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For those of you who aren’t watching the Jesse Ventura “Conspiracy Theory” show.. I recommend checking this one out.  It’s a solid look at some of the preparations being made to go underground by the PTB… This is just one of many such installations across the country.







The Batman movie continues to factor into the geometric connection (geomancy) between the Aurora and Sandy Hook shootings.  See this Youtube which clearly pinpoints the mention in the movie of both Sandy Hook and Aurora.  Needless to say, this is no accident.

As I have mentioned on a few radio shows, there is a connection in terms of the satanic blood sacrifice with both the Aurora, Colorado shooting and the recent Sandy Hook massacre of 20 children and 7 adults. In other words the pattern reveals the work of dark magicians with a repitilian/ritualistic mindset.

There is, apparently, also a connection with the Libor scandal (although not as commonly thought).  Both fathers of the supposed “shooters”… that is, Machurian Candidates, James Holmes and Adam Lanza, were involved in the financial sector.  Although no real evidence of Peter Lanza, being asked to testify for the SEC on the Libor scandal has surfaced, it is significant that top GE Capital executives have been arrested as part of the Libor investigation…


NEW YORK (CNNMoney)A trio of former financial executives from General Electric are headed to prison after being found guilty of defrauding taxpayers in the municipal bond market. –CNNMoney article dated Oct 18, 2012 

The men are the first to be sentenced as part of the government’s ongoing investigation of bid-rigging in auctions for the investment of municipal bond proceeds by some of Wall Street’s biggest firms. The probe has yielded 20 indictments so far, with defendants coming from institutions including Bank of America (BAC, Fortune 500), JPMorgan (JPM, Fortune 500) and UBS (UBS).

 There is a link in that both firms GE Capital and GE-EFS are subsidiaries of General Electric (GE):

..According to Lanza’s Linkedin page, Lanza has worked “closely with many of the preeminent partnership tax advisors in the United States on a daily basis.” Currently Lanza is employed as the tax director and vice president of taxes at GE Energy Financial Services (GE-EFS).”–link to article

This link will soon become more obvious as the Libor scandal expands.  At this point, it is clear that this scandal involved the programming of the highly intelligent Adam Lanza and the equally bright James Holmes.  We are talking here about “sleepers” who are being carefully manipulated to carry out acts that a much more diabolical group of black magicians are orchestrating.  

When you study the occult the behavior of the programmed assassins (who likely had help either on the site or nearby), as has come to light in the case of Holmes who was found drugged in his car after the event.  It is still undetermined whether Lanza, who police say, turned his gun on himself after the shooting had any outside assistance although I believe this highly likely.  It is often the case with most programmed assassins, that there are usually nondescript “monitors” in the area at the time.  Secret government/agents often can be spotted somewhere on the scene monitoring (and possibly signalling) mind controlled individuals such as in the Norway shootings, and Gaby Gifford case as well as Aurora.  

See the Gordon Duff article for good questions highlighting the likely case that Adam Lanza did not act alone:  (some questions quoted here)

What happened to the report that Adam Lanza’s girlfriend and another friend were missing in New Jersey? 

What happened to the woodsman in a black jacket and camo pants who was arrested and handcuffed outside the school? He actually shouted to parents, “It wasn’t me.” Who was he and what was he doing there? 

What happened to the dark van or SUV that the police surrounded in the parking lot or the maroon sedan with a blown-out back window they were on the lookout for? 

The official story is that Nancy Lanza was a gun collector, who obeyed the law. But since 20-year-olds are not permitted to buy guns or ammo or carry guns in Connecticut, why would she give her “autistic” son access to both guns and ammo? 

A child asserts that he/she heard someone say, “Put your hands up,” followed by the reply, “Don’t shoot.” This indicates that the police took a suspect into custody inside the school. But if that was Adam Lanza, how did he kill himself after that point? 

Another child asserts that he/she saw a man pinned down to the ground with handcuffs on. Again, this indicates that the police took a suspect into custody. If that was Adam Lanza, how did he then kill himself? 

Is it reasonable for a geeky 20-year-old to carry two pistols and hundreds of rounds of ammunition while wearing a bulletproof vest and a mask?” –Gordon Duff, Press TV/Veteran’s Today articles


It is time people realize that there is a carefully formulated plan being orchestrated that involves a plotted series of incidents leading…somewhere.  Where, is not yet clear.  However, it is clear that the shared elements have to do with high finance, the expanding Libor investigations, blood sacrifice, the Batman movie connection, and the use of young sleeper assassins (Manchurian Candidates).

Other incidents also connected:  the sikh shootings, the arrest of a Melvin Morse, AI and financial profiling software, neuroscience, computer games and the Olympic openng/closing ceremonies.  For more on this see my previous blog posts linked below.

Previous articles:

James Holmes: Temporal Illusions & Time Travel


as well as this prior blog article:

Dark “NIght” Battle of the Robots


Additonal note:  It is also significant that Hurricane “Sandy” and Sandy Hook are connected.  Hurricane Sandy as evidence has indicated was steered to hit New York and provide a cover for the electronic transfer of massive funds (see my earlier articles with connecting links within below).  What is not clear is what happened regarding that massive funds transfer and why they did it…

Hurricane Sandy: Evidence of Planning & Haarp



Weather Modification & Hurricane Sandy


Recent link added:

This article by Jim Fetzer and Dennis Cimino is also worth reading and verifies the long rifle in the trunk could not have been used for the killings.  


Revolution Radio’s compilation of evidence:

A very good collection of information on Sandy Hook:


..to be continued.

12/28/2012 – Dennis McKenna & Anthony Sanchez


Dennis McKenna and Anthony Sanchez

Click here for the Youtube link

Click here to listen/download the mp3

Revolution Radio link

Dennis McKenna

Anthony F Sanchez – bio here




Kerry will be on the MIKE HARRIS RADIO SHOW on Rense today at 1pm PST to 3pm ( http://www.renseradio.com/    SCROLL DOWN TO MIKE HARRIS)

AND  at 6PM TONIGHT with ANTHONY SANCHEZ on Sceptre Radio.. 




And then, from 7pm to 9pm PST, I will be doing my regular Revolution Radio show with Guest Anthony Sanchez and DON’T MISS MY first hour guest William McKenna (brother of Terrence)… 




Kerry in the white desert, Egypt 2012  

This place is like nowhere else on Earth!


Update: Christmas 2012


greatpyramid inside


kerry 2012giza

Back from Egypt after a truly fascinating and inspiring trip.  A few random notes on events:

We did several successful light meditations in various strategic locations in Egypt.  Not the least of which was inside the Great Pyramid.  

It is important to note (this just in from a source) that …”people in Giza reported that on the 21st “foreigners” escorted by government cars were allowed into the Great Pyramid.” 

Please tweet and facebook this fact.  

Note:  the Great Pyramid was closed to all visitors on the 21st, all except those the government escorted in that is.

It is highly significant (and predictable) that this would be the case.  Intense chemtrailing was noted both in the days leading up to the 21st as well as on the 21st and days following.  In fact, many in our group had multiple bouts of sickness during our time in Egypt (myself included).  In all the times I have never been this sick both stomach, intestinal as well as respiratory… I think one can safely say that the chemical concoction being sprayed all over Egypt but especially in Giza and Cairo is substantially different in content from whatever they are spraying in the U.S.  Food for thought as to what they are doing to the Egyptian people.

The pyramid was closed unexpectedly as reported on the 12th and limited on the 18th and 19th.

I can say that there is no doubt that the area was a heavy duty ‘strike point’ for incoming energies to the planet.  The influx was massive and at times difficult to deal with.  I had visions of a battle taking place within the Great Pyramid (and interdimensionally) between the darkside (who have held the energies there in their control for some time), and the light.  The battle being waged is not over.

Thank you to those light warriors who accompanied me to anchor the light there and around the planet during this important time.

12/21/2012 – Steven D Kelley with Guest Hosts Tommy & Jerry


Steven D Kelley

(substitute hosted by Tommy Hansen & Jerry Avalos while Kerry was in Egypt)

Click here to listen/download the mp3

Click here for Youtube link

Revolution Radio link

Bio here




Meditation has now started!


We will be on the Plateau on the 20th and in the vicinity along with many other groups on December 21st… bringing in the Light.  

CALLING ALL LIGHT WARRIORS!!   I urge everyone to join us in our meditations for Peace and Worldwide Enlightenment during these 2 days… Wherever you are… share the grace that is our birthright and may the truth prevail on Planet Earth.

Anytime that you join in during the alignment (December 18-21st) you will be able to connect with us and people worldwide who are united in manifesting the light.  

We are also planning to arrange a live broadcast from Egypt… more info coming soon!


The ACTUAL ALIGNMENT with GALACTIC CENTER is from 6:00am Dec. 18 to 6:00am Dec. 19. THIS is when the SUN will be aligned with 27º SAGITTARIUS, which is true galactic center.  (courtesy of Sean David Morton– I am assuming his time zone is PST).  This event will span days not minutes and hours… possibly even months.   In fact if it is a true Shift it will encompass years… –Kerry

12/14/2012 – Richard Dolan and Anthony Sanchez w/Guest Hosts


First Segment: (substitute hosted by Tommy Hansen & Jerry Avalos while Kerry was in Egypt)

Richard Dolan

Click here to listen/download the mp3

Click here for Youtube link

Revolution Radio

Richard Dolan is among the world's most prominent researchers and historians of UFOs.

He is the author of two volumes of history, UFOs and the National Security State, as well as an analysis of the future, A.D. After Disclosure: The People’s Guide to Life After Contact.

He has also appeared on many specials for The History Channel, SyFy, BBC, and elsewhere, including hosting for the TV series SciFi Investigates.

Richard’s writing is widely seen as ufology’s gold standard.


Second segment:

Anthony Sanchez

Click here for Youtube link


“Anthony is the first Investigative Researhcer to 'ever' find U.S. Government Property atop the Archuleta Mesa (Dulce, NM), on what is soveriegn land belonging to the Jicarilla Apache nation, not the U.S. Government or Military. This is a clear indication that something is happening in Dulce.”

anthonysanchezAnthony F. Sanchez received his BSc. in Computer Information Systems from Western Governors University of Salt Lake City, UT. In addition to being a Software Consultant for the State of California through his own company, Anthony has been employed for 16 years as a Software Engineer working for 3Com, Intel, Acer, Netscape Communications, and Hewlett Packard performing high level software development supporting scientific engineering and business intelligence projects. 

He became interested in UFOs back in 1989, at the time Area 51 surfaced as a public phenomenon. Since 2000 he has researched the subject matter thoroughly employing various scientific methods and hands on approaches, thus compiling over 20 years worth of UFO related research data. 

For the purposes of augmenting his knowledge on Human Origins, Anthony has also studied in detail, ancient Hebrew religious texts such as the Old Testament Bible, and gospels from the the Dead Sea Scrolls such as the 'book of Giants', and 'book of Enoch'. He has also studied famous Sumerian-Babylonian translations such as the Enuma Elish, and the Atra-Hasis as well as numerous Akkadian Mesopotamian cylinder seals and Akkadian cuneiform inscriptions. 

In the media, Anthony has appeared on: 
National/Int'l Radio, Syndicated Podcast

  • The Jerry Pippin Show (US)
  • Veritas Radio w/ Mel Fabregas (US)
  • American Freedom Radio w/ Kerry Cassidy (Project Camelot)
  • The Paracast w/ Gene Steinberg (US)
  • OpenMinds.TV w/ Michael Schratt (US)
  • Coast to Coast AM w/ George Noory (US)
  • Red Ice Creations w/ Henrik Palmgren (Europe)
  • The Kevin Smith Show (INDIE 104, Los Angeles CA)
  • UFONAUT RADIO w/ Jesse Randolph (KPAM 680, Portland OR)
  • The Quantum Leap w/ Bob Oliver (KRXA 540, Monterey CA)
  • …and many others

Each year he is a regular visitor to the deserts of the American Southwest, visiting crash sites conducting interviews, and performing scientific field work. His most recent interviews include the likes of fellow investigative UFO researchers, Norio Hayakawa, and Joerg Arnu. His work represents an unbiased and impartial reporting style ensuring he uncovers every aspect of every story.

Anthony F. Sanchez is a citizen of the U.S. and lives in Northern California.

You can send email to Anthony at anthony@ufohighway.com





Here is the Camelot in Egypt group about to leave our hotel to explore 🙂  This is a fabulous trip and we are so happy to be here.

We went to the Cairo museum and had the place virtually to ourseleves (usually the place is mobbed by tourists!!).  But the PTB did their job and frightened away the faint-of-heart.  We are the LIGHT WARRIORS and this group did not hesitate to see through the smoke screen that has been erected to keep tourists away from Egypt at this CRUCIAL TIME OF ENERGETIC INFLOW ONTO THE EARTH AND GIZA…

We were told nearly 80% of the tourism in Egypt is down due to the press blowing the revolution and protests out of proportion.  The museum is right next door to Tahrir square… We were perfectly safe and enjoyed serene access to browse the museum for hours without the normal crowds.

There is no doubt those in power do not want ‘those of the light’ in the Pyramids or in the temples of Egypt during the shift.  They even closed the Great Pyramid on 12-12-12, a day I awoke feeling a massive influx of energy and became ill from the fierce battles going on between light and dark to take back the Giza plateau and Stargates for the light.  

The fact that they closed the Great Pyramid on 12-12-12 is clear evidence they are afraid of what the power of the light can do embodied in the light warriors who are emerging at this time.

We will be in the Great Pyramid on the 20th and on the plateau and nearby pyramids including Saquarra on the 18th & 19th and 21st.. holding the light!  Join Us wherever you are on Planet Earth in love and light.  Lift the shroud of darkness from this Planet.  Let Gaia be released to breathe free!




Camelot Ground Crew Event on the 22nd (updated)!



Tommy and Jerry (Camelot Crew) invite everyone in the Southern California area on the 22nd of December 2012 to their “Awake & Alive” Party at the Temple of Light in Irvine, CA. This event will be a great place to mingle with people of like mind and also have a great deal of fun. There will be music, drinks for those who fancy that and also food available.


The Camelot Crew will be there “holding the fort” while Kerry is in Egypt, and if the universe allows it we will get Kerry and co live on skype for the event so we can hear what is going on at the Giza plateau during the “galactic shift”. We hope to see many of you there!


Official description:


Hey-hey all you socal’ers and those looking to go somewhere groovy this coming weekend! The Camelot Crew will hosting a get together Saturday the 22nd in Irvine Ca.
WE JUST ADDED JORDAN MAXWELL! And also with Tommy A Hansen , Jerry Avalos, Steven D Kelley, Craig Kessinger, Chuck Poloka, Anthony Sanchez( via skype) & D’Marie Mulattieri. There will be a great line up of speakers, door prizes, a party, and even a UFO nightvision skywatch! (weather permitting).

All of this for only $20!

Click here for Schedule

Additional note: Kerry, Tommy and Jerry Avalos will not be appearing at the Alchemy Event.


More information will be made available here and on the url below:


Speakers for the awake and alive




Visit: http://alternateevents.com/ for more information!