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Referencing my previous post where the following announcement was made:

I wrote:  And according to the following article the U.S. now has ample reason for stationing ships and rolling out drone surveillance…

Two American warships were headed to the Libyan coast in a precautionary move. The U.S. launched a wave of unmanned drones to patrol the skies over eastern Libya to search for terror camps, while an elite team of Marines is also being deployed to the region to safeguard Americans.   Read more… 

Here is an article from Salon.com detailing how Israel is one of the leading manufacturers of drones.  Evidence mounting that the riots and attack on the Benghazi consulate was a carefully manipulated event that resulted in the death of Ambassador Stevens, 2 Navy Seals and an Information Technology officer.  


The work has paid off when it comes to drones: The Jewish state is the single largest exporter of drones in the world, responsible for 41 percent of all UAVs exported between 2001 and 2011, according to a database compiled by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. Israeli companies export drone technology to at least 24 countries, including the United States.

Whereas, I have not seen the entire film that supposedly caused the riots, I did take a look at the short version or trailer on Youtube… And it is so bad I could barely watch for longer than a few minutes.  Seriously, if anyone can make a dreadful movie and get people to riot over it regardless how how nonsensical then the human race is in big trouble.

What is much more likely is that this is simply some kind of planned operation using CIA or other agents (Mossad?) in order to raise emotions and stimulate mob psychology… Sadly the Muslim populations seem especially vulnerable to this type of manipulation.  Might I suggest a mass distribution of the Project Camelot website url to begin raising their awareness on how those in power use mind control to manipulate humanity…

Regardless, the overall approach appears to be for the PTB working to create a basis for a religious war in the Middle East,.. Muslim vs. Jews and Christians… by laying the ground work and inciting incidents such as the Benghazi one.  You take a virtually undefended, unguarded quasi-consulate, send in your agents provocateur and create an international incident giving the U.S. an excuse to send in drones and war ships…  Call it a religious war and suddenly we have the groundwork for Armeggedon.  Of course, this is 2012 and ARMAGEDDON is a top line item from the Illuminati playbook.



I am bringing to your attention two articles worth reading on the Libyan situation:

The first article is written by Peter Eyre, who has been a guest on my radio show..

Before closing I would again point out that there is no threat to the US, UK or EU from so called Islamic Terrorists as they simply do not exist. The “War against terrorism” is totally false………..Al Qaeda was invented by the CIA and the terrorist theme has been adopted by western politicians to spread fear into the heart of their citizens and as a tool to not only promote conflicts and wars but also to enhance the existence of Israel and use this PSYOPS weapon as a “divide an conquer tool” against Islamic nations.”  –Peter Eyre

And the second article is from Jim Stone, who many of you will remember because of his excellent work on Fukushima and the stuxnet virus.  I have also interviewed him via Project Camelot Livestream and on my radio show, who claims the killings at the Libyan “embassy” never happened:

So how, PRAY TELL, was a U.S. consulate raided there, people murdered there, and butt raped in the name of Mohammed? This is BEYOND wag the dog!

Here is the link to the Department of State web site, with a complete list of All U.S. embassies, consulates, and diplomatic missions world wide. http://www.usembassy.gov/ There is one in Libya, obviously in Tripoli. And I will state right now that I have that Embassy page saved and captured, in case someone decides to bury this by faking Benghazi in for a while.” — Jim Stone, NSA whistleblower

Further down on the page Stone also talks about plans to attack Iran.  Worth reading.

For the mainstream take on this story go here:



So what are we talking about here?  2 Navy seals, an Ambassador and an ‘informational specialist’…  Blood sacrifice?  What is really going on here?  

Note this article suggests that Ambassador Stevens was actually based in Tripoli…

When the initial sketchy reports of his death in Benghazi began to appear, it didn’t seem to make sense. He was the ambassador in the capital Tripoli, not Benghazi. Given his position, he would surely be well-protected wherever he was.

And this…

When the uprising against Gadhafi began in the spring of 2011, Stevens was sent back to Libya. But this time he didn’t go to Tripoli; instead, he became the U.S. envoy to the rebels, basing himself in their eastern stronghold of Benghazi.

“It was difficult to get there at the time. There weren’t any flights. So we came in by a Greek cargo ship and unloaded our gear and our cars and set up our office there,” Stevens told State, the magazine of the State Department in its December 2011 issue. “My mandate was to go out and meet as many members of the [rebel] leadership as I could in the Transitional National Council.”

The above suggest that there is a consulate of sorts in Benghazi established in 2011.  

And this article on the Benghazi consulate suggests further that this consulate was non-ordinary in other ways…

The Benghazi consulate had “lock-and-key” security, not the same level of defenses as a formal embassy, an intelligence source told POLITICO. That means it had no bulletproof glass, reinforced doors or other features common to embassies. The intelligence source contrasted it with the American embassy in Cairo, Egypt – “a permanent facility, which is a lot easier to defend.” The Cairo embassy also was attacked Tuesday.”–report by Allahpundit

And according to the following article the U.S. now has ample reason for stationing ships and rolling out drone surveillance…

Two American warships were headed to the Libyan coast in a precautionary move. The U.S. launched a wave of unmanned drones to patrol the skies over eastern Libya to search for terror camps, while an elite team of Marines is also being deployed to the region to safeguard Americans.

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/world/u-s-ambassador-libya-chris-stevens-killed-americans-attack-consulate-benghazi-libyan-officials-officials-ambassador-chris-stevens-killed-tuesday-night-a-group-embassy-employees-consulate-evacuate-staff-article-1.1157387#ixzz26YkuVmUb

So now they have their blood sacrifice, 1 ambassador, very sympathetic, all American hero type, and 2 Navy Seals and 1 information specialist… among others.

So what now… onto war?




Yes America is imploding… factions everywhere and the constitution and rule of law circumvented and violated first by those elected officials we put in office and of course the secret government who operates on a whole other set of protocols.

Meanwhile, of course all this is reflected in movies and tv… Case in point this new TV series “LAST RESORT” about a sub named “COLORADO”, its captain and his crew forced to go rogue when their own government decides to make them the fall guy in a false flag to start a war with Pakistan.  Interesting concept.  Worth watching.  What if?  

Well let’s just say there are portions of our military (to say nothing of States) facing this kind of decision daily as they watch their world of law and so-called order cascading down around them…



If this link doesn’t work go to:  


And as art imitates life or the other way round… someone just sent me this:


Whereas travel warnings are not unusual, telling US citizens to “leave” an area is…



From a source:

“…”that part about the transponder is true but the flip of a switch and its disabled, most large vessels I am sure are equipped with radar ,and do not need to use a transponder to detect even row boats and prefer to run in a stealth mode which we used to do it all the time; in fact, we rarely used the transponder because guided missiles can home in on it to within inches”

This person was in the Navy during the Vietnam fiasco and his ship patrolled off the coast. His Navy specialty was radio signal.

The lack of an AIS signature does not mean that these ships are not located off SF.



Update:  Last night I received a phone call from a certain group telling me they were going to pick me up and throw me in a cell if I didn’t stop releasing info such as this.  The person who called me I am not revealing here.  They stated that they persuaded that group not do do so… Quote “next time you won’t get a warning”… As I told them, I am a patriot, here on behalf of humanity.  Actually I have no desire to interfere with any operation if it is on behalf of humanity. One could say this is further substantiation of the original story.

Meanwhile some people aren’t understanding what is written below.  What I wrote was that Clif High does not believe this story because as he states there is no signature of an AIS (transponder) which is required by all vessels normally.  See the link below and check for yourself.  

However, in this case the ships I was told about would not be conducting any “normal’ business.  They would be there militarily on some mission.  

Is this accurate info?  I don’t know.  I am simply reporting what several sources have told me and reported to my original source for the story.  If not true, why threaten me? I have no further substantiation as of the time of this writing.


Original story:  I am being told there are at least 3 confirmations of something going on off the coast of San Francisco, involving US Navy Ships and an unknown number of Chinese vessels.  I am being told this involves the arrest of possibly around 600 bankers.. who may be being held in a US ship… under arrest by the Hague.  The arrests are being carried out by the U.S. military.

At this time, regardless of the fact that i have more data I am being asked by at least one source not to go into any more detail than that.  Apparently there are a number of operations going on at this time.

At least one source has suggested that this may actually be a cover operation for something more far reaching.

I have 3 verifications from my sources in addition to the original sources… confirms from their 3 sources.

Anyone with additional info preferably from someone in connection with the military or intel is welcome to contact me at kerry@projectcamelot.tv  or on skype at snowjaguar

Note:  I contacted Clif High about the above info and he directed me to the following site where he insists all vessels must be detectable at sea to other vessels using a transponder called an AIS.  He says there is no sign of either large U.S. Navy vessels or any Chinese vessels in those waters off the coast of San Francisco according to this site:






Update on Gordon Novel’s condition:

Gordon is in a chemically induced coma according to a source.  He went into the hospital to have his little toe removed and then suffered an alergic reaction to the antibiotic and then contacted a blood infection.

There is reason to believe he is being silenced.

For those who have not seen the Project Camelot interview with Gordon Novel please go here to view.



 video audio radio

written transcripts

09/14/2012 – Don Gifford


Don Gifford

Click here to listen/download the show

Click here for Youtube link

Revolution Radio link

Bio – written by Don Gifford

Donald Gifford 


Born 4/16/1959  Greeley Colorado.


As a teenager after experiencing several incidents of unconsciousness, Don was checked into a hospital in Boulder Colorado.  It was there that they discovered Don was a primary Delta brainwave.  This was not revealed to him till the age of 24 after coming back from six years in the USAF.  His mother explained that she did not want him to feel different, but felt he should know now that he was old enough.


At the age of nineteen Don had his first near death experience during complications from a tonsillectomy. His first surgery being over four hours and the second emergency surgery was almost five hours.  It was in the second surgery that Don experienced his first NDE after complications from hemorrhaging. It was in the first NDE that Don was shown the future.  


In the year 2004 Don kept having visions of a white liquid appearing above his head and pouring into his mouth as he stood nude in a void.  During this time Don was ill with a virus from mosquitoes, eight months into this illness he experienced his second NDE.  Upon waking from his second NDE he came to Ormus the white liquid and self realization of what exists within all of us.  


Don is a dreamer and witness's what is called the code and sacred geometry.  He has documented his visions and dreams through drawings.  He believes he is seeing the progression of mankind's consciousness and what we are waking up to.



This is a well done must see documentary investigation into the Aurora shootings/James Holmes story.

I am embedding it here.  If you have the means to download it I encourage you to do so in case it gets removed from Youtube rather unexpectedly.  If this no longer works be sure to go to Youtube and type in :  James Holmes, and the following title:

The James Holmes Conspiracy (2012 Full Documentary)




Special note:

I have been approached by 2 men claiming to be “on call” for the government who indicate that the neuroscience connection between this incident in Colorado, the Sikh shootings in Wisconsin and the case of Melvin Morse the well known author and pediatrician who was arrested after speaking in Montreal Canada, for so-called going crazy and “water boarding his daughter” are all connected.

“These children made it clear that consciousness persists despite having dying, dysfunctional brains,” he said. The theory is that brains are linked to “a non-local consciousness and a timeless, spaceless reality,” which Morse calls the “God Spot.”

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/08/15/near-death-experiences-doctor-may-have-been-experimenting-by-waterboarding/#ixzz26BVBnoZu

Also from the same article:

Just before Melvin Morse’s arrest last month, P.M.H. Atwater, a fellow researcher into near-death experiences, said she saw him at a conference in Montreal, where she claimed he gave the ‘one of the best keynote presentations in his life’..

It is also significant that Morse was involved in with Remote Viewing:


DVD.. by Melvin Morse: 

Near Death Experience and Remote Viewing (IRVA 2004)

Morse is the author of the best-selling books Closer to the Light, Transformed by the Light, and Parting Visions. His latest book, Where God Lives, presents a comprehensive new scientific understanding of how the brain can resonate with energetic patterns of the universe to permit communications with the dead, viewing at a distance with the mind, past life memories and premonitions of the future.

What all of the articles on Melvin Morse fail to mention is that he was investigating links between Remote Viewing and precognition of the future… In the above documentary you will also see references to topics that were being investigated by James Holmes as part of his studies.

Those topics involve:

Time Travel, Temporal Illusions, Saturn, Alchemy and the occult

Somehow these are all connected according to the “sources” that approached me.  This seems to fit.  One obvious connection is with Mind Control.  

As those who read this blog will recall, my initial intuitive investigation entitled, “Aurora Dark ‘Night” Battle of the Robots” regarding the Holmes connection to AI and the possible Illuminati “magical act” being conducted which would include mind control, AI and the Olympics (see Olympic opening and closing ceremony symbolism).  There is reason to believe there is one more domino that makes up this collection of data points… possibly a false flag incident to kick off WWIII.  See my Camelot Roundtable discussion with David E. Martin “Apostles of Power” for more on that related to the October possible UUV (Underwater unmanned vehicle) event.

Regardless of the above links to efforts to prevent the outting of the high level persons involved in the Libor Scandal, there is reason to believe now, that Time Travel and Neuroscience are key elements in these latest mind control incidents.  

Along with the mind control aspects there are obvious parallels in the above story to Camelot witnesses such as Bill Brockbrader aka Wood, Duncan O’Finioan, Aaron McCollum and others. The association is unavoidable.  Of special interest in this litany of evidence of a vast super soldier, X-men operation to create and control manchurian candidates is the Camelot intervew (specifically part III although all 3 parts are relevant) with Dr. Pete Peterson.


09/10/2012 – The Paul Richard Price Show


Kerry Cassidy and Mark McCandlish guest on The Paul Richard Price Show to discuss chemtrails, HAARP, MK Delta and other areas of mind control

Click here to listen to the show

Revolution Radio link

Mark McCandlish bio

Having grown up as a military dependent, Mark McCandlish manifested an interest in aircraft and other modes of transportation from an early age.  This interest was augmented by an artistic and mechanical ability that initially grew out of an interest in dinosaurs, fossils and science.

As a teenager, this interest 'shifted' to cars, (no pun intended) and Mark decided that he wanted to become a designer for General Motors.  He soon discovered that attending one of the premier automotive design curriculums offered at Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, California was not going to be possible on the minimum wage of the early 1970's.   So, he headed off to join the U.S. Air Force, and take advantage of the G.I. Bill, eventually passing through electronics school at Lowery AFB in Denver, Colorado.  Then on to his permanent duty station, McChord AFB in Tacoma, Washington. 

While at McChord AFB, he performed repairs on and bore-sighted the infrared and radar-based MA-1 and ASQ-25 weapons control systems of the F-106 Delta Dart with the 318th Fighter Interceptor Squadron.

Upon leaving the Air Force in 1974, Mr. McCandlish made use of the G.I. Bill  to attend Art Center College of Design, initially under an automotive design curriculum.  He later switched to an illustration major when it became clear that the influx of Japanese imports and its impact on our economy was going to reduce the possibility of being hired at GM.

He later worked for a short time in the Hollywood special effects business, as a matte artist, and then was hired by the General Dynamics Corporation in Pomona, California as a technical illustrator and technical publications editor.  

After two years, Mark left General Dynamics and began a career freelancing for a variety of defense and aerospace contractors, mainly producing art within an aviation theme.

During this time, Mark also was given the opportunity to participate in a number of media orientation rides in frontline U.S. Air Force and Air National Guard fighters, such as the F-15 Eagle and the F-16 Fighting Falcon.

In 1986, Mr. McCandlish became aware that the U.S. military was in possession of some extraordinary technologies, and began to pursue his own private research into where it came from and how it works.  The research led to many strange events and encounters.

