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…to hear a 60 second clip of Leo Zagami confirming his recent (March 2008) conversation with the Norwegian Politician.

Click here to hear the entire half hour conversation (6 Mb mp3).
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Since we published this report, our mailbox has been full of messages from all over the world.

We have been completely unable to reply to them all, but we have carefully read everything we have received.

After a week’s silence, we heard from our source again. He is well, but is keeping his head down for understandable reasons. He has invited us to forward any relevant correspondence to him from others, and we will do that on a selective basis. He has also promised that he will draw the ‘alien’ symbols he saw, and fax them to us.

To those who have asked understandable questions about his veracity: we have done everything we can to confirm his identity and authenticity and are certain he is exactly who he says he is.

Meanwhile, click here for additional confirming information from another source, in a detailed report including maps and photographs.


The following message was received by us shortly after we posted our tribute page to Benazir Bhutto. Although we cannot attest personally to the information given here, we feel in good conscience that we cannot and must not keep this from publication.

The person who wrote this message to us did so under their own name (which we have checked), and enclosed a number of photographs of them with the Prime Minister of Norway and (separately) with Benazir Bhutto. We are certain of their bona fides, but you will understand that we cannot reveal their real name or publish any photos without consent.

The content of this message, if true, could hardly be more important.

[Edited for grammar and spelling errors where needed to ensure full clarity. As a preface to the message, the writer apologized for their English, which is not their language.]


I am a Norwegian politician. I would like to say that difficult things will happen from the year 2008 till the year 2012.

The Norwegian government is building more and more underground bases and bunkers. When asked, they simply say that it is for the protection of the people of Norway. When I enquire when they are due to be finished, they reply “before 2011”.

Israel is also doing the same and many other countries too.

My proof that what I am saying is true is in the photographs I have sent of myself and all the Prime Ministers and ministers I tend to meet and am acquainted with. They know all of this, but they don’t want to alarm the people or create mass panic.

Planet X is coming, and Norway has begun with storage of food and seeds in the Svalbard area and in the arctic north with the help of the US and EU and all around in Norway. They will only save those that are in the elite of power and those that can build up again: doctors, scientists, and so on.

As for me, I already know that I am going to leave before 2012 to go the area of Mosjøen where we have a deep underground military facility. There we are divided into sectors, red, blue and green. The signs of the Norwegian military are already given to them and the camps have already been built a long time ago.

The people that are going to be left on the surface and die with along the others will get no help whatsoever. The plan is that 2,000,000 Norwegians are going to be safe, and the rest will die. That means 2,600,000 will perish into the night not knowing what to do.

All the sectors and arks are connected with tunnels and have railcars that can take you from one ark to the other. This is so that they can be in contact with each other. Only the large doors separate them so that the sectors are not compromised in any matter.

I am very sad. Often I cry with others that know that so many will learn too late, and then it will all be over for them. The government has been lying to the people from 1983 till now. All the major politicians know this in Norway, but few will say it to the people and the public – because they are afraid in case they too will miss the NOAH 12 railcars that will take them to the ark sites where they will be safe.

If they tell anyone, they are dead for sure. But I don’t care any more about myself. Mankind must survive and the species must survive. People must know this.

All the governments in the world are aware of this and they just say it is going to happen. For those of the people that can save themselves I can only say reach for higher ground and find caves up in the high places where you can have a food storage for at least five years with canned food and water to last for a while. Radiation pills and biosuits are also advisable if your budget allows it.

For the last time I say may God help us all… but God will not help us I know. Only each person individually can make a difference. Wake up, please…!

I could have written to you using another name but I am not afraid of anything any more. When you know certain things, you become invincible and no harm can come to you when you know that the end is soon.

I assure you 100% that things will happen. There are four years to prepare for the endgame. Get weapons, and make survival groups, and a place where you can be safe with food for a time.

Ask me anything and I will answer as much as I know about the Norwegian connection to all this. And just look around: they are building underground bases and bunkers everywhere. Open your eyes, people. Ask the governments what they are building, and they will say “Oh, it’s just storage for food”, and so on. They blind you with all the lies.

The marks of the alien presence are also there, and I often see the Norwegian elite politicians are not what they say they are. It’s like they are controlled in every thought, and what they have to say is just as they are told to do things in such manners. It is clear for me who they are, and who they are not. You can see it in their eyes and in their minds.

Remember that those who are going to be in and around the city areas in 2012 are those that are going to be hit first and die first. Later the army will purge the rest of the survivors and they have a shoot to kill order if there is any resistance to bring them into the camps where every one will get marked with a number and a tag.

I also see that Benazir Bhutto is spoken of on your site. Her death was tragic. I have met Benazir, as you can see. You will also see from the photographs that I have met with a number of other notable politicians and world leaders.

The public will not know what happens till the very end, because the government does not want to create mass panic. Everything will happen quietly and the government will just disappear.

But I say this: don’t go quietly into the night. Take precautions to be safe with your family. Come together with others. Work together to find ways to solve all the many problems you will face.

Kind regards

[Name and proof of identity supplied]


From immediate further correspondence, and in response to our specific questions, we can add the following clarifications in our source’s own words:

I have been to several underground bases [number given]. We used the railcars to get around. Only a few special people were selected to be shown around. Those that run with the elite know of this.

I have evidence of my claims. I trust my sources 100%, but they are afraid to tell what they know. People are afraid for their lives and that is how it is. I just also want the public to know what the hell is going on. I am not afraid of death or any other thing.

All the elite politicians in Norway know of this. They also know that if they reveal anything they will be removed from office and will be denied access to the different underground bases when the time is up.

The NOAH 12 railcars are transport railcars between the different bases underground. They have a support system of these all around from one base to another. They are mainly used by the military and they control all of them. There are orange triangle symbols in each base and the check-ins are a kind of energy field that everyone has to go through.

The future for my children is all I think of – and that for all the other children growing up in the new world. We have to make a difference for them so that they grow up knowing what their parents did for them, such as giving this information to people like yourselves.

In 2009 the government of FRP will come into power and Siv Jensen will be elected Prime Minister. This is already known. It’s important to understand that. The elections are all fake and the same persons and power elite get elected each time in turn. Look up the political history of Norway, and the people that run the country now.

Please share this information with the rest of the internet. When the time comes people will survive because of the information they have learned from the different sites on the net.

I will not get anything but trouble from posting this, and I have no need to mislead anyone. I do this only to expose what is to happen in my country and that maybe some people will survive what is to come.

Kind regards

[Name supplied]


After posting the above, we presented more questions to our source, who replied with the intriguing information which follows.

The paragraphs indented and marked with an asterisk (*) constitute further supplementary information received after we had asked a number of additional clarifying questions.

When I was in the military I was in the [name of service given]. At one point we were given a task to get something out of a base and deliver it to another base.

We were told: “DO NOT ASK ANY QUESTIONS. JUST DO YOUR JOB.” Later, when we landed outside the base, we were taken by trucks to outside the base where there were large doors heavily guarded by other military personnel.

Or it seemed like they were military, but they had different suits on them: orange and black suits with the orange suits having a golden triangle on them and the black suits having a green triangle.

* As far as I can remember the triangle went downwards, like a pyramid but facing down and had some weird kind of sign it it. To me it looked like the letter ‘E’, but the lines were not connected in the ‘E’ like we write the letter ‘E’. It was shaped like the ‘E’ and in the middle the letter ‘E’ was pointing inwards… not as in any language I can read or understand, and certainly not in Norwegian.

* The signs were as far as I can remember not on the arms because I saw them clearly… they were at the left side of the black suit just over the chest area and on the caps they had on. The signs were not that big – just as a regular sized patch is, but clear enough to see them.

We went through the large doors. I was thinking what the hell is this, and I felt a bit scared at first. It was like something out of a science fiction movie. This was the first time I was in such a base.

We then came to a 500 meter long tunnel and there were more of these military personnel waiting with guns and transport for us. We were divided up in groups. Some went another way, and I and my group were asked to come with the black suited guards so they could take us to another location. When we came to the end we were asked to put on some masks “for our own protection”.

I was thinking for our own protection… aren’t we already protected by being inside this huge underground complex and by guards with weapons?

We were then asked to step inside a railcar… and this is what I know of the railcars. They are run by some kind of blue crystal energy, I think, or at least that is how it appeared. Then we sat in the cars and I asked one of the guards “What is this?” He replied, “You don’t need to know this, sir.”

* At the front where the operator sits there was a box with a window just besides him, and just when before powering up you could see the large purple-blue crystals emitting a purple-bluish light… not blinding you but quite beautiful to watch indeed. I have never ever seen such energy light or crystals anywhere. I was thinking that must be the power source.

* Later on in the base I saw that some people were working on these purple-blue crystals. They were larger than the ones I saw in the railcar – ca. one meter in length and they were lined up one after the other. They were taking some light through them. They were in fact purple-blue and when the light went inside they turned more blue and had a stronger color – the people had white masks on and goggles standing away from them when the light was going inside the crystals. I was about 20 meters from them and we were quickly rushed along when they said “Move on now.”

* I also think that the energy fields that we went through before entering the check-in were powered by these crystals, because it was the same kind of light – or so it seemed to me. If I remember more I will let you know.

I could see that there was a tube-like system and the other railcars were just going so fast you just saw a light going by. I think this was a vacuum tube system where there is no drag.

* The railcars were just like the tube itself but inside. The tube was a bit larger. The main car or transport shuttle was I think ca. 12 meters in length and had a pointed shape in front and back and had seating for 10 people with the operator. You could drive them both ways and it was not necessary to turn it around. It was sealed from the side after you go inside and was quite okay… but the speed was too much, and I got sick after the ride.

* There was also some room for some cargo that you could take with you, but not much. There were a lot of these railcars around, as it seemed, and they just went passing by just like a light passes by in a flash. But you don’t get to see the other rails either, because it’s so fast that you forget to look and rather concentrate on your stomach when inside one of these.

Later on, after I went into politics, I found out what was inside of the rest of the base and what the bases are for, which I have already told you. I know that when this railcar moved – and it moved fast – I had never seen anything like this before. Later when we arrived at the end station I was feeling sick, and the other people that were there also felt the same way. One of the guards said it happens the first time to everyone.

When we came outside we were given goggles and asked to go through a security check. This is where it all gets weird.

There were guards with weapons all over the place… and remember I told you about the energy fields that one has to go through. I was thinking I should not be here at this place, and I was a little scared.

Then we got through this energy field and came to another room. I saw that there was a screen on the side of the wall that said HUMAN – NOT HUMAN – PURE – NOT PURE.

After I saw this I was thinking: Are there ‘NOT HUMANS’ too ??

* At the energy field check-in there was a screen, which I mentioned before. There was a weird language on the screen. I have never seen this before. Underneath it stood letters that were like the ‘E’ I told you about – but the only thing I could read was HUMAN – NOT HUMAN – PURE – NOT PURE.

[ Project Camelot note: we are seeking further clarification on this ]

The guards stopped us and told us to change clothes inside another room and come with them. When we had done so they said that it was time to go further down. Again, I was thinking how large is this place? We just came out of a rail system that runs for miles and miles… and then there is more?

We were then taken to a lift system, with seats, that was going to take us down… or, this is what I thought it was going to do. But it went sideways for about three minutes. In this place, time was not known to me because we had no way of telling what the time was. They had taken everything away from us at the check-ins.

* At the lift I remember I saw a letter that look like a headphone – like the hearing phones you have on your head when listening to music. It was just bent like that if you see it from the front side and pointing down.

All I can say is that when our job was done I was thinking that the world is not as it seems to be, and that many things are hidden from the public. It makes me sad and scared.

Later, when I got into politics, I began digging into this because I needed more answers. What I found out was that these bases were Arks for the government and some of the people and military to survive inside. There was a threat from outside that was going to be in the year 2012 and that the human species had to survive.

The ‘Planet X’ I learned about is from all what I have seen till now. The government knows this and are keeping it from the public. They have been tracking this object for a long time now and were given the first warnings from the USA.

I know that 18 bases exist in Norway. I don’t know what many of the dangers are because I am not a scientist. But what I know is that before 2012 the different governments are going to leave for the bases that they have built for the last 40 or 50 years.

If this object goes by, there will be a lot of problems on the surface of the Earth. That is all I know. This is why they go underground.

If such an event comes, they have made sure that five years or more underground is going to be what they need to avoid this. When they know it’s safe to surface, they will rebuild again. We were just told that we have to leave before 2012 and that there is something in space that is going to cause much destruction.

* I don’t know if there is a threat from the sun itself. I am not so much into the science of things. I am just telling what I have seen and nothing more.

I can say that I have already said too much, but the people are now warned about this…

I have no need to make this up or create mass panic. I just want to tell the public what is to come, and I have done what I can from my side.

There are things in this world that are not known to the public. And there is one thing I can say about all this:

Be ready and have faith in yourself. There is no help in trusting the governments. Trust only yourself.

Kind regards

[Name supplied]


Comment from Project Camelot:

There is no ‘hard’ scientific data in our source’s warning. The information does not explain exactly how or why ‘Planet X’ is such a threat (although we may guess). There is also no specific information about the exact need to go underground.

Our source is saying exactly what they know, and no more. It is very plausible that that as a politician the message’s focus is on vital sociopolitical issues rather than science.

For more information about ‘Planet X’ and what it may or may not be, please visit Andy Lloyd’s excellent website here, or Marshall Masters’ website here. We were told by Henry Deacon (and this has also been widely reported by others) that the South Pole Telescope has been built to track what Henry called the ‘second sun’. We urge readers to do their own research.

Between now and 2012 and beyond, many differing views, channeled messages, and insider revelations will come to the fore. Project Camelot is working hard on a documentary that will cover both positive and not so positive projections of our future.

It goes without saying that it is our sincere hope, prayer and full intention that the events portrayed above will not come to pass.

We are all co-creators of our world, from moment to moment. We urge each and every one of you to participate in consciously co-creating a bright and positive future for humanity, and to work with us in waking the sleeping and bringing to light the truth – wherever it may lead.

Benjamin Fulford – The Ultimatum


The Ultimatum : Benjamin Fulford

Tokyo, Japan
February 2008

download .mp3 audio

Part 1   Part 2   Part 3

If you need a bodyguard, it’s too late. You have to make them not want to shoot you.
Benjamin Fulford

The son of a Canadian diplomat, Benjamin Fulford rebelled against his upbringing and at the age of 17 made his way by boat into the heart of the Amazon to live with a tribe of former cannibals. Continuing to seek answers and better understand Western society, he spent time in a self-sufficient community in Argentina before heading to attend university in Japan.

Principled, brave, and still a diehard idealist after all these years, he resigned as Asia-Pacific Bureau Chief of Forbes Magazine after investigating a scandal which the editor refused to report. As he researched global affairs further in his own time, he uncovered for himself the complex web which is global financial control at the hands of the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds – and also the existence of racially targeted bioweapons such as SARS.

It was these plans for global depopulation that upset some important and powerful factions in Japan, Taiwan and China. After being approached by a real-life, present-day Ninja, matters came to a head in 2007 when Benjamin became the first Westerner for 500 years to be admitted into the ranks of the Eastern Secret Societies, a vast group with six million members. Acting as their spokesman, he stepped up to the plate to deliver a simple message to the Illuminati:

Recognize that your time is over, step down without a fight, and allow the world to thrive as it should – or face the consequences from up to 100,000 professional assassins for whom no love is lost towards the self-styled ruling elite of the planet.

This was first communicated through Dr Henry Makow and Jeff Rense in July 2007. Project Camelot has now traveled to Japan to meet with Benjamin Fulford personally. Our comprehensive interview presents the far-reaching and literally incredible background story – and will also enable the Illuminati, who we have every confidence watch our videos carefully, to be reminded that the ultimatum is real, serious, and still in force.

Armed also with a contagiously optimistic vision of the future, Benjamin is fully prepared to be the next Finance Minister for Japan. His plans for how he would spend Japan’s $5 trillion of foreign reserves to eliminate global poverty are plausible and inspiring as practical steps, way beyond rhetoric, to repair the generations of damage done by a ruthless ruling elite. This is a man with a deep understanding of both East and West, a global economic historian who thinks way outside of the box, a lover of peace who is unafraid to speak warrior words.

In this comprehensive three part video, Parts 1 and 2 focus on global financial history and Benjamin’s most interesting personal story leading up to his approach by the Ninja. Part 3 contains the details of The Ultimatum itself.

Click here for a transcript of Part 1 of the video
Click here for a transcript of Part 2 of the video
Click here for a transcript of Part 3 of the video

Korean flag
Click here for a Korean translation of Part 1 of the video
Korean flag
Click here for a Korean translation of Part 2 of the video
Korean flag
Click here for a Korean translation of Part 3 of the video
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Click here for a French translation of Part 1 of the video


LEO ZAGAMI – Illuminati Whistleblower


download .mp3 audio

Part 1  Part 2 Part 3


Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

Leo Zagami

Illuminati Whistleblower

Oslo, Norway, February 2008

Leo Zagami

“The weapons business is the big business to make cash. I was a rich man when I was in that kind of business. Now I’m a poor man. The difference is that now I’m an honest man. Before I was a crook.”

Leo Zagami

Leo Lyon Zagami, ex-member of the Comitato Esecutivo Massonico – the Masonic Executive Committee – of Monte Carlo, was, until recently, a high level member of the Italian Illuminati. He is a 33rd degree Freemason, and a senior member of the infamous P2 Lodge. He was the ‘Prince’: prepared to take over after the older Illuminati ‘King’, Licio Gelli. He was born of a Scottish-Sicilian Illuminati aristocratic bloodline, and so has been involved in the Illuminati Order since childhood.

Disgusted with satanic black magic rituals, and with the true intentions of those who regard themselves as the elite controllers of the planet, he has now made the commitment to tell the real story of those who seek to rule us all without our consent.

Quick, intelligent, likeable, passionate, and with a huge amount of information at his fingertips about the inside workings of the Powers that Be, Leo welcomed us into his house in Oslo, Norway, where he lives in what might be called exile.

In our two hour interview we were barely able to scratch the surface of everything he knows, and what we present is a summary for those unfamiliar with the labyrinthine details of one of the most important stories of our time.

However, he seems to have paid a price for talking to us on camera. Days after our interview, his wife Fatma Süslü, of Turkish descent but an aspiring Norwegian politician, left him – accusing us at Project Camelot, in the process, of being agents. Shortly after her departure he was temporarily imprisoned and his cellphone and computers were confiscated by the police. He intends to leave Norway for safer shores as soon as he can make the arrangements.

For more details on what has recently occurred, Leo copied us these letters he wrote to Greg Szymanski and Henry Makow on 8 and 13 March respectively.

Leo is a brave man, and we wish him well. We spoke with him for 45 minutes a short time ago and he is determined and resilient. The information he presents is extraordinary and detailed, and much more will be found on his own Illuminati Confessions website.

See also our tribute to Svali, Illuminati whistleblower

Here’s a short extract from our 18 March 2007 phone conversation with Leo confirming the identity of the Norwegian Politician (who had contacted us about the existence of extensive underground bases and Norway’s detailed plans for 2012) and relating details of their own recent conversation.

[Launch in external playerFor the entire 30 minute phone conversation
                                                              Short version [To download, option-click (Mac) or Right-click and Save As (PC)]

Luca Scantamburlo : The Return of Planet X


download .mp3 audio

Luca Scantamburlo :

The Return of Planet X

Italy, February 2008


Luca Scantamburlo, an Italian journalist of tremendous heart and intelligence, is a courageous and independent UFO researcher who took it upon himself to publicize the events surrounding a fellow-Italian, Cristoforo Barbato, a few years ago.

We are also in touch with Barbato, but he speaks no English and was not in a position to meet with us. So it fell upon Luca, who had investigated Barbato’s story and interviewed him at length, to present to Project Camelot the story of what Barbato had learned about the return of Planet X.

The story, at its simplest, is this: Barbato had written an important article about the Secrets of Fatima, focusing on the mystery of the untold Third Secret. Following this, he was contacted by someone who told him he was a Jesuit priest, working for the Vatican Intelligence Service (SIV), and who had important information to reveal. At first Barbato was skeptical, but the Jesuit was persistent; and eventually Barbato was able to substantiate all his claimed personal details. The Jesuit was exactly who he said he was.

At Barbato’s insistence, they finally met in a public place in Rome. At that point the Jesuit gave Barbato a significant amount of information about the return of Planet X, which was being carefully tracked by the Vatican and others; and handed Barbato a two- minute videotape – never publicly released, although this short clip (which we incorporated in our video) appears very similar – which the Jesuit said was Planet X filmed at close range from a classified Vatican-controlled space probe called Siloe.

This, and the complex web of detail and controversy that surrounds it, was the subject of our interview. Luca is the foremost English-speaking authority on this subject, which is why we approached him. We were charmed with his friendship, courtesy, intelligence, and the depth of his own research and analysis, and are pleased to present it all here in a comprehensive and important two-part interview.

Click here for an important personal message from Luca Scantamburlo, containing further research data

Click here for a transcript of Part 1 of the video
Click here for a transcript of Part 2 of the video
Click here for Luca Scantamburlo’s website
Click here for Luca Scantamburlo’s interview with Cristoforo Barbato
Click here for Cristoforo Barbato’s interview with his Jesuit contact from the Vatican



The Future is Now


Pour la traduction française cliquez ici

We have been gathering a large amount of information on the current global situation. We talk about this every day, and a substantial part of our time is spent on research. The page we present here is an honest attempt to lay out what we know. We don't agree 100% with one another – and we regard this as healthy, as we listen carefully to one another's views or findings and then go back to continue to discover more.

Caveat 1: This is a research work in progress. We plan to update this page regularly. We're not trying to compel anyone to believe anything, or to do anything. We may not be correct in all we present. But we do believe that all the factors below need to be taken into account, and researched further, in major personal decision-making.

Caveat 2: We have a very positive and optimistic view. This reflects our essential natures. But we are also realists, and in our opinion actual situations on the ground need to be handled and confronted so that proper decisions can be made. Our position is that there's a balance to be drawn between thinking positively and refusing to be sucked into "doom and gloom" – and making oneself aware of real emerging situations, both possible and probable. To be forewarned is not to lose hope, spirit or optimism.

This balance is not easy to strike and is a matter of constant readjustment. In our opinion, the biggest enemy is fear itself. We are all immortal beings – this is a simple fact – and many of the people reading this will have a strong sense of purpose to position themselves to help others as best they can.

Our job, all working together, is to help the human race find its way through the minefield of potential booby traps to emerge at a better future. To walk this minefield blindly is in our view unwise. Better to have at least a partial map. This is our intention here.

Remember, energy follows thought. How you think about the future will affect the future you encounter. Our intent here is to list the potential obstacles which may be ahead – and at the same time encourage you to think for yourself. Listen to your heart in choosing what to do, where to go, and how to face the coming days.


1) Overview

Our friend and important insider contact Henry Deacon has stated repeatedly, since we first met him, that the issue is that there are a number of simultaneously converging problems which combine to create an unprecedented global situation. From what we know, we agree.

Disagreement between researchers may sometimes only be because both have a partial picture. Maybe everyone is right… whatever they are particularly concerned about or focused on.

2) The so-called 'Controllers'

It's important to realize that the 'Controllers' – the Illuminati, the Committee of the Majority, and/or various alien groups – are not in control.

Deacon reports, credibly in our view, that not only is there no overarching mastermind group successfully running the planet, but that at agency, military and black project level there are many factions, vying for control, with many different agendas between them.

Some groups may be doing their best to help the situation, within their particular context. Deacon includes the secret space program in these, which he says is a kind of a lifeboat program for Planet Earth if it really does hit the cosmic iceberg.

Dan Burisch has also spoken of and written about an 'Ark', which was partially constructed on Earth and then transported to the Moon in case it should be needed. He has described graphically that at Area 51 there were interesting problems lifting and moving this extremely heavy object.

Meanwhile, it's credible that other factions may have a very destructive and manipulative agenda, such as to reduce the planet's population by any practicable means – from the covert release of pathogens to orchestrated war. We report on both of these possibilities below.

Other situations are naturally caused and are adding to the mix. We also report on those. There may, of course, be other scenarios which we are not aware of.

3) What the insiders are doing

… is protecting themselves. There is in our view compelling and credible evidence that for several decades there has been a large-scale, covert program to build a large number (possibly thousands worldwide) of deep underground bases, in some cases entire self-sufficient cities.

These have cost trillions of dollars and this has not been done for the fun of it. This has been the largest construction program in the known history of the human race, and has been under way for fifty years. It has been kept entirely secret, and is a response to a serious threat of some kind. Below, we present some possibilities for what that threat may be.

In our view it is ethically unconscionable that the public has not yet been told what is certainly well understood at the highest levels of the military and government. One of Project Camelot's purposes is to discover the nature of this threat and make it publicly known.

4) The Biggest Picture

What follows here is a simple summary of a complex and unbelievable array of events and factors. Please see The Big Picture for some more on this, which is also a work in progress.

In our view it is compelling that the American military learned of a major threat to the survival of the species – possibly as long ago as the late 1940s. Time-portal technology gained at least partially from our visitors (whether they are space travelers, or time travelers as we believe), convinced the military that a major future catastrophe was possible or probable.

In response, MJ-12 (or whichever appropriate executive committee) decided three things:

To embark on protective measures immediately.
To keep the knowledge under the highest degree of classification.
To embark on an accelerated program of ET liaison and high-tech research in attempts to increase their control and avert the situation.

At least one faction of this group is also interested in facilitating the worst-case scenario out of self-interest and a desire for domination. This agenda is very much involved in population control/ elimination plans detailed, for example, in The Report From Iron Mountain.

5) What was observed

One source, which we have not yet reported, has told us that on 5 November, 1971, using a device called a chronovisor, the US Supreme Court Building in Washington, DC, was observed "under about a hundred feet of brackish water".

We do NOT know the date of the event which was observed here, nor what the incident was determined to be that had caused this event.

Dan Burisch has referred to the threat of a pole shift round about 2012 and how this information was learned from time-traveling future humans. We consider his testimony credible and important. Henry Deacon has substantiated this, as have several others (including the source mentioned above).

Similar leaks of classified information, warnings, dreams, intuitions and channeled messages by the thousand – as well as the well-known mystery of the Mayan calendar – all combine to give credence to the idea that in or around 2012 there will be (or was due to be) a major global catastrophe of some kind – in all probability a pole shift.

6) This has happened before

History is cyclical, and so are geology and the rise and fall of civilizations. The Great Flood is a myth recounted in nearly 100 cultures across the globe. Plato, a reliable, highly intelligent and conscientious historian, reported the drowning of Atlantis in graphic detail.

All over the world (and probably also on the Moon and Mars) there are cyclopean ruins which tell the very clear story of a great civilization which died. We may not be unique in the threat we face.

7) The catastrophe has been averted

According to Dan Burisch, in testimony which we regard as credible, the future humans' best evaluation of the catastrophe which befell their ancestors (i.e. us) was that it was caused by micro-wormholes in space-time which caused effects which were inadvertently and devastatingly amplified by man-made stargates and time-portal 'Looking Glass' devices.

Having been warned, the solution was therefore to decommission these devices – wherever they were, and whoever had them. Dan reports that this has been done.

According to information we have learned from Dan personally, and also reported on his blog, we are no longer on Timeline 2 (or 'T2') – the name given to the catastrophic timeline. Detailed investigation was done into this last summer (2007) and Dan has reported that we are (or were, as of November 2007) on 'Variant 83 of Timeline 1'.

"We should be okay", he wrote to us simply, a few weeks ago.

However, the recent assassination of Benazir Bhutto was quite unforeseen. This serves as a reminder that all information about possible and probable futures is far from static, and is continually subject to change.

Through our own consciousness, we are constantly affecting the world around us and as co-creators of the universe we are fully involved in determining future events. In Part 3 of our recent interview, Richard Hoagland states that he strongly believes we may be able to organize ourselves to do so with maximum positive effect. We fully support this.

It's important to note that there are very likely to be rogue groups actively working to influence timelines through the use of techniques learned from certain alien races and the use of advanced hyperdimensional physics. One deep black witness told us in the last few days (verifying the data in our recently posted book about the Antarctic 'New Berlin' base) that a group in Antarctica may well be involved in doing just this – as reflected by the mathematical formulae detailed at the end of that document.

8) Military thinking : don't give up the insurance policy

What is important to realize is that just because computer analyses of information gained from time-portal devices have shown that the coast seems to be clear, standard military thinking will still be to prepare for the worst for another five years. After all, they've been at this for two generations; what's another few years, just in case.

Hence the underground bases will continue to be stocked, and the secret space program will continue. Mars is being terraformed as we speak, so we understand – a harmonic echo of what happened on Timeline 2 which our descendents report, when one group, eventually to become the 'P52 Orions', fled the planet via the Moon and Mars to eventually colonize other star systems and continue the human race elsewhere.

9) No free lunch

However, Timeline 1 will still have its problems. The rest of this report will detail these, as best as we currently know or understand them. These can be subdivided and examined as follows:

Rising sea levels and disturbed weather patterns.
EMP spikes from increased solar activity (Solar Cycle 24).
Geopolitical instability and risk of conflict.
Economic instability and possible collapse of markets.
Global pandemic.
Political and societal problems in the US and elsewhere.
'Planet X'.
False-flag 'alien invasion'.

10) Rising sea levels and disturbed weather patterns

The Greenland ice cap is melting at an accelerating rate, in defiance of carefully calculated models. Some climatologists, duly alarmed, now estimate that sea levels could rise as much as nine feet in the coming few years.

While infinitesimal on the global tape measure, nine feet is still enough to devastate seaboards and force hundreds of millions to relocate, creating unprecedented refugee crises and all the associated problems of food and water shortages, threats of disease, and local conflict – let alone the major economic effects on industrial production and infrastructure worldwide. Some entire nations, such as the Maldives, will simply cease to exist.

We have been actively encouraging friends of ours in Florida to consider relocating. Other areas, of course, are similarly vulnerable. The factors to consider here are that even if you are not personally affected by the sea and live miles (or hundreds of miles) inland, the country or area you are living in may experience a knock-on effect in terms of the economy, infrastructure, food supply, or migration of large numbers of people to wherever you are that will may change your life considerably.

This needs close monitoring as more public-sector research is done (as it is being done now, with great urgency). If this sea level rise does not occur, then of course all the above factors will not apply.

But: weather patterns will continue to become more unstable as global warming also accelerates – caused by solar activity, NOT carbon emissions. A warmer climate means warmer oceans – also heated up by increased undersea volcanic activity (see solar cycle 24 below).

Warmer oceans mean more hurricanes, typhoons and cyclones (all the same thing) – and also more rainfall. Some climatologists argue that increased rainfall means increased snowfall in northern latitudes and therefore the paradoxical possibility of a local ice age in certain locations, such as the northern parts of Europe, Russia and Canada.

Again, none of this is a civilization showstopper; but the same principles apply, inasmuch as there is likely to be mass migration of people forced to or wishing to relocate, and effects on food production and infrastructure. And this will definitely occur, as weather becomes more unstable and extreme worldwide.

11) EMP spikes from increased solar activity (solar cycle 24)

Solar Cycle 24 officially began on 4 January, 2008 – heading gradually and unstoppably towards its predicted maximum in… 2012. The significance here is that there is compelling evidence in the public domain that Solar Cycle 24 will become severe in its effects on the planet.

Everything we do here on Planet Earth is dependent on or linked to the sun. If the sun starts misbehaving, then none of us can escape the effects. Project Camelot was contacted in mid-2007 by a world-class scientist whose name would be recognized by many readers, contracted to the US government and operating under a Top Secret clearance. He was able to tell us that one of the problems facing us in the next few years ("starting in 2009") would be a CME (Corona Mass Ejection), and he compared this to the major solar event of 1859.

In 1859 there were spectacular auroras at all latitudes, but the world was not then dependent on electronics. Today such an event would bring down communications, disable satellites, ground aircraft, and (if sufficiently severe) fry all chips and circuits not adequately shielded. This would seem to be a major and real threat.

The danger here is not to people, but to the infrastructure. Commentators enjoy pointing out the obvious (as we must do here) – that such an event might catapult us all back to the mid-1800s, with the difference being that most of us would have no idea how to cope without electronics, vehicles, or even running water. Again, it's an infrastructure problem: no electronics means no pumps, which means no gas or water, which means no food unless it was locally grown, which means that many of us would be in big trouble.

The good news is that if a major CME was on its way, we would all get 6-48 hours warning – like a kind of solar tsunami. That's enough time to shield one's own electronics: wrap in aluminum foil and cloth, and/or bury them in the ground or take them deep into the basement.

Note, however, that in the event of a severe EMP all vehicle engines would be disabled unless they were old diesel cars or trucks with no engine management system. Henry Deacon has also advised us, repeatedly, to acquire and learn how to use ham radio – which in a worst case scenario might be the only way of communicating besides shouting out of one's window.

Many visitors to our site will realize that this fits perfectly with the testimony of our witness Dan Sherman, who was trained as a military telepath as part of Project Preserve Destiny – in preparation, as he was explicitly told, "for a future time in which all electromagnetic communications would be rendered useless".

We do NOT know whether this has been foreseen using time portal technology, nor do we know how our scientist source mentioned above knew of the claimed coming CME problem. He did not answer our immediate question about this, and simply apologized for not being able to say more.

He said we were "in for a very bad time". "I don't normally communicate with the public like I use to," he wrote. "I found that most people just can not handle the brutal truth very well."

This person also stated, clearly, that there would be a 2012 pole shift. But he may not have known that it had been averted (see 7 above). Or maybe it has not been! It's not possible to know exactly what the "bad time" was he was referring to… although one may guess.

Our best evaluation of this is that it does seem to be a definite risk that a sufficiently large solar 'spike' (what Ed Dames has overdramatically called The Kill Shot) would heavily disrupt infrastructure, transport and therefore food distribution. As so many have said, a degree of emergency self-sufficiency would seem smart.

As a final note, it must be said that some scientists are connecting solar activity with tectonic and geothermal activity – that is to say, volcanoes, earthquakes and (consequently) tsunamis. If these causalities are valid, the earth changes that so many have predicted may be ushered in by nothing more than our friendly, or not-so-friendly, sun.

12) Geopolitical instability and risk of conflict

Here, man's enemy may be man. There is ample evidence that there is a clear agenda for there to be a planned (long-planned) US military strike against Iran, justified in a number of ways that many regard to be hollow at best. This is legitimately worrying, and the last months of George Bush's term in office – like the danger presented by a cornered tiger – may be the most dangerous.

It's hard to evaluate this. There is some evidence that a strike was planned against Iran last summer (2007), but may have been averted by a small group of unknown and very brave airmen at Barksdale AFB. Synchronous with this, several unidentified but major stock market players bet $4.5 billion that the markets would fall drastically before 21 September 2007. This did not happen, and they lost their gamble. There was no strike, no war. Maybe we have been spared, as many believe.

It's important to realize that there are many games being played out behind the scenes. We're obliged to be vague about what we can say here, but we do know that not everyone in Washington or the Pentagon wants a nuclear war.

The NIE (National Intelligence Estimate) that was published on 2 December 2007, stating that Iran was not a threat, was one major attempt to literally spike Bush's guns and remove any justification for an attack. We cannot reveal details, but we do know this as a fact.

Shortly afterwards, Benazir Bhutto was assassinated. There's extremely strong reason to believe that she was 'removed' because one of her major purposes was to ensure that no major conflict broke out between Pakistan and India.

The only conclusion that can be drawn here is that all situations in the Middle to Far East remain unstable and dangerous. It has to be understood that there are factions – see (2) above – which may want there to be a nuclear exchange.

The reasons for this insanity (the only word that can be used) are unclear. It might be because this has been 'seen' (using time-portal technology) and therefore must be fulfilled; it might be Biblical ('the Armageddon thing'). It might be an attempt to reduce population. On the other hand, situations can be readily imagined in which Martial Law could be implemented in the US (and maybe other countries) as a response to a world which is suddenly a nuclear one again.

13) Economic instability and possible collapse of markets

Any of the above situations could precipitate economic instability or collapse. But with the US economy having a GDP of 14 trillion, and debts of 120 trillion, it is bankrupt already. The marked stock market slide of 22 January was the beginning (in our view) of a period of instability and global lack of confidence that will lead to the inevitable collapse of the dollar – and thereafter, the pound and the euro.

The sharp collapse will happen as soon as a major US corporation or bank announces that it has been obliged to fold. From what we understand, this is only a matter of time – weeks or months.

We talked with ex-banker and paradigm changer George Green about this. He predicted the stock market slide in mid-January (which has impressed us) and said that besides investigating buying land in South America (as many insiders are doing, he told us), he is liquidating all assets and holding small denominations of cash (nothing higher than $20 bills) and is buying silver coins.

George told us that silver ($16.50 an ounce at the time of writing) is the metal to buy – because it’s underpriced relative to gold and there’s a real world shortage, and it’s used and needed industrially in many ways. He stated that silver will soar to $40 and possibly even $100. We are paying close attention.

Gold and silver coins that one possesses oneself are the best 'currency'. Owning gold or silver bars in a bank vault (or worse, owning paper substitutes for a theoretical, non-physical purchase) is of no use at all if the bank is closed and one does not have a key.

14) Global pandemic

Avian flu is not a hoax. Avian ('Bird') flu is a genuine threat, and could easily be one reason for Martial Law. International flights could be stopped and a real pandemic can be used as an excuse/reason to stop anyone from traveling domestically also.

The infrastructure would also be decimated because few if anyone would risk going to work and many millions might die – far worse than in 1918. In 1918 the flu – which was also Avian flu, which not many realize – was 5-10% lethal. In 2008 it’s 60% lethal.

Dr Bill Deagle states in his December 2006 Granada Forum lecture that he is certain that the Controllers have engineered H5N1 (its medical name) from the 1918 strain with a deliberate intention of killing between 1 and 2 billion people. Henry Deacon has stated to us that he sat in meetings where the release of pathogens was planned in order to reduce population.

On the other hand, Dan Burisch, in response to this, has explicitly stated:

I am now (learned within the last few months) aware of such actions having been contemplated, now in the past, by representatives of the Illuminati. Such ideas were never brought to fruition, not because of their love for humanity, but as they judged it counterproductive for themselves. They were also threatened that should they attempt anything of such nature, they would be "acted upon" in a manner they would not find acceptable.

Quiet factions, including what is now the group in charge in the wake of the adjournment by the Majestic, during the consideration period by the Illuminati, were preparing to counter the actions by the Illuminati with the use of biologists, Federal Law Enforcement, and where necessary – outright force. 24/7/365 vigilance is ongoing. That is all I can publicly say about these issues. I am "extending myself" to this extent…but you have the right to know.

Regardless of whether H5N1 has been bioengineered, it is out there. Avian flu is in 90 countries at the time of writing (January 2008) and the only reason it’s not spreading is that people are dying too quickly – like Ebola fever. All it would take is two gene mutations (and there’s a huge viral mass) for it to go human to human, and after that all that is needed is a few resistant carriers – in other words, people traveling. If that all occurs, all this becomes a major part of what strategy to adopt.

The possible reasons for Martial Law need to be considered. A second 'false flag' 9/11 is one thing. A pandemic is quite another. The Controllers may be much more liable this time to go for something invisible to secure their objectives than another 9/11. Viruses can’t be analyzed on video replays… and they’re also real. Avian flu is not a trick.

The currently calculated chances of Avian flu becoming pandemic in any one year are 30% – a figure from the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta. If a pandemic occurs (a pandemic being a global epidemic), North America might be isolated by the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, while Europe might be far more dangerous (being more densely populated and also directly connected to the Far East, where the two critical extra mutations are most likely to occur).

But in this scenario, expect draconian measures domestically in the US (and maybe other countries) to control or firewall against the viral threat. This may be one of the reasons why South America is now being considered a safe haven by so many insiders – for whom none of the above is any news at all.

15) Political and societal problems in the US and elsewhere

Followers of Alex Jones and Jeff Rense will have been aware for quite some time that there is strong reason to believe that there may be serious crackdowns on US civil liberties in the relatively near future.

This could not happen without an excuse (or a reason convincing enough for the population to capitulate), so speculation has been rife about what gambit to expect from the Controllers. Bill Deagle has stated that he has information that there are suitcase nukes pre-planted in 22 American cities, primed for another 'false flag' event (like 9/11, but more major, shocking and dramatic). This may or may not be accurate, but it reveals the possible thinking of the Controllers.

Project Camelot has a source, not so far published by us, who was involved in the Montauk experiments of the early 1980s. This person for several years has been talking about what he has called "The King George scenario", in which George Bush would remain in office due to a (falsified and engineered but convincing) National Emergency. We were approached about this in May 2007.

Astonishingly, our source insists that this was being planned in the 1980s – before one would imagine George W. Bush was ever thought of. Moreover, he has dated these events as being synchronous with food shortages and food riots in the US.

We did not publish this material in 2007, since no food riots seemed to be forthcoming and we were obliged to question the accuracy of the information. Researcher and food supply specialist Steve Shenk, however, has recently reported that food shortages, connected with drought and the collapse of bee colonies, are likely. This might be yet another reason, if any more were needed, not to get trapped at the wrong time in a major city.

The other reasons for civil unrest and/or Martial Law (a chicken-egg situation, of course) have already been detailed above: nuclear attack (the unthinkable option, whether staged or 'real'), or quarantine restrictions in the midst of a genuine pandemic.

Finally, we should say that in the recent Timeline 1 time-portal analysis, as per (7) above, we were told that George Bush does not remain in power – ceding the presidency to Hillary Clinton. We would like to say that you heard it here first… but you probably did not.

16) 'Planet X'

Last but not least! We have to say that we do not yet know what to make of this. We do believe that there is likely to be a massive object (of some kind, whether a rocky planet, a brown dwarf 'second sun', or even a small black hole) on an eccentric orbit (of some kind) which is being monitored closely by IRAS and the South Pole Telescope. But what that means, we do not ourselves know, and no insider has yet credibly told us.

We're aware that many intelligent people have done good research into this and have concluded that there's likely to be a major problem on its way – a little like rolling a giant bowling ball through the solar system, something which happens every few thousand (some say 3,600) years. This object does seem to exist – and may itself be doing its part, through electromagnetic and other forms of resonance, in exciting the sun to new levels of activity (see 11 above).

But whether this is the harbinger of destruction (or the harbinger of the Anunnaki, as some claim) is another question which we're not yet equipped to answer. Our Norwegian politician source, who reports personal experience of scenario planning for evacuating 40% of Norway's population underground in 2012, mentioned that "Planet X is coming"; but had no details, let alone scientific ones, and in fact he had no hard information of any kind about the reason for the very real and massive precautions that he insisted were well under way.

'Planet X' was simply what he had heard. We are convinced of the existence of the underground bases, but not of their purported raison d'etre in this instance. Far more likely, we think, that the forewarned 2012 pole shift was the justification for all the heavy and secret activity.

It's even possible that 'Planet X' may be disinformation. Not the existence of what Bill Deagle calls a "hypergravitational object", but its likely effects. Its reality might be the factual part of the disinformation, and the destructive effects the false part – thereby playing neatly into legend. It's extremely hard for us to say.

Our stance, as always, is to keep an open mind and to gather more information from every source. And one thing 2008 will bring is more information. Of all the probabilities and possibilities discussed on this page, the greatest odds of all are that that we will learn a very great deal more in the coming months.

17) False-flag 'alien invasion'

We list this simply because this scenario has been discussed on the internet, some calling this Project Blue Beam. There is much to be read about it, almost all of which is speculation with little firm evidence or whistleblower testimony (one noted exception being that of Dr Carol Rosin, speaking on behalf of her old colleague and mentor, Dr Wernher von Braun).

Project Camelot has no information about this and cannot comment at this stage. It has not been mentioned by any of our own witnesses.

18) Summary

At the very top of the page, we remarked:

Our job, all working together, is to help the human race find its way through the minefield of potential booby traps to emerge at a better future. To walk this minefield blindly is in our view unwise. Better to have at least a partial map. This is our intention here.

The above summary analysis (and it really is just a summary) marks out where some of the landmines may be. The largest of these, the 2012 pole shift, may well have been handled. This is the good news. But there are plenty of other ways to accidentally end up in the wrong place at the wrong time. That's why a map of the minefield is not a bad idea.

Our intention is not to convince or persuade, but to inform in such a way as to enhance each reader's ability to make responsible decisions for themselves and their families.

This has been our position from the start: to report what we feel is credible, potentially important, and possibly under-reported. Whatever we do, we're committed to the truth, but without any dogma or doctrine apart from the fact that the truth stands on its own, for better or for worse. It is the way it is, as the Buddhist master patiently explained.

Our best advice:

Look within, and educate yourselves and those around you.
Be patient with skeptics or those who are afraid (often the same thing).
Follow no leaders.
Stay open and flexible in every way.
Create and be the change you want to see.
Remember that we co-create the future every moment of every day.

Some of these situations may transpire, while others may not. Time will sort out which is which. Our own commitment is to learn as much as we can, and then to share it. That's what Camelot is all about.


Bill Ryan
Kerry Lynn Cassidy
28 January 2008


Click here for a personal message from Bill Ryan
Click here for a personal message from Kerry Cassidy



A Message from Kerry

A personal message from Kerry Lynn Cassidy

Many people write to us asking for our thoughts and perceptions regarding the coming times. This is my response.

Regardless of what we encounter, I feel it is important for each and every person to meditate on and begin to understand WHY these challenges and changes are being presented to us at this juncture. The over-reaching understanding I have reached is that we are in the midst of a transformation of the human race. The Indigo Children are part of this. We are facing nothing less than the new man (and woman), humanity 2.0 if you will. A change in our DNA will result.

Planet Earth or Gaia is a living being. These changes are the result in part of the effects on planet Earth as it moves closer to the galactic center, and the overall movement of our solar system into a different part of the galaxy. The waves of energy that will be overtaking our solar system will result in a change in frequency and dimension.

I urge everyone to educate themselves, and meditate in order to prepare themselves and assist their own transition physically and meta-physically as we enter these times.

It is also equally important to stress here that ENERGY FOLLOWS THOUGHT… and even more so as we shift dimensions. So how you think about the future will in all likelihood affect the future you encounter…

One part of the mission behind Camelot is to reveal the mystery behind what is going on here on Planet Earth as well as in the multi-verse around us… In our approach to the galactic center we have also found our witnesses are coming forward with what can be viewed a list of the potential obstacles and challenges that could be ahead. At the same time we want to encourage everyone to think for themselves and listen to your heart in choosing what to do and where to go and how to face the coming days.

Through consciousness, we are constantly affecting the world around us and as co-creators of the Universe. We are fully involved in affecting future events. As Hoagland has suggested, we can unite with clear intent and actively affect some of these scenarios going forward.

Some people feel strongly, and I believe this, that there is a galactic war being conducted behind the scenes by those in power on (and within) this earth with various alien races. This is something we will ultimately face consciously as a planet entering the galactic community… This is an age old war involving our own sovereignty.

That we are not alone is a given. What must be considered is that there are both positive and negatively oriented beings of all kinds and that we may be encountering many of them in our current incarnation as souls on this planet. What is also important is to become more aware of the forces for good and evil that are involved in this and other dimensions when you consider what is going on behind any scenario described in our release entitled 2008: the Future is Now.

My most specific advice is for you to awaken your chakras through meditation and living true to your heart. Once your kundalini is activated, connect your chakras and unite with your higher self and the source of all that is… This above all else will protect and guide you in the coming days.

Our 3-dimensional world is but an illusion. You are here to experience and learn and the ultimate objective is to become fully enlightened. The challenges that are presented by us and for us are there to give us the opportunity to know ourselves as Creators more fully and completely.

kerry cassidy smKerry Lynn Cassidy
28 January 2008


Click here for more information on Kundalini and Ascension
Click here for a personal message from Bill Ryan
Click here to return to the '2008: The Future is Now' report



A Message from Bill


A personal message from Bill Ryan

Of everything we’ve published, whether video or text, our summary page 2008: The Future is Now was the most difficult and challenging to put together and agree on. Kerry and I went through it sentence by sentence, reference by reference, line by line, for many, many hours. Why so hard?
Because these are the most important issues of our times. We have a responsibility to get things right – if we possibly can – and to state things in a balanced way. But how to balance the notion that this planet, and the human race, might be in very big trouble?

Spiritually, of course we are all magnificent immortals – though some of us have forgotten and have yet to realize our true nature and heritage. We DO spent time here to learn. We DO set up interesting situations for ourselves to experience. We DO tend to re-experience things which we may have encountered before – and failed to deal with then.

This is what ‘karma’ is: it’s not a punishment. It’s just another chance to learn, if we flunked the lesson the first time. We set these things up for ourselves. We are each the directors and producers of our own personal movie – as well as being the heroes and heroines. Ultimately, there’s no-one to blame; blame is an avoidance of our own ultimate responsibility for the reality we co-create.So what’s the problem here? Ultimately, what may happen to our ‘playground’ is surely of no consequence. We’ll just create another one. (What else are we going to do with all the time we have?!)

But here’s the core story: there’s been a war of good against evil going on for millennia, or longer. This planet is now just the current ‘front’ in this war. It’s not a final battle, but it feels like an important one. Tens of thousands of people have incarnated here specifically to help out, to handle what needs to be handled. You, reading this, are probably among them.

The Indigo and Crystal Children are just the latest wave. Many of us have been around for quite a while. We come from different planets, different planes, even different times.

There are certainly “hyperdimensional demonic entities”, as Bill Deagle terms them. They can play a major unseen role. But what’s important to remember is that there are more and more positive forces that have been liberated and which are fully focused on the situation at hand. We can’t see them either, but they’re on our side.

We may have some rough times ahead physically (“expect disturbances”, as a psychic friend was told recently), but there will be no showstopper. As with a yacht sailing into a Force 8 gale in the southern ocean, the opportunity is not only to survive, but for the crew to learn, work together, and triumph.

Not to feel like looking at the weather forecast is understandable. But I want the crew to know what we’re sailing into, and what will be asked of them. Because I want us to make it through.

What there is to learn is that we have to take responsibility, act, do what we can, realize our purposes, stop being observers. Any situations that didn’t work out quite so well in previous ages have always been because we failed to deal with them at the time. So here we have another chance.



Here’s a 60 second clip that says it all – Bill Birnes talking with George Noory on Coast To Coast AM on 19 June, 2007:

[Launch in external player]

Admiral George Hoover, ONI … said he KNEW that these entities were not so much interplanetary, but they were literally time travelers, and the big secret is that they were us from the future.

And that we and they have the same powers, and that was the real fear of the government: that we have the ability to manipulate reality around us. We’ve always had that ability, we just didn’t know how to use it…

And there you have it, right from the top. We DO have these powers to shape our own reality. Just say no… to the world you don’t want to see. That starts here, with you, with us together. The future is now.
bill ryan2Bill Ryan
27 January 2008


Click here for a personal message from Kerry Cassidy
Click here to return to the ‘2008: The Future is Now’ report

The ‘New Berlin’ base: Nazis in the Antarctic

 Update from E.S, a German-speaking researcher, who has been in direct touch with Barabou Vedu, and who has done some excellent work. 

Click here


The large document which can be downloaded here (a book of 400 pages, with maps, diagrams, equations, and hand drawings) was sent anonymously, on two disks, to a well-known UFO organization. There is little information about the author, and the material has not been seen before 

The disks were then passed on to a respected German investigator. This person, whom we know well, passed them on to Project Camelot for publication stating that the material might be highly significant.

We do not read German, so we do not know the precise content. But it’s clear that this is extraordinary material. It appears to document extensive, detailed information about a base in Antarctica originally established by the Nazis, advanced physics, mind control, something apparently resembling the ‘Montauk chair’, and alien involvement in the affairs of the human race.

Included in the document are dozens of pages of higher mathematics, apparently detailing the physical theory of interdimensional travel. Whoever assembled this did so with a very great deal of time, trouble and technical knowledge.

The author states he has been a victim of mind control and/or mental illness, and appears to document a bizarre personal journey. But he also certain of what he is reporting. He recounts a large number of very peculiar dreams, but also describes the Antarctic base in detail. Most compelling are the many pages of mathematical physics, which of course cannot be hoaxed.

Strangely, a number of pages which contain the physics have a commentary in imperfect English, as if they have been partially autotranslated. We don’t yet know how this has come about, or if the text was written that way in the original.

Many questions are raised, of course – none the least being how one escapes from Antarctica. But the answers may present themselves to those with the resources to study the document thoroughly.

We intend to get it all translated, which may take time and require professional involvement. We are publishing this immediately because our experience suggests that it is an effective insurance policy not to sit on potentially explosive material privately for too long.

We welcome all and any responses to this, and invite German-speaking researchers and anyone with a knowledge of advanced mathematical physics to contact us privately to discuss the contents. Project Camelot makes no claims for this document, but is publishing it simply because of its potential importance for others to investigate thoroughly.

Click here to download (PDF 18.6 Mb)


German Researcher’s summary

We asked the German researcher to write a summary of the book for the benefit of English-speaking readers:

About the book

I obtained the book from a German UFO society. They had received the book itself (around 400 pages) and two CDs containing the text and several drawings. The envelope had no address on it. However, the postmark reveals that it had been sent from Berlin.

The book was written by “Barabou Vedu in cooperation with R. Eckelt” (both anonymous). The author, Barabou Vedu, claims that his writings are an actual report from his experiences on an old alien base, where he was being kept “somewhere in the eternal ice” until he was 15 years old. He claims that people on the base spoke English and “Indian” language.

About the base

The author says that the base is no longer under extraterrestrial but under human control. He says the reason why there are so many human scientists on the base is because this is a place where many exotic phenomena can be observed, like “vectorial viewing into the future”, “soul travel via machine”, “technical telepathy” or what he calls “eye-movies” (living another’s experiences by proxy).

The author says that the base where he lived it is located not far from another alien base which bears the name “New Berlin”. He suspects that the base where he lived was part of the “New Berlin” base. He describes it as a huge building of glass and plastic, several square kilometers in area. During his stay, he says never left the base physically.

How he left the base

Around the year 1996, the author says that he left the base due to the first signs of schizophrenia; however, he has no conscious memory of how exactly he was “thrown out”. He woke up outside the base in a mountainous area “somewhere in Tajikistan”, where he was welcomed by four Turkish people that he later identified as “one of their criminal mind-control-gangs”. He stayed with them for a while, but then fled and traveled to Germany by train, a trip which took about three weeks. He says that after his arrival in Germany, he was officially accepted as a refugee.

Why he wrote the book

Because of recurring flashbacks, nightmares and “apparent signs of post-traumatic stress”, he was assigned to a psychiatric hospital in May 1998. He says that no-one there would believe any of the stories he had to tell which is why he decided to start lying to the doctors. He eventually managed to discharge himself and decided to confide in a person he trusts, whom he told about his past in order to cope with his fears and nightmares.

It seems that the book is a direct result of these conversations. The author says that it was a good idea to write everything down because it was an effective way to “get rid of everything”. One may suspect that the aforementioned person “R. Eckelt” is the one who gained Barabou’s trust and helped him to write down his memories.

His memories

The author says that he and the other humans on the base followed a schedule. They received their food from a tube which came out of the wall. He describes it as a kind of “brown paste”, which tasted like fruit. In order to receive food, they were obliged to follow certain tasks for which they received “bonus points”. Not fulfilling a task resulted in receiving no points, and therefore no food.

One of the main tasks that he and the other humans had was to “follow the thought structures of humans outside the base”, using a technology he calls the “Bereschewan-seat”. The seat itself is described as far too small for a human being – it seems to have been created for beings with another anatomy.

In order to use the seat, the author says they had to put on a specific suit with a cable which ended in a machine. Using the seat, it was apparently possible to see and feel the world outside as if one would experience it with one’s own senses (sight, smell, sound, touch etc). The author says that he was eventually obliged to draw what he saw. Sometimes he was ordered to distract people outside the base from their original thoughts and to “implant” different, more violent thoughts. The author furthermore suggests that this manipulation has been going on for a long time – and probably from the future.

The author says that among the humans, there were also other beings present on the base. He refers to them as “Lemurs” – reddish, greenish robots which he suspects are inhabited by human souls who failed to accomplish their tasks. Another type of being mentioned is described as small and humanoid in appearance with brown, hairless skin. Humans living on the base worshipped them, considering them to be “Gods”. In one part of the book, the author describes how he once saw one of these brown beings sitting perfectly at ease on the Bereschewan seat, a detail which suggests that the seat was their technology.

I have only read, in detail, a quarter of the book so far. There are many more things in the book which are not described in this summary.

A glance at the text

The book is almost entirely written in German, although some paragraphs are written in bad English and seem to have been translated either by a German-speaking person or by an automatic translator. As for consistency of the content, no apparent contradictions can be observed. On the contrary, throughout the book, the author keeps relating again and again to details he has already mentioned before.

There is one chapter which contains numerous formulae and diagrams about what the author describes as “Our theory of everything”. This complex mathematical physics seems to describe an advanced model of a multidimensional universe, and how to travel through it. He states that investigating these formulas might prove the authenticity of his claims, but possibly only “in 20 or 30 years from now”.

First steps undertaken so far

A very experienced remote viewer has been asked to assist to give an opinion on the book’s authenticity. One initial session has been done so far and more are planned.


A complete translation into English would be advisable so that researchers from around the world can investigate this independently. The book is obviously linked to the persistent reports that Hitler discovered an alien base in Antarctica and went there before the end of World War II. Therefore a thorough investigation of parallels between the book and existing Alien-Nazi-Antarctica research seems to be a good idea.  


Theoretical physicist’s summary

We asked a theoretical physicist if he would comment on the mathematical physics section of the book. He is a respected academic with a Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics (quantum mechanics, electrodynamics and relativity) and over 200 international scientific publications in journals from several countries. His first language is not English, but his English is nonetheless excellent.

1. The mathematics is genuine. The education level of the author would have to be Ph.D.

2. It is a model. In Physics we have many models, and we must consider them all with respect if they don’t lead to experimental contradictions.

3. For example, String Theory is a model. Some people accept it, and others (such as Roger Penrose) do not believe in Strings. But the final word is in the experiment.

4. This presents a Photon Model which reproduces known results in Physics, but it also admits (which is important) the involvement of the Ether. In my personal opinion: Current Physics will advance if it accepts the existence of the Ether.

5. This is an innovative model… and in a few aspects it reminds me of extensions from other models (for example, Tewari’s model for the electron).

6. The ‘Ghost-balls’ remind me of some of Tesla’s experiments.

7. It employs 5 and/or 6 dimensions, which is normal in Physics. For example, the Kaluza-Klein Theory uses a 5-dimensional space.

In summary: the model presented in this material has genuine ideas and mathematics. Separately from that, it may or may not be successful in describing Nature. If this material is rejected, then one must reject many, many similar scientific papers that each day are published in the Journals of Physics.  


 David Wilcock’s Analysis

January 22, 2008

Hey guys,

You can publish this if you like.

I took a VERY detailed line-by-line look at this PDF. You didn’t mention the fact that almost all the illustrations are captioned in English, not in German. We need to get this text translated into English as soon as possible.

In my professional estimation this is a very substantial move forward in disclosure. There’s no telling whether the author’s dreams have any impact other than for his own subconscious symbol set – and it does appear that at least a third of the book’s content goes into various pieces of dream data.

Nonetheless, there are MANY correlations with other pieces of data. You look at the testimony in the black-ops marked-up version of Morris Jessup’s “Case for the UFO” – from Carlos Allende and two other insiders – and you see this ongoing discussion of the “S-M”, which apparently are the “Space Men,” and the “L-M,” which apparently are the Little Men / Lemurian-Men. I’ve already started writing about this on my website.

Here is Part Three of the article series where I began tackling this:

New Philadelphia Experiment Revelations, Part III

Here is Part One if you want to read it sequentially, as it goes into the Rainbow Project (Philadelphia Ex) and the new things I’ve learned about it recently… followed by a link to the marked-up version of the Case book:

New Philadelphia Experiment, Part I

You will notice that the physics model I begin outlining in Part One of this article series, New Philadelphia Experiment Revelations, is very, very similar to what we hear at the end of this book from an alleged German insider witness.

The data about “Lemurs” in this German witness’ book has many strong correlations with the data I’ve been gathering about the alleged Lemurians… enough so that they appear to be one and the same thing.

The excerpts from Allende et al’s liner notes of Case for the UFO appear to be describing, in part, a war that occurred between a terrestrial ET species centered in the Pacific – i.e. the Lemurians – and a non-terrestrial invading species which is very likely the Anunnaki, or what they refer to in code as only the S-M, or “Space-Men.”

It is entirely likely that while most of humanity was in a primitive state, at least one ET race was able to colonize the planet, and may also have interbred with native humans to some degree. It is also possible that evolution proceeded along parallel tracks on Earth, and the “Lemurians” are a particular strain of human being that advanced far more quickly and was driven into hiding due to a still-ongoing war with the so-called Anunnaki.

It seems clear from the testimony in Case for the UFO that there were wars where the Anunnaki harvested asteroids, using powerful gravity-control technologies, and fired them at Lemurian cities with devastating effects. This is apparently what forced them to take refuge into undersea bases, where they still reside to this day.

It is likely that a more informed review of the Sumerian texts would tease out the details of this war, since someone like Sitchin might not understand all of it without the proper context.

It is also quite possible, given Burisch’s testimony, that the “Lemurians” are actually travelers from one aspect of humanity’s future, as he has repeatedly described – and attempted to colonize the Earth at a time when humans of the era posed no threat, only to find themselves embroiled in a major war with an opposing ET faction.

Allende et al’s testimony in “Case” further correlates a variety of UFO sightings with an apparently well-known body of data about these Lemurian craft – including the fact that a form of slag builds up on the exterior of the craft as a result of their encounters with earth materials as they travel, and they have a function where they can slough off this material, which then pours off the craft as a molten liquid. Deacon’s recent testimony also indicates the Anunnaki as an active influence, offhandedly mentioning an “Enki ship.”

I also have a mysterious testimony that came in, via a colleague, from a Russian scientist who quoted a series of books that he claims all have bits and pieces of this story. The basis of the Russian’s story is that a major Lemurian base existed in Antarctica, with the species still living and working there, and the Nazis formed a pact with them during World War II. This completely correlates with what I heard. I have been sitting on this and haven’t even told you about it before, and now we see the same thing in an entirely different form.

I actually bought every book the Russian scientist referred to in his letter but have not yet had the time to study all the references. There are an astonishing number of pieces he brought together in this one letter and I have confirmed that each book has the contents he speaks of – I just haven’t had the time to read them all in total.

I’ve long suspected that more of this Anunnaki-Lemurian war story would come out as new whistleblower testimony came to the fore, and that appears to be what is happening here.

Daniel also said there were Atlantean ruins under the ice in Antarctica, and that the Third Reich migrated to South America after World War II – specifically the southern tip of Brazil. He saw artifacts they gathered from there, implying there must be a base of at least some capacity in Antarctica that we are not normally privy to.

There are a variety of other correlations with things I heard from Daniel’s testimony that are specific and unpublished, things I’ve never gone public with and have not seen elsewhere. These alone would be sufficient to warrant a deeper investigation.

Furthermore, I studied the physics model the German author is giving, since most of it is in English. Again, there are a great deal of correlations with what I’ve heard from Daniel and from another key witness I will call Clark, who I haven’t had reason to discuss before.

These physics correlations are far too specific to be simply a product of chance – including the six-dimensional frame, the toroidal model where our 3D is but the exterior of a “hollow sphere,” and the idea (only implied here) that time-space is the region on the interior of the hollow sphere – the mirror-opposite of our own reference frame.

There is also material in the German text about the interchange of space and time causing volumetric contractions and expansions of time. This is not that far from existing relativity models, but nonetheless the specifics of how he articulates it are very similar to things I’ve heard from Daniel in the past. From what I know of physics equations I’ve seen when studying these alternative models, it does appear to be very well thought out and sound.

There should be utilities out there allowing you to do a fairly decent translation automatically within a PDF file. It’s all the better that the vast majority of the illustrations are already in English. I would consider it highly likely that a substantial percentage of the non-dream portions of this witness’ testimony will turn out to be accurate.

I think it is wise to hold back on the Russian testimony for now until we see if anyone else has correlative data to support this. The inevitable challenge we face is of people who take existing pieces and want to fabricate a story. While this may seem a great way to get your 15 minutes, I consider these hoaxes a spiritual crime, and most of them never make it through the gate anyway.

– David



Preliminary translation by anonymous translator

Here is the translation. I know that some sentences sound wrong… but they also do in German. This is his style.

I tried to keep the translation as original as possible. [Some notes have been added within the text.]

[ ____ ]

Preface (Vorwort)

Hello, my name is Barabou Vedu. I was born in 1983, and until I was 15, I was trapped inside an alien base somewhere in the eternal ice. Beside English, we also spoke Indian in this base. I think in Indian my name means: “May you be his firstborn son of the Moon!” Strange name, isn’t it? Seriously, who would name his son like this? Having such a name, you might as well let yourself be lined up against a wall to be shot. Was this name supposed to just make me furious, or did it have another reason as well? In addition, my father in our base [translator’s note: later he talks about another father who also gives him a Turkish passport] had a similar idiotic name. His name was Hohunarao Vedu. I think this means in Indian: “May you be someone who will be bathed (man of) Moon.” In the world of the symbols in our base, this meant as much as: “Though you are not of pure clear spirit, you deserve to be washed clean with clear pure spirit.” This ritual of the washing clean of one’s own dirty spirit with clean clear spirit could be connected to the common baptism ritual here in the world outside.

My mother in our base also had a very strange name. Her name was Wara, which means in Indian “Swan”, I think. In the world of the symbols in our base, this meant that you belonged to the light blue-green side of the spirit on which all divine entities are at home as well. Alone, my elder brother, eight years older, had a name without a religious background. His name was simply Magba, which means in Indian as much as tenth Moonhouse. I can’t say why they spared him all this religious stuff in his name.

At the start, I spoke about our alien base being a former alien base. By this, I wanted to state that in present time our alien base is not any more under extraterrestrial control, but probably under terrestrial control. The reasons for this are obvious. For example, there were scientists in our base who spend nearly each whole day developing new physical theories. Well, which alien lets his own technologies be examined by terrestrial scientists, so that they can tell him how that works what one has carried around the whole time with oneself? One can be sure that everywhere, where scientists walk around, terrestrial powers have taken the power. So, probably, also in our base.

But in this connection I’d like to mention that the scientists of our base kept the same demonic dressing protocol concerning the choice of their clothes as we did. This protocol stated that the color of one’s clothes must match one’s current emotional state. You wore red in anger, orange in pain, yellow in fear, green in kindness, blue in love and violet in grease [translator’s note: ‘grease’ in German also means to make sure someone else doesn’t get caught while doing something]. The color white could be combined with the colors green and blue, and black with the colors orange and red. The choice of these colors for the corresponding human emotions corresponded to the coloring of their spirit, which changed colors depending on one’s state of mind.

Why so many scientists took care of our base isn’t difficult to guess. A place in which so many exotic phenomena like vector viewing into the future, “soul travel” by machines, technical telepathy, or eye-movies of people could be watched, shouts for a scientific examination. The interesting things the scientists of our base discovered during their examinations, one can readily read in the chapter “Appendix of our physical theories of tomorrow”.

This chapter about our physical theories might be a real treasure trove to physicists with an interest in the Nobel Prize. Those who think highly of themselves, and would like to prove to all of us that alien bases really exist, are free to earn their Nobel Prize at my expense. I think that’s only fair. Because I don’t own these ideas either. And I don’t see why I should take these theories with me to my grave, just because it isn’t yet the right time for these theories.

The ether-theorists of the 19th century were not that wrong in their ideas about the world. But I’m afraid they should have experimented with 4 to 5 dimensional ethers instead of three-dimensional. Because then their physics would have been perhaps a little more successful, and Einstein wouldn’t have blocked the further development of ether-physics by his SRT [Special Relativity Theory]. But that’s a completely different problem.

So what to do to prove that their ether-physics is more correct than our ether-less physics of today? The way it looks, first SRT must go before one can continue with classic ether-physics – the physics of the extraterrestrial? But this is easier said than done. Einstein is an acknowledged expert in physics. To attack him and to claim new experiments about the topic of SRT, is a hard nut to crack for modern physicists. Especially as the disproof of SRT in favor of our 4-dimensional ether-physics indeed needs very demanding experiments for light propagation.

For example, one would have to measure the linear speed of light between two places, without using reflected light. A measurement which unfortunately currently still involves high measuring-errors. But a change from the physics of relativity to the physics of ether-theory includes, as I will show in my report “Their Theories”, great physical discoveries.

Among other things, one can for example prove that the Theory Of All could be a fractal hollow-sphere-model in a 6-fold or 6-dimensional space. In such a fractal hollow-sphere-model of All, the world repeats itself in the micro as well as in the macro, again and again at each level/plane of size. No matter where and no matter in which of these level-sizes one is currently situated, the world always looks the same.

Funnily enough, one can at the same time take this Theory Of All also totally informally to a string theory. Because if the world repeats itself on the level of a universe or of a photon again and again in the micro, then one has automatically contracting since produced by gravitation, fields in a space. Combined with a 4-5 dimensional hollow-sphere form of these fields, the result in a 6-dimensional space with a shifting of space dimensions 1 — 3 to 4 — 6 are contracting strings to expanses in space.

And so we get from the original hollow-sphere-theory an incomplete string theory! 


  From Thomas Kirschner, editor of the German NEXUS Magazine:

Dear Bill,

Our team here spent a few hours analyzing the document, and I made a few calls to other “well-connected” friends.

It’s probably too early to make a definite assessment, but my general impression is to be careful.

This document consists of two parts: 95% of it is a fantastic story, and my own judgment is that it isn’t more than that. I could be wrong, of course, and some of my friends disagreed with me. Still, I would advise everybody to be extremely cautious. Besides that, this part of the book doesn’t really contain much useful information (in the sense that the material could be related to anything in the “real” world).

It does make claims that bear similarity to certain Montauk-concepts (the author talks of a certain chair that can be used for remote viewing etc.) – but anybody could come up with such a story, having read the Montauk books and other far out material.

The physics section is something else, and it seems to me rather unrelated to the rest of the book, which makes it seem to me as if the author just copied it into his own story to gain credibility. But coming back to the physics:

One of my friends is a really, really well informed scientist, who is familiar with the work of Dr. Burkhard Heim. He told me that the material seems to be definitely based on Burkhard Heim’s work, and he had the impression that it even goes beyond that – like a practical application. If that’s true, then it would be really something.

I asked for my friend’s opinion about the rest of the book, but he did not want to go into detail. However, he assured me that it is indeed “something”. He also assured me that the Russian video documentary, which I have not seen yet, would be “very revealing”.

So, that’s really all I can tell you at the moment about this book. But I learned some other interesting things in that phone conversation:

My friend assured me that the information from Henry Deacon and Dan Burisch is absolutely head on, especially the claims regarding T1 and T2 [timeline 1 and timeline 2]. He said that there are two calculations regarding that fork-point: One says that it might come already this year. The other says that it will come right at the end of 2012.

I asked him: “Why do you think that it would come now? Do you think the Mayans made a mistake?” His answer was that the Mayans were surely right, but that our calendar system could be wrong, i.e. the “real” 2012 might be earlier than we think.

Then I asked him for the physical, scientific evidence for this [the timeline split], and he said that it would come from Burkhard Heim and from physicist Kip Thorne. He urged me to Google for “Thorne” and for “Vega”.

He also said that for top-ranking scientists who work for the (shadow-) Government, Montauk is absolutely standard knowledge. Whether it happened exactly as in the famous Montauk books would be another question, but T1 and T2, as Dan Burisch describes them, are current topics of discussion.

I asked him about Planet X and if he thought that was a real danger. His comment was that it might only be for those who stayed on T2. Then I asked him how he imagined the transition from our time into T1 or T2, and he said that he imagined that we will go into some kind of tunnel, or enter a short sleep, that might only take seconds, and then we’re in the new time.

To conclude: these are all exciting topics. But let’s try to not get carried away. Remember, everything that I’ve just written is just human opinion, and each of us could be wrong.

The only “hard” evidence that can be checked out is that last section of the book, which contains scientific material. Whether that is real has still to be researched. And whether that author came up with it by himself or whether he just copied it from some book, is another unanswered question. I myself would tend to the second conclusion.  


  From E.S., German-speaking researcher :

E-mail exchange with Barabou Vedu – a Summary

After finding out his email address in late January 2008, I contacted Barabou Vedu with a couple of questions.

He replied with the following : The base New Berlin was most likely NOT founded by the Nazis: he himself was shown inside the base several “eye-movies” dating back to the 17th century. He concludes that the base must therefore be much older. As for a possible Nazi- Alien connection, he says that he does not know anything about that. He mentions that were many tall, blond and blue-eyed people present. As for the “Indian” languages spoken in the base, he says that he was often addressed in an unknown language that was called Indian. However, he only remembers a handful of words from that language.

As for the advanced physics in the last part of the book, he explains that modern physics can not progress without integrating the idea of the “Ether” into their models. He lists a number of possibilities that should result, albeit with different probabilities, from the advanced physics in the book: among these are, Space Travel at any desired speed (even greater than C), leaving our 3-dimensional space in the 4th or 5th spatial direction, use of Ether as an information storage medium, with advanced Mind Control technology as a consequence.


In my next email, I asked about his personal life and circumstances. BV replied that is was rather tough going and he mentions for the first time “terrible traumatizing events” which he would rather forget forever.

He says that he finished school and then did not do anything for years as he did not comprehend that someone who wants to have a job must go out and find a job. In 2004, he finally decided to try and learn a craft. He mentions that he even dreamed of studying math and physics, but this came to nothing as he realized that intellectual work was not for him.

Being asked whether he had approached publishers with his book, he said that he had not- but that he would not mind someone doing this, so long as he could remain anonymous.


I decided to challenge him on several points that I found hard to believe when I read his report.

To give just two examples, I asked where the Coca-Cola cans in the secret base came from: Barabou Vedu says he does not know, but they may have been received in exchange for Advanced Technology.

In another surreal bit of that email string, I remarked that a film about the great famine in America can hardly have been called A Film about the Great Hungary. I explained to him that Hungary is a country in central Europe. He replied, perplexed, that those films he saw about “Hungary” talked about hunger and poverty in the 30s in the USA.

I also asked him why he says that the base was in Antarctica, when on the cover page of his printed edition there is a poem that reads “The future has already begun here, under the ice of an Arctic glacier” ? I asked, which one is it now?

He replied, that while writing the report he had become more and more convinced that the base was actually NOT located in Antarctica but near the North Pole.


After several more email exchanges with BV, I suggested that we finally meet in person. BV declined, but he agreed to participate in a conference call that (as Bill had suggested) I set up with BV and another German-speaking researcher.
During our phone call, we put forward the following to BV:

Q : Do you have a visual memory of your father?
BV: No, all I remember is that he used to sit in a corner and cry when I was in the (bereschewan) seat.
Q: What is your mother tongue?
BV: My mother tongue is English. I only started learning German once I got out of the base
Q: Do you have any “missing time” in your life ?
BV: Yes, between the autumn of 1996 and around March 1997, I cannot remember a single thing.
Q: Give us an example of those “terrible, traumatizing things” that you witnessed at the base ?
BV: One day my friend and mentor, Walter Pfeffer went up to the glass roof of the base, and he looked through the glass and said “Well, spring is here finally !”

We also asked BV what exactly the purpose of the base and its operations was: he said one purpose was to go into people’s minds, to read their thoughts, and influence them.

Another purpose of the Chair was to share new ideas with scientists. It was also used for telling bad people to better themselves and for making warlike people more peaceful.

As for the science, BV adamantly insists that he saw pictures (not formulas) in the “eye-movies” inside the base and that he wrote down the formulas and equations years later.


I discussed the above exchanges with Bill and Kerry on several occasions: we all agree that Barabou Vedu must have gone through some very traumatizing experiences, very likely involving advanced Mind Control technology.


After the phone call, we sent to BV a link to an important, leaked NSA document that summarizes in detail the different Mind Control techniques developed in the US over the last 40 years.

BV replied, commenting that the technology that was used on him must have been much more advanced than that. He suspects that the NSA scientists must have come across something very advanced in a strange place and must have been trying to replicate it ever since. With limited success, he says.

He finds interesting that the NSA’s MC masters ask their victims to write diaries.. much as he himself was encouraged to paint whatever he had seen in the eye-movies inside the base. He concludes, there are striking parallels between the NSA experiments and his own experiences, but that in his case the transmission of pictures directly into the brain was far advanced.

Lastly, and this is the last we heard from BV: He categorically refuses to consider any kind of regression or hypnosis therapy in order to come to the bottom of his strange tale.

He insists that his personal “therapy” has been the writing of the report, and the “case is closed” for him.


The fact that BV lives de facto in hiding – and yet he made a great effort writing, printing and distributing his work is another, fascinating contradiction in this whole story. It is one of many, we feel. With so many fundamental questions unanswered, it is hard to believe that the “Base New Berlin” story is really to be taken at face value.

On the other hand, we clearly feel that BV is a troubled man who has suffered greatly through something that is shrouded from his conscious memory at the moment. His decision to call the case closed is understandable and we respect it. Although it may only be temporary .. as we hope.  


Click here to download (PDF 18.6 Mb).

Click here to download as a torrent.

Click here to view the May 2006 Russian TV documentary NAZI BASES IN ANTARCTICA, which contains some extraordinary and apparently authentic images.

Click here for the Jim Marrs article ANTARCTICA: A NAZI BASE?


Click here for the article EXPLORING THE ANTARCTIC REICH.

Click here for the article EXPLORING THE ANTARCTIC REICH – Part 2


Click here for the excellent summary article THE NAZIS AND THE ALDEBARAN MYSTERY.

In three of the above five articles, ‘Neu Berlin’ or ‘Neuberlin’ is referenced as a Nazi base in Antarctica. The source of this in each case is a 2003 report by Russian researcher Dr Konstantin



The following text was written by Dan Burisch’s colleague, Marci McDowell, with a number of clarifying footnotes and other links added by Project Camelot. We offer it in response to a number of requests for a summary of the very complex and important edifice of testimony which is Dan Burisch’s personal story.

Dr. Dan B Catselas Burisch – A short biography

Dr. Burisch was a Senior Operative/Scientist, responsible first to the Committee of the Majority and the Majestic 12 (1986-2003), then only to the Majestic 12 (2003-2005), before it was adjourned (October 12, 2005).

During the 1991 Gulf War, he was assigned to a Black/Ops Unit, and was deployed into the International Coalition’s Zone of Operations, for the purpose of counteracting a rogue military unit’s intended application of unauthorized biological warfare agents against the Iraqi Army.

After his return, he was ultimately assigned as a ‘Microbiologist V’ at the Papoose Lake Facility (S4) and operated as a Working Group Leader on Project Aquarius, where his responsibilities included leading a group of scientists in the investigation of a ‘J-Rod’s’ (extraterrestrial entity’s) neuropathy. Such investigation included his being introduced into a Clean Sphere containment unit and interacting directly with the J-Rod, then processing, evaluating, and transforming tissue samples for reintroduction into the J-Rod, with the intent to ameliorate the pathology.

In the late 1990s, Dr. Burisch was formally censured by the Committee of the Majority for his violation of direct orders, but had his academic credentials restored in 2006 by intervention of a very private Religious order, based in France. (His credentials may be verified upon request.) During 2005, for a short time, Dr. Burisch sat as a pro-tem member of the Majestic 12, as MJ-9, and was finally assigned as H-1-Maj, the designated person to disclose the “extraterrestrial human lineage (time travel) information”. He completed his final orders in September, 2006, and is retired from service.

In June 2007 he was asked my the new Majestic group to participate for several months in a special project concerning issues of “National Security”, which invitation he accepted. This assignment lasted until 14 December, 2007.

Dr. Burisch continues to conduct and publish research, as Chief Scientist of the “Eagles Disobey Research Consortium” and Corporate Director of Eagles Disobey, Inc., with Dr. Marcia McDowell (President, Eagles Disobey, Inc.). Their publications include the image analysis of Mars anomalies, Acoustic research aimed toward the Healing Arts and Sciences, and an unusual discovery, designated ‘Lotus’.

Dr. Burisch will make a public announcement about Lotus during his scheduled interview by Rob Simone on 1 March, 2008 at the coming International UFO Congress at Laughlin, Nevada.


Dan’s experiences with Extraterrestrials, and Majestic-12, go back about 20 years. He was inducted into Majestic in 1986, while he was a student at UNLV. Even before he was at UNLV he had a long and distinguished history in microbiology, working for many years with the Los Angeles Microscopical Society, and studying with Dr. John Bunyan (England)1, so Majestic knew he was gifted.2

They offered him an opportunity to work in BlackOps, in his specialty, and become well respected in Special Applications and the chance to further his education into areas he’d only dreamed about. So he said ‘yes’ and found himself being trained and groomed to work up at Area-51 on ‘exotic’ biological materials.

At that time, Dan did not know that he was in fact being ‘mentored’ by one of the highest ranking members of the Majestic-12, who felt (and still continues to feel) a great affection and connection to Dan because of the events surrounding Dan’s abduction in the early 1970s.3 While working on exotics Dan (by then, Dr. Dan Crain, having completed his Ph.D) learned that the tissue he had been studying was in-fact Extraterrestrial in nature.

Dan found that he was being given a surprising measure of leeway, while working within the facility. He was still required to follow all the protocols, however his badge (as we later learned) was keyed to allow him access to multiple levels within the laboratory complexes at both Area-51 and S-4.4 This permitted him a range of movement, and access to other projects rarely enjoyed by those working in highly structured Special Application environments.

Dan became familiar with a project called ‘Looking Glass’ which involved a back-engineered Extraterrestrial device originally designed to be a portal opening mechanism for Stargate-type travel – which had (has) the capacity to bend time/space so that events over the forward and rear event horizons could be viewed. When it is paired up with a second device using the settings, events can not only be viewed but heard and more. This device was also being tested for communications protocols and transportation applications as recently as 2003-2004 before being dismantled for safety reasons as we enter further into the highly energetic space in and around the galactic plane.5

While being introduced to these other projects, Dan began to work as part of the Aquarius-J-Rod team6 which was tasked with the problem of figuring out why the J-Rods (commonly called Grays)7 were suffering from a debilitating medical condition that affected their nerves. Part of this work involved taking physical tissue samples from the J-Rod housed deep below S-4 in a ‘Clean Sphere’ designed to support his atmospheric and environmental needs.

It soon became apparent that these Extraterrestrials were not all that different from us. In fact, as communications improved, it was learned that they are not so much space travelers as time/space travelers, using a small planet in the Gliese System as a local base (approximately 15 light years from Earth) where they can stage for their trips here. Using Looking Glass technology (which might be more properly called Stargate technology) they traveled in time from a Human future, which is real to them, but only potential for us.8

Dan was introduced into the protocols surrounding the J-Rod by having him be part of the backup team, while his supervisor Steven M. would suit up and go in to do the tissue sample removals. However, the J-Rod began to reject Steven and make demands that Dan be allowed to suit up and enter the Clean Sphere for the tissue samples instead.

This created some immediate problems in the team structure as Dan was the newest member and not nearly senior enough in time or experience for such a responsibility. But the J-Rod was insistent. Dan was rapidly promoted within the team and soon found himself being trained in the protocols necessary for entering into the Clean Sphere and work directly with the J-Rod. (Dan details these steps in great detail in the DVD8– going from the very start of the process, entering the gantry, the protocol for entering the Clean Sphere, the sampling method, what it was like to work directly with the Extraterrestrial, their communications, the exit protocols and debriefing – he goes step by step so everybody can follow it.)

It was later learned that the reason that the J-Rod insisted on this change of personnel, was because he recognized Dan as one of the abducted children on the craft he had been aboard that day back in the early 1970s. It is always difficult to explain this, since discussing the movement through time as well as space is difficult.9 This particular J-Rod had been traveling in the company of a group of P45s (a J-Rod group originating approximately 45,000 years into the future) who were doing the abduction sampling that day in the early 1970s. He then traveled back to 1953 on a different mission which ended in a crash near Kingman, AZ. He was recovered from that crash location and taken to S-4 and housed there. As a result of his presence on the craft when Dan was abducted, he felt a strong connection to Dan.

Dan eventually became accustomed to his new role, but on one occasion, while he was working directly with the J-Rod, there was a break in the protocol, and the J-Rod took a step towards Dan. This was still early enough in their working relationship that it startled Dan who backed up (again a violation of the protocol) and ended up catching his heel on a floor grate and falling backwards. The J-Rod climbed up on top of him, and sat on his chest while taking this opportunity to ‘think’ deeply to Dan, sharing a great deal of his people’s history and his own personal experiences with Dan.10

This was completely unprecedented, and prompted an emergency reaction among the support teams. In the time it took to get somebody else into the Clean Sphere and rescue Dan, the J-Rod ‘downloaded a vast amount of information into Dan’s mind. Dan was unconscious when he was finally removed, and spent (as I understand it) several days in a coma. He was maintained in their medical facilities at S-4 until he was well enough to return to travel back to Area-51 and then to Las Vegas.11

Since that time, there have been many unsuccessful attempts to get Dan to share with Majestic what the J-Rod shared with him during that interaction. Dan has refused to say much, but was inordinately interested in our space program (among other things) afterwards.

Dan gathered tissue samples from the J-Rod for about 2 years, ending in 1996. The Q-94 document (it was leaked out to me by Steven M. before his death) is an early draft of a document that Dan and Steven were writing to go up to the Cover Committee, concerning their work with the King-series tissue samples. It’s important for many reasons, including the rare glimpse it gives into the way things were done, and how they were written up inside a BlackOps project.

In the years that followed, Dan worked with Majestic as they needed him, and maintained a cover job in Las Vegas (several actually – in the field of security and safety).

One day, while looking through images of Mars in the NSSDC (NASA gallery) Dan spotted something that looked like another face on the Martian surface, in the area called ‘Inca City’. During 1997 and 1998 Dan worked with Marcia McDowell on a book called Eagles Disobey: The Case for Inca City, Mars. The fact that he was writing this book, and finding an amazing number of anomalies in this previously ignored region, had many in Majestic sitting up and taking notice.

They again pressed him for information about what the J-Rod shared with him, and whether it had anything to do with his discoveries. Dan still refused to tell them anything. Then NASA announced that they had discovered evidence of life in a Martian meteorite, which Dan reviewed and found suspiciously similar to a small microbe discovered by one of the NASA panelists 30 years previously in Australia, and immediately went on record challenging NASA’s announcement.

As our work grew closer to publication, and became more volatile, the threats started. It was a very difficult time, as both Dan and I were afraid for ourselves as well as our loved ones, but we decided to push forward, regardless of the risk. Finally the Committee of the Majority (the body that had superceded Majestic-12 for a time, ending in approx. 2002) utterly frustrated with Dan’s refusal to be stopped, issued a demand that Dan stop his work on the book.

We later learned that they were afraid of how close we were coming to issues concerning the doctrine of convergent time line paradox12 (the problems that had been caused by the J-Rods who were using their technology to travel back in time, and thereby creating overlaying time anomalies). Of course, Dan refused. The book was published and released in late 1998. Almost immediately the Committee took action against Dan, causing his Ph.D degree to be vacated. (This was not all that difficult for them, since Majestic had brokered the deal for his schooling to the Ph.D level in the first place, so they controlled the ‘playing field’.) The loss of his credential hit Dan so hard that he suffered a heart attack and was hospitalized.

Upon his recovery Dan found himself seriously on the ‘outs’ with Majestic and the Committee of the Majority. Angrier than ever Dan continued to look for more anomalies on Mars and we produced two more small publications (which will be worked into the rewrite of Eagles Disobey currently underway) showing amazing finds on the surface of Mars.

By the time 1999 came around, the Committee of the Majority was determined to do something about Dan’s behavior. They couldn’t outright ‘get rid’ of him, as he had heavy connections into the upper echelons of Majestic, as well as deep connections with the J-Rods who were in treaty negotiations with Majestic and major governmental bodies, plus he also had familial connections due to his marriage into a Majestic family line that reached all the way back to the early 1940s and the Roswell incidents.

So, the decision was taken to try to modify his memories of rebelling against their authority (in essence the entire period of time where he and I worked on Mars issues, and wrote the book Eagles Disobey: The Case for Inca City, Mars) and move he and his family to a new location, with new cover jobs, and a completely different environment.

To facilitate this, Dan was taken up north, and underwent a process involving experimental neuropeptides (I do not know all the details). Afterward, he was placed in Mississippi where he was supposed to begin a new life. What nobody in the Committee of the Majority had counted upon was the fact that Dan’s mind utterly rejected the conditioning, and soon thereafter he began to experience memory breakthroughs.

Fearing for his health under the stress of these unpredicted results (and fearing that they might have ruined one of their best scientists) they decided to take steps to reverse what they’d done. Dan was collected and taken back into secure facilities, and eventually returned to Las Vegas, where the family had been re-established to await his return. Thankfully Dan recovered from this and settled back into his normal life in Las Vegas, concentrating on his research and personal studies.

As time moved on, Dan became deeply involved in his study of the Voynich manuscript13 and his personal research project called the Lotus protocol. He also became involved in the T-9 treaty negotiations through his Majestic connections, during which he was instrumental in getting the number of treaty-authorized abductions reduced to zero. More recently, he started researching the Solfeggio frequencies. This has grown into a book-length project that has received the kind attention of Dr. Len Horowitz and Dan Winter.

What started out as a small side project is gathering momentum as we already have publishers asking about it. We anticipate its release toward the end of 2006 or early 2007. In late 2003 two things happened: I found myself approached by Majestic and inducted (so that I would stop being a thorn in their side) and offered the chance to work directly with Dan to help him complete certain projects that they felt were important. (Why didn’t they just kill me? I learned, after my induction, that my father was deeply involved as a courier between countries for the Majestic-12 while the creation of the Committee of the Majority was being undertaken in the early to mid-1960s.)

The other thing which happened was that Dan once again saw the J-Rod who had become his friend at S-4. The circumstances are more thoroughly explained by Dan in the DVD, but (suffice to say that) in an utterly shocking move Dan helped the J-Rod use a Stargate device (in operation nearby) so he could return home.14 Majestic personnel were (once again) very upset with Dan over this action, but there was nothing they could do.

Then, in the fall of 2005, Dan was presented with orders for him to speak openly and truthfully about his experiences with the J-Rod as well as his time at Area-51/S-4 and his history with Majestic. It was a shocking decision taken by the Majestic-12 and once his acceptance of their orders was transmitted back, they stood in adjournment giving Dan approximately one year to accomplish this mission.

The orders were also addressed to me (to facilitate Dan’s completion of this mission) and others to protect him as he fulfilled his orders. When we told our associates of the situation, we immediately received offers of help. In fact, we tried twice to work with people who said ‘all they wanted to do was help‘. Unfortunately, each time, within a matter of months, their ‘help’ changed into something very different. We knew that the only way to complete our orders within the time frame was to take matters into our own hands. This meant that I had to learn how to edit, and hope for the best.

The DVD that Dan and I have recently released (in which Dan talks in detail about his experiences at Area-51, S-4 and his time in Majestic) was done in fulfillment of those orders. Dan speaks to issues about the doctrine of convergent timeline paradox and how the Stargate (Looking Glass) technology impacts us all. It’s not just a form of new technology; it is something that has the potential to cause irreparable harm as we move through this critical time in our history.15

We could either be faced with great catastrophe or a renaissance for humanity, depending upon how we handle these next few years, physically (in terms of keeping this technology from proliferating) and spiritually. The issue of the technological proliferation has been ‘handled‘, and continues to be contained by the armed forces of many great nations working quietly together, the spiritual issues are something which each of us can help with.

On the spiritual side, we are encouraging everybody to concentrate on UNITY and to meditate or pray for humanity to successfully move through this upcoming period of crisis. If we go the wrong way we justify the J-Rod’s history books, and eventually humanity will become fractured as a result, splitting off into the forerunners of the J-Rods and the Orions (so named for the final destination of each of these groups of humanity). Dan’s friend, a J-Rod who came back from approx. 52,000 years in our future, had come back in time not only to try to obtain help for his people’s illness, but to share a information with us so we could take the necessary steps to change our future for the better.

If you feel inspired to help, please visit the section in this website where you can download UNITY flyers. The ‘Unity’ campaign has seen hundreds of thousands of flyers all over the world put up in different languages, reminding people that now is the time to pray for peace and unity. Please feel free to download a copy in your language, and put it up in your city or town. It doesn’t matter if it seems to be a small effort – every positive effort counts.16

I believe that the Majestic-12 know that there are things Dan learned from the J-Rod during that event in the Clean Sphere which need to be shared with the public, so that we can make it through this critical time in our history, and emerge into our future as a united humanity. I also know that we can’t possibly reach everybody. But I am confident that our best efforts will get this information into the hearts and minds of those people who need it, who can use it, and who will help make a difference. This is what the words ‘Tell The World’ really mean.

That is why we are doing all of this, and coming forward now to tell people the truth about what Dan experienced and what he learned of the Extraterrestrial intelligences, first hand. This first DVD, plus the many hours of live and taped interviews Dan has provided to media, technically fulfill the orders. Dan having met the minimum requirements is now free to do as he chooses with the rest of his retirement. I, on the other hand have so much information and taped material left over (I only had so much room on the DVD) that I can clearly envision doing additional DVDs about aspects of Dan’s experiences that I didn’t have time to cover in the first DVD. I am also in possession of all Dan’s diaries, covering over 20 years of his life, plus hundreds of thousands of images and videos from his research.

As many of you know, Dan’s health is not good. After this almost year-long effort to fulfill his orders, he suffered another seizure, and he is still very ill with the aftermath. It caught us all by surprise, and forced us to put the brakes on the ‘one-on-one’ telephone chats Dan had started to do with interested people from the community. Hopefully those will be able to start again once he feels better, but everything will depend on Dan’s health. One way or another, all of the promises that Dan and I have made about disclosing information to the public will be honored, and the charitable contributions as outlined by Dan, will be made.

One thing I do know, Dan is a fighter (watch this 8 minute Google video, recorded when Dan was not conscious he was on camera, and released with his subsequent permission). He has been through more hardship than any ten people I know put together, and he still keeps fighting. I think he should serve as an inspiration to everybody – never give up! Stay true to yourself, keep your honor intact, do what you know is right even if it’s inconvenient, and keep pressing forward no matter what other people say.

– Marcia A. McDowell, Ph.D. 09/2006

Footnotes, added by Project Camelot:

  1. Link referencing Dr. John Bunyan here.
  2. (this note provided by Marci McDowell) There is a part of Dan’s history that goes back, and has a bearing on all of this. It was in the early 1970s, and Dan encountered a group of J-Rods in an abduction situation (see Project Camelot’s first interview with Dan for full details). He remembered very little of the experience, but learned later in his life that this was a pivotal turning point for him.

    Due to what took place during that event, Dan found himself returned to the park from which he was taken, subtly changed. Over the next few years he developed a staggering ability in the area of biology, microscopy, and the sciences – so stunning that his mother arranged for Dan to be tutored by the (then) director of pathology at Long Beach Memorial Hospital, in histology and microbiology. Dan, still a young child, spent several years working on the weekends with Dr. Reynolds, and becoming highly skilled in microscopy – eventually being brought into the Los Angeles Microscopical Society as the youngest member they had ever had.

  3. John Michael McConnell, former MJ-1 and appointed US Director of National Intelligence in January 2007.
  4. S-4 is a particular area within Area 51, which in turn is an area within Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada.

  5. Our sun with its solar system, on its long and slightly uneven orbit around the center of the galaxy, is gradually approaching a position where within a few years it will be exactly and symmetrically level with the plane of the galaxy itself. It is very close to this plane already, at the time of writing (2007).

    Many sources state that it is known within military and intelligence circles – as well as understood esoterically through channeled and other information – that as the solar system enters this band it will be heavily affected by energy emanating from the core of the galaxy which will cause effects on the ecosphere and the Earth’s crust not experienced on the Earth for over 25,000 years. These effects are being felt already, and are due to become more pronounced.

    Some argue that this is currently causing an increase of solar activity and a consequent warming of every planet in the solar system, not just the Earth, and that a catastrophe unprecedented in our civilization is in danger of occurring. See this excellent research article for full details.

    See also this page for precautions the American military has been taking through the trillions of dollars spent in construction of over a hundred deep underground bases in which any surface calamity could be survived by a relatively small and carefully selected elite group of people.

  6. Project Aquarius was the name given to the study of the J-Rod and the information learned from this.
  7. Dan Burisch reports extensive contact with two groups of J-Rods, both races of future humans who have traveled back in time to our world. One group, called by Majestic the P45s (an abbreviation for Present + 45,000 years), come from 45,000 years in our future. Another group is called the P52s, and come from 52,000 years in our future.

    The P45s are also called by Majestic ‘the rogues’, and are self-serving in their agenda – which the P52s are not. The P45s are commonly reported in UFOlogy as ‘the Grays’, the group which has been carrying out most or all of the abductions. According to Dan, the P45s are intent on ‘justifying their history’ and WANT the catastrophe described in (5) above to occur, as this occurred in their history and was pivotal in creating them as a race. The purpose of the abductions, Dan explained in his recent Project Camelot interview, is a long-term longitudinal genetic drift study which is aimed solely at benefiting their species. The P52s are more altruistic and have returned to attempt to help our present time situation.

    There is also a third group, called by Majestic the P52 Orions. These are also known in UFO and contact reports as the ‘Nordics’, are much more human-looking, and are a very spiritual race. Dan has only encountered these in treaty negotiations, and has stated in his recent interview with Project Camelot that he admired them and would have liked to have spent more time with them.

    The differences in physiology occurred after the catastrophe – which in our timeframe has not yet happened – caused by one group (the P45 and P52 J-Rods) staying underground on Earth to survive in the post-apocalyptic world until eventually they migrated to Zeta Reticuli, while the other group (the P52 Orions) left Earth soon after the catastrophe to venture to the Moon, then Mars, then to other distant star systems which became their new home. Environmental and other factors created the marked difference in the two genomes after several tens of thousands of years had passed. The P45 Orions were in good shape, while the P45 and P52 J-Rods had degenerated substantially.

    According to Dan, it was the P52 Orions who met with Eisenhower in 1954, and who at that time misjudged the military’s capacity to take responsibility for the technology they were given in that meeting. Following that, the P52 Orions re-evaluated the situation and insisted that treaty negotiations must begin. The P45 J-Rods were unaware of the existence of the Orion group until they encountered them in this timeframe. It is only in the context of the treaty negotiations, in which Dan played an important role, that the three groups (four, including humans from present time) all met.

  8. This DVD, entitled Tell the World, is available from Marci McDowell at marcia_mcdowell@yahoo.com.

  9. There appears to be a complex, interconnected tangle of timelines which have been created in attempts to ‘fix’ this situation. As Henry Deacon, who confirms Dan’s testimony, explained to us personally, the essence of the timelines problem is that if one travels back in time to kill one’s grandfather – the famous ‘grandfather paradox’ – one does not suddenly cease to exist in this timeframe. Instead, the paradox is avoided by another, parallel timeline being created at the point of the grandfather’s death. There can be any number of such parallel timelines, and future timelines (created by future beings traveling back in time to make changes) exist only as potentials for us, and not as predetermined fixed realities. This is important metaphysically, as choice and free will are preserved at all times.
  10. The J-Rod told Dan his name was Chi’el’ah (pronounced Kee-ay-la).
  11. What is not described here by Marci are the several very serious beatings Dan received.
    dan burisch 1 sm dan burisch 2 sm dan burisch 3 sm
  12. The Doctrine of the Convergent Timeline Paradox is also known as the ‘DCTP’ (useful in Google searches).
  13. The Voynich Manuscript is a mysterious, lengthy illustrated document of some antiquity. It first surfaced in the Middle Ages, appears to be in code or written in an unknown language, and has never been fully deciphered.
  14. See this page on our site. In illustrations 1 and 2 one can make out Dan’s detailed drawing of the ‘stroller’ in which the J-Rodstroller Chi’el’ah was being transported; it can be seen in the bottom right corner of each image. This is interesting because this was not the purpose of the drawings originally; the stroller is not labeled and no attention has been given to it.

    The story of Dan pushing the stroller into the Stargate so that Chi’el’ah could return home to his future time (and falling partly into the gate himself) is told graphically in his interviews with Project Camelot.

  15. After the catastrophe (on their timeline, in their history), the J-Rods analyzed why this had happened. Their conclusion was that it was almost certainly the amplifying effect of the artificial Stargate and Looking Glass devices (as distinct from natural stargates, which are not a danger) which had precipitated the catastrophe.

    The mission of the P52 J-Rods and P52 Orions was to come back in time to advise us strongly to decommission these devices until after the danger period had passed – roughly 2005 to 2017, to provide a good margin of safety. According to Dan, this has occurred. See his recent interview with Project Camelot for more details. Dan states that according to Looking Glass data (the last data obtained before the devices were dismantled) the probability of the catastrophe being averted was 81%, with an 85% confidence in the accuracy of that calculation.

    UPDATE, January 2008:

    Dan completed his ‘sabattical’ in mid-December 2007. While this has never been explicitly stated, it is clear to us that he was “invited back in” by the new Majestic group to assist in some critical work that was taking place over a period of several months to (among other things) evaluate progress in the ongoing handling of the timeline problem.

    We should state here for the record that this is our own surmise, and that this has not been stated to us by Dan in those words. He is very constrained in what he can and can’t reveal about his recent activities.

    He did, however, announce in his blog in December that we were now safely off Timeline 2 (on which the catastrophe occurred in the future humans’ history) and were instead now on ‘Variant 83 of Timeline 1’.

  16. In and among the complexity of this edifice of challenging information, this may be the single most important thing to grasp: that – see note (9) above – we have free will and full choice at all times. What will happen to us is what we agree will occur… consciously or unconsciously. This is a fundamental metaphysical truth.

    We have the gift to be able to choose the fate and welfare of the world and our civilization. A critical mass of agreement is necessary in order to choose what we wish to experience. If we do not want a catastrophe to occur, then this starts with your conscious intent, now.



Dan Burisch’s tribute to Benazir Bhutto

Dan Burisch, who knew Benazir Bhutto personally, has written a tribute to Benazir and has asked us to make it available on our site. It’s our pleasure to do so.

The tragic loss of Benazir is significant for the world in a number of complex ways. There are some deeply important and hidden games being played out behind the scenes with a very great deal at stake. On 10 December – before Benazir’s assassination – we met with Dan personally and talked about this at length, and we’re in no doubt that the coming 12-24 months is a critical time for us all.

Dan wrote this on his blog when learned the news:

  It was with profound shock and sadness that I learned, within this last hour, of the death of the former Prime Minister of Pakistan, Benazir Bhutto.

About 17 years ago, Deborah and myself had the distinct privilege of meeting Mrs. Bhutto in Las Vegas, during a speaking tour. After a speech at UNLV, people spoke with her near the stage, and Deborah, she and myself engaged in a conversation. Soon, both Deborah and myself enjoyed private correspondence with her. Such correspondence continued into this year.

Since that time at UNLV, Mrs. Bhutto has been involved in more “unity for humanity” directed projects than the public may ever know. She was a brilliant lady, a strong leader, and a person many of us had hoped would regain political power in Pakistan. Elements of the “Timeline 1 variant 83” information from the Looking Glass speak directly about Pakistan, elements which have been privately shared with certain individuals. Mrs. Bhutto was aware of that information and I am sure that played a role in her decision to return to Pakistan, from her self-imposed exile, at this critical moment for humankind.

The Burisch and McDowell families, and all of the Eagles Team, wishes to send their deepest condolences to Mrs. Bhutto’s family.

Mrs. Bhutto’s sacrifices for humanity will never be forgotten, nor will her cause be lost!



Soon after, we received this message from Marci McDowell:

Aside from the worldwide impact of these events, Benazir’s death has impacted Dan personally, as he and his wife enjoyed very private personal written correspondence with her for many years. She was aware of what she was facing and made the decision to step forward to try to sway the normal implications of T1 (variant 83) to a more peaceful outcome. She confided in several people, before she returned to her beloved Pakistan, that she was placing the band of the martyr on her forehead, which signals her understanding that she was courting death.

She did speak with Dan on the telephone prior to returning, but I do not have Dan’s permission to share the contents of the conversation except to say that nothing was couched and very frank talk and information was exchanged. She is a patriot and a martyr to the cause of world peace. I will speak with Dan about your kind offer [to post a eulogy], and see if we should make a statement. If so, once drafted, I will send it to you.

Here is Dan’s eulogy:

On the 27th of December, 2007, another in a long line of martyrs entered into eternal rest, in both the struggle for the democratic self determination of Pakistan and the cause of the Peace of Islam.

To the Great People of Pakistan: Peace be unto you! I beg that those of you who may read this humble appeal, a fraction of the populous and a few of those in position to lead, may receive it with the sole intent of love from which it is offered! The right condemnation now echoing through the great sea of Nation States of this planet, against those who would remove from your rightful possession, the power given to you by the Creator, to design for yourselves the path to your human freedom, has been heard in each and every corner of the globe.

The good people of this world have turned their ears and eyes toward your cries and we stand with you in your hopes and dreams for a peaceful and prosperous future. You have the same right to the Magna Carta for your land, your Charter of Democracy, as those who have preceded you, and are as equally strong as any other people to stand by the rule of law, while also demanding that those duly elected are subject to those same standards.

Sadly, history teaches us that no real forward movement toward freedom, by any nation of peoples, is ever paved without blood being spilled. It may be likened to a holy river which is called forth by the movement of gears in the grand machine called “human self-determination.” It will not be stopped, and it flows within us all, unbroken, one people of this earth.

In that moment, when one falls as a sacrifice for higher purpose, it should remind us all that we are equally called to that same purpose, we see our true equality in that ideal, and we find that none of us are any different from any other – neither can we be truly separated by lines on maps, by factions or ideologies, nor should we ever give quarter or standing to those who would incite further separation between us.

Standing on your countryside, roving amidst your sovereign nation are those who act to do just that: they see justice only with the striking of a blade. You know who they are, and your challenge, to become the free people that you deserve to be, is whether you will decide as ONE PEOPLE to stand against them.

They pose a greater threat to you, from within, than any nation positioned next to your own. They hold no flag, nor wear any uniform of a true Nation State, as none would have them. They represent the antithesis of the rule of law of all sovereign States, and hold forth a mockery of the Peace of Islam as their hypocritical banner.

They are now forcing you to decide to send them away, by any means you must, from your land, or see the perilous transition of a burgeoning Federal Democracy to a wasteland of ruin, made desolate by the same line of broken promises offered by all those whom have refused to carry the standard of peace, tolerance, and equanimity before them.

The history of lasting cultures also teaches us that those who find ultimate success after such an instant of true test, one fired in the sacred kiln of self-sacrifice, realize that the fallen neither passed in vain, nor should their sacrifice become an impetus for rage without end.

While the tragic death of my friend, the friend of all the free people, the great Benazir Bhutto, raises your righteous passions, and focuses the minds of the masses on what they have not, do not miss either the opportunity to promote the rise of a free people, or the challenge of those whom would seek to oppress you.

Your enemy is neither another Nation State, nor each other, but the spirit of intolerance and hatred itself which has now entered and roams amongst you wearing a mask, through which you have the unique power to see. That unique power is born by the eternal cry “Freedom!”

Those who read my humble words, who find yourselves being pulled apart by the great need of your people, leave not the least among them behind – the conviction in that eternal cry will carry you forth in their stead, and give you the power to stand before the great enemy of your people – division!

You stand united for justice, and the Nation States of the world will stand with you. You carry forward with the banner of peace, and many hands of love will be extended over borders, until, God willing, one day no one with guns will need guard them.

Peace be unto you, Pakistan! Peace be unto your people! Look within yourselves and find the beauty which is Pakistan!

Benazir Bhutto… she saw it! A leader whose piercing will and mind was only surpassed by a love in her heart for you, is watching what flower you raise from the place prepared by her body, from the spark given to you by her sacrifice. Her Manifesto will be your actions. Make the spirit of her legacy, your truth. Mark your days with vigilance over your power.

As the sight of the world is directed to you, stand, make right that which is wrong, and bear the hardships of your people with the dignity of the true Islam.

Peace be unto you, Pakistan! Now that we all know your beauty, Pakistan, shown to us by your hope, Benazir Bhutto, may we all pray that your region of our wonderful earth finds peace with justice.

