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Disclosure Hearing: Boots on the Ground?

Today was the first day of the hearing on disclosure here in Washington DC just blocks away from Congress and the White House.  This is a historical occasion and it could easily go unnoticed unless you, the people, pick this up and make it go viral!

The former members of Congress are stepping up in a big way to take on the witness testimony and branch out into subjects that will have the intel and greater secret government, at the very least, shifting ‘uncomfortably in their seats’.  Contrary to the game plan these members are pushing the envelope and most of the witnesses are willingly obliging with the goods, the real evidence of visitation, interaction and more.  This has to have some people here on the hill a bit nervous.  This is a good thing.

Yes, this is a small beginning but it is something.  A crack in the wall.  What is notable is how quickly the questions moved the discussion into the areas where Bassett didn’t plan to go 🙂  This is a good thing.  These people are being galvanized by the truth of the ET presence and the implications of the culture of secrecy going back decades… and the clear fact of a secret government running things behind the scenes and well over the heads of Congress and the current administration.  

Is this disclosure being managed?  Certainly… the fact that I am not speaking (or my witnesses) should tell you something.  But that doesn’t matter because they can’t keep the cat in the bag… It’s going to get out and someone out there is listening.  For one thing the VISITORS are listening.  I got a very clear message from them… one, that they wanted me to be here and that was made possible, and two, that this is changing the landscape on planet Earth in ways that will not be realized until much later.

Will they achieve anything more than making clear that we know that they know….that we know and they are having contact and deciding our future without consulting us.. time will tell.

If you are reading this I encourage you to pay all of $3.80  (for the entire week!)

Go here for more on this:  http://www.citizenhearing.org/

This hearing is being BROADCAST LIVE… 

Note: the full Citizen Hearing is Webcast live on the Internet. Subscribe here.


I am in Wash DC at the Disclosure Hearing

I just arrived last night in Washington DC.  I am here to attend the Citizens Hearing on Disclosure.

Go here for more details on this:  http://www.citizenhearing.org/

This hearing will be BROADCAST LIVE… 

Note: the full Citizen Hearing will be Webcast live on the Internet. Subscribe here.

It is very early morning here on Monday… Last night we had a meet and greet dinner with the witnesses and former members of Congress.  The witnesses are comprised of both ex-military and long time researchers who will be testifying for the next 4 days here in Washington, at the Washington DC Press Club .  We are just a few short blocks from Congress and the White House.

This is my first time in Washington DC.  It’s a very attractive city, stately and  dramatic.  The old bastion of Eastern wealth and establishment.  Lots of brick and morter.  Rigid and unyielding.  I wonder if the Halls of justice will be impacted at all by this historical hearing disclosing the fact that humans are not alone on this planet or in the Universes.. that we have never been alone and that this government, the secret side of it, had best acknowledge this reality to the people so that humanity can move into the next millenium with more conscious awarenees about who we are and where we are going.

We the people, are aware of the presence of visitors, ETs, interdimensionals, etc as well as those beings who have possibly been here as long as we have and some, even longer.   This Hearing is really about acknowledging the reality of the ET presence.  Letting the government know that we know, that they know… And that we also know that they have dealing with and agreements with these beings, that involve the future of Planet Earth and Humanity and that we should have a say in this.

Will the members of Congress be aware of this Hearing going on just down the street from where they conduct the business of state on a daily basis?  Will any of them have any interest in sitting in to hear the testimony of these various distinguished witnesses?  Are they in mass, (that is, Congress) largely unaware of the ET presence?  Are they at all aware of the exo-political reality?  That the government they think they work for is not really the government that is running things?  That this playing field they are dealing in is far greater than the simply the circumference of this lovely globe we call Earth?

Certainly, there should be some regard given to the Former Members of Congress who have chosen to sit in on this hearing.  That much should give them pause.

And what of the President?  Surely he is very aware of the presence of the so-called visitors and knows very well that real power is well out of his hands in spite of the pomp and circumstance surrounding his office.  He may regard this Hearing with some interest, if only, because the ramifications, should it seize the imagination or Zietgist of the people around the world, could well impact his own future.

Needless to say, this Hearing will be endeavoring to steer clear of the Secret Space Program, the Underground cities, the off-planet bases and the real implications of the “CRAFT”, (the UFOs) they will no doubt, make an excellent case for…  Steven Bassett stated this quite clearly in my recent interview with him just prior to this weeks event.  I encourage you to listen to what he had to say about the limitations and focus for the Hearing.  Here is the archive of that conversation:


Whistleblower Radio
Episode: whistleblower_radio_007, 4/25/2013 12:00:00 AM
Summary: Stephen Bassett, Disclosure at the National Press Club



However, it is the implication of the reality of UFOs in our skies that is what really matters.  And just how far you want to take that.  Are they “ours” or are they “theirs” is the first question one might ask.  And the answer to that question is what opens Pandora’s box.  But open it must and in reality, it already has.  

The only real question is how much longer the surface governments on Planet Earth, especially the U.S. surface government, will continue to pretend as though, they are living in closed system that they control.  Which most of us, who are aware, know is, a most ludicious and insidious lie.

The Citizens Hearing on Disclosure is the first “hearing” to have been held here in Washington where the people take into their own hands, the right to disclose the truth about the ET presence.  Where we go from here is up to all of us.  No doubt the “visitors” will be listening.




Revolution Radio with Richard Alan Miller Now Live!


Richard Alan Miller is on Revolution Radio with Hawk…

I am on the show briefly as well.  Very interesting conversation.

Kerry on the Radio interviewed on Collage Radio


Kerry is being irterviewed this morning by Corey on Collage Radio in Vermont.

Ricardo Baretzsky – Star Wars UFO & Nazi Bell





And THEN at:  7PM PT


to listen live go here: http://sceptreradionetwork.com

Note:  Ricardo Baretzky will be my special guest on FRIDAY on Sceptre Radio Network on a specially scheduled time:  10 AM Pacific time.  We will be discussing the new intel regarding the Nazi Bell well as his recent report from World News Tomorrow about shots fired between a UFO and TR3B or similar type craft.  It is also possible the actual shots were fired from the South African base in that vicinity.  Just recently a Naval Officer went on Facebook from that base and confirmed that he also witnessed this event.

This event was also reported in Veterans Today here.


04/25/2013 – Baron von Ricardo Baretzky


Guest: Baron von Ricardo Baretzky

Summary: Kerry interviews ECIPS President, and Global Security Analyst Baron von Ricardo Baretzky

Website: www.baretzky.com/baretzky_002.htm

ricardo baretzky


BIO: Ricardo “Baron” Baretzky (born July 27, 1968) from French (shared Davidian bloodline) descent of the “House of Bousis” circa 1050, is a concert Violinist, Composer and historical Researcher. He established the Baretzky Academy of Music, Bruxelles, an educational research institute, in 1997. Later he co-founded Sowoon Technologies S.a. r. l. Switzerland, a fully federal funded organization within the European Union and served as Vice-Chairman from 2003 to 2008.

He is married to Shin-Hae Baroness Baretzky, a concert pianist whom studied at the Royal Conservatoire, Bruxelles. As scholar of modern education Baron Baretzky, continues to study in the fields of Law and humanitarian subjects. During 2010 he was elected as Chairman of the CAMS-Committee where he compiled the legislation policy and the introduction to the quality assurance of minerals to Africa, a move intended to reduce the role of gems and gold as “movers” in current regional conflicts in Africa.

He has a passion for the diamond industry and is a preeminent expert on the application of advanced technologies as they apply toward eliminating the gem trade and its preeminent role in both weapons trafficking and world terrorism. During 2006 Baron Baretzky funded and inaugurated the Nurturing Leaders .Org organization. His philosophical and political views have been widely accepted by many and he is considered and modern day independent diplomat by many governmental organizations.

As an accomplished expert in both his professions he has a successful partnership with many organizations that contributes to the common interest of humanitarian ethics.

Ricardo Baretzky is a recognized expert on terrorism and global threats. Baretzky advises governments and multi-national commercial enterprises with regards to their risk governance, external security policies, and cyber terrorism risk management.


Hunt for the Nazi Bell – Updated

According to a source, there were 2 prototype Nazi Bells that were secreted out of Nazi Germany at the end of the war.  One of them, apparently went to Russia and from there, due to the heavy radiation signature had to be encased in several layers then was flown via the Russian space craft taken for a UFO in the Kecksburg sighting incident, to the U.S. landing in Kecksburg Pennsylvania.


My previous article about this is here.  In that article I questioned Clark McClelland’s story about the Kecksburg incident being a Russian craft with the contents (shaped like a bell or acorn).  But with this new information, things begin to make sense.

What I am being told is that the actual bell was recovered in Kecksburg and that it is 6×6 feet in size.  However, there were actually two.  The other one is missing.  They are saying it is somewhere in the Middle East, very likely, Iran, Iraq or Syria, that it may, for a time, have been in Egypt.

This missing bell may be a later prototype than the one in the possession of the U.S. secret space program and therefore they are in a mad rush to locate and gain possession of the 2nd bell.  In essence, both bells are said to contain the technology for warping time, free energy and more.  They contain the secrets that CERN has been searching for and not finding for decades.

This source also reports that the original inventor was a Russian working for the Nazis… possibly of Jewish descent.  This lends credence to why the first bell ended up in the hands of Russia.  What kind of deal was made in order to get the 1st prototype bell shipped over to America back in 1965 is not clear.  However, there is no doubt that wars and huge amounts of money factor into this hunt for the 2nd Nazi Bell… and if you trace the trajectory of countries invaded by the U.S. for the past 10 years what you are seeing is a pattern that follows the possible trajectory of the missing bell.

What the secret government is most concerned about (and surface government as well) is that the 2nd bell not fall into the hands of unfriendly governments such as Iran, Syria or North Korea… (not to mention China).

While checking with various contacts on the above story it was suggested to me by Ricardo Baretzky, an analyst and global security threat specialist, that this 2nd bell poses a threat to the world that should not be underestimated.

He wrote…”Should this ” Bell” capability truly exist and fall into the wrong hands such as Syria or North Korea than, yes certainly this would pose a threat not only to western countries but all nations including the UN. It therefore certain that this probability would be examined by the Counter intelligence officers of global agencies as a possible threat to any nation that could stand a risk of being over powered by force or blackmail by the opposition.”–Ricardo Baretzky

I plan to check with Clark McClelland to find out whether he knew what this acorn shaped device contained.  At this time, from what I understand, what was shown in this photo is the casing containing several layers of protection for the bell.  The writing seen around the rim is probably copied from the actual bell, which I am told does have such writing.  The lettering has some resemblance to Hebrew writing and could very possibly be of ET origin, with hologram-type properties to assist in safe transport from a hyper dimensional angle.

I also spoke to Michael Schratt, an aerospace historian who specializes in classified aircraft, regarding this story and he confirmed that the above explanation for Kecksburg is very possible in his view.

More on this as it becomes available… developing.

Note:  Ricardo Baretzky will be my special guest on FRIDAY on Sceptre Radio Network on a newly scheduled time period at 10 AM Pacific time.  We will be discussing the above as well as his recent report from World News Tomorrow about shots fired between a UFO and TR3B or similar type craft.  It is also possible the actual shots were fired from the South African base in that vicinity.  Just recently a Naval Officer went on Facebook from that base and confirmed that he also witnessed this event.

This story was also reported in Veterans Today here.

 “The Nazi-Bell device consisted two of counter-rotating cylindrical containers. The containers, which were positioned one above the other measured approximately 1-meter in diameter, and were filled with cryogenically cooled and frozen Mercury metal. There was a frozen core of a metallic paste, which served as a “high permeability material” for the EMG (electromagnetic-gravitational) field.”

— Nick Cook, Hunt for Zero Point

For more information regarding the Nazi Bell and more see our Project Camelot interview with Igor Witkowski here.

Update April 25, 2013: 

I have received added information regarding the Kecksburg/Nazi Bell incident from Clark McClelland and am working on getting clarification on this.  It sounds like he is saying the Kecksburg craft contained a “back engineered bell” along with the addition of something inside related to the USSR clock (?) …

I also have added information from Sean David Morton who wrote the book SANDS OF TIME based on the secret files left behind by the former head of Area 51.  This whistelblower, prior to his death, instructed his lawyer to give Sean his files, on the condition, that Sean write a fictionalized account of the true history of the secret space program!  Within those files is information pertaining to Kammler, what happened to him and the Nazi Bell.  

Just how much of that information made it into the book is not clear.  However, when I contacted Sean about this new information about the hunt for the 2nd bell and the Kecksburg incident, he suggested that the contents of the Kecksburg ‘acorn’ is a back engineered bell that a Soviet scientist may have been using to travel back in time!

Sean states, that the Nazi bell has the technology to allow us to travel through time, (as is commonly thought) and that the original bell ripped a hole in Space time… The original rip in spacetime is said to have ‘let in’ the greys and other not so friendly aliens we have been dealing with since that time.  The Philadelphia Experiment for example is said to ripped another one…  

Interestingly, Sean says, …”KAMMLER had found a way to use these gravity fields without ripping  a hole in Time/Space…BUT…MORE IMPORTANTLY…he knew how to CLOSE THE HOLES and STOP access points for the invasion.”

Clark states, based on information from his insider contacts that Kammler was secreted into the states and ended up in Dayton, Ohio… There is no doubt, according to everyone I talked to, that Kammler had the key to a great deal including the possible mystery of the Nazi bell.


All of this needs further investigation and needless to say, only deep insiders are party to exactly what the bell technology really can do.  Suffice to say that possession of a bell would change the balance of power on this planet and if a 2nd bell really does exist, and is missing (or not in possession of the US secret space program) it is easy to assume that ‘they’ (the secret government/secret space program) would be desparately hunting for the lost bell to this day.



The attached pdf file is downloadable courtesy of Michael Schratt, aerospace historian.  

I did an interview with him over the last weekend to get an update and we ended up having a conversation about disclosure.

Coming soon!

Meanwhile please download this and distribute.


04/24/2013 – Steven Bassett




Timely Link:  www.citizenshearing.org



Stephen Bassett is an exopolitical activist and a leading advocate for ending the 65-year government imposed truth embargo regarding an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race.  He is the executive director of the Paradigm Research Group (PRG) which will produce a “Citizen Hearing on Disclosure” in 2013.   Stephen has spoken to audiences around the world about the implications of formal Disclosure of the extraterrestrial presence, and his advocacy work has been extensively covered by national and international media.

PRG Media Coverage:  www.paradigmresearchgroup.org/articles/PRGarticles.html

PRG TV/Video Interviews:  http://tinyurl.com/7gwnoft

PRG Websites:     www.citizenshearing.org









Wednesday night at 5pm on Sceptre Radio Network, I will be talking with Steven Bassett who is heading up the Citizens Hearing on Disclosure happening April 29 – May 3rd at the Press Club in Washington DC.

Very special thanks to the people who donated so I could attend.  I will be attending from April 29th through May 2nd.  Please do come find me if you live in the Washington DC area and you are a whistleblower or just have some good intel!

Tune in to Wednesday’s show when we talk about his witnesses and where this is all going.  Click the radio icon with the eye to listen live.