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I was sent the following today from a source who was warned to stay clear of the Patraeus matter:

… A WhiteHatCIA contact advises quote “Intel Community already caught up in this FireStorm. Further involvement will burn all parties down to the ground.. Obama issued a Scorched earth policy on these events… to become radioactive… you get anywhere near this you will ALL die.. All subject matter on this is going Nuclear as we speak.  I advise you & any others: … find you own way out as you will not survive the FireStorm let alone the impending fallout.”.– from an undisclosed source

Note:  please be aware the above terms “nuclear” and “radioactive” are descriptors and not meant to be literal…



Needless to say, it is too late… killer robots, (AI powered drones and nanobots are already in space above our heads).  With arguably a central command located in the satellite grid called MOTHER … and from there somehow linked to a mega command center called SKYNET.  According to at least one Camelot witness Pete Peterson, SKYNET is a fail safe ‘centcom’ where the major gateway to control contains an uncrackable interface.  Note: If you haven’t already seen our marathon 6 hour interview with Pete Peterson, this is a MUST SEE.

Why uncrackable?  Try to imagine what may happen if the wrong group of ETs get hold of the center for the AI where all the armies of robots (android, think human looking as well) report to… Terminator anyone?

This story in the Globe and Mail:  BAN URGED ON KILLER ROBOTS is simply a misdirect to give people the heads up that such things exist.

Human Rights Watch and Harvard Law School’s International Human Rights Clinic call for all states to agree to ban the “development, production and use of fully autonomous weapons.” They also want robot designers to enact a “code of conduct” to keep the genie of killing machines with artificial intelligence in the bottle.” –Paul Koring, The Globe and Mail

These things are in place and operational.  Also see my radio interview with Anthony Sanchez for more on PROJECT LEONID (the nanosatellite grid) and the Lockheed Martin whistle blowers who worked on it.. then went on the run and blew the whistle.  

It is also significant that even though I have filmed at least 2 full interviews with Anthony that after both of them, Anthony has received death threats and therefore asked me not to release them.  In spite of having done multiple interviews with others, Anthony tells me not to release our interview because as has been demonstrated, when I do an interview the PTB get especially nervous…




I received an email containing thoughts and comments on Marshall’s book, “Allies of Humanity”.  I thought many others might be interested in my reply…

As you may know I interviewed Marshall a while back.  Here is the link in case you or those reading this haven’t seen it and are interested:


In that interview you will hear me question him about many of his conclusions.  Frankly, I am convinced there is no Quarantine around Earth (if there ever was one) and the Draconians and Repitilians are still here.  Evidence of the lack of a quarantine is plentiful as is evidence of the Draconian/Reptilian presence and substantial whistleblower testimony to this fact exists as well.

The infiltration and intervention here on Earth by service-to-self beings is widely documented and obvious in the bloodlines and behaviors of their “boots on the ground” humans as well as their own inter dimensional interactions with our dimension on a regular basis.

In my view you are completely misled if you are unaware of this.

Marshall has a somewhat old fashioned picture of humanity and our capabilities and level of development.  His material is based on regaining our sovereignty when that sovereignty was long lost. (Although he is correct that regaining sovereginty is highly desirable if not vital). As a simple example the Grey-Human Hybrid program has been wildly successful and the poisoning of our atmosphere is just one example of how those in power are working to terraform our planet to make it more comfortable for Reptilian based hybrids who favor a more methane-like/radiation infused atmosphere to thrive.

Creating a “cooperation” with the infiltration of Greys whose agenda is takeover based and has nothing to do with the survival of the core of various human bloodlines, is therefore absurd.  Even George Lobuono, who I have also interviewed is aware of this.

Your information is clearly based on false data coming from the Channeling Matrix.  This is not accurate data and I do not view the intervention as simply “too powerful,” on the contrary.  

There is also clear evidence that at least within the U.S. Secret Space Program there is a large contingent who are now redirecting (and attempting to rectify) their wrongful collusion with the Greys, Reptilians and other service-to-self races and to take the technology gained to extricate Earth from the hold of these various groups.  How successful we will be in removing the strangle-hold around Planet Earth remains to be seen.  

Lastly the added complication of an AI based nanotech race of robots may ultimately be another impending and very real adversary here on Planet Earth that the military industrial complex has already partially created and also been infiltrated by… leading to what is known in some circles as Metatron.  This has to do with parallel Earth and an agenda that is heavily mixed into the robotic super soldier contingent.  It also is a key to what the real struggle is all about which is between “hive mind” and AI versus the angelic human (soul development/natural return to source/self-realization path).  This is what is really going on in the war between the various races… And once you know this the exo-political landscape becomes much more understandable.

Lastly the Anunnaki and return of Horus is a very real additional scenario to what we are dealing with.  Yes, there are Anunnaki here and ‘walking the halls of the pentagon’ but beyond that within the Anunnaki Horus is seen as emphasizing the more “Enlil” side of the equation (totalitarian rule) and his return is something apparently eagerly awaited by those consciously bent on New World Order…  Bush included.  There is some evidence that he might have already arrived in fact.  Dealing with the Anunnaki is something we will ultimately need to come to terms with and if we manage to regain our hold on Earth, negotiate a settlement with in my view.  Their agenda is not an invasion scenario (unlike the Greys and Reptilians) but a power over/control agenda.  

Needless to say, this is a vast conspiracy we are involved in.  One that did not originate with Earth and won’t end here either regardless of whether we (this version of the human race) survives.



I received an email containing thoughts and comments on Marshall’s book, “Allies of Humanity”.  I thought many others might be interested in my reply…

As you may know I interviewed Marshall a while back.  Here is the link in case you or those reading this haven’t seen it and are interested:


In that interview you will hear me question him about many of his conclusions.  Frankly, I am convinced there is no Quarantine around Earth (if there ever was one) and the Draconians and Repitilians are still here.  Evidence of the lack of a quarantine is plentiful as is evidence of the Draconian/Reptilian presence and substantial whistleblower testimony to this fact exists as well.

The infiltration and intervention here on Earth by service-to-self beings is widely documented and obvious in the bloodlines and behaviors of their “boots on the ground” humans as well as their own inter dimensional interactions with our dimension on a regular basis.

In my view you are completely misled if you are unaware of this.

Marshall has a somewhat old fashioned picture of humanity and our capabilities and level of development.  His material is based on regaining our sovereignty when that sovereignty was long lost. (Although he is correct that regaining sovereginty is highly desirable if not vital). As a simple example the Grey-Human Hybrid program has been wildly successful and the poisoning of our atmosphere is just one example of how those in power are working to terraform our planet to make it more comfortable for Reptilian based hybrids who favor a more methane-like/radiation infused atmosphere to thrive.

Creating a “cooperation” with the infiltration of Greys whose agenda is takeover based and has nothing to do with the survival of the core of various human bloodlines, is therefore absurd.  Even George Lobuono, who I have also interviewed is aware of this.

Your information is clearly based on false data coming from the Channeling Matrix.  This is not accurate data and I do not view the intervention as simply “too powerful,” on the contrary.  

There is also clear evidence that at least within the U.S. Secret Space Program there is a large contingent who are now redirecting (and attempting to rectify) their wrongful collusion with the Greys, Reptilians and other service-to-self races and to take the technology gained to extricate Earth from the hold of these various groups.  How successful we will be in removing the strangle-hold around Planet Earth remains to be seen.  

Lastly the added complication of an AI based nanotech race of robots may ultimately be another impending and very real adversary here on Planet Earth that the military industrial complex has already partially created and also been infiltrated by… leading to what is known in some circles as Metatron.  This has to do with parallel Earth and an agenda that is heavily mixed into the robotic super soldier contingent.  It also is a key to what the real struggle is all about which is between “hive mind” and AI versus the angelic human (soul development/natural return to source/self-realization path).  This is what is really going on in the war between the various races… And once you know this the exo-political landscape becomes much more understandable.

Lastly the Anunnaki and return of Horus is a very real additional scenario to what we are dealing with.  Yes, there are Anunnaki here and ‘walking the halls of the pentagon’ but beyond that within the Anunnaki Horus is seen as emphasizing the more “Enlil” side of the equation (totalitarian rule) and his return is something apparently eagerly awaited by those consciously bent on New World Order…  Bush included.  There is some evidence that he might have already arrived in fact.  Dealing with the Anunnaki is something we will ultimately need to come to terms with and if we manage to regain our hold on Earth, negotiate a settlement with in my view.  Their agenda is not an invasion scenario (unlike the Greys and Reptilians) but a power over/control agenda.  

Needless to say, this is a vast conspiracy we are involved in.  One that did not originate with Earth and won’t end here either regardless of whether we (this version of the human race) survives.



… I know you’re out there. I can feel you now. I know that you’re afraid. You’re afraid of us. You’re afraid of change. I don’t know the future. I didn’t come here to tell you how this is going to end. I came here to tell you how it’s going to begin. I’m going to hang up this phone and then I’m going to show these people what you don’t want them to see. I’m going to show them a world without you, a world without rules and controls, without borders or boundaries, a world where anything is possible. Where we go from there is a choice I leave to you. –Neo, from The Matrix, (the movie)







11/16/2012 – Randy Powell / Matt Pulver – Guest Host


Matt Pulver (Guest Host from Blue-Science.org, talks to Randy Powell about math, Mark Rodin, God’s language, altered states of consciousness, the torus and the #9.

Click here for Youtube link

Revolution Radio

The ABHA Kingdom



Alchemy Event this weekend


Alchemy Event happening tomorrow in Irvine, Southern California November 16-18!

Kerry will be doing a presentation over Skype and there is also a number of other interesting speakers.

There is still time to get tickets, click here to get tickets

If you can not show in person, you can also stream the entire event live by clicking here

The event will be broadcasted by the Camelot crew.





..It has also been reported that Egyptian commando's and tanks have moved into the Sinai Desert (unverified).

"14/11/12 The operation, called “Pillar of Defense”, has been launched by the Israel military. Many of the buildings in the downtown Gaza City are on fire after being attacked by Israeli warplanes."

And so it goes…  Israel taking advantage of what?  An opportunity horizon…?

Meanwhile, we have a coup in the American government,… going against the Bush Cabal.  This involves high level generals and other military.  They may be fighting to turn this ship of state around… Do not fall for the lies about extramarital affairs and other nonsense.

viewfromarooftop2012-11-15 at 12.41.52 PM copy



For those who are wondering about the real story behind the Patraeus affair, here is a completely different angle:

General Petraeus has been and remains personal friends of Paula Broadwell and her husband for over 20 years.

Broadwell was trying to protect General Petraeus and Ambassador Stevens from an FBI Division 5 Israeli Mossad instigated email hacking attack against General Petraeus and Stevens as Petraeus and Stevens and other patriotic members of the U.S. military were compiling “smoking gun evidence” concerning the criminal money laundering activity of the Bush-Clinton-Cheney Crime Family Syndicate’s Omega Fund.

Note: The Omega Fund has accrued massive profits from the illegal rigging of the LIBOR rate tied to Barclays Bank of England, UBS Switzerland and Citibank of New York.” — Tom Heneghan http://www.myspace.com/tom_heneghan_intel/blog

Tom Heneghan’s blog references links to death of Ambassador Stevens (characterized as a targeted hit)…

As we have reported in previous intelligence briefings, Ambassador Stevens was in possession of the December of 2001 Osama bin Laden aka 9/11 patsy and CIA employee Tim Osman’s death certificate.

Stevens also was in possession of financial records regarding the money laundry activities of the Bush-Clinton-Cheney Crime Family Syndicate administered Omega Fund, which was involved in launderingWanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocol Funds through nine (9) major U.S. banking institutions.

Again, it is important to remember that the night of the Benghazi attacks massive volatility took place in gold, silver and crude oil futures in which billions of dollars were rearranged and disguised in illegal cross-collateralized derivatives tied to Citibank and the London LIFFE Exchange.’–Tom Heneghan  http://www.stewwebb.com/IMF_Protocol_Implementation_Continues_20121111.htm

This statement from a previous intel report by Heneghan sums up the link between this takedown of Patraeus just before he is due to testify regarding the Benghazi incident:

Petraeus was ready to finger current dysfunctional U.S. Secretary of State, loser Hillary RodenhurstClinton for ordering a U.S. military stand down as U.S. Libyan Ambassador Christopher Stevens was being assassinated by bought and paid for U.S. government provocateurs, as well as the rogue U.S. CIA data base aka Al Qaeda. — Tom Heneghan http://www.stewwebb.com/IMF_Protocol_Implementation_Continues_20121111.htm

To add to the complexity of what is really going on, this MSNBC article reveals that Broadwell is actually an agent

The new information offers clues about how federal investigators could connect a handful of anonymous emails to Broadwell, a trained intelligence officer who spent years working with some of the most secretive agencies in the world. –NBC News article http://openchannel.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/11/12/15119872-emails-on-coming-and-goings-of-petraeus-other-military-officials-escalated-fbi-concerns?lite

If this is the case, then Broadwell’s role is much more than that of a simple “biographer”.  What all of the above points to is a war with the Bush Cabal from within our government that now reaches into the offices of the President, Secretary of State and Attorney General. It also raises the possibility that there is a widening of the net around the recent reported  “coup” that resulted in:

General Petraeus’s toppling follows similar attacks by the Obama regime in the past 3 weeks that has seen the unprecedented ouster of many top US Military leaders including Rear Admiral Charles M. Gaouette, US Army General Carter Ham, Brigadier General Jeffery A. Sinclair, and US Navy Commander Joseph E. Darlak, all of whom we had previously reported on in our reports “Obama Coup Plot Slams Into Russia” and “Obama Fires Top Admiral As Coup Plot Fears Grows.” http://www.eutimes.net/2012/11/obama-topples-top-coup-leader-after-washington-gunbattle/

The focus on the so-called scandal of an extramarital affair by Patraeus, is a news smear tactic to take eyes away from the real battle going on in Washington DC.  The American people have no idea that a battle is raging to takeover the government by a least one group of the military.  What their agenda is and whether they will be successful is unclear.  

However, it appears that the Bush Cabal is facing a challenge to power coming from within high levels of the military who are working in conjunction with a portion of the CIA and perhaps others.   The media blitz is the way the Bush cabal is fighting back.  

This battle being fought in the public arena between the two sides is one aimed at hiding behind character assasination attacks in order to ward off real investigation into the deaths of Americans in Benghazi, revelations about Libor, the Omega Fund and much much more…

Question:  Were Patraeus and Ambassador Stevens members of a very strong and substantial group working to take down the Bush Cabal?  If so, what are their true objectives and alignments?

As this drama moves forward be aware that the players on both sides are coming forward and taking stands in the public arena.  You will know who belongs to which side or at least have a key to their allegiances by what roles they play… and the statements they make to the Press.  If only the Press were really interested in revealing the truth and the bigger story beyond the superficial red herrings they chose to follow… always involving sex and scandal as oppoesed to reporting the breakdown of the U.S., regime change and where this is all leading.