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Go Viral: Come and Take It


Now, I don’t own one and my way is more along the lines of Gandhi… but I do appreciate the right to bear arms….



More intel from Unwanted Publicity Guy


Paul Collins sent me the following link where he has posted various files of interest.


This man is living on the street in Southern California… He is a former financial investigator for the CIA and U.S. gov also called a “NOC”.  

If you find his info of use please send him donations and any help or opportunity that could get him off the street.

Send help to him at:  


Sandy Hook Audio – What Language is This?


The following audio file was sent to me by a source.

This audio is from Sandy Hook:


Contact me at kerry@projectcamelot.tv if you recognize the language and can translate any of it.  Please put SANDY HOOK in all caps in the subject line.

01/25/2013 – Laura Eisenhower and Dr. Dream



Click here to listen/download the mp3

Click here to listen to the Youtube link


Laura Eisenhower – Biography – (taken from http://cosmicgaia2012.com/about.html )

Laura Magdalene Eisenhower

Laura is a Galactic Historian, Global Alchemist, Cosmic Mythologist, Ascension Guide and is the great-grandaughter of Dwight David Eisenhower. She is on a profound mission to reveal our true origins connected with the 'Magdalene' and 'Gaia-Sophia' energies of love and wisdom and works to liberate us from the Military Industrial Complex,

the Archonic systems and false power structures.. These forces

connect many dots that are coming into our awareness, now more

than ever, as our solar system aligns with the Galactic plane in



While residing and traveling independently in over 20 cities in the U.S.

and abroad, she developed an excellent knowledge base in frontier

health, Exopolitics, alchemy, metaphysics and ancient history, and also has degrees and certifications in science, wilderness expedition leadership, natural healing and building. She has masterfully woven together the esoteric and alchemical aspects of nature with our ancient roots, hidden history, the present

world, and our future potential.


She is also a Whistleblower and has been speaking out about being recruited to go to a Colony

on Mars that represented a time-line that she refused to go along with. She has been able to uncover some necessary truths and agendas that humanity is being kept in the dark about and lectures and does workshops on these issues along with topics such as Global Alchemy, Christ-Sophia, Sacred Union, ET races, Esoteric Cosmology, the Positive Time-line and seeks to

empower the individual so that harmony can be restored.


For more than 15 years, she has been providing clairvoyant readings and transformative

healings for individuals with the assistance of many divination tools and astrology. Focusing on chakra systems, Laura has advised on topics such as soulpath, abduction, mind-control,

core issues, relationships, past lives and physical ailments. She has been strategizing to solve

the roots of major world problems including epidemics, war, environmental degradation

and injustices that have been a result of the misuses of power of the shadow government. She

also covers hidden agendas connected to ET races and the exile of the Divine Feminine energies.


Going through an intense World Soul journey of the labyrinth, Laura has discovered an ability to open a Natural stargate by co-creating with the Venus transits and weaving through the multi-dimensions of the higher and lower worlds. Clearing portals and moving past gatekeepers, Laura works to free us from the 3-D holographic time-loop and guide us back to the Pleroma, the totality of divine powers. With great passion and courage, she is helping to return Sacred Union, divine wisdom, and the many faces of the Goddess that have been buried and forgotten for thousands of years.

Read more: Journey | Specialties

Dr. Dream (aka Mark Peebler)

For many years Mark was a hotel sales and marketing professional. He started his hospitality career with Ramada and then worked as Director of Marketing for Embassy Suites in Arizona, working for three properties. Mark was on the boards of Meeting Planners International (AZ Chapter) and Society of Government Meeting Planners (AZ Chapter), becoming Supplier of the Year for both organizations. He went on to produce the very successful Arizona Tourism Shows in Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico (1990 & 1991). In 1992, Mark moved his consulting business, The Peebler Group, to New York City where his clients came from the hospitality, service and movie industries. For three years he trained Marriott sales people at eight hotels from New York to Rhode Island. During this time Mark developed an interest in applying his sales and marketing skills to the newly emerging Internet. In 1994, Mark started It’s All Good™ Web Design & Marketing. 

In the last twelve years the company has worked on well over 600 websites. It’s All Good™ Web Design & Marketing has provided the highest quality, cutting edge, professional communications and technology services in web development, marketing, photography and graphic design. Today, It’s All Good™ Web Design & Marketing is part of Flesch, Pritchard & Peebler (FP²) – Integrated Marketing Communications. FP² is based in Sedona, Arizona, with a satellite office in Victoria, B.C.

IAG Consulting & Promotions, Photography Works, and Dream the Biggest DREAM™ are all under the It’s All Good™ Companies banner.

In his mid-20's, Mark stepped-out of a victim mindset and realized that his life was only going to be what he made of it. It's All Good™ Companies, Mark's sales and marketing umbrella company, was birthed from this awareness. As a successful entrepreneur, Mark has incorporated the tools and techniques that he shares with others, in all aspects of his own life. Over the years, including 9+ years in Sedona, Arizona, Mark has further refined his perspective on how reality works, or more to the point, how to create, attract and manifest desired life experiences. He has been greatly influenced by Albert Clayton Gaulden, James Redfield, Wayne Dyer, Shakti Gawain, Dan Millman, Abraham-Hicks and many others.

In 2004, Dream the Biggest DREAM was born and Mark, as Dr. DREAM, settled in with his passion and purpose in life. Why "Dr. DREAM"? Remember, the word 'doctor' comes from the latin root 'docere' which means 'to teach'. The material that Dr. DREAM presents is not new – it has been around for as long as humanity has questioned their existence and it is reinterpreted by each generation. Dr. DREAM's uniquely personal approach to energy transference and sharing his perspective on what has worked for him and what he knows can work for those with whom he has the opportunity to connect, has been widely praised.

In addition to his work as an Empowerment Coach and Intuitive Counselor, Dr. DREAM is accomplished in healing work with Rife Frequencies, Guided Visualizations, Reiki, ThetaHealing, Crystal Therapy, Sound & Vibration, Chakra Clearing / Balancing, Essential Oils and Flower Essences.

Mark has been ordained as a minister of the Universal Life Church in Modesto, California. As a minister, he is authorized to perform all peaceful rites and ceremonies, includingweddings, funerals, baptisms, blessings, and to preach, teach and hold meetings. This ordination is valid in all 50 states.

Mark has traveled to sacred sites around the world including Egypt, Cambodia, Japan, China, Russia, Greece, Turkey and throughout Central and South America. From presenting at Total Solar Eclipse Festivals and Burning Man, to ceremonies at Machu Pichu and Pyramid of the Sun at Teotihuachan, to his weekly Free Tele-conferences (since 2005, see Calls & Events), Dr. DREAM has assisted the journeys of thousands of incredible beings that have been drawn to his energy and message.

Mark has had the distinct honor of teaching, Manifesting Your Business, at NAMTI – School of Massage & Bodywork, in Sedona and Prescott. He is past faculty member of Kensington College in Santa Ana, California.

Mark is a practicing Holistic Healing Practitioner and Energetic Group Facilitator, in addition to being a Public Speaker.

Les Brown said it well; "Help others achieve their dreams and you will achieve yours."

Dream the BIGGEST DREAM™ is motivated by Mark's desire to "make a difference".

Mark, and his daughter, Maya, and their dog, Jake, live in Ventura, California, with his Sacred Union Partner, Laura Magdalene Eisenhower, and her twin boys.

For more information on Booking Dr. DREAM;
Group Sessions
Conferences / Workshops /Seminars

Read recent article on Dr. DREAM
Read the article on Dr. DREAM from Four Corners Magazine




THIS IS CRUCIAL INFORMATION ABOUT NORTH KOREAN BOMBS BURIED UNDERGROUND WHICH CAN TRIGGER EARTHQUAKES AROUND THE WORLD THROUGH MAGMA.  This information is contained in this section of the group of David Wynn Miller presentation videos available on Youtube.  This is #11 of 25.  

TONIGHT :  I will be discussing this and much more with DAVID WYNN MILLER on American Freedom Radio at 7pm PST.


Some claims made in these videos…

1.  North Korea detonated a nuclear bomb and caused 9+ Chilean Earthquake and the one in Christ Church, as well as the Japanese tsunami that resulted in Fukushima which is still not under control and pouring radiation into the sea.

2.  North Korea has now buried a hydrogen bomb in a fissure in the crust of the Earth… Which if triggered using a ‘shape charge’ going through the magma… it would send a wave along the 43rd parallel… San Francisco & London would be affected in a dire way…and more… Blackmail leverage anyone?  Let’s hope mutally assured destruction is a deterrant.

3.  ET base in Greenland has been here for 50,000 years and that base is still operational.  They are the Easter Island Giants…   

4.  Quantum Grammar – this is changing contract law around the world and will have serious ramifications on Wall Street and the financial system worldwide.

“Mathematics become relevant because of ET, as well as Earth’s own ability to communicate peacefully.”– David Wynn Miller


DAVID WYNN MILLER – My Guest on Wed Night 7pm PST



This show is now posted on YOUTUBE:



Don’t miss this show!!

Wednesday night, January 23, 2013 at 7pm PST to 9pm

on American Freedom Radio

Ciick Here to Listen Live on Wednesday

His youtube video 1 of 25







South Korean Source Verifies Okinawa UFO Crash



According to a South Korean source the Okinawa UFO Crash is a very real event.

So this is one more verification.  Anyone in the vicinity of China, South Korea or with access to intel on this contact me, kerry@projectcamelot.tv

LINK to my original story “Dead Fish from Crashed UFO” is here.




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INVESTORS:  We are also looking for an angel investor for Project Light Warrior:  interested parties contact kerry@projectcamelot.tv

Thank you to those who have supported us through the years!!!