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Marcia Schafer : Ground Crew 101


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Marcia Schafer :

Ground Crew 101

Phoenix, Arizona, September 2008

We first interviewed Marcia Schafer in May 2007 (see below). When we met her husband Bob Dean for the second time in September 2008, we naturally sought an update from Marcia on where she saw everything going in the world… and what she could report from her professional consulting work with the large number of newly awakening executive clients she talks with every day.

Marcia told us about the growing awareness of what she calls the swing vote: those who are becoming aware of the new paradigm and the ET connection, and what this all means when applied to the real world.

We’ve called this interview Ground Crew 101 because it seemed to us that Marcia was strongly connecting with those who were just coming on board, discovering their missions, and integrating their new awareness into their everyday lives. Her no-nonsense, practical approach is refreshing. She is unabashedly positive in her outlook – in spite of the myriad of challenges we face together as a civilization in the next few years.

Her frank appraisal of the inner changes in perspective which are necessary to face the future is inspiring, and is a good guidestone for those just breaking out of the Matrix and taking on a mission: new recruits in the quest to save our planet and our humanity. We encourage those just waking up to the changing times around them – bravely taking those first steps into the great unknown replete with other dimensions, visiting ETs and conspiracy theories fast becoming facts – to watch… and welcome aboard.


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transcript click here
Bob Dean – Part 3 :
Introducing Marcia Schafer
Phoenix, Arizona, May 2007
Upon meeting Bob Dean, we came away not only a powerful and deeply moving interview with an old master, but we also spent the afternoon with his wife, Marcia Schafer: and we were delighted to learn about her growing role in the whole disclosure movement.

Marcia is a real crusader for truth and enlightenment, and is as involved Bob is in challenging old paradigms. We’ve read Marcia’s book Confessions of an Intergalactic Anthropologist, and she’s crystal clear and honest about who she is and the fascinating information she’s been receiving.

She’s extremely well prepared for her role. Bright, quick, lively, and extremely candid about what she knows, Marcia has taken the old paradigm and refashioned it to bring new insights into innovation and the world of business.

This brief but engaging interview at the end of a long afternoon serves as an introduction to Marcia, as well as providing an intimate look at their husband-wife dynamic that crosses over their many lives together.

Click here for the interview transcript.

David Wilcock – Implications of New Article

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David Wilcock

Benjamin Fulford – Possible World Events

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Benjamin Fulford

George Green – General Economic Update

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George Green

16 OCTOBER 2007 – 19 AUGUST 2008



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The Project Camelot Blog

 19 August 2008

A possibly important note about the Georgia-Russia scenario. Following the widespread (and grossly distorted) reports in the western media – accompanied by indignant statements by politicians in many NATO countries – that Russia was the aggressor in the South Ossetia conflict, Donald Tusk, the Polish Prime Minister, was on 14 August eventually persuaded to sign the US ‘defensive’ missile shield agreement – which the Polish government had previously delayed signing for 18 months.

We have not seen this explicitly suggested anywhere else, but it seems an obvious possibility that the Polish signature on the missile deal was the exact objective of the entire operation. Poland has some historical justification to be suspicious of Russia, and the US-engineered Georgia situation, accompanied by massive PR that here was proof that the Russians were dangerous and cannot be trusted, convinced Warsaw to sign at last.

If this was the US objective from the start, the Russians walked straight into the trap – which, to be fair, they could scarcely have avoided unless they had been willing to let thousands of South Ossetians be slaughtered.

The Russian Bear, totally aware of everything that has happened, will now be greatly angered and has already threatened to use nuclear weapons against the Polish missile sites. Furthermore, in the event of a surprise attack against Iran, the Russians will now hardly stand back and watch. The world is now a more dangerous place than at any time since the 1962 Cuban missile crisis.

 15 August 2008

The Contenders:

In a recent highly significant post to the Eagles Disobey Forum by “Rob” — who claims he was consulted on the phone by Dan Burisch ‘with plausible deniability as to who inspired what’…) the following disclosure was made regarding what Gary McKinnon actually found.

“[Gary McKinnon]…who claims he saw evidence that the United States Government and Orions are in a joint orbital fleet, awaiting a possible worldwide catastrophe.” — Eagles Disobey Forum guest, Rob

Although this is not what Gary claims in so many words. But if you read between the lines, this is a disclosure of what Gary actually stumbled upon. Gary stated in our interview that he found evidence of “non terrestrial officers, and off-world fleet to fleet transfers.”

What is being said in this Eagles Disobey post actually gives MORE information. This is a stunning disclosure and could be seen as a signal to the PTB of the real meaning behind what Gary saw. This is something that they, Dan Burisch and Marci McDowell are prepared to testify to… It’s throwing down the gauntlet and seeing if the PTB, who are attempting to extradite Gary and bring him to trial, really have the balls to raise this issue and all it portends….

 13 August 2008

Who’s in Charge?

Haaretz.com: U.S. Puts Brakes on Israel Plan to Attack Iran

What’s interesting about the article is this:

“..U.S. National Intelligence Director Mike McConnell and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mike Mullen both visited here in June and, according to the Washington Post, told senior Israeli defense officials that Iran is still far from obtaining nuclear weapons, and that an attack on Iran would undermine American interests. Therefore, they said, the U.S. would not allow Israeli planes to overfly Iraq en route to Iran.

The Americans sent a similar message to Iraq, which had objected vociferously to the idea of its air space being used for an Israeli attack on Iran.

These private messages were accompanied by a series of leaks from the Pentagon that Israel interpreted as attempts to thwart any possibility of an attack on Iran. For instance, the Americans revealed details of a major Israel Air Force exercise in the Mediterranean; they also said they doubted Israel had adequate intelligence about Iran’s nuclear facilities. In addition, Mullen spoke out publicly against an attack on Iran.

Two weeks ago, Barak visited Washington for talks with his American counterpart, Robert Gates, and Vice President Richard Cheney. Both conversations focused on Iran, but the two Americans presented conflicting views: Gates vehemently opposes an attack on Iran, while Cheney is the administration’s leading hawk…”

The question here is, if McConnell is in place to counter anything Bush/Neocons do at this point, then McConnell’s faction is poised to oppose the illuminati (Rothschilds) agenda to take down America (see Hawkeye’s testimony below)… and will be well aware of the October plans in the works… And to therefore, possibly prevent them.

Is that the way it is playing out? Is McConnell stepping up to the plate (along with Gates who is also MJ if you recall…)

In a sense a coup has already happened (another one! the death of JFK being the first one we are aware of though there may have been more before aka death of Lincoln for one…). This would be a good thing for America and a sign of hope on the horizon.

Burisch and McDowell pledge to testify on behalf of Gary McKinnon regarding the truth of what he found.

We have been notified by Dan and Marci that they are willing and committed to testifying should the case go to trial in the U.S. regarding the truth behind Gary’s assertion that he found evidence of non-terrestrial officers and off-world fleet to fleet transfers. Project Camelot salutes their courage and honesty! Stay tuned…

 12 August 2008 – update

On the European Court of Human Rights to hear McKinnon Case:

I am concerned over the speed of this now. Regarding Abu Hamza, (a radical Muslim preacher accused of helping to set up a terrorist training camp in the United States), we heard they are also hearing his case and the UK is staying extradition on this until the European Court rules:

Radical Islamic cleric Abu Hamza has extradition to US postponed

Last Updated: 12:08AM BST 05 Aug 2008

The European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg gave the order as the 48-year-old’s lawyers claimed he would be kept in inhuman conditions.
US authorities want to jail Hamza in America’s most secure jail, the Supermax ADX Florence in Colorado, which houses 38 convicted international terrorists.
His lawyers claim that prisoners live in boxes, there is only two hours exercise per week, there are no family visits and every correspondence is intercepted.
The Home Secretary Jacqui Smith has already approved Hamza’s extradition and last month Hamza was refused leave to appeal to the Law Lords, the highest court in England and Wales.

A Home Office spokesperson said: “The decision is a matter for the European Court. We shall seek to have his case expedited so it is heard as soon as possible.”

But you can see that THEY ARE ALREADY SAYING THEY WANT TO SEND Hamza to the Colorado Supermax… So the European Court could say that they have tangible evidence of what could be termed ‘cruelty or possible inhumane treatment’… In Gary’s case they do NOT yet, to my knowledge have any indication of where they plan to send him. This could be an indicator that may make arguing the case more difficult for Gary’s side.

And efforts to contact Majestic via DB may have moved the timeline because they (the PTB) are afraid we might gather more evidence and a following for Gary that would force the secret space program into the public arena. Because of this, they may be escalating matters.

But I want to stress that the evidence Gary found for the secret space program is likely his only TRUMP CARD. If he doesn’t play it then the Americans may be able to simply promise not to torture him…

But I am no legal expert… What they may be doing behind the scenes could be something like, ‘you give us Hamza and you can keep Gary….!!’

Who knows.


We have received this single sentence update from our source (let’s call him Hawkeye aka 7 July source ) who reported to us below.

First 10 days of October.

It is not clear what specifically he is referring to other than it was attached to the message below also received today.

News just in: Gary McKinnon has won a two-week delay on his extradition to the US.

His solicitors announced he had won a stay until August 28 by the European Court of Human Rights. A brief statement said he has been granted “interim relief” until that date “for his application to be heard before the full chamber”.

Click here for the full report, or visit the Free Gary website for ongoing updates.

We have received more still from the source (now dubbed Hawkeye) we reported yesterday. While this seems alarming and negative, we continue to feel a duty to report this as information we believe to be credible.

The Georgia event is the kick starter for things to begin to change on a much more aggressive scale. My friends are scared as I have never seen them before. Many have now moved their families south into Nicaragua or Costa Rica. They are on the front lines and know any retaliation with be at them first. Henchmen are mere pawns, you see.

So much is happening the news is not telling folks. The economy is far worse than is told, and we as a country are now broke. The collectors are at the door with guns… it is over.

The many talk show hosts who are freedom-minded are under major watch right now. We may see some shut downs before the end of the year. The Powers That Be want things to happen without news coverage, especially in the underground networks. Everything we are saying is monitored, but they believe checkmate is at hand. So it really makes no difference. We all just need to be out of the line of fire as things detoriate.

These are not games or casual warnings. On Saturday I heard that one of my friends has disappeared, no word, no phones working, no emails working, and someone new is living in his house this morning. This is the third time this has occurred this summer.

 11 August 2008

In response to a list of questions we posed about the escalating situation in Georgia, our 7 July source immediately replied with these important insights:

The Rothschilds want America brought to its knees so that the North American Union, a pre-step to world governance, can proceed. This means anything that will contribute to that cause. The Rothschilds want to rule the world through their multiple corporate giants they own and manage worldwide, PERIOD. They care not about money when one owns everything.

People who talk about the money-grabbing powers do not understand what is going on. Control and Power is the game.

Now, this means America must be split apart in every possible way, through war, economy, stock markets, civil unrest, and the ideas of freedom given a new meaning: “Managed Freedom” – the beehive effect, and disguised socialism managed by dictatorial methods.

Now, this does not mean America will cease to exist, but it will exist in a form never seen before, and most folks are now dumbed down enough to accept something new, even though it is a bit unpleasant. Americans love their beer and peanuts, and as long as the basics are in place, there will be no major riots: just smaller ones in lower income areas which are to be squeezed out of existence along with dissidents on whatever scale. Hello, trains and prison camps, and whatever else… bad stuff.

I just talked to a close friend who is, shall we say, a high level techno-mercenary handling engineering projects in Iraq, Afghanistan, and yes, in Iran. The process as he understands it is to proceed with Georgia and others, kicking Russia around a bit to destabilize/roughen them as well, as they want Russia and Putin insulted a bit due to recent displays of retaliation pressure.

Then probably some Pakistan event as they are surrounded now with heavy military we are not hearing much about (with some side activity with India later), and come through the back door to Iran through a subterfuge effect, as the US Government knows full well a direct confrontation on Iran is most dangerous, as Iran is radical and is capable at the moment of deadly retaliation.

No, Iran is not out of the game plan, as they are a thorn in the side of the Asian Union plan, so must be eventually taken apart. One could speculate that things in Iran internally most likely are about to change in unexpected ways. This is all I can say on that. There are all kinds of very smart and unusual people in Iran.

Please understand, as much as I would like to study all this more and feel out my contacts, I presently do not know the exact plans/ timelines, sorry to say.

Not been a priority for me to discover. More worried right now about the next 90 days here, making preparation, etc… as things are about to get steadily worse, with a probable October crash economically and otherwise… perhaps some eventual civil conflicts when the system begins to come apart even more than today. Gold and silver are important.

We will begin to see more chaos after October, some going to the streets in heavy minority areas around the country… LA, Chicago, NY, etc.

As I understand it, early October is dedicated to be the major shock month. Things are about to change even more drastically.

Personally, I will be surprised from what I have heard that there will even be an election. Let’s hope this is not the case, but right now I am not counting on there being one. The Crash (with major worldwide ramifications) will create such chaos that a “National Emergency” may be declared, suspending elections, and while they may not call it martial law, it will be a more aggressive form of a police state enforcement with foreign military brought in to do whatever it takes to establish control of the major populated areas of the country.

Ultimately, however, it will not make much difference, as the end result is in the making as we speak. The Rothschilds’ Zionists are hammering the government like never before, and they want things to begin to fall in place fast to fit their insane occult plan. BushCo, and Cheney etc, have no plans to change the plans now set into place… and what looks like division in the ranks is nothing more than the orchestrated effort of divide and conquer. The Rothschilds own most of the government decision makers, and those they do not are about to succumb to the Velvet Hammer in various ways.

For those who have the stomach to learn more still, there are two excellent Global Research articles here and here, by Dr Michel Chossudovsky and William Engdahl respectively.

I (Bill) am writing this while watching an in-depth news feature on BBC World. For the first time since the conflict started, the BBC anchor is seriously challenging David Bakradze, the Chairman of the Georgian Parliament, about the Georgian PR version of events. To understand more about what really happened – not so far at all represented on CNN as far as we are aware – we strongly recommend the Global Research articles referenced above.

 10 August 2008

We have heard again from the source we reported on 7 July, below. He strongly recommended that we read this new Edgar Steele article on Jeff Rense’s website, about the conflict in Georgia and its much wider implications. [Note: the article was removed from Rense 24 hours later. Click here for the original written article, and here for Steele’s 10 min audio.] Steele’s rhetoric is dramatic, but everything we know suggests that this is important, not just a local skirmish, and is part of an unfolding, orchestrated, bigger picture. An equally strong article, by Webster Tarpley, is here.

 9 August 2008

One of our back-channel efforts on behalf of Gary McKinnon has been to contact Dan Burisch regarding the role of Majestic (or Committee of the Majority or any other number of names they go by…) regarding the handling of this case and the effort by the ‘American government’ to extradite him to the US to stand trial. While it appears we have not been successful in enlisting the help of Dan to our cause, he has generously replied to our requests in some depth on his Eagles Disobey forum (pages 7 and 8):

Although we may not be in agreement with respect to the ‘rule of law’ in this case, we wanted to commend Dan for making the following statement:

“…All that said…please tell Kerry…that while “Eagles Disobey” does not support what Mr. McKinnon (himself) has apparently stated he did, there seems to be a ring of truth (whether by his actually seeing something or concocting it from things he’s read) in his descriptions of certain “ongoing relevant events.”

–Dan Burisch

 8 August 2008 – Gary McKinnon Update

We were directed to the House of Lords ruling that has now been published online regarding Gary’s case. Then our contact, who is someone very close to Janis McKinnon, made us aware of this discrepancy within the printed ruling:

“…The appellant’s argument

28. The appellant’s main argument focuses on the wide disparity between on the one hand the predicted likely outcome if the appellant cooperated with the US authorities—a sentence of 3-4 years of which 6-12 months would be served in a low security prison in the US after which there were good prospects of repatriation with the expectation of release after serving only half the sentence—and on the other hand the threatened likely outcome if the appellant refused to cooperate—a sentence of 8-10 years or more in a US high security prison with remission of only 15%. Such a disparity, it is submitted, is disproportionate and subjected the appellant to impermissible pressure to surrender his legal rights, particularly his right to contest extradition. Pressure of this kind, it is submitted, indeed plea bargaining generally, runs flatly counter to the principle of English law recently clarified…”

The ruling can be found by going to the Free Gary website.

The ruling, as stated, is incorrect in listing the penalty on the U.S. side of 8-10 years.. it is actually per count which comes to a total of nearly 70 years in a U.S. high security prison… A BIG difference. Our contact astutely noticed this mistake in the ruling and has notified Gary and Janis…

Our unnamed contact wrote the following (giving us permission to print this excerpt here):

[…The media is regurgitating the Lords’ published ruling as if it reflects reality. The article repeats the sections that allude to the charges and as I suspected latches onto the 8-10 years as opposed to the actual 70 years everyone is talking about. It is highly misleading and could prove to be public relation nightmare.]

 8 August 2008

Click here to download an archived PDF of a report, posted yesterday, which caught our eye and which was only on the net temporarily. It describes what might possibly be inside information on a false-flag attack within the US in the near future.

We’re aware that the report does not seem to correlate with the view that 9/11 was an “inside job” – at least on the surface – and that it has been discussed here (observing that Juval Aviv, the source, has made the same predictions previously and that these have not come to pass). In considering this, we’d caution against presuming that this agent is exactly what he claims to be.

 5 August 2008

Brief update on Gary McKinnon:

Gary’s case has been put before the European Court of Human Rights, who will state within approximately two weeks (from July 30) whether they will take the case. If so, there would be a two year waiting list before beginning the hearing.

Listen here to a brief BBC interview with Gary, featuring his reaction to the House of Lords ruling and statements regarding his application to the European Court of Human Rights.

Also see the Free Gary McKinnon website. The first article is about his application to the ECHR.

People are asking us to comment on the Mount Adams video announcing ‘a New Golden Age’, reported by Alfred Webre and a small group at Trout Lake, James Gilliland’s ranch. They state that they have received communications that there are no longer any catastrophic events in Earth’s timeline, and that the timeline has now changed.


We understand that in addition to the above, Alfred Webre has also made reference to Dan Burisch’s info from the Looking Glass.

To clarify: the most up-to-date info we have from Dan is that the only thing that is certain at the moment is that the future is constantly changing. Some things seen in the Looking Glass have changed and not happened. New things have happened that were not previously seen.

We are all co-creators. However, there are some things that WILL HAPPEN. We do not encourage people to take their attention away from things as they are, or to imagine there is a free ride from here on out. We do believe in a coming Golden Age – but the years before that could be termed a ‘transition’. There will be change, and some of this may include major earth changes and/or economic and governmental chaos and even destruction of some existing systems that we currently take for granted. It’s of paramount importance that we remain awake and aware and work to create the future we want.

We encourage you to read the following in its entirety: www.projectcamelot.net/2008.html

Keep in mind that Dan Burisch does not have ALL the information (no one does!) and we also have other info from various witnesses that seem to contradict his claims. Of course we much all envision a positive future… but do not discount the many signs and information that may indicate oncoming events that may change life as we know it.

Cautionary Note: there are many different races of ETs and non-physical entities that pose as positively-oriented beings in order to take advantage of those who are seeking knowledge and enlightenment. While each person must be their own judge of their experience and discern its meaning to their own satisfaction, it’s also easy to be deceived. Protective measures are always necessary to safeguard individual sovereignty.

4 August 2008

We wanted to draw your attention to this recent Gary McKinnon article published in UFO Digest.

If you’re not familiar with our interview with Gary, please take a look. Project Camelot has been attempting to assist with Gary’s defense throughout.

Radio host Jerry Pippin has also worked hard to assist in getting Gary’s story out to the public and has stayed in close touch with Gary’s mother Janis throughout this ordeal. Jerry was instrumental in introducing us to Gary in 2006.

While Gary’s solicitors were preparing for the appeal (and well before that), Project Camelot was working behind the scenes. In April 2007 Gordon Novel came forward to offer the services of his close associates, the well known Ramsey Clark and attorney David M. Michael to assist with Gary’s defense. We put them in touch with Gary’s solicitors and urged them to consider using Gordon’s team in preparing Gary’s case. However, British lawyer Karen Todner and her team thought their strategy was the best one for Gary; but so far they have been unsuccessful.

Project Camelot is arranging another interview with Gary – probably this week – as well as extending a further offer from David M. Michael, Gordon Novel and Ramsey Clark to prevent Gary’s extradition. We are also investigating other back-channel ways to assist Gary.

We’re especially concerned that extradition to the US could take place before Gary’s legal team has a chance to bring the case before the European Court of Human Rights… and we are also concerned whether that court will have the power to halt extradition. In essence, it’s unclear whether that court’s ruling would be honored by the US should the European court have the chance to hear Gary’s case.

Now that Gary’s appeal has been rejected by the British House of Lords, it’s time for the court of public opinion and the UFO community to come forward to prevent a gross miscarriage of justice. Gary is being made an example in order to deter not only hackers but also those that question the rule by secrecy that has become the standard operating procedure of governments – especially that of the US.

This tactic is designed to dissuade others from revealing the truth about the secret space program hidden within black projects. It is this program that Gary discovered evidence for in the files of the Pentagon and NASA. We believe that the time to come forward in protest against the rule by secrecy is NOW. Project Camelot is working to see that the real truth is brought into the light.

 3 August 2008

All those familiar with our work will know that we know and support Gary McKinnon (the so-called ‘Pentagon Hacker’) in his fight to avoid extradition to the US – where he fears, with some good reason, that he will not receive a fair trial.

Please join us in signing this online petition, which has just been started. It’ll take 60 seconds of your time. Please also copy the petition link to other websites and forums.

We hope to report from Gary, directly or otherwise, in the very near future. We’ve heard from him indirectly and intermittently over the last two years since we interviewed him in June 2006, and he has been in persistently good spirits.

 1 August 2008

We have just received this personal statement from the ex UFO archivist known on our site as Mr X, supporting Dr Edgar Mitchell and Clark McClelland in their own public statements. We have continued to keep in close touch since we first met him in 2006.

While working for a major aerospace company in the mid 1980’s, I was assigned to a special project. This special project was basically archiving and sorting government documents of all sorts related to the UFO phenomenon dating from the late 1940’s up to the present at the time. Please see my interview here at Camelot for more information.

Many of these documents, films and artifacts were sealed, but a small percentage were not. I was to sort these things into categories, mostly documents and including hundreds of photos.

When on this assignment, I was exposed to photographs of UFOs and even some of ETs themselves, both dead and alive. I became very much acquainted with our government’s involvement in UFOs and their occupants.

Although I have not seen any photos or documents that depict any ETs ABOARD any of our space vehicles, I DID see photos and read documents about sightings of UFOs during several space flights. Pictures and documents were clear and there was no doubt in my mind, and still isn’t, that there have been sightings during many of our space flights, at least up to the mid 1980’s when I was personally exposed to this material.

In conclusion, I have very good reason to believe that both Edgar Mitchell and Clark McClelland are telling the truth in the statements put forth this week on the internet, and I fully support their effort to get the truth out to the general public.

 31 July 2008

We have just received this message from Miriam Delicado, whom we know and have been planning to interview:

Hello to all of you.

PLEASE I ask you all to get ready for a LARGE quake on the west coast.

I was almost blown away by this one that is coming so I know it will be BIG OVER 7…….


Get water and supplies ready!!! TELL your friends.
I have a high accuracy rate. I felt the last one in Calf but was on the road and could not tell you.

I see a spot that is a little north east of Los Angeles.

THIS could be off but I tell you it is coming to the coast area from Mexico to Oregon.

BE PREPARED! I will send light.


We have heard that retired astronaut Brian O’Leary, who knows George Green, is standing by Ed Mitchell’s recent widely publicized statements – as is Clark McClelland (see immediately below). We are currently in close touch with Clark.

 29 July 2008

This almost unbelievable announcement has been posted by Clark McClelland, a retired NASA Space Flight Controller and good friend of John Lear, on his website in support of the recent public statements by his good friend Dr Edgar Mitchell. Clark has broken the news that while on duty at the Kennedy Space Center he observed, for over a minute on a TV monitor, an 8 or 9 foot tall alien in the Space Shuttle Loading Bay when it was on a military mission.
Kerry has just got off the phone with Richard Hoagland. On Coast to Coast AM, the first hour this evening, there is an excellent chance that Richard will be discussing this… and another news item which may be of even greater significance, connected with what he very seriously believes is the imminent possibility of a false flag “alien invasion”.

 25 July 2008

Lindsey Williams was interviewed by Jeff Rense on 22 July, the audio available to his subscribers. Williams is the author of the controversial (and very interesting) The Energy Non-Crisis, claiming inside knowledge of a number of scenarios involving the manipulation of oil markets.

Williams told Rense he had been threatened, and had been obliged to close his website – on which there remains a simple announcement. [Note: his original site is still available here on the Wayback Machine.] But he was also given new information, his source/adversary having clarified what he could reveal publicly. This is what he said:

The price of a barrel of oil will rise a little more [Note: $150, according to Williams’ May 29 interview on Out There TV]. Then an announcement will be made of the discovery of huge oil reserves “North of Russia” and in Indonesia. These will flood the market with oil and the price will drop to $50 a barrel.
That will bankrupt the Arab nations – who will be forced to dump their dollar reserves.
That will in turn effectively bankrupt the US, and “America will see a financial collapse from which it will take years to recover”.
Following that will come the North American Union and the Amero.
Additionally, Williams was told that “something will happen shortly before the election” which will ensure that McCain becomes President.

Williams insists he was specifically told this plan – and that he was authorized to release the information. Much of the above would happen in the next 12 months.

Williams did not mention war, or outbreaks of disease, or any other problems. He hinted that there was more information he had not revealed, and more information he was not permitted to reveal.

There are many questions posed by the above. It’s hard to understand why he was permitted to say all this (unless the information is deliberately misleading) – but at the same time had been pressured into closing his website and ceasing to sell his books and DVDs (some of these, though, including a new one, he says are still for sale).

Seemingly inferred from the above information is that there may not be a military attack on Iran (“the world’s richest nation”, he was told) – but an economic one. Things may have changed, but this does not fit with what we have been specifically told right up until fairly recently. We remain wary, and continue to monitor the situation closely.

 22 July 2008

During the last few days we have been hit by a heavy Denial of Service attack. We apologize to everyone who saw the rather alarming error message from our host. Interestingly, we’ve since learned that there were similar attacks on the Jeff Rense and Alex Jones’ Infowars websites. Everything should now be working normally.
We strongly recommend George Green’s recent phone interview with the Conscious Media Network addressing the current (serious) economic situation. Kerry spoke with George on the phone yesterday. He said that he understands from his sources that the US and Israel are trying to start World War III before the end of September. This may not be news, but it’s yet another confirmation that we are living in very critical times.
We’re pleased to say that we were finally able to get in touch with Boriska and his mother, Nadya, via phone two weeks ago. On a trip to Munich we re-connected with Elena, our Russian translator in the Boriska interview. Boriska sounded very good… he’s growing up! His spirits were high and he was looking forward to starting school in Moscow in the Fall. They have been moving apartments and have been difficult to reach for the past few months. Both Boriska and Nadya extended their warmest thanks to all those who contributed donations in the past few months. We plan to talk again soon once they are resettled and we can establish a routine connection with them.

 16 July 2008

An extremely important report has recently been published by Linda Howe on her excellent Earthfiles website. The report is available here, is copyrighted, and is available to her subscribers. We present a summary of it below in our own words.

The report is part 5 in a series describing the dramatic experiences of a contactee named William, from Arizona. The contacts in question occurred in 1969, when William was 16. In parts 1-4 William, interviewed by Linda, describes his various encounters, which in themselves are fascinating and seem very credible. Part 5 is different. Here, the human-looking ETs (apparently from Tau Ceti) used a “black cube” to show him a probable future earth timeline. This was shown vividly to William, who was able to recall the details to this day and was fully conscious during his contact experiences.

He was shown the first Iraq War (‘Operation Desert Storm’), and recalls a given date of December 1991. The actual start of the offensive, however, was January 1991. Linda and William discuss whether the forecast date might have been December 1990, but William thinks he was told 1991. This detail is important.

He was then shown the second Gulf War, again in accurate detail, all of which transpired as he was shown. He does not recall a given date for this.

Then he was shown the third war, which would start 18 years after the first. That places it in 2009 (or possibly, 2008). William thinks the date was springtime 2009, but is not certain.

However, he does recall the vivid details, which include a nuclear exchange between Iran and Israel, and the US becoming involved. He saw great destruction and subsequent economic collapse. Following this, he was shown large explosions in a number of American cities which were not the result of incoming missiles. The result was martial law in a number of areas in the US and (in some places) scenes and situations similar to those in the TV series Jericho.

In Part 6, the continuation of the report, William describes the effect of a pandemic flu-like virus and large areas becoming depopulated while other apparently safer or isolated areas were comparatively unaffected. The longer-term future timeline after that showed a gradual recovery and renaissance as humanity regrouped… having (apparently) learned its lesson.

The above is our paraphrase from memory. We have been careful not to infringe Linda’s copyright, which we wish to honor. We encourage you to read the original reports, which contain more detail. We wrote to Linda, whom we know and whose work we greatly respect, that the material presented was so exceptional and so potentially important that we would be derelict in our duty if we did not draw attention to it.

Important note: the ETs told William that this timeline was only probable (in 1969) and was not fixed. He was told it could be changed, and whether these events transpired or not was entirely up to humanity. Those familiar with our important page here (on Timeline 1, variant 83, as reported by Dan Burisch) will immediately see the similarities in the issues raised.

We at Project Camelot entirely support and emphasize as strongly as possible that possible and probable futures are NOT fixed: the future we want, and will experience, is co-created by us all. What will transpire is entirely up to humanity, which includes each and every one of us.

 9 July 2008

John Lear was recently contacted by someone who had just watched our new 4-part interview with him. When John held up his Lunar Orbiter photo of Copernicus to the camera, this person was reminded that he had discovered a roll of those photos in a box which he had purchased in an estate auction.

He sent John high resolution copies of the images – which appear to be un-airbrushed Lunar Orbiter photos. John and a small team of researchers are for the moment withholding the more detailed images for their own study. The photos have been confirmed as authentic by several researchers/ imagers due to the quality, markings and official LRC Lunar Orbiter stamps on the back of each photo.
 john lear lunar orbiter photos

For lower resolution samples, please click on the thumbnails to enlarge. John asks for anyone to contact him who has any information about the person with the initials JAH who lived in or retired in New Orleans and who passed away between 1993-1995. This person must have been very senior in NASA to have been able to take un-airbrushed Lunar Orbiter photos to his home. We have had the opportunity to examine one of these high resolution images and there do indeed appear to be clear ‘anomalies’ there.

[Kerry:] There’s been a surprisingly big response to my UFO sighting (see 8 July, below). This object was seen 300 miles / 500 km to the south, near Marseilles. the craft I saw was totally silent. It was also much closer than the photos on that page, and therefore the lights had much greater definition. There are some striking similarities, and it’s possible that I saw the same object, at a lower altitude, two and a half hours later. The object I saw was coming from the south and heading north.

 8 July 2008

In the early hours of the morning on 5 July, Kerry clearly witnessed a huge illuminated craft right above the small town where we have been staying near Lake Geneva. Bill had been out visiting a friend, and missed the sighting by a few minutes. We didn’t get the craft on video, but Bill was able to capture Kerry’s excited reactions moments after the sighting. Click here for a very short [3 minute] video. Enjoy…

 7 July 2008

We have received this message (edited slightly), from an insider source who has sent us over 60 e-mails on various subjects since October 2007. We first reported from this person on 24 April, when we wrote to us about the manipulation of the metals markets, and earlier about chemtrails. He has been communicating to us for several months about an impending “massive hurricane” of events – in his words, set to occur before October/November this year. The message below (dated 1 July) is the most stark we have received. Some paraphrasing with all identifying details removed.

I am going to talk with you about survival. My report is not based on spiritual data. It is hard survival information derived from my sources who are adamant about preparing and getting out of harm’s way now.
This report from Alex Wallenwein is most important in understanding what is happening.
Alex is one of the few left who are tipping the scales ever so slightly. Note that even though the timing is currently not exactly synchronized, the sequence is to be noted:

1) The provocation by non-compliance in Iran
2) The upcoming attack on Iran
3) Intense repercussions on the USA
4) The IMF ‘overtly’ intervening in US financial matters via the Federal Reserve
5) The coming collapse of the dollar
A Wall Street breakdown to unbelievable lows.

All this will happen very soon, most likely by November if not before. My informers are leaving the building. The refuge is in sight.
So much is about to happen that safety is now an urgent element to prioritize. January will be too late to proceed successfully.

I recommend a small parcel of land in the relatively higher elevation wooded hills, somewhere the masses will avoid in the beginning. Perhaps very remote between hills, with a natural stream, and wildlife, and an area cleared for some agricultural work, i.e. garden, and of course communication equipment to be used off the grid, fans and water bottles, food, generators, fuel, oil, bicycles, but mostly battery operated equipment, and some kind of EMF copper wiring protection around your perimeter, and perhaps some defense equipment, monitor/camera surveillance equipment, and warning devices, satellite dishes.

Sounds extreme, but the hungry masses will not care much about spiritual values and brotherly love and respect – sad to say.
People just will not believe what is about to happen to society over the next few years. I find it all very hard to believe even myself. But I know the game plan, and it does not include even us. We are at war with an unseen enemy who has been practicing on us for a good while. We are all considered to be useless consuming animals.

Then a day later, our friend sent us this:

This will probably be my last contact with you, as I plan to move shortly. The only reason I will contact you again, if contact is even possible, is to provide exact details of anything I can learn if at all possible.
I enjoyed the last report with Michael St.Clair.
He is basically on target. His work has been followed very closely. I do not believe he is in any direct danger at this point.
Most people just have no real clue as to what is ahead. Many do not even want to know, or would even believe it. The programming has been most efficient and reinforced to the point that people will swear that they have not been programmed, when in fact they are heavily programmed.

Michael St.Clair is a good person. His advice to you is more than notable. Not to echo the sentiment carelessly or light heartedly, but the most important thing each person facing the next few years, and whatever future there evolves, is to learn self-reliance. This is beyond imperative if one wishes to survive.
Of course you really have no idea who I am. However, I am who I say, and have worked with the people who make things happen, and control most anything of major import. I have experienced that which movies cannot portray. This is my statement of fact for you now.
I know the importance of my messages. You have already seen the results of many of them. I want to say more, but cannot now, perhaps never.
I want to tell you in a most sincere fashion, that, those whom the reporters refer to as “Zionist” are nothing more than the Rothschilds’ henchmen. These people, an army in effect all over the world, many concentrated in the USA right now, many whom are absolutely programmed from birth, are cold-blooded, ruthless killers. They are trained in every aspect of militarization and control. Some are trained to be subtle and can draw into their confidence people from various walks of life, and then do a 180 on them without notice… very frightening folks, I can tell you.

They read all our emails, and know who is doing what, especially of folks like me. You cannot escape the tracing techniques they have in place, which are absolutely mind boggling. I have already been warned in the past about some of my emails.

My immediate source of protection and I have a basic appreciation and respect. What he tells me remains basically confidential, although I do spit out some important data here and there. Also, the fact that the Roths are so close to accomplishing their objectives, Absolute World Control, they are becoming really indifferent to what anyone does or says, as the game is basically finished.
I keep hearing that there is a rather urgent, well-orchestrated multi-faceted situation approaching by fall. I hear about October, but the exact date I have not been able to learn: a worldwide problem that will also include the financial community, at the very least a rapidly escalating world financial collapse on a magnitude never seen before.
Tell your readership that preparation for world changes need to be considered, not out of fear, but something like, let’s just say, a massive hurricane in the Gulf. It’s coming our way, but we just do not know quite when it will hit, so we intelligently prepare for the eventuality.

Self-reliance is the key to our future.

Steve Wood: Further update
We have listened carefully to two hours of recorded conversation between Steve Wood and Marshall Masters, not in the public domain. We can confirm that this is a real person, who appears young and anxious and who does not seem to be a hoaxer. But many unanswered questions remain with this situation, as followers of the story will be aware.
Hot object in the sky is not ‘Planet X’
Click here for a Google Sky image of an anomalous object which is extremely bright in the infrared. We derived it from this YouTube video recently posted by someone who claimed it was ‘Planet X’. We sent the link to Henry Deacon (who we are delighted has renewed his contact with us again, of which more later) who advised us it was the red giant CW Leonis. We checked, and indeed it is. Thanks, Henry, once again, for sharing your extraordinarily wide-ranging knowledge.

Henry recently sent us a stream of 32 e-mails while watching our new 4-part John Lear video in real time. He remarked it was “80% accurate” and that “John’s guesswork was good”. One part he states John got wrong was the holographic explanation for the WTC planes. Henry asserts these were real aircraft, remotely controlled from thousands of miles away, a fact he was told in briefings and which was consistent with his own hands-on experience, as he was based at the location from where the operation was controlled. (For more on Henry Deacon’s testimony on 9/11, click here)

 21 June 2008

Steve Wood: Update
We are awaiting receipt of a two hour audio testimony from this potential but as yet unvetted (by us) whistle blower. We will let you know our take on this material as soon as we have it available.


 20 June 2008

Steve Wood: ‘Planet X is real’… or what’s going on at CERN?
An interesting report from a possible whistle-blower forwarded to us from Marshall Masters. Worth contemplating.


Shiva Nova, NIF and CERN: what do they have in common?
To refresh your memory go here to see our Henry Deacon page for info on Shiva Nova:


And in thinking about a possible answer, consider this, a very interesting New Scientist article on portals to other universes.

The following is an excerpt from an email received from an undisclosed insider source, with whom we’ve been in contact for a couple of years:

For more info on Shiva Nova…

Shiva-NOVA : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nova_laser

Nova was a high-power laser built at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) in 1984 which conducted advanced inertial confinement fusion (ICF)experiments until its dismantling in 1999. Nova was the first ICF experiment built with the intention of reaching “ignition”, a chain reaction of nuclear fusion that releases a large amount of energy. Although Nova failed in this goal, the data it generated clearly defined the problem as being mostly a result of magnetohydrodynamic instability, leading to the design of the National Ignition Facility, Nova’s successor.

The NOVA and SHIVA upgrade


National Ignition Facility :

Coordinates: 37°41′27″N 121°42′02″ W

Creating a miniature star on Earth: that’s the goal of the National Ignition Facility (NIF), the world’s largest laser.

When completed in 2009, NIF will focus the intense energy of 192 giant laser beams on a BB-sized target filled with hydrogen fuel – fusing, or igniting, the hydrogen atoms’ nuclei. This is the same fusion energy process that makes the stars shine and provides the life-giving energy of the sun. NIF is a program of the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration

All of the energy of NIF’s 192 beams is directed inside a gold cylinder called a hohlraum. A tiny capsule inside the hohlraum contains atoms of deuterium (hydrogen with one neutron) and tritium (hydrogen with two neutrons) that fuel the ignition process.

Inertial Confinement Fusion: How to Make a Star : https://lasers.llnl.gov/programs/nic/icf

* IF you go to the above site you will see it is a Similar Design as the reported TIME Viewer and the STAR GATE. NOTE : Please review data from Dan Burisch here and here.


ALICE, is the acronym for A Large Ion Collider Experiment, 2000 billion degrees – about 100,000 times hotter than the core of the Sun!

And check this out : There is a sculpture of Shiva in the lobby of Building No. 391 at Lawrence Livermore Laboratory


There is a statue of Shiva at CERN, unveiled on June 18, 2004.

A lead up to war?

 16 June

Gary McKinnon
Please see this important update on Gary’s case going before the UK House of Lords after two high court judges denied his appeals. Gary is being made an example because of the nature of what he uncovered regarding the Secret Space Program. We encourage everyone to view our video interview with Gary and to visit his site and voice their support.


Our video interview with Gary:


Added note:

As an addendum to our posting on June 5, just after posting this important update from Dan Burisch my internet and phone in the Paris apartment where I was staying went down and has not come back up despite numerous service calls and the promise that all would again be working by Saturday night at 12AM, June 14th. Coincidence?

 5 June 2008

Upon seeing that Hillary Clinton was about to concede defeat in the race for the US Democratic nomination, I wrote to Dan Burisch the following:

From: Kerry Cassidy and Bill Ryan < support@projectcamelot.org >
To: Dan Burisch
Date: Tuesday, June 3, 2008, 2:50 PM
Subject: Timeline 1 variant 83

It’s looking like Hillary will concede defeat:

Which brings into question… was anything seen in Looking Glass
accurate?? Moving along the changes coming seem fast and furious.
Any comment?

Best wishes,


We received an incredibly in-depth reply which began with:

From: Dan Burisch
To: “Kerry Cassidy and Bill Ryan” < support@projectcamelot.org >
Date: Thursday, June 5, 2008, 3:02 AM
Subject: Re: Timeline 1 variant 83

Ask Rense and Caltech!





The changes which are occurring have to do with the Third Rail option. The ONLY GOOD HOPE we have is the UNKNOWN and that the Looking Glass data will be made defunct by the actions which have been undertaken. Those who haven’t been following closely or forget the details will make the knee jerk assumption that the Looking Glass data would have had to have been bad! People have a tendency to forget complex history, when faced with the immediacy of self gratification. Maybe it’s better that way? I’m not sure, as I am not enough of a social strategist. What I do know is that “variation on a theme” is still quite possible, and that is very concerning.

Obama vows to stop Iran from having nuclear arms
Wed Jun 4, 11:17 AM ET

“The danger from Iran is grave, it is real, and my goal will be to eliminate this threat,” Obama said in a speech to a conference of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, a pro-Israel lobby group.

“I will do everything in my power to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon, everything in my power to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon – everything,” he said to a standing ovation.”

Truth be told, it’s has been our goal to divert the future into an unknown, remember? We’ll know we’ve succeeded, if we live through it.


Genesis 3:24 (V) “eiecitque Adam et conlocavit ante paradisum voluptatis cherubin et flammeum gladium atque versatilem ad custodiendam viam ligni vitae”
Dan B Catselas Burisch, Sc.D.
Director, Eagles Disobey, Inc.

He then sent a second email with a very comprehensive update of what the timeline had predicted and then the changes so far… keeping in mind that WE are the creators of our world and WE are making changes. click here

 19 May 2008

What can you do to change it? Change your mind and withdraw your consent to these actions within your own consciousness. Open your eyes and ears to the deceptions that surround you and vow to create a new experience for all living on this planet.
Embracing the Rainbow (George Green)

Project Camelot is greatly concerned by recent statements and actions taken by Leo Zagami. We stand by the authenticity and value of our 17 February interview with him, but since then many of those watching Leo’s personal saga play out will have noticed that there is something terribly wrong.

In a phone call to us soon after his arrival in America, Leo told us that he was under very great pressure and had been obliged to agree to work with the CIA. And in the last few weeks, Leo has made some extraordinary public statements. It’s evident to us and others from his recent behavior that he is being heavily manipulated by negative forces.

On a spiritual level, we recognize that Leo is a good person who has taken an important stand against an extremely powerful enemy. In his weakened state, after the loss of his wife and son, he became overwhelmed and – we believe – taken over. Therefore in summary, and with regret, we need to make a clear statement that we cannot in any way support his recent public statements, some of his recent actions, or his currently intended modus operandi.

 16 May 2008

Project Camelot has been invited to speak at the NEXUS international conference in Brisbane on 4-6 October, and also at the Crash Retrieval Conference in Las Vegas on 7-9 November. We’re particularly delighted to be visiting Australia for the first time, and are very much looking forward to meeting old and new friends there.

 4 May 2008

Benjamin Fulford: epilogue to our recent interview

We asked Benjamin Fulford for a status report on the current state of affairs regarding whether there had been any change as a direct result of the public stand he took speaking out on behalf of the Asian Secret Society about the world situation. In answer, he wrote the following in an email dated today:

For the reaction, you will notice that Asian countries have stopped buying US government bonds. The US secret government has retaliated by artificially raising food and oil prices.

We are in the middle of World War 3. The US and Israel have been taken over by Nazis and the rest of the world is trying to take them down.

The reason the society has not started assassinations yet is that the Nazis in the Bush/Clinton administration want any excuse to start all out world war. However, if starvation begins in earnest, there will be assassinations.

Benjamin Fulford

Nancy Williams, whistleblowing author: threatened

Author Nancy Williams, whom we had the pleasure to meet at the recent Laughlin UFO conference, has received threats and is being followed. She has written an important book called A Matter of Destiny, based on a true story about a UFO shot down over Brookhaven, New York in 1992 by a classified plama-beam superweapon, following which a single, apparently non-hostile, ET was captured and detained. It was originally reported in J. B. Michaels’ 1994 book, Alien Encounters; Michaels worked for several US defense contractors including Lockheed. Michaels’ book is not well known, but Nancy, who is a good writer, has picked up the story and written an excellent ‘fictional’ account.

I believe the people of Earth have a right to know if we are not alone in this universe, and the nature of those who have visited us. Most of all, they have a right to know about a weapon that produces a heat greater than the surface of the sun. That is too deadly to keep under wraps.
Nancy Williams

Please join us in supporting Nancy during this time. Her contact details are on her website. She has had the courage to sign her name to our Round Table pledge list. She is in full agreement with us that being out in the open in full view while under threat is the best policy. We intend to publicize this as much as possible. And for those among the Powers That Be who are reading this, please carry on threatening people… it just draws attention to what you consider to be important. Not smart, but it helps us a lot!

For the whole story of the Brookhaven UFO shoot-down, click here

 24 April 2008

On 20 April we received a message from a veteran inside source, whom we’ve never met but have learned to like, respect and trust, to pay close attention to (and archive) this financial comment. Our source warned that it might not last long on the net, saying that “it reflects what the progression will be for the next 9 months.”

Yesterday, as he predicted, it was deleted “at the request of the author”. Click here for the original page as a PDF. Save it and forward it to your financial friends for their reference. Post the original text (still cached on Google) on your blogs. We are still working to understand the significance of the information.

Our source also advised that the “time scale might be escalating”, spoke of Iran, and warned of financial melt-down later in the year (August-November). He said that things were “serious”. Of considerable interest is that the same source hinted heavily to us, a few months ago, that this artlcle about chemtrails was accurate. We have now read it again, very carefully.

Almost everything we are hearing, both from sources we have reported and from others which we have not, tells exactly the same story of economic and geopolitical events to come.

 17 April 2008

We’ve received a lot of correspondence from interested parties about our report on George Green’s magnetic motor. These include Dr Hal Puthoff (a lovely man who we’re delighted to know personally) and Dr Houman Owhadi, a CalTech mathematics professor who, coincidentally, knows Dan Burisch very well, and is an authority on the closely related work of David Hamel.

The consensus is that the device we saw and described will not function as a motor if all the parts are fixed in place on a test bench. Someone we know is building such a device. Meanwhile, we’ve updated our magnetic motor page with some interesting and detailed references for those interested in researching the technicalities in depth.

 16 April 2008

When we met George Green two weeks ago, we had some fun playing with his tabletop magnetic motor. We had just as much fun putting together a short 7 minute video showing its operation. We’re fully aware that there’s been a lot of comment about this on the internet since it was first shown several years ago at a UFO conference. Take a good look: the demonstration is very clear, though what’s happening physically may not be. You can make one yourself in under an hour for a few dollars and a trip to a hardware store. Enjoy… click here

 8 April 2008

A further after-dinner conversation with David Wilcock, Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy… this time on the topic of how conscious awareness and intention can affect future outcomes. We entitled it Futuretalk. click here
Following our interview with Leo Zagami – and discussed with David Wilcock in our new video just posted – we researched the story of Svali, a previous Illuminati whistleblower who has now disappeared.

This woman’s story is so extraordinary, so shocking, and so important, that we’ve made the decision to add her to our Tribute page although it’s not known for sure whether she is dead or merely silenced. We urge every visitor to our site to listen to or read her testimony: an in-depth radio interview and her own writing. It involves an emotional description, on audio, of her experiencing a ritual child sacrifice – a real one – which she was forced to witness when she was twelve… in the Vatican. No-one who hears this can doubt that this event occurred as described.

She goes on to describe the workings of the Illuminati in everyday society, business, banking and government, internationally, in the clearest detail. Unlike Leo Zagami, Svali (a pseudonym) is or was American and so her English is rather easier to understand on first acquaintance. (Note: a transcript of our Leo Zagami interview will be posted as soon as we can.) Click here for our tribute.

 20 March 2008

Click here for a short extract from our recent phone conversation with Leo Zagami confirming the identity of the Norwegian Politician and relating details of their recent conversation.

For the entire 30 minute phone conversation, click here
[To download, option-click (Mac) or Right-click and Save As (PC)]

 18 March 2008update

Benjamin Fulford video interview in three parts: click here
This morning we had a significant phone conversation with Leo Zagami. We recorded it, with his consent, and will publish it as soon as possible.

Leo has had several long conversations with our Norwegian Politician contact, who confirmed that his family had been threatened – the reason he had been unable to meet us in Oslo as planned. He also told Leo that we at Project Camelot were regarded as ‘dangerous’ (which we were happy to hear!) – and were under careful surveillance. The Norwegian Politician also confirmed that while the underground bases and the 2012 evacuation plans were very real, he now considered he been disinformed about Planet X being the cause – as we had suspected. This is all both complex and important, and we will report on this fully as soon as we can.

 18 March 2008

Our warm greetings to everyone who has been waiting patiently for an update and to the many well-wishers who have been writing. Our apologies for being rather tied up here. Here below is everything that has been happening.
Gary McKinnon interview transcript: click here
Richard Hoagland interview transcript, Part 1: click here
Richard Hoagland interview transcript, Part 2: click here
Our interview with Benjamin Fulford is in the final stages of editing, and will be published later today or tomorrow. Leo Zagami and Luca Scantamburlo will follow soon. In a few days time we are meeting socially with David Wilcock with a view to recording another conversation.
On 3 March, we suddenly lost 76 files from our server. Our host was unable to explain what had happened. The missing files were all our MP3s, all our PDFs, all our MOV (QuickTime) files… and everything connected with Richard Hoagland. All the files were quickly replaced, but we clearly hit a nerve. As always, please let us know if any files appear to be missing or if any bad links have appeared.
On arrival in the US three weeks ago Bill was detained at Immigration for questioning for 45 minutes and his luggage was thoroughly searched. He was informed that over the last two years he has spent too much time in the US under the Visa Waiver Program, although it was recognized and acknowledged that at no point had he breached any stated regulations. He was told that his passport was now flagged and that in future he could expect further detailed questioning each time upon entry. He was reminded that Immigration retained the authority to turn him back to Europe on the next plane. This was the first such incident Bill has experienced upon arrival in the US in several dozen visits over many years of frequent travel.
Leo Zagami, the important ex-Illuminati whistleblower, has in the brief time since our interview with him been imprisoned temporarily and had his cellphone and all his computers confiscated. His wife Fatma Süslü, a Norwegian Politician, has left him. To say he has been punished for talking to us is an understatement. He is now in communication with our own Norwegian Politician contact (the two each wanted to contact the other, so we were able to help). More on this in this new page here.
On our return to the US, we found the tape from our main camera used in the Leo Zagami interview had been mysteriously corrupted. We had to take it to a professional film specialist, who successfully recovered the video. (The audio was irretrievable. But as we have that backed up on our second camera, no content has been lost.)
The last message we received from our Norwegian Politician contact was on 2 February. He knew we would be in Oslo on 17 and 18 February and had confirmed he would be free to meet us:

Just call me at xx xx xx xx when you are in Norway or in Oslo. After this I will change to another mobile number… and when we meet no cell phones must be on. I know that the PST will be on alert on this thing. Let’s say I’ve just got a feeling about this because they have had me in sight for a long time now and they are everywhere I go, tagging along – just taunting me and letting me know they are watching me. I am meeting up with an MP – Member of the Norwegian Storting in Oslo – this Monday [4 February]… he has some information to tell me that is urgent.

That was the last we heard. When we arrived on 17 February we called the number several times, left detailed messages about how to reach us, and also (on our own initiative) located four other numbers for him, none of which were answered. We were able to vefify that the number he had left for us was in the public domain under his real name. The day before we left we sent him an e-mail to say we had left voicemail messages – and have since heard nothing at all. We fear for his safety… and there’s not a lot we can do from here. We are waiting to hear more from Leo Zagami, who is now in touch with him.
We are working closely with a German-speaking researcher who is
in direct correspondence with Barabou Vedu about his comprehensive (and very strange) work Base New Berlin. Our colleague has asked a number of important questions and is in the process of learning all the answers. We have more of the advanced physics that he published, now in English. We intend to report on this publicly as soon as we have the approval of all parties. We do appreciate the many messages from people who have offered help with this.
We have been in detailed touch with three more potentially important whistleblowers who have not yet given us permission to publish their information. They have each confirmed that the material we have researched and presented (particularly in The Big Picture) is very close to the truth, and that we are being ‘watched’ very carefully. One of them has specifically warned us (for our safety) against following the Vatican connection.
We have a message we have been asked
to relay to the person codenamed Scythe, who was part of a very special project: ‘Stay away from the garden; the insecticide is being sprayed on the back 80.’
Within the next week we will be publishing an update summary report from recent conversations with Dan Burisch, and are in the process of clearing exactly what we can say without breaching legitimate National Security concerns.
e have both been ill (an undiagnosed virus) since leaving Europe, and are only slowly recovering. We have no idea what the problem is. A similar thing happened to us on return from Russia last October. We are never ill… so this has been hard to handle.
A few days ago, this site received its millionth unique visitor. Our warmest wishes
to our unknown new friend. With all that has been happening, we are hundreds of e-mails behind and apologize especially to those with important messages or questions. We also want to thank the many fine people (now over 180) who have taken the stand to add their names as a personal pledge to the Camelot Round Table. All the requested names were added immediately, but we have simply not been able to reply personally to all. We’d like to take the opportunity to acknowledge you all here. Things are now gradually getting back to normal.

 4 March 2008

A number of files have been deleted overnight from our server. We have uploaded most of them (and it will be a few more hours before everything is restored) – but please do let us know if there appear to be any missing files, images or broken links which we may not be aware of. We do apologize for this. We have no idea yet how or why this has happened.

 20 February 2008

Project Camelot has just returned from Italy and Norway. In Italy we met with Luca Scantamburlo, who has extensively documented Cristoforo Barbato‘s contacts with a Jesuit insider in the Vatican (we had been unable to meet with Barbato himself). The topic of our interview was the ‘Jesuit Footage’ of Planet X, a leaked two minute film clip of a large unknown planet taken from a classified space probe named Siloe. Luca is an authority on Barbato’s research and in a number of major articles in Italian has presented a great deal of key information as well as some of his own research into the subject.

We then flew to Oslo where we met with the ex-Illuminati whistleblower Leo Zagami, who was adamant that the Jesuit Footage was fabricated and that Barbato had been the victim of clever Jesuit disinformation. We fully intend to return to Italy and interview Barbato as soon as possible to hear from him personally. (Barbato does not speak English, but Luca will be happy to translate.)

We will edit and present these two fascinating interviews back-to-back at the earliest opportunity. We were delighted to have met Luca and Leo and are totally assured of their highest intentions and integrity.

Our interview with Leo Zagami will contain a huge amount of detailed information about the Illuminati, the Jesuits, the Black Pope, preparation for New Times, the New World Order, Bohemian Grove, the Knights of Malta, the Skull and Bones, and much more.

While in Norway we had also arranged to meet with our Norwegian Politician source. Despite following his contact instructions meticulously, we were completely unable to do so. The last message we received from him, two weeks prior, told us that he had been called to an important unscheduled meeting with another politician. Since then we heard nothing more. We fear that he has been, or believes he has been, compromised.

When we arrived back at Milan airport, our car, which had been in a secure car park, had been broken into. The door lock was forced, as was the glove box, and papers in the car had been searched. Nothing was taken. A credit card and an old laptop left in the car were left untouched.

We are confident that this was a targeted agency based search. We had arrived at the airport immediately after interviewing Luca about the ‘Jesuit Footage’. The intruders may have been searching for something else of much more value… which we did not have, and were not given.

We did not report the incident to the Italian police. It would have taken too much time and would almost certainly have been useless.

We have some wonderful footage from these interviews and this trip has been extremely productive. We have cutting edge information regarding the Jesuits, the Vatican and also the Asian connection through Benjamin Fulford. The published interviews may make some waves when we release these on to the net.

Inspired by a number of friendly questions about our personal circumstances, we have updated our About Us page.

We will be back in the US soon and then show up for the last couple of days of the Laughlin UFO conference and David Wilcock’s and Dan Burisch’s presentations.

We are very behind with all correspondence, for which we apologize. In addition, due to our limited time in Norway we did not contact our many new Norwegian friends. We felt that that on this trip, while meeting Leo Zagami and working hard to contact the Norwegian politician, it was important to keep a low profile. But it will not be our last trip there.

 11 February 2008

Project Camelot has just returned from Japan where we met with Benjamin Fulford. Our in-depth interview will be edited and published as soon as possible. Meanwhile, click here for the story.

 1 February 2008

Michael St Clair has prepared Boriska’s astrological chart from information supplied in Gennady Belimov’s newly translated major article on Boriska: click here
2008: The Future is Now is now translated into French. 2008: le Futur, c’est Maintenant: click here

 31 January 2008

Now complete: Gennady Belimov’s fully translated article Indigo Boy from Mars: click here

This is, in our opinion, quite wonderful new material. We’re hugely enjoying reading it ourselves, for the first time.

Coming soon: Boriska’s astrological chart, prepared by Michael St Clair – and also a couple of e-mails recently received from Boriska himself in Moscow.

 29 January 2008

A personal message from Bill Ryan: click here
A personal message from Kerry Cassidy: click here

 28 January 2008

2008: The Future is Now: click here

We are frequently e-mailed for personal advice in the face of possible major global changes and emerging situations. We are often asked good questions. We constantly debate and discuss the likely answers between ourselves and spend a lot of time in research, networking with insiders and Camelot visitors alike.

This 5,400 word overview of many aspects of the global situation is the best we’ve got, and essentially summarizes most of what we know. It’s research piece in progress, which we intend to be useful and thought-provoking. We welcome all comments.

When reading it, remember: we are all co-creaters of the future we will share.

 26 January 2008

Richard Hoagland interview transcript Part 3 (2012): click here

 25 January 2008

Project Camelot interviews Boriska: click here
Indigo Boy from Mars, by Gennady Belimov: click here
The Breathing of the Earth, by Dr Vladislav Lugovenko: click here

 23 January 2008

The Base ‘New Berlin’ page has been updated with further information and more reference links. We encourage all interested to contribute research and clues as they find them to Project Camelot and we will continue to update the page as contributions and opinions are received.

New additions will be posted at the bottom of the page, in an “Open Source” research style.

We’ve also received confirmation from a second scientist, via Thomas Kirschner, the editor of the German NEXUS magazine, that the advanced physics contained in the book is new, legitimate and important.

And as an unexpected corroboration, the scientist, who has deep insider contacts, also confirmed Dan Burisch’s testimony about the 2012 problems and the Timeline 1 – Timeline 2 split, stating that this is a “current topic of dicsussion” in the shadow government.

In an unrelated addendum, we’ve heard from a deep black source that the equations may hold an important secret to changing dimensions and shifting timelines.

A lot of people are becoming interested in this book, which is not quite as it seems. It first appears that the material is rambling, poorly written, disturbing to read (and even more so to translate!) – and that the author shows signs of mental instability, or the affects of mind control. Clearly, there’s a lot more to this, and we and a number of others are working quite hard to piece this puzzle together.

 21 January 2008

Project Camelot has been given an unpublished manuscript, in German and written anonymously, about a Nazi base in the Antarctic called ‘New Berlin’. This is a major document of 400 pages, containing extraordinary material – including (besides much else) mind control, alien involvement, and something resembling the Montauk chair.

It also includes many pages of advanced mathematical physics, apparently concerning interdimensional travel; we have received confirmation from a respected theoretical physicist that this material is both genuine and innovative.

This story is so extreme – for a number of reasons – that we can make no claims for it. We publish the book here inviting comments and further investigation, in particular from German-speaking reseachers.

Click here

 19 January 2008

A written interview with ‘John Robie’: click here

‘John Robie’, an experienced UFO investigator who does not wish to go public with what he has learned, confirms Bob Dean’s testimony that some aliens, appearing almost identical to humans, have infiltrated high levels of military and government in at least three countries.

 18 January 2008

Norwegian underground base update: click here
‘Jack Carter’ Minot-Barksdale ‘missing nukes’ update: click here
We’re updating our menu structure, and not all the pages currently work in the same way. Please bear with us! We also have a new High Praise page, which is an acknowledgement to at least some of those who have supported us in so many important ways in the last 18 months.

 15 January 2008

Ralph Ring has discovered among his papers a complete unpublished book by Otis T. Carr, written in 1952, entitled DIMENSIONS OF MYSTERY. The typewritten manuscript is 83 pages, in PDF format. Click here to download (23 Mb)
Full transcript of Jumproom to Mars: a conversation with David Wilcock: click here

 12 January 2008

A comprehensive interview with Richard Hoagland: click here

 11 January 2008boriska 4a vsm

Today is Boriska’s twelfth birthday. We wish him and his mother Nadya all good things for the coming year. Many people have been wonderfully generous with donations, 100% of which we’ve forwarded. In Russia and under their circumstances, even a few extra dollars will make a difference.

Give a gift to Boriska on his birthday :






 9 January 2008

Over 70 people have now committed to our Round Table pledge list. We invite you to join us. Contact us, or send us an e-mail with the word “PLEDGE” in the subject line.

 5 January 2008

Letter from a Norwegian Politician: now updated with a substantial additional amount of detailed information, in response to our many questions to our source.

 4 January 2008

Project Camelot has just received a communication from a Norwegian politician about that country’s preparations for a future catastrophe – the details of which are known at the highest levels of government.

We immediately exchanged further e-mails with this person to verify identity and check facts. What we have published may be the most extraordinary and potentially important single message we have ever received. Click here

 30 December 2007

Dan Burisch, who knew Benazir Bhutto personally, has written a tribute to Benazir and has asked us to make it available on our site. It’s our pleasure to do so.

Please click here for his tribute to Benazir.

The tragic loss of Benazir is significant for the world in a number of complex ways. There are some deeply important and hidden games being played out behind the scenes with a very great deal at stake. On 10 December – before Benazir’s assassination – we met with Dan personally and talked about this at length, and we’re in no doubt that the coming 12-24 months is a critical time for us all.

 27 December 2007

Jumproom to Mars: a conversation with David Wilcock: click here

 17 December 2007

A new and important statement from Henry Deacon: click here

 16 December 2007

A tribute to James Black: click here
A tribute to Arie DeGeus: click here
Bob Dean Part 2 interview transcript: click here

 23 November 2007

Project Camelot was contacted by a Minot airman who supplied precise answers to important questions raised by the Minot/Barksdale ‘missing nukes’ incident. The event was no accident. Click here for detailed testimony from someone with considerable experience handling nuclear weapons at the base.

 14 November 2007

Click here for a tribute to the airmen who died in connection with the Minot/Barksdale AFB ‘missing nukes’ incident.

 16 October 2007

Project Camelot returned from a fascinating week in Russia, where we met Boriska, Vadim Chernobrov and Valery Uvarov. Please stay tuned. Interviews with Chernobrov and Uvarov will also be published in due course.

What’s New on our site

11 August 2008

We’ve been asked by a number of people for Camelot banners and logos. Click here to download a small zip file. We’re delighted for them to be used freely.

31 July 2008

John Lear Tells All transcript: click here (This has been a long time coming, and we apologize. There was a lot of it! 41,000 words, in fact. We’ve not yet added images – which are important, featuring maps, diagrams, photographs, and original Bob Lazar handwritten notes. There are dozens of those, and this may take a few days more. But the words are all in place. Enjoy.)

29 July 2008

Michael St Clair Futuretalk II transcript: click here

24 July 2008

It’s our very humble privilege to pay Tribute on our site to the great Nikola Tesla. Following revelations by the SS Commando Otto Skozeny (reported dead in 1975 but still alive in the US), supported by the research of Don Nicoloff, we now believe there is a very strong case to state that Tesla was murdered. We honor him here.

22 July 2008

On 16 July we met with Michael St Clair in Frankfurt, Germany, and there we were able to speak together with our insider source Henry Deacon on audio only. We recorded and transcribed the conversation, which we present as Futuretalk III.

Henry is extremely knowledgable about a number of the problems that face the world at the moment, and the conversation covered a lot of interesting ground. This included a wide discussion of how best to protect against infrastructure breakdown and – to our surprise and interest – Henry’s personal conviction that a faked alien invasion is probable. Click here for the full transcript.

9 July 2008

Click here for a major new piece, written by us, which comments in some detail on the information presented in our interviews and on our witnesses themselves.

Click here for the full transcript of the recent conversation between Jim Sparks and Bill Holden.

8 July 2008

Click here for the full transcript of our Futuretalk with David Wilcock.

7 July 2008

We have a new single BitTorrent of all our videos to May 2008, this time in MOV (QuickTime) format. click here
two millionProject Camelot had its two millionth unique visitor a couple of weeks ago. Our warmest regards to our new unknown friend.

21 June 2008

Futuretalk II: a conversation with Michael St. Clair

After the initial success of our Futuretalk with David Wilcock, we decided to continue our Futuretalks as a series of conversations – not interviews – with people who have something important to say. This format encourages a more free-flowing interchange with our guest while at the same time allowing us to engage in a discussion that includes many of the questions and concerns of those who write to us every day.

A Futuretalk with Michael St.Clair seemed to be an excellent next step. Michael, as those of you will know who are already familiar with our first interview with him at Chillion Castle in Switzerland, is a fascinating futurist and metaphysician as well as a famed astrologer. Click here for Futuretalk II

29 May 2008

Click here for a BitTorrent file of all our video interviews from Dan Sherman in October 2007 to the present. The link has been added to the bottom of the Interviews page.

24 May 2008

Click here and here for transcripts of the two parts of our interview with Luca Scantamburlo.
We have just filmed another Futuretalk conversation, this time with Michael St. Clair. The first, which we understand was extremely well received, was with David Wilcock. We will be publishing this as part of the launch of a major new part of our website, specifically for members of what George Green has called The Ground Crew. This will focus on valuable summarized information, synergistic networking, practical resources, the establishment of communities for those who wish to do so, and positive action.

17 May 2008

Click here and here for transcripts of the two parts of our interview with George Green. All other outstanding transcripts are in progress.

15 May 2008

Please click here (or here) for a very enjoyable and interesting 39 minute conversation between Bill Holden and Jim Sparks, captured on camera when they met one another for the first time in Las Vegas last month.

3 May 2008

Our 2006 interview with John Lear remains one of our favorites. When we met again with him recently, with considerably more time at our disposal than we had two years ago, John piled his studio table high with books, diagrams and research papers and sat down to tell us “everything he knew”. For our new four part interview with John Lear, click here

17 April 2008

Click here for our two part interview with George Green, entitled Messages for the Ground Crew. The title refers to information George regularly receives both from Pleiadian and other intelligences – and also from sources in various government agencies (many of whom are leaving the US for South America, as George also plans to do). They warn that there is little time, and that too few people are “waking up” to current realities.

In this video George describes how, among much else, nuclear war is planned as a means for population reduction, and reports a personal conversation with the Governor of Colorado who already “has his ticket” for Australia. Those familiar with our Norway Underground Bases report will quickly see how this information ties together.

11 April 2008

Dan Burisch has given his approval for us to post a summary of some very sensitive information about possible/probable future timelines which was learned in a classified US military project undertaken in the second half of last year. This intelligence probe utilized advanced technology to learn details of the most probable future timeline – at the time of viewing. This material is of the utmost importance. click here

31 March 2008

Click here for our three-part interview with Leo Zagami, Illuminati Whistleblower. In previous Camelot interviews, some of the information we present is far-reaching. This information here is shocking, concerning the real modus operandi and agendas of the Illuminati and the Catholic Church; what really happens at Bohemian Grove; details of widespread Satanic practices and the evocation and control of demons; what 2012 is all about – and much more.
Transcripts of Part 2 and Part 3 of our interview with Benjamin Fulford.

27 March 2008

Click here for our two-part interview with Luca Scantamburlo, an Italian journalist who thoroughly investigated Cristoforo Barbato’s meeting with a Vatican source who in 2001 had given Barbato what he stated was a two minute video of Planet X at close range, filmed from a Vatican-controlled space probe called Siloe. This interview tells the detailed story behind the so-called Jesuit Footage, and features extracts from what Luca regards as a close replica of the original video, anonymously posted here.
Benjamin Fulford Part 1 interview transcript: click here


ARCHIVE 1 is above
16 October 2007 – 19 August 2008 

Click here for ARCHIVE 2
23 August 2008 – 11 December 2008

Click here for ARCHIVE 3
12 December 2008 – 14 March 2009

Click here for ARCHIVE 4
15 March 2009 – 15 May 2009

Click here for ARCHIVE 5
20 May 2009 – 20 July 2009

Click here for ARCHIVE 6
21 July 2009 – 26 August 2009

Click here for ARCHIVE 7
28 August 2009 – 6 November 2009

Click here for THE CURRENT PAGE
8 November 2009 – Present


Nikola Tesla

It's been our privilege to pay tribute to many great men on these pages, and Nikola Tesla was one of the greatest and most gifted men ever to have walked this Earth. It was unclear to us, however, for two years whether to include him on our Tribute list, as we were not convinced that he had given his life for his stand for the truth. But having studied the matter carefully, we now join a growing number of researchers in the belief that he was murdered and did not die of natural causes.

A huge amount has been written about the prodigal genius of Nikola Tesla (maybe more even than on JFK, to whom we also pay Tribute), and so there may not be a great need to say more here about his life, his brilliance, his vision, and his achievements. But in brief, Tesla was an extraordinary, intuitive, creative genius who, among a great deal else, invented alternating current (which powers the the modern world) and radio (for which Marconi is often falsely given credit). Contemporary biographers of Tesla have deemed him "the father of physics", "the man who invented the twentieth century", and "the patron saint of modern electricity".

Much of his life's work was about providing for the world free (i.e. zero-cost) energy, which Tesla envisaged would be broadcast wirelessly through the air or through the Earth itself with no need for powerlines – but despite years of trying, he never obtained the funding to achieve this, one of his dreams. It has long since been rumored that he invented or developed a significant number of electrical and electronic devices which were decades ahead of their time and would have been of special interest to US military and intelligence circles. Around 300 patents were issues to Tesla in 25 countries, many of them major and far-reaching in concept.

Many Project Camelot visitors will be aware that it was a protégé of Tesla – Otis T. Carr – who worked with the young Ralph Ring, whom we interviewed in 2006. Carr was not murdered, but his laboratory was forcibly closed by the FBI after he, Ralph and a small team of others had successfully test-flown a 40' diameter disk which operated on a combination of electromagnetic and esoteric principles. (Please see our very comprehensive Ralph Ring page for details.)

The reality of Tesla's murder was brought home to us after listening to this most interesting audio interview (to download: PC users right-click, Mac users option-click). Here, Eric Bermen tells Greg Syzmanski how he discovered his former girlfriend was the daughter of ex-Nazi SS Commando Otto Skorzeny, and thereby quite by chance met the elderly Skorzeny who had been living for years in the US, working as a carpenter with a new identity supplied by the CIA after WWII.

Bermen (who sometimes uses the pseudonym Eric Orion) heard a full confession from Skorzeny, who was nearing the end of his life, and was given a shoebox full of over a hundred photographs to substantiate his claims. Among a number of other highly significant revelations, Bermen heard from Skorzeny that he had personally suffocated Nikola Tesla on January 6, 1943, assisted by fellow-Nazi Reinhard Gehlen. Tesla was then 86 years old.

According to Skorzeny, he and Gehlen had tricked Tesla the previous day into revealing the full details of his most important discoveries. After the murder, they stole the contents of Tesla's safe, which were delivered to Hitler. (Note, of course, that the US military would have fully repatriated this treasure trove of innovation through Project Paperclip at the end of the war.)

Bermen's book is available here – in which a large number of Skorzeny's extraordinary photographs are published – and a useful discussion of Skorzeny's claims can be found here and here. Of great importance – not only regarding Tesla – is the research detail contained in this very comprehensive Don Nicoloff article, which we encourage all readers to study carefully.



Futuretalk III:

A conversation

with Henry Deacon


Futuretalk III: Henry Deacon
15 July 2008
Michael St Clair, Kerry Cassidy, Bill Ryan in Frankfurt, Germany
Henry Deacon, audio only

Start of conversation

Michael St Clair: How are you doing today?

Henry Deacon: Well, I’m doing OK at the moment. This kind of happened by surprise. I didn’t expect this. I just happened to still be awake and everything happened all of a sudden just. So, anyway. Go ahead.

Kerry Cassidy: We’d like to know your thoughts on, actually, where you think the situation is going, and how fast, in the world.

Henry: Well, nobody knows for sure because things change constantly, as we all know. We only have probabilities to work with.

Switzerland… intuitively is all I can go by – well, not all I can go by – sounds like it might work if you have people who are very familiar with the country, which it sounds like you are. So I would say it would be a good choice as far as population density and the distance from… wherever you think the population density is not too great.

And of course you have lots of mountains, right? So we could talk about that. I’m sure you’ve already thought about all those things.

My only other choice on the planet, really, was someplace that I could point to on a map of South America. But that’s way off course from what you’re focused on. So I don’t think I should go that direction. Go ahead.

Kerry: Well, would you like to volunteer some information? I mean, I know that you’ve been working on screening some of your computer equipment lately. Do you want to tell them why?

Henry: You mean screening it as far as EMP [Electromagnetic Pulse], or screening it because of the new news that you read from the Christian Science Monitor article? Both things are important.

Kerry: What was that article about? I’m sorry, we’ve been in this meeting so we didn’t have a chance to see…

Henry: As far as your main topic goes, it just seems like as soon as something comes to my mind, within 24 to 48 hours for the last two weeks, it pops up in the news. It’s been happening a lot. I don’t… it’s…. which means there’s something very strong happening, something very potent on an invisible level, that’s happening.

Bill: It means you’re picking up a loud signal. Right?

Henry: Very, very strong signals on almost every subject.

Kerry: Well, could you elaborate as to what kind of – what information – you’re getting, a little bit?

Henry: I don’t claim to be a psychic, by the way. It’s just happening. So… [laughs] That’s not my expertise, but it seems to be happening anyway.

Well, where do I start? It’s the financial thing that seems to be happening. I can’t even keep a list. I haven’t even been making a list. I was going to prepare something for later, but I didn’t even have a chance to do that yet.

Kerry: We wanted to get your advice just in terms of… Certainly Bill and I know what you’ve been telling us for, actually, two years now. But Michael would like to hear, probably, some things first hand about the environment that you’re getting impulses about.

So could you tell him the current situation, from your point of view? How soon, how quickly they need to act to make this a reality?

Henry: Well my experience is that I tend to… when I’ve said in the past that something’s going to happen in a year, it usually doesn’t happen for a few years – up to 10 years, from past experience. [laughs]

So, I’m saying six months, but whats that? That’s just pulling it out of a hat right now. Probably longer than six months. It depends on where you are. And what kind of financial resources, or assets, what form your financial resources are in. Because there’s a lot of instability, of course, in some of the banking systems. Those are kind of unknowns.

Of course, your health is your most important asset…

I’d like to say that the peak oil thing is not manufactured. It is real as far as I know simply because in 1970… the late 70s… I went to a Q-cleared meeting at the Department of Energy. You may or may not know what Q-clearance means. And we had laid out all on the table the projected date, with graphs and charts, for peak oil as having been right 30 years from then. So, what’s ‘78 plus 30? So, that’s now. And that was on scientific data. That was not political or anything else, you know. That was just fact, from everything that we knew.

Bill Ryan: Just a question for you on that. Because, you know, you hear these people, like Lindsey Williams and others… Do you know who Lindsey Williams is, for example?

Henry: No. But I can imagine it’s probably someone who says it’s not so.

Bill: Well, Lindsey Williams … he’s a Baptist minister, right? He’s not the type of guy that sort of, you know… He’s not going to make this up for reasons of, you know, just… he doesn’t have the skill-set to do it. Right?

Henry: Yes.

Bill: And he was up in Alaska and, you know, they said that they found the largest oil reserve, basically, on the planet up there, that was larger than, actually, the reserves in the Middle East. And it got classified by the US government and shut down the day after they announced it.

Henry: Mm hm.

Bill: So, you know. I’m just wondering what the odds are of compartmentalization on things like this, and actually that, you know, certain people on certain levels, even Q-level, are being told one story and at another level the story is different.

Henry: Well, there are two things. One is that at that period in time – the late 70s – we didn’t have the same type of ground-penetrating systems that we do now. We weren’t…

Kerry: So the discovery could have been made, actually was made, after you had this meeting, in other words.

Henry: Yes.

Kerry: But they’ve kept the cover story. Theoretically, they’ve kept the peak oil cover story going for a reason. I mean, they don’t plan to release this anyway, even if it does exist.

Henry: Yes, well, I don’t know that it exists. I’ve never heard that it does. I mean, there is a high probability that it does exist. But still it’s not going to solve the converging problems that we’re up against anyway very shortly.

Kerry: Right. So could you name some more of the converging problems for everyone here, just to focus their minds a little?

Henry: Well, we’ve got the economic problems. We’ve got the manufactured war problems.

Kerry: OK, but, we also want to talk… I mean, what kind of planetary changes are we looking for and do you think anything’s going to happen within the next six months?

Henry: Maybe not in the next six months, but there’s a possibility, for instance, that we’re going to have a magnetic pole shift very soon here. Magnetic pole shift. I don’t know what effect that’s going to have, except that it could have some atmospheric effects, ionospheric effects, and a whole other list that you may or may not be able to figure out. Van Allen Belt, effects on that. Some of Earth’s protective shielding could be distorted from that. And global shortwave – HF – ‘skip’ communications may be more difficult – due to ionospheric changes. Relying on satellites for global communications is not a good idea either. That leaves the modern world with some problems as well.

As far as incoming – possibly incoming – Planet X, or whatever that people talk about, I for some reason don’t feel too concerned about that – in the next 12 months, at least. I don’t feel concern about it. I don’t have much to go on at the moment for that.

I am thinking of the rapidly growing demands for resources and the collapse or changes of the financial systems, and the various created threats of various wars – created wars, and I just see the population growth rate increasing very rapidly as another root cause in a long list of converging things. We already have a very large city being added to the planet every 24 hours, right? It’s kind of hard to educate that many new people on the planet when the population is growing at this rate.

Kerry: OK. And viruses? Do you have anything to say about that?

Henry: Well, I don’t know what the current thing is, but I feel that some very simple things can help protect you from those, from the viruses that have been released or may be released shortly.

I’ve mentioned something, last year, that sounds really really maybe ridiculous, but it’s Vitamin D3, 2500 IU a day if you’re not getting enough sun to create that in your body.

And then this… Of all the strange things, something that Bill handed me that I did some research on, which is this Sodium Chlorite solution [MMS].  But as far as… what do you want to look at? What’s coming? Or what do you need to prepare for?

Because there are so many things that are… There are certain things that are converging that are not physical things as well. They’re on a level where I feel and see a very… in the next, starting now, and for the next three or four years, greater and greater difficulty for people to communicate with each other. Not just electronically. But even face to face. [laughs]

Because of some… something that I can’t explain in words, that maybe Michael might be able to understand and explain, I don’t know. Our normal senses are very limited – remember this. Most of what IS – is undetectable… be thankful for that!

Michael: Yes. I know what you mean. Go ahead.

Henry: It parallels a Novelty Theory kind of thing, or a chaotic kind of thing that’s happening. It’s just a breakdown, like a Tower of Babel type scenario, among most of the people on this planet. Not everyone, but 99.99% of us. But unless your mind is very well trained and the other people you’re communicating with or want to communicate with are very well trained, there will likely be a lot of disorientation and interference – both man-made, sort of, well, for lack of better words, artificially created – and even more so, naturally created.

Kerry: Yeah. Michael and I were just discussing that yesterday.

Henry: Because of where we are in, so to speak, space, what we’re traveling through right now, and still approaching, is one of the things that’s causing this distortion as well. There’s several… It’s interesting that many things are all converging at the same time. I don’t really, specifically know why.

Michael: I understand you well. I am saying exactly…

Henry: But as far as planning goes… that’s why it’s important to do the planning/preparation as soon as possible, while people are still able to communicate effectively with each other. [Kerry laughs]

Kerry: We’re with you on that. And yes, there’s a dividing line starting to happen, I think, or several dividing lines.

Henry: You know, it’s not just the breakdown of the family unit, which has been going on for a while now. I’m talking about just between even the best of friends, you know. So I think that probably we that are gathered here at the moment have a greater chance of  communicating, but even that can fall apart easily, no matter how hard you might wish for that not to.

So I’m not quite sure how to fix that except to… The strange thing is the mental processes and the mind itself and I’m no expert at that. I’m just learning. So, but…

Kerry: Do any of you have any other questions that you might want to ask Henry? OK, Bill is suggesting that you might mention to everyone the factors that you might want to consider for a “safe place,” if in fact we might not have thought of them in terms of…

I mean obviously we know running water is one of the things, but you might have some other things you might want to tell them about.

Henry: As stated before, proper training of your mind, along with meditative/relaxation practice is the most important “safe place” preparation.

Shelter comes next, and then water. I’ve got a massive amount of survival lists and data that not only I’ve created but also collected since the ‘90s at least, and before. And from different sources as well. And to list it all out thoroughly so that you’re well prepared would be quite difficult in just a few minutes.

This also reminds me of having on hand some Calcium Hypochlorite – that’s swimming pool shock powder – for water purification. A very small amount goes a long way. And note that the US is trying to stop sales of portable iodine-based water purification systems… their reason is that they say it’s used for manufacturing meth-type drugs!

I listened to some of, I think, what Michael mentioned, did you not, on the video? But yes, water, you need to know how much water you’re going to need for the people. You need to know how long you need to have this place or these locations or this location. How long you’re going to need to really utilize it, so that you know whether to just stockpile supplies or if you need to be able to, you know, start growing your own food and such.

Kerry: Well, how long, in your opinion? What are we looking at? Several years?

Henry: I think ideally you’re looking at something like about 5 years, to be on the safe side, five years of living in that type of survival-mode system, you know. I’m talking about once you’re really living in it, a five year period of time or so to getting out the other end.

I keep hoping that… I keep dreaming that nothing’s going to happen, but it’s always best to be prepared and not be… You know, like squirrels put acorns away for winter, you know.

Kerry: Well, as you know, I think we mentioned we’re creating a website that’s going to provide resources to people. So if you have information that we can possibly PDF and upload to that site, it would be really helpful in the future. I’m just mentioning that.

Henry: I sent you a reference to getting free CDs that are being distributed. I don’t know if you’ve seen that yet. I received one, a CD, and it’s basically how to reconstruct things if they should fall apart.

Basically the whole thing is technology. We’re relying so heavily on technology, the western society, the first world countries. It’s very, very sensitive to being shut down in a matter of minutes – the whole first-world life support system – the eggshell we live in.

And that’s why I mentioned EMP over and over again. And now look just what’s come out in the news. You may have noticed, there’s even talk about EMP over America here. But they need to know… The information that they gave out on the news as to what the altitude this would have to take place at is very critical.

They’re saying on the news some ridiculous altitude for an EMP pulse source, which is completely wrong, and it wouldn’t work. But the point is, that it’s fine in this case that they’re giving the wrong information out to the public.

The thing is, is that something like that can be created in anyone’s garage. They just need to be able to have a small plane and set it off and they can easily fly away. Mind you, their plane would cease to function… a balloon, maybe?

There’s no real explosion or anything, just a small one. It’s not an explosive device so much as that it gives off a very powerful pulse. That one pulse is enough to knock down pretty much everything in the civilian world. Back to candles and horses.

Kerry: When you say “knock down,” are you talking knock down permanently? Or is it a temporary outage?

Henry: Yes. Shut down permanently. And this is not like that thing that happened a few years back, that 2000-bug or whatever it was. I mean, we were preparing for that in the government systems, with typewriters and carbon-copy-paper and all that stuff because we took it seriously then. But fortunately Y2K didn’t happen.

But this is something that’s a much easier thing for someone to do if they… It only takes an average person to make it happen. So all of a sudden this has been popping up in my mind for some reason and within a few days now it’s in the news. I don’t know how that happened.

But what I’m saying is that that means that the grid would go down and pretty much permanently. I mean for a long period of time.

Of course, you still have a domino effect on a global scale because you’re talking about all the various… anything, all the various technologies, banking systems, and communication systems.

We rely very heavily on satellites for most communications on the planet now. And satellites are very sensitive to these things, except for a handful of them which were EMP and radiation hardened against this type of thing. But that’s not going to be for public use, of course.

Michael: Henry, would that kind of a charge fry computers and things that are off, also?

Henry: Oh yes. They don’t have to be turned on.

Michael: They don’t have to be turned on. So in other words to try to stockpile or guard against that isn’t any use?

Henry: Well, if you’re trying to save data, if you have it on optical disk, CD disk, it has no effect on that.

Bill: But it would on a magnetic drive?

Henry: Magnetic drives, it might scramble some of it. but the thing is, the microprocessors and the memory chips would be fried. And the power sources.

Kerry: You also have a way, though, of shielding, like building a box or something…

Henry: Oh, yeah.

Kerry: …out of aluminum foil, or something. I don’t know.

Henry: Yeah, it’s very simple to shield. But the thing is, without the infrastructure, you still don’t have the internet, etc.

Kerry: Right.

Henry: So, I mean, you’ve got your local thing to read but that’s it. Or you’ve got your short-wave radio communications equipment that you can also shield or if you have vacuum tube technology, it’s unaffected by that. So that’s why old systems, vacuum tube equipment, is completely immune to this type of thing. So are the older power plants that are not computer controlled.

Kerry: And what about cars? Weren’t you making a point about cars?

Henry: Well, anything up to the 1960s has a good chance of working. Even the gasoline-powered ones, except for there’s a possibility that – a remote possibility – that maybe the spark coils [laughs] because they will step up the voltages in the primaries, it could burn out some of the spark coils in the engine compartments of some of the vehicles. But that’s, I say probably only in the most intense fields. So just the newer vehicles. But forget about getting fuel!

Kerry: So you’re saying any vehicle made after the 1960s would be vulnerable. Is that what you’re saying?

Henry: 90% of them, yes.

Kerry: And what about diesel? Does having diesel make any difference?

Henry: As long as it doesn’t have a computer controlled diesel engine in it, then it’s fine. So you know, the old Rovers, or the old Valps that they had, like in, I think ir’s in Sweden, they made Valps. You can buy those. They would be very reliable. Any military type of vehicle.

Michael: The old Willis Jeeps are fine.

Henry: So it’s important to have a vehicle that… Or if you don’t want to rely on a fuel, because then fuel’s a problem. Of course I’m running my diesel car off of… I’ve been experimenting lately. I’ve been running it off of pure sunflower oil. And it’s working fine in the summertime. It wouldn’t work in the winter unless it was warmed first. That’s just an example.

Bill: You can put some castor oil in there to actually help with it as well.

Henry: Anything to thin it out so it doesn’t congeal. But it would be best to have a backup. Animal powered or people powered things would be a good backup.

Kerry: Henry, is this definitely going to happen, in your opinion?

Henry: Well, there’s so many things converging that the probability is that at least half of them… half of hundreds of things are going to happen. So something definitely very harsh is going to happen.

I think that the harshest thing that’s going to happen is not even going to… The harshest thing is not even… Again, the physical thing is harshest, hard on most people. That’s what they fear most. But the harshest thing will be on the psychological scale, not just one psychological thing but multiple psychological things converging on different planes, different levels, you know. On a three-dimensional space-time level and at much higher levels.

Bill: You were saying about the different levels psychologically, where people may have troubles or issues that pop up… So can you give a really quick summary of like what you see the major traumas are?

I mean, I would suspect at least one of them has to do with, as the breakdown of the magnetic field happens on the Earth, like you said, people start to get confused and that their minds don’t operate properly any more, since we are electromagnetic in origin.

But otherwise, what are the other items that you’re seeing?

Henry: OK. Well I’m not saying that that’s what’s causing the disorientation, but that may be one of the factors. But really you’ve got the really down-to-Earth, so to speak, factors of financial collapse and crises, and the stressors people have to deal with.

And then you’ve got people trying to protect their families and in the process gathering materials at all cost from other sources, including neighbors and other people. Religious beliefs are causing confusion and division as well. Religious leaders are being bought-off by certain agencies – with the idea to help control and manipulate the ‘believers’. Having spiritual beliefs is important for many people, but be careful who you listen to… if they claim to have the answers. It is up to you.

So, you know you’ve got the collapse, the breakdown, in the cities. Food supply deliveries and such, the psychological part of that. Take some time and think of the domino effect – the interactions and interdependencies of systems.

Then you’ve got the manufactured and real threats of wars.

And then you’ve got the possibility of a fake – a very strong possibility, very soon – of a fake invasion from outer space menaces that… Like Kerry, I don’t know what you saw. But that may have been an example of one of the machines that was built right here.

Kerry: Oh yeah. It had the feeling of that, I have to admit, although it was extremely high…

Henry: Yeah. So with thousands of those being flown over cities and highly populated areas, and then using the vast media, you can do an awful lot of psychological damage and control – psyops – to a lot of people.

Kerry: Right. But ultimately, what do you think the result of that’s going to be?

Henry: Then being able to control people, to maybe put them into… ah…

Kerry: Camps?

Henry: Yes, exactly. Now, Switzerland… There’s something going on. I’ve mentioned to you already, Kerry and Bill, I think, that there’s something going on. I guess if you live there you probably know this, that there’s something going on underground in many places.

Kerry: I mean, there’s no doubt about it, but the question is whether or not it’s a negative something. In other words, I think that’s what’s… I mean, I think it’s a given that there’s development underground in Switzerland in many locations.

Henry: I don’t know if it’s negative or positive, but it’s being kept very quiet. I guess we’re all outside the loop for that.

Michael: What I have noticed in Switzerland, driving in and out of it now for a few years… I’ve been in the US for 15 years and I came back. In the last two to four years, I’ve noticed rapidly an increase in building of towers, radio communication towers. And I’ve heard of people telling me that the mood swings in Switzerland are pretty intense.

Henry: Exactly.

Michael: This would lead me to believe that even the Swiss are not above it or below it, to conduct such psychological experiments of how they can modulate the moods of people with some sort of towers. I’ve just noticed that there are a lot of radio towers coming up along the highways and everywhere because I watch out for that. I know what to look for.

Bill: And they’re putting up cameras in all the public transportation as well.

Michael: Oh yes, yes, it’s huge. So Switzerland is not that great in some… in some respects I’ve found that Switzerland has gotten worse than when I knew it, say, 20 years ago.

Kerry: Except for the mountains. If you get up in the mountains, you can get away from all that

Michael: Yes, that’s true.

Henry: I agree. As long as you’re in a valley area in a high mountain area, but surrounded… A higher altitude area, but surrounded by mountains, you know, on all sides – that would be a good location. But you don’t want to be in the bottom of the valley. You’d want to be like half-way up on the side of the mountain. So, not in the bottom of any valley, but in a mountainous area.

As far as being able to shield yourself from something like that, I think the only practical way is to either be out of the area far enough or be very aware of it before you go into the situation.

And as far as being able to detect this type of technology, I don’t think it’s practical to carry around equipment to do it. In fact, some of it’s, I think, pretty much impossible to shield yourself from it because it’s operating at, not microwave frequencies, which is what some of the stuff in the towns are using, are in the gigahertz and above.

But they’re also using ultra-low frequencies which are, like, close to brainwave frequencies, very very low frequencies that you cannot shield even if you go underground quite a ways. So even a Faraday Cage wouldn’t work, and that’s… I’ve thought about that.

So the best solution is to be away from that as much as possible, physically, and also stay aware. So if you pick a location, that’s, like I said, that would be what I would be looking for.

Michael: So we’re looking in and around Switzerland. OK? So it would have an area that would also include some of the EU, European Union, places, which would be much easier to access for US people.

Henry: OK.

Michael: I mean easier whether they have money or not, is what I mean.

Henry: Yes. I don’t know. It would be nice to stay out of the European Union, but at some point it won’t matter because the borders will become somewhat meaningless.

Michael: That’s right. It won’t matter, but you have to understand that the localities… I’ve looked into this carefully for a long time, OK? I’ve been seeing this coming for 25 years at least.

The areas around Switzerland work actually just as that – as areas. For instance, the Haute-Savoie works in such a way that the region of Savoie – which would be the French part of Lake Geneva – and the Swiss part of the lake work together as one area – more so than an area in Switzerland would work with another area far away in Switzerland. You understand?

Those are economic co-operation areas. The same with border areas between Germany and Switzerland, or the Black Forest. So you just work in areas that function as economic centers. And from what I’ve researched, the southern part of Germany is definitely the engine, the economic engine, of Europe.

Henry: Interesting.

Michael: So the southern part of Germany will definitely function for quite a while still. I mean, that’s why, for instance, I was told that in four years there would be not a single car here driving on gasoline.

And they’re very aware of what’s going on, and I think, knocking at a solution at a state level. By state level I mean, let’s say, Bavaria, or Baden-Württemberg, or Hesse – those are states in Germany. They run their own affairs, according to how they see the economy and the climate changing. And they are very well ahead of everybody else in solutions in what they want to do in the future. And they are acting on this already now.

Henry: I’m sure that…. Yes. Definitely.

Have you seen the science fiction movie? It’s something like… What was it Michael, When Two Worlds Collide, or something? And people had to decide who was going to get on the ship to leave for the new planet? It’s an old movie.

Bill: Battlestar Galactica had the same a couple of times. That’s a crazy shortage idea, isn’t it? When there’s a shortage of safety, people can’t all come.

Henry: Yeah. As far as economic things go, I think… I don’t know how long money will work. And which currencies, I don’t know. They’ll have to change a lot in the next few years, the currencies and their values. But I think that…

I had a feeling up until recently that it would be the Chinese currency and some Asian currencies that might hold their strength a little bit better than the western ones. The Swiss currency is a mystery to me. Any usury-based financial system will fail in today’s world.

As far as currencies, I’ve pulled out, to some degree, out of fiat currency into of course what Michael had suggested, quite a few years ago, seeing things coming. But unfortunately most of it’s locked up in dollars and I’m not quite sure what direction to go with that.

Michael: Well the best is just to have it in gold, physical gold. And I have solutions here, very practical, in Frankfurt and in Switzerland both, where we can do it really easy.

Here in Germany you can go to a bank, they give you a lot of red tape because they want to control who owns the gold. Whereas, at other banks, they are very cooperative and let you have it right over the counter there and then at spot price.

So this varies a lot from bank to bank. Those are house policies. Then there come laws from country to country. So there is no homogenized law in Europe about this.

But I know where to get it legally without any trouble. You just come here and we do it here. I don’t want to explain it over the internet, OK?

Henry: Yes. Are you aware of what’s happening right now, in the United States today, as far as the economic, the banking system?

Michael: Generally I am well aware. Yes. The best website that you can check in, Today’s News, is that Paulsen said, and this was expected, that they would take over IndyMac, all the Macs, all of it. They will basically just nationalize it. Of course they don’t call it nationalizing it. They call it… whatever the word. You know, they have a good way with words. But essentially they’re going to take it over.

Henry: They’re telling people on ABC news and such to not, please don’t go for bank runs. You know, don’t take your money out, that everything will be OK. [laughs]

Michael: And that’s the way to have the bank run happen. Yes.

Henry: This is major news.

Michael: Yeah, I know. I heard it this morning. I was watching at 6 in the morning. Yes, I’m with it. I was actually watching in the hotel. I have no television. I never watch television, but from time to time in hotels I like to see what the people are being told. And it’s quite amazing to see the version told to people of the version I know.

Anyway, there is a website you want to stay in touch with, if you can write it down. It’s the website by Jim Sinclair. It’s spelled www.jsmineset.com.

Anyway, that one guy and his team of traders, gold traders, currency traders, they really have a clue and they give very valuable commentary. I’ve been watching their site for about four years now. They have been highly accurate throughout about everything that they comment on. They have the best charts, graphics, everything about currencies, metals, commodities, just the whole thing. Plus commentary on what’s going on and what the media is reporting.

Henry: I have it now. I have it bookmarked.

Michael: OK. That site is really the one. Plus you can even look at Financial Times a little bit. In London. They are lately a lot more up to date of what’s going on. In the commentary section they actually do let certain journalists comment on what’s really going on, according to them. So it’s amazing to see that Financial Times actually talks in a lot more critical way about what is happening.

Henry: I’ve followed Kitco for quite a few years, and that’s about it. So…

Michael: Yes well Kitco is one of the base sources of the charts that Jim Sinclair uses in his website.

Henry: And gold, in the end, gold may have some other value, but as far as… You can’t eat it or anything, so then comes the thing with the bartering ideas as well if you need to go to that. Unless you’ve in an isolated area which is self-sufficient… you don’t do much bartering, I guess.

Bill: Or you create a community currency.

Henry: So I guess what we’re talking about is holding value for a future time.

Michael: Well, you see, gold – and silver to some extent – both are going to be currency as well as commodity. Gold anyway is currency. But silver to some degree might also come in as a little currency, a mini-currency for smaller communities.

Bill: I would suggest that we would re-monetize simply because of the fact there isn’t enough gold….

Michael: Yes.

Henry: There’s not enough for the population. But then, that’s the other thing – what will the population be in ten years? I’m afraid to say. I don’t want to say. I’d like to say it’s going to be about what it is now instead of some doom and gloom thing, which is what people are pushing for – a drastic cut in population. There’s a desire on the part of certain organizations to cut the population quite a bit, as we know. So… or we’ve heard.

So as far as planning for this, I think to stay focused on finding a good location, planning for what’s needed, making a list of everything that’s needed so that you don’t miss some very key important things.

Also, medical and dental help, medical facilities, dental facilities, medical supplies, you know, that sort of… Oh, for those who are on medications such as SSRIs, antidepressants – wean yourself off of them. For those who feel dependent on other powerful meds – do the same. There are many reasons for this. Consider this a priority for you. Take some time and gather a bit of knowledge about plants for food and health.

Kerry: One thing that you could do in the future, or the near future, is send us any information that you have, or link us to information that you think we should include on our website for other people to, you know. In other words, as you say…

Henry: I’d definitely order the disk that I sent you in the last couple of days. It won’t take any time to do that. They mail that out.

Kerry: So you’re saying that contains most of what we need?

Henry: …ah …I haven’t gone through it because it’s quite a vast database, a reconstruction database, so if high tech systems – if and when they shut down – you’ll be able to put everything back together again, except in a better way. So it’s something a group, a global group, has put together over a period of time. That’s a start right there. And the disks are being distributed free on the internet to anyone who needs them.

Kerry: That’s very interesting. We’ll pass that along to everyone so everyone can order one and so on.

Henry: There’s so much. It really takes a… It’s interesting to be able to try to get the people together that you really need to kind of do the planning without it turning into a big mess. There are fear factors. We all know that you can end up with a community or group of people that could… where one might be too dominating, or like that, or… Instead of having a group that just works as a team with no really one strong leader, but just a symbiotic type of…

Kerry: Community.

Henry: Yeah. The only way it could really work right…

Kerry: And not as personalities but more as caring, sharing beings.

Henry: Yeah. Each person has something that’s essential and some aspect, so it’s kind of like one body that’s, you know, in a sense, working with many arms and minds and such.

Bill: I’ve got a couple of detail questions which I just wonder if I could just ask. It’s the kind of thing I would ask you if we were sitting around a table. And they may be simple ones for you to answer. One is when you said that… I can’t remember the words you used, but you said that the borders would become something like not so relevant, or not so strong, or more permeable or something like that. And that interested me. I wondered if you could speak to that.

And the other question is just one for my own curiosity. When you talked about the faked alien invasion. Do we really have that many of our own craft? And you felt very strongly that that would happen. I’ve never heard you say that before.

Henry: Oh yes. To answer the last, the second question, is: we have more than you… I don’t know how many that we have, but we have more than you could… You’d be very surprised. Everyone would be very surprised.

But they’ve been going… They’ve been around for many decades, you know, so we’re talking about a long period. We’re talking about – in our era – they were around for many decades, since just before World War II, definitely.

I mean, of course, Germany… the Germans were given some bits and pieces of the technology to put some of this together. Unfortunately, the people that gave it to them realized they’d made a big mistake – and they weren’t so intelligent after all even though they may have been advanced. They didn’t follow the prime directive, I guess you might say, of non-interference. [laughs]

Michael: I meant to ask you a question about that. Do you think that sightings in Mexico in January 2005, was that fake or was that real? Do you remember, all these lights they were showing on Mexican television?

Henry: I don’t remember exactly that, but I know that some of the things, like the ones that have to do with lights, basically, not the physical things, but more lights, that’s nothing to do with the type of things… That has nothing to do with the limited technology that the governments would be utilizing, so to speak.

Bill: OK.

Henry: That’s advanced beyond the normal-day human thing. That’s not part of the attacks and fake attack scenario.

Bill: But this plan is pretty real and pretty probable, as I seem to be hearing you saying.

Henry: Yeah. Yeah. They’ve just been playing around with it. But the playing time is pretty much coming to an end very shortly here. It’s time that the testing phase is almost done.

Bill: Wow. And these are real craft, not holograms? Or would they use holographic technology as well?

Henry: Real physical craft. Hologram technology exists, but that’s quite limited still. It was John Lear that said… but I’m sorry. It may have happened, but that’s just not… No. Why would other groups that have gone through all the trouble of doing the physical aspect of that whole scene back in September 2001…?

As far as the borders are concerned, it’s just that they will kind of become meaningless when people are just in the survival mode and things are breaking down and the borders disappear, you know.

Bill: Like the border guards aren’t even there because they’re taking care of their own situation, and everything’s….

Henry: Yeah. The borders shut down, so at that point it doesn’t matter, you know. Just remember – the real problems are generated in the mind. If you can train your mind, you have your island of light – your safe spot.

Bill: Got it.

Henry: But before that time, I mean, in the next… I can’t say when. From here until that time, the borders are going to… There’s going to be a lot of… much, much greater difficulty in going from country to country. Some countries. And so, as you’ve probably experienced, Bill, just going into the United States, it’s not as friendly an experience as it was.

Bill: Regarding taking data off the hard drive, are you saying that would be done covertly, or would it be done by saying, Give me your computer, we need to take it all off your drive?

Henry: Well, that’s the next step that’s starting right now, is overtly.

Bill: Overtly. OK.

Henry: Either it’s: Open it up and let’s take a look at what’s on there. Or if they want to they go to the next level and they just take it for a few hours and go through your system, then give it back to you… hopefully give it back to you after they‘ve taken what they need, or tried to take what they need, off. That’s in the Christian Science Monitor in the last 24 hours.

Bill: Yeah. We’ll check that out. If you had your data on an external disk in your luggage, presumably that’s something that then they wouldn’t necessarily know about.

Henry: Well, if you put it on a CD…

Bill: On a CD, right.

Henry: A CD is mainly plastic with some foil inside. There are all kinds of things you can use. Probably, what you call it, SD cards, or smaller, mini-SDs. But then that’s… Again, use freeware software that makes the storage medium look like an empty disk. It’s readily available.

Bill: Got it. Thank you…

I think, though, that actually the whole point of what we’ve been discussing here is about that, actually, in my view. Because I think – to that point of what we can do for 6 billion people, and maybe not for 6 billion immediately – but the real power, and this is the part which is I think challenging, is that the power is in organization.

I mean, if you look at what we talk about, what is life. Right? It’s an organism. Right? Or it’s an organization or it’s something that’s organized. And that’s something that people, they need help to do.

And I think that’s the real value here about starting to look at these projects that we’re discussing. It’s about really helping people to find a way to organize themselves in a cohesive and sensible fashion that will help everyone involved.

Look, I’m going to stop monopolizing this conversation, but thanks for picking up those details. And is there anyone else who really wants to say anything here besides, really, many thanks for being here in every way.

Henry: Getting hold of the mass… being able to use the mass media which most people use – the television – to be able to utilize that tool, is one of the most powerful things, physically, I think. And some of the major networks, apparently, are starting to open up a little bit now, too, and not be so conventional, which is a little bit promising. Anyway, I don’t know what to say…

Kerry: Well, actually Henry, I think you’ve said quite a bit, and we appreciate it a lot.

Henry: Well thank you for letting me be there with you, except I didn’t get to have anything to drink. [laughter]

Michael: Well thank you very much, OK? And you’re welcome here.

Henry: I feel like I almost did have it. Just being… I feel like I’m there. I feel… It’s uplifting.

Kerry: And please take care of yourself.

Henry: Thank you. all of you.

Henry: Just make sure if you transcribe – that you don’t add any adjectives to it or anything. No embellishments and that’ll be fine.

Bill: No, just straight. Just for a record of all the questions and answers because there’s been a lot of really important information here. And I couldn’t remember it because I haven’t been taking notes.

Henry: This has all been a very rough outline, of course. Remember – train and prepare your mind and your hearts – then all else will be easy for you.

OK. Well, have a good day, everyone. I’m going to get some rest. I’ve been up for quite a long time.

Kerry: All right. Take care.



A Personal Commentary
on the Information


A number of people have written to us asking for our views on the information presented by our multiple witnesses. We're delighted to present a summary here. It contains the most recent information we know, at the time of writing (9 July 2008).

In sequence of the interviews:

Mr X, the UFO Archivist:

He recounts his experience (working in a vault for six months in the 1980s, archiving large quantities of documents, photos, films and artifacts). We subsequently introduced him to the well-respected Majestic Document researchers Dr. Bob and Ryan Wood and filmed their long conversation with him for the record, with the agreement that the video would not be published. Much of what he related coincides with information in the Majestic documents in a striking way.

Bill Hamilton:

Bill Hamilton is a well known and veteran researcher, highly respected and unafraid to enter controversial areas. He covers his fascinating personal encounters with human-appearing ETs, time travel and his remarkable personal interaction with UFOs in the sky.

Gary McKinnon:

We've kept in touch with Gary since Kerry met with him in London in June 2006. He's had a tough ride. He is clearly being singled out by the US government as an 'example' to others. What seems clear here is that the US Government's intention to see him locked behind bars is evidence both of their fear of disclosure and also the likely truth behind Gary's claims.

Clearly, Gary's discovery of off-world fleets and evidence of the secret space program is a real not imagined threat that strikes at the heart of their wall of secrecy. We strongly suspect he is holding out with enough evidence to bring it all out in the open – should his appeal be denied. However, we know no more than what he related to us during this interview. As we write this, his final appeal against extradition from the UK to the US is being considered. We encourage everyone to visit his website and show their support for this brave man.

Dan Burisch:

We probably get more messages about Dan and his detailed, complex, important testimony than any other of our witnesses. It will be worthwhile to spend a little time on his story here.

There are a number of sites on the internet that are almost rabid in their criticism of Dan. Some individuals seem to spend most of their lives attacking his credibility (and one has to wonder who is paying them for this apparent full-time job!). One also has to wonder why they focus so much of their attention on him in particular.

When we met Dan for the first time, in July 2006, he showed us certain documents, not in the public domain, establishing his ID and bona fides. There are reasons why these are not publicly available, and we were asked to sign an NDA (a non-disclosure agreement).

He also showed some of those documents to Rob Simone on stage in his live interview, before an audience of 300 people, at the Laughlin UFO Conference on 1 March, 2008. Rob examined the documents in public view, nodded in understanding, and then continued with the interview. That was a very important thing to happen publicly.

We’ve met them privately on a number of occasions, the last time (as we write this) being dinner in early April. Before that, we’d met them for five hours on 10 December 2007 when Dan told us all about 'Timeline 1, variant 83' after his discharge from a several-month long classified project in which he was out of communication with us and everyone else except Marci for National Security reasons. The fact that he was indeed incommunicado we can attest to personally.

For more on this, see our important report on Timeline 1, variant 83 here, and our equally important 5 June 2008 addition to the What’s New page here.

That this is interesting material, vital to understand, is an understatement. We encourage you to take eight very worthwhile minutes to see this short video, which is a clip from a security camera in Dan’s office (posted by Marci with his permission) showing Dan’s evident, very real anger and frustration at some things that had been happening. He was unaware that he was being recorded at the time. The sincerity of his emotion is striking and compelling.

The important part of the details of Dan's testimony were independently confirmed by our insider source Henry Deacon – who had not previously heard of Dan. This is extremely important, as Henry was able to support the more challenging parts of Dan's testimony: that we had been visited by time-traveling future humans, that resulting from this there were difficult and complex problems with entangled and overlapping timelines, and that there were major threats to the human race in the relatively near future.

Henry also knew something about Stargate technology, though he stated he did not recognize the Looking Glass technology as described and drawn by Dan, and nor had he encountered Majestic (MJ-12) in his career – at least by that name. This is not unusual.

It's important to note that Henry Deacon, like many whistleblowers, had his particular level of clearance within the areas in the black projects on which he worked. While he seemed to cover a wider area of information to which he was exposed, his clearance like others only went up so far. Judging from the nature of Dan's role within Majestic or the Committee of the Majority over the years, it is likely that Dan was exposed to higher levels of clearance and was dealing with the very highest levels of authority within the Secret Government.

Dan has made an open commitment to us and others that he will always answer all questions honestly to the best of his ability except where he is not at liberty to reveal information due to his level of clearance and signed non-disclosure agreements. It's significant that he says that Majestic is currently made up of different individuals than when he was involved – the changing of the guard happened a short while ago. Dan himself has been 'retired' and is now able to pursue his work on Project Lotus full time.

It's important to keep in mind that when someone who has deep security classification retires from either one of the alphabet agencies or another group from within the secret government, they can be re-instated at any time (even, some would say, against their will). In Dan's case he was "called back in" over the summer and early fall of 2007 to assist the new group on various matters – including new information learned from 'the Orion Cube' or some similar type of time-portal device – in ways that that he was uniquely qualified to do due to his relationship with the P-52k J-Rod known as Chi'el'ah. We do not know all the details about this. We can say that not all the information we have received from Dan has been published.

For those wrestling with the details of Dan's complex testimony we would like to state here possibly the most important single piece of information: that the 2012 pole shift, suffered by the future humans in their history, has now been averted due to the decommissioning of the Looking Glasses and Stargates. We believe this is credible and important and Dan himself certainly believes this.

Some people point to aspects of Dan's testimony that seem to contradict what others have stated. One obvious example is that Dan says he knows of three visiting species (all time-traveling future humans) together with one interdimensional species about which he knows very little. On the other hand, Clifford Stone has stated that he knows of 57 different visiting species, while Henry Deacon told us he was aware of "over 40".

We see no contradiction here. Dan is simply reporting what he is aware of or had been briefed on. There's not much else he can do apart from report what he knows.

Our point of view is that the true number of visiting species is probably closer to Clifford Stone's figure (or even greater). Dan is unwilling to do is to speculate on what he has not himself encountered.

John Lear:

John is a wonderful storyteller and researcher, and has both courage and great style. His personal accounts of his experiences with Bob Lazar strike us as being very authentic. He has the courage to buck the system and take the heat for his very controversial views.

We were very lucky a few weeks ago, when Henry Deacon sent us a stream of 32 e-mails while he was watching our most recent four part John Lear video from beginning to end in real time. Henry told us that John was “80% right” in what he was telling us – which is highly significant, considering how extreme some of John's material is regarded by many.

Henry did not comment at all on the moon’s gravity or atmosphere, and told us that John's holographic WTC planes theory was incorrect, based on Henry's own first-hand experience (see below). He was not disrespectful of John's opinion, as Henry knows that this holographic technology does exist. Concerning most of the rest of John's material, Henry said it was “good guesswork”. Given the range of topics covered John covered, this is an extremely important endorsement.

Henry Deacon:

Much has already been written about Henry on this page. We know him well, have met with him many times, and have spent dozens of hours in focused personal conversation with him. Because of his unusual 'black projects' role – which in the civilian world would be called project management – he was in a position to know a great deal about a significant number of topics, projects, situations and locations. We consider him to be a values-driven, modest, and brilliant man.

The overall importance of Henry's very expansive and far-reaching testimony can be summed up as:
He confirms Dan Burisch's information on time traveling future humans, and problems with parallel alternate timelines.
He has told us that the real problem for the human race in these coming few years is that there is a great deal which is converging upon us all at the same time.
He has urged us to "find a safe place" and prepare ourselves for difficult times to come – starting soon.
He has sat in on meetings in which large-scale depopulation, using stealth pathogens (engineered viruses) was discussed, and insists he was given the Report from Iron Mountain to read as a briefing document.
He confirms that 9/11 was a "inside job", and was working in the location from which the operation was controlled.
[Last and not least!] Henry has spent time on the largest of the several Mars bases.

As with Dan, when we met Henry for the first time, he showed us documentation supporting his ID and place of work. We know his real name, his address, and his date of birth. He is exactly who he says he is.

Because he has spoken out so much and in so much detail, Henry is currently constrained in meeting and speaking with us, and has been coerced and threatened (although not overtly harmed). It's unlikely that we will ever be able to do an audio or video interview with him. If we were to be able to secure and present a video interview, however, he would be probably be regarded as one of the most interesting, intelligent and persuasive of all our witnesses.


Ralph Ring:

Ralph Ring spent a great deal of time with Otis T. Carr nearly 50 years ago when Ralph was a young man in his twenties. Although there are some details which he simply cannot (and cannot be expected to) remember, his story is fascinating and compelling and contains some of the most important clues about 'free energy' ever made public.

Because of this, Ralph spent years in relative obscurity after the FBI came in and forcibly closed down their research facility in which, among other things, they had built a full size 40' diameter flying disk that they successfully 'teleported' to a location about 10 miles away. When they approached General Motors in Southern California with plans for cars that would be able to hover above the ground and would not need wheels or petroleum-powered engines, they were told unequivocally: "If you put 'em up, we'll shoot 'em down."

It's important to know that Ralph was not a trained academic physicist: rather, he was a brilliant intuitive experimental technician. The phenomena he describes are for others to model with physical and mathematical principles. Ralph does not pretend to do this.

Since our August 2006 interview Ralph has been invited to speak at a number of conferences. In the first of these, at Laughlin in February 2007, he received not one but two standing ovations. He now has a small and highly skilled team around him which intends to replicate Otis Carr's research.


Michael St Clair:

Michael St Clair has a background in the Swiss Military and investment banking and is a master astrologer. He consults some very high level clients in regard to the changing economic picture as well as in personal matters. When we filmed him in September 2006, this was Project Camelot's first step towards presenting things from a more philosophical and metaphysical point of view. We have recently (May 2008) recorded a second 'Futuretalk' with him (the first was with David Wilcock) which has been very well received.

Michael's principal message is that we are indeed headed for turbulent times, but that this will be evolutionary rather than destructive. His views are compatible with those of George Green, who claims to be in touch with various ET races including the Pleiadians (or more accurately, the Plejaren)… whose information relates to what people should do in preparation for riding out the coming changes and surviving the challenging tines ahead.

Michael is in touch with his own interdimensional contacts and has written three books revealing his unique view of the future: Zen of Stars, Foreseen and Light Seeds.


Duncan O'Finioan:

Duncan was part of the classified US military program to build a "new species" of Super Soldiers, combining enhanced psychic abilities and abnormal physical strength – programmed as assassins and used in covert operations since early childhood. Duncan is a wounded warrior who has suffered considerably as a result of his courageous revelations to us during his two hour groundbreaking interview.

In Duncan's case, we have independent corroboration from another witness, David Corso, who came forward and confirmed Duncan's amazing story of his experience as a child-assassin in the jungles of Cambodia where he and a group of children joined hands and projected their minds as weapons killing everyone within the vicinity. We recognize, of course (as does Duncan) that there are many important details which Duncan cannot remember. We are considering doing another interview with him, together with another whistleblower in the same military program who has recently come forward to support Duncan's prsonal testimony.


Gordon Novel:

Gordon Novel has been involved in Watergate, Waco and numerous other flashpoints in US history. He is working with a faction within the CIA to develop free energy and get the planet off its dependency on carbon based fuels. Although we were in close touch with him for much of 2006 and early 2007, we are not currently up to date with the status of his RAM project (based on the Alien Reproduction Vehicle, a reverse-engineered craft). Gordon has his own website where he can be contacted.


Clifford Stone:

Clifford Stone is a deeply caring man of great courage and personal integrity. During our interview he revealed some things never before recorded about his experiences as part of a classified US military team whose job was to recover crashed extraterestrial vehicles, and his personal interaction with the beings that survived. A true American patriot, he has been hounded and heavily monitored by the government for his ongoing revelations and efforts to get the truth out to the world about the ET presence. He is a natural intuitive with a very highly tuned sense of purpose and is dedicated to the evolution of humanity.


David Corso:

In a unusual synchronicity of events, Duncan O'Finioan encountered Dave Corse as an adult many years after he had been involved with a secret government assignment – where, as a Super Soldier, he apparently worked with or even for this man. Now the closest of friends, both share common recall of incidents that were wiped from their memories only to resurface when they met and started comparing notes.

Corso's military role was in some kind of supervisory or command capacity, but he does not have access to the details. He shares with us his current recall of when and where he saw Duncan for the first time, and the fragments of memories of their encounters since then. What is clear is that he and Duncan were both part of an MKULTRA-type effort on the part of the secret government to create and maintain an army of Super Soldiers and programmed assassins.


David Wilcock:

David Wilcock got in touch with us immediately after he came across our Henry Deacon testimony. In what he considered an astounding synchronicity, he found that the information we related from Henry coincided perfectly with his own deep insider contact he refers to as 'Daniel'. David told us that Henry was presenting information that he, David had learned from Daniel but had never released publicly.

Among much else, Henry referenced David Wilcock's and Richard Hoagland's work and David had immediately realized that Henry's testimony about Montauk (and Mars) were in total support of the testimony by Daniel. David talks at length about what he learned from Daniel in Part 2 of his interview with us.

David has become an enthusiastic supporter of Project Camelot and many people who regularly visit his site Divine Cosmos now regularly visit ours.

Our four part interview with David was our second excursion into the esoteric, although David – who has a brilliant mind – is also an instinctive scientist of the most inspired kind. His views differ from ours in some respects, and this was the basis of the very well received 'Futuretalk' conversation between the three of us.


Jim Sparks:

We first met Jim when we were invited to speak at the small conference in Rachel, Nevada in April 2007. While Camelot has not strongly featured reports from abductees and 'experiencers', we felt that Jim's multiple-abduction story was so conscious and detailed that we wanted to investigate further. We found in conversation with him prior to the interview that he clearly had been given information about humanity's possible future, and it was clear to us that this would be worth recording on camera.

The nature of his testimony is extremely hard to evaluate objectively, but we must state that Jim is sincere, has certainly experienced everything he describes, and has done a heroic job in trying to make sense of it all to present it to the world. He is passionate about saving the Rain Forest (a legacy of his abduction experiences) and is currently dedicated to that cause.


Bill Holden:

Bill Holden is an experiencer who flew as a crew member of Air Force One during the Kennedy and Johnson administrations. He had the opportunity to talk with JFK in person on the subject of UFOs and ET visitors, and he relates this fascinating anecdote in our interview.

What is also significant is that Bill was on several occasions shown various extraordinary events and situations – such as a UFO emerging from the ocean near Hawaii, and a meeting between military officers and a group of aliens in deeep in a remote box canyon – possibly in a planned effort, among other things, to see the effect of these kinds of startling revelation on various chosen individuals.

Recently, in April 2008, we reconnected with Bill in Las Vegas and introduced him to Jim Sparks, who also lives there. We had the good fortune to film an impromptu conversation between them where they compared their various experiences in a fascinating personal exchange.


Bob Dean:

Bob Dean is the elder statesman par excellence of ufology, and is an ex-military man with impeccable credentials. Our interview with him is absolutely not to be missed and we fondly regard him as a 'one man disclosure project'. His experiences during the Cold War, as part of NATO and based in Europe, indicate the level of exposure to which the military was involved in both sightings of craft and direct contact with aliens. He continued his own research into the subject after leaving the military and became a well known and highly respected speaker on the 'UFO circuit'.

In spite of the many interviews and lectures he has given around the world about his experiences, our interview stands as one of the most revealing and stunningly personal he has given. We are honored to have been given what is very likely to be the last to interview by this truly great man.


Dan Sherman:

Dan Sherman was genetically modified while still in his mother's womb to be part of a team of 'intuitive communicators' – that might be called upon during a future catastrophe when (as he was told) "all electronic communications would be rendered useless". He relates his experience of being selected then trained to communicate with an ET via a computer terminal and aided by complex biofeedback protocols. His interview covered all the ground in his short but important book Above Black.

One thing to keep in mind is that since Dan opted out of the program, as a whistleblower, his actual role during a grid shutdown is likely to be in question. He may well now have been relegated to being simply a highly intuitive member of the masses. However, it occurs to us that his voluntary withdrawal from the program could have been orchestrated from a higher place than from the military/ET level of his original programming… in which case the question to ask may be what new role might he play in the future, should these anticipated events transpire.


Richard Hoagland:

Richard is an accomplished presenter and a master of his own data. A regular contributor to Coast to Coast AM, he is very much at home in front of a microphone or camera. What sets our interview with him apart is that he covers many areas he has not dealt with on 'Coast', including his take on the ET role in creating us, and where our ancestral race may have come from…

We believe his work is important and deserves great respect. Regarding the Apollo moon landings, Henry Deacon's version of events differs somewhat: Deacon says that most of the Apollo missions did go to the moon, but that some details were filmed on a stage set and that the successful missions were only possible using extraterrestrial technology incorporated into the Apollo capsule and LEM (Lunar Module) – due to the interference of the Van Allen Belt and other factors.

It seems very clear to us that a number of the well-known Apollo lunar images were fabricated on Earth as part of an effort to deceive the public and hide what they actually may have encountered on the moon. Richard's images – of what appear to be glass domes on the moon – deserve serious consideration, while other questions remain.

A number of people have asked us why in our three-part interview we didn't cover what Richard described as "The Magicians", or hear more about Gene Roddenberry. The simple answer is that we just ran out of time and tape, but of course this gives us a good reason to return. Moreover, Richard has also stated clearly that he has not told us all of what he knows.

Finally, we should say that we are delighted to be in touch with Dr. Ali Fant, the former NASA spaceflight controller who was the author of the very extensive, detailed and supportive Amazon review that Richard cited at the very end of Part 3 of our interview.



Traveling to Russia and meeting the 12 year-old Boris Kipriyanovich was one of the highlights of our time working together on Project Camelot. Being the first Western journalists to interview Boriska on film was a real scoop and made for quite an exciting trip. 'Boriska' is a fine soul and although he's going through a lot of the changes natural for a boy of his age, he still managed to convey the essence of his inner world along with some of his astonishing visions of what might be coming in the future.

As a follow-up to our interview, we highly recommend this long article by Gennady Belimov, now translated into English for the first time. Comparing our interview with Belimov's report, the place Boriska is now in is clearly different than when he first came into the public view at the age of seven. Older and more wary of the world, he is now less forthcoming – and his memories of his prior lives have been somewhat diluted by the louder more demanding present in which he finds himself.

Boriska holds a special place in the hearts of many who write to us, and understandably so. As an Indigo child and beacon of hope for the future, we look forward to being a part of the world he will one day guide along with many of the growing awakened members of humanity who are also his age. It will not be long before we will see whether his vivid catastrophic vision, involving a continent affected by water, will materialize, as he predicted, sometime during 2009.


Benjamin Fulford:

Like many others, we read with great interest the strong and clear statements made by Benjamin Fulford on Jeff Rense in the summer of 2007. What struck us was his lack of pretense and the serious nature of his important message of warning to the Illuminati. We felt we had to meet the man in person in order to investigate the real nature of his claims. We took a great chance to fly to Japan and meet face to face with a man standing up to the Powers That Be with such a clear-sighted sense of purpose.

Our interview gives the viewer the chance to see up close the man, his history and the reasons why he firmly believes he has the backing of the Asian Secret Societies in his compelling call for peace. As it stands now, we are unable to evaluate the impact on the Rockefeller faction or the Illuminati in general of Benjamin's statements and requests, nor can we know how realistic is the description of real retaliatory power by the Asian Secret Societies of which he is the spokesman to those paying close attention in the West.

The story continues to unfold. The very least we have done is encourage Benjamin to continue, and the most we may have done is to bring his message strongly home to those who we know are monitoring our work closely; to this end, we may have been able to use this surveillance to good effect.


Luca Scantamburlo:

Our experience with Luca cannot be discussed without also debating Planet X, possibly the biggest bone of contention among all our material. We're often asked what we think of the evidence he provides, especially as Leo Zagami states clearly that Cristoforo Barbato (whose evidence Luca represents) was the victim of a Jesuit sting operation and that no such threat exists.

We can best reply by first stating as a fact that Luca reports he has been threatened and intimidated since the publication of his interview with us, and has now not only withdrawn contact but has also ceased his research into the area. We do not know exactly what happened, but clearly something has. This is not to be dismissed. We sincerely hope to resume contact with Luca in the future should circumstances permit.

Second, we agree that there is circumstantial evidence, also not to be dismissed, that a major unknown body in the solar system exists – possibly a small 'brown dwarf' star and maybe heading inwards on a long, inclined, elliptical orbit. Henry Deacon confirmed to us personally that he had heard about such a object, classified as secret, when he was working for a spell at NOAA.

We are not so sure that this object, if it exists, represents a dire threat. That evidence is more based on the work of Zecharia Sitchin (who himself states that Nibiru, if this is what 'Planet X' is, will not be returning for several hundred years). We believe there's a huge amount of hype about this subject on the internet and much (but maybe not all) of it can be discounted as being groundless.

It must be clearly stated that the testimony about Planet X (just four words: "Planet X is coming") from our Norwegian Politician source is not reliable, and he has since confirmed that to us. His personal experiences with the underground bases we believe are very real, but the Planet X connection he made was a conjecture based on a conversation he had had and one or two things he'd read and heard about.

It was not solid experiential testimony. In short, we are no closer to knowing as reported fact the real reason for the underground bases all over the world… though we are certain they exist.

If Planet X is indeed real, it should become visible in about a year's time (mid-2009) in the Southern Hemisphere, in which event the Powers That Be will not be able to silence the voices of thousands of amateur astronomers in dozens of countries. So we are watching and waiting with great interest…


Leo Zagami:

We recorded Luca Scantamburlo's and Leo Zagami's interviews almost back-to-back (after traveling from Italy to Oslo). Although Leo refers to ETs and interdimensional entities as "jinns" it is important to keep in mind that he views them from the perspective of a magician highly immersed in the language of the occult. Leo, like everyone, has limits to his conscious knowledge. He does not know what he does not know.

At one point, Leo states that the Planet X Jesuit Footage was given to Cristoforo Barbato as clever disinformation by the Vatican, which has, in his opinion, a vested interest in promoting this story. The agenda behind such a campaign is not apparently clear other than to classify it under the general topic of promoting chaos and, maybe, distracting researchers from what may really be afoot.

It was clear from our meeting with Leo that he was energetic, animated, passionate and extremely well-informed about the inner workings of the Illuminati and the Vatican. But since our interview, a number of events occurred which significantly changed the situation. Leo's wife Fatma Suslu left him, taking with her their son. Leo was charged with abuse and was temporarily imprisoned by the Norwegian police.

Upon his release, he subsequently traveled first to Rome and then to the US, where he reported he was now working with the CIA and had been subsequently reinstated as the head of the Monte Carlo Lodge. In addition, he claims to have established what he calls "Liberty Lodge", has a quasi-militia group under his command, and is answering again to the Illuminati and the Vatican. This is an important change from whistleblower to re-avowed member of the very group he had originally rebelled against, and which had brought him to our and many other people's attention in the first place.

We are saddened by this reversal and are aware of some of the demonic forces which are now dominating his life. We wish to distance ourselves and Camelot from him at this time under the present circumstances. Soon after arriving in the US he published a series of interviews. At least one of these interviews was so vicious in its tone that we felt obliged to make a public statement of concern (What's New, 19 May) stating that we could no longer support his stance on that and other matters.

We have had a glimpse of the true nature of this fine soul back in Norway and because of that we wish him well. For this reason, also, our interview with him remains on our site and is freely available on the internet. We look forward to a time in the future when Leo will again free himself from the chains under which he labors and comes forward as the truth-teller we know him to be.


Project Camelot
9 July 2008


Timeline 1, variant 83:
What may the future hold?

UPDATE (Please read the information below first):

5 June 2008 – Dan Burisch Update on Status of Timeline 1, variant 83

From: Dan Burisch
Subject: Re: Timeline 1 variant 83
To: "Kerry Cassidy and Bill Ryan" <support@projectcamelot.org>
Date: Thursday, June 5, 2008, 5:12 AM

As an addendum, and something you can also make public if you like, is the disparity in accuracy – the changes from the accurate older accounts to the changes now underway as we are in the transition and have made "changes" ourselves. My early comments, based in direct experience, second and third party comments, unrelated reports, Looking Glass Data, data from the Orion Cube, and from the J-Rod have played out, since with the following hits, and those who have followed my truthful account can do the matchings to my earlier quotes if they want. Let's parse it out, shall we? (We won't even get into "Deacon's" and Uhouse's reports about Looking Glass, at this juncture, as it further confirms but is unnecessary.)


1. The Rense/Caltech issue.



2. Stargates being directly involved with the Iraq war.


3. Solar Flares to be one component near 2012 of the T2 catastrophe.


4. Einstein-Rosen Bridges used by the Time Travelers.



5. Origin of J-Rods and Orions being a split in Humanity to a short group and a tall group.


6. Asthenosphere and mantle destabilization and rotation during T2's geophysical catastrophe. Magma and water behind it, after being perturbed by energy hitting earth.


7. The energy hitting earth in #6, and directly related to the Sun?




The "possibles" are communicated to the Clintons. Hillary is told what could be the highest probability T1 variants "future(s)." She and her husband publicize her knowledge of the possibles, and her defiance of it, this way in June 2007:


We made big noise about it on our forum. (People must have missed it or were snoozing?)

I was impressed, as were many. Marcia and I even endorsed her, me especially because she was willing to run – even after knowing "something."

Then comes the end of 2007, after all this stuff was coming to light. On September 27, 2007 questions like these were being asked:


"So why wouldn’t Hillary put Obama on the ticket?"

Hillary was the Democratic Heir Apparent.

I was "busy" elsewhere, at the time, and later reported to you what was up, that was was observed winning, and other "things" happening. I also reported that we entered the Shar, the time of crossing (that of transition) in early October, 2007. I reported, privately, about the Third Rail, and that we were then trying to push the events away from the accuracy as somewhat evidenced in #1-#7, above.

The Clintons continued forward, then the Heir Apparent slipped away, and not just by the votes. Changes were happening.

(03/08: what happened in Bosnia? Must have been just a "gaffe"… a really eloquently stated… three times stated… well remembered… detailed… stated by someone who knows that file footage exists… "gaffe!" I have a plethora of emails from around the world from people who seem to remember something about a pesky sniper!? …but that isn't what the video shows (now), is it?


I tried to assure people, on the forum, who had written that "just because they don't remember it the way the video shows, it's okay…"…but some people must have missed that or were snoozing?)

Okay, now, anyway, here we are with it really starting, right at the time of the transition, October, 2007:


Dan Balz's Take

Clinton Slips Social Security Questions

In that same timeframe, I am on the phone with a close friend, speaking to her in the area of Dubai. I advised her what was observed about Pakistan and others advised her that what I was saying was correct: that the PPP was not seen in power in any probables observed by the Looking Glass where it was seen a nuclear war erupted between Pakistan and India, following the destabilization by an idiotic attack on Iran by order of President Bush and advice of Vice President Cheney. Of course, that would Pak/India war would promote the entry of China into India (2010-11), and the confrontation by the United States after President Hillary Clinton was… ahem… no longer President… and everything which would follow. My friend returned to Pakistan, and was the ultimate blood sacrifice which allowed an important change in power structure.

What also happens right in this timeframe? A certain National Intelligence Estimate is released, by none other than the Director of National Intelligence, Retired Navy Vice Admiral John Michael McConnell. That pressure caused a political sway against a near term attack on Iran – the near term attack seen by the Looking Glass for T1v83.

CLICK HERE: For a little timeline:

October 7, 2007: Reporter: US Intelligence Community Will Attempt to ‘Slow Down’ Administration’s Push for War with Iran

NBC correspondent Howard Fineman says that the US intelligence community will release “three different reports” in upcoming weeks to “slow down” the administration’s push for war with Iran. Fineman says, “The intelligence community over the next few months is going to come out with three different reports on Iran about internal political problems of Iran, about the economy, and about their nuclear capability. Those are going to be key to decide what the Bush administration is going to do, and it’s the intelligence community I think trying to slow down what the president, most particularly the vice president, want to do in Iran.” [MSNBC, 10/7/2007] In fact, the intelligence community will release a National Intelligence Estimate in December that concludes Iran stopped working on a nuclear weapon in 2003, and is not a danger of having a nuclear weapon until at least 2013 (see December 3, 2007).

October 20, 2007: Bush Says Global Leaders Risk ‘World War III’ Unless Iran’s Nuclear Program is Stopped

George W. Bush warns that world leaders are risking World War III unless they work to stop Iran from developing nuclear weapons. Bush makes his remarks at the White House, remarks timed to coincide with Russian president Vladimir Putin’s visit to Tehran. Russia has in recent weeks warned the US about moving too quickly towards a violent confrontation with Iran over its nuclear program; Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, and other Bush officials have responded by escalating their rhetoric towards Iran (see October 21, 2007) and requesting funding for weapons that could be used against Iran’s nuclear facilities (see Mid-October, 2007). “We’ve got a leader in Iran who has announced that he wants to destroy Israel,” Bush says. “So I’ve told people that, if you’re interested in avoiding World War III, it seems like you ought to be interested in preventing them from having the knowledge necessary to make a nuclear weapon.” In fact, Putin and Russian officials have repeatedly said that Iran is not building nuclear weapons, Russia has pledged to continue helping Iran develop its nuclear power technology, and Russia has led a coalition of Caspian nations who vow to prevent the US from using that region to launch any attacks against Iran. [Daily Telegraph, 10/20/2007]

December 3, 2007: National Intelligence Estimate Finds Iran’s Nuclear Weapons Program Halted Since 2003

The Iran NIE. [Source: Office of the Director of National Intelligence]The newly released National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) for Iran’s nuclear weapons program concludes that Iran stopped working on nuclear weapons in 2003, and that the program remains on hold today. The Bush administration has repeatedly claimed that Iran is on the verge of acquiring nuclear arms, and has intimated that it is ready to attack that nation to prevent such an event from happening (see October 20, 2007). Interestingly, the administration has tried to have the NIE rewritten to more suit their view of Iran, an effort spearheaded by Vice President Dick Cheney (see October 2006). The findings of the NIE are expected to have a large impact on the negotiations between Iran and several Western countries, including the US, aimed at pressuring and cajoling Iran into giving up its nuclear energy program. The NIE, an assessment representing the consensus of the US’s 16 intelligence agencies, finds that while Iran’s ultimate ambitions towards becoming a nuclear-armed power remain unclear, Iran’s “decisions are guided by a cost-benefit approach rather than a rush to a weapon irrespective of the political, economic and military costs.… Some combination of threats of intensified international scrutiny and pressures, along with opportunities for Iran to achieve its security, prestige, and goals for regional influence in other ways might – if perceived by Iran’s leaders as credible – prompt Tehran to extend the current halt to its nuclear weapons program.” The NIE says that even if Iran were to restart development of its nuclear weapons program today, it would be at least two years at a minimum before it would have enough enriched uranium to produce a single bomb. The report says that Iran is more likely to develop a nuclear weapon by no earlier than 2013, “because of foreseeable technical and programmatic problems.” The report flatly contradicts the assessment made by a 2005 NIE that concluded Iran had an active nuclear weapons program and was determined to create them as quickly as possible. “We felt that we needed to scrub all the assessments and sources to make sure we weren’t misleading ourselves,” says one senior intelligence official. [New York Times, 12/3/2007; Director of National Intelligence, 12/3/2007 ] There is no official word as to why the NIE has been publicly released by the White House when it so transparently contradicts the stance of the Bush administration, but Cheney implies the decision stems from a fear that it would be leaked anyway: “[T]here was a general belief that we all shared that it was important to put it out—that it was not likely to stay classified for long, anyway.” [Politico, 12/5/2007] The NIE is compiled from information gathered since 2004; one of the key intelligence findings is from intercepted phone calls between Iranian military commanders indicating that the nuclear program has been halted (see July 2007)..

The DNI acted, and thank God he did! Of course, in my personal focus, all that was overshadowed, just 24 days later, when my friend died.


I hope that I have come some way, in this more detailed response, to answer your original question. I can say that I feel the present flux and the possibility for peace is better than what was observed: multilateral nuclear war. (That was the "no free lunch" I had mentioned for all these years, in the trade off from a T2 catastrophe where 4-5 billion would die.) I feel that any "unknown" accompanying the possibility for peace, is a better option than certain war.

God Bless us and keep us, and may we find our own paths – paths we create in peace for ourselves.



Meeting with Dan Burisch on 10 December, 2007

Dan had been incommunicado and unavailable during most of the latter half of 2007, during which time he had been called back 'inside' to participate in a project of considerable National Security importance (see this page for Marci McDowell's public statement about Dan's 'sabbatical'). After he was released from his duties, we met with him for several hours… and were told an amazing story.
We have kept this fully confidential (for reasons which will become obvious as you read on). The information contained intelligence data about probable future events which was gained through a high-tech investigation into possible and probable future timelines. The device used was known as the Orion Cube. [Click on the image to enlarge.]

The purpose of the project was to establish whether or not the danger from Timeline 2 – in which the 2012 pole shift was set to occur, according to information communicated from time traveling future humans – had been averted.

Those familiar with Dan's testimony in our previous interviews (and also summarized here) will know that it was learned from the future humans that it was Stargate and Looking Glass techttp://prohnology that had precipitated the catastrophe by amplifying the energetic effects from micro-wormholes encountered as the Earth journeyed through a particular region of space (which, on this timeline in which you are reading this page, we are approaching now).

The Looking Glasses and Stargates have now been decommissioned or destroyed. In theory, all was well – but this had to be checked.

The project had two outcomes:

1) It was confirmed that the 2012 catastrophe had been averted.

2) Given (1) above – i.e. that that we were now on Timeline 1, not the disastrous Timeline 2 – the rest of the project was devoted to recovering data about probable events on this new, untraveled timeline. The most probable sequence of events, among a large number of potential variants, was evaluated to be variant 83.

Timeline 1, variant 83

T1v83, as it's known, did not contain good news for you and us, the citizens of the world. For this reason we did not publicize any of the information, assuming that it was highly classified. Because – and this is important – this bad-news variant now seems to be changing, we have sought permission from Dan to publish what we can of this – because it offers a message of hope and understanding. To Dan's enormous credit, he has agreed.

Here are the details: first the information that was retrieved, and second how it has changed.

What was seen was that Hillary Clinton – most interestingly, with John Kerry as her Vice President – would win the White House in November 2008. The Bush Administration, however, would before then launch a nuclear strike against Iran, the escalating repercussions of which would cross over into the new administration and also precipitate a major economic collapse.

Geopolitical events thereafter would continue to deteriorate with a strike by Pakistan against India, an attack by China against India, and finally a nuclear exchange between the US, Russia and China. By then it would be 2010, so these events do not all occur at once.

What follows is then what is new. Mike McConnell, the Director of National Intelligence and old MJ-1 – and who is a good man (in Dan's words: Majestic's moral compass) – was so incensed at the current administration's glee at the prospect of Iran attack that he instructed his intelligence apparatus to publish the National Intelligence Estimate, in which it was stated that Iran presented no nuclear threat. This was the first major change in variant 83.

Shortly after that, Benazir Bhutto herself was assassinated. Benazir was party to the findings of the 2007 project and was fully briefed about variant 83. Her personal mission was to avert the Pakistani nuclear strike, and in variant 83 it had been seen that she was very politically active – although unsuccessful.

We do not know this as fact, but we feel that readers may draw their own conclusions about why she might have been 'eliminated' shortly after the publication of the NIE. It must be remembered that there are many factions and individuals behind the scenes that WANT these foreseen events to transpire.

Most significantly, since her death there is now a coalition government in Pakistan which in itself may be sufficient to avert the strike against India. This is another departure from variant 83.

In our long conversation, Marci McDowell likened the publication of the NIE to nudging an aimed rifle barrel so that the metaphorical bullet (i.e. the predicted outcome) would instead hit another target. Readers will have noticed that there have been political attempts in certain quarters (not only within the US!) to straighten the rifle barrel again. But this does not appear to have worked… so far.

This might be premature at the time of writing (10 April 2008), but it does look as if Barack Obama – not Hillary Clinton – may be the next President. If so, this further departure from variant 83 may be the most significant of all.

We all co-create our world

So this is a message of hope and informed optimism. It seems that the bad-news variant 83 has already been broken. What new variant we may now be on, we do not know – and possibly no-one does.

But here's what's critical to remember, always: we are not just passengers in a world where the events are determined by others, while we just helplessly and passively watch the outcomes as so much TV. We are all involved in the process, and – as we have remarked many times – are all responsible for co-creating our future.

We all vote on the world we will experience, whether consciously aware of this or not. It is in our view critically important that people are informed about the games being played, the hidden agendas, and what is at stake. This is the entire mission of Project Camelot.

Now we have published this, none of us, duly informed, can be unconscious any more. So here is our request of you, personally: Do NOT permit these foreseen events to take place.

INTERVIEW WITH Valery Uvarov: Part 1 of 2 Copy

Project Camelot interviews Valery Uvarov

St Petersburg, Russia, October 2007

Dr Valery Uvarov is the head of the Department of UFO Research, Palaeosciences and Palaeotechnology of the National Security Academy of Russia, and has devoted more than 15 years to ufology as well as to the study of the legacy of ancient civilizations.

Valery speaks excellent English and is well-known in the west, having been asked to speak at a number of American UFO conferences. Notably, he was invited to attend the very exclusive 1995 Rockefeller-sponsored Alisal Ranch event which we first learned about from Bill Holden.

In October 2007, Valery invited Project Camelot to his St Petersburg home to present some controversial theories behind the 1908 Tunguska incident, the significance of 2012, and the coming magnetic pole shift – and describes the intriguing Russian construction of nine large pyramids between St. Petersburg and Moscow. The intention of this fascinating experiment is both to research new approaches to curing cancer, and to employ the pyramids as a sort of centering device during the next few years as we move closer to the galactic plane.

Valery was representing the Russian government when he spoke to us, and has been one of their leading researchers and spokesmen in the area of UFOs and consciousness. Although his ideas are controversial, our interview reveals some of his very interesting personal background and offers one or two clues about how the Russian government may be regarding the changes which could be headed our way.

Our publication of this interview has been delayed due to technical editing problems [Note: the MOV files are very large downloads and the video may best be viewed on YouTube] – as well as our intention to release this at the same time as our interview with Dr Vadim Chernobrov, a Russian physicist investigating time travel and other paranormal phenomena. Due to Project Camelot’s workload and a number of translation issues on the Chernobrov footage, we’ve not been able to release these concurrently as originally planned. We do still intend to release this most interesting Chernobrov video soon.

To contact Bill Ryan or Kerry Cassidy, please e-mail us at support@projectcamelot.org.