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Jordan Maxwell – 12/07/2012


Jordan Maxwell discusses his work, including new research and what his plans are for the future.

Click here to listen/download the mp3

Click here for the Youtube link

Revolution Radio link

click here for Jordan Maxwell’s new site:





Camelot is looking for a highly skilled camera person and/or crew to shoot UFOs.  Our sponsor will buy all new camera equipment but could use expert advice on what to buy etc.  This includes night vision.

This is a work-for-hire project… you will be paid.  This will be financed by a hidden sponsor.  

Interested parties contact me:  kerry@projectcamelot.tv

Your expenses and travel will be paid.

Richard Alan Miller – Magus who Came in from the Cold


Richard Alan Miller has a background working in black projects above top secret. He has recently come forward in a more public way to talk about his experiences and has several new books he has recently published focusing on alchemy, psychic development and much more. He is a master magician, known in Illuminati circles and occult lodges but one with a true heart.

[videopress dXekkQ23]

backup video:

Kerry Cassidy

Project Camelot



Richard Alan Miller: Physicist, Bio Physicist, Herbalist – Born : 1944

Author & researcher Richard Alan Miller reveals a wealth and depth of knowledge and experience in Alternative Agriculture, New Age Physics, and Metaphysics. Miller began working in the “X-Files” world in the 60s and has amazing experiences and conclusions to share.

An original team-member, “man-in-black,” Miller’s research in the field of Parapsychology & Paraphysics began as a graduate physicist working 11 years with Navy Intel.

Offering fresh perspectives on Metaphysical traditions his books, papers & articles include The Modern Alchemist; ESP Induction Through Forms of Self-Hypnosis, and “A Holographic Concept of Reality.”

Richard Alan Miller has been at the forefront of many fields during his long and varied career. A solid-state physicist with graduate work at MIT, Miller was involved in groundbreaking work for cloaked agencies in the late ’60s and ’70s. A colleague of Dr. Stanley Krippner, Miller co-authored in 1973 the paper, The Holographic Concept of Reality – a document whose implications for psychoenergetic systems are only now beginning to be realized.

He is a Swiss mason and also belongs to O.T.O., A:.A:., and several other German Blue Lodges. He has been initiated into a number of pagan cults, including Church of All World (1974-) and Coven Camelot, Star of the North (1973-). Miller is listed in Who’s Who in the World, America, and the West, and now writes for Nexus magazine.




Begin forwarded message:

From: Unwanted Publicity <unwantedpublicity@gmail.com>;

Subject: Re: Unwanted publicity-thank you!! — PLEASE ASSIST

Date: December 5, 2012 3:19:11 PM PST

To: Kerry Cassidy <kerry@projectcamelotportal.com>;


Hi Kerry!


The sites were taken down, however here are the internet archives URL

web links ( below ):


Unwanted Publicity Intelligence ( website host, Multiply.Com )


Background –


An internet post on August 9, 2009 by Paul Collin, host of the

Unwanted Publicity series of websites, began revealing details

surrounding a clandestine U.S. government intelligence operation

conducted ( 1998 – 2012 ) through an Office of Special Investigations

( OSI ) buried within the Immigration Customs Enforcement ( ICE )

under the U.S. Department of Homeland Security on behalf of the U.S.

Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, California through its Los

Angeles Branch director Robert Davis whose name and signature appeared

beneath ‘official U.S. Federal Reserve letterhead stationery’, color

copies of which, amongst internal foreign bank secure account

transaction data plus more, was publicly displayed as ‘proof’ with an

‘introductory report’ the likes of which no one would initially

believe – except for DHS ICE OSI Special Agent Nicholas Jones who ran

the global network of Non-Official Cover ( NOC ) foreign-based U.S.

government intelligence ‘contract assets’.


In late 2009, Special Agent Jones, sent an ‘official government

request via e-mail’ asking Collin to remove any and all references

linked to the U.S. government NOC asset Neil Benjamin Gibson who lived

in Agoura Hills, California just north of Los Angeles.


Over the following 3-years, Collin uncovered, amongst other

international activities, a tightly knit global network of Islamic

9/11 terrorist financing individuals involved with legacy era Series

1934 U.S. Federal Reserve Bank Note coupon-type Bonds bearing gace

value cumulative total amounts in the trillions, which the U.S.

Federal Reserve Bank saw DHS assigned to coordinate with other U.S.

government intelligence domestic and foreign branch organization



Collin immediately refused an ‘official U.S. government reward program

offered via e-mail from U.S. government Special Agent Nicholas Jones’

who did however agree to at-least supply Collin with very basic

expenses, which Collin was never paid.


On or about early 2012, Collin contacted his Washington, D.C. Metro

Area attorney ( Joseph J. D’Erasmo ) who on behalf of Collin contacted

Special Agent Nicholas Jones who then – the following month – sent

Collin ‘another official U.S. government e-mail’ stating the reason

‘why’ Collin had ‘not yet been paid expenses’ ( for well over 1-year )

was that U.S. government foreign operations ( i.e. U.S. Secret Service

Foreign Branch and U.S. Central Intelligence Agency ) were dragging

their heels amidst some of the twelve ( 12 ) foreign cases Collin

privately vetted ( sorted out details of ) and arranged contact

facilitation of for the U.S. government during his first 6-months of



With more than six ( 6 ) additional foreign cases pending ( total of

18 plus more on Collin’s clandestine launchpad ) for U.S. government

foreign operation taskings, Collin finally gave up when Special Agent

Nicholas Jones failed to continue tasking Collin’s overseas

intelligence work products.


The fact of the U.S. government having failed to live up to its end of

the business agreement, abandoned Collin’s hope of at-least being paid

his very basic expenses.


Consequently, Collin has since ended-up walking the streets as a

homeless person in Los Angeles, California after losing his minivan (

home-office for 6-years ) because he could not keep it insured and

registered by law.


Parts of the U.S. foreign intelligence story behind what Collin wound

up being trapped in the middle of, was initially published on Collin’s

now-defunct  financial intelligence website ( i.e. Unwanted Publicity

Intelligence hosted by Multiply.Com ), had a few webpages located and

resurrected from within internet archive links ( below ) – but they

are being erased by whom Collin believes and refers to as “The Bashful

Ones” interalia via U.S. government intelligence private-sector

oversight organizational assistances.


– –


Source: Wayback Machine ( Internet Archives )


Circa: May 19, 2010


Unwanted Publicity Intelligence, the website archive links ( below ):


Reference Links –












– –


Collin still retains a few copies of all his files plus his most

current webpages in electronic file formats, however fears for his

personal safety – should he release them from within his unsupported

living situation at the current time – may reach a ‘terminal

conclusion’ neither Collin nor the general public would like to see

happen so, this incredibly complex yet sensitive situation requires

swift yet unusual assistance to assist Collin who, for decades now,

has championed public disclosure on a myriad of topics ( e.g. from

GeoAstrophysical anomalies and Advanced & Emerging Technology Space &

Defense Programs and Projects to clandestine U.S. government funding a

plethora of what the public was never told ).


When asked “when” he would release all his documentary evidence

‘again’, this time to a journalist for a public production, Collin

pointedly glared and said:


“As soon as I no longer have to be homeless. People cannot easily

recognize dangers associated with openly marketing certain foreign

high-risk skill-sets as mine. You won’t even find my specialties in

the Yellow Pages because in most all countries, this type of work is a

crime, sanctioned only by certain circumstances under but a few

secretive government organizations. ‘The Bashful Ones’ I call them.”


That’s were this situation rests today and that’s ‘why’ a good many

people do not want to see Collin laid to waste by interferences in

getting the word out to help ‘him’ now when he really needs genuine



He does not want for anyone to put their self or households in any

financial jeopardy but does need to mount emergency donations to get

him off the streets ( away from violent street element dangers ) and

back into at-least a suitably secure used vehicle where he can

maintain a mobile home-office to survive.


Any donations ( small or large ) are to be certainly appreciated, and

in this instance, held in confidence.







previous post:

This man is in very desperate straits… Needs help financially.  He has a website that might have been taken down called Unwanted Publicity.

He was a forensic financial investigator… he is an amazing researcher.  And has tons of information.

If you can help him financially or otherwise to get him back on his feet or donate please contactunwantedpublicity@gmail.com and put   HELP OFFER   in the subject line.

He was living in his car in Long Beach area and now has lost his car and is living on the street.

He has a blackberry or iphone that still works somehow and can receive emails at the address below.





Alec Newald sent me this and I am sending it to all those who are opening their hearts and helping people like the Unwanted Publicity Guy!!!  Keep the help coming…

For more info on Unwanted Publicity:  GO HERE

And a shout out to all of you for helping Camelot survive!!!

Rock on….



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We are going to be doing an Awake & Aware conference in Joshua Tree, California, tentatively scheduled for February 22-23-24th!!

The conference will be hosted by and produced in association with J-topia.

Joshua Tree is an awesome place to hold an event and we will be working with the local hotels to get reasonable room rates for attendees.

This is very exciting news and we are in the process of compiling a speakers list.


Please send in your possible designs by pdf file to:  kerry@projectcamelot.tv  

The winning poster will be used in our ad campaign and posted on site at the event… Winner gets in FREE! or if they are too far away and can’t afford the airfare… will get a Free Streaming Ticket

Sponsors and Vendors welcome.  Write to:  christopher at:  christophermeadowbrook@gmail.com


See here for the sites belonging to our host:









…more details coming soon!

Don’t miss this important live discussion with Keshe.  

It’s been a year since I last interviewed him.  Click here to view the first Project Camelot interview with Keshe.

Be sure to tune in for this live update!

 Click here for the Keshe Foundation website: http://www.keshefoundation.org/en/

New! West VA Whistleblower – Radioactive Water


A couple of months ago I conducted a phone interview with a source who disappeared shortly thereafter.  I am now publishing this interview.

This is witness testimony from an insider with first-hand knowledge of radioactive water being dumped into the rivers of West Virginia, evidence of fracking using sulpheric acid, dope traffic from Afghanistan… the NWO moving in and running things … Although, at this time, this is unsubstantiated, this report is riveting and if true, contains crucial insider intel about what is really going on in a key area of the Northeast.