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We could use a few more good volunteers who can help with social networking online and also getting the word out locally!  Go here for posters to print and distribute and or post online:


Please contact:  Madisun at eventcoordinator@projectcamelot.org

If you are interested in helping out.  For those who actually do help we offer free access to the Live streaming of the conference.

And we still have VENDOR tables available!  Contact meredith@projectcamelot.org  for more info.

Go here for details:  http://awakeandaware2013.net/vendors-sponsors

TICKETS ON SALE NOW!  http://awakeandaware2013.net



VIRTUAL Roundtable Event March 28th at 7:00pm


LIVESTREAM Camelot Roundtable discussion this Thursday, March 28th at 7pm PT…

SPEAKERS CONFIRMED:  Richard C. Hoagland, Jordan Maxwell, Douglas Dietrich, William Dean Garner and Jay Dyer

Hosted by Kerry Lynn Cassidy




This roundtable discussion will cover the reign of the new Pope, the Jesuit connection and what looks like preparation for several events of worldwide planetary significance including a possible targeted meteor strike on Mars and ET disclosure by those in power…

This discussion will be a precursor for the Awake & Aware 2013 Conference where Richard C. Hoagland and many other top draw speakers will be presenting evidence and information surrounding Time Travel and Other Worlds… as well as other subjects covering the world financial situation, ET visitation, underground bases and more….

For more background and prep articles please see the following links:





The “preparation” continues ….




And… don’t miss this.






more prep materials:



They are DEFINITELY “preparing” for “something”; note Bolden’s sharp CRITICISM of Congress re “lack of funding for ANY KIND of serious prep re asteroid threats” ….


And, the Pope’s recurring theme (on the SAME day …) in his “Installation homily”–


Protection.  — the above links provided by Richard C. Hoagland


From my blog of March 20th:

  1. Corbett Report – Pope Francis Poor Human Rights Record

Wednesday, 20 March 2013 23:28

Written by Kerry Cassidy

The Corbett Report –  Michel Chussudovsky on Pope Francis… his prior life as the highest ranking Jesuit in Argentina.  


Global Research, March 16, 2013

Global Research (updated March 16, and March 19, 2013) 14 March 2013


Is this just another ‘good Nazi’ who has paid his dues oppressing the populace in Argentina and now being rewarded with a reign as Pope?

It is widely known that there is a very large contingent of Nazi’s from Project Paperclip and the ‘fall’ of Germany that settled in Argentina.  And there is a great deal of testimony about a large underground base in Argentina as well.

The recent Mike Harris show with Gordon Duff as guest spilling the beans on a supposed “deal” with an off-planet race of humanoids that are said to come from Alpha Centari and are headed here (nearly a billion I am told by a separate source)…  Go to the Rense archives for today’s radio show hosted by Mike Harris.  Must listen.  While I haven’t heard it yet, I have heard things about what info it contains such as:

These visitors apparently look remarkably like the ideal Nazi.. big. light haired (some say even albino in coloring) muscular and so on… The story goes, they are in need of a large amount of real estate to settle their people on, having lost a war with some unfriendlies on not just one of their planets but two!

This is the tale that a contingent of MJ12/psion or whatever name they go by now-adays is spinning.  What they are saying is that the secret government has made a deal to bring this group here in exchange for technology (big surprise) and another planet (or planets) where the human race is said to be given rights to terraform and move their own to in the event our Earth cannot sustain us… or them.

They are planning to give them, pause for effect, Africa!  A whole continent. And governments worldwide know this and have agreed.  I don’t think that will go over well with the current inhabitants.  Yes I know it sounds just like the movie District 9 and The Event.

In fact, I ran this by one of my whistleblowers and he agreed this has been in the works for some time.  Only, these supposed humanoid beings aren’t really humanoid…  They are of course reptilian and even a form of ‘praying mantis’ parading as human so as not to upset the locals.

And I am being told the ghost cities in Angola being built by the Chinese are supposed to be built to house their “caretakers” — that is, the Earth humans who will mind the place.

While, I am at it this same Duff-MJ12 contingent is claiming the recent asteroid over Russia was a craft full of yet another group of 12-14 inch beings with an extra apendage… in addition to 2 arms and 2 legs… And they are supposedly not ‘friendlies”….

Are they simply trotting this out to amaze and confuse?  Are their elements of truth mixed with disinfo?… Yes probably.  My whistleblower apparently communicated this scenario 3 years ago to a certain person (not me).  ie. From what I have heard, diabolical plans for the African continent by the secret government have long been hinted at but no scenario such as the one mentioned on the Mike Harris show on Rense with Gordon Duff was forthcoming…

Given scenarios such as these, it’s no wonder they needed a younger Naz/Jesuiti in the office of Pope.  

Some think this Pope is planning to bring the worlds together and that he is working for the good of humanity.  Time will tell.

We are planning an upcoming Live video Roundtable to discuss all of the above with Richard C. Hoagland and others to be announced soon.  Depending on the state of our streaming capability… 

More on this soon…Pope Francis, The Jesuit Connection and the Future of Everything… Roundtable discussion to be announced shortly.


Meteors or Ships over Manhattan?

They are calling this a meteor, just like the one over Russia… however according to several of my sources these are ships (basically ufos or Ifo’s – identified flying objects).


Word is, we are being ‘visited’ in a big way by small beings about 14″ tall.  Funny as that sounds, I hear that Steven Greer’s film is going to be talking about just such small ETs…

Think he’s read-in with the gov?  Do you doubt it?  Trouble is, I hear they are not friendlies… I guess time will tell.

Kerry to be Guest on Mike Harris Show today 1:30pm PDT

I am going to be Mike Harris’ guest today on RENSE RADIO…LIVE NOW…


Talking about the recent revelations from Gordon Duff… I will be filling in the background to where Duff was headed.


EXTRA…EXTRA…We need a band to play the Saturday night from 10pm to 12am… at the conference.

If you have a band and want to play our event send an email with links to your music:


03/22/2013 – Thomas Fusco


Thomas Fusco

Sceptre Radio Network


Thomas P. Fusco is an independent researcher who has devoted nearly three decades investigating the relationship between mind, physics, spirituality, parapsychology, scientific anomalies and paranormal phenomena with the goal of uncovering the unifying cosmological framework that has eluded mankind for generations. Since the official launch of his book in November 2011, he has been invited to speak as a guest on over 200 national and international radio programs including Coast to Coast AM. He will be speaking and presenting at the upcoming Spirits, Shadows and Secrets International Symposium to be held in the fall of 2014 in Edinburgh, Scotland, and was a participant in the invitation-only think-tank conference called The Gathering in November 2012.


Mr. Fusco will be discussing the theory of supergeometry presented in his book, Behind the Cosmic Veil: A New Vision of Reality that describes a new model of supernatural mechanics, which not only explains the behavior of strange phenomena like the paranormal, UFOs and psychic phenomena, but also provides compelling answers to some of the fundamental problems facing physics today. This cosmological model is based in part on a superphysical extension of Einstein’s continuous spatial field theory with physicist David Bohm’s implicate order.




Hey all, this is not memorex it is Live… disclosure as far as telling people the general outlines of what’s going on.  Gordon Duff, a senior editor of Veteran’s Today, with a working relationship with the group that used to be known as MJ12… is telling it like it is…

See my previous post for the background on all of this.  If the mainstream isn’t paying attention someone needs to get at least one mainstream journalist to listen up.  That’s really all we need.  The rest as they say, will be history.


Fun hearing him give the 411 to NASA.. ala Kennedy.  

“This will help NASA mission directors in their defensive responsibilities.”

We are talking prep for Blue Beam or so-called alien invasion.  There is a war going on above your heads.  No matter how they characterize it.  They are already here.  But new visitors are coming.  NASA is an agency for defense of the Planet.  That is their charter and always has been.  However, their main public face has been concentrated on becoming a dog and pony show for Rule By Secrecy.


Kerry Moves to Sceptre Radio

I am moving my Friday night show to Sceptre Radio.  My guest this Friday is Thomas Fusco.

His site is:  Beyond the Cosmic Veil http://cosmicveil.com/





Thomas P. Fusco is an independent researcher who has devoted nearly three decades investigating the relationship between mind, physics, spirituality, parapsychology, scientific anomalies and paranormal phenomena with the goal of uncovering the unifying cosmological framework that has eluded mankind for generations. Since the official launch of his book in November 2011, he has been invited to speak as a guest on over 200 national and international radio programs including Coast to Coast AM. He will be speaking and presenting at the upcoming Spirits, Shadows and Secrets International Symposium to be held in the fall of 2014 in Edinburgh, Scotland, and was a participant in the invitation-only think-tank conference called The Gathering in November 2012.


Mr. Fusco will be discussing the theory of supergeometry presented in his book, Behind the Cosmic Veil: A New Vision of Reality that describes a new model of supernatural mechanics, which not only explains the behavior of strange phenomena like the paranormal, UFOs and psychic phenomena, but also provides compelling answers to some of the fundamental problems facing physics today. This cosmological model is based in part on a superphysical extension of Einstein’s continuous spatial field theory with physicist David Bohm’s implicate order.


Corbett Report – Pope Francis Poor Human Rights Record

The Corbett Report –  Michel Chussudovsky on Pope Francis… his prior life as the highest ranking Jesuit in Argentina.  


By Prof Michel Chossudovsky

Global Research, March 16, 2013
Global Research (updated March 16, and March 19, 2013) 14 March 2013


Is this just another ‘good Nazi’ who has paid his dues oppressing the populace in Argentina and now being rewarded with a reign as Pope?

It is widely known that there is a very large contingent of Nazi’s from Project Paperclip and the ‘fall’ of Germany that settled in Argentina.  And there is a great deal of testimony about a large underground base in Argentina as well.

The recent Mike Harris show with Gordon Duff as guest spilling the beans on a supposed “deal” with an off-planet race of humanoids that are said to come from Alpha Centari and are headed here (nearly a billion I am told by a separate source)…  Go to the Rense archives for today’s radio show hosted by Mike Harris.  Must listen.  LINK NOW ADDED:


While I haven’t heard it yet, I have heard things about what info it contains such as:

These visitors apparently look remarkably like the ideal Nazi.. big. light haired (some say even albino in coloring) muscular and so on… The story goes, they are in need of a large amount of real estate to settle their people on, having lost a war with some unfriendlies on not just one of their planets but two!

This is the tale that a contingent of MJ12/psion or whatever name they go by now-adays is spinning.  What they are saying is that the secret government has made a deal to bring this group here in exchange for technology (big surprise) and another planet (or planets) where the human race is said to be given rights to terraform and move their own to in the event our Earth cannot sustain us… or them.

They are planning to give them, pause for effect, Africa!  A whole continent. And governments worldwide know this and have agreed.  I don’t think that will go over well with the current inhabitants.  Yes I know it sounds just like the movie District 9 and The Event.

In fact, I ran this by one of my whistleblowers and he agreed this has been in the works for some time.  Only, these supposed humanoid beings aren’t really humanoid…  They are of course reptilian and even a form of ‘praying mantis’ parading as human so as not to upset the locals.

And I am being told the ghost cities in Angola being built by the Chinese are supposed to be built to house their “caretakers” — that is, the Earth humans who will mind the place.

While, I am at it this same Duff-MJ12 contingent is claiming the recent asteroid over Russia was a craft full of yet another group of 12-14 inch beings with an extra apendage… in addition to 2 arms and 2 legs… And they are supposedly not ‘friendlies”….

Are they simply trotting this out to amaze and confuse?  Are their elements of truth mixed with disinfo?… Yes probably.  My whistleblower apparently communicated this scenario 3 years ago to a certain person (not me).  ie. From what I have heard, diabolical plans for the African continent by the secret government have long been hinted at but no scenario such as the one mentioned on the Mike Harris show on Rense with Gordon Duff was forthcoming…

Given scenarios such as these, it’s no wonder they needed a younger Naz/Jesuiti in the office of Pope.  

Some think this Pope is planning to bring the worlds together and that he is working for the good of humanity.  Time will tell.

We are planning an upcoming Live video Roundtable to discuss all of the above with Richard C. Hoagland and others to be announced soon.  Depending on the state of our streaming capability… 

More on this soon…Pope Francis, The Jesuit Connection and the Future of Everything… Roundtable discussion to be announced shortly.


Camelot Website Issues!!

Just a heads up to let everyone know we are experiencing constant attacks on the Camelot website and Tommy has been hard at work on upgrading our security and changes to hopefully prevent the slowness of the site and problems with it loading.

We appreciate any feedback you are able to give us as that can help us in tracking the IPs of the DOS (denial of service) attacks and other problems.

Thank you for your patience.