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Some people wonder why I would even bother to track the story about the Chinese vessels as mentioned in the first article I wrote in this group.  Perhaps a bit of background would be helpful.

About 9 months ago or maybe more I had the opportunity to visit some friends in Colorado who live near Boulder.  This was also the same trip where I did an impromptu but rather extensive and well received video interview with Marshall Vian Summers up in the Colorado mountains.

My friends had generously offered to drive me to the airport in the early morning for my flight the day I was departing.  But not being great at waking up early and not wanting to put them out by making them also wake up very early I decided to stay at a hotel nearby the Denver airport.  In retrospect, not the wisest decision to make for an intuitive or sensitive, but there it is.

I found a hotel very close to the airport and my friends ldropped me off that night.  It was clean and relatively new.  I was on perhaps the 4th floor if memory serves.  There were probably 7 floors in total to the building.

I went to sleep quickly that night and slept well until sometime in the very early morning hours when I experienced a dream/vision that was frighteningly real.

In the dream, I was in what appeared to be the same building where I had gone to sleep, but I was with a group of people.  There was a sense that we were “freedom fighters” or something of that sort and we were hiding out inside the very room where I was sleeping.  It seemed to be sometime in the future  as the building no longer seemed as “new” as it was then.

Down below on the street we looked out the window and could see Chinese troops surrounding the building.  There appeared to be no escape.  

The group I was with were extremely terrorized by this and the very clear mesage came through to me that “they” meaning the U.S. government had “let them in”. The understanding was that those who had been in charge of the U.S. had allowed the Communist Chinese to come in and they were systematically taking over our country.

The feeling was one of being trapped and of great sadness.  I woke up sweating and feeling physically very unwell.  And I was very angry.

Now I realize that this may only be a possible reality.  

But this dream/vision is why I am paying attention to such goings on right now.  Of possible so-called “joint” excercises between the U.S. Navy and the Chinese and questioning what might really be going on here.

I recently have heard that the Chinese are going to have a lot to do with the revaluation of the dinar.  And that they are also heavily invested in the U.S. dollar.  I also know that land has been sold to China within the U.S. and other countries that perhaps should not have been.

I have nothing against the great civilization of China.  Or against the Chinese people.  But I do not want to see the Communist Chinese insinuate themselves into the leadership of this country.  And I do see the U.S. as the last battle ground for freedom on this planet.  I believe this is where we must make a stand to see that the New World Order does not come to pass and this is where that hope must be held on to.

So while I see groups who are fighting for the right things such as a return to a true constitution and the real ideals of liberty and equality for all, I also see that freedom fighters are currently making deals with foreign governments, in order to break the hold of the Bush cabal.  But I do not wish to see one cabal replaced by another even more insidious and repressive regime.  I will stand up and be counted if that’s what it takes to turn the tide.  I see no reason to make deals with the devil in order to hold on to what freedom there is left.

Some may feel that freedom is a thing of the past here in the states.  But I see it differently.  I see it lives in the hearts and minds of a people who grew up with this as their creed and their conviction.

So I will continue to watch and report on the goings on here in this country of various foreign goverments who are being brought in to police the people because this government knows full well that when push comes to shove our soldiers, our brothers and sisters will not turn against their own people and strike them down when they rebel against tyranny.  We know Russian and Chinese troops are being gathered in secret in Canada and Mexico.  We feel the noose tightening.  My only question is when is this going to break.  This uneasy truce between the old guard and the rising newly awakened masses.  When.



Sent to me by a Camelot viewer:

This video is worthy of being broadcasted on your website:   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bCw-oWp1wf8&feature=player_embedded 

This video is banned for broadcast on News Networks in USA, Israel and Europe. This is a video that Israel and US does not want you to see. Jewish leaders and prominent businessmen Greet Ahmadinejad with Inshallah and Bless him for long life. Jews have lived in Iran for thousands of years. Over 50,000 Jews live in Teheran. 




U.S. Navy FLEET WEEK?  …

I have been sent some pictures of officers and crew from what appears to be the Chinese Navy apparently sight seeing in San Francisco today… by a source.

The fact is there is now a frigate (type of ship pictured below) and according to this source it entered “unescorted into San Francisco” and was seen from the Bay Bridge.  They referred to this particular type of ship as a “war ship” and the source, on this info, is an ex-army special forces guy.

Later he took some photos of the officers and crew in San Francisco apparently sight seeing.

I’m sure this has nothing to do with my report last week about Chinese vessels in the area working with the US Navy on some undisclosed operation, (lol), but still I thought it responsible to report this added verification to what my original sources told me.

The question is what they are doing. Where there’s a frigate there is also a Fleet, or so I am told.  Assuming the “fleet” are out in international waters one still might wonder what they are doing here.  Other than sight seeing I mean.

What is really interesting is that I got a call from an unrelated source over the weekend again reporting Chinese and US Navy working on ‘an operation’ in fact further south along the California coast as well. It was stated they are searching for undersea bases in the area…  Whereas the Gordon Duff story may not be related to the truth in this case, on the other hand when you peel back the layers of the onion, cover stories combined with cover stories seem to be the order of the day.  

Other options are according to various sources:

1.  They are here in connection with the dinar reval

2.  They are here in connection with a supposed Hague arrest warrant issued to U.S. bankers, who were then arrested by U.S. Army Rangers and placed on a U.S. Navy vessel.

3.  They are here working on a joint operation to do with undersea bases belonging to an unfriendly group of disenfranchised reptilians who are fighting back after the desimation of the Pacific due to the Fukushima/Stuxnet attack.  (related to Douglas Dietrich’s assertion that this has to do with the race of MU who are still here in those undersea bases)

4.  They are here as Gordon Duff says in his recent article working together on a UFO war in the Pacific that may or may not have to do with Fukushima/stuxnet

5.  They are doing joint exercises in preparation for some undisclosed future event.

6.  They simply wanted to visit America.

If this were a multiple choice question which would you choose?  Could there be more than one of the above that is true?

I’m sure there are other reasons I haven’t yet thought of…

7.  None of the above and to be announced (or maybe not)

8.  NEWLY ADDED:  U.S. Navy “Fleet Week” starts October 4th and China may be participating for the first time.

Great possiblility… just in (and great cover story too).




Pictures below:

Type of ship:


Crew and officers:


More on this story here (previous posts and radio shows):

Must read:  Gordon Duff article on Veteran’s Today:
THEN READ THIS (MY SUMMARY OF EVENTS leading up to Duff writing that article that originally named Kerry Cassidy):
See description and listen to both 9/21 radio shows on the Radio show archive link with Douglas Dietrich and David Griffin… fascinating stuff.


THE DULCE PROTOCOL – Highly Recommended


FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO HAVE READ THE “DULCE PAPERS” as it is currently available on the web, this book, called “THE DULCE PROTOCOL” by Robert K. Teske, Jr. contains those papers and a great deal more information.  This is an absolute MUST READ for anyone who wants to know the truth about what is really going on here on Earth and the relationships between the various races visiting, living and breathing our air, whether they are “indigenious” or ET…

Radio show with Robert K. Teske coming soon!


The following will soon be listed in our store:


Project Summary

The Dulce Protocol 

Authored by Mr. Robert K. Teske Jr.

TO PURCHASE GO TO:  CreateSpace eStore: https://www.createspace.com/3864588

List Price: $39.95 





The Grand Deception… <https://www.createspace.com/3838925>

The Dulce Protocol… <https://www.createspace.com/3864588>

The Omega Files… <https://www.createspace.com/3875394>


Live Event Player




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Description of Event:

Alec Newald is the author of “Coevolution” 

click here for his site


“Almost 22 years had past now the dreams have come back and there are lights in the sky. You might say I have been activated. What now?

My name is Alec Newald I have never published or operated a web site containing information about my experiences back in 1989, my long published book Coevolution has really been the only public discloser of those experiences save for one or two radio interviews and the odd article published in Nexus Magazine by the publisher of Coevolution Duncan Roads. I had never intended to run a web site either but something is happening on planet earth at this moment that appears to want to include me. So here we are the both of us the one who thought this was all over and the one that knew it never was.” — Alec Newald

 Please watch the following in preparation for this event:

From Chemtrails to Pseudo-Life. The Dark Agenda of Synthetic


Sofia Smallstorm




Also, view this pic and the commentary from Alec Newald here:


click here for his site


trogan gift


The following notes are supplied by David Griffin:

Points to Consider

Notes for ET Intervention – Ancient Bio-Weapons and the Blue Diamond Affair



– Alec was taken for 10 days by a highly advanced ET group who amongst other things, informed him that they had had an underground base on Thule Island since WW1…  and were attempting to “de-engineer” and sentient, nano substance which has been resident on the planet for milennia. This material was removed by British Special Forces and taken to Marconi in the UK resulting in the burst of bizarre deaths between 1982-1988.

– Intro into Alec’s background and contact. Useful point here is that he had no prior exposure to contact or UFO literature and had existed up to that point with several ‘alien’ themes throughout his life –  but these only became clearer in the years following him being dropped back off by the Blue ET group from Haven.


Communication – Alec’s account has several components to it :

– information received/download on trip by ETs telepathically 

– Info from an artifact given to him when in jail

– Confirmation material from Mr X – the South African agent

– His own abd subsequent thought and views on the area.

..what could be useful is to describe the telepathic process from A’s point of view  and then cover the lower points as and when they crop up?

The ‘Last Craft out from Thule’ and the Blue Diamond Affair

– Leading on from Falklands in 1982 –  base left in rush – craft loaded up with ET booty.

– Tesla weapon

– Date switch – -> Kalahari dessert crash or some other?  [I have loads of material on a guy going round Europe with fake documents on this case, paid for at one point by the very capable, early Billy Meier researcher Michael Hesseman].

– Energy device onto world covert market and subsequent geopolitical shenanigens 

– Alec’s visits in NZ also related to this item.

– Wikileaks cable and Eric G john –> http://www.af.mil/information/bios/bio.asp?bioID=14362


Ancient Bio Weaponry

– Background on why focus is on South Atlandtic and Antarctic –  Marconi UK open plant for advanced hydraulics in 1983.

– Intro issues of “bio-nano-terraforming”

– Alec’s  “tests” on Haven after his agreement

– What does this say is about to take place on Earth?


– Did Blue ETs have previous agreement in 20th century with some earth goverments??

– Did this relationship end in post-WW2 era – replaced by a more nefarious “grey” type relationship? SEE Anthony Sanchez, UFO Highway  http://ufohighway.com

– Role of bodies like RIIA and the CFR.


– Switched on ET antennas embedded in earth [Marconi link]

– Claims the bio-teraforming technology is mostly controlled by Europe?

– New findings on morgellons.  

– Why the “virus” mentioned on Haven is not same as the black nano substance.

– What does the above mean for us now as a species facing maybe:

1. ET groups with differeing agendas?

2. Dick Cheney’s M.I.C. posse lot aligning themselves with the above

“Linked to this change in agenda is some tie-in with factions of our Earth’s military-industrial cartel (if that is the right term for it). This agenda, according to my alien hosts, is “to let loose or introduce a new breed of so-called humans onto this planet we call our own”.

What’s the role of contactees, ETs and disclosure in all this?



Originally posted on Kerry’s Blog on September 14, 2012:

Yeah, I know, it gets tiresome.  But the background behind the Libyan situation and more… placed at the door of Israel and specifically Netanyahu by Gordon Duff in this article released today… outlines a history of terror and some of its roots.


From what I hear Gordon Duff was set to go live and be interviewed on Press TV.  Yes, I have asked him.  So far, he has politely declined my offer 🙂

The real question as always is ‘who’s in charge’ …. Where is the true seat of power on the planet and what is their ultimate agenda?

What I see, is even the good guys resorting to making deals behind the scenes with governments outside the U.S. in order to accomplish their short term aims.  

At the root of this are we talking about a battle between the Rockefellers and the Rothchilds?  Or are they just the front men?

Originally published on Kerry’s Blog on September 14, 2012


Do you really want to see the Hague in charge of the U.S. military?  Is that the answer?

Because no matter how these guys are slicing and dicing it we have making deals with the devil being set at our door.

Go ahead make my day… my year…. back some other puppet on the throne and think you’ve solved the problem.  But in the end, meet the new boss same as the old boss.  And meanwhile behind the scenes the various ET races orchestrate their version of events. 

So who is motivating Netanyahu.  I submit it’s those tall guys that visit the women at night in Israel, like Barry Chamish was saying.  Yes, the ones who throw dogs across the room because they are in their way, and ignore the women telling them to get out of their houses because they are trespassing.

I submit there are groups of races trespassing on our soveriegn planet.  The secret space program is going to be the ONE THING that whoever wins this war will want to keep in place… Think about it.  They are the ones who have the technology and the keys to the other planets.  They are the ones that whichever patriot group who thinks they are so bad-assed and mean is going to have to answer to and deal with.  And they won’t get those keys believe me.

How do you negotiate with people who are living say 10,000 years in advance of you?  We can play this game of musical chairs here on Earth and maybe one side will come to the fore for a time.

But when all is said and done.  They too will have to come face to face with the real guys behind the scenes.  “All worlds are yours except for Europa”, Arthur C. Clarke wrote.  By all accounts, someone who was clearly read in from way inside.  Why Europa?  Who goes there?  And what are they doing?

Really.  The bottom line is arrests of bankers notwithstanding… What is that gonna solve?  A witch hunt?  You think that is gonna solve your problems Earthlings?  I doubt it.

I for one am not out for blood.  That’s not what this is about.




Tickets on sale, CLICK HERE…  (just added!  Jay Weidner)…


We will be discussing recent events in the Pacific along with the Falklands connection and what really happened with the Gulf Oil Spill. Listen to last week’s radio shows (show archive 9/21) with Douglas Dietrich and David Griffin  for more background on these stories.  By adding Jay Weidner and Anthony Sanchez and their respective areas of research, we will bring these elements together to form a coherent picture of what is really going on:  Nanotech, AI and the subject matter discussed in the recent  “UFO wars” article by Gordon Duff from Veteran’s Today. Join Us!





The following link was sent to me by a source…


I found the following questions very provocative:

What deep space project could possibly be so important requiring billions during a global econ0mic crisis?

Why deep space project requires so much secrecy too surrounding what exactly observatory telescope mirrors are all working on?

Why are two ( 2 ) observatories, located right next to each other ( on the same mountain top ), looking into deep space?

Why the Vatican? Why use multiple millions of dollars taken from parishoner money donations to feed the poor and homeless around the world and instead fund a deep space observatory telescope looking into thin air at something we on Earth are helpless to do anything about while people are starving to death around the world? Sound cruel?

Why the U.S. government? Why use multiple millions of American citizen taxpayer monies to do the same thing the Vatican is doing when people are living in unsanitary conditions, lack medical supplies and dying from disease around the world, but who is feeding whom?

For what or whose end purpose is this serving? The ‘people’s? God’s? Alien’s? Come on, get real. Things like this do not occur – unless there is an Earth shattering global reason for doing this so, what is the public ‘not being told about’ ?

Why are ‘both deep-space astronomical observatory telescopes’  shrouded in secrecy?

What do they call ‘taking billions in monies from investors without informing shareholders what their money is being used-for’ considered?

What are the facts?

Operation UFO: Bases in the Antarctic


HIGHLY RECOMMENDED :  This newly subtitled in English documentary on NAZI UFOs and Bases in Antarctica…



Click here to download PDF

 For the first time, the legendary 2006 Russian documentary ‘Third Reich – Operation UFO’ in its entirety, fully translated into English and available for free viewing. Many thanks to Irina Du Toit for the translation and the saucer people for the subtitles.

The film explores the historical mysteries and rumours of a Nazi secret base in Antarctica, the 1947 flying saucer attack on Admiral Byrd’s ill-fated ‘Operation Highjump’ expedition and the occult origins of Third Reich anti-gravity engines, flying discs and ancient Atlantean technologies viewed through the lens of perhaps the three most mysterious twentieth century German organisations of all: the ‘Thule Society, ‘Vril Society’ and the ‘Ahnenerbe’…- David Griffin, Exopolitics

Special Announcement:

This Thursday, October 4th we will be doing a PROJECT CAMELOT ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSION WITH DAVID GRIFFIN, ANTHONY SANCHEZ & DOUGLAS DIETRICH… at 7pm PT for 3 hours… Q&A with the audience willl be part of the event.  Title:  UFO WARS: Nanotech & the AI