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Bilderberg Fringe Update – Saturday

I spoke twice yesterday at the Fringe event for 30 minutes (the allotted time).  Today Alex Jones and David Icke and maybe David Cameron are scheduled to talk.  Late in the day… 

Someone stole the router from the Press Tent so no one could broadcast live except Alex Jones who has his own equipment from what I understand.  I apologize to everyone that I was not able to broadcast my talks… It was filmed and so depending how it turns out sound-wise I will release them on my site as soon as I can get an upload cable to my camera and get them uploaded.

Meanwhile, I did a number of interviews that is, I was the one being interviewed 🙂  I am reaching out to various people to schedule interviews but nothing has come through so far… 

Tomorrow, Sunday I will be speaking at the Somerset House around 5pm UK time.  Please don’t contact the venue directly or they say I may lose it!  Don’t know why….  Probably because Camelot is so controversial by their standards.  You can buy tickets in advance here.  Space is limited.

i had a lovely day yesterday and met some fabulous people here at the Fringe event.  The event is held about a mile from the ‘house on the hill’.. the Grove Hotel where Bilderberg is being held.

There is a fence around the Fringe event that is remarkably like a horse corral and indeed the Press and people are being kept inside this corral and heavily surrounded by police and vans and all kinds of surveillance tech… We were all searched (our bags and body searched with some electronic instrument by armed guards before being let into the “corral”… 

It is clear whoever came in and stole the router was let in and allowed to “steal” the router had shall we say covert assistance by some agency probably under orders by someone who works for the Bilderberg Group aka NWO.

What is clear is that this event signifies the flagrant parading of the “rulers” meeting in seclusion working out what their latest diabolical plans will be for running the world without the say of the people.  CONSPIRACY – an evil, unlawful, treacherous, or surreptitious plan formulated in secret by two or more persons… indeed.  As I mentioned in my talks, there is no transparency… The NWO is now taking control of the countries of the world and doing so in plain view.

Gerard Batten, Member of Parliament spoke and was interviewed by Alex Jones at the Fringe event.  This clip is well worth listening to… I am trying to contact him for an interview.


We well expect an even larger crowd today, Saturday, when people in the UK are off work and able to come down.


I will be speaking tonight, FRIDAY NIGHT at 6pm UK time… at the Bilderberg Fringe Festival for 30 minutes or so… FREE


Sunday evening in London central… for 2+ hours…


CLICK HERE TO BUY TICKETS:   (note:  you can also purchase at the door cash only).  


Space is limited so buying in advance might be advisable.


 DATE:  SUNDAY, JUNE 9, 2013 


TIME:  5pm – 7:30pm


In addition, here is their schedule for those who want to attend the various gatherings:



Hosted by our wonderful MC, Danny Shine.

12.30pm: Danny Shine – activist and spiritual entertainer

1PM: Hannah Borno – journalist and activist, “Experiences of Bilderberg”

1.30pm: Darren Deojee – of the People’s Public Trust

2pm: Steve Jolly – anti-surveillance ‘No CCTV’ campaigner, ‘No CCTV’

2.30pm: Belinda McKenzie – 9/11 and Hollie Greig campaigner

3PM: Fergus Ferrier – “Bitcoin for Beginners”

3.30pm Peter Paget – author, lecturer, researcher: “Behind The Bildergers”

4pm: Sierra Adamson – We Are Change activist: “Confronting Power”

4.30pm: ***Greg Sams*** – author, activist, creator of Whole Earth Foods and the original Vegeburger: “Is the State out of Date?”

5pm: Hando Tonumaa & Mariann Joonas – founders of Telegram,the biggest alternative news site in Estonia: “Alternative media and the awakening in Estonia”

5.30pm: Stephen Moore – the round-head economist: “Positive Money”

6pm: Kerry Cassidy – documentary filmmaker, investigative journalist, founder of Project Camelot.



  1. 8pmHarry’s Bar, a couple of doors down from Kings Lodge Hotel.

(15min walk from The Grove – The Kings Lodge, 28 Bridge Road, Hunton Bridge, Watford, WD4 8RQ)


12PM: CHARLIE SKELTON: Comedy writier, journalist, and the Guardian’s Bilderblogger (UK)

12.30pm: CLIVE MENZIES: Representative of Occupy London’s Economic Working Group

1PM: GIORGIO BOMBASSEI: Veteran Bilderberg historian (Italy)

1.30PM: JURIAAN MAESSEN: Bilderberg historian & investigative writer of ‘Explosive Reports’ (The Netherlands)

2PM: LUKE RUDKOWSKI: We Are Change, New York (US)

2.30PM: DAN DICKS: Press For Truth (Canada)

3PM: MARTIN SUMMERS: – Labour Party columnist, broadcaster, and Reinvestigate 9/11 representative

3.30pm: PAUL JOSPEH WATSON: Author, and Editor/writer for Infowars (UK)

4PM: TONY GOSLING: ex-BBC radio journalist turned Bilderberg researcher (UK)

alexjones-davidicke5PM: DAVID ICKE: World renowned author, public speaker, and one of the foremost Bilderberg Group researchers (UK)

6PM: ALEX JONES: Investigative journalist, documentary film-maker, and international broadcaster/founder of Infowars (US)


N.B. Healers and spiritualists will be on the site all weekend. We are delighted to inform you that Lindy Cowling and Oliver Paxton will be holding a Heart Opening workshop from 10am-12pm on Saturday. All are warmly welcomed to join and participate.


A bit like the office leaving do, but with even more psychopaths. We’ll be bidding the Bilderbergers farewell, and continuing to document this year’s attendee list.

BILDERBERG STALWART’S SUNDAY AFTER-PARTY: a traditional afternoon cocktail at the Grove post-Bilderbergers’ exodus (Kissinger says they do a great B-52..), then it’s off to the pub for Sunday lunch, sighs of relief, uplifting live music, and an excellent night of ‘New World Order’ political comedy.

Hot off the Bilderberg Press Office – UPDATED


Well I got an answer from the quotes around it now: “Bilderberg Press Office” this morning as follows.  As you will see, they are really not letting the press anywhere near the actual building where the Bilderberg Meeting is happening (correction “some” press):  CORRECTION AGAIN:

Now I find out that this is not even a real press office!!  Just an activist group that set up a website and is handling the alternative press at the Fringe event area… jeez.  LOL  No wonder they didn’t let me in at the Grove Gate!!   I am probably the ONLY JOURNALISTwith the chutzpah to have a taxi take them to the GATE and ask for admittance.  Priceless.

The question everyone needs to be asking is WHO REALLY RUNS THE WORLD… and Bilderberg is bascially a group of upper level managers who are getting together to review world events and exchange views in a “safe” atmosphere.

One of my sources (a Brit) suggested that its not that hard to book space in an UNDERGROUND BASE for such a high level meeting… But instead they choose to do it TOPSIDE… with the result that after all these years even the mainstream press is starting to get wind that the WORLD RULERS are really the NWO in action.  Not something that is COMING but it is HERE NOW. 

And the GLOVES ARE OFF.. they don’t care if you know that the organizations like Parliament and the U.S. Congress have nothing to do with running the world.. The real rulers are UNELECTED and doing so from BEHIND CLOSED DOORS WITH NO OVERSIGHT from you or me… ie. THE PEOPLE.

This is the game.  What is new is simply that they want you to know they are doing it… And from their perspective its taken this long for the Press and so-called governments to catch on.  And now that you know… members of PARLIAMENT and the PRESS… What are you going to do about it?


From: press@bilderberg2013.co.uk


Date: June 7, 2013 12:36:35 AM PDT

To: “Kerry Cassidy Project Camelot”

Dear Kerry, I am very sorry but as I mentioned below, the police decided to merge the press area with the public area and the entrance is the entrance manned by G4S. The press office is clearly marked but everyone just seems to go into that as well – we have power and wifi. I don’t know why the police would not let you in as everyone else could go in.

All the very best, [name removed to protect personal privacy]


So it is quite interesting that they wouldn’t let me in!  I assume it was because everyone had left by that time (8:30pm) last night.

Assuming today will be different and I will be let in to that area such as it is.  It’s right next to the road….giving the Press no special access which totally defeats the purpose of “transparency ala David Camelron” when the Press cannot even get close enough to interview the “players”.

Note:  I have no doubt that there are actually 2 “press areas”.  One of them is for journalists that are pre-approved and work for owned and operated traditional Press.. that is such as Washington Post, Guardian of the UK and so on.

My prior email from my unnamed source in the “Bilderberg Press Office” indicates as much.  That source early on apparently didn’t have their pubic “story” quite right regarding what they are to say to any journalist who inquires, regarding where the Press area is and access.

My reply to the above email:

Hi {name removed},

 Thank you for clarifying this.  I assume the reason they didn’t let me in is because you are admitting only “some” journalists in to cover the event, just not alternative and press that hasn’t been pre-approved.

 Showing exclusivity to some press and not others creates an image of discrimination and top down exclusivity that is clearly a contradiction of the David Cameron express statement asking for “transparency” of government and specifically in relation to this Bilderberg event. 

Please let me know how one goes about getting pre-approval as I would like to be able to interview various attendees and really cover this event.

Note:  I will be publishing this.

Thank you. 





This is shaping up to be a big event!  I am now speaking at 6pm Saturday… COME DOWN.. make your voices heard..


If you plan to come down take the Tube… roads will be blocked near the event.

MICHAEL MEACHER, MP, SPEAKS OUT AGAINST SECRECY AT BILDERBERG:  Calls it the most important event of the year!!!


Alex at Bilderberg yesterday: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=_ePjFtqH1pY



I just arrived in Watford from the U.S. and was turned away at the gate because I didn’t show the kind of Press credentials they apparently want. Most everyone had gone home… it was around 8:30pm in the UK but lots of police and police vans… the street alongside the Grove has been shut down to traffic completely. The street in front was open to traffic but people couldn’t stop and they made my taxi driver leave when he dropped me off rather than letting him wait. A member of parliment did an interview today talking about how David Cameron wanted TRANSPARENCY and I have to say even the Press area is outdoors.. literally right on the other side of the gate and even as much as a mile or two from where the actual meeting is being held. So how are we to cover this event if we can’t get interviews or comments from the attendee?

I will go back in the morning with proof of my correspondence with the Bildgerberg Press Office at the GROVE…

As it happens Passing Clouds it turns out is organizing the Bilderberg Fringe event and their site is here:  http://www.bilderbergfringefestival.co.uk/

They are encouraging everyone to come down.  Looks like I will now be speaking on Friday or Saturday.  More details coming.  

Originally there were some organizers who weren’t going to let me speak afraid I would cause more waves than either Alex Jones or David Icke!  Quite a compliment I must say but luckily I spoke at Passing Clouds last year when I was here and now it looks like they will be letting me speak.

I will be here all weekend and could use some volunteer(s) to drive me to and from the hotel and the Grove daily and also assist with camera and broadcasting live!!  Anyone local who can do so please let me know ASAP!!  It is frightfully expensive to go from my hotelt the Grove and back… 15 british pounds each way … and I could really use someone with a car who is local and wants to help me.  

contact me via email:  kerry@projectcamelot.tv


Healing Needed for Benjamin Murphy

A short while ago Ben Murphy (known in respect to the Heather Material) was shot in the back 3 times at an ATM.  He is slowly recovering but could use some healing energy to help him get back to health.  

If you feel so inclined please do send him positive healing.

Thank you.


BUY TICKETS HERE:   (note:  you can also purchase at the door cash only).  

Space is limited so buying in advance might be advisable.


Choose Amount of Tickets

I will be speaking in London at the Somerset House (thanks to a wonderful team of people who also assisted me last year when I was in London!).

venue location:


DATE:  SUNDAY, JUNE 9, 2013 

TIME:  5pm – 7:30pm


Important Note:  Please do not contact the venue directly.  If you have any questions write to me at kerry@projectcamelot.tv

SPECIAL NOTE:  will speak at other venues in Europe if hotel and train fare can be covered.





I will be speaking in London this weekend!

CLICK HERE TO BUY TICKETS:   (note:  you can also purchase at the door cash only).  

Space is limited so buying in advance might be advisable.

 DATE:  SUNDAY, JUNE 9, 2013 

TIME:  5pm – 7:30pm

Important Note:  Please do not contact the venue directly.  If you have any questions write to me at kerry@projectcamelot.tv

SPECIAL NOTE:  will speak at other venues in Europe if hotel and train fare can be covered.



This is the Livestream event Kerry’s Open Q&A from last night now available to stream for free:


Watch live streaming video from projectcamelotlive at livestream.com