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06/20/2012 – Mike Harris


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American Freedom Radio link

Bio extract taken from veteranstoday.com

Mike Harris has over thirty years experience in manufacturing, finance and technology development. A participant in domestic and international start-ups, acquisitions and mergers, Mr. Harris founded Harris Technical Sales Inc. that became Motorola’s vendor of choice, placing over $1.2 billion of capital equipment worldwide. As Chairman of the Board of Eclipse Technology, improvements in logistics decreased Motorola downtime by 60% and decreased mean time between failures by 90%. As Chairman and CEO of TFG Acquisition Corporation, he drove an additional $300 million of value to Motorola shareholders. Mr. Harris then became the Arizona Managing Director of AMT Capital Partners LLC.


06/13/2012 – Courtney Brown (courtesy of AFR)


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Dr. Courtney Brown

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American Freedom Radio link

Bio extract taken from courtneybrown.com

Courtney Brown is a mathematician and social scientist who teaches in the Department of Political Science at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. Independent of his work at the university, he is also the leading scholar on the subject of "remote viewing" as it is done using procedures that were developed by the United States military and used for espionage purposes, or procedures that are derivative of those methodologies.

Click here for Farsight Institute



06/06/2012 – John De Herrera


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John De Herrera

Click here for the show

American Freedom Radio Link

John's Intro

I'm a writer/artist/activist from California, with a degree in Creative Studies from the University of California at Santa Barbara.  I've been advocating for the convention clause of Article V since 2001.

Political and Electoral Reform link – notes relating to the Article V Convention

Article V – Calling for a Constitutional Convention – Kerry's Blog, dated April 13, 2012 Updated April 14, 2012


05/30/2012 – Alara Blackwell, James Rink, Richard Rogers and Max Spiers


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Link to the show

American Freedom Radio Archive

SuperSoldierSummit 4Soldiers copy


05/23/2012 – Laura Magdalene Eisenhower


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Link to the show

Link to American Freedom Radio Archive

Laura Magdalene Eisenhower – Cosmic Gaia


From Laura's website

About Laura: 
Through natural alchemy, Sacred Union, and living the entire mythological body of the Goddess, Laura is powerfully creating global transformation on the Venus path. Taking on the darkest forces on Earth, Laura reveals the influence of the false matrix and conquers the hidden agendas that are affecting our personal freedom. She opens the gateways for ascension, reveals the source of ancient symbols, and brings to light the true Holy Grail.

Practice & Research: 
societal/cultural affairs, conflict resolution & peacekeeping, ancient matriarchal cultures, wilderness leadership, environmental science, mysticism, alchemy, metaphysics, holistic health, multidimensional travel, and natural systems philosophy

tree of life, labyrinth, Ain Soph, Holy Grail, vesica pisces, Shakti, World Soul, Lady Alchymia, Aditi, star-fire, womb of creation, Venus, Sacred Union, Gnosis, philosopher's stone, Mayan calendar, natural stargate & more




05/16/2012 – Rebecca Jernigan


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American Freedom Radio link

Rebecca's bio extract taken from her website – http://www.journeyswithrebecca.com

Rebecca Jernigan – Channel/Translator for the Elohim, Psychic, Mother, Grandmother, Speaker, Healer, Teacher, Cook, Talk Radio Show Host – Her talents and experiences are wide and varied.

Rebecca is a natural energy sensitive possessing the unique ability to define what energy signatures are and what they go to.  Her gifts of remote viewing, timeline jumping and clairvoyance combined with her experience in these and many more fields, have resulted in a unique experience for the many who have availed themselves of her services.  Her experience includes everything from hosting her own television show, working with police on missing person cases and crime solving, doing readings at psychic fairs, hosting her own radio show, house clearing, developing and teaching classes on meditations and tarot, and much more.

Rebecca's talents and experiences give her a unique perspective on life and love and what it truly means to be human.  With laughter, love and an open heart, she shares the knowledge she has garnered through joy, sorrow, loss and love – from her guides, the Elohim, the guests on her shows, her children, her friends, all those she has come in contact with and the many who surround her.


05/09/2012 – Jim Nichols

Jim was a featured speaker at 2010’s International UFO Conference in Laughlin, Nevada, where his video documentary about Nazi Saucers entitled, “The Aldebaran Mystery” was honored with 2 “EBE Awards”.
Jim’s Nazi Saucer video was picked up for distribution by UFOTV Productions, as both a DVD and Youtube presentation. And, over the past year UFOTV has posted an additional 12 of Jim’s video essays on Youtube.  Jim’s most recent public presentations can be viewed on the Mel Fabrigas Veritas  Radio/TV program – veritasradio.com.  

Jim Nichols – http://jimnicholsufo.net/
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I am planning to do some speaking engagements in Europe this summer during the month of July.  If you are in the following cities and have a venue or know of a venue that allows for 300+ people (or a hotel conference room which would work) please feel free to contact me at kerry@projectcamelot.tv with EUROPE in caps in the subject line.  

Proposed cities:  London, Paris, Amsterdam, Rome and Lake Como in Italy.

More cities to be added based on logistics and availability.

05/02/2012 – Keith Scott


Short bio: "…Keith Scott agreed to work with Ray Dam and together they established the Office of International Treasury Control. Scott has thirty years of experience in working with these accounts. He has provided the knowledge of these accounts to Neil Keenan in order to prevent any denial of the legitimacy or validity of the Bonds stolen from Keenan."

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Keith Scott

04/25/2012 – John Kettler

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John Kettler