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Webmaster needed for Camelot

Must know Joomla and be able to administer modules and add new ones.

Contact:  kerry@projectcamelot.tv

Put WEBMASTER in the subject line.  This is not a full time job.

There is some pay on a weekly basis and extra pay for admin during live online events.

Beano Black : Pluto?

Interesting footage of Pluto or some planet that is where Pluto is supposed to be but it’s a LOT larger than ever reported… So what’s going on here?



Operation: Takedown

As many people already know, the Greer movie, SIRIUS is premiering in Los Angeles on Monday night.  What I am told is that he will be appearing there in person to reveal the results of DNA tests on the 8 inch ET body that was found in the desert.

What is particularly interesting is that this premiere and Steven Basset’s Citizen Hearing for Disclosure at the Press Club in Washington DC is also happening less than a week later, from April 29th to May 3rd.  

Two disclosure events in such a short span of time is no coincidence.  However, one has to ask whether this is the beginning of a controlled campaign for disclosure being spun with a certain hidden hand in the background.  I am being told by back channel sources that releasing some disclosure type information at this time is becoming more crucial for those in power because of upcoming events.  What those ‘events’ are is not clear although there has been some indication by people like Gordon Duff, Senior Editor of Veteran’s Today who has been clearly tasked by someone (some intel group) with disclosing in a steady stream over the past year.

I was told there’s a kind of rush (ala hurry up and wait) that the PTB are involved in. Mainly because various factions are competing for one, control, and two, for being in the lead on the final release of the fact that ‘we are not alone and we have never been alone’ to quote Bob Dean, to the public.

At the forefront of those factions wanting to control and ‘spin’ the disclosure of the ET presence is the Vatican.

By the way, the latest rendition of the scanners at airports now replacing the old style invasive TSA scanners are said to be put in place to determine whether those going through are ‘human’.  Word is, that the earlier version did the same however, certain changes in cloaking on the part of the ‘visitors’ necessitated changes… an upgrade in the tech used for detection.  You didn’t think they were replacing the originals because of ‘protest’ and health concerns did you?

And while we are on the subject.  The recent movie OBLIVION with Tom Cruise has an important statement worth contemplating which suggests that the “invasion” won’t happen until after the earth changes escalate.  


In keeping with the tradition of seeding movies with advance notice to humanity of what the PTB have in store for them.. the time between advance ‘notice’ and release of their diabolical agenda items is shortening.

For example with OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN, Americans are put on notice that North Korean’s will attempt to invade and take down the White House just days before Kim Jong-un made his threats… 

And of course, the Boston Marathon bombers (manchurian candidates Chechnyen style) are now being said to be double-agents… see this article posted on Prison Planet, but originally published by DEBKAfile for more on this.  

“…a) At what date did the Tsarnaev brothers turn coat and decide to work for Caucasian Wahhabi networks?

b) Did they round up recruits for those networks in the United States – particularly, among the Caucasian and Saudi communities?

c)  What was the exact purpose of the Boston Marathon bombings and their aftermath at MIT in Watertown?

d) Are any more terrorist attacks in the works in other American cities?”

Even this list of questions from the DEBKAfile article begins to look like the seeding of info to shape a desired result and set the scene for an escalation of targeting of the American people.  Agenda item better known as ‘take down America the last bastion of freedom from the NWO’ in my view.  Yes, I know, this place is anything but ‘free’ in light of the Patriot act and so on however it’s the spirit of the people that has them worried, still.  The rebel without a cause spirit in America may be our last hope….

This ‘attack America’ stance being laid down by both government and Rothschild run operations is escalating.

Be aware that it was no accident that ‘operation Watertown’ transpired on the celebration of ‘Patriots Day’…

The American uprising against British authority in Lexington, Massachusetts, was on April 19, 1775, but Patriots Day is celebrated on the third Monday in April, falling this year on April 15.

“It’s a day that celebrates the free and fiercely independent spirit that this great American city of Boston has reflected from the earliest days of our nation,” President Obama said Monday, a few hours after a pair of bombs rocked the finish line of the Boston Marathon, killing at least three and injuring dozens more.

Read more: http://www.wpbf.com/news/nationalnews/Boston-bombing-Latest-Patriots-Day-tragedy/-/8788944/19762982/-/o5wgv8/-/index.html#ixzz2RBML5Vxl

This is also in keeping with the Sandy Hook tragedy that has direct links to the banking industry and the behind the scenes movement of major funds hidden under the cover of that inside operation.  [see my prior article on Sandy Hook for more on this].

This has to do with what the NWO has to deal with in order to count their game of takedown America a success… laying a trail of ritual sacrifice from Aurora to Sandy Hook to Benghazi to Watertown… follow the dots and note the hidden war being played at the highest levels where rebellious America is being brought to heel by the Rothschild banking cartels.  

Everyone will have already heard about the episode of Family Guy where this event was foreshadowed…and the many seedings in advance of the actual incident where  it would appear that the AI running the show has gotten ahead of itself, and spiraled out of control until it announces the incidents before they occur… emphasizing the weird time warp we are currently living in.

Of course the links to Islamic Jihad and the Saudis is strangely reminiscent of 911 and looks like there is also an effort to steer us into war in the Middle East much like what happened after 911…even though all of that was planted and had nothing to do with terrorism.  What we are facing is a build up to allow for government sponsored terrorism to create a climate in which they can spur the American people to get into another war against a contrived Middle Eastern enemy… 

So where does this end or go next?  Indications that the renewed gun controls will of course be expanded and the set up continues… 

Setting the scene for a false alien invasion requires people to believe that ‘aliens are real’ and therefore we have a CIA sponsored roll-out for disclosure of a sort that then allows for a real invasion that is actually been going on for sometime now.

Just a side note that if we are being invaded by 8 inch aliens that keeping our guns might be advisable if only to defend ones family LOL….

Meanwhile, back here at home on American soil the trail of blood leads in the direction of war… in order to get the Chinese entangled in the Middle East and by way of Syria, to Iran.

Lastly, after the ‘fall of Olympus’ comes the apocalyptic decimation of the planet by way of an asteroid which hits the moon or uh, Mars (like what I am being told) resulting in advanced Earth changes where upon the ‘invasion’ by the AI network can begin in earnest.  Keeping in mind along the lines of foreshadowing… with OBLIVION and the upcoming Will Smith movie AFTER EARTH, in which their spaceship lands on a hostile planet called Earth… after the apocalypse where it has become a place HOSTILE TO HUMANS… 

Stepping back to view the clues… When we expose the pre-meditated nature of their crimes against humanity we take the wind out of their sails and place you in a position to rethink the future. Stay awake and aware.

For previous related articles on the above:




Alien Implants

This interview with Jef Harvey is well worth a listen:


Apparently he believes his implant was a result of a Milab abduction or at least that the military were likely involved.


Another important investigator of implants is Derrel Sims.  I recommend his work to those looking for more information on this subject:


Check out his new book:









04/19/2013 – Serena Taylor





UFO Researcher, Intuitive Vedic Astrologer, Associate Producer Conscious Life Expo

Serena has been interested in UFOs and Extra-Terrestrials since childhood when she had experiences of seeing other-dimensial beings in her room and in the sky.  She has investigated this phenomenon in Puerto Rico recently, along with her husband Douglas Taylor who had his first contact with spiritually advanced ETs there in 1978.  She also travels to her native England each summer to investigate the crop circles and the unusual phenomena around the sacred sites.

She has a background in the Entertainment Industry and extensive study and practice of the Ancient Vedic teachings.

Serena puts together the sections of the Conscious Life Expo pertaining to UFOs, Ancient Secrets and Conspiracies.

For nearly thirty years, Serena has been giving consultations for clients all over the world, using Vedic Astrology, Clairvoyance and spiritual insight.

Web Site www.vimana.org


Email: serena@vimana.org

Donations for Whistleblower Needed


Today I received the following communique from Paul the author of the material found on the UNWANTED PUBLICITY website.

Please do assist him if you are able…

Desperation to escape bleak and baren desert cruelties, for Disclosure Projects of mine to continue, now requires moving technical infrastructure equipment, support gear, and personal belongings to the final destination habitable and survivable… [location hidden for his safety].

Stranded in this current remote area of Nevada, now requires urgent assistance through donations so my current work and research can complete all my Disclosure Project revelations – those I came close to finishing before my having being mugged and robbed at gunpoint – by 2 armed desperados in Los Angeles – just before Christmas ( 2012 ).

3 easy ways for donations to reach me ( full instructions below ), are:

#1.: ONLINE MONEYGRAM ( website ), at: http://www.moneygram.com ;

[ IMPORTANT REMINDER: Donators must send an e-mail to UnwantedPublicity@Gmail.Com AND in your “Subject:” line please print: “HELP OFFER” please provide only ‘your’ ( MoneyGram “Sender” ) ‘limited information’ ( i.e. your first and last name and city and state where your money was sent from ) PLUS include the MoneyGram “Recipient” invoice ‘number’…‘all’ needed for me to collect your donation. Thank You! ]

#2.: WALMART ( or most all Drug Stores, Supermarkets, or Check Cashing counters ) MONEYGRAM; or,

#3.: MAIL donations, to ( temporary address ):

Paul Collin

Box 24

Moapa, NV 89025


Kerry, thank you for having helped – for the greater good of the public at-large – so many people around the world with producing your enlightening interview broadcasts preparing others for what is about to come.”–Paul, Unvwanted Publicity



As I mentioned on a recent radio show, the Chinese have built a Ghost City in Angola…

Note that the above article was published by the Daily Mail

Constructed on the outskirts of Angola’s capital city Luanda, Nova Cidade de Kilamba has 750 eight-storey blocks of flats, a dozen schools and more than 100 shop units.

But, crucially, it has no residents, and many of the nearby slum-dwellers cannot afford the £75,000 price-tag to move in.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2168507/Footage-shows-brand-new-Angolan-city-designed-500-000-lying-empty.html#ixzz2QnMHEe2u 
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

 I was told it was for the administrators of the ‘colonizers’ — a supposed incoming race of beings whose planets (2) have been invaded and destroyed. 

See this blog entry for more on this:  http://projectcamelotportal.com/kerrys-blog/1612-peter-of-rome-the-prophecy


Wash DC – Citizens Hearing on Disclosure

….Because you and those immersed in the Matrix, can handle the truth.  If you want to see Disclosure please support this effort.  Go here:  http://www.citizenhearing.org/  and subscribe to the live stream of this important upcoming event produced by Steven Bassett and the Paradigm Research Group.


If you would like to see Project Camelot attend this hearing in Washington DC on April 29th to May 3rd and conduct interviews behind the scenes please donate to kerry@projectcamelot.org

Without funding I cannot attend this conference.  I need enough to cover a roundtrip ticket to Washington DC from LAX and a hotel room for approximately 4 nights.

From my pov, this is not about governments admitting “they are here” it is about admitting they have a Secret Space Program that has become a rogue civilization operating hundreds of years in advance of what we currently experience here on surface Earth.  This is what true disclosure is all about.  For more on this GO HERE to read my paper on BLACK PROJECTS : FOLLOW THE MONEY.