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I am very happy to announce that Clark McClelland, aerospace engineer and a former Director of the Kennedy Space Center will be my guest on REVOLUTION RADIO this FRIDAY NIGHT at 7pm PST / 10pm EST for 2 hours.  CLICK HERE TO LISTEN LIVE : http://freedomslips.com


— taken from his bio posted on this page:






…rocket carrying seven new satellites, including the first spacecraft designed to hunt huge asteroids and two of the world’s smallest space telescopes, launched into space Monday from an Indian spaceport.”

Although as you read further you see they are hedging their bets at least in openly stating what this technology can do. saying it won’t be able to detect smaller ‘earth orbit’ asteroids.  

The suitcase-size satellite cannot track small space rocks like asteroid 2012 DA14, the  130-foot object that buzzed the Earth on Feb. 15, but scientists working with NEOSSat will use it to search for a specific types of asteroids that are at least 31 million miles from Earth, mission scientist said.”

Let me get this straight… right after 2012 DA14 comes in near collision with Earth they are launching a satellite hunter that will track killer asteroids… 31 million miles from Earth… so no doubt putting any capability to detect anything way beyond the lifetime of the current Earth resident…. How many years going by the mainstream concept of ‘travel’ does it take to go 31 million miles?  And so they are basically saying nothing that would get them into any trouble with the SECRET SPACE PROGRAM.

You gotta love news in mainstream.  They give with one hand and take away with the other without so much as cracking a smile.  Charming.  I guess we should all feel perfectly safe now.  Or not. LOL

Joe Matheny – Found? CORRECTION!


CORRECTION:  Despite assurances to the contrary the person mentioned below was mistaken.  Joe has not turned up in Joshua Tree.  

I received this info tonight at 9:30pm from a local Joshua Tree resident;.


What follows is the original message and now proved wrong:

I just got word that Joe Matheny walked into a pizza place in Joshua Tree… and that one of the local people spotted him and told him to call me right away about the conference.  He said he has never heard of me, Camelot or the conference…  

Note:  I have been told that the person who talked to him knows him and is a person who is very level headed and trustworthy so it is extremely unlikely that this is a case of mistaken identity.


Additional note:

Note:  this conference venue is now booked and we are going ahead as planned.

Joe Matheny, Sean David Morton, Peter Moon – Time Wave Zero Live Event




This was originally a live event Camelot Roundtable discussion hosted by Kery Cassidy with Joseph Matheny, Sean David Morton, Peter Moon and Greg Hallett regarding the Terrence McKenna concept of Time Wave Zero and how December 21, 2012 and the coming times factor into this.  A look into the future ….



You can also click on poster or use these links to view






Added note:  For those of you sending me other Joe Matheny-type info etc.

Here is Joe on my Livestream Camelot Roundtable :  Time Wave Zero


This a special request to the Camelot Community…..for you to use whatever means you have to look into this situation without attracting undue attention.  If you choose not to get involved that is totally fine and just disregard this message.  

As you may know, I have been putting together a Camelot conference called Awake & Aware 2013 which was originally supposed to be located in Joshua Tree, California.  The conference is scheduled for the weekend of April 5, 6, & 7th.  The theme is TIME TRAVEL & OTHER WORLDS.  This conference is moving ahead and been relocated to the Los Angeles area,

Strangely enough my business partner in this venture, Joe Matheny, has disappeared.  He has been missing for about 3 weeks.  Neither me nor another close friend of his have heard back from him on email or phone in all this time.  Today I received word from someone who works with him in Joshua Tree and she and the people in their community who know him have not heard from him either.  They are contacting me wondering where he is.

His company, J-topia was on all the posters and he was supposed to have made arrangements with a local venue in Joshua Tree where we were going to hold the conference.  The weekend he disappeared he was going to get the paperwork signed on the venue.

I am sending this request out to the Camelot Community to find out if Joe is safe and make sure he is not being harmed in some way and to garner assistance through positive energy and intention to also protect him as necessary.  

It is not my intention to get local law enforcement involved.  I feel this is something the people who live and work with him should decide, not me.  On the other hand, if he is in danger and needs help I would like to make this network available to him in case someone can help him.

Joe is a very well known author, software developer and multi-talented guy…. he has several websites.. including the popular  http://incunabula.org/   where he features his cult Time Travel novel ONG’S HAT.  For him to simply disappear and not reach out is extremely strange.  He was the instigator of the conference having approached me because he had moved to Joshua Tree and was setting up his own land and wanted to do a creative project that would bring business to the local area and inspire people to become familiar with his own growing community, J-topia.  http://www.j-topia.net/

The last conversation I had with Joe, was a conference call with another person who works from time to time with Camelot.  Both of us thought Joe would be in touch and was actively involved in making this conference happen.  

The only clue I have regarding Joe’s disappearance is that he had been having some legal problem with regard to his land in Joshua Tree that had surfaced rather unexpectedly about 3 weeks prior to his last phone call with us.  He was working hard trying to resolve that issue.  But that is all I know.

Joe is a master techie.  He writes artificial intelligence and there is probably nothing he can’t do in the tech arena.  He is something of a legend in this area.  Which is why not having any email or communication is extremely strange.  Up to now I didn’t want to go public about his disappearance to protect his right to privacy.  However, at this point too much time has elapsed and I am concerned for his well being.  I do want to be sure that he is safe and not being harmed in some way.

We are assuming this is may be a direct attack on Joe to stop the conference from happening.  Time Travel seems to be a very hot issue that the PTB do not want revealed.  It is of course also possible Joe has gone off the grid for some other more personal reason. 

Your help at this time would be appreciated.  No names will be published or information revealed unless your permission given for whatever you choose to contribute.  If you have any information please contact:  kerry@projectcamelot.tv



A friend called me tonight to tell me that Michele Obama got involved in handing out the BEST PICTURE OSCAR to ARGO!  Please tell me you all see the writing on the wall here.

(click here to view this historical NWO-moment of the award ceremony on youtube)

This year’s Oscars were bought and paid for well before the ballots ever left the dutiful hands of the members of the Academy.  Whether they know it or not they’ve been had.

This picture, while, a perfectly decent political thriller is by no means “Oscar material”.  I am told that Clooney had a great deal to do with making this Oscar moment happen.  And I would wager that he was also instrumental in getting the commitment of the studio and funding to make the movie.  And while I am a big fan of George Clooney, don’t get me wrong here.  [Clooney is refreshingly bright, normally politically fairly astute and talented.  And I can’t wait for him to have his NEO moment and finally take the RED PILL…But someone has got to tell him he’s being played here.] However, I and anyone with half a brain, can’t help but smell a rat in the backing and OSCAR PUSH that this movie has had… all the way up to the finish line.

Of course we know Hollywood is very tied into Washington DC and the goings on there… And we have all heard about how Hollywood came to the aid of the President and marshaled the country to get on board with the war effort back during WWII.  What some may be dumb struck with however, is what a bald-faced political statement is being made by pushing ARGO TO THE FRONT OF THE CLASS.  This unassuming little political thriller, which lacks the pizazz of the other horse the American government also backed BIG TIME, which is of course, ZERO DARK THIRTY.  

And early on, it appeared they were putting their money on ZERO DARK THIRTY to clear the OSCAR RACE AND PULL AHEAD… However, the dirty little secret that A) BIN LADEN HAS BEEN DEAD SINCE 2001 and B) ADVOCATING TORTURE is not really an all American apple pie “family value”… it kinda falls flat in that category.  So they began to realize, no doubt, that they would have to back their 2nd horse in this race… and so they did.  THE GOVERNMENT backed ARGO why?  Because the storyline is all about …. 

As CNN put it …”“Argo,” which told the story of the rescue operation that saved six Americans during the Iran hostage crisis..” –CNN article


Yes, I know, lots of people are going to say this movie was all about a Director saving the day for the Government.  And yes, that is part of the scenario.  But the real preoccupation here is with the hostages, folks, being held against their will, in IRAN… of all places.  Ring a bell?  Seriously.  This is not about Hollywood back slapping.  It is about propaganda to sway the American people toward war with Iran… this is where this is leading.

In this race, which was even more orchestrated, from my perspective than the run-of-the-mill rigged Presidential race here in America… In this race, they had 3 horses:


2.  ARGO


Yes, all three were damaged goods.  All three are slanted views of history and all three contain outright lies.. that will go or have gone down in history as “truth”.  This is how the game is played.  It is all about swaying the hearts and minds of the masses.  And what better propaganda machine than the good old Oscar race…  The television audience is huge normally and worldwide.  If a government, such as the U.S. wants to make a political statement to the world.. what better way.  And to make sure the point was made… they trot out the President’s wife.  And get her to do the honors.





UPDATES!!  I am very happy to announce that DAVID WILCOCK, author of the NY Times Bestseller:  Source Field Investigations, is joining our team of presenters at the Awake & Aware 2013 conference:  TIME TRAVEL & OTHER WORLDS… April 5, 6 & 7.


HENRY DEACON AKA ARTHUR NEUMANN has agreed to speak provided we can get funding for his flight.  Anyone with INTERNATIONAL airline miles to donate to make this possible please contact Kerry@projectcamelot.tv

THE VENUE HAS CHANGED… due to unforeseen circumstances our venue in Joshua Tree has fallen through… We are now locating this conference in the Greater Los Angeles area. 

Ticket buyers should plan to fly in to LAX for the conference.  Do not book accommodations just yet.  Our venue deal is being solidified and will be announced in the next day or two.

SPECIAL NOTE:  We have invitations out to at least 2 more important speakers… stay tuned for those confirmations.


http://awakeandware.net or http://awakeandware.com



02/22/2013 – Michael Schratt


Michael Schratt

Click here to listen/download the mp3

Click here for YouTube link

Portions of this show were also recorded on LIVESTREAM HERE:

Watch live streaming video from projectcamelotlive at livestream.com


and here for PART TWO on http://livestream.com/projectcamelotlive/

coming soon!

Bio from http://projectcamelotproductions.com/interviews/michael_schratt/michael_schratt.html

Michael Schratt is an aviation historian. As a cutting-edge researcher into classified projects and unidentified craft he has met with and interviewed numerous scientists and aerospace engineers, pilots and executives from NASA and the defense industry. He investigates clues to planes that have been documented as having been flown by military from within both secret and top secret programs. He firmly believes that American tax-payers have every right to know where our money is being spent. Many of the craft he has documented are being funded within black projects. And he states that billions are being spent today on these craft. Some will only be flown once.




INVESTOR needed.  There is a substantial upside potential.  You will also contribute to making this important event a reality!  This is no doubt the first conference of its kind.  

Listen here to DR. DAVID ANDERSON, a physicist who specializes in TIME TRAVEL discussing his work with Alan Steinfeld:


POSSIBLE INVESTORS CONTACT :  kerry@projectcamelot.tv

click here for David Anderson’s Time Travel Institute site:


Additional notes:  

If those reading this would like to see Henry Deacon aka Arthur Neumann speak about his knowledge in this area please contact me or send donations labeled for this purpose to:


Important Note:  Donations are not tax deductible and will not be reimbursed in the event that Arthur decides not to appear.  They will however contribute to covering other expenses such as venue cost and speaker fees in the event he is unable to speak.



Additional speakers to be announced soon!

James McCanney – Mini Solar System–CORRECTION


UPDATE 2/28/13:  THIS VIDEO IS APPARENTLY NOT JAMES MCCANNEY ….BUT A HOAX OF SOME KIND.** (see a copy of his statement below or go to this link to view:


Strangely enough… what I said about my whistleblower data still holds true.  Whereas the info contained in this video may not be the opinion of James McCanney, it is what I have heard from more than one whistleblower and also matches my intuitive take on this data.

According to James McCanney will soon be deleted from youtube.  SEE A COPY OF HIS STATEMENT BELOW OR GO TO HIS WEBSITE TO VIEW.


Original post:   This is good information and matches my whistleblower info…

 (wrong link was posted… here is the correct one)




February 27, 2013 posting … !!!!!!!!!!!!!  EMERGENCY ANNOUNCEMENT … DISINFORMATION UPDATE !!!! THE DISINFO CREW IS AT IT AGAIN … AT LEAST 2 YOUTUBE POSTINGS ARE TRYING TO IMPERSONATE ME AND PASS FALSE INFORMATION … there are at least 2 youtube videos posted recently by nameless disinformation agents placing my voice making it look like i am saying that a planet X object is coming into the solar system at this time … THIS IS NOT TRUE … I AM NOT SAYING ANY SUCH THING … AND THIS IS WHY I NEVER POST ON YOUTUBE OR ANY OTHER MEDIUM EXCEPT MY OWN WEB PAGE … what they have done is chopped segments of a 2004 program of mine and posted a february 2013 date on the face and posted on youtube under 2 different names making it sound like i am stating planet X object is now in the solar system … then in the listener comments they of course post many slams trying to make me look like a nut case making false predictions of planet X … I AM CURRENTLY WORKING WITH YOUTUBE TO HAVE THESE POSTINGS REMOVED …