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GORDON NOVEL – Renegade : Gordon Novel on Camera


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Renegade : Gordon Novel on Camera

Los Angeles, December 2006

Gordon Novel is a fascinating man. Carried along on the train of history, Gordon Novel has had a front seat to many of the most controversial chapters in U.S. history. From the Kennedy assassination to Watergate, Waco and beyond, Gordon has really seen it all. In his first interview for over a decade, he gives us a glimpse of his role and perspective on a multitude of subjects including; the Vietnam war, Saddam Hussein and his trial, Majestic and the CIA, UFOs, the ‘Extraterrestrial Revolution’ and much more.
He is charming, bold, uncompromising in his vision and determined to change the world. We are given a special look at Gordon’s new quest to bring free energy to the world, along with news of his proposed motion picture in development, KINGDOMS COME, in a deal being brokered with some of the biggest names in Hollywood. With the support of the CIA, he believes his vision of a world set free from the confines of oil and gas will become a reality. A big picture thinker with a strong will and an indomitable spirit, he is forging ahead against all odds. His fierce dedication is something to behold and we wish him every success in his quest.

Click here for a transcript of the video interview.
Click here for a fully illustrated, high quality PDF of the video interview transcript.
Click here for Gordon Novel’s website.





 The first section of this page was written by Phil Schneider:


Photo of United States Air Force tunnel boring machine at Little Skull Mountain, Nevada, USA, December 1982. There are many rumors of secret military tunnels in the United States. If the rumors are true, machines such as the one shown here are used to make the tunnels. (Source: U.S. Department of Energy.)

This is a $13 million tunnel boring machine (TBM) used for tunneling at the Nevada Test Site. (Remember that Area 51 is part of the test site.) Many other types of TBMs are used by many government agencies, including the 'nuclear powered TBM' [NTBM] that melts solid rock and leaves behind glass-like walls.

Most tunneling activity is under military installations and all information is highly restricted. Former employees of said facilities have surfaced over the years to talk of massive underground installations in places like Area 51, the Northrop facility in Antelope Valley, California (rumored to have 42 levels), and the Lockheed installation near Edwards, California.

The 'Black Budget' currently consumes $1.25 trillion per year. At least this amount is used in black programs, like those concerned with deep underground military bases. Presently, there are 129 deep underground military bases in the United States. They have been building these 129 bases day and night, unceasingly, since the early 1940's. Some of them were built even earlier than that. These bases are basically large cities underground connected by high-speed magneto-leviton trains that have speeds up to Mach 2. Several books have been written about this activity.

The average depth of these bases is over a mile, and they again are basically whole cities underground. They all are between 2.66 and 4.25 cubic miles in size. They have laser-drilling machines that can drill a tunnel seven miles long in one day. I was involved in building an addition to the deep underground military base at Dulce, which is probably the deepest base. It goes down seven levels and over 2.5 miles deep. I helped hollow out more than 13 deep underground military bases in the United States.


More thought-provoking images of tunnel boring equipment:


From Dr Bill Deagle's December 2006 Granada Forum Lecture:

I took care of John Fialla, who was best friends with Phil Schneider. How many people know about Phil Schneider? Well, they were using tunneling machines back in the mid-90s that could tunnel through a rock face at seven miles per day, that could cut through a rock face with high-energy impact lasers that could blow the nano-sized particles of rock so that there was no debris left, forming an obsidian-like core, and laying an inner core for unidirectional maglev trains that travel at Mach 2 to 2.8 underground between these very very powerful and organized cities.

There's 132 under the United States, an average of 5.36 to 7.24 cubic miles in size at an average of 1.5 to 4.5 miles underground, built, by and large, most of them in areas away from geotectonic areas – but there's going to be lots of new geotectonic faults established when you have force 11, 12, 13, 14 earthquakes hit the Earth.

Why are they rushing to do this? Because they know that catastrophe is coming. And where's this money coming from? It's not coming from our regular Black Op budget. It's coming from the illegal sale of drugs. In the United States there's at least, by conservative estimates, a quarter of a trillion to a half a trillion of illegal drugs just sold in the United States that goes directly into underground budgets, and 90-95% goes to the DUMBs [Deep Underground Military Bases].


The following was written by Richard Sauder, PhD, adapted from his book Underground Bases and Tunnels:

The nuclear subterrene (rhymes with 'submarine') was designed at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, in New Mexico. A number of patents were filed by scientists at Los Alamos, a few federal technical documents were written – and then the whole thing just sort of faded away.

Or did it?

Nuclear subterrenes work by melting their way through the rock and soil, actually vitrifying it as they go, and leaving a neat, solidly glass-lined tunnel behind them.

The heat is supplied by a compact nuclear reactor that circulates liquid lithium from the reactor core to the tunnel face, where it melts the rock. In the process of melting the rock the lithium loses some of its heat. It is then circulated back along the exterior of the tunneling machine to help cool the vitrified rock as the tunneling machine forces its way forward. The cooled lithium then circulates back to the reactor where the whole cycle starts over. In this way the nuclear subterrene slices through the rock like a nuclear powered, 2,000 degree Fahrenheit (1,100 Celsius) earthworm, boring its way deep underground.

The United States Atomic Energy Commission and the United States Energy Research and Development Administration took out Patents in the 1970s for nuclear subterrenes. The first patent, in 1972 went to the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission.

The nuclear subterrene has an advantage over mechanical TBMs in that it produces no muck that must be disposed of by conveyors, trains, trucks, etc. This greatly simplifies tunneling. If nuclear subterrenes actually exist (and I do not know if they do) their presence, and the tunnels they make, could be very hard to detect, for the simple reason that there would not be the tell-tale muck piles or tailings dumps that are associated with the conventional tunneling activities.

The 1972 patent makes this clear. It states:

"… (D)ebris may be disposed of as melted rock both as a lining for the hole and as a dispersal in cracks produced in the surrounding rock. The rock-melting drill is of a shape and is propelled under sufficient pressure to produce and extend cracks in solid rock radially around the bore by means of hydrostatic pressure developed in the molten rock ahead of the advancing rock drill penetrator. All melt not used in glass-lining the bore is forced into the cracks where it freezes and remains …

"… Such a (vitreous) lining eliminates, in most cases, the expensive and cumbersome problem of debris elimination and at the same time achieves the advantage of a casing type of bore hole liner."

(U.S. Patent No. 3,693,731 dated Sept. 26, 1972)

There you have it: a tunneling machine that creates no muck, and leaves a smooth, vitreous (glassy) tunnel lining behind.

Another patent three years later was for:

A tunneling machine for producing large tunnels in soft rock or wet, clayey, unconsolidated or bouldery earth by simultaneously detaching the tunnel core by thermal melting a boundary kerf into the tunnel face and forming a supporting excavation wall liner by deflecting the molten materials against the excavation walls to provide, when solidified, a continuous wall supporting liner, and detaching the tunnel face circumscribed by the kerf with powered mechanical earth detachment means and in which the heat required for melting the kerf and liner material is provided by a compact nuclear reactor.


This 1975 patent further specifies that the machine is intended to excavate tunnels up to 12 meters in diameter or more. This means tunnels of 40 ft. or more in diameter. The kerf is the outside boundary of the tunnel wall that a boring machine gouges out as it bores through the ground or rock. So, in ordinary English, this machine will melt a circular boundary into the tunnel face. The melted rock will be forced to the outside of the tunnel by the tunnel machine, where it will form a hard, glassy tunnel lining (see the appropriate detail in the patent itself, as shown in Illustration 41). At the same time, mechanical tunnel boring equipment will grind up the rock and soil detached by the melted kerf and pass it to the rear of the machine for disposal by conveyor, slurry pipeline, etc.

And yet a third patent was issued to the United States Energy Research and Development Administration just 21 days later, on 27 May 1975 for a machine remarkably similar to the machine patented on 6 May 1975. The abstract describes:


A tunneling machine for producing large tunnels in rock by progressive detachment of the tunnel core by thermal melting a boundary kerf into the tunnel face and simultaneously forming an initial tunnel wall support by deflecting the molten materials against the tunnel walls to provide, when solidified, a continuous liner; and fragmenting the tunnel core circumscribed by the kerf by thermal stress fracturing and in which the heat required for such operations is supplied by a compact nuclear reactor.


This machine would also be capable of making a glass-lined tunnel of 40 ft. in diameter or more.

Perhaps some of my readers have heard the same rumors that I have heard swirling in the UFO literature and on the UFO grapevine: stories of deep, secret, glass-walled tunnels excavated by laser powered tunneling machines. I do not know if these stories are true. If they are, however, it may be that the glass-walled tunnels are made by the nuclear subterrenes described in these patents. The careful reader will note that all of these patents were obtained by agencies of the United States government. Further, all but one of the inventors are from Los Alamos, New Mexico. Of course, Los Alamos National Lab is itself the subject of considerable rumors about underground tunnels and chambers, Little Greys or "EBEs", and various other covert goings-on.

A 1973 Los Alamos study entitled Systems and Cost Analysis for a Nuclear Subterrene Tunneling Machine: A Preliminary Study, concluded that nuclear subterrene tunneling machines (NSTMs) would be very cost effective, compared to conventional TBMs.

It stated:


Tunneling costs for NSTMs are very close to those for TBMs, if operating conditions for TBMs are favorable. However, for variable formations and unfavorable conditions such as soft, wet, bouldery ground or very hard rock, the NSTMs are far more effective. Estimates of cost and percentage use of NSTMs to satisfy U.S. transportation tunnel demands indicate a potential cost savings of 850 million dollars (1969 dollars) throughout 1990. An estimated NSTM prototype demonstration cost of $100 million over an eight-year period results in a favorable benefit-to-cost ratio of 8.5.


…Was the 1973 feasibility study only idle speculation, and is the astonishingly similar patent two years later only a wild coincidence? As many a frustrated inventor will tell you, the U.S. Patent Office only issues the paperwork when it's satisfied that the thing in question actually works!

In 1975 the National Science Foundation commissioned another cost analysis of the nuclear subterrene. The A.A. Mathews Construction and Engineering Company of Rockville, Maryland produced a comprehensive report with two, separate, lengthy appendices, one 235 and the other 328 pages.

A.A. Mathews calculated costs for constructing three different sized tunnels in the Southern California area in 1974. The three tunnel diameters were:

a) 3.05 meters (10 ft.)
b) 4.73 meters (15.5 ft.)

c) 6.25 meters (20.5 ft.)


Comparing the cost of using NSTMs to the cost of mechanical TBMs, A.A. Mathews determined:

Savings of 12 percent for the 4.73 meter (15.5 ft.) tunnel and 6 percent for the 6.25 meter (20.5 foot) tunnel were found to be possible using the NSTM as compared to current methods. A penalty of 30 percent was found for the 3.05 meter (10 foot) tunnel using the NSTM. The cost advantage for the NSTM results from the combination of,

(a) a capital rather than labor intensive system,

(b) formation of both initial support and final lining in conjunction with the excavation process.


This report has a number of interesting features. It is noteworthy in the first place that the government commissioned such a lengthy and detailed analysis of the cost of operating a nuclear subterrenes. Just as intriguing is the fact that the study found that the tunnels in the 15 ft. to 20 ft. diameter range can be more economically excavated by NSTMs than by conventional TBMs.

Finally, the southern California location that was chosen for tunneling cost analysis is thought provoking. This is precisely one of the regions of the West where there is rumored to be a secret tunnel system. Did the A.A. Mathews study represent part of the planning for an actual covert tunneling project that was subsequently carried out, when it was determined that it was more cost effective to use NSTMs than mechanical TBMs?

Whether or not nuclear subterrene tunneling machines have been used, or are being used, for subterranean tunneling is a question I cannot presently answer.

Clifford Stone – ET Interpreter


ET Interpreter : Sgt. Clifford Stone

Roswell, New Mexico, November 2006




We interviewed Clifford Stone at the Roswell Museum in New Mexico where he was kind enough to grant us several hours of his time. After listening to him for only a short while, it became clear we were in the presence of a very extraordinary man.

This soft-spoken gentleman has an astounding tale to tell about his alien friend, Korona; how he went on crash recovery missions in Vietnam during the 60s; how he helped an ET to escape from military custody.

He’s got a massive heart and a broad perspective that manages to capture the whole world in its sights. He talks of the rights of the visitors to our planet in the face of captivity; he talks of their sense of sacrifice for the well being of humanity. He speaks of the need for us to care what happens to the ‘other guy’, and how real feeling for each other is what’s going to make the difference as we move forward to join the galactic community.

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ET Interpreter: Sgt. Clifford Stone
A video interview with Clifford Stone
Roswell, New Mexico, November 2006

Shot, edited and directed by Kerry Cassidy and Bill Ryan

Clifford Stone:  What do you want? A story that is believable or do you want the truth? What’s going on? How much does our government know and when did they know it?

Kerry Cassidy:  You were the interface between the government or the military, and alien visitors. Would that be correct?

C:  That would be correct. There is a price to pay when you start talking, and I don’t want to go into that too much because when you start reliving it, you have no idea what I’m seeing in my mind right now, just talking about the tip of the iceberg.

Two or three times I got out of the UFO field but you want me to tell you a little secret? You can’t. There are people out there and I’m one of them…it’s not about money. God, I wish it was. We could be going outside of the cosmos visiting other solar systems, other planets outside of our own. But when we do this it’s going to be that we are going to have a spiritual heightening. In other words, we are going to have to care what happens to the other guy.

Start of interview

K:  Clifford Stone, I’m very happy to be able to interview you here today. And there is a great deal of respect for what you have done and for your courage in coming forward and talking about it. It’s very exciting to actually get you on camera.

Sgt. Clifford StoneC:  Thank you, ma’am.

K:  And so we are here actually in a really amazing place. This is the Roswell UFO Museum. Do you mind telling us how you ended up in Roswell?

C:  Well, The United States Army sent me here. I’m retired military.

K:  OK…

C:  So, being retired military, you are always subject to recall and you are always subject to possibly being asked things as a consultant. I retired as a Sergeant First Class.

K:  Now, was your title a clerk? I understand that was a cover story? Is that correct?

C:  You actually had, you had a real life in the military. You had an actual mission. The only time that this other stuff came into play was when they had a UFO incident that was to occur and you were in the immediate area of that. I can tell you in 1965 in Vietnam there was a base camp there that tried to open fire on a UFO. At the very minute they tried to do that none of their weapons worked. All the electricity went out and remained so until after the UFO left. I can tell you from being in Vietnam for four years, yes it was four years, the records reflect 37 months but if you add up the time of TDY that I was over there, it is right at four years, ‘TDY’ being Temporary Duty. Not having the power on anything is very, very scary and those were very, very tense moments.

K:  As a Communicator, you were called that just in terms of your military life, from what age did you start working in this capacity would you say?

C:  It was probably at about the age of about 19 or 20.

K:  OK.

C:  When it comes to people who do Interfacing, there is no school for that. There were things that went on in your life, when I got out there were seven people that were still in the military that did Interfacing, only seven, and that was military-wide.

And I was put into an incident where we had a situation that we weren’t told exactly where it was but I know …that we landed at Ben Hua because when I look back, there was a sign, that’s where we landed.

K:  Ben Hua?

C:  That’s in Vietnam.

K:  Oh.

C:  I know it was Ben Hua because it was the same when I went back. Now this was an incident that occurred…

K:  Was it a crash? Or was it a visit?

C:  We saw the entities.

K:  OK…

C:  This involved us going in and to try to extract an aircraft and we did, we cut it up into, I think, about seven pieces.

K:  OK. Was it one of theirs?

C:  No, no, no. This was a B-52…

K:  OK…

C:  …that didn’t crash normal.

K:  Was it a time travel experience?

C:  Nope. This was a craft that was shot down. Everybody was killed on… everybody was dead onboard the B-52.

K:  Shot down by the visitors?

C:  They were on a bombing mission over…. I have no way of knowing this but I would assume they were on a bombing mission over North Vietnam. The damage to the craft was as a result of anti-aircraft fire at the B-52. I mean the damage was that type. And it was used for conventional bombing. And where I said that we went in, we went from there by helicopter. But it was just like some giant hand had grabbed the plane out of mid-air and just set it on the jungle floor. And that’s what we were interested in.

K:  Oh…

C:  We didn’t know, you are not told. When we got on the plane in the States to leave to go over there, we were told we were going to Florida.

K:  [laughs]

C:  When we landed in Oakland, we knew that we were not going to Florida. But then we went ahead and we were given a little plastic bag. You had to cut “US ARMY” off, you had to cut your name tag off.  One thing you never do is take your dog tags off. We took our dog tags off. Every item that could identify you went into that plastic bag. That was held for us there at Ben Hua. That was held for us there until we came back. After the event occurred they put me in this GP… I mean a tent… There was a table there, there was a chair, there was a pad, there was I think a couple of pens but I grabbed a pencil. I was to set there and just put down my thoughts.

K:  OK…

C:  Anyhow, getting back to the tent, that was all that was there. I went ahead, went in and got bored, and I started to play games of tic-tac-toe. I went outside to smoke and took the paper with me, wadded it up and put it in my pocket. When they found that piece of paper – now remember, all that was on it was just little games of tic-tac-toe – immediately the guy that I always called the colonel who was always there, he came and knocked the cigar out of my mouth and started to cuss at me profusely: “What are you doing out there? Why do you have that?” “You can be shot for having that paper in your pocket.” Why? It was classified waste. You didn’t take paper in there, you took nothing in there. And everything that was in there was to stay there. So everything that I wrote was immediately put into a… into a briefcase, and was taken out of there by special courier. And even though I wrote it, I was no longer cleared to see it any more.

K:  Hmm…

C:  Now, did you write things sometimes that you didn’t even know you wrote? Yeah, you did. I can tell you right now that everything I read I can have a greater understanding of some of the stuff I am doing. Paul [his friend, who came with him to meet us] can tell you that I do a whole lot of stuff as far as downloading. But you know what? I don’t have to read every page… but I’ll scan every page. While I am scanning, through me they can pick up on every thing that’s there. It’s all old news to them but they find some things interesting. And they’ll find some things that are bemusing to them because we are headed in the right direction but we don’t have the right “i” dotted. And if you know anything about mathematical formulas, we will have things in reverse. But this right here sometimes scares you because you think, gee, is this a good… because you’re being driven to do this.

K:  So it’s fascinating, that we don’t think of Vietnam and during the war as a time when we would also be dealing with off-world cultures.

C:  You know why? They truly were told to call them helicopters. You were in a war zone, so what you do is you go in and put a little Occam’s Razor in there and you eliminate to the lowest denominator. UFOs can’t exist. Let me rephrase that. UFOs is not a good term. Interplanetary Conveyances cannot exist, so it has to be something very earthly. NSA went ahead and would call UFOs “UFOs” when we were monitoring communications with the Soviet Union. But they always qualified that in hopes that with the initiation of the Sunshine Act, later to become the Freedom of Information Act, that they would not be subject to those acts by saying seven UFOs being reported by such and such a location and site. But when they would say seven UFOs, in parentheses, they would put: probably balloons. Disregard the fact that, in the one document I am talking about, the seven UFOs were traveling at 1700 mph. Balloons can’t do that.

K:  Right.

C:  I always got bemused at that, because even as a kid I’d get bemused when people would say “I don’t believe in ghosts. However, this happened…” and then tell a perfectly good ghost story. With me I very early on knew that to deny the reality of UFOs and other phenomena that occurs would be denying myself.

K:  So as a communicator you definitely…

C:  You don’t always tell the others what’s going on. Remember it I told you, you feel it?

K:  Yes, you feel what they feel and they feel what you feel.

C:  You don’t always address it because one of the things that you may feel like, if they’re saying that they are a guest. If our military is saying “Well, this is one of our guests”… they’re not treating that entity as a guest, then what is happening is that you are feeling what that entity was feeling..

K:  Uh huh…

C:  And… one situation I even helped one of them escape. And that right there was [laughs]… I’m not telling everything that was being said…

K:  I’m curious. What went on when you dealt with that? Was it… first of all, what kind of an entity was it? And I understand that they were being held prisoner. But how was it that you were able…? And in fact, Dan Burisch talks about the same thing.

C:  Well, I don’t know whether it was a Stargate or what, but in order on the inside where we had this entity, if we were to… and there’s a tape that talks about this which gives a whole lot more detail… but we went ahead, and if they were to try to extract this entity from inside where we were at, then there’d have been people killed. And this entity would not accept that. And you could feel what it felt. That’s the best way to put it. And I’m trying to tell this without going into any real… certain details. But, I convinced the person I always called the Colonel, and all throughout that’s what I was calling him. We went ahead… and I said, you know, he needs to show me something, but everybody has to be cleared from here and it’s just gotta be me and him.

And everybody went ahead and left. There was one Spec 5 that stayed there to help me. And I said “We’ve got to cut this screen fence back here…or this storm fence.” “We can get in trouble for that.” And I said “Yeah, I know, that’s why I’m asking you to just drop off the bolt cutters”.[laughing] He didn’t. He went ahead and he cut the wires for me. And we got the entity outside.

By the time they found out, we had the entity outside the perimeter. They went ahead and were very upset and were even to the point when they tried to shoot the entity, but the entity was now in a position where there was a bright, bright, bright light that came down. And I didn’t get to see the craft. Maybe it was because I just wasn’t looking. But all of a sudden this entity was there, then it wasn’t. Then of course, this guy I called The Colonel, he went ahead and told me that I could be court marshaled, then “We’re going to overlook it this time, but don’t let it happen again.”

Of course, I was chastising him: “If they’re supposed to be our guests… why were we treating them cruel and treating them as prisoners, as a matter of fact even worse than prisoners?” I’ve never seen either movie of the Manchurian Candidate. And the one thing that we had, we had identified by the time I got out, 57 different species. They were affectionately called Heinz 57. I understand there is a phrase in one of those movies about that.

K:  Uh huh…

C:  Gee, I’d love to say there’s only two or three races …only four or five or even one. I’d love to say that, but with what I know, if I change anything that I do know, then it’s not reality, it’s just going ahead and saying things that people want to hear.

K:  Uh huh. Well, why would you say you would want to say there was only one or two?

C:  Oh well, some people would say “We would find your story more believable if you would say…” And “Gee. Can’t this entity be gray because it’d be more believable?” What do you want, a story that’s believable or do you want the truth? The truth may not fit what you believe, but it’s the truth as I know it. And with it being the truth as I know it, that’s all I can tell.

K:  So have you ever… I’m going to assume they must photograph these beings? Right?

C:  There’s photographs.

K:  OK. And… what about you? Do you ever draw them? Do you have drawings of them?

C:  Yeah, I’ve got some drawings.

K:  And have you ever distributed…

C:  No.

K:  Are you able… at liberty to give them out at all? Or show them?

C:  Some I have and some I haven’t.

K:  And are you familiar with underground bases?

C:  And the technology that goes along with it.

K:  OK. And so, I’m going to assume you have been to underground bases yourself?

C:  Not by choice.

K:  Not by choice? That’s believable. But have you also seen, say, Reptilians, what’s called, you know, in the UFO community, what we call Reptilians?

C:  Some species could be called Reptilians, yes.

K:  And are you able to communicate with them telepathically?

C:  They can communicate with you. It’s hard to explain. You can’t keep secrets.

K:  Sure.

C:  The other thing I would remind everyone is that the program is geared and set up to where you only know what you have a need to know. And a lot of times you know more than what you’re supposed to know, but you don’t know everything.

K:  Sure.

C:  And I reiterate that anyone who tells you they know everything is a liar. It’s not true.

K:  Do you have any special alien friends that have remained with you throughout, that are with you today? Communicating…

C:  I mentioned one.

K:  I’m sorry?

C:  I mentioned one.

K:  One. OK. That would be Korona?

C:  Correct.

K:  OK and Korona is… do you know what planet he’s from?

C:  Uh uh. I know it is about 100 light years away from here, because I always use that as an example.

K:  OK…

C:  Real-time, from the time they leave, and there’s a little nice thing about that, from the time they leave their home planet which is in a star system about 100 light years from planet Earth, in real-time travel, it is an hour and forty minutes from the time they leave and the time they arrive here.

K:  That’s marvelous. What kind of craft do they use? Do they teleport through space or do they actually take a craft? Because not all of them…

C:  It’s a craft. They are really traveling. But it’s through a traversable…what we call a traversable wormhole.

K:  Uh huh. Now, have you ever gone with them?

C:  To best of my knowledge, no. And the reason I state that, I can remember seeing the stars that I’ve never seen them like that anywheres on Earth. But to the best of my knowledge, no.

K:  So you don’t have conscious memory, is what you mean? Of these incidents. But you could have.

C:  There have been some things that are really scary that’s happened in my life. I mean you feel it, you actually feel the fear before you actually see the entity.

K:  So a person like you, we would think that you would not be afraid because you are so conscious of your interaction with these beings that I’m surprised to hear you say that you’re actually afraid. Are you afraid to this day? Or are you talking in past tense?

C:  When I have these incidences happen, yeah, you still have that fear. I mean, that fear’s there. Even more so, because you can feel the fear they have. We’re a very dangerous species.

K:  Sure.

C:  So you better believe it, they fall into our hands, there is that fear.

K:  OK. So, and this is part of the reason why I’m going to assume they approach you as a communicator or interfacer as you call it. Right?

C:  Well, they’re very concerned about our well-being. And a lot of people say that can’t be so. We’ve done terrible things to ourselves. And they know this. And we… they’re trying to understand certain things about us. And I think at the same time they’re exchanging information saying “Hey, here’s what you have done to yourself.” I think that ties in a lot with some of the abductions that have taken place. I think it ties in with some of the cattle mutilations that have taken place, and I think it ties in with some of the people absolutely disappearing off the face of the Earth.

K:  OK, so there are people that are disappearing on a regular basis, right?

C:  Oh yes.

K:  And they’re going to other planets? They are going to off-world bases, I’m assuming…?

C:  I don’t have the answer to that.

K:  OK.

C:  If you are asking me if I could have left here possibly, but like I say there’s a purpose and I don’t know what that purpose is.

K:  Is your mission to make people aware, not only of the other entities out there and other races and so on, but is it also perhaps to prepare or warn of some event? Because you seem to be alluding to some event that you don’t even know about.

C:  As two points far out, they’re becoming closer and closer together till eventually, and we ultimately know it’s going to happen. Contact’s going be made. The NASA Department of Astrobiology held a conference in 2000. Forget the Brookings Institute Report. This report came out and said “You know, we don’t really know what world reaction would be”. It’s a small report. How many people have read that report? How many people even know about it? When we say that we can accept the reality of visitors being here, we mean us ourselves. But even when we can accept that, how many of us are really ready for that face to face confrontation? And I can tell you, each time it’s different. Each time there is that little something in the back of your mind that says “What’s going to happen here?”

And each time you know that if something goes wrong, it’s going to equate… it could equate to the loss of life. Not because they’re dangerous but we’re a danger to ourselves. So the whole situation is: how do you prepare a world population for that ultimate contact, which isn’t as astro-astronomers used to believe, that it’s going to be by a radio signal from deep space coming here, but it’s going to be face to face and it’s going happen on our planet.

K:  Sure. Well, it’s happening daily with the military, is it not?

C:  Oh, even more so than what people really know. But here again, most people aren’t going to talk about it.. The one thing you want when you get out of the military, the one thing you want more than anything… is to be normal.

K:  Why? Why? Why do you want to be normal?

C:  To me the greatest thing you can be is a servant. Taking care of other people is the most important thing. The Self, the Self should get gratification from being able to help other people. That’s important. But all too often people will put themselves ahead of others. And right there is where we have the problems today, in today’s world.

K:  I guess, to get back to where you are saying there’s going to be contact, in a sense you are in the forefront, a person who can prepare the rest of humanity for this actual contact because you have been having contact. In a sense the aliens or the off-worlders have basically been communicating, been choosing the people around the planet to communicate with, of which you are one, right? And so contact is something that is being prepared for as we speak, is it not?

C:  Worldwide.

K:  OK. Are you thinking… a lot of people like to say it’s going to happen for the world to see, aliens are going to land on the White House lawn. Something of this nature.

C:  No.

K:  In a certain sense, it’s going on every day. The military is dealing with… certainly they have captured, as you say, they are holding prisoner some of these entities. We have also had treaties with some of the races, have we not?

C:  OK, I’ve heard about the treaties. But here again, that’s not a part of something I’ve worked with.

K:  OK.

C:  Well, I’ll tell you this, I think that by 2016 that something better have happened. Because at 2016 I think that we’re going to have to announce to the world that there’s a probe that comes very close to the Earth every 15 or 20 years. And we’ve been calling it an asteroid. It’s not an asteroid. But it actually in reality is an artificial probe. In other words, somebody else put it here. They have found us long time ago. The technology will probably be pretty much on a par to, say, Voyager. It’ll be old antiquated technology by all their standards.

K:  So what are you saying? Is this probe… do you know what race?

C:  I’m saying we have already found it. Our paradigm says that it can’t be an artificial craft of any sort, therefore we refuse to accept that and we call it an asteroid. I’m talking about BG1991. Roughly 30 meters in diameter, highly polished surface. Asteroids don’t have a highly polished surface. It took corrective course changes to avoid collision with another asteroid. That don’t happen. This one it did.

K:  So where… what race is this from, from what planet? Do you know?

C:  I don’t know.

K:  Do you think that the aliens have given you an upgrade, have modified your DNA in any way? Are you aware that your abilities have been augmented or have grown?

C:  Yeah, but you try not to use those because you can… you know of things that are going to happen before they happen. And a lot of times you can’t do anything to change them. Like I knew that, didn’t know who, but I knew one of my kids was going get killed on a motorcycle. And that’s hard. I mean before my son was killed, on the Wednesday prior to that, I knew that he parked the motorcycle in back of the car …I knew that I could go ahead, back up over it, and run over it a couple of times. But I also knew the family would not understand that I did that to stop with what was… let me rephrase it…as an attempt to stop what I knew was going to happen.

K:  So you’re a precog? I mean, this is what they call a precog. You knew in the future before it happened. You were not able to necessarily change it or stop it. But there’s a reason why things happen. I mean you must agree?

C:  Oh yeah…

K:  So, in a sense that must be a peace for you because it’s not just that we… that you know, but also souls know what might happen. Souls are aware. In other words, we are all aware when we are going to die. We might not know it consciously, but we do know, right? So, in that sense it’s not your responsibility either to prevent a happening or not if that’s something that in a sense that we as souls agree to the scenario happening. Right?

C:  Well, like I say, with them, they can even communicate with what we call the other side. But even at that, given their advanced technology there are still forbidden questions.

K:  OK.

C:  I’m tried to avoid saying something here. Let’s just say that with the death of my son… they helped me visit with him one time.

K:  Sure.

C:  Like I told you there are questions unless you ever ask… it was… I knew if I go back fifteen minutes, I knew where he was all those locations. If I could go back fifteen minutes, I could stop the accident from happening. All I had to do was delay his movement anywheres along that fifteen minutes for just a minute or so…and I would alter the outcome.

K:  But…

C:  But once again, there’s that break off. Here’s our reality [motioning with hands]. Here you create that other parallel. And for some odd reason it’s not good to create that other parallel, and they know this. Also, it was pointed out that you cannot escape the reality of this time continuum that we find ourselves, because his death is reality to me in this time frame I find myself. The Second World War happened. I must return to the point from which I depart within that space time. I’m not going to remain in the other one. And a lot of people, like I said the other night, would stay there. No, because it was pointed out to me quite clear. And I can’t explain this… I couldn’t go and debate it scientifically, but it’s a natural barrier. Which is why with time travel, when we discover it in our future, we’re not going to find evidence of it being left anyplace along the line… because of that natural barrier. We may even see them, we may sense them, we may even be able to interact to a degree. But nothing associated with the future tied with the day we discover time travel is going to be left in any altered reality. They say OK, time travel hasn’t happened yet because we would have evidence of it. Uh uh, there won’t be any evidence left. And there’s a natural barrier there. The whole situation is we are a part of something greater, more vast and we’re on an adventure. And we’re a part of that adventure.

K:  Uh huh…

C:  And we all play certain parts in that. But just like when you brought it up about they are us … and I say, [referring to Paul] he’s heard me say this, he got a grin on his face when you said that. But the whole situation is: we look for the differences. In species, the 57, look for the similarities. When we look for those similarities and we then begin to realize just how much we have in common and eventually we come to the point of one thought: they are us… because everything within the universe is interconnected. All species are interconnected. Anybody ever ask why the common denominator is humanoid? You would not expect to find that if there was not some type of galactic blueprint. You become spiritually enlightened by going through this life, even those that we say are insane. On the other side they are not insane.

K:  Maybe we could find out a little bit about the types of visitors that you’ve dealt with? Do you see them physically? Or are you actually in an altered state, or are you able to see them in your mind? And do you communicate with them telepathically?

C:  They are as physical as you and I.

K:  OK…

C:  Yes, it would be telepathic. Some could talk like you and I.

K:  OK.

C:  But you’ll have a lot that… they won’t do that, and they all just want to communicate with you. But there’s one thing you have to keep in mind, this is what a lot of people overlook, and that’s why it gets to be so hard to talk about. You’re not just talking to them. They know, and they feel everything you know and you feel. You go in, you feel what they feel. And see some of these…. we weren’t real good guys. We use the term visitor…

K:  Sure.

C:  But they’re treated like prisoners…

K:  I understand…

C:  …and there is no law under “protection” to protect them.

K:  Mm hm. Dan Burisch has talked about this as well.

C:  In 1960, and I can provide you with the document: we have put together and formulated, NASA did, a book that they call Outer Space Law. It would not be until the 1970s that the question of the legal rights of a sentient being, not of this world, even came into play. And you know what those rights are? There aren’t any.

K:  Still to this day, you’re saying.

C:  No more than the rights… a lab animal would have more rights that one of our visitors. And yet they are vastly superior to us in intellect and even in spirituality. They would permit themselves to be killed – many of them would, many of the species – other than to do something that would cause us to get injured or killed. And forgive me [emotional], but this is what I’m trying to avoid.

K:  I understand. OK, so, they, in a certain sense, would sacrifice themselves because they have a deeper understanding of what’s really going on than we do.

C:  Absolutely.

K:  So you must be very highly tuned spiritual being yourself in order to be able to communicate with various races from other planets the way you have, and to talk about it the way you do. That’s really a gift. As you say, it’s not something taught, it’s something you come into this incarnation with.

C:  I like to think of myself… I want to be normal, if you understand what I’m saying.

K:  OK.

C:  I know what you’re saying.

K:  Externally, you appear like a normal person and you’ve certainly held some very normal types of jobs in addition to what you did, right? But you’re also ultra-normal, or you actually have used some of the parts of humanity that are good parts that are not used by the average man. Is that right?

C:  Well, I hope so… [laughs]

K:  OK. So that’s a beautiful thing. And we’re very happy to meet someone in person who’s been doing this.

C:  Well, with me, I think, the one thing… let me see if I can say this and get it through real quick. When I was young, I played with children that other people couldn’t see. To me this was perfectly normal. And I knew about the imaginary friends and things of this sort, but this was different. And it was perfectly normal. They’d even help me with my homework…and this was perfectly normal. Now, no-one else could see these people. And of course, I couldn’t understand that. Of course they would tell me “they haven’t been selected, they can’t see us.” Because I was trying to tell other people they were there. The one thing I could not do is that in being normal, I thought other people had these same experiences, as a child not realizing that that wasn’t the case. That was part of my environment, that was part of my reality, these were things that were happening to me. But I thought everyone had these experiences. But when I found out and when it came to me that people were calling you crazy and you were different… it would have been real easy to be normal and say… Haha…the joke’s on you, and deny what was happening. I can not explain why could not do that, but I could not do that.

K:  OK…

C:  And everything was going on… nothing out of the real ordinary happened. And until… I always cared about animals, and if I found one injured, I’d always try to nurse it back to health. As a child I did not understand… that if you had a cut my mom would always hold my hand under the water, or something like that, to wash it off. Well, I found this little bird, it fell out of the nest and I went and got that little… I’m trying to tell this without… I went and got that little bird and I held it under the faucet not realizing that I was going to drown it doing that. The intent was to help it. I probably cried for over a week over killing that little bird.

K:  Uh huh…

C:  Immediately for the first time ever, what I was calling children… I got to see how they really looked. And this one particular entity, I always knew as Korona… I was told “I’m Korona”, and that’s with a “K”. At the time I didn’t even know how to spell Korona.

K:  What kind of race… what would you term him, what kind of being?

C:  People would like for me to say he was gray. But he wasn’t, he was green, and I mean like a pastel green. But immediately he wanted to know why did I feel what I was feeling. This was unusual. And immediately it was why did I feel what I was feeling that he could feel… because he was more like a monitor with me.

K:  So, he has a natural empathic quality and abilities and it appears so did you. So it went both ways, as the telepathy goes both ways.

C:  I’ll carry it a step further. We see our visitors as cartoon characters. They have cultures, they have societies, they have families, they have loves, they have dislikes, they have likes, they can feel pain, and they can feel fear.

K:  So, this was maybe your first introduction into that world in a more personal way, right?

C:  It was the first glimpse, a shock… that these things go on but not everyone shares them. And you never felt so alone. I can remember breaking down and crying, begging my mom and dad to take me to see a doctor because I knew the doctor could make the monsters go away.

K:  I’m wondering if someone like you, one of seven, who is able to communicate with aliens, wasn’t taken to a base on the Moon, or a base on Mars. Now, whether or not you remember it, because I don’t know if they use techniques to have you forget certain parts of your experience.

C:  There are things that I have no idea of could have happened here on planet Earth… that I have very vivid memories of… that I don’t see. For example, have you ever heard of a coffee cup that’s small, that you put coffee in it and the coffee jar or whatever, it’s not a percolator… golden color, cups were golden color, but you put the coffee in there and you can drink it and it fills right back up. Now you see what I’m saying? You understand why I’m hesitant to talk too much about stuff like that?

K:  OK. So that’s really amazing. You have to admit from the point of view of people that haven’t gone to the Moon or Mars… here you are sitting talking to us and yet you may have had experiences that are so far beyond our everyday experience on this planet and you must be… I mean, there must be level at which you would love to share those experiences.

C:  Oh yeah. And sometimes I make mistakes and I let people see some things that I shouldn’t have let them see. Because this is a part of something that is in my life that I’m to do something with.

K:  Sure.

C:  I don’t understand that. I don’t know what it is.

K:  That’s amazing because you have worked with this world since the 60s, so you’re talking about 40-odd years and you’re still wondering what it is, it’s all about for you in terms of your destiny, in terms of what it is you’re here to do in the future, I guess. Am I understanding you?

C:  There is something that is going to happen and there is something that we’re to be a part of. And I don’t know what that is.

K:  You started in the 1960s as an Interfacer?

C:  Late 1960s.

K:  OK. And I’m going to assume clear up until today. Because you don’t lose the skill and if you’re one of seven, every once in a while they’re going to come knocking on your door.

C:  Well, they check on you from time to time.

K:  OK. Visitors out there, different communities. They certainly know how to find you, where you are at any given time and how to, as you say, see what it is you’re going through. For example, they could be seeing this going on right now. They could even have said to you: “Go ahead with this, because this is a good thing.” Right? So, in a sense you’re talking about your destiny. Meaning it’s not about money…it’s not even really a job in the formal sense of the word, right? It’s a mission, but it’s an Earthly mission, in a sense, that you have.

C:  I would go along with that, that there’s… you’re being driven to do something, you don’t have to fully understand it, but it’s something you have to do. And the other scary aspect about it? You know you… you don’t know why and you don’t know what, but it’s coming to an apex, that what you’re doing, you’re fighting the clock.

K:  Is the clock 2012? Is that the clock you’re looking at?

C:  I don’t know. And a lot of people say “Gee, if you are worked with this you have all the answers.” You don’t have all the answers. And he who comes up and told you they have all the answers is not being truthful with you. You don’t know what it is. Why would one want to go ahead, be in this field and subject themselves to ridicule? And there are family problems. The situation is, my family doesn’t understand this. They’ve been around enough they know, my wife more so than my kids. I guess my daughter in Vietnam. We had a daughter we’d been fighting to get out of Vietnam for almost 30 years. Anyhow, when she came over of course she had her own family with her. And when we started to talk about UFOs, they all knew about it and they all knew about certain things I was involved in and it was the government of Vietnam had told them, which kinda shocked me. And right now there is tremendous interest among a lot of the people in Vietnam about UFOs.

K:  Oh, really.

C:  One of the first things that happened in Vietnam was… and they called me by my proper name. Most people call me Stoney or Cliff, but… we shot at these guys and I was the first one who pulled the trigger. And it was “Clifford, what are you doing here? You’re not supposed to be here.” And I was in the military and we were on a mission… but the strange thing is… that what were they trying to say? That I wasn’t supposed to be in military? Now remember, our military, here on Earth, that is man’s. Our visitors, what did they plan for me to do?

K:  Well, can you answer your question? I mean…

C:  I have no answers. I have more questions than you have about myself.

Two or three times I got out of the UFO field. Want me to tell you a little secret? You can’t. There are people out there, and I’m one of them… it’s not about money – God, I wish it was – I struggle every… and he can tell you [referring to Paul], every month just to make my bills. It’s more than that. But the hardest thing to do right now is make people think for themselves, and to read. If they think for themselves, and they read the documentation that’s out there – and I’m referring to the government’s own evidence – if they read that with an open mind and they have to come away and say “You know, there’s more to this. Something is going on”.

K:  Sure.

C:  Then the only questions left to be answered are these:  What’s going on? How much does our government know? And when did they know it?

K:  OK, well we want to thank you for your courage, and for your integrity and for your spiritual development or awareness that makes you able to communicate with these off-worlders at a time when few on the planet are able to do so consciously.

[Over rolling end credits]

C:  There were times that we were just minutes away from going to a nuclear exchange because of UFO sightings. Thanks to the Hotline that was set up, which the American people were truthfully told this was to ensure that there wasn’t a nuclear war started by accident due to false returns… and of course everybody had war scares. UFOs were a reality. UFOs existed. They were being reported. They were being picked up on radar. You had both radar and radar visuals that were taking place, you had fighters trying to intercept them, so in order to reassure one another that we’re not doing this, and it should have been commonplace that if we had this technology or if they had that technology… there was nothing the other side could do anyhow. We had missiles that would be knocked out, not destroyed, but made incapable of firing. We had fighter aircraft that would fire on UFOs and the weapons wouldn’t work.

K:  You have actually used some of the parts of humanity that are good parts, that are not used by the average man, is that right?

C:  Well, I hope so… [laughter]



Henry Deacon – A Livermore Physicist



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‘Henry Deacon’, a Livermore Physicist

We met with and interviewed this man in early September, but he declined to appear on video or to have his name made public… for entirely understandable reasons. (Henry Deacon is a pseudonym, prompted by his similarity to the likeable and creative polymath on the Eureka TV show.)

In this extraordinary, wide-ranging on-record testimony, he describes his work and experiences, and reveals some astounding information about the coming planned war with China; one way in which drugs are smuggled by the military from Southeast Asia; stargates and instantaneous communication over vast distance; the inhabited planets of Alpha Centauri; chemtrails; rips in spacetime caused by atomic testing, and the damage and danger they have caused; the use of viruses to reduce the world’s population; the shooting down of an alien craft by a unit in which he served; and much more – including, possibly very importantly, a confirmation of Dan Burisch’s testimony.

We believe that the far-reaching information disclosed by this man is highly significant. We salute his courage in coming forward to ensure these truths are known, and encourage and support all others to follow his example.

Click here for the PDF of the interview transcript (September 2006 to December 2007)
Click here for the interview transcript (September 2006)

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Click here for an important update (February 2007).

In this compliation of subsequent correspondence with Henry, he offers further confirmation of Dan Burisch’s story; vividly describes the coming ‘spike’ of solar activity and the paradoxical problem of the alternative timelines; reveals the Roswell visitors as time-traveling future humans; and describes why the Roswell incident was so catastrophic for both the visitors and ourselves.

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Click here for a further update (May 2007)

We have heard nothing from Henry Deacon for the last seven weeks. Prior to our last communication, in the last week of March, he had told us he was being ‘coerced’. Up to that time he had been in very regular communication with us. We now feel certain he has been forced into silence.

While this newest update contains fascinating further information on a number of topics (including more information on Mars and some details of the inside story of 9/11), we continue to believe that the most important information he has shared is to be found in the second update.

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Click here for an important new statement (December 2007)

Henry has broken his silence after six months to tell us of his pessimism about a number of current serious global problems. He again references The Report from Iron Mountain, and urges us to pay attention to Dr. Bill Deagle and to Alex Jones’ Endgame. He then talks more about Mars and the solar system, the secret space program, Arthur C. Clarke, the Apollo moon landings, and more.

Click here to download a PDF containing Henry Deacon’s initial interview and the first two updates in one document.

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Rafael Palacios interviews Henry Deacon at the Exopolitics Conference
Barcelona, Spain (July 2009)

Click here to download the MP3 audio.

Click here for the interview transcript.

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Ralph Ring and Otis T. Carr: Aquamarine Dreams2



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Aquamarine Dreams:

Ralph Ring and Otis T. Carr

Las Vegas, August 2006



Ralph Ring is a brilliant innovative technician who as a young man in the late 1950s and early 1960s worked closely with Otis T. Carr. With the aid of his small team, Carr, who was himself a protegé of the great inventor Nikola Tesla, built a number of flying disks, which worked…. prior to their experimentation being forcibly terminated by government agents.

In a dramatic experiment, Ring co-piloted a 45 foot disk a distance of ten miles, arriving at their destination instantaneously. Ring, now aged 71, tells his story –the first time it has been reported.


— “You must always work with Mother Nature. Force is never necessary. The laws of the physical universe are really very simple.”
• Ralph Ring, interviewed by Kerry Cassidy, August 2006


— “You are assuming that ET crafts are made with our technology… Many years ago, we made that same mistake and it took us several years to correct the mistake and start fresh from the drawing board. Their technology is nothing similar to ours… We started from scratch and learned their principles of dynamics, physics, etc… The ET craft was manufactured using ET technology. This craft was built many years before we developed flight. They used a different physics principle that we still don’t fully understand… I’ve worked on this project for 12 years and I sometimes call myself dumb because I try to compare the craft with our technology. Doing that is dumb, as all who have worked on the craft over the years have come to understand.”
• Los Alamos National Laboratories physicist, quoted in Exempt from Disclosure, by Robert Collins

— “The pilots… knew they were going very fast, but it was so fast that they saw things stand still in time… At first our pilots could not interface with the craft. The Alien Life Form corrected the problem with three fingers on the globe panel. Then the wave formed and the craft began to cooperate and generate lift…”
• James Jesus Angleton (CIA), quoted in Exempt from Disclosure, by Robert Collins

— “The vehicle was simply an extension of their own bodies because it was tied into their neurological systems…”
• Col. Philip J. Corso, The Day After Roswell

— “My flying machine will have neither wings nor propellers. You might see it on the ground and you would never guess that it was a flying machine. Yet it will be able to move at will through the air in any direction with perfect safety.”
• Nikola Tesla, interviewed in The New York Herald Tribune, October 15, 1911


Archived material recently discovered by Ralph Ring:

Click here to download a complete unpublished book by Otis T. Carr, written in 1952, entitled DIMENSIONS OF MYSTERY. The typewritten manuscript is an 83 page PDF (23 Mb).

Nine 1958 Long John Nebel radio shows featuring Otis T. Carr and/or his work. The quality is poor, but the content is of historical interest. Long John Nebel had a wide audience, covered all aspects of the unusual and paranormal, and was the Art Bell of his day. (To download, PC users right-click and then select Save As; Mac users option-click.)

Click here for Margaret Storm on her new book Return of the Dove, featuring Otis Carr, date unknown (Part 1)
Click here for Margaret Storm on her new book Return of the Dove, featuring Otis Carr, date unknown (Part 2)

Click here for Otis Carr, 19 April 1958 (Part 1)
Click here for Otis Carr, 19 April 1958 (Part 2)

Click here for Margaret Storm and Otis Carr, 11 July 1958 (Part 1)
Click here for Margaret Storm and Otis Carr, 11 July 1958 (Part 2)

Click here for Otis Carr, 15 November 1958 (Part 1)
Click here for Otis Carr, 15 November 1958 (Part 2)
Click here for Otis Carr, 15 November 1958 (Part 3)

Project Camelot is privileged to have been introduced to Ralph Ring, a gifted intuitive technician who in the late 1950s and early 1960s worked closely with Otis T. Carr, a protegé of the great inventor Nikola Tesla. Prior to meeting Carr, Ralph had helped the famous French oceanographer Jacques Cousteau develop the aqualung, and had then spent a period working with a government-funded research organization called Advanced Kinetics.

Bill Ryan talked with Ralph for over twelve hours on their first meeting, in March 2006. He was genial, charismatic, gentle, compelling, and sprightly for his 71 years. The story he told was captivating.

Ralph Ring in 1984

In essence, the account is as follows. Carr and a small group of engineers and technicians, one of whom was Ralph, built a flying disk, powered by rotating electromagnets in conjunction with a number of small, ingenious capacitor-like devices called “Utrons”. A number of prototypes were built, ranging in size from experimental models a few feet across to a passenger-carrying craft which was fully 45 feet in diameter. The smaller disks flew successfully – one even disappeared completely and was permanently lost – and Ralph himself testifies to having co-piloted, with two others, the large craft a distance of some ten miles, traversing this distance instantaneously.
Carr was seriously intent on taking his craft to the moon. However, two weeks after Ralph’s dramatic experience, their laboratory was forcibly shut down by government agents and all files and documentation were confiscated. The group was forced to disband, and the project was never completed. Dismayed and frustrated, Ralph later bought some land in Arizona where he built a futuristic disk-shaped home which he said was astonishingly energy-efficient and, he later realized, decades ahead of its time.

“…the metal turned to Jell-o. You could push your finger right into it. It ceased to be solid. It turned into another form of matter, which was as if it was not entirely here in this reality.”

Carr’s work has been recorded in several places, but the details are relatively scant. One highly respected physicist, researching alternative energy systems with the backing of a substantial organization, told Bill Ryan that he “had never investigated Otis Carr because his claims just seemed too outlandish.” But few researchers are aware that one of the team of Carr’s engineers is still alive. Project Camelot is proud to tell Ralph Ring’s story, and will be releasing a video interview with him within the next few weeks.

When recalling the heady events of the late 1950s working day and night with Carr, Ring again and again stressed that the key was working with nature. “Resonance”, he would emphasize repeatedly. “You have to work with nature, not against her.” He described how when the model disks were powered up and reached a particular rotational speed, “…the metal turned to Jell-o. You could push your finger right into it. It ceased to be solid. It turned into another form of matter, which was as if it was not entirely here in this reality. That’s the only way I can attempt to describe it. It was uncanny, one of the weirdest sensations I’ve ever felt.”

What was it like working with Carr? “He was an unquestioned genius. Tesla had recognized his quality immediately and had taught him everything he knew. He was inspired, and – like Tesla – seemed to know exactly what to do to get something to work. He was a private man and was also very metaphysical in his thinking. I think the fact that he was not formally trained in physics helped him. He was not constrained by any preconceived ideas. As crazy as it sounds now, he was determined to fly to the moon and really believed it could be done. I believed it. We all did.”

“…I was completely astonished when we realized that we had returned with samples of rocks and plants from our destination. It was a dramatic success. It was more like a kind of teleportation.”

Did the craft fly? “Fly is not the right word. It traversed distance. It seemed to take no time. I was with two other engineers when we piloted the 45′ craft about ten miles. I thought it hadn’t moved – I thought it had failed. I was completely astonished when we realized that we had returned with samples of rocks and plants from our destination. It was a dramatic success. It was more like a kind of teleportation.

“What’s more, time was distorted somehow. We felt we were in the craft about fifteen or twenty minutes. We were told afterwards that we’d been carefully timed as having been in the craft no longer than three or four minutes. I still have no complete idea how it worked. We just built it exactly according to Carr’s instructions. Everything had to be perfect… it all had to be just so, or it he said it would not work: a kind of symbiotic state between man and machine.

“The Utron was the key to it all. Carr said it accumulated energy because of its shape, and focused it, and also responded to our conscious intentions. When we operated the machine, we didn’t work any controls. We went into a kind of meditative state and all three of us focused our intentions on the effect we wanted to achieve. It sounds ridiculous, I know. But that’s what we did, and that’s what worked. Carr had tapped into some principle which is not understood, in which consciousness melds with engineering to create an effect. You can’t write that into equations. I have no idea how he knew it would work. But it did.

“…there are two secrets to making the alien saucers work. One is their advanced engineering, and the other is their mental ability.”

“I’ve lost count of the number of people who have refused to believe what happened. I no longer talk about it. It’s no fun being laughed at and ridiculed. But I’ve described it exactly as it occurred. One day someone will build the disk just as we did and they’ll have the same experience. All his blueprints still exist. Nowadays, it would all be done with digital and solid state circuitry – no moving parts would be necessary.

“I’ve heard that the aliens use the same principle to operate their craft. Their physics seems to work in harness with their consciousness. The craft amplifies the power of their minds. Their craft won’t operate without the pilots. I’ve heard that’s why we can’t operate their craft – or, at any rate, we can’t operate them the way they do. We’re just not adept enough mentally and spiritually. So there are two secrets to making the saucers work. One is the advanced engineering, and the other is the mental and spiritual ability. We may have duplicated some of the first, but we may be a long way from the second yet.”

Ralph Ring with Bill Ryan

Bill Ryan left Ralph having promised to get the information into the hands of someone who could understand and then duplicate the dramatic experiments conducted by Carr and his team. Ralph and Bill Ryan had agreed to work together to see the project through to its reality. Shortly afterwards, Ralph went into hospital for a routine knee replacement operation. He accidentally received the wrong treatment, and nearly died three times. At the time of writing (July 2006) he has just recently emerged, very frail, from intensive care – but is determined to tell his story. Prior to that he had enjoyed perfect health for 71 years.

This is exactly what Project Camelot is for.


Material about Otis Carr currently in the public domain:

According to Otis Carr, “Any vehicle accelerated to an axis rotation relative to its attractive inertial mass, immediately becomes activated by free-space-energy and acts as an independent force… We have shown that a charged body, accelerated to an axis rotation relative to this attractive inertial mass, indicates polarity in a given direction.

“The dip-needle points, say, up toward the top of the body. But mount this while rotating body, with its spindle, on another platform and rotate this platform on a spindle, then if the counter-rotation is greater than the inertial forward rotation of the body, a dip-needle on the second platform will point down while the first dip-needle points up, indicating complete relativity of polarity. When the exact counter-rotation matches the forward rotation the body loses its polarity entirely and immediately becomes activated by free-energy (tensor stresses in space) and acts as an independent force… The above-described assembly of counter-rotating charged masses becomes weightless and will escape the immediate attraction of gravitational forces.”

Carr’s engine had only two moving parts – like two spinning tops on top of one another, each spinning in a different direction. Carr stated that “when counter-rotation matches forward rotation, a body loses its polarity… and creates a kind of independent force. This causes the counter-rotating mass to escape the full effect of gravitational influence.”

Similar results, pertaining to the apparent antigravitic properties of rotating objects, have been shown by a variety of researchers – most notably, the eminent British engineer Professor Eric Laithwaite, who demonstrated an apparent loss of weight in a sealed system containing an arrangement of spinning gyroscopes and called upon the scientific community to research the phenomenon. Intriguingly, the “Jell-o” description of the altered state of solid metal, attained under specific and unusual conditions, has also been reported by the researcher John Hutchison, and is part of the lore of The Philadephia Experiment.

According to Carr, his vehicle was actually finished in 1947, but at the time he was unable to generate any interest in it. Carr stated that the core of his space ship would be a huge battery which would spin at the velocity of the external craft and which would be recharged by its own motion. Carr went on to declare that such a battery, built to any size, could be designed to power the largest electric generating plant, operate an automobile, heat a house or power any conceivable machine or device.

On April 15, 1959 a launch event was held in Oklahoma City with hundreds of people invited, having been told that a prototype disk would rise 400 to 600 feet off the ground from a gravel pit. After several hours delay, an announcement was made that the launch was being postponed due to a badly engineered bearing. However, it subsequently emerged that Carr had been admitted into hospital for eight days with a lung hemorrhage, in addition to which, in a preliminary pre-flight test, the accumulator had developed a leak which had sprayed mercury over the inside mechanism.

Carr’s claims began to attract the attention of the US Government in the late 1950s. Major Wayne Aho, a former Army Combat Intelligence Officer during World War II, announced that he would take the craft to the moon on December 7, 1959, that the trip would take 5 hours, and that he would remain in orbit for 7 days before returning. The 45 diameter craft he was to use weighed 30 tons and “was powered by the Utron engine”.

On June 2, 1960, Carr told an audience of 300 people that it was a “treacherous misstatement of fact to say or infer that we [OTC Enterprises] are coming to California to raise money in stock sales.” The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission had placed an injunction against Carr, ordering him to cease selling unregistered stock. Negative publicity began to appear in various publications, and there were hints of impropriety, though never with any proof. The press began to turn against him.

In January, 1961 the Attorney General of New York, Louis J. Lefkowitz, stated that Carr had swindled $50,000, and later that year True Magazine labeled him a hoaxer. By then, his laboratory had been raided and destroyed, and the group of engineers had been ordered to disband and cease contact with one another. It is not known what became either of Carr himself or the craft… but they never flew again. Carr is reported to have suffered from ill-health, a broken man. He passed away in Gardnerville, Nevada, in 2005.


The design of the OTC X-1:

Please click on each image to view it in high resolution.


Interview: “Long John” Nebel (WOR Radio, NY) with Otis Carr and Norman Colton (29 October, 1957):

LJ (“Long John” Nebel): According to the schedule here the delivered price payable in full on delivery, with no prior commitments required, and including all poolings, and other overhead is 20 million dollars. Additional identical units are on the same schedule for 4 million dollars each. That’s a lot of money! My name is Long John and we call this “the Party Line”.

I imagine you wonder what I’m talking about for 20 million dollars. Well, I’ve had a few sponsors and we’ve sold a few things, but I don’t have O.T.C. Enterprises Inc. of Baltimore, Maryland as sponsor but they do have something to sell. Mainly, a circular foil spacecraft that is available for 20 million dollars. We have talked about flying saucers on the program many times. But tonight it appears to me we have two very solid citizens who represent O.T.C. Enterprises and according to all of the brochures, all of the booklets, everything we have in front of us and believe me we have a stack of things in front of us, including miniature working models, and with all of this material. I’m led to believe these men and believe that there is something to flying saucers.

Oklahoma County attorney William Berry (left), Otis T. Carr (center), and Hubert Gibson, Carr’s attorney (right)

And the men that I’m referring to are Otis. T. Carr, President and Norman Evans Colton, Director of Sales Engineering. These gentlemen are associated with O.T.C. Enterprises, and we’ll be talking with them tonight about the possibility of making a craft that can go to Venus, that can go to the Moon, that can go to Mars, that costs 20 million dollars. And after we have the first one the rest of them won’t cost too much, about 4 million dollars each. We have with us this morning Ben I. and Mel Saloney. They will be doing a lot of talking with a lot of people and I hope that you might call some of your friends and neighbors and tell them that if they are interested in flying saucers, this is one night that they should be with us.

Mr. Carr, some time ago one of our listeners sent me a brochure that was published by O.T.C. Enterprises. It’s a very beautiful brochure; it’s certainly a very inspiring one, and when I read this offer about a spacecraft that would be made available for 20 million dollars, I nearly flipped and I mentioned it on the air, and evidently somebody contacted your Director of Sales Engineering, Mr. Colton and he contacted us and that’s why you’re here this morning.

Before we talk about the particular space craft that you intend to manufacture, I would like to ask you a couple of questions. One; Do you believe in the possibility of flying saucers coming to this planet, the planet Earth, from other planets?

OTC (Otis T. Carr): We believe that there are unidentified electrified objects in the air. We have seen three on three separate occasions.

LJ: Do you say you’ve seen three, Mr. Carr? Did you see them in the air? Were they hovering above a particular location?

OTC: In the air, they were going at great velocity and they were definitely electrified because we have been working on the same principle for many years and we recognize what we saw.

LJ: Well when you say electrified, what other type, if we may use the word saucers this morning because many of our listeners understand that, what other type of saucers could there be other than electrified, could there be gas driven or something, Sir?

OTC: There could be if we followed principles now known within our atmosphere. There are many manners in which a circular craft could be used, such as the helo principal and jets on the area close to the foil, the leading edge. But in the incidents of the three different ones which we saw in 1951 and 1952 they were definitely electrical and they were very close to what we had already designed.

LJ: Did you say the ‘Helo’ system?

OTC: That’s right. Well any system of circular rotation that can use a motive power such as jet propulsion would make an airborne craft.

LJ: In what way is your invention different from the unidentified flying objects which you have seen?

OTC: We do not know, naturally not having been able to examine the objects we saw due to the great velocity, we can’t say with certainty that they are similar to ours, but the principle we feel is the same. Our design utilizes gravity, electromagnetism, and electromotive force and a relative field to get its functional operation.

LJ: I haven’t understood a single word of your last sentence. Without getting at all technical could you sort of make it a little bit easier?

OTC: We use this statement that we use an electrified sender. It’s a central power core. Now this is what we call an ‘accumulator.’ In a vernacular sense, it is a factory. It is a storage cell, an accumulation of storage cells which provide an electromotive force in the same manner that any known battery produces an electromotive force.

Wayne Aho (left), and Otis T. Carr (second from left).
The two men on the right are unknown.

LJ: Is that what you are holding in your hand there?

OTC: That’s right.

LJ: Can you describe it?

OTC: This is a dimensional object. It was designed with the dimensions of space itself. We say it is truly the geometric form of space, because it is completely round and completely square. Now in this surface they are all round but when we show it this way the surfaces are square. It has been proven in scientific laboratories that the very smallest unit of mass matter ever photographed in the electron microscope are square in shape. This has only been found out in the last couple of months. We have known it for years and have applied this principle into an electrified system, which is the power core of our space vehicle. Now what makes this different and unique and novel from a battery is the fact that this is a piece of moving machinery that rotates. Our average storage battery is an inanimate object set in an inertial spot and then the electromotive force is conducted by wires from this battery to animate some object.

LJ: Let me interrupt a moment, I’ll try to describe it further. Well, it looks like two ice cream cones put together at the wide ends, but the angle is a lot wider than that of the ice cream cones. There are a series of ridges that look like gears would fit in. Is that correct?

OTC: No, those are in a sense ‘turbines principles’. They are ‘reactive channels’. And where there is atmosphere a flow of air there aids rotation.

LJ: Well then, is this one of the components of the drive, this is the battery?

OTC: This is the central power core.

LJ: This generates electricity?

OTC: This is right. This is a storage cell for electrical energy. In operation it generates electricity at the same time it puts out electromotive force. This is the central power system for our space craft.

LJ: I can tell this, that it opened up and it appears to be hollowed out on the inside, much, I would say….well it’s circular, the inside, when the two parts are put one on top of the other and they fit into place, the cavity inside is circular.

OTC: It is a sphere, yes. And each unit is a hemisphere. We call the center of this, this large dimension the equator and of course it contracts and expands to a point on each side. It’s the union of two conical sections, that is what it is. Two right angle sections, and we say it is the dimensions of space and we have shown how this comes about.

LJ: This is Tuesday morning October 29th, 1957….Here is a paragraph that you sent copies of your brochure outlining your system of propulsion that you have developed to President Eisenhower and the Cabinet and the Atomic Energy Commission. Have you received an answer from them?

OTC: There was recognition of receiving the material.

LJ: Beyond that did they give any value judgment on what you had to contribute?

OTC: No, we have not received any value judgment.

LJ: Don’t you think that is a little odd?

OTC: Yes, I do.

LJ: Is there any way that you can explain it?

OTC: I have my own ideas about this. Of course no way to substantiate such ideas. To give my own personal opinion, we have a truly safe vehicle which is not expendable, it does not burn up its energy in a few seconds, it carries the energy with it, it can leave the earth’s atmosphere and return man, it also can be used within the atmosphere. It can make a trip as easily as other aerial transportation systems from here to Baltimore or from here to the moon. Now it is inexpensive, it certainly doesn’t cost as much as the systems of the expanding rocket. The fueling is much less expensive and whether or not our offer is entering into an economic picture that is not feasible at this time, we don’t know. This is one of our opinions.
Ben: Mr. Carr. I’ve been glancing at the literature that you provided us with. I’ve been going over it and there is a mathematical formula that crops up here that intrigues me, minus zero divided by plus zero equals zero. The first time I ever saw a minus zero is in a mathematical equation in the work of Einstein. I wonder if you can tell me more about it and how you stumbled upon this idea.

OTC: The equation is brought about by the shape of our Utron electrical accumulator, this is the name given to our central power system. In our operation of working models and in checking out experiments, we had to find the formula that fit the reason for the action and reaction we were getting. So in exploring nature and studying the great inspirational work of Dr. Einstein on relativity, we came upon this formula of linear correlation. And when we study linear correlation in geometric form, we have to have a starting point and this is the point. And from there it expands through the cross and through the circle. And the mathematics, the only way we can express it, is in the symbolism of zero X (or 0x) and this formula brings us to that. We claim that this is the true unified field theory in physical practice.

Ben: The thing I wonder about….is how you were led to the concept of a minus 0.

OTC: In a further study of Dr. Einstein’s great inspirational work and we corresponded with him and we had the great good fortune of being advised by him at one time, we learned that all measurements of time and space had to be considered in relationship to the observer and therefore there never was a fixed equation, due to the observer being an attempt, as I understand it, the observer himself being somewhat the minus factor and therefore you can’t have any fixed quantity of any number. Now in physical form, this is something else again. We worked for a considerable time with and had many conferences with the great Nikola Tesla and his evaluation of the sine wave and electrical principles and the true value of alternating current and hydro-electric systems were developed by the great genius of this man. Further inspirations came to us and finally from this knowledge and continuing to seek we found this formula.

Ben: Did you find this formula, Mr. Carr?

OTC: I found it with the assistance of Mr. Colton in the evaluation. Mr. Colton researches very heavily in all the work that I do and we collaborate very closely. Also Mr. Shea collaborates with me in research.

LJ: Mr. Carr, when was O.T.C. incorporated?

OTC: …1955.

LJ: And how long prior to the year 1955 were you associated with Mr. Shea and Mr. Colton?

OTC: Not before that, they have come with me since then.

LJ: Were you interested in this before 1955?

OTC: We started, I use the editorial ‘we’, this development in 1937. Our investigations began in 1937. We were actively making models in 1938. In 1942 we had come up with the basic principles.

LJ: In other words, 18 years prior to this year you had in your mind that possibly some type of craft could be developed that you could go into space with? Is that right?

OTC: This is true.

LJ: Do you hope with this craft, if you are able to manufacture it, that you can go to other planets with it?

OTC: Escaping from the immediate gravity pull of the earth plus the heavy atmosphere of the earth enables us, just as our satellites are doing now, to join a universal free energy system. They have a velocity now of 18,000 miles per hour, more or less, without any expenditure of energy whatsoever. Now any energy attached to this would immediately throw them into a higher velocity orbit which would expand them further into space…This is extremely easy to do. We feel that our craft will gradually escape and possibly escape the atmosphere of the earth and then we can handle velocities almost unimaginable in reaching other gravity systems and the moon should not be more than five hours away.

LJ: Five hours away from Baltimore, Maryland.

OTC: That’s right.

LJ: How many people can you have in this craft?

OTC: The one we have on the design board which is 45 feet in diameter, the cabin would accommodate three to be comfortable.

LJ: And with type of equipment will you have on board of this craft?

OTC: On this craft, insofar as the individuals are concerned, can travel the same as in a pressurized airliner. We don’t have the problem of a heat shield.

LJ: What about high velocity?

OTC: We don’t have a problem of thermal barriers because the electro-magnetic system sets up a protective shield in our craft which enables us to overcome this barrier without any discomfort to the occupants inside the craft. And we can very slowly rise, and once we are outside the atmosphere, we can accelerate to tremendous velocities up to the speed of light itself.

LJ: I am greatly interested though in the method of landing this craft if you were able to get to the moon. Let’s forget the moon a minute, if you get the craft up from this planet from the airport to Baltimore, how would it land sir?

OTC: Back in Baltimore?

LJ: Yes.

OTC: Very simply, we can fly at a very slow velocity of 100/ft. per minute or less and we can sit down as gently as a feather because part of the operation of our craft has joined universal systems. This is a relative velocity of the attractive inertial mass, it becomes weightless as regards this inertial attraction. Individually, it is not weightless, it has the same weight as before, but when it reaches the relative location it becomes an independent system just as a planet is an independent system.

LJ: Is there any gravitational pull at this point sir?

OTC: None whatsoever.

LJ: What happens to the occupants of the space craft?

OTC: They are perfectly comfortable.

LJ: I mean are their heads on the ceiling?

OTC: Not at all. They will have the same feeling of pressure or weight that they have right now because we will maintain as near as possible the atmospheric pressure of the earth at sea level inside the craft.

LJ: This is rather technical for me, Mr. Carr, so please accept my apologies for being rather stupid and ignorant in my line of questioning. I am under the impression that the only reason I’m able to sit in this chair, is because of gravitational pull.

OTC: We have this at around 14 pounds per square inch within our atmosphere. We have been able to be sealed off away from such a condition and thus artificially with atmospheric pressure the pressure in the cabin is maintained. We have it very well in submarines. The same may be used in our craft.

LJ: In other words, under sea, where a submarine may be, there is no gravitational pull, is that what you’re saying?

OTC: There is a gravitational pull at all times but we’re speaking about the atmosphere of the particular occupants inside a sealed unit.

LJ: Is that necessary to keep occupants in the position they desire.

OTC: Absolutely, because in a vacuum they are at the mercy of any velocity.

LJ: What would happen, sir, if there was some kind of instrument that you could turn on and eliminate the gravitation pull that was in this room?

OTC: You would in a sense become very buoyant and this is not in itself a novelty but it certainly does not have any disastrous effects on humanity.

LJ: Would I remain in this position?

OTC: You could, but any movement could move you out of it.

LJ: Would objects, the mike, remain in position?

OTC: Until they were brought into any other movement. Any movement would make them buoyant themselves.

LJ: I have a lead pencil, if I hold it in the air and release my fingers, it would fall because of gravitational pull.

OTC: This is true.

LJ: If we had this other condition which you so aptly described a moment ago, if I released my fingers would the pencil remain in midair?

OTC: This is true, it would stay there.

LJ: I believe what you are saying is that you’d be creating an artificial gravitational field within the body of the space craft and yet there would not be any gravity on the outside?

OTC: Exactly correct.

LJ: And this is done by the battery which I attempted to describe, spinning around and producing its own gravitational influence?

OTC: Yes, this is the beginning of an answer to your question: we have capacitor plates and electro-magnets as a part of this system. Now this is counter-rotating, the electro-magnets rotate in one direction and the accumulator, the batteries rotate in another. The capacitor plates rotate in conjunction with the battery so that we have a clockwise and counter clockwise rotation. Now the third system is the cabin that maintains the crew. This does not rotate, it is fixed due to the fact the two bodies are rotating clockwise and counter clockwise. Therefore the system causes the craft to escape from the gravity pull. The craft itself due to this system still has internal gravity because it still has the same weight that it had in the beginning.

LJ: What charges this battery?

OTC: This starts out electrochemically the same as other batteries, but we do have a regenerating system that is very unique. We are able here, the first time to our knowledge, to use atmospheric electricity as a recharging system. This is done as a part of operational principal of the craft.

LJ: You say you use atmospheric electricity. What happens when you use the atmospheric and there isn’t any atmosphere?

OTC: We have electrochemical systems to provide us with all the energy that we need and have a regenerating system in the manner of a regenerative coil that recharges this battery, in the same manner that the storage battery in the automobile is recharged now, by a generator.

LJ: What you have done is made the first perpetual motion machine.

OTC: There is nothing perpetual about our machine. The energies which cause it to operate are perpetual. You cannot destroy matter, you cannot destroy energy. Molecular flow is perpetual and has been proven in the laboratory. It has been proven that electricity itself is immortal. When we take away resistance we can set up a spark of electricity and it will continue to operate, therefore we have perpetual energy. No machine that we can conceive of made by man would be perpetual, but it is free energy. It’s self energizing and as long as all parts function and do not wear out this is truly a self energizing machine.

Ben: About this formula, were you using conventional algebraic methods?

OTC: No, we weren’t, partially conventional, but we were joining actual space forms. We arrived at satisfactory equations for ourselves which can be demonstrated.

Ben: Are the physical laws upon which your invention works, are they expressible in mathematical terms?

OTC: Possibly, but I wouldn’t say that I’m qualified. We’re satisfied with this formula.

Ben: Well, it’s like saying plus 4 divided by minus 4 equals 4.

OTC: Sometimes these solutions are not always what they appear. As we know, in synergy, we know one plus one equals three.

Ben: One plus one equals three? How?

OTC: Because two conditions always produce a third.

Ben: The third condition is 2 isn’t it?

OTC: Not necessarily…

Ben: Could you go over these conditions?

OTC: If one condition operates one way and another operates another way, and when they join you have another condition and their sum is 3.

Ben: Well that’s a little bit over my head, I’ve been looking at this prototype you have here and I noticed a wooden frame or scaffolding, you have a larger model of…..that you have in it a turbine and around it is a wooden ring and it seems to be filled with electromagnets.

OTC: That’s right, this is a wood model of the operational model. What we have here is the cones – our Utron electric accumulator – that is the power system. This system activates the electromagnets and in turn activates…

Ben: Does the system – the thing inside – activate the electro-magnets on the outside?

OTC: This is true. We do this by contacting this lead wire from the positive and negative poles of these batteries to the electro-magnets and then we have circuit breakers from these electro-magnets and we have counter-rotation. These electro-magnets will rotate counter clockwise while the internal area is rotating clockwise.

Ben: Are the spools of wire on the model itself, are they magnetized also?

OTC: The coils of wire inside the ring are regenerative coils, they are electro-motive force coils and they assist the regenerating of the battery. Because they are loops of wire brought through a magnetic field which sets up an electro-motive force. These others are capacitor plates and these are also activated by the central power core; but these plates, which can accept a very high charge in neutral conductance also through the process of ionization utilize atmospheric electricity.

Ben: I mean if you turn that thing… I don’t see how you can get a square.

OTC: Dimensionally it is, it is square in these dimensions and when this rotation starts and builds up to a certain velocity, this form is very important because we have the total equation of action and reaction. Now this is done by a system of coil winding wherein we start at a point, expand to an equator, continue our winding down to a point. With this physical expansion and contraction, is an electromagnetic field. Where gravity enters the picture in the form of this relative rotation. When the relative rotation reaches the inertial effective mass, it’s a matter of dimension. So that if the earth as we say is 8,000 miles in diameter, we know its fixed rotation is 1 in 24 hrs. If we were 1 mile in diameter its rotation would be 8,000 in 24 hrs. And by the same system, our 45 foot craft would have a rotation of 580 rpms a minute and when it reaches this rotation it is totally independent of its inertial attractive mass, in an electro-magnetic field.

Ben: 580 rpms a minute, that’s not very fast is it?

OTC: Well, if you say a merry-go-round going 580 rpms a minute that would be quite fast.

Ben: If your models get up to 580 rpms a minute, will they take off?

OTC: This model was spun at 40,000 rpms a minute and when it did it set a pressure pattern of 1,000 tons, the horsepower reading was a little over 700. Six engineers checked this out. Now the relative rotation of this model would be about 68,000 rpms a minute and when it reaches this rotation, it would immediately take off.

LJ: Sam Vanderburt is the photographer who took pictures here this morning. They will appear in edition of Argosy Magazine dated April, 1958.

LJ: A question from a telegram – Would the time factor be involved with this craft?

OTC: In our solar system, the time factor would be involved, yes. We evaluate time on the velocity of light and in certain systems, if we exceed the velocity of light, unquestionably the time would slow up.

Ben: Your craft can exceed the velocity of light?

OTC: We don’t say this, I say in other systems.

Ben: I thought nothing could do this, I thought it was a constant factor, one of Einstein’s factors.

OTC: Possibly in our system, but not necessarily true in other systems.

Ben: Anything approaching the speed of light becomes pure energy.

OTC: Pure energy, but in other systems it could change.

Ben: What other systems?

OTC: Other solar systems, we are completely controlled by our system and here the velocity of light is our yardstick and our pattern and our craft is designed around this…

Ben: You just don’t upset one of the basic principles of the universe.

Mel Salomey: Doesn’t Einstein say any measurement is relative?

Ben: Except this one, it’s the first axiom.

Mel: What is an axiom?

Ben: Self-evident truth.

Mel: Thank you. Wasn’t Einstein theorizing, wasn’t he assuming?

OTC: However we have to get back to what has been accomplished. We have invented an electrified system which makes it possible for a propulsion system which put into operation can carry human beings, with a fuel system which is not expendable and take them into space and bring them back and return in this craft. If I had the tools now, and those tools are available in large plants. If those tools were available to me we could have this craft on the moon in six months from this date.
Q: Mr. Carr, on this sheet I have in front of me, the sheet headed, Performance Characteristics and Delivery Terms for the OTC-X1 circular foil space craft. I noticed the paragraph headed ‘physical components.’ Safety under normal conditions would be anticipated in flight. It would be within 1,000 miles away from earth. Now maybe I am not reading this correctly. Sir, but as I read this you are saying that at the present time you feel that the OTC-X1 craft could go a distance of 1,000 miles away from earth and yet a few minutes ago you told us you could go to the moon in 5 hours.

OTC: That is true, the same craft, after all this is a contract form and we have not been to the moon. We are going to enjoy looking at the earth 1,000 miles out and I think that would be satisfactory if we make a safe return.

Q: From a thousand miles?

OTC: 1,000 miles was picked as an arbitrary figure for demonstration purposes only. Before we delivered the craft we would take the crew a distance of 1,000 miles.

Q: Before you delivered to the purchaser?

OTC: That’s right.

Q: Then let me ask you Mr. Colton, how long would it take you to go 1,000 miles and return provided you don’t hover around 1,000 miles away from the earth?

Colton: It could be done in a matter of minutes, probably because of the takeoff and landing practicalities, it could be done comfortably in the space of one hour.

Q: Comfortably?

Colton: So as to avoid awkward velocities and any discomforts.

Q: In other words the possibility of going to the moon in five hours is a dream at the moment, right?

Colton: No, I wouldn’t say it’s a dream…

Q: Well, if it takes you an hour to go 1,000 miles away from earth it should take you a little longer than 5 to go to the moon unless you’ve got an indirect route that will save a little time.

Colton: If you think of it in terms of a passenger train leaving a station and arriving at another station or an aircraft traveling between cities. This proportion and the amount of time it takes for takeoff and landing, the distance of approximately 50 miles in a heavy atmosphere would be traveled very slowly. Once out of that atmosphere as Mr. Carr said almost any type of speed is possible up to and approaching the speed of light. You couldn’t approach any such speed because you could reach 1,000 miles in the wink of an eye. That’s why I say the figures are rounded off and arbitrarily selected for discussion and preparing the contract proposal.

Q: Mr. Colton, 20 million dollars sounds like a lot of money if you purchased an amount of jellybeans but it doesn’t sound like a lot of money to me if you could produce the craft you propose. Do you have any idea in your mind why some big aeronautical concerns, Lockheed, etc.; I don’t know all of them, why it is that they haven’t taken advantage of this opportunity to invest. It’s quite possible it wouldn’t cost them 20 million dollars because they already have so much equipment available to them.

Colton: Up to the present time we haven’t approached them directly with an offer.

Q: You were incorporated in 1955 and I imagine you have made an effort to get some money to promote your product.

Colton: An offer we made was that the OTC-X1 craft will be parked in any specified area in the Continental US and go one or more times outside the earth’s atmosphere and land within a distance of the Pentagon building in Washington or any other location best suited for public observation.

Q: What are these coils? To describe this the best I can, imagine if you will a circle about 16-18 inches in diameter. Two circles that form a sort of a…in other words 1 circle fits over another circle and from the top of the circle and coming down from off the circle are two cones, in other words one is up like a round pyramid, the other an inverted round pyramid. There are a number of what appears to be copper wound coils around the edge of it. If you looked at it head on it would look like an old fashioned airplane engine more or less. And then there’s sort of a framework on top and underneath there’s sort of braces. That’s the general idea, I noticed this, these cones placed mouth to mouth with some coils, the coils on the edge of this thing, it revolved within this structure. A tough thing to describe.

Q: What is this over here, Mr. Colton?

Colton: This is a paper mockup to show the counter rotation principle and its outside circular section that Roy is describing looking at the other mockup. It contains the electrified horseshoe magnets. This would rotate in one direction counter clockwise while the center section with the electron accumulator would, which he described as 2 inverted cones mouth to mouth, would rotate clockwise in the other direction.

Q: Would these coils in the outer rim…?

Colton: Rotate counter clockwise, correct.

Q: What is the material in the actual space craft?

Colton: A number of materials would be used.

Q: Was the outer shell possibly aluminum, sir?

Colton: Possibly aluminum, possibly fiberglass. Certainly not any material or materials or products not known to use or easily available.

Q: When you say 580 rpms do you mean the outer rim is rotating in 1 direction 580 rpms and the inner rotating in the other direction at the same speed, giving a total rotation, one relative to the other of 1160 rpms?

Colton: Exactly, although I don’t know if 1160 has any bearing on it or not.

Q: Well, it would be twice the rotation in reference to the earth.

Colton: We’re not giving it for a certain rotation for the sake of rotation but for the sake of relativity to the attractive mass. The earth at 8,000 miles diameter rotating once in 24 hours is relatively equal to a 45 foot craft rotating at 580 and 580 would calculate to be the approximate rotational speed of an automobile tire on a car moving at about 25-30 miles per hour.

LJ: I’ll try to describe a description as seen from the outside. I was attempting to describe the inside of the mechanism which is very difficult but I think I could describe it this way if I may. Imagine taking a couple of loud speaker cones and putting them mouth to mouth. Now that seems to be the body of the craft as you would see it in flight or well let’s say landing. Now around it is an independent ring…so that the mouth to mouth speaker cones revolve inside the ring and on its axis.

Q: It looks like a flying saucer. It sort of reminds me of a gyroscope…

LJ: Have you described the basic principle of the thing?

Colton: Yes, Mr. Carr described the basic principle and the relationship of electricity and electro-magnetism.

LJ: Could a small craft be made to take off?

OTC: We plan to build a prototype model as a demonstration device. Now I would like to state certain models have been built by me and tested. Each one has been airborne. One was lost entirely in space. We had a control system and this one didn’t function. This has already been done.

LJ: Years ago a man sold me two pieces of balsa wood, two cross pieces, and a rubber band. It would take off and go up very nicely and gently descend to the ground. It was not surprising to me that a thing like this is quite feasible. As a matter of fact he had a fantastic flying platform. He said it would one day be a way of flying instead of a prop in the front. OK now, how does it differ from this particular flying saucer? That’s what it really is, in principle, in motivation. The flying platforms I believe are a combination of a propeller and a jet. Thus directing motion downwards. This does not have anything to do with this system?

Q: None whatsoever. As we calculated, the speed of the circumference was 1263 miles per hour. It gets kind of warm at that, doesn’t it?

OTC: No, it won’t because it has its own protection field which is its electro-magnetic actuation. We described it as a self contained unit the same as an orange. It contains its juice within its skin and maintains its own circulatory system, like mammals and animals, etc. This ionization of the capacitor plates sets up a glow brilliantly with a very soft luminescent light.

LJ: What color?

OTC: It would be in the nature of the blue green or very similar to the electric arc you see in welding. This is the field we are testing, you do not have a heat barrier in forward velocity at all. This electro-magnetic field is being tested out now in conventional aircraft and proved very efficient. We have known that there is something a long time in our particular operation. We found out by actual physical tests.

LJ: Have you patented this?

OTC: We have patent applications in preparation and on file.

LJ: I personally am very reluctant to try to argue with you about this device because it looks like a very definite look into the future. Do you think that there are flying saucers from other planets?

OTC: These are electrified unidentified flying objects. We have seen these as mentioned earlier on this program and we were interested inasmuch as we were already building models and tested them out by the time we had these observations. Now, it is not up to me to conjecture whether or not they are from other planets, but the evidence is so because we certainly would not have to spend 355 million dollars to build a rocket if we had such a system, which we propose to make possible. We have the system ourselves. If the system is in operation already, something is very wrong to put this money expense on an expendable rocket. 55 million dollars is no cost at all to test out a rocket that only gets a few feet off the ground.

Q: Well, what do you think about the principle of rockets under certain conditions? Would you suppose you could put rockets toward the edges of the cones and have the ring spin by rocket propulsion?

OTC: We don’t need it. We have a tremendous spin here. An electric motor operates the same way. You set up an electromotive force inside a magnetic field and you get rotation. So what we actually have here is an improved electrical motor which in itself is a circular device, and we say we make energy out of the air, from another dimension.

To clear your analogy up also, we would like to demonstrate the fact that this earth itself is literally a space craft demonstrating what we’re talking about; it’s rotating and orbiting at a certain constant speed with a magnetic field and it is in itself a spacecraft.

Q: Mr. Colton, we assume the moon has a gravitational field. How does it make a gravitational field and yet it does not rotate on its axis.

Colton: It does not rotate on its axis?

Q: No, the moon does not rotate on its axis.

Ben: Sure it does, 1 rotation for 1 revolution.

Q: How long does it take?

Ben: 28 days.

Q: And the earth takes one day.

OTC: And that’s how engineers and scientists have evaluated the velocity of the craft we call the earth by the orbit of it. Upon the pattern already set up, by the amount of time it takes the moon to rotate once around the earth from the center of the earth’s core: 28 days. The distance being 245,000 miles. It is easy to calculate.

Q: These cones seem to revolve over intricately wound copper coils. Do you supply any motor power to this?

OTC: All energy comes from these two cones [Utron]. This in vernacular is a battery. The big novelty is that we have put a battery in motion. We have designed it within the accepted knowledge of total dimensions of space-matter and we have activated it electrochemically [electrolyte in the hollow center] and used the force through chemical activation to activate the entire craft, after which we have motion as the feature of this accumulator.

Ben: Mr. Osgood’s telegram brought up a very important and perhaps crucial point, mainly, James Clerk Maxwell demonstrated that light is an electromagnetic radiation, also verified by Hertz who laid the foundation for modern radio. Now the speed of electromagnetic radiation such as radio waves also travels 186,000 miles per second. In other words, light and all forms of electromagnetic radiation travel at the speed of 186,000 miles per second. Now if it were possible for your craft to travel faster than the speed of light, it could, therefore, travel faster than the speed of electromagnetic radiation. So once it exceeded 186,000 miles per second, you wouldn’t be gaining all this energy from this electromagnetic radiation you’re generating and wouldn’t you fall rapidly down?

OTC: There is a continuous falling in space which in itself can bring velocity and can bring you to another system. We mentioned conjecturally that in other systems, there could be different velocities. We’re not applying them to our craft. We don’t identify them wit our craft. Relatively, we could not go faster than the speed of light unless we were in a system that permitted it. In our solar system, which we have mentioned now three times, it is designed on known principles. We conjectured about other systems. If we go beyond the speed of light in other systems the conditions within that system would make it possible for us to have power.

Roy: Let’s assume, Mr. Carr, this vehicle is at rest. What is it that originally overcomes the inertia of this rotor and starts the rotor moving?

OTC: The electromagnetic force stored in the energy of the Utron electric-accumulator, which in vernacular is a battery.

Roy: Now the Utron electric accumulator is these cones that are inverted to each other with bases together. I know of zinc batteries, nickel-cadmium, lead-acid cells. Could you use those?

OTC: We could use any of the kinds you mentioned; what we have here is tremendous power size in comparison to other batteries; therefore, it’s very easy to put 1,000 2-volt cells inside this one unit as you see it. It has functioned very well. In our 45-foot craft we plant to have 12,000-volt batteries which will extend an electromotive force which will energize the electromagnets and the capacitor plates. The generative coils will put back into the batteries in this system the same amount of volts going out until there is a breakdown of electro-chemicals or wear-out of equipment. But it could last as long as average storage batteries in automobiles.

Roy: In order to start the motor off originally, is it necessary to cause a flow of electricity through one set of the coils?

OTC: That’s true.

Roy: Is there any magnetic force in the other set of coils at this point?

OTC: They individually operate by circuit breakers and the first motion begins to start a repetition. The same we have in a motor that has the opposite of a commutator, which is an accumulation of contact points where each coil is energized as the current flows through this coil. Then this starts the motion, the repetition of this motion brings the whole motor into phase in the same sense our accumulator and magnets become speeded up and the circuits are made and broken as they rotate.

Roy: Where the inner rotor rotates in one direction and the outer in the other direction. and if the cabin is located on top of the rotating mechanism, what keeps it from rotating in one direction or the other?

OTC: We have this cabin as the center of the craft and the battery below the cabin and the electromagnets are the total outside of the circular foil. The shaft of the accumulator goes through the cabin and there is a bearing. Now, just as this stays stationary when this is rotated, so will the cabin because there are two rotating forces. You have the clockwise rotation of the accumulator, the capacitor plates, the generative coils, you have a counter-rotation of the entire circular area of the craft, the larger diameter which houses the electromagnets; therefore, when you have rotation in both directions, the cabin itself is like a bearing and extension of the shaft. We’ve built models and proved this is correct.

Roy: OTC X-I was accomplished?

OTC: Six crafts were airborne, one escaped; we used circuit breakers of various types and fuses burned through the switch and we lost one craft.

Roy: What was the size?

OTC: The largest and the one lost was 6 feet in diameter.

Roy: You also talk of the Caroto Gravity Motor and you mention it requires no fixed location in which to function, and you also say a lot of other wonderful things about the possibility for this motor. Is it something else than the spacecraft?

OTC: They are two separate packages. The spacecraft utilizes the electrical accumulator and the gravity motor uses the energy of the inertial attractive forces. We have learned how to take this energy and key it to a working shaft and get work power which we call free energy because it is. We don’t make any part of it. Now in the rather vulgar vernacular sense this would have been classified as perpetual motion. It is nothing of the sort. It’s free energy. Now we have learned that all masses that are smaller than the masses to which they are attracted exert energy. Even this ashtray; if it takes a pound of energy to lift it, then it is exerting a pound of energy. We have a true gravity motor. Its functional operation is to produce power continuously without any dissipation of the energy which causes it to operate, and we have built models of this and they operate and function and we are in the patent procedure with this.

Mel: Back to a question a while ago regarding an analogy of the earth as a spacecraft. Taking another look at the mock up prototype power package there in front of you. It resembles the solar system itself, and as a matter of fact one of the statements in the brochure published in 1957, stated it illustrated the geometry of the universe. It seems that this device miniaturizes and essentially duplicates the motion of bodies in the solar system. It must have the ability to miniaturize their energy. So in a sense, the bodies in the solar system, in all time, have maintained their constant motion perpetually in those motions and this is why people characterize this power package as a perpetual motion machine.

OTC: But we do not make any such claim.

Colton: The Utron has many applications, has many forms, many variation. In one sense you might describe it as an energized armature or in other words a motor with a self-contained moving battery, also capable of continuously re-energizing itself. The offer in regards to spacecraft applies to government and industry alike. We will only make total disclosure demonstration after we have procured a firm order. In other words, we’re not looking for anyone to evaluate our development. Mr. Carr has come a long way in his research. He doesn’t need any risk money from taxpayers or industries for further exploration and development. We will disclose to anyone who is a purchaser, but not to anyone who comes along for curiosity.

Mel: What does the word “Utron” mean?

Colton: “Utron” is a coined word, a word Mr. Carr put together: the letter “U” and “tron”, U meaning the direction or shape of motion as applied and used and equated in this accumulator or battery we described — U is the plane, the geometrical figure that is the portrait of the wave, you might say. The letter U as described on paper, the two-dimensional, is a portrait on paper of the wave or the wave motion with the cut field, with the straight line, the pressure energy in the Utron accelerator.

OTC: To me there’s no such thing as a completed curve; you only go half way, just like you only go half way into the woods, then you’re coming out. This is the same. A bisection of a total sphere is its exact curve and one half of it is primarily U-shaped. Because in magnets there are always two poles and one normal way to show them is in a U-shape, but if it’s in a bar magnet, there are still two poles and the shape is still the same. We can only put a rope one half way around the tree and it’s coming back the other way, and this is true in all wave motion. Now, if you extend this into velocity, this is the pattern in the sine wave and definitely the electromagnetic wave.

Ben: I see… the vortexian of the wave.

OTC: All motion is relative to all other motion, so this serpentine, spiral state.

Ben: So it’s not the form of that motion, the graph and the equation. I’ll accept the fact that it’s the form of the Utron motion though.

OTC: Also the form as well in two dimensions is intensified in the geometry of our accumulator.

Q: Why do you refer to this vehicle as a 4th dimensional vehicle?

OTC: Because the geometry of the accumulator is such as the 4th dimension. To me the application of space and time, a vibratory field and electricity as we know it is a vibratory force in motion. This is symbolic of it and when it is activated it becomes such. Now this may be a little bit difficult to understand, but nevertheless the very smallest electronic particles of matter have been shown under the highest type of electron microscope to be one-dimensional squares. To me this is verification that this is truly a space dimension because it is the shape of matter. Without matter you couldn’t have space.

Q: I’m holding a thing that looks like two loudspeakers in a simplified form, placed mouth to mouth, two cones mouth to mouth, like two tops together so they have a point at each end and actually like a thickened flying saucer… Now what is it that comes from that: is it a high voltage?

OTC: The voltage is whatever we wish to make it by design.

Q: In other words, then, this is a battery?

OTC: That’s right.

Q: The battery then goes through these magnets?

OTC: The battery rotates in this magnetic field. The average armature today in any electrical system is usually the permeability, iron wound with copper, then through a magnetic field acts as a motor, or it becomes a generator, depending upon the lead. The great novelty here in the area in which an armature is normally used, we have a [power unit, and this a battery, and this is a moving power unit.

Q: In other words, you might call this a self-contained power supply, right? How would this generator — maybe I’m using the wrong word — gather additional energy from outside?

OTC: This is due to its circular motion. Electrical forces are motions where they manifest. Now we have cycles in alternating current; AC gives you 60 cycles per second; we have discovered in our experiments that there is a space cycle related to electricity, and if we join the cycle we get energy from it.

Q: Mr. Colton, will you try to describe to our listeners how they can draw at home a facsimile of an Utron?

Colton: You can take a pencil and draw four lines to form an open square. When you have a square, draw a straight line from one point of the square to an opposite point and you’ll have two right angle triangles. Now if you convert the line you’ve just drawn into a small lip you’ll begin to see two inverted cones, the base of which form a circular equator. While you started with a square, you now have two cones. Obviously, the base of the cone is a circle or completely round as we describe it, and you have the device which is described as completely round and completely square, the Utron electric accumulator. The cavity in the center of these which is a hemisphere when the two cones are put together have a hollow sphere. This is the cavity which contains the electrolyte which would be used in some of the applications of the accumulator.

Q: Of what value is the term “completely round and completely square” apart from its obvious redundancy?

Colton: It is Carr’s definition of the geometry or the basic space form or the basic form of all matter large or small relatively as we describe it. It is the definition of the terminal motions of universal energies in what we call space.

Q: In one of your brochures you make mention of a “photon gun” and you say, “This is primarily a development that works outside of the earth’s atmosphere. We are entering an age of space flight and the use of solar energy is practically unlimited”… What is a photon gun?

OTC: I am using the word “gun” as a reaction principle instead of as a weapon. Nevertheless, it is a gun and in fact fires billions of rays of solar energy at right angles to the reception. By placing them through a certain chamber, we have been able to get a reaction and whenever there is a reaction, we can get power, we can get force from it. So we feel outside the earth’s atmosphere new systems of propulsion even beyond our own of electromagnetism will make themselves apparent.

The text of this interview was kindly shared by Mike Hughes of Anaheim, California, as reprinted in ENERGY UNLIMITED around 1983, and though very faded in many spots, was typed up by Jerry Decker from KeelyNet. Decker’s intention was for it to be copied at other sites on the net for the widest possible audience of interested parties. Project Camelot supports and echoes that intention here.


Notes (Bill Ryan, Project Camelot)

There is no doubt in our minds that Ralph Ring is 100% genuine. Everyone who has met him and heard his story in person is in full agreement. However, the events he recounts took place nearly 50 years ago and there are some engineering details which he has some understandable difficulty in recalling. It must be emphasized that almost all of the laboratory documentation pertaining to Carr’s experimentation was confiscated by the US Government in 1961.

Since Ralph’s recovery from his serious illness, Project Camelot is proud to have now introduced him to a group of engineers and researchers who are in detailed communication with him and are committed to replicating the results of Carr’s research. Project Camelot pledges to post updates on these developments as results are obtained. A full video interview with Ralph will be posted here soon.


Further information: http://www.keelynet.com/gravity/carr3.htm. Some of the above diagrams and photographs, from Ralph Ring’s private papers, have not been published before. We thank him for placing them in the public domain.

Click here for a transcript of the video.

Gary McKinnon – Hacking the Pentagon – high rez version



I (Kerry Cassidy) caught up with Gary McKinnon in North London on my way back from safari in Kenya. The interview was shot using a hand-held camcorder and uploaded at 4 am UK time, making use of a wireless connection outside of an office building in downtown Birmingham. This is what is known as guerilla filmmaking…

We sat in the back of his local pub, in a garden in the late afternoon. Gary is lucid, eloquent and extremely intelligent. He made it clear that the real reason the Americans want to extradite him is not for any damage he has done, for in fact there wasn’t any. They are pursuing him is because of what he might have seen. Specifically, documents revealing a list of “Non-terrestrial officers” and off-world cargo operations somewhere out in space, hinting at the real possibility of military activities taking place in relation to other planets.

Such a possibility has got to be mind-blowing to the average person who barely grasps that there might actually be aliens from other worlds interacting with earth and governments in the vicinity of our solar system. Key to the whole extradition matter is the issue that there were NO passwords required in order to access this material… and that a relatively unprofessional hacker, self-taught albeit brilliant, would be able, using a dial-up modem, to gain top secret access to NASA files and places as sacrosanct as the Pentagon.

Click here for a transcript of the video.
Click here for Gary McKinnon’s website.
Click here for Gary McKinnon in the Delphi Associates newsletter, December 2005.

Mr. X : Secret – Eyes Only


Mr. X has died…


Mr X, the former UFO archivist who recorded a brief audio message for us for presentation at the recent Las Vegas Crash Retrieval Conference, has died suddenly. He was 48. The cause is unknown.

His wife said this to us in a phone call today: He didn’t want to be famous, he didn’t want money. He just wanted to help everyone. This is exactly the man we knew, and we reproduce those spontaneous words here with her very kind permission.

He leaves behind his beautiful young wife and their one-year old son, both of whom he loved dearly. At the moment we can say no more except that he was our friend, and we are shocked.

13 December 2008


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Mr. X : Secret – Eyes Only

Landers, California, May 2006

“Mr X”, as he has come to be known, came forward quite unexpectedly in December 2005, posting a message to Bill Ryan on the Serpo website contact page. His story was unusual and important. He claimed that, back in the 1980s, he was employed by a Californian defense contractor as an archivist. Working long hours in a locked vault, he opened large mail bags full of photos, videotapes, alien artifacts, and volumes of top secret eyes-only documents that told the story behind Roswell, alien visitation and the government’s careful handling of what was documented evidence of reverse engineering of alien craft.

Softly spoken, polite and truthful to a fault in all appearances, Mr X was hard to ignore and impossible to disregard as anything but what he seemed to be: a hard working believer in the ET presence and courageous crusader on behalf of disclosure. He has chosen to put himself and his family on the line in coming forward. We salute him and applaud his valor.

Click here for a new, undisguised audio interview (November 2008)

Click here for a transcript of the video interview.

Click here for a 6,400 word written interview with Mr X.
Click here for the Nexus Magazine publication of this interview.

Click here for the German translation (web page) (PDF)
Click here for the Hungarian translation of the written interview (web page)
Click here for the Dutch translation of the this page
Click here for the Dutch translation of the written interview (web page)


The following text is copied from Bill Hamilton’s website:

The Commentary that follows is from my [Bill Hamilton’s] source that linked with inside sources and took notes on Project Looking Glass and Time Travel experiments:

“With regard to LG (Looking Glass): As I understand it, this device (at least 3 to 4 years ago) could not focus on a detailed sequence of activities in the future. In other words, you could not see exactly what would happen, like a series of events. I was told to consider the multiverse idea combined with work by Richard Gott on cosmic strings. The multiverse apparently is accessed when the forward mode is set. I was also told to consider the views provided by LG as one of many potential realities (at least in the future view mode).

I have also been told that recently there has been an effort made to outfit videotape recorders to be sent forward through the apparatus, thereby allowing the dark project people to gain some insight into what may take place.

When I heard about this several questions came to my mind. The most pressing of which was: if a camera were sent forward in time/space, would it be able to record anything other than what was immediately in front of its lens? I mean, what if LG were located in the middle of the Groom Lake facility, and the operators wanted to gain insight into the outcome of a conflict, say in the Middle East. How could a videotape recorder, set to record what was right in front of its lens at that location gather any data on the Middle East if it were still stuck in the middle of the Mojave desert when it got to the future??? Hell, something important could be happening right behind the camera and it would miss it – a couple of degrees change in camera direction allows one set of events to be seen while another set is completely overlooked, much less events half a world away.

To answer this question, my contact was not specific, saying only that cameras did not move, as mass does not change in its perspective to space time. However, such an item placed into the injected atmosphere, might experience a different time, if only briefly. And cameras could film within the gas or see images in the injected atmosphere as though it were a lens reflecting events in and around the column. I was given to understand that the tilt or positioning of the electromagnets would allow different views or positions in the environment to be reflected in the gas column.

(I feel confident that at least two rings of electromagnets are employed and that the rest of the device is composed of a barrel and the gas* injected into the barrel. (Two different sources have indicated that these are the basic components.) These magnets spin in different directions, creating a charge of some kind. Then the gas is injected into the barrel. Depending on the direction of the spin (I am sure speed and tilt and a bunch of other factors must also have an effect) time space can be warped forward or backwards by long or short distances relative to the present. I have reason to believe that the scientists have completed a map of the exact positions and speeds of the magnets necessary to reach targeted times both forward and back.)

Apparently, images of the events at different places, relative to the location of the device can be picked up and in essence reflected off the gas, causing it to behave like a teleprompter or crystal ball, for lack of a better example. But I am not entirely sure that mass does not move, or that mass is not affected. Since I was also told many years ago about an experiment that went very wrong in the early years of the LG project, involving a test subject of some kind. As I understand it there was significant movement of mass during that experiment, and it ended up with a rather gruesome death for the poor test subject. (I originally thought it was a monkey, but I found out that there were many test subjects that got sent through, so I am not certain what kind was involved in the experiment that went bad. However, in my typical reverse-logic search for corollaries, this tells me that there must have been many test subjects that made it through just fine. So I am certain that any errors that were made or any miscalculations have long since been corrected).

I wish I could offer you more information. For what its worth, my sources have confirmed the presence of electromagnets and a barrel-like device which is injected with some kind of gas [an independent source has stated that the gas concerned is argon. Project Camelot] …these components seem necessary for LG to function as a viewing device. And as for any changes in mass, or movement within time-space….I really don’t know since my information sources would only tell me ‘so much’ about what they saw or experienced at the time they were involved. But it can be reasoned, based upon what they did say that there were significant experiments in the movement of mass back and forward through time, many of which were successful. I am sure much has been discovered and/or refined in the process since then.”

The following images were created and supplied by Dan Burisch.

Note: the unattributed image on Bill Hamilton’s website is a movie prop from the the movie “The Time Machine”.



Bill Ryan and Bill Hamilton, April 2006


Ann Eller | Dec 06 | transcript

Hi. This is Kerry Cassidy from Project Camelot. We had the good fortune a while back to interview Ann Eller, who worked for six months with J. Allen Hynek, and was good friends with him until his death in 1986.

We haven’t released the interview for quite some time due to a problem with synchronizing the sound to the picture, because of what seemed to be an electromagnetic pulse that was sent to the camera during the interview. We are now releasing just the audio, because we feel that the content is so fascinating that – I think you’ll agree – it’s worth salvaging.

Because of her time with Hynek, she has a completely different take on what he might have thought about UFOs as well as what might have occurred during the consultation he did with Steven Spielberg on Close Encounters of the Third Kind. He may have been the one to suggest the scene that you see at the end of the movie, in which you see Richard Dreyfuss and a group of scientists boarding an alien craft.

This is reminiscent of the Serpo Project. (Serpo.org is the website in case you want to do more research about this.) As much as Serpo may be a lot of disinfo, there is a grain of truth having to do with the Secret Space Program, which is being investigated at this time by Richard C. Hoagland.

I think you’ll enjoy this interview and we’re really pleased to be able to present Ann Eller to you at this time. This is Kerry Cassidy from Project Camelot.

Ann Eller: I got up and spoke at that first conference. Leo asked me to say a few words. So I told everyone that Dr. Hynek sent his best to all of them, and also went on to talk a little bit about the research. And I happened to say: We don’t think you’re crazy. The government is in cahoots with the aliens.

Kerry Cassidy: After that bombshell of a statement, we will get into the actual body of the interview. She made that statement during our interview as an outtake, and I just couldn’t resist putting it up front here...

Start of interview

K: Could you tell a little bit about how we got in contact with each other? Because you actually found us, which is a little unusual.

A: Yes. I don’t know how I got to Project Camelot on the internet, but, you know, one link lead to another, lead to another, and I found your link and started reading about your project. And I thought, Well this is extremely worthy.

I have felt most of my adult life that it was important to get this information out to the general public and to blow the whistle on the government and everything that they’ve kept under wraps for all these years.

And so I signed up, giving my support to you, and in, I think that initial contact, I said, Oh, and by the way, I worked with Dr. Hynek for six months as his personal assistant when he moved out to Arizona. And then you got in touch with me. This was in 1985.

K: OK.

A: I think I started around March of 1985 and my tenure there ended in October. I went back to the hospital in October. I was a nurse at the time and left nursing for six months to do this with Dr. Hynek, because I thought it was an opportunity that I couldn’t pass up.

K: OK. You told us that, actually before this ever happened, you’d been having some dreams.

A: Yes. That’s how I first contacted Dr. Hynek. Along about… Well, my whole history started in 1960 when I read the article in the Readers’ Digest about Betty and Barney Hill. And at the end of that article, the author said: Well, fact or fiction? We’ll leave it up to the reader to decide.

And my reaction was one of being incensed. I thought, Of course it’s real. How I knew it was real, I have no idea, but I knew it was real.

So I was interested in aliens, UFOs, since 1960. But it was in, probably 1976, I started having dreams, constant dreams, night after night after night, for about 4 years, of aliens, spacecraft, UFOs, other planets, other worlds, government involvement, helicopters, hidden bases… was all part of my dreams. And it was just about ready to drive me crazy, like I told you, a little bit like the guy in Close Encounters of the Third Kind with the mashed potatoes. [Kerry laughs].

But I started reading everything there was to read about UFOs. But in every book I picked up was Dr. Hynek’s name. And I decided, Well this is the guy that knows, that has all the answers, so I’m going to write to him and ask him just what’s up, and could he at least point me in a direction, introduce me to somebody in Arizona that I could talk to about these dreams.

So I wrote to him and didn’t hear a word from him for about nine months. And then all of a sudden one night the phone rang and I picked it up.
And he said, I’d love to speak with Ann Eller.
And I said, Speaking.
And he said, This is Dr. Hynek.

Well you could have knocked me over with a feather at that point. [Kerry laughs].

But he said, I’m interested. He said, I just found your letter. It had dropped behind my desk and I just found it.

And that was very typical, to lose the letter and find it nine months later. He had a quality of being sort of an absent-minded professor.

And so he said, I’m very interested in your dreams. And so we chatted about those for a while.

And he wanted to know if I’d kept a log of them. And I said, Well, sort of. I could probably pull it together. And he said he had a colleague — and it was either Switzerland or Sweden; I think it was Switzerland — that was doing a research project on these dreams, because they were worldwide. It was a worldwide phenomenon.

So I typed up all the dreams and got them off to him, with the help of a dear friend, and I never heard anything more from him.

And it was probably six years later, I opened up the Phoenix paper and here the headline’s on the second page: Dr. J. Allen Hynek Brings UFO Research to Arizona. I couldn’t believe it! And it was practically in my back yard. It was just down the street, up Indian School. So I decided I had to be involved.

I was working at the hospital, nights. But one morning when I got off from work, I drove over there and met Tina and Bryan, who were the couple that brought… were instrumental in bringing Hynek to Arizona, along with a couple of other people. And they were living in this condo. And they were going to have the research project there in their condo. And they needed somebody to set up an office.

So I said, Well, I’ve gotta be involved. Whether I feed the cat or take the trash out, I didn’t care. I had to be involved. So I came… I would work nights, come mornings, and set up the office and set up the filing system and take calls. People were calling already. I mean, they hadn’t hardly gotten settled but people were calling, reporting sightings.

K: Now, this was during the time when Hynek was already, was through… theoretically, through… working with the Air Force and no longer working on Bluebook and all that, right?

A: Yes.

K: That was all behind him.

A: That was all behind him. That project ended in 1969. So at that time, then, he left, and went to Northwestern University where he was a professor of astronomy and set up CUFOS in Chicago. That was his UFO research project in Chicago. So for those years, that’s what he was doing as a civilian.

And these people were able to convince him that he needed to come to the southwest. And I suppose the weather in Chicago, somehow, had a little to do with it, too. [Kerry laughs]. So they moved out.

And it was probably 2 weeks after I had started at the center before I met him. And then I met him and I told him who I was, that I was the person that had sent him the dreams. Of course, I imagine that there were a thousand people that had done that.

But about a week later he asked me if I would come be his assistant and set up his office. All his office supplies and furniture were coming soon. And he said, I can’t pay you much. He said, I’ll pay you $100 a week and we’ll try to get funding. And if we can get the funding in, then maybe we can make it a permanent thing.

So I did it. I quit nursing and I went to work for him. And it was a great relationship. We had a very warm and very respectful friendship. I liked him a lot personally.

I spent some time being very angry with him, but this was mostly after he died, that he had, during his years at Project Bluebook, had hindered or injured so many people and their lives by explaining away their experiences and telling them that, no, they didn’t see what they saw. It was Venus chasing the moon. It was the swamp gas. It was an airplane. It was a weather balloon. Whatever. But he was hired to be the debunker and he was doing his job and he did a good job.

K: Mm hm.

A: But I was very angry about that. Because at the end of his life, the last thing he said to me was: I have had my own experiences.

Now during the six months, I would periodically ask him: Have they contacted you yet? Have you seen a ship yet? [Kerry laughs] You know, just kidding around. And we’d just joke about it.

But he was very serious at this point. And when he looked at me, he had that knowing look in his eyes: I’ve had my own experiences. And he took it to his grave. You know? Nobody else knew that, that I know of. Maybe Mimi knew it, his wife.

K: So, to back up a little bit, he sent you out to cover a conference in Laramie, Wyoming, is that right?

A: Yes. It was a UFO conference of contactees and investigators. And it was held at the University of Wyoming, and Leo Sprinkle was the host. He was professor of psychology at the university. He was also a hypnotist. He would put people under hypnosis and take them back and see if they’d had any contacts, if they’d had any abductions. There had been a little bit of criticism about the way in which he did this and they weren’t sure whether it was “totally professional.”

He said, Why don’t you just go up there and meet Leo? Check it out. Meet some of the other people. He said, I think you’ll enjoy it. Because I enjoyed the personal side of the whole UFO scenario, and the metaphysical and the spiritual aspect of it too. So I went.

K: What you said before was, that Hynek was very into the nuts and bolts?

A: Oh, yes. Very definitely. Very concerned about his credentials. Didn’t want those being marred in any way, so was very tight-lipped — very tight-lipped — played everything very close to his chest. And if we had an opinion, he’d keep it to himself pretty much, unless it had to do with the nuts and bolts. He wanted tangible proof. He had to either see the ship, take a picture of a ship, touch the ship, have some kind of radiation from the ship… those kinds of nuts and bolts.

K: Uh huh. And when you were working for him, did you ever see pictures or photographs of UFOs cross your desk?

A: Yes. A lot of them.

K: A lot of them. OK.

A: Old ones, you know, from years and years back, where the film was bad, very grainy. Oh yes, lots of UFO pictures.

K: And did you ever… because you would file documents for him, is this right?

A: Yes.
K: So did you ever come across, I don’t know, information about Roswell or, you know, that kind of thing?

A: Well, we came across a lot of documents that were declassified, had been at one point Top Secret. But about 7/8 of the document would be blacked out, inked out, and you’d get maybe a half a sentence here and a half a sentence there. So it really didn’t mean a heck of a lot. I did see a list of the names that were in Majestic 12.

K: Do you recall those names?

A: Well, one of them was Rockefeller. That was a name I recognized. I might recognize some names. It seems to me there some admirals. And maybe Brzezinski was one of the names. But we knew that President Eisenhower had had a meeting with the aliens at one of the Air Force bases. I think it was Holloman.

K: When you say you “knew”… meaning you and Hynek? Or Hynek made you aware of this? Or, how did that work?

A: I’m very reluctant to say that Hynek ever said anything like that. It was more Tina and Bryan and me, and all the people that came through the center, all the information that we picked up from people that came through the center.

We were aware that Eisenhower had met with the aliens, and I believe it was at Holloman Air Force Base, and that was back in the ‘50s.

If you’ve read Alternative 3, that’s enough to put a crack in your cosmic egg [Kerry laughs] about the government, you know, being a benevolent government.

K: So was Alternative 3 something that Hynek would have also been aware of?

A: Oh, I think very definitely. Because in 1960 — and he was very much involved with the Air Force then — in l960, that’s when Alternative 3 took place. All those scientists got together, of which he was a scientist. Now, whether he was actually involved in any of their deliberations, I’m not sure.

K: Now what about Jacques Vallee? Because you said, is this right, he was one of the people that visited Hynek?

A: Yes, he did. They were very good friends.

K: Do you think that he was, you know, I don’t know, maybe sort of …

A: I don’t know about Jacques. Jacques was very prominent in the UFO field. He did a lot of writing; very personable, very important in France. Of course he was French but living in the United States. And they did go to a high level UFO conference in Paris that summer of ‘85, he and Hynek. And it was the United States, the French, the Japanese, and the Russians that met that summer. I was never told anything dramatic that came out of that meeting.

But the French were way ahead of us. They had already put out a booklet to the civilian population, what to do if you come across a UFO parked, you know, in the field. So…

K: Now you told us an anecdote about Jacques Vallee. Can you repeat that for the camera? In other words, something about that he was upset with Hynek over the swamp gas situation?

A: Yes. The story went — and this came during a conversation with Dr. Hynek, and I was sitting there — was that they were reminiscing about the swamp gas episode. And that Jacques was upset with Hynek because he had gone on camera and had said, This is swamp gas. And he said, Why didn’t you call me? Why didn’t you? I would have come and we could have, you know, we could have done this thing together.

K: In other words, he could have thought of something differently? Was that the implication?

A: That was the implication, that it would have been done a lot better than it had been.

K: The swamp gas was a poor excuse for … OK.

A: So that was one incident.

K: And then, some of the other people that came to visit Hynek while you worked for him. Can you remember anything in relation to these people?

A: Dr. Willard Smith came and he was a very dear friend of Dr. Hynek’s. They were old and close friends and they looked like cosmic twins. They were about the same height, stature, looked just alike. He was from Florida. He was an astrophysicist. And they just, they were just good fellows, you know?

Dr. Smith, I understand, got some of Dr. Hynek’s files when Dr. Hynek died. They were very close. And he did visit him that summer and Dr. Hynek went to Florida to visit him also. They would work together in cahoots all the time.

K: OK. So, both of them were involved in investigating… I’m assuming “the work,” when you say “work,” it was investigating UFO reports?

A: Yes.

K: What about crashes? Did you ever see information about crashed disks? Did he ever…

A: We saw… There was a film that we got into the center that we looked at that was supposedly a crashed UFO in Canada. I remember the lights flashing, the red and white lights on top of this craft. And that’s all I remember about that, about a crash. So there was one in Canada that we saw.

But you have to … People don’t stop to ask themselves this question. Dr. Hynek was the civilian chief astronomer for the United States Air Force for 20 years, from 1948 to 1969. He had top level clearance, secret clearance. So for 20 years — and this was all in the area of unidentified flying objects — for 20 years he was on the front line of what was happening. He has to have seen the alien bodies, the crashed craft.

I think even more than that, the other operations that were going on that we’ve heard about, like Serpo and also… Because if you remember, in Close Encounters of the Third Kind, of which Dr. Hynek was a technical advisor, there was a group of chosen military people who went into the craft that were being exchanged to go to the planet.

K: So in other words… Often we have wondered where Spielberg might have gotten his information to include that in the screenplay. And what you’re basically saying here is that it’s possible that he got it from Hynek.

A: It’s possible. Or it could have been… More the scenario would be, Spielberg would imagine to Hynek that, What if we had some kind of an exchange program going on with the aliens, and we put that into the movie? Would that be OK? And then Hynek might say, Well, yeah. You could explore that or maybe put that in.

I think that’s a little more realistic. Dr. Hynek was going to be very careful about what he said to anybody because… Well, the dragon was breathing down his neck, too, during all that time.

K: When you say “the dragon was breathing down his neck,” was there any evidence that he was visited by people or that any pressure was brought to bear? Did he ever receive phone calls or, you know, were you aware of any kind of surveillance upon him?

A: No, I wasn’t. I can’t tell you that I was. We knew that all of our phones were bugged. We knew that to be a fact. And right after I first started working there, I developed migraine headaches, which I’d never had before, and they lasted for 10 years. Now, whether that had anything to do with any psychotronics or anything, I have no idea. But as far as I know, there were no Men in Black. There were no rough-‘em-up guys that I was aware of ever coming.

K: But he never crossed any lines, from the sound of things.

A: No. He didn’t.

K: He basically bought into the entire party line, so he wasn’t a threat in any way, so it’s unlikely he would be pressured, at least overtly.

A: Right.

K: What about his death? Did you think that his death was a completely natural occurrence?

A: There was a lot of speculation in the center that it was not. But how do you know? And how do you prove that? Certainly a man of his age – and I want to tell you about Haley’s Comet, so don’t let me forget.

K: OK.

A: But certainly a man of his age, 76, it’s a very natural thing for him to develop prostate cancer. But it didn’t get better. And he sought specialists in St. Louis at Barnes Hospital, and also in San Francisco. And it just metastasized and then he eventually died in March of ‘86.

But what I want to tell you is, Hynek was convinced that he would die at the age of 76 in 1986. He was born in 1910, the year of Haley’s Comet and he knew that when Haley’s Comet came back around again, 76 years later, that he’d be ushered out.

K: Really? Did he tell you this?

A: Yes, he did. He told me that.

K: That’s fascinating.

A: I thought that was interesting, too. And in fact that’s exactly what happened.

K: So, just to wrap up, what else can you tell us? Are there any other pieces of information that you think might be useful to the public in relation to Hynek?

A: Well, I would like to mention the log that he had. One day I discovered, on the bookshelf as I was tidying up, this log that he had written in every day and it was in code. And I thought to myself, Why in the world would he be keeping a daily log in code? And the code looked something like Morse Code, like dot-dot-dash kinds of things. There were no words written. There were just the dates and then this type of code.

And of course, you know, we’re always suspicious of everything in this UFO field. And I thought, Is it possible that he could be working both sides of the street? But until that time, I would not have ever guessed it. He played it very straight the whole time I was there.

There was one other incident. It was a letter that I found that was unopened, and it was postmarked 1954. And you know, Hynek was professor of astronomy at the Ohio State University for a while. And this came from an Asian or oriental. It was an oriental name. It was either like Wong or Ling or something like that.

And it said, basically, that this person — he could have been a student, he could have been a colleague at the university — had discovered these signals in their radio telescope. They had identified these signals coming from the area of Venus and that they were “intended,” or they were transmissions, or they were… there was an intelligence behind these transmissions. It wasn’t just something that was happening in the weather.

K: And so this letter had remained unopened until you saw it and decided to open it. Is that right?

A: That’s right. I was the secretary and I thought, Good grief, there’s a letter from… And it wasn’t hard for me to imagine he just forgot to open it.

K: OK.

A: So I opened it and I was shocked. And then I realized that this was probably sent to Hynek for Hynek to hold in case, at such time somebody else discovered these transmissions and declared life on Venus and got the credit for it, that this guy had done it first. So I showed it to Dr. Hynek and he just made light of it and took it and I never saw it again.

K: I hope you enjoyed this interview. This has been a Project Camelot production. And this is Kerry Cassidy. Produced by Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy. Thank you.








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