If you manage to watch the APPLE+TV SERIES “CAPTURE” you will probably be wondering whether the recent 5 million dollar award to a certain woman was a pay-off for a ‘deep fake’ performance.

Let’s go back a bit in time.

(quoted text from 2 Fast Company articles put in italics)…




Meta settles Cambridge Analytica scandal case for $725m


…”The harvesting of Facebook users’ personal information by third-party apps was at the centre of the Cambridge Analytica privacy scandal, exposed in 2018.

The consulting firm, now defunct, worked for Donald Trump’s successful presidential campaign in 2016, and used personal information from millions of US Facebook accounts for the purposes of voter profiling and targeting.

The firm obtained that information without users’ consent from a researcher who had been allowed by Facebook to deploy an app on the platform which harvested data from millions of its users.

Facebook believes the data of up to 87 million people was improperly shared with the political consultancy.

The scandal prompted government investigations into Facebook’s privacy practices, leading to lawsuits and a high-profile US congressional hearing in which Meta boss Mark Zuckerberg was questioned.

In 2019, Facebook agreed to pay $5bn to resolve a Federal Trade Commission probe into its privacy practices.

The tech giant also paid $100 million to settle US Securities and Exchange Commission claims that it misled investors about the misuse of users’ data.

Investigations by state attorneys general are continuing, and the company is challenging a legal action by the attorney general for Washington DC.”

Facebook’s Cambridge Analytica Controversy Could Be Big Trouble for the Social Network. Here’s What to Know


…”The consulting firm, now defunct, worked for Donald Trump’s successful presidential campaign in 2016, and used personal information from millions of US Facebook accounts for the purposes of voter profiling and targeting.”

Question:  is CAMBRIDGE ANALYTICA still operating under another name?


NOW CALLED EMERDATA…Owned by Mercer family … originally Robert Mercer

Parent company SCL :  https://www.fastcompany.com/90235437/before-trump-cambridge-analytica-parent-built-weapons-for-war

…”SCL Group developed a set of techniques to battle extremism and disinformation for a range of defense agencies, including the British Foreign Office, the Norwegian Government Defense Research Agency, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the British Army’s 15 Psychological Operations Group, and multiple U.S. agencies. As SCL built its reputation in the worlds of psychological warfare and political campaigns, the company relied upon its close ties with current and former officials, including eventual Trump national security advisers Michael Flynn and John Bolton.”

“Among SCL’s American clients was Sandia National Laboratories, a leading Pentagon research and development partner. Last year a Sandia spokesperson told Bloomberg…”

“Last year a Sandia spokesperson told Bloomberg that the laboratories had never formally worked with SCL. But documents show Sandia collaborations with SCL on counterextremism projects between 2007 and 2012, including “an in-depth behavior change study in relation to violent extremism in South and Southeast Asia.” In a more recent interview with Fast Company, a Sandia spokesperson acknowledged the partnership and apologized for the earlier denial. “Sandia unintentionally muddied those waters” due to “human error,” the spokesperson said.”

“…Emma Briant, a scholar of propaganda at Bard College who has spent years studying SCL, says the company’s mix of work demonstrates how military-funded psychological research can be exploited to wage domestic political warfare, establishing a dangerous template for political campaigning. During elections, tactics intended for battlefields could be used to foment division and extremism or discourage voters.”–FAST COMPANY ARTICLE LINKED HERE.


“…There are 4 Bidens”. –Juan O Savin

Add doubles, clones and humans in body-suit disguises to the mix and digital deception becomes 3D.  One thing that stands out in the series CAPTURE and the latest political play involving negative incidents re Trump is the similar type of negative incidents related to the British players in the political arena in the film…The idea here that seemingly NEGATIVE incidents are used to propel candidates into the public eye to great benefit later in terms of audience recognition and acceptance.

Is this a form of appealing to the lowest common denominator in what the average public profile is considered to be by the illuminati (where the audience is attracted by some salacious statements or supposed actions by the candidates)?  Actions or statements that show the darker seamier side of the candidate that reveals what the audience secretly believe or desire about themselves and therefore causes them to pay attention and become identified with the ‘candidate’.  Such that they ‘forgive trespasses due to secretly identifying with them?

This seems to be the repeated tactic used by AI or surveillance tech /data mining the public and then twisting it for use in manufactured incidents or crafted statements to attract attention used to garner public favor for use in voter manipulation or selling some false “truth”.

How much of the White Hat and Deep State NWO agenda and actions are DEEP FAKES constructed with the help of AI to grab your attention, persuade you of some idea THEY want you to have?

What we do know is that both sides are doing it.  Be careful what you believe.