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Dolores Cannon – Convoluted Universe

Dolores Cannon – Convoluted Universe

Los Angeles, April 2010 | .mp4 | .mp3 | .mov

Dolores Cannon is one of the foremost pioneers in regression hypnosis, using a technique that she pioneered over 30 years ago that allows her to access the subconscious mind of her subjects. She believes by use of her technique that she gains access to the Universal Mind. Her objective is therapy for her clients, and ultimately an investigation to recover lost or hidden knowledge into who we really are. Author of numerous books, including “Conversations with Nostradamus” and the 3 volume series “Convoluted Universe” as well as several others, she has toured the world, speaking at conferences, appearing on tv shows and many radio shows.

I had the good fortune to interview Dolores in late February 2010 while at the Laughlin UFO Congress. She is a tireless investigator and fearless chronicler of the vast reaches of the human mind. This interview gives a glimpse into the method behind her approach and some of the secrets she has uncovered in the process of delving into the deep recesses of the mind and psyche. Her clients reveal lives that encompass many states of being including those of various ET races, extra-dimensionals and other denizens inhabiting this vast multi-dimensional multi-verse. She is currently teaching healing using her unique approach to therapy and hypnosis.

Kerry Lynn Cassidy
Project Camelot Productions

April 2010

Dolores Cannon website


Dolores Cannon – Convoluted Universe

KERRY CASSIDY (KC): This is Kerry Cassidy from Project Camelot Productions and I am here with Dolores Cannon. I’m very pleased to introduce our audience to Dolores Cannon and her work.


KC: I have been studying your work for quite some time, read several of your books and I’m very impressed with your diligence, with the care you take with each and every person that you regress.

DC: Um hum.

KC: And I just really want to welcome you here. Thank you very much for taking the time.

DC: Thanks for asking me to do this.

KC: Sure. So, what I’d like you to do is maybe talk a little bit about how you got started doing what you’re doing, and then I’d like to launch into, as we mentioned, what you call the “Three Waves” who have come here at this time to help the planet.

DC: Okay. Well, I am a hypnotherapist and as that I’m a counselor and I do a lot of therapy with people.

I began in hypnosis over 40 years ago, and I was doing it when there was no “New Age,” there was no… Nobody knew about reincarnation, there were no such things as past lives; nobody knew anything about it. So I guess I was setting the stage way back then.

I got into it totally by accident. I was doing hypnosis just for habits, stop smoking, lose weight; nobody else knew of any other way to do it… when we got into reincarnation by accident. And of course there were no books out to tell you what to do or what to expect.

So, from the beginning my curiosity has just said: I want to know more. I could have stopped, because it was kind of very unexpected, but instead I kept exploring and exploring.

My first book that was written back then was about my beginnings, and I couldn’t get it published because nobody knew anything about it. It was way ahead of its time. So now it’s come out.

KC: So what was that book? What was the title?

DC: It’s Five Lives Remembered.

KC: Okay.

DC: It was the story of how we began. And in the beginning I tried to get it published but there were no New Age publishers, there were no New Age bookstores, and the publishers said: We don’t understand it. We don’t know anything about it, so I had to put it to the side.

But then I continued my work and I began doing past life regressions and past life therapy intensely 30 years ago. So that’s what I’ve been doing ever since, and during that time I began to get more information and that’s when my books began to be published then. But it took many, many years for the rest of the world, I guess, to catch up with what I’d already found 40 years ago.

KC: So at some point you started to get remembrance, people going not just back to past lives, but also talking about coming into the planet from other solar systems.

DC: Yes.

KC: Other experiences as ETs.

DC: As I said, 30 years I’ve been doing the past life regressions, and 25 years ago they asked me to become a UFO investigator because in Arkansas where I live there was nobody who could explore this. There again, it was all new.

KC: When you say “they”…

DC: The investigators – MUFON in those days.

KC: I see.

DC: They were saying they needed somebody because they were getting people who thought they had had abductions, but they didn’t know who to work with.

They brought in psychologists, and they would put the person into trance, get them onboard a craft, then they would say: I don’t know what to do, and they would wake the person up and jerk them out of the scene. That’s not therapy.

KC: Um hum.

DC: Because they are getting into something, but they’d say: I don’t know what to do with this. It’s not in the book, so I don’t know what questions to ask.

So they called me and said would I be willing to work with them because, they said, You’ve been in the bizarre for so long, it shouldn’t frighten you, because I was into the past life regressions and I was used to the strange and the unusual.

But they said: It shouldn’t frighten you, and I said: No, because I’m just too curious.

So they wanted me to come to a meeting of 25 district investigators. It was a state meeting. They were going to bring a woman from Oklahoma who thought she’d had an experience and they wanted me to put her under in front of all them and ask questions.

KC: Oh.

DC: Not the best atmosphere; it’s a goldfish bowl atmosphere. We didn’t know her, she didn’t know us, and so they wanted me to see if we could find out anything about it.

I had never done this kind of work before, but all along I’ve had to write my own rules and regulations in all of hypnosis without anybody telling me what to do.

In my technique, you go back to a past life. So here I had to adapt it to stay in this lifetime, but it worked. They didn’t know I hadn’t done it before. We took her onboard the craft and we got a great deal of information.

After that, they just kept sending me cases. And then… well, I didn’t like the way that MUFON was doing it. It is okay to say this, or…? [laughs]

KC: Sure, absolutely.

DC: [laughter]. Okay. What I didn’t like… They are so much into the nuts and bolts, the scientific.

KC: Right.

DC: They want to have something they can touch, feel, dissect, tear apart, or it doesn’t exist. When it comes to hypnosis, they don’t understand it. So when I was having sessions and some of these investigators were present, they began making fun of the client while they were in trance.

KC: Oh wow.

DC: And making snide remarks and things. And I said: I can’t have that. I will not subject anyone I work with to that.

KC: Um hum.

DC: I just thought they were not serious about what I was doing. So I decided then I’m not going to work with them anymore. Now there’s a new director. I think they are more open now, but this was 25 years ago.

KC: Sure. And I think that there was a resistance within the UFO sort of movement for many, many years. It’s only started to sort of defrost, I would say, even in the last five years, to where they’re more interested in hearing about the occupants of the craft, rather than the craft and how it flies.

DC: Yeah, because they wanted to know, for instance, we were having the session, they wanted to know what kind of fuel to get the craft from here to there, or how many miles an hour, or what makes the engines move. And it’s not done that way.

KC: Right.

DC: They’re propelled by thought. There’re crystal powers onboard the craft, but it is mostly done by thought.

KC: Sure.

DC: And by the group thought of… everyone on the craft can do this. They don’t go from this planet to the next planet out there. They go through dimensions.

Well, they couldn’t understand this and they just thought: Oh this is a bunch of, you know, crap, and so they were making fun of what I was doing. So I wasn’t going to do that.

But I had one man, Lucius Farish, if you know him. Lou Farish is the one who puts on the UFO conference in Eureka Springs.

KC: I see.

DC: That’s been going on for 22 years. He was like my confidant all the way through. You have to have someone you can talk to and bounce ideas off of, and he was always open, so I shared everything I found with him.

I didn’t share with MUFON anymore, and I began to go way beyond what they had found and what they were interested in.

KC: So let’s fast forward a bit because you’re now writing these books called The Convoluted Universe.

DC: Yes.

KC: What you began to find with your clients was that things didn’t follow a linear sort of pattern, isn’t that right?

DC: Yes. In the beginning, it was just taking them onboard the craft.

My book that I’ve written about this, my 25 years, is called The Custodians, because all through my work I’d not seen any negativity. It’s always been positive. This is the way I see them, as the custodians of our planet.

The first book I wrote on it was The Keepers of the Garden. We are the garden and they are the gardeners. And I’ve never found negativity because I could see why they were doing what they were doing and the reasons for the whole thing.

KC: Okay. And when you say “they”, who are you taking about?

DC: The ETs.

KC: Okay, and have you different descriptions of different groups, because you must…

DC: There are many, many, many.

But this is what people find strange… I guess your audience will accept it. [laughs] As I began doing the normal UFO abduction scenes where they’re onboard the craft and everything… and they’re always full of all this fear and all of that.

See, I work in the deepest possible level of trance, which is called the somnambulistic level. Most of the other investigators and the hypnotists work at the light levels. At the light levels, you still have the fear and emotion involved with experience.

But in my method, we take the conscious mind out of the picture altogether. We get into the deep level, and you can find the real answers. When we’re at that level, they don’t experience emotion and pain or anything.

This is when things began to get strange, because [laughs] while I’m talking to the person and I get them into the deep level, they might be crying, they don’t know what’s going on; then all of a sudden they’d calm down and were able to talk. Then the other voices began to come through.

And the first time, a little mechanical voice came in and said [mimics a robotic tone]: We are scanning.

And it’s like: Okay, what’s going on here? [laughs] You could feel a vibration through your body.

And then they said [in robotic tone]: All right, she’s the one. She’s the one we’re supposed to tell.

And they said: We’re not going to give the information to just anyone. Give it to somebody who will use it.

And then they said: What do you want to know?

You don’t ask me: What do you want to know? [laughs] because I want to know everything.

KC: Sure.

DC: And so I began asking the questions, and it was ETs onboard the craft, while they were working on the person, would be answering my questions. I’d want to know what they were doing, why were they doing it.

And then I wanted to know about them. I wanted to know about their life. Did they live on the craft? What it was like on the planet they lived on? I wanted to find out about how the ship was powered. I wanted to know everything. How do they… do they eat? How do they procreate?

KC: So you were talking to which groups now?

DC: They don’t have names.

KC: Okay. They wouldn’t tell you?

DC: They don’t have names.

KC: But as far as we know… In other words, we know about for example, Nordics, as a general category, and we know about Grays and so and so forth, even reptilians. Have you gotten…?

DC: I’ve contacted all of them. All of them have come through at various times. But when I would ask them: Where were you from, they said: We don’t have a name for where we come from. You humans have to put labels on things.

KC: Um hum.

DC: So if you need it, we will give you a label.

But they said: If we told you we were from the planet out there to the north of the North Star, you wouldn’t know which one it was because it’s not even in your constellation books.

KC: That’s right.

DC: But they don’t come from planets anyway. They come from other dimensions and galaxies far, far away, because they travel through dimensions.

KC: Yes.

DC: So they said: It wouldn’t do any good to tell you where we are from. And onboard the crafts are many, many different kinds, just like Star Trek.

KC: Okay.

DC: I’ve had… The little Grays, when they come through – that was one of the first ones – and they are robotic. They are manufactured beings to do the work.

KC: Okay. And do you feel that they’re building a hybrid race, let’s say?

DC: Building one or…?

KC: Creating one.

DC: Well they’ve… all along that’s part of the program. That program is over now. It’s been done.

KC: Okay.

DC: They have accumulated everything they need. But the little Grays had a different way of speaking, and you knew you were not talking to anybody you could really converse with because they were robotic-sounding.

But they told me later: We had to show you this first so you could know what it sounded like and you could recognize the other ones.

One was a very beautiful woman that came through and she gave us a great deal of information. She responded a lot to me during this one… [inaudible]. So I don’t know if you would call her a Nordic or not. She had auburn-colored hair.

They look human, but of course, they aren’t human because the organs have been changed. They can… They don’t consume food. But they said their breathing mechanism, for instance, can handle any kind of gas in any atmosphere they find themselves in, except for sulfuric acid. So they are developed to… their body can take anything.

KC: Um hum.

DC: And they don’t have to eat… because they travel.

KC: Well, you’re actually regressing individuals, so you have various ET races coming through these individuals. Is that right?

DC: They are the ones that are working on the person and while they’re doing it they say: All right, I’ll talk to you for a little bit, and they’ll start telling me things.

The one who was the female with the auburn hair, was a doctor onboard the craft. She said: It’s not a doctor as you think of a doctor. It’s a doctor that works on energies. This is why they would explain what they were doing.

KC: Okay. But you’re also doing therapy on the person themselves, right?

DC: Yes.

KC: And so you’re talking to the ETs and you’re dealing with the person, so your subject matter has to also relate to that human being that the ET’s coming through. Isn’t that right?

DC: Yes, because they will explain what they have done to the person, why they have done it. And then by the time person wakes up, they’ll say: Well, if that’s what happened, I can live with it.

Most of the other therapists work at the emotional level. It’s only frightening because they don’t understand what’s really happening.

They told me the ideal situation should be that the person never remembered anything about the experience.

They have been coming since the beginning of the Earth, taking care of humans since the beginning of the Earth, and they don’t want to interfere with the individual’s life because of free will. We should be allowed to just live and experience life as we know it. They’re not supposed to interfere with it.

But, they said because the chemistry of the brain has changed – the pollutants in the air, the additives to the food. If the person is on drugs of any kind, recreational or medical drugs; if they are drinking, on alcohol, it changes the chemistry of the brain. Thus, when the person remembers an experience, they don’t remember it all; usually it’s parts of an experience or a dream.

They are remembering the experience in a distorted fashion, so it’s not correct, and that’s why they’re scared. They think they’ve been raped, they think all kinds of horrible things have happened to them.

This is what the UFO community… they exploit that. They have speakers come and talk about all the horrible things that were done to them.

Well, I can have the same person that somebody else has got this horrible story from, I do them, we get a totally different story because we find out what really happened, and it’s not at all what they thought it was, because the chemistry of the brain filters the experience. That makes a difference.

KC: Okay. And perhaps you are also… Because you are the receiver – right? on a certain level? – so you have a certain openness to accept whatever might come, rather than to preconceive or have…

DC: You see, it has to be the therapy for the person. Some of them are afraid to go out of their house after they’ve worked with other therapists. They’re afraid to go anywhere because… they’re afraid to go to sleep.

And when you find out what really happened, that’s therapy. That’s what I work with.

KC: Okay, but you’re working with MiLAB individuals that have been military abductions. Are you familiar with that?

DC: I’ve never done the military abductions.

KC: You’ve never had an experience with them?

DC: I’ve never… In 25 years, I’ve never had anyone…

KC: Interesting.

DC: …that had anything to do with the military. Other people say they have, but it’s interesting that mine have never been that way.

KC: Okay.

DC: It’s always been… They don’t like the word abductions. They prefer to call it visitations. It’s always been people that had problems, and they had partial memories, and they knew something had happened; they had missing time. And condensed time is much more exciting than missing time.

KC: Okay. So let’s talk about the future of the Earth and what kind of “Waves” have been coming, because there have been… you know, there are people on the planet, as you mentioned in your lecture. And I think a lot of people can go online and get other lectures that you’ve done, and so and so forth.

DC: Yes.

KC: But why don’t we talk about the Waves and then what’s coming in the future?

DC: Okay. I have found everything from how the Earth was created, to how they began life – and they did begin life and start us. They have watched over us all this time, all the way through.

But it’s interesting that I’ve never found the military abductions.

KC: Yes.

DC: The military might be involved, but I haven’t worked with those kinds of people.

But let’s go back a minute. You were talking about the different “races.” I’ve had many different ones come through. Some of them you wouldn’t even recognize; there are not any pictures you’ve ever seen.

But they’re able to communicate because it’s all… It’s mind-to-mind, but they speak through the person I’m working with.

KC: Sure.

DC: I have information that I can tell you that you wouldn’t believe, but you want to focus on this other…

KC: Well, okay, we’ll be happy to hear some of the information I wouldn’t believe, if that’s what you think.

DC: Well, whatever. I don’t know where you want to go.

KC: Yeah, I’d like you to talk about… Because you started off… You kind of ended your lecture yesterday basically with the Three Waves, and then the future of the planet, and then we can kind of go back to some other things after that.

DC: There’s one part, can I say it before I forget it?

KC: Sure.

DC: Because I had one that was on a craft that happened off the California coast. She was taken out of the car and all, was taken up into the craft, and she had no memory of any of this.

But the person, the ET, came through and was explaining what was happening while they were working on her. He was saying that their minds… the big eyes they have, and I was wondering how they see.

He said: From where I am now – they were in the craft over the highway – he said: We can see all the way out to the ocean, we can see all the way back into the mountains, we can see all the way down either side of the highway and we can see all the people in the little boats and all the people in the cars on the highway, and all the people in the houses all at the same time. That’s how they perceive.

KC: Um hum, wonderful.

DC: It’s not at all the way we would think it.

KC: That’s right.

DC: They see what they’re thinking. And when they were with the person, the little Grays were all crowded around her and giggling and they said: You know what they’re looking at?

And I said: No.

They said: They’re watching all the veins, how the blood is flowing through the veins. They can see inside of her, and how the little things were working with the brain and the fluids were operating in the body.

They could see all of that by looking inside the person’s body. It’s not at all what you think it is.

KC: I understand.

DC: That’s the kind of thing I find fascinating anyway. Okay. But with the Three Waves, you’ve got to understand that they created life on Earth.

KC: I understand that.

DC: They have been taking care of us since the beginning of time. Therefore, they monitor everything that we do. They watch us constantly because we are part of the records that go into the history book in the Council.

They have histories of every planet; everything that happens is in the history book. So they have been monitoring everything that happens on Earth all of the time.

Whenever something is needed for Earth, some kind of new invention or a new energy, a new power, it is given to us. But yet, we have free will. They do have the Directive of Noninterference. You cannot interfere with a developing civilization. I know that’s Star Trek, but it’s not fiction, it’s real.

KC: I think that most people will actually know that because they know that we’re on the brink of a complete change on the planet.

DC: They would always give us the next thing that we needed in the growth of a civilization. And I asked them: Isn’t that interference?

They said: No, because we give it to you as a gift when you need it in that time. What you do with it is your own free will.

And most of the time what they give it to us for, we don’t use it. We turn it into a weapon or something negative.

So I said: Can’t you just come back and just tell, “Look, civilization, you’re not doing it correctly?” They said: No, because that is interference.

KC: Um hum.

DC: So they have to just watch and shake their heads: People have free will, you can do what you want with it, but they’re not doing what we intended you to do with it.

So that’s what leads up to the Three Waves, because they were monitoring us all this time, shaking their heads, thinking: What in the world were they doing with all of this?

And then at the end of World War Two, in 1945, when we dropped the atomic bomb, that really got their attention. They said: We better get down there and see what these kids are up to, and they came in and saw what we were doing.

They said: It’s not time. We were not supposed to have that energy yet. That was not in the timeline. Whenever we were supposed to receive atomic power, it was supposed to be used for peaceful purposes and not as a weapon, and it was not intended.

So when they discovered we had done that, they knew they had to do something to help with it because otherwise they said we could destroy the Earth.

Earth was not developed enough. We’re still too cramped into karma, on the wheel of karma, and we can’t handle anything like that.

So they said: The Earth is not ready. So they went back to the Councils and were talking about it: What are we going to do? Because these kids can’t handle it; they will destroy the Earth.

See, the only time they can interfere is if we would get to the point of destroying the Earth. Then they would have to stop us because if we destroy this one little tiny planet here, it can have reverberations out through the solar system, out through the galaxies, and through other dimensions, and it would cause all kinds of havoc.

So they said that could never be allowed. That’s the only time they can ever step in and stop us.

KC: Okay.

DC: So, they didn’t want to do that. So, if you remember at the end of the 1940s, this is when the UFO flap began. That’s when we began to see more and more because they were coming and watching and seeing what we were doing.

So, there are Councils. There are Councils over solar systems, Councils over galaxies, Councils over universes. They’ve got definite rules and regulations about everything that happens with the galactic community. It’s not random.

So they went back to the Council and they were very upset. They said: What are we going to do? We can’t just come in and say, “Stop it,” interfere with them.

KC: Um hum.

DC: So they said there was a lot of discussion and they came up with what I thought was a brilliant idea. They said: We can’t interfere from the outside, but what if we could influence from the inside? And that was what they decided to do.

Because the people on Earth were caught up in karma, they were not going to be able to make advancements, not going to be able to move forward.

So the idea was to bring in pure souls, souls that had never been on Earth, souls that had never accumulated karma. And where were they going to get these souls from?

So that’s when the call went out, the call for volunteers: Come and help Earth; Earth is in trouble.

And now when I’m doing the sessions in the last two years, everything has changed.

Now, these people have been coming since the late ’40s, early 1950s. They have been coming into the Earth, but they don’t know what their purpose is. They look like everybody else, they are totally human beings, they have their problems. They’re not ETs. They don’t have antennas, but they have ET souls. That’s the difference.

That’s what people have a hard time understanding, because your soul, you know, it’s not just in a human body, it can travel. And we’ve all been ETs. We’ve all lived in other dimensions. We just continue going from body to body.

KC: That’s right.

DC: So that’s what people don’t understand. It’s not just life on Earth.

So the call went out for volunteers to come and help the Earth: Earth is in trouble.

So now when I’m doing the sessions… It used to be they would always go into a past life and we could find the answers to their problems in the past life. Now the only time they go into a past life is if they have karma to be repaid and problems to work out with their families.

But instead, I’m getting people who go back to the Source, which is God, and have never been on Earth before. They never left God. Or they are going back to where they lived on other planets, or spaceships, other dimensions. And so, they don’t go into past lives.

The session I just completed today was another one.

KC: Oh my goodness.

DC: I just came from Hawaii. The demonstration I did for the class in Hawaii was the same thing. So it’s happening more and more with the people I work with.

For instance, well, I will talk about the ones that come from God – because it’s not all ETs. [laughs]

When they go back to God, it is always such a wonderful, beautiful experience they can’t even find words for it. They are there. That’s where we all began. We all started with God when we started on this journey. We were all together, and the togetherness was wonderful, it was full of love.

And when they describe it, it’s beautiful. Sometimes they begin to vibrate and shake because of the feeling that goes through them, and they don’t want to leave because they’re all together.

When they do leave, then it’s a feeling of separateness, where they’re away from where they came from, and they don’t like that.

So that’s where we eventually will all go back to, is where we began, with God. But these are beings that had never been in a body anywhere; they were pure souls that had never left God.

The other ones had other bodies, but they were on spacecraft and planets and dimensions.

So, when we were doing this, I thought: If you enjoyed it so much – they’re in this feeling with God, they call it the Source – I said: Well, if you enjoyed it so much there and it was so beautiful, why did you leave? Because, you know, they’re in the human body if they’re lying there on the bed.

They all say the same thing: We heard the call and we answered the call.

And sometimes we can go back to where they’re having meetings on the spirit side and they’re talking to them and saying: Who will volunteer to go? Earth is in trouble.

They all say: We heard the call and decided to go.

They thought it was going to be easy. They didn’t know how hard it was going to be because they’re full of love and they want to help.

Then when I take them through the birth experience and they’re coming in here, they say: What was I thinking of?

This is the densest, most heaviest planet there is. The energy is extremely heavy and dense. Now, they’re coming from those types of places and they come into a body and it’s like pulling them down and dragging them down and they don’t like it. So as soon as they’re in the body they said: What was I thinking of? I want to go back. I don’t like this.

But then it’s too late. They’ve made the commitment.

KC: Um hum.

DC: But what people don’t understand is once you enter the body in any life, even the ones from past lives, as soon as you enter the body, you forget, because that’s the way it’s supposed to work.

It doesn’t make sense to me [laughs], but they say it does, because when you come in, the blinders come down.

I’ve taken them through the birth experience and they’re saying: I’ve got to remember, I’ve got to remember. And then when they’re born, they’ll say: I don’t remember anymore. It’s all gone.

I asked them one time, wouldn’t it be easier if we could remember why we came, if we could remember our assignment, if we could remember our association with other people?

They said: No, it wouldn’t be a test if you knew the answers.

KC: [laughs]

DC: So we come in with everything taken away and we have to fumble through it all to find our way back.

KC: So the Three Waves are what? What is the difference between them?

DC: Okay. The First Wave would be those first ones that were born, so I like to think they’re in their late 50s. Some of them say they’re early 60s, which would still fall in with the category. And I’ve found some that are kind of overlapped between the Three Waves.

But the First Waves that came in had the hardest time of all. They don’t want to be here. I hear that time and time again when I have clients, that: All my life I don’t want to be here. I don’t like it here. They don’t like the violence. They can’t take it. Why are people so mean to each other?

They always say: I want to go home, and I don’t know where home is, but it’s not here.

I have people tell me that they remember as a child standing in the kitchen talking to their mother, saying: I want to go home, and the mother would say: But you are home.

No, this is not home. I want to go home.

But they all feel like they don’t belong here. They don’t want to be here. There’s nothing about it they like at all and they have a difficult time even though they have a good family, they have a good job. You’d think they’d be happy, they’re not.

And many of them in the First Wave have tried to commit suicide. Even my last client said he didn’t follow through, but they would contemplate it and plan it out, because they want to get out of here so bad.

You can imagine what they would have been like in their teenage years. I wonder how many of them did kill themselves for no reason nobody could understand. They just have to get out of here. But they come that far. But of course suicide is never the answer. But those people have had a very hard time.

But when I’ve worked with them, then they say: All right, I don’t want to be here, I don’t like it, but I’m going to stay, because now they know what their assignment is and they have to do it.

Now, these people in all of the First and Second Waves have come in with what is called a “sheath” or a coating over them, their soul, so they will not accumulate karma. Because that’s the idea: come in with no karma and don’t accumulate any because if you accumulate, you’re going to have to come back again.

So it’s more or less like it bounces off of you. Because they said karma is like sticky flypaper. You get into it and you’re caught in it. That’s what it feels like.

KC: So you’re saying the Second Wave also had this same kind of thing about their coming in, in other words, that karma would not stick to them.

DC: Yes.

KC: But what’s the difference, again, then, between the Second and the First?

DC: Okay, the First Wave, I say are in that age group, they’d be 50’s now.

And the Second one are younger, like late 40s, 30s, but they had an easier time of it. They came in, they don’t feel as alienated as the first group did.

They are what are called “channels” or “antennas” of energy. They are here just to be. They don’t have to do anything.

Some of the people, like this last client, said: Well, I want to know what my assignment is. It must be something big.

And they said: No, you’re just here to generate energy.

KC: Um hum. Hold the frequency and raise the frequency.

DC: Yes, to help raise the frequency of Earth and people. So you can see how they’re influencing people, the ones who are caught in karma, by being around these kind of people.

But they generate the energy. It comes through them. They said they can walk through a mall of people and affect everyone that they come into contact with. It’s the energy just emanates out of them and also goes into the Earth, so they are doing a valuable service.

But many of these people in the Second Wave… some don’t get married. Even the First Wave don’t get married because they don’t feel right. Sometimes they’ll try it to fit in, but it’s never the way it should be. They don’t feel comfortable with it.

KC: I believe you also said that… Was it the First Wave or the Second Wave that doesn’t have kids?

DC: A lot of them don’t want children…

KC: The Second Wave, I guess.

DC: …because they realize on this other level – none of this is conscious – they realize that on this other level, having children creates karma and they don’t want that. They want to get in here, do their job and get out, go home, go back to where they belong. They don’t want to be stuck here.

They live a kind of a lonely life. Many of them work at home. They don’t go out and work, they work out of the home. And if they do get married, it’s usually someone who’s like them. I found some that have found each other.

But they are very gentle people, but they just don’t make waves, so they’re a little different than the First Wave.

I asked them one time: Why does the Second Wave have an easier time of it? Because the First Wave was much more difficult on them, where they wanted to commit suicide.

They said someone had to be the pioneers, to set the way, to blaze the trail, then the other ones followed. The Second Wave followed and they had it a little easier. So that was the difference.

KC: And what about the Third Wave?

DC: The Third Wave are the new children that are coming in. Now, all the DNA in our bodies is being changed at this time because we have to be able to adapt to the changing of the frequencies and the vibrations of the Earth as it changes. So our DNA is being changed to adapt to it.

So this is… the new children are coming in with all the DNA already changed. It’s all fixed so they don’t have to adapt.

They are the hope of the world, the gift to the world. That’s why the last thing you should be doing is putting them on drugs.

KC: [laughs] I agree with that.

DC: I speak in conferences about the new children and they have panels where the children tell, themselves, what’s going on. They tell what they’re experiencing.

The reason why they are considered disruptive is because they’re bored. They come in, they learn things very fast. They know more than you think they know, and yet they’re treated like… like children… like they don’t know.

Because they said in class the teacher will ask them the answer to a question and they’ll tell them the answers to the question and they’ll say: How did you find that answer? – especially in math. They say: I know it. That’s not good enough for the teacher.

KC: Sure.

DC: So a lot of these people just know the information. Then they say it gets so boring because the teachers have repeating, repeating, repeating. They said: I got it the first time, but yet they keep going over and over with the class. So that’s why they get disruptive – they’re bored.

KC: Sure.

DC: So they, the ones I work with on the other side, they say the best thing you can do with these new children is to give them challenges, something to do away from the other classroom, or even if they’re in the room.

They say even if you give them something to tear apart and put back together again, it’s giving them something to do with their mind than just sitting there waiting for the rest of the class to catch up with them.

KC: Sure. Probably learning by rote is not interesting to them whatsoever.

DC: It’s not because they learn so fast.

KC: So you’ve got Three Waves coming.

DC: There are more of those coming here all the time.

KC: I understand that. You’ve got Three Waves coming to the planet to help raise the frequency so that we can go through what… Now, I don’t know how you refer to it. I know that you talked about what is in essence sort of a “Second Earth”…

DC: New Earth.

KC: …that is being created.

DC: The New Earth.

KC: This is also something that Laura Knight-Jadczyk, who I also interviewed, talks about. And she talks about a wave that’s coming, or we’re entering it.

DC: It’s already here.

KC: Okay.

DC: We’re already in the middle of it. It started about 2003, is when it became more obvious.

KC: Okay.

DC: Does she talk about the two Earths separating?

KC: Yes. Well, in essence going into 4D, the fourth dimension.

DC: It’s 5th dimension. We skip the 4th dimension. The 4th dimension is time.

KC: Okay. So you believe that the Earth is going into 5th dimension?

DC: It’s already going.

KC: Okay. And that’s the information you’re getting?

DC: Yes, but it’s not the Earth – it’s separating into two Earths. That’s why I didn’t know if she talked about that.

KC: Well, not specifically calling it two Earths, but the idea is that one…

DC: The Old Earth and the New Earth.

KC: …that one group of people will stay behind and not, in essence, evolve at this time and move on to the next dimension.

DC: That’s what’s called the Old Earth. They said they will stay with what they created and that’s all the turmoil and the violence, and the wars, and the catastrophes that are going on. That’s the Old Earth.

KC: Okay. And the frequency that’s being raised… how do they describe the New Earth being created and the people going to the New Earth?

DC: It’s beautiful, it’s wonderful. It’s like paradise. When you go… they say: When you go, step through and don’t look back. You don’t want to see what’s happening with the rest.

But it has to do with raising the vibrations and frequencies. Now the planet, you must remember, is a living being. It is evolving. It is doing its own thing. So as it evolves it is changing its vibration and frequency, to move.

It doesn’t care if the rest of the world goes with. It doesn’t care if the human race goes with it. We’re like fleas on a dog anyway; it’d just as soon get rid of us. So…

KC: But isn’t it true there are some people already going into this other Earth?

DC: No, no.

KC: No? This is not what you’re hearing?

DC: No, no.

KC: All right.

DC: Not until your frequency and vibration is correct.

KC: Uh huh. And are you not hearing that… in other words, that this second Earth has been already prepared?

DC: That’s something different, totally. In The Custodians we talked about the ETs have prepared another planet. That’s a separate thing.

KC: I see.

DC: The other planet that’s being prepared is in case we were stupid enough to destroy the world. The human race must not perish and they would take some there to keep the human race going. A lot of these are the cloning that’s been going on, to keep the race going. That’s a different thing.

KC: Okay.

DC: They said you can call it what you want when you get there, like a New Eden. That’s another planet that’s being prepared. They said it will be similar to Earth, but not exactly the same.

KC: Okay. And this New Earth that you’re talking about is another concept.

DC: This is the vibrations of this Earth moving into another dimension. That’s something separate from…

KC: Okay, so there’s some… We’re talking about in essence two, both people residing on one dimension and the other dimension, and that they’re actually occupying in perhaps the same space?

DC: You mean the two Earths?

KC: Um hum.

DC: No, because once they separate they can’t occupy the same space.

KC: Okay.

DC: Now they are. That’s why people can’t go yet, because it’s not ready. The vibrations haven’t completed.

KC: Okay. So you’re talking about a group change.

DC: Until the vibration and frequencies match, it can’t happen. That’s why it’s happening gradually.

They said the human body is going to go… Our frequencies of vibration have to raise to match those of the planet as you go. To change the vibration of the human body that quickly would destroy the human body. It couldn’t handle it, so it’s been doing it gradually.

This started about 2003. That’s when it began to be obvious something was going on, a gradual progression, and they will change the vibrations and frequencies up a little notch until you adapt to that.

This can take several months and there will be definite physical symptoms as this occurs, then it will even out, and then it will go up another notch so it’s a gradual process. But now it seems like it’s not affecting the human body as much because we’re gradually adapting to it.

The older people are having the hardest time adjusting. The young ones are coming in already adjusted. It’s the ones in the middle that are having trouble.

KC: Uh hum.

DC: But those that can’t handle the change will just leave the planet.

KC: Okay.

DC: They’ll make a transition – they’ll die, in other words. But they said that’s okay. That’s why so many are leaving all at once. It’s all right to do that because they are not ready to handle the vibrations and the frequencies.

But as the body adapts, as you move through this, then we will all move together. That’s when the separation occurs, when it reaches that point.

KC: Okay. And have they given you a year or a time for that?

DC: Nope. Nothing. I keep asking them questions about it. They say: We can’t answer all your questions because we don’t know. This is the first time in the history of the universe this has ever happened, so we don’t really know what’s going to happen.

They said it’s the biggest show on Earth. All the ETs, everyone is watching. They want to see if we can pull it off.

Let me give an example that… I don’t know if you know Annie Kirkwood. She wrote Mary’s Message to the World.

KC: Uh huh.

DC: And we used to do panels together. She had a vision that I think really describes it the best way, because it’s very hard to understand the concept of things splitting and becoming two. But it’s evolution, is what it is.

She saw the Earth and then she saw it begin to pull apart like a cell does when it divides, and as it began to pull apart she saw it break apart into two Earths – one was the New and one was the Old.

And over here she heard them saying: We did it, we did it! We did it. And over here it was like: Poor thing, she died believing all that.

KC: Uh huh.

DC: So, the one will not be aware of the other one. It’s like in the Bible in the Book of Revelations when they talk about the New Heaven and the New Earth? One is left and one is taken. It’s that concept.

KC: I understand. Okay.

DC: The Old Earth is the negativity, the ones who are steeped in negativity and karma. Their vibrations cannot change fast enough for them to go. But they said it’s okay, they’re where they’re supposed to be. But as our vibrations move with the Earth, when it separates is when it comes apart.

We’re coming to that time, but it can’t be sudden.

Now 2012 is what they’re always talking about. They said that date is not definite.

That is when… it’s like a culmination, when the energy reaches a culmination, like a plateau. And at that time, if the energy increases, it will force the Earth to move into the other one.

But it doesn’t mean that is the end of it. It’s definitely not the end of the Earth. It’s the end of civilization as we know it. You will begin to notice some big changes.

But they said it won’t happen all of a sudden, it will be subtle. You will begin to say: Things look a little different. Things don’t feel the same anymore as they did on the other part. But as the two move apart…

But that is what happens between the two, so it’s a little hard to understand. There is a definite separation.

When I was telling that at a lecture, this one man came up to me afterwards. He said: Now, I’m a business man. I’ve never had this happen to me before, and I’ve got to tell you what happened when I listened to you describe this vision.

He said: All of a sudden the auditorium disappeared, I was out in space and I saw it just exactly the way you said. He said: I’m going to go home and make a computer drawing of what you said and I’ll send it to you – just don’t tell anyone where you got it.

And I put it in my book. We have the color one at home.

KC: Okay.

DC: The New Earth is slightly over the old Earth, and it’s glowing, where the Old Earth is different.

KC: Um hum.

DC: It’s hard for people to get the concept of the idea, but they’re definitely two separate things.

KC: So this information comes to you from a variety of the clients that you deal with, isn’t that right?

DC: Thousands and thousands of people.

KC: Each time they are talking about this process, isn’t that right? I mean…

DC: Well, it comes out in the therapy work because I ask so many questions. And I think it adds more validity when I get the same information coming from many people that have no idea what I’m looking for. So I ask a little more questions each time to try to fill in the blanks.

KC: Yes.

DC: But it comes through many, many people, a piece here and a piece there, and I have to put it all together like a puzzle. So I keep wanting to clarify it. I want more information to find out.

But they said: This never happened before. We don’t know what’s going to happen.

But do you want me to tell some of the symptoms of the body that people are experiencing?

KC: Sure, okay.

DC: Because even the plan they just had, they were saying don’t worry about these symptoms, they’re normal. But you have people who are running to the doctors.

When they start, people think they’re getting ill, but it only lasts for a few days or so, and then it will even off.

Okay, some of the symptoms they’ve experienced are high blood pressure, heart palpitations. That’s a big one because they think: I’m having a heart attack, but it’s irregular beating of the heart.

Also depression, dizziness, headaches, body aches and pains. I think those are most of them, but they sometimes go from one to the other. They go to the doctor and the doctor can’t find anything wrong with them.

KC: Are you familiar with the work of Barbara Marciniak?

DC: Yes. I know her very well.

KC: Okay. And she did a… she has a book in which she in essence was communicated through by the Plejarans.

DC: Yeah, I knew she had the older books. I didn’t know she may be doing any more.

KC: Bringers of the Dawn, I think it is.

DC: That was her first book.

KC: One of her…

DC: Twenty years ago.

KC: Yes, quite a long time ago. But nonetheless, they were talking about this transition coming.

DC: Well, whenever… You know, we are in and out of dimensions all the time. We don’t realize it, but we do go from one to the other as we shift back and forth. It’s natural.

KC: Um hum.

DC: But that’s not a bleed-through.

KC: Okay.

DC: We have to keep the dimensions separate. Especially, there are civilizations on these other dimensions. There are people living there that we don’t realize. There are smaller dimensions, but these are the bigger ones we’re talking about.

And I don’t see how they could bleed through or how they could merge. That wouldn’t make sense with what I’ve been told.

KC: Okay.

DC: But then, I don’t have all the information. That would be good questions to ask.

KC: Now, what about your own life? In other words, can you describe what… They kind of coin you as a having a certain job, a certain mission, from their point of view. Can you talk about that a little bit?

DC: Well, when I started with this they wanted to know if I wanted to do it. This was 25 years ago, especially when I began with the ETs and things.

They wanted to know, they said: Do you want protection as you work?

I said: Yeah, I can take all the protection I want.

So they said: All right. If you’re not supposed to go somewhere, you won’t be allowed to go out the front door. We’ll take care of you.

And then they said: As you volunteer to do this work, we’ll keep you healthy. And all along, every time they come through different individuals, they will say: We will keep you infused with the life force as long as you want to stay in the body and do the work.

Because they said I was very important to get the information out because I have such a curiosity, I want to know everything. So they wanted to give me as much information as they could.

They keep giving me more and more, and so Convoluted Universe comes along, the series. Because as soon I think I’ve got it all, they give me another concept, another theory that I haven’t heard of before.

But they said we can’t know it all. It’s absolutely impossible. It’s our human brain… It’s the mind, not the brain, they said, because the human mind has no concepts to understand these things.

So I always say: Well, give me as much as you can in analogies, examples. So they said: We will try, but it’s a poor example, but at least we get a little bit about what’s going on.

KC: So, can you talk about any concepts that you’ve heard recently that are maybe the most wild concepts?

DC: Oh, they’re getting wilder and wilder.

KC: What would be an example?

KC: Let me tell you a little bit about the Three Waves and the energy of these pure beings coming in.

When they first come into the fetus, they said the energy of the mother has to be adapted to bring the energy in. And so, sometimes because of the difference in the energy of the mother with the incoming energy, it will mean the baby will abort or will have a miscarriage because the energy doesn’t match. So they have to keep trying.

So then they will bring in a little more to adapt it. They don’t bring in the full energy of that spirit because they found that it will harm it. So as they come in, as they grow, as they become the child and a get a little older, a little more of the energy will be brought into the body.

I’ve talked to people that end up being this kind of a person, and they will say: Yes, my mother had several miscarriages before they were born. They had to adapt the body.

So some of the… what we call abductions, are when they take the person onboard the craft to put a little more of the energy into the body. It’s time to receive more. It’s working on the body to adapt it to handle this soul, this energy that’s in there.

I think that’s important for people to know. It is not a negative thing.

KC: Yes. Okay, I understand. So is there anything else that you would like to talk about in terms of the future? So you must a pretty positive view of the future.

DC: Oh definitely. That’s what I mean… don’t forget – you create your reality. You create everything in your life. You can’t blame anybody else. If you don’t like what you have in your life, you can uncreate it. That’s the important thing.

KC: Yes. And I think that’s a very important concept.

DC: So if you want to live in a positive, beautiful world, that is your reality. If you want to live in a world where everything negative is happening, that’s your reality. You have a choice.

KC: Okay.

DC: But they did say, in order to go, if you’re going to go with the New Earth, there’s two things you have to do that’re very important to help change your vibration.

The first thing you’re going to have to do is get rid of karma. Karma is what holds you to the Old Earth. You’ve got to get rid of the karma out of your life. So that means you’re going to have to forgive and release it and let it go.

It doesn’t matter if you came from a bad home where your parents treated you horribly, let it go. It doesn’t matter if you’ve had a bad husband, let it go and release it.

This project was very important. They didn’t know if it was going to work or not. But now they said, with the critical mass – that was the idea, get enough new souls in here to create a critical mass to swing the odds.

They think: Now we’ve done it. We’ve got enough people here, the new souls coming in, the new children, that we can do it. We can pull it off and we can save the Earth. And that’s why we’re going to move on. But now these ones are definitely going to go, because this is what they came in to do.

The rest of us, if we want to go with them, we have to get rid of the karma, because the karma is what holds you to the Old Earth, and we want to get away from the Old Earth.
We don’t want to stay with all the negativity and the catastrophes, so you want to move away from that.

You have to get rid of the karma. It just holds you. Karma is a law. You have to do it: “What goes around comes around.” You have to come back again and complete it again if you don’t do it now.

So in order to get rid of the karma, you’ve got to forgive. It doesn’t matter if you had a bad life. It doesn’t matter if you had parents who treated you badly. You learned a lesson.

It doesn’t matter if you have a horrible husband, you’ve got to let it go. You’ve got to release it. The way to do it is release it and forgive them and let it go.

They say: How can I forgive them? You don’t know what they did to me. But you have to do it if you want to move into the New Earth.

So you have to do this even if they have died. You do it on the mental level: I forgive you, I release you, I let you go.

Then you have to forgive yourself, which is also not easy.

Those two very important things. You have to get rid of the karma if you’re going to go.

Then you have to get rid of fear. Fear will hold you back. It will hold you to the Old Earth.

That’s what they said: You have to look at things with a different eye.

So don’t buy into the fear. The government, the church, everything is controlled by fear. Think for yourself. Ask lots and lots of questions, then make up your own mind. Don’t give your power away to anyone.

KC: Okay. Well, those are wise words and I appreciate that.

DC: That’s what they wanted us to know. If you’re going to go, you have to get rid of those two things to change yourself to move.

KC: Well, that makes perfect sense. Is there anything else that perhaps they’ve told you or that you think maybe in other interviews that you haven’t had a chance to really reveal that you would like to?

DC: They’ve told me so much… that’s the thing. [laughs]

KC: I understand.

DC: Because that’s what it is, it’s taking your baby steps to get into this.

KC: Um hum.

DC: Because when they started out with me 30 years ago, they said it was like spoon-feeding. They can’t give you the whole thing at one time.

KC: Uh huh.

DC: They said it’s just like a baby. You don’t give a baby a three-course meal.

KC: Sure.

DC: You start out giving the baby milk, cereal, crushed vegetables. You don’t give a baby a steak. You can only give them what you can handle at any certain time.

KC: What about the, what we call The Powers That Be? Have they talked to you about The Powers That Be and how they will make the transition or not make the transition?

DC: You mean the government?

KC: Yes, the government, people that have actually done, you know, had an agenda on the planet, imprison people, you know, basically…

DC: They recreated karma.

KC: Abuse people. Exactly.

DC: They created karma, so what do you think they’re going to do?

KC: Okay. I just wondered if they had been more specific in regard…

DC: No.

KC: …to some of these people.

DC: They’ve talked a lot about those, because that’s what they said: Don’t buy into it. Don’t listen to what they’re saying – that they are trying to create fear.

KC: Sure.

DC: They’re trying to get rid of the population because they can control you if it was at a certain number, but it’s gotten so big they can’t control the people anymore.

The idea is to get rid of the population and tone it down. A lot of that is done with what they’re doing now, the wars, the food, and definitely this whole crazy swine flu thing.

Even the doctors have told me: Do not take those shots under any circumstances because you don’t know what’s in them.

But those people are creating fear. When you create fear, you create a great deal of karma.

KC: Um hum.

DC: And they create a great deal of karma with what they’re doing, so they are definitely not going to go.

KC: Okay.

DC: So they’re not going to be happy about the whole thing. But they did say Obama is a light-bringer.

KC: Did they? Okay.

DC: They say he’s got a big job cut out for him, but that he’s not one of the others, so that’s important.

KC: Sure.

DC: He’s here at a very important time.

KC: And do they give you information about what might happen? In other words, steps… that things, events, in the future, certain events…

DC: Well, I’ve written three books on it.

KC: …on the planet.

DC: Yes, in the Conversations with Nostradamus, where we interpreted all of the 1000 quatrains of prophesies.

KC: Oh, okay. I haven’t read that book. So, was it accurate?

DC: Three books.

KC: Was it accurate? The information?

DC: Oh, it’s extremely accurate. It’s the most accurate interpretation that was ever been. But the thing is, we are changing the prophecies.

KC: Um hum.

DC: Because he said even in the books: If I tell you the most horrible things you could do to each other, will you do something to stop it. So that’s the idea – if you tell someone the future, they can make changes because the future is not set in stone. It all depends on the decisions that the people make. In your own life, the decisions you make can make a big influence.

Because he said he saw time going out in branches, many different timelines that you could go on.

KC: Okay.

DC: They would come into what he called the nexus point. At the nexus point was an event that had to occur, and from there on it branched out again. So if you knew which path you were going on, you could change the future.

And he said: You don’t know the power of your own mind.

That’s why we can control the future. If you can focus on what you want, peace and harmony, you can have that. But if the power of one’s Mind is that powerful, imagine the power of a group of Mind.

You get groups of people focusing on peace and harmony and what they really want, the power of group Mind is not only multiplied, it is squared, so the power is tremendous.

And that’s what I’ve been doing for the last 20 years, traveling all over the world getting people to focus on that, and we can change the future. That’s what we’re doing. That’s why the prophecies have changed, because we’re going in a different direction. I see peace and harmony.

KC: Have you talked or heard stories about the indigenous people and maybe even regressed some of them and saw what they are seeing in their own futures, and so on?

DC: I haven’t worked with too many of them. I worked with Indians and I worked in Australia, but I haven’t worked with the indigenous people there. But I know I worked with Thomas Pinyacan (65:46) [phonetic spelling; could not verify name] when he was one of the Hopi elders.

KC: Uh huh.

DC: And he was giving the Hopi prophecies. I think what they see is very accurate.

KC: Okay.

DC: But we can change the future. I see a good future ahead of us because that’s the way we’re headed. Otherwise, the Nostradamus prophecies talked about these horrible wars that we should have been in already.

KC: Right.

DC: They should have started about the year 2000, but we have managed to go into the lesser way. We would go away from those things.

KC: You’ve heard information about stargates, I imagine, from the people you’ve talked to.

DC: Yes, I know about dimensions and time travel and going back and forth between dimensions, the portals and the windows.

KC: Right. And you’ve heard, I imagine, that the secret government… You’ve heard about the secret government, space program…

DC: I’ve written about that in the Nostradamus books. He called it the Cabal, the government behind the government.

KC: And that they are doing, that they are using the stargates and going basically out into the solar system.

DC: Yes, and they are also doing time travel. They’re doing a lot of that. I don’t like to be involved with that because I’ve had some problems with that, with the government.

KC: Oh really?

DC: And I would rather not get over into that. But yes, it’s very real. I’ve been told that if I stay away from that I’m better off, not to go into that death part.

KC: No problem. We will stay away from that.

DC: Yeah. Because what they tell me to do, I do. But there is a great deal the government is doing. Bob Dean was right on. He’s correct… the cloning. It’s in my Nostradamus books. We just talked about all of that, about the cloning, about everything that happened, so I know it’s real.

KC: Uh huh.

DC: And the government behind the government. But I just don’t want to focus on that.

KC: I understand. All right. So, as far as the people that you’re talking to now, do you feel that there’s sort of a new wave of information coming at you at this time from the people that you’re interviewing? Or do you feel that it’s…

DC: As far as the New Earth? … [overtalk/ inaudible] … Wave…

KC: …that it’s building? Well, I guess what I’m asking is… in other words, because it seems like in your books there’s a progression of information, that it becomes perhaps more sophisticated, more intricate.

DC: Yes.

KC: I was just wondering if you’re coming across some new things now that you haven’t in the past.

DC: Oh definitely – lot of things in metaphysics.

KC: Okay.

DC: There’s so much! But that’s why it would be very difficult for some people to understand. Are you talking about dimensions, and…?

KC: What about simultaneous lives?

DC: Yes, I do a lot of that. That was what I was talking about.

See, you don’t realize, you don’t just have one soul that comes into this body. You have a soul, but in order to experience many of the experiences at one time, you don’t just come into one body. They said it’s like it splinters, goes into facets. It splinters. And when it does that, it is experiencing many lives at the same time – this means all your past lives, your present lives, and future possibilities.

These are simultaneous lives. So at times we do tap into some of those when I’m doing the sessions.

KC: Um hum.

DC: But you’re not to know about those things because it would be too confusing for you. If you knew all the other parts of you, what they were doing and what they were experiencing, you would go crazy, you couldn’t handle it.

So they say if you focus on this life right now, what you’re doing right here, that’s the most important thing for this facet right now.

KC: Okay. And what about the idea of twin flames or soul mates? Do you get information on that?

DC: If you want to go there, but it’s not important. It really isn’t. You have people that you’ve had past lives with that you will come back with again that you resonate with, and you make contracts with these people: “Let’s go back and do it again through many, many lifetimes.”

But they say you’d be much better off if you don’t acknowledge your soul mate because you’d be so happy and content you wouldn’t do your work you came in to do.

KC: Okay. [laughs]

DC: A soul mate is just someone that you resonate with, but you’d be better off not to. You have a job to do. So, no, people come to me all the time: I want to meet my soul mate, and they’re told: You’re better off… just live your life, do what you’re here to do.

It’s a nice theory.

KC: [laughs]. Okay. Can we talk a little bit about the healing that you’re doing right now?

DC: Yes, that is very important.

KC: Okay.

DC: Because when I was doing the past life regressions, we were finding out a lot of information because we found the cause of a lot of their problems went back to past lives.

But then as I was working with it, I came into contact with what I call this Great Power that I work with. That’s the one that gives me all the information that I write about.

The ETs came in during that one time, but then this other one is the one I work with now.

KC: I see.

DC: I call it the subconscious, but it’s not the subconscious the way it’s defined by the psychiatrists. That’s a childish part of your mind.

This you might say is the Oversoul, the Higher Self, the Higher Consciousness. It is so big and so huge, it has the answers to everything. Why not work with something like that? I had to have a name for it, so I called it the subconscious.

They say: We don’t care what you call us, we’ll work with you. And it’s a beautiful, wonderful energy.

So when I work with them, I found they could not only answer any question that the client wanted answered, but they could also have instantaneous healing.

KC: Okay.

DC: Now, I’m not doing this – I’m the facilitator. But if I work with thousands of people and I can call it in to work with that person, it comes through that person exactly the same way every time, you know I’ve found something.

But it’s miraculous. I have people now coming from all over the world to my little office in Huntsville especially to have the healings. We work with every kind of disease there is, every kind of illness.

I have people coming who are scheduled for surgery – they don’t have to have surgery. People who are ready for liver transplants, kidney dialysis – they don’t need it anymore.

Because you make yourself sick, and if your mind is powerful enough to make yourself sick, it’s also powerful enough to heal it.

Find out – why did you make yourself sick? That’s what I do with the therapy and with the sessions, find out where does it come from? Then they can come through and heal immediately.

It’s miraculous to watch. It’s like electricity, electric currents. Energy flows through that person. They will jerk and convulse as they fix everything. I’ve had them put backs back together again, bones back together, rebuild cartilage, dissolve and absorb cancer tumors. It’s miraculous. That’s what I’m working with. To me that’s the most important part.

The information is valuable. It comes through, too, while I’m working, but to me the healing… They said this is the therapy of the future. So now I’m teaching it all over the world.

KC: Okay. And how are you teaching it? Like what would be a sort of an instruction that you would give somebody?

DC: I go step by step through the way I do the sessions and how I contact the subconscious and bring it in. It’s a step by step process. I teach this at a three-day class.

If they will do exactly the way I teach them, they can do the same thing.

KC: And so you have people out there doing…

DC: Definitely.

KC: …what you’ve taught them to do.

DC: We have people. We have a website that is a support group and they will interact and tell us what they are doing, and if they’re having problems we can help them with it. We have an advanced class for those that are having problems and need more “bag of tricks” that I’ve got that you can go further with this.

But in one class in Australia, in Perth, we had 91 students. And then the next year, I just went back, we had 52 students. Australia is taking this and running with it. They are seeing miracles happen.

To me that’s wonderful, to see your students doing this. I’m teaching in Russia. It’s done with translation. They are doing it, they’re using it. All over the world I’m teaching this, and they are getting it. To me that’s very important.

KC: Okay. Well, that’s wonderful to hear.

DC: People can go on the website and find out my schedule, where I’m going to have my classes. That’s what I’m supposed to be doing now, is spreading this information.

KC: Okay. And do you feel that sort of your… maybe your mission has changed a bit, so you’re going in this more healing direction than you were, say originally, where you were doing the regressions, which are healing in and of themselves?

DC: I still do that. That’s part of it. You do the regression first and then you get into the healing.

KC: Okay.

DC: It’s all part of it together.

KC: Then in essence you have to make sure that the person actually wants to be healed, because isn’t true that some people wish to keep their sicknesses?

DC: I know. I get people like that. You have some that if you take away their illness you take away their identity because they like the attention that they get when they’re sick. They like to tell everybody about the next aches and pains they have.

So even though they say: I don’t want to be sick, I want to be healed, some of them you can’t work with. But otherwise, if they really want to be healed, this is a wonderful way to do it. And it’s instant. I only see the client one time – that’s all it takes.

So, I’m still getting information. They still want me to continue to write.

KC: Okay.

DC: So I’m doing it all together now. But it’s good to be spreading it and having more and more people learn how to do this. The idea is to help people. That’s what it’s all about.

KC: Absolutely. I agree. Well thank you, Dolores Cannon, for your service to humanity.

DC: Okay. Thank you. [laughs]


Bob Dean III – Bringing in the Light


Bob Dean | Bringing in the Light
Los Angeles, April 2010 | .mp4 | .mov | .mp3

Bob Dean is a legend in his own time. He is, I believe, a one-man disclosure project. Ask him to the party and you barely need anyone else to make the case, for the truth behind ufos, ETs and the secret space program. He lends a touch of class to everything he touches.

After two brilliant interviews with Dean, imagine my surprise when I got a call from him telling me he wanted to come forward again… He had, he says, barely grazed the surface of what he knows. Hard to believe but who am I to quarrel with the ‘great Yoda”?

So to Laughlin we went. I was accompanied by Jack Burns, the notorious, future, giver of Camelot conferences… A man who has attracted controversy and even, some believe, ignominy to Camelot in the process…. When these two war horses met it was a meeting of brothers. They had ridden together back in the days of the Knights Templar, they said. And Dean greeted him like the long lost comrade he was. With Jack’s help — handling the roving camera… I sat down with the retired Command Sergeant Major to have another go… and down the rabbit hole we went. A bit deeper in search of the real truth behind the matrix. And Bob did what he does best… bringing in the light.

Kerry Lynn Cassidy
Aoril 2010
Interview shot in February 2010

Interview transcript |

Bob Dean | Bringing in the Light
Los Angeles, April 2010


“Oh my gosh, don’t get me started! I’m going to have to get myself a Jack Daniels and then we’ll really have an interview here!”

“I was in the back seat of a car with a couple of them and we were going down the highway in this… near Ajo, Arizona, which is not far from the Mexican border, and we went into a fog, and the next thing you know [laughs], we went into a portal.”

“My God, they don’t want us to know about the Aerospace Command here, would you believe that? Trillions of dollars a year are going off to a military command that the American people don’t even know exists?”

“It’s not courage, Baby. They rubbed me the wrong way, I got angry! That’s why I sued the Sheriff.”

Beginning of Interview:

KERRY CASSIDY (KC): Hi, I’m Kerry Cassidy with Project Camelot Productions and we’re here with Bob Dean for our third interview, which is going to be very exciting because Bob is going to pull out all the stops and tell us everything he’s never told us.

We’d like to welcome you, Bob Dean. We’re here at Laughlin, actually, and it is February of 2010, just to mark the time, because after this many things may change. Isn’t that right?

BOB DEAN (BD): They’re changing every day… and they ain’t seen nothing yet!

KC: Okay. [laughs] So tell me, what is new in your world? And why is it that you feel that you can come forward at this time and actually talk about something that perhaps you didn’t tell me in our last two interviews, and feel that the time is right to talk about now?

BD: I’m not at all sure the time is right, but I felt that I had to be candid and be honest about a part of my life that I’ve never shared before. I was a bit of a coward over the years, to be honest with you.

I had a personal intimate relationship with non-human Intelligence since I was three years old. And I became totally convinced and concerned, and accepted and committed to the idea when I was in combat in Korea, when I was in combat in the jungles of Southeast Asia, and my life was changed, and my life was saved time and time and time again – situations where I should have died, situations where all my friends around me died and I didn’t. I got wounded, but I’m here.

And over the years more and more and more it became quite clear to me that something else was going on. Then after I went through a series of past life regressions a number of years ago, the lid was lifted, as it were, off of my little teapot of subconscious and conscious memories.

Not only did I begin to not just remember, but in some cases I literally re-lived events, things, happenings, in other times, in other places. And I think that series of past life regressions probably is what triggered full-scale memory realisation of my intimate involvement with, as I say, non-human Intelligence.

But I seldom shared that with anybody because, as you can well understand, in this world, in the United States [laughs] in the 20th century – and I’m a child of the 20th century, for good God’s sake; I was born in 1929, I grew up during the Depression, so I’m a child of the 20th century. You just didn’t come out and speak openly and honestly about something like this.

And to be honest with you, there were places they could have locked me up, literally. If I’d been candid about it and open about it while I was on active duty in the military, I might have been put under observation or something, you know.

The people who may be listening and watching this I’m sure understand exactly what I’m saying, because you just don’t come out and speak openly about something like this to the public, because the public wasn’t ready. And I’ve had misgivings whether the public’s ready even now.

Now, you and I have had a little difference of opinion [Kerry laughs] on how aware and how prepared the public is…

KC: Absolutely! Absolutely.

BD: …to the reality of the extraterrestrial presence. For many, many years I strove to bring this out. I educated in Congress, on The Hill, House of Representatives, Senate offices, to have hearings on the subject and bring the whole damn story out.

And then over the years I developed the attitude that maybe the people really weren’t ready for it. You’re convinced that they are, and I’m convinced that some of them are. But I’m convinced that the masses are not.

Anyhow, I love you dearly and we’ll disagree on that. [Kerry laughs]

KC: Okay. Well, so you have past life experiences.

BD: Past life memories, yes, from…

KC: You’ve also had ET experiences…

BD: Many.

KC: …since you were three years old. I don’t know that you’ve ever actually related the one that happened to you when you were three. Do you want to put that down here or do you want to go in a different direction?

BD: Well, that was the beginning and I’ll touch upon it if you think it’s pertinent, yeah.

KC: I think so.

BD: Well, my dad was a railroader and at that time we were living in Covington, Kentucky. Dad was in and out of Cincinnati and that’s why Covington was an appropriate little place to live.

Being a Pisces, I’ve always loved water, and the nearest water to where we lived in Covington was an industrial canal that had been dredged just about a block from my house… for a foundry, where they carried ore into the foundry and they carried the slag back, and so on.

Anyhow, this industrial canal was very steep. It had been dredged; the sides were very steep, 40 feet from the bank down to the water. These heavy ore barges were going back and forth from time to time. I loved to go down there as a little tyke and throw little pieces of wood into the water and I’d throw pebbles on the… you know, play my little games.

Well, my little game got away from me one day and I tumbled off the edge into the water, 40 feet down… little play-suit on. Good God, it’s vivid like it was yesterday!

Here I am splashing around at the bottom of this wall of mud, striving to get out, clawing at the edges of this thing, and the more I clawed the wetter it got and the more slippery it became. And I’m soaking wet and, you know…

To my three-year-old mind it struck me that: This has been a short trip; I’m going to drown. I’m dying; I’m ready to go under. I kid you not that three-year-olds are pretty bright, pretty sharp, pretty perceptive. And here I am, I’m ready to go… it’s been a short trip.

But about that time a powerful pair of hands grasped me from behind, got me under the arms – I felt them; I can feel those hands even now – lifted me up 40 feet out of that canal and placed me on the bank of this industrial canal. I’m soaking wet and covered with mud.

Nobody behind me. I mean, I’m in the water in the canal and there’s nobody behind me, but I remember this powerful pair of hands lifting me up and putting me on the bank.

Once it dawned on me that there was nobody there, I don’t know what really went through my mind at that time other than the fact that: I’m in deep trouble. I’m in deep doo-doo, because when my mother would see me, I know she would know that I’d violated all her rules. And God, I knew I was going to get it – whack, whack, whack, whack, whack, whack! She’s crying at the same time she’s whacking me, you know, because she knew I’d been in the water down there.

And the event itself… [blip in audio, words missing] … but it was in there.

I think over the years that memory surfaced from time to time and I found myself looking back and thinking: Did I imagine that or was that real? And then as I got a little older and became aware of all of the other events of my life when it happened where I should not have lived, that surfaced again and again, that event.

KC: Well, you’ve told me, you know… Can you describe some of those incidents in which you lived and others didn’t? You don’t have to go into too much depth, but just to give people a taste of what you’re talking about. What you mean by that?

BD: Like what?

KC: Well, you said in some cases you were in a military situation in which all the people around you died and you did not. Can you describe a couple of those?

BD: Well, I can remember one: I was an infantry platoon leader. I was a Second Lieutenant when I got to Korea in 1951. I led an infantry platoon in combat – 32nd Infantry Regiment, 7th Infantry Division – in one of the God-most-awful bloody wars we’ve ever had. They refer to Korea as “the forgotten war,” but for those of us who were there – and there aren’t a hell of a lot of us left – we’ve never forgotten. We never forgot it.

There was one time we were on an attack and we knew that we were going to engage a Chinese division. Now, the Chinese had come into the war in ’50, at the end of the year in 1950. You’ve heard about the winter there, the Chosin Reservoir events and all of this. Well, thank God I wasn’t in there.

But when I arrived the Chinese were in full commitment to the war and there was a fresh Chinese division in front of us and we were attacking that division. We’re moving forward through a pine forest in the mountains and I hear music and I thought: My God, what the hell? Where’s the music coming from? My favourite… one of my favourite pieces was the Grieg Piano Concerto and I’m hearing the Grieg Piano Concerto!

Well, my company runner, my radioman, comes up. He says: Lieutenant? He says: Where the hell’s the music coming from? I hear music back there.

And I says: I hear it, too. Go find out if any of those nitwits in the outfit have gotten a radio or are playing a tape or something… you know, because here we are moving forward into an attack that turned out to be one of the bloodiest we’d ever had. I’d lost about a third of my platoon that day and there’s some music being heard – Grieg Piano Concerto, one of my favourites.

We got into combat. Well, my runner came back later and he says: Lieutenant, nobody’s got a radio, nobody’s playing a tape. And he heard the music, too.

And we went through this mess, lost a bunch of kids. After it was all over with I’m sitting there thinking about it. I didn’t get a scratch. Where the hell did the music come from? Was I fantasizing? Well, I couldn’t have been because my radioman heard it also, the company runner heard it. Small event.

There was another event later that involved sitting around a fire after a day’s activity and… about six of us. I get up to take a pee. I step away 20 feet, a mortar round comes in, lands right on top of the damn fire, kills everybody. I’m unscathed, untouched.

KC: Unbelievable.

BD: In Vietnam, another case – helicopter. There were about six of us in the chopper, plus the two crewmen and we’re chogging away and, you know, not very high, maybe 600 feet. I look down and I see holes in the floor of the helicopter – and there were no holes in it when we got in it. [Kerry laughs] Holes in the floor!

And I looked to somebody and said: There weren’t holes in the floor of this damn thing (it was a Huey) when we got in it.

And he said: No, there sure as hell weren’t.

The next thing we know is an AK47 round got into the engine, froze the engine up, down we went, the ‘copter crashed, burst into flame. I was the only survivor. [long sigh] Forgive me… the memories are vivid. I walked away unscathed.

Well, over the years I began putting two and two together, and not being terribly bright but not being stupid, it began to dawn on me that something’s going on here and it’s tied in with that event when I was three years old, and it’s been going on and on and on and on.

Well, they finally got to me. They finally got to me and I began to realise that when I incarnated on this planet, I must have come for a purpose – not just to have a good time, you know, jollies and all – but I must have come for some reason.

Well, then a series of face-to-face meetings took place between me and them. And I must tell you and make it very clear: I have never been abducted, because that’s not a word I use. Literally I have been invited and…

KC: Are you saying that you were having these meetings while you were in the military?

BD: To some degree, yes, but not as blatantly and openly as it happened later.

My face-to-face confrontations with them have been pretty regular in the last 20 years. And that’s not an accident in itself, because when I started speaking openly and bluntly about the extraterrestrial presence in 1991 in Tucson, Arizona, and violating my National Security Oath in a big way, that’s when the overt, blatant, face-to-face meetings began to take place.

KC: So did the meetings happen… In other words, I’m wondering if the meetings spurred you on to disclose, or whether or not you decided to disclose and then suddenly you’re having face-to-face meetings?

BD: A great deal of both.

KC: Okay.

BD: My decisions, I think, were based basically on my anger and frustration with the American government for lying to the people for so many years – my anger and frustrations at the American media and the public itself, of not paying attention, not being interested, not giving a damn, not seemingly willing to even care about this greatest story in human history.

So it was a little bit of both. I think their involvement has been a major factor, and I think my own decision, as I began to realise over the years who I was… I mean literally, spiritually, who I was and why I came here.

KC: But, you know, you told the story in the first interview of finding this book, in going into a safe, while you were a Command Sergeant Major.

BD: Well, I was a Master Sergeant at the time.

KC: Okay. And the name of the book is the…

BD: An Assessment.

KC: An Assessment. And this was when you were in Europe, right?

BD: When I was at SHAPE Headquarters in Paris. I went there in ’63, 1963.

KC: Okay. So at that point… I’m going to assume that the memories that you’re talking about, even when you were three years old, were these gone? Had they been buried and then were triggered? Was there any kind of interaction that you actually had prior to that? Or after that?

BD: When I first was exposed to The Assessment in the war room, in SHOC, in Paris in 1964, after it was published in the summer of ’64, I read it and it was a bit of a shock. And there was also another factor, Kerry, where I said, you know, kind of: I’ve known this. I’ve been aware of this. This is not really that big a surprise to me.

Reading it on paper, seeing it in this Cosmic Top Secret document, made an impact: Ah, you know, the military for three years have been studying this.

No, the whole thing… The Assessment, I told you before it was about that thick [measures the size in the air] but it was filled with Annexes and Appendices, ten of them.

I read the books. I read the Appendices, the Annexes. I looked at the photographs. I studied the autopsies – there was a crash in northern Germany, for God’s sake, where they retrieved a crash of a UFO with twelve small bodies in it. And the impact was pretty impressive, but there was a part of me that somehow knew this was all true. I was…

KC: Did you ever think that they set you up? [Bob laughs] Did you ever think that they let you do what you did?

BD: Well, who are we talking about? Who set me up and who let me do this?

KC: Well, you tell me.

BD: Was it the military guys? Was it the Colonel who threw the thing on my desk and said: Read this, this’ll wake you up? Or was it them? [pointing upwards]

KC: Right.

BD: And I’ve come to a point in time where I’m convinced that they generally are calling the shots.

Now, it could have been a little of both. I mean, the Colonel may have said: Look, you know, Master Sergeant, you’re dosing off – it was three in the morning. [gestures, book being tossed on a desk] Plop. Read this. It’ll wake you up.

But I think that they had a hand in it. [points upwards again] I think they’ve had a hand in damn near everything, Kerry, the more I have grown older and a little wiser and more perceptive. I’m at a point in my life where I don’t miss much. I pay attention.

KC: I agree with that. [laughs]

BD: And I have learned over the years that there are bigger players in this drama, this human experience. They are major players and have been from the very beginning.

KC: Okay. But you actually must agree that when you go “those guys upstairs,”[points upward] to some degree they’re also working with the military. I mean, we know this now.

BD: Yes. Yes, we do.

KC: And I don’t know when or even if that was in the report, or whether you became clued in later, just how much dialogue with the….

BD: Kerry, the report itself was a military study for three years and it had a purpose, and it was simply this: To determine whether there was or was not a military threat to Allied forces in Europe in 1963 – ’67 and so on, because these things had been flying all over central Europe for years.

Gordon Cooper told me one time, he said: They were all over the damn place when he was flying the jets over in Germany in the years before he became an astronaut.

Well, these objects had damn near triggered World War Three. On the 2nd of February in 1961 they had a major flyover where they came out of the Soviet sector, Warsaw Pact, flew over central Europe and Germany. Over the southern coast of England… over the Channel, they turned north in formation, obviously under intelligent control, and then this flight disappeared off of our radar over the Norwegian Sea.

KC: And we’re talking about flying saucers?

BD: We’re talking about large metallic circular disc-shaped objects, obviously under intelligent control.

KC: Okay. And is it possible that these were actually built by the Nazis and then…?

BD: Well, now you bring up a question that I’m not prepared to give you an answer to here, because this is after World War Two. We’ve learned over the years, for those of us who’ve been paying attention, that the Germans had technology far beyond what most people were told.

We learned that the Germans had incredibly advanced… apparently some form of extraterrestrial technology, because Germans were flying circular discs back… oh God, according to my friend Jim Nichols, they were flying them in the ’30s.

KC: Okay. But what I want to know is when you became clued in as to the relationship between the ETs… And I’m assuming your dealings were with the Nordics, and you can correct me if I’m wrong.

BD: The ones that I’ve generally met face to face with were Tall Blondes.

KC: Mm-hm. And the military… like at what point…? Because you’re actually being… in being shown that document and being clued in, you’re being brought into a club, as it were.

BD: That was no accident. My being exposed to The Assessment in 1964, I don’t think was just a fluke.

KC: So they brought you into the “old boys’ network” at that point, in a deeper way.

BD: [laughs] Yeah, that’s probably very appropriate. Yes.

KC: Okay. And you had friends, as you say in our other interviews, in high places, both with them and with some very specific individuals in your career path, I’m sure.

BD: Oh yes.

KC: And some of those individuals may also have been responsible for keeping you alive to this day.

BD: Well, there’s no question about it.

KC: Okay.

BD: There’s been an on-going war, and I know you are aware of this. Our so-called “authorities”, our Elite… What is it we refer to? The Powers That Be… there’s been a battle going on in Washington and other places for many, many years, a division between the “authorities.”

There are those who say: We’ve got to bring this all out. We’ve got to tell the people; the people deserve the answers; they need the information. It’ll help bring about an expansion of consciousness, which is essential to our survival.

And then there are others who say not only: No, but: Hell no. This story is so damn big we can’t tell the people because they’re not ready.

And that little war has been going back and forth. Well, I’ve encountered both sides. I’ve had people, you know, from this group and from this group and, to be honest with you, I’ve ended up agreeing with this group and agreeing with this group: Yes, it’s got to come out. No, it can’t come out. We discussed this at dinner the other night…

KC: Exactly. So way back when… Because at this point, you know, we’re talking ’64 and you’re being brought into the loop, but you’re not actually… I’m assuming you’re not having face-to-face contact with the ETs at this point?

BD: Not at that time that I can remember. Now, I may have had them…

KC: Sure.

BD: …but I didn’t remember. Because these guys are so advanced, not only technologically, but spiritually and sociologically… We’re dealing here, Honey, and you know this, we’re dealing with a Type 2 Civilization.

Now, in the last few years I’m convinced that there is a major Power that’s in this game that is a Type 4 Civilization. Now we’re getting into the realm here of spirituality, where evolved beings of this more advanced group are literally angelic, at least to our sense, you see?

We humans, we’re so fundamental, we’re so primitive in our views and these advanced technologically civilizations out there, some of them are so… My God, talk about a million years ahead of us. Some people, somebody here at this conference…

KC: I appreciate all that, but I want to bring you back on point because I want to know when it was that one of these “old boys” pulled you aside, said: Would you like to take a ride? Would you like to meet a friend of mine? I mean, when did this happen? Are you going to spill the beans with this?

BD: Well, I can’t spill the beans about that because that particular thing you describe didn’t happen. My first awareness of being invited and taken aboard and taken for a ride through the portal, through the doorway, was orchestrated by them. [points upwards]

KC: All right. Where was this located? Where did this happen?

BD: It happened when I was in Tucson, Arizona, many years ago.

KC: But you were out of the military at that point?

BD: Yeah. I retired in ’76.

KC: Okay. So during your time…

BD: I came out of the closet in ’91.

KC: Right. So during the time in the military, you’re saying that you never actually, at least consciously, met with any of these people?

BD: Not conscious remembrance, but I’m convinced probably I did because, as I was about to tell you, they have the capability of manipulating your awareness. They can take you away and wine you and dine you and show you lots of things and bring you back and erase from your conscious memory that entire experience, and you won’t remember it unless there is a triggering mechanism or an event that will happen that you will say: Oh my God, that happened, you know?

They’re pretty good at that. And they do it essentially for our own benefit because if we were to walk around with total consciousness of that world and this world, we really would be locked up in an institution, you see, because the average guy can’t deal with living in two worlds at the same time.

Now, it’s happening to me now. And you sat and had dinner with me last night and you saw the tears. The tears were the result of me being in… I’m now living in two worlds, this one and that one. [points upwards]

I’ve been around the block a time or two. I’m a tough old bird. I’ve seen things, I’ve done things I don’t even want to get involved with. So I, you know, I’m not an innocent. I’m not, you know, just singing, coming down the lane, you know, flowers flying and all that.

I’ve been around a bit, I’m kind of tough, but at the moment I am living in two worlds because I’m having almost total recall of that world and this world in my previous lives now. [Kerry laughs] I’m almost – and I will say this with Jim sitting there – I’m almost a basket case, but he’s known me for years.

I’ve been through hell and I’m still here, and I’m as ornery as ever and I’m going to be around for another year or two at least, maybe a little longer, because I have not finished yet what they [points upwards again] wanted me to do.

But I’m sitting here with you this afternoon, telling you that I have been there [points upwards] many times, and I am living in two worlds, with full memory of previous lives, and it’s difficult for me to deal with.

KC: Okay.

BD: And I want you to think about that because you may be confronting some of this yourself if you haven’t already.

KC: Well, I have to say that I have, and I believe more and more people are, and, you know, this has to do with the different “Waves” of people that are here on Earth at this time, as you know. And this is part of the reason that I feel it’s so important to reveal what you’re talking about.

BD: I think it’s important or I wouldn’t be sharing this with you. And one of the triggers that really got me convinced of it was an old friend, Neil Freer. Now, I prodded Bob Brown to bring Neil in as a speaker this year. I prodded him to bring Jim Nichols in as another speaker and I was happy with that.

Neil had the courage just this last year to write a white paper which he submitted to the web. I got a copy; I gave a copy to Brown last year. Neil came out and openly admitted that he has had a relationship with non-human Intelligence since he was seven. And I thought: You old codger you, you’ve got the courage, why the hell don’t I have the courage? And being a coward for all these years… [Kerry laughs]

I’ve shared many things, I really did. I’ve shared many things. I’ve even had threats on my life. Those bastards even put out a contract on me some years back (and I was informed of that by a friend in DIA) because I had stopped being merely a nuisance and I had become a threat. They were setting me up for one of these one-car accidents or, you know, whatever. Or a coronary, whatever. They have these means of doing that.

And then I got word from another friend in an Agency, a retired friend of mine from military service, who said: Hey, they pulled the contract on you. You’re not in danger any more.

And I says: What happened?

And he says: Apparently they got the word from [points upwards] a higher authority, which he didn’t clarify who this higher authority is, but they lifted the contract on me and I’ve been blithely dancing down the path ever since. And I’ve got a couple of good years ahead of me and I’m going to continue to do it.

KC: Okay. Well, let me just say that you’re not a coward; you’re the last person on the planet that would be classified that way. But I appreciate the humility that makes you say that in relation to Neil coming forward in relation to his ET experiences. And you did talk about this on tape with us.

BD: Yes, briefly, but I never really…

KC: But you never…

BD: …never really opened up completely about it.

KC: Right. Okay. And so actually that’s what you’re doing today, and more power to you because of that.

BD: I want to leave one more thing with you before we close this off. I told you this at dinner last night, I was astounded… You know, I’ve seen so many things. It takes very little to really astound me anymore. I mean, good God, when you remember your previous lives and you remember being in their world and in this world and all…

When I learned that they have the capability not only to manipulate time and matter… and we talk Type 3, maybe a Type 4 Civilization. I was confronted with a reality that even today still stuns me, that you or I or any of us can be taken, invited, gone aboard, taken a trip with them, be gone six or eight weeks and then come back in your bed ten minutes after you left, after having been gone six or eight weeks.

Now, I say to my dubious friends, my sceptic friends, put that in your damn pipe and smoke it and realise that that is a reality. We’re dealing with technology that can manipulate matter and time. And you better damn well get yourself prepared for what you’re about to face, because if you think quantum physics is a shock, you ain’t seen nothing yet.

KC: So we’re talking time travel, right?

BD: Of course.

KC: We’re talking time travel in… along with ET experiences. And we’re also talking portals. And actually I don’t think you have mentioned the word portal in the past and I’m curious if you can describe what… In other words, if you went through a portal, you went through a portal in a craft? Or you went through a portal, you stepped through a stargate? Have you done that?

BD: Let me tell you this, the first memory I have of going through a portal was in the back seat of an automobile on a highway in southern Arizona. Now, years ago that would have gotten me committed, that statement alone!

I was in the back seat of a car with a couple of them [points upwards] and we were going down the highway near Ajo, Arizona, which is not far from the Mexican border, and we went into a fog and the next thing you know, [laughs] we went into a portal, and I had about an hour and a half, two hours, of missing time.

KC: When you say you were going down the road with a couple of these guys, were they physical, here on the planet with you, or was this inter-dimensional?

BD: Yeah. They were physical. They were as material as I was – flesh, blood, everything, bones. Yes.

KC: Now, you and I know that, as you said, some of these people are walking the halls of the Pentagon today.

BD: Yes.

KC: Okay. And I’m wondering if you have any regular interaction with any of those people.

BD: I’ve had interaction with them from time to time. It seems like it was kind of a, you know, a situation where: Oh, while we’re here, let’s chat. No, I think it’s been orchestrated.

KC: Okay. But what I’m going to ask you is to go down some roads that you haven’t gone down before.

BD: How much time have you got on your tape? [Kerry laughs]

KC [to Cam operator]: How much time we got?

Cam operator: Forty minutes and we’ve got about 20 left.

KC: Okay. We’ve got another tape to go, so we’re going to be fine.

BD: Well listen, Kid, I know you. You and I have been around a bit together and I’m not sure I’m going to be able… I don’t have the fortitude to spend the entire afternoon here.

KC: Sure. I understand.

BD: But out of respect and love for you I’ll answer a couple of questions if I can. But if we really wanted to deal with this whole issue we’d be here all afternoon and half of tomorrow and we still wouldn’t get all of it in, because it’s that big.

KC: Well, let me ask you this and you can take off on this topic, but my understanding is that part of the reason they wanted you to talk and they encouraged you to come forward – and you’ve been encouraged both by some people you haven’t mentioned and also by “them,” as you say – and it’s because we have some things coming down the pike in the next few years – and this is 2010, after all – that people need to be prepared for. And if they don’t start realizing that there’s more than one reality and realizing that they live, you know, that they have past lives and they’re going to have future lives…

BD: We live in an infinite Universe with infinite possibilities.

KC: That’s right. That they’re immortal beings and so on. In other words, that’s what’s before them. They’re going to have to… their mind is going to have to take that in, so it better start somewhere.

BD: Listen, you and I are players in this game. We’re contributors. You’re a major contributor. What you’ve done with Camelot is… I’ve told you before, you have no idea the extent and the scope of what you’ve accomplished. You’ve reached the world. You turned me into a damn celebrity and I didn’t want to be one! [Kerry laughs]

The point I’m getting at is that you’re a major player here and things are going to be happening here in the next few years that are going to challenge the masses of people.

I have said before and I’ll say it again: When it all happens, when it all comes out, it’s going to bring about an expansion of consciousness that’s going to change the world, that we are not going to be the same species, we’re not going to be in the same world. The present reality will fall away and a new reality will…

It’s going to take an expansion of consciousness, Kerry, to even deal with these truths and that’s why I’m speaking out.

KC: So let’s push the envelope.

BD: That’s why I’m pushing the envelope, and you are, to get people, and prod the people, to say: Look! Damn it, you’ve got to wake up and realise the world you live in.

And that’s why I am so angry at the establishment scientific community. They are so hard-headed and closed-minded about this whole thing. They… Would you grasp that most of them will not even accept the reality of the human soul? That there is a divine spark in each and every one of us that is from the Source?

We are each of us God-sparks, the soul, the immortal everlasting human soul that lived before, is living now, and will after. There is no end. Now, when people are beginning… when they grasp that, who they are and what’s in them…!

I go back to the beautiful old Sanskrit term, the Hindu teachings. Beautiful, beautiful… oh, the Bhagavad-Gita is a masterpiece. They refer to the dweller within, the imprisoned splendour. That’s one of my favourites – the imprisoned splendour.

And one of the Hindu holy men that I’ve always admired and respected was Yogananda. He established what he called the Self-Realization Fellowship and people missed the point of what the hell that even says – Self-Realization – the realization of your true self, the recognition that you are a God-like immortal being.

Now, that’s what the people out there and those who watch and those who listen have got to understand: You are an infinite spark of divinity yourself.

Now, if we can get them to see that, this transition which is going to be painful and awkward and troublesome, and it’s going to be a bumpy ride, but by God, if they could only grasp who and what they are, it’ll help them through that.

That transcendent transformation that the entire race is going through, it’s going to be painful. It’s like coming out of adolescence into adulthood, but if they can grasp the power within them and bring it out… God, we’ve accomplished what we came for!

KC: [laughs] I understand.

BD: I know you do.

KC: And I agree with you. But what I want is, I want some nuts and bolts information from you, because information is Light and information will start to creak open that door. And what we need are some tantalizing facts of what’s really been going on behind the scenes. Okay? Not only in the government, but…

BD: You’re talking about the government cover-up?

KC: Yeah. Absolutely. Or, you know, some of the things you may have seen – access to underground bases, invitations. Have you gotten a ticket? You know. You understand what I’m saying here?

BD: I’m not sure… I’ve been in underground facilities for years. When I was working with FEMA I was part of a program called C.O.G. (Continuity of Government). We worked for years putting together civil defense, emergency services, disaster response.

And I’ve been in underground facilities that you wouldn’t believe – massive, massive – all over the country. There’s one under Fort Huachuca, which I may have told you once before, that is gigantic. These are massive facilities. My only criticism at the time was that some of them were so luxurious for the politicians that that ticked me off. I felt that the politicians didn’t deserve those luxurious facilities.

Yeah. We’ve got massive underground facilities all over the country, all over the planet. We’ve got relationship, official military relationships, with the off-planet Intelligences. We have a major facility in the middle of Australia. It’s called Pine Gap.

The point I’m getting at is that our military, our Shadow Government, is deeply involved with extraterrestrial operations.

KC: And you know this how?

BD: By people who have come up to me, and said: Dean, I’ve got to tell you what happened to me last month… or where I was last month.

And I say often, I used to say: Why are you telling me?

And he said: Well, people seem to listen to you and you have enough respect that you can go public with it and I think they need to know it.

I was one of them, the first one of them, who revealed the information that we have a portal of sorts, a kind of portal, located at 14 levels below-ground at S4. A Naval Lieutenant Commander told me.

He says: I was ordered to put on my summer uniform, pack my bags and get my briefcase. He was ordered to go to this facility which he didn’t… well, it was S4, on the other side of the mountain at Papoose Lake.

And he says: Why are you asking me to put on a summer uniform when it’s cold as hell here? Even in Las Vegas it was cold.

And they said: Just do what you’re told. Put on a summer uniform, pack your bag and show up here.

They took him to S4, they went down the elevator to three different levels. He had a red card, a blue card, and a green card. At the bottom of the facility, 14 levels below ground – it’s like taking a 14-storey building and burying it – at the bottom he got through the door and there sits a G-I. I can’t remember whether he said it was Army, Navy, Air Force or what. Doesn’t matter. At that level it doesn’t matter.

They said: Commander, welcome. Come on in. And he walked through this door from the elevator, and the kid says: Welcome to Pine Gap.

KC: Wonderful!

BD: And the Commander says: What the hell are you talking about?

He says: Sir, you’re in Australia.

Commander says: No, we’re in Nevada.

And the young man says: Sir, when you just walked through that door, you’re in Australia.

KC: Incredible.

BD: So he came up to me and he says: I’m telling you this because I know that people will listen to you.

At that time I’d been travelling and speaking publicly a number of times and I shared it.

And then another… [laughs] …another active-duty type came up to me one time and said: Why the hell are you telling these damn stories? He said: That’s classified. You’re not supposed to tell those things, you know. That’s sensitive!

And I says: Well, would you believe that it was shared to me by a man who out-ranked you?

Well, that goes on and on, Honey, that goes on and on.

KC: So it’s because it’s not necessarily your direct experience, at least at this time, it is because you know people that come up to you, people that trust you, people that know you’re on the circuit and they want you to do… be sort of like a messenger?
BD: Yeah. A lot of the classified material that I’ve been given and I have shared has come from a variety of sources, both military and in Intelligence operations, by people, some of them I’ve known in my career, some of them I’ve served with. The one in DIA, he was with me in South Vietnam. He was a Master Sergeant there when I was out there. Now he’s working as Civilian Defense Intelligence.

So yeah, I’ve been getting a lot of information because I am an avenue which apparently the public has come to respect to some level, and the Intelligence, military guys, have learned that when something must come out that they think should come out, I bring it out.

KC: Okay. I’m going to ask you a question…

BD: The reason… Wait a minute. I’ve got to tell you that one of the reasons I think I’ve been successful is I have never compromised any of them in their personal careers and their lives, because, for many of them, saying things to me that they’ve shared is dangerous because of the crowd that doesn’t want it out.

My God! They don’t want us to know about the Aerospace Command here, would you believe that? Trillions of dollars a year are going off to a military command that the American people don’t even know exists?

KC: You’re talking about Space Command?

BD: Aerospace Command! It’s commanded by…

KC: Okay. Is that located in Nebraska?

BD: It’s… No, no. It used to be Nebraska. It used to be Colorado Springs. Now the headquarters… I swear to God the headquarters is in orbit!

KC: Right.

BD: Now, trillions going to Aerospace Command.

There is a Four-Star Air Force General, who, last I checked last year, was commanding: Lance Lord. Interesting name. I’ve often swore up and down that Lance Lord is one of them. [points upward] Lance Lord commands the Aerospace Command and it’s a joint services Space Command that the American people don’t even know exist. It puts NASA to shame.

KC: Okay. Is it an international organization?

BD: Yes. Yes, it really is, because there are British officers serving right along with United States Air Force and Navy officers. Yes. And we’ve done that now since World War Two.

KC: Okay, British; and what about Australian?

BD: UK… ah… are you familiar with the UKUSA Pact?

KC: I’ve heard of it.

BD: UK / USA, signed in 1947. Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and Great Britain and the US signed a pact called the UKUSA Pact in 1947 and we’ve been like this [gestures, hands clasped together] ever since.

KC: Okay. So we’ve got a Space Command and this is doing what? Going out into interstellar… doing interstellar travel? Because we’ve got whistleblowers talking about super-luminal travel, faster than the speed of light.

BD: I was told about hyper-luminal flight 20 years ago by a retired aerospace engineer who spent most of his career with Boeing, McDonnell Douglas, and for some time with Lockheed Martin and …ah…

KC: And they’re going where? I mean, we’re talking outside this solar system. Right?

BD: Leaving the system, yes indeed. When Ben Rich before he retired and died – Ben Rich who ran the Lockheed Skunk Works – said at one of his retirement dinners, he said: You know, we can take ET home. And he said: We’ve got technology that’s 100 years beyond what establishment science will believe. And when he said: We can take ET home, we’re talking about hyper-luminal flight.

We’ve had anti-gravity and we’ve had zero-point energy for, well, 40 years. And one of the things that gets me frosted so much, I think…You know, my fuse sometimes can get very short and it’s the nature of who I am and how I was trained and raised. Bless their hearts, the American people out there who have been paying the damn bills for all these years deserve to know this!

Every time I go to a filling station and put gasoline in at $2.75 a gallon [Kerry laughs] in my car, I get pissed off because we don’t need to do this. This is going into the pockets of the George Bush family and the rest them, you know, the bunch of idiots and nitwits. Anybody that’s got a billion dollars and wants more, they’re not people I can get along with.

KC: I agree with that! So okay, we’re talking super-luminal travel, we’ve talked about a stargate basically under S4 that’s going over… I mean, you’re also aware of Los Alamos, I imagine, the time travel that’s being conducted from Los Alamos?

BD: Yeah. Well, it was Los Alamos where they had a contained and sustained fusion reaction over 30 years ago, controlled and contained sustained fusion reaction.

KC: Okay. What does that do? What does that…?

BD: Well, that’s an infinite energy forever.

KC: Okay.

BD: Fusion! My God, and we’ve got it, but the American people don’t know. I mean, they pay electrical bills on their house, the air… The summer in Phoenix, for God’s sake, the air conditioner’s going night and day, 114 degrees outside. Every time the bill comes due, my wife has a fit. [Kerry laughs]

And I happen to know that we have fusion energy and that shouldn’t happen, that we don’t need to do this, and we’re being manipulated and dangled on a string. Oh my God – don’t get me started! I’m going to have to get myself a Jack Daniels and then we’ll really have an interview here. [Kerry laughs]

KC: All right. Well, I don’t mind! [laughs]

[Start of new conversation with Jim Nichols in room]

BD: Anyhow, a guy sticks his head in and he says: Oh, Mr. Dean, you got a minute?

And I says: Sure, come on in, and I says: Sit down, sit down.

And he says: Thank you. He says: I’ve been interested in just dropping in and saying hello. And he says: I’ve heard some of your interviews. I’ve seen you on the tube. (I think I was going through the lawsuit at that time.)

JIM NICHOLS (JN): Sounds like it.

BD: And he said: Been fascinated about some of the things you’ve had to say.

And we sat and had a pleasant conversation for over 30 minutes. And he said: Look, I want to thank you for your time, you know, I’ve enjoyed it. He says: You’ve answered my questions.

He got up, smiled, shook hands, and out the door he went. He got out; couldn’t have been 30 seconds, I got up from my desk because I realized I hadn’t found out who the hell this guy was.

JN: Right.

BD: He didn’t give me a card. He introduced himself. I think he gave me his name but I couldn’t remember what it was. And I get up and I jump out the door and I’m going out and I head for the elevator because I figure he’s gone down.

To get in to that Sheriff’s Department you had to go through security downstairs. You had to lay your driver’s licence out. They give you a little pass when you’re in the building; they find out who is it you want to visit and then they let you in. They often will call up and say: Mr. Dean, you’ve got somebody who wants to say hello, or whatever.

I had not asked him who he was, so I go jogging out, looking – he’s gone!

I called downstairs to the security guard, the guy on the desk. I says: Look, stop whoever just visited me before he leaves. I want to find out who the hell I’ve been talking to.

He sys: Dean, there’s nobody visiting you. I mean nobody went through here, nobody checked in. He says: Nobody can come up and you know…

I said: Now, I just spent 30 minutes talking to a pleasant young man in my office and he got up and left and I didn’t find out who the hell he was.

And the Sheriff’s Deputy says: Hey Dean, there’s nobody. Are you all right? Are you fantasizing, for Christ’s sake? Are you guys drinking something up there?

And he didn’t check in, he didn’t check out – he just dropped in and visited me for 30 minutes and he looked just as human as you and I do.

JN: Was he a blue-eyed blonde?

BD: No.

KC: So have any of these individuals ever shared with you where they are from?

BD: No.

KC: Have you asked them?

BD: Yes.

KC: Okay.

BD: And I generally would get the same answer that I got last year.

KC: Which is?

BD: I asked the woman who I was chatting with during the break last year here at the conference. She and her husband – I thought “husband”; they looked like a pair – were chatting amiably, pleasantly, shaking hands, looking straight into each other’s faces, as human as you and I.

And in the middle of the conversation I got this gut feeling, which Ingo Swann describes as being an intuitive gut reaction to… When you meet an extraterrestrial there is a part of you that responds at a gut level. It’s an intuitive awareness, somehow, that this is different. And that’s what prodded me a year ago to say to him: You’re not from here, are you?

And she got a big smile and then I felt a little embarrassed. I said: I don’t mean like are you from Miami or New York or Los Angeles? I said: You’re not from here, are you?

And she smiled and spoke up and said: No, we’re not from here. And I think she’d been reading me, because they do that.

And I said: Where are you from?

And she says: If I were to tell you, I don’t think you’d understand.

And I didn’t accept that as a slur or an insult. I understood she said honestly: You wouldn’t understand.

Well, later it hit me that what they were probably talking about is from another dimension.

And several times I’ve confronted them in my relationship and asked them: Where the hell are you from? – you know, a planet, star system, even another galaxy.

Did you know that the real Galactic Federation headquarters is not even in our galaxy?

Now, you put that in their pipes and let them smoke that and see what kind of response you get. I mean, we’re not talking about inter-planetary or inter-stellar, we’re talking about inter-galactic. We’re talking about inter-dimensional, all of the above, and our “authorities” have know this since before I retired in ’76.

But anyhow, she said very honestly: No, we’re not from here, you wouldn’t understand, and I shook hands with you.

She came up to me in San Jose at the Bay Area. Didn’t see him. She came up and she looked, came over, ran across the room. She says: They didn’t believe you when you told them, did they? [Kerry laughs] They didn’t believe you when you told them.

And I says: No, they didn’t believe me.

KC: You actually shared that at our Awake and Aware Conference.

BD: Did I?

KC: So this had to be after that.

BD: And she says: That was to be expected. Don’t worry about it.

KC: Okay. Well… [to Jim] Okay, what do you want to say?

JN: Just one more thing: In any of these encounters, have they ever specifically told you a message, like: This is what we want you to say? Or: This is what we would like for you to do? Have they given you any specific instructions? Or is it just: Hi, we’re friends… just to let you know we’re here?

BD: Well, I’ve gotten… A great deal of what I’m doing has met approval. I’ve got a great deal of what I’m doing has pleased them. I’ve gotten this from what I gather to be a rather high spiritual level, that what I’m doing is what I came to do, what I’m doing is crucial and important, what I’m doing is necessary, and what I’m doing is making a difference, which is why I came out of five years of seclusion.

KC: What I want to know is if you can talk about what you have learned about the future from these individuals and/or from meetings or, you know, these whistleblowers, in essence, that have come up to you behind the scenes from the military and been talking to you, because we did an interview and you talked about Nibiru.

But, I mean, beyond that, are you being told what some of the plans are? Are you being told, for instance, about China and a future war? Such that we got a… we have a recent whistleblower who’s talking about what he calls “The Anglo-Saxon Agenda,” in which a nuclear war is actually planned.

My belief is that these kinds of things will be stopped, but there are… We have gotten other information from people like Pete Peterson that indeed these are on the agenda and that they may be allowed to transpire, in certain ways.

BD: I’ll tell you what I’ve gotten, for what it’s worth: We do have a future and it’s glorious, and I think I said that in Spain last year.

KC: Mm-hm.

BD: We’re in for some difficult times. This transition through this adolescence into adulthood as a species is going to be painful and there are going to be some difficult and awkward times.

But no, there is not going to be a nuclear war because they’re not going to allow it because the planet is too valuable – the flora and fauna in this zoological garden is too precious.

And they have already intervened several times. They made their point during the Reagan administration; they made it to Gorbachev when he was in office. They’ve made the point many times. They made it at Rendlesham Forest, Bentwaters, when they melted the warheads.

They’ve made the point that: We’re not going to allow you nitwits to start a mess, a holocaust that’s going to end up halfway destroying this beautiful, beautiful planet. Now, you’ve messed it up bad enough as it is with your garbage, you know.

But no, there’s not going to be a nuclear war and they’re not going to allow it because, frankly, we don’t own the planet.

And this little titbit came out, of all places, in a movie called The Day the Earth Stood Still – the second one that came out – when Klaatu or whatever his name was says: You don’t own this planet. This planet is not yours, and that little titbit was dropped in the middle of that movie. And as I say, I conclude that in this subliminal education program… Same with Avatar.

KC: But Bob, are you also being made aware that there is also a war going on in-between various ET groups?

BD: I know there is a struggle going on, but it is not a full-scale war.

KC: Okay.

BD: There is a struggle between one group. Apparently they’ve got a divided family, the clan. The clan has been divided for a long, long time.

KC: You’re talking about the Anunnaki, in terms of Sitchin.

BD: Yeah. Yeah. There’s been this… ah… what do I call it… dysfunctional family situation and that’s been going on, and we’ve been in the middle of that before. Well, that’s still going on.

But I have learned and I will point this out and I want to make it clear on the tape that there is a hierarchy out there and there are Intelligences in the hierarchy above us that have an agenda of their own. Among the different groups that are coming and going, some of them have an agenda of their own.

But there is a hierarchy here and I have learned this first-hand and I have been urged to share this, that there is a higher hierarchy out there that is predominantly spiritual – and we’re talking about a Type 4 Civilization, the kind of people that we would refer to as angelic. Our ancestors would have deified them. Our ancestors, for God’s sake, deified the Anunnaki, and they sure as hell weren’t “gods”; they were as rotten in many ways as we are today.

KC: But aren’t the Anunnaki…? [overtalk/ inaudible]

BD: But there is a spiritual hierarchy here.

KC: I understand.

BD: And this planet and this race, this species, and the life form on this planet, is so precious that this planet was “Terraformed.” Life was introduced here as a part of a plan. Now, that plan is still underway.

Now, the higher levels in that hierarchy have apparently grabbed some of the lower levels (above us), grabbed them by the shirt and [gestures, slapping round face with hands; Kerry laughs] and gotten their attention and said: Hey! You ain’t going to be able to pull this off anymore because we’re not going to let you screw it up. You screwed it up when you genetically manipulated them and engineered them as a slave race. And now you’re going to contribute to make sure that they can make this evolutionary jump which they are about to make as a species.

And this hierachy out there, I would say, is where this lovely young man from Galilee incarnated from.

KC: Okay. So you’re talking about sixth dimensional beings?

BD: Oh my God, we’re talking about Beings from a higher dimensional level. Yeah.

KC: Okay. So what do you know about, for example, the children that disappear off the planet?

BD: It’s not children… it’s not just children. Do you have any idea how many people disappear every year?

KC: Adults as well, but especially the children. Yes… so have you been talked to about that?

BD: Hundreds of thousands disappear.

KC: That’s right.

BD: Many of them, it’s a matter of choice. Many of them would like to get the hell out of here. A lot of them are taken… [long sigh]… and taken to other places.

KC: Right.

BD: They are… many of them are alive and well in other places, other planets, other dimensions.

KC: Okay.

BD: Yeah, the number of people who disappear every year… The government, the so-called Shadow Government, is aware of that. Nothing they can do about it because they’re not in control.

KC: Okay. And are you also aware that there are simultaneous realities going on in which different timelines are playing out? Have you tapped into this?

BD: Yes, yes… but don’t try to explain that to Joe Six-pack on the street.

KC: [laughs] Right.

BD: And I love Joe.

KC: Uh-huh. I understand.

BD: I spent most of my life working with Joe Six-pack. But don’t try to explain that.

Yeah, they’re… Look, when you’re dealing with advanced technologies, advanced spiritually-developed civilizations that are like Kaku calls Type 3, 4, who can manipulate matter and time…

Our concept of time is fundamental. I mean, our concept of time is childlike. Time is not at all what we think.

One of the things I’ve learned in my travels is that you cannot separate space and time. Space/ time is a given. It’s a unity. When you travel in space, you travel in time, and almost all of them who come here from incredible distances… And those trips take just a few seconds in many cases, you know [makes whoosh sound] from there to here. I mean, we’re talking about guys dropping in from 65… 200-light-years away. [snaps fingers] They’re here.

KC: And again, you know this because of your own experience interacting with them in which they’ve told you this, or because other military personnel have come to you and told you this?

BD: Both.

KC: Okay.

BD: Both – to the point that I was totally convinced that I wouldn’t have the courage to share this with you.

KC: Okay.

BD: I’m not the only one who’s had this happen to him in his life. I’m one of the oldest old farts who’s speaking out about it, but I’m not the only one.

You’ve talked to lots of different people who’ve been the same places I’ve been, who’ve met the same people I’ve met, and who’ve learned the same things I’ve learned. So my little two cents, for whatever it’s worth, is not the only bit of information, and you’ve been getting it from a variety of sources. Some of them are not that reliable… and I see you smiling, but most of them are.

Disinformation is a problem we’ve got. We had it from the beginning. And I jokingly… I think I said it to you last night, about the case where we had this disinformation program underway by the bunch of clucks back in Washington and they spent a lot of time and money putting this out, this big disinformation thing to get people, you know, focused here – and then they found out that the disinformation information they were putting out was true! Boy, don’t you think that caused a stir at Langley! [laughs] Oh boy!

KC: [laughs] Yeah, that’s actually a great twist.

BD: I’ve developed a sense of humour about the whole thing, particularly when I found out that the human race has a future, the planet is not going to be destroyed; that the kids who found the box of hand grenades are not going to be able to play with them and destroy this beautiful planet. Now, along the way there are going to be some difficulties.

KC: Okay. What do you know about… for example, what do you know about the Middle East?

BD: The Middle East? Oh that…

KC: Are you aware that there’s a major portal there?

BD: That cauldron is one of the primary focuses of the experiment because that particular cauldron – and I use that term particularly with a choice here – was selected because of the populations that exist there, and have existed there. And part of the major experiment that’s underway was initiated there.

Islam, Christianity, and Judaism all started in the Middle East because they decided that that was an appropriate place to stir up and prepare… What do they call it? The chemical…?

KC: Petri dish.

BD: Petri dish. The Middle East is a Petri-dish…

KC: I understand.

BD: …in a laboratory that they have been operating from the beginning of time. Good God, even Zoroaster was there.

KC: Okay. Well, I want to know about the modern-day Middle East. I would like to know if any of your contacts are talking to you about what’s going on, for example, in the Gulf of Aden?

BD: Hm. Why there?

KC: Because there’s a collection of Navy and all kinds of ships from all over the world, from what we understand, and I’m just wondering if you’re getting any reports…

BD: How did you find out about that?

KC: We’ve a whistleblower by the name of Aaron McCollum who went on the record, took a lot of courage to do so. I’m just wondering if you’ve been given any information about that particular stargate and what’s going on there?

BD: First of all, let me tell you that there are different places on the planet where stargates have existed for eons. They were established and located there because geologically there was a mineralogy available in the granite or the crystal or whatever, that were particularly appropriate for a stargate, for a portal.

There’s even a place in Arizona called Portalis. [Kerry laughs] The Indians knew of a portal there 200 years ago. The Spaniards named it Portalis, a little town out there. I haven’t been there but it’s southeast of Tucson, I think… maybe northeast. Anyhow, there are portals here, there and everywhere. There’s one up in Utah. You know. You read the book, I think, The Hunt for the Skinwalker?

KC: Sure.

BD: There’s a portal there. There’s portals here, there and everywhere. There’s a portal at Rainier. They can open a portal any place, any time that they choose. They can open a portal along the highway between Ajo and Tucson at two in the morning [snaps fingers] just like that.

KC: Okay. But to get back to the Gulf of Aden?

BD: Well, I’m sure there are a couple of portals there.

KC: And are you aware of any specific goings on there that have to do with… because my understanding is that they are actually… I mean, they’ve got a massing of troops that are happening… [sound of someone knocking on door]… in Yemen… and we’re going to have to cut this very short. But are you aware of this to some degree? Have you been getting reports? And you don’t need to be specific but I need an answer, and you’ve been…

BD: The Gulf of Aden, you say.

KC: Mm-hm. Yes.

BD: Well, it may be tied in with the fact that there is going to be a revolution in Iran, and that’s pretty definite.

KC: Okay.

BD: And it’s not going to be one that we will initiate; it’s one that’s going to be initiated from within Iran itself. And that collection up in the Gulf of Aden is probably connected to that.

But there’s going to be a revolution in Iran, probably before the end of this year. And hopefully, you know, hopefully – and I’m pretty certain this is going to happen – it’s going to keep the Israelis from bombing the Iranian nuclear facilities.

KC: I have one more question before we draw this to a close and I’ve already got a great ending, so we don’t need to go into one here. But I want to know if you’re aware of some synthetic beings that are coming into the planet at this time?

BD: What? Synthetic?

KC: Yeah, beings that…

BD: Where did you get that from?

KC: Well, from various whistleblowers.

BD: You know, some of the little Grays are synthetic.

KC: Okay, but this is a specific kind of being that is actually arriving from outer space on the planet at this time.

BD: A laboratory product, so to speak.

KC: Of a sort, yes.

BD: Synthetic… Non-physical?

KC: But they look for all intents and purposes like you and I.

BD: Yeah… go into a laboratory and churn them out, you know?

KC: Okay.

BD: I was told by a scientist one time not too many years back that when the little guys were found inside the ships at Roswell and other places, in Kingman and whatever, some of them survived. Some of them had been banged up a little bit but they were alive, literally alive. And the military in those days thought: F**k! They may be coming after them; they’ll come back for them, you know?

Well, they didn’t, and the military and the scientists have concluded that they went back to the laboratory and made some more, like we make potato chips, you see? And that sounds awfully cold-blooded, doesn’t it?! But it isn’t. When you can manufacture a living creature, a biological android, as it were, in a laboratory… [sighs] …

KC: And we can do that now, can’t we?

BD: We? [points to himself]. Who are we talking about, we?

KC: Well, I’m asking you. Go in any direction you want.

BD: You’re talking about the Shadow Government, our side…

KC: Yeah. Absolutely.

BD: Kerry, let me tell you this in closing, that there are things going on in laboratories in this country, and laboratories in the United Kingdom, in Australia, in China, that the Christian fundamentalists would have a fit over if they knew about.

We… yeah, we are cloning human beings, and that’s just “science.” We’re doing the same thing the Anunnaki did 100,00 – 200,000 years ago. We’re cloning human beings.

Aboard some of the ships… There are laboratory ships out there, and you’ve gotten this from other whistleblowers. On some of those laboratory ships there are vast containers filled with cloned human beings.

And would you believe – you probably would because you’ve been doing some homework – that if they were to take me and you and Jim or any of the others of us out there, they might be able to show you a clone of us? And they are able to take… to help us take our soul from this body and put it into a new body?

KC: Yes. Yes, I’ve heard this before.

BD: That is a reality. Now, you see, that in itself is sensitive. How do you go tell that to Joe Six-pack out there? How do you tell that to a Muslim fundamentalist or a Christian fundamentalist? Or any fundamentalist?

Well, as I jokingly have said when I was speaking over in Dallas: You look for the door and you check the windows so you can find a way to get the hell out of here if the chairs start flying. Because I did that in Dallas a number of years ago and I thought: Man! Man, I’m in deep trouble here! And at the end of it I had 800 people out there.

[addressing someone else] Shianne / Cheyenne… bless her heart; remember her? She was my sponsor.

Unknown voice: Yes.

BD: After it was over with, I got a standing ovation. But down the centre aisle, here this little chubby round guy with a Bible under his arm… He’s heading down the aisle and he’s heading toward me and I thought: Oh God! I’m in for it, because I had said some pretty blunt things, particularly about my good friend from Galilee, you see, as to who he really was. And I thought: This little dude’s going to get me and we’re going to be rolling on the floor here and he’ll probably beat the hell out of me, because he was a pretty tough-looking little guy.

He leaps on the stage – I didn’t think he could physically do it – had his Bible under his arm. He threw his arms around me: Brother Dean, God bless you! You’ve said it the way it needs to be said. And I could have, you know, I almost keeled over. [Kerry laughs] Brother Dean, you said it! And we were hugging and kissing, you know, and we were great friends. [Kerry laughs]

Now, there was a fundamentalist who I didn’t offend and God help them, I hope there are more of those out there. And I’m sure there are.

KC: Well, Brother Dean, you said it like it needs to be said! [Bob laughs]

BD: Well, Sister Kerry, it’s been my pleasure, Honey. And I’m not making fun of these fundamentalist people. Some of them are my best friends and God loves us all.

KC: That’s right. Absolutely.

BD: Thank you for your time.

KC: Thank you…

BD: I’ve enjoyed it.

KC: …for your courage and your service to humanity.

BD: It’s not courage, Baby. They rubbed me the wrong way, I got angry! That’s why I sued the Sheriff. That’s why I’m doing what I’m doing.

KC: First you get angry and then you decide what to do with that anger and that takes courage. And you’ve got that.

BD: Well…Thank you.

DOLORES CANNON (DC): Bob, I’m so glad that you’re back doing it again.

BD: Listen, one of the reasons I’m back doing it is because of you!

DC: Me?!

BD: Yeah.

DC: Well, I know you were dying when I saw you last.

BD: Well, my son accused me of committing suicide slowly. You know, I said…

DC: You said: I’m over, I’m done! I said: No you’re not. You’ve got a whole lot you could share.

BD: I said: I’m up to here with this shit. I’m not going to do this anymore.

DC: You were like this… you were hardly moving. And look at you! You’ve come back!

BD: You’ve been a person who I’ve respected and admired for years. I just want you to know that.

DC: But I’m just glad to see you’re back among the living. You’re doing what you’re supposed to be doing.

BD: Well, thank you. It means a lot to hear it from you.


Upcoming: Ashayana Deane – the interview

April 2

Ashayana Deane – the interview (edit: all done)

We had a very successful interview with Easha yesterday here in Sarasota, Florida where she is giving a workshop over the weekend. I went in thinking we would go for 1-2 hours and instead it lasted for around 7-8… a real marathon session. Great stuff. Very vital information for all the light warriors out there… The challenge will be to get it edited and out there in a timely manner. I have a backlog as you will know from my recent travels just before this to release as well. All it takes is time 🙂

Special thanks to Bob Osswald, a local resident, for backing me up on camera! He had no idea what he was getting into when he graciously volunteered to help!

Michael Schratt – the video ranking high on Youtube…

Apparently, according to the new global stats on Youtube, my Michael Schratt interview is doing very well under the science & technology category for global views… Cudos to Michael!

Recommended TV: V

April 1

Recommended TV: V

This is, according to Ashayana Deane's Voyager books…how future earth may look if we are unable to wake up enough people and change the consciousness level sufficiently to enable activation of at a minimum the 5th strand of DNA… This activation affects the planet and opening the ascension pathways from 2012 to 2017. According to this material, a crucial time for the planet. In the future earth, if this does not happen, we are looking at a scenario like depicted in V.

What is interesting is that the time traveling future humans (like say, Roswell) would have come from this future, a place where humans are ruled by Zetas and Dracos. Those future humans, are looking to create a hybrid zeta-human race that will be able to live on Earth during that time… and be easily manipulated to that agenda. The abductions are part of this.

The thing is, the key to determining a human from a V is one thing…. emotion. How you handle emotion. Emotional intelligence is one of the keys to ascension by the way. And masking, acting one way while feeling another. Covering ones feelings and acting "nice" and always being "pleasant" this is a real bell ringer for the V type person. Those who have been taken over, move among our society using this key lack of emotion in all their dealings. Worth considering.

New Camelot Forum

March 29

New Camelot Forum

A New Camelot Forum: We are going to be launching a new forum for Camelot… now that Avalon is closing and a new Avalon is going to start up. Stay tuned! 

Clark McClelland update

March 23

Clark McClelland update

Unfortunately we have been unable to come to terms with Clark McClelland for the interview . Clark insists on holding the rights to any interview he does and will not allow us to shoot the interview and then post it on Camelot to be viewed for free as is our custom. We are disappointed and hope that he will change his mind on this at some time in the future.

The Anglo-Saxon Mission Timeline Letter

Anglo Saxon Mission – The Timeline – Letter from a Whistleblower…

Los Angeles, March 2010

Reprinted below is a copy of a letter sent to Kerry Cassidy for publication in order to provide a more comprehensive view of the Anglo-Saxon Mission as well as events surrounding these revelations that have not until now, been released to the public. This release augments the original interview and video commentary by Bill Ryan presented on Project Camelot under the title The Anglo-Saxon Mission. The letter below has not been edited or revised in any way by Kerry Cassidy and is presented here for the first time.


By the time I had become aware of the Timeline I had already travelled all over the world with the UK military and was involved in many conflicts, and had witnessed many mind changing events some of which are difficult describe in any sensible manner.

One the most difficult events to rationalise was a gathering that took place in 1975 that involved Admiral Hill-Norton, who was then, I believe, Chairman of the NATO Committee. I cannot go into the detail of this since to do so might compromise the Official Secrets Act. Suffice to say this event was pivotal and key to later events in providing evidence for the existence of the Anglo-Saxon Mission or better described as the Timeline. Therefore, no more can be publicly said about this event, other than to state that this Timeline was very much in existence 35 years ago, backed up by a very creditable insider, later referred to as ‘CW’ and from what I witnessed personally.

During 1980’s, due to certain personal career events, which I am not yet able to disclose, I could establish beyond any simple suspicion, that a future wartime government of the UK will be conservative, right wing in nature, and of high ranking military office, not civilian, with the officer cadre from all 3 services properly inducted to be in obedient support. I felt at the time that we would soon be in an extended state world wide armed conflict, where this type of totalitarian/military Government would be put in place.

I continued on with my military career and was now project working with various military contractors such as BAE, Westland, and Plessey & Marconi Systems. It was during this time that I was introduced into the future naval weapons programmes then running in the late 80’s and early 90’s. However, by then, I was totally disillusioned and really did feel that ultra-right wing hands were at hard at work manipulating people and events. Again, what CW had told me (CW was insider, known since 1975 and whose identity still needs to be protected) previously told me came back with more solidity than I could have imagined.

In effect CW was turning out to be right, and in effect, I had a major mindset change as I knew that everything I was told was based on ordinary people being kept compliant and ignorant.

Cape Wrath Scotland
Anyway, these future weapons in themselves, I must say, were not remarkable. They are of the kind anyone could read about in the glossy monthly defence industry magazines. However, due to my combat experience I was sent to various weapon testing ranges in the UK, mostly at Cape Wrath in the North of Scotland. My job, with many others of my rank, was to conduct range tracking exercises against aerial targets. At the time we were using development stage surveillance and fire control radars to see if we could detect and lock-up small very fast moving targets coming in from high altitude. We used a whole series of targets from fast jets to unmanned drones, to artillery shells.

On one occasion, during these range trials, I was on one weapons desk and a BAE civilian technician (in the military we called such civilian technicians, ‘Boffins’) was on another weapons desk with much different equipment. This time there was much more pre-exercise setting up than usual before the target run in. So it was some time before we got the normal, ‘Range Clear, Start Recording’ to commence the exercise. My job, as always, was to get the best possible use out of the equipment for analysis.

This is where things started to get weird. The target, whatever it was, since I wasn’t told, was not detected on the equipment I was operating. However, the BAE technician, the ‘Boffin’, did ‘see’ the target on his equipment and was voice reporting target information. To cut a long story short: The target came in from an extremely high altitude, which I later deduced (time/speed/distance) had to be in excess of 200 miles, i.e., coming in from outside the earth atmosphere and at an incomprehensible velocity, and most certainly outside spectrum of the kit I was operating. Now, this wasn’t some sort of UFO as the ground operators were actually talking, clearly, to someone inside the target throughout the exercise. Later the ‘Boffin’ said, “don’t worry, its one of ours!” I recall saying, “Thank f**k for that! because I didn’t see a Scooby!” He said, “Well, you were not meant to see anything and if you did, then we would have had some serious snags”. Later, I thought, I had been engaged in a tracking exercise against a missile with an extremely low radar echoing area, launched from a platform in orbit. This was not so since, as I discovered, the target was most definitely piloted, manoeuvring, and came to an abrupt stop at the end of the range. I instinctively knew better to ask anymore questions about this. Instead I was more resolved to see if I could pick the bloody thing up on my kit – as a matter of professional pride. I never managed to pick it up. We conducted several more runs against this type of target and it sounded as if there was more than one of them and not just the same target repeating the runs.

You will realise by now I am taking about something akin to what is termed ‘Black Projects’. The type of target that I was engaged against was apparently over 30 years in development and this is by the early 90’s; under joint project control by BAE and other well known defence contractors. These ‘targets’ are known only to a select few; however, as I later discovered, that some officers, above the rank of Lieutenant Commander, have most definitely been briefed on them. As a career military officer I was witnessing war winning technology at work and was pleased we had this sort of kit in our armoury. But once more, things began to get a bit strange, and what follows still remains difficult for me to properly describe:

After the last Cape Wrath exercise (I did many) I was bussed down to Glasgow for the flight back down south to England. On the way to Glasgow the bus diverted to a place near the town of Ayr, on the West Scottish coast, about 30 odd miles from Glasgow.

There we were taken to room in an ordinary looking red sandstone tenement type building. Inside the room we were introduced to a group of uniformed people. The uniforms were black military looking flight suits with silver insignia on the collars. These were silver bars, not unlike US military rank insignia. However, they were not from the US. They all spoke with crystal clear English accents. It soon donned on me that we were now in the company of the pilots of the same craft used in the range exercises – due to the ensuing discussions that took place, which was a kind of post exercise de-briefing.

The pilots were all relaxed, very friendly and radiated extremely good health. One of them, a very healthy looking middle aged man, took time with me to reassure me that all this was quite normal. He must have noticed that I was nervous and new to all this.

Also, in the same room were other people. These were young males and females, wearing some sort of uniform, but not the same uniforms as the pilots. They (I think?) wore blue coveralls, making what were clearly goodbyes to others (families?) who were present with them. This ‘goodbye’ scene was actually quite emotional albeit quite surreal. The middle aged pilot mentioned they were going up for spell. He pointed upwards with a finger as he said this. I was then given what I can only describe as an instant telepathic vision that I knew must have come from him. This was a vivid description of the interior of a circular vehicle with the same people, the ones in the room making their goodbyes, sat inside the craft and whishing up through the atmosphere to dock with a massive structure in space – still with the earth in full view. In this structure I briefly saw what I know to be Greys glancing at us and then completely ignoring us. He then said, “This is how we get around and everyone is a volunteer and no one is forced to do this”. He strongly emphasised this point. I must say that I felt this person, the middle aged pilot, to be quite benevolent and understanding. He knew I was balking at the thought of going into space and seeing aliens and he understood this. I had a kind of quasi-religious feeling from this man; he simply emanated complete understanding and care. I can’t remember how long we stayed there in the building, but I recall feeling very much at peace afterwards – as if it was indeed all was very normal, but knowing at the same time – it most certainly was not.

I went back to my normal naval duties with very little inclination of what I had witnessed was in any way fantastic. However, towards the end of my military career I became very stressed to the point of having a breakdown. I thought it was all the conflicts I had been through or my difficult personal life, but somewhere in my mind was this vision of this massive structure in space, vividly dreaming I was regularly going back there. These dreams became very intrusive, but thankfully stopped some time ago. Together with this and the other knowledge I had – I knew my story was hopelessly and ridiculously unbelievable. How can anyone talk about such things? This is what upset me most: knowledge that I could not possibly talk to anyone about.

Over Government
1999. Now a civilian after a long naval career, reaching middle officer rank, I took up a senior post within a City of London institution, which I felt fortunate to get since London was my home town. I was directed to and recommended for this job by my last Commanding Officer, a Commodore, who seemed to have some high connections in the City. I realise now that I was forwarded for this job because I was, ‘in the know’ and a, ‘safe pair of hands’ – someone who could be trusted. (They assumed I was a Mason) Soon after starting with the City I was invited to become an associate member with various City of London Livery Company’s. I felt that I was being elevated into the City’s inner circles, which indeed Livery Companies are. However, I decided, in my defence, to keep myself to myself. None the less, I was always invited to dinners whose guest list was a ‘whose who’. These were mostly well known people from the world banking community, well known politicians together with and serving and ex-serving military. This was a real ‘band of brothers’ and I knew many of them on a first name basis. It was at these dinners and other social events that I realised I was being ‘vetted’ by them. For my part, I played the role very well and was soon incorporated as a trusted senior City employee, with middle rank – so I knew my place, as it were, and was accorded their trust.

What I picked up immediately from this ‘band of brothers’ is their cold disdain for the ordinary lives people live, as if the general public mattered little, unless they were employed by them. (Those in their employ are very obedient and servile) This ‘band’ all operated as if they were governing the country, which indeed they were doing dealing with events with extraordinary persuasive weight, wielding power through making direct – mostly financial decisions that were repeated exactly, as they determined, to the so called ‘elected’ government in Parliament. They always exude a kind of overwhelming power, so much so, that being in their company, for any length of time, is really not for the faint hearted.

It soon became apparent that the government of the UK is directed from the City’s Financial Institutions, to which I was connected and also the Livery Company Buildings, the Guildhall, (the City’s HQ) and Mansion House. (Mansion House is the traditional seat of the Masonic elected Lord Mayor of London)

The guise for all this is very simple. The City is historically independent from anything emanating from the outside. No government body regulates or audits their activity. They are a law unto themselves, answerable to no one, save themselves, or the Monarch who is revered by the City with a Goddess like passion. Anyone, and this became clear, operating at any significant level of management in the City’s financial and government structure is a Mason and every meeting, social or otherwise, will always be an extension of Livery Company Masonic dealing. The more one delves into their activity, and I have, the more one can see that the City is very much like the Vatican. That is a tiny City state with an obscure power wielding political structure, dating back more than 1500 years with no recognisable change save the passage of time. I personally believe, unquestionably, that the City of London extends its power over the other major world financial centres with anecdotal evidence that the City controls the US Federal Reserve. I feel no one should be surprised that all political and financial power is held firmly within the City of London.

The Timeline
In late 2005 I attended what I thought was a normal 3 monthly City security & financial planning meeting since the usual crowd were emailed listed for attendance. The meeting turned out to be something entirely different. To my surprise (shock) this was very much a Masonic level meeting instead. No notes taken – word of mouth only.

At the meeting mention was made that the Timeline for war against Iran was being delayed to a point where other contingencies had to be put in place. Contingencies were then mentioned, in quite a matter of fact fashion. First was the Israeli reluctance to strike and provoke Iran into armed action and that Israel promised action that action would soon take place in order to provoke the required Iranian military response. (Israel soon after attacked Iranian backed Hizbollah bases in the Lebanon) That was my first surprise. The second was mention of Japanese reluctance to create havoc within the fledging Chinese financial sectors. China was growing too quickly with the Chinese military the being main beneficiary. The third surprise was open talk about the use of biological weapons – when they would be used since timing appeared to be crucial. Then there was more talk centred on how Iran must be engaged militarily in order to provoke the desired military response from China. The talk continued about how long conventional weapons should be used, knowing they would be hopeless against a Chinese military onslaught in the region. It soon transpired that they were not making decisions. They were discussing something that had already been planned and so they were simply sharing that information between themselves. It also became clear that the central issue of the meeting was when the ‘balloon’ would go up. Further issues dealt with finances, the moving of resources and protection of assets and the central control of these resources: the bringing in outlying assets. I recall the chain/sequence of events, which ran something like this:

They needed either the Iranians or the Chinese to be guilty of first use nuclear weapons in order to justify the next stage. (My information shows that the Iranians do indeed have a tactical nuclear capability) The next stage would be a measured regional nuclear response, enough to cause an immediate ceasefire. This ceasefire would create the time needed to put in place unified totalitarian western governments. Thereafter, or concurrent, biological weapons would be used against the Chinese population. This would then set of another chain of events that would collapse the whole Chinese political and social infrastructure. This was mentioned as: Disease, followed by wide spread food shortages, followed by mass starvation. Somehow, this would then cause the Chinese military to attack eastern Russia. The biological agents were described as being flu like and would spread like wild fire. It shocks and sickens me to describe these events. It shocks me even more to know that plausible events are being manipulated to cause the extinction of a whole part of the human race.

The evidence was clear. There does indeed exist a Timeline for future conflict that this country, the UK, was using this as some sort of world government business plan and many millions would die as a result. The plan is openly described in these circles as the Anglo Saxon Mission.

For those living in the UK
Interestingly, the meeting was attended by a former Commissioner for Police (name withheld). His role, it became clear, is gaining enough legislation to empower the private security industry to enable him to be head of what he himself called: ‘The Greater Policing Community’ to control dissidence within the UK population. Few people realise, that, at this moment, there are some 500.000 people working in the UK private security industry. Fewer still realise this industry has already been empowered through government backed public control policing powers, linked to the Public Order Act. This Parliamentary Act of police empowerment is currently being extended to include more powers such a direct powers of arrest and detention – the same as those currently being sought for Community Police Officers and Civil Enforcement Officers.

In time of war Britain will become a totalitarian police state headed by a military government empowered through the City of London. I can be certain of this, and to which, people living in the UK remain, by and large, oblivious.

Just to re-cap
The above can only be considered as simply a background briefing, knowing that its contents can be checked and easily verified by those with the will to do so. However to be clear:

Iran will soon be attacked, possibly within 18 months of writing this.
China will come to the aid of Iran to protect its own interests.
Nuclear weapons will be used by either Iran or China, with Israel provoking their first use.
Much of the Middle East will be laid to waste. Millions will die in a very short period of time.
China will forcibly move into parts of Russia to extend ‘ceasefire’ lines.
Biological weapons will be deployed against China. ‘China will catch a cold’.
There is some sort of malevolent ET alliance at work, profitably being used by the UK, US and other western powers, including Japan. Refer to ‘Black Projects’.
I also understand that other, more humanitarian ET entities are working against this Timeline and are, somehow, maintaining a precarious balance without taking any direct intervention themselves.

I have more to add to this
The western powers are actively seeking a ‘perfect war’ and have been engaged in doing so throughout the 20th century up to present times. WWI and WWII were simply stepping stones – both pre-determined and successful. The next Great War is now just round the corner. This war will significantly reduce the world’s population, possibly by half, in a very short period of time. This ‘over government’ feels this course of action to be wholly righteous and is pursuing this action with astonishing determination.

For my part I feel that I have contributed in some way to all this happening, more so, since I knew about this many years ago, but failed to see its full significance- a denial on my part no doubt. There is only so much that a person can take in not unless one willingly gives over their own spirit to their cause – the greatest of evils.

Stay with me on this… The wider picture remains to me quite unclear. None the less, I have ‘seen’ what will become of the physical shape of this world in a few short years to come. The over-government knows this too and is using this Timeline as way of preparation. They know that the survivors from what is about to happen will determine the physical future of mankind on this planet for millennia to come. They see this as a race against time before time itself prevents them. You see, they are governed by time, while most everyone else living on this planet is not. I discovered this phenomena some time ago and came to understand why those involved with this over government are desperate not be caught in the present moment. They can’t stand still and must at all costs keep striving towards their own manufactured goals. By doing so they are corralling everyone else, sheep like, into pens. The fuel they use to do this is fear.

The wider picture I mentioned, while much of it still remains unclear to me, is most definitely signalling a massive geo-physical change, a change that is very much like the seasons albeit a season that only occurs once in every 11500 years. Those in over government are very much aware of this ‘season’ and are driven to survive this change with their bloodline intact and to remain in overall control, very much as it is now.

One big question, to those awake to this change, is when will happen? Personally, I have little idea of an exact time other than it will be soon. I regard precise timings, such as 21st Dec 2012, with much suspicion. However, I say soon. Soon, to me, is something that is highly likely to happen in my own lifetime. I say this since I was here during the last season of change and see again, quite clearly, a chain of events that cannot be confused with anything other than this change taking place again – soon.

Before this change happened last time, 11500 years ago, there was much warning from those who were coming and going between space to earth. These people were very much part of the human race at the time and not regarded as Gods. They had always been here and were, by and large, though not always, quite compassionate in nature. They lived among us and shared what they could, being able to do so, since the population then living on earth was far fewer in number since people then lived to very old age – compared to the 3 score and 10 of today. Then the visible changes were noted as the earth magnetic poles drifting further and further away from true north and south. This caused seasonal differences that badly affected agriculture and living conditions, causing many of the larger settlements to migrate away from both Polar Regions. Incidentally, the space travelling people were known then as the, ‘Alhoo’ (that’s how it sounds) The Alhoo went to great lengths to ensure that as many people as possible would survive the change. There was no discrimination as to who would be saved. Additionally, around this time, other ET races appeared on earth. Some of these races interfered with the preparations being made by the Alhoo causing much disruption, which finally led to open conflict both in space and here on earth. This was a battle of domination that continued right up until the earth’s surface finally changed its position. This is when the earths crust shifted some 30 degrees towards the south. It is worth knowing that the Alhoo came back to earth afterwards, but, unfortunately, only remnants of the civilisation they had built was left, scattered along the coastal regions of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. It should also be known that the Alhoo were not suited to life on earth and so never became permanent residents. They came, stayed a while and then went, very much like visiting parents. Now, after the last change, came the other races, some able to live more comfortably on the planet. The pre-dominant race was reptilian and did not resemble any human made after the Alhoo. It is the reptilian residency that was to mark the new season that had just begun in the aftermath of the change. These people were not kind or compassionate and far less spiritual in nature. They were cold and demanding, regarding fear and total respect from the human survivors as values. I shall come back to this period later.

The Pyramids of Giza
As part of the preparations for the coming change, the Alhoo built what is now known as the Giza Complex, just outside Cairo. This site was built well in advance of the change and took just 5 years to complete with most of the effort going into planning rather than construction. These pyramids contained every example of Alhoo technology, serving principally as a beacon that could be heard far in space, providing a vast/diverse range of geo-physical information regarding the real time state of the earth. This meant that the Alhoo could remain in space and ‘listen’ to what was happening on the surface. Other less known sites were constructed on a ‘belt’, crossing the continents at latitudes 60 degrees north and south of the equator. I knew about this then as did most other people alive at the time. There was an ‘energy’ that our civilisation would physically survive the coming change. Much discussion has ranged over what type of technology was used to construct the Giza complex. It wasn’t ropes, tackles and muscle. It was sound. Everything has a frequency – even stone. Stones were cut and lifted just by tapping into the frequencies contained within. Nothing more was needed. More than this the pyramids were self illuminating and shone brightly throughout the night. All this was possible just by changing the frequency. I will add, for sake of argument, that the pyramids fell into disrepair, though misuse, thousands of years before the Pharaohs came into power. Cheops did not build them; he and others attempted a repair without knowing fully the original purpose of the complex. I feel this is important to know.

I am asked what life was like before the change and while the Alhoo were present together with mankind?

There were 2 main cities situated on the North Antarctic coast. The first and oldest city was called Charmaran with a population of around 300,000 souls. The second city was called Charmaran Te, whose population was far more. This newer city resembled a mountain from the distance since it was building upon building rising high – almost into the clouds. Both cities were separated by a mountain range and both enjoyed temperate weather conditions throughout the year. There were very little differences in the seasons, very much like the South Africa of today. This means of course that the Antarctic land mass was situated further to the north in those days. Life was based around subsisting on agriculture and maritime trading mostly from the east from the lands where India and China now are. This was a healthy trade that lasted many thousands of years with communities on both sides of the world developing together with very little effort. However, the Charmarans were quite spiritually evolved. This was mostly due to the patient influence of the Alhoo. Therefore, other human communities were very much attracted to them but were not allowed to cross breed. This was forbidden by the Alhoo, simply because of the time it would take to develop those other communities to a similar level enjoyed by the Charmarans. I am reminded that long life was apparent throughout the world in those days and having children, though welcome, was quite a rare occasion. It was not unusual for someone to live healthily for over a 1000 years. Try to imagine your physical body continually renewing itself in a healthy mature condition until such times that the spirit must move on. 1000 years here on earth is quite enough time for any soul.

The short life span of this age is a by product of a further cross fertilisation processes conducted by the reptilians. However, physical life span is not such an important issue. I can tell you, however, that mankind is able to live long lives, as before, if simple measures were taken to readjust the human DNA.

Who are these reptilians?
11500 years ago not much was known about the reptilian looking race other than they shared knowledge of space through time travel with other races such as the Alhoo of earth. What became apparent is their low spiritual development and disdain for anything they feel is weak, even among their own kind. As I mentioned their lives are determined by time. They are not aware of a timeless present due to their low level of conscious awareness. However, this low level of conscious awareness is superbly masked by their ability to live extremely long lives and the ease at which they can control anyone who comes into contact with them. The live on fear and are energised/empowered through this. The reptilians became the dominant controlling entity on earth because of their abilities to sustain themselves here. The Alhoo, while they have never left, can never be permanently resident. However, it must be known that the Alhoo do live through us since we are them and they are us. We are no different from the Alhoo when all is said and done. The Alhoo are essentially now space dwellers and are far in advance of the reptilians. Now, the reptilians know very well that the Alhoo started civilisation here on earth doing so through the early human forms and that we, the current form of humankind, look and think very much like them. They also know that we have a level of conscious awareness that can be easily affected through fear in order to gain our compliance. That fear network has been with us and developed by them throughout this current age. All through this present time the reptilians have held kingship over mankind, dominating and controlling all aspects of our physical lives on earth. This age has been marked by them as one of continual conflict and forced manipulation shaped by fear. The Alhoo have been aware of this, but to them, as it is to us, time means nothing at all. Time is meaningless even in the physical world we think we know so well. Now, the Alhoo will change this experience once it has seen itself out. The reptilian experience is about to end and of course they do not wish it to end and are trying extremely hard to ensure it doesn’t. They cannot and will not, understand that their experience here is transitory. They believe it is eternal, since they are unable, at any level, to comprehend otherwise.

We are very shortly about to enter into this period of change, where the earth’s crust will displace another 30 degrees southwards, doing so during a 24 hour period, or a day and night, if you understand this. Before this comes about, and it will happen quite suddenly, the reptilians will cause the war I mentioned before. The destructive nature of this conflict will reduce the earth’s population by around half. The earth’s displacement will further reduce the population by about half again. There are some who think this will be a good thing since they have lived their physical life experience through the reptilian mind and not their own. That will change to. Throughout the world people are becoming more and more aware of themselves and giving themselves time to think away from the fear generated by their rulers, whether they are democratically elected or not. People now are more aware than they have been since the last change that took place 11,500 years ago. They recall who they are and what they know to be as spiritual beings first and infinite as opposed to being physical beings with one life only – that being this life. That awareness will spread leading to the probability that all power held by the reptilians will be lost leaving them very isolated but more physically dangerous than ever. No matter, their time here will pass suddenly. Will they move on? I do not yet know. All I know is that they will lose the power of fear over mankind and by doing so lose any level of power they now hold.

So, another new age will come to earth with the Alhoo returning as they did before. They will enjoy, with us, all that is known of our conscious existence that is infinite, something we know to be and is. Fear will be gone and our humanity will once more return. A new Golden Age? No, not quite. Life on earth will remain difficult and painful in human form, but it will be lived without fear and can be a most rewarding experience that will brighten the spark of our infinite selves.

Enough for now I think.


Another version of the above letter was originally sent to both Kerry Cassidy and Bill Ryan of Project Camelot including personal details that have now been removed by the sender. The content is unaltered by the whistleblower in any other way except to protect his identity. The above letter was provided to Kerry Cassidy for publication upon her request about a week ago.

Kerry Cassidy | March 2010





Gamma Ray Bursts — Important source of Energy

March 18, 2010

Gamma Ray Bursts — Important source of Energy

I received the following interesting info from a source:

He wrote:

What are the actual sources of GBR's (Gamma Ray Bursts)? The short answer: An unnatural occurring phenomena providing power to (large) ships, civilizations, and outposts. How it occurs, is collected and stored has become a TOP priority.

Some background according to a recent article on the NASA website:

"This breakthrough observation gives us the first measurement of magnetic fields in the afterglow of a GRB," said Swift lead scientist Neil Gehrels, Swift lead scientist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md.

Gamma Ray Bursts form when the core of a massive star collapses or when two neutron stars merge together. The resulting explosions are the brightest events in the universe and vastly outshine entire galaxies containing hundreds of billions of stars. NASA’s Swift satellite sees about 100 of these events each year, triggering ground-based follow-up by observations across the globe.

Polarization is one of the least-observed properties in astronomy. This finding opens the door to understanding the role of magnetic fields in some of the most powerful events in the universe.

"These very interesting observations raise the possibility that gamma-ray bursts are not fireballs as usually presumed but are powered and collimated by an organized electromagnetic field," said Roger Blandford, Director of the Kavli Institute of Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology at Stanford University, California, commenting on the result's importance. "It will be very interesting to see if there are similarities in observations of other kinds of cosmic jets."

Source: http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/swift/bursts/magnetic-power.html

See also: http://grb.sonoma.ed as to frequency (speaking of occurrence rate, not waveform) and location.

From a source….

Sign the Petition Protest Genetically Modified Crops

I received this urgent message from Miriam Delicado urging us to act to make sure this petition gets out to be signed by people protesting Monsanto and the use of genetically modified crops in Europe. Please click the link and stop the destruction of our food supply! Please copy and post everywhere on the net!!!

Thank you.

Clark McClelland – possible interview pending

March 14, 2010

Clark McClelland – possible interview pending

I have an opportunity to interview Clark McClelland and one individual who wishes to remain anonymous is putting forward $750 if someone or a group of people will match funds. Although this is not the way we operate (we have never paid anyone for their testimony) this is one case where I will make an exception. Clark is destitute and will only do the interview if he is paid $1,500 for 30 minutes (or possibly as long as 1 hour). He wants to own the rights to the interview as well. At this moment since I plan to be in Florida to interview Ashayana Deane (Azurite Press) I am willing to play ball…. Clark has not been interviewed on video to my knowledge in years… Anyone who wants to help make this happen needs to donate asap via my donate button and email me that is what they are doing…. I fly into Sarasota on March 30th and will only be there a few days depending on the financing that comes through. Please note: I can in no way guarantee that this interview will take place regardless of incoming funds.

Additional note: there is a secret source who may also make themselves available at this time… Any funds to cover the added expense of staying a day or two later to interview this source will find it well worth it.

Avalon Forum — my view

In addition to many very good and intelligent people, I hear that there are currently a lot of sycophants and plants among the people who visit the forum. This is true most anywhere but events that I won't go into here have increased the amount of nonsense being bandied about there. Keep this in mind. If you want to know what my views are on the forum, how it operates and other things pertaining to recent events you need to do a search for my posts over there. Suffice to say, I post very seldom but when I do it's because I have something to say.

I don't know what is planned for the revising of the forum. I do know that I am no longer involved in any way with operations there. I gave my half ownership over to Bill about a week ago. Additionally, our Project Light Warrior has a community set up that Tommy, my webmaster is currently moderating. I believe those on exodus from Avalon may find topics of interest there….

In light of…

March 13, 2010

In light of the very cogent disclosures by the Anglo-Saxon Mission/Whistleblower in theLetter published on my site, specifically the part that discusses the plans for a nuclear strike on Iran, take a look at this article from November 2009 about the death of a nuclear expert from the Global Mail: British nuclear expert's 17th floor UN death plunge 'was not suicide. One wonders how many other deaths of scientists can be attributed to the possibility that these men knew something similar to what our whistleblower is saying… Another scientist died a year before according to the article, "Under a year ago, an American died at the IAEA in strikingly similar circumstances, his body being found at the bottom of a stairwell…" Somehow the coincidence is too much to ignore.

And in an email today from another undisclosed source, who, after reading the Anglo-Saxon Whistleblower's letter, wrote the following:

"…This evidence suggests there's going to be a false-flag nuke 
(supplied by India!) over Israel and Iraq to provoke an attack on 

Anyway check out this link:

(Ken-Walch.com extract:)
["Over the last four years, Big Oil's military planners in the 
Pentagon have tried repeatedly to create a false flag nuclear 
incident that would allow them to attack Iran with nuclear weapons. 
The false flag plan is called Gambit. The nuking of Iran and the 
subsequent invasion to seize Iranian oil reserves is simply called 
The Show.

Once again we see everything being put in readiness for another try 
at Gambit. If they succeed it will make great television. It will 
begin with a brilliant flash over some relatively empty piece of 
Israeli coastline. It will end with the total destruction of Iran."]

Our anonymous source then goes on:

"I think his est. date of the start of 'Gambit'(15 March 2010) is 
wrong, usually doom-predictions are. Like you I also believe human 
consciousness will reduce the severity of what's planned (inc. the 
11500 year geo-physical changes.). At any rate, you and this guy 
need to be cross-referencing this info, I will also email your info 
to him."


Interesting data. How one could test the accuracy of reverse-speech is unclear. However, there does seem to be some basis for making a case as to its veracity. At the moment, the link to India points to a possible intention to bring India in on the side of the U.S. and Israel should a strike on Iran happen–as referenced by the Anglo-Saxon Whistleblower statement where he talks about the objective of the 'overgovernment' is to bring China into the war.

Further information obtained in my recent radio interview with a source who calls himselfDr. Waterman [see Feb 25th show] indicates that governments, including China are, at the highest levels, in on this game and playing along because they are on board with the ultimate objective, that is, population reduction. They are assuming they will be left sitting at the table, of course along with the Reptilian overlords who seek to rule this planet. However my take is that this game will take some unanticipated twists along the way. Not the least of which is the awakening masses and positive ETs who are now activating the indigos and others to counter this agenda in a big way.

Brown Dwarf News Hits the British Papers

With the sensational headline Earth Under Attack From Deathstar, the March 12th issue of the SUN tabloid paper is life imitating art. I am just finishing Andy Lloyd's novel Ezekiel Onewhere he uses fiction to further explore his premise that our Sun has a 'brown dwarf' companion that orbits the Sun. I recently interviewed Andy and hope to finish editing this interview in the very near future for release. In the meantime, I encourage everyone to visit his Dark Star website and read about his well researched theory on the existence of the Brown Dwarf. Our well known whistleblower Henry Deacon, verified the existence of this body a few years ago during our initial discussions.

The question is what is being seeded to the press now that the 'overgovernment' has decided to let the people know? The Sun article quotes a Professor John Matese, of the University of Louisiana at Lafayette saying…"There is statistically significant evidence that this concentration of comets could be caused by a companion to the Sun." For a more balanced and scientifically accurate article I suggest Sott.net's recent article on Nemesis. Laura Knight-Jadczyk, who I recently interviewed has long been stating that the cyclical 26,000 catastrophic earth events could be traced to comet impact.

This information also has to be looked at from the standpoint of an interview I did a couple of years ago with Valery Uvarov. Dr Valery Uvarov was the head of the Department of UFO Research, Palaeosciences and Palaeotechnology of the National Security Academy of Russia, at the time. (I do not know if that is his current title). He talked in our Camelot interview, about the existence of a system of submerged installations equipped to fire upon and disperse incoming threatening comets. According to Uvarov, there are 3 installations of this kind on Earth, one in China, one in Russia and one somewhere possibly on the East Coast of the U.S. They were, he stated, put in place by an ET race thousands of years ago. He said that the technology was extremely sophisticated and that the Russians were very concerned because the Chinese had discovered the installation hidden in their country and apparently deciphered some of the very potent technology behind it. Given that Dr. Uvarov works for the Russian government and that there is no way this information cannot be confirmed, it is still rather interesting that an undisclosed source recently verified the existence of these defenses to me.

The point here is that this technology would be used to defend Earth if necessary. War in space, hidden from the eyes of the masses, in part by chem trails is being conducted by various ET races… this much we know. Weather wars and use of comets to target satellites as well as areas of the planet cannot be overlooked. It is my understanding that these are the means by which such wars are waged. The other means is by infiltration of humans and through influence, subtle and not so subtle.