a must see!




WORD I AM HEARING IS….they are expanding the DRONE program to monitor all the large cities, and actually have been for the past several months. Some DRONES are armed. Many actually can monitor civilian communications including one on one conversations in homes. They are ramping things up preparing for the elections and other impending events.