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Fox News has learned from sources who were on the ground in Benghazi that an urgent request from the CIA annex for military back-up during the attack on the U.S. consulate and subsequent attack several hours later on the annex itself was denied by the CIA chain of command — who also told the CIA operators twice to “stand down” rather than help the ambassador’s team when shots were heard at approximately 9:40 p.m. in Benghazi on Sept. 11.” –Fox News 

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/10/26/cia-operators-were-denied-request-for-help-during-benghazi-attack-sources-say/#ixzz2AW9qfIdg


COMMENT:  There is no doubt in my mind that this was a set up to take out the Ambassador and others within the compound at Benghazi.  The only question is Why?  What was really going on here that led the Americans to sacrifice their own people….

Feel free to contact me at kerry@projectcamelot.tv  if you feel you have any info that would shed light on this incident.




Taking video and pictures of the unusual craft, Epling was just one of thousands who saw the cigar-shaped craft across three states and the part-time star-gazer estimated the UFO to be operating at over 100,000 feet – over twice the height a commercial jet flies.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2223645/Man-photographs-hovering-cigar-shaped-UFO-hours-witnessed-thousands-states.html#ixzz2AQp0L9mI 
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Note: The Ashtar Command are service to self visitors with an agenda (alien-control collectivist hive mind)…. fyi


Project Camelot at the L.A Alchemy Event


Kerry Cassidy will be speaking at the L.A Alchemy Event November 17th. 
The event lasts from November 16th to the 18th and includes a number of interesting speakers.

Also appearing is Jerry Avalos, valued member of the Camelot crew and on the event panel Tommy Hansen will contribute as well, Tommy is most known as Project Camelot’s webmaster and has recently started a new radio show with Jerry Avalos hosted on Sceptre Radio Network. 

Click the poster below to get your tickets, tickets are now on sale with a limited time offer of only $139 per. person for three days of admission





The following was sent to me from a Source who is in touch with the NSA Whistleblower.  This is way above top secret.  The caveat is whether this is an “orchestrated leak” for purposes unknown.

This is the same guy who talked about the Colorado fires being used to camoflage the movement of large equipment.  

I cannot confirm or verify the following other than to say that my Source (*D) is fully trusted.  Whether he is being used and manipulated I do not know.  Regardless this is highly interesting intel that if true (and at least some of the points made have been substantiated by other testimony) then this is real insight into what the Secret Space Program is currently involved in:



* (D)  How are you?

* (Z)  Not to bad, Considering.

* (D) You’ve been away for some time.

* (Z) Yes. It was a long trip this time. Very hard on my team, and even harder on my family.

* (D) I thought you retired?

* (Z) Yea, right.

* (D) Can I jump right in?

* (Z) You’ve never been the shy type.

* (D) Was the jump room required for this assignment ?

* (Z) Your not going to stop with that are you?

* (D) You have to admit, it’s pretty amazing stuff to us mere mortals.

* (Z) Wish I’d never seen it.

* (D) So you have used it before?

* (Z) No Comment.

* (D) Can we talk about Mars?

* (Z) Some. Not very much.

* (D) I understand they are evacuating a lot of the surface personnel and sending most of the fleet back here. Is that true? Also, from what I understand they are apparently moving a lot of the bigger hardware, (Computers, Lab equipment and such), much deeper underground below the base. Correct?

* (Z) I’m impressed.

* (D) Is it true?

* (Z) Yes it’s true and much much more. Mars is going take the real beating. She will be closest during the passing (Nibiru), but trust me, we’ll get ours when the time comes.

* (D) Could you be a bit more specific? Ours?

* (Z) We will be on the other side of the Sun when Nibiru Pivots. Mars will be between Her (Nibiru) and the Sun. I think we can all see the massive canyon (Hebes) that was cut into Mars when Nibiru grounded during her last passage.

* (D) Copy that.

* (Z) In 2013, when we (The Earth) enter her debris field, we will also be Phasing at the entry of the “Rift”. No matter how good our targeting systems, our Plasma systems, if the polarity shifts (Multi Dimensional Phasing) or changes, we’re pretty much dead in the water. Nothing will Function. It would be like walking out into a hail storm without any clothing on. A rather painful experience. All Models & simulations show a  87 to 91 % probability of this occurring.

* (D) Thus, the extremely deep tunneling system, (Earth, Mars)?

* (Z) Yes, and other precautions.

* (D) Can we talk about the U.S. Military and their instructions within our country during the time of change?

* (Z) No.

* (D) Is it that bad?

* (Z) Yes.

* (D) Is Blue Beam Still on the Boards? Still a consideration?

* (Z) Yes. My team feels it will fail and cause more complications, more distrust within the Military. But there are some who feel it will be very convincing and needed for ultimate control and unification. I cannot express how disappointed I am concerning this decision.

* (D) Do we really have any say in this? Is there anything we can do, to oppose this group, their decisions?

* (Z) Not really. At this point, it would take Global Communication and Agreement. Not possible at our current level.

* (D) May I humbly ask how things got to this point?

* (Z) The technical deception was not realized until it was to late (1950s, early 1960s). The effort to correct the situation is being implemented. It’s so complex, it’s impossible to explain at this point, but extreme efforts are being made to change our alliance. Many of us have died attempting this.

* (D) I took your advise and took pictures during sunset outside the Denver DIA area. You can clearly see the Phasing Energy System in the sky.

* (Z) Try the Ultra Violet Spectrum System filters in 10 mg exposure. You’ll be amazed at what you’ll capture! I have to go. I’m sorry I can’t say more right now, but we’re doing what we can.

* (D) What else can I do?

* (Z) At this point, it’s what we’re all doing. Trying to help.

* (Z) Take care my friend.


10/26/2012 – William Dean Garner


William Dean Garner

Guest Bio


William Dean A. Garner is a former scientist, US Army Airborne Ranger, corporate mercenary with international private military firms he designed and helped build, and a New York Times bestselling ghostwriter and editor of many books. He’s currently Senior Editor at Adagio Press, based in Cape Town, South Africa. His latest book, Who Really Owns Your Gold: The Intended Global Meltdown of 2012-2014, details the entity riding the exacerbating the celestiophysical wave of geopolitical and geoeconomic violence. His books can be ordered here: http://adagiopress.com.




Please see the important info about water attached.  I will be releasing more information along these lines in the very near future.




For what it’s worth in this sound bite world… I had a dream about Obama last night.  He is leaving office.  I spent the night in the Oval office with him and his family… He is resigned to the fact that he is leaving.  That it didn’t work out.  He is relieved but saddened by the turn of events.

I spent hours talking with him.  He’s not a bad man contrary to what people would have you think.  He was groomed for this role yes, even genetically engineered for it.  But as a soul he wanted more.  However the Bush Cabal has held him in a tight grip.  Strangle hold.  

This is, anyway what I got.  And I don’t know when he is leaving… whether he will win the election (he might as well) and then step down or what kind of drama will ensue.

Of course Romney is also run by Bush.  But I don’t think he will win.  Neither do they.  According to my sources anyway, Obama is already selected as the ‘winner’.  What does he or anyone running end up with under the circumstances….?  

It’s like that ad on American Freedom Radio… the one with the comedian who says.. This guy runs for office.  He finally wins.  He reports to the oval office.  They sit him down and show him the Kennedy assasination from an angle he’s never seen before.  Then they ask him “any questions?”  

This is America.  It used to be a better place.  

So blame Obama if you need a face and a name but that’s not it…. This country is run by a secret government.  The President is a figurehead.  End of story.  Voting is a farce.  Dream on.  

We are the change we want to see in this world.  The revolution is now.  It is in the hearts and minds of the people.  It is only going to be led by people like you and me.  



We have two written transcripts of my radio show interview with Tman of the White Hats.  They are covering the same show content but are different in terms of layout.

PDF TRANSCRIPT – Tman_Transcript_10-19-12.pdf

PDF TRANSCRIPT – Click here for another version Tman Transcriptt 2  

Special thanks to both parties who worked on the transcripts.  We appreciate the very good and rapid response in getting this out there.