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La Violette: Galactic Superwave Possible in Coming Months


Paul La Violette has adjusted his view of the potential for a possible Galactic Superwave to incorporate additional information.  See the following recent blog post:


In this post he states that scientists have been tracking a dense cloud of gas heading for the Galactic Center with the closest approach expected to occur around the beginning of July 2013.  When I ran into Paul at a recent event in Pennsylvania where we were both invited to participate in a gathering of scientists and ufo/consciousness investigators, he mentioned this new information to me.  In response, I talked about the recent Project Camelot Roundtable discussions with Courtney Brown.  And mentioned his Farsight Institute remote viewing of 2013 and some of their findings.  

Since then, Paul has gotten in contact with Courtney and reviewed the results of the 2013 viewing in detail.  He has now posted an update (linked above) stating that this information may alter his view of when a Galactic Superwave may be expected to reach our solar system.

Paul writes: Recently we reported the story that scientists have been tracking a dense cloud of gas heading for the Galactic Center with its closest approach to the GC being expected to occur around the beginning of July 2013.  See the G2 cloud story below on this superwave forum.  But those conclusions may need radical revision.  Just last week my attention was called to a disturbing report put out by the Farsight Institute, an organization that conducts remote viewing experiments.

….remote viewing data appears to suggest that a superwave-like event will strike prior to June 1st 2013, hence some time between the last month of 2012 and the first five months of 2013.  These findings become particularly ominous given that astronomers know that a large gas cloud with a possible hidden dwarf star is making its way toward Galactic center perigee by July 2013.”

With the foregoing in mind… Paul La Violette advises…

…”Consult your own intuition.  The Starburst Foundation which hosts this forum doesn’t necessarily endorse this future view conclusion.  But we feel that we should at least inform the public about this finding and its possible indication of an impending superwave arrival.” — Paul La Violette

Link to article:

Possible Arrival of a Galactic Superwave within the Coming Months

Click here for the Project Camelot interview with Paul La Violette.

Go here for the Courtney Brown Camelot Roundtable 

Go here for the Courtney Brown Radio Interview




JUST RELEASED TODAY!  My interview with Richard Alan Miller…



 linked here to the page:


Richard Alan Miller has a background working in black projects above top secret. He has recently come forward in a more public way to talk about his experiences and has several new books he has published focusing on alchemy, psychic development and much more. He is a master magician, known in Illuminati circles and occult lodges but one with a true heart.

Here’s a link to Rick Miller’s blog item regarding today’s Lunar Eclipse (November 28th):


His website:  http://richardalanmiller.com/


Richard Alan Miller : Magus Who Came In From The Cold




Richard Alan Miller has a background working in black projects above top secret. He has recently come forward in a more public way to talk about his experiences and has several new books he has recently published focusing on alchemy, psychic development and much more. He is a master magician, known in Illuminati circles and occult lodges but one with a true heart.

Kerry Cassidy

Project Camelot



Richard Alan Miller: Physicist, Bio Physicist, Herbalist – Born : 1944

Author & researcher Richard Alan Miller reveals a wealth and depth of knowledge and experience in Alternative Agriculture, New Age Physics, and Metaphysics. Miller began working in the “X-Files” world in the 60s and has amazing experiences and conclusions to share.

An original team-member, “man-in-black,” Miller’s research in the field of Parapsychology & Paraphysics began as a graduate physicist working 11 years with Navy Intel.

Offering fresh perspectives on Metaphysical traditions his books, papers & articles include The Modern Alchemist; ESP Induction Through Forms of Self-Hypnosis, and “A Holographic Concept of Reality.”

Richard Alan Miller has been at the forefront of many fields during his long and varied career. A solid-state physicist with graduate work at MIT, Miller was involved in groundbreaking work for cloaked agencies in the late ’60s and ’70s. A colleague of Dr. Stanley Krippner, Miller co-authored in 1973 the paper, The Holographic Concept of Reality – a document whose implications for psychoenergetic systems are only now beginning to be realized.

He is a Swiss mason and also belongs to O.T.O., A:.A:., and several other German Blue Lodges. He has been initiated into a number of pagan cults, including Church of All World (1974-) and Coven Camelot, Star of the North (1973-). Miller is listed in Who’s Who in the World, America, and the West, and now writes for Nexus magazine.

Wednesday Night Guest : Michael Lee Hill-Updated


As preparation for my interview on American Freedom Radio Wednesday night with Michael Lee Hill, I suggest anyone interested read the following links:





This particular link outlines various aspects of the Big Picture with emphasis on the Marduk/Enlil information and various players associated with it.  This is background info.



Added links:


Michael Lee Hill’s GREAT MUSIC:


Steve Vai Talks about Cleveland Guitarist Michael Lee Hill!


Dan Reed and MLH performing “Ritual”…  


Dan Reed and MLH performing “Holy Diver” –  a tribute to Ronnie James Dio





ORCHESTRATING 2012: Calling All Light Warriors


As many of you know I am taking a group to Egypt on December 10th through the 23rd.  I find it particularly interesting that not only has there been added Israeli incursions into Gaza at this time, but now we have rioting in the streets of Cairo over the latest grab for additional state powers by President Morsi.  In order to placate the rioters he says it’s “only temporary”… time will tell.

A while back Sean David Morton was talking about the special alignment at Giza on December 3rd 2012… And now someone else, Charles Marcelo, has also stumbled on this information and written extensively on the subject;  http://blog.world-mysteries.com/science/2012-and-the-pyramids-at-giza/

To quote Sean…

“MERCURY (HORUS), VENUS (ISIS) and SATURN are ALL ALIGNing in SCORPIO Now the PHOENIX …rising from the ashes The alignment happens 25, 960 MINUTES before the DEC. 21 WINTER SOLTICE! SO THE COUNTDOWN BEGINS!”.

The fact is, they are closing the Great Pyramid on December 21st.  I would like to know if they are also closing it on December 3rd.  This would be very revealing… I have no doubt that the riots are being orchestrated to coincide with this alignment and keep people away from the Giza plateau during this time of highly significant planetary energetics.  

We will be on the Plateau on the 20th and in the vicinity along with many other groups on December 21st… bringing in the Light.  

CALLING ALL LIGHT WARRIORS!!   I urge everyone to join us in our meditations for Peace and Worldwide Enlightenment during these 2 days… Wherever you are… share the grace that is our birthright and may the truth prevail on Planet Earth.


TODAY: 11 AM PST Kerry Live on OYM Radio



Today at 11AM PST I will be interviewed on Open Your Mind Ireland radio. 

Click here to listen   http://www.oymireland.com/ 

For those who missed the show here is the link to the podcast:






This interview contains the latest info and overview of goings on…

For more info go to:


11/23/2012 – Gwenyth Todd


Gwenyth Todd

2nd interview – click here for Youtube link

Note:  to listen/download the September 26, 2012 show with Gwenyth…Click here

BIO: (taken from various source material)

From the bio posted by Kevin Barett:

"…Gwenyth is the highest-level former US government operative I’ve yet interviewed. A White House Middle East policy adviser under Clinton, she was personally recruited by Richard “Prince of Darkness” Perle to become the Bush Administration’s geo-strategic adviser to the Admiral(s) running America’s crucial 5th Fleet in Bahrain. Unbeknownst to Perle – who thought she was a loyal neocon –

Gwenyth agreed with the first Admirals she worked with to undermine neocon plans to arrange a war-trigger incident vs. Iran. When the neocons replaced the loyal admirals with potentially treasonous ones, and set up a false-flag operation to trigger a 2007 war on Iran, Gwenyth violated direct orders by alerting loyal officials in the State Department, stopping the false-flag warmongers in their tracks and possibly saving the lives of hundreds of US sailors. In retribution, she was targeted for legal and extra-legal harassment, and had to flee for her life to Australia, where the harassment continues. (She was prevented from recording this show for several hours by apparent telephone and internet jamming – and the moment she suggested that Richard Clarke is a prime 9/11 suspect, our connection was cut!)."  — quoted from the Kevin Barrett Show bio on Gwenyth Todd

(Also recommended:  Read Gordon Duff’s recent article about Gwenyth Todd and then last week’s 5-page spread on Gwenyth Todd in the Washington Post)


Gwyneth Todd was from a long line of American diplomats, bankers, spies and scholars going back to Revolutionary times.

Her first 17 years had been spent following her father, Kenneth Thompson, a career diplomat, and mother, Eve Tyler, granddaughter of a renowned art collector, through embassies in Malta, Turkey, West Africa, England and Spain.

Summers were spent at the family chateau in France, where the bloodline led back to Napoleon.

But Washington was home. Her maternal grandfather, William Royall Tyler, had been an assistant secretary of state in the Kennedy administration and director of Dumbarton Oaks, the estate and center for Byzantine and pre-Columbian art studies.

The estate’s original owners, Robert and Mildred Bliss, were intimate friends of her family. “When we weren’t overseas, I spent much of my time as a child playing in the gardens,” Todd said during one of several interviews in the past year.

She graduated Phi Beta Kappa in Near and Middle Eastern studies from the University of California at Berkeley, then earned a master’s in Arabic and international affairs in 1990 at Georgetown University.


The Last Time We Had a Coup in America


With everything that is going on behind the scenes it is interesting to reflect back on history.  

Victor Martinez is a writer/editor who runs a newsgroup and sometimes collects info on a topic and aggregates it.  He has done this recently with regard to the Kennedy assassination.  In a recent release he cites this quote, from Madeleine Duncan Brown’s book, “Texas in the Morning” which highlights Kennedy’s view on a future running mate just prior to his death:

Kennedy’s secretary, Evelyn Lincoln wrote that the day President Kennedy left for Dallas, they discussed the Bobby Baker scandal, LBJ’s deep involvement in it, and the effects of the scandal on the campaign. Kennedy told her: “I will need a running mate in ’64, a man who believes as I do.” 

Lincoln wrote: “President Kennedy had talked and I had just listened, but I did venture one question. Now I asked, “Who is your choice as a running mate?”

He looked straight ahead, and without hesitating, he replied: ‘At this time, I am thinking about Governor Terry Sanford of N Carolina. BUT IT WILL NOT BE LYNDON.’ “

Besides being an interesting side point supporting the widely known fact that  LBJ was one of the men behind the assassination, this particular quote is revealing in another way pertinent to the current state of affairs surrounding the Patraeus matter.  It has long been my view that the Kennedy assassination was a coup that took place on American soil and that since then, we have had the emergence of a group running this country who are bent on an agenda which has not changed since that time.  They were, in place and in positions of power prior to the Kennedy assassination, it’s true, but the killing of Kennedy revealed there was no action they would not take in order to be in control of America.  

Fast-forward to now.  With Patraeus and the other generals being demoded or asked to step down from their posts… and the widening circle of deceit going on around it, is a vast conspiracy to cover up what appears to have been (and is) a coup to take back America from those who cemented their power back in the time of Kennedy.  

In many respects, another coup, is a last resort to take back the government by, from what I am told, are “the constitutionalists”… Those who have decided they no longer care to do the bidding of a Commander-in-Chief who is run by Bush senior (and those behind him).  They see this as an administration that has departed so far from the constitution that our current government has more in common with a totalitarian state (Stalin, Hitler) than anything that resembles a democracy. And they have decided ‘they aren’t gonna take it anymore.’

However, exposing someone to ridicule in the media, or demoting them does not necessarily stop them or their colleagues from launching a coup.  It simply puts them on notice that this is not going to be done quietly.

I do not have any clear information that Patraeus is among those in military who want to take our country back.  But it’s a real possibiity.

What I do know, is that I have had multiple sources coming forward to substantiate the fact that this is going on.  There is an attempt to take back this government by those in military, ex-military and intel agencies (those in positions to be able to do something)… And you, the people, need to know this.  Why?  Because your future and that of your friends and families is at stake.

What the current ‘regime’ doesn’t want you to know is that this rebellion within the ranks is very real… and that it has become a force to be reconned with.  Now, clearly they (the Bush cabal) are closing ranks and using every means to eliminate the opposition (so far short of outright killing them — and the death of Ambassador Stevens may have been a shot across the bow to those who would rebel against this administration).  In fact, there are indications that Stevens was on the side of the Constitutionalists…. 

My point is that while many may doubt there is a coup attempt going on against the current administration, even though it was reported among other places, by Gordon Duff, on Veterans Today & Press TV… There is no doubt of the severe state of disarray that our government is in at this time.  And add to that the impending possible earth changes it makes for at the very least interesting times.  

Suffice to say, this opposition to the encroaching totalitarian rule here is not going to go away.  How it is dealt with and where we go from here is up to you.  I suggest becoming as vocal as possible to stand against this ‘order’ is a significant way to begin to awaken hearts and minds.  Without that, we are lost.  With the awareness growing throughout this country and then the world, perhaps we have a chance.  There is no telling the power of the people once they put their hearts and minds into something.

What I suggest is that around the world there are people who recognize that if America goes down (the way it has done for the years since Kennedy) that there is not a lot of hope for the rest of the world.  For whatever reason, this country is where freedom and liberty became the watchwords and foundation upon which it was built… if not in reality then at the very least in the hearts and minds of the people.  And this is where the idea flourished and took root. Needless to say that passion has been used and manipulated by illuminati and their associates both on and off planet.  However, this does not take anything away from the ideal that became rooted in this country.  

America was not only a leader economically or militarily but it became a place where those who were oppressed and discriminated against could go to make a new life… That symbol lives on in the hearts and minds of this people.  I do not believe that flame has been extinquished.  And this is the flame that they do not want to fan into a raging fury… This is what they don’t want to raise up from out of the ashes of our past.  And so they lie to you about what is really going on in the backrooms of Washington and the halls of the Pentagon, CIA, DIA and more…  Because if you knew there was an effort to take back the country and put her back on track what would you do?  Would you join them? Would you raise your voices louder, you who have been beaten down by the tyranny of the state here in the so-called “United” States of America?  

Or would you prefer go quietly into this dark night and see the America your fathers and their fathers fought and died for, subside into totalitarianism without protest?

I see many who have decided to jump this ship, departing for other countries in hope of finding another place to live and flourish without the all-seeing eye of state looking over their shoulders, monitoring their every move, surveilling their every thought.  But I wonder it this the answer?  Can you escape the tyranny that is moving through the land and around the world if you do not stand your ground?