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Richard Hoagland: Dark Mission


Dark Mission: Richard Hoagland

Albuquerque, New Mexico
December 2007
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Part 2   


The name of Richard Hoagland – a bearded Viking warrior, still standing after all these years – is inevitably etched in the minds of all those who have contemplated the possibility that all may not be the way we are led to believe on the Moon and Mars. Informed and opinionated, and proud to have been a steady thorn in NASA’s side for over twenty years, Richard makes regular appearances as the Science Adviser on Coast to Coast AM – and has written two books, the most recent of which, Dark Mission, has climbed to near the top of the New York Times best seller list.

We visited Richard at his Albuquerque home on two occasions. The first, in December 2006, generated the kind of spirited and wide-ranging restaurant conversation that really should have been captured on video. The second time, a year later, we channeled all our conversation on camera – three hours’ worth – and then celebrated with the restaurant conversation afterwards. The three of us were delighted with what we had captured.

This interview, in three comprehensive parts, first chronicles Richard’s personal journey; then detailed photographic analysis evidencing NASA’s deception of the public for decades; and finally his personal views and conclusions about 2012.

Richard – articulate, outspoken and controversial as always – packs a huge amount of information into the nearly three hours of edited interview. Whatever your personal views about NASA, the Apollo missions, or the possible real history of our solar system and its exploration past and present, you will find material here that will educate, inform and stimulate, and which cannot be ignored.

Click here for a transcript of Part 1 of the video.
Click here for a transcript of Part 2 of the video.
Click here for a transcript of Part 3 of the video.
Click here for the comprehensive Amazon review by a former NASA Manned Spaceflight Controller, supporting much of the Dark Mission testimony, which Richard recounts at the very end of Part 3 of the interview.
Click here for Richard Hoagland’s ‘Enterprise Mission’ website.
Click here for the website of Richard’s ‘Dark Mission’ book.
Click here for the Enterprise Mission National Press Club NASA Briefing, 30 October 2007.




Please click here to read the information provided by Jack Carter on 23 November 2007.

This update addresses further questions and highlights further issues.

The material below was all sent to us by Jack, in response to various questions and requests for comments or clarification.

The central theme, which is important, is that he doubts the testimony provided by 'Hank', Will Thomas's source for his articles here, here and here, which promoted the 'Chinese hacking' explanation for the Minot-Barksdale incident.


Jack Carter

24 November:

I am still trying to figure out how the best way is to release what I know and use it so no one gets hurt. The goal that we mutually share is to get to the truth and we both know that right now it is not being told. I want to be cautious about this so that the people who are investigating it can do their job.

I have been brought up to believe that the truth will set you free and I found out early in life that not telling the truth always comes back to haunt you. So I would rather not say anything then not tell the truth.

Some of the info that is being provided is accurate, some is not. There is no stencil "nuclear armed" on any of the missiles. The safety command arm switch is where it states. That is a fail safe mechanism. I never got into the security procedures for security reasons, but what is being said is only half of it. So that should tell you how improbable an accident sounds to anyone who has worked around them.

There are daily procedures that are taken to change codes and procedures for the people who interface with the items. A "hack" would have to have been done on a massive level. Authenticators would have to have been compromised and these come from different places so that they cannot be changed by one person. So I am very concerned that if orders were given to load a plane "hot", and it got through all of the safety checks that are put in place, then we are screwed.

If a handler gets a work order to remove a "hot" item from a (let's use the term) bunker, it has to be authenticated so that the order can be confirmed. These things change from day to day and can be changed again if a compromise has taken place. HQ sends by coded message, and that can even be changed.

So if I was briefed that we would be moving items outside the WSA [weapons storage area] I had to verify where that order came from and be able to justify what the purpose it was being moved was. There are many separate areas that would have to have the same info and each area would have their own verification authenticators. So we are talking about a massive and total breakdown of security. I am sure that couriers are being used to deliver things right now if this is the case.

My head hurts just from thinking about the possibility of this.


26 November:

I did read Will Thomas's most recent article Loose Nukes. Whoever "Hank" is is not providing accurate info and the stuff he is getting right is something that he may have gotten from already known material. Some may be misinfo.

A fully loaded BUFF [AF colloquial for a B-52] carries a total of 20 "items": six under each wing and eight on a rotary launcher in the bay. When they are loaded they are attached to a pylon and are transported on a MHU-173 trailer. The pylon or launcher comes to the plane as a ready-to-go unit. It is mated to the aircraft and a final ops check takes place. They are loaded as a single unit.

The procedure "Hank" describes is a single missile changeout that would only take place if a missile failed a final ops check. Everything that is done to these single units is done in a controlled environment and it would only be done that way during an exercise or emergency situation. So what "Hank" is stating is possibly fabricated from a picture he has seen. There is no printer in the cockpit. They do not fuel missiles on the plane. There is a lot of info that is not right. I am not sure that "Hank" is someone you could rely on for accurate info.


26 November:

I don't want to start a war with whoever "Hank" is but I don't like people who put information out there for a hidden purpose. I am willing to provide a copy of my DD214 to you to prove I am who I say I am, and that I was where I say I was and did what I did. I wonder if "Hank" would do the same. I wonder what career field he is in, or was in?

Bob Dean and I would get along great. He really tells it like it is. I once had a State Attorney refer to me as a bulldog because when I started working on a case I would not let go of it until I was sure that I had uncovered every rock and it could not be disputed.


28 November:

David Lindorff has written a good article here. I can tell his sources are good. Info about arming window is accurate.

One of the things that I will mention here is that almost everything that the AF does on a routine basis is timed. They have exercises. This is done to keep everyone proficient and look for areas that would cause problems. Things are accomplished at almost breakneck speed to see just how fast we could take about 20 aircraft (each base) and completely load them. The enormous amount of coordination it takes to do this is remarkable but that is why we are so good at what we do. After we would complete this upload and we were ready, the order would come to down to download all of the aircraft. This is a nightmare for everyone who has to track all of these items. Each item would have to be listed in three areas and there were at least three or four items that had to be tracked with each "package".

Sometimes problems would arise and things had to be temporarily placed together. We were always aware of this and total verification was always done. Every item has to scheduled for routine maintenance and it all has to jive with about four or more status boards or spreadsheets. In fact every morning a recap is done between the WSA area and munitions control to verify that everything matched. If something didn't match then a team was sent to verify it so we knew that it was right.

The AF story is that a hot pylon was placed in storage with a inert one and it went undetected and was mistakenly hooked up to a transport tug by a team of four and then transported to the gate and OKed to go to the flightline where none of the transport teams or security teams or load team performed a step in the checklist to verify it was safe. Then it was uploaded and the air crewchief did not check to verify it was safe. Then, so they say, the air crew or pilot did not check this step either.

The load crew would have had to do an ops check on it and it would not have passed (unless there was no reason to ops check it).

Perhaps it was slated for decommission. Then all of the above would not be adhered to so rigidly. But even with that, the first thing in every checklist is to ensure the weapon is safe. There is a step in at least five different checklists for at least five different people that would have the people performing the check to look at the safing pins and streamers and the armament window to verify a safe condition. The safing streamers were a different color to alert you that you were working with a live nuke. Too many things would have to be bypassed to allow this to have happened and I just can't believe that a complete failure occurred here at so many levels.


Project Camelot's comment

We share Jack's concerns. We are not in a position to come to conclusions. The incident is still very hard to explain. As with all our work, our commitment is to present information to the public to enable them to be better informed and to make better decisions for themselves.


Project Camelot has been contacted by a Minot airman who has supplied precise answers
to important questions raised by the Minot/Barksdale ‘missing nukes’ incident.

The event was no accident. Below we present detailed testimony from Jack Carter,
who has considerable experience handling nuclear weapons at the base.


Click here for our reprint of Global Research’s report on the Minot/Barksdale ‘missing nukes’ incident.

In this important article, the author, Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, posed the following questions:

1. Why, and for what ostensible purpose, were these nuclear weapons taken to Barksdale? 
2. How long was it before the error was discovered? 
3. How many mistakes and errors were made, and how many needed to be made, for this to happen? 
4. How many and which security protocols were overlooked? 
5. How many and which safety procedures were bypassed or ignored? 
6. How many other nuclear command and control non-observations of procedure have there been? 
7. What is Congress going to do to better oversee U.S. nuclear command and control?
8. How does this incident relate to concern for reliability of control over nuclear weapons and nuclear materials in Russia, Pakistan and elsewhere? 
9. Does the Bush administration, as some news reports suggest, have plans to attack Iran with nuclear weapons?

Update, 24 November: Will Thomas, in his excellent articles herehere (this second one especially important), and most recently here, suggests convincingly that this was a Chinese military hack… i.e. false orders that appeared so real that the command structure at Minot was deceived. Although incredible, it does seem to be one hypothesis that fully explains all the very strange anomalies in the incident. But read on:

Click here for an update from Jack Carter, casting doubts on Will Thomas’s claims (18 January 2007).


A Minot airman has supplied Project Camelot with detailed answers to these and other questions. The information is of such importance that we have felt obliged to present it as a stand-alone follow-up report.

The name we have given our source,Jack Carter, is a pseudonym. We have not yet met him, but have conducted extensive correspondence by e-mail. We are confident that he is exactly who he says he is: an experienced airman with extensive personal experience of nuclear weapons security procedures at Minot AFB.

We believe that nothing we are reporting here is classified or constitutes any breach of National Security. Our source is patriotic and responsible and he chose not to divulge certain information which was not pertinent to an analysis of what may actually have occurred.

The e-mail transcript – essentially a written interview – follows. It is slightly edited and abbreviated for clarity, and we have omitted a number of personal references and identifying characteristics from his report to protect his identity. Jack has given his permission for us to release the following which was reviewed and approved by him prior to publication.


Jack Carter

Hello, Bill and Kerry.

I have so much to say I don’t know where to begin. I found your site through the Disclosure Project website.

I spent ___ years in the USAF, the last ___ of which were at Minot AFB. I had considerable experience working with nuclear weapons. I can tell you that there is no way in hell that the six W80s that were transported, loaded and flown off the base could have happened without a significant number of officials knowing about it. I am talking from personal experience.

If you are interested and have the time I would be willing to answer any questions that you have and go from there.

Project Camelot

Many thanks for your message. It’s a pleasure and an honor for us to hear from you.

Your confirmation of what happened at Minot from the standpoint of your experience is very important. We would welcome hearing about what you know and/or conclude from this entire incident, in as much detail as you feel willing to share. Everything will be held in total confidence.

Jack Carter

Thank you for the prompt reply.

I will start this with a small amount of background that you will find interesting. I was born on __ _____, 19__. I grew up in ______.

When I was in leadership school at _____ somewhere around 19__, I had the privilege of having a conversation with _____ who at the time was our Wing Commander. Since I had a Top Secret clearance, I was told that we had already put a weapons platform in space. I never followed up on that. But felt that he had told me the truth. 

I worked as a munitions controller at _____. We worked in a room that was locked and was the size of about 12 feet by 16 feet. All communication was by telephone or radio except for a small window. We were responsible for tracking all of the conventional and nuclear weapons on base. We did this using lighted plexiglass wall units that covered almost the entire room. Items were tracked in triplicate.

I had people who were placed in the control room from different aspects of the control process. I felt that any one of us who worked there needed to know everything that each team did so that we had overall knowledge of the entire process. I made each of my people spend time in each of the shops or work areas so that they understood what they were hearing about over the phone or radio when problems occurred. I am going to get into some detail here and will try to not get myself killed.

I still care about national security and don’t want to give anything away that might be used against us. So please understand I would feel better if I was standing right in front of you telling you this.

As you might know everything in the military is given a serial number or item number and it was our duty to keep track of them. Weapons are kept inside the WSA or weapons storage area. Each weapon is separate and tracked that way. It is also tracked as a whole complete weapon system. In other words, the warhead is one number the booster is another and so on and so on. Any item associated with a warhead is tracked as part of nuke surety.

For example if a warhead was down for maintenance we had to know about it. We had to know where that item was at all times. Daily briefings are held and I had to prepare the report for a staff meeting. Once I was asked to leave one of these meetings because my figures were wrong, and the Commander knew it. He was not happy with me and I got my ass chewed and made sure it never happened again.

So what I am trying to say is that everyone from the munitions control room to the maintenance technician, to the transport team, to the weapons load team to the aircraft crew chief to the pilot and crew would have to know that they were working with live nukes. There are procedures put in place to make sure that what has happened could never happen.

I know this also because I have worked loading both inert and live nukes on B-52s at Minot and _____. So now I am faced with the question why were all of these safety precautions by-passed. There must have been some secret mission approved by SAC HQ and this must have been a pretty big event to even transport and load those nukes in the first place.

I was told years ago that if I ever saw ALERT planes take off it meant that we were going to war. Something had to have gone wrong even if it was a special classified mission. I am having a very hard time with understanding all of the deaths associated with this. Even when information is leaked they could have come up with a cover story. Something is very wrong here.

Project Camelot

Very many thanks for your extremely interesting and important mail.

I was told years ago that if I ever saw ALERT planes take off it meant that we were going to war.

…is of course right at the core of it.

In the Global Research article reprinted at http://projectcamelot.org/barksdale.html, you’ll see that the writer (Mahdi Nazemroaya) asked these nine questions:

1. Why, and for what ostensible purpose, were these nuclear weapons taken to Barksdale? 
2. How long was it before the error was discovered? 
3. How many mistakes and errors were made, and how many needed to be made, for this to happen? 
4. How many and which security protocols were overlooked? 
5. How many and which safety procedures were bypassed or ignored? 
6. How many other nuclear command and control non-observations of procedure have there been? 
7. What is Congress going to do to better oversee U.S. nuclear command and control?
8. How does this incident relate to concern for reliability of control over nuclear weapons and nuclear materials in Russia, Pakistan and elsewhere? 
9. Does the Bush administration, as some news reports suggest, have plans to attack Iran with nuclear weapons?

We have two further questions for you of our own, if we may, which overlap with these above:

10. If the weapons were destined for the Middle East, would they have been transported from Minot – armed, as we understand? What other purpose might there have been? Although this seems almost inconceivable, might there have been a purpose to deploy them domestically?

11. What do you think may have happened at Barksdale? Are you willing to guess? Was it as many people have speculated – that a small number of very brave airmen somehow blew the whistle to bring the plan to a halt? What are the possibilities?

Jack Carter

I have to look at this from the perspective of a trained investigator. Once this gets published it is going to get attention and someone from AFOSI will be assigned to dig into it. So there is always a chance that all of what I say can be traced back to me. So with that in mind I have to say that we should be very careful what is published for the public. I want to get to the bottom of this and it is important.

1. Why, and for what ostensible purpose, were these nuclear weapons taken to Barksdale?

Barksdale and Minot are like sister bases. Planes were always going to Barksdale for a few reasons, mostly training.

I will very confidently state that all training is done on inert warheads. There would be no reason to take live weapons to Barksdale. However, there are aircraft placed on ALERT status fully ready to go. In all of my years in my position I can’t recall ever seeing any ALERT aircraft ever leaving the ground. They might taxi down the runway in an exercise, but shutdown just at the point where they would take off.

2. How long was it before the error was discovered? 

All munitions are tracked in the control room. Everything involving these weapons is tracked. Everyone who touches these nukes has a checklist and there are Quality Assurance people who watch over you to make sure you are doing what you are supposed to be doing. The two-man policy comes into play here. No one person will ever be alone with a nuclear weapon. I can’t speculate on how long it would take to identify an error of this magnitude because I can’t logically see how it could have happened.

A W80 nuclear warhead being handled on the ground

3. How many mistakes and errors were made, and how many needed to be made, for this to happen?

The warheads are kept separate from the missiles. They have to be mated. Then they have to be attached to the weapons support rack. Then they have to be checked for operational readiness. Then they are mated to a transport trailer. The transport trailer has to be cleared through the WSA (weapons storage area) then it would be brought to the flightline and a weapons load team would load it on the aircraft.

The weapons load team chief would inform the aircraft crew chief and the aircraft crew chief would check to see if it was live or inert. The aircraft crew chief would then report to the aircrew and a member of the aircrew would check the status of the weapons. The munitions control room was responsible for keeping a minute by minute log of all events from the time the weapons were slated for transport until they were loaded on the aircraft and the aircraft was determined ready for flight. 

Along with all of these procedures the munitions control room was responsible for parallel communications with Job Control who tracks all work assignments on the base.

Each work area is made up of several work teams, so let’s dissect this and see what could have gone wrong.

The weapons transport team (4 or more people) would have to have received an order to remove six W80 warheads from storage. They would have to then be transported to the workshop and mated to six ALCMs [Air Launched Cruise Missiles] by a team of at least 2 and most likely 4.

An Air-Launched Cruise Missile being loaded 

Then the transport team would have to transport the trailer to the weapons shop and then out of the WSA to the flight line. The WSA is the most secure place on the base and there are clearance procedures that have to be done on any weapon leaving that area (a team of 2 at least had to check that trailer and the weapons).

So a work order telling a crew to transport six W80 warheads had to be issued from the maintenance scheduler. That would have to be reported to munitions control and job control. The work order to transport the rack and trailer would also have to be issued and tracked. The transport work order would also contain all of the item numbers of the missiles. When the transport people (or handlers) called in to tell the gate at the WSA that they were transporting, a team would inspect the trailer and missiles to insure that what they had was what was on the order. (I have seen handlers pick up a wrong trailer and get turned back because it was wrong and did not match the work order.)

The amount of people who are involved with this at this time is already over 30 people and I am leaving things out for security reasons. By the time the aircraft would have left the ground it would be more like 60 people who would have had to have known that those nukes were live. There are too many safety precautions in place to have violated them all and this event to have happened.

Every one of the people who work with nukes goes through a thorough background investigation and everyone is trained that if you don’t do exactly what you are supposed to do you can be shot. The use of deadly force is authorized. Anyone who has ever been “jacked up” will tell you that they would never want to go through it ever again. So what I am saying is that inconsistencies are reported immediately because no one wants to get jacked up.

4. How many and which security protocols were overlooked? 
5. How many and which safety procedures were bypassed or ignored? 
6. How many other nuclear command and control non-observations of procedure have there been?

As I stated above, someone had to issue the work order to mate the warhead to the missile. That work order would have to be authorized by a series of officers in the weapons squadron. The squadron commander would have to be in the loop and I find it very hard to believe that anyone could have been able to bypass all of the security protocols that were in place. I can not comment on or release any of these protocols. Rest assured that many were violated to be able to accomplish what has happened.

7. What is Congress going to do to better oversee U.S. nuclear command and control? 

Until we know why these nukes were loaded and flown, it will be almost impossible to come up with corrective measures that Congress or any other responsible agency can implement.

8. How does this incident relate to concern for reliability of control over nuclear weapons and nuclear materials in Russia, Pakistan and elsewhere?

This incident is too complicated. The concern here is of course the utmost that we can have. Nuke weapons have been the most safeguarded items in history (except UFOs) because of what they could do if placed in the hands of the wrong people.

I would feel much better if I found out that a plot to smuggle six W80s was concocted and the plan was intercepted by intelligence and allowed to take place in order to find out who was behind it. If I was the AF that’s the story that should have been released. The fact that military personnel are dying in some strange coincidence seems to indicate that something sinister is going on here.

When classified operations are conducted everyone involved is briefed on a need to know basis. A pilot would be briefed that he would be carrying live nukes. These nukes were purposely mated, transported, and loaded on the aircraft then flown to Barksdale.

This was no accident. I refuse to believe that it was. Too many safeguards are in place and to even think that all of the safety protocols were able to be bypassed by people in every aspect of the entire operation is just not feasible.

9. Does the Bush administration, as some news reports suggest, have plans to attack Iran with nuclear weapons?

Even if the administration was going to do this, there are better ways to do this. I don’t think a B-52 would be undetectable. And I believe that if Iran were attacked with nukes no-one would know about it until it happened. Let’s just say that it might seem as if one of Iran’s nuclear power plants were to suddenly blow up. It would be justification to condemn them in the world’s view. The problem is that we have troops over there and we would be knowingly subjecting them to harm. So if a plant blows up we would start evacuation procedures at once.

10. If the weapons were destined for the Middle East, would they have been transported from Minot – armed, as we understand? What other purpose might there have been? Although this seems almost inconceivable, might there have been a purpose to deploy them domestically?

No. They would go to another location. Don’t ask where.

These weapons are very destructive and detonating a large multimegaton-sized warhead anywhere is asking for a nuclear winter. Just one might do the trick. The amount of fallout, if detonated in North America, could wipe out the entire U.S. Everything after that is overkill. Mutually Assured Destruction. [The W80, of course, is a smaller warhead.]

11. What do you think may have happened at Barksdale? Are you willing to guess? Was it as many people have speculated – that a small number of very brave airmen somehow blew the whistle to bring the plan to a halt? What are the possibilities? 

I think that someone was doing what they were supposed to do. They were following procedure and brought it to their supervisor’s attention when they found the live weapons. Someone leaked this story to the media. I think a lot of people panicked when they realized what had taken place.

The AF could have come up with “It’s a classified mission” and left it at that and then it would have just been left to speculation as to what that mission was. The fact that they are calling it an accident does not compute in my military trained mind. The scenario that a very well orchestrated plan was allowed to unfold in order to catch those responsible is the only thing that makes any sense to me.

I could see suicides taking place as a result of the fear that they had been caught. I just can’t see elimination as an end to justify the means. But then again a message might be being sent to those who are involved.

I hope that I have helped in some way. I will do my best to answer anything that I can.

Project Camelot

We wonder if we could ask you for further clarification of what seemed to be a slightly oblique reply to question 10.

We’re assuming you meant by your first-line response to the question that Barksdale would NOT be the stepping stone to Iran. Do we read that correctly? (We’re not asking you to reveal what the actual stepping stone would be.)

Jack Carter

I’m sorry if my answer seemed vague. It was not intended that way.

10. If the weapons were destined for the Middle East, would they have been transported from Minot – armed, as we understand? What other purpose might there have been? Although this seems almost inconceivable, might there have been a purpose to deploy them domestically?

I don’t believe the weapons were destined for the Middle East. There are other closer locations that would be better suited for that. After thinking about it last night, I realized that it might be a possibility but unlikely. In today’s world I have to say that the things that we used to say could not happen, now fall into the realm of reality.

If someone was trying to get hold of these, this would have to be a very large scale infiltration at both locations. When I was looking at this yesterday I was looking at this part as our own people behind this and could not fathom why we would use one of these.

Here is something that I did not consider. It would be very embarrassing for our AF to admit that the program was infiltrated on a very large scale. It would be easier to say a mistake was made. If this has happened then there is an ongoing investigation into this and it is under the cover of the mistake. If that is the case, then it begins to make sense.

Whoever has gotten to the people that were able to almost pull this off would have to have used terrorist tactics to get people to do things that they would never even think about doing. If I was going to investigate this I would start looking at connections to family members. The people behind this might have killed some of the family members to drive a point home. If I am right about this, then steps have already been taken to fix this.

I hope that is a better answer…



We present this to further inform public debate about this incident. It’s clear that many questions remain, and that there are other possible answers to some of the above questions already posed.

We salute Jack Carter for his courage and patriotism in coming forward with the above information. It should be noted that he has dutifully been very careful not to reveal any information directly pertaining to National Security.

Project Camelot, 23 November 2007

Update, 24 November:

Will Thomas, in his excellent articles here and (especially important) here, suggests convincingly that this was a Chinese military hack… i.e. false orders that appeared so real that the command structure at Minot was deceived. Although incredible, it does seem to be one hypothesis that fully explains all the very strange anomalies in the incident.

Click here for an update from Jack Carter, casting doubts on Will Thomas’s claims (18 January 2007).


Project Camelot interviews Gordon Novel Copy

Renegade: Gordon Novel on Camera
Los Angeles, December 2006


Gordon Novel is a fascinating man. Carried along on the train of history, Novel has had a front seat to many of the most controversial chapters in U.S. history. From the Kennedy assassination to Watergate, Waco and beyond, Novel has seen it all. In his first interview for over a decade, he gives us a glimpse of his role and perspective on a multitude of subjects including the Vietnam war; Saddam Hussein and his trial; J. Edgar Hoover; his friendship with John DeLorean; the transformation of the global economy; global warming; free energy; UFOs and what he calls the ‘Extraterrestrial Revolution’; and much more.

Charming, bold and uncompromising in his vision, Novel is determined to change the world. Here we’re given a special look at his ‘Plutopian’ vision of the world, along with news of his proposed motion picture in development, KINGDOMS COME, in a deal being brokered with some of the biggest names in Hollywood. With the support of the CIA, he believes his vision of a world set free from the confines of oil and gas will become a reality. A big picture thinker with an iron will and an indomitable spirit, Novel forges ahead against all odds. His fierce dedication to the job in hand is what has characterized him in public life for four decades.

To contact Bill Ryan or Kerry Cassidy, please e-mail us at support@projectcamelot.org .

Valery Uvarov: Pyramid Power and 2012


FILMED IN :  St Petersburg, Russia, October 2007

Dr Valery Uvarov is the head of the Department of UFO Research, Palaeosciences and Palaeotechnology of the National Security Academy of Russia, and has devoted more than 15 years to ufology as well as to the study of the legacy of ancient civilizations.

Valery speaks excellent English and is well-known in the west, having been asked to speak at a number of American UFO conferences. Notably, he was invited to attend the very exclusive 1995 Rockefeller-sponsored Alisal Ranch event which we first learned about from Bill Holden.

In October 2007, Valery invited Project Camelot to his St Petersburg home to present some controversial theories behind the 1908 Tunguska incident, the significance of 2012, and the coming magnetic pole shift – and describes the intriguing Russian construction of nine large pyramids between St. Petersburg and Moscow. The intention of this fascinating experiment is both to research new approaches to curing cancer, and to employ the pyramids as a sort of centering device during the next few years as we move closer to the galactic plane.

Valery was representing the Russian government when he spoke to us, and has been one of their leading researchers and spokesmen in the area of UFOs and consciousness. Although his ideas are controversial, our interview reveals some of his very interesting personal background and offers one or two clues about how the Russian government may be regarding the changes which could be headed our way.

Our publication of this interview has been delayed due to technical editing problems [Note: the MOV files are very large downloads and the video may best be viewed on YouTube] – as well as our intention to release this at the same time as our interview with Dr Vadim Chernobrov, a Russian physicist investigating time travel and other paranormal phenomena. Due to Project Camelot’s workload and a number of translation issues on the Chernobrov footage, we’ve not been able to release these concurrently as originally planned. We do still intend to release this most interesting Chernobrov video soon.

Click here for Valery Uvarov’s website, the Wands of Horus.
Click here for Valery Uvarov’s books.

TRANSLATION:   Click here for this page in French.


Part 1 Part 2

Boriska – Indigo Boy from Mars


Boriska : Indigo Boy from Mars

Moscow, Russia
October 2007

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Boris Kipriyanovich is an Indigo Child, probably the most famous in Russia. Boriska, or ‘little Boris’, was featured in Pravda here and here, after Gennady Belimov, a university professor in the Volgograd region of Russia, witnessed Boriska, then aged just seven, astound an adult audience during a camping trip in which he held them spellbound for an hour and a half as he recounted tales of past lives on Mars and Lemuria, and warned of catastrophes due to affect the Earth in 2009 and 2013. Belimov had the presence of mind to record Boriska’s monologue, and within a short time word was spreading within Russia about what this diminutive prophet had to say, especially once the story was picked by Moscow’s premier newspaper.

Word gradually filtered to the west via a Pravda article that made it on to the internet. Meanwhile, there had been a short piece about him in Nexus Magazine which had stirred up a huge amount of interest.

On the trail of our documentary project on 2012, Project Camelot decided to travel to Russia to find Boriska and capture his testimony on camera. It seems we were the first westerners to have made the journey. On 8 October, we were privileged to interview him with his mother, Nadya, near Moscow where Nadya had brought him to attend a special school for gifted children. They live in a small one-roomed apartment. The father is absent. — Bill Ryan

We headed to pick up Boriska and his mother from Moscow… with the traffic it took over an hour. When we finally rolled up outside the high rise older apartment building where Boriska is staying they were nowhere in sight. We spent a few minutes in the parking lot when we noticed a gangly youngster peeking around the corners of the building at us… and ducking away when he saw me looking.

He wore a backwards red baseball cap and an impish expression I could see even at a distance. After a moment I realized thisBoriska must indeed be Boriska… and when his mother appeared she waved us over to meet him. He had run behind the partition and was apparently experiencing a bout of shyness… I quickly went around the corner and stuck my hand out with a smile… telling him in English everything would be ok. He took my hand and smiled sweetly. I knew we would be friends.

Later, during the interview, Boriska exhibited all the signs of a young boy becoming a teenager, reluctant to express more than was absolutely necessary… waving away the details as things he spoke about in his youth, now his mind was on other things. This life had taken a firm hold and no more did his eyes shine with the memories of his past life on Mars or even Lemuria.

In spite of this, his charm and impish personality shone through as he patiently waded through our pragmatic adult questions. His eyes roamed and his imagination searched for more stimulation than provided by this small room with little furniture, crammed with adults and cameras… He squirmed to escape to his video game where he played an Avatar, part cat and part superman… scaling walls and outwitting enemies at every turn.

Boriska & KerryHe was bored with us!! But earnest and polite to a fault.. unusual for a boy of 11. He spoke about the wars that caused the end of the Martian civilization, how they tried to turn Jupiter into a 2nd sun… with what purpose is unclear. He was surprised in the most humble way, to learn that his professor friend, Vladislav Lugovenko, remembered well an incident where Boris tapped into a dangerous event that happened on his way home in the subway. When he arrived home, Boris asked him about the thugs who had approached and threatened him… when the professor had said nothing. “You are a telepath”, I told him. “Not yet”… he modestly replied… with a small smile, wise beyond his years, careful and delicate.

When asked what he thought of the humans on this planet he sighed quietly then said he “did not like to speak bad about people”.

The understatement said it all. What must he really be seeing through those wonderfully clear eyes? This is not so much an interview as an exploration of the place and time that this 11 year old boy finds himself in, with some surprise. He talks of the future waters coming to inundate Moscow, in 2009, matter-of-factly… Will he survive? Will his mother? He shrugs… survival is not so important, he seems to be saying. Life is what matters. Living in the moment… fully and completely awake.. this is what matters when you are an eternal being. — Kerry Lynn Cassidy

Click here and here for the two original Pravda articles about Boriska.
Click here for Gennady Belimov’s marvelous article ‘Indigo Boy from Mars’, in English for the first time.
Click here for Boriska’s astrological chart, prepared by Michael St Clair.
Click here for Dr Vladislav Lugovenko’s article ‘The Breathing of the Earth’.


Dan Sherman – Way Above Black

Dan Sherman : Way Above Black
Portland, Oregon, June 2007
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Dan Sherman was trained by the US Air Force as an “Intuitive Communicator” – a high-tech telepath – and found himself in daily communication with two extraterrestrials as part of the US military’s preparation “for a future time in which all electronic communications would be rendered useless”.

In this fascinating interview, Dan states: “If I were to make up a story, it would be a lot more elaborate than this. I want to stick to what happened to me, and let everyone else conjecture upon that. If I start conjecturing, then it sullies my credibility. I need to stick to the facts.”

So Dan tells it like it is, and refrains from speculation. His low-key, matter-of-fact presentation has great power in a field where sometimes stories can be dramatized and embellished. His book, Above Black, available here, is a straightforward narrative in which further details of the story can be found. It presents a concise, clear statement of one man’s extraordinary experience.

This is one of the cornerstones of Project Camelot’s current focus on 2012 and the events that may surround it. We have heard from several independent and credible sources that a time will come soon when the electromagnetic grid will go down. There is overwhelming evidence that the US military were somehow well aware of this over twenty years ago… and that plans are now well advanced to deal with a serious situation about which the public are still being kept totally in the dark.

Click here for a transcript of the video.
Click here
for Dan Sherman’s website, where his book ABOVE BLACK is available.

Dan Burisch – Stargate Secrets

 Click for this page in Dutch.

Stargate Secrets : Dan Burisch revisited

Las Vegas, June 2007

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Part 1 Part 2

Part 1 Part 2

We were delighted to have the chance to interview Dan again almost a year after our first meeting — for details of which please see below. In this second in-depth interview, which arose from our having presented him with a long list of questions of our own, Dan goes into great detail about both the technology and the politics of the Stargates and the Looking Glass. He also discusses the ‘Cube’, which may or may not be the same device as the fabled ‘Yellow Book’, or the ‘Black Box’ reported by our important witness Henry Deacon.

In this fascinating interview we found Dan once more to be outspoken, challenging, informed, values-driven, mischievous, human and likeable.

We also want to take this opportunity to publish an announcement, as supplied by Marci McDowell, who works closely with Dan. Marci asked us to make the following formal statement on Dan’s behalf:

Dr. Dan Burisch is on a necessary hiatus from official public contact until later this year [December 2007].  Unfortunately, there is very little that I am allowed to say, regarding what Dan is doing.  We have informed the public that he is NOT working for Majestic.  Majestic no longer exists.  Dan retired from that group in September, 2006.  Majestic sat formally adjourned in October, 2005.

I can say that Dan’s present activities are so important, pressing and secret that those in the new group, the group which took over from Majestic at the end of 2006, the group for whom he has agreed to make himself available, sought him out for this assignment and insisted that he is limited to no public contact until after December 14, 2007.  This will provide the time for him to complete his activities with them, and be debriefed from the assignment.  His present assignment is National Security related.  Due to the nature of the assignment, Dan has accepted and been sworn to a National Security Oath.

Following his activities for the new group, Dan and I will be publishing our new book, ‘Emanation of the Solfeggio’, which will detail cutting edge discoveries in the area of acoustics.  Next year, he and I will be speaking publicly (in person) about Project Lotus – the groundbreaking investigation into a strange silicate-associated phenomenon which may be altering the genomes of every living organism on planet earth.  We are presently scheduled for an academic venue and planning a general audience presentation. (Introductory video trailers are already on Google.)  A new edition of our work on Mars and Earth anomalies is also underway.

At the time of the interview Dan was unaware of this new development, and so this was not mentioned or discussed when we spoke. We have no further inside information, but can surmise that at least some of the issues raised in the interview are likely to be connected.

December 2007: indeed they were. Click here for full details of the information debriefed to us off-camera on 10 December 2007 at the end of Dan’s ‘sabbatical’. This concerned ‘T1v83’ (Timeline 1 variant 83) and what was seen about the near-term future at that period in the second half of 2007. This information is extremely important to understand.

Click here for a transcript of Part 1 of the video.
Click here for a transcript of Part 2 of the video.

Click here for a summary page on Dan Burisch (useful for those who may be unfamiliar with the very complex story).


Out from under Majestic :
Dan Burisch uncensored

Las Vegas, July 2006

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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

Most students and researchers of the UFO/alien phenomenon need no introduction to Dan Burisch. Articulate, provocative, human, compelling, and – as some insist – challenging to believe, Dan and his story are integral components of our efforts to understand and come to grips with the bewildering labyrinth that is the mystery of who the aliens are, why they are here, how we interact with them, and what may be at stake.

When Project Camelot was granted an interview with Dan, we traveled to Las Vegas not knowing what to expect. In Dan and his colleague Marci McDowell we found two very human people whom we quickly came to like. We built an excellent relationship.

Whatever you currently know, believe you know, or don’t know about Dan’s experiences, we think you will find it of significant interest.

Dan discusses his experience in Area 51, where he befriended a captive J-rod called Chi’el’ah; his complex relationship with Chi’el’ah, extending across decades and timelines; his connection with Majestic-12; the war between Majestic and the Illuminati; the race to close down the Looking Glass technology and secure the man-made stargates leading up to 2012; the calculated chance (19%, or 1 in 5), that 4 billion people will die from natural catastrophes triggered by the activation of the manmade stargates; the twists and turns of the convergent timeline paradox that affect the aliens from the future as much as they do ourselves; and much, much more.

In this unique interview, Dan is entertaining, humorous, serious, emotional, articulate and sincere, as he responds to incisive questions… all the questions we ourselves wanted to ask in order to better understand his experiences.

At the time of recording, it was thought that this might be his last interview. This unique testimony will give viewers a long, close-up look at the real Dan Burisch. We hope you enjoy and appreciate your time with him as much as we did

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Click here for a transcript of Part 2 of the video.    German flag Deutsch    Korean flag Korean
Click here for a transcript of Part 3 of the video.    Korean flag Korean




For anyone who doubts Dan Burisch’s testimony and sincerity, click here to view an 8 minute clip extracted by Marci McDowell from the security camera in his office. He talks emphatically about a number of important subjects and was not conscious he was being recorded.

Dan Burisch, 2002, talking with Bill Hamilton
Click here to stream from Google

We also feature this video for historical interest. Recorded in 2002, it played a major role in starting the wave of interest in Dan Burisch’s testimony… and is not publicly available elsewhere as far as we know. (It streams from Google here, uploaded by ourselves.)

Click here for a complete transcript of the 2002 interview.


Click here for a detailed page on Project Looking Glass (including images).
Click here for a summary page on Dan Burisch (useful for those who may be unfamiliar with the very complex story).

1. The wormhole graphic in the top right corner of the ‘Stargate Secrets’ photo collage is by kind courtesy of William Henry.

Black Ops Marine & The Ultimate Warrior


[videopress 3s65MfOp]

 An Unconventional Friendship : Duncan O’Finioan and David Corso

Pahrump, Nevada, January 2007

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Duncan’s YouTube.

We interviewed Dave Corso at his home in Pahrump, Nevada, together with Duncan O’Finioan. Both were part of PROJECT TALENT, an unacknowledged MK-ULTRA military program. These unconventional friends have a strikingly similar background involving Vietnam, a mysterious military base on an island off St Thomas, and frequent symptoms of PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder). Both have been known to draw the blinds and sit in the dark with a loaded gun, armed against some hidden threat just on the other side of the front door…

Corso’s substantiation of important parts of Duncan’s story is significant. Their joint testimony strongly suggests that the US military has a program of super soldiers, not only those like Duncan – with psychic abilities and uncommon strength – but also those in command, who were trained to spot military talent and were skilled in psychotronics, that is: mind control.

Controller and soldier? Who rescued who in the middle of that Cambodian jungle? Their relationship is unclear. But somewhere in the murky waters of the past, two men, from vastly different backgrounds, have come together as friends only to discover that what brings them together may be far more mysterious and sinister than either is prepared to remember.

Click here for a transcript of the video interview.




Ultimate Warrior : Robert Duncan O’Finioan

Kentucky, November 2006

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Duncan O’Finioan was the Ultimate Warrior… brainwashed, conditioned and controlled as part of a highly classified MK-ULTRA program called PROJECT TALENT. From a thousand others trained as child warriors in 1966, he is now, he believes, only one of 20 left alive to tell the story.

In his powerful and compelling testimony for the camera – one of the most extraordinary we have ever heard – Duncan describes:

– His mission to “terminate” the very drunk, future President of the United States… George W Bush;
– His dizzying enhanced physical and psychic abilities… including the abilities to hurl someone across the room with his mind, and walk through a solid wall;
– How he and 11 other children were flown to Cambodia to deliver a targeted death blow to all the surrounding Khmer Rouge troops… using only the combined power of their minds;
– How his right arm is “hardwired” and is capable of astonishing speed and strength;
– His struggle to regain his memory, aided by a car accident which led to the discovery of a cranial implant uncovered by an MRI machine… deactivating the implant and causing the MRI machine to catch fire;
– His role as a programmed assassin, targeting Americans under the command of an undisclosed agency;
– The selection, torture, and brutal training process that he endured… and which children are undergoing to this day;
– And more…

Twenty years later, Duncan (who is of mixed Cherokee and Irish blood) comes forward to tell the truth about the Ultimate Warrior project: how he was chosen, groomed and tortured into becoming the perfect fighting machine, combining physical superiority with the extraordinary mental abilities of a psychic spy.Fearless, principled, and determined to regain control over his life, Duncan O’Finioan tells his story in detail. Do not miss this interview.

Click here for a transcript of the video interview
Click here for Duncan O’Finioan’s website


[videopress JUVTtkI8]

Ultimate Warrior: Robert Duncan O’Finioan


Duncan O’Finioan was the Ultimate Warrior… brainwashed, conditioned and controlled as part of a highly classified MKULTRA program called PROJECT TALENT. From a thousand others trained as child warriors in 1966, he is now, he believes, only one of 20 left alive to tell the story.

In his powerful and compelling testimony for the camera — one of the most extraordinary we have ever heard — Duncan describes:

— His mission to “terminate” the very drunk, future President of the United States… George W Bush;
— His dizzying enhanced physical and psychic abilities… including the abilities to hurl someone across the room with his mind, and walk through a solid wall;
— How he and 11 other children were flown to Cambodia to deliver a targeted death blow to all the surrounding Khmer Rouge troops… using only the combined power of their minds;
— How his right arm is “hardwired” and is capable of astonishing speed and strength;
— His struggle to regain his memory, aided by a car accident which led to the discovery of a cranial implant uncovered by an MRI machine… deactivating the implant and causing the MRI machine to catch fire;
— His role as a programmed assassin, targeting Americans under the command of an undisclosed agency;
— The selection, torture, and brutal training process that he endured… and which children are undergoing to this day;
— And more…

Twenty years later, Duncan (who is of mixed Cherokee and Irish blood) comes forward to tell the truth about the Ultimate Warrior project: how he was chosen, groomed and tortured into becoming the perfect fighting machine, combining physical superiority with the extraordinary mental abilities of a psychic spy.

Fearless, principled, and determined to regain control over his life, Duncan O’Finioan tells his story in detail. Do not miss this interview.

Duncan’s YouTube.

To contact Bill Ryan or Kerry Cassidy, please e-mail us at support@projectcamelot.org.