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10/03/2012 – Richard Alan Miller


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Richard Alan Miller:  Physicist, Bio Physicist, Herbalist – Born : 1944


Note: Dr. Miller was one of three co-authors of the Anarchist Cookbook. Due to his top-secret clearance and former military involvement, his contribution as a co-author remained anonymous, but is verifiable. Additionally, Miller was the "real Mulder" of the X-Files, having written a treatment for Hollywood that was a bit complex and later adapted and simplified by the man who became the screenwriter for the X-Files. In the 1980's he bailed from the world of Black-Ops and Navy Seals into the world of alternative agriculture, where he went on to become one of the world's foremost experts on the commercial cultivation of herbs for supplements and medicines. 

In the words of Dr. Miller:

"…Regarding my back ground = old man DuPont had a "bulls-eye" on me when I was in high school.  They orchestrated my entire education, and then were waiting for me when I got out of graduate school.When I worked at Boeing, they first had me develop protocols for Seal Corp. (to make frogmen into supermen).  From there, I moved up into Navy Intel (working directly with Dr. Carl Schleicher MRU) in Anesthesiology… When I "woke up" and realized what I was doing (mind control, drug studies, and chip implants), I left the military and became a farmer (35 years).  I now network rural communities and bunkers for congressmen. Some now call me "The Postman" (eideric memory).  Mat Stein is helping me offer "survival skills," what I developed for use with Navy Seals.  Duncan Roads (Nexus magazine) calls me the oldest living MIB – that is what I did."



Richard Alan Miller:  Physicist, Bio Physicist, Herbalist – Born : 1944


Author & researcher Richard Alan Miller reveals a wealth and depth of knowledge and experience in Alternative Agriculture, New Age Physics, and Metaphysics.  Miller began working in the "X-Files" world in the 60s and has amazing experiences and conclusions to share.


An original team-member, "man-in-black," Miller's research in the field of Parapsychology & Paraphysics began as a graduate physicist working 11 years with Navy Intel.


Offering fresh perspectives on Metaphysical traditions his books, papers & articles include The Modern Alchemist; ESP Induction Through Forms of Self-Hypnosis, and “A Holographic Concept of Reality.”


Richard Alan Miller has been at the forefront of many fields during his long and varied career. A solid-state physicist with graduate work at MIT, Miller was involved in groundbreaking work for cloaked agencies in the late '60s and '70s. A colleague of Dr. Stanley Krippner, Miller co-authored in 1973 the paper, The Holographic Concept of Reality – a document whose implications for psychoenergetic systems are only now beginning to be realized.


Like so many of the idealists of his era, Miller became quickly disillusioned with the severe ethical compromises forced on him by what he recognized as corporate manipulation. After a brief stint as an engineer at Boeing, Miller left the corporate world in disgust and entered the more spiritually satisfying world of the occult. He opened Beltane Books in Seattle and swiftly became " the Herman Slater of the West Coast." At this time he penned several works including his classic " The Magical and Ritual Use of Herbs."


Miller also co-authored, with his wife Iona, THE MODERN ALCHEMIST, hailed by Stanley Krippner as the most "illuminating" study of Alchemy since Carl Jung. Before its publication, Miller had used an electronic form of the book as teaching material for his on-line course in Metaphysics, taught on America Online.


Richard was born in Everett, WA into a lower middle-class family, his Mother being a famous psychic, and his Father (retired Navy) working for Boeing in the field of electronics.  Both his Junior and Senior High School Science Fair projects (1961-2) were used on the Mariner I (1964) fly-by to discover water on Mars.  From then on, he was a top “draft pick” for Navy Intel.


His writings reveal a wealth and depth of knowledge and experience in three major fields; Alternative Agriculture, New Age Physics, and Metaphysics.  Before many leading edge concepts became trendy topics, Miller was (and is) in the international front lines of research, experimentation and documentation.


Miller began working in the "X-Files" world of Navy Intel (Seal Corp. and then MRU) in the late 60s, and now has amazing experiences and conclusions to share. As an original black ops team-member, Miller's research in the field of paranormal began as a graduate physicist working 10 years with Navy Intel/(Anesthesiology.)   During this period numerous foundational papers, including "A Holographic Concept of Reality" and "Embryonic Holography" were written.


Miller began his career in Magick when he could not find answers to his questions in Physics.  In 1972 he open Beltane Occult Books and Supplies, a retail herb store with the finest collection of metaphysical books for sale anywhere within North America.  He also began to write for Gnostica News (Llewellyn) and Green Egg (Church of All Worlds).  By 1975, Beltane was then the primary regional wholesaler for the  herb and spice trade.


His focus on botanicals made him the leading world authority on herb farming, processing and marketing.  With numerous bi-lines and websites, Miller's visionary work with Alternative Agriculture continues to be 20 years ahead of most curves, including concepts such as sustainability, intercropping, and Forest Farming.


Offering fresh perspectives on Metaphysical traditions his books, papers & articles integrate his scientific research with time-honored metaphysical concepts, leading to such works as The Modern Alchemist; The Diamond Body, a Synergetic Approach to Mysticism. His latest boo ESP Induction Through Forms of Self Hypnosis is part of a new 3-book series on The Non-Local Mind In A Holographic Universe.


He is a Swiss mason and also belongs to O.T.O., A:.A:., and several other German Blue Lodges.  He has been initiated into a number of pagan cults, including Church of All World (1974-) and Coven Camelot, Star of the North (1973-).  Miller is listed in Who's Who in the World, America, and the West, and now writes for Nexus magazine.

Further reading here





My previous post about the hacking of Jordan Maxwell’s website, materials and email address has been verified as being created by his former webmaster.  This is what we suspected but did not want to claim until back channel research could determine this for certain.

The following info has been retreived by Tommy Hansen the Camelot webmaster:

Information about Jordan Maxwell’s current website hijack.

The perpetrator is is Jordan’s former partner Joe Dolezal (see the two attached pictures).

The e-mails I found for Joe are these: ‘ joe@ThePyramidCenter.org ‘ and ‘ dolezal83@yahoo.com

From what I can gather he seems to be related (owner?) to the websiteorganization:  http://www.thepyramidcenter.org/

Unfortunately, in the past, this type of thing has happened before to Jordan. We will do what we can to assist Jordan with this situation.

Please feel free to write to Joe and appeal to him to work out a balanced and fair agreement with Jordan to preserve Jordan’s work for the good of humanity.


09/26/2012 – Gwenyth Todd


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BIO: (taken from various source material)

Gwenyth is the highest-level former US government operative I’ve yet interviewed. A White House Middle East policy adviser under Clinton, she was personally recruited by Richard “Prince of Darkness” Perle to become the Bush Administration’s geo-strategic adviser to the Admiral(s) running America’s crucial 5th Fleet in Bahrain. Unbeknownst to Perle – who thought she was a loyal neocon –

Gwenyth agreed with the first Admirals she worked with to undermine neocon plans to arrange a war-trigger incident vs. Iran. When the neocons replaced the loyal admirals with potentially treasonous ones, and set up a false-flag operation to trigger a 2007 war on Iran, Gwenyth violated direct orders by alerting loyal officials in the State Department, stopping the false-flag warmongers in their tracks and possibly saving the lives of hundreds of US sailors. In retribution, she was targeted for legal and extra-legal harassment, and had to flee for her life to Australia, where the harassment continues. (She was prevented from recording this show for several hours by apparent telephone and internet jamming – and the moment she suggested that Richard Clarke is a prime 9/11 suspect, our connection was cut!)– quoted from the Kevin Barrett Show bio on Gwenyth Todd

(Read Gordon Duff’s recent article about Gwenyth Todd and then last week’s 5-page spread on Gwenyth Todd in the Washington Post)


Gwyneth Todd was from a long line of American diplomats, bankers, spies and scholars going back to Revolutionary times.

Her first 17 years had been spent following her father, Kenneth Thompson, a career diplomat, and mother, Eve Tyler, granddaughter of a renowned art collector, through embassies in Malta, Turkey, West Africa, England and Spain.

Summers were spent at the family chateau in France, where the bloodline led back to Napoleon.

But Washington was home. Her maternal grandfather, William Royall Tyler, had been an assistant secretary of state in the Kennedy administration and director of Dumbarton Oaks, the estate and center for Byzantine and pre-Columbian art studies.

The estate’s original owners, Robert and Mildred Bliss, were intimate friends of her family. “When we weren’t overseas, I spent much of my time as a child playing in the gardens,” Todd said during one of several interviews in the past year.

She graduated Phi Beta Kappa in Near and Middle Eastern studies from the University of California at Berkeley, then earned a master’s in Arabic and international affairs in 1990 at Georgetown University.


Jordan Maxwell Site & Email hacked


From what I understand, Jordan Maxwell’s site and email have been hacked.  Please use caution if you receive any emails from him until this gets sorted out.  I will update this post with his new email address once I know it.

If Anonymous can track down the identity of the hackers who would interfere with this excellent researcher’s website, please let me or Tommy my webmaster know.

Thank you.

09/12/2012 – Kerry’s Listeners


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American Freedom Radio link

Unfortunately due to mitigating circumstances, Nick Begich couldn't be with us so Kerry's guests were in fact her listeners.


08/22/2012 – Barry Chamish


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American Freedom Radio link


Barry Chamish is an author and world-class investigative journalist. He first gained worldwide notoriety with his coverage of the Yitzhak Rabin assassination and the conspiracy he helped to later uncover. His book, the bestselling Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin? is an expose which demonstrates clearly that Mr. Amir did not shoot Rabin. His work on this case compares favorably to the research done on the Kennedy Assassination except that Barry did much of the work himself, while it took multiple researchers to prove there was a conspiracy and break down the official Warren Commission Report.

Click here for Barry's website


08/15/2012 – Marty Leeds Re Pi – The Great Work


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Marty Leeds has been writing songs and poetry for over 18 years and has had an interest in everything from philosophy, esoterica, mathematics and the sciences. He is an avid biker and hiker and has spent an enormous amount of time in nature. His first book is Pi – The Great Work, released on createspace.com, was edited by the documentarian and author Scott Onstott. He is currently at work on his next book entitled "Pi & The English Alphabet" that will delve into the subjects of Freemasonry, alchemy and the gematria of the English Alphabet. He was born and raised in southern Wisconsin and has lived in Washington, Oregon and Colorado.





I will be interviewed today by Barry Chamish.  Please join us!


Here is Bary Chamish’s website and bio:


Here is his bio (copied from his site):

Barry Chamish is an author and world-class investigative journalist. He first gained worldwide notoriety with his coverage of the Yitzhak Rabin assassination and the conspiracy he helped to later uncover. His book, the bestselling Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin? is an expose which demonstrates clearly that Mr. Amir did not shoot Rabin. His work on this case compares favorably to the research done on the Kennedy Assassination except that Barry did much of the work himself, while it took multiple researchers to prove there was a conspiracy and break down the official Warren Commission Report.

Every month Barry Chamish sends out editorials that cover politics in Israeli, Middle Eastern and the world from his unique perspective. Previously these editorials have only been available to people who have
requested to be on his e-mail list, but now, are posted here at on this website. They provide a balance against the mainstream establishment media sources, and are an excellent resource for people who are interested in the truth that often lies hidden behind the Main Stream News (MSN) propaganda.Barry continues to be a world-class investigative journalist who continues research a variety of subjects. He is now considered an authority on Israel and the Middle East. He is a frequent guest on a number of radio shows where he shares his research. He exposes how the leaders of the “New World Order” manipulate and corrupt the leaders of Israel, steering the nation on a horrific and self-destructive course. To learn more about what really happened, click on the “buy now” link to the right and order his books direct from the publisher.

08/08/2012 – Michael Murphy and Paul Richard Price


Click here to listen/download the show


MICHAEL MURPHY – filmmaker

re Why in the World are they spraying…


Michael J. Murphy is a filmmaker, political activist and President of The Coalition Against Geoengineering. His work focuses on issues that go beyond the interest of the Corporate mainstream media and includes originating and Co-Producing the groundbreaking documentary “What in the World are They Spraying?” and several other short films that address chemtrails/geoengineering and other controversial political issues. Michael has also appeared on hundreds of radio and television shows around the world. Many of his interviews and videos can be seen on his website at: www.truthmediaproductions.us.




PAUL RICHARD PRICE is a single 44 year old author, comedian, talk show host, scientific researcher and humanitarian who believes in the truth stopping at nothing to find the truth.

He has written papers on gravity propulsion as well as the book series The Prophecy Chronicles.  The final installment Redemption is out in paperback and Kindle at Amazon.com.  He is the son of one of the last remaining Roswell witnesses and works to uncover the truth about the UFO cover up.

He is also the person who released the document that showed that there was an agenda for forced vaccinations in place by the CDC.
