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As mentioned, I will be in the UK covering the Bilderberg Meeting in Watford then speaking in London at a venue TBD.

Please if you can support this trip by DONATING or have contacts with direct access to any Bilderberg attendees that might want to do a Camelot interview contact me right away at kerry@projectcamelot.tv

In addition, if you are a whistleblower in the UK and want to get your story out please let me know.

I will going to PARIS from June 12th to 16th…. PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU HAVE A VENUE or contacts with a venue where I can speak there.

SPECIAL thanks to everyone who has donated so far.  This is a start but will not cover my expenses.  The flight costs $1900 approx and although I will stay with friends part of the time the rest is out of pocket for me.

Any film crews that want to volunteer to film or help with interviews please contact me and anyone who can LIVE STREAM my speaking event please also contact me.  

Stay tuned for London Venue announcement.  Date I will be speaking is probably June 9th.. this coming SUNDAY!

GO HERE TO DONATE:  http://projectcamelotportal.com/donate

If you have appreciated my latest releases (all free) please consider sending even $5 to assist this endeavor.



Due to the many questions and great interest regarding my latest interviews, I will be doing an open Q&A for 1 hour or longer on the Camelot LIVESTREAM CHANNEL:  http://livestream.com/projectcamelotlive/

This will be a FREE EVENT.

There is a CHAT BOX on Livestream where you can post your questions.  For those of you who have me on skype feel free to skype your questions as well.

DATE/ TIME:  MONDAY, JUNE 3, 2013 @ 7pm PT.


According to this article, this meeting is now confirmed.



I am looking for donations and airline miles to get me over to the UK for this meeting and at the same time to once again attempt to interview Julian Assange.


For those who don’t want to use Paypal go here for other options.

For those who aren’t already aware I recommend watching the new documentary WE STEAL SECRETS that covers the history with Wikileaks and although flawed to some degree in its approach with respect to Assange it does cover the Bradley Manning story quite well.  What a tragedy.  

Apparently an ANNOTATED TRANSCRIPT of the film has been published by Wikileaks… posting rebuttals to the contents of the film.  Go here to read the article about this and go here for the transcript.  This ANNOTATED transcript is most helpful in correcting errors and omissions in the film.

At any rate I will be attempting to interview Julian Assange and at the same time attempt to cover the Bilderberg meeting.  

Anyone who is able to support this endeavor please click on the DONATE BUTTON on the right hand side of this page.

Lastly, I will be interested in setting up a SPEAKING ENGAGEMENT in both London and Paris where I will go following the week in London.  I will plan to be in Paris from June Any locals in both cities who have access to venues or anyone who may want to get their stories out while I am there please do contact me at:  kerry@projectcamelot.tv

For more info about the Bilderberg meeting go here:



05/31/2013 – Tom T. Moore





Tom T. Moore is an author, speaker, and is in the entertainment business, where for the last 25 years he has been president and CEO of his own international motion picture and TV program distribution business, based in Dallas, Texas. During this time, he has co-executive produced several movies and TV shows, and has traveled extensively as part of his business duties to international film markets held in Cannes, France, Milan, Italy, Los Angeles, California and Budapest, Hungary. He brings a keen knowledge of how requesting Benevolent Outcomes can be used in both business affairs and in one’s personal life, and relates many personal stories regarding these requests. He says that in requesting Benevolent Outcomes for over the past fourteen years has resulted in leading a gentler, less stressful, and less fearful life—The Gentle Way!

His books, The Gentle Way: A Self-Help Guide For Those Who Believe in Angels and The Gentle Way II: The Story Continues (ISBN #s 1-891824-60-0 & 978-1-891824-80-7, Light Technology) give many more suggestions for requesting Benevolent Outcomes. Visit his website at www.TheGentleWayBook.com. 

Before becoming an international film distributor, Mr. Moore owned and operated, with his wife, an international wholesale tour company, selling tours through 3,000 travel agents nationwide. That business began out of his first successful venture, a ski club for single adults, which grew to be the largest snow ski club in Texas. Mr. Moore is still an avid skier, and loves to ski both in the United States and Canada, and Europe.

Mr. Moore graduated with a BBA in Finance from Texas Christian University in Fort Worth, Texas, and served in the U.S. Army as a 1st Lieutenant. He is a native of Dallas, Texas, is married, and has two children. 


This interview was conducted at the Super Soldier Summit in May 2013. Erin Green Hicks aka Erin Rothschild tells her story from the perspective of time travel and her experience growing up as a Rothschild being tortured and put through illuminati mind control and satanic rituals…

Melinda Leslie : MILAB Researcher & Experiencer


This is a wide ranging discussion between Melinda Leslie and Kerry Cassidy concerning MILABS, REABS, and SUPER SOLDIERS. We get into Melinda’s own past experiences and her interaction with both ETs and Military. A great introduction to the whole subject of Super Soldiers, disclosure and where the augmentation and use of humans both in this reality and on the astral and other dimensional levels is leading us.



This interview may not be for everyone. It contains some rather shocking point blank statements by supersoldiers (MAX SPEARS & MICHAEL PRINCE) who are freely admitting that they are in service to the 4th Reich and are operating as assassins.

There is no doubt that this is some kind of statement from one faction of the cabal to a faction of the Rothschilds and to the world at large. I believe it would be safe to say, no interview of this nature has EVER taken place in quite this uncensored way and been made public.

This indicates a real change in tactics by the cabal. One might say gloves off…

Not to be missed. 

More on Government Sponsored Terror

This article written by Dr. Kevin Barrett from Veteran’s Today is worth reading.  Two key quotes from that article:

..”It is well known, even among mainstream scholars, that the FBI has organized virtually every “Muslim terrorist” incident of the past decade. As Judge Napolitano admitted on Fox TV, the FBI has been involved in at least 17 false-flag plots to attack America since 9/11.”


…”Bottom line: The US National Security State and its Israeli handlers  not the Brothers Tsarnaev  is the real perpetrator of the Boston bombings…and the real enemy of the American people. The complete lockdown of Boston, which removed eyewitnesses from the streets and allowed the frame-ups and shootings of the Brothers Tsarnaev, is a taste of the kind of martial law and draconian repression that is in store for the American people if they do not rise up in rebellion against the criminals posing as their guardians.” -Dr. Kevin Barett



For those interested Kevin Barett has done a series of articles on the Boston Bombings and related subjects:


World Bank Whistleblower Works to Expose the Fed

It’s certainly not news but a coalition of whistleblowers could have some impact…

…”A former insider at the World Bank, ex-Senior Counsel Karen Hudes, says the global financial system is dominated by a small group of corrupt, power-hungry figures centered around the privately owned U.S. Federal Reserve. The network has seized control of the media to cover up its crimes, too, she explained. In an interview with The New American, Hudes said that when she tried to blow the whistle on multiple problems at the World Bank, she was fired for her efforts. Now, along with a network of fellow whistleblowers, Hudes is determined to expose and end the corruption. And she is confident of success.”
