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Steven D. Kelley – Added as Speaker

Awake & Aware 2013




STEVEN D. KELLEY… JUST ADDED!  Author of “Lasers Caver & Magic”.. “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”  Will cover Underground base at the Getty, how the occult and new technology relate to time travel.

HENRY DEACON AKA ARTHUR NEUMANN has agreed to come and talk about MARS and TIME TRAVEL..

RICHARD C. HOAGLAND is s the founder of The Enterprise Mission, recipient of the Angstrom Medal, former science advisor to CBS News and Walter Cronkite, author of “The Monuments of Mars“, co-author of “Dark Mission:  The Secret History of NASA”…he will discuss his recent findings related to torsion physics and Time Travel.


JOE MATHENY wrote the CULT CLASSIC TIME TRAVEL NOVEL “ONGS HAT”, and is a MASTER SOFTWARE GURU with knowledge of AI… (now tentative as is MIA)

GEORGE GREEN has key information on the FINANCIAL MELTDOWN as well as years of CONTACT WITH AN OFF-PLANET RACE of beings…

ANTHONY SANCHEZ is the author of UFO HIGHWAY and the soon to be released PROJECT LEONID investigation into drones and the nano-satellite surveillance grid run by an AI called MOTHER…

SEAN DAVID MORTON is the author of SANDS OF TIME, a fictionalized version of true whistleblower testimony regarding TIME TRAVEL, AREA 51 and DULCE…

DAVID WILCOCK is the author of the bestseller: THE SOURCE FIELD INVESTIGATIONS and well known psychic and researcher into the nature of realities…







03/08/2013 – Bernie Mendez


Bernie Mendez

Revolution Radio link

Bio source – bernardmendez.com/Bernard_Mendez/Home.html

Bernard “Bernie” Mendez is a whistleblower who has stepped out of the shadows to reveal his involvement in deeply classified special projects for the United States government and military during the 1970‘s and 80‘s.

Hired by then President Richard Milhous Nixon in January 1971 as a special assistant at the tender age of 17, Bernard Mendez was tasked with negotiating directly with various extraterrestrial races such as the Greys and the Plieadians from 1971 until 1974 during the peak of the Watergate scandal.

His duties took him all over the world on top secret missions to Australia, England, Alaska, Antarctica, the former Soviet Union and classified underground bases such as Area 51 and Camp Hero (aka Montauk Air Force Base). 

Bernard Mendez was also a participant in time travel experiments via jump room technology and other highly advanced clandestine technology by the military industrial complex. His work for the government continued into the 1980’s until his eventual retirement while still in his twenties.

Bernie’s story however doesn’t end there. Yet another fascinating chapter goes all the way back to his days as an infant when he had his first interaction with ET’s which continued throughout his youth and involved other members of his family.

Bernard Mendez is now telling his story to audiences around the world and revealing the truth behind his Cosmic Level Clearance which allowed him access to many of our government’s most deeply guarded secrets.

Join Bernie on his new website as he takes you on a spectacular journey through the covert world of extraterrestrials, UFO’s, time travel, teleportation and beyond.

For the latest new information on Bernard Mendez visit the Updates Section.

For a detailed biography, visit the About page and find his latest interviews in the Radio Interview section, and more in the Photos and Videos sections.

Drone Dialogs…

Well, then, we will hold this in mind going forward…

Letter reprinted here for ease in reading:

The Attorney General Washington, D.C.

March 7, 2013

The Honorable Rand Paul United States Senate Washington, DC 20510

Dear Senator Paul: It has come to my attention that you have now asked an additional question: “Does the President have the authority to use a weaponized drone to kill an American not engaged in combat on American soil?” The answer to that question is no.

Eric H. Holder, Jr.”

holdererplytoRandPaul copy

KERRY on Sceptre RadioTONIGHT 6pm PST

KERRY will be on ANTHONY SANCHEZ’S SCEPTRE RADIO SHOW tonight, March 8, 2013 talking about the Awake & Aware 2013 conference and latest whistleblower information coming out.

GO HERE TO LISTEN LIVE: http://sceptreradionetwork.com/studio-a.html

Then at 7pm I will be talking to BERNIE MENDEZ about Time Travel on my show on Revolution Radio go to http://freedomslips.com   to LISTEN LIVE 7PM PST.


David Anderson backs out of Awake & Aware…Coerced?


Unfortunately David Lewis Anderson has sent me an email, backing out of the conference.  The reasons he gave however, appear to me to have no bearing on the real reason he has now decided not to participate.

He cites several things, most if not all have been in place since he accepted the original invitation and therefore one would wonder how in good conscience he would have been so enthusiastic and dedicated to appearing for the past few weeks and why the sudden change!  Even in the face of the complete and still unexplained disappearance of my business partner in this enterprise, Joe Matheny, when he kindly wrote to me that he would support the conference in every way when the conference had to be moved.  

Then there was a concern over security in the Los Angeles area, (something we told him we were happy to cover) in spite of the fact that as anyone knows, Glendale is in an extremely sedate business area and close to JPL where scientists from around the world live and work on a daily basis, apparently without incident. Being Camelot, we have some shall we say unusual connections to extremely talented and well equipped security types…  Ones that are trained by the very people who would have reason to disrupt such an event.

Further he expressed another concern being that he should not be “associated” with some of the other speakers names in public because it might impact his work with variious countries’ youth in poverty programs and as an “Ambassador for Youth for the United Nations”!!!  Obviously, the fact that most if not all speakers have been part of the line up from the beginning leads one to question exactly who is so offensive to “youth” and the “United Nations” that it would cause David Anderson to suddenly need to extricate himself from our conference!!

He even cites the “short” time for his speech as being a reason for now backing out.  This is something that we could and would change (!) if 2 hours was not long enough, and that amount of time has not up to now been mentioned as a concern otherwise we would have given him more time…. It has been listed on the schedule that way from the beginning!

Needless to say, the above laundry list of possible reasons for backing out are extremely questionable and indicate that he has been “persuaded” or to call a spade a spade: coerced, not to do the conference by certain parties who are not, of course, named.  We know who they are regardless.

And so, I am working to quickly fill the opening left by him.  Anyone who is in touch with Michael Tsarion, please do let me know and let him know I have sent a Speaker Invitation to his email:  <neter@jps.net>.  However, if you are in touch with Michael and can reach him it would be very much appreciated as time is getting very short with respect to the start of the conference.  

We also have not heard back from Nick Herbert and needless to say Joe Matheny (also a speaker) is still missing!  Therefore we are in touch with a few alternate speakers to fill both time slots.  However, f you have someone you think I should definitely consider, please do let me know.

It is evident to me, and should be clear to everyone, that “they” don’t want this conference to succeed and have been working diligently to prevent it.  Call them the Secret Government, the Illuminati or what have you, but the fact that they don’t want humanity to realize its true potential and they don’t want their precious secrets out there is obvious.  I am sure that they thought in removing Joe, who was to secure the venue and was going to be handling the upfront financing, that they would be successful in getting Awake & Aware derailed.  I guess they didn’t figure that I would be so bold as to charge upfront expenses to my credit cards and find another venue… Being underestimated in this game has its shall we say, advantages.

At any rate, I appreciate your patience and understanding with this process.  I believe we will have a very successful conference.  People are buying tickets and writing to me and the word of mouth is very positive and even excited in anticipation of this unusual event!  Please do continue to support this enterprise and do not hesitate to contact me with any concerns or questions.  We have access to all kinds of “security types” if that is anyone else’s  “concern” by the way.  As they say, the show Must Go On!

In truth,

Kerry, Co-Founder & CEO, Project Camelot

GO HERE TO PURCHASE TICKETS:   http://awakeandaware2013.net/


Contact details for Michael Tsarion-updated

If anyone has contact details for Michael Tsarion please let me know.  I would like to invite him to speak at my Awake & Aware 2013 conference.  I have tried his website and facebook page but received no reply.  

Update:  I have received his email address.  

Thank you in advance.

Write to :  kerry@projectcamelot.tv

Truckers Shown Heading into Underground Cities


1500 miles of freeway underground…interview with trucker at entrance to hole in Underground city.

We are also seeing equip moving out of our area (Northwest) headed east….hmmm.”



Clark McClelland Breaks All Revolution Radio Records

If you have not had a chance to listen to my radio show on Friday, March 1st, I encourage you to do so.  


Clark McClelland was my guest and he reveals some very important information there.  (This show broke all the Revolution Radio records for numbers of listeners!)  It appears he is wrong about the craft (not about what he saw but about who owns it and how it got there) regarding the Kecksburg incident but this photo that he took (is in his ebook) of the craft, and specifically the writing on the craft, may match the so-called alien writing found by this man down in Florida, the same year (1965) … to me this is no coincidence.


Take a look at this case:


And this photo:

Photo Clark took at Kecksburg (what Clark thinks is a nosecone from a 3MV4 Venera).. (Russian space probe) supposedly headed to Venus when it crashed although he says it was guided down, redirected and changed directions a number of times and then “landed”.  Whereas Clark is probably wrong about this being Russian, in theory it could have even belong to the US.. secret space program that was well underway beneath the cover of NASA and the surface space program even then.  It appears to be somewhat crude in construction… Could this have been created by humans working with ET helpers… to craft some facsimile of a space vehicle and this was a ‘test run’ ?  The writing can actually help power the thing if you listen to what’s being done in the area of holograms and holographic writing, Stan Tenen pioneered this….

Regardless compare the two sets of “ET” writing and I see similarities… I would say this may be the same group of visitors.

Regarding Clark on my show… What many people will miss, is the truth he revealed.. which no one has (except a few Camelot witnesses on occasion), have had the guts to say in public.  But you must listen carefully.  When he refuses to answer a question that TELLS YOU WHERE TO LOOK!!  When he answers quickly and to the point that is key info.

This is a very intelligent man, (suffice to say my “IQ” is higher just for the record if you believe that measurement which I do not but that is another subject). 

Among other things he says:

1.  ETs are walking the streets of every town in America.

2.  Gold has key properties that was used to reach the moon and protect craft passing through the Van Allen Belt.

3.  Anunnaki as described by Sitchin are instrumental behind the scenes and he witnessed them working with astronauts on the space station and a colleague witnessed a similar scene with regard to a completely different mission.  He believes he was let go from NASA as a result of seeing this.  Although it was clear his avid curiosity and ability to research and put two and two together while on the job at NASA made him, for them. a dangerous man. He simply knew too much.

4.  He stated a large craft of the beings from Aldebaran is parked outside our atmosphere observing and planning some operation to redirect matters on Planet Earth in the not too distant future.

5.  That back in ’91 he saw through a telescope a craft/planetary object using a star as an energy source and surrounded by what he calls a DYSON SPHERE.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dyson_Sphere

He figures the craft/planet was headed here at half the speed of light (which is… Correction: The speed of sound is at about 344 m/s and the speed of light is at about 3 X 10 8 m/s) … It was at that time outside the borders of our solar system… (Note that a telescope in ’91 had the power to see beyond the border of our solar system?)

6.  He says both Challenger and Columbia were sabotaged.  He talks about a “beam of light” hitting the shuttle (making some of the crew sick) a particle beam weapon operating back in 1986.

And much more.  Regardless of where he may reach a wrong conclusion his info is dead-on.  He can’t help himself.  His recall of details is phenomenal for someone in his condition and age being beamed with constant electromagnetics and mind control.  This is his genetic heritage keeping him alive.  Combination of Celtic and German genes.

Note how many times he says “I’m sorry my head hurts”… He was being targeted during the show by an EMP device attempting to confuse him and take him off track.


Do not miss this show!!!

03/01/2013 – Clark McClelland


Clark McClelland

Click here for the Youtube link to the show.

Guest Bio:  Taken from http://www.stargate-chronicles.com/site/about-clark-mcclelland/

Clark McClelland is a bona-fide expert in the field of UFO specialists.  He began his investigations of this strange phenomenon in 1947.  His 60 plus years of study in the field of ufology puts him in a unique class of educators and investigators.

He has lectured at many national universities including Notre Dame, Penn State, Ohio State, Berea, Montana State University, New York University, Idaho State, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University and others too numerous to mention.

On several occasions, he was requested by students and faculty to bring his unique topic to their campus as an elective course, although his work at Kennedy Space Center at the time overruled his acceptance.

Awake & Aware 2013 VENUE CODE – UPDATE


We are very pleased to announce that our VENUE is now booked for the Awake & Aware 2013:  Time Travel & Other Worlds Conference:


Venue/Hotel:  special room rate $139/night***

HOTEL/ VENUE:  Embassy Suites – Glendale 

800 North Central Avenue Glendale, CA 91203 

P:818.627.3907 F:818.550.1289 





AWAKE & AWARE  – 2013




Venue/Hotel:  special room rate $139/night***


HOTEL/ VENUE:  Embassy Suites – Glendale 

800 North Central Avenue Glendale, CA 91203 






Reserve your suite by calling 1800EMBASSY (1.800.362.2779) and use the group code: PRO


Or visit www.losangelesglendale.embassysuites.com and enter the group code: PRO


Please reserve your suite by March 22, 2013.  All group reservations have a seven day cancellation policy.


Limited number of rooms available at this rate.  (cost does not include taxes)


Confirmed speakers:










WHEN REGISTERING… limited number of rooms available at this rate.  (cost does not include taxes)

Link to purchase rooms at special rate to be available shortly.


Project Camelot needs assistance with international flight for Henry Deacon/Arthur Neumann  – if anyone wishes to contribute you can either donate to paypal via our Donate button on the right hand side of the site or by donating mileage.

Donations are not tax deductible or refundable.