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Klaus Dona – Spiritual Archeologist

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Klaus Dona

Spiritual Archeologist

Vienna, Austria, 2009




klaus dona

Klaus Dona comes from the art world. As Art Exhibition Curator for the Habsburg Haus of Austria, Klaus has organized exhibitions world wide. With this background his approach to archeology is unconventional. He has traveled the world in search of unique and unexplained findings. Intrepid and unrelenting, he is on a mission to bring to the eye of the public such finds as giant bones, crystal skulls, carvings and sculptures in forms that do not fit into the contemporary view of our timeline.

We spent an afternoon with Klaus in Vienna talking at length about his process, his particularly stunning finds and why he is motivated to pursue this unusual vocation. Staunchly open minded, he refuses to retreat in the face of skepticism and doubt. Low on funding, he presses on to discover the real mysteries, going down through the centuries and excavating artifacts that science does not allow for, revealing the existence of physical proof that humanity has barely grazed the surface of our heritage here on Earth.

Click here for Klaus Dona’s website

Erich von Däninnen – Questions, not Answers

Erich von Däniken :
Questions, not Answers

Interlaken, Switzerland, May 2009

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Erich von Daniken

— I want people to leave my Mystery Park feeling astounded. I share my view of the world. I ask many questions. I do not know all the answers.

Erich von Däniken

I (Bill Ryan) first read Erich von Däniken’s Chariots of the Gods in 1968, having saved up my pocket money as a 15 year old to buy a first edition hardback copy which became one of the earliest cornerstones in my library of the unexplained.

I was indeed astounded when I read his book – his first of many to come – understanding very clearly his thesis, which he wrote to appeal to the layman, not to scientists. I must have read it from cover to cover four or five times.

Chariots of the godsFor that bold expository vision, I owed him a personal debt of thanks. And when I had the opportunity to visit his Mystery Park, in Interlaken, Switzerland – a high-tech, multimedia showcase of evidence for ancient ET contact – I wrote to von Däniken to ask if it might be possible to meet. I was there with a group of friends, and Erich made a special appearance for a few minutes to say hello. We were honored and delighted.

One of the group filmed the short conversation with a handycam, and we recorded the audio on a dictaphone. It is exactly as it appears: an impromptu meeting, and a brief personal conversation, in a public place. But for those who, like myself, appreciate him for making it so much easier for other researchers to follow (“I know Graham Hancock and Zecharia Sitchin well,” Erich said. “We all keep in touch”) – they may find this brief encounter most interesting. Enjoy…

Click here for Erich von Däniken’s website.


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Bill Deagle – Update on Virus

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Dr. Bill Deagle

Bill Deagle | 29 Apr 09 | transcript

Kerry Cassidy (KC):  Hi, this is Kerry Cassidy and Bill Ryan from Project Camelot. It's April 29th, a Wednesday, and we're here with Dr. Bill Deagle.

We're very happy to be talking to you Bill. We are trying to get an update on what’s going on with the virus. I don’t know if it’s really officially a pandemic. Maybe you can explain that to us; when something becomes a pandemic versus just some kind of virus going around.

Bill Deagle (BD):  Yes, If you actually stick to the six phases of the World Health Organization Categorization, it’s actually in Phase Five of a pandemic right now. Phase Six is the out-of-control, top level of it. And that’s by definition. It means it’s rapidly spreading to other continents, it’s having close-to-close human-to-human contact and it is causing deaths. Now there’s probably more than one strain circulating.

One of the concerns that I have is that this virus… I agree with Dr. Len Horowitz (I just saw his video clip today). All the evidence indicates that it was a CDC World Health Organization virus. They were working with a company called Novavax, but there's actually six companies making these vaccines, including Sanofi Pasteur, that has 382 million doses of a dual RNA biphasic vaccine.

The RNA vaccine where they’ve given the first phase, as long ago as three or four months ago, to our troops. And they’ve already announced earlier this year that they are going to give it to all the county sheriffs and their families. And the second phase, when they “have an antigenically more accurate second phase vaccine.”

KC:  I’m sorry, I’m not understanding you. Are you saying that this virus is part of something that has been given to our troops as a vaccine?

BD:  Well, no. It’s a separate thing. The one given to our troops is a first phase, called an RNA vaccine, by Sanofi Pasteur. What Dr. Horowitz is showing in his video clip (which you may want to talk to him) — and I agree it’s the CDC World Health Organization — there’s direct complicity with them and British recombinant viral biologists that’ve actually worked on this project, and he has all the connecting dots.

It fits in with the documentation which I received from scientists and doctors in March of 1997 that was smuggled out of the Basel Headquarters of the World Health Organization. They were going to resurrect with gene fragments the 1918 swine human flu recombinant, and then convert it with some Avian genes, put it into Asia and then later release a bridge virus, which is what this virus is.

There are two strains in Mexico City. One that’s making people very sick and the other one that’s actually killing people. So, we won’t know for a couple of weeks, but if it starts to show selective deaths of only Hispanic people in America, then we know — like AIDS, which is 16 times more likely to kill blacks than to kill whites — that it is a race specific bioweapon.

There are six companies producing vaccine for the World Health Organization and the international community. Pfizer Pharmaceutical, Sanofi Pasteur, Baxter Laboratories that actually had this accident in 18 different labs in four countries, and shut down the biotest lab in the Czech Republic. Their phone is off the hook. Nobody’s answering the phone. We’ve been having our people — Alexander Jones, an NIH whistleblower — calling them daily and they are now not only not returning calls, either Baxter or Biotest in the Czech Republic, their phone is disconnected.

But the Sanofi was the one where the U.S. government contracted for 382 million plus doses of this binary vaccine. Their branch plant in Beijing shipped it four-and-a-half to five months ago, and it is now shipped to major military U.S. bases. They’ve already been administering it for the past four months to our troops; the first phase of this binary vaccine. And they say the second phase will be “antigenically more accurate” for the “Avian Flu.” It’s an Avian flu vaccine. Research about it…

KC:  But you can’t vaccinate against it; is my understanding.

BD:  Right, but what they’re doing is they’re saying they’re doing it. And they’ve given an RNA vaccine they say will prime them so they will have an immune response within a week rather than two to three weeks.

This latest thing that Novavax is working on is a similar virus in which they actually recombined the H1N1 swine flu from 1918, that  was resurrected by Dr. Taugenberger — [ed. note: Dr. Jeffery Taugenberger] — at the CDC, with the H5N1 lethal strains and human viruses, and they actually created vaccines which they were playing around with. Novavax, and what Dr. Horowitz has stated and it’s probably correct, is that this company’s virus is virtually identical to the one which has been released in Mexico City.

So they probably sprayed it over Mexico City because when you have a weakened population with a lot of biotoxins in the environment it makes it easier for them to become ill. So, yeah, this is absolutely manmade. I don’t call it a swine flu because it’s not. With swine flu 20 percent of all veterinarians in Ohio, according to research, are positive for antibodies to swine virus and they don’t get sick or die.

KC:  I’m sorry, I really have to get back to the troops. What is it they’re giving our troops and what is going to be the result of what they’re giving our troops?

BD:  What they’re doing is inserting what’s called H5N1 RNA. In other words, they’re inserting some RNA which actually stays in their body and modifies the genetics of the troops so that their immune systems will respond more quickly when they give them the second phase of this vaccine that is called a binary or second phase vaccine.

KC:  When you say: their immune systems will respond more quickly, you’re saying that…

BD:  That’s their theory. That’s what they’re saying.

KC:  …in theory, they will fight off the disease faster?

BD:  That’s what they are saying.

KC:  Because there is no real reason, in my mind, why they would want our troops to die of a virus.

BD:  Well, I would think that there is actually a very good reason they would want our troops to die.

KC: Okay. Other than in battle? Because this is what they use them for.

BD:  No. They want our troops to die so they can bring in foreign troops on American soil because they will shoot at American citizens and disarm them. American troops won’t. That’s already been established. So they want our troops sick and they want our troops dead.

KC:  Okay, that’s quite a statement.

BD:  Yeah, it is. It’s true. I have that from inside sources, too, and they’re very concerned inside the military. The county sheriffs were announced — we had whistleblowers from several states including Arizona and Arkansas, and other states that we had — that they were… Also, the Department of Homeland Security, as well as the state health departments in states across the United States, have been planning to vaccine all the county sheriffs and their families with the same vaccine. But, as far as I know, I haven’t had my whistleblowers tell me they’ve actually done it yet.

KC:  Okay. Again, why would they vaccinate? If you say the vaccine is actually preparing them… I’m getting the impression that you’re telling us that it’s preparing them for the next wave of this virus.

BD:  Well, the one that they‘re…

KC:  It’s not going to protect them; it is going to kill them. So again, why would they want to kill…

BD:  We don’t know. All we know is, number one: it may give them a false sense of protection, at the very least.

Number two: this is totally experimental. There’s no research to show that you can make a binary vaccine and you can prime someone with this RNA so that when they get a second phase that’s antigenically correct… The thing is, the virus is going to come up with multiple sub-strains, and it’s extremely unlikely that they can create one quick enough. The fastest you can use it, if you use cell culture, is probably 60 days minimum. If you use cell culture and egg membrane, you can use 6 months, at least.

And the virus changes so quickly that it wouldn’t be genetically correct, and number two, I don’t believe the vaccines work anyway. In fact, the research has shown that whose who received the vaccine to the swine virus in 1918 were the ones that died. They depress Sermion [sp?] systems; they increase the risk of new recombinants forming.

Like they were giving the swine vaccine in Mexico City until the weekend when the WHO finally reported — after me and many others were saying they shouldn’t be vaccinating — they actually discontinued the program. But that would actually insert new DNA, new viral material so you could actually form recombinants, or new viruses, that would swap DNA and create new viral strains that could be more lethal and spread more quickly.

In Mexico City and other areas, and by the way this is spreading very rapidly. It is almost certain there's a strain that causes a bad flu and there is a strain that causes a bad flu that kills. It causes a cytokine storm.

KC:  But my understanding is that people in the U.S. are not dying from this.

BD:  Right. My guess is the strain that got into the U.S. is a very bad flu but it is not the strain yet. But the fact is… Here’s what happened: in H5N1 — and I had the documents 12 years ago — the primary reason, the number one reason when I started radio broadcasting fulltime four years ago plus was to warn people of this because I had the documents; I was given the information to warn people that this is coming.

This is one of the primary vehicles that the globalists want to use to quell any resistance to the new financial order that’s coming; to quell resistance to revolution in Mexico and the United States when the economy collapses and they switch to a new financial order worldwide.

They are bringing in a Hate Crimes Bill today: HR1913. This is the 29th, which is to be voted on, and it is the most noxious hate-crime bill which will affect everyone of every group, either skin color, or religion or lack of religion or whatever. It’ll affect everybody. This will allow them to have totalitarian control and selective prosecution of anyone who speaks of against any issue that they don’t like you to talk about.

Bill Ryan (BR):  Hello, Dr. Bill, it is good to be talking to you.

BD:  Yeah, it is good to talk to you again, Bill.

BR:  You’re in the excellent position to understand the controller’s thinking. If you were one of their strategists, what do you think their strategic plan is, of which this may be a very early stage.

BD:  What they have done is release a bridge virus. [he spells] b-r-i-d-g-e. This bridges and spreads very quickly between humans. The earlier strain that’s in the United States is a bad flu but it isn’t lethal. The second strain which is in Mexico City is killing people at a relatively rapid rate; we’re going to guess somewhere at around eight to ten percent case fatality rate, which is pretty high, to go four times higher than the 1918 swine flu pandemic, which is a swine-human recombinant.

I went over the DNA letters 3 years ago with Henry L. Niman, head of Recombinomics, that has more patents than any other Ph.D. virologist in history on recombination, which is how viruses change; they swap DNA. I think they have already pulled the trigger. The hammer has fallen and it will come in waves that could occur over months, or years, or even more than a decade.

So if we get over this, as Napolitano has stated as the Head of Homeland Security, former governor of Arizona, we are almost certainly looking at a wave. Whether it’s six weeks or three months or six months, that is going to have a much higher case fatality rate and it’s shown already that they’re doing nothing and plan to do nothing to stop the virus from moving.

Now they could do things like having an antiviral hepa filter in every aircraft, tracking every person that flies or crosses a border for at least ten to twelve days; making sure they don’t have symptoms, tracking all their contacts. They could give everybody antipathogenics, actually build their immune system like Super Silver or NutriDine and the element allicin, which if you just take a little bit of it, it prevents you from getting a primary infection.

They could issue true nanoparticle masks — and the best is the Nano Mask — or a NIOSH N100 mask, and if you are in an area you probably also need an eye shield because you can get it sprayed in your eyes. If you use natural good hygiene practices, really, you could stop this cold.

The fact is the government is doing nothing to stop it. They are not doing anything to stop commerce or truckers coming in from Mexico or airline flights. They are not doing anything to track anybody. I brought these issues up in 2002 with the FBI and the CDC director for bioterrorism, along with Dr. Jay Reddington, Infectious Disease Director at the University of Colorado, because I was the point man under Dr. John Hughes of Rocky Mountain OccMed. We worked on Operation TOPOFF and Dark Winter in the late ’90s doing bioweapons war simulations.

The fact is the government is doing everything to make sure that if this does acquire new genetics and new sub-strains emergent that enter the United States and other countries, they’re going to declare martial law. They have now — and I have this from my military contacts, trained over 50,000 returning U.S. troops — there are special crack troops now upgraded to handle, in these new Chem-Bio suits, the administration of drugs and/or vaccines at gunpoint. And also civil detention camps are now being set up as quarantine camps all across the United States.

As of two weeks ago they had 50,000 already trained and ready to roll. This is before this, what I call the lab flu, North American lab flu. I’m not going to call this swine flu because there are genes from the Avian flu; the new Avian flu. It has genes from Swine, from Human and Asian flu; genes from three continents, so this is not… It’s coming from the wrong place; it always emerges from Asia.

So this is a laboratory flu that almost certainly was released in Mexico City on purpose. The virus is basically going to acquire new genetics. It also grows well in birds and animals, like pigs and probably cattle. It’s going to allow the jumping of those Avian genes, H5N1, that are killing millions of birds on every continent.

I have reports from game wardens in British Columbia, Washington state and Oregon, and other places across the US and Canada that millions of birds are dying; like the Shearwater Gulls are dying. The Canadian geese are returning and their chicks are dying of this strange virus, which we are pretty certain is the H5N1 Avian flu, so there is already a pandemic among birds. But until a few months ago it couldn’t grow in less than 106 degrees [Fahrenheit] because of the PB2 gene.

Well, in the wild, we discovered that the PB2 gene change is present in some places in Asia. But the PB2 gene change is already in the H1N1 virus. This new lab virus has that PB2 that allows it to grow in human nasal mucous areas, and it also has a full receptor binding domain so that it can attach to human cells very efficiently. And if it acquires the H gene, which is the 6 polybasic amino acids, it can grow on brain and other tissues.

The other changes, including the deletion on the NS1, is going to allow it to completely bypass the immune system. So it’s going to be able to transfer the lethality from the H5N1, that is already killing millions of birds, into humans and possibly other animals, etcetera.

So that’s going to come in waves. It could occur over a period of two months or even one wave after another. In 1918 the first wave was relatively mild flu that killed very few people. It was more like a serious typical flu. And when it came back in the late summer and early fall — the second wave — it started killing people very, very seriously with a case fatality rate between two-and-a-half to five percent.

We don’t have all the statistics in now but we are guessing that the current case fatality for the more lethal strain in Mexico is probably around ten percent, which is pretty high. My guess is that, as it acquires new genes, that case fatality rate will rise up toward 20 to 30 percent.

The biggest danger is that, because of fear, transportation, travel, and infrastructure — including distribution of food and goods — will stop or shut down significantly. That’s where the government will declare martial law and close the borders, and try to control transportation, so food and other materials are still being shipped to the big cities. Otherwise, the chaos will actually cause more problems. In fact, we did a computer simulation in Denver back in the ’90s and we estimated if there was a total shutdown of infrastructure caused by the fear of a pandemic it would kill more people than the actual virus.

BR:  In a sense, Dr. Bill, it doesn’t really matter what the lethality is, or even if there really is an outbreak at all, if enough people believe there is and the media is used in the way that we know that it can be used.

BD:  Yes.

BR:  Actually, that’s all they need to do.

KC:  Then what we’re talking about here is people actually staying in observer mode and taking a step back. What I understand is: normal flu kills 30,000 to 50,000 people a year in the United States.

BD:  That statistic is actually one that they always throw out and it is actually based on an estimate. It’s not a real number and it is not based on actual facts. The flu itself, basically, unless you’re in a debilitated state, usually doesn’t cause a problem. The difference with the 1918 flu is that it strikes the young and healthy because it bypasses the body’s immune system until it overwhelms the body. You can incubate it for 8 days and people don’t even know. You’re not even sneezing or coughing, but you’re touching your face or other body parts and passing it to other people. [Then you can] spike a fever and have a seizure and in 45 minutes be dead.

KC:  Okay, I understand this. You’re a doctor, Dr. Bill. If we could talk about how they can prevent this?

BD:  Well the first thing they need to think of is, number one, this is just a bug. Like any bug. In fact, it’s probably no more transmissible than the regular flu. The First Line Of Defense Kit I put together has the Nutridefense which blocks the virus that attaches to the cells with a special magnesium salt of ECGC catagens, and it has monolauren that blocks viruses so that they cannot replicate.

The Nutrimmune boosts the natural killer cells to fight all pathogens. It has the Defense Wipes. It has monolauren and lauric acid and nisin to shift all viruses and all bacterial cell walls, but it is totally biodegradable so it won’t destroy the environment. And we have the NanoMasks; and we have a good supply of those at the moment although it is going quickly.

The reason I mention this is that people can try to get other things. If they can’t get this, they want to get at least a NIOSH N100 mask. If they use things that are antibacterial off the shelf of, say Wal-Mart, they’re not going to work because they are not anti-viral. They’re antibacterials and they are fairly mild, like Purell Soap.

You want to prevent a primary infection so something as simple as our silver salt, called Super Silver, is the only one with a U.S. patent. The government and homeland security, for the past four years, have been buying literally container loads of this. And the reason is they know this works because we have tested it in labs in Brazil and overseas, and in the United States. It will kill a high pathogen like Avian flu. We’ve done actual tests in lab animals.

We know it will prevent primary infection, so as simple as a teaspoon three times a day of the Super Silver will do that. It is the same with our medical grade allicin and our very unique NutriDine. Other things people take, like they say: Well I’m going to take Oregano, or I’m going to…  Those will help a little but there is no evidence that they are anywhere near in the class of the things that we’re talking about.

You do not want to get a primary infection. If you get a primary infection with these organisms it’s very, very dangerous because it is one of the higher pathogenic strains. There is no warning before you are going to hit a crisis, say a week or ten days after you get infected.

KC:  Okay, my understanding is that colloidal silver is not the same thing as the type of silver you are supposed to be using.

BC:  Well, colloidal… Yeah, this is a hundred times stronger. Colloidal silver is a large particle and different sized particles. The Super Silver is a silver salt so it doesn’t bio-accumulate in the body. It is a uniform particle size which is tuned to a scalar frequency like Tesla to 910 terahertz, so it shatters the bonds of all pathogens. It has a tetra silver oxygen wrap on the molecule so that it actually creates a scalar signal. It has a capacity to penetrate through biofilms so it can kill at a distance. It doesn’t even need to get in direct contact with the pathogens.

So it’s very unique. It has three patents on the technology that no other silver, including OxySilver, Mild Silver Protein, any other silver in the world. Now I had Dr. Gordon Peterson on, he’s work with the Homeland Security on a program called AeroClave, and they haven’t… I haven’t talked to him in about a month and a half.

I don’t know if they signed a contract but he has actually worked with Homeland Security. AeroClave will clear any international aircraft, like a Boeing 767, in 45 seconds of all pathogens, resistant TB, viruses, bacteria, by putting an aerosol into the aircraft and quickly vacuuming it out of the aircraft. It will kill all pathogens in 45 seconds.

KC:  Okay, do they use it?

BD:  They can’t. I don’t know if they have. He has already done presentations with them. An independent company that he worked with developed it for the airline industry and the government. This is the only silver that has been tested to do this. No other one. The government has the information; they have the research and we have the tests.

Now if people were to get one thing that’s compact and easy to carry, the one I would recommend is our NutriDine which is diatomic. It’s very unique. It is a formula that was conceived and prophesied by Edgar Cayce.

So we have the NutriDine. It will quell all known pathogens. We have a clinic in India that is using this for the Untouchables that can’t get any healthcare there, and we’re using it to put AIDS into remission and to treat topical and internal cancers. It’ll kill all known pathogens and parasites. The NutriDine is so powerful that as little as ten drops, three times a day, will kill all known pathogens; taken orally.

KC:  Are you familiar with MMS? [ed. note: Miracle Mineral Supplement]

BD:  MMS is a chlorine dioxide and it has been used for many years to kill pathogens. The problem is: any chlorinated molecule will attach to amide groups of amino acids so as well as an antipathogenic it also displaces iodine from the mitochondria so can cause problems with toxicity, so I wouldn’t recommend MMS.

It will clear pathogens, just like antibiotics will. I think it's a very good antipathogenic but it has toxicity because it’s going to attach to… it’s going to release chlorine. Chlorine will attach to amide groups of amino acids and other molecules. It will form chloramines and therefore I believe it has toxicity. There is no need for that. The only safe halide is iodine in the body. Any other halide, which includes fluoride, bromide or chloride, or chlorine molecules, have toxicity.

BR:  I had the pleasure of meeting personally with Jim Humble a few months ago, and he’s the first to admit that he’s not a microbiologist or a medical doctor. If one was pretty seriously sick, MMS might not be a bad option.

BD:  If you can only mix this together and that is the only thing you have, absolutely, use it. For example, I am shipping at my own expense to some of these other companies, to our missionaries overseas, case lots of NutriDine. I’m doing that at my own expense so that they have it. They already have cases. We’re able to cure intracerebral malaria, parasites, worms; we kill everything.

It sterilizes the water. So I would say, yeah, if you have no choice, by all means use MMS, but if you do have a choice… because if you do it for any length of time, you’re likely to accumulate biotoxins. You know, obviously if you have a choice between life and death use your MMS, but if you have alternatives, you would be best to get the NutriDine first, and then the Super Silver or Allimed Allicin.

Allimed Allicin is a medical drug administered by doctors in Europe but I have access to sell it here in North America without a prescription. This will kill all pathogens. It’ll kill Lyme disease, viruses, bacteria. We have proof that we can even give it to someone that’s on intravenous antibiotics that’s in the ICU [Intensive Care Unit] and it will save their life. We do that all the time, everyday. That’s the way I would approach it is that yes, it will save lives but it’s toxic.

BR:  OK. That’s very clear, Bill, thank you very much for that.

BD:  You’re welcome.

BR:  I think a lot of people wouldn’t disagree with you, and I think that it’s one of these things that’s good for the occasional emergency, but prolonged use probably is not the ideal…

BD:  Oh yeah. People who take it daily, as a preventive or for a period of months or years, are going to get problems. But it’s the same thing as people drinking water that’s heavily chlorinated or with fluoride. You accumulate fluoride,  and it calcifies the choroid plexus and the ventricles and the pineal gland, and it literally shuts down the third eye and astral eye so you can’t see torsional vortex images, and you can’t see transdimensionally. 

So in terms of the spirit, it actually cuts off what is called the Cord of Living Waters so all halides, other than iodine, block and attack that part of the brain. It attacks the connection of the pineal gland in the sense of the Cord of Living Waters and the higher dimensional reality of what we are.

Chlorine is toxic. It’s one of the reasons why they push chlorination of water, and fluoridation… [it’s] why they want to push Sulfuryl fluoride. Which, by the way, isn’t only even more toxic but it’s 17,000 times more of a heat reflective when it gets in the upper atmosphere (and it doesn’t degrade) than even carbon dioxide or methane.

BR:  My only question now really is: what do you expect to see this summer in North America?

BD:  Well, to be honest with you, we could stop this pretty quickly if we decided to take decisive action. If, for example, and I put this list together and we had a number of conferences with the military and other people in the last few weeks through Plains Radio. Carmen Reynolds is a Colonel in the Army.

The issue is this: If we decided to close the borders immediately; if we decided to screen everybody with a swab to determine if they carry a virus, and track them if they show positive for an Influenza A virus — which you can do a simple screening test — you may not get a subtype but you’ll see if they are a carrier of the virus. If we were then to make certain that, in areas where there are outbreaks like in Mexico City, we would fly in large heavy-lift aircraft with existing…

Not drugs. We are not talking about TAMIFLU. TAMIFLU contains hallucinations, which will hallucinate you, and in some cases some people are so sensitive they actually… It’s like taking PCP or Angel dust. It is a very, very serious bad trip. You don’t want people walking around that are, say military service people, with body flak jackets on and Scott Air Packs under stress taking TAMIFLU and hallucinating.

When you give these drugs like TAMIFLU; already H1N1 worldwide is resistant to it. Amantadine, Ramitidine, and TAMIFLU. These current strains they are saying are sensitive to it, but in within four days of exposing a population to a continuous virus, you’ll start seeing resistance show up. So in other words, if you use it now, you don’t have something to use on someone who’s dying from a very serious infection. They have got a resistant strain in their body because two weeks or two months ago you gave that population TAMIFLU.

What they should be giving are NutriDine, Super Silver or Allicin. If they simply gave, for example, the average person… if they took one of our products that is called Better Than Greens with Allicin. If they simply took 180 mg of allicin, three times a day, they would probably not get a primary infection.

We have already done a study with ferrets and other animals in Brazil with high pathogenic Avian flu, and we transferred the weight on this — and this is actual studies done last year — that one teaspoon of our Super Silver silver salt for an average 70 kg adult will prevent a primary infection.

We know the same thing with our troops with our NutriDefense. I put in the NutriDefense something so that if they are exposed to anthrax or spores that you cut out 98 percent chance of the possibility of infection by just taking one NutriDefense per day. 98 percent.

So there’s extremely simple things like personal hygiene, travel… If every aircraft had a hepa viral filter; if they cleared every aircraft with the AeroClave system which already exists. There is a company where it’s available right now. The airlines could gear up literally today to put it in place. This would die out in a matter of a week or two and the panic would be over.

If we would fly into countries where there are outbreaks, like Mexico City, and give these antipathogenics and start making sure all airliners in different countries use these technologies, the problem would die out in a month or so. And we would have some deaths, but we would have it under control.

What I’m concerned about is I think their agenda is they want to have enough crisis as a cover for the new financial system which they’re setting up. Because already there’s a contraction of the world economy and 40 percent of the world’s wealth has disappeared. That disappearance is also [inaudible] by the collapsing…

And this is stated — and I had Joan Veon on my show just a few days ago — that the world financial experts at the Bank for International Settlements that just met in Europe is that the current world economy can only support 5 billion people but there are 6.5 billion plus people on the Earth, which means 1.5 billion are “excess population” based on the finances of our current world economy. They’ve created this crisis so that people cannot, with a day’s work, get a day’s food. So third world countries now, with the financial famine; they’re compounding it because there’s climate shift and that climate shift is going to get considerably worse.

And this is something I want to say prophetically: Starting this next month, May and going through to July–August, there’s going to be a shift in under-oceanic currents in the Southern hemisphere. The first warning was the explosion of Tonga that came through the ocean surface with a 7.9 earthquake several weeks ago.

What’s going to happen is  under-oceanic volcanism is going to change the climate, increase rainfall dramatically in some areas, in other areas there will be major floods and in other areas there will be increased and more serious drought. This, by just climate shift, will cause more food shortages. Crops will be flooded out because of the change in world air currents. A normal climate will be out the window.

So when you combine that with a pandemic… And the Baltic Dry Index now for shipment of manufactured goods as well as food is at its lowest since the second world war. We have a situation where they’re purposely compounding it and there could be a very simple solution. So we need to get these solutions through to The Powers That Be to say: this could be stopped tomorrow.

We could solve the world’s financial problems by correcting and making the Glass-Steagall Act. Like, for example, the country of Canada was much more responsible. They didn’t allow the banking industry to turn it into a casino. We could make sure that we bring food into the third world countries because when you have starvation it increases the weakened immune system to make viruses more aggressive. So if this virus gets into a population that is starving, it’s going to be transformed into a more aggressive deadly virus for us as well.

And we need to stabilize the world banking system without taking away the sovereignty of nations or transferring power to a bunch of international bankers that are not elected. So everything we’re doing right now is actually leading us toward more chaos rather than order and it could be stopped tomorrow, including stopping this from turning into a true worldwide pandemic where millions or even billions could die, stabilizing our financial situation, and then dealing with the food supply by starting to gear-up food production and supporting it so that there is no farmers or businesses going out of business.

And we have the proper stabilization of our economy so the bubble economy, the illegal debt instruments that they have been circulating, we don’t poor trillions more into the banks that are doing this. We put them into the debt restructuring as Lyndon LaRouche has said, and we get rid of these debt instruments. We put a moratorium on foreclosures of businesses and homes, we stabilize the food supplies of the third world so that they are not priced out of the staples that keep them alive, and we maintain control of international travel so that we don’t allow this pandemic to shut down the world economy. The chances that it could shut it down, if we have a major high pathogenic death rate, is incredibly likely by this fall if we don’t do these measures now.

KC:  Dr. Bill, thank you for that; that’s quite an overview. I have a couple of questions I want to ask you and we can discuss whether or not you want to go off the record with the answers or not.

BD:  Sure.

KC:  First of all, I’ve had some conversations with Cliff High, you know who he is?

BD:  Yes, Cliff High. I think he is with the Web-Bot [project] or with Half Past Human. That’s Half Past Human, isn’t it?

KC:  Yes, Half Past Human.

BD:  Yes.

KC:  And, he has said… You know, he actually has quite a bit of animosity toward you, and he has said that he thinks that you get a lot of your information from him.

BD:  No, I don’t.

KC:  And I find that hard to believe myself, but I wanted to give you a chance to respond to that here if you want.

BD:  I only had one conversation with Cliff and I talked to him once; called him and just: Hey, I’ve heard you on Jeff Rense’s program. You said some pretty remarkable things that match up with what I say. And I want to share with him not only my first hand information, like this information I had from the World Health Organization and other sources that are, if you want to call it “classified” or the fact that I work with the government, and also the intuitive side. And he was a little upset about that. He said: I don’t want to talk to you about it. And I said: Okay, that’s fine.

And that’s my only conversation; he seemed very upset about that. And, I don’t subscribe to Half Past Human. The only information I’ve had is the occasional time I’ve been able to listen to him on Coast-to-Coast radio or Jeff Rense. That’s it. So, if there’s something…

KC:  Okay, well he has told us that actually you had a doctor or somebody giving you that information.

BD:  No, I don’t.

KC:  Okay.

BD:  No I don’t.

KC:  It’s very strange that when he…

BD:  Now, why would he say that?

KC:  I don’t know. I actually don’t know.

BD:  Why would he say that? That’s kind of strange. Here’s the fact, okay? What he’s doing basically is mining information from the global subconscious. In a sense what he’s doing is; it’s in a sense, almost like a… the best way to describe it would be a syntactical and emotive language global subconscious Ouija board. I guess that would be the best way. And he can pull up some information.

There’s a bow shockwave of reality that bounces back toward the consciousness so that, in a subconscious way, people know. For example, people have precognition that there may be an accident or a relative that is sick or dying. So he’s just pulling that information out. There’s many intuitives, whether it’s people like my friend John Boncore, who is a Mohawk prophet.

There’s people in all kinds of intuitives and psychics, and people that use remote viewing that can see events coming. But as I tell people, they’re not solids; they’re liquids. They’re not yet frozen. There’s a degree of choice and timeline which is why I’m doing this presentation right now.

We, as a global consciousness, get to choose which of those timelines. And my job is to act like the guy at the side of the road where there is a branch in the road and there are no road signs. So you ask the guide at the side of the road: Which road should I go down with my little cart? 

And I’ll say: Well, you don’t want to go down this road here because it leads into the bottom of a valley where there’s a jungle and there’s alligators and wild animals. But over here, ten miles down the road, there’s a community of nice people. They’ll feed you, they’ll will give you good shelter, etcetera.

That’s what my job is to do. Now, so when I contacted him I’m not sure why he got so upset about this. It completely boggled me because I thought: Well, this is really good. We’re having people from various different… how can I say, mining the information whether they are psychics or intuitives, or they are doing something like this, which is looking for a language that’s embedded into the internet and using these web-bots to be able to go search for it. So, I thought it was a good thing. I was really surprised at his response.

KC:  He believes you are an agent.

BD:  An agent of what?

KC:  That you work for the government?

BD:  Oh, come on! That’s so ridiculous.

KC:  Okay. Now, you’ve worked for the government in the past though?

BD:  No, I was a civilian doctor. I was an occupational doctor.

KC:  But in black projects?

BD:  No-no. Let me explain here. Yeah, right. Those kind of accusations you hear all the time. It’s ridiculous. Do they realize the danger — the physical danger, the career danger — that I’ve gone through in order to tell people the truth? They have no idea. I’m like a William Wallace, okay?

When I worked in occupational medicine back in the early ’80s, they made a decision in the government that they no longer wanted to have a lot of jobs done by people inside the military. Because they either didn’t have the expertise, they wanted to hire a company and if they weren’t satisfied with the work that was done by that company (i.e., medical or contract for specific things), so they started contracting out; especially during the era of Bill Clinton.

So what they did, is they contracted for me. And my first major job for C-Com: to contract C-Com to handle Fort Carson, NORAD, Falcon Air Force Base, U.S. Space Strategic Command, the GPS Military-Grade system, and Directed Energy Weapons. The reason why I was their doctor was simply because I was their doctor. I took care of people that worked in these things; worked around these toxic things, worked around rocket labs, and I was their physician. They were not permitted, most of these people, to even talk to their colleagues who were in the next room, let alone the next building. But they would talk to their doctor.

And the only difference was with me, is that because I have a technical background in nuclear physics, advanced computing, electronics, biotechnology; they would share with me. And after a while, because I’m a talker, they were more interested in what I would have to say about the bigger picture about what was going on at their facility, and they were more interested in telling me their little piece — that’s very, very compartmentalized — than what I would tell them.

KC:  Yes, I've heard you say that.

BD:  So that’s the reason why I have…

KC:  I understand that, but I’m just trying to run these things by you so that you understand what you’re up against out there. There seems to be…

BD:  I have people who have written books as long as ten years ago when I spoke at the Prophecy Club, that literally — I can’t believe this — but literally have written a book that I’m the antichrist. I mean, how foolish! [Kerry laughs] I mean, every day I put my personal life, my career, everything on the line to be the whistleblower for…

In fact, I just did an audio for tenth anniversary of Columbine. I was the examiner for the Englewood Fire Department and the first young man shot in Columbine outside the restaurant there, Mark Taylor. I was the exit examiner for the 5 Special Op Team of the Oklahoma City Memorial Building. I have been trying to do radial toxicology testing on the World Trade Center debris, and I’m writing the position paper which I’m going to present at We Are Change, New York City, on the eighth anniversary of 9/11.

I’ve been told by my radial toxicology colleagues, because I have advanced training in radial chemistry, that if I order the tests the Department of Defense and the FBI will arrest me immediately for requesting the tests of debris which I have from the World Trade Center. Further proving that they not only used Thermate and other high explosives, but they used nuclear bombs in the buildings, okay?

KC:  Okay, you know…

BD:  People need to realize that I am a whistleblower central. That’s why my Genesis [Communication Network radio show]… The number one reason, number one, that I did this is: twelve years ago, when I spoke at Human Life International in Zurich on the super-soldier program, which they tried to recruit me to in 1978 at UCLA VA/Wadsworth Hospital and I turned them down, is because I have the documents and the proof that they were trying to create a pandemic flu to bring the world, and literally we are going to enter the new world order with a mask. This is their plan. I had the documents 12 years ago.

So four years ago when I started my show it was to warn the people and tell them to get ready because this could be stopped very easily. We can decide for a future where millions do not need to die, and the economy does not need to shut down, and we don’t need to have chaos in our cities.

KC:  Okay. You know I appreciate everything that you’ve said and I was just trying to give you a chance to respond publicly to all of that, and if you’re willing, we’ll go ahead and release this part of this.

BD:  Yes. Now here’s the thing that is important, okay?

KC:  Yes.

BD:  People need two things: They need to use their intellect… to study. And me, I tell them: Don’t believe, just read. Okay? Read the stuff that is in the open media before they hear me or anything that’s here on Project Camelot. And then they need to be very quiet and very humble, and need to pray and say: Now was what Deagle saying true?  Or what Half Past Human is saying true, or any other person that’s an intuitive or psychic or a remote viewer or whatever.

Then they need to follow through with action. Because in my heart I don’t want our society to shut down. I don’t want people to die. I don’t want our culture to become a matrix. I don’t want horror to happen.

We have a timeline where we are getting closer and closer to where some of these issues become more inevitable if we don’t change our trajectory, if we don’t change the way we make choices, not just personally. And we have to stop this backbiting, this foolishness; and there’s a degree of jealousy, too. I mean, to be honest with you, I’m a messianic believer, okay? I’m for all religions that firstly have spirituality and a connection with the Creator God and the Universe. All, okay?

But I want people to understand there is no room in our modern world, whether it’s Half Past Human or any of the “Christian, Jewish, or other churches” for a real prophet, and that’s what I’m called to speak as. There’s no room. And I can tell you that. They do not want someone to come in and tell them that I was supernaturally given a command to go to Zurich, Switzerland and receive these documents which I didn’t expect to receive. And then to have a number of events happen so I would be the number one whistleblower that the flu pandemic was coming.

Even inside the truth movement, I’ve received so much persecution from even other truthers who believe 9/11 was an inside job. You would not believe it, okay? But I’m willing to do the right thing because I have the truth and I have a concern and care for people.

KC:  Okay.

BD:  They need to see my heart. And if they are jealous of that, get over it. I’m not here to play games or egos; I’m here to serve my Creator God and save my fellow mankind and all living things on this earth from a horrible end. And that’s where we are going.

We have to wake up and stop this pandemic, stop the economic meltdown, stop the State of Israel which is planning with our help to make a northern attack of nuclear sites and 1250 targets inside Iran. We already have a dialogue going on. We need to pray, for example, for President Obama that he will not serve his globalist masters but he will do the right thing so we can stop Israel.

If any of these one things happen, it’s a perfect storm from hell. We are going to face a future that is going to be so noxious, so dangerous — people can’t imagine what we are facing — but we can turn away from it. We do not need to go there.

KC:  Thank you, Bill. That’s very, very, very succinct. I would like to ask you, regarding the Israel situation, you say they have targets within Iran. When are you saying that they are planning to attack Iran?

BD:  I don’t have a prophetic word but I can tell you from my military, and also classified sources as well, the Israelis are going to do a full nationwide war game in June. They’re also, this year (without a month designated), doing a U.S. Space Command Anti-Missile Star Wars Weapon Simulation with the United States and Israel. They do now have TAD, which is Theater Air Defense. It‘s an advanced Anti-Weapons System, along with the scalar plasma weapon and the chemical laser systems, able to knock out missiles that are coming into Israel. The problem is…

KC:  You’re saying they are going to do an exercise. When, exactly?

BD:  They’re doing an exercise in June. That’s next month.

KC:  And that’s within Israel or with the U.S. and Israel?

BD:  Within Israel. Now, there is another game going on with space command that is supposed to be sometime this year and I don’t know what month yet, because my sources can’t tell me. But, the one in Israel is June.

KC:  Okay. Within these games sometimes, as what happened with 9/11, the game becomes a cover for some actual operation that takes place.

BD:  Exactly. So it could occur in June during this game. The reason we look for it is that in order to do a modern advanced war you need what’s called air based intelligence, etcetera, which is why they do supercomputers. They’ve got Space Based GPS. They have to have all their material in place, so it’s very, very likely that the attack will occur in June during this war game. If it doesn’t it’s going to happen from that point to probably the early fall.

If we permit them to do it, the Strait of Hormuzand I was told this supernaturally 20 years ago — the Strait of Hormuz will be cut off. All the oil which goes to… about 80 percent of it goes to Asian countries. Indonesia, China, South Korea will loose their major supply of oil and the world economy will collapse. The disarray will cause the starvation of a billion people.

This we can avoid if we prevent Israel from making an attack. There is no need; as the dialogue is already started between Obama and Ahmadinejad, who is now going to the elections in the next few weeks. Ahmadinejad is now talking, which is a miracle. If we do not move toward peace, the war that we are going to see is not just going to take out people downwind of the Bushehr reactor, which is 62 tons of Uranium 35, but there is 1250 targets they are going to hit with nuclear weapons including neutron bombs, bunker busters, and these new advanced, what’s called plasma warheads, okay?

If they do this, I cannot say that we will not have an exchange of other weapons. And almost certainly, and this is from actual sources, there are sleeper agents inside the United States, Canada and Western world in Britain, that have third generation bioweapons developed by Russian scientists for the past 18 years since Glasnost and Perestroika. When these scientists were starving, the Syrians and Iranians hired them, and they have the most advanced biological weapons in history. They will make even the so-called hybrid flu look like it is nothing.

So the point is that we can turn back, but we need to hear. The reason I speak now as a prophet is to tell them: Turn back now because there is the way of light and safety and peace and the Coat of Many Colors of Joseph, who is my Father, okay? Because I’m of the tribe of Ephraim, or Joseph.

KC:  Okay, yes. I appreciate that. You have to understand that we get people… I mean, to call yourself a prophet, this is not unusual. There are many, many, many people out there right now considering themselves the same way you consider yourself.

BD:  I know. I hear about it all the time. It’s really… it’s disturbing. Anybody who wants to be a prophet is… how can I say, it’s a job no one wants to apply for. If you do, it’s because you are imbalanced. I do not want to do this job. I tried to escape it many times. Believe me, I have been swallowed in the belly of the whale.

KC:  Okay, well…

BD:  I’ve been put in the place of these things. If you want to do it, it’s like cleaning a latrine while it’s still being used and you are under it, okay?

KC:  Well, Bill, you know Project Camelot could be put in that same category. We’re actually… All of the people that are trying to warn the masses, if you will, as to what’s really going on could be classified as prophets. It’s better if we stay out of the sort of evangelical perspective of ourselves and kind of, you know…

BD:  There’s something I need to clarify. There’s many people that receive a prophetic word, have an intuitive knowledge, have a technology that they use…

KC:  Absolutely.

BD:  …just like there’s “prophets” that are coming out of the Hopi Indian tribe and others. But there’s those who “don’t just operate and receive the prophetic word” now and then, but operate in the office of the prophet. I have to say this repeatedly so people understand it: the reason why I’ve been in all these places is because they needed trust.

There’s lots of things I don’t know, okay? There are lots of areas I’m not an expert in. But when I speak in an area like this flu or these wars or other things, I’m speaking in the office of a prophet. Someone who has the authority and right to say it. And you need to understand we have a choice now.

KC:  I appreciate that. We are going to try to wrap this up right here now. Bill Deagle has to go as well. So I wanted to thank you, Dr. Bill Deagle for your willingness to confront and to be open and talk about issues that are sometimes antagonistic to yourself. That’s a wonderful trait that you have and I just want to honor you for that.

BD:  Yes, in fact, we actually had a reconciliation; with Donna and Mark Taylor. I actually spoke with them through a live audio connection at the tenth anniversary of Columbine. That negativity, by the way, arose because they had an offer from a movie company to take the script, which we had been working on for over a year, into a big movie.

We didn’t agree on the modus by which it was going to happen. They had been offered a lot of money and we didn’t want it to be degraded. We wanted the truth to be brought out rather than to have it spawn into something else. And that’s all reconciled. So, out of my discussion with you on that…

KC:  Okay, well, thank you for that.

BD:  …so I can thank Project Camelot. Now I want to say one thing. There’s a chorus — it’s not just myself — there’s a chorus of people who truly are called to speak prophetically that need to rise up and say the truth, after being very humble and making sure they don’t have a personal agenda, that we need to turn back from this. We have people like I’m going to have on the program shortly, John Boncore, who’s a Mohawk prophet. He was prophesized hundreds of years ago by his own people.

There’s Hopi prophets, there’s Jewish prophets, there’s Christian, there‘s a list. There’s people all over the world that are, literally I call The Coat of Many Colors. Every skin color, every nation, every religion who are starting to know it’s a time of decision for mankind. We need to turn back now or we’re going to face a whole confluence of super storms of economic, climate shift, biological warfare, and evil.

For example, there’s very good evidence from Len Horowitz, and I believe he is correct, that the World Health Organization, the CDC and Novavax are behind this latest release of this weaponized plague that’s been released in Mexico City. The globalists have published in their documents that they want to reduce the world population. We do not need to go there.

We can have an alternative future where mankind is safe. Where people have true human rights. Where people have the right to grow and to believe and to have safety and healthcare and food and not be exposed to toxic poisons or electromagnetic radiation and have some degree of autonomy. But we are heading toward a world where autonomy is going to be a thing of the past, where mass starvation and violence are going to rule, and I don’t want to see us go there. But we need to turn back now because we have a matter of months, not years left, to make that turn.

KC:  Okay, thank you, Bill. Bill Ryan, is there anything you want to say before we end this here?

BR:  I just want to say thank you very much Bill. There’s total consistency with everything you’re saying now and everything that a lot of people have heard or watched you say in your 2006 Granada Forum lecture. We have a team of transcribers who are transcribing that, and that’s nearly finished now, and we are going to make that available to you as soon as we can for publication on your site and everywhere, so the whole thing’s Google searchable; translatable. We want to get this information out there and support you fully in everything you’re doing.

BD:  Well, I want to pray for people and for you, too — both you, Kerry, and Bill — for the wonderful work you’re doing to try to get people to realize that we are co-creators of our own future. We’re not a victim of the future; we are the co-creator, but we also have to take our scepter. We have to also realize that if someone dies in a third world country that’s an untouchable in India, or someone in Mexico City that’s living on a garbage heap dies, we die. Some portion of us dies too.

If we allow the use of depleted uranium weapons to kill little girls in the Gaza City by Israeli troops, or we allow nuclear weapons to drop on the Bushehr reactor and downwind millions die from radiation poisoning, we die too. If we can feel that connectedness in spirit, as a cell in the body of mankind, we would repent and we’d turn back from that.

KC:  Okay thank you. Very well put. All right, I’m going to close this down then. Thank you very much, Dr. Bill Deagle.

BD:  Thank you Kerry, I really appreciate it. Thank you Bill Ryan and God bless everyone. Now’s the time to have a backbone to stand up for the truth and to pray and to be humble and call on our creator to stand us up on our feet so that we can tell the truth to others that we have to turn back from war, from pestilence, and from economic greed and the idea that we need to reduce the world population with lies like a carbon tax…

KC:  Absolutely.

BD:  …and all these other evils.

KC:  All right thank you very much.

BD:  Take care.

KC:  Bye.

BD:  Bye-bye.

BR:  Thank you, Dr. Bill.

BD:  You’re welcome. Bye.





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Duncan O’Finioan – Switching Personalities

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Duncan O'Finioan



6 April 2009

We have been contacted by the wife of an electrical engineer who has been officially briefed about a serious major threat to infrastructure in a few years' time.

We believe this information is credible and important but the contact may now have been lost. Therefore we are publishing what we have – with many questions unanswered.

This is the first message we received:

27 March

Hello B & K

My husband is an electrical engineer for a national power company. He has just been told that they are expecting an event in the next 3-4 years that will render every transformer in the world useless. They are desperately trying to find a solution to the problem. If they don't, the entire global electrical system will go down. I know this fits in with some of your research. Have you heard about this?

27 March

Dear Friend,

Your information is most interesting, and we'd love to know more.. even if it's a minor addition or clarification.

For instance: what degree of risk does 'expecting' involve? In engineering risk management, it makes sense to mitigate against an unlikely occurrence which (IF it happened) would have a devastating effect. Or they really MIGHT be expecting it… in other words have evaluated that such an event will probably occur. Does your husband know which category this risk belongs in?

And does he know the nature of this 'event'? I would assume that it is solar… such as the Corona Mass Ejection [CME] of 1859:


The information seems to tally with this New Scientist article, just days old:


And yes, we HAVE heard (in October 2007) from an insider scientist with a Top Secret Clearance that they are expecting a CME sometime between this year (2009) and 2012. He did NOT say how this was known or forecast. He said that it 'will' happen… not that it 'might' or 'could'. Our question about how this was known was not answered.

27 March

Hi Bill:

My husband is working away from home at the moment on this problem, and I have no way of contacting him. He is not allowed to carry a cellphone on the job. I'll clarify with him when I speak to him next, but the impression I got was that it was definitely going to happen. He mentioned something about electromagnetic clouds in space that the Earth is drifting into. They are under incredible pressure to find a solution. My husband is an engineer, a man of rational logic. He is not prone to flights of fancy, but this news has disturbed him no end.

28 March

Dear Friend:

Very many thanks. This information is highly significant. We'd appreciate any more information you can give us.

1) One question comes from your own very important description here:

> He mentioned something about electromagnetic clouds in space, that the Earth
> is drifting into.

If you can fine-tune that sentence a little, with his assistance, that would be critical. We assume that he's a senior engineer with a good familiarity with theoretical physics. ANY clarification that he can accurately provide about EXACTLY what he was told would be most important.

a) In what way would these 'clouds' affect transformers? (I have a physics background – please tell your husband.) This dramatic effect is a little hard to imagine. I'd love to understand this better.

b) Will non-hardened chips and circuits also be affected? (Your husband will know what 'non-hardened' means: military chips/circuits are 'hardened' to prevent them being rendered inoperable by an electromagnetic pulse such as could come from a major solar flare or a nuclear blast.)

2) Any further clarification on (a) time scale and (b) probabilities?

3) Are ALL western ('first world') nations aware of this problem?

4) Is the information formally classified?

5) How was he told, who was told along with himself, and is he expecting to be told more?

6) Any personal statement from your husband (relayed by yourself) would be very valuable.

Further thoughts: this matches totally with what our Camelot witness Dan Sherman was told: that

…at some certain event in the future, that was going to be the only way that we can communicate; because electromagnetic communications were going to be disrupted on a world-wide scale.


(Dan Sherman was trained as a military telepath, and told his story in his remarkable little book, Above Black. The above is the only thing he was told about WHY he was being prepared in this way.)

Thanks again for this very valuable information. We're very much looking forward to hearing from you again.

28 March

Hello Bill,

I apologize for the lack of detail, I am not being deliberately vague, I just don't know much about it. I do not have a background in physics. I shall answer your questions to the best of my ability here, but it would probably be better to speak to my husband about the technicalities. I'll ask him to contact you when he's next home.

The problem will affect the entire planet, and I believe that the attempt to rectify it is an international one, although I don't know what nationalities are involved.

Sorry Bill, this is probably not very helpful, but my knowledge of this is extremely limited. I couldn't even attempt to answer your other questions, I'll leave that to my husband. I would not attach too much significance to my choice of words, like I say I'm no physicist. However, the term 'electronic pulse' sounds familiar. I am pretty certain my husband used that term himself.

28 March

Dear Friend:

> it would probably be better to speak to my husband about the technicalities.
> I'll ask him to contact you when he's next home.

Thank you… if he'd prefer to relay information through yourself, this works just fine: there's no way of identifying you or him from these messages, and it sounds as if many people in his field would have to be aware of the problem, in various countries. So there's no way he can be traced. We're very comfortable to leave it like that.

What we WOULD like to have is a better understanding of the problem, based on the questions I posed in my last message.

> my knowledge of this is extremely limited. I couldn't even attempt to answer
> your other questions, I'll leave that to my husband.

Fully understood.

Your husband sounds like an intelligent, aware and conscientious man and we would hope that he agrees that the public needs to know this news. Our stance is that the mainstream media will not pick this up (it is likely to be muzzled/ censored/ classified), and that even in the alternative media few will really pay close attention.

But we do have a following of tens (probably hundreds) of thousands of people who will listen carefully and will then add this information to their personal resource base to consider when deciding defensive steps to take to safeguard themselves and their families.

As you will understand, a major event affecting electrical power transmission impacts EVERYTHING: no petrol pumps, no transport, no food in supermarkets, no TV, no radio, no phones. The only reason why the Solar Superstorm event of 1859…


…had little effect on society is that it was in a pre-electrical and -electronic age. Horses and carriages, steam trains, the postal system, and local farm produce were all unaffected. These days, the world would crunch to a halt overnight. Your husband will understand the implications.

The military of the world have known about this for a long time and have been preparing: hence the underground bases they have been constructing. See http://projectcamelot.org/underground_bases.html. We have a LOT about this on our site. What's so important about the information you've shared is that it gives much more specificity to how we might all be affected.

Please give our warmest regards to your husband, and let him know that we and thousands of others will very much appreciate this information and that we can guarantee to release it completely anonymously – assuming that this is his preference.

28 March

Hello Bill.

I think my husband would prefer not to get too involved in all of this, he already has a lot on his mind and he is under extreme pressure at the moment. But you are right, he is a man of compassion and a great believer in human values. He thinks the secrecy is unjustified, that people should be informed so they have ample time to prepare. So I'll ask him to answer your questions and I'll send it to you on his behalf.

I agree with you when you say there must be many others in his field who are aware of this problem. I was hoping somebody had already contacted you about it. My husband would not take it to the mainstream media in case it turned into a witch hunt. There is a lot at stake here, and he is terrified of being identified. Obviously we share a surname, hence the need for my pseudonym. I'm sure you understand that.

If the infrastructure really does collapse, I'm confident that people will stick together and help each other out. I believe the good people of this world far outnumber the bad, and humanity shines brightest in its darkest hours.

29 March

Dear Friend: many thanks.

> I think my husband would prefer not to get too involved in all of this, he
> already has a lot on his mind and he is under extreme pressure at the
> moment. But you are right, he is a man of compassion and a great believer in
> human values. He thinks the secrecy is unjustified, that people should be
> informed so they have ample time to prepare. So I'll ask him to answer your
>questions and I'll send it to you on his behalf.

Fully understood, and 100% fine.

> I was hoping somebody had already contacted you about it.

It's an extremely important confirmation of more general information we'd learned from Dan Sherman (see my last) and from our scientist source (see my initial message) who said that a solar superstorm of some kind would be upon us sometime between 2009 and 2012.

We've also heard many other more general rumors of major problems like this in the next few years (see our recent article http://projectcamelot.org/2009.html, published just a few days ago). What your husband reports could not be more important. What we need now, if at all possible, is more detailed understanding about exactly what the threat is, based upon my earlier questions.

> There is a lot at stake here, and he is terrified of being identified.

You can trust us fully not to reveal to anyone any details that would lead to him.

6 April 2009

Despite several follow-up messages to our contact, we have heard nothing more.


Click here for an excellent summary article by Dr Michael Salla on the problem of possibly imminent solar superstorms.
Click here and here for two important papers on solar activity by James Marusek (2007 and 2009).
Click here for a US Army technical manual, cleared for public release, on safeguarding electrical systems against various kinds of electrical interference. Chapter 5 (p.130) discusses risks from electromagnetic pulses.


In January 2008 we wrote an important article which we called 2008 : The Future is Now. It was a major summary of the various threats and possibilities that we felt lay before us on Planet Earth in these times, based on all the information we then had at our disposal. If you have not done so, we would urge you to read this in its entirety.

Now it’s March 2009, over 12 months later, and some things have changed. Others, meanwhile, have not. But there is enough new information to revisit our summary and make some important comments about where we are at in this game… a game of two timelines.

The title of this article is an allusion to Charles Dickens’ Tale of Two Cities. In reality, there are of course a multitude of timelines – perhaps even an infinite number. Read on…


1) Overview

Our friend and important insider contact Henry Deacon has stated repeatedly, since we first met him, that the issue is that there are a number of simultaneously converging problems which combine to create an unprecedented global situation. From what we know, we agree.

Disagreement between researchers may sometimes only be because both have a partial picture. Maybe everyone is right… whatever they are particularly concerned about or focused on.


Nothing has caused us to change our views on this…

2) The so-called ‘Controllers’

It’s important to realize that the ‘Controllers’ – the Illuminati, the Committee of the Majority, and/or various alien groups – are not in control.

Deacon reports, credibly in our view, that not only is there no overarching mastermind group successfully running the planet, but that at agency, military and black project level there are many factions, vying for control, with many different agendas between them.

Some groups may be doing their best to help the situation, within their particular context. Deacon includes the secret space program in these, which he says is a kind of a lifeboat program for Planet Earth if it really does hit the cosmic iceberg.

Dan Burisch has also spoken of and written about an ‘Ark’, which was partially constructed on Earth and then transported to the Moon in case it should be needed. He has described graphically that at Area 51 there were interesting problems lifting and moving this extremely heavy object.

Meanwhile, it’s credible that other factions may have a very destructive and manipulative agenda, such as to reduce the planet’s population by any practicable means – from the covert release of pathogens to orchestrated war. We report on both of these possibilities below.

Other situations are naturally caused and are adding to the mix. We also report on those. There may, of course, be other scenarios which we are not aware of.


…or on this.

3) What the insiders are doing

… is protecting themselves. There is in our view compelling and credible evidence that for several decades there has been a large-scale, covert program to build a large number (possibly thousands worldwide) of deep underground bases, in some cases entire self-sufficient cities.

These have cost trillions of dollars and this has not been done for the fun of it. This has been the largest construction program in the known history of the human race, and has been under way for fifty years. It has been kept entirely secret, and is a response to a serious threat of some kind. Below, we present some possibilities for what that threat may be.

In our view it is ethically unconscionable that the public has not yet been told what is certainly well understood at the highest levels of the military and government. One of Project Camelot’s purposes is to discover the nature of this threat and make it publicly known.


And they still are. In October 2008 we met a very important new witness, Jake Simpson. Jake, who is well-connected, well-informed, and highly credible, told us that military plans to safeguard the future of the human race are continuing.

Jake told us that US military plans include the contingency of using Australia as an ‘Ark’, and that certain materiel, facilities and personnel are steadily being relocated there. He mentioned Pine Gap, and half a dozen other sizeable but less well-known bases in the huge expanse of the very empty and barely inhabited Australian desert.

Jake also hinted extremely heavily that the long-rumored high-speed undersea shuttle transport between North America and Australia was a working reality, and had been for some time.

The reason for the continuing defensive activity, Jake told us, was that it is not known with 100% certainty that the threat of a cataclysm – sometime in the next dozen or so years, and NOT necessarily 2012 – has been handled. Dan Burisch has told us privately that he fully agrees with this and that it is only thought that the danger is over. Total certainty about this is not attainable. Please read below for more on this.

4) The Biggest Picture

What follows here is a simple summary of a complex and unbelievable array of events and factors. Please see The Big Picture for some more on this, which is also a work in progress.

In our view it is compelling that the American military learned of a major threat to the survival of the species – possibly as long ago as the late 1940s. Time-portal technology gained at least partially from our visitors (whether they are space travelers, or time travelers as we believe), convinced the military that a major future catastrophe was possible or probable.

In response, MJ-12 (or whichever appropriate executive committee) decided three things:

To embark on protective measures immediately.
To keep the knowledge under the highest degree of classification.
To embark on an accelerated program of ET liaison and high-tech research in attempts to increase their control and avert the situation.

At least one faction of this group is also interested in facilitating the worst-case scenario out of self-interest and a desire for domination. This agenda is very much involved in population control/ elimination plans detailed, for example, in The Report From Iron Mountain.


Nothing has occurred to change our view on this.

Jake Simpson (see above) told us that he thought it quite possible that the threat was known as early as the Second World War, and that the information learned from the Anunnaki in highly classified meetings in 1954 (Muroc/Edwards AFB) and 1955 (Holloman AFB) precipitated Eisenhower’s September 1955 heart attack.

5) What was observed

One source, which we have not yet reported, has told us that on 5 November, 1971, using a device called a chronovisor, the US Supreme Court Building in Washington, DC, was observed “under about a hundred feet of brackish water”.

We do NOT know the date of the event which was observed here, nor what the incident was determined to be that had caused this event.

Dan Burisch has referred to the threat of a pole shift round about 2012 and how this information was learned from time-traveling future humans. We consider his testimony credible and important. Henry Deacon has substantiated this, as have several others (including the source mentioned above).

Similar leaks of classified information, warnings, dreams, intuitions and channeled messages by the thousand – as well as the well-known mystery of the Mayan calendar – all combine to give credence to the idea that in or around 2012 there will be (or was due to be) a major global catastrophe of some kind – in all probability a pole shift.


We are still in touch with the witness who told us of what he observed using the chronovisor, though he is not yet ready to come forward in public with his entire astonishing story.

Jake Simpson (see above) stated to us very clearly that the well-estimated date of a potential cataclysmic event was later than 2012. He suggested that 2017 or 2018 might be closer, and that if nothing had occurred by 2020 or so, the danger could safely be considered to be past.

Importantly, Jake stressed that it was not known exactly when or if the cataclysm would take place. As we reported in our Vilcabamba presentation, he told us of the recent launch by NASA of a trillion dollar satellite: and this is a man who knows how much a trillion dollars is.

The important part of this extraordinary piece of information is that the Powers That Be do not spend a trillion dollars on collecting scientific information if they know what’s going to happen. They spend a trillion dollars if they do NOT know what’s going to happen… and if they want very badly to know, because a great deal is at stake.

6) This has happened before

History is cyclical, and so are geology and the rise and fall of civilizations. The Great Flood is a myth recounted in nearly 100 cultures across the globe. Plato, a reliable, highly intelligent and conscientious historian, reported the drowning of Atlantis in graphic detail.

All over the world (and probably also on the Moon and Mars) there are cyclopean ruins which tell the very clear story of a great civilization which died. We may not be unique in the threat we face.


Jake Simpson (see above) told us that on at least one occasion construction teams excavating deep underground bases had broken through into older underground facilities that were not built by us. These facilities were constructed by our predecessors (or ancestors) some 12,500 years ago… just before the Great Flood. We considered this information of immense importance in confirming the cyclical nature of these major events.

Just as significant was Dan Burisch’s confirmation of this – in a private meeting last month, February 2009. we told him Jake’s story, and Dan confirmed that, yes, this had occurred in a “Scandinavian country”. A large tunnel boring machine had been discovered which was “almost identical” to the one being used to excavate that facility by present day humans – except that it had been found in a different location, and was definitely not the same machine… and had been left abandoned “for a very long time.”

The spooky nature of the connections between these cyclical events – and the cyclical nature of reflex human response to them – gives immense food for thought. Dr Bill Deagle in his December 2006 Granada Forum Lecture also confirms this:

…Something is coming. Because we literally have everything lined up precisely like before the great war between Atlantis and Lemuria: with the exact same population types, the exact same technologies, and the exact same geopolitics. Isn’t that a coincidence? That we’re in the exact same position on the precession of equinoxes in the cycles. (Part 1, 1:05:45)

They broke through into one of these tunnels, and it just turned out that the tunnel they broke through into was already cored and built three to five hundred thousand years ago – by another civilization. God knows what kinds of creatures – whether they were inhabitants of Earth, or visitors. But our world is a very old world… and the very idea that we’re only 6,000 years old is asinine. (Part 3, 23:18)

7) The catastrophe has been averted

According to Dan Burisch, in testimony which we regard as credible, the future humans’ best evaluation of the catastrophe which befell their ancestors (i.e. us) was that it was caused by micro-wormholes in space-time which caused effects which were inadvertently and devastatingly amplified by man-made stargates and time-portal ‘Looking Glass’ devices.

Having been warned, the solution was therefore to decommission these devices – wherever they were, and whoever had them. Dan reports that this has been done.

According to information we have learned from Dan personally, and also reported on his blog, we are no longer on Timeline 2 (or ‘T2’) – the name given to the catastrophic timeline. Detailed investigation was done into this last summer (2007) and Dan has reported that we are (or were, as of November 2007) on ‘Variant 83 of Timeline 1’.

“We should be okay”, he wrote to us simply, a few weeks ago.

However, the recent assassination of Benazir Bhutto was quite unforeseen. This serves as a reminder that all information about possible and probable futures is far from static, and is continually subject to change.

Through our own consciousness, we are constantly affecting the world around us and as co-creators of the universe we are fully involved in determining future events. In Part 3 of our recent interview, Richard Hoagland states that he strongly believes we may be able to organize ourselves to do so with maximum positive effect. We fully support this.

It’s important to note that there are very likely to be rogue groups actively working to influence timelines through the use of techniques learned from certain alien races and the use of advanced hyperdimensional physics. One deep black witness told us in the last few days (verifying the data in our recently posted book about the Antarctic ‘New Berlin’ base) that a group in Antarctica may well be involved in doing just this – as reflected by the mathematical formulae detailed at the end of that document.


A few months after publishing the original 2008 article, we obtained permission from Dan Burisch to write a full report on Timeline 1, Variant 83. Among other things, this told of a war with Iran which was observed to start in October 2008, soon followed by Hillary Clinton’s election as the new US President.

Neither of these critical-path events occurred.

Those who had followed our ‘What’s New’ blog last year (now archived here and here – new visitors to our site, do read this!) will have seen that we had collected a number of data points (14 in all, not all published on our site) which combined to persuade us and many others that there had been plans for major world-changing events to occur last October. One reliable insider we had reported in detail, Hawkeye, had referred to the coming events in these terms (23 August, 2008):

The October event(s) will be the coup d’état of human life as we have known it in this century.

Half Past Human had also warned their subscribers of massive events due to transpire in the last few months of 2008. And Dr Bill Deagle, in his now-famous phone call to us of 4 October, told us of a terrifying night he had spent witnessing in all but physical presence what he perceived to be an imminent nuclear attack on a major American city, possibly Los Angeles.

Bill Deagle – along with George Green, Half Past Human, and many others – also predicted the October financial crash. This, like a huge avalanche gaining momentum as it sweeps through global markets and institutions, still continues as we write this article four and a half months later. But also as we write, while acknowledging that the effects have been very serious for many people and businesses in the US and elsewhere, so far the predicted cataclysmic events have not materialized.

So what has happened here? Were all the prognosticators wrong?

Were Bill Deagle’s critics right when they accused him of being deluded? Had Half Past Human misinterpreted the vast amounts of linguistic data at their disposal? Was Hawkeye misinformed by his own insider sources?

When our contact Henry Deacon was phoned suddenly in September to be offered a job in the Middle East at a rate of $800 per hour – a higher rate of pay than he had ever earned before, and starting the very next day (which, to his immense credit, he turned down) – was this merely a routine assignment?

We suggest not. We think that we are now on a different major timeline: a different major variant of Timeline 1. And in private conversation with Dan Burisch, he fully agrees.

Recent information from Dan indicates that he and others who are operating as ‘white hats’ within the US government have also been working to alter Timeline 1, variant 83. Included in the sequence of events that was foreseen was a serious conflict between Pakistan and India, a nuclear confrontation in which China and the US would become involved, and finally a nuclear exchange between the US and Russia.

With Obama – not Hillary Clinton – becoming President of the US, and the death of Benazir Bhutto – who Dan says was fully aware of the risk and sacrifice necessary – Dan firmly believes we are no longer on this timeline variant. His view, which we share, is that for several months now we have been on a fully unknown variant timeline: one, in theory, of our own making, in which we are in charge of whatever we choose to bring into manifestation.

While this will always be impossible to prove, we believe there is massive evidence that round about October – possibly as a result of massive focus of consciousness and positive intention, in many forms, from thousands of people – a shift occurred. Our best answer to the critics of Bill Deagle’s 4 October phone call is that the apocalyptic event he “saw” has probably already happened – but on a different timeline.

That means that thankfully, it did not happen to us. Who it did happen to – other versions of us, for lack of any better description – we will leave to the metaphysicians. So we are now in uncharted territory. “All bets are off”, Dan had written to us last October. When we relayed this to Jake Simpson soon after, he agreed entirely.

8) Military thinking : don’t give up the insurance policy

What is important to realize is that just because computer analyses of information gained from time-portal devices have shown that the coast seems to be clear, standard military thinking will still be to prepare for the worst for another five years. After all, they’ve been at this for two generations; what’s another few years, just in case.

Hence the underground bases will continue to be stocked, and the secret space program will continue. Mars is being terraformed as we speak, so we understand – a harmonic echo of what happened on Timeline 2 which our descendents report, when one group, eventually to become the ‘P52 Orions’, fled the planet via the Moon and Mars to eventually colonize other star systems and continue the human race elsewhere.


All bets are off, Jake had agreed: see immediately above. We were disturbed to learn from Jake that the military defensive preparations were continuing unabated. It was as if they were still planning for – or insuring against – the Timeline 2 catastrophe. But Jake was phlegmatic about this. The date of the event, he said – if there was to be one – was nearer 2017-18 than 2012. There was still plenty of time to gather information and resources… which is just what he told us military scientists were doing.

Dan Burisch also agreed with this. A group of P52 Orions, he told us, had chosen to ‘remain behind’, orbiting the Earth in large craft in case their assistance was needed. In so doing, Dan told us, because the timeline seemed to have changed to the non-catastrophic Timeline 1, they had in effect made one of the greatest sacrifices on our behalf: to remain here to help us, their own distant ancestors, and therefore cutting off all possibility of their ever returning home.

For the very latest news on this, see our 14 March ‘What’s New’ entry. Marci McDowell reported on the Eagles Disobey Forum (reply #27) that Dan Burisch thought he might have successfully decoded, from writing left to him by his future-lineage ET contact, Chi’el’ah, the very date when the Timeline 2 catastrophe occurred.

Dan did not publish this date, but suffered quite a shock mentally and emotionally – from the potential responsibility of actually knowing, exactly and for the first time, this future-historical date. Dutifully, he had reported it to Majestic, and stated that he would make a public statement on 28 March. Little more than this is publicly known at present, though there are some more details on the Eagles Disobey Forum on the pages following the announcement.
* Update: see the foot of this section.

One key piece of information has recently surfaced in this regard indicating that Dan is currently working with the Orion Cube (or ‘Yellow Book’, as it is known by some) to determine where we may be now in regard to the probability of various future scenarios.

Separately, and intriguingly, Dan reported the following to us personally. The September 2008 explosion and fire at the Marriott hotel in Pakistan was linked to steel boxes that had been placed in rooms on those floors and which were under American military guard. Apparently something within them was triggered to combust; and this all leads back to what Dan has said are reverse-engineered duplicate ‘cubes’ currently being loaned out (for a price) to various governments with a yes/no switch installed for the asking of one question only, under strict protocols, that if tampered with or interfered with in any way would self-destruct as a safety measure.

These ‘one-use’ cubes enable the user to view the future probability as a hologram. But in order to operate the cube, the user must be fully trained to shield themselves and the cube from interference caused by their own presence and their possible preconceived ideas (a) by having only one person in close proximity to the cube when operating it, and (b) by being a contactee experienced in various techniques as a result of their contact experiences.

The use of these cubes is significant and, according to Dan, does not pose the same danger as Looking Glass technology: the cubes do not utilize portals or wormholes, but rather they access the field of consciousness in order to show probable outcomes.

On March 28, Dan Burisch will reveal something important pertaining to where we are on the current timeline. However, it’s important to note that given the protocols of the senior military-intelligence group he is working with there is likely to be a great deal that he will not be at liberty to disclose.

Dan and Marci announced the following on the Eagles Disobey forum:

Drs. McDowell and Burisch will be addressing echelon members of the New Group, retired echelon members, and senior and middle level operatives of the former Consistory of the Majestic; and other Eagles Team members on Saturday, March 28, 2009 at Noon Universal Time concerning the decoded 6 locations where the defunct presumed T2 date was written or referred to, in Dr. Burisch’s continuous diary.

They go on to state that a transcript will be made public. Dan and Marci have made clear numerous times that anything that directly threatens humanity will be revealed by them regardless of the consequences – as their first loyalty is to the people, and survival of all.

Update, 2 April: Dan reported, after the day had passed uneventfully, that the date in question which he had deciphered was… 28 March, 2009.

“We have survived the Cycles Cross. I have to get control of my emotions…
–Stan Goldstein, Psy.D, retired Clinical Psychologist from Majestic. Deputy Administrator, Eagles Forum

9) No free lunch

However, Timeline 1 will still have its problems. The rest of this report will detail these, as best as we currently know or understand them. These can be subdivided and examined as follows:

Rising sea levels and disturbed weather patterns.
EMP spikes from increased solar activity (Solar Cycle 24).
Geopolitical instability and risk of conflict.
Economic instability and possible collapse of markets.
Global pandemic.
Political and societal problems in the US and elsewhere.
‘Planet X’.
False-flag ‘alien invasion’.


As stated above, the ‘October Surprise’ failed to materialize, leaving us with the strong apparent possibility that we are on a new variant of Timeline 1, with unknown events in store. Whether or not those unknown events are good news – or not the kind of thing we want to experience – remains to be seen.

The rest of this article examines the possibilities, sticking with the categorization in the 2008 article and opposite.


10) Rising sea levels and disturbed weather patterns

The Greenland ice cap is melting at an accelerating rate, in defiance of carefully calculated models. Some climatologists, duly alarmed, now estimate that sea levels could rise as much as nine feet in the coming few years.

While infinitesimal on the global tape measure, nine feet is still enough to devastate seaboards and force hundreds of millions to relocate, creating unprecedented refugee crises and all the associated problems of food and water shortages, threats of disease, and local conflict – let alone the major economic effects on industrial production and infrastructure worldwide. Some entire nations, such as the Maldives, will simply cease to exist.

We have been actively encouraging friends of ours in Florida to consider relocating. Other areas, of course, are similarly vulnerable. The factors to consider here are that even if you are not personally affected by the sea and live miles (or hundreds of miles) inland, the country or area you are living in may experience a knock-on effect in terms of the economy, infrastructure, food supply, or migration of large numbers of people to wherever you are that will may change your life considerably.

This needs close monitoring as more public-sector research is done (as it is being done now, with great urgency). If this sea level rise does not occur, then of course all the above factors will not apply.

But: weather patterns will continue to become more unstable as global warming also accelerates – caused by solar activity, NOT carbon emissions. A warmer climate means warmer oceans – also heated up by increased undersea volcanic activity (see solar cycle 24 below).

Warmer oceans mean more hurricanes, typhoons and cyclones (all the same thing) – and also more rainfall. Some climatologists argue that increased rainfall means increased snowfall in northern latitudes and therefore the paradoxical possibility of a local ice age in certain locations, such as the northern parts of Europe, Russia and Canada.

Again, none of this is a civilization showstopper; but the same principles apply, inasmuch as there is likely to be mass migration of people forced to or wishing to relocate, and effects on food production and infrastructure. And this will definitely occur, as weather becomes more unstable and extreme worldwide.


There has been extensive, heated debate among good, independent climatologists about what is happening to the world’s weather – and, closely connected with this, what the sun is actually doing (or not doing) at the moment.

Though not extensively reported by the mainstream media, the weather this last winter (2008-9) has been extreme in both North America and Europe. Temperatures have been low and precipitation (rain and snow) has been heavy. This was not what many had expected.

One person who did expect this was Dr Bill Deagle. Referencing his 2006 Granada Forum lecture again:

Loss of the Escalator Effect: there’s been a 30-35% decrease in the Gulf Stream bringing warm waters from the Gulf of Mexico to North Europe. We’re not heading toward global warming. We’re heading toward an ice age. An ice age is not caused by cooling. It’s caused by increased rainfall. Has anyone noticed that the rainfall in some areas has really gone up a lot and other areas are desertifying? That rainfall in the Northern Hemisphere can cause snows that can pack up to 100 feet of snow per year…. and these ice ages, by the way, come in very quickly: as little as 3-5 years. It doesn’t mean the end of civilization. But it does mean a lot of places will be not very habitable. (Part 1, 1:06:18)

Robert Felix, on his controversial weather reporting site Ice Age Now, argues similarly.

Most interestingly, and not previously reported by us, our unpublished source (see [5] above) who informed us in detail of his first-hand experience with the chronovisor, told us that he “had understood from his CIA handlers that there would be an ice age”.

11) EMP spikes from increased solar activity (solar cycle 24)

Solar Cycle 24 officially began on 4 January, 2008 – heading gradually and unstoppably towards its predicted maximum in… 2012. The significance here is that there is compelling evidence in the public domain that Solar Cycle 24 will become severe in its effects on the planet.

Everything we do here on Planet Earth is dependent on or linked to the sun. If the sun starts misbehaving, then none of us can escape the effects. Project Camelot was contacted in mid-2007 by a world-class scientist whose name would be recognized by many readers, contracted to the US government and operating under a Top Secret clearance. He was able to tell us that one of the problems facing us in the next few years (“starting in 2009”) would be a CME (Corona Mass Ejection), and he compared this to the major solar event of 1859.

In 1859 there were spectacular auroras at all latitudes, but the world was not then dependent on electronics. Today such an event would bring down communications, disable satellites, ground aircraft, and (if sufficiently severe) fry all chips and circuits not adequately shielded. This would seem to be a major and real threat.

The danger here is not to people, but to the infrastructure. Commentators enjoy pointing out the obvious (as we must do here) – that such an event might catapult us all back to the mid-1800s, with the difference being that most of us would have no idea how to cope without electronics, vehicles, or even running water. Again, it’s an infrastructure problem: no electronics means no pumps, which means no gas or water, which means no food unless it was locally grown, which means that many of us would be in big trouble.

The good news is that if a major CME was on its way, we would all get 6-48 hours warning – like a kind of solar tsunami. That’s enough time to shield one’s own electronics: wrap in aluminum foil and cloth, and/or bury them in the ground or take them deep into the basement.

Note, however, that in the event of a severe EMP all vehicle engines would be disabled unless they were old diesel cars or trucks with no engine management system. Henry Deacon has also advised us, repeatedly, to acquire and learn how to use ham radio – which in a worst case scenario might be the only way of communicating besides shouting out of one’s window.

Many visitors to our site will realize that this fits perfectly with the testimony of our witness Dan Sherman, who was trained as a military telepath as part of Project Preserve Destiny – in preparation, as he was explicitly told, “for a future time in which all electromagnetic communications would be rendered useless”.

We do NOT know whether this has been foreseen using time portal technology, nor do we know how our scientist source mentioned above knew of the claimed coming CME problem. He did not answer our immediate question about this, and simply apologized for not being able to say more.

He said we were “in for a very bad time”. “I don’t normally communicate with the public like I use to,” he wrote. “I found that most people just can not handle the brutal truth very well.”

This person also stated, clearly, that there would be a 2012 pole shift. But he may not have known that it had been averted (see 7 above). Or maybe it has not been! It’s not possible to know exactly what the “bad time” was he was referring to… although one may guess.

Our best evaluation of this is that it does seem to be a definite risk that a sufficiently large solar ‘spike’ (what Ed Dames has overdramatically called The Kill Shot) would heavily disrupt infrastructure, transport and therefore food distribution. As so many have said, a degree of emergency self-sufficiency would seem smart.

As a final note, it must be said that some scientists are connecting solar activity with tectonic and geothermal activity – that is to say, volcanoes, earthquakes and (consequently) tsunamis. If these causalities are valid, the earth changes that so many have predicted may be ushered in by nothing more than our friendly, or not-so-friendly, sun.


The debate on whether or not solar activity is set to increase dramatically still rages among public-sector solar physicists. This very interesting 23 March 2009 New Scientist article states the potential threat very clearly as viewed by some mainstream scientists.

Researcher Mitch Battros at Earth Changes Media summarizes the situation (1 April 2009):

Conversation and deliberation amongst solar scientists has sparked concern as we continue to experience an extended period of solar minimum. There were no sunspots observed on 266 of the year’s 366 days.

What does this mean? Are we in a cooling trend, and this is perhaps the beginning of another mini-ice age? Or is this the quiet before the storm? You have to go way back to 1913 to find a year with more blank sunspots which had 311 spotless days.

However, don’t be fooled — just as with other apparent slow weather cycles, we can be lulled into a sense of relief thinking we dodged another one. Some observers suggested solar cycle 24 had hit bottom in 2008 but the sunspot count in 2009 dropped even lower. As of March 31, there were no sunspots on 78 of the year’s 90 days.

But let’s not forget lead scientists from NASA, European Space Agency, and Royal Observatory among several top universities have all predicted Cycle 24 will be up to 50% stronger than its predecessor.

Modern technology cannot, however, predict exactly what comes next. Competing models by dozens of solar physicists disagree, sometimes sharply, on when this solar minimum will end and how big the next solar maximum will be. The great uncertainty stems from one simple fact: No one fully understands the underlying physics of the sunspot cycle.

Update, 7 April:  We have been contacted by the wife of an electrical engineer who has been officially briefed about a serious major threat to infrastructure in a few years’ time.

We believe this information is credible and important but the contact may now have been lost. Therefore we are publishing what we have – with many questions unanswered. This is the first message we received, on 27 March 2009:

Hello B & K

My husband is an electrical engineer for a national power company. He has just been told that they are expecting an event in the next 3-4 years that will render every transformer in the world useless. They are desperately trying to find a solution to the problem. If they don’t, the entire global electrical system will go down. I know this fits in with some of your research. Have you heard about this?

In answer to my questions, she then replied:

Hi Bill: My husband is working away from home at the moment on this problem, and I have no way of contacting him. He is not allowed to carry a cellphone on the job. I’ll clarify with him when I speak to him next, but the impression I got was that it was definitely going to happen. He mentioned something about electromagnetic clouds in space that the Earth is drifting into. They are under incredible pressure to find a solution. My husband is an engineer, a man of rational logic. He is not prone to flights of fancy, but this news has disturbed him no end.

Please click here for the entire correspondence, and all the information we have been able to learn.

Update 28 April

Additional resources:

Two detailed and important research papers by nuclear scientist and engineer James A. Marusek:

Solar Storm Threat Analysis (29 pages, 2007)
There are two paths ahead; each marked with a ‘Danger’ signpost (5 pages, April 2009)

Two paths lie before us. Both are marked with a signpost that reads “Danger”!

Down one path lies monstrous solar storms. The greatest threat would destroy many of the large custom Extra High Voltage (EHV) power transformers in the United States. These items are unique, costly (around $10 million each) and have manufacture lead time of a year or more for replacement.

Down the other path lies several decades of crushing cold temperatures and global famine.

• A free online book entitled Severe Space Weather Events – Understanding Societal and Economic Impacts.

• Two mainstream news articles here and here which support our report from the electrical engineer who had been briefed on “expected” major problems with power transmission in 3-4 years’ time. This extract from the ABC News feature caught our attention:

The direct result of a space storm would be the breakdown of the electrical grid, the report warned.

John Kappenman, an analyst with Metatech Corporation, a company that studies the effect of electromagnetic interference on power systems, said in the report that damaged transformers take a long time to repair.

In well-documented cases involving heat failures in the transformers that undergird the power system, he said it has taken 12 months or more to replace the damaged units with new ones.

• A Wired interview with John Kappenman, the author of the Metatech report mentioned by ABC News above. The title of the interview is The Geomagnetic Apocalypse – And How to Stop It.

12) Geopolitical instability and risk of conflict

Here, man’s enemy may be man. There is ample evidence that there is a clear agenda for there to be a planned (long-planned) US military strike against Iran, justified in a number of ways that many regard to be hollow at best. This is legitimately worrying, and the last months of George Bush’s term in office – like the danger presented by a cornered tiger – may be the most dangerous.

It’s hard to evaluate this. There is some evidence that a strike was planned against Iran last summer (2007), but may have been averted by a small group of unknown and very brave airmen at Barksdale AFB. Synchronous with this, several unidentified but major stock market players bet $4.5 billion that the markets would fall drastically before 21 September 2007. This did not happen, and they lost their gamble. There was no strike, no war. Maybe we have been spared, as many believe.

It’s important to realize that there are many games being played out behind the scenes. We’re obliged to be vague about what we can say here, but we do know that not everyone in Washington or the Pentagon wants a nuclear war.

The NIE (National Intelligence Estimate) that was published on 2 December 2007, stating that Iran was not a threat, was one major attempt to literally spike Bush’s guns and remove any justification for an attack. We cannot reveal details, but we do know this as a fact.

Shortly afterwards, Benazir Bhutto was assassinated. There’s extremely strong reason to believe that she was ‘removed’ because one of her major purposes was to ensure that no major conflict broke out between Pakistan and India.

The only conclusion that can be drawn here is that all situations in the Middle to Far East remain unstable and dangerous. It has to be understood that there are factions – see (2) above – which may want there to be a nuclear exchange.

The reasons for this insanity (the only word that can be used) are unclear. It might be because this has been ‘seen’ (using time-portal technology) and therefore must be fulfilled; it might be Biblical (‘the Armageddon thing’). It might be an attempt to reduce population. On the other hand, situations can be readily imagined in which Martial Law could be implemented in the US (and maybe other countries) as a response to a world which is suddenly a nuclear one again.


Our contact and source George Green is still very concerned that The Powers That Be are intent on starting World War Three. He discussed this at some length in his recent Vilcabamba presentation.

Others – including ourselves – feel that the scenarios (see below) are now most likely to be economic, with the ensuing deliberately engineered justification for heavy control of populations and infrastructure if the economy of the First World really does crumble into a second Great Depression – as many informed commentators are warning.

Alex Jones’ recent documentary The Obama Deception addresses this at length. As this article naturally ages, events may well become crystal clear one way or another. But for those reading this soon after publication (end March 2009), we highly recommend it for its well-researched information value and the critically important warnings which it may contain.

Much has been written about Obama, with the alternative media leaning heavily towards criticism and (to be polite!) serious doubt. Our position remains exactly as stated here (Second Archive, 5 November 2008 entry):

Barack Obama is the new President-elect of the USA. We will now all have to see if he is his own man. But with advisors such as Zbigniew Brzezinski, George Bush Senior, and Bill Clinton – and having been groomed for the job for two years by a different faction of the NWO – we feel it is far from clear what the future may hold. We hope to be surprised, and wrong.

We also revealed in our own Vilcabamba presentation that it had been reported to us by a reliable source that when he had met Obama in the early 1980s it seemed very clear – even when he was so young, then only in his twenties – that he knew that he was going to be President.

We noted this with great interest, and report it here for anecdotal value. If Obama did actually know this, there must at least be an honest attempt to square this with our thesis that timelines have recently changed after Hillary was slated to be the President according to the information gained about Timeline 1, Variant 83. In the meantime, we were also told by a contactee, who had met the Pleiadians when aged 12 (then in 1974), that the US President in 2012 would be… Obama. Our contact wrote the name down, as it meant nothing to him, and told us last year… before Obama had even won the Democratic nomination.

Meanwhile, Henry Deacon had even told us in October – and we have never published this – that he had read years earlier in a briefing that “something unusual would happen at the last minute” – and he could not remember what this was! – that would result in Hillary Clinton becoming President at the eleventh hour even although it had seemed that she would not be in that position.

So what is happening here? Can all these reports be simultaneously correct? We suspect so. The intricate and mind-bending nature of the interaction between parallel alternative timelines must lead to the strong possibility that (just as we discussed pertaining to Bill Deagle’s vision of 4 October 2008) all these events are possible, in some sense “real”, and therefore all visible either psychically or using various forms of advanced technology, the latter interfacing with hyperdimensional reality in harness with the enhanced abilities of a conscious observer.

13) Economic instability and possible collapse of markets

Any of the above situations could precipitate economic instability or collapse. But with the US economy having a GDP of 14 trillion, and debts of 120 trillion, it is bankrupt already. The marked stock market slide of 22 January was the beginning (in our view) of a period of instability and global lack of confidence that will lead to the inevitable collapse of the dollar – and thereafter, the pound and the euro.

The sharp collapse will happen as soon as a major US corporation or bank announces that it has been obliged to fold. From what we understand, this is only a matter of time – weeks or months.

We talked with ex-banker and paradigm changer George Green about this. He predicted the stock market slide in mid-January (which has impressed us) and said that besides investigating buying land in South America (as many insiders are doing, he told us), he is liquidating all assets and holding small denominations of cash (nothing higher than $20 bills) and is buying silver coins.

George told us that silver ($16.50 an ounce at the time of writing) is the metal to buy – because it’s underpriced relative to gold and there’s a real world shortage, and it’s used and needed industrially in many ways. He stated that silver will soar to $40 and possibly even $100. We are paying close attention.

Gold and silver coins that one possesses oneself are the best ‘currency’. Owning gold or silver bars in a bank vault (or worse, owning paper substitutes for a theoretical, non-physical purchase) is of no use at all if the bank is closed and one does not have a key.


Well, we were right about that: see opposite. And this scenario (see [12] above) continues to preoccupy us and many others.

Many have referred to the slow, but accelerating, slide of the world’s financial markets as a kind of controlled demolition of the global economy. First the charges blow: then the building still seems to stand intact… but its fate is sealed. Like the 9/11 WTC towers, the downward collapsing momentum then builds until there is nothing left except shock and trauma that may last for years.

The advantages of such a ploy are obvious: as markets collapse, businesses and institutions fail, and infrastructure (such as the food and energy supply chain) reaches failure point, increased governmental control of citizens – and maybe military control of mobs on the streets – becomes justified. As David Icke describes: problem-reaction-solution. And just maybe (see [12] above) this also provides a beautiful excuse for yet another diversionary war, to provide distracting concern for the TV-watchers previously worried only about their personal assets.

Meanwhile, George Green (see opposite) was right to some extent about silver, which peaked at $21/oz on 17 March 2008, seven weeks after publishing our 2008 article. Then, with all the wisdom of hindsight, would have been the right time to sell. The prices of gold and silver are now climbing again, though gold is pulling ahead. All the advice we offered about owning and holding physical silver or gold – if one is in a position to do so – still stands.

Many readers will be familiar with the testimony of Lindsey Williams, whom we have not yet interviewed. In brief, Lindsey reported in July 2008, when oil was then at more than $140/barrel, that he had been informed – by a very senior insider source – that the price would be engineered to fall to less than $50/barrel by the November election. At the time this seemed almost impossible to believe… but that was exactly what happened.

The plan, Lindsey stated he had been told, was to bankrupt the Middle Eastern oil producing nations, who would be faced with a catastrophic decline in revenue. They would then be forced to dump their dollar reserves… which would in turn have a devastating knock-on result on the American and then the global economy. This final phase, says Lindsey, is in progress, is unstoppable, but has not yet occurred.

Lindsey specifically states that one important recent interview (done not with us, but with The Byte Show) is not copyrighted, and we consider this update from Lindsey to be the most detailed and informative interview he has yet done. For anyone following George Green’s and Bill Deagle’s economic warnings, and who would appreciate more detailed information, we recommend Lindsey Williams’ update as essential listening.

14) Global pandemic

Avian flu is not a hoax. Avian (‘Bird’) flu is a genuine threat, and could easily be one reason for Martial Law. International flights could be stopped and a real pandemic can be used as an excuse/reason to stop anyone from traveling domestically also.

The infrastructure would also be decimated because few if anyone would risk going to work and many millions might die – far worse than in 1918. In 1918 the flu – which was also Avian flu, which not many realize – was 5-10% lethal. In 2008 it’s 60% lethal.

Dr Bill Deagle states in his December 2006 Granada Forum lecture that he is certain that the Controllers have engineered H5N1 (its medical name) from the 1918 strain with a deliberate intention of killing between 1 and 2 billion people. Henry Deacon has stated to us that he sat in meetings where the release of pathogens was planned in order to reduce population.

On the other hand, Dan Burisch, in response to this, has explicitly stated:

I am now (learned within the last few months) aware of such actions having been contemplated, now in the past, by representatives of the Illuminati. Such ideas were never brought to fruition, not because of their love for humanity, but as they judged it counterproductive for themselves. They were also threatened that should they attempt anything of such nature, they would be “acted upon” in a manner they would not find acceptable.

Quiet factions, including what is now the group in charge in the wake of the adjournment by the Majestic, during the consideration period by the Illuminati, were preparing to counter the actions by the Illuminati with the use of biologists, Federal Law Enforcement, and where necessary – outright force. 24/7/365 vigilance is ongoing. That is all I can publicly say about these issues. I am “extending myself” to this extent…but you have the right to know.

Regardless of whether H5N1 has been bioengineered, it is out there. Avian flu is in 90 countries at the time of writing (January 2008) and the only reason it’s not spreading is that people are dying too quickly – like Ebola fever. All it would take is two gene mutations (and there’s a huge viral mass) for it to go human to human, and after that all that is needed is a few resistant carriers – in other words, people traveling. If that all occurs, all this becomes a major part of what strategy to adopt.

The possible reasons for Martial Law need to be considered. A second ‘false flag’ 9/11 is one thing. A pandemic is quite another. The Controllers may be much more liable this time to go for something invisible to secure their objectives than another 9/11. Viruses can’t be analyzed on video replays… and they’re also real. Avian flu is not a trick.

The currently calculated chances of Avian flu becoming pandemic in any one year are 30% – a figure from the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta. If a pandemic occurs (a pandemic being a global epidemic), North America might be isolated by the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, while Europe might be far more dangerous (being more densely populated and also directly connected to the Far East, where the two critical extra mutations are most likely to occur).

But in this scenario, expect draconian measures domestically in the US (and maybe other countries) to control or firewall against the viral threat. This may be one of the reasons why South America is now being considered a safe haven by so many insiders – for whom none of the above is any news at all.


Like the Iranian war (and Hillary Clinton’s presidency), this has not occurred. However, many well-informed observers (such as Dr Rima Laibow and General Bert Stubblebine from the Natural Solutions Foundation) feel that the threat is still real, and remain alert.

Our contact Jake Simpson agrees, and told us in October 2008 that viral outbreak – which could occur (or be reported to occur) very suddenly – could be easily used as a justification for closing national borders and controlling (or stopping) international travel.

Update, 28 April:

“The hammer may have fallen.”
— Dr Bill Deagle, Jeff Rense interview, 24 April 2009

As we write this update, we’re following the Mexican outbreak of swine flu very closely. There are a number of well-written articles linked to Rense.com, and the 24 April Jeff Rense interview with Dr Bill Deagle is here. Click here for Alex Jones talking with Bill Deagle and NWO researcher Steve Quayle on 27 April.

Deagle and Quayle are 100% agreed that the April Mexico outbreak is a probable precursor to several more “waves”, one of which will be “the big one”.

Both state that they had received intelligence quite a while back that a potential pandemic had been planned. In Part 1 of Bill Deagle’s 2006 Granada Forum Lecture, he goes into this in quite some depth.

Meanwhile, on 30 March 2009, a whistleblower called ‘Mary’ described in detail, in a phone-in to The Power Hour, apparent preparations by the Department of Homeland Security for a pandemic. If you have not listened to this, we strongly recommend that you do. We have received indirect confirmation from someone in direct touch with ‘Mary’ that this whistleblower appears to be genuine. We welcome hearing from her if she would like to contact us in full confidence.
   Click here for the YouTube video (audio only with images).
   Click here for the extracted MP3.
   Click here for a transcript of the call.
   Click here for a detailed analysis of this situation. (NOTE: every application on my computer immediately froze up when I first tried to access this page. After several attempts, I extracted a PDF. Click here, read, archive, and share this article.)
   Click here and here for Dr Rima Laibow’s report on the Swine Flu outbreak.

Note also that after in-depth conversation in a number of meetings and phone conversations with insider Jake Simpson, we reported the following in January 2009:

More immediate, said Jake, was the threat of the deliberate release of viruses… This would trigger worldwide infrastructure breakdown, cause chaos, and make populations easier to control.

Jake predicted that it was quite possible that sometime before the end of 2009 – or possibly early 2010 – there would be a sudden and rapid escalation of international reported outbreaks of extremely dangerous viruses (whether manmade or otherwise). He emphasized that announcements of a global pandemic could suddenly emerge from nowhere “within hours”, and that it would be smart to be prepared: he stressed that some countries could quickly become quarantined, or choose to quarantine themselves, with major implications for international travel and port or airport controls.


15) Political and societal problems in the US and elsewhere

Followers of Alex Jones and Jeff Rense will have been aware for quite some time that there is strong reason to believe that there may be serious crackdowns on US civil liberties in the relatively near future.

This could not happen without an excuse (or a reason convincing enough for the population to capitulate), so speculation has been rife about what gambit to expect from the Controllers. Bill Deagle has stated that he has information that there are suitcase nukes pre-planted in 22 American cities, primed for another ‘false flag’ event (like 9/11, but more major, shocking and dramatic). This may or may not be accurate, but it reveals the possible thinking of the Controllers.

Project Camelot has a source, not so far published by us, who was involved in the Montauk experiments of the early 1980s. This person for several years has been talking about what he has called “The King George scenario”, in which George Bush would remain in office due to a (falsified and engineered but convincing) National Emergency. We were approached about this in May 2007.

Astonishingly, our source insists that this was being planned in the 1980s – before one would imagine George W. Bush was ever thought of. Moreover, he has dated these events as being synchronous with food shortages and food riots in the US.

We did not publish this material in 2007, since no food riots seemed to be forthcoming and we were obliged to question the accuracy of the information. Researcher and food supply specialist Steve Shenk, however, has recently reported that food shortages, connected with drought and the collapse of bee colonies, are likely. This might be yet another reason, if any more were needed, not to get trapped at the wrong time in a major city.

The other reasons for civil unrest and/or Martial Law (a chicken-egg situation, of course) have already been detailed above: nuclear attack (the unthinkable option, whether staged or ‘real’), or quarantine restrictions in the midst of a genuine pandemic.

Finally, we should say that in the recent Timeline 1 time-portal analysis, as per (7) above, we were told that George Bush does not remain in power – ceding the presidency to Hillary Clinton. We would like to say that you heard it here first… but you probably did not.


See [12] above for a discussion of this – most possibly at this stage linked with critical global economic problems, should the situation continue to deteriorate.

16) ‘Planet X’

Last but not least! We have to say that we do not yet know what to make of this. We do believe that there is likely to be a massive object (of some kind, whether a rocky planet, a brown dwarf ‘second sun’, or even a small black hole) on an eccentric orbit (of some kind) which is being monitored closely by IRAS and the South Pole Telescope. But what that means, we do not ourselves know, and no insider has yet credibly told us.

We’re aware that many intelligent people have done good research into this and have concluded that there’s likely to be a major problem on its way – a little like rolling a giant bowling ball through the solar system, something which happens every few thousand (some say 3,600) years. This object does seem to exist – and may itself be doing its part, through electromagnetic and other forms of resonance, in exciting the sun to new levels of activity (see 11 above).

But whether this is the harbinger of destruction (or the harbinger of the Anunnaki, as some claim) is another question which we’re not yet equipped to answer. Our Norwegian politician source, who reports personal experience of scenario planning for evacuating 40% of Norway’s population underground in 2012, mentioned that “Planet X is coming”; but had no details, let alone scientific ones, and in fact he had no hard information of any kind about the reason for the very real and massive precautions that he insisted were well under way.

‘Planet X’ was simply what he had heard. We are convinced of the existence of the underground bases, but not of their purported raison d’etre in this instance. Far more likely, we think, that the forewarned 2012 pole shift was the justification for all the heavy and secret activity.

It’s even possible that ‘Planet X’ may be disinformation. Not the existence of what Bill Deagle calls a “hypergravitational object”, but its likely effects. Its reality might be the factual part of the disinformation, and the destructive effects the false part – thereby playing neatly into legend. It’s extremely hard for us to say.

Our stance, as always, is to keep an open mind and to gather more information from every source. And one thing 2008 will bring is more information. Of all the probabilities and possibilities discussed on this page, the greatest odds of all are that we will learn a very great deal more in the coming months.


Marshall Masters, with whom we are in good contact, continues to report on this topic on his very comprehensive website, yowusa.com.

During the summer of 2008, we did some unpublished research into the claims of Steve Woods – a supposed Planet X whistleblower – and concluded that he was a hoaxer. On the other hand, towards the end of the year we heard privately from a contact who had a close relative who was a senior Jesuit, and who had been told by this relative that the Planet X issues were very real.

Dr Bill Deagle, in his 2006 Granada Forum lecture, also refers to the disruptive approach of a “hyperdense object” as a reality – and, most important to understand, as a separate, independent problem from the cyclical movement of the solar system into alignment with the galactic plane. And Bob Dean, whom we know and love greatly, told us, memorably, in his September 2008 interview, that he had learned from his own sources that ‘Nibiru’ was due to return round about 2017.

This confusion – integrating the information reported by Bill Deagle, Bob Dean, Jake Simpson, Dan Burisch, Luca Scantamburlo (who reported to us in detail in February 2008 on Cristoforo Barbato’s ‘Planet X’ research), Marshall Masters and many others – can be aligned by Henry Deacon’s comments, reported at the very start of the original 2008 article:

Our friend and important insider contact Henry Deacon has stated repeatedly, since we first met him, that the issue is that there are a number of simultaneously converging problems which combine to create an unprecedented global situation.

Separately, many people have written to us guessing at the identity of our Norwegian politician source. Some have been correct. We promised him we would not reveal his name on our site, but the cat is already out of the bag in Norway and quite a lot of people already know the details.

Click here, and after a little searching you may quickly learn more. But be warned: this is a hornet’s nest, and too much digging and poking could leave one with quite a headache. Our own position is that the original messages from our source were authentic and reliable. After we traveled to Oslo to meet him last February and he did not show (though we were able to verify his identity and all contact details), the matter became much more clouded. We will refrain from any further comment.

17) False-flag ‘alien invasion’

We list this simply because this scenario has been discussed on the internet, some calling this Project Blue Beam. There is much to be read about it, almost all of which is speculation with little firm evidence or whistleblower testimony (one noted exception being that of Dr Carol Rosin, speaking on behalf of her old colleague and mentor, Dr Wernher von Braun).

Project Camelot has no information about this and cannot comment at this stage. It has not been mentioned by any of our own witnesses.


We’ve learned nothing more about this… save for the following. In a recorded conversation between Henry Deacon, Michael St.Clair and ourselves, in July 2008, the following dialog took place, transcribed here

Henry: And then you’ve got the possibility of a fake – a very strong possibility, very soon – of a fake invasion from outer space menaces that… Like Kerry, I don’t know what you saw. But that may have been an example of one of the machines that was built right here.

Kerry: Oh yeah. It had the feeling of that, I have to admit, although it was extremely high…

Henry: Yeah. So with thousands of those being flown over cities and highly populated areas, and then using the vast media, you can do an awful lot of psychological damage and control – psyops – to a lot of people.

Kerry: Right. But ultimately, what do you think the result of that’s going to be?

Henry: Then being able to control people, to maybe put them into… ah…

Kerry: Camps?

Henry: Yes, exactly.

…and here:

Bill: When you talked about the faked alien invasion. Do we really have that many of our own craft? And you felt very strongly that that would happen. I’ve never heard you say that before.

Henry: Oh yes. To answer the last, the second question, is: we have more than you… I don’t know how many that we have, but we have more than you could… You’d be very surprised. Everyone would be very surprised.

18) Summary

At the very top of the page, we remarked:

Our job, all working together, is to help the human race find its way through the minefield of potential booby traps to emerge at a better future. To walk this minefield blindly is in our view unwise. Better to have at least a partial map. This is our intention here.

The above summary analysis (and it really is just a summary) marks out where some of the landmines may be. The largest of these, the 2012 pole shift, may well have been handled. This is the good news. But there are plenty of other ways to accidentally end up in the wrong place at the wrong time. That’s why a map of the minefield is not a bad idea.

Our intention is not to convince or persuade, but to inform in such a way as to enhance each reader’s ability to make responsible decisions for themselves and their families.

This has been our position from the start: to report what we feel is credible, potentially important, and possibly under-reported. Whatever we do, we’re committed to the truth, but without any dogma or doctrine apart from the fact that the truth stands on its own, for better or for worse. It is the way it is, as the Buddhist master patiently explained.

Our best advice:

Look within, and educate yourselves and those around you.
Be patient with skeptics or those who are afraid (often the same thing).
Follow no leaders.
Stay open and flexible in every way.

Create and be the change you want to see.
Remember that we co-create the future every moment of every day.

Some of these situations may transpire, while others may not. Time will sort out which is which. Our own commitment is to learn as much as we can, and then to share it. That’s what Camelot is all about.

Bill Ryan
Kerry Lynn Cassidy
28 January 2008

Click here
for a personal message from Bill Ryan
Click here for a personal message from Kerry Cassidy



There have been a number of initiatives, all over the internet, proposing and organizing various gatherings, group meditations, and other collective activities intended to prevent unfavorable events and usher in more beneficial outcomes for us all.

We can only applaud these. We encourage ALL activity that has as a genuine intention the betterment of conditions for mankind. As we have often publicly stated, Project Camelot is just part of an enormous worldwide team effort to move Planet Earth away from potential bad times ahead.

But some of these initiatives are founded on false premises. It’s most important to state that the issues are confusing: and to surf the internet, without discrimination or differentiation, to try to figure out what’s going on, is to invite being swamped with misinformation whether deliberately or accidentally engendered.

Simply put, there’s a lot of nonsense out there. It must be remembered that a sizeable part of the commonly accepted basket of New Age beliefs is just another religion, and serves to control people in exactly the same way as every other belief system has always done. Dr Fred Bell, for example, with whom we’ve talked off-record, reports that:

Spy satellite programs, such as Misty, launched in 1990 by NASA’s STS-36, began putting in place beam technologies that often target New Age channelers and meditators, fooling them into thinking they are in touch with their higher self, or an alien entity. These technologies, says Dr. Bell, are further steps towards world population control.

One of Project Camelot’s purposes is to pre-screen insider information such that the chances of falsehood are at least minimized. From the feedback we receive every day, the overwhelming proportion of visitors to our site seem to feel that we’re succeeding in this challenging task.

As we’ve stated clearly many times, of course not all of our witnesses agree fully. If they did – like the police accident investigators who find ten eye-witnesses with identical stories – we would be pretty suspicious.

So there are differences. Many of these differences can be attributed to what Richard Hoagland famously refers to as “the lie is different at every level”: i.e. that misinformation is deliberately planted – and believed – among insiders, as well as among the curious public. This of course makes evaluation frustrating and difficult… just as it is intended to.

So we rely equally on our intuition, feeling often very strongly that we have been steered into positive directions for our research where doors have almost magically opened before us. We get messages from time to time repeating old internet claims that Dan Burisch is untrustworthy, for example, and we no longer respond to them.

We know this man. He is among the most decent, brilliant, humble and good-hearted people it’s ever been our privilege to meet. His accounts are supported by Henry Deacon and Jake Simpson, and it’s abundantly clear to us that there are deep and critically important truths in his tale of the two timelines.

Separately, on our site we have given a platform to Pane Andov [‘Astralwalker’] to present his ideas. We do not agree with all of them, and feel that some of them are seriously flawed. For example, the ‘2012 event’, as those who have read this far will see, may not be dated 2012 at all, and may not be connected with the Mayan calendar. 11.11 am on the morning of 21 December 2012 is almost certain to be spurious. Which time zone is never specified, and remember: the Mayans had no clocks, and nothing was ever mentioned by the Mayans about either a cataclysm or the world coming to an end… let alone the New Age beliefs about ‘Ascension’ (whatever that is) or moving into the ‘Fourth Density’ (whatever that means).

The Controllers of this planet, with their hands full of real issues connected with actual, imminent, potential hyperdimensional effects and problems, are no doubt delighted that we keep ourselves harmlessly busy with such vague and happy nonsense. More examples are that the 1977 message from ‘Vrillon’ of the ‘Ashtar Command’ is almost certainly Earthly in origin (very possibly a Tavistock experiment which, if so, must have filled the perpetrators with great glee); and while Dr Paul LaViolette’s ‘Superwave’ idea is a serious hypothesis from a brilliant man, this kind of periodic cosmic event (“Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!” states Astralwalker) was not claimed by LaViolette to be connected with the movement of the solar system into alignment with the galactic plane, or with whatever ‘Planet X’ might be. In fact, in his important book Earth Under Fire LaViolette rejected the notion that periodic pole shifts had occurred throughout history. So, for now, the jury must stay out.

In summary, caveat lector: reader, beware. However, a shift of consciousness IS occurring. It seems to be part of the natural cycle of cosmic-scale events described above by Deagle and many other serious researchers. The challenge is that in our accelerated excitement, we don’t combine to destroy planet Earth and the human race in the process.

And gatherings of all kinds ARE valuable, and we support them fully. Many individuals of great ability are also very quietly working to change conditions on the planet and elsewhere. Some of them are using spiritual methods of various kinds: and others, practically focused, are the good men and women in the military and intelligence services of many First World countries: heroes and heroines working behind the scenes, whose names we will never know, to counter plans which are genuinely evil. Jake Simpson informed us in the clearest possible way that these ‘white hats’ were real, active, and working hard with quite a job on their hands.

Many times we are asked: “What should I do?” And our answer, always, is: “Whatever you can”. This is a huge team effort. Everyone counts. Most of the people in this game are well-intentioned. It’s a learning process for all of us. Very few people want to see the loss of our liberty, our civilization, or (God forbid) our world. We at Project Camelot will continue to do what we can to bring knowledge to the people, and encourage all others to do the same.

Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy
Project Camelot
21 March 2009

The majority of the above was written by Bill Ryan. The Dan Burisch updates were added by Kerry Cassidy. Please note that statements of a general nature are not necessarily the opinions of both of us… which sometimes vary widely.

Wade Frazier : A Healed Planet, and the role of Free Energy


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Wade Frazier :

A Healed Planet, and the role of Free Energy

March 2009





— I believe that much of that so-called advanced technology tries to mimic advanced spiritual abilities.  My understanding is that much of our advanced technology is quaint by certain “extraterrestrial” standards, because we have a primitive understanding of consciousness.  By and large, the heart is not in charge on Earth.

Wade Frazier

Wade Frazier, “groomed as a scientist from an early age”, became fascinated by the subject of Free Energy when just a teenager. As is so often the case with those with a clearly envisioned life mission when so young, his life’s path then propelled him through a series of hard-hitting experiences that qualify him to be one of the preeminent writers on the subject today.

Wade’s website, AHealedPlanet.net, comprises over 1200 pages of deeply thought-out, intelligent and well-informed commentary on a number of the most important issues of our time. His direct personal experiences include working shoulder-to-shoulder for a number of years with Dennis Lee, who he describes as ‘The Indiana Jones of Free Energy’. Wade attests that Lee’s larger-than-life experiences, many of which Wade witnessed at first hand (including the viability of his technology) were authentic and occurred just as he reports on his site. He is courteously dismissive of uninformed critics.


Brian O’Leary, writer, speaker and ex-astronaut, who many listeners will already know – also a veteran Free Energy activist – joined us for our 90 minute, wide-ranging conversation. We discussed the paradigm shift that is necessary in the world for the concept – let alone the technology – of Free Energy to be accepted; why maverick lone Free Energy inventors find themselves up against the most powerful hidden agendas on the planet (‘like a mouse against an elephant’, says Wade); what has happened to some inventors when they have ‘come up against the system’; and how if this could be effectively countered – by large numbers of people embracing the concept AND working together on advanced technologies – we could transform our world into what Wade describes as paradise on Earth.


Click here for Wade Frazier’s website.

15 MARCH 09 – 14 MAY 2009


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15 March 2009 – 15 May 2009

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16 October 2007 – 19 August 2008

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23 August 2008 – 11 December 2008

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12 December 2008 – 14 March 2009

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20 May 2009 – 20 July 2009

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21 July 2009 – 26 August 2009

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8 November 2009 – Present


Our purpose is to provide a vehicle for researchers and whistleblowers to get their stories out.
We produce in-depth video interviews, made available free of charge. We also present written analyses and other research. Click here for links to all our material.
Increasingly, we’ve been receiving standalone messages (on or off record) from inside sources, some of which which will be presented on the page below.
Our focus is an investigation into (but is not limited to) the following: extraterrestrial visitation and contact, time travel, mind control, classified advanced technology, free energy, possible coming earth changes, and revealing plans that exist to control the human race. Click here for more about our mission.

Please scroll down for our Updates and Camelot blog…

Click here for our index of all video interviews
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Click here for our index of all special reports
Click here for our major summary article: 2009 : A Tale of Two Timelines
Click here for our original Big Picture article

discuss ground crew issues 




Two Upcoming Conferences

Click on the pictures for more info:
ZURICH: 10-12 July

a new world

LOS ANGELES: September 19 & 20

eyes wide open

Support Project Camelot and get the word out…

Buy a Camelot T-shirt!

New Conference

Fly With Me Productions Presents
David Icke

“Live” at the Orpheum Theater, Phoenix, Arizona
October 17, 2009

This event will sell out. Please reserve early.



Tune in….
to the new
Project Camelot
radio show


We, Kerry Cassidy and Bill Ryan, do not necessarily agree with or endorse all of the views presented here. What Camelot is about is the investigation into the mysteries that surround us. We are all, in a sense, investigators of our world. And while we, as individuals, may not agree with everything presented on our site, we fully support freedom of thought and speech as well as the Quest for truth.
–31 December 2008

State of the Planet

The Project Camelot Blog

 15 May 2009

Stephen Bassett on Free Energy and UFOs: New York Times Article, a sober if somewhat low key article appeared in the New York Times today focusing on Stephen Bassett and his statements about the need for free energy to replace coal and oil. The obvious choice is to utilize the power used in UFO propulsion systems:

“…The government has in its possession “extraterrestrial vehicles,” lobbyist Stephen Bassett said. As in flying saucers.”

Obama warns Israel not to surprise him by attacking Iran in today’s Haaretz.com news article. If you listened to our recent audio interview with Dr. Bill Deagle you will see he was right on when he warned us of this possible event …

The A NEW WORLD – IF YOU CAN TAKE IT conference in Zurich has now sold over a third of the 360 seats available in the two weeks since tickets went on sale. The Swiss organizing team anticipates that the conference will be sold out in a few weeks’ time.

Bookings have come in from all over the world (Australia, Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, England, France, Germany, Holland, Hong Kong, Luxembourg, Malta, Norway, Poland, Scotland, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, and the USA): this will be a truly international event. Please click here to make a booking if you would like to be there. The dates are 10-12 July, starting after lunch on the Friday.

Confirmed speakers are David Wilcock, Dan Burisch and Marci McDowell, Brian O’Leary, and Bill Ryan. Each will be speaking for several hours. Of special interest to many will be Dan and Marci’s presentation (plus a separate two hour workshop hosted by them on Sunday morning) with the following content:

— Personal biography and introduction (including Dan’s experiences at Area 51/S-4)
— Their ‘Final Mission’, as ordered by Majestic [October 12, 2005 – March 28, 2009]
— Their analysis of Project Camelot’s major summary article 2009: A Tale of Two Timelines, described by them as “one of the best papers we have ever read on the subject”
— the state of world food supply, the world government use of climate as an engineer of food as a weapon, and the treatment of women
— Stealth viruses as potential bioweapons
— Lotus and its implications and evidence.

This is their first such public presentation at any conference. Many delegates are traveling to Zurich just to hear this, and to have the opportunity to meet them in person. Click here for all details.

Next week we will be moving host for the Project Camelot domain. Many visitors will be aware of frustrating problems with limited video downloads (which are often curtailed at 125 Mb). We’ve been totally unable to fix this problem, but this should now be a permanent solution.

We’re working to ensure that the transfer goes without a hitch, but with over 37 Gb of material on our site (and a peak bandwidth load of 23 Tb per month) there might be some teething problems. Don’t be unduly alarmed if despite our best efforts the site is down for a short period at some point.

 13 May 2009

Athena Thompson, author of Homes That Heal, currently has a mini-forum on our Avalon forum as one of our Consultants in Building the New World. Healer and expert herbologist, Athena has written a new book called ST. CLAIR TWINS:  THE FORBIDDEN TRUTHS.

I’ve read it and it’s a truly wonderful science fiction novel along the lines of the Harry Potter series. Encapsulated in one sentence–it is the story of twin teenagers who are plunged headlong into an intergalactic war when they discover a time-travel portal on their 13th birthday, leading them into a battle against an ancient race of Greys and Reptilian overlords.
Based in large part on information from Project Camelot.

Here’s the short synopsis from her site:

On the evening of their thirteenth birthday, Madelyn and Arthur St. Clair find themselves time traveling through a vortex portal to an extraordinary Mothership in a distant part of the Milky Way galaxy. The beings they encounter show them a series of shocking Forbidden Truths about their home planet, and life beyond Earth’s boundaries. The St. Clair twins soon learn that with Truth comes power, and with power comes responsibility. Several converging dynamics are about to bring Earth to a crucial turning point—one which humanity may not survive. The twins must decide whether they will help to tip the balance towards a future of hope, or face a terrible dark void. Thrown headlong into a perilous intergalactic adventure, the two brave teenagers come face to face with the hidden forces that have shaped humanity for millennia. As they grapple with their newfound knowledge and abilities, they quickly come to realize that reality, as we have all been led to understand it, is not at all what it seems…

–Available on her site and at Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Highly recommended for young adults and adults who are forever young. –Kerry

 7 May 2009

Stand and Fight: We fully support and salute the Oath Keepers for their dedication and courage. While we understand and support those who may wish to find safe places and refuge outside the U.S. during these trying times, we also fully support those Americans who stand their ground and refuse to go along with the growing infringements of our rights and our freedom of self determination. –Kerry

All Americans please watch:

Oath Keepers on YouTube

Important article on Solar Winds and the breach in the Earth’s magnetic field.

The Awake & Aware conference is being rescheduled to allow for enough time to secure a venue and the commitment of the speakers..TBA

 3 May 2009

Awake & Aware Conference Announcement:

I regret to have to announce that Alex Collier has also withdrawn from speaking.

He has released the following statement:

“Kerry, I respectfully withdraw my name from the speaking roster. Thank you very much for opportunity and for being interested. I am sure it will be a great success. Good luck…….


Alex Collier”

Due to the recent speaker cancellations, this conference is now cancelled.

I want to thank all the wonderful artists, musicians and speakers as well as all the volunteers who stepped forward to work to make this conference a reality. I also want to thank the investors who were willing to come forward to put themselves on the line at the last moment when it looked as though we weren’t going to be able to come up with the necessary financing.

I especially want to thank and acknowledge Julie Anderson, who put in many hours working for free to secure a venue; Michael Munsell who created our wonderful Awake & Aware mini-site as well as the fabulous poster for the event; Jon Carling, who created the wonderful rendition of the Camelot logo and brought with him 5 fabulous bands, all more than willing to play in support of the cause.

With the short notice and recent cancellations I feel it would be best to set this conference aside until a later time when more advance preparations could be made.

I want to thank all the speakers who initially came forward, without promise of monetary compensation and in light of the inexperience of our team, in the spirit of freely sharing what they know and what they have learned with all of us. Project Camelot is proud to know you and we consider all of you friends and comrades for life.

Love and blessings,

Kerry Cassidy – co-founder Project Camelot

I was very disappointed to hear today that recent events have given Kerry no alternative but to cancel the LA June Conference. I was urging her to continue, because Kerry is exceptional in her determination and capacity to make things happen. If it had been possible, she would have done it. I too would like to thank everyone in her team who was working so extremely hard to make it a reality at very short notice.

Bill Ryan – co-founder Project Camelot

 2 May 2009

Awake & Aware Conference Announcement:

I have just received word that Dan Burisch and Marcia McDowell will not be available to speak at this upcoming conference. Here is an excerpt from their recent statement:


The Eagles [Dan Burisch and Marcia McDowell] had hoped to attend the currently scheduled “Awake and Aware” Project Camelot Conference in Marina del Rey, California, June 6&7, but due to scheduling and business issues during that timeframe they have had to sadly decline to be there. (There are large issues on the horizon for the Eagles which many people will soon know about.)

However, Dan and Marcia will be speaking at the Zurich conference in July, where they go on to state… “Information and materials (video, audio, and other) never before disclosed will be presented.”

Highly recommended: All YouTube videos regarding William Cooper… A case in point is this old clip from William Cooper on the Illuminati and their agenda. Thank you to the individual who recently sent this to us to remind us of the wonderful information already out there…

 2 May 2009

Our Los Angeles Awake & Aware conference is slowly taking shape. Please click on the link to the right for more info… We are still working to confirm the price and venue. The wonderful image at the right is by Michael Munsell. He is also responsible for the mini-site for Awake & Aware. It looks like we do have the necessary investors but interested parties are also welcome to contact:


Tickets are on sale for the July conference in Zurich: A New World – If You Can Take It. Please click here for all details. David Wilcock, Brian O’Leary, Dan Burisch and Bill Ryan are confirmed speakers. Since going online three days ago, 50 tickets have already been sold from the maximum of 360.

This will quite an international gathering. Most enquiries are from Switzerland, Germany, and the Netherlands, but we’ve also received bookings or strong interest from the UK, Ireland, Norway, Belgium, Spain, France, Portugal, Italy, Malta, Greece, Poland, Slovenia… and even Kuwait, Argentina and Australia.

The Swiss Groundcrew – an extremely pleasant and efficient bunch of people who I have greatly enjoyed getting to know – have asked me to convey their warm wishes to their colleagues in other countries, and to Kerry and her organizing team in LA.


 29 April 2009

We have just talked with Dr Bill Deagle for an hour about the Mexican flu outbreak, the possible plans of the Controllers, and his own personal philosophy. We are editing this, and will release it soonest.

“We’re co-creators of our own future. We’re not VICTIMS of the future. We also have to realize that if someone dies in a third world country, like an ‘untouchable’ in India, or someone in Mexico City that’s living in a garbage heap, WE die: some portion of us dies too. If we allow the use of depleted uranium weapons to kill little girls in Gaza, or if we allow nuclear weapons to drop on the Bushehr reactor and downwind millions die from radiation poisoning, we die too. And if we can feel that connectedness in spirit as a cell in the body of mankind… we would turn back from that.

–Dr Bill Deagle, talking to Project Camelot, 29 April 2009

Click here for full details of the 10-12 July Conference in Zurich, with David Wilcock, Dan Burisch, Brian O’Leary and Bill Ryan as confirmed speakers. Tickets are now available at 180 Swiss Francs [119 Euros, or $158]. Full details of the 6-7 June Los Angeles Conference will be announced very soon.


 28 April 2009

Late Breaking News: It looks like we have found a venue for our Awake & Aware in LA conference: The Marina del Rey Marriott. On the coast… a great location! Now all we need is funding! Here’s your chance — either donation or for the entrepreneurs out there contact for the upside potential for investing in this cause!


Please visit Rense.com or YouTube for a 24 April Jeff Rense interview with Dr Bill Deagle. Click here for a 25 minute audio of Alex Jones talking with Dr Bill Deagle and NWO researcher Steve Quayle last night. Deagle and Quayle are 100% agreed that the current Mexico outbreak is a probable precursor to several more “waves”, one of which will be “the big one”.

Both state that they had received intelligence quite a while back that a potential pandemic had been planned. In Part 1 of Bill Deagle’s 2006 Granada Forum Lecture he goes into this in quite some depth. We have reported on the possibility of this ourselves here, in our summary article 2009: A Tale of Two Timelines.

Meanwhile, I fully endorse Kerry’s comments below about the power of consciousness, and the importance of staying in observer mode.

Our position at Camelot is that knowledge and understanding means strength, and that ignorance – or an unwillingness to face the facts – helps no-one except the Controllers. Stay alert to everything that’s going on, and we’ll continue to bring you summaries of any information we believe is important and relevant.


There is evidence from one of our sources that this latest pandemic is being used as a distraction to move the attention away from the financial meltdown.

We are being sent information from Mexico stating that there has been some effort to tone down the actual impact of the virus in order to safeguard tourism.

We have been notified also that Tamiflu mentioned in the Dan Burisch update below has a host of negative side effects (according to one researcher) who wrote:

Let’s not forget that Tamiflu comes with its own problems, including side effects like nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, dizziness, fatigue, cough…the very symptoms you’re trying to avoid. And let’s not forget that Japan banned this drug for children back in 2007, after links to suicidal behavior.

Still another source mentioned that every year in the U.S. something like 30,000 to 50,000 die from seasonal flu– worth noting to keep things in perspective.

There is growing evidence according to Deagle and others that this is a bioweaponized virus– a targeted virus which is something that Jake Simpson has mentioned to us in conversations…

And for researchers who want to follow this trail of racially targeted viruses… I would encourage them to investigate the links to Promis software, as part of the targeting mechanism that has been in place for some time. It is worthwhile going back over the whole Octopus scenario covered in the excellent book, The Octopus by Danny Casolaro… a journalist who was killed because of its contents… his tribute is on our website.

Another book to read online is a free ebook called The Full Circle by another journalist who went into hiding… about Promis and the Octopus…

And this all leads to the death of the microbiologists… The links between bioweapons, viruses and Promis software are addressed in this 2002 article from Michael Davidson and Michael C. Ruppert, entitled, A Career in Microbiology Can Be Harmful to Your Health.


 27 April 2009

Update on the flu outbreak from Dan Burisch:

“Dan is in Houston, Texas, speaking with certain State and Federal health officials, due to the unusual nature of the contents of this Swine Flu virus. We are all happy that this virus is responding to Tamiflu, but there are components to the virus, which Dan correlated to the Avian Flu virus, and which made him “suspicious.” A medical professional colleague in Houston had called him, and requested that he attend a meeting to look at the genetics of the viruses to help rule out all other than natural causes, just as a precaution. Additionally, he is assisting in attempting to elucidate what advantages might be obtained by learning about the responsiveness of this Swine Flu virus, versus the reported resistance by some varieties of Avian Flu to specific classes of antiviral drug therapies.”

Note: Keep in mind the effect here in the States is considered “mild”… Although we are not giving medical advice of any kind here, colloidal silver and/or MMS are both said to be possible remedies or even preventative measures against this type and many other types of viruses.

An even better measure is ‘consciousness’. Through meditation and other disciplines you can raise your vibrations high enough so that you will not be affected regardless. Do not feed into fear or needless obsessive focus on this.. Step back, be aware, stay in the observer mode.


 26 April 2009

“The hammer may have fallen.”
— Dr Bill Deagle, Jeff Rense interview, 24 April

We’re following the Mexican outbreak of swine flu very closely. There are a number of well-written articles linked to Rense.com, and a 24 April Jeff Rense interview with Dr Bill Deagle is here. For an big picture overview, we have already discussed the threat here (originally drafted in January 2008) in our major summary article 2009: A Tale of Two Timelines.

Many readers will be aware of the whistleblowing report by ‘Mary’ about apparent preparations by the Department of Homeland Security for a pandemic – reported in a phone-in to The Power Hour on 30 March. If you have not listened to this, we strongly recommend that you do. We have received indirect confirmation from someone in direct touch with ‘Mary’ that this whistleblower appears to be genuine. We welcome hearing from her if she would like to contact us in full confidence.
   Click here for the YouTube video (audio only with images).
   Click here for the extracted MP3.
   Click here for a transcript of the call.
   Click here for a detailed analysis of this situation. (NOTE: every application on my computer immediately froze up when I first tried to access this page. After several attempts, I extracted a PDF. Click here, read, archive, and share this article.)
   Click here and here for Dr Rima Laibow’s report on the Swine Flu outbreak.

Note also that after in-depth conversation in a number of meetings and phone conversations with insider Jake Simpson, we reported the following in January:

More immediate, said Jake, was the threat of the deliberate release of viruses… This would trigger worldwide infrastructure breakdown, cause chaos, and make populations easier to control.

Jake predicted that it was quite possible that sometime before the end of 2009 – or possibly early 2010 – there would be a sudden and rapid escalation of international reported outbreaks of extremely dangerous viruses (whether manmade or otherwise). He emphasized that announcements of a global pandemic could suddenly emerge from nowhere “within hours”, and that it would be smart to be prepared: he stressed that some countries could quickly become quarantined, or choose to quarantine themselves, with major implications for international travel and port or airport controls.

Click here for a free online book entitled Severe Space Weather Events – Understanding Societal and Economic Impacts: A Workshop Report.
Click here for a Wired interview with John Kappenman, the author of the Metatech report mentioned by ABC News below. The title of the interview is The Geomagnetic Apocalypse – And How to Stop It.
We have heard nothing more from the electrical engineer whistleblower reported here.


 22 April 2009

Two mainstream news articles here and here support our report from the electrical engineer who had been briefed on “expected” major problems with power transmission in 3-4 years’ time. This extract from the ABC News feature caught our attention:

The direct result of a space storm would be the breakdown of the electrical grid, the report warned.

John Kappenman, an analyst with Metatech Corporation, a company that studies the effect of electromagnetic interference on power systems, said in the report that damaged transformers take a long time to repair.

In well-documented cases involving heat failures in the transformers that undergird the power system, he said it has taken 12 months or more to replace the damaged units with new ones.

Please click here for our original whistleblower report.


In our recent major summary article 2009: A Tale of Two Timelines we discuss the solar flares/EMP threat here. It is also worth noting that in our interview with Dan Sherman back in June 2007 he stated he was trained to be an intuitive communicator (between top government officials and extraterrestrials) for a time in the future when “all electronic communications would be rendered useless.”

This leads to the question what event (solar?) or as Henry Deacon once said in the transcript of his audio conversation with us here, it is theoretically possible that there may be intentional targeting the grid of certain countries due to a man-made pulse weapon.

One wonders why would we need a group of ET communicators during such a time, to be stationed around the globe, as Dan Sherman says… Unless there would be a need to ask for aid or negotiate for some reason….

One must also examine the recent emphasis on solar flares or ‘space storms’ and determine whether these will be a natural occurrence as a result of our movement into the Galactic center or is the media which serves the dominant paradigm preparing to cover a future targeted attack by the Illuminati with plausible deniability?


 17 April 2009

We have four links to follow for those researching background to our Elizabeth Nelson Flight 93 interview:
Major Rick Gibney, the F-16 pilot who was claimed to have fired the missile.
Discussion of the Rick Gibney story.
Testimony that a live missile was fired by an F-16 that morning.
Video of a Rumsfeld slip of the tongue suggesting that Flight 93 was shot down.

 14 April 2009

Awake & Aware in LA: Update

It is a great pleasure to announce that we have two more speakers joining us in this upcoming conference:

Alex Collier

Duncan O’Finioan

Previously announced speakers:

George Green, Miriam Delicado, Dan Burisch & Marci McDowell and Kerry from Camelot.

We are also graced with the talents of a well known artist Jon Carling who is designing a poster for the event along with several very talented bands who have volunteered to play for the event.

Prospective dates for the conference are: June 6 & 7

We have a team of over 20 amazing volunteers working behind the scenes to organize this event as well as the possible addition of a very savvy program director tba. Below: Jon Carling’s rendition of the Camelot logo!

12 April 2009

A note on our recent Elizabeth Nelson [What Really Happened to Flight 93] interview. As can be imagined, there has been a great deal of discussion of the audio and transcript all over the internet. A few comments may be helpful:

– I (Bill Ryan) am willing to stake my reputation on the fact that this young woman is recalling her actual experience to the best of her ability. I have spent time with her and am 100% certain she is telling the truth as best as she recalls it.
– Researchers must differentiate between what she is saying, and what she is not:
       – She does not KNOW that this was Flight 93. This was my surmise: she does not remember the flight number being stated in the conversation she witnessed.
       – She does not KNOW that the plane was actually shot down. That was her assumption. All she witnessed was the decision.
       – The words “brought down” or “shot down” do not imply that (e.g. if the plane was hit by a missile) there would be a fuselage on the ground.
– The teleconference she found herself witnessing was not initially called because of the rogue plane in restricted airspace. It was called because of the widespread emergency of that morning. She happened to be there because events spiraled out of control. She had no clearance and was there merely as a very junior ‘gopher’. The situation about the unresponsive aircraft arose after the meeting had already started. Those in the military with experience will confirm that these events can sometimes happen exactly as described.
– Listen to the audio as well as read the transcript. The audio quality is very clear and Elizabeth’s voice is not disguised. Her authenticity is available to be assessed.
– While many dozens of people have written to us with appreciation for Elizabeth’s testimony, I have little sympathy with anyone who has the idle opinion that this must be disinformation. It is not. This new information raises more questions than answers, but that is nothing new in this arena. Elizabeth is a very brave person who’s done her best to help us all understand what happened that day on 9/11. Camelot connected with her through a chance meeting after she had become familiar with our work. I’ve not seen her since February, but she is a spiritual person with a big heart and, as she explains in her interview, has been carrying this load for some time. Every other genuine whistleblower will understand.

— Bill Ryan

 7 April 2009

911 Whistleblower interview:  Earlier this year we recorded an audio interview with a young woman – Elizabeth Nelson – who was present, on military duty, in the room where the decision was made to shoot down United Airlines Flight 93 over Shanksville, Pennsylvania on 11 September, 2001. Click here to listen to this extremely important – and possibly unique – 911 whistlebower interview.

Awake & Aware in LA – Camelot Conference – we are looking for a small team of organizers to get this off the ground. Please email if you want to help organize.

 6 April 2009

Future Threat to Global Electric Grid: We have been contacted by the wife of an electrical engineer who has been officially briefed about a serious major threat to infrastructure in a few years’ time.

We believe this information is credible and important but the contact may now have been lost. Therefore we are publishing what we have – with many questions unanswered. This is the first message we received, on 27 March:

Hello B & K
My husband is an electrical engineer for a national power company. He has just been told that they are expecting an event in the next 3-4 years that will render every transformer in the world useless. They are desperately trying to find a solution to the problem. If they don’t, the entire global electrical system will go down. I know this fits in with some of your research. Have you heard about this?

In answer to my questions, she then replied:

Hi Bill: My husband is working away from home at the moment on this problem, and I have no way of contacting him. He is not allowed to carry a cellphone on the job. I’ll clarify with him when I speak to him next, but the impression I got was that it was definitely going to happen. He mentioned something about electromagnetic clouds in space that the Earth is drifting into. They are under incredible pressure to find a solution. My husband is an engineer, a man of rational logic. He is not prone to flights of fancy, but this news has disturbed him no end.

Please click here for the entire correspondence, and all the information we have been able to learn. We have updated our latest major summary 2009: a Tale of Two Timelines with this new information, in section 11 [EMP spikes from increased solar activity (solar cycle 24)].

 1 April 2009


First week in June 2009: Project Camelot in Los Angeles – Awake and Aware — prospective conference – We are planning a 1 or 2 day conference in the Los Angeles or Santa Monica area and are asking that people who are interested in attending or helping to organize it please contact us at t with the words: “AWAKE AND AWARE” in the subject line.

Please let us know if you or someone you know can provide (DONATE or at very low cost) — a Venue — that seats anywhere from 100 on up… to be honest, we have no idea how many people will attend.

We are also very interested in reaching the Hollywood Community, known and unknown to attend and take part. If you know someone with a following who would want to help sponsor this event please let us know.

We fully expect to have the following speakers pending confirmation:

Kerry from Project Camelot, George Green, Miriam Delicado.. and other Camelot witnesses and friends who will also be invited to speak depending on whether funds for their travel could be arranged.

Miriam Delicado and George Green are now confirmed pending the venue and exact dates.

It’s up to you! Let us know who you want to see and let’s make it happen.

Write to us and tell us who you would like to see speak and how many people you feel we might expect to attend.

We will try to keep the cost very low… in the vicinity of $10-20 a person with the option to donate at the door according to your ability to pay or bring a guest for free (for the price of one ticket).

Any bright ideas are welcome. Please understand we will read your emails but may not be able to respond depending on our time.

 10-12 July 2009:  Project Camelot in Zurich:  A New World – If You Can Take It.

Dr Brian O’Leary will be in Zurich in July – and will be speaking at a conference here organized by the Switzerland Ground Crew, an energetic group of some 20 people based in Zurich who are working closely with Bill Ryan.

Brian will be joined by Bill and several other speakers whom the organizing team plans to invite. Brian will be speaking on The Energy Solution Revolution, and will recount anecdotes from his life from his early days in the NASA Astronaut Program and meetings with many of the world’s premier Free Energy activists. Bill will be speaking in depth on the recent Project Camelot major summary: 2009: a Tale of Two Timelines. 100 people have already expressed interest in attending, and there are 360 places. The event will be held at the Zurich Volkshaus and will begin on the Friday evening 10 July, ending at 5 pm on Sunday.

Anyone interested in attending please write to with the words “A NEW WORLD” in the subject line. We’ll keep in close touch with you regarding the details of both conferences in LA and Switzerland.

At present, it’s not clear whether Bill will be able to speak in LA, or Kerry in Europe. Travel costs will be a part of this equation. What we want to do in Camelot is reach as many people as possible personally, at the same time enabling the same very high quality of Ground Crew networking as we experienced in Ecuador in January. Summer Conferences on both sides of the Atlantic are part of this vision.

New release:  Our Futuretalk video with David Icke. See opposite for full details.

 26 March 2009

Click here for a major new summary: 2009: a Tale of Two Timelines. It’s written as a comprehensive update on our summary article of January 2008, which we called 2008: The Future is Now.

For those visitors new to our site, who may be unfamiliar with our core work and provisional personal conclusions on a number of issues, we cannot recommend these documents too highly.

The 2009 update includes the 2008 original, comparing developments item by item. Our view is that they are both must-read items for any serious students of the future.

When we reviewed the original 2008 article, we were impressed with how little we had got wrong… and simulaneously, how significant are some of the possible differences and developments: hence the title. It was motivated in part by the extremely positive response we’ve received for our January 2009 Vilcabamba presentation, which (for those who prefer the format) is a stand-up narrative account, entertaining and energetic, of everything we report in this latest 2009 summary. Enjoy. Kerry and I are looking forward to 2010.

Addtional note: We have just added some last minute information from Dan Burisch and Marci McDowell which was not included earlier this morning when we originally released this article. The new updates can be easily located as they are in italics. Further updates may be added as more information is coming in regularly. In the last 24 hours, for instance, we have received a message from the insider source we have named Hawkeye – our first since the end of October – and we will share this information here in the next few days.

There is some renewed earthquake and volcanic activity on the West Coast of the US to be aware of:

Salton Sea earthquake may mean trouble for San Andreas Fault
Scientists are concerned that the recent quakes in the Salton Sea area may trigger the ‘big one’ in the Southern California area.

Quakes shake California’s southeastern desert
Thursday, March 26, 2009
“Scientists are closely watching the increased earthquake activity because it is near a section of the San Andreas Fault that has not broken loose in more than 300 years.”

March 26, 2009: Alaska Redoubt Volcano erupts twice — with more expected
This indicates growing activity along the Ring of Fire and has links to the San Andreas fault which runs the length of California — and could be triggered further as a result of these eruptions.

 24 March 2009

Australia bans Wikileaks.com along with others as blacklisted site: Take a look at this Sydney Morning Herald article. Wikileaks plans to release the entire list of blacklisted sites for Australia and has previously published blacklisted sites from Thailand, Norway and Denmark. Wikileaks is a non-profit project, “sponsored by transparency groups and investigative journalists worldwide,” according to their webpage.

Project Camelot would like to encourage whistleblowers to become aware of this great resource for leaking untraceable documents. On their About page, they state: “Wikileaks provides simple and straightforward means for anonymous and untraceable leaking of documents.”

A Cautionary Message From Miriam Delicado regarding the Hopi and the Drunvalo Mayan Ceremony:

Hello Everyone,
Please post this email on your websites, pass onto your email lists and let as many people know as you can.

The Hopi Traditional Leaders are not participating in the Return of the Ancestors event in April and it is critical that people become aware of this fact as the organization ICA is not being clear with people as to who it is that will be attending and taking part from the Hopi.

Cut and paste the following statement:

Return of the Ancestors Gathering April 2009
It has come to my attention that the Traditional Leaders of the Hopi people are not participating in this event.

The Hopi that are taking part in this gathering are not the Wisdom Keepers of the Hopi and do not hold the Sacred Knowledge of the Prophecies.

ICA and Adam Yellowbird as president of the organization made the decision to tell the world of the event between the Maya and the Hopi without consulting the Hopi Traditional Leaders first.

There are those from the Hopi people that have chosen to participate in this event but those individuals have been asked by the Traditional people to remove all mention of Hopi in this gathering. These people are not the Wisdom Keepers of Hopi.

The concern of the Hopi Traditional Leaders is the possible misrepresentation by ICA and by some of their own people that have disregarded any and all concerns of the Traditional Leaders and Wisdom Keepers of the Hopi.

If this event continues it must move forward with respect to the people in which it is being made for. Respect by sharing the truth that this is not the Eagle and the Condor event that many believe it to be. This cannot be fulfilled without the TRUE Wisdom Keepers of the Hopi and they have chosen not to participate in this event.

Already people have begun to gather from around the world on the Sacred Hopi Lands. Sacred objects have been trampled and Hopi Ceremony disrespected. These actions were being made by people who did not understand how they were affecting the Traditional Hopi ways.

This is one of the reasons they have chosen not to participate in this event as the Traditional Ceremonies and life of the Hopi has been overlooked.

The Hopi Traditional Leaders are aware that the world is calling for them to begin to step forward and they are at this time following Traditional paths to determine if now is the appropriate time to come forward for the earth and humanity.

Great care must be taken as the Prophecies and Ceremonies have continued for thousands of years by the Hopi people. They wish to Honor and Respect those of the past as well as those of the future by participating in a gathering that is for all people and the earth itself.

This statement was read to the Hopi Traditional Leader and he is aware that this will be shared with the world over the internet. I was not asked to withhold this statement by the Hopi. Please post this on your websites and forward in your email lists to assist spreading this message for greater understanding and respect of the Hopi Traditional people. –Miriam Delicado

contact info:

Click here for a five minute C-Span video (Rep. Congressman Dan Burton, 12 February 2009) which is the clearest and most simple to understand warning of the imminent economic problems faced by the US that we have yet heard.

 18 March 2009

From Avaaz.org: Risking danger to speak out for their jailed friends, Burmese activists this week demanded the release of Aung San Suu Kyi and all political prisoners and called on the world to help. As the global economic crisis makes aid flows more essential, Burma’s generals are becoming more vulnerable to international pressure, but we need a flood of petition signatures to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon to make this a top priority. Follow the link to sign the petition, and forward this email on to make sure she and her fellow prisoners are freed:Burma’s peaceful pro democracy activists are calling on UN Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon to secure the release of political prisoners. Stand with them –Sign the petition.

And for those of you that need to hear a damn good song that tells it like it is…

Let’s See How Far We’ve Come- Matchbox Twenty
–cheers, Kerry

 16 March 2009

Project Camelot Live at Vilcabamba: As many of you know, Project Camelot made a recent trip to Ecuador to speak at a two-day conference hosted by Dr Brian O’Leary, ex-NASA astronaut and prominent Free Energy activist.

This is one of the few times Project Camelot’s Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy have appeared on stage together to present their research. It’s entertaining and full of up-to-date information, and we highly recommend this as a full summary of our work to date.

Other conferences where we have appeared are: the NEXUS Conference in Australia, October 2008, where we have been invited back this year; the Crash Retrieval Conference, November 2008; and also at the Alamo Conference, March 2008, where we will be appearing there again this coming May – Kerry for sure, and Bill if funding can be obtained for his travel from Europe.

 15 March 2009

Recent Post to The Project Avalon Forum by Kerry on the current state of Camelot and Avalon:

Hi everyone,

I noticed that people are wondering what is going on with Bill and I and why aren’t we showing up on the forum.

First of all I want to acknowledge and thank all the moderators, researchers, transcribers and other volunteers who contribute to making our forums and websites a success. We also thank everyone for all their efforts to discover the truth and then to share that truth. We salute your efforts.

In addition, I thought I might try to answer the question put out there by several of you, regarding why we don’t spend time on the forum…. As many of you know we are often traveling and filming interviews. Once we return from those travels we end up taking care of editing and posting the interviews — all of which takes weeks of full time work. We are always behind in our work and so catching up takes most hours in the day.

For those of you who wonder what is happening with the funds created by the subscriptions and donations, currently we are still paying off credit card debt that we ended up with at the end of 2008 mainly due to our trip to Australia which was largely self-financed. We are not able at this time to travel to do more interviews until this debt is paid off. At the moment we have, thanks to the generosity of all of you, paid off most of it but there is a remaining $4,500 approx. that still has to be paid before any incoming funds can go to future interviews.

The recent travel we have done was financed in large part by a Camelot supporter who wishes to remain anonymous. And we are very grateful to them.

I am moving back to California after living 6 months in Sedona (a fabulous place!) because I want to work on various screenplay projects and being in close proximity to Hollywood will facilitate bringing those ideas to the screen and last but not least, I miss the ocean!!

As many of you know, Bill is living in Switzerland. We continue to work daily on Camelot and hope to be able to set aside more time for creating tele-conferences on Avalon in the very near future. Due to the distance between us it is often difficult to synchronize our efforts and what we have created with Avalon and Camelot takes all our time and still we do not accomplish all the things we would like.

As we enter this time of great change and transition there are new demands on all of us. While we continue to expand our efforts to detail the Big Picture, the picture itself is changing radically. It’s a demanding challenge to try and keep up with the ever changing landscape and be productive at the same time.

We appreciate all the love and support we have been given during the past 3 years and hope to continue to provide thought provoking interviews and reports in the coming days.

Love and blessings,

…”if you build it they will come”
Field of Dreams


What’s New on our site

14 May 2009

Note to keep in mind when viewing various predictions and probabilities mentioned on our site by various witnesses; the following is taken from The Ra Material answer number 65.11

“…We may note at this point while you ponder the possibility/probability vortices that although you have many, many items which cause distress and thus offer seeking and service opportunities, there is always one container in that store of peace, love, light, and joy. This vortex may be very small, but to turn one’s back upon it is to forget the infinite possibilities of the present moment. Could your planet polarize towards harmony in one fine, strong, moment of inspiration? Yes, my friends. It is not probable; but it is ever possible.”

For those of you unfamiliar with the Ra Material, also known as The Law of One, it is highly recommended as one of the best, if not the best channeled material to have come through to our density.

— Kerry

13 May 2009

Click here for our recent audio update with Dr Bill Deagle. This interview covers the recent flu outbreak in Mexico and how it may be just a precursor of the real outbreak; Dr Bill’s view of the state of Israel and plans to attack Iran; and we give Dr Bill a chance to address the issues many critics have raised over the past few years. One thing is clearly evident: Dr Bill Deagle is a very good sport and quite willing to face his detractors head-on with honesty and without rancor.

This recording was done on April 29th and release has been delayed due to numerous audio issues during the recording of it. We apologize in advance for the problems with sound quality but felt the content important enough to release regardless.

5 May 2009

Click here for a full transcript of our 27 March audio interview with Free Energy activists and writers Wade Frazier and Dr Brian O’Leary.

22 April 2009

Nazi International: Project Camelot interviews Joseph Farrell.

“…I attempted to stress in my most recent book, Nazi International: that that the postwar Nazis were not merely tiny enclaves of war criminals huddled, panic-stricken, together in tiny enclaves in Latin America and elsewhere. They were, on the contrary, highly organized, well-funded, had their own intelligence and security apparatus, and most importantly, were conducting and continuing the lines of research they had begun during the war.”– Dr. Joseph P. Farrell

And don’t miss our recent Jim Marrs interview on The Rise of the Fourth Reich in America.

17 April 2009

“God didn’t make Rambo, I made him. I recruited him, I trained him, I commanded him in Vietnam for three years. I’d say that makes him mine.”
Col. Sam Trautman, Rambo: First Blood, 1982

We had not talked with Duncan O’Finioan at length since our last meeting with him – when we interviewed him with David Corso in January 2007. Click here for a new 52 minute audio conversation in which he tells us about what he has learned about his programmed alternate personalities, how they operate, and what their agenda is; how he is working, with professional support, with a substantial group of people who have been through similar military programs (four generations of them, sourced in a number of different countries including Russia); and his visions of troubled times ahead in the US.

Duncan, who has suffered greatly, is a great-hearted giant of a man and it’s our privilege to continue to support him to get his message out. We’re delighted that he will be speaking at our coming conference in LA in June 2009. Do listen to this interview.

14 April 2009

It matters not what others say about us, all the more so when it is untrue. However, that disinfo and lies are spread by those who we have considered good friends is sad and worth noting. What is crucial for all to understand is that the original work done was done in the light and should stand on its own. People are flawed and their work and information must stand apart.

Many great souls who have given so much to humanity were grievously flawed and sometimes under the heel of the illuminati (so-called) or worse.

Charlie Chaplin was such a one.

Great friends have sent us the following fabulous links. In the spirit of love and friendship:

Sound of Music in Antwerp

Stand by Me..the peoples version


13 April 2009

For reasons of integrity, we find ourselves unable to continue to support the work of Michael St.Clair, who over a period of several months has been speaking increasingly disparagingly about us both in public and in private. All we will say is that the remarks he has made about us are defamatory and untrue, and we are extremely disappointed. He does not understand our mission, and has ceased to support it. We have removed his work from our site, and we sincerely apologize to all our friends for whom this may be a disappointment.


12 April 2009

Click here for a new Camelot audio interview with Wade Frazier, with a major contribution from his friend Dr Brian O’Leary. The subject is Free Energy, and the paradigm shift which is urgently needed to allow the necessary changes that could literally transform our world. In this in-depth and wide-ranging conversation Wade tells a number of fascinating and important anecdotes from his own experiences, and Wade and Brian offer their considered views on all aspects of the Free Energy problem. We recommend this highly for anyone who appreciated our recent video interview with Brian and who understands how critical these issues are to us all.
Click here for the full transcript of our recent interview with David Icke.

7 April 2009

Click here for our new 75 minute interview with Jim Marrs – veteran author, speaker, and New World Order conspiracy researcher.
Enjoy 🙂

31 March 2009

Click here for a new two hour Futuretalk: Project Camelot: In Conversation with David Icke. We’ve been in touch with David since November 2006, when Camelot was relatively young. We had an interview arranged then, but David had to cancel due to an emergency; and several later attempts to reschedule it all met with logistical problems. Finally – over two years later! – we caught up with him in Sedona, and were able to sit down for a long conversation with him.

In this important video we pay tribute to his life’s work, and to the man who is still standing after all these years, still marching on that road less traveled, determined to present what he suspects is the truth – whatever it is. Don’t miss this one.

Click here for a major new summary: 2009: a Tale of Two Timelines. It’s written as a comprehensive update on our summary article of January 2008, which we called 2008: The Future is Now.

25 March 2009

Click here for the full transcript of George Green’s two and a half hour 10 January Vilcabamba presentation.

20 March 2009

Click here for the transcript of our recent audio interview with Peter Levenda, the author of the acclaimed trilogy Sinister Forces.
Click here for the transcript of our 24 February phone conversation with George Green.

19 March 2009

As of today, exactly 1000 people have now committed to our Round Table pledge list, from all over the world. The 1000th member was Ernie du Toit. It’s a great honor for us to publish the names of those taking the stand.



Click here for ARCHIVE 1
16 October 2007 – 19 August 2008

Click here for ARCHIVE 2
23 August 2008 – 11 December 2008

Click here for ARCHIVE 3
12 December 2008 – 14 March 2009

ARCHIVE 4 is above
15 March 2009 – 15 May 2009

Click here for ARCHIVE 5
20 May 2009 – 20 July 2009

Click here for ARCHIVE 6
21 July 2009 – 26 August 2009

Click here for ARCHIVE 7
28 August 2009 – 6 November 2009

Click here for THE CURRENT PAGE
8 November 2009 – Present


We've taken the liberty of publishing a small compendium of just a few of the messages we received to pass on to Bob Dean on his 80th birthday, which was on 2 March 2009. We've edited them mercilessly, and omitted many others for reasons of space.

We apologize to all those whose beautiful words have not appeared here, and for those whose messages appear here only in part. The purpose of this page is to share with you the extent to which this great man is loved and admired all over the world for his courage in speaking the truth.

Click here for Bob Dean's page on Project Camelot.


Happy Birthday Bob, and be with us. We really need you!


Thank you for your beautiful honesty, valour and for just being you. You are a real inspiration.


I think you are a remarkable human being who possesses many lifetimes worth of knowledge and wisdom.   I credit you and the message you portrayed in the May 2007 interview by Project Camelot as the catalyst that began my personal awakening and embodiment of spirituality.  I can only hope, that one day, I can touch the soul of one person in the same fashion that you have touched countless souls. 


Thanks so much for sharing your knowledge with all of us. I hope the creator of all allows you to continue for many years to come and bring you good health and happiness. I am blessed by the message you bring. God Bless You!


Dear Bob, I can only admire your courage and thank you for what you have done for humanity.


When I first read about you, and your interview on Project Camelot, all I could think of was: wow, I have to locate this man and talk to him. You understand so much, and are the perfect person to talk to.


I hope you had a wonderful birthday, Bob. Thank you so much for what you have done for and shared with the world…. You are a blessed man and an inspiration…. May your life continue with much love, happiness, and peace.


HAPPY BIRTHDAY BOB!!!  Thank you for coming out with all your amazing inside knowledge.  I love listening to your amazing and exciting stories.  Please continue to do interviews and bring out all the hidden information.  You are a beautiful Soul.


I’m so glad you are here in this planet in this little window of time with all of us. You are a wonderful human being; people like you give hope to humanity. Thanks for being here, thanks for staying here, we need a million like you!


I feel honored to be able to write you this happy birthday wish. I love you, and I wish you from the bottom of my heart that you have a wonderful birthday. It is always a pleasure to hear you talk, so please don’t stop talking and try to, whenever you can, chat with Kerry and Bill so that we can hear your stories.


Thank you for your courage, wisdom and generosity. Keep on keepin' on!


I am glad you were born.


Memorable and Honest!! An inspiration to all researchers in the field of ufology.


I hope you enjoy many more, and continue to share your loving thoughts with all who are struggling to find their own truth…


Thank you for your presence here on earth in the present times. I hope our paths will cross once.


As an admirer and follower of your lectures and writings, I wanted to say that I wish many blessings and much happiness for you in your remaining time in our shared reality in this multiverse. May you find love wherever you look, and may all the love and kindness you have given to this world be returned to you a thousandfold.


You have brought so much information and truth forward in my life and been a role model for others to bring out what they know too. It’s real men like yourself and Sgt Clifford Stone that make me proud to wear my uniform. Its our job to protect the public we defend, not to manipulate and shroud them from truth. We owe the people we love, here on this world as well as worlds away, the truth. Thank you for your service and thank you for telling the truth.


May the wind always be at your back! Hope you have a good day. Love your interviews. Keep up the fine information, and God bless you.


Be well, and thank you for your service to the world.


You have inspired me, educated me and challenged me.. I respect what you have done and I appreciate all of your effort in helping us ‘wake up’ to the reality that surrounds us. I think you’re a
great man and a wonderful example to our kind.
From my heart to yours, Thank You for all these things. I offer you my best thoughts and feelings (my best “light”) for your journey.


You are such an inspiration to me and so many others. I hope you have an amazing day! Best wishes always!


A very good and happy birthday to a lovely and good man.


I can’t do other thing but feeling you as a very dear member of my own spiritual family. I love how brave you’ve been telling the truth and sharing not only your knowledge and wisdom but also that human side you have, that makes us feel even closer to you. You make us feel as a big family with members all over the world.


Happy birthday sir, and thank you for everything you have done. You are a human treasure!


Your generosity in sharing important information with the public hasn’t gone unnoticed. You are performing a service of immeasurable value to those that want to improve the quality of our existence.


Whenever I listen to you, a tremendous amount of wisdom seems to channel from you to me. Of all the wonderful guests on Project Camelot, you are one I always look up to.


As I told you when I had the honor to meet you at the Bay Expo, thank you for your courage, your sacrifice, your love and your generosity; you show us the light. You are a true modern valiant knight and an exquisite gentleman.


Hello beautiful Bob! You are a dear, loving soul, and your perception of reality, and the way things work, are close to my heart. You are one hundred percent GORGEOUS.


Dearest Bob Dean! I wish you, from the depth of my heart and soul, all the best in your brilliant life, and thank you for your brave and so important work, so encouraging and full of Light! Stay strong and shining!


You contributed to me having a completely new outlook on life and the world and the universe, and for that I am eternally grateful.


You are a scholar and a gentleman. Thanks so much for bringing out your wealth of knowledge on Project Camelot and elsewhere over the years. I hope you see out your centenary. God Bless You.


Have a wonderful birthday in the knowledge that the warmth and love portrayed in your interviews has contributed so much to the Enlightenment of so many.


Thank You for your unflinching and determined pursuit of the truth. You have been a beacon of hope and enlightenment for many, enlightenment we would be sorely missing without you. I want to extend my greatest thanks to you and to express my appreciation for your incarnation on this wounded planet. You are loved greatly and much needed. I wish you all the peace and joy your human heart will allow.


Great birthday wishes to you all the way from South Africa. Thank you for all you are doing for our beautiful earth and its people.


What an amazing example you are to us all. Congratulations on your many accomplishments and your wonderful warrior spirit!


Happy birthday Bob, and live long and prosper… we need you like hell.


I was always deeply touched by your interviews with Kerry and Bill at Project Camelot. You are a wonderful soul and inspire many with your deep knowledge and brave stance on sensitive subjects.

I’ve never met you, but I sure do pay attention. Having spent a few years buried in the bowels of the Department of Defense I saw just enough to realize ‘it’s all true’. Keep up the disclosure and the information. You have a RESPONSIBILITY until you die to speak the truth to power; very, very few people in the world have the ability to help change it; you do, just by speaking out.


It has been an eye-opener listening to your disclosures. Best wishes from an ex-Marine.


My man!!! You have to be the coolest 80 year old on this earth, Bob..  What I wouldn’t do for all that knowledge and wisdom you have in that sharp mind of yours…..  I hope we cross paths someday Bob cause I want to shake your hand!!!   Such an inspiration to me… So keep on doing your thing… Happy 80th.. and know that you are changing lives, and have inspired me to change lives as well, and together, we are gonna make this world a better place.. you got lots of these to read so I probably should go… It's an honor Bob… I’m sitting here just smiling thinking about you bucking the system the way you have… You're an idol to me… One of the true good guys… Thanks for everything you have done to inform the people and the sacrifices you have make to get this info out.


The Happiest one, sir. Thank you for being you. I appreciate it.


Your testimony is of priceless value and has touched my heart. It has profoundly moved me on a soul level. You are one of the people in my life that has generated an insatiable hunger for knowledge and truth and have made it as interesting and exciting as rock ‘n’ roll can be for a teenager. With the persuasion and charisma of a classic wise man that you turn to when pondering on life’s mysteries, you are endearing and pleasant to listen to.

I haven’t looked at life the same ever since I became aware of the bigger picture. My eyes are opened in such a beneficial way, definitely for the better. I am optimistic about the future and the eventual reunion with our intergalactic family. I know they’re keeping a close eye on us and if we can rise to the occasion in time, it will be an unprecedented festive event that makes all the remaining struggles well worth facing with our heads up high. I’m forever grateful for your contribution.


Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us over the years. You are a very special person. You have played a central role in the development of understanding amongst an enormous yet essentially silent audience. This is a rare opportunity for us to express our deep gratitude and


What a wonderful time for reflection. Thank you for all your past and continuing efforts for our global community.


Dear Bob, Your soul is shining through the dark universe. Thank you.


80 Today!

[Project Camelot note: we liked that one]


You are an amazing soul and a wonderful man. I still remember the day I first saw your videos on Project Camelot and, I must say, my life has not been the same since. The night I randomly discovered the plethora of interviews, somehow yours was the first I watched. You have touched, inspired, and helped so many people and I hope God blesses you in everything that comes your way.


I just wanted to let you know how much many of us appreciate your bravery, commitment, and steadfastness in getting your message out. I too, along with many others, empathize with your feeling towards our species, it is both a heavy burden and prestigious honor we all share to endure an existence here on this planet.

Rest assured that in the coming months more will be revealed to all here, your anguish was not for loss.  Hold your head high, and walk tall, those feelings deep down in all of mankind of greatness and royalty are well founded, and soon we will all take our rightful place in this universe.


Thank you for all you dedicated service to your fellow man on this spiritual journey we call life. I am deeply gratified to be able to have heard your story and the information you have shared about your personal journey. I find solace in your kind words and your general warm nature you project in your speeches and your interviews. I hope that you will be here for a long while to come, but that is more of a selfish wish of not wanting to see someone of your nature leave this world.

Your words inspire me to continue the search for my own truths and continue the journey to self awareness. Know that when you choose to leave this world you will be missed by many and I would hope to see you in the next world after this. I am humbled by your kind heart, and can only hope to live by your example.


Thank you so very much for your great courage and hard work. Your actions have allowed great Light to come forth onto planet Earth when the darkness of ignorance would have had otherwise.  Thank you for speaking the Truth rather than giving in to the great deceptions of this world. You are truly a stellar success among your generation, and a grand leader for young people like myself. Once again, Thank You for being who you are.


Dear Bob, your Courage is inspiring. Thank you for sharing your experiences and thoughts so honestly with us.


I have truly appreciated the unstinting feelings and level of empathy which you have always delivered in your interviews. Especially when you have been only too willing to tell about the most astonishing events you have been through, at times when I seem to need them the most.


Dearest Bob, you don’t know me, still you have touched me with your presence. I have enjoyed hearing what you have to say, and recognize that you speak with wisdom and love.


I wish to thank the day you came into this world in appreciation for your contribution to its inhabitants in helping them raise their consciousness and remembering of who they are. Yours is a brave and noble life to be recognized and remembered. May you graduate from this school of life with honors and pride.


You are an old soul with great wisdom. You have been a key part of my awakening. Thank you.
From one ex-military man to another, Happy Birthday and Bravo Zulu!


Hi Bob, Happy Birthday from one military man to another. I hope to meet up with you one of these days and share what I know with you.


Hello Bob, best wishes on your 80th birthday, you are loved greatly by strangers you will never meet and we wish you all the best. Thank you sincerely for sharing what you know and being you.




I want you to know that you touch my heart and that I cry with you when you where taking about the kind of world we could have. I’ve been for all my life a truth seeker and my path was an internal one through meditation, your revelation about these hidden subject and the involvement of the us government was and open minded for me for a better understanding about the kind of world we live in. I want to thank you for your honesty and for your sensibility and for your courage to have coming forward with the knowledge that you had. I wish you a very happy and loving birthday and may the truth like the sun one day emerge and make us more integrated and just for the sake of all the people of the Earth.


To the most darling soul I have never personally met, wishing you the happiest of birthday thoughts and blessings and may you honour us with your presence for MANY more years to come. Sincerest wishes and thanks for all you have done to make this world a little brighter for me and my family personally. Thank you for your Truth, much love from Adelaide, Australia.


Thank you for being a pioneer in bringing humanity into a completely new realm of existence on this world. I’ve examined countless books, internet posts and interviews related to the extraterrestrial side of things but you words have been truly unique among them all. Please hang around for a bit longer, we still need you to help us get through this transition period. It’s been a long hard road for all of us.


Happy Birthday, sweet hearted BOB DEAN!!! Thank you for you gentle heart and commitment to sharing your truth with us. We are so happy to have met your through Project Camelot and wish you many healthy years of precious life to come.  May your birthday be one of great joy and celebration.  May you be wrapped in the love of your friends (known and unknown!) and family on this special day and the year ahead.


Happy Birthday Bob – from Duncan and the gang at Nexus Magazine

Hi Bob,

Best wishes to you always, my friend

Happy Birthday!!!!!

Duncan M. Roads,  Editor, NEXUS Magazine
PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560 Australia.
Tel:  07 5442 9280;  Fax:  07 5442 9381

[Project Camelot note: we know Duncan well; it's fine to publish his personal message.]


From one military man to another: Carry On!


Hi Dr. Dean    [Project Camelot note: Bob will get a kick out of that]
I am happy to wish you a very good 80th birthday and thank you for all you have revealed to us about your life experiences. 


My most heartfelt congratulations to the most gentle warrior I know of!


Thanks for sharing your knowledge, and for caring about us… We all desperately need more of that right now. I admire you for being a wise and righteous individual. You will live forever in our hearts.


Happy 80th anniversary of your Noble Birth, Bob Dean! I’m glad you were born in our lifetime. We have learned so much about ourselves because of your courageous testimony.


May you continue to be blessed with many more, please keep on sharing your knowledge and fighting for the truth to be known, Thanks for all you do, you are loved.


HAPPY 80TH Bob! May I look so good at 65! I know I don’t really know you Bob, but honestly, I love you very much.


You have been one of the true heroes to me as I continue my quest for the truth.


Since I began trawling my way through Camelot’s interviews I have found myself, fearful, perplexed, inspired, and occasionally paranoid. Whenever I listen to you speak however I never fail to feel lucid and empowered; decided that there is no reason to fear the eternal now. In this moment when so many feel isolated and grave you are a constant reminder that there is no need to abandon the wit, humour and warmth (not forgetting mischief) that has lent vital relief to our species in all times of uncertainty. You are testament that we can all open our minds without descending into the homogeneity that is so often mistaken for the true character of unity.


Thank you — you are like a spiritual father to me.


I’m proud to call you one of my teachers, and thank you for your honesty, integrity, and love for this race.  We need more people like you, sir.


It has always been a privilege and a pleasure to listen to your interviews. In a world where honesty, decency and integrity can seem in short supply you come across as a beacon of light. Thank you.


I enjoyed your interviews very much.  I liken them to listening to a favorite uncle as he tells you all about whatever subject you have asked about and glean all the information that he has to tell you (as I have done so in my life).  Thank you for providing the world with this information.


Thank you for sharing your truth and heart with all of us.  When you speak I can feel your heart.  It’s an honor to have learned from you. Happy Birthday!  This planet is a bit brighter because of your shining light.


I would give everything for a chance to be your companion for one day.


May you have the best, happiest and healthiest birthday! You are an exceptional, kind and gentle man, and may God bless you with many more years of life. There is no replacement for you! 


Thank you for your service to your country, and to humanity.


Perhaps one day the rest of the world will find the spirituality that you have. What you, Clifford Stone and others have and are doing is a greater service for humanity than perhaps we deserve.


You have such great spirit and integrity, a true inspiration to all hearts. Thank you for sharing your light to light up others.


Happy Birthday and best wishes to a great man.


It is people like you who inspire us, who allow us to better understand what is love, faith, compassion and duty. Thank God for sending his grace and mercy in the form of rays of light like you!


To you Bob, a man who has more friends and respect out there than he might think possible … thank you for what you have given to us all.


Happy birthday Bob, you are a wonderful person. Sending love to you, brother of light.


I cannot put into words how much I enjoyed your interviews with Bill & Kerry.  I cannot wait for the day we will meet in person.


You are admired and loved more than you will ever know.


Click here for Bob Dean's page on Project Camelot.