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Anglo-Saxon Mission – the Third World War and the Inheritance of the New World


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The Anglo-Saxon Mission :
 the Third World War and
the Inheritance of the New World

February 2010


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Historians tell us that the "Anglo-Saxon Mission" refers to the spread of Christianity in the 8th century. But over a thousand years later, there is now another, far more sinister meaning to the phrase.

We recently received 11 pages of information from an insider who was physically present at a meeting of Senior Masons in the City of London in 2005. What was discussed is chilling to the bone.

I (Bill) did an audio interview with outsource, an Englishman whose identity we have verified with all details known and confirmed. This man, like many we have spoken with, is no longer able to live with his conscience or to keep this information secret.

My original idea was to release a transcript of the interview, as we have done in the past. But the material it covers is so critical – and, for me, the missing pieces it provided were so important – that I've taken the step to present the information on video. The audio transcript with our source, who is not on the video, is available here.

What our source reports is this:

There is a planned Third World War, which will be nuclear and biological. Our source believes that this is on track to be initiated within the next 18-24 months.

It is planned to begin with a strike by Israel on Iran. Either Iran or China will be provoked into a nuclear response. After a brief nuclear exchange, there will be a ceasefire. The world will be thrown into fear and chaos – all carefully engineered.

The extreme state of tension will be used to justify heavy social and military controls in all western first world nations. Plans are already in place for that.

During the nuclear ceasefire, there is planned to be a covert release of biological weapons. These will initially be targeted against the Chinese. As our source chillingly told us, "China will catch a cold". Biological warfare will spread further, to the west. Infrastructure will be critically weakened.

This is intended to be just the beginning. After this, a full nuclear exchange would be triggered: the "real" war, with widespread destruction and loss of life. Our source tells us that the planned population reduction through these combined means is 50%. He heard this figure stated in the meeting.

This horrific scenario has been planned for generations. The first two world wars were part of the set-up for this final apocalypse – as is the centralization of financial resources that was precipitated with the equally well-planned financial collapse of October 2008.

As if all this were not enough, our source speculates this is all set against the backdrop of a coming "geophysical event" – the same kind of event as was experienced by our ancestors approximately 11,500 years ago. If this event occurs – not necessarily expected in 2012, but sometime in the next decade – it would destroy civilization as we know it, dwarfing even the effects of a nuclear war.

I asked the question to our source: If there's an expected catastrophe, then why initiate a Third World War? His answer, for the first time to me, made terrible sense.

The real goal, he explained, is to set up the post-catastrophic world. To ensure that this "New World" [note the term] is the one the controllers want, totalitarian control structures need to be in place when the catastrophe occurs – with an excuse that the populace will accept and demand them. Martial law in the right, carefully chosen countries before the catastrophe occurs will enable the "right" people to survive and prosper in the post-catastrophic world, and the beginning of the next 11,500 year cycle. What may have been carefully planned on a covert global scale, for the last several generations, is nothing less than who will inherit the Earth.

Who are the "right" people? The white Caucasians. This may be why the name of this project is The Anglo-
Saxon Mission.
Hence the justification for the planned genocide of the Chinese people – so that the New World is inherited by "us", not "them".

Our source was not informed about the planned fate of the second and third world countries such as those in South America, Africa and Asia. But he presumes that these would be allowed to fend for themselves and probably not survive well – or maybe not at all. The totalitarian military governments of the western, white, people are set to be the inheritors.

This is a plan so evil, so racist, so diabolical, so huge, that it almost defies belief. But it all aligns with what many commentators, researchers and whistleblowing insiders have been identifying for some years now. For me personally, it's the clearest picture yet of why the world is the way it is, and why the secrets are protected so fiercely: it may be all about racial supremacy. The Fourth Reich is alive and well.

Astonishingly, our source was not pessimistic. He stressed, as do we and many other researchers and commentators, that consciousness is awakening rapidly all over the planet and that THESE PLANNED EVENTS ARE NOT INEVITABLE. If ever there was a reason to work closely together to raise awareness of the real threat to us all, this is it.

Watch this video, listen carefully to the strong message of hope and encouragement, and spread it far and wide. We plan to create subtitles in many languages – including Chinese. We stand for the potential magnificence of a united humanity that knows no racial boundaries or distinctions. Whether or not the catastrophe occurs – and many, including ourselves, maintain that it will not – we must co-create our own future, claim our power, and do whatever we can to alert people to the dangers around us… so that we can be stronger together, for the sake of our descendants and for the heritage of all living beings on Planet Earth.

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Click here for Bill Ryan's presentation transcript


Aaron McCollum – Gulf of Aden: Project Seagate




Aaron McCollum : Gulf of Aden: Project Seagate

Los Angeles, January 2010

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Aaron McCollum is a very bright straight-shooter who is coming forward at this time to raise awareness regarding what he believes is going on in the Gulf of Aden.

He considers himself to be a “third generation member of the MKUltra Project Talent”, the same project that Duncan O’Finioan and Dave Corso were a part of. Specifically, he was involved from a young age in a top secret program called Project Seagate. More about this to come in a second interview. He is a former leader of a special unit for the U.S. Coast Guard and is coming forward
at great risk because he firmly believes the time to speak out is now.

Kerry Cassidy
27 January 2010


Aaron McCollum Operation Stargate


Aaron McCollum | Gulf of Aden – Project Stargate
Los Angeles, January 2010 | .mov | .mp4 | .mp3

Aaron McCollum is a very bright straight-shooter who is coming forward at this time to raise awareness regarding what he believes is going on in the Gulf of Aden.

He considers himself to be a “third generation member of the MKUltra Project Talent”, the same project that Duncan O’Finioan and Dave Corso were a part of. Specifically, he was involved from a young age in a top secret program called Project Seagate. More about this to come in a second interview. He is a former leader of a special unit for the U.S. Coast Guard and is coming forward at great risk because he firmly believes the time to speak out is now.

Kerry Cassidy
27 January 2010

Interview transcript | Swedish Translation

Then there are people like me. This is where it gets a little complicated. I did not choose the branch of service. When I was 16, certain individuals – agents — came to me and told me which branch of the military I was going in and when it would happen, so I already knew two years before joining.


So I was in the military; I got regular military training. But at times when I would be temporarily assigned – it’s called TAD; Temporary Assignment Duty – to other units, I wasn’t actually doing what was known by my commanding officer or whomever at the time. I was actually conducting… increasing my training that I had started when I was very young.


So I wore two hats. There were times when I was Petty Officer McCollum, worked my way up to being Chief Engineer on ships and doing Special Op rescue, drug interdiction, whatever. And then I had the other hat where I was just an agent – no name, no denomination of rank; nothing.


KC: So when you say you were doing that, are you meaning that you, I don’t know… you would not carry any papers of identification on you?


AM: Absolutely not. No ID. Couldn’t even wear a watch; nothing.


KC: Okay. And on those assignments… Is that where your sort of buried memories are coming back, in regard to those assignments?


AM: Honestly, it’s happening on both sides because, as I said, it’s kind of complicated, but let me try to explain as best as I can.


I did a lot of operations where I just wore my Coast Guard hat and I was Petty Officer McCollum, but I was actually leading “umbrella operations” that actually had a Black Operation happening underneath that I was tied to.


So they would have me close to that, so that I would be able to infiltrate and do my other job that was assigned to me. So with that, because there was such intertwining of operations, a lot of it is foggy on both sides.


KC: Okay. So let’s see… because it’s really easy for me to go down this rabbit-hole [Aaron laughs] with you and start following out your personal remembrances, but I think that today’s interview, at least for the first part…


Let’s do this first: let’s talk about the Gulf of Aden, and why you’re specifically coming forward now, before we do a more formal interview that has been planned with you for several weeks. So let’s talk about the most crucial stuff that you want to get out there right away, and then we can digress from there. Then we can later decide what to cut in, what to cut out.


AM: Okay. Let me just make this statement; I want to make this perfectly clear. What I’m about to let everyone know is based on actual facts, articles; also contacts – absolute, reliable contacts – who have contacted me within the past month; overwhelming amount of information. And this is also based directly on operations that I was a part of, that I’ve regained some memories back, from July of 2008 until the beginning of March of 2009.


Operations I was a part of absolutely relate directly to what is happening now in the Gulf of Aden.


Okay, so what is occurring right now? It’s actually been going on for quite a while, but it’s just now, for whatever reason it’s leaked out — or they have allowed it to leak out, I should say — that there has been major military ship movement happening in the Gulf of Aden in a specific location where there are actually hundreds of ships right now circling a designated area of open water.


We’re talking Russian warships, Chinese warships, Japanese warships, Australia, Germany, UK; the list goes on and on, even designated European Union ships; UN ships; Blackwater, which is now Xe, has a ship there right now.


If anybody is aware, Japan has not actually had warships leave their area of operation for military-type action in decades. Same with China; China is very much about keeping their warships close. So this is HUGE.


On top of it, there is a research company that specifically deals in genetics and DNA – I don’t remember the name at this time, but Kerry, when I get that information to you, you will have that – that are specifically doing research in alien/ human DNA, researching with the genetics. That is going on at the same time there, as well.


On top of it, there has been a lot of piracy going on there. Well, these “pirates”, the Somali pirates and all that – it’s absolutely false flag operations. The reason they’re doing that is to gain fear of, you know, everyone in that area, to keep them away. It’s a very good manageable method to keep just regular people, the public, away from that area. Because, you know, what’s a better way to invoke fear but piracy and terrorism?


That comes to what happened at Fort Hood.


KC: Okay. Before we go there, just to clarify… because as a member of the Coast Guard, anything that happens on water is obviously something that you’re quite well versed in.


AM: Absolutely.


KC: So we want to talk about the source of your information. And because of that, we also want to talk about some of your, sort of, skills, and augmented skills.


AM: Sure.


KC: Okay, because this is going to factor in, I assume.


AM: Absolutely.


KC: The other thing is that you’re saying that there is genetic engineering going on… What are you talking about? Are you talking about on a ship in the middle of the water where the stargate is located? Because I understand that the stargate is over the body of water.


AM: It is. And there are actual… there’s witness testimony and there are images of… They’re calling it an “anomaly” and a huge magnetic field that is occurring right there at that location. They’re calling it an anomaly, you know; they’re giving it labels, where the water is actually in a swirling motion; it’s actually causing a huge whirlpool effect.


KC: Incredible. Okay. Very cool.


AM: And there have been actual sightings, and you can find this online, of where they have seen a part of it actually come up. But that’s gone away now, as far as the science because they have… I mean, the area of the security zone around it is miles and miles and miles.


KC: Okay. But who’s in charge of that area?


AM: Well, it’s… I’m not quite sure, to be honest, of who exactly is in charge. But I can tell you who I would be not surprised if it’s in charge is obviously members of the Global Elite, the Powers That Be. What I think is who was in charge? Now, I think it’s going to change or may have already changed, but I have not yet been able to get confirmation on it.


When something like this occurs… Is this stargate something that had not been discovered? Had it been put to rest and there was no interest in it? These are possibilities, but when something like this comes up, certain projects that are still very much happening under the name of “Mark Ultra” come in and assume command, as per direction of certain members of the Global Elite.


KC: Okay, and when you say Mark Ultra you’re actually saying MK Ultra? That it’s a different designation? I don’t understand.


AM: Well, Mark – MK – is actually used for designation of projects, things. That’s just me and my military talk. When you’re in the military, it’s actually referred to as Mark Ultra. [Kerry laughs] Like you have certain flares that you use, like the Mark 134, but you look at it and it says MK 134.


KC: I see.


AM: So that’s just me being military, but I’ll try to say MK Ultra for…


KC: No, no, no.


AM: I tend to start talking, using military lingo because I did it for so long.


KC: I understand. Okay. And actually, let’s talk about how old you are and how long you spent in the military.


AM: I am 31 and I, by the books, spent just under ten years in the military. But my involvement has gone on much longer, prior and after.


KC: Okay. Right. And again, to get back to the genetic engineering, you said this is going on in the area. But is it, again, going on… are you saying under the water?


AM: Yes.


KC: In a base?


AM: Yes.


KC: Okay.


AM: It is. There is an underwater base there. I have received confirmation on that.


KC: Okay. You’re saying that there is an underwater base in the Gulf of Aden.


AM: Yes.


KC: Okay. And that’s where you think the genetic engineering is going on.


AM: Absolutely.


KC: Okay. And can you…


AM: It’s the same… They’re doing similar things that they’ve been doing for decades at underground bases all over the place. Specifically, they’ve been doing specific types of DNA research and engineering in a lot of the underwater bases, like for example, the one that’s in the Caribbean, the one that I was at.


KC: Oh, right; the one that you’re having recovered memories about.


AM: Yes.


KC: Okay. Yes, very fascinating. You’ve shown me some drawings which are really very, very interesting.


What is the source of your intel? Is it individual? Is it psychic? Is it on the Internet? Is it… you know? I don’t know.


AM: It’s a little bit of everything and I’ll tell you how this all began.


KC: Okay.


AM: I had received an email from one of my sources, so I cannot disclose this person’s name at this time, for their safety, and there was a link on it to an article talking about this “seagate” that was being expected, that there was some strange anomalies happening and there was a lot of warship movement.


And so the investigative side of me decided to look into this. So I, literally, in the past month spent 12 to 18 hours a day, not just with my other research, but with checking this out, making phone calls through some reliable contacts of mine. I started gathering more and more information from separate sources.


Then when I finally saw where it was happening, and then realized that now the US, along with some other countries, have now all of a sudden targeted Yemen because of Al Qaeda, which…


Al Qeada’s nothing but a network. That’s it. Al Quaeda is really just a network. It’s not… it was all designed… but that’s a whole other story. “Al Quaeda” as a name is used to invoke fear and gain compliance or needs of whatever the Global Elite wants at that time.


Yemen has now been picked because of what’s happening now at the stargate, which officially is being said that the stargate opened on January 5th of this year.


The other information, so I started making phone calls, then I started getting more emails…


KC: Well, wait a minute. You’re saying the stargate over the Gulf of Aden opened on January 5th of 2010? Or 2009?


AM: What I know for fact is that it opened up on January 5th of this year, 2010.


KC: Okay. Now I… because I’ve heard more information about this. There is information out there saying that the stargate was identified prior to that.


AM: Absolutely. Yes.


KC: Okay.


AM: Yes. It’s been going on… things really started getting on the Internet and the news, really started a couple months ago.


KC: Okay.


AM: In December… I mean, it’s now all over. I have a whole file, which I will get to you, of tons of information, even stuff on YouTube. And believe it or… The stuff on YouTube… there’s a lot of garbage on YouTube, but there’s certain videos on YouTube, if you YouTube “Stargate Gulf of Aden,” you will see things that are absolute facts…


KC: Okay.


AM: …based on other people that have gathered information. However, this stargate in the Gulf of Aden has been known for quite a while and a lot of… certain countries want to gain… want to have their hand in the cookie jar. And, you know, one country wants to have more of a hand in the cookie jar than the other country.


This is why in 2008 I was approached by a Captain that worked for the United States Marine Corp Intelligence. Out of the blue [he] come up to me and said: We are wanting to recruit you for needs of service again.


Now, at this time, I was a mess. I was having a lot going on. I still, at that point, thought I was really just crazy. I wasn’t working. I was, you know, living month-to-month, so – and that’s exactly how they want you – and so I volunteered to go back.


Yet, after I volunteered to go back…there are parts that are foggy… but I had met at Camp Pendleton with this Captain several other gentlemen, who I am not quite sure who they worked for, but obviously, high up the food chain in the government hierarchy, and then two Generals.


One General now is actually working on the Joint Chiefs of Staff in charge of all Special Operations for the United States military.


KC: Are you able to name this person? Do you want to name this person or not?


AM: [long, thoughtful pause]… I should probably wait to mention that.


KC: Okay.


AM: It’s not that I’m afraid of mentioning it, but when we do my more extensive interview I have already decided to release certain names.


KC: Okay.


AM: But I want to just really focus on the Gulf of Aden and what’s going on there. But I will say that I will be mentioning his name.


KC: Okay.


AM: Just not yet. But this is the same General that I’ve given you copies of the emails?


KC: Yes.


AM: So that’s who I’m talking about.


KC: Uh-huh.


AM: And he told me that in North Africa, and it’s still happening, but even back in 2008 there was massive military movement – US military movement in North Africa. They were gearing up for something. That was one of the assignments that I was going to be going to, to look over some operations there.


There was also big movement happening in the area of the Suez Canal, which is right in that location of the Gulf of Aden.


I then started meeting top Black Op military personnel from all over the world, a lot specifically from Australia – Australian SAS [Special Air Service]. Several of these gentlemen were definitely Australian, but were of Middle Eastern descent, who were being trained to conduct false flag operations in the Middle East.


Shortly after this happened, there were some false flag events that occurred, the big one in Mumbai, which was absolutely orchestrated through our country and the UK. That I was actually told first-hand information by this General and some other people on his staff.


We started developing a new team that I was placed in charge of. We started out by doing a lot of States-side training operations with [a] local police force. Specifically, the ground-breaking one was with Twin Palms, which Twenty-nine Palms Marine Base is close by, where the US Marine Corps was doing… This was where they started doing the security check-points, which they now do a lot all up and down California; a lot, you know, in southern California, south of where we’re at right now.


Why am I explaining this? Here’s why: The movements that are happening right now from the military… There are actually a few secret military bases in North Africa right now, and in Yemen, and other areas, where there are actually more US military personnel than locals in the towns and villages in that area.


Why are all these false flag operations happening? Okay, I’m getting to the very important point.


The very important point is: these small false flag operations that have been happening, the operations that I dealt with, with actually conducting false flag operations, even having movement of UN vehicles here in California, which I witnessed. I saw caravans; I talked to people.


Even to the point where I was with a team walking around downtown Pasadena just before New Years Eve because we had received intel – which I later found out was false – but they told regular military personnel and local police that a munitions train that was coming from Barstow to Camp Pendleton, after a check in Barstow they realised that 5,000 pounds of C-4 explosive was missing off the train. Immediately high alert was put in; security checkpoints were placed all over the place.


I found out that this was not true. I started doing some of my own digging into finding out why this was all going on.


Shortly after that I was dropped from the project and I had to move out of my apartment. My computer was yet again shut down. My cell phone had fried. My place was broken into. When we went to do the police reports, my roommate and I at the time, the police officer did not fill out a police report. I had surveillance vehicles in front of my place. I was… just… the heat was getting on. I actually had to put my stuff in storage and stay on the couch with a friend of mine.


KC: This was a year ago. Is that right?


AM: This occurred all in March of last year [2009], yes.


KC: Okay.


AM: Now, what does this all gear up to? This all gears up to, based on my experience – and, yes, I guess you could say based on some certain psychic ability that I have had; I wasn’t necessarily born with, but with things that I will get into in the interview, it was brought out in me through techniques that they have, that Project Talent has learned to really perfect.


There’s going to be a major false flag operation happening this year. I don’t exactly know when, but I know it’s going to happen and there are going to be… people are going to see a lot more military personnel from other countries; the American police force; there’s going to be a lot more roadblocks, road checks.


KC: So you’re saying a false flag operation here in America? Or are you saying in the Gulf of Aden? Because somehow there’s a link-up.


AM: Both.


KC: Okay.


AM: And here’s why. It’s not just going to be the US. This is going to be happening in certain countries where it needs to happen. It’s going to invoke a new war. They’ve been talking — even Obama has spoken about this new war on Al Qaeda in Yemen.


Why do they do this? The same reason that they did it in Afghanistan. Afghanistan was not a war against terrorism, it was a war to gain more control in Afghanistan, because Afghanistan does have certain entrances to deep underground facilities.


KC: Really.


AM: That’s why Russia was after them for ten years.


KC: Okay, so you’re saying that it’s not the poppy, the opium trade that has people in Afghanistan… which is what I think most people think.


AM: Absolutely not! No, it’s not the opium. However, what a lot of people don’t know is that the CIA still – since Vietnam, probably even before that – have always had Black Operations of trafficking drugs, which was what Air America was in Vietnam when they were running operations in Cambodia and Laos.


KC: Right.


AM: So, yes, I mean, they got to make a profit, you know. War is not just intent; war is profit. That’s why we have, you know, the bankers that are part of the Bilderberger group, and the Bohemian Grove, and other societies — Club of Rome, and whatnot.


This false flag operation is going to invoke a new war on terrorism in Yemen. It’s going to happen. We’re on the brink. There’s major military movement. There are military training camps being set up in Yemen right now, by our government, that are training the Yemen military to go after the terrorist movement there.


It’s even been said on the news, and you can find this online, that they’re making claims that Al-Qaeda has now built a larger base in Yemen than exists in Afghanistan or Pakistan! Absolute garbage.


KC: Okay. So, as far as Yemen and the Gulf of Aden, how do these work together? In other words, the countries bordering the Gulf of Aden… is that why it’s being targeted, specifically because the stargate is over the water?


AM: Oh yes, absolutely. Yemen is ground zero.


KC: Okay. Let’s talk about, if you know this or you have a theory, on what’s going on with that stargate. Do you have any idea?


AM: All I can give you now is theory, but I encourage everybody that’s going to see this to do your own research. Everything I tell you, do your own research, because if you don’t question, you don’t research — you’re not learning and you’re not waking up.


Based on my experience with a project that I was a part of that, again, we will discuss in my full interview, I have two theories. Okay? One theory is that there are extraterrestrial beings that no doubt are opening, or just now really coming about doing something with this stargate, for a definite purpose.


Now, are these extraterrestrials friendly? Or are they unfriendly? It could be two possibilities. I do not know yet, but I am working on finding out through some very reliable contacts.


If they are indeed friendly, then they have opened it up because we are coming to a time in our world… You know, 2012 is not the end, but I definitely believe that big things are going to be happening, and we do have friendly extraterrestrials that want to see us really become the world we’re supposed to be. They’re not going to come in and rescue us, but they definitely do things to help assist us move along.


Are these the extraterrestrials that decided to open up the stargate? And if they are, is the military and Global Elite going to do everything they can to prevent this from happening, so that they can continue their agenda, the agenda that they have been told they have to accomplish within a certain allotted time or “Certain Beings” are going to step in? That’s absolute.


KC: That’s the negative agenda that they’re trying to roll out. In other words, that certain negative beings, negatively-oriented beings, in other words, service-to-self, are going to step in if the Global Elite are unable to handle this themselves? Is that what you’re saying?


AM: Absolutely.


KC: Okay. Very interesting.


AM: But the other side of it is, does the stargate have… The unfriendly extraterrestrials, are they running the show with the stargate, and the military is there as, really, the servants? Because that’s really what the Global Elite are. They’re not in power, people! They are serving someone else, something else, or whatever you want to classify them as.


KC: What you’re saying in terms of the Gulf of Aden, are you saying that that stargate could be letting in, perhaps… In other words, it could be incoming, it could be outgoing; it could be going both ways.


AM: It’s both.


KC: Okay. But the build-up militarily there will be not only to have to control over this stargate on the one hand, but on the other hand to make sure, like if it was a negative purpose, there could be negative ETs coming through.


AM: Absolutely.


KC: Okay.


AM: But, you know, with underwater bases, every single underwater base, there is at least some presence of extraterrestrials there. But I will tell you, none of them are friendly.


KC: [laughs] Right. If they’re working with the military, I think it’s sort of a no-brainer, unfortunately.


AM: They’re really running the show. But, see, they’re clever. They’re able to calculate and do things in such a way to where the Powers That Be think that they have control, but they don’t.


With this specific underwater base off the coast in the Gulf of Aden, I cannot say for fact who is absolutely running the show. All I can do is give my theory based on my absolute direct experience with bases, with being very high up in Black Projects, of Project Talent, knowing of and actually assisting in some projects with Project Stargate, and another project which I will be talking about – I’ll just go ahead and say it now: Project Seagate.


KC: Okay. Do you feel that what’s going on in the Gulf of Aden… are you saying it’s Adon? Do you know how to pronounce it actually?


AM: I believe it’s Aden [as in “Ah-den”], but I could be saying it wrong. If I am, please excuse me, you know.


KC: Absolutely. But are you saying what’s going on there may be part of an operation which you know of as Project Seagate?


AM: No, I believe… Well, I don’t want to speculate because I don’t like doing that. It’s possible. But every [bit] information that’s been given to me, they’ve labelled it as a stargate.


However, people have to be very careful because from my knowledge and from things that I am starting to remember, as far as I know, there is only one location for Project Seagate in the entire world. Could I be wrong? Was there even information that even I wasn’t privy to? It’s possible, but I doubt it.


KC: And that’s about an underwater base that’s located in a Puerto Rico area?


AM: Yes. It’s in the area of Puerto Rico.


KC: Okay, and that’s the one you have recovered memories about.


AM: Yes.


KC: Okay. Have you ever been to the Gulf of Aden?


AM: Not that I recall.


KC: Okay.


AM: If I have, I don’t remember, but with all the information, everything that I’ve shared with you on the many times that we’ve talked and gotten together, I probably have maybe, if I really sit down and think, I probably have regained maybe 40% of my memories.


Why this is happening with me at such a young age? I don’t know, because as you know from your experience with others, usually people are much older [Former Super Soldiers usually start to regain their memories in their ’50s and ’60s, not before]. But through some other contacts I have been told… it’s a little hard for me to swallow, but I’ve been told there is a very specific reason why I specifically have been regaining these memories. And it’s not for a bad purpose; it’s for a good purpose.


Unfortunately there are times when I’m still triggered and am taken elsewhere to do things, as recently as just a couple months ago where I have two days I cannot account for.


KC: Okay. So we’ve got a stargate in the Gulf of Aden, we’ve got false flag operations, we just had one in which, whatever they called it, the “Underwear Bomber”…


AM: Yeah.


KC: …in which he was basically let on a plane without a passport. Now, is this part of that operation? Because it seems like it’s the opening act, in a certain sense.


AM: It is, because there has been recent information saying that not only him, but the shooter at Fort Hood. Now all of a sudden, this information’s coming out that they both had connections with terrorists, with Al-Qaeda in Yemen.


KC: Okay.


AM: And it’s just popped up within the past week, if I remember right. How convenient!


KC: So we have a major operation happening in Yemen right now. Is there any other extenuating circumstance or any involvement, because you said there’re a lot of ships in that area? We’ve got the water sort of churning under some “electromagnetic anomaly” going on.


AM: Yes.


KC: What’s going on between the Powers That Be that you know of, in terms of the ships? Are in you in touch with, for example, any crew or military personnel in regard to any of that?


AM: Yes. I am. Several.


KC: Okay. Do you want to talk about…?


AM: Even the Coast Guard… It’s not just US Navy. There are US Coast Guard ships, “Cutters” as they’re called in the Coast Guard that are there.


The people that I’m talking to that I worked with, I worked with on the side of just being regular Petty Officer McCollum in the Coast Guard, so they are not fully aware, but they have contacted me and said: Aaron, something weird is going on, and I can’t quite place it, and they’ve never seen anything like it.


I have a few other friends of mine that are actually in Coast Guard Intelligence that have contacted me because they are aware of this kind of campaign that I’m doing, trying, you know… making amends for what I was part of.


So there is big movement there, absolute. The contacts that I’ve spoken to said that even they, when questioned about it, they’re told that it is strictly for enforcing the anti-piracy and to help with escorting movements through the Suez Canal, because apparently the Suez Canal is so “backed up” with ship transports.


I have never, ever head of there being a problem with “backed-up” ships going through the Suez Canal — never heard of that.


KC: So if they’re going through the Suez Canal, where would they be headed? There’s got to be more than one destination for those ships, right? In theory?


AM: Yes, absolutely.


KC: Okay. For example…?


AM: Well, I mean, the Suez Canal is a main shipping canal.


KC: So they could be just going through, bound for other areas, right?


AM: Oh, yes.


KC: Not just all headed for Yemen.


AM: No, no, not at all. Because if they did that, it would raise too much suspicion, so what they do is they will indeed keep operations normal.


KC: Uh-huh.


AM: Container ships, oil ships will still be allowed to go through it. It’s just, the reason they’re able to do it so well is because the location of the Stargate in the Gulf of Aden is kind of in the off-beaten path; it’s not actually directly in the channel.


KC: Right, but you said that you have information, and I don’t know if this is public information, that there are ships from other countries. I think you mentioned Japan and China and Russia.


AM: It is public information. There are European Union ships; NATO ships; from Japan, Russia, Germany, the UK, United States, Australia; and the list goes on and on.


And yes, it is public information. They’re talking about it right now. It will be included… I have specific information that when I give it to you so that you can look through it on your own, it’s absolute. This is out there.


Get on your computer: Google… Gulf of Aden; Google… Gulf of Aden Stargate; Google… War on Yemen. You Google any of those things and you will get pages and pages of not just articles, but of YouTube videos and other pieces of information.


People need to look at this because with that, once you start digging, it’s amazing – not surprising to me – but it will be amazing to people that they will see an article and it’s directly tied to the label of “false flag war”.


We are going to be moving massive troops into Yemen. Yemen is the next battleground, and it’s going to happen this year. As far as my knowledge and my intuition and everything else that I’ve gathered, it’s going to happen this year.


If it doesn’t happen this year, and if I’m wrong… good! I hope that my intuition’s wrong, but unfortunately, my little gut feeling that I get is 99% right, and sometimes I actually get angry at myself when I’m right about things, because I don’t want to see these things happen.


So, if the year 2010 goes on and we don’t go into a police state or we don’t have more false flags in the country, if this… what I believe is going to be a terrible war happening in Yemen – if that does not occur, then good. But everything that I’ve gathered, all my information, my contacts, have told me otherwise.


KC: Let me ask you this: I know you have some interesting abilities associated with water. Isn’t that right? And I remember that dolphins have been used by the military to actually perform feats and to actually do operations, basically…


AM: Oh yes.


KC: …over by Saudi Arabia and over in that area. So I’m thinking that with what’s going on in the Gulf of Aden, basically there has to be something involving dolphins and possibly other sea animals, like whales. But I’m just curious, has there been any information about the dolphins in that area or anything else?


AM: The only information that I have for fact, which is public information, is that dolphins are being used in all the waters around the Middle East for reconnaissance missions. They actually have dolphins that’re trained, that have actual surveillance equipment that are attached to them for looking for underwater mines, looking for bombs under piers, even under ships, oil rigs, and even information-gathering.


They have dolphins that are set up with certain information, sound-recording equipment, that can actually record sound on land that travels via, through the water because sound travels at a much greater distance and can keep its real concentrated frequency much longer underwater than it can in open air.


Do I have any information that dolphins are specifically being used in the Gulf of Aden for whatever attempted purposes with this Stargate? No, I don’t. But based on my direct work with dolphins, with Project Seagate — I would not be surprised.


Because dolphins have been discovered, because of their frequencies, because of other abilities that dolphins have that people are not aware of… They discovered a while ago, however long – I know for at least 20, or maybe even 30 years – that dolphins directly have, because of their frequencies, because of what they can do, are almost used as a medium for travel via the Seagate.


KC: What do you mean by that? Travel… are you talking about time travel?


AM: I’m talking about not just time travel; I’m talking about traveling to other locations in the universe.


KC: How are dolphins used in that regard?


AM: It was found that… Well, with the Seagate, everything is done… frequencies are used to actually put you on a molecular level into a different state. This way, your body can actually handle traveling great distances.


KC: I know what you mean. You mean, in other words, if humans are put in contact with dolphins and do what’s called entraining…


AM: Yes.


KC: …they get aligned on the same frequency as a dolphin, and that heightens the human awareness, such that if you then… I’m extrapolating here because I’ve swam with dolphins and I know this happened to me; I’m guessing that’s kind of what you mean.


AM: You’re absolutely… you’re on the right track. Yes. One of the things that they did that I was a part of was called “psychic echo-location.”… [sighs] … What’s the word I’m looking for? This always happens when I start talking about this, I’m sorry. Sometimes my mind goes blank.


What they discovered, it can’t just be any human. It has to be people that have received certain training, mainly people that have some amount of psychic ability.


They’ve learned that they could put a person in with these dolphins and actually it would cause deep molecular and psychic vibrations that happen where the dolphin is almost used… is used as a medium… and this person becomes a conductor. They coexist in this way, so that it really heightens the senses of the psyche of a person.


KC: Right. And so then what would happen? I guess we’re kind of going off into the area of speculation, although it occurs to me that perhaps this is part of your buried memories.


AM: This is the thing, the subject that I, myself, had been working the most intensely on.


The whole thing with the Gulf of Aden just kind of fell into my lap through the people I know. And then, taking it back to the false flag operations that I helped orchestrate from July 2008 until the beginning of March 2009; also meeting individuals that were Black Ops that had been really in a way blackmailed to be in this country to do false flag operations – specifically, military personnel from other countries that were of Middle Eastern descent. They didn’t care if their family originally came from Iraq or Pakistan or India. It didn’t matter, as long as they had the training.


KC: And they looked the part, is the point.


AM: And they looked the part, yes.


KC: Okay. So you were involved in these so-called black false flag operations. Can you describe a false flag operation that you were a part of?


AM: Yes I can. Well, one of the false flag operations was where the 5,000 pounds of C-4 mysteriously disappeared from a munitions train heading to Camp Pendleton. After that, the Twin Palms Police Force started working with the Marine Corps, and a bunch of military vehicles, specifically Humvees, from their motor pool were being taken, but were not being signed out. But then when certain individuals were even asked, even when I asked about it: Don’t question us. You know?


Twin Palms was doing random DUI checks. Now, if people know this, the military are not allowed to do in-country security check-points, DUI check-points, anything involved with the police. That’s what the police are for.


When that begins to happen, that is a pre-emptive strike to implement a police state nationwide. Absolutely.


Then there was even a bigger military presence that was happening, of all places, in Pasadena. This doesn’t surprise me because Pasadena is really a trifecta of some very deep military operations: Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL); Parsons Corporation.


I encourage the people who are going to see this, look into the history of the Parsons Corporation of Pasadena, and you will be disgusted with what they have been a part of, especially recently with putting up certain kinds of “hospitals” in Iraq.


Then, of course, I can really get into things like Jordan Maxwell and I have talked about, as far as the OTO [Ordo Templi Orientis]. I mean, the headquarters of the OTO in North America is in Pasadena, you know.


KC: Sure, right.


AM: So where I live in Pasadena, I’m surrounded by some very awful things.


KC: So we’re talking about a hotbed of the Illuminati, but we’re also talking about a military presence.


AM: Yes. In fact, specifically on… I want to say it was December 28, if I’m completely accurate… December 28, 2008, there was big military movement that happened straight downtown Pasadena. Hundreds of people witnessed it. It never made the news.


It was a convoy of about 24 vehicles. We’re talking Humvees, armored personnel carriers, chemical trucks, tankers, deuce-and-a-halves, which are the big, huge trucks you usually see with the canopies over them [M35 2 & ½-ton cargo trucks]. They were all white. They were what I’ve been a part of. They were absolute UN vehicles.


KC: Yes, I was going to say that sounds like UN.


AM: But they didn’t have UN marked on them. They didn’t even have license plates.


KC: I see.


AM: They moved through Pasadena and moved to a different location. On that same day I was in Pasadena with a team of plain-clothed, not just local police, but Marine Corps, armed, walking the streets in communication with everybody else while this was happening. It was not necessarily…


See, a false flag operation, more often than not, is a terrorist attack like 9/11.


KC: So what was going on with the white caravan was more of a preparation? Is that the idea?


AM: It was false flag training operation…


KC: I see.


AM: …in preparation for an actual false flag. You know, you have war games; the military does war games. What are war games? War games are training for actual war. Well, this is kind of a war game, but it’s a false flag game training operation, a drill.


KC: When we say false flag, what we’re talking about is something where a terrorist event will happen where actually the terrorist is actually working for an operation. It is an op, and it is conducted by in essence the in-country personnel – in other words, United States, the government, the agencies or the black government, you know, the Black Secret Projects.


AM: Absolutely. Yes, that’s the biggest thing that people need to understand. When it’s a false flag operation that happens in-country, the people that are in charge of the Black Operations that happen with that country, they’re the ones who have orchestrated it. The bombings that happened in the subways in England – that was an England false flag operation. The bombings that happened in Spain…


KC: Right. What about that?


AM: False flag, absolutely, because they all related to what? Taliban and Al-Qaeda. What’s truly Taliban and Al-Qaeda? It is a network to allow false flag operations to happen.


You had mentioned about the people that are used, that are aware of it. People have to understand that, more often than not, the people that are used have been mind-controlled. They have been taken, they have been mind-controlled, and they’re doing it because they are under another state of mind.


The one that happened on Christmas Day, he says that he had… All of a sudden there was reports that he was almost in a trance when it occurred and afterward and that he has no recollection. KC: Who was? Who are you talking about?


AM: The gentleman, I don’t remember his name, the actual person; the “Underwear Bomber” is our label for it.


KC: Okay, yes.


AM: There were reports that he was in a trance. There’s even a person that has come out now, a husband and wife that were on the plane.


KC: Sure.


AM: They were on the news saying that they had contacted the FBI because this tall, well-dressed, wealthy-looking man of Indian, you know, or Pak… descent, had taken this kid, and actually they witnessed him saying: He doesn’t have a passport, but he’s from… I think it was Nigeria… and he just said: We do this all the time there. They actually quoted him: We do this all the time there. And they let him through. Dumb!!


You know, people need to be aware that that’s happening and need to question why.


KC: So you, yourself, you’re saying over a year ago you saw convoys and so on going on here in California, like a build-up of military even here. Is that correct?


AM: Yes, absolutely. There’s been a huge build-up of military in southern California.


KC: Do you have any idea why?


AM: There’re a lot of military bases in California. California is very much a key region for military movement.


I, myself, have been to two underground bases in California: one that’s in the San Diego area, and another one that’s in the San Francisco Bay, which is known as a Munitions Naval Weapons Base that has a skeleton crew. Probably a lot of people don’t know about it. It is located in the San Francisco Bay area, and all you can see from the water are three very large U-shaped piers where trainings go on. There’s a lot more to that base than what people see. I mean, they have a HUGE facility under it. It’s massive.


KC: Have you been there, or were you told about this?


AM: No, I’ve been there. I was there. I was there in 2000, 2001, and then in the first part of 2002, before I went to become part of the project in the Caribbean.


KC: Okay. So… I guess what I want to do here is to just make sure that we’ve gotten the information that you wanted to get out there specifically around the Gulf of Aden.


AM: Okay. So, just to clarify why I was coming out right now. You and I spoke; this had to get out now because time is of the essence. False flag operations are going to be happening more, not just in the United States, but in other countries that are having direct involvement with the Gulf of Aden and Yemen.


I will not be surprised if we will see some more bombings or terrorist attacks happen in places, like in Yemen itself. It’s going to happen in Yemen, because they need that to get the masses to support what they’re doing so that there isn’t questioning.


There’s going to be more false flag operations happening here in this country. It could be as small as more military check-points. Or they could be as big as another actual attack attempt. It’s going to happen.


This is all happening to build up justification, like what happened with 9/11. They need this justification, so people don’t question, so you continue to be sheep, so that they can finally go to war – the “new war on terrorism”. Yemen is ground zero for that.


Why is this happening? It’s happening because of this stargate that’s just off the coast of Yemen in the Gulf of Aden. Why are they doing this? I’ve given my two theories. Why is this happening? It’s happening because of this Stargate that’s just off the coast of Yemen in the Gulf of Aden.


Why are they doing this? I’ve given my two theories: Theory one, we have friendly extraterrestrials that have opened it for a reason. What that reason is yet? I do not know.


But this will not be the last; I’m working on… You know, I’m not stopping after this. I’m going to be digging very deep. I’m going to be continuing working on this, and as I get new information you’ll be getting the information, everything I get, Kerry.


Is this friendly ETs that have opened it up for some reason? That could be. And it could be that now we have, really, the major heavy-hitter countries from all over the world, who have brought in warships – not cargo ships, but warships – by the masses that are literally in this giant circle that have created this perimeter.


Why is there scientific research there?


A certain doctor who attempted suicide – oh yes! – that worked directly for this research company said: The world needs to know! And all of a sudden unexplainably went crazy and tried to kill herself… who worked for a company that the information has gotten out that are doing research on combining alien and human DNA.


KC: Okay. So… now, I have to tell you that last night we had contact with a whistleblower, and this is just one of those synchronicities that goes on with Project Camelot. Today we’re having this interview with you, this was planned ahead, and last night inadvertently we got in touch with a whistleblower who has worked for the military – actually, Space Command – and were talking about the Gulf of Aden.


I didn’t get all of the information, even though we talked for like, six hours, and we will release that pretty soon, that interview. He was talking about synthetic beings, synthetic robots, for all intents and purposes.


Project Camelot was in touch with a secret source last night who was talking about synthetic beings and basically, I guess, some form of biological robot, I guess, that are being created. And some which may be also coming here, in other words.


So I am wondering whether or not the Gulf of Aden is specifically connected with a possible invasion of these synthetic beings. Is there anything, any hook-up that you know of, in this regard?


AM: There has been talk about it amongst me and some other people that I am in direct contact with that were a part of multiple projects under MK Ultra. That’s something that we’ve discussed.


But we weren’t sure if we really wanted to go public with that just yet, because, you know, what I’m saying already, and what people are going to say, is going to invoke fear. But fear can build strength and using that fear… turn it around, to really find out what’s going on.


KC: Okay.


AM: It’s something that we have talked about that indeed is being used to bring in synthetic beings that were made off-planet.


KC: Okay.


AM: Now I’m just curious. Now I’ve got a question for you.


KC: Sure.


AM: I’m going to turn around and ask you a question.


KC: [laughs]


AM: Your contact last night, when he was talking about these synthetic beings that are being created on-planet? I’m curious if he’s actually referring to the Omega Program?


KC: Okay, he didn’t name that program. He simply was referring to both aspects.


AM: Okay.


KC: In other words, the one which is that the military — in China as well as the US — has been creating these beings and that there is also… and it was really interesting, and obviously we’re going to be releasing the interview shortly.


But he was talking about these beings that were created, in association, “on Atlantis” who were then taken off-planet to another planet and allowed “to develop.” Basically they developed themselves. However, they’re synthetic; for all intents and purposes, they don’t have a soul; and that they are now, for some reason, returning to our planet, and that they are, let’s say, “not happy.”


This is the testimony from our witness, so it just dovetails in a very interesting way. Now, this person was not able to say whether they had arrived yet. I think that he was indicating that they had not. But I’d have to go back over the transcript to verify that.


AM: From the information that I’ve been able to gather, my intuition says that they are currently arriving because of the huge electromagnetic anomaly that happened specifically on January 5th of this year, 2010.


KC: Okay. Are you talking about the blue spiral over Norway?


AM: There has been speculation that that blue spiral… and other spirals have been showing up over Norway. Could that be related to this? It could be. I don’t have enough information to say yes or no. I would not be surprised, though, if in some way it has direct relation to it. I would not be surprised, but I don’t want to say absolute.


KC: Okay.


AM: I’ll allow people to do their own research and I’m going to continue to do my research.


It’s interesting what you just mentioned about the soul-less beings because the project that I was mainly a part of, the project that I was, in reality, from the time I was a child, was prepared for – and again, we’ll get into that on the next interview – Project Seagate.


Project Seagate was a major project with a huge underground base location and they were working on many different sub-projects. Project Seagate is almost like a sub-version of MK Ultra.


Project Seagate: one location that had many sub-projects, everything from the human / dolphin / Super Soldier program, to an Omega Program where they were making soul-less beings for remote viewing and actual, via the Seagate, being able to put people – and yes, this is real people – their astral self, their energy, their soul, into one of these robots for covert operations, so that if the body gets killed, they are able to extract and put it in.


I have people that I know that this has happened to, and we have absolute evidence of this happening.


KC: So this is a lot like Avatar, basically. You’re talking about…


AM: I am talking about…


KC: …military personnel, that basically they’re going in and “inhabiting” these robotic beings.


AM: Yes.


KC: Yeah, that’s fascinating.


AM: And also they found that it was easier to have this for traveling, for operations, through the Seagate.


KC: Off-planet.


AM: Off-planet. My specific role, which I don’t want to get into right now because, you know, it’s very complicated, but I will say that my involvement with Project Seagate was very high up, very in depth, and I’ve been to some interesting locations.


KC: Okay. Do you think that you yourself were doing some of this, you know, having your “essence”, in essence, go into one of these robotic beings and travel? Or is your experience different than that?


AM: I worked with people that did that…


KC: Okay.


AM: …but because of my specific training… As far as alterations that were done to my body, even as a young child, some memories are coming back that even my parents have no recollection of. I was able to physically be relocated because of what was done to me. And there’s another person that you’re in contact with who is able to do the same thing, actually was a person I worked with closely that was there.


KC: Okay.


AM: And this person… when the time comes, this person will be talking to you. Someone you already talked to will be speaking of the Project Seagate as well.


KC: Okay. And you have some unique abilities in terms of water. Is there a thought that you yourself were, I don’t know, your DNA was combined with, for example, a dolphin? Is that possible?


AM: I’m learning new things about myself almost every day. With me, anything is really possible because I’ve been told some things by reliable sources that have completely blown me away. In fact, I’m still having a hard time… I mean, I accept it. I know it’s true. But it’s very hard to deal with because, I mean, my body has been through a living hell.


I had some questionable experimentations that were done to me as a child that I absolutely remember. Well, I’ll just say this, the reason why I was…


Everything began for me from the time I was three years old. I have an absolute memory that I’ve been able to get confirmed from family, where I was taken to a facility by a certain relative – I will mention that when I do my full interview – who I do not have contact with, was not allowed to have contact with.


When I was three years old, I was thrown into a pool and they induced me to drown. I remember laying, then, on a slab next to this pool, throwing up and coughing up water and then seeing these men around saying: We have one.


I remember hearing that. This is not a dream, this is not fantasy, this is absolute. I sometimes still wake up with having night terrors and flashbacks about this.


I’ve always been able to hold my breath for a long time without having to do the hyperventilating. I’ve always had a very interesting relationship with water. I have several people that you know, that can absolutely, with complete honesty, tell you of accounts that they’ve witnessed of things that have happened to me with water.


I’ve been told not to do any kind of soaking in water, because of something which I will reveal in the next interview, which could happen.


KC: Okay. So, rather than go down that road, since this interview is about another matter…


AM: Yes.


KC: …let’s go back to the Gulf of Aden and talk about the false flag subject in terms of what specifically, if anything, has been left out of this interview so far. Because I think we could wrap this up, as it is.


AM: Yes.


KC: I can’t think of any particular areas that we might not have covered, but then, maybe something might have occurred to you. So I want to make sure that we’ve covered this topic, that you’ve gotten out the word about what you think is coming in regard to the build-up of the military there. Any other random thoughts or information, pieces of information that you might have that would be pertinent for the public to be aware of here?


AM: Don’t travel to the Middle East this year. Do not travel there. Do not go there because they do not care about “collateral damage”. They proved that with 9/11. They proved that with the Oklahoma bombing. They proved that on December 25th. They proved that at Fort Hood.


They do not care. You are an expendable piece of property to the Global Elite, to Mark Ultra, to governments all around the world.


I have just a really deep, sinking [and] dark feeling that there’s going to be a lot of death. I’ve been seeing death. I’ve been having visions of some really horrible scenarios that could definitely… are possible. Not just in the Middle East, specifically Yemen, but in-country.


Do your research. Everything that I have said in this interview and that Kerry has said… please… You know, what I’m telling you is absolute and I’ve also specified what was theory, what was my intuition, and I’ve even labelled some sources where I gathered information.


Everybody that sees this interview, I encourage you to do the same. Don’t just take my word for it – because if you just take my word for it, you’re doing the same as watching TV or watching the movies and taking their word for it.


You need to do the research on your own because that will allow you to open your mind and really give yourself empowerment.


The greatest gift humanity was ever given was free will, and as long as you allow your free will to keep working, you will open up to what’s occurring.


False flags are going to be happening more, based on my intuition and my intelligence that I have gathered. Something else big is going to happen in the United States and it’s all being done to invoke this “war on terror” in Yemen, for movement with this seagate. Is it going to be to help escort these beings from off-planet? Or are these friendly beings that are trying to do something?


We’re already in a galactic war that’s happening now. Believe it or not, it’s happening. But with that war, there are many different battles occurring and we are on the brink of a new battle. This is definite; I have no doubt about that. This is going to be another battle of the galactic war.


And what people need to realize is that this planet is a war prize. It always has been. There’s always been conflict for this planet, and there are many reasons which I could get into, but God, you know, I would go and on and on.


Is there any other information that I can think of that people need to know about? Not at this time. Just know, specifically, you will find that the major countries that have warships… And I want to emphasize: these are warships, everybody – the United Kingdom, Russia, China, Japan, Germany, NATO, the UN, and the now mercenary group Xe, which is more commonly known as Blackwater. There are scientific research corporations there right now under multi-national contract doing heavy research on alien/ human DNA.


Ask yourself: Why? Ask yourself why was there a doctor that worked for this company that unexplainably said: The Earth, the people of the world have to be notified. It’s quoted in an article I found – and attempted “suicide” because she knew something. She was part of something. She had her own self-awakening and the information she has was so great, so overwhelming, that she tried to kill herself. But did she really try to kill herself? Or was this a mind-controlled, you know, attempt to kill herself?


Three of the people that I was in contact with, that I working with, what I myself was helping orchestrate – false flag events in 2008, and in the beginning of 2009 – unexpectedly disappeared when they themselves became more self-aware and realized what they were doing was wrong.


I have emails from certain personnel that contacted me and said that they were under house arrest in Twenty Nine Palms. Right after this – and I need to say this because this shows the level of seriousness that this is at – the person that I was in contact with, Captain Scott Syner/Signer [name unclear] I will say his name because he has disappeared.


The place that he lived at, which was not too far from where I was living… I went to where he was living because had I lost communication. He had given me a document that actually talks about the preparation, a document that was drafted in, I believe in 2000, for the agenda going all the way up to 2015 – a document was never supposed to leave the hands of certain personnel.


I have 22 pages of that document that I have shared with you, Kerry. This will… I’m getting off track. This person, Scott “Syner/Signer”, Captain Scott “Syner/Signer” who had given me this information, started realizing things were wrong, up and disappeared.


Where he lived, I went and talked with the manager. They had no… They would not tell me. Oh we had no Scott “Syner/Signer” living here. His phone became disconnected. The people that I was in contact with were disappearing left and right.


I myself became under heavy surveillance, even had an attempt on my life. Yes, that did happen last year, where on one occasion where I first thought it was an accident until I got more information. Well, it was not necessarily an attempt on my life, but it was what they do a lot, which they’re doing with a lot of people I’m in contact with. It was a scare tactic. They’re trying to shut me up.


I just got absolute confirmation – and I’d like to emphasize on that, absolute confirmation, because that’s what I have to have before I will really say in definite… The conference that unfortunately is having so many complications, the MK Ultra Mind Control Conference, I received an anonymous tip, and then through contacts of mine, saying that there was going to be “an attempt” on me at the conference because they know that I’m getting ready to whistleblow the project that is the absolute most secret-kept undercover project in the world. That is Project Seagate.


KC: Okay. So thank you very much, Aaron McCollum, and I assume that you want this video to go out as-is?


AM: Yes.


KC: In other words, we can talk about making it only audio; we can talk about possibly putting it into just a transcript, a written transcript, if you at a later date you decide to do so. But at this moment, is it your feeling that you want this to go on the Internet as-is?


AM: If I am going to really give… come out as a credible witness… I think that’s what you’re really calling them now, not whistleblower; you’re using the term witness?


KC: Both.


AM: Okay. If I’m going to be an actual… because this interview is going to be followed up with the full interview of how I came to be, who I am now and my whole history of the training I got as a kid. We’ll be blowing something wide open that you and I have talked about. If I’m going to have credibility, if I’m going to have people really see me, they need to see me as a person. They need to know.


And yes, you know, I have the tattoos and the earrings, but there’s a reason, which I’ll be explaining why I look the way I do now. But if I’m going to be a legitimate, real person… and also because there are people that I’m in contact with that I notified I was going to be doing this, and you and I talked about it… to see my face, to see that yes I am real, I am not some man behind the Iron Curtain, I’m not some “Deep Throat” in a parking garage. They need to see it as a whole.


KC: Okay.


AM: They need to see my face. For me, eye contact, seeing the person, is very much, you know, a lot more empowering.


KC: Okay.


AM: You know, my life has already been threatened, and attempts have been made. I have scars from knife wounds, from almost getting killed. But, being who I am, I lack the emotion of fear. I’m not afraid and I need to do this.


KC: Okay. Thank you very much. I also, just as a caveat, want to say here that isn’t it true that your connection with Camelot and specifically with Duncan O’Finioan has been instrumental in you getting in touch with some of this?


AM: Yes. When a friend of mine first introduced me to Project Camelot, I was very interested because I was starting to have some memories come back. And then this friend of mine showed me the Duncan O’Finioan and the Dave Corso interview and it took everything not to break down and cry because… something… there was something I couldn’t remember.


When I saw Duncan and I saw Dave, there was something inside that was just feeding me and I couldn’t figure out what. And then when Duncan and Dave mentioned St. Thomas in the US Virgin Islands, my head literally hurt. It was like I was walking in this hallway and all these doors opened.


And I can tell you and I will be saying this in my interview, that Duncan and Dave have memory lapses of what happened in St. Thomas. I will be able to tell you, and I’ve talked to Duncan and Dave about this, what happened.


Yes, Dave and Duncan and I did in fact do operations together. We have confirmed it. We know it, and even another soon-to-be-whistleblower was directly involved with Project Seagate with me.


Me contacting you, saying this, is not a coincidence – there’s no such thing as a coincidence. This was all the way it was supposed to be. I owe a big “thank you” to you for bringing me to the conference, and it was really a reunion between Duncan, Dave, and the other friend, who I promised I wouldn’t say this person’s name. I’ll leave that up to this person.


KC: Yeah. I wanted to make sure that we gave kind of a “thank you” or a nod of the head to Duncan O’Finioan and Dave Corso.


AM: Yes, absolutely. And you know, Dave and I, we see each other all the time. I’ve been regularly going to his place. Duncan’s been really busy, but there were a couple times after the conference when I was able to speak with him and actually see him when he was in LA filming The Manchurian Candidate.


By the way, I want to pitch that, [Kerry laughs] if you haven’t seen what’s titled as The Manchurian Candidate episode of Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura. It’s on TruTV. You can find it on YouTube now – an absolute must. It was so well done. I was so impressed with how well it was done.


That’s my little pitch for that, just helping out my friends Dave and Duncan who are also working hard to get the word out.


KC: Okay. Thank you very much. Today is January 9th, 2010.


AM: Yes it is. It’s Dave Corso’s birthday today.


KC: There you go.


AM: I sent him a birthday card.


KC: [laughs] Okay, thank you very much.


AM: Thank you.


The Anglo-Saxon Mission Witness Interview Transcript

The Anglo-Saxon Mission
Witness Audio interview recorded January 2010

Click here for the video presentation

Start of interview

BILL RYAN (B): I want to thank you for coming forward with what was immediately clear to me, once I'd read your written debrief, that you have some highly significant information that needs to be shared. And it's our job at Project Camelot to assist you in reaching people who are aware enough to understand what you're saying, why it's important, and to put it in perspective with other information that they may have.

And to introduce all of this, I wonder if you could say what it is that you're prepared to say on record about your background, about your history… just in general what you think is okay to share about how it is that you've actually been positioned to get a hold of the information that you're going to be reporting.

WITNESS (W):  Okay. Well, the information I've shared with you already, I feel, it's not Earth-shattering. I feel it's something that a lot of people will already have grasped with the amount of information that is getting put out on the internet already.

If there's any uniqueness within the information that I'm providing to you, that I feel should be shared, is that it's first-hand information and it's given to you freely for those who wish to use it and to inform themselves. I think that that's my initial position on this.

For my part, I've spent a long time in the military and then held a senior position in the City of London, and within both institutions I became very intimate with events that were being manufactured secretly, covertly, on behalf of a group of people — I can't say it's on behalf of a nation or a community because it's certainly none of that — but it's certainly something is to do with a group of people whose interests lie within themselves and what they're doing to coerce a series of events to happen.

Looking back with hindsight now, I can see quite clearly they're being most successful in doing what they're doing. And I feel, because of what I know, that time is running out for these people.

So the timeline that I'm going to describe is somehow … and that's an apt title, really, because a timeline starts somewhere and it ends somewhere and these people are very well aware of it.

We're coming up to a critical time now, which everybody's discussing at the moment. I'm very well aware of that. But the information I've brought may put some flesh on the bones for other people to consider themselves.

And as for the veracity of it, I can only tell you that what I'm going to tell you is truthful, albeit lots of people may think it's a perception. I'm quite happy with that, too. But it's been my experience, and it's that experience that I'm going to share.

B:  Yes. What would be great is if you can differentiate between information which came at you first-hand when you were physically in meetings with some of these people, and other information that you've got that was through more subjective means, which you may feel very confident in. It's important to separate out the provenance of the information. But for you, of course, and for many other people who will be reading this, it actually forms a coherent picture. Right?

W:  Yes. I think that's important. I think anything like this has to be coherent. And of course there is a subjective element to it; I mean, I can't deny that. But, you know, all of it could be looked at as being subjective, but it's also from a witness point of view. Hopefully, how I'm going to describe it, people will be able to see through any subjective feelings I've got about it and get to the core of what's going on.

B:  Right. Now, if you could just add a little bit of detail about the group that you referred to. Does this group have any kind of name that they're calling themselves? Is this a group that other people reading this would recognize when cross-referencing information?

W:  I've had difficulty myself in trying to describe these people. I've called them like a "Band of Brothers." I've also called them an "over-government". There's also other names I could call them, some of them derogatory, and that would be deserved. [laughs] But I think the best way, the most sensible way to describe these people so that people can understand what they're like, is they're like an over-government, because that's what they're doing.

B:  Are you talking about British people here, or international people?

W:  The meeting that I will refer to later, it was all British, and some of them are very well known characters who people in the United Kingdom will recognize immediately. Those who are international who might read this might have to do bit of research on them. But they are national figures, some of them.

B:  Are they political figures? Or are they figures in the "noble classes", so to speak?

W:  Yes, there is a bit of aristocracy there, and some of them come from quite aristocratic backgrounds. There's one who I identified at that meeting who is a senior politician. Two others were senior figures from the police, and one from the military. Both are known nationally and both are key figures in advising the present government — at this present time.

B:  And inasmuch as there's a political component to this, does this political component go across both parties?

W:  No, this senior political component belongs to the right-wing party in Britain, the Conservative Party.

B:  Okay. For the benefit of American readers, that would be the equivalent of the Republicans.

W:  Yes.

B: All right. So, it's an insider group that functions in Britain as many American readers of this transcript would recognize by analogy — it's like the American secret government. You're talking about politicians behind the scenes who are still very influential, links with the police, links with the military. Are there also American military links in there?

W:  Yes.

B:  Okay.

W:  One significant military figure, now retired, but active in advising government.

B:  Okay. Are you aware of or did you hear any discussion of any participation by church authorities or the Vatican or any of the religions of the world? Was this mentioned as part of their strategic planning for all of this?

W:  No. Not at all, but I know the Church of England, especially, is complicit in everything that's going on, totally complicit.

B:  Okay. And you know this because of the close relationship between senior figures in the Church of England and the group that you met with in the City of London?

W:  Absolutely. You don't need a forensic expert to find that one out. That's quite open.

B:  Okay. Is this all fundamentally Masonic?

W:  Absolutely. There's no question about that. Everybody is vetted through that process, through the Masonic process, and then they get to meet one another.

That's something that people need to understand. There are levels in Masonry. You know, most Masons don't really know anything at all, and they're out there doing good work for the most part and they get the benefit of a kind of "club," as it were. But that goes through various levels. Some people call it by "degrees" or whatever. But it's a Who's Who. That is — who can be trusted, who can be brought together, who's holding power, who's likely to develop more power.

And these people attract one another and they get together because they all have a single cause. But it's not exactly like a Masonic cause, you know. It's something that can be likened to it, but not the same as it.

B:  Could you explain that a little more clearly?

W:  Well, I think the best way to explain this is:  Masonry, is to my knowledge, is just a vehicle for these people. It allows them to come together quietly, in secret, behind closed doors, get to know one another, feel safe and secure knowing confidently that what's said in these meetings go no further than those meetings. So it's got that Masonic element to it, but this goes to an entirely different level altogether.

Now, the meeting that I'm talking about, I don't even consider these people to be a significant level — significant enough for me at the time — but they were discussing things that were already agreed upon and planned and dictated. They were really getting together to share information, to find out how well it was going and what was needed to keep it on track.

B:  So things had already been decided at an even higher level than this. Is that what you're saying?

W:  That was very clear. From what I heard, they weren't a decision-making group. They were like an action group. They were people who needed to come together now and then to discuss together what needs to be done, or what is getting done, and what should be getting done. And then they disperse and go back and do what they need to do, as a result of these meetings.

B:  Okay. And you attended one meeting?

W:  Only one.

B:  And in what capacity did you attend this meeting?

W:  By sheer accident! I thought it was a normal three-monthly meeting because I looked at the e-mail list, which had familiar names on it, and I was on it. But by that time, because of the senior position I held within the City, I just thought it was quite normal for me to be earmarked for this kind of meeting.

So when I went to the meeting, it wasn't the same venue as before. It was a livery company venue, which is quite unusual, but not too unusual to wonder why. I went to this meeting and it was not the meeting that I was expecting. I believe I was invited… it was because of the position I held and because they believed that, like themselves, I was one of them.

B:  So you were included because they already knew you. You were regarded as a safe pair of hands.

W:  Absolutely. Yes. I was a safe pair of hands. I was a do-er. I was one of the people who, at my level within the organization, got things done.

B:  Okay.

W:  And I was regarded as that. Lots had known me for some time, even the most senior figures within them.  I mean, it was first-name terms, that sort of thing. And I'd also been regularly invited to various functions, social functions, and things like that where I became familiar with some of them and some of them became very familiar with me.

So it was easy-going, quite professional, nothing out of the ordinary, although bells started to ring about what they were up to and what they were doing and the kind of decisions that they were making, which by and large, I ignored. It seems unusual, but there was a part of me that wanted to ignore what was going on.

B:  Are you saying that in this particular meeting we're talking about, the people who attended the meeting were familiar to you, largely, and you'd attended other meetings with them before; but this was a meeting with a difference because it was in a different location and with a different agenda, although the delegates to the meeting were basically the same group? Is that what you're saying? 

W:  No, not exactly. I knew most of the attendees at the meeting, but not all.  There were about 25 or 30 people were at the meeting. And it was looked rather informal, you know, people getting to know one another, re-acquainting themselves as people do. There was nothing unusual about that. It was when the subjects started to come up that my astonishment started to rise at what was being said.

B:  Was it like a formal chaired meeting around a table, with notes and water glasses, and all of that kind of stuff?

W:  None of the sort. There were no notes taken — nothing. It was really a behind-closed-doors meeting with people talking over one another, some people holding the audience, spelling out what their concerns were, catapulting onto other things that they thought were of concern to them.

And then describing, which I can only say is the "timeline of events" that they had anticipated to be happening, to be on course, and lots of concerns because it wasn't. And what was meant to happen on the timeline that hadn't happened, and what actions were going to be taken for it to happen.

And this is where things started to get quite surreal — because I'd never been in the company of people like this, talking like that.

Now, the group of people who I was most familiar with, the people who do the work within the City, they belong to various well known financial committees; some of them quite diverse committees, but they all belong to the same organization. These are people who go unseen; most people don't know who they are. I know them. I know them by sight, know them by name. I know them by what they do.

It was the other people who were there at the time that surprised me. Three others in particular. There were more people there who were at their type of level as well who I couldn't really identify, but three of significance, certainly.

B:  Okay, now when was this meeting? Let's put a date on it.

W:  Okay. We're talking 2005. It was after the May general election — that's when Blair was voted back in again. That meeting definitely took place some time in June of that year.

B:  It is okay to put on record that it was in June?

W:  June 2005 is fine. Yes.

B:  All right. Now I wonder then if you could spell out what it was that was discussed at that meeting.

W:  Well, as I mentioned, I was quite surprised to see the amount of people who were there. The meeting ranged from several discussions covering several items or things that were happening at the world in the time, so there was quite a big discussion about security within the country. And one of those three key persons there has now assumed the role over this… is actually doing it now. He's there now. He's in that position right now.

The big thing at the time was Iraq. That was on their agenda, but also, surprisingly, there was lots of conversation and talk about Iran. And what surprised me and really raised my eyebrows, was mention, open mention — this was people talking comfortably to one another, not arguing or shouting — but talking comfortably about the Israeli reluctance to strike and provoke Iran into armed action. That was something that really raised the hairs on the back of my neck.

And it seemed as if the Israeli government was tied onto what was going on here and had a role to play which was being dictated outside Israeli borders. A year later, Israel attacked Iranian-backed Hezbollah bases in Lebanon.

And then the second thing that came out that I recall quite clearly was mention of Japanese reluctance to create havoc within the Chinese financial sectors.

I really couldn't understand why they were talking about that and why that had any importance. What I picked up from this seemed to be the Japanese government, or those in Japan, being coerced or ordered into doing something that would wreck or slow down the Chinese rise to financial power.

It was mentioned that China was growing too quickly and the main beneficiary of that growth was the Chinese military, which was getting modernized, mostly through the money that they were getting from the world market.

And then things… and this is where I can't help but be subjective, Bill. Because at the time I recall I started to feel quite sick about what was being spoken about, and very anxious about what was being said.

I was on the periphery of this meeting and I could feel the anxiety just rise up inside me because this was stuff that was getting spoken about off the cuff. It wasn't getting announced to anybody. This was things that they already knew about.

So then there was open talk about the use of biological weapons, where and when they would be used, and the timing. And timing always appears to be crucial.

And then there was more talk centered on how Iran must be engaged militarily in order to provoke the desired military response from China.

There was a clear expectation of goading Iran into some sort of armed conflict with the West, with China coming to the aid of Iran. Through this goading, either China or Iran would use a tactical nuclear weapon of some sort.

And, as I mentioned, these people weren't making decisions. They were discussing something that had already been planned, so they were simply sharing their information between themselves. And it became clear as these discussions went on that the central issue of this meeting was when the balloon would go up — when all this would happen.

Other talk centered on dealing with finances, resources, protection of assets, and a control of these resources and bringing in outlying assets. And I can go through this chain of events with you now, Bill, if you like.

B:  I'd be really happy to go into as much detail as you feel you can.

W:  Okay. Now, as I previously mentioned, they needed either the Chinese or the Iranians to be guilty of the first use of nuclear weapons in order to justify the next stage.

Now, I've already added, and this is anecdotal, so it can't be confirmed. But my information coming through in this meeting, and from elsewhere, positively indicates that the Iranians do indeed have a tactical nuclear capability right now. They're not developing it. They've got it.

B:  Some say they might have got it from the Russians, maybe. Do you have any idea about that?

W:  I believe it's from the Chinese.

B:  From the Chinese… okay.

W:  It's because the Chinese technology has been, for many years, used in their missile systems. They're getting missile technology also from the Russians as well, but this is mostly ground-to-air missile systems, that sort of thing — defensive weapons. Tactical missile weaponry — that technology is coming via China.

B:  Do you have some expertise in this subject from your own military background?

W: Yes, I do.

B:  Okay, so this means that in this meeting where you were hearing this information, you were able to hear this wearing your military hat, with your military experience, and understand strategically and tactically what it was they were talking about and why.

W:  Oh, absolutely. I could have even stepped in and corrected their terminology because I believe they were getting it wrong, but they were just describing it the best way they could.

B:  Right.

W:  So yes, I do have quite a deep knowledge of those types of weapons, and weapons systems in general.

B:  Weapons systems in general; sure. Okay, back to where we were, that was a little footnote that you put in there, saying that you felt, anecdotally, but you're also confident in that opinion, that Iran did actually have a current nuclear capability.

W:  Yes, if I can put this in here, Bill, before this escapes me… it's anecdotal in the sense that the discussion didn't mention that Iran didn't have them. The discussion leant toward the Iranians having that type of weapon and not having them. I think the distinction would have been made there — if they didn't have them. It wasn't mentioned that they DIDN'T have them. It leant towards them having such weapons already.

B:  I understand. Now, I don't want to get you off track, but there's the potential analogy with the Iraqi situation, where Western governments and military, whether they really knew the truth or not, were certainly telling the public that the Iraqi military capability was far greater than it really was. Is it possible that there was some delusion here with respect to Iran's capability? Or do you think they really did know what the Iranians have and could do?

W: Making a comparison with Iraq is a natural thing to do. However, in this context, I think it could mislead.

The backing that Iraq got during the Iran-Iraq War was mostly Western. And of course "Western" we must include Israel, so the likelihood of Iraq getting a nuclear weapon that they haven't produced themselves, but getting it imported to them, would be extremely low.

Now, the other side of the coin is Iran. Now, Iran is being continuously backed by China and then later by the Russians; and also by other countries too. The military market is quite an open one and in that we can even include the French, who quite independently export their weapons out wherever they can.

B:  Yes.

W:  Even in defiance of conventions in place about the sale of weapons abroad. But this goes a bit beyond that. We're talking about a country that's being used quite well by another country throughout the revolutionary period — where they have been seen as an enemy of all the Western states, and also the Gulf states as well.

B:  You mean, you're referring to Iran being used by China?

W:  China. Yes.  They're both using each other, of course. China's economy is skyrocketing. I don't know if it's reached its plateau now or not, and I'm not talking about that. But the amount of weaponry and the level of technical expertise that Iran is receiving from the Chinese military —  it seems inconceivable that nuclear weapons haven't been included within any package that goes there; whether that comes under the direct control of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards or jointly by the Iranians and the Chinese. One can't be sure.

But I go back to what I said before, that at that meeting, the assumption was — and it was quite clear — that the Iranians HAD such weapons in their possession because it wasn't mentioned to the contrary.

B:  Understood. And what you're going to go on to talk about is how this cooperation between Iran and China was going to be used as a way to get at China — because China's the main target. Is this correct?

W:  That's correct.  China has been the main target since at least the mid 70s — and again, this information it's through third parties so I can't give you any direct first-hand evidence of this — but it's always been China. It was always China that is to be the big one in this timeline.

B:  Mm hm.

W:  It's China that they're after right now, and it's all about how to coerce and create the scenario where this type of — well, it's going to be war, Bill; there's going to be a war — how this can be realized and how it can be made credible to everybody here living in the West?

And the way it's going to be made credible is by a state like Iran being used as a patsy to use a nuclear weapon in order to elicit an exchange.

B:  And the whole justification of this, then, is to provide or to trick China into a war, with what reason?

W:  China will then come to the aid of Iran, very quickly. And what we're talking about is these "Roads to Jerusalem," as it were. And it should be no surprise that the Chinese have got their own "Road to Jerusalem," so to speak, because that's where the oil is — their lifeline — and that's where their power could be extended far more than where it is at the moment.

B:  I didn't understand what you meant there by Jerusalem. Was that a metaphor, talking about Iran?

W:  Yes. It was my metaphor. Although I haven't mentioned it to you previously, you know, they talk about "the road to Jerusalem," as it were. People like Benjamin Netanyahu use it quite a lot. Obama has used it. The Chinese president has actually used it, I believe, too. Hu Jintao, his name is. They've actually used this metaphor.

B:  I didn't know that.

W:  Yes, they have. It's where that road lies. Does it lie through Tehran, going one way? Or does it lie through Tehran again, coming the other way?

B:  Okay, so you're using it basically as a metaphor for a desired goal, something that's reached and attained.

W:  That's right.

B:  Okay. So what you're saying, then, is that there's a long-term plan which has being decided quite a while ago to set up the situation, to set up the chessboard, the global chessboard, so that there will be a war with China. This is what you're saying.

W:  Yes, in a nutshell. You've got it. It's a whole series of events, and a lot of them have been realized. And again I can only emphasize that time seems to be critical.

B:  What has happened, and what is yet to happen, and what is the eventual roll-out plan that they want to happen if everything that they wanted were to occur?

W:  Well, the plan is for the fuse to be set off in the Middle East again, in a way that would make the previous conflicts in the Middle East look like playground scraps.

It will involve the use of nuclear weapons and, again, it's to create an atmosphere of chaos and extreme fear, not just in the West but throughout the world, and to put in place what I've mentioned as unified totalitarian Western governments; and to do this China needs to be taken out, politically and socially, for this to happen.

B:  So what they're doing here, they're killing two birds with one stone. They're using this as a justification to create what many on the internet have called the One World Government, except that's not including China. You're talking about the Western nations in lockdown alliance against this new threat.

W:  It's specifically the Western nations, but I think we've also got to include Japan in this too.

B:  And how about Russia? Where does Russia stand?

W:  I believe Russia is a player, but I've got no evidence. For some reason or other Russia really doesn't get a look in here; and it's just an assumption of mine that that Russian government that's in place at the moment is hand-in-hand with the controlling players that are here in the West.

B:  Hm. So you're saying that because in this meeting that you attended, Russia wasn't mentioned as a major factor.

W:  No, none at all. The only way it was mentioned is that the whole idea is to create a condition of chaos throughout the world. It would mean the later use of biological weapons, widespread food shortages, which will affect vulnerable countries across the globe, followed by mass starvation and disease.

The only mention that Russia gets in here is an odd one which I can't explain and maybe someone else can. I can't really get my head around this. But within this meeting it was mentioned: "to cause the Chinese military to attack Eastern Russia". Now, I can't qualify that and why that was mentioned at the meeting — I just don't know.

B:  Okay. So just to go back to what I mentioned a minute ago, about two birds with one stone. One goal here, then, is to establish a united alliance of Western countries with a kind of totalitarian "emergency war footing", heavy control aspect to it. And the other aspect is actually to light the fire of this war, which will result in all kinds of chaos and presumably an enormous number of people dying somewhere.

W:  Yes.

B:  The Chinese population? Or everyone on the planet? Is this part of the population reduction plan? What did they say?

W:  Well, there was talk about biological agents being used, described as being flu-like and it would spread like wildfire. Now, they didn't mention it at this meeting, but I know now that it will attack people genetically, not everybody together. How that would happen… I'm not a geneticist, I really don't know. One can only assume that it's linked to DNA in some way.

B:  Mm hm.

W:  And the differences that are found in DNA. These differences have been identified and the viruses can be made that could kill a person off and do it quite quickly.

B:  And so the viruses are genetically targeted is what you're saying?

W:  Yes.

B:  Genetically targeted for racial type, or more specific even than that?

W:  Racial type. I can be quite definite on that. They're talking about extinction of a whole part of the human race, doing so genetically.

B:  Really? Did they mention that in this meeting, in those terms?

W:  Not exactly. Those are my terms. But this is how it was mentioned, and this is my recall of it and how this came out and how I've interpreted it.

B:  Okay.

W:  But that's what it most definitely alluded to.

B:  Are they talking about getting the Chinese out of the way because they're an inconvenient major group that's not playing ball with the global plans? Or are they talking about this as an excuse to thin down the entire world's population, including that in the Western countries?

W:  Well, it's a very good question and as far as I can see, it's a hypothetical one. Again, I can't give you an answer to that one. From a personal point of view, it definitely appears to be a thinning of the world's population and it's getting it down into a controllable size for this government that's going to come, in order for them to have the control that they wish for. Otherwise, they wouldn't have it.

It even sickens me to speak about this now, it really does. It sickens me no end that they would go ahead and do this sort of thing; that such things have actually been spoken about. They're bringing the population down to what they coldly believe to be a "manageable level".

B:  Can you reference in this meeting that you attended to those levels, or the numbers, or the percentages, or anything tangible that you can remember?

W:  Yes. They're talking about half.

B:  Wow. That's a lot of people.

W:  Yes. It is.

B:  Okay.

W:  That's bringing it back down by half.

B:  So that's more than the Chinese, then. That answers that question, doesn't it?

W:  Well, in a nuclear exchange — and I believe there will be a limited nuclear exchange — there will be some sort of ceasefire. That was spoken about; they anticipated a quick ceasefire, but not before millions had already died, principally in the Middle East.

So we're probably talking about Israel here, the population in Israel being sacrificed. Also places like Syria, Lebanon, possibly Iraq, definitely Iran, you know, the towns and major cities, power plants and so forth, that sort of thing. And then a ceasefire before it goes full-out.

B:  A cease…? Wow. Sorry, I'm interrupting you, I do apologize. A ceasefire before it goes full-out?

W:  Yes, it's like some sort of game of poker where they already know what hands are going to be dealt. They know what's going to be dealt. They know that scenario could be brought about and that scenario can be ended again with a ceasefire. So we'll have the ceasefire, and it's during this time of the ceasefire that events will start to really take off.

B:  Do you know how?

W:  Yes. This is when biological weapons will be used.

B:  Oh…

W:  This will create the conditions where biological weapons can be used. And here you've got to imagine a world, now post-nuclear war, or limited nuclear war, in chaos, financial collapse, totalitarian governments coming into place.

B:  And a lot of damage to infrastructure.

W:  People living in total fear and panic — this is what's going to happen next. You'll have a scenario… and this again was talked about, and I can go into some detail about how people will become more controllable with no one coming out in contention about what's going to happen because their own safety and security has now being placed firmly in the hands of those who are saying they can protect it best.

And it's in this ensuing chaos of a post-nuclear exchange that these biological weapons will be deployed in such a fashion where there will be no structure, no safety-nets, for anybody to counter this type of biological onslaught.

And it should be mentioned, for those who are not aware, that biological weapons are just as effective as nuclear ones; it just takes a while longer — that's all.

B:  Yes. Now, the deployment of the biological weapons following the ceasefire, is that something that happens covertly, like all of a sudden people will start getting ill and no one knows where it came from? Or is this an overt weapon deployment that would be very obvious?

W:  I don't think it would be overt, because the Chinese people are going to be hit by the flu! So there'll be a worldwide flu epidemic, perhaps, with a country like China — or China, because China is mentioned — being the one that's going to suffer most.

B:  Okay. Now, if you were a Chinese military commander, what would you do in this situation? Presumably you would retaliate.

W:  Yes, indeed. The type of retaliation the Chinese armed forces could provide is not the same as those that are held in the West. The type of weapons that the West can deploy very, very quickly far outstrips anything that's within the technological grasp of the Chinese armed forces at the moment — although they're getting better as time goes on.

But when I'm talking about China, we're talking about the People's Liberation Army, the People's Army, getting together quite quickly, and you're talking about mass movements of troops somehow into zones where they can engage with their opposite number.

And in this type of exchange that's going to be nuclear… that's why I mentioned right at the very beginning… there will be a conventional war to begin with, then it will quickly go to nuclear with either Iran or the Chinese being provoked into first use, is because they won't be able to be in a position to defend themselves properly against what the West can deliver conventionally without going nuclear first.

B:  Okay. So the Chinese are going to be obliged to go into a preemptive strike.

W:  Yes, all their options will be taken away from them… the retaliatory options will be taken away from them quite quickly and they wouldn't have time to recover.

B:  Okay, now, what you were describing there was the situation before the ceasefire, when China was going to be provoked into using nuclear weapons.

W:  I think it's best to look at this in stages. So we're talking about a conventional war of sorts; that war then eliciting the use of a nuclear weapon either by the Chinese or by the Iranians.

B:  Okay.

W:  Probably more likely by Iran, to stop it going any further. Then we're talking about an exchange of weapons and then a ceasefire before we have something that's no longer confined to a geographical area.

B:  What does that look like? Is this global? For instance, are you talking nuclear weapons on American territory, in Europe, and so forth?

W:  No. Global nuclear war wasn't mentioned.

B:  Okay.

W:  It was just purely geographical, Middle East.

B:  Okay. So actually some people would refer to this as the Armageddon war, the war that's been prophesied.

W:  Yes. That's right. For those who are looking down those roads, you know, it certainly highlights a time where this sort of thing is going to occur. But probably not the way they thought, because I can't emphasize this too much: people in general are going to be placed into such a state of panic and fear that they're going to wish for a strong government everywhere.

They won't call them totalitarian governments; they'll be military governments with the civil government still there but in a redundant mode. The military will call the shots — the same way as a general does in Afghanistan, or previously in Iraq. The general in command takes over the scene. He makes the calls.

So we have to imagine the same sort of thing within a country where you've got a military-based civil government, calling the shots, with the so-called elected government almost redundant. The military-based government will provide the security for the people who are living in these countries who have yet to be affected by this type of onslaught.

B:  Okay. What's the timing for this series of events, as best you know?

W:  As best I know… 18 months. It's definitely before 2012.

B:  Okay.

W:  Or around 2012, sometime in that year.

B:  Now somebody reading this will ask: Okay, so this is what they were discussing in 2005. How can you know that this plan is still on track, that things haven't changed radically, that they haven't abandoned it completely, that there hasn't been some big U-turn or epiphany here? What makes you so certain that this is still on track?

W:  Because of the events that have taken place since 2005. I think that's probably the most coherent way to look at it. We've already had a so-called financial collapse. It wasn't a collapse at all. It was a centralization of financial power. That's happened. It's certainly happened in the United States. It's most certainly happened in the United Kingdom. It's most certainly happened in France and in Germany. So all the key players in the Western world centralized their financial assets.

B:  Was this talked about in the meeting?

W:  Yes! It took up quite a large part of that meeting about how it was going to happen. Bear in mind where the meeting took place — in the City of London. The City is the financial hub of the world, beyond any question.

B:  So what you're saying then is that all of these things have happened according to their roll-out of this plan.

W:  That's right — and all the preparations that need to be in place before this type of conflict takes place, that's already been put in place too.

B:  Such as what? What are you referring to?

W:  Well you're talking about key figures taking over. Let's take a good example here and this is one that probably most people in the United Kingdom are unaware of, is that the British private security industry employs somewhere in the region of 500,000 people, which is far more than the UK military. The UK military is far smaller than that. The UK military is only a couple of hundred thousand. You're talking 500,000 people working in private security industry at the moment.

Now prior to 2005, there was no regulation for that. There was no training for them. There was no unification of that force of people. And behind the scenes — and this is something people should be able to be aware of, especially living in the UK — there was the 2001 Private Security Industry Act.

Now, that act meant that anybody working within the private sector had to undergo certain training. They also had to be police-checked. It makes a kind of civilian sense for people who are working in areas of such security responsibility should be police-checked.

These police checks… everything gets found out. It's not just if you've committed a crime or not. Believe me, you can find out far much more about that individual through a police check.

And then there's training.  This training is all about managing conflict: what to do in times of conflict, how to manage it, how to control it. And then they're taught how to use controlled force. It extends from there.

B:  So you're talking about handling problems of civil unrest and so on. This is all a setup for that.

W:  Indeed. You can take the protests that took place after the 2003 invasion of Iraq, here in the United Kingdom and in Western Europe and also in the States, but mostly in Western Europe. It was almost like a mass uprising against the war in Iraq. That won't be repeated again. It won't be.

But the people in this industry need to be lawfully empowered in order to do their job because they'll still be working protecting assets, so they'll still be doing their job. And at the moment as we speak the Security Industry Association is seeking and receiving more powers on top of the powers that they've already been given. They've already been licensed to operate legally within the civilian environment. Now they're getting the additional police powers they need.

It's not just for those in the British security industry; it's also those who are called "civilian enforcement officers": parking attendants, that sort of thing; community police officers; those who are aiding the police in order for them to do their job, they're getting powers commensurate with the responsibilities that's required to enable them to do the job effectively. So we're talking about powers of arrest; powers of detention; we're talking down those lines. And that's going to happen.

B:  Is this happening in other Western countries as well, do you know?

W:  Well, it's already occurred in other Western countries, places like France and Germany, where you've got several police forces working together. You don't have one police force, as it were, that you could identify and say: Well, they're the police. They've got other agencies and they all carry similar powers.

But those powers within the UK security industry just do not exist at the moment. They already exist in the United States and it's a United States model that's principally being used here.

B:  Okay. Now, before you got into those details, we were talking about the timeline — and I was asking you about what was your response to somebody who wanted to know how you could be so sure this was more or less on track, even though the meeting you attended was four years ago.

W:  Almost five years ago now.

B:  Almost five. Yes.

W:  Yes. All I can say, Bill, is that just take on board what I've mentioned, and if it does ring any bells with anyone — the veracity of what's said can then be checked by themselves if they wish to do so.

B:  Yes.

W:  Not everything's hidden. They can't possibly hide everything, and then they can put the pieces of the puzzle together themselves and then they'll find out that it's quite credible.

B:  Yes. I have to admit, it is very credible, which is very sobering. Right at the start of our conversation, you said that… this is my paraphrase… you said that this was a race against time from their point of view. Why?

W:  There's lots of things going to be happening within the next few years and it's all to do with power. Some of it, I don't fully understand myself, to be honest with you. But from what I do understand, there is quite a lot of power-brokering going on, and it's principally that those who have been in control of most of society for not just hundreds of years, but for thousands of years, wish that control to continue. And in order to do that, a sequence of events has to be manufactured in order for that to happen. What I've just described to you is probably the first part.

So we're going to head into this war, then after that… and I can't give you a timescale for when this is going to happen… there will be a geophysical event taking place on Earth which is going to affect everybody.

Now, by that time we will all have been through a nuclear and biological war. The Earth's population, if this happens, will be drastically reduced. When this geophysical event is going to take place, then those remaining will probably be halved again. And who survives that is going to determine who takes the world and its surviving population into the next era.

So we are talking about a post-cataclysmic-event era. Who's going to be in charge? Who's going to be in control? So it's all about that. And that's why they're so desperate for these things to happen within a set timeframe. Otherwise they'll lose out.

B:  Okay. Let me play devil's advocate here, and talk to me from your standpoint of having quite a lot of in-depth military experience and familiarity with military thinking. Why is the war and the establishment of the totalitarian government, and the atmosphere of fear, and so on and so forth, why is all that needed if there is going to be a major geophysical event, as you put it, which would further disrupt infrastructure, result in a lot of deaths, result in all manner of emergencies all over the world, earthquakes, tsunamis, goodness knows what. That alone would justify martial law in most countries and states of emergency and those same factions could easily justify assuming power in that kind of an emergency. Why is the war part of this scenario? I don't understand that.

W:  I think you have to look at it from a different point of view. After a cataclysmic event, there will be little or no structure. And if there's no structure, that means a structure has to be put back in place.

A structure needs to be in place before that happens with some sort of certainty that it will survive what's going to come — so that it can land on both feet the day after, and then remain in power and have the power that it's enjoyed previously.

B:  So, it's a justification for strengthening the critical parts of the infrastructure actually in preparation for the cataclysm which in routine civilian times might not be so strong. This is what you're saying?

W:  Indeed. And I'm going into an area where I can only give subjective views the same as any other person could, but the feeling, and it's a very intuitive one, is that they've got to get their act together now. They've got to get their powerbase properly in place. And the only way they're going to do that is to create the circumstances for that to happen, i.e., a conflict.

And we can all look back through history. Every war has achieved an aim. Besides the suffering, the human suffering that goes on, it's always achieved an aim. And the aim is always on the side of the victor.

So, we're looking at this totalitarian regime, which I believe is already totalitarian anyway. I mean, we do not have a democracy at all. Nobody's got a say. This has already been decided over and above anybody.

We don't matter, as it were. We really don't matter. They matter, and their power matters, and that's the only thing that's being thought about it. And I believe if you tapped into the mindset of someone who operates in that type of way, you'd understand what they're going to do and why they're doing it and why they want to control the endgame and be in power at the end of it, intact, because this geophysical event is going to be survivable.

B:  Do you have any indications when this is? This implies, from what you're saying, that they're kind of expecting something to happen in 2012. Is this a 2012 event?

W:  No, this isn't really centered around 21st December, 2012. I don't know what's going to happen on 21st December, 2012.

I've got strong suspicions that it's going to be something else, maybe something nice for everybody. I really don't know. But certainly around that time we're going to be in a conflict that's going to take as long as it takes. But we're talking about some years after 2012 when this geophysical event is going to take place. I've judged that to be in my lifetime.

B:  Okay. So let me feed this back to you, this roll-out of events you describe: the nuclear exchange and the ceasefire, and then the use of biological weapons… what you're saying is that this is going to result in such chaos actually that it will take a generation of humanity to rebuild all of that. And during all of that time there will have to be some kind of a heavy totalitarian infrastructure in order to cope with this on-going emergency and re-build. And then sometime in there, there's going to be this major geophysical event, but they've got to get started as soon as possible. Is that right?

W:  That's correct. That's right.

B:  Do you think that they know when this is happening? Or do you think they think it's just happening "sometime"?

W:  Yes. I think they've got a good idea of when it's going to happen. I don't know when that is. However, I've got this very strong feeling that it's going to happen in my lifetime, say within 20 years. You could probably bring that back even further — between now and ten years; between now and five years.

B:  Hm.

W:  You know, I really don't know. I wish I did know. It's something that I'd love to know, but we've now entered into that period where this geophysical event is about to take place, when we consider the length of time that's passed since the last one which happened about 11,500 years ago, and it happens round about 11,500 years, cyclically. It's now due to happen again.

B:  Yes.

W:  To what degree it's going to affect the world, one can only imagine, and I'm sure there's contingency plans in place right now for that event to happen because I believe that is widely known within these circles. They understand it's going to happen. They have a certainty of knowledge that it's going to happen. They may have a timeframe, and it appears likely that they have. Again, it's one of these things — it would be inconceivable if they didn't know. I mean, the best brains in the world will be working for them on this. You know? And they know all about it, and personally, I don't.

B:  Was this talked about in your meeting at all?

W:  No, it wasn't openly spoken about. Let me summarize what was discussed at the meeting:

Iran will be attacked, possibly within 18 months. China will come to the aid of Iran, to protect its own interests. Nuclear weapons will be used either by Iran or China, with Israel provoking the first use. Much of the Middle East will be laid to waste. Millions will die within a very short period of time. And for some reason this is here, and I can't tell you why: China will move forcibly into parts of Russia to extend ceasefire lines. Thereafter, biological weapons will be deployed against China. China will "catch a cold".

And my own understanding is that there's some sort of malevolent ET alliance at work for 50 years by the UK and US and other Western powers, and this includes Japan.

And, again, when we talk about a malevolent ET alliance that's in the context of black projects, and this is an exchange of technologies that's been going on for some considerable time. So there is an involvement there, and that involvement I can't fully explain myself.

And I also understand that there are more humanitarian and altruistic ET entities working against this timeline and are somehow maintaining a precarious balance without taking any direct intervention themselves. And again, I can't fully explain that but it's a certain intuitive feeling that this is working and there's other aspects of my experience that's led me to make that statement — but that's another story.

So what we're talking about is the Western powers seeking a 'perfect war' — doing so throughout the 20th century right up till the present day, because this timeline goes way back. So we're talking decades or hundreds of years of time where this timeline has been in use.

And also I think it's quite important to associate the timeline with its other reference which I've heard several times now: it's called THE ANGLO-SAXON MISSION. I feel that's important to add because that may ring some bells with some people as I don't think it's been mentioned before.

B:  I've heard that phrase before. I don't want to digress here, but the flag which I've got against that — and actually which I'm really starting to understand and it's as chilling as it gets, from what you're saying — that the reason why it's called The Anglo-Saxon Mission is because basically the plan is to wipe out the Chinese so that after the cataclysm and when things are rebuilt, it will be the Anglo-Saxons who are in a position to rebuild and inherit the new Earth, with no one else around. Is that right?

W:  Whether that's right I really don't know, but I would agree with you. Through the 20th century at least, and even before into the 19th and 18th centuries, the history of this world has been predominantly run from the West and from the Northern region on the planet. Others have tried but failed.

And it's safe to say that World War One and World War Two were manufactured wars. I'm quite sure of that. And they were used as stepping-stones to get to where they are now. Any historian will tell you that if that didn't happen, this wouldn't have happened. We wouldn't have had the United Nations; we wouldn't have had the United States of America becoming a superpower in such a short period of time. They became a superpower within four years of war. And they ended up with nuclear weapons.

People, I feel, have got to bring this into their own personal agendas. The West becoming the predominant force in the world is there. It's beyond question.

B:  Retrospectively looking back on it, you can see a sort of long-term strategy that extends over a number of generations even though one couldn't see the wood for the trees at the time.

W:  That's the nature of people — really. You know, we just live our own lives with those of our families and those close to us and do the best we can.  It's not very often that we stick our heads above the parapet and have a good look around to see what's really happening. We're not very good at doing that, I'm afraid.

I'm a good example. I've been involved in so many things, I've just got my head down and just got on with what I was doing, ignoring what was going on, possibly subconsciously denying what was happening until I really had to say something about it.

B:  Yes. Just on a personal note, it must be quite hard living with this personal experience that you've had of being party to these conversations and knowing that this isn't just some fantasy because you heard these people talking about this, laughing about it.

W:  Well, it was quite informal. I mean, they were very comfortable talking about this.

How can I describe the people who I'm talking about better? The people who I'm talking about are people who exude power. They elicit fear.  They demand obedience and by God do they get it! And by the way they talk they're dictating to the so-called elected governments that we've got in Parliament or in Washington or in Berlin or in Paris. These people exude that kind of power, and beyond that what can I say?

I'm sure other people have come across characters like that in their lives. There's not a compassionate bone in their body. They do not resonate any spiritual warmth whatsoever. They're cold, they're calculating. To use a phrase that's common here, "butter wouldn't melt in their mouth".

B:  A lot of people out there speculate that at some level, maybe not at the level of the people who you were meeting with in the room, but at some level, in this behind-the-scenes government that is orchestrating this entire plan, lies a non-human intelligence.

And one of the arguments for that is that it takes an enormous amount of long-term thinking, strategic cunning, to plan going over many generations, which is the result of an extremely high intelligence just to play this chess game on such an enormous scale. So some people, myself included, suggest that this must be a non-human intelligence that's behind this.

W:  Yes. And my perception is that this intelligence is incredibly logical, without any empathy, without any love, care, understanding or compassion. They're cold and calculating and logical beyond any logic that we could muster normally. They go well beyond that — they're such supremely intelligent people. These are people who can produce answers to really difficult questions without blinking an eye. They are very, very bright people, but bright only in the sense that their logic is extraordinary.

B:  What can ordinary people do? How should they react? How should they think? Do you personally feel that this is inevitable? Do you think we're all doomed in some way?

W:  No, absolutely not. I've often thought about this, Bill, and this of course is a personal view: We will endure. But to endure, from one person to the next, is not to work for them anymore. It's to stop working for them. It's not to react violently against them because they'll win. They would love that to happen, then it gives them an excuse. They breed on fear and violence — the reaction from fear. That would be like bees to honey for them. They would love that to happen.

What's needed is non-violent reaction: simply just not doing the job for them any more. To give a comparison, Bill. There was a man who history has largely ignored. He was a Frenchman, by the name of Jean Jaurès. It's always surprised me why this incredible character has never entered the history books. He's quite well known in France in some circles, but not widely known.

He predicted the First World War happening. He wanted the International Workers' Movement to not comply with the royal families and aristocracy, and when you read about him you'll find this out yourself. Just a couple of months before the outbreak, when the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand took place in Serbia, Jaurès was assassinated in a French café. They killed him. He was shot dead, and with him went that movement.

Prior to World War One, he saw the writing on the wall. He saw the aristocracies and the royal families of Europe pitting themselves against one another, in a big battle.  He knew that France and Germany, the United Kingdom were all industrialized nations. He further realized that being industrialized, the next war will be an industrial war where millions of people might be killed.

He formed a movement which some have termed as communist. It was the International Workers' Movement, and it's got nothing to do with politics. His idea was for the ordinary person not to do anything, not to go to war, just stay at home and they wouldn't have the war they wanted.

I personally believe that if non-violence is adopted and people become more awake to what's happening, then these people very, very quickly lose the power that they've got. They feed on power. They feed on fear. So if you take these elements away from them they become powerless.  They need us to do what they're doing. They can't do it on their own even though they'll be damn dangerous in any event, but they can't do it all on their own.

And that would be my message is just to wake up a bit, see what's happening about us, put our heads above the parapet and without fearing to do that, without feeling afraid, take a deep breath, have a look around, see what's happening, and then people will soon realize: Oh yeah. Okay. This is where we're gonna go. This is where we're heading and there's not much I can do about it. But they can!

As I've said, it's not to react violently. And if people are in positions where these people need them, just don't work for them. Just stop working for them. Take your labor away because they need the troops who are going to do this work. We're not just talking about people in the military. We're talking about every civilian member in all the populations right across the globe. Just say: No, because this is not us. This is not what we want to do.

And it's making that choice. It sounds ridiculously simple. I think the execution of it is that simple and it's well within our power as human beings, conscious living, breathing, human beings who have a shared compassion for one another to do that. Because if we don't, they'll carry on and then they'll realize their endgame.

B:  Do you think, from your own military experience, that there are enough people in the military who are saying: You know what? I didn't sign up for this. I'm not going to do this. Or do you think that they'll buy into all the justifications that are being set up at the moment?

W:  Well, by and large the Western military is not a conscripted army. It's a professional army, and it prides itself on its professionalism. It prides itself on acting on behalf of the people who elected the government who sent them out to do the job that they're doing. It's a very difficult question to answer. And of course, these troops are superbly trained and they believe, they wholly believe, as I did when I was in the military, that you're doing the job for all the right reasons.

If it became clear to people who are in such professions — this is not just the military; we're talking about the emergency services, the police, all those who've made their way into the security industry, we're talking about all these people. If enough voices were heard, then those in the military who have not achieved any significant rank, who have no particular stake in the game, will then wake up themselves just as soon as anybody else.

But it's got to be borne in mind that the Western powers have professional military services, and it's a difficult thing to do to make it clear and let these guys and girls know that they're not fighting the right people.

B:  Sure. Let me ask a different question. Was there reference to "safe or safer places to be"? Physically, I mean.

W:  No. None at all.

B:  Nothing like the southern hemisphere is okay, the northern hemisphere is going to be a problem? Nothing like that?

W:  No, not at that meeting. That wasn't mentioned at all.

B:  Okay. Another question I'd like to ask you, and it's a fascinating one to debate among people who are tuned in to this whole area, is a personal one: why do you feel that the benevolent ETs, and I'm sure that they exist, why do you think that they don't step in to say: Okay, guys, normally we're hands-off, but this is getting serious here and we're not going to allow this to happen. Is that possible? Why do they maintain such a distance?

W:  Well, first things first. "These benevolent ETs" — I don't actually like calling them "ETs"… I believe that these people are us and we are them.

B:  Yes.

W:  They've been around for a lot longer than the regime that's in power at the moment. This present regime, this power-based regime, some have called them reptilians, and I've got no problem at all calling them that because that's exactly what they're like — totally cold-hearted. They've been around much, much longer and they're the ones who have really made humanity what it is today.

Interventions? I believe they've been intervening in the best ways that they can. But we're talking about very spiritually evolved beings, as the human race is very spiritually evolved — maybe that's why we come back here so often, back to this planet.

But for these people who are us and we are them, as I mentioned, they don't see time the same way that we understand time here within the physical world. For them, 11,500 years ago was a blink of an eye. It was nothing, and they already know what the endgame is going to be. They believe, as I believe, that this regime that's in power at the moment who wish this total dominance over the Earth and everything that's in it, are not going to win. They're having their time now and their time is about to end.

B:  On what basis do you feel that? This is very important for people reading this transcript because some people will be feeling numbed and shocked at the information that you've presented, thinking: Oh God, we're really stitched up here.

W:  Yes, I think if you take it from the purely physical point of view. It doesn't mean that we've all got suicidal minds or something like that. We all want our lives; we all cherish our lives; everybody does. We love our lives and we want to experience them fully in all ways, in the best way we possibly can.

We're currently being prevented from doing so because of this regime, which is based in fear; it's all about fear. And the greatest fear that we've got physically is fear of death, and that's part of the greatest power that they've got over us, is this type of fear, this anxiety that they can raise or lower — which they're doing all the time.

I can't think of a moment when this hasn't happened, when this fear doesn't come out and then we react to it the way that we do. It seems perfectly natural. But what happens when we don't, stop feeling this and say: Well, it's only fear. We can get over this, then that's tapping into who we really are.

I don't yet believe there are enough people around at the moment who know who they are. They define themselves by their own physical existence, which is all fear-based, and it's cyclical, and they just can't get out of it. And obviously they need to find their way out of it.

I believe, personally, that come this shift — I call it a shift because that's what I believe is going to happen; the Earth's crust is going to shift round about 30 degrees, about 1700 to 2000 miles southwards, and it will cause a huge upheaval, effects of which will last for a very long time to come. But the human race isn't going to die off. We're still going to be here. It's who we are at the end of that — is where my mind is. And as for this regime, that's where their mind is. This is why they're doing what they're doing because they want to be in control at the end of it.

Now, if we're talking about intervention, this is when there will be an intervention by the "benevolent ETs." The people who are really us, this is when it may happen, but I don't know. I've got a strong intuitive feeling it will, but at the moment the situation that we have right now is not conducive for that type of intervention. Not right now.

They don't feel it's the right time. And in any event, physical life is only a very, very small part of who we really are, so how much importance do you place on that, knowing that when you walk from this door into the next door, you're back home anyway?

So all that's got to be taken into consideration, and I'm sure there's people out there who could articulate this far better than I'm articulating this right now. I can only articulate this from a very personal point of view and that's what I feel intuitively might happen. And I say might knowing full well that I can be certain within my own self that that sort of thing will happen, and it's just the pain that we have to go through of reaching that point where this regime will no longer have the power that they've got.

People wakening up, finding out what's going on around them and really having a good look, and raising their conscious levels as they've never done before, and then everything will click into place quite quickly. And when it does, the power that these people have will just fall off them like a towel, you know, just fall right off them, and they'll be exposed for what they are.

B:  That's a very inspiring thought. Do you feel personally that… Let me specify a number of alternatives: That the whole war might not happen at all; that the whole thing will just fall apart? Or that all of this will fall apart after the war but before the cataclysm? Or that all of this will fall apart after the cataclysm and that the Meek will inherit the Earth, let's say?

W:  Yes. This is an extremely good question. Let's consider two things: the first thing is the sheer determination on the part of this regime, for want of a better word, the sheer determination that they have to have this done. They're desperate. They're going full-out for this to happen. They're creating the scenarios, the in, the out. It's relentless; it's non-stop; there's no breathing space. And when there is breathing space, I mean, when people start to relax about things, something else will pop up to keep us within that grip of fear that they've generated.

That is a hugely powerful force that they have, massively powerful, and it should never be underestimated. It's the sort of thing that drives good, honest people around the bend, putting people early into their graves through stress and anxiety. It's coming away from that and seeing it for what it is.

If there's enough people who can raise the levels of awareness and just see what's happening, then everybody else will bring their heads up. I think it only needs one or two people to put their head up and just say: Yep. All's clear, and everybody else will come up. Then you'll see them all around the world, in various countries, just a new feeling, a better feeling than what we've had before, and that's all about individuals empowering themselves by acknowledging who they really are.

And it's nothing mystical. It's nothing deeply cultish or anything like that. It's got very little to do with religion. It's all about the human spirit and the consciousness which we live through and that we all share and knowing that consciousness is undoubtedly shared by all of us — but is presently suppressed. And we have to get past those suppressive forces in order to realize who we are. When that happens — all else will follow quite naturally and that regime, dangerous as they are — I can't emphasize this too much: These are damn dangerous people, extremely dangerous — their power will go.

B:  This is extremely close to what David Icke talks about. It's extremely close to what Dr. Bill Deagle talks about, and to what we've talked about a number of times.

W:  Yes.

B:  That there's a rise in consciousness going on on the planet, but they're desperately trying to close the lid and to accelerate their own plans so that they can put in place the iron fist of control. Things may get worse before they get better, but they're not going to win out in the end because consciousness transcends all the force and all the military might and all the strategic planning that they could put into place. And it's a question of that collective consciousness continuing to expand, as it seems to be.

And this interview here that we're doing needs to play a part in that. Because it's not about scaring people witless and having them all hide in bunkers with emergency food. It's actually about saying: Listen, it doesn't have to be like this if we can be as big as we are, and as brave as we can be, and as strong as we can be, and realize who we really are. And if enough of us do that, then this just isn't going to roll out like that.

W:  That's right. I'm coming out saying exactly this. I realize I'm not saying anything that's unique at all, but as you're indicating, it's got to be repeated. People have got to be aware that there's hope, and things need not be the way they are. They never needed to be the way they are. It can be far, far better.

It's getting over the fear; it's this fear that people need to get over. We don't have to be psychiatrists or psychologists or anything like that — they only deal with the mind. We don't have to be religious leaders or great spiritual thinkers to be aware of this, because we all have it within us. It's inherent within us. So it's a matter of looking into oneself and then becoming comfortable with who you are; then you'll have a knowing of what's going on and know that it's wrong. And everybody else… it will just spread.

Even those who've been indoctrinated into this regime of fear will not be able to resist it because to do so is just resisting themselves and who they really are. And it's a wonderful thing; it's what this universe is all about and what this whole experience is all about. And it will make these periods, these last so many thousands of years, be just… not even a bad memory… just like: Hm! Well, we've learnt from that. Okay? And we'll make sure that doesn't happen again, and that these kind of characters who can produce this kind of fear, you know, don't ever get a power base here again.

So, yes, I think those days are coming and if it does happen in time — and 'time' is one of those words that you use very carefully because this regime is very time-based, where the human consciousness isn't really concerned with time so much, but they definitely are because of the physical nature of the Earth. It does things at certain times. You know, we have seasons: spring, summer, autumn, winter. The shift that's coming is just like another season.

What's going to happen is geophysical change; it's another season, and a very aware humanity could most possibly take this in their stride and come out the other end of it very well indeed.

I know you mentioned about safe places for people to go. I really don't know. But from a personal point of view, I know where I should be, and where I should be is where I am right now. Whether it's safe or not is immaterial; it's where I should be right now, and I feel comfortable with that.

B:  Yes. When people ask us that question about where they should be, we always reflect it back and point out that the answer is going to be different for every individual, based upon things that no one else apart from them can really know.

Some people may need to stay put; some people may need to travel, but the reason for that might be because they've got somebody to meet and something to do in some other location. It really depends on so many factors, not just a question of: what's objectively safe and where should we hide? It's got more to do with: how can we best deploy all of the abilities that we have here and now to do whatever it is that we're here to do? And that's going to be individual to everybody.

W:  Absolutely. It is. I think the more aware that people become, the fear factor goes. We don't live in that fear, so what you previously feared may no longer be a fear for that individual or for that group of people, for that matter. It just won't be there.

That's not to say there won't be any concerns, there won't be any pain or things like that; of course there will. But on top of all that, the fears that we currently experience, the physical fears of the uncertainties and the unpredictable nature of things, will be gone — they'll just go. We'll be left being the people who we are, and I think the human race as a whole is pretty damn wonderful.

B:  Yes. That's a wonderful thing for people to take with them, something that we've often mentioned. There's a wonderful movie. It goes back to 1984, a Jeff Bridges movie called Starman. The starman is an alien visitor who's here for peaceful purposes, trying to understand the human race because he's got caught up in a strange situation. And he's trying to get back home.

Towards the end of the movie he says: Would you like to know what I find beautiful about your species? You are at your best when things are at their worst.

I've never forgotten that line. It's got to do the with the fact that what's marvelous about the human race is the ability to transcend problems and reach deep within themselves to produce the very best out of themselves in the worst situations. And of course, in the military that kind of situation is almost a tradition, that under extraordinary pressure you have people behaving with incredible heroism, and it's that response to pressure that makes us wonderful.

W:  Yes, it's more noticeable in the military because that gets reported out. Human consciousness and how we exist through this physical world is extremely resilient. A good point to consider is that we may think sometimes we've got a deadlock in ethical thinking about some things, but we don't really. Things simply differ from one person to the next which I think is another wonderful thing because it can keep conversations going for ever and ever, which is fantastic.  The dialog we have helps us to understand ourselves so much better.

But it transcends deadlock, I think. It goes beyond that. It goes beyond what we know to be ethically right and so forth. It takes it to a different level when these things happen, when our resilience is tested to this extreme. We're all capable of doing very wonderful things and it looks likely, very likely, that we're on the cusp of where that resilience is going to be tested to the extreme.

I'm going to emphasize again that we're playing against very dangerous people, extremely dangerous people, incredibly powerful people. And I know from my own experience that not many people have had first-hand experience with that type of power and how it exudes, and how it affects one's person… it can make you very, very sick, make you ill to the point of breakdown. Or you join in with them, become subservient and be sycophantic to everything that they want to do, because the people who do work for them and do their bidding — and there's quite a large number of them — are incredibly obedient and incredibly servile. They're not what you call "free spirits" at all. You know, they've been taken in, taken in by them.

Maybe that's something that people should begin to be aware of, of the kind of power that they hold at the moment, and I don't think that's been fully grasped yet. People are trying to see in between the margins to find out what's going on and getting snippets of information, and those snippets are going to be very, very important.

But to act against them in any way, it can be quite disastrous. I've had that experience and I think many, many other people have too. So this is maybe why we should tell exactly who they are, should announce ourselves and be fearless about it. It's because of that fear… that's at the base of all that still exists.

B:  Something that we spoke about earlier when we had a conversation a few days ago was there's a supreme arrogance in these people, which you've experienced at first-hand, which George Green described when we first met and talked to him about a year and three-quarters ago. He said: They think they've won. They're not worried about anything any more. They're not trying to silence all the alternative media. Not really, you know. It's not going to make any difference. What difference is a couple of voices going to make? The plan's still going to roll out. It's not going to make any difference at all, they believe, what you or I might say.

W:  Well I go along with what George Green said. He's painted a far better picture than I could, because that's exactly what it's like. They are incredibly arrogant. Along with their other attributes that they have, there is that arrogance there. It's quite tangible. Yes. And they're just comfortable about what they're doing, totally comfortable. They're not hiding around and sneaking about. I mean, these are quite open people, some of them, public figures.

B:  Okay. Now, is there anything that we missed? Is there anything that you wanted to say but didn't have a chance to fully enlarge on? Is there anything you want to add that I haven't even asked you about?

W:  There's still such a story to tell, I think, because I'm very aware that people need to see a decent level of credibility in what I've been describing to you, and I guess that's always a difficulty. But all I can really say is I've been aware of this timeline since the early '70s, too young to understand what it was at the time. In fact it seemed to me quite an exciting thing that was going on, and that was the first time I ever heard of the existence of the "Anglo Saxon Mission."

And details of what I know, I feel if I started mentioning names in particular and what was mentioned and where I was at the time, might compromise the Official Secrets Act, which I'm still party to in so many aspects. I say the military. Where it's in a civilian environment, then no; I feel happy talking about that.

I wish there was a way that I could describe other events, which you're aware of, and do so in a manner that would allow people to understand me far better than I've explained here. Then they'd see exactly where I'm coming from, where I've been, and what I've been through. I feel that then people could rationalize what's been said far better.

But I do feel that what's been said so far is enough for people, if they so wish, to have a look themselves and uncover a few stones. And if anything of significance does come out of it which other people can corroborate, that would be fantastic. That would be good, because evidence… You know, I know it's so crucial to do things like this, and there's no smoking gun as such. There's only one person reporting something that happened five years ago, principally, but there is a much, much larger story around that which you are aware of, and we need to be extremely careful about where we go with that.

B:  There are many people, of course, who do have access to the same information you do. This is something that is known by thousands of people in finance and the military and politics. It's widely known. It's a very small proportion of the world's population, but it's still very widely known.

W:  Absolutely. Yes.

B:  And something that we've always encouraged, and we say it again here, is that we encourage anyone who has experienced it first-hand or even at second-hand, any aspect of this, to please step forward and know that there's safety in numbers. Know that the more people who break ranks and have the courage that you have to speak out, the more will be heard, the more will be understood, and the whole thing will be like a gradually rolling snowball. The snowball is rolling. It's quite small, but it is rolling.

W:  Oh, it is. It is. There'll come a time where names will be named if there's enough public support, and we will demand answers from those people.

So when enough fruit from the tree of evidence comes off, then these people can be properly challenged, and then we can see a far different story, you know, emerge from the one that people like myself are giving you. It'll become more real, far more real. We can do that. We can take people to task.

B:  Okay. All right. This is very, very important. I want to close by saying: thank you for your courage, and thank you for your spirit.

W:  Thank you very much, too, Bill.

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Jim Humble

MMS in Africa: treating HIV and Cancer

January 2010


I first met Jim Humble in November 2008, and my interview with him is available here.

For those who are unaware of Jim’s work, he is the inventor of MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution) which, according to Jim, two million people worldwide have used to successfully and rapidly treat a range of serious illnesses and other viral conditions – with very little cost and with comparatively little difficulty. I have personally received many testimonies of the apparent benefits of MMS – and witnessed several apparent miracles first-hand.

I had the pleasure of interviewing him again at Thomas Kirschner’s house in Southern Germany in January [2010] after Jim had flown to Europe from Africa for a week. Thomas is the editor of the German NEXUS Magazine and has done a huge amount to support and assist Jim. He is also a longstanding friend of Camelot and Avalon.

As you’ll see in the video, Jim has been getting some quite remarkable results. He has been very successfully treating hundreds of patients with AIDS and cancer and has collected reports of patients with AIDS being restored to full health within three weeks using a particular protocol which he has developed. He describes what he calls ‘MMS 2’, which he says works particularly effectively in conjunction with MMS 1 for treating cancer.

Of interest to some of you may be one project (added as an outtake – nothing to do with MMS, and which he’s not devoted any time to recently) which is so off-the-wall that it’s barely believable, and which I would not believe myself if Jim had not given his word to me that he was reporting his experiences accurately.

That project is an accidental discovery of a chemical – again, chemical – way of transmuting radioactive materials to (a) eliminate all traces of radioactivity within three days and (b) create as a by-product a residue of precious metals that produces a profit of about $1000 (over costs) per ton of radioactive material processed.

The process features slow, high-temperature burning using particular chemical agents. I include that here as a teaser. Anyone with any understanding of mainstream physics or chemistry will of course know that this is [supposed to be] quite impossible. You can hear the anecdote at the end of the video.

A lovely soundbite, also added as an outtake, was my asking Jim what had happened to his hat. He said he had stopped wearing it in Africa because it made him “too easy to recognize”, and that not wearing it might give him an extra few seconds to escape someone wanting to shoot him. We then had a very funny conversation about whether or not I should follow his example.

Besides presenting some information that might be extremely valuable for anyone who is seriously ill, the video is also great fun for anyone who loves and respects Jim and his remarkable work. Enjoy 🙂       

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Click here for Jim Humble’s personal website.
Click here for Bill Ryan’s first [Project Camelot] interview with him in November 2008.



2009 : A year in the life of Project Camelot


2009 has for us been quite a wild ride. What the coming year holds for us, we can't know. But while we co-create the future together, we're all informed by the past. Here is my (Bill's) personal view of the journey we have had during the last twelve months.


We began the year traveling to Vilcabamba in Ecuador to speak at a weekend event at Dr Brian O'Leary's magnificent retreat, Montesuenos: he'd generously called it the Camelot Conference. Many traveled from all over the world to be there and we marveled at the inspiring, aesthetic environment that Brian has created. We made new friends, rode into the cloud forest on horseback, and visited the extraordinary house where Carol Rosin lived for a while. We met and interviewed Ricardo Silva, and while we were there we published our report about Jake Simpson, who we'd met in October 2008 while passing through Thailand.


After each returning home, we met again at the LA Conscious Life Expo where, by happenstance sitting in the coffee shop, we were approached by Dane Tops and Alex Collier for the first time: both memorable encounters. From there we drove to Laughlin, interviewed Jim Marrs and Joe Farrell, and recorded a marvelous informal conversation with our great friend Bob Dean. We returned to Sedona, where Kerry was then still living, and recorded our interview with David Icke which has now had 380,000 views and which David felt at that time was the best interview representation of his life and work to date.


We interviewed Brian O'Leary's friend Wade Frazier, a highly respected advocate for and historian of the movement to bring the reality of Free Energy to public awareness.


We released an interview with Elizabeth Nelson, a first-hand witness to the decision to shoot down Flight 93 over Pennsylvania on 9/11. "Swine Flu" broke out in Mexico, and Dr Bill Deagle famously stated that "the hammer may have fallen". The outbreak triggered nothing less than an international movement to publicize the dangers of the vaccine and long-established Illuminati plans to reduce the world's population. Jane Burgermeister was one of several blowing the whistle on the hastily covered-up Czech Republic Baxter H5N1 incident. Meanwhile, "Mary" blew the whistle on a credible and highly alarming scenario that caused many to believe that the US might be plunged into crisis within months.


I had the privilege of meeting Erich von Däniken and was able to record a short and delightful interview. A group in Zurich started organizing a conference featuring David Wilcock, Brian O'Leary, Dan Burisch and Marci McDowell. Some of the organizers were attacked quite heavily and a number of highly strange events occurred. Meanwhile, Kerry and a California-based team started organizing the Awake & Aware in Los Angeles conference.


We began our American Freedom Radio show, an interesting experience. Some conversations with guests were of very high quality, but there was a fair amount of unintended comedy as we wrestled with the new medium with mixed success. Kerry postponed the LA Conference after Dan Burisch and Alex Collier told her they would not be able to appear. Kerry interviewed Dr Len Horowitz, and we collaborated with David Wilcock to meet and interview Dr Pete Peterson at length, the first time the three of us had interviewed a new Camelot witness together.


The first of three eventful summer months. The Conference in Zurich was a great success and in many ways gave critical momentum to the international Groundcrew movement. During the speakers' panel Dan Burisch was heckled from the back of the room after appearing to uncritically condone the methodology of vaccination. Henry Deacon, who unknown to the rest of the audience had been present as a delegate, spontaneously took the stage during the break in Dr Brian O'Leary's presentation on Free Energy to confirm that he had witnessed an overunity Casimir device in operation at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey. He revealed his real name, showed his passport, and received a standing ovation. This public appearance was Henry's own admirable initiative. I had actually tried to dissuade him from coming (recommending that he instead attend the Camelot conference in LA, by now rescheduled for September) as I had a number of concerns which seem retrospectively to have been justified. 

Soon after, Kerry flew to Europe for the Exopolitics Congress in Barcelona, where we had been asked to moderate a discussion between all the delegates. All except Steven Greer accepted the organizers' invitation to take part. Henry Deacon (who had been invited to the conference by the Barcelona organizers after his impromptu Zurich appearance) went on stage with Kerry at the end of Bob Dean's presentation to confirm that he had been to Mars as part of a highly classified program that was still ongoing. We were able to record a Futuretalk with Alfred Webre, Bob Dean and Henry, in the middle of which Steven Greer's PR representative appeared announcing that Dr Greer wished to be interviewed immediately. We were unprepared, and the resulting conversation became highly controversial. We stand by the validity and importance of the challenges that we put to Dr Greer on record.


We interviewed Dr Paul LaViolette, then spoke at the rapidly-convened Amsterdam Conference which was another great success: George Green spoke via Skype, Desiree Rover spoke on vaccinations, Andreas Kalcker, who had flown from Barcelona with a modified motorcycle engine in his luggage, demonstrated his GEET technology on camera, and Henry Deacon spoke publicly about personal protocols against swine flu. The entire conference was streamed live on Ustream thanks to the efforts of Dan Bender. This was the last time we saw Henry, and we are not optimistic we will ever see or hear from him again. He intimated that he had been threatened, and we later heard from an insider source that he had effectively been removed and deterred from public appearance after his public Mars declaration. Henry was a brave and principled man who was highly vulnerable in a number of ways and we deeply regret the culmination of this sequence of events. We are reminded again that many players become injured in this often-tough game. 

After the Amsterdam conference we interviewed Patrick Geryl, and decided between us that this would be the first interview we published where we stated a disclaimer that we did not support Geryl's apocalyptic conclusions. Clif High subsequently endorsed Geryl publicly. But Kerry and I hold firm in our view that such dramatic fear-mongering is irresponsible, is of little or no value, and is incorrectly and unscientifically founded.


While in Amsterdam we learned that Eagles Disobey had incorrectly characterized a number of events that had ensued in the previous month, but we were unable to make contact with Marci McDowell to correct what at the time we felt sure were misunderstandings. When it became clear that any correction or clarification from ourselves would not be heard, we accepted with reluctance that here was the loss of another two friends. Dan Burisch's testimony is retained on our site as we remain confident that what he has always stated to us on and off record was faithfully reported. We regard him as a man of high integrity who has never knowingly lied to us and, like Henry, we continue to regard him as our friend. 

We had an enjoyable morning being interviewed by Arjan Bos, the first time Kerry and I had really told some of our personal story. But the month was not yet over. To our surprise, Jeff Rense published a smear piece about Camelot to which I replied here. My response generated a huge number of generous messages in strong support which we would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge. To our greater surprise, we later discovered that the Rense article had been written by Dr Richard Sauder.


Meanwhile, Jessica Schab, one of our Camelot interviewees had interviewed Andrew Basiago, releasing this as a marathon 39-part YouTube video. We had first spoken with Andy, off-record and at length in early 2008, and we support his extraordinary story just as we support Henry Deacon's. (Henry's detailed testimony on our site was the reason Andy had initially contacted us.) We look forward to a full Camelot interview – long overdue – with Andy sometime in 2010.


I was invited to speak in Poland, on return from which I passed through Vienna and presented Jane Burgermeister to the world on video for the first time as the very real, sincerely motivated and human person that she is. And then came the Camelot Awake & Aware in LA Conference, another highly significant success featuring a substantial cadre of exceptional speakers. Jordan Maxwell stepped up to the plate to stand in for Dr Pete Peterson, who at the last moment was unable to attend because of a medical problem. This short Rebecca Jernigan interview with us, on the closing day of the conference, is well worth listening to. A week later we met with Jordan at length, with David Wilcock in support, and this wonderful interview, besides enabling telling Jordan to tell his story very effectively, featured Kerry at her most inspired and brilliant. We extend our warmest wishes to Jordan here and look forward to talking with him on record again on 2010. At my insistence but with Kerry's eventual full agreement we pulled the plug on our radio show, and, last but not least, we recorded an audio interview – released as a transcript to protect him – with Dane Tops [pseudonym], who had played a pivotal part in the break-up of the Church of Scientology in the early 1980s.


We were invited to speak at David Turley's Brussels Groundcrew conference, innovative inasmuch as it featured a number of interviews (some of them in quite some depth) which Kerry and I conducted on stage with guests via a Skype video link. We were privileged to talk with Edgar Mitchell, Gerald Celente, Stan Deyo, Lloyd Pye, and Matthew Stein, and I did a solid on-stage interview with Gabriele Stähler on vitamin D3 which seems to have been valuable to many. All these months, the swine flu and vaccination scenario had been rumbling ominously on, fueled by the extraordinary Joseph Moshe incident in LA that generated a huge amount of conspiratorial debate (yes, he is still in prison in LA: no, he is not the Israeli microbiologist of the same name). While in Brussels Kerry and I gave an excellent video interview with Mel and Richard from Freedom Central, but two days later the tapes were burgled in circumstances of the highest strangeness and the interview was lost. A month later, Mel later re-recorded the interview with me (Kerry having by then returned to the US): recommended viewing as a personal worldview and a good summary of Camelot's work. We then traveled to Poland together to speak at a conference there, and interviewed Igor Witkowski (historian and researcher of the 'Nazi Bell') and artifacts researcher Klaus Dona. These two interviews are still being edited and we intend to release them this month.


In November David Icke came to Zurich, another event organized by the Swiss Groundcrew. We interviewed Clay and Shawn Pickering in great depth on their US Navy contact who had extensive, official, first-hand experience with two strange ET races, and ended the month with a wonderful interview with James Martinez on his close friend and colleague Walter Bowart, author of the classic Operation Mind Control. 27 November came and went, a date given to Kerry, David Wilcock and myself by Dr Pete Peterson as a tentatively scheduled disclosure announcement by President Obama. Despite the astrobiology conference organized at the Vatican in early November, the world is still waiting for formal confirmation of the ET presence. Clif High published his Open Letter to Project Camelot after I'd criticized him for his public attacks on Dr Bill Deagle's integrity. Kerry straight away invited him to her new radio show to debate the issues publicly with her and myself. Perhaps wisely, Clif declined.


We made the Project Avalon Forum free to members once again, a move welcomed by members and moderators alike but which caused quite a lot of work as a number of people jumped in to cause as much trouble as they could without having to pay for the privilege. Kerry launched Project Light Warrior, I started a question-and-answer thread on the Avalon Forum that has had 94,000 views, the Camelot translation project was launched (John, our translation co-ordinator, is working with a multinational team of nearly 100 people: our warm regards to them all) – and they are now working closely with our long-established transcription team, a bunch of true heroes, to handle the substantial backlog of transcripts to be edited and posted. 

We both greatly enjoyed the wonderful AVATAR movie, and marveled at the enigmatic Norway Spiral. And we are now emerging from a Christmas break after a year that has felt rather longer than a mere twelve months, has left us a little bruised but with our resolve undented, and has prompted us to discuss how most effectively to continue our work into 2010 each from our different yet closely-aligned bases of perspective, personality, interest, mission and expertise. We have a great deal of work to do yet, and Planet Earth is not yet out of the woods. [We note that no disasters have yet happened, and share the view that this is likely to be a direct result of preventative action on many levels. Never forget that whistleblowers blow whistles for a reason.]


We continue to live in critical times, and Kerry and I stand shoulder to shoulder in our commitment to do whatever we can, as part of a huge team of others, seen and unseen, to assist the transition of the human race towards a New Civilization. That may take longer than just another three years. There's an enormous clean-up still to do, both of our planet and of the Augean Stables. The ecosphere is on the edge of irreversible change and in my personal view it's not quite so simple as hoping that we will all somehow magically Ascend out of the mess we've co-created. First, we have to face what we have done. There may be no easy exit yet. 

As always, we're united in encouraging all of you to do what you can (if you don't know what to do, start doing what you came here to do): to stand together rather than fall separately: to be kind and yet always truthful: to commit to action trusting that the angels will support you: and to be the change you want to see in the world – which is the only one we presently have.


We deeply appreciate all the communications we receive, even if it's often impossible for us to reply. We couldn't have done what we've done without you. And finally, last and never ever least, I want to thank my Camelot partner Kerry: one of the bravest, most passionate, and most committed people I've ever known.

Bill Ryan
2 January 2010

Aaron McCollum Operation Stargate (with Transcript)


Aaron McCollum | Gulf of Aden – Project Stargate
Los Angeles, January 2010 | .mov | .mp4 | .mp3

Aaron McCollum is a very bright straight-shooter who is coming forward at this time to raise awareness regarding what he believes is going on in the Gulf of Aden.

He considers himself to be a “third generation member of the MKUltra Project Talent”, the same project that Duncan O’Finioan and Dave Corso were a part of. Specifically, he was involved from a young age in a top secret program called Project Seagate. More about this to come in a second interview. He is a former leader of a special unit for the U.S. Coast Guard and is coming forward at great risk because he firmly believes the time to speak out is now.

Kerry Cassidy
27 January 2010

Interview transcript | Portuguese Translation | Swedish Translation

[The transcripts occasionally have parts in them that had been difficult for the transcribers to hear… These words or small sections have been put in the “audibles” in square brackets in red.]

KERRY CASSIDY (KC): It is very exciting what’s happening, because people are connecting all over the planet.


KC: And we’re all a part of that. Who knows where it’s going to all lead, you know, eventually…

AM: People are waking up by the thousands. Just last night I was talking to a gentleman, Vietnam veteran, who had served during the same time that my dad and Dave Corso had served. That’s almost… I don’t know if I told you that my dad and Dave served with each other.

KC: [laughs] Yeah. I know, there’s like so many synchronicities that are happening.

AM: Yeah.

KC: So, I mean, that’s completely bizarre. Not only are you connected to Corso and Duncan, but your father is connected to Corso, at least. And I mean, that in and of itself is… like where does this come from? This is so bizarre.

AM: Well, as far as my family, it’s absolute bloodline. I mean, I just recently got some information that I have not yet confirmed, but I did get some fairly-good information that my grandfather, who died under mysterious causes – no autopsy, no funeral – was a high military or government member in some aspect of Operation Paperclip, who was one of the officials that was assigned in relocating the German Nazi scientists.

KC: [inaudible]

AM: No, I’m not.

KC: That’s… well, that actually points to why you may have ended up where you did.

AM: And my father and my sister.

KC: Right. Your sister…

AM: But I’ve no knowledge of if my older brother was at all. I don’t think he was, but I do fear that he may be drawn in because of his direct connections with NASA. He’s climbed up the ranks in the scientific field.

KC: Ah ha.

AM: He was diagnosed with autism as a kid, but his IQ was off the charts and he is 32 now and he’s got his Ph.D. in astronomical physics and nano-technology. He works at Lamar University. He’s the youngest novice curator of the Houston Astronomical Society. He also runs five different observatories and rubs elbows with top NASA individuals.

KC: Okay, but I have to say that that indicates that he is part of the whole scene.

AM: Yes, I do agree…

KC: He may not…

AM: …but he may not know it.

KC: Maybe he hasn’t been one of the… in terms of some of the ways that you have buried memories, etcetera. But what you’re telling me about his background is just unequivocal – especially, actually, believe it or not, because of his autism…

AM: Yes.

KC: …because autism is sort of a marker that they use.

AM: Project Thirteen.

KC: Yeah, we were talking about that. Let’s talk about that; that’ll be really fascinating.

AM: Sure. And I think I… I don’t know if I mentioned to you that I have absolute confirmation that my sister has three children. The oldest one, Baden, is a contactee.

KC: Okay.

AM: Absolute.

KC: Yeah.

AM: But I can tell you what my sister actually witnessed and saw him do. We can talk about that another time, but it is absolutely amazing.

KC: Okay.

AM: I did let Miriam Delicado know and I told her what my sister had said. Miriam, of course, said: You know this child needs to be protected. Be careful who… And then I explained to my sister what Miriam had said. So…

KC: Well, that’s actually a good thing.

AM: Yeah. I’m actually going to be getting my sister in contact with Miriam.

KC: Cool. Very good. I wasn’t actually sure of how to categorize you. Like, you know, I mean, not specifically a Super-Soldier that I know of, but maybe — and you know what I’m saying? I wanted you to categorize yourself.

AM: Sure.

KC: Why don’t you just go ahead, introduce yourself, and basically explain not only who you are, briefly, like your credentials, whatever you would call that…

AM: Absolutely.

KC: …but then also say why you’re coming forward at this time.

AM: Okay. Well, my name is Aaron Egan McCollum. I was born September 6, 1978, and my… Well, I was in the military. I served in the United States Coast Guard for just roughly ten years; I’m right at the ten-year mark. And I was involved in many different Black Op projects all over the world, and even many States-sides.

I had climbed up the ranks very quickly to where I became a team member of a first-of-its-kind unit in the Coast Guard, which is known publicly, but a lot of the operations they do are… most of what they do are not well-known.

If I had to classify myself, it would be that I’m third-generation Project Talent, and because of the bloodline I came from, I was given a lot of responsibility and saw a lot of things and even since that time have been called back for specific operations.

KC: Okay.

AM: I mean, to really explain who I am would obviously be good for the more extended interview to really explain that.

But, you know, obviously I’m coming out today for the first time really publicly to explain about information that I have through absolute reliable contacts – which I cannot name for their safety – but involving what’s going on in the Gulf of Aden in Yemen, specifically what the Global Elite are doing, and the stargate which is absolutely real. It’s not fantasy.

It’s like, Kerry, what you and I talked about many times: things you see in movies are put there as a ruse to automatically give this label of “fantasy, science fiction,” so people will not dig in anymore and they’ll live in their little world of “it’s make-believe”.

KC: Okay. That’s great. So you were a member of the Coast Guard, but you also ended up not only working in these teams of Special Ops units, for lack of a better title, but you were the leader, isn’t that true?

AM: Yes. And Project Talent has really two sides – they have the people that never were in the military [as] civilians, but worked directly in the military, even sometimes would wear military uniforms, but never went to boot camp. You know, they have their own side of that – Duncan, for example; Duncan O’Finioan, who never really went to boot camp, but was absolutely Project Talent.

Then there are people like me. This is where it gets a little complicated. I did not choose the branch of service. When I was 16, certain individuals – agents — came to me and told me which branch of the military I was going in and when it would happen, so I already knew two years before joining.

So I was in the military; I got regular military training. But at times when I would be temporarily assigned – it’s called TAD; Temporary Assignment Duty – to other units, I wasn’t actually doing what was known by my commanding officer or whomever at the time. I was actually conducting… increasing my training that I had started when I was very young.

So I wore two hats. There were times when I was Petty Officer McCollum, worked my way up to being Chief Engineer on ships and doing Special Op rescue, drug interdiction, whatever. And then I had the other hat where I was just an agent – no name, no denomination of rank; nothing.

KC: So when you say you were doing that, are you meaning that you, I don’t know… you would not carry any papers of identification on you?

AM: Absolutely not. No ID. Couldn’t even wear a watch; nothing.

KC: Okay. And on those assignments… Is that where your sort of buried memories are coming back, in regard to those assignments?

AM: Honestly, it’s happening on both sides because, as I said, it’s kind of complicated, but let me try to explain as best as I can.

I did a lot of operations where I just wore my Coast Guard hat and I was Petty Officer McCollum, but I was actually leading “umbrella operations” that actually had a Black Operation happening underneath that I was tied to.

So they would have me close to that, so that I would be able to infiltrate and do my other job that was assigned to me. So with that, because there was such intertwining of operations, a lot of it is foggy on both sides.

KC: Okay. So let’s see… because it’s really easy for me to go down this rabbit-hole [Aaron laughs] with you and start following out your personal remembrances, but I think that today’s interview, at least for the first part…

Let’s do this first: let’s talk about the Gulf of Aden, and why you’re specifically coming forward now, before we do a more formal interview that has been planned with you for several weeks. So let’s talk about the most crucial stuff that you want to get out there right away, and then we can digress from there. Then we can later decide what to cut in, what to cut out.

AM: Okay. Let me just make this statement; I want to make this perfectly clear. What I’m about to let everyone know is based on actual facts, articles; also contacts – absolute, reliable contacts – who have contacted me within the past month; overwhelming amount of information. And this is also based directly on operations that I was a part of, that I’ve regained some memories back, from July of 2008 until the beginning of March of 2009.

Operations I was a part of absolutely relate directly to what is happening now in the Gulf of Aden.

Okay, so what is occurring right now? It’s actually been going on for quite a while, but it’s just now, for whatever reason it’s leaked out — or they have allowed it to leak out, I should say — that there has been major military ship movement happening in the Gulf of Aden in a specific location where there are actually hundreds of ships right now circling a designated area of open water.

We’re talking Russian warships, Chinese warships, Japanese warships, Australia, Germany, UK; the list goes on and on, even designated European Union ships; UN ships; Blackwater, which is now Xe, has a ship there right now.

If anybody is aware, Japan has not actually had warships leave their area of operation for military-type action in decades. Same with China; China is very much about keeping their warships close. So this is HUGE.

On top of it, there is a research company that specifically deals in genetics and DNA – I don’t remember the name at this time, but Kerry, when I get that information to you, you will have that – that are specifically doing research in alien/ human DNA, researching with the genetics. That is going on at the same time there, as well.

On top of it, there has been a lot of piracy going on there. Well, these “pirates”, the Somali pirates and all that – it’s absolutely false flag operations. The reason they’re doing that is to gain fear of, you know, everyone in that area, to keep them away. It’s a very good manageable method to keep just regular people, the public, away from that area. Because, you know, what’s a better way to invoke fear but piracy and terrorism?

That comes to what happened at Fort Hood.

KC: Okay. Before we go there, just to clarify… because as a member of the Coast Guard, anything that happens on water is obviously something that you’re quite well versed in.

AM: Absolutely.

KC: So we want to talk about the source of your information. And because of that, we also want to talk about some of your, sort of, skills, and augmented skills.

AM: Sure.

KC: Okay, because this is going to factor in, I assume.

AM: Absolutely.

KC: The other thing is that you’re saying that there is genetic engineering going on… What are you talking about? Are you talking about on a ship in the middle of the water where the stargate is located? Because I understand that the stargate is over the body of water.

AM: It is. And there are actual… there’s witness testimony and there are images of… They’re calling it an “anomaly” and a huge magnetic field that is occurring right there at that location. They’re calling it an anomaly, you know; they’re giving it labels, where the water is actually in a swirling motion; it’s actually causing a huge whirlpool effect.

KC: Incredible. Okay. Very cool.

AM: And there have been actual sightings, and you can find this online, of where they have seen a part of it actually come up. But that’s gone away now, as far as the science because they have… I mean, the area of the security zone around it is miles and miles and miles.

KC: Okay. But who’s in charge of that area?

AM: Well, it’s… I’m not quite sure, to be honest, of who exactly is in charge. But I can tell you who I would be not surprised if it’s in charge is obviously members of the Global Elite, the Powers That Be. What I think is who was in charge? Now, I think it’s going to change or may have already changed, but I have not yet been able to get confirmation on it.

When something like this occurs… Is this stargate something that had not been discovered? Had it been put to rest and there was no interest in it? These are possibilities, but when something like this comes up, certain projects that are still very much happening under the name of “Mark Ultra” come in and assume command, as per direction of certain members of the Global Elite.

KC: Okay, and when you say Mark Ultra you’re actually saying MK Ultra? That it’s a different designation? I don’t understand.

AM: Well, Mark – MK – is actually used for designation of projects, things. That’s just me and my military talk. When you’re in the military, it’s actually referred to as Mark Ultra. [Kerry laughs] Like you have certain flares that you use, like the Mark 134, but you look at it and it says MK 134.

KC: I see.

AM: So that’s just me being military, but I’ll try to say MK Ultra for…

KC: No, no, no.

AM: I tend to start talking, using military lingo because I did it for so long.

KC: I understand. Okay. And actually, let’s talk about how old you are and how long you spent in the military.

AM: I am 31 and I, by the books, spent just under ten years in the military. But my involvement has gone on much longer, prior and after.

KC: Okay. Right. And again, to get back to the genetic engineering, you said this is going on in the area. But is it, again, going on… are you saying under the water?

AM: Yes.

KC: In a base?

AM: Yes.

KC: Okay.

AM: It is. There is an underwater base there. I have received confirmation on that.

KC: Okay. You’re saying that there is an underwater base in the Gulf of Aden.

AM: Yes.

KC: Okay. And that’s where you think the genetic engineering is going on.

AM: Absolutely.

KC: Okay. And can you…

AM: It’s the same… They’re doing similar things that they’ve been doing for decades at underground bases all over the place. Specifically, they’ve been doing specific types of DNA research and engineering in a lot of the underwater bases, like for example, the one that’s in the Caribbean, the one that I was at.

KC: Oh, right; the one that you’re having recovered memories about.

AM: Yes.

KC: Okay. Yes, very fascinating. You’ve shown me some drawings which are really very, very interesting.

What is the source of your intel? Is it individual? Is it psychic? Is it on the Internet? Is it… you know? I don’t know.

AM: It’s a little bit of everything and I’ll tell you how this all began.

KC: Okay.

AM: I had received an email from one of my sources, so I cannot disclose this person’s name at this time, for their safety, and there was a link on it to an article talking about this “seagate” that was being expected, that there was some strange anomalies happening and there was a lot of warship movement.

And so the investigative side of me decided to look into this. So I, literally, in the past month spent 12 to 18 hours a day, not just with my other research, but with checking this out, making phone calls through some reliable contacts of mine. I started gathering more and more information from separate sources.

Then when I finally saw where it was happening, and then realized that now the US, along with some other countries, have now all of a sudden targeted Yemen because of Al Qaeda, which…

Al Qeada’s nothing but a network. That’s it. Al Quaeda is really just a network. It’s not… it was all designed… but that’s a whole other story. “Al Quaeda” as a name is used to invoke fear and gain compliance or needs of whatever the Global Elite wants at that time.

Yemen has now been picked because of what’s happening now at the stargate, which officially is being said that the stargate opened on January 5th of this year.

The other information, so I started making phone calls, then I started getting more emails…

KC: Well, wait a minute. You’re saying the stargate over the Gulf of Aden opened on January 5th of 2010? Or 2009?

AM: What I know for fact is that it opened up on January 5th of this year, 2010.

KC: Okay. Now I… because I’ve heard more information about this. There is information out there saying that the stargate was identified prior to that.

AM: Absolutely. Yes.

KC: Okay.

AM: Yes. It’s been going on… things really started getting on the Internet and the news, really started a couple months ago.

KC: Okay.

AM: In December… I mean, it’s now all over. I have a whole file, which I will get to you, of tons of information, even stuff on YouTube. And believe it or… The stuff on YouTube… there’s a lot of garbage on YouTube, but there’s certain videos on YouTube, if you YouTube “Stargate Gulf of Aden,” you will see things that are absolute facts…

KC: Okay.

AM: …based on other people that have gathered information. However, this stargate in the Gulf of Aden has been known for quite a while and a lot of… certain countries want to gain… want to have their hand in the cookie jar. And, you know, one country wants to have more of a hand in the cookie jar than the other country.

This is why in 2008 I was approached by a Captain that worked for the United States Marine Corp Intelligence. Out of the blue [he] come up to me and said: We are wanting to recruit you for needs of service again.

Now, at this time, I was a mess. I was having a lot going on. I still, at that point, thought I was really just crazy. I wasn’t working. I was, you know, living month-to-month, so – and that’s exactly how they want you – and so I volunteered to go back.

Yet, after I volunteered to go back…there are parts that are foggy… but I had met at Camp Pendleton with this Captain several other gentlemen, who I am not quite sure who they worked for, but obviously, high up the food chain in the government hierarchy, and then two Generals.

One General now is actually working on the Joint Chiefs of Staff in charge of all Special Operations for the United States military.

KC: Are you able to name this person? Do you want to name this person or not?

AM: [long, thoughtful pause]… I should probably wait to mention that.

KC: Okay.

AM: It’s not that I’m afraid of mentioning it, but when we do my more extensive interview I have already decided to release certain names.

KC: Okay.

AM: But I want to just really focus on the Gulf of Aden and what’s going on there. But I will say that I will be mentioning his name.

KC: Okay.

AM: Just not yet. But this is the same General that I’ve given you copies of the emails?

KC: Yes.

AM: So that’s who I’m talking about.

KC: Uh-huh.

AM: And he told me that in North Africa, and it’s still happening, but even back in 2008 there was massive military movement – US military movement in North Africa. They were gearing up for something. That was one of the assignments that I was going to be going to, to look over some operations there.

There was also big movement happening in the area of the Suez Canal, which is right in that location of the Gulf of Aden.

I then started meeting top Black Op military personnel from all over the world, a lot specifically from Australia – Australian SAS [Special Air Service]. Several of these gentlemen were definitely Australian, but were of Middle Eastern descent, who were being trained to conduct false flag operations in the Middle East.

Shortly after this happened, there were some false flag events that occurred, the big one in Mumbai, which was absolutely orchestrated through our country and the UK. That I was actually told first-hand information by this General and some other people on his staff.

We started developing a new team that I was placed in charge of. We started out by doing a lot of States-side training operations with [a] local police force. Specifically, the ground-breaking one was with Twin Palms, which Twenty-nine Palms Marine Base is close by, where the US Marine Corps was doing… This was where they started doing the security check-points, which they now do a lot all up and down California; a lot, you know, in southern California, south of where we’re at right now.

Why am I explaining this? Here’s why: The movements that are happening right now from the military… There are actually a few secret military bases in North Africa right now, and in Yemen, and other areas, where there are actually more US military personnel than locals in the towns and villages in that area.

Why are all these false flag operations happening? Okay, I’m getting to the very important point.

The very important point is: these small false flag operations that have been happening, the operations that I dealt with, with actually conducting false flag operations, even having movement of UN vehicles here in California, which I witnessed. I saw caravans; I talked to people.

Even to the point where I was with a team walking around downtown Pasadena just before New Years Eve because we had received intel – which I later found out was false – but they told regular military personnel and local police that a munitions train that was coming from Barstow to Camp Pendleton, after a check in Barstow they realised that 5,000 pounds of C-4 explosive was missing off the train. Immediately high alert was put in; security checkpoints were placed all over the place.

I found out that this was not true. I started doing some of my own digging into finding out why this was all going on.

Shortly after that I was dropped from the project and I had to move out of my apartment. My computer was yet again shut down. My cell phone had fried. My place was broken into. When we went to do the police reports, my roommate and I at the time, the police officer did not fill out a police report. I had surveillance vehicles in front of my place. I was… just… the heat was getting on. I actually had to put my stuff in storage and stay on the couch with a friend of mine.

KC: This was a year ago. Is that right?

AM: This occurred all in March of last year [2009], yes.

KC: Okay.

AM: Now, what does this all gear up to? This all gears up to, based on my experience – and, yes, I guess you could say based on some certain psychic ability that I have had; I wasn’t necessarily born with, but with things that I will get into in the interview, it was brought out in me through techniques that they have, that Project Talent has learned to really perfect.

There’s going to be a major false flag operation happening this year. I don’t exactly know when, but I know it’s going to happen and there are going to be… people are going to see a lot more military personnel from other countries; the American police force; there’s going to be a lot more roadblocks, road checks.

KC: So you’re saying a false flag operation here in America? Or are you saying in the Gulf of Aden? Because somehow there’s a link-up.

AM: Both.

KC: Okay.

AM: And here’s why. It’s not just going to be the US. This is going to be happening in certain countries where it needs to happen. It’s going to invoke a new war. They’ve been talking — even Obama has spoken about this new war on Al Qaeda in Yemen.

Why do they do this? The same reason that they did it in Afghanistan. Afghanistan was not a war against terrorism, it was a war to gain more control in Afghanistan, because Afghanistan does have certain entrances to deep underground facilities.

KC: Really.

AM: That’s why Russia was after them for ten years.

KC: Okay, so you’re saying that it’s not the poppy, the opium trade that has people in Afghanistan… which is what I think most people think.

AM: Absolutely not! No, it’s not the opium. However, what a lot of people don’t know is that the CIA still – since Vietnam, probably even before that – have always had Black Operations of trafficking drugs, which was what Air America was in Vietnam when they were running operations in Cambodia and Laos.

KC: Right.

AM: So, yes, I mean, they got to make a profit, you know. War is not just intent; war is profit. That’s why we have, you know, the bankers that are part of the Bilderberger group, and the Bohemian Grove, and other societies — Club of Rome, and whatnot.

This false flag operation is going to invoke a new war on terrorism in Yemen. It’s going to happen. We’re on the brink. There’s major military movement. There are military training camps being set up in Yemen right now, by our government, that are training the Yemen military to go after the terrorist movement there.

It’s even been said on the news, and you can find this online, that they’re making claims that Al-Qaeda has now built a larger base in Yemen than exists in Afghanistan or Pakistan! Absolute garbage.

KC: Okay. So, as far as Yemen and the Gulf of Aden, how do these work together? In other words, the countries bordering the Gulf of Aden… is that why it’s being targeted, specifically because the stargate is over the water?

AM: Oh yes, absolutely. Yemen is ground zero.

KC: Okay. Let’s talk about, if you know this or you have a theory, on what’s going on with that stargate. Do you have any idea?

AM: All I can give you now is theory, but I encourage everybody that’s going to see this to do your own research. Everything I tell you, do your own research, because if you don’t question, you don’t research — you’re not learning and you’re not waking up.

Based on my experience with a project that I was a part of that, again, we will discuss in my full interview, I have two theories. Okay? One theory is that there are extraterrestrial beings that no doubt are opening, or just now really coming about doing something with this stargate, for a definite purpose.

Now, are these extraterrestrials friendly? Or are they unfriendly? It could be two possibilities. I do not know yet, but I am working on finding out through some very reliable contacts.

If they are indeed friendly, then they have opened it up because we are coming to a time in our world… You know, 2012 is not the end, but I definitely believe that big things are going to be happening, and we do have friendly extraterrestrials that want to see us really become the world we’re supposed to be. They’re not going to come in and rescue us, but they definitely do things to help assist us move along.

Are these the extraterrestrials that decided to open up the stargate? And if they are, is the military and Global Elite going to do everything they can to prevent this from happening, so that they can continue their agenda, the agenda that they have been told they have to accomplish within a certain allotted time or “Certain Beings” are going to step in? That’s absolute.

KC: That’s the negative agenda that they’re trying to roll out. In other words, that certain negative beings, negatively-oriented beings, in other words, service-to-self, are going to step in if the Global Elite are unable to handle this themselves? Is that what you’re saying?

AM: Absolutely.

KC: Okay. Very interesting.

AM: But the other side of it is, does the stargate have… The unfriendly extraterrestrials, are they running the show with the stargate, and the military is there as, really, the servants? Because that’s really what the Global Elite are. They’re not in power, people! They are serving someone else, something else, or whatever you want to classify them as.

KC: What you’re saying in terms of the Gulf of Aden, are you saying that that stargate could be letting in, perhaps… In other words, it could be incoming, it could be outgoing; it could be going both ways.

AM: It’s both.

KC: Okay. But the build-up militarily there will be not only to have to control over this stargate on the one hand, but on the other hand to make sure, like if it was a negative purpose, there could be negative ETs coming through.

AM: Absolutely.

KC: Okay.

AM: But, you know, with underwater bases, every single underwater base, there is at least some presence of extraterrestrials there. But I will tell you, none of them are friendly.

KC: [laughs] Right. If they’re working with the military, I think it’s sort of a no-brainer, unfortunately.

AM: They’re really running the show. But, see, they’re clever. They’re able to calculate and do things in such a way to where the Powers That Be think that they have control, but they don’t.

With this specific underwater base off the coast in the Gulf of Aden, I cannot say for fact who is absolutely running the show. All I can do is give my theory based on my absolute direct experience with bases, with being very high up in Black Projects, of Project Talent, knowing of and actually assisting in some projects with Project Stargate, and another project which I will be talking about – I’ll just go ahead and say it now: Project Seagate.

KC: Okay. Do you feel that what’s going on in the Gulf of Aden… are you saying it’s Adon? Do you know how to pronounce it actually?

AM: I believe it’s Aden [as in “Ah-den”], but I could be saying it wrong. If I am, please excuse me, you know.

KC: Absolutely. But are you saying what’s going on there may be part of an operation which you know of as Project Seagate?

AM: No, I believe… Well, I don’t want to speculate because I don’t like doing that. It’s possible. But every [bit] information that’s been given to me, they’ve labelled it as a stargate.

However, people have to be very careful because from my knowledge and from things that I am starting to remember, as far as I know, there is only one location for Project Seagate in the entire world. Could I be wrong? Was there even information that even I wasn’t privy to? It’s possible, but I doubt it.

KC: And that’s about an underwater base that’s located in a Puerto Rico area?

AM: Yes. It’s in the area of Puerto Rico.

KC: Okay, and that’s the one you have recovered memories about.

AM: Yes.

KC: Okay. Have you ever been to the Gulf of Aden?

AM: Not that I recall.

KC: Okay.

AM: If I have, I don’t remember, but with all the information, everything that I’ve shared with you on the many times that we’ve talked and gotten together, I probably have maybe, if I really sit down and think, I probably have regained maybe 40% of my memories.

Why this is happening with me at such a young age? I don’t know, because as you know from your experience with others, usually people are much older [Former Super Soldiers usually start to regain their memories in their ‘50s and ‘60s, not before]. But through some other contacts I have been told… it’s a little hard for me to swallow, but I’ve been told there is a very specific reason why I specifically have been regaining these memories. And it’s not for a bad purpose; it’s for a good purpose.

Unfortunately there are times when I’m still triggered and am taken elsewhere to do things, as recently as just a couple months ago where I have two days I cannot account for.

KC: Okay. So we’ve got a stargate in the Gulf of Aden, we’ve got false flag operations, we just had one in which, whatever they called it, the “Underwear Bomber”…

AM: Yeah.

KC: …in which he was basically let on a plane without a passport. Now, is this part of that operation? Because it seems like it’s the opening act, in a certain sense.

AM: It is, because there has been recent information saying that not only him, but the shooter at Fort Hood. Now all of a sudden, this information’s coming out that they both had connections with terrorists, with Al-Qaeda in Yemen.

KC: Okay.

AM: And it’s just popped up within the past week, if I remember right. How convenient!

KC: So we have a major operation happening in Yemen right now. Is there any other extenuating circumstance or any involvement, because you said there’re a lot of ships in that area? We’ve got the water sort of churning under some “electromagnetic anomaly” going on.

AM: Yes.

KC: What’s going on between the Powers That Be that you know of, in terms of the ships? Are in you in touch with, for example, any crew or military personnel in regard to any of that?

AM: Yes. I am. Several.

KC: Okay. Do you want to talk about…?

AM: Even the Coast Guard… It’s not just US Navy. There are US Coast Guard ships, “Cutters” as they’re called in the Coast Guard that are there.

The people that I’m talking to that I worked with, I worked with on the side of just being regular Petty Officer McCollum in the Coast Guard, so they are not fully aware, but they have contacted me and said: Aaron, something weird is going on, and I can’t quite place it, and they’ve never seen anything like it.

I have a few other friends of mine that are actually in Coast Guard Intelligence that have contacted me because they are aware of this kind of campaign that I’m doing, trying, you know… making amends for what I was part of.

So there is big movement there, absolute. The contacts that I’ve spoken to said that even they, when questioned about it, they’re told that it is strictly for enforcing the anti-piracy and to help with escorting movements through the Suez Canal, because apparently the Suez Canal is so “backed up” with ship transports.

I have never, ever head of there being a problem with “backed-up” ships going through the Suez Canal — never heard of that.

KC: So if they’re going through the Suez Canal, where would they be headed? There’s got to be more than one destination for those ships, right? In theory?

AM: Yes, absolutely.

KC: Okay. For example…?

AM: Well, I mean, the Suez Canal is a main shipping canal.

KC: So they could be just going through, bound for other areas, right?

AM: Oh, yes.

KC: Not just all headed for Yemen.

AM: No, no, not at all. Because if they did that, it would raise too much suspicion, so what they do is they will indeed keep operations normal.

KC: Uh-huh.

AM: Container ships, oil ships will still be allowed to go through it. It’s just, the reason they’re able to do it so well is because the location of the Stargate in the Gulf of Aden is kind of in the off-beaten path; it’s not actually directly in the channel.

KC: Right, but you said that you have information, and I don’t know if this is public information, that there are ships from other countries. I think you mentioned Japan and China and Russia.

AM: It is public information. There are European Union ships; NATO ships; from Japan, Russia, Germany, the UK, United States, Australia; and the list goes on and on.

And yes, it is public information. They’re talking about it right now. It will be included… I have specific information that when I give it to you so that you can look through it on your own, it’s absolute. This is out there.

Get on your computer: Google… Gulf of Aden; Google… Gulf of Aden Stargate; Google… War on Yemen. You Google any of those things and you will get pages and pages of not just articles, but of YouTube videos and other pieces of information.

People need to look at this because with that, once you start digging, it’s amazing – not surprising to me – but it will be amazing to people that they will see an article and it’s directly tied to the label of “false flag war”.

We are going to be moving massive troops into Yemen. Yemen is the next battleground, and it’s going to happen this year. As far as my knowledge and my intuition and everything else that I’ve gathered, it’s going to happen this year.

If it doesn’t happen this year, and if I’m wrong… good! I hope that my intuition’s wrong, but unfortunately, my little gut feeling that I get is 99% right, and sometimes I actually get angry at myself when I’m right about things, because I don’t want to see these things happen.

So, if the year 2010 goes on and we don’t go into a police state or we don’t have more false flags in the country, if this… what I believe is going to be a terrible war happening in Yemen – if that does not occur, then good. But everything that I’ve gathered, all my information, my contacts, have told me otherwise.

KC: Let me ask you this: I know you have some interesting abilities associated with water. Isn’t that right? And I remember that dolphins have been used by the military to actually perform feats and to actually do operations, basically…

AM: Oh yes.

KC: …over by Saudi Arabia and over in that area. So I’m thinking that with what’s going on in the Gulf of Aden, basically there has to be something involving dolphins and possibly other sea animals, like whales. But I’m just curious, has there been any information about the dolphins in that area or anything else?

AM: The only information that I have for fact, which is public information, is that dolphins are being used in all the waters around the Middle East for reconnaissance missions. They actually have dolphins that’re trained, that have actual surveillance equipment that are attached to them for looking for underwater mines, looking for bombs under piers, even under ships, oil rigs, and even information-gathering.

They have dolphins that are set up with certain information, sound-recording equipment, that can actually record sound on land that travels via, through the water because sound travels at a much greater distance and can keep its real concentrated frequency much longer underwater than it can in open air.

Do I have any information that dolphins are specifically being used in the Gulf of Aden for whatever attempted purposes with this Stargate? No, I don’t. But based on my direct work with dolphins, with Project Seagate — I would not be surprised.

Because dolphins have been discovered, because of their frequencies, because of other abilities that dolphins have that people are not aware of… They discovered a while ago, however long – I know for at least 20, or maybe even 30 years – that dolphins directly have, because of their frequencies, because of what they can do, are almost used as a medium for travel via the Seagate.

KC: What do you mean by that? Travel… are you talking about time travel?

AM: I’m talking about not just time travel; I’m talking about traveling to other locations in the universe.

KC: How are dolphins used in that regard?

AM: It was found that… Well, with the Seagate, everything is done… frequencies are used to actually put you on a molecular level into a different state. This way, your body can actually handle traveling great distances.

KC: I know what you mean. You mean, in other words, if humans are put in contact with dolphins and do what’s called entraining…

AM: Yes.

KC: …they get aligned on the same frequency as a dolphin, and that heightens the human awareness, such that if you then… I’m extrapolating here because I’ve swam with dolphins and I know this happened to me; I’m guessing that’s kind of what you mean.

AM: You’re absolutely… you’re on the right track. Yes. One of the things that they did that I was a part of was called “psychic echo-location.”… [sighs] … What’s the word I’m looking for? This always happens when I start talking about this, I’m sorry. Sometimes my mind goes blank.

What they discovered, it can’t just be any human. It has to be people that have received certain training, mainly people that have some amount of psychic ability.

They’ve learned that they could put a person in with these dolphins and actually it would cause deep molecular and psychic vibrations that happen where the dolphin is almost used… is used as a medium… and this person becomes a conductor. They coexist in this way, so that it really heightens the senses of the psyche of a person.

KC: Right. And so then what would happen? I guess we’re kind of going off into the area of speculation, although it occurs to me that perhaps this is part of your buried memories.

AM: This is the thing, the subject that I, myself, had been working the most intensely on.

The whole thing with the Gulf of Aden just kind of fell into my lap through the people I know. And then, taking it back to the false flag operations that I helped orchestrate from July 2008 until the beginning of March 2009; also meeting individuals that were Black Ops that had been really in a way blackmailed to be in this country to do false flag operations – specifically, military personnel from other countries that were of Middle Eastern descent. They didn’t care if their family originally came from Iraq or Pakistan or India. It didn’t matter, as long as they had the training.

KC: And they looked the part, is the point.

AM: And they looked the part, yes.

KC: Okay. So you were involved in these so-called black false flag operations. Can you describe a false flag operation that you were a part of?

AM: Yes I can. Well, one of the false flag operations was where the 5,000 pounds of C-4 mysteriously disappeared from a munitions train heading to Camp Pendleton. After that, the Twin Palms Police Force started working with the Marine Corps, and a bunch of military vehicles, specifically Humvees, from their motor pool were being taken, but were not being signed out. But then when certain individuals were even asked, even when I asked about it: Don’t question us. You know?

Twin Palms was doing random DUI checks. Now, if people know this, the military are not allowed to do in-country security check-points, DUI check-points, anything involved with the police. That’s what the police are for.

When that begins to happen, that is a pre-emptive strike to implement a police state nationwide. Absolutely.

Then there was even a bigger military presence that was happening, of all places, in Pasadena. This doesn’t surprise me because Pasadena is really a trifecta of some very deep military operations: Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL); Parsons Corporation.

I encourage the people who are going to see this, look into the history of the Parsons Corporation of Pasadena, and you will be disgusted with what they have been a part of, especially recently with putting up certain kinds of “hospitals” in Iraq.

Then, of course, I can really get into things like Jordan Maxwell and I have talked about, as far as the OTO [Ordo Templi Orientis]. I mean, the headquarters of the OTO in North America is in Pasadena, you know.

KC: Sure, right.

AM: So where I live in Pasadena, I’m surrounded by some very awful things.

KC: So we’re talking about a hotbed of the Illuminati, but we’re also talking about a military presence.

AM: Yes. In fact, specifically on… I want to say it was December 28, if I’m completely accurate… December 28, 2008, there was big military movement that happened straight downtown Pasadena. Hundreds of people witnessed it. It never made the news.

It was a convoy of about 24 vehicles. We’re talking Humvees, armored personnel carriers, chemical trucks, tankers, deuce-and-a-halves, which are the big, huge trucks you usually see with the canopies over them [M35 2 & ½-ton cargo trucks]. They were all white. They were what I’ve been a part of. They were absolute UN vehicles.

KC: Yes, I was going to say that sounds like UN.

AM: But they didn’t have UN marked on them. They didn’t even have license plates.

KC: I see.

AM: They moved through Pasadena and moved to a different location. On that same day I was in Pasadena with a team of plain-clothed, not just local police, but Marine Corps, armed, walking the streets in communication with everybody else while this was happening. It was not necessarily…

See, a false flag operation, more often than not, is a terrorist attack like 9/11.

KC: So what was going on with the white caravan was more of a preparation? Is that the idea?

AM: It was false flag training operation…

KC: I see.

AM: …in preparation for an actual false flag. You know, you have war games; the military does war games. What are war games? War games are training for actual war. Well, this is kind of a war game, but it’s a false flag game training operation, a drill.

KC: When we say false flag, what we’re talking about is something where a terrorist event will happen where actually the terrorist is actually working for an operation. It is an op, and it is conducted by in essence the in-country personnel – in other words, United States, the government, the agencies or the black government, you know, the Black Secret Projects.

AM: Absolutely. Yes, that’s the biggest thing that people need to understand. When it’s a false flag operation that happens in-country, the people that are in charge of the Black Operations that happen with that country, they’re the ones who have orchestrated it. The bombings that happened in the subways in England – that was an England false flag operation. The bombings that happened in Spain…

KC: Right. What about that?

AM: False flag, absolutely, because they all related to what? Taliban and Al-Qaeda. What’s truly Taliban and Al-Qaeda? It is a network to allow false flag operations to happen.

You had mentioned about the people that are used, that are aware of it. People have to understand that, more often than not, the people that are used have been mind-controlled. They have been taken, they have been mind-controlled, and they’re doing it because they are under another state of mind.

The one that happened on Christmas Day, he says that he had… All of a sudden there was reports that he was almost in a trance when it occurred and afterward and that he has no recollection. KC: Who was? Who are you talking about?

AM: The gentleman, I don’t remember his name, the actual person; the “Underwear Bomber” is our label for it.

KC: Okay, yes.

AM: There were reports that he was in a trance. There’s even a person that has come out now, a husband and wife that were on the plane.

KC: Sure.

AM: They were on the news saying that they had contacted the FBI because this tall, well-dressed, wealthy-looking man of Indian, you know, or Pak… descent, had taken this kid, and actually they witnessed him saying: He doesn’t have a passport, but he’s from… I think it was Nigeria… and he just said: We do this all the time there. They actually quoted him: We do this all the time there. And they let him through. Dumb!!

You know, people need to be aware that that’s happening and need to question why.

KC: So you, yourself, you’re saying over a year ago you saw convoys and so on going on here in California, like a build-up of military even here. Is that correct?

AM: Yes, absolutely. There’s been a huge build-up of military in southern California.

KC: Do you have any idea why?

AM: There’re a lot of military bases in California. California is very much a key region for military movement.

I, myself, have been to two underground bases in California: one that’s in the San Diego area, and another one that’s in the San Francisco Bay, which is known as a Munitions Naval Weapons Base that has a skeleton crew. Probably a lot of people don’t know about it. It is located in the San Francisco Bay area, and all you can see from the water are three very large U-shaped piers where trainings go on. There’s a lot more to that base than what people see. I mean, they have a HUGE facility under it. It’s massive.

KC: Have you been there, or were you told about this?

AM: No, I’ve been there. I was there. I was there in 2000, 2001, and then in the first part of 2002, before I went to become part of the project in the Caribbean.

KC: Okay. So… I guess what I want to do here is to just make sure that we’ve gotten the information that you wanted to get out there specifically around the Gulf of Aden.

AM: Okay. So, just to clarify why I was coming out right now. You and I spoke; this had to get out now because time is of the essence. False flag operations are going to be happening more, not just in the United States, but in other countries that are having direct involvement with the Gulf of Aden and Yemen.

I will not be surprised if we will see some more bombings or terrorist attacks happen in places, like in Yemen itself. It’s going to happen in Yemen, because they need that to get the masses to support what they’re doing so that there isn’t questioning.

There’s going to be more false flag operations happening here in this country. It could be as small as more military check-points. Or they could be as big as another actual attack attempt. It’s going to happen.

This is all happening to build up justification, like what happened with 9/11. They need this justification, so people don’t question, so you continue to be sheep, so that they can finally go to war – the “new war on terrorism”. Yemen is ground zero for that.

Why is this happening? It’s happening because of this stargate that’s just off the coast of Yemen in the Gulf of Aden. Why are they doing this? I’ve given my two theories. Why is this happening? It’s happening because of this Stargate that’s just off the coast of Yemen in the Gulf of Aden.

Why are they doing this? I’ve given my two theories: Theory one, we have friendly extraterrestrials that have opened it for a reason. What that reason is yet? I do not know.

But this will not be the last; I’m working on… You know, I’m not stopping after this. I’m going to be digging very deep. I’m going to be continuing working on this, and as I get new information you’ll be getting the information, everything I get, Kerry.

Is this friendly ETs that have opened it up for some reason? That could be. And it could be that now we have, really, the major heavy-hitter countries from all over the world, who have brought in warships – not cargo ships, but warships – by the masses that are literally in this giant circle that have created this perimeter.

Why is there scientific research there?

A certain doctor who attempted suicide – oh yes! – that worked directly for this research company said: The world needs to know! And all of a sudden unexplainably went crazy and tried to kill herself… who worked for a company that the information has gotten out that are doing research on combining alien and human DNA.

KC: Okay. So… now, I have to tell you that last night we had contact with a whistleblower, and this is just one of those synchronicities that goes on with Project Camelot. Today we’re having this interview with you, this was planned ahead, and last night inadvertently we got in touch with a whistleblower who has worked for the military – actually, Space Command – and were talking about the Gulf of Aden.

I didn’t get all of the information, even though we talked for like, six hours, and we will release that pretty soon, that interview. He was talking about synthetic beings, synthetic robots, for all intents and purposes.

Project Camelot was in touch with a secret source last night who was talking about synthetic beings and basically, I guess, some form of biological robot, I guess, that are being created. And some which may be also coming here, in other words.

So I am wondering whether or not the Gulf of Aden is specifically connected with a possible invasion of these synthetic beings. Is there anything, any hook-up that you know of, in this regard?

AM: There has been talk about it amongst me and some other people that I am in direct contact with that were a part of multiple projects under MK Ultra. That’s something that we’ve discussed.

But we weren’t sure if we really wanted to go public with that just yet, because, you know, what I’m saying already, and what people are going to say, is going to invoke fear. But fear can build strength and using that fear… turn it around, to really find out what’s going on.

KC: Okay.

AM: It’s something that we have talked about that indeed is being used to bring in synthetic beings that were made off-planet.

KC: Okay.

AM: Now I’m just curious. Now I’ve got a question for you.

KC: Sure.

AM: I’m going to turn around and ask you a question.

KC: [laughs]

AM: Your contact last night, when he was talking about these synthetic beings that are being created on-planet? I’m curious if he’s actually referring to the Omega Program?

KC: Okay, he didn’t name that program. He simply was referring to both aspects.

AM: Okay.

KC: In other words, the one which is that the military — in China as well as the US — has been creating these beings and that there is also… and it was really interesting, and obviously we’re going to be releasing the interview shortly.

But he was talking about these beings that were created, in association, “on Atlantis” who were then taken off-planet to another planet and allowed “to develop.” Basically they developed themselves. However, they’re synthetic; for all intents and purposes, they don’t have a soul; and that they are now, for some reason, returning to our planet, and that they are, let’s say, “not happy.”

This is the testimony from our witness, so it just dovetails in a very interesting way. Now, this person was not able to say whether they had arrived yet. I think that he was indicating that they had not. But I’d have to go back over the transcript to verify that.

AM: From the information that I’ve been able to gather, my intuition says that they are currently arriving because of the huge electromagnetic anomaly that happened specifically on January 5th of this year, 2010.

KC: Okay. Are you talking about the blue spiral over Norway?

AM: There has been speculation that that blue spiral… and other spirals have been showing up over Norway. Could that be related to this? It could be. I don’t have enough information to say yes or no. I would not be surprised, though, if in some way it has direct relation to it. I would not be surprised, but I don’t want to say absolute.

KC: Okay.

AM: I’ll allow people to do their own research and I’m going to continue to do my research.

It’s interesting what you just mentioned about the soul-less beings because the project that I was mainly a part of, the project that I was, in reality, from the time I was a child, was prepared for – and again, we’ll get into that on the next interview – Project Seagate.

Project Seagate was a major project with a huge underground base location and they were working on many different sub-projects. Project Seagate is almost like a sub-version of MK Ultra.

Project Seagate: one location that had many sub-projects, everything from the human / dolphin / Super Soldier program, to an Omega Program where they were making soul-less beings for remote viewing and actual, via the Seagate, being able to put people – and yes, this is real people – their astral self, their energy, their soul, into one of these robots for covert operations, so that if the body gets killed, they are able to extract and put it in.

I have people that I know that this has happened to, and we have absolute evidence of this happening.

KC: So this is a lot like Avatar, basically. You’re talking about…

AM: I am talking about…

KC: …military personnel, that basically they’re going in and “inhabiting” these robotic beings.

AM: Yes.

KC: Yeah, that’s fascinating.

AM: And also they found that it was easier to have this for traveling, for operations, through the Seagate.

KC: Off-planet.

AM: Off-planet. My specific role, which I don’t want to get into right now because, you know, it’s very complicated, but I will say that my involvement with Project Seagate was very high up, very in depth, and I’ve been to some interesting locations.

KC: Okay. Do you think that you yourself were doing some of this, you know, having your “essence”, in essence, go into one of these robotic beings and travel? Or is your experience different than that?

AM: I worked with people that did that…

KC: Okay.

AM: …but because of my specific training… As far as alterations that were done to my body, even as a young child, some memories are coming back that even my parents have no recollection of. I was able to physically be relocated because of what was done to me. And there’s another person that you’re in contact with who is able to do the same thing, actually was a person I worked with closely that was there.

KC: Okay.

AM: And this person… when the time comes, this person will be talking to you. Someone you already talked to will be speaking of the Project Seagate as well.

KC: Okay. And you have some unique abilities in terms of water. Is there a thought that you yourself were, I don’t know, your DNA was combined with, for example, a dolphin? Is that possible?

AM: I’m learning new things about myself almost every day. With me, anything is really possible because I’ve been told some things by reliable sources that have completely blown me away. In fact, I’m still having a hard time… I mean, I accept it. I know it’s true. But it’s very hard to deal with because, I mean, my body has been through a living hell.

I had some questionable experimentations that were done to me as a child that I absolutely remember. Well, I’ll just say this, the reason why I was…

Everything began for me from the time I was three years old. I have an absolute memory that I’ve been able to get confirmed from family, where I was taken to a facility by a certain relative – I will mention that when I do my full interview – who I do not have contact with, was not allowed to have contact with.

When I was three years old, I was thrown into a pool and they induced me to drown. I remember laying, then, on a slab next to this pool, throwing up and coughing up water and then seeing these men around saying: We have one.

I remember hearing that. This is not a dream, this is not fantasy, this is absolute. I sometimes still wake up with having night terrors and flashbacks about this.

I’ve always been able to hold my breath for a long time without having to do the hyperventilating. I’ve always had a very interesting relationship with water. I have several people that you know, that can absolutely, with complete honesty, tell you of accounts that they’ve witnessed of things that have happened to me with water.

I’ve been told not to do any kind of soaking in water, because of something which I will reveal in the next interview, which could happen.

KC: Okay. So, rather than go down that road, since this interview is about another matter…

AM: Yes.

KC: …let’s go back to the Gulf of Aden and talk about the false flag subject in terms of what specifically, if anything, has been left out of this interview so far. Because I think we could wrap this up, as it is.

AM: Yes.

KC: I can’t think of any particular areas that we might not have covered, but then, maybe something might have occurred to you. So I want to make sure that we’ve covered this topic, that you’ve gotten out the word about what you think is coming in regard to the build-up of the military there. Any other random thoughts or information, pieces of information that you might have that would be pertinent for the public to be aware of here?

AM: Don’t travel to the Middle East this year. Do not travel there. Do not go there because they do not care about “collateral damage”. They proved that with 9/11. They proved that with the Oklahoma bombing. They proved that on December 25th. They proved that at Fort Hood.

They do not care. You are an expendable piece of property to the Global Elite, to Mark Ultra, to governments all around the world.

I have just a really deep, sinking [and] dark feeling that there’s going to be a lot of death. I’ve been seeing death. I’ve been having visions of some really horrible scenarios that could definitely… are possible. Not just in the Middle East, specifically Yemen, but in-country.

Do your research. Everything that I have said in this interview and that Kerry has said… please… You know, what I’m telling you is absolute and I’ve also specified what was theory, what was my intuition, and I’ve even labelled some sources where I gathered information.

Everybody that sees this interview, I encourage you to do the same. Don’t just take my word for it – because if you just take my word for it, you’re doing the same as watching TV or watching the movies and taking their word for it.

You need to do the research on your own because that will allow you to open your mind and really give yourself empowerment.

The greatest gift humanity was ever given was free will, and as long as you allow your free will to keep working, you will open up to what’s occurring.

False flags are going to be happening more, based on my intuition and my intelligence that I have gathered. Something else big is going to happen in the United States and it’s all being done to invoke this “war on terror” in Yemen, for movement with this seagate. Is it going to be to help escort these beings from off-planet? Or are these friendly beings that are trying to do something?

We’re already in a galactic war that’s happening now. Believe it or not, it’s happening. But with that war, there are many different battles occurring and we are on the brink of a new battle. This is definite; I have no doubt about that. This is going to be another battle of the galactic war.

And what people need to realize is that this planet is a war prize. It always has been. There’s always been conflict for this planet, and there are many reasons which I could get into, but God, you know, I would go and on and on.

Is there any other information that I can think of that people need to know about? Not at this time. Just know, specifically, you will find that the major countries that have warships… And I want to emphasize: these are warships, everybody – the United Kingdom, Russia, China, Japan, Germany, NATO, the UN, and the now mercenary group Xe, which is more commonly known as Blackwater. There are scientific research corporations there right now under multi-national contract doing heavy research on alien/ human DNA.

Ask yourself: Why? Ask yourself why was there a doctor that worked for this company that unexplainably said: The Earth, the people of the world have to be notified. It’s quoted in an article I found – and attempted “suicide” because she knew something. She was part of something. She had her own self-awakening and the information she has was so great, so overwhelming, that she tried to kill herself. But did she really try to kill herself? Or was this a mind-controlled, you know, attempt to kill herself?

Three of the people that I was in contact with, that I working with, what I myself was helping orchestrate – false flag events in 2008, and in the beginning of 2009 – unexpectedly disappeared when they themselves became more self-aware and realized what they were doing was wrong.

I have emails from certain personnel that contacted me and said that they were under house arrest in Twenty Nine Palms. Right after this – and I need to say this because this shows the level of seriousness that this is at – the person that I was in contact with, Captain Scott Syner/Signer [name unclear] I will say his name because he has disappeared.

The place that he lived at, which was not too far from where I was living… I went to where he was living because had I lost communication. He had given me a document that actually talks about the preparation, a document that was drafted in, I believe in 2000, for the agenda going all the way up to 2015 – a document was never supposed to leave the hands of certain personnel.

I have 22 pages of that document that I have shared with you, Kerry. This will… I’m getting off track. This person, Scott “Syner/Signer”, Captain Scott “Syner/Signer” who had given me this information, started realizing things were wrong, up and disappeared.

Where he lived, I went and talked with the manager. They had no… They would not tell me. Oh we had no Scott “Syner/Signer” living here. His phone became disconnected. The people that I was in contact with were disappearing left and right.

I myself became under heavy surveillance, even had an attempt on my life. Yes, that did happen last year, where on one occasion where I first thought it was an accident until I got more information. Well, it was not necessarily an attempt on my life, but it was what they do a lot, which they’re doing with a lot of people I’m in contact with. It was a scare tactic. They’re trying to shut me up.

I just got absolute confirmation – and I’d like to emphasize on that, absolute confirmation, because that’s what I have to have before I will really say in definite… The conference that unfortunately is having so many complications, the MK Ultra Mind Control Conference, I received an anonymous tip, and then through contacts of mine, saying that there was going to be “an attempt” on me at the conference because they know that I’m getting ready to whistleblow the project that is the absolute most secret-kept undercover project in the world. That is Project Seagate.

KC: Okay. So thank you very much, Aaron McCollum, and I assume that you want this video to go out as-is?

AM: Yes.

KC: In other words, we can talk about making it only audio; we can talk about possibly putting it into just a transcript, a written transcript, if you at a later date you decide to do so. But at this moment, is it your feeling that you want this to go on the Internet as-is?

AM: If I am going to really give… come out as a credible witness… I think that’s what you’re really calling them now, not whistleblower; you’re using the term witness?

KC: Both.

AM: Okay. If I’m going to be an actual… because this interview is going to be followed up with the full interview of how I came to be, who I am now and my whole history of the training I got as a kid. We’ll be blowing something wide open that you and I have talked about. If I’m going to have credibility, if I’m going to have people really see me, they need to see me as a person. They need to know.

And yes, you know, I have the tattoos and the earrings, but there’s a reason, which I’ll be explaining why I look the way I do now. But if I’m going to be a legitimate, real person… and also because there are people that I’m in contact with that I notified I was going to be doing this, and you and I talked about it… to see my face, to see that yes I am real, I am not some man behind the Iron Curtain, I’m not some “Deep Throat” in a parking garage. They need to see it as a whole.

KC: Okay.

AM: They need to see my face. For me, eye contact, seeing the person, is very much, you know, a lot more empowering.

KC: Okay.

AM: You know, my life has already been threatened, and attempts have been made. I have scars from knife wounds, from almost getting killed. But, being who I am, I lack the emotion of fear. I’m not afraid and I need to do this.

KC: Okay. Thank you very much. I also, just as a caveat, want to say here that isn’t it true that your connection with Camelot and specifically with Duncan O’Finioan has been instrumental in you getting in touch with some of this?

AM: Yes. When a friend of mine first introduced me to Project Camelot, I was very interested because I was starting to have some memories come back. And then this friend of mine showed me the Duncan O’Finioan and the Dave Corso interview and it took everything not to break down and cry because… something… there was something I couldn’t remember.

When I saw Duncan and I saw Dave, there was something inside that was just feeding me and I couldn’t figure out what. And then when Duncan and Dave mentioned St. Thomas in the US Virgin Islands, my head literally hurt. It was like I was walking in this hallway and all these doors opened.

And I can tell you and I will be saying this in my interview, that Duncan and Dave have memory lapses of what happened in St. Thomas. I will be able to tell you, and I’ve talked to Duncan and Dave about this, what happened.

Yes, Dave and Duncan and I did in fact do operations together. We have confirmed it. We know it, and even another soon-to-be-whistleblower was directly involved with Project Seagate with me.

Me contacting you, saying this, is not a coincidence – there’s no such thing as a coincidence. This was all the way it was supposed to be. I owe a big “thank you” to you for bringing me to the conference, and it was really a reunion between Duncan, Dave, and the other friend, who I promised I wouldn’t say this person’s name. I’ll leave that up to this person.

KC: Yeah. I wanted to make sure that we gave kind of a “thank you” or a nod of the head to Duncan O’Finioan and Dave Corso.

AM: Yes, absolutely. And you know, Dave and I, we see each other all the time. I’ve been regularly going to his place. Duncan’s been really busy, but there were a couple times after the conference when I was able to speak with him and actually see him when he was in LA filming The Manchurian Candidate.

By the way, I want to pitch that, [Kerry laughs] if you haven’t seen what’s titled as The Manchurian Candidate episode of Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura. It’s on TruTV. You can find it on YouTube now – an absolute must. It was so well done. I was so impressed with how well it was done.

That’s my little pitch for that, just helping out my friends Dave and Duncan who are also working hard to get the word out.

KC: Okay. Thank you very much. Today is January 9th, 2010.

AM: Yes it is. It’s Dave Corso’s birthday today.

KC: There you go.

AM: I sent him a birthday card.

KC: [laughs] Okay, thank you very much.

AM: Thank you.

Ann Eller – Presenting Ann Eller

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Ann Eller

James Martinez and Walter Bowart – Mind Control

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James Martinez and Walter Bowart