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From a Source – Attack on Tehran

May 11

From a Source – Attack on Tehran

["US Black Ops unit hit in Tehran, Iran just four hours ago. I doubt that it will ever see the light of day, but the 5 man team went in on a reliable source on a location of POI #1. Team was prepping for a raid on a compound just north of the city limits, when their safe house was hit by a large contingent of soldiers. These men will never be known, never be recognized by the US, never see their homeland again, and will be forgotten. They were among the best that we have to offer, no ranks no unit, no branch of service. Just five men, somebody's son, brother, nephew, uncle, dad, boyfriend or husband. These men should not be forgotten. Do with the information as you see fit, but respect the men, and respect the job they took on. Thank you. "]

This information has not been confirmed or verified.

Another Source – on SAP

According to another source from inside the military of a "friendly" country (to the U.S.) I understand that the SAP DRMIS or MASIS software is being rolled-out across the globe for keeping track of everything from troops on the ground to nuts and bolts being distributed and allocated to each country. This is further confirmation of the cementing of the NWO. Word is that they are implementing this worldwide, deadline: 2012.

More Giza News and Confirmation Something is Happening…

According to a tip from still another source, I got the following very hot info (paraphrased to conceal their identity):

"…A friend of an unamed military enlisted guy was being sent to Egypt because of a heat signature registered in the "top room" of the 'major pyramid" — apparently, according to him, an area that no one had access to. The source went on to say that he found it interesting that the U.S. had surveillance on the internal structure of the pyramid but he was informed that he should not be surprised, the U.S. has bases everywhere. The most stunning thing is that this room not even the U.S. has access to and neither does anyone else and yet there was this heat signature…And mention of an "entity". This friend was deployed a few days ago with some special forces to Egypt. Apparently between roughly April 22-23 when that unknown entity appeared and today there has already been a full scale operation dispatched. That is, they are saying, very quick work for the military."

I remote viewed that "room" at the top of the pyramid after hearing this news and clearly saw a very tall being, dressed in gold, wearing a bird headdress and the name I got was Ibis. On consulting our friends at the Giza Geomatrix I was informed, that that is Thoth. Looks like there really is something going on at Giza beyond stealing antiquities and treasure.

Stay tuned for my 2nd interview with the Giza Geomatrix team. They are also investigating the shaft being dug near the paws of the Sphinx and the disinfo surrounding that activity…Click here to see the video of what may well turn out to be the excavation for the Hall of Records.

Giza Geomatrix

Los Angeles, May 2010 | .mp3 | .mov | .mp4

As mentioned in my blog entry of May 3rd… There are mysterious comings and goings in the cover of night on the Giza Plateau. A film has been released that shows the removal of items from underground and in the background is the clear sound of heavy machinery. The person who shot it used a cell phone and is now on the run. Before leaving the country he gave the film to Bill Brown and his partner Richard Gabriel. This person’s life is now in danger. Brown and Garbriel cut revealing aspects of the film to hide the identity of this person as well as to hide the location from which it was filmed.

The Giza Geomatrix members have been working out at the Giza plateau, a few of their members, originally were part of the Polish team from Warsaw University. Bill Brown, who is giving a presentation of their work on May 9th in Chicago, has been to Egypt 30 times in the last 5 years. He has been working on digs around Egypt and is known to the head of the Egyptian Antiquities organization (SCA), Zahi Hawass. He has also been filmed as part of a National Geographic special. This team has aslo been investigating another incident in September, where 6 people died in mysterious circumstances, were buried alive in an illegal dig.

Among other things, their research has revealed secret burial grounds and the possible location of Khufu’s tomb. Using ground penetrating radar they have been able to llocate the tomb as well as numerous locations of treasures hidden underground. Their interest in coming forward at this time is to release this secret film and to reveal the subterfuge and suspicious activities going on around the pyramids and at other sites around Egypt. Their objective is to stop the secrecy and encourage open disclosure of important finds in and around the Giza Plateau.

But their purpose there is much more complex. I encourage everyone to go to their website, Gizamap.com and watch the presentation there, the intro and the one entitled “Earth Protection”. The information they are in the process of revealing may hold the key to preventing the pole shift and survival of humanity. For more info watch their presentation called Earth Protection at http://gizamap.com

This audio interview is the first half of a two part series to reveal what they have discovered.

Kerry Lynn Cassidy
Los Angeles, California

May 2010




A Look Inside Project Camelot – Fritz Stammberger Interviews Kerry Lynn Cassidy

A Look Inside Project Camelot – Fritz Stammberger Interviews Kerry Lynn Cassidy

Los Angeles, May 2010| .mp3 | .mov

See parts 2-8 here!

Original interview by: islandonlinenews.com
Official description from islandonlinenews.com youtube channel

" In this in-depth interview Fritz Stammberger talks with Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot about how Project Camelot got started, what they have been doing and what they have discovered over the past 4 years. Some of the fascinating topics covered include black projects, star-gates, e.t's, the reptilians, the annunaki, the origins of man, off world space fleets, the new world order, holographic reality, dreams, and plans that exist to control and manipulate the human race. Don't miss this inside look at "the anti thesis to the new world order" with Kerry Cassidy who, in our opinion, is one of the greatest conspiracy analysts of all time. Travel with me, Fritz Stammberger, down the rabbit hole for 'A Look Inside Project Camelot'.

www.islandonlinenews.com "

Giza Geomatrix II – Earth Protection

Giza Geomatrix II : Earth Protection

Los Angeles, May 2010 | mp3 | mov

This is the second interview with the team from Giza Geomatrix. We cover what Bill Brown and his team have found using Ground Penetrating Radar…within the Khufu Temple complex that extends from the Giza Plateau and beyond, revealing a hidden technology. In this ground breaking interview the team talks about the coverup and nefarious digs as well as a mysterious force field that is keeping even the powers-that-be from getting close to what may be the entrance to the Hall of Records. According to their findings, a tunnel system exists below that goes from there to the Great Pyramid and all the way to Saqqarra.

Edgar Cayce stated the following:

“A record of Atlantis from the beginning of those periods when the Spirit took form, or began the encasements in that land; and the developments of the peoples throughout their sojourn; together with the record of the first destruction, and the changes that took place in the land; with the record of the sojournings of the peoples and their varied activities in other lands, and a record of the meetings of all the nations or lands, for the activities in the destruction of Atlantis; and the building of the pyramid of initiation, together with whom, what, and where the opening of the records would come, that are as copies from the sunken Atlantis. For with the change, it [Atlantis] must rise again. In position, this lies — as the sun rises from the waters — as the line of the shadows (or light) falls between the paws of the Sphinx; that was set later as the sentinel or guard and which may not be entered from the connecting chambers from the Sphinx’s right paw until the time has been fulfilled when the changes must be active in this sphere of man’s experience. Then [it lies] between the Sphinx and the river”. [378-16; Oct 29, 1933]

Richard Gabriel and Bill Brown also talk about what they believe they have discovered as an Earth Protection System that connects important power places around the planet. They believe this can be activated to create a force field that will protect the Earth from coming Earth changes and Solar Cycle 24.

Kerry Lynn Cassidy

May 2010

Giza Geomatrix team sites:





Janis Sharp – Free Gary – An update on Gary Mckinnon’s case

Los Angeles, May 2010 | .mp3 | .mov

On my recent trip to London I was fortunate to get the chance to meet Janis Sharp, Gary McKinnon’s mother, a powerhouse who has been very actively working to stop the extradition of her son to the U.S. She has been surprisingly successful in generating a grass roots movement of support that includes such luminaries as Sting, Bob Geldof and Chrissie Hynde. As many people know, Gary McKinnon is also an accomplished and talented musician. Through Janis’s efforts a new renditon of the well known protest song “Chicago” by Graham Nash has been released and is available on the Free Gary website for download.


A short summary of the case from the Free Gary website:


“…seven years since his initial arrest !). Gary was indicted by a US court in November 2002, accused of “hacking” into over 90 US Military computer systems from here in the UK. The unjust treatment of British citizens (and others) when facing the might of the US Military “justice” system, which practices detention without trial in Guantanamo Bay and elsewhere, and stands accused of making use of torture by allied regimes (“extraordinary rendition”) is an ongoing scandal. It cannot be excused even by a “war on terror”. It seems only just that Gary should face any charges in a British court, and to serve any sentence, if he is found guilty, in a British prison.

While it is obviously crucial that Gary not be extradited, as many will know who have followed Project Camelot since the beginning, I interviewed Gary back in 2006. I encourage you to watch the original interview with Gary “Hacking the Pentagon” which really shows his personality and brings forward what he found using a dial-up modem several years ago; records within NASA and the Pentagon that detailed non-terrestrial officers, fleet-to-fleet off- world transfers… in essence evidence of the existence of the secret space program and the true advances in technology and space travel code name: Solar Warden.

Kerry Lynn Cassidy

May 2010

Free Gary website


You tube channel for Gary

John Urwin – The Machine

John Urwin : The Machine

Los Angeles, May 2010 | .mp3 | .mov

John Urwin wrote the following in an email to me, just a few days ago:

“I am a 71yr old reitired ex- UK special forces operative (about which I have written a book namely ‘The Sixteen’). I wrote my book because I was trying to hopefully make contact with others who had also been a part of this ultra covert and highly skilled unit – the reasons for its being so highly covert was that both British Intelligence and the Government of the day (we’re talking late ’50’s here) had been infiltrated to the highest level by what is known by some today as ‘The New World Order’. There is a lot of detail I could go into about The Sixteen and what their objectives were. How they came to be, why, and what they were hoping to achieve and the difficulties we encountered, things which I didn’t expect. you could say ‘it was out of this world’. “

Pictured in the video is the gift given to him by the Egyptian Special Forces Unit 777 an award that bears the inscription” to: John Urwin, The best anti/counter terrorism specialist in the world.”

He is currently being contacted by military organizations seeking access to his skills. But beware: he is not interested in supplying these secrets to anyone working with the NWO.

He is looking for a new publisher for his book. Unfortnately he has received nothing from the sale of this relatively obscure book so far… But that is about to change, no doubt once you hear what he has to say.

Kerry Lynn Cassidy

May 2010


John Urwin’s website


John Urwin: The Machine

[Athough we do our best to transcribe every word, there are some terms we have not been able to decrypt. We have left them in square brackets]

Kerry Cassidy (KC):  Hi. This is Kerry Cassidy from Project Camelot.  The other day I interviewed John Urwin.   He’s a fascinating guy.  He’s got a special technique that he was trained on in a matter of hours by an off-world civilization, and he’s going to tell you about that, how it came about, and this was in the early ‘50s.  He was a special operative for the British government at a time before the New World Order was put into place, and he was part of a group of 16 that were covertly integrated into the military.  They were completely nondescript, people without backgrounds, that were given this special training that changed them for their lives, and allowed to go on special operations during the time they were part of the military.  They would slip in and out and go unnoticed.  They have a technique called The Machine which is to this day apparently not able to be deciphered or figured out by even the highest levels of the military in various countries.  He is now being sought after, after having written his book and published it.  I encourage you to listen to the interview.  It’s a fascinating study as well as a revealing bit of information about a covert operation that happened back in the ‘50s in order to prevent the New World Order from ever becoming a reality.

John Urwin (JU):  What I’m trying to tell is, I’m trying to get, the people who want to fight against this, to be trained and ready.  There’s some big disasters on the way.

KC:  Yes.

JU:  The people have to be prepared for that.  They have to be trained in the right way for it.  Going out and buying guns, Kerry, and learning to shoot a target, is not going to get you anywhere.

KC:  [laughs]  Yeah.

JU:  It’s not going to get you anywhere.

KC:  Right.

JU:  ‘Cause the fear is the stumbling block.  ‘Cause, you know, if you don’t know when to pull the gun, if you haven’t got the guts to pull the trigger, and if the violence around you affects you in any way, you’re no good on the battlefield.  So, I’ve got documented proof that, and photographs, to prove that they’ve been here and that these people are supposed to be the elite, the best.  So if they could get what I’ve got elsewhere, that’s exactly what they’d do.  It’s only that they can’t and that’s why they come here, and they’ve offered me a certain amount of money, and I won’t give them it.  And what they’re trying to do is, they don’t want me to be recognized in any way, shape or form.  They’re just keeping me down.  What I’m trying to say, when I went to Hereford, there was about 13 people there.  One of them was the head instructor, and they put us through various tests, me and a few of my lads, my instructors.  And like I said, it just blew their socks off.  They couldn’t believe that this was around, and yet they’d never even seen it before.  So ever since then, they’ve been trying to get these skills.  They’ve offered us various sums of money, and all I wanted was some recognition but they wouldn’t give us it.  They wouldn’t do that at all.  And he’s, Alan, he was, he just, he texted me two days ago saying he needs to see us again.  And he’s going to give me a ring the next few days.

KC:  Okay.  What, where is this, the SAS?

JU:  Special Air Services.  But if you are, take, you see me website, have you?

KC:  Your website?

JU:  Yup.  It’s uscdefence.com.

KC:  Oh right.  Okay.  I saw it very briefly, but I didn’t actually.  I saw that you teach…

JU:  Yeah.  Okay.

KC:  You’re teaching, um.

JU:  Well if you look at the photograph that’s on there was a group of us together…

KC:  Yes.

JU:  The tall guy at the back, he’s retired from the SAS just before Christmas, and he’s the highest decorated officer in the SAS.

KC:  Hmm.

JU:  Now he’s in my club on that photograph…

KC:  I see.

JU:  So obviously the question you’ve got to say is, Why is he there?  Why does he come down to my club?  Like I say, I’ve got documented proof that that’s exactly what they’re after.  So these people don’t come after something that they can get anywhere else.  It’s obviously not available for these people and they’re prepared to give my group £2,000.  But what they wanted was the sole rights of what we call The Machine.  By your tone of voice I don’t think you’re aware of these people, are you?

KC:  Um…

JU:  The SAS?

KC:  Not, you know, because I’m American, you know, not offhand.  It’s not something that I know that much about.  I see that they’re special operations.

JU:  Oh yeah.  They’re supposed to be the best of the world probably apparently.  [laughs].

KC:  Okay.  Very interesting.  So, but if this guy, you say, you know, this guy trained with you, or…

JU:  No, no, no, no, no.  He came up.  They keep putting us to the test.  He wanted to find out more about the training.

KC:  Oh.

JU:  He wanted to find out more about the fear elimination program.  He wanted to find out how that was done, because we proved to them that the fear elimination program had been done to me, and then there’s the….  Like I say, to train in these skills, Kerry, it would, say like, it would normally take you months, where I learned it in four days, but I was unaware of it.  Do you understand that?

KC:  Really?

JU:  Yeah, I was totally unaware of it.  What they’ve got to do is, they’ve got to, let you go into this hypnosis.  He closes down your conscious brain…

KC:  Yes.

JU:  And then he gets the subconscious brain to do something that you’re unaware of, but that’s what they do.  They close down your conscious brain and they program the subconscious to take these skills onboard.  And I learned these skills in four days.

KC:  Wow.

JU:  Where it would normally take you months.  And this is not martial arts, Kerry.

KC:  Okay.

JU:  This is far superior.  Martial arts… It’s the way I talk unfortunately, martial arts just doesn’t work, just doesn’t work at all.  And I proved it.  The SAS, their head instructor, is one of the top martial arts guys.  He’s the world’s champion of it, and yet we proved that everything he did was wrong.  We proved it, and that’s what really impressed him.  He didn’t think it was possible.  You see?

KC:  Well, but, where did you get this…?

JU:  So ever since then he’s been trying to get these skills off me.  To know and  get it.

KC:  Okay, but where did you get it?  Where did you get your skills?

JU:  What?

KC:  Where did you get your skills?

JU:  From… from the sixteen.

KC:  Oh.  And this… well uh….

JU:  This is a special force in the Middle East.  You see, look, Kerry, these people were aware of what was going on, so within the armed forces, the top brass in the armed forces were trying to do something about it, trying to prevent it from happening.  They all knew about the Bilderberg Group and the first meeting they had in 1954.  Some of these people met in a place called Jarabar.  We went there and destroyed them.  We also got documents of advanced technology.

I was told…don’t forget,  I was an 18-year-old boy who never seen a television set in his life, who worked on a farm, who left school at 14.  I went out there, I had no idea where I was.  They trained me in these skills.  We went on various operations throughout the whole of the Middle East, including Egypt, and these, like I said, I was unaware at the time exactly what I was doing.  I knew that, what I had been told is that, the elite had infiltrated British intelligence, the governments in Britain, and were planning to destroy it, and that’s exactly what they have done.  Britain’s finished now.  It’s gone under.

KC:  Yeah.  I know.  I know.

JU:  It’s gone under, and we were trying to prevent it.  So, like I said, we killed about 13…. well I’m saying we killed.  We killed about 13 people in Jarabar.  And these people had gotten advanced technology.  When we were there, on the way there to the target area, we saw two ships, spaceships arguably, leaving the Israeli border.  These were huge things, and when I saw them and I questioned them to the two others, I was told to forget it, just to forget it.

KC:  The Anunnaki?

JU:  I was… listen, I was told, when I was learning, when I had acquired these skills, and when I asked how I came by these skills, they just said They’re from out of this world.

KC:  Yeah.  Incredible.

JU:  I can prove this.

KC:  Okay.

JU:  I can give you a demonstration of these skills and you won’t recognize it from anywhere.  I can disarm anybody.  I can take two or three people out.  I can take guns off people and machetes, whatever.  But it’s also the strategy that’s involved.  Do you understand?

KC:  Yeah.

JU:  It’s the strategy.  How do you get near a person when they’ve got a gun?  You have to get close enough to take the gun before they shoot you.  Well all of these skills I acquired from The Sixteen.

KC:  Incredible.

JU:  And it goes further than that, Kerry, but I, see, I can’t go into it.  Um…

KC:  Uh, okay.

JU:  See, look at, these people are so, so clever, and this was on the way to a place called Jarabar.  Now you’ll not find that place on the map now because it’s been taken off the map, but if you look on the old maps you’ll find it.

KC:  Jalabah.  Yeah I’ve heard of it.

JU:  Jara.  Jarabar.

KC:  Jalabah.

JU:  Jara.  “R”.  R-a.

KC:  Jar-a-bar

JU:  Yeah.  Jarabar.

KC:  Jarabar.  Okay.

JU:  It’s about 35 mile inland from Lebanon and it’s near the Israeli border and Syrian borders.

KC:  Okay.  When you saw the ships, you’re talking about UFOs.

JU:  Yeah.

KC:  So the technique is from the E.T.s?

JU:  I was brought up during the war.  Me family were very, very poor.  I’m not an educated person.  And I’ve never drank in me life.  I’ve never smoked in me life.  And when I went into the armed forces, I was called up for national service, which was two years.  I was picked during a training, because I was a gymnast, and apparently the qualifications were, that I was a gymnast, I never drank, I never smoked, and that was one of the main things why they chose us.  And because I had no background.  If you’ve got no background, you have no identity, it’s exactly what they’re looking for.  So when you’re training in these skills, no matter what I say to people, nobody’s going to believe us.  I’m not of any importance.  I’ve got no credibility, and that’s exactly what they want.

KC:  Uhuh.  Yes.  Wow.

JU:  You see?  That’s the main qualifications.  ‘Cause there’s no one going to believe us.

KC:  Okay so what year…

JU:  But now the SAS do believe us.  You’re talking about the specialists in the world.  They believe us.  They’re after these skills, and it’s coming out.  The Arabs believe us.  They sent for us, and I can prove it, be no doubt.  I got photographs with their officers.  I even got a medal off them, and they’re not going to do that for no reason at all.  They were aware of the operations that took place in their country.  I killed quite a few of their people and they were fully aware of it.  And like I said, that’s why I was there.

KC:  Okay, but how long ago did you learn these skills?

JU:  It’s 52 years ago now.

KC:  And you’ve been able to keep them going the whole time?  So are you willing to put this out in public?

JU:  I don’t have to train, I don’t have to do anything.  It’s engrained.

KC:  It en…

JU:  It’s part of us now.  I can’t forget it.  I don’t have to train.  I’m now 72 years of age.  I don’t forget any of these skills whatsoever.  I have been put through the test more than once by the SAS.  And like I said, they will do anything in their power in order to get these skills, and I won’t give it to them.  I won’t allow them to have these skills.

KC:  OK, why not?  Just out of curiosity.

JU:  Because they’re part of system.  The false flag operations, they’re behind them.

KC:  Okay.

JU:  The Mossad.

KC:  Right.

JU:  You have to overcome the fear barriers.  If you can’t overcome those fear barriers, you’re just wasting your time.  Half of Americans now in the Middle East are scared, and this is why they’re killing innocent people.  They don’t know how to cope.  Fear, panic sets in.  And that’s exactly what… I’ve just looked at David Icke’s website today and they’re showing you, shooting some old guy in the middle of the street, and you can see he’s not carrying any weapons, he’s not carrying any explosives.

KC:  Yes.  Absolutely.

JU:  And they’re just shooting them down in the street.  All that’s going to do is create more hatred…

KC:  Yes.

JU:  to the Americans.  You know, you all know it’s false flag op… we shouldn’t be out there.  You know?

KC:  Right.

JU:  The enemy is very, very clever because no matter what people like David Icke does, he’s actually working for them.  He’s unaware that he’s working for them, because when he talks about getting the world together, the people together, that’s exactly what they want.  That’s what they’re after.  That’s exactly what they want.  And then they’re…

KC:  Can you explain that a little bit?  Can you…

JU:  Yeah.  The whole object of the exercise, like Ronald Reagan said, he said If we were being attacked from outer space, like people from another planet, the world would get together and we wouldn’t have any problems.  This is what he’s trying to say, get the world together.  That’s what they want.  They want to break down the barriers.  They want to bring down the borders.  That’s the whole object of the exercise.  This is why we’re all part of European Union, and yet nobody even wants to be part of the European Union.  That’s just to bring down the borders.

KC:  Yes.

JU:  They’re swamping England now, we’re turning into a multi racial dustbin.  I’m not a racist, but we’re turning into a multi racial dustbin.  We’re losing our identity.

KC:  Uh-uh.

JU:  I mean, the new laws that’s just coming out from Brussels.  We’re not allowed to have guns anymore, we’re not allowed to have knives anymore.  We’re… no protection at all.  It’s incredible.  Kerry, when I was 17, I could go into a post office and pay 10 shillings.  I don’t know if you… [laughs].  10 shillings which is about $5 in those days.  And get a license to buy any gun I want.  That’s when I was 17, up to the age I was 20.  Now…

KC:  [laughs]

JU:  you’re not allowed anything.  You’re just not allowed anything.  We are, we live in a police state.  The next step now is what they’ve just done is, we have a hung parliament.  The hung parliament is done deliberate.  They’ve got the Liberals and the Tories together now.  The Labour party… ‘cause they’re all  part and parcel of the same people.  What they’re doing now is, the Labour party’s got what, trillions of pounds worth of debt.  It’s bringing millions and millions of people in to make sure that our young children can’t get a job anywhere.

Now, the idea now is, to get the Tories and Liberals together and destroy the both parties, because they can’t get out of this mess.  They’re going to look at though they are responsible for the state of the country, and it’s going to bring those two parties down together, and that’s exactly what they want.

KC:  Okay.  But tell me something, when your got your training, did you know who or where it was coming from?

JU:  No.

KC:  You didn’t.

JU:  I knew it was, all they said it was out of this world.

KC:  Right, but the people that gave it to you, I mean, did you see them in…

JU:  There was one guy that was very, very strange.  He was about 6’2”, blonde hair, big blue eyes, and he came every so often.  He would come and give us orders.  I trained with a group of four.  There were 16 of us.  Eight of us was intelligence.  They went out and did intelligence work.  Don’t forget, we didn’t have television in those days.  [laughs]  We had nothing.  So they were our intelligence people.  So you had eight people who was in various different parts of the Middle East.  They was gathering information for us, so when you, where our dropoff points were, pickup points… pickup points is where we don’t have to take any weapons.  We can get the weapons when we get there, and it’s all planned in advance, see?

KC:  Did you speak the language?

JU:  Which language?

KC:  Arabic.

JU:  No.  Two of my group, they spoke Arabic.  One spoke Greek, and I was with them for two years.  They had been doing this since 1950.  So… one of them disappeared.  I filled that position, because when one disappeared, then I came in, and I was known as the sixteen, because I was the sixteenth person.

KC:  I see

JU:  You see?  So, and then, like I said, they had to rush me through the training and I had three days where, three days where they trained us in these three dayswith this one step beyond business.  It was like a form of hypnosis, but you went in a different dimension.  How can I put it?  You were aware something was happening, and you couldn’t do nothing about it, and when I woke up three days later, I had got all these skills and me fear barrier had gone.  I wasn’t afraid of anything.

KC:  What about your physical, your physicality, did that change?

JU:  What I’m trying to tell is, I’m trying to get the people who want to fight against this, to train and be ready.  There’s some big disaster’s on the way, and people have to be prepared for that, they have to be trained in the right way for it.  Going out and buying guns, Kerry, and learning how to shoot a target, is not going to get you anywhere.

KC:  [laughs]  Yeah.

JU:  It’s not going to get you anywhere.

KC:  Right.

JU:  ‘Cause the fear is the stumbling block.  ‘Cause, you know, if you don’t know when to pull the gun, if you haven’t got the guts to pull the trigger, and if the violence around you affects you in any way, you’re no good on the battlefield.

KC:  Right.  What about your mental…

JU:  I couldn’t manage to do the training.  [laughs]

KC:  What, do you, so your mental abilities.  Did they change in any other way?

JU:  Um, not really.  Just slightly.  I mean, I was a keep fit fanatic before I went in.  I still am.  And that’s… no, the physical ability didn’t really change.  I found that the only thing that actually disappeared was the fear.  I have no fear of anything.  Nothing at all.  And like I said I…

KC:  What about your mental…

JU:  I found that I could do things… I found that I could stop anything.  I could take any weapon, and I couldn’t remember training for it.  I don’t know how, I could just do anything in regards of disarming people, the strategy, working it out.

KC:  Well, uh…

JU:  It’s just so hard, I’m sorry, hard to describe.  You have to see it.

KC:  What about survival?

JU:  You have to actually see it.

KC:  What about survival?

JU:  You see…

KC:  Were you better able to survive, like survive, you know, physically survive?

JU:  Kerry… Kerry, I don’t know if you can see this or not?

KC:  Yes.   JU:  I taught survival.  I teach survival.

KC:  Okay.

JU:  I’m a pilot.  I have a pilot’s license up there.  I’ve been flying for 12 years.  I couldn’t never have done that before.  I did sky diving for six years.  I took people to the Outer Hebrides which is off the west coast of Scotland.  I teach them how to survive, and I did that for 20 years.

KC:  Okay.

JU:  I taught map reading, abseiling, uh…

KC:  Did you, did you learn….

JU:  Power [unclear: pladen]

KC:  Do you think that you learned that during the four day training session?

JU:  During the four days training session, I learned the skills of combat and survival and the strategy of the combat.

KC:  You did.

JU:  I learned that within four days.  After that, I just have to keep on… how can I put it, we’re trained with various different weapons I’ve never seen before.  There was one called the sash.  It was when you were not wearing, just like a white shirt, and the sash was this special weapon that I’ve tried to duplicate it since and I can get somewhere near it, but it just doesn’t look anything like it.  It’s when you haven’t, you’re not carrying any weapons.  This weapon can just literally cut you to smithereens within seconds.  I’ve got a copy of one in the bedroom there which I made up meself, but you have to see it in action.  Here’s something else, Kerry.  We never punched anybody.  We didn’t have to use our fists.  We don’t have to use our feet.  And you have to see it to believe it, Kerry.

KC:  Wow.

JU:  You must see it, okay?

KC:  Okay.  What about, what about…

JU:  I can take… if you if you look…

KC:  psychic.  Does it make you psychic or telepathic?

JU:  No.

KC:  No?

JU:  No no no no.  It doesn’t make you psychic or telepathic, no.  What it does it, it gives you the ability to work out something in advance.

KC:  I see.

JU:  Well in advance.  In other words, what you were perhaps saying is like, who is my enemy, where is my enemy and why is he my enemy.  Once you understand that, then no matter what the enemy does, I am aware of it.  I know when they’re going to do it.  And I know how they’re going to do it…

KC:  Wow.

JU:   … because of that.  You see?

KC:  Why… okay why…

JU:  So it’s a set program.

KC:  Let me, let me know why is it you’re not working for the military right now?

JU:  I’m just thinking now.

KC:  Did you have a greater capacity to retain information?

JU:  No.

KC:  Memory.

JU:  No, no, no, no, no, no.  Like I said, the information, this program, was the skills, the physical skills ; and the strategy skills were planted after four days.  ‘Cause the military …

KC:  Yeah why…

JU:  is working… for the elite.  [laughs]

KC:  I know, but how did you get out of it?  A guy like you, why would they let you go?

JU:  Well, how they did it was, a New World Order was called the British Empire.  Right?

KC:  Right.

JU:  The group was formed within the armed forces secretly, and what they did was, they took certain people out of different regiments, so there wasn’t, we didn’t have a camp.  We had a training area which we went to every so often.  Then I went back to camp, so there was no trace of where I had been.  As far as my company was concerned, I’d been on a working party somewhere.  And it’s all been set up for me.  So when I went on a working party, they believed that I left the camp to go to another camp to work, but I wasn’t.  I was over there training, or I was away on operation, black ops.  So when I came back I disappeared back into normal forces.

The British government were aware something was taking place obviously, because they were losing men everywhere.  So one of the ideas was to stop national service, bring the people away from the Middle East, which they did, and when they broke up the British Empire, that was the whole idea was, when we had Hong Kong, they made sure that the people kept the British passport.  They did the same in that way with India.  So these people were entitled to come here.  It was part of a strategy to get thousands of different races into this country to destroy the British way of life.  It’s all been planned for years and years.

Then you have the Tavistock Institute who brought on common purpose, who trained common purpose to infiltrate the police, the security services, and that’s been going on right up through the present year.  Now they’re in full charge.  They… they’ve overtaken everything.  Have you ever heard of Brian Gerrisch?

KC:  Uh, I’m sorry.  What was the name?

JU:  Brian Gerrisch.

KC:  Gerrisch.  No, I don’t think so.

JU:  It’s G-e-double “r”, i-s-c-h.

KC:  Yes, okay.

JU:  I think you need to contact him.

KC:  Okay.

JU:  If you go on google and put his name in, and put the word common purpose.

KC:  Okay.

JU:  Okay?  Then you’ll understand why the British army haven’t got these skills and why I’m not offering it to these people.

KC:  Okay.  Interesting.

JU:  Have you ever heard of the Tavistock Institute?

KC:  Oh yes.  Absolutely.

JU:  Okay.

KC:  Okay.  Well, I’ll look at this.

JU:  This is where they infiltrated Oxford and Cambridge.  This is where your spies came from, Philby, Burgess, McLean. They was trying to seek us out, they’re trying to find out where we were.

KC:  Did they ever do it?   JU:  But we knew every move they made.  But don’t forget, the Queen is behind this.  The royal family’s behind it.

KC:  Behind you?

JU:  No.  [laughs]  Behind the take of this, the way things are going.

KC:  Oh yes.

JU:  They are the elite.

KC:  Right.

JU:  They are the Illuminati.

KC:  Yes.  Well, okay, but how have they let you slip through their fingers?  This is what I don’t understand.

JU:  I’m not of any importance now.  The group obviously doesn’t exist anymore.  When I came out of the armed forces, I was supposed to stay on for seven years, but they stopped us.  I wasn’t allowed to do that, so when I came out of the armed forces, I had no way of contacting The Sixteen again.  And don’t forget, these guys were five and six years older than me, so they’re going to be in their eighties now if they’re still alive.  But they’re…  You see, we pulled out of Cyprus.  We handed the islands back over to the Greeks.  So… they handed  this…

KC:  I’m sorry, you handed the aliens… over to the Greeks?

JU:  No… the island.

KC:  Oh yeah, okay.

JU:  The Cyprus… the island…

KC:  Yes.

JU:  was handed back to them, you see.  Like I said, the Turks took half the island, then the Greeks took the other half.

KC:  Right.  Okay.

JU:  Right?

KC:  Yes.

JU:  So, that’s what happened so, what they did was they pulled the armed forces away from the Middle East and we couldn’t operate then.

KC:  Oh.

JU:  We couldn’t operate because we weren’t there anymore.

KC:  I see.

JU:  They pulled the ordinary units out you see.  When they pulled the units out they pulled me out as well.  So there’s no way I could stay behind or they could stay behind, because the cover was being in ordinary regiments.  Understand?

KC:  Oh.  Yes.  Well it is…

JU:  You see, because we disappeared in an ordinary regiment.

KC:  Yeah, but what happened to your leadership?

JU:  I have no idea.

KC:  You have no idea?

JU:  I have no idea at all.

KC:  Really.  Well…

JU:  When I came, when the ten years were up, that I came out  the army, I received a letter with a platform ticket.  You know what a platform ticket is?  It allows you on the railway stations.

KC:  Yes, I guess.

JU:  Well they sent me a platform ticket through the post…

KC:  [laughs]

JU:  and I had to be at the central station in Newcastle.  And when I got there, a chap came up, said it’s okay… I was known as Geordie.  They took the ticket off us, tore this up, and said Right.  We won’t be contacting you any more.

KC:  Wow.

JU:  And that’s all I know.

KC:  That’s incredible.  That’s it, for your whole life?

JU:  That’s it.

KC:  What year was that?

JU:  That would be… let’s see now… that’s 35, 40 years ago now.

KC:  Oh you’re kidding.  What do you mean?

JU:  Well I didn’t have any credibility.  I was just an ordinary working lad.

KC:  [laughs]

JU:  Who the hell’s going to believe me?

KC:  [laughs]

JU:  They’re very, very clever people these… that… nobody would believe this, even the SAS until I went down to Hereford and proved it.

KC:  Okay, but when did you go down and prove it?

JU:  18 months ago.

KC:  Oh.  So why all of a sudden did you come forward.  Why did you wait…

JU:  I didn’t.  What I tried to do, I wrote the book because I wrote the book trying to get a hold of the sixteen, a company called Britam, it’s one of the top security companies in England…

KC:  Yeah.

JU:  Contacted me.  That’s 14 years ago.

KC:  So they just set you loose at that point?  That was it?

JU:  I don’t think they had any other option.

KC:  Weren’t aware that you could have talked?  They weren’t worried about that?

JU:  What, with my background?

KC:  And?

JU:  And a chap called David Golding, he’s the chap who sent me to Hereford to put me through the test.  It was then when I started to realize exactly who these people were.

KC:  Who were they?

JU:  [laughs]  They’re working for the elite.

KC:  Oh.  Okay, but they’re the SAS is what you mean.

JU:  Yeah, yeah.  You see.  Britam.

KC:  Yeah, I hear you.

JU:  If you… I’ll send you some documented proof.

KC:  Okay.  Well this is very, very interesting.

JU:  After 18 months of the guy, I was sick of waiting, and I wasn’t going to bother with him any more.  And this is what he said:  John you are not to call it a day.  You have the best… sorry You have the best.  Stop letting other people run your life.  So that admitting what I’ve got is the best.  This is a top security company who the head guy of their company is also SAS, which is Special Air Services, and, like I said, they’ve offered me money, and when I discovered exactly who they were working for … And… it was when I…

KC:  How did you discover that?

JU:  Well I found out about, I found about the SAS doing false flag operations.

KC:  Is that through contacts?

JU:  Then… pardon?  Yeah that was through contacts on my way in.

KC:  Uh-huh.

JU:  They said most of the lads in the SAS are totally unaware, just like most of the troops now in the Middle East are totally unaware of what they’re doing or why they’re doing it.  They just do it.

KC:  Yeah.

JU:  It’s supposed to be for king and country, but it’s… we all know it’s a lie.  We know the war’s a lie, but they’re still doing it.  Don’t ask me why, but they just do.  They do it, and they know it’s wrong.  They know they shouldn’t be doing it.

KC:  Yes.  Absolutely.  Well, are you aware of the stargates?

JU:  Well I’ve been near it, put it that way.  I’ve been very near it.

KC:  Okay.  So, did you guys…

JU:  See, listen.  When we went to Egypt, the asset of the operation was, the operation was get Nasser .  It wasn’t.  It was an archeologist.  Yes I am.  [laughs].  I wish I … [laughs].  Yes I am.

KC:  Okay.   JU:  On one of the stargate in the Gulf of Aden.

KC:  Yeah.  Okay good.  Have you been there?

JU:  This guy had a box, and in the box was advanced technology.  That’s all I was told.  So I had to get into this big compound surrounded by 13’ fences, two 13’ fences, with a dog patrol, Russians inside and the Arabs as well.  We got into that building, and these are some of the skills that the SAS are, want off us, were trying to get off us.  I proved that we can get from one side into the building without anybody seeing us.

KC:  [laughs]

JU:  With a [scuz whip].  We got into the building.  This was 11 o’clock at night.  We got into his office.  In Cairo.  He was a Russian archeologist.  This was 1959.  All I know was, we had to get into this compound.  We’d killed the guy.  We’ve got the documents we needed, we’ve got the box we needed.  When we killed him, we shot him in the head.  We used a oil filler off a car or from a wagon.  It was brand new, acting as a silencer.  But what we did was, we made it look like suicide.  There was only one door to go into his office.  There was three windows which were barred.  You couldn’t get out.  There’s only the small door.  We went outside the door, put the bullets in, locked the door, put the keys in his pocket, but we weren’t in the room when we did it.

KC:  Really?

JU:  Yeah, and I can prove that.  I can share how it’s done.

KC:  Wow.

JU:  Now the SAS had read the book, and this is why the book comes over like a fairy tale…

KC:  [laughs]

JU:  because they can’t even imagine it.  I explain in the book how it’s done and they still don’t know how it’s done.  When he came to my club, I showed him how to do it in my office, and I put the keys in his hand and I wasn’t in the room when I did it.  I was outside in the passage.

KC:  Oh.  Well so he’s seen you in action then.

JU:  Well he’s seen it, but they still don’t know how to do it.

KC:  Oh really.

JU:  Yeah.

KC:  Interesting.

JU:  I mean, I actually showed him, but the techniques I used…  We have, what you call it, an initiative course.  What he’s got to do is, I put an egg on a piece of wood at the bottom end of me hall, the far end of the hall which is about 40 feet away, okay?

KC:  Yeah.

JU:  He’s to stand at this end.  He stands at this end of the hall, okay?  He has to pick the egg up and bring it to him without breaking the egg, but he hasn’t got to leave that spot.

KC:  Really?

JU:  Really.

KC:  Oh so you can do telekinesis?

JU:  No, no forget about that.  No this is … [laughs].  It’s not telekinesis.  I mean, have you ever saw telekinesis done?

KC:  No.

JU:  I mean, really done?  You just take their word for it.

KC:  Yeah.

JU:  Well, it can’t be done.  This was done, and this is done through common sense, it’s done by bits of string, but he couldn’t do it.  He had eight attempts, and he still couldn’t do it.  But I would show you how these things are done, and these are just initiative courses.  It’s to plant ideas in your head, so when you come across an obstacle, you can overcome that obstacle.

KC:  Wow.

JU:  Like for instance, I can walk up to a river, which is planned in advance, ‘cause I know what’s there, what to expect.  So I walk up to a river that you wouldn’t be able to get across say in a boat.  It’s too deep.  It’s impassible.  But I can get from one side to the other by meself with me equipment and I won’t touch the water.  And when I get on the other side, all the equipment will be gone, the equipment I used.

KC:  Okay.

JU:  This is what they’re after.  That’s what these people are after.

KC:  [laughs]  All right well…   JU:  They’re not only just after those particular skills.  They’re after the combat skills [sound of him knocking something over] – sorry – excuse me.

KC:  The combat skill?

JU:  Yeah.  Because, like I said, we don’t use our fists.  I’ll say it again,  in the armed forces, people have things like bullet proof vests, grenades, helmets, you name it.  They’ve got it, to protect themselves.  Kicking and punching someone that’s not going to get you anywhere.  It won’t get you anywhere.  All this jumping about in your bare feet screaming and punching…  See when you punch someone, Kerry, you push them away.  You have to face them.  And they know that you’re going to do something so therefore the punch isn’t going to hit them that hard anyway.  Of course it could damage your fist.

KC:  [laughs]

JU:  You got to be able to surprise them.  You have to able to break parts of their body and without using your fists and without kicking, and it has to be done in such a way where other people can’t get at you.  All of this business about some martial arts guy standing in the middle when everybody’s surrounding him and everybody’s jumping about waiting for their turn to come in.  It’s not like that in real life!

KC:  Oh yes.  Absolutely.

JU:  They won’t come… they’ll all come in at once.

KC:  Yes.

JU:  I could…  I could really do that.  I can really do it with a bunch of shits.  Whatever they’ve got, I can take it off them.

KC:  Incredible.

JU:  This is what the SAS are after.  Their martial arts expert sat down shaking.

KC:  [laughs]

JU:  He just couldn’t believe it.  And ever since then.  Ever since then, Kerry, this SAS officer has been telling no one.  He doesn’t want anyone to know. What he wants us to get the skills himself and say that the skills come from the SAS.

KC:  Ah.

JU:  So they’re keeping me down.  They don’t want me to go anywhere near the SAS brass of soldiers in the SAS.  They don’t want me to come along because  they’ll say… this comes from John Urwin.  These skills are coming from him.  They don’t want that.  They can’t have someone like me [laughs]…

KC:  Well you’ve got a website out there though.  So are you training people?

JU:  No, no, no, I’m not training people in those particular skills.  The idea of putting the website up, again.  People who try to get, we’re training nobody.  What I’m trying to do is contact the sixteen, and that’s why I put the damn website up.

KC:  [laughs]

JU:  But you can’t get, look at, you can only get the website up if you put my name in.  You can’t get it up any other way.  In other words if you put ‘combat’ in or ‘special forces skills’, me website doesn’t come up.

KC:  Well, okay.  Do you, I mean, look.  I’ve been recording this.  I can release this interview if you want.

JU:  Yeah whatever you want, yeah.   KC:  Do you want to go under your name?  I mean, what to do, do you want governments to…

JU:  What I’m trying to do now is this.  What I would like, this is what I’m trying to do is, there’s some big, big problems coming our way.  What I would like is your patriots to train people who are going to be facing these problems.

KC:  Okay.

JU:  At the same time, you’ll be able to make money out of it, to keep your business going as well.  But I’m not doing this for the money.  I mean, I need money, because my wife is 16 years younger than me.  She had a stroke five years ago.

KC:  Oh.

JU:  She’s paralyzed on one side.  You see?  So, I need people to look after her when I’m training people.  But we all need money, otherwise we can’t live.  But I’m not really doing this for the money.

KC:  Did they become your friends?

JU:  No, just…  I saw the sixteen, the members of the sixteen on about two or three occasions.  That’s about all.  But we actually worked in fours you see.  There was four of us.

KC:  I see.

JU:  And what happened was, like I said, eight of the sixteen was gathering intelligence, and laying things out for us, and that’s roughly how it works.  I don’t know exactly how they did it ‘cause we’re not allowed that information.

KC:  I mean, haven’t, so the American government hasn’t tried to contact you.  No military people from America?

JU:  No.  But… no, no, no, no, no.  I don’t think they even know about this.

KC:  Really.

JU:  Yeah, I don’t think they know anybody about this.

KC:  Did you ever see anybody besides the tall blonde guy?

JU:  No.  Yes, but we didn’t know each others names.  [sound of Kerry’s cell phone ringing]  We had nicknames.

KC:  Oh really.  Yeah.

JU:  Yeah well that’s it.  So there’s lots of things I’m not saying.  There’s lots of things I won’t show people, for obvious reasons.  But like I said, we’re, I’m sort of marked.  I’m what you call, I’m marked green.  Do you know what that means?

KC:  No.

JU:  How can I put it.  I’m not cast as dangerous.

KC:  Oh really.

JU:  Yeah I’m not classed as dangerous at this stage.  It’s only when I start making contacts I look as though something’s taking place is when I turn from green to orange…

KC:  [laughs]

JU:  … and it goes to red.

KC:  Yeah.

JU:  Well this is how it’s done.  They’re listening now.  And everything we do.  Okay?

KC:  Yes.

JU:  I’ve still got friends who tell me this and tell me what’s happening and when it’s happening.  So I’m fully aware really of what’s going on in various places In England.  I mean I knew about the things that took place in London.  I’m not mentioning certain words because they are key words.  Now that  tragedy that took place in London…

KC:  Yeah.

JU:  We knew all about that.  We knew how it was going to be done.  It’s the same like 9-11.

KC:  Did you know ahead of time?

JU:  People are…  Yeah yeah.  Like I said, we knew a day in advance that it was going to happen.

KC:  What about 9-11.  Did you know about 9-11?

JU:  Well, no I didn’t.  When 9-11 took place, we knew, I knew exactly it was… it had been brought down by explosives.  And I know that no aeroplanes were involved.  There was no aeroplanes at all involved.

KC:  Okay.

JU:  And… no aeroplane can possibly cut through solid steel girders and concrete floors.  [laughs]  It just can’t do it.  It’s not possible.

KC:  Okay.

JU:  You see, the art of self defense, Kerry, is the element of surprise.  To know all these interviews you’ve done…how do you sleep at night?

KC:  Well, I mean, I think that, we’re basically doing the best we can to wake people up to what’s going on, and to try to…

JU:  Yeah.

KC:  … to help them prepare mentally and spiritually for what’s going on.

JU:  Do you think you’re making any real progress?

KC:  Oh yeah.  Definitely.

JU:  I think once people wake up.  I mean, I don’t know how you’re going to wake them up, but, I think, even if you do wake them up, they wouldn’t know what to do anyway.  He said, the blueprint for control of the world, was called the Bible.

KC:  [laughs]  Yes.

JU:  That’s the blue…

KC: That’s right.  Well you’re going to…

JU:  If you look at the Bible, you use … it’s fear again, it’s where it’s supposed to drown people, bring plagues on people, and they took full responsibility for what had happened, and that was the whole idea.  It’s fear again, but, like I said, they had to wait for these things to happen in those days, before they could take responsibility.  Today they have the ability to inflict that on people now.  They can do it quite easily.  They can make earthquakes, they can change the weather patterns, they can do anything.  But I think it’s going to blow our minds.  It’s going to be so much of a shock to them…

KC:  Oh really?

JU:  … to understand that… everything they know has been a lie.  Everything.

KC:  [laughs]

JU:  See I was told, off Ken, which was this long blonde guy…

KC:  What about the future?  Do you know what’s going to be happening literally?

JU:  They’re trying, see, Kerry, they’re going to get all the logistics in place first, in the end.  I need to know more, to find out exactly where these people, where the elite are lacking.  See, so something’s taking place now, and we need more information.  Therefore we can know exactly what their next step’s going to be.  The European Union now is starting to crumble….

KC:  Yes.

JU:  And they’re going to have to do something about that.  They’re going to have to do something relatively quick.

KC:  Who is?  Who?

JU:  The peace and war false flag… the British government.

KC:  Oh.

JU:  The elite.  The elite.  The Illuminati.  You know, they’re going to have to do something pretty quickly.

KC:  What about Iran?

JU:  Within the next six months, there’s going to be some more false flag operations taking place on a big scale.  And they’re going to take place here in England and in Europe.  That, I do know of.

KC:  Okay.

JU:  I think what they’re going to do is that, they’re going to do some serious damage to England and America from now until Christmas.  They’ve got to totally disarm you.  They’ve got to have you begging for food so they can control you and that’s exactly what they’re going to do here.

KC:  Well, this is pretty interesting, I have to say.

JU:  I don’t think they’re going to touch Iran for quite a while.

KC:  But what about… what about China?

JU:  What about China.  I’m not very, very rehearsed in that at the moment.  I’m trying to find out more.  But I don’t know exactly what’s going on there.  I’m going to try to find out in the next two weeks.

KC:  Okay.

JU:  But this… this, what’s happening in Korea, South Korea, North Korea, where the North Koreans are supposed to have sunk one of the South Korean ships with a torpedo.  I’m not quite… I think that’s false flag as well.  In fact, I’m sure it is.  They’re building up to something.

KC:  What’s false flag?

JU:  You see what they need, these people need standing armies.  It’s like the Roman Empire.  It’s like the British Empire.  The reason why the British Empire failed, is ‘cause they needed standing armies.  Today, what they’ve got is, they have the weaponry.  They don’t need a standing army.  They have the necessary weapons to achieve what they’re trying to achieve.  Like I said, during the last war, they had virtually nothing.  They just relied on armies, but like I said, they needed standing armies, and it failed then.  They just couldn’t do it.  That’s why they had to withdraw.  This is why the British Empire broke up, and then … like I said the…

KC:  What do you mean they needed standing armies, because they needed their armies to stay in the country?  What are you saying, they didn’t have the man power?

JU:  It’s like now, the American army, the British army’s all over the world.

KC:  Yes.

JU:  And unless they start using some kind of high tech weaponry, they won’t be able to maintain that.  It’s not possible.

KC:  Well, okay, yeah.

JU:  It’s just not possible to do it.  Like I said, the armies now, they’re in North Africa.  They’re in Somalia.  They’re in Pakistan, they’re in Iraq.

KC:  Right.

JU:  They’re in Afghanistan, and what’s happening the whole thing’s starting to crumble now.  So therefore, what they’ve got to do now is, they’ve got to use some kind of nuclear device, because the armies are becoming weaker.  They can’t supply the men.  There isn’t enough men to go around, if you understand what I mean.  I mean, we haven’t got national service in this country anymore.  They haven’t got a steady flow of men coming into the armed forces.

KC:  Aren’t the British working with the Americans and the Australians?

JU:  Yeah.  Exactly.  Yes, of course they are.  But, you see, we have a relatively small army.  Where one had national service that  had a steady influx of men every year.  They haven’t got that now.

KC:  Right.

JU:  People aren’t going into the army.  So the armies are becoming weaker, and this is why they’re wanted to bring in some kind of national service up in America, because people aren’t going in the army anymore.  In fact, you’ll find that a lot of… they want to be out of the armed forces, they’re disillusioned to what’s going on out there, and this is why you’re going to have another false flag operation taking place, because of that.  And that’s going hap… this is going to happen before Christmas.

KC:  What does the false flag operation serve, in your view?

JU:  A false flag will make people, hopefully, make people join the armed forces, just like 9-11.  9-11 gave them, got people mad, to attack this foreign enemy, the enemy that doesn’t really exist.  And that’s why they’re out there.  They needed another false flag operation.

KC:  Right.  Well isn’t it going to be…

JU:  And this ups the ante…

KC:  Isn’t it, you know about Blue Beam, Project Blue Beam?

JU:  I know about Blue Beam, I know about HAARP.  Yeah.

KC:  Okay.  So you know that they’re going to use an alien invasion for the next enemy right?

JU:  That’s in the middle of next year.

KC:  Really?

JU:  Yeah.

KC:  Middle of next year?  That soon?

JU:  Yeah.  You’re going to see more signs of them now.  In fact, I’ve got a picture of one outside of my house a week ago.

KC:  [laughs]

JU:  It’s a poor picture, but I’ve got a picture.  It’s, I’ve got it on me PC.  One flying saucer was seen going down the M1, sorry, the M6 and two jet fighters were chasing it, and that was only a month ago.  And that’s in the local newspapers.

KC:  Okay.

JU:  So you’re going to see a lot more of these flying saucers.  It’s going to be a gradual buildup.

KC:  Yup.  Okay well you know about, do you know about the Rendelsham Forrest incident?

JU:  No.  When was this?

KC:  Well, that’s in Britain.  It was a UFO…

JU:  Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.  I understand.  The American site.

KC:  Yeah.

JU:  Came across these flying saucers.

KC:  Yeah.

JU:  Yeah.  I know about that.  Yes I do.

KC:  Okay.

JU:  Yeah.  Yeah.

KC:  What about you?  Have you had any exposure since then to offworlders or E.T.s?

JU:  No, I haven’t come across anything like that.  No.

KC:  What about human looking E.T.s?

JU:  The last time I came across something like that was 15 years ago…

KC:  Oh.

JU:  … and that was Ken.  That was Ken.  Part of the sixteen.

KC:  That was Ken.

JU:  That was Ken.  That was the intermediary.  He’s the guy that came with the orders.  He’s the guy who came up with the plans. He’s the guy who’s part of the one step beyond which is, like I said it’s… brain programming.

KC:  I understand.

JU:  …Thing and regarding.  Yeah?

KC:  Have you ever gone into a portal?

JU:  No.  No.  When you’re in special forces, Kerry, you don’t have that… they’ve got full control of you and they don’t tell you that much.  They just give you some idea, but they won’t tell you all of it.  You’re not meant to know.  It’s as simple as that.

KC:  But you can…

JU:  Your job is… you’re put on exerci… an operation and you do the operation.  It’s as simple as that.  You go there, they give you the skills, and they give you the know how, to do it.  And you come back, and that’s it, basically.

KC:  Do you think that you had your mind…

JU:  ‘Cause the less I know, the better.

KC:  I know, but do you think you had your memory wiped at any point?

JU:  Yes.  Yes and… yes.  Yes I believe I did.  I don’t… yeah.  There’s some parts of operation Jarabar where I can’t remember certain things that we did.  [blows his nose]  Like I said, it’s… I just can’t remember.  [laughs]  I can’t remember.

KC:  Okay yeah.  Very interesting.

JU:  I was hoping you might have someone over here.  I take it you have no one in England working for you?

KC:  Uh, yeah, um…

JU:  You see, before you do anything, Kerry, I always say that, you want physical proof of what I’m saying.  I can show you.

KC:  Okay.  What if I came with a camera.  You could show me it that way, won’t…

JU:  Yeah okay.  I can show…. [connection goes dead and some touch tone dialing sounds]   Automatic message:  The person whom you’re trying to reach is currently unavailable.  Please leave a message… [phone ringing sound]

KC:  Hello?

JU:  What happened there?  Any idea?

KC:  No, other than I said I was going to come over there.

JU:  Okay.

KC:  So it’s okay with you if I release this as an interview and put it out there with your name and everything, right?

JU:  Whatever.

KC:  [laughs]

JU:  Something else we were taught:  only believe half of what you see, half of what you hear.

KC:  [laughs]  Okay.  That makes sense.  Okay, you take care of yourself.

JU:  You do the same.  Take care, Kerry.  It’s been very, very nice talking to you.

KC:  All right.  Talk to you tomorrow.  Bye bye.

JU:  Okay.  Take care.

KC:  Take care.

JU:  I will have to prove it to you.  It can be proven.


Ashayana Deane – Ascension Mechanics

I went to Florida to interview A’shayana Deane, author of the Voyager books. Her previous work details the history behind the genetic engineering of the human race and the numerous ET races that have been interacting with and shaping our destiny here on Earth as well as throughout the many multi-verses. ashayana-deane

A’shayana Deane – Ascension Mechanics | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3

Sarasota, Florida May 2010 | NOTE: no changes have been made.

I went to Florida to interview A’shayana Deane, author of the Voyager books. Her previous work details the history behind the genetic engineering of the human race and the numerous ET races that have been interacting with and shaping our destiny here on Earth as well as throughout the many multi-verses. This information is highly complex and detailed. She and two other “speakers” as they call themselves are receiving this information via telepathic downloads. They have been trained by the Guardian Alliances, a group of ETs who protect the secrets of ascension and the stargates on this planet and others from what they call the self-interested Intruder races.

This interview is the first part of several hours I spent with Ashayana Deane and the others working with her on briinging the science of Keylonta to the planet. Keylonta is the science of “light, sound, subconscious symbol codes and base codes of matter”. The many images on the video of charts and “maps” depict these concepts in a visual manner aimed at stimulating memory and re-awkening the DNA pathways in the viewer. The .pdf files for download are available for purchase at Azurite Press to assist those who are interested in following along more closely while watching the video.

Because of the complex but vital information presented here I encourage anyone who is interested to do further research and to visit the website for more information. Classes and DVDs are available there as well: Azuritepress.com

Kerry Lynn Cassidy

May 2010


June 11, 2010

Change of plans: No re-editing to be done on Ashayana Deane videos after all

I am reposting the Ashayana Deane videos without re-editing. I received word today that James has decided he will not take legal action as long as his letter is posted on my site (already done) along with the videos and on Youtube.

Quoted from the Letter from James of Wingmakers.com below (excerpt):

…”I have no further objection to holding them back as long as Kerry is willing to include my response on YouTube and her own site. I simply wanted to be transparent and share my reaction to the inaccuracies. I have said my peace.”

For the complete Letter from James – (scroll down or go to his page linked here)

I am in the process of re-uploading to Youtube and it’s taking a huge long time because the files are so large. Hopefully they will be uploaded by the end of the weekend.

Although this is now resolved, for those of you who doubt the seriousness of this issue here is an excerpt from the email I received from Mark Hempel threatening legal action:

From: “Mark Hempel”
Date: June 9, 2010 9:22:01 AM PDT
To: <[email protected]>
Subject: Follow-up letter

Dear Kerry,

I have watched the video interview of Anna Hayes.

I believe the four items I mentioned in my previous email were accurately portrayed by those who wrote me about this issue. There were other condescending textures in the body language, facial expressions and tone of Anna Hayes, but these are admittedly more subjective, and comparatively irrelevant. What is on tape—and therefore notsubjective—are the accusations clear, libelous, and malicious. Whether Anna or her “hosts,” are responsible is irrelevant so far as our legal counsel is concerned. The fact is that the four items I mentioned in my email dated June 7, 2010 are accurate examples of libel and defamation, and there is no wiggle room on the matter. “I have tape” as they say.

With regard to WingMakers LLC, I am in charge of all legal and operational details. My role as COO of WingMakers LLC is to protect the image of the brand in all its forms including the Lyricus Teaching Order, WingMakers, EventTemples, and Sovereign Integral websites.

Anna Hayes is simply wrong on every account related to the WingMakers, and she well knows it. The karmic trail she weaves when she tells lies of this magnitude is ill-advised.

I request the following:

1. A retraction by Anna Hayes relative to her accusations levied against the WingMakers.

2. Either remove the video/PDFs from your site and YouTube (and any other outlets), or edit all mentions of WingMakers.

Short of this, I will, on behalf of WingMakers LLC seek a legal remedy. If you have some other suggestions I will listen over the next 48 hours via email. I am not interested in engineering some debate between James and Anna Hayes. To do so would only serve Project Camelot and her own cult. Please let me know of your intention in the next 48 hours.

Kerry, this is a matter we take very seriously, and I want to emphasize this.
**** end of excerpt

Posted below are statements from my blog re: the removal of statements by A’shayana Deane regarding Wingmakers



As many people know I was asked by James of Wingmakers to remove the comments made by A’shayana Deane in her video interview with regard to Wingmakers. This is a highly unusual situation. In fact, I don’t recall it ever happening before to any Camelot video.

The issue here is complex. As a filmmaker and investigative reporter, it is inevitable that various people I interview are not all going to agree. In fact, many people in this sector don’t like each other or have huge issues with the writings and viewpoints of every other researcher/experiencer. As a filmmaker/journalist I have a choice as to who to interview. I welcome bringing forward differing points of view because this widens the playing field and allows people to use their own discernment when considering all sides of the story.

Unfortunately, the line between attacking someone and voicing a difference of opinion or criticism is very thin and often wavering. In this case, the information regarding the Wingmakers has been excellent. We did a written interview with James a couple years ago and I believe it contains a great deal of wisdom. By the same token, my recent interview with A’shayana Deane is also, in my view, an excellent presentation of her material, from her sources. Both James and A’sha are speaking for their sources who, are off-planet and may inhabit other galaxies, dimensions or levels in this vast complex of multi-verses. They are both speaking from their hearts, believe what they are ‘getting’ from their sources and are working to convey their information for the betterment and upliftment of humanity, and they are both very passionate light warriors for their cause.

At the moment, we have warring factions on this planet between ETs, humans who are “us” in the future, extra-dimensionals, intra-dimensionals, discarnate beings and so on. In the midst of all of this, we at Camelot are endeavoring to bring forward what we consider the best and most important information we can find, regardless of the source. And this is crucial.

It is not enough to simply counsel people to KISS (keep it simple stupid)… We need thinking beings actively engaged here on planet Earth if we are to survive the coming changes. I encourage everyone to consider opposing points of view regardless of where they come from… simply because in doing so your powers to discern will grow. This is, in my view, the best way to learn.

As a filmmaker/investigator of this multi-verse and matrix I firmly believe in pushing the envelope. I am well aware that our witnesses (as I call them) often see things very differently. This is the point. It is in viewing the vast aspects of creation that we begin to learn what it means to be a creator.

The comments A’sha made in my interview are not complete in that, as she explains, she was about to, at the time of this interview, go into a workshop where she felt she would be given more extensive information with regard to the Wingmakers. What is not clear, is whether the Wingmakers she is referring to are indeed the same Wingmakers as those talked about on the Wingmakers.com website or whether A’sha and James are talking about different groups of beings.

I have received many emails asking why the comments A’sha made have to be removed… is Camelot bowing to the pressure of “interest groups”? Actually no. But I choose not to get involved in a legal battle either. And so, under the circumstances, with no clear indication as to whose source is more right than the other and because I firmly believe both A’shayana Deane and James of Wingmakers.com are coming from the heart, I am removing the offending statements. This is not, I wish to state, however, how I would recommend they deal with their differences.

I have asked both of them to:

1. Engage in dialog either in public or in private to discuss their differences.


2. To make public statements as to their viewpoints on this matter, which I have agreed to post fully, without editing on this website.

From my pov, what is most crucial at this time is for differing factions to begin talking to each other. The time for secrecy is over.

This is a time when uniting toward a common goal (the upliftment or enlightenment of humanity) is crucial. Lightworkers or Light Warriors as I prefer to call them, need to unite and begin to work together. People who represent various ET and humanoid/human races need to openly discuss their differences. We can only benefit by more openness and full disclosure… The truth is out there and inside each of us… and we need to confront our differences with love and understanding. Only then can we begin to move forward to build the new future that awaits us.

Kerry Lynn Cassidy
Project Camelot
June 10, 2010


What follows is a Letter from James of Wingmakers regarding statements made by A’shayana Deane in her interview with me filmed on April 2010.

My name is James, the creator of the WingMakers materials, which launched in November 1998, nearly 12 years ago. A’shayana Deane has made defamatory and unsubstantiated remarks regarding a body of work I have worked to develop since I was a teenager (many years ago I must admit). I’ve always endeavored to produce materials that reflect coherence and to help build a shared vision of truth. I simply want to share a perspective on the importance of behavioral intelligence, using both fiction and non-fiction, presented in text, visual images and music formats.

I am a human man, originally from Spain, and have chosen to remain anonymous because I don’t wish to mix my personality with the materials I create. I do not have a staff, or any organization. Mark Hempel, my web manager, is the closest thing to an organization that I have since he operates my four websites. I do not do workshops or make speeches. In twelve years, I have never spent a dime on marketing or promotion. I have done three interviews. I’ve written over 1,000 pages of free material that is both fiction (mythological-based WingMakers) and non-fiction (papers like Spiritual Activism and the Six Heart Virtues).

Until two days ago, I had not been aware of A’shayana Deane. I have never written or spoken about her or her group (or any other group for that matter). It is not my place to critique the works of others, and if she had offered a critique of my work, I would understand. Not everyone likes what I have produced, and like anyone who creates music, art, or writings, they will have their critics. But what A’shayana Deane has said on this video is not a critique of my material, but rather a gross inaccuracy that can be potentially confusing and stressful to people.

So why did I ask Kerry to edit the tape? Wouldn’t this only bring more attention to the inaccuracy? Yes, I believe it will, but the moment that A’shayana Deane made these inaccuracies, I had no choice but to deal with them. Here are the primary inaccuracies, as they pertain to the WingMakers materials:

1) The identity of the WingMakers is not how I have portrayed them, but rather they are a fallen race of ETs with a dark agenda.

2) That the WingMakers art and music activate a DNA response from those who view or listen to the material that brings about a negative merkaba.

3) That the WingMakers caused the recent earthquakes in Chile, killing innocent lives.

I asked Kerry Cassidy to edit this information from the video not because I didn’t want people to know about these inaccuracies, but as a matter of principle. I’m well aware that the genie is out of the bottle. I know that A’shayana Deane had her own people filming the interview (in addition to Kerry) with the intent to make a DVD for resale on their site. I have no intention to try and withhold the information from the public, to the contrary, I am planning to shine the light on it so those involved can understand why we, who write and talk about love and light, forgiveness and understanding, and the higher principles of Spirit, can actually demonstrate something of what we say.

I have written a body of work (non-fiction) that deals with behavioral intelligence. Part of this work focuses on what I have called the Six Heart Virtues, which consists of appreciation, compassion, humility, forgiveness, understanding and valor. Collectively, these virtues constitute the frequency of what humanity has termed “love.” These are the qualities that flow from the heart and help each of us express our true self in the moment. They become the new criteria for our actions. When someone attacks our integrity, for example, we can apply understanding and forgiveness.

In respect to this situation, A’shayana Deane has a remarkable facility to articulate big concepts. She appears bright, cheerful and I will assume well-meaning. While I have not studied her books and other materials, I respect what she has created and know that it could only occur out of a strong commitment, and I offer that observation to those that work with her as well. Sometimes sitting in front of a camera for six hours, and the pressure of being “on” causes even the best speaker to make slip-ups. Perhaps, as Kerry has suggested, when A’shayana Deane uses the term “WingMakers” she is referring to a different race of ETs. I don’t pretend to know what is in another’s heart, but when the work I have spent the better part of my life creating is attacked, no matter the reason, I will step forward to defend it. I may not be successful, but I believe I owe this to the hundreds of thousands who have seen the art, listened to the music, and studied the materials.

I have written in many of my non-fiction works about the Era of Transparency that is coming to this planet. It is in the spirit of this transparency that I have included in this response my letter that I sent to A’shayana Deane inquiring about the nature of her inaccuracies. I have yet to receive a response, but I hope that she will respond soon, and to be fair, I only sent it to her yesterday.

All of us in this community need to find our own way into coherence. There is no magic or mantra to invoke coherence. It is done through the behaviors—how and what we express through our thoughts, words, feelings and actions. We need to create a shared vision of truth from out of an increasing quotient of coherence. And this shared truth must arise from humans—we, we must develop it. It is not going to be deposited in our hands from the skies or God or ETs. It will be a collective human creation, and one that I hope we can all contribute to.

I forgive A’shayana Deane for her inaccuracies. I hold no malice towards her, and wish her well in her work. I hope she is successful in her endeavors, and if she would like to work together in some future time, I would gladly consider it. I believe this is how we who write about the love, light and sound of the higher dimensions, who appear to have beneficial insights of the higher truths, should walk our talk. Otherwise, separation and polarity seeps in, and how can a shared truth arise in such an environment?

If people would like to see the original video sections that I have asked to be edited, I would encourage them to write to Kerry Cassidy and request this. I have no further objection to holding them back as long as Kerry is willing to include my response on YouTube and her own site. I simply wanted to be transparent and share my reaction to the inaccuracies. I have said my peace.

Thank you for listening.

From my heart to yours,


The email below has been added to this post as of 5:00pm PST at Jame’s request.
This email is for Asha.

My name is James.

I am the creator of the WingMakers in terms of their identity on this planet. If you search the web, or anywhere else, before November 28, 1998, you will not find this term. The story, the Ancient Arrow Project is the same. I created the story. The art, the music, the philosophy, the Neruda interviews, and the non-fictional works related to the story, were also created by me. The Ancient Arrow Project is part of this mythology. It is not meant to be taken literally, and since the terms are designed as mythos memes, how is it that they have suddenly become the property of your group?

You speak of the WingMakers as an ET race that has fallen and is now of a negative character. In my mythology, the WingMakers are depicted as the Central Race, the eldest race in the multiverse. They are time-shifted humans. And yet you have appropriated, or perhaps better said, hijacked this term and have now chosen to redefine it. For what purpose do your definitions reduce it to a fallen race of ETs with evil intent?

You also imply that the Corteum and WingMakers are one and the same. Again, the Ancient Arrow Project is something I’m quite familiar with. I wrote it. It came from my mind to the paper. It was not channeled. So, please explain how you know more about the true identity of the characters that I created than I do? The Corteum and WingMakers in my story are not the same, and neither of them is evil or fallen.

Regarding your comments that the WingMakers art and music deform the DNA of those who view or listen to it—inexplicably diminishing their ability to form the correct merkaba vehicle (as defined by the Guardians), on what basis do you say this? Again, I am one humble man who devoted my entire life to this mission. I created all of this work. I understand it better than anyone as to its purpose and mission, so how is it that you can tell me what its true purpose is?

If you would like to discuss the concept of coherence and its relation to the development of a shared vision of truth, I can do this, and will be most delighted to do so. This is the core reason I am here. This is the core reason for all of my materials to exist. And yet you so casually paint them as negative. Please explain to me what your motive is in doing so.

Perhaps this is all a misunderstanding. Parallel worlds interceding upon this one… or some anomalous rift in the reality of two people (you and I) who could be supportive of one another. Instead, you have chosen to attack my works. I hope you will take the time to answer my questions. They are not rhetorical.

From my heart to yours,


EventTemples.com | Lyricus.org | SovereignIntegral.org | WingMakers.com



Ashayana Deane’s brief response to James, more to come…

From: Asha Deane
Date: June 10, 2010 3:59:29 PM PDT
To: [email protected]
Subject: GA/Asha Deane response to Wingmakers

Hi Kerry, Ashayana Deane here. I’m really sorry you ended up caught in the middle of this “Wingmakers” issue. I just became aware of your site-posting regarding this issue, and of your posting of Jame’s letter, today (June 10, 2010) at about 4PM; as I write this note it is 5:37PM. In my opinion you did a wonderful job in being fair and balanced in your commentary. I’m writing this note to you to let you know that the GA & I would like to respond to Jame’s posted letter (& to his very accusatory personal e-mail to me) if you would be kind enough to post my letter on your site also.

I’d also like to call to your attention that whatever copyright infringements James has hinted that I have done do not apply for the following reason: In our 2002 Publication of my/GA “Voyagers-Secrets of Amenti-2nd Edition” non-fiction book (Granite Publishing), on pages 553-554, the GA provided a commentary of their opinion pertaining to a group of actual, not fictional, “service to self” ETs, who are “commonly known in the public domain” as the Wingmakers & Corteum and the earth human “Labyrinth Group” associated with the “Ancient Arrow” archaeological site, whom according to the GA are being covertly manipulated and deceived by the aforementioned non-fictional ET groups. This information has been in published form in my book for 8 years, through which period I had no personal knowledge of “James’ fictional Wingmakers” story. My knowledge of the subject was limited to the commentary the GA published in 2002 and that the names the GA chose to use in their transmission were “commonly known in the public domain” in “some form or another”, and thus the GA had the right to make commentary and express their opinion regarding names that could be found in the public domain. If there was any unintentional “right infringements” in our use of those names, my publisher saw no issue with it in 2002; the book is still in print just as it was published in 2002 as a 2nd Edition to my 1999 1st edition.

Personally, I’m wondering at this point if James’ fiction story was a bit more “directly inspired” or channeled than he realizes…but either way the GA’s “Wingmakers” commentary was a small part of a much larger verbatim transmission on numerous subjects that is in my 2002 book, and THAT information is directly a part of the GA’s CDT-Plate historical information (there are 24 Ancient Arrow trans-harmonic star-gate sites on earth, that were created by and originally belonged to the GA-Elohei and related Mashaya-hana Adashi Adept councils; 7 of these 24 sites fell into the hands of the HISTORICAL “Wingmakers”/”Corteum” non-fiction ET groups.). An interesting question for me is “Did James invent these names as he says he did, or did his “spiritual inspiration” actually give him those names from the CDT-Plate historical record, which is “common knowledge’ among most ET races?

Whatever the answer to that question is, I don’t really care, and feel that James is sincere and well-meaning, even if our respective “Wingmakers” accounts differ; since we are both motivated by truth and helping others to become more aware and enlightened, I don’t see why James has a problem with the public having the right to explore “different perspectives” on an issue. I’d be glad to have a public discussion with James, if he is interested, and it saddens me that he feels the need to accuse me of “attacking” his work, when the reality of what I have done is simply report what the GA’s perspective is on something found in the CDT-plate historical records and which is published in my book for 8 years. Hopefully in my responding to his letter , James and I can reach a “space of peace” regarding it being all right for people to have different ideas and opinions and to share them, so that others have the opportunity to examine and compare ideas for themselves and make their own decisions. In our recent April 2010 workshop the GA revealed more information pertaining to the GA- Ancient Arrow sites and affectionately referred to the “above mentioned historical and current service to self ET races” as the “Wing-dongs” (as in “how can they be so silly in thinking their invasion-plan from the future-parallel can actually still work 2011-2013”..). Perhaps James would prefer I call the “GA’s Wingmakers” “Wing-dongs” instead…or maybe “Wing-dings or Wing-things”? I think the whole issue over the names is silly, and that people have a right to view both perspectives on words that are found “as common reference in the public domain”. James is fully entitled to his fictional perspectives on the “Wingmakers”, and the GA and I are likewise entitled to our perspective; truly sorry he has found this threatening as no harm to him or to his work is intended by me or the GA. Hopefully we can all come together in a common vision of loving, mature understanding in a shared vision of “every one’s right to express their understanding of truth and share that truth to inspire growth and empowerment for others”.

Thanks Kerry, for your time and for the interview; as for your being pressured by James to edit out my interview statements regarding the GA’s Wingmakers for fear of copyright issues, you have every right to allow me to speak about information contained in my own published books for 8 years; he has no right to “try to silence” you, me or the GA via the intentional “Information Black-out” he is trying to use to create in order to protect his own interests. I trust you will continue to do what you feel is right and fair. As it will probably take me a day or two (June 11-13, 2010) to write a thoughtful direct response to James’ posted letter, if you feel it would be helpful to people visiting your site you have my permission to post this private e-mail to you in its entirety, until my official response to James is rendered. Posting this e-mail may help dispel some of the public confusion emerging over you feeling the need to “edit/sensor” my interview. Much love and respect to you Kerry, and to James, with whom I hope to share a public discussion with sometime soon if he is willing. …With Light, Love, Awareness & Freedom…Ashayana Deane

Ashayana Deane’s website:



Interview Transcript



Project Camelot Interview of A’shayana Deane by Kerry Cassidy


Sarasota, Florida May 2010


K: Hi I’m Kerry Cassidy from Project Camelot and I’m very pleased to be here with A’shayana Deane, ah and basically I think I’m going to let you do your own introduction as to who you are and some of your background.  You know it’s interesting to hear you talk about yourself, just briefly, cause we’re going to be talking about the material most of the time. So for example, um I would say that you are the author of the Voyager books. Part of the appeal is for people to kind of get your personality,


A: Right


K: and if you get a question that you are not quite prepared for, your personality will start to show.


A: well its showing, what do you do with that, I don’t know how to describe myself, you can describe me…


K: and and its very, no and and and its very delightful so um I don’t think you have anything to worry about, so but at any rate, you want to say you’re, you’ve come here to teach about accession


A: Yes


K: would that be accurate?


A: Yes, that would be very accurate


K: At this time on the planet, and ah


A: Yes, yeah right. And I-I’m know as speaker one in the Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order, and that was a commission that was given to me, and the other two speakers, there are three of us, are are present in the room, with us so… 


K: Ok you’re an American Citizen


A: yes


K: In this life,


A: Yes


K: Ok, and where did you grow up, in what state? Would would that be ok?


A: well I was born in Pennsylvania,


K: ok


A: and I was raised in Pennsylvania, and um New York and then moved to New Jersey and then moved to Florida, and then to England and then to Arizona and then to Colorado and then back to Florida


K: Ok so you’ve been around


A: Yes


K: Ok great


A: yes, actually following spiritual guidance, we were asked to move, once it was past the, you know the childhood and adolescent times, the the moves were following what I was ah, advised to do by the guardian alliance


K: Ok wonderful and you are in touch with what you call the guardian alliance


A: that’s what they call themselves


K: Ok


A: yes,


K: And, ah, do you consider yourself ah a chaneler, because I I’m aware of what it is you do but I’m going to ask you questions that are may seem wrong, ok


A: feel free


K: and, and so at at that point you can correct me and it’s totally fine


A: It’s not channeling, in fact we teach against channeling because it’s dangerous. It is a process of electronic data streaming that it’s quite sophisticated but it doesn’t work like channeling, channeling involves literally another um entity coming in and sharing a body with you and that is not permitted in our teachings because it can actually damage your DNA. This is an electronic data streaming called keylontic transmission and it is literally electronic data streaming but inter-dimensionally as opposed to simply you know on the horizontal like we do it here and that is the way the that the guardian alliance communicates with me and has since childhood but they have also in in my ah younger years I had both negative abductions with negative groups of visitors and it was the guardian alliance that actually rescued me from those situations and I Iv’e learned a lot about why I had the experiences it had to do with the contract I came in with, but it takes most people quite a few years to wake up and realize what they came in to do, what they birthed in to do, and ah that was why I i had the issues with the um, with Zetas and things like that when I was in my younger years.


By the time I was 12 the guardians had begun teaching me for the commission that I later learned what it was for speaker one for the Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order and ah, its, once once that became clear, the experiences weren’t frightening.  Before they were frightening. The, you know abduction experiences and uh the ones with the guardians weren’t though they were very different they didn’t involve little grays’ and they didn’t involve uh, spaceships. They involved literal teleportation through Merkaba vehicle and those kind of things so it’s been a colorful way of, of to get to the point where I am here teaching the material that I’m teaching, it has been very interesting and colorful. In the first few years um I was required to speak about that a lot that’s why I don’t like to speak about myself anymore, I’m honestly board with the subject of me.


K: Sure


A: right because the first few years that we went public with the books and everything it was all about me and my story, and I’m tired of my story, its out there go read it if you want to… but you know, this is the interesting stuff, the information we’re teaching so


K: I totally honor the fact that you’ve told your story many times and and it is out there and so I do encourage people to ah to go out and investigate ah, her background, to watch other audio and video presentations she’s done because their excellent and I have watched a few of them and I’d love to watch more and she’s an excellent speaker and and so I do encourage you to investigate if you’re watching this. Um, so what id like to do from here is really get into what the agenda is of what we call, ah,  the service to self or negative oriented ET’s, visitors, um what have you and and then if you could talk about that and then if you could also talk about what the positive side, ah service to others is doing, what their objective is in being in contact with us here and so on, so that’s where we want to go


A: Ok, do we have to take the short road or can we take the more interesting road


K: Let’s take the interesting rd…


A: ok, because the interesting road, by the time we get to answering that question, will make a lot more sense and the interesting road does have to do with some of the other questions. When I had, you know, we had asked you – you know just give us a few questions or something that you’re planning to ask you had listed a couple things like you know ah ascension mechanics, ah you know the the human race and where its going and this kind of thing. Um…there is a way to explain this that we’ve been working for ten years. Every workshop, this is our 84th coming up, and every one is new information. It’s the next level of information so we have been, the guardian alliance has been providing us with progressively growing teachings since the Voyagers books were out. Very, very technical teachings on ascension on stargates on understanding planetary stargates, galactic stargates, universal stargates, how they all work, what the process of ascension is, all of this thing.


In understanding some of those things like what is a stargate anyways, what is ascension anyways – right – and understanding some of those it brings us to the point of where we actually are right now on the planet which explains what is going on with the visitors. It explains what their agenda is, why they’re doing what they’re doing and what we can do about it, because their is a negative and positive side to this, but the picture is much bigger than most people realize, even people in the UFO movement, and people in the new age movement. They have pieces of the story. When I found out what this story was, as it progressed, because I had my cellular memory turned on, for awhile I had incarnational memory since I was very small, so it was not new to me, but when, when the guardians revealed progressively the the scope of this drama, I was horrified at first, honestly, I was terrified and, um, moved past that to the point of realizing, wow I mean,  it is so tiny the little dramas that we’re worrying about here this is much, much bigger.


And the reason the information is important now, and for ten years we hardly did any media at all, we didn’t do interviews, we had a couple little interviews, we turned down a lot of radio interviews and that kind of thing cause we wanted to kinda just fly under the radar and do our things.  We do our workshops, people come to our workshops we didn’t heavily advertise them. The reason why we’re coming out and speaking now is because the guardian alliance has asked us to. They are on now what is called official disclosure protocol because of things that are occurring. 2012 is very important and so are the periods right after it. There – this – to ah coin a phrase from Anderson Coopers’ show, ah, planet in peril. Ah Yes. To put it mildly. So if I can explain some of the things that are taking place now in a certain, its a sequence, and your free to interrupt at any point,


K: Ok


A: Right, but it will help get a ah little bit to the more full understanding of what are the visitors up to, what is their agenda, and where are we at with that situation. It’ll also include the information you said, you know what about the stargates and what are the status of those, it’ll, it will show where that is


K: Great


A: and its like the quickest sequence you can do, right, this has been, you know, ten years worth of work, now we can look back and see what this is all about and see where its going, so, if you don’t mind, I will you know put a couple charts up.


K: No Problem


A: The first thing I would like to do if we’re going to talk about what is happening on the planet now, it does involve ascension, and ascension does involve stargates. But what is ascension anyway? There’s a quick way to explain this and it has to do with graphs and I use these graphs because seriously pictures paint a thousand words. If it hadn’t been, and all of these graphs are literally transmitted from the guardian alliance and I I take them down by hand, because I don’t have computer art skills so they’ve all been done in like you know black and white form and then thanks to a team of volunteers they’ve put lot of work into putting them into computer, you know, finishing so they’re decent. Most of them are.  You can tell the ones that are still, the ones I did on a photocopier, you know with a photocopier, but this one, this particular diagram, and also I will qualify these by saying, you’re going to see diagrams that are one out of, there might have been 50 diagrams in that series explaining every piece of how that worked, what it is, the structure of it all of this, I’m just going to show certain diagrams that will show structure, because structure is important.


Science here is getting into um, quantum physics, and all of those things and oh maybe there’s dark matter and all of these wonderful maybes.


There is a whole order of these things, yes there’s dark matter, yes quantum physics are real, but they have no idea the structures that are involved, this is not a hap hazard cosmos or universe. Some of these things, if you’re going to understand what ascension is, you need to understand what context it’s happening in and that’s why the guardians gave us the context in the first place. In the early days they taught us about 15 dimensional physics and that’s not meaning theres only 15 dimensions. Dimensions run in sets of 15 and there are many many many different sets of 15 dimensional matrices that have particular order that form galaxies, universes cosmoses, plural. It is a multi cosmos, not just a multiverse. Now when you think of ascension and stargates that you ascend through it implies there is an order of stargates within these greater structures. So I’ll show you this diagram first.


K: Let me ask you, where the diagrams came from, in other words, do they, are you getting, you say you’re getting this sort of data stream


A: Mmm hmmm


K: electronically,


A: M Hmm


K: And when you say that, it’s, I’m assuming that you’re ah visualizing, maybe you’re getting a visualization…


A: No I just see them


K: Ok


A: yeah


K: and then are you, how do you transfer them onto the paper, how do you, you know, you draw them, really? Ok…


A: I’m known as the white out queen because a lot of times they’ll come down like one diagram like this that’s all like – you know looks like a single thing,


K: Very Intricate


A: there’ll be like six different images on it


K: Wow


A: and like 20 different layers


K: Ok


A: and I call it a pull back process where the whole big thing comes down in one data stream that it might takes me like 6 hours just focused completely on 1, getting it all down and that’s even without the words and labels and arrows and stuff


K: Ok


A: that’s just getting the shapes and structure. Then we’ll pull them out, right, where I’ll make photocopies and white out that part and then you’ve got that one, white out this part and then you have that one and then you might have like a series of ten of them out of the one that came in, so its almost like, uh, what do they call those files um where they condense everything?


Unknown: Zip…


K: Yeah


A: Zip File, yeah, so it comes in like a zip file


K: Ok I hear you


A: and when it opens, it ah, there’s a lot of heat involved actually, you can feel the the DNA activation. It comes through, the chakras activate and there’s like this heat field around me when its coming through or sometimes, depending on the line, cause there – there’s different lines, different ones, ah ah different levels of the guardian alliance communicate, you know, from different places and some of the lines come in cold, like you know shivers, some of them come in hot


K: Ok


A: so some of them carry the images and that’s where the images are coming from and at this point there are thousands of them. There are thousands of intricate diagrams…


K: Fabulous


A: That you know, come in this way,


K: Ok yeah, that – that’s great


A: Alright, this one for instance, this is part of a huge series now, and this is a very simple one as you’ll see in some later ones that it grows. If we can think of this, I I wanted to use this as a very simple way to explain what ascension is. Ascension is about evolution, it’s actually about re-evolution.


The guardians refer to it as ah re-evolutionary determinism. Yes there is a pre-determined framework of creation within which creation you know occurs, but you have free will within that framework and you start out as part of the whole, they refer to it as the god source consciousness field. And from that place, you can enter into material experience that is all taking place within that god source consciousness field. There is no place outside of god. All of this takes place within the body of the consciousness of god source. They consider the structures in which and through which matter materializes and forms, and identities individuate, they consider that part of the manifest body of god source and they’re talking about the cosmoses being a manifest body and there is a field of just pure cognition that is beyond that. It is eternal, it is always aware. Time as we know it in linear form is just not a reality there but it’s understood as an experiential quality within the framework of materialization.


So in that context of understanding a little bit about how we look at god and the concept of god, yes there is one, its not some big (burly)? dude, on a, you know with a big white beard that’s gonna  send you to hell if you’re bad, um right. There is structure involved in this. Now we’ve got, we went through what is called particia creation which takes you from the first unit of consciousness, in the consciousness field of god that did something, went under certain changes, from those changes that shape grew and literally created the spherical wheels within wheels or spheres within spheres that is the hidden structure behind all cosmic order, and even galactic order, planetary order and your own bodies order and atoms order. So this, if you think of it as just an example of a cosmos, alright you have a center point, alright and you have a sphere. Where you see circles they’re actually spheres of energy, alright you have, you have one sphere, two sphere and a third one in the center the smaller ones, and lots see these little ones in the center.


What this is showing us is, consciousness comes out from the center point into this domain or this sphere, its called the the um Hara Body and first it individuates into the two larger spheres and they individuate into sets, and this all happens at the same time, right. It expands outward. These are called, when it expands outward, its called Eckashi expansion cycles. Where consciousness is coming out from the god source consciousness field into the smaller form or structure of materialization and expands out through these cycles simultaneously. One on each side. This particular line is referred to as a vector.  Time vector. Time space vector. One end of it is referred to as an event horizon, so one time vector has two event horizons.


All right, now here we have a core. Here you have and inner, here you have a middle and here you have an outer domain. On each side. Reality fields take place within all of those. So it’s not just that there are numerous reality fields, you have ones in the outer bands, you have ones in the middle, inner and core bands.


The process of coming into existence is expanding out through experiential cycles within the Eckashic expansion cycle till you get to this point. When you get to this point, now you’ll see in this next graph, these are actually time cycles with names.


They’re called Yugas. When you get to this, which is called the Kali Yuga, there are several options, and one of the options, which is the natural evolutionary process, which is accession, that is the natural process by which eternal life beings, and most everybody started as eternal life beings, are, would naturally undergo. After you expand out yet through the incarnational cycles here, and you would go through what is called a Krist Star Turnaround. Alright? Where you enter these little cycles behind. They’re called the Adashi return cycles, where they’re the going back into source cycles.


This is the process, when you expand out at this point, if you were able to make this Krist Star Turnaround, your atoms will actually transfigure into eternal life, light atoms, and at that point, whatever form you hold there, becomes an eternal form that you can materialize and dematerialize at will.


You, you become what’s called an Adashi adept, and some people call them ascended masters but that term is terribly abused on this planet, so the guardians do not like to use it. Um, but the Adashi adepts are the ones who have made it through that change and they are now what are called Mashaya-Hana individuals which means they have, they are eternal life, and they can manifest, de-manifest at will. They go back through the cycles, go back in the center and they can actually rebirth as collectives, like as suns and those kind of things. Its an amazing process where a being lets say as small as like a human being can actually evolve, re-evolve, to go back into the state of even being like a sun or a star, and it is an eternal process, there is no death involved in that process. That is the natural process for life forms. So when we’re talking about ascension, it is about doing the natural re-evolutionary process, but that is not happening on this planet.


When we get to this point of the Kali Yuga expansion there are other things that can happen too. There are certain qualities about the science of ascension that are very very much about physics. Alright, and there are consequences in physics if things are not working well on a planet, it affects the body of the people who live on it and the animals who live on it and plants that live on it, and if certain things are not working well in a body, the DNA does not function properly, the body will not produce the chemicals and the particular one called celestaline, that is required in order to allow the atoms to merge their with anti-particles without annihilating. That allows particle and anti-particle to come together, they shift angular rotation of particle spin and you can literally turn into a radiation wave. And that would, that’s, what it means actually to go into full Merkaba and be able to go through gates. That is the process by which you go through star gates.


So, if we talk about ascension, it is the natural process of being able to expand out, you were out in the Kali Yuga cycles, finally are out here, now we have choices. We can ascend, or, if we get stuck here there is another path that we can take. It’s called the ah Kali – Kali Rema path. It is the path of step back. You can go back here, to the stage before, and then have to rebirth out again into the cycles and the outer domain. It’s almost like a restart, do it over again, so hopefully you, you know fulfill all your ascension codes it’s what it’s about so the activating your atom to the point where they can fully transfigure, and if you can do it in a cycle again, then you can ascend again. 


There is another path that can occur here, there are basically three paths. The other one is called the path of Kali Dema.


That is the path of fall. That is where you get stuck here, you cant step back and you cant go forward because of the choices you were making in your life that are affecting directly what your DNA can do, and what consciousness you’re aligning yourself with affects the frequency that your body is able to carry. And if you get stuck here, you will reincarnate in this cycle until the quantum you came in with, burns out. And then you will do what is called a space dust return.


Where ashes to ashes dust to dust, you will come to a point where you don’t have enough energy to reincarnate into another body into another time cycle. And you will eventually simply just go back, and eventually everybody goes back. But, if you go back in ascension you go back whole, if you go back in step back, you can come back out and go back out whole, but if you do the fall path, you do come back eventually as space dust where your body dies and your consciousness can no longer hold together and it fragments and just becomes part of the local environment. But the local environment at times goes through natural cycles that have to do with stargate cycles and ascension cycles where all these little ah time tracks pull in together and then come back out again.


At that point, anything that gets stuck out here gets drawn back into the center. So this is why god source doesn’t look at it as loosing anyone in the fall path. It’s the experience of you loosing your connection with the universe that it’s really about.


So in, to get  to understanding stargates and everything I wanted to explain on this simple diagram about the cycles that we are in, cause right now we are in that Kali Yuga cycle and those three choices are facing us very much now, and more than they might usually because this planet is in the middle of a drama that people here have forgotten but they knew during the Atlantean periods, they knew ten thousand years ago what was happening here and we have forgotten that knowledge, so anyway, lets go to the next diagram, if I spend this long on everyone we’re going to be here for 6 years!


K: No, that that’s actually very helpful and I think that was very clear


A: sorry about the coughing


K: thank you, that’s ok, no problem


A: This next one is just a little bit similar to that one, its showing the structure of that one a little bit more clearly. The reason I’m showing you this is just for down bottom here. I’m not going to read them all or anything but the detail level that were giving, each of these different states, I’ve tal… we’ve talked about the the core and the uh, the inner the middle and the outer domains of reality, within which reality takes place, right, they each have a different state of matter, a different type of matter, a different density level of matter, and different states of consciousness that go with them so I just wanted to point that out. So when we see this diagram we’re seeing the three, the Kali Hara, its called the Kali Hara system, and we have the Hara bodies and the, you know, the time, space time structures within the Hara bodies, so these are large energy structures that you don’t see, and you don’t even see these, or you don’t see it, your not walking around in your field counting your little balls, right, but they’re there. This structure, the cosmos is created with this structure, but its much more complex, but when you see it, it implies um structure but also time and evolution and that is a good way to show the ascension process, where as you expand out, you go through experiences in the time- in the levels of the time matrix, and then come back in through the Adashi return cycles. So the word Adashi, for instance, is something, you know, that is ah special to us, because we are following the path of Adashi, the path of Krist Star Return.


When I use the word Krist star, by the way, any of the words like Kryst, or anything like that, we spell it with a K. Its either K-r-i-s-t, sometimes we use shorthand, or K-r-y-s-t, there’s a reason for that. Its not, b-because we’re basing everything on the bible or anything like that, nothing against the bible, but its spelt with a K because that’s how it originally was and what it refers to, are, its actually, there’s seven um syllables to it, we often will just shorten it to five, its, ah, the first seven audible sound tones of creation and they are ka, ra, ya, sa, ta, ha la, and we, we often just shorten it to, you know, ka, ka ya ra sa ta, Krist, right, so that’s why we use the word Krist. It has to do with the sound tones, the vibrations.


The first audible sound tones, when we get into first particai creation before all these structures occur, in the cosmos, there are certain things that happen on a very very very nano micro level, that ah, the first, what would be audible sounds or audible vibrations and that is why we use that word – Krist. So that’s where it’s coming from. It’s not saying yeah we’re Christian, that’s uh, which means we are not this, and we’re not that and we’re not the other thing, its something that belongs to everyone, you know and every language.


(24:26) So anyway, that’s just another version of showing the same structure. This is part of a much larger structure, and has to do with stargates. So, we’ll go because what the, what the drama that’s happening on the planet now, with the visitors and all of that has to do with stargates, if it has to do with ascension, it has to do with stargates too, and who’s fighting over them.


So the next diagram, this is called, the (Illum Iradona?) Spirit Body, and the reason I’m going to show you the spirit body structure, this is a diagram that has many purposes, but if you remember that last diagram, this one, is a bit more detailed. It is still showing structure.


This is a simplified, and each one of these pieces and flows and all of the different elements of this have been analyzed, there’s like a hundred graphs to this sequence, what it comes with is this structure that is referred to as the Illum Iradona Spirit Body, which is different than your light body structure, different than your atomic bodies, yeah, this part of that structure. The cosmos has this too. When you see these little petal things, these are actually flows of energy, ok, now think cosmic, right.


Inside of this you have those, that, the ah Hara ball structures, with the time cycles, moving, in and out of this, but if you notice here there are twelve points on this, there are twelve petals, each one of those would have a line, running down it, that comes out the other side, right, each would be a vector line, so you’re not just dealing with one vector, where you have two event horizons, you are dealing with sets, of um, sets of six vectors that form twelve event horizons and there’s more than that too but that’s the ones you can see in this diagram. The spirit body structure, is built on, I mean, on on on this particular structure and these flows here, you have some of the outer flows, that are called the lotus flows, those lighter ones in the pink, and then these little things that you can see part of, they actually go all the way down to the core, but then there’s another layer of them here and another here, these are called uh, the core flows or the NaVaho flows.


The NaVaho word has to do with the particular part of the creation cycle that is the first, where where the particai units, which are the first units of consciousness that materialize, are actually born. It’s a word that has to do with the NaVaho cycles. So, these are called the NaVaho ah, core flows. This has to do with stargates.


A: (26:40) Alright, the next one, we’ll show you, these stargates, now if you take the circle away, and the ball structures away and just look at the flows here, again we have those outer petals, we call them the lotus petals, we call this the living lotus


K: Ok,


A: Alright, and these are the natural core flows of an eternal life creation, which means energy flows out but it also turns around comes back. It just doesn’t flow out and expand until it destroys itself, and burns itself out, that’s what science is watching happening to this universe because it’s not functioning normally, in our local galaxy, anyway, stargates.


This, these structures, these flows, now this applies to a cosmos, it applies to a galaxy, it applies to a planet, a planet has a structure like this. And it applies to our bodies as individuals. It applies to atoms, actually. They have their little own structure like this. Each one of these, core – core structures – core flows, represents a stargate that has particular structure. When you look at it on a on a planetary level, it, they are literally points on the planet that interface with these energy flow systems that connect into core and under certain conditions, they activate, and they literally allow space, time and matter to turn into radiation and pop up somewhere else.


K: Ok


A: They are passageways.


K: So, you’re talking about twelve major stargates?


A: There are twelve; they go in sets of twelve. On this planet, there are a whole lot more, because the main twelve, which are called the Halls of Amenti Stargates, they actually fell in 2003, they they fell under the control of the service to self, um groups, lets put it, we call the them F-A’s, fallen angelics, alright,


K: Ok


A: that’s what we refer to them as, um, and, there are about five different what are called interfaced gate systems that were put here by the guardians a long time ago because this isn’t the first time that there’s been gate wars, on this planet. In fact, two seedings of the human race were wiped out, by the same type of, they call em Templar wars, cause’ they’re fighting over the Templar.


The stargate system on a planet or in the universe is referred to as the Templar, and that word refers to Template Pillars. That’s what the Templar word means. That’s, I mean the whole Knights Templar and all of that stuff, I mean these, these things were from the old old records from Atlantis. They had pieces of them.


(28:59) So anyway, when we’re talking about stargates, or ascension, in ascension, the process of doing that turn around and be able to go back into the eternal life cycles, has to do with getting your body able to where you can pass through the natural structures of stargates. Now that’s great if you’ve got your body in shape, but if your on a planet that’s – templar is messed up, you’re going to have a problem, you’ll get stuck on the planet and your body will reflect whatever distortion is in the planet. That’s why people right now, die on this planet and don’t ascend instead.


Death is not a natural condition, it occurs on planets that have a distortion in their stargate structure, where the natural flows are not occurring, which creates distortions in the biological forms on that planet. so we have been locked into this planet, this has been a prison planet for at least thirteen thousand years and actually, a lil further back than that but there are little bits of times where gates were working properly. this is the first time, why everything is coming to a head right now, is because it was known in twenty two thousand three twenty six B.C., which was the last stargate opening cycle, and that one failed, that this would be the next one. They knew this time period would be the next one because there’s a specific time frame in which the gates open and they stay open for a period of time and they close again. That’s why it’s all coming to a head again. So…we got stargates…  (30:06)


K: Ok, but when you say the gates are going to open, you’re talking about the twelve that have been taken over, so to speak, those, I’m assuming, are not gonna open.


A: Oh yeah, they’re opening them,


K: they’re going to be open


A: and we’re opening the others, the Guardians, they’re opening the others


K: the, ok, even though they were taken over, they’re able to go in and and open them


A: oh yeah, they open them into the black hole wormhole systems.


K: oh, into an, ok that’s not a good place


A: You can still use them but you know, it takes you into fall systems


K: right


A: yeah, and that is what is happening on this planet


K: So, so there has to be alternate stargates that are going to be used


A: Mmm Hmm, and that, that is what we have been helping the Guardians, actually bring, you have to, they need to be activated, they’re old dormant systems, but they’re rescue systems


K: Ok


A: and at this point, the reason why the Guardians are even speaking publically, publically about this information in interviews, is because in ah, I think it was March 25th of 2007, something occurred in this solar system that just, shut the program down.


We are on a 200 year evac program period, and that’s it. The gates are closing. Permanently. The gates are closing in this galaxy, permanently. In 200 years.


K: When you say something happened in the galaxy, can you explain a little more?


A: I’ll get to that


K: Ok, ok great


A: Yeah, there’s some other diagrams for that one, yeah


This is looking at one of those core flows, you know just its structure, and there’s like a, there’s a pillar, a chamber, inside of this. There’s merkaba fields that activate which we’ll deal with later if you want to see some of those pictures, but this is one of the NaVaho core flow gates.


Now, the other ones, that aren’t shown on here, that look like the lotus petals, they’re usually the flows, that when a stellar activation cycle happens, they’re usually the only ones that open because they will take you to the next density level up. Or even two densities up. They’ll give you vertical ascension, but not diagonal or going back in and back out again. They’re, they’re very limited actually in their capacity but you can still ascend through them. When the planet, and the only time they open these is if they’re seeding a new race on the planet, or, if they are evacuating a race on the planet. And these core gates are opening on the planet, because this is an evacuation. We have a two hundred year warning. Because, something happened with the sun, that its, it’s not going to be, one is not going to be able to live on this planet by about 2976. And it’s going to be before that actually but that’s when it explodes from what they said.


That we’re in a timeline and we’re stuck in a timeline, Voyagers mentioned it, that if we didn’t make certain changes in with with the stellar activation cycle, and reach a certain level, we were going to get dragged into a probability alignment in which the planet literally exploded because of the mechanics that were occurring with, the um, the Zetas and different, you know, intruder races, and that is a probability line we got stuck in and that’s why, we’re on um, we are on a evac order, and that’s why we’re speaking about it publically.


There are things we can do, its not like, ahhhhh – you know the world is ending. No, in fact, this is really good, because what could have happened in 2012 isn’t going to, but there’s certain ones that really want it – want these things to happen and I will talk about those a little bit, in a little while.


But this is the core gate structure, and its, you know, its very detailed, I just really put these up not to read every little thing, to-to let you know, and let the public know, that they are there and the sophistication of this material. This is why, talk about me, I’m not important, what’s important is look at this material, it blows MY mind.


K: Yeah


A: You know I I – and the breadth of it, I mean it covers everything from stargates to biology to um you know cosmic structure to, ah, pre-particai physics, I mean, it’s an amazing body of material. Ah if this wasn’t serious, they wouldn’t be giving us this information.


So, anyway, that’s core gate structure, and they are activating the core gates. You wanna see how a core gate would sit on a planet to get an idea, this gives a gives you an idea. Thats just like a landscape painting behind it, its actually a mural that I did on my wall in a house in Arizona we lived in, but it shows, right, here’s the sky and here’s like you know the land and here’s like the subterranean levels below the land and going down to the core, it shows how these gate flows work, when they’re open.


And there would be twelve of these on the planet, and when you would pass into it, you wouldn’t see this thing standing in the air, there would be a certain field and only if your DNA was keyed to it, would you even know it was there. If your DNA was not activated to be in co-resident energy form, with that structure, you’d walk right through it, past it, not even know it was there and you’d still be in the same place. But, if you have certain things activated in the body, in the DNA, in the DNA template, in the light body in the spirit body structure ect, in your anatomy, you would be able to see it, and you would know where to stand in it. And you would know what to do and how to breathe, and you could use it and go in ascension. So…


K: (34:52)Ok so the twelve stargates that we’re talking about, which have been, ah, interfered with, lets say, ah, they’re located certain places on the planet, physical places

A: Yup, yup

K: Ok

A: Yup, the outer ones are the ones that fell, the core ones wont fall

K: the core ones wont fall

A: no, they cant fall, they wont let them

K: ok so those are, those are the ones that  are – you say – ancient

A: Yeah

K: that are being reactivated as you call it

A: yeah

K: ok

A: yeah

K: and those are also located at certain,

A: yes

K: places, on the planet

A: yeah and in different places

K: different places

A: yup, the outer ones surface at one, you know one set of twelve places, and these in another

K: so there would be a lot of um misdirects, I’m I’m thinking, and there are a lot of misdirects going on – on the planet right now, to where certain people are directing people to, focus on certain areas of the planet which contain these stargates, thinking that they are, you know, ascension stargates, when in fact they are taking them to another place

A: yes

K: That’s not so good

A: exactly

K: ok

A: yeah, what they are, they are being guided to fall stargates, so they’re not, they don’t call it, they’re not called stargates, they’re called wormholes

K: ok

A: and wormholes lead to black hole systems that are finite life systems, and right now they are feeding on our living system and killing it basically, and that is why the intervention is happening, that is why the NaVaho core gates are being opened, because we didn’t stand a chance, in this one, we were, the there was planned by lets just say the negative ET’s and visitors that the, there were five other occasions that extinctions were launched on this planet. They were before the humans were on it. Um, this was going to be the sixth extinction, and it was scheduled for 2012 and ah because of what the guardians are doing, that is not going to happen. We’re not fighting with anyone, we’re standing, we’re standing in the frequency of the Krist and we are being taught um masters templar mechanics to be able to assist them, we’re the ground crew, just like on the other side you have what we call the Metatronic crew that are working the ah, the Atlantean death star, merkaba stuff that is what runs the wormholes. There’s a whole bunch of people running around thinking they’re doing ascension,

K: yes, exactly

A: that aren’t and that is what is heartbreaking,

K: Yes

A: when I started to go public with the guardian teachings, like, oh great, you know, everything’s going to be great and the new age movement,  and everybody, you know, we’re going to love each other, oh my god, I ended up like the black sheep, in the new age movement, why? Because we exposed the teachings of Thoth. Not any of the people here, we exposed the records. Thoth broke the emerald covenant, way back in the Atlantean period. He stole one of the CDT plates, took the knowledge from it, and created the emerald tablets of Thoth which had a bunch of mechanics that were the death star mechanics. He helped in the takeover, and he still is. Yeah

K: ok

A: Cause that being is still in existence, he, pops back and forth, you know, he can travel through time in his little, ah, death star merkaba, but, it wasn’t just Thoth, there’s a whole bunch of them. So when, it was pretty heartbreaking as this-this information, because I was thinking, oh great we’re all going to love each other and you know, yeah,  its ascension time. Yeah right, ah it didn’t work that way because nobody wanted to hear it and it’s too bad. At least there was some people that wanted to hear it because they came to workshops and the thing is, we asked the people that were teaching the other stuff, nicely. Said, why don’t we just have a public discussion about it? You know, seriously, we’ll each put up half of a room cost and you know invite – free to the public, and just let’s discuss the the topics, the issues. They wouldn’t. But what they started to do was blackball me behind my back, at the workshops, tell people to be afraid of me, tell em’ oh you’ll die if you use your merkaba that way. We have more merkaba mechanics than they can dream about. I mean, they they couldn’t touch the stuff with a ten foot pole. That’s why, they wouldn’t even take on the challenge – of -come lets talk about it. Let’s talk about the history. That, that you could say, well it’s this or that, but these mechanics are indisputable. Because, they don’t have the things to link them together. The guardians showed us, all of these different things, sacred geometry – how it fit – not just a – oh here it’s a this. What is a that? What does it mean? How does it connect to the cosmos? They showed cosmic structure in order to show how it’s supposed to work, and then they showed where the distortions they’re teaching fit and what they do, to pervert it.

So it’s been very intense, in, since we came out with the work and it hasn’t changed, but there’s a group of us that just resonate with this and go, wow, you know just wow, ok no problem. You know like, gee

K: yeah, ah well that’s one of the reasons I’m here and you know I’m aware of the distortions out there, I’m aware of the attacks and so on so forth, and again I have to say that people need to really go into their hearts, they need to use their heart and their intelligence to discern what resonates, and we’re presenting this as what resonates, I’m going to say, personally with me, but also with what I think people need to be aware of and then they make their own decision. We’ve got plenty of the other side, of information out there and I think its time that we hear from this side. And I, and and so I really want to thank you, for, for making this opportunity possible.


I do want to say that, um, there are a lot of people out there that are following, um, the wrong path. And, ah if there’s a way that you can also talk about the distinctions, so that they can be aware. Like, if you get this, you might be quest you might want to question more, the path you’re on. In other words, certain things will come, ah to the fore during meditation, certain things will come to fore even in their everyday life, where they’re getting a lot of (40:30) interference on certain levels and so on so forth, that can indicate that they are being, taped into by, ah, service to self ET’s, and and I, if you have that, and you want to sort of  want to share that, we don’t have to do it now because that would be maybe off the topic a little bit here but maybe later on..

A: I think we’ll probably come in, if we can move a bit with, with the sequence.

K: Ok

A: the reason why the guardians gave this sequence was cause its an easy way to touch a whole bunch of the bases, give a rounded picture, to go right into, you know, answering the questions that you wanted you know answered,

K: Ok

A: So if you want to go off the sequence its ok, but I think

K: no, lets, lets go with this, and um also, just one one other thing that you’re saying we got this information, and you’re talking about yourself, are you talking about other members of your group also getting this information?

A: Some of us do

K: Ok

A: yeah all have a, kind of special relationship our own special relationship, I have the, the translators’ contract, which means I-I’m the secretary, right. I take down the writing, but, even like the other speakers, have a rapport also

K: Ok

A: with the Guardians, and a number of people in the groups, have developed, a rapport with them as well.

In fact we work with them to help them do that, that’s what the guardians would like is to, you know, start communicating, where, they can start teaching people directly, because we’re like a little bottleneck on the information, you know, its only given through the workshops and that kind of thing,

K: Right

A: yeah, so I I talk about it as we, not that I’m plural, but that there’s a bunch of people that are interacting with the guardians directly. ill just go really quick on these then, cause that’s another point I want to get to, but we can pop through these but I want to bring something up that’s very important.

As far as telling the difference between some of the teachings, too, this in general is just showing just basic stargate structure like how they work, when you have the core gates we saw before, these are what happen when you have those other flows that happen, the lotus petal flows. When you have a stargate area, you have two vortices of energy, one electrical, one magnetic, and when they activate in the center, they come together, and, one goes down, one goes up, and they form what’s called a bi-vecca merkaba field. Alright, and that Merkaba field, is ah, well what does it mean, ah, moving light body mer-ka-ba, right? The ah Merkaba field, is the field that, actually, if its around you, if its a natural one that occurs, around you, its also occurring within you and that is what allows your atoms to bond with their anti particle and transmute and transfigure so they can go through gates. So this is basic stargate structure as far as the the Amenti gates were structured on this structure and those kind of things. There’s more to that – there’s the Merkaba part.

Alright, there’s the two vortices right, and this is when they come together to form a Merkaba field. now this is a merkaba field that’s just done with vortices, these get more specific, where they have fins, where they actually like ah, three sided pyramids, that move through each other, but I just wanted you to see the basic structure of when stargates activate, these merkaba fields, which are vortice fields, um 43:40 you know activate within them and also within your body and around your atoms and in your atoms. This thing here, is something that I would like to point out, this is called a Kathara Grid, light sound one, ka-tha-ra. It is literally the radiation template upon which everything in the eternal life systems are structured. It is the first creation template and it has very very specific proportions. Some people say, Oh that’s the tree of life, but actually if you look at it, it isn’t, it’s actually the tree of eternal life.

When you see something that is different than this, say, ah it has maybe ten of these centers instead of twelve, right, this has twelve, or maybe its longer and skinnier, or it doesn’t have the lines in the same way, what that is is a twisted radiation creation template, and its passed off as the tree of life, some of, in certain teachings. Its actually the tree of artificial life, it is – goes with – the what’s called the death star Atlantean merkaba mechanics, the Metatronic mechanics. This is the natural structure, of what is called a Kathara Grid and in a minute you’ll see how important this is because literally the structure of cosmos, of stargates, but all of those structures we saw a little bit of, with the the circles, the spheres, right? Wherever you see a sphere it implies there was, we call these the bones. You have the bones and the balls. The bones are the radiation template that is built on Kathara Grid, and Kathara Grid will always have these proportions, they’re very specific proportions in relation to each other. And that is a living template, and what that template and the structures built upon it, will be living.

Our body structure, we have one that runs through our body, that right now is very mutated, because of the planet and we’ll see that a little bit of that later. But, we are moving to reactivate the natural imprints.

So the Kathara Grid I wanted you to see cause it will help you understand the maps. If you’re going to understand stargates, and wonder where, ok If I ascend, where am I going? Right? Seriously, if you’re going to leave, ah where are you going? Do you even have a clue as to where, what the choices are, you know like? They, they’ve shown us where these maps go, this is the beginning of understanding maps.

I’ll just show you this really quick, because this is showing, there’s a sheet that talks about, I’m not going to talk about all the proportions right now cause its heavy detail, but, this sheet explains about how this actually controls how particles interact with each other and all sorts of things…from angular rotation of particle spin of particles in universes and that kind of thing. So this is just showing the specific proportions, it is very important. So when you see something using as a sacred geometry, this structure, that is not built on those proportions, it is, actually representative of one of the other teachings that is teaching distorted template mechanics that have to do with wormholes and black holes. Alright so anyway, (I’ll take these)

K: Interesting

A: Yeah the more of this came out, the more horrified I was, I really was, I was like, oh my god, fellas please, you know? I don’t want, I don’t want to have to talk about this. Right, it was very hard. Now at this point, I-I have ta, I have a sense of humor about it, you know, whereas ok, so I’m the pariah of the new age movement, whatever. Somebody has got to, to let people know about this, that’s why I still do, because it makes more sense than the other stuff that’s being taught, and there’s so much love in these teachings and in caring about people enough. Like ok so you might be mad at me because you liked that paradigm over there and I just kinda don’t mean to be a whistleblower, but if you’re hurting yourself with that merkaba, maybe you should not do that, you know, anyway go back on this.

Sorry, this is showing simply, remember that little Kathara Grid structure, right? Well here’s one, here’s another, these cluster, alright? These are radiation templates that cluster to form very complex structures. This particular structure we call the stairway to heaven, alright? One of these Kathara Grid structures, would hold, ah, four densities, density levels of our um, local universe, alright? Let’s say the Milky Way galaxy, but there’s actually more to it than the Milky Way, so that would be like our local, universe. It actually includes ah, Milky Way and Andromeda M31 galaxy, alright, and it’s connected to another one. The one that um, this angle, 90 degrees to it would be considered its parallel, it also has a light field that goes with it, so these are intricate structures that are formed from these templates, and where you see these structures, these are the bones again, you will have spheres of energy and spheres within spheres, built upon them.


So, you, there there are various levels, there is, these are called the Vecka systems and four Veckas come together and at the center, an Ecka system forms, and ah the Ecka systems form a cluster and they form what’s called an Eckasha system, then there’s an Eckasha A system, an Eckasha Aya system and they all form this big cluster that’s called the Ukatha Rista Body. The Ukatha Rista Body is one cosmic creation body. Now our own personal anatomy, has these levels to it, alright, they connect to those levels of the cosmos that we were born into, and full ascension is actually turning back on in our atomic structure, all of the frequencies involved with all of those spaces. So we’re down here in the Vecka worlds, the next thing is we have to move up into the Ecka and then from the Ecka, this is the long way to ascended, by the way, that’s when the gates are working well, so, the normal way for ascension would be you would work your way through re-evolution, through the Vecka system up the densities. We’re in density one here, we’d work up to density four, then we go to the Ecka level and your growing and getting lighter and your matters’ less dense and your getting more control over it and your getting more consciousness, you know, more god, god consciousness, and that kind of thing. And then you would work to the Eckasha level, and then you would work to the Eckasha A level and then the Eckasha Aya level till you got up here.

The, at any one of those points, you could experience the Krystar turn around and it would take it you the next level. Right? Then there’s the quick way to ascend. When it’s ah evac, when there’s an evac situation and that’s what we have. Where, these are called, um harmonic gate systems. It implies that – it’s built on a system of dimensional harmonics, which means you have to take them in sequence, harmonically one by one. It’s the low, the slow train, right? 

There is something called the trans-harmonic continuum, that actually runs between them. It requires a very specialized type of merkaba vehicle and um ah, accelerations in the light body and spirit body anatomy to be able to do it, but those core gates, they’re also the NaVaho gates, also called the spanner gates, they are able to do that.

They are trans-harmonic. Where they can actually jump the scale, so you can jump from here to here or from here, you know, to there. So you can move, you have more liberty of where you can go, in ascension in a sense, your able to actually you – you become a time jumper, basically. Instead of just a straight, you know ascension the hard way; you go boing boing boing boing, that kind of thing.

So, that is the system we’re working on, because at this point, all of the natural structures of the outer gates have been damaged. The Amenti gates are damaged, we are stuck down here and the same thing is happening through the Milky Way. Its not just here, it’s not just in our solar system. Our solar system is a mess, but the Milky Way is a mess too. That black hole at the center?(50:30) that’s not an accident, that was done on purpose. That was done three hundred and sixty billion years ago, we actually used to, the Milky Way actually used to be a part of Andromeda Galaxy and it was literally forced into what is called Fall, and now there’s many light years between them, at least a couple, I forget how many light years are between them, two million light years, something like that? But they were once one, that is actually our home galaxy, the Andromeda M31, but right now we’re in the Milky Way which is a fallen, phantom part of it. And there’s still, it it wasn’t a full Fall system, until recently, when certain changes occurred that mean the ah the quantum of energy going into the negative Fall path, is larger than the one pulling back the other way, and at that point there is, it is a galactic evac where they’re pulling out the ones who can still go, you know, the consciousness that can still follow the ascension path is being evacuated out because the gates will close. Once they close and a system falls, that system won’t immediately blow up or anything, it will have a finite life span. It no longer has the direct currents coming in, the inflow of currents coming in from the larger structure of space time and source, so it becomes a finite system that feeds on itself, until it eats up its own quantum, and then it implodes and goes back as space dust.

So, we are at crossroads, a huge crossroads right now. We are on a planet that is going in the the fall direction, but this planets actually going to take that path I mentioned, the step back path, but that requires losing its body and it’s going to do that. Not while we’re on it, but that is what we’re headed for, but right now we have two hundred years to before these gates close, in the ah in the Milky Way galaxy and that includes here, so this is why they’re giving the advanced ascension teachings now. And, ah that is why, crazy people like me come out and talk about them…

K: Ok, um yeah

A: with their vocabulary, because they’re, we could use a dictionary honestly

K: No, you mean I know, I expect people, its good if they go, what did she talk about there, I don’t get it, or go investigate you see

A: Right

K: I’m not, we’re not here to answer all their questions, actually

A: Ok

K: You know

A: well I don’t mind

K: Investigation is, is getting involved,

A: Right

K: and if they get involved they learn

A: Right

K: and then it becomes part of them, so its ok

A: yeah, well when we see the structures, when I’m showing things like the structures, they’re these are structures that ah that are not known out here yet, they have words that describe them, you know,

K: Sure

A: they have names for that structure, that’s a Hara Body or that’s a Ukatha Rista Body, right, you know and that’s a Vecka and that’s a Ecka, these-these are part of the actual ah templates, of of the layers of creation going all the way back up into expansion, into god source consciousness field. They are the literal bones of our space-time orientation, so they are time references when I talk about a Vecka system. That is down here, closer to where – we are in a Vecka system, right? When you get up to the next level of ascension, there is The Ecka system, which is at the core of four Veckas, then you get up from there, and you have what’s called ah, an Eckasha system, which has, a set of all the smaller ones inside of it, right? and the Eckasha A system, and then, you go up into the Ukatha Rista System which is really, they are words, to describe things, that make perfect sense, you know, to the people that are describing them, the guardians,

K: Sure

A: they’re words in the ancient what’s called Anahazi language, which was the first spoken language in this time matrix, so a lot of the language that is used, you know, that its like, what is that? It Its -Its translations from those languages because they carry the meaning.

K: Ok does Anahazi relate to Anastasi?

A: Actually, it does

K: Ok

A: The the Anastasi were connected to, to the guardians, Actually

K: So, did they ascend? Is that why they disappeared?

A: Some of them did, others, they were actually raided from what I heard. They were raided and um overtaken by another group, and some of that other group became An-Anastasis as well where they became violent and the originals ones weren’t like that, and yeah some of them were evac’d locally is what I heard

K: Ok (54:24)


K: The Kabbalah, is gotta be, I mean you know I’m gonna just say it here ah, to my understanding from what your telling me is that Kabbalah is not the ah, the positive ascension path.

A: I would put this – this way, in relation to the Kabbalah, or the bible, or the Koran, or any of the texts that are out there. There are elements of truth all of which came from the original teachings that were on this planet. There were twelve legions of the Krist, twelve bodies of teachings that went with the CDT Plates. There are pieces of those that have wound up in the religions of today and there are distortions in all of them as well. Which means, they all carry a mixed path.

K: Ok

A: and the way to tell, it takes a while to develop the sensitivity, but there’s something inside invisible, of everything, be it a cup or a cosmos or um a set of letters written on a page. There’s something called an encryption. An encryption is a very specific radiation signature. That is underlying, it’s in the dark matter template. When you get to a certain point, in DNA activations, which sensitize your inner senses in your body, you, can, know with direct cognition, you can read a sentence and know which part is taking you in which direction

So, anything, like the Kabbalah, there’s some beautiful things in the Kabbalah and they also use a mutated ah tree of life, because they don’t remember any different, and they were tricked, just like there’s a lot of great things in the Christian religion, that are, you know, true to form, and a lot that aren’t. There’s been trickery ever since the Atlantean periods here. Well there was before too, but that was the, you know,  big showdown for trickery, 56:14 and what we have now are the trickle down ideas and piecemeal memory and piecemeal history of what could be salvaged from that time.

There’s a reason we don’t remember. We’ll get into that a little bit, when we get into that stuff I talked about at the end, that was important, but, our stance isn’t to make any of the other paths wrong. There’s only one that we actually will stand against. If they’re directly teaching metatronic death, death star merkaba, we have to address that, we don’t address the people who are teaching it, we feel bad for the people who get caught up in that. I feel bad for anybody whose contacted by, by Thoth, because well I’ve known Thoth in other lives and I’ve known Thoth in this life and he’s, you know, once upon a time he was a speaker, you know an emerald covenant speaker, and he broke the emerald covenant, and he decided to go with the, with the Annunaki races and um, go into a Fall path, and stole the technologies, and part of what he did is why this planet is going in the path it is now.

So it isn’t the people, that, you know we don’t blame the teachers, of those things, or the-the people listening to channels and they don’t know what the heck they’re listening to I mean you know oh great you know its-its cute and its fun, and its lovely, and yeah right, check its resume, but how do you? You know, where?

Any of the religions, any of the new age or the old age religions, there’s good and there’s not good in both of them, and its almost like you need to feel out and feel what works right for you, but don’t limit to yourself to just saying, oh well it has to be the Jehovah god, or it has to be the Allah god, or it has to be the this god or that god. You can call god whatever you want, but you know god doesn’t really need you to call “it” anything, it is beyond gender qualification. We were created in the image of god, all of us, and that doesn’t mean we are all male or all female, it means we are all living consciousness fields, that have the potential of direct creation and eternal life, and that is what that line meant.


So the Kabbalah is fine, certain parts. Certain parts aren’t. Same applies to every paradigm, that is, you know traditionally on the planet and a lot coming in from the new age, except for the death star mechanics, they’re very direct, you know – not sacred geometry. So if

K: Ok

A:  that answers that question

K: Yes, absolutely

A: ok, Good

K: Thank you

A: Alrighty, where are we? Back to this, um I just want to share this again quickly. This again is the diagrams we’ve used to show the structure of the spirit body, with its flows and its core flows. And that’s also the gate structures and all that. It means, that the cosmos has sets of spirit bodies, there’s like lots of these embedded within each other, and we also have our spirit body. When I refer to our spirit body, as part of our anatomy, it is structured in this same way. Ok and we’ll see in the next one, how that fits in, with, remember the ah stairway to heaven? And the Ukatha Rista Body? Right? Those structures are actually part of what’s called the light body anatomy. Be it on the cosmic level or the personal level, this is how they fit together. This is that Ukatha Rista thing with all those little inter woven Kathara grids, right? And this is the basic structure of spheres within spheres. From the spirit body, the cosmic spirit body, they all of those exist to them, every one of those little Kathara grids, would have a set of these, right? These become the spirit body, ah, the the twelve spheres in the spirit body, that remember go in sets, across a vector line, right? And at certain points they actually pull in, to the center, and that’s how, at a certain point of expansion, you contract back into the center and go back in to god source. (59:33)

These are actually, this is how the, the Adashi Adepts, the ones who have achieved ascension actually use these structures as maps. The- These are literal maps of how they judge. If you are here, and you want to go to Serious B, density two, right? These are the maps they use to get there. They are the gate interface maps; we can locate ourselves on these maps. There’s one that shows exactly where we are, in the ah milky way galaxy in tha, cause we’re partly we’re actually M31 Galaxy, but we’re a part that’s twisted off but still connected to it, energetically, we can show our location and also show the locations where the black hole systems are that are interfacing here that are messing with us now and where the guard- the main guardian groups are coming from, and where they’re helping us so these are literally maps.

These maps then translate into, these are all probability fields. So you might have one, say galaxy, and its twelve different probable expressions, and they inter, all of these are spinning, right? And they inter-interface with each other, all of the time, they’re like bubbles within bubbles that don’t collide and collapse each other – well they’re not supposed to. If they’re doing the death star mechanics, they actually do, but, there’s a natural system of probabilities, so its not just we have a parallel universe, right, we have many parallel systems and adjacent systems and neighboring systems and so this is literally the structure of the maps of the cosmos. This is – these are the structures you use. Once, say, you get to the point where you can ascend, well you have to first of all decide where you want to go, and then, um, where’s the map to get there? these are the maps, so I wanted to show you how those structures, that are on a small level, our own, our own multidimensional anatomy is structured that way, but on the large level, that, this is the structure of the maps of the cosmos.

There is a structure that science does not know about yet, they have no idea how complex it is. Each one of these structures, they’ve taken it from the first little- they call it a particai unit, the first unit of consciousness, how that structure grew, each stage right, so we have like hundreds of diagrams that go with these that show how the Kathara grids’ all filled out. To show how these structures of the spirit body and their flows filled out. Inside of the spirit body flows which isn’t on this one, you’ll actually find where, what is called the hall of records, exists. What it is, the Akashic record, all of that thing. Its part of this anatomy structure, the planet has one the solar system has one, the galaxy has one ext. So these are not just, interesting little diagrams on a paper, these are very practical. They’re just as practical as a map you’d buy down at the gas station to get you know somewhere horizontally. Next one please…

K: OK and isn’t it true that we also have twelve incarnational bodies, that have incarnated simultaneously – that mirror the same pattern there?

A: Um, seventeen hundred and twenty eight

K: Ok, but

A: simultaneous, you’re existence implies the seventeen hundred and twenty seven others

K: Ok

A: that are you (1:02:30)

K: Ok

A: Different forms

K: but there are, there is something to do with the twelve,

A: Yes, they’re sets of twelve

K: Ok

A: Yeah, yeah you have your first twelve, and then have, well it it basically it has to do with the density levels. We’re in density one down here, density two, you have and you have your incarnate identity here, you would have a set of twelve incarnates. And if you put those twelve back up to density two, you would have one soul. Right? That is your soul, your density two level of identity. Now, that one soul would be a would be a group of you know eleven others as part of a set of twelve.

K: Sure

A: and you pull all those together come up to density three, and that’s where you are an oversoul. And that oversoul is part of a group of twelve oversouls, that, you pull it up to density four, is an avatar. And then you have four… you have a group of twelve avatars, pull it up to density five, and then you would have your Rishi identity, which is your fully formed Vecka level identity. To come into the densities down here but there’s other levels of identity that are even, that go up beyond the fifteenth dimensional system. Those five densities that I just talked about, each have three dimensions, so there’s your fifteen dimensional stack right there…

K: Ok

A: …in one time system. So, does that help?

K: yes, that’s great, yes

A: yes in twelves, many twelves. Yup. This is just a real quick glimpse to show that these time cycles that we’ve talked about in relation to these structures, they are quite specific. These were given as far as time frames. One time vector here on-on this planet,
and they are using translations into earth time. As we know, earth time, one time vector is uh seven hundred thirty eight years. One time continuum is ah four thousand four hundred and twenty six years. One (Yuago?) is twenty six thousand five hundred and fifty six years, A Yuago time cycle is a stargate cycle. That is when the stargates on the planet open. Once every, that period. Right?

Right now its distorted into what are called the false Yuga cycles and we’ll show you what is at the end, but these go all the way up there as galactic levels, there’s universal levels, and these are the, the structure of time and and how it works and that yes you can take it rght into, you know, periods of time. It is because we are in a stellar activation cycle right now and the last one was twenty six thousand five hundred fifty six years ago and it failed.  The gates did not open, they had to be shut closed because we got raided. Um that was called the (Eoni?) massacre period where, it was, there was a lot of, ah, ah ships mowing people down, actually. In that one,

K: Ok

A: Beam, Beam Ships

K: And was this, this, we’re not talking about Atlantis here, we’re talking prior?

A: Ah there were several phases of Atlantis.

K: Ok

A: Alright, The last phase of it, um, um the last pieces of it went went under in 9558 B.C. but way before that there was Atlantis. There was in seeding one, there was an Atlantis, in seeding two there was an Atlantis and on Terra, there was an Atlantis, that’s where it all came from and ah Lemuria. You had Lemuria, Lumenia there were different spellings of the names but they were the same places and the same soul groups inhabiting them.

K: Right, yeah

A: so this was like, um the, the 9558 BC period, you know the last period, that was like the late Atlantean period.

K: Ok

A: so, there was a lot of Atlantis period anyway. But these, these stargate cycles, this is the cycle that our gates open on this planet, this planets gates are supposed to open on the twenty six thousand five hundred and fifty sixth year cycle. It’s now been shortened because of what they’re doing to the planetary grids and the stargates and the templar. To, to what’s called the false Yuga cycles, which is plugged into the, the ah processions of the equinox. Which is not natural, and we’ll look at what that is about and, when that started. Cause that really, really came into fore about thirteen thousand years ago when a major victory, on, and this was an Atlantean drama, a major victory on, just lets say the dark agenda side had occurred. They created something called the (Torral?) rift, it is a time rip and it was, they literally plugged earth’s templar into this time rift and knew that when it came to the next stellar activation cycle, they would use it to draw earth in. Its not just earth they’re after, earth connects still to its ah corresponding planet or star actually in M31, it is called Eartha, there is still a direct energetic link between the gates. They’re after M31 as well, so its much bigger drama than people here realize. They’re not just after little earth,(1:06:46) Earth has always been a fighting place because of its connection to the larger universe and because it was connected as part of what was called the krystal river host. That was when, a long long time ago, three hundred and sixty billion years ago, when, um the milky way fell out of M31, there was a whole collective of guardian beings from various other, you know, I hate the word ascended just because of the way its misused down here, um of the Adashi adepts. People who formed a coalition to assist in trying to re-evolve the Milky Way back into its natural position so it could continue as an ascension system.


So, um, excuse me now I’m getting interrupted, they want me to go somewhere else. Ok I don’t know sometimes that’ll happen, I let you see that, I don’t have to let you see that but I did, um alright they’re saying go somewhere else for now, we’ll come back to that. Ok. Anyway they don’t want me to talk about galactic history yet. Ok. I get that sometimes. Even when I’m on stage

K: Ok Yes,

A: where ill just get a like little hello… what…

K: ok, why are you saying, what is their motivation, and if you want to put this question off till later we can do that, but what you’re saying, they were after earth, they were after Eartha , and they were after it  because of its connection with the larger universe, so why? What is their motivation for taking us down,

A: what is the core

K: for closing us off and making it a finite system?

A: what is their core objective? Right, what is the core objective? Food. They are in a black hole system that has fallen. They’re, Because of the nature of the physics dynamics involved with creation, the way eternal life creation works, is when a thing falls, it loses its connection to the the inflow and backflow of energy from the source consciousness field, which means it gets left with only the quantum it had, when it fell. Now, everything is spinning, that takes energy, it uses up its energy, and if it doesn’t suction energy off something else, it will implode and go back to space dust return.  Which is what a system is meant to do so everybody, nobody gets stuck and every gets to go home. Either as space dust or you know whole through ascension, whichever – at least you go home.

These groups that have adopted the, the false creation, they’ve tried to recreate the creation, because they didn’t like the consequence their own choices brought to them, in relation to the physics reactions to the actions they took. They ended up in a fall system and they wouldn’t face the reality that you know, you can make peace with that. Even if you’re in a fall system. You can say, well you know what, that was that was pretty dumb to get ourselves into that but we’re here we can handle ourselves with grace. We can still love creation. We can still act in loving ways. They decided instead it would be more interesting to keep themselves alive by using a vampire technology. They are going after it for quantum food. To feed their system. If they can harness this system, literally the entire quantum of energy that is in this system will be drawn into their black hole system which will give their whole system more life.

So they’re postponing the inevitable, but they will, they keep using these technologies to do that and they pray on living systems. But there is a point in time, where that backfires and they’re getting very close to that point too. So anyway, that

K: Ok

A: that is the core motivation, its not that anybody’s mad at anybody else, or they’re fighting over this toy or that toy, this is big. They are fighting over survival and they’re, they feel they have to kill the living systems in order to have that energy as food. Period. and that becomes the most important obsession for them, and it is a twisted thinking, when when a being gets that far into de-evolution where it really has no remorse, they don’t have what you’d call emotional bodies like we do anymore, they don’t care. They, they just take. And they don’t care about giving, they don’t think about that, and they don’t want to hear it. You can’t rationalize with a certain level of fall consciousness, so that is what we’re dealing with and that is why it is a very large story. But, ah it’s really not very personal story, you know its like, don’t take it personally. Do you take it personally if you’re swimming and a shark rips off your leg? It’s a shark

K: Sure

A: you had a leg, it swam by, I mean, you know, what are you going to hate the shark? It’s just doing what its instinct moves it to do and that’s kind of like what is happening here. So that’s that’s how, how I’ve been taught to look at it, and I’m I’m at peace with it, I don’t like it but I’m at peace with it in that regard. but I will stand for the things that, for me, that mean most to me, and I I believe in the loving creator god source field and I believe in being fair to people, and I believe in telling the truth, even if its hard, and I believe in facing the truth even if you’d rather pretend it wasn’t there and dealing with it and taking it forwarded from there

K: Yes

A: So anyway, those consciousness don’t think like that. But, that’s what it means for me, you when I say, you know we stand in the Kryst, that’s what it means. Its not fighting with these beings, you know, i mean you can do that but they’re just engaging your energy anyway but we do have to stand and work the gates here. Somebody has got to take care of the remaining gate potentials here, so that consciousness can evacuate out within the next two hundred years that is going on the upward swing, so, is that good enough?

K: Ok, yeah

A: I could go on more tangents…

K: Very good

A: So this is just showing the time, like there are literally translations into earth time, and this would apply like go, so this is on Venus, or something and then you could translate them into Venus time, which would be different because time has to do with how fast things spin, and all of that, you know like, you know… never mind. Physics of of ah you know how long your day is and your side real time and all of that, crazy stuff that I don’t like.

With all the structures and processes that we’ve learned, that have to do with that structure, of the spirit body, and it’s ah Hara centers, which are the probability structures that at certain periods, pull in, right and that’s an ascension cycle when they actually pull in, and then a new creation comes back out. There are ways to track those cycles. There are ways to track from point of conception, onward, how your, your body grows in cycles, and there are also ways to track an evacuation cycle. And ah, they all kinda use this diagram. This diagram has to do with Octans, and specific ways that energy is divided up on and and within those structures that we’ve looked at, and it, this is just showing, its called the the lowed out schedule from 2008 to 333 AD cycle, now it doesn’t mean we get that the the gates are going to be open here from 333 AD, they’re gonna close over here in 2230, that is when the gate systems here close. But this is actually showing that ok, once you get through here, there are certain stages, we made it through what was called ah ah, call it the Kali Hara ah celebration. We call it a celebration. At the time after certain things happen in 2007 as we moved into 2008.


If we did not hit on this planet a certain level of core vibration, we would have gone into fall right there. We would’ve not been able to hold a host, all of the gates would have shut except the fall gates and we would’ve all been stuck and it would’ve well we’d all been extinct in 2012, that was the other sides plan, um but we did make the the vibration for the Kali Hara which allowed us to pick up into the host, which is called the krystal river host, this has to do with a stream of energy currents that are coming in from a matrix that ill show you later on the maps, that are the, you know the the high level of the guardian alliance. They’re like the ones that wrote the books originally, they’re like the sommeliers from our matrix, these are are massive messianic beings, and that means they’re the eternal life beings, the ones who have gone through the Adashi return cycles, and you know… so they’re anyway, we were able to pick up the host, the planet was, where it could anchor those frequencies as long as there was somebody here to anchor it and that is what our groups have been doing.


We are, you know I mean our bodies are energy, everybody’s bodies are energy, and we’re all anchoring something, and right now the planet, most of it, is anchoring the Metatronic currents and w, it, there’s a few people, just because they happen to have the DNA codes that they are connected with the Kryst and don’t know it, are just, you know, going about their little lives, but anchoring it, you know the the the good currents anyway. But there are I’m, I’m not aware of any other groups that are working at all with the with the Krystic energies as far as the gird works they’re doing. So we go around and we do grid work… and you know very specific grid work. You know, you see these types of diagrams? Well when we go to do like grid works some place, we know what a vortice is, right we know where to go, we know this information, we don’t just go, you know, play like ah planetary guardian like a lot of people do unfortunately. People that are inadvertently anchoring the negative currents and opening gate sites on the you know worm hole codes because they don’t know, cause nobody taught them you know the difference between them.


So anyway we made this, into this, into this cycle and this is good because if we didn’t it would have been all over by, in 2012. But, this, we passed the Kali Hara cycle, we’re in this cycle period right here, right now.  Which um we haven’t come to the center point yet, that’ll be 2027, when we hit this point in the cycle, there are certain energy changes that take place here, certain accretion cycles, that means energy coming in cycles, right? These are accretion cycles where energy pulls in to a certain point, there are certain things that happen each of these stages, so we are right here and this stage is the first stage of the, what’s called the Kali Krysta cycle. This is, what’do they call this one, the Barta phase, and then over here, there’s the ah the Masha phase I believe, and that’s where you get the Mashaya Hana word from, and the word messiah was twisted from that word, The Mashaya Hana word in the ancient Atlantean teachings, that’s an Anahazi word, having to do with, you know, this cycle…

K: Ok and its related, is it related somewhat to Mahayana? Mahabharata?

A: Yes…

K: Yes…

A: very much, in fact some of the, a lot of the Mahabharata texts were some of the remnants that had come up from the (Maharata?) texts that you know were the translations to the CDT plates much earlier. yeah, so anyway, we have till this point when we get over here, that is 2047, I don’t have it marked on this one, but this would be the point in the cycle that would be 2047, and this is where something called an in fold happens. Where, when we go back to remembering the vector line, with the Hara bodies on it right? And at certain points they pull into the center and then come back out again? That is going to occur with the energy systems in, in ah, literally in the parts of this galaxy that can hold the host including earth, including our own fields.

So, right now we’re making it through this part of the cycle. They’re certain changes that will happen here, this is a point, that middle point, during which, something called the Barto chambers open. Now the Barto chambers, um, it, it can be a pleasant thing or it can be a time when people evac the quickest way possible. and we are still looking at the potentiality of there could be major earth changes that occur, during this period, um

K: and that’s the years

A: and this point its like if we get this far… because what’s happening between now and 2012..is is pretty rough and what some of the other ones, like those who make wings, um have planed for 2019 isn’t to be pretty either. So, we’re trying to help keep the grid stable and the consciousness stable. Just by working energy, you know, as-as opposed to trying to go out and preachin’ anything, you know we’re just, we teach what we teach, but, there are some, this is a really bumpy period we’re going through here because of what the service to self ones are doing,  and they are seriously just trying to use this. They’re trying to take our planet, forget about us, they don’t care; they were planning to exterminate us in 2012, and just use it as torque to drag a whole larger system in to feed their black hole. So, when you have an objective like that you really don’t care, they don’t care how many people are lost, but the guardians do and that’s why we’re still here so we’re moving through this period now, We’re probably somewhere right about here… because this would be 2027, There’s some rough spots coming in 2019 and 2022,  and also we are in the middle, not quite the middle, but um in march of ah, I think it was march 25th 2007, there were certain things that a particular group of the raider races called the Borja, that are connected with the Theatens, um they kind of work together, they’re on the negative side. They’re, they’re part of the groups that are fighting over whose going to control this beast machine, this death star merkaba here, um, they did something with the solar gates of  the core of the sun, and they force closed what is called the prana seed.

Now the prana seed has to do with sophisticated anatomy. We all have one and so do planets and galaxies. When a prana seed closes it starts, it forces the Barto, and which means it forces the beginning of the death cycle. And our sun is dying as of that point. That doesn’t mean it’s immediately going to die. There are fifteen layers of the dark matter template called the Rasha body that need to separate from the physical matter body. That will be done in 2022. Now, there is a gamma burst that is released and right now it’s being buffered. Every time one of those, they call em ring waves, solar ring waves, releases, and they will get stronger as it goes into the higher levels of the rings, the higher numbers of those fifteen. And, fifteen comes in 2022. So, um so far so good, we haven’t had any major gamma bursts, you know solar flares that’ve wiped everything out (1:20:00). But these are other potentials that we are looking at as well.

K: Ok

A: as well as Earthquakes and you know the usual stuff that end times dramas bring, oh Gosh, but, it’s not as bad as a lot of the things that some of the other people are teaching. I’ve heard certain people say that oh, we won’t even be here by 2013. Yeah that’s one of the death star people.

K: Uh huh, ok, yeah

A: right…So I’d love to have a public debate about that one mister so and so

K:  yeah, it would be great to do that, I agree

A: We invited that person,

K: Oh really

A: I think you know who I’m referring to,

K: Yes

A: years ago, 

K: I see,

A: Yeah

K: interesting

A: so anyway, this is showing the cycle. There are certain different things that happen in this amazing structure of the planetary, ah solar galactic and uh universal, spirit body and light body structures. Its a very specific process that is involved with Kryst Star evolution which is going into that where you fulfill, the um, where you, fulfill meaning, acreate or bring in all the frequencies in the template that you needed to make that Adashi turnaround, where you can um immortalize your atoms and go into the eternal life, you know, going back cycles and planets and solar systems and galaxies can do that too.

So there’s a portion of this system, this galaxy system that can still do that. With the the extra frequency that is being added, by that host system, that is called the Aquarian matrix. And it’s actually, the Aquarian matrix, is um, they have the prototypes of the, what the humans here were actually, like, designed on. The genetic prototypes were from there. Even though we weren’t directly from the Aquarian system, we’re from M31, and ah and from this particular, um Universe, once, you know the Milky Way once it fell, but they are they are very close. Closely related genetically you know to us in that regard. So they’re not like, when I talk about the he other ones, you don’t have to expect like you know very strange looking beings like you know Octopi. Some some very nice ascended ones do look like that, but, these look very human like, but much much larger.

K: Ok (1:22:04)

A: you know, very very tall. Yeah, anyway so this is the cycle we’re in at the moment. Now, this, this one’s good.  This will show a little bit. This is how these, we can start understanding these as maps.

Here, that’s a pretty colored one. I’m so glad people cared to take my black and white messes, right like these, and you know do them properly on the computer. This again is just showing the bones, or the inter woven Kathara grids. Right, of the Ukatha Rista Body, which is like one cosmic body, right? Now in here, Aquinos Eckasha matrix, we’re down in here. Aquinos is actually the name of M31, that’s the official name as far as the ancient records go and all of that…

K: Ok

A: and ah we are a part of, we-we were the Aquinos, ah you know, universe, they call it, ah universal system. And we call it the ah, the um M31 Andromeda galaxy but it’s actually the Aquinos universe. Now, we’re located down here. Up here is the Aquarian Eckasha matrix. Right up here. So, we’re down here, and they’re up in this section, so its literally showing the relationships like you know ok one lives over here and one lives in you know Pennsylvania, ones in California, right? That kind of thing, and there’s another one, there’s a black hole system a fall system right here that’s called the (Wesolay?) system, and…what’s, what’s interesting about this whole creation is falls can happen, where where part of the spherical structures of that system literally no longer energetically connected to the grid. They still hang in the grid, but they’re cut off from it. They can only happen on the Vecka and the Ecka levels. A whole Eckasha can’t fall. Once you get to the Eckasha layer, none of those other layers can fall. And its just it’s a different type of existence, where you don’t worry about the different polarity dramas that end up in falls and things.

So, but this shows us, where yeah we’re here, um, the ones that are helping us here. this is ah, they call it ah um, its a its an eternal matrix that the purpose they choose to stay in incarnation, or stay in existence, is, to kind of play the helpers, for any of the other systems that do need, you know wants to go in. where They’ve actually, they live by let my will be thy will, as far as source goes, and they want nothing other than to fulfill what, you know, sources intention is, which is a loving intention and you know an assisting attention. So, they find their joy in being of service to assisting the evolutions in you know in the lower matrices and they hold this, these frequencies pure. They – Their systems stay pure enough where they can actually send currents in and help systems or hold them up, so they don’t fall, and that’s what they’re doing, with our system right now.

This little red one right here, that’s our parallel. Our immediate parallel system on this level. And this one is a black hole system. Alright, the parallels of fall. We have a parallel earth and that fell- finally finished falling in 2003. We have a parallel Milky Way, that is a mess, and ah, its called the alpha system. That was the first black hole. They look at us as the Omega system. They’re the beginning, we’re the end. They’re planning to pull the two systems together, using the ah, death star merkaba mechanics.

So this is the locations anyway, of where- who whose on first, we’re here, over here in the Aquinos, that system, the parallel, is running, and here our buddies that are helping us with the Krystal river host, sending us energy to literally stop, you know its kind of like sending big energy arms down to hold us up, because these guys are pulling so much energy out of us, we would have fallen already, this this whole galaxy would have, and then ah up here there’s another system. This system the (Wessa?) system, is connected with this one, they’ve linked through wormholes to the center of their cores, their Ecka cores, and create a structure, ah uh system of um wormhole structures. One of them is (YodeyVodhey??) wormhole structure. And any – thing – any channeling’s and stuff coming from that stuff its coming right out of (Wesohlay?) and that kind of stuff, and that is a fall system. So there’s, the trickery that is going on here is heartbreaking. You know, it it seriously is.

K: Ok can you talk at all about the dimensional aspect of this, because certain of these systems aren’t in certain dimensions…… no?

A: um… because certain of these systems aren’t in certain dimensions…

K: Because,

A: I’m trying to frame that in my mind, with what we know

K: In other words, it seems, well, ok, in, at least in the, what’s out there, we’re talking about four dimensional beings, being, you know, the negative service to self coming in through

A: we’re talking about fifteen dimensional beings being negative some of them too,

K: Oh really, so going up much higher levels

A: Yeah

K: then is currently thought…

A: Oh yeah… 

K: ok because that’s interesting, that your saying

A: Metatron,

K: There’s a back up,

A: Metatron for example, Metatron is an entity, he’s a Rishi entity, fifteen dimensional Rishic identity and that collective fell. But it was still on the Vecka level, alright, when you get up past the Vecka levels, cause fir-, we have our density levels, their inside of a Vecka level. Veckas go in sets of four and at the center is an Ecka, all that stuff is inside of something called an Eckasha level. The Eckasha level can’t fall. But any of the consciousness or the structures below that can.

K: Ok and what levels of density, then, are we going down, from there?

A: 1:27:25 Each set,  of each Vecka, each Kathara Grid lets say, those little structures that you saw, each of those has like four density and implies a fifth density when you cross through the center. Whether you find that Eckasha on the lowest densities in the Veckas or up in the highest in the structures of the Ukatha Rista body where it can’t fall, they, it’s all consistently; there are five densities and fifteen dimensions to each set.

K: Ok

A: they have different types of matter and um different density levels of matter. some are heavier than others, and that kind of thing. So but that – that part is consistent from the smallest all the way up to the largest. It is just the the finest or the refinement of the matter type changes as you go up into the ones that cant fall, there’s a refinement  to the energy and the consciousness there that you don’t find in the one, you know in the lower systems. Even the best of the lower systems. So that, I thinks that how I would answer your question for now…

K: Ok, and if you get the ah the light beings that manifest here, that are really um manifesting, in other words, they really are light beings, what level are they coming from?

A: It depends

K: Could be, anyone one… from what level up

A: There- There’s ah an old saying, that light can deceive, but sound tells the truth. Sound is the vibration, right?

K: Ok

A: the encryption

K: mm hmm

A: Its a feel thing. You can have really beautiful light beings, that are coming in the form of, that are actually FA’s or fallen angelics, that are coming to mess with you. You can have really really ugly ascended ones that are really good. They come from many different levels. We are learning to turn ourselves into light. We are the the things they are teaching us now, we’re learning first bilocation, next is um ah translocation, and then eventually get to do transmigration, but that requires having ah certain things where you actually aren’t trapped by the planetary time cycles anymore.

So, light beings – where do they come from? Well they could come from here, you know, they could come from Venus next door. They could come from the highest levels or the lowest levels. There are light beings that come and visit out of the black hole systems and there are ones that come and visit from the higher levels. So just because it’s a light being, doesn’t mean its good light.

K: Ok

A: They’ve made a distinction. They taught us some very interesting mechanics about the difference of light or radiation signatures, right? There is something called ah Shalaya living light and it’s a very specific configuration. It is created out of three units that form a light unit, and matter forms actually build out of these, right? And there is another type of light that forms through using the, actually the natural light the organic light that comes from first creation, natural creation, organic creation. Is tha, the, the three balls. I don’t have one here but it’s like they call it the Tribeca, where it’s like three. One ball on top and two small ones and that is what the structure of the light unit is. It has the ability, for those – the two little bottom balls, to phase in and out like this, and spark when they do, so it can generate its own quantum. So it’s eternal, right?

There’s another type of light that is not organically occurring. It occurs by bending the natural laws of physics and using the various forms of the death star merkaba, mechanics. And that is called, the ah Shona light field. And it is a dead light field. And it is made of ah they call it the vesica piscis configuration, where it is just two light things together like that – right? Two., And they spin and they spark, but they have to attach to something in order to feed, or they’re finite and their spin actually burns them out until they collapse and fall apart. Which means the matter forms that they’re built on collapse and fall apart. So they’re al- they’re finite light. And, so that is you know light beings. is it a light being made out of a Shona field, or is it a light being made out of an organic Shalaya field. Same thing with orbs. Right?

K: Yes, absolutely

A: you can have positive and negative orbs. I’ve met some very nasty orbs in my day when I was younger. I used to run from them, I was terrified of them. Right cause they would turn into Zetas, right. Yeah

K: Yes

A: the Red ones you had to look out for with the Zetas – yeah I’m not saying all red orbs are zetas, but yeah so its, there’s things that can be used. Just because it’s a phenomena doesn’t mean it’s always good or always negative. Right

K: Sure

A: it – it that’s where learning the sense encryption helps

K: ok that’s, and that’s very valuable

A: yeah

K: for people to hear

A: yeah. Good. Ok, back to where were we? oh we can go through this quicker over here for ancient times. This is showing a close-up of that. This- this isn’t, these aren’t my hand drawn ones, right? Which in certain ways, I can read them better, probably cause I drew them, but, but they’re much prettier when they’re done on the computer. This is showing that same thing, it just happens to be tilted the way drew I it first, right

K: I see

A: that’s that same thing that was at the top before, and this is showing right here where our Vecka system is right? Right here, but this here is pulling it out so you can look at it a little more closely. Instead of just having a natural Kathara grid structure, right which is the the bones that our sphere there would be built on, there’s this tilt, right? The bones are here. The natural Kathara grid, that’s the Aquinos matrix which is, um M31 Andromeda, and this is the Milky Way. Now, We’re still energetically connected through earth. Right to, if if you notice there’s numbers on, these little centers. They’re called Kathara centers. Through number three on the Andromeda, or the M31 grid, and number three earth on this grid, they are connected. That is the link that has been holding the Milky Way. Connected to, ah Andromeda and If the host mission was to try to help ((1:33:11) the milky way evolve back into its natural position, cause if something gets stuck like that, eventually it will fall and be off the grid that’s where it will become finite until it burns out its quantum. So there’s always rescue missions to try to bring something back. Earth has been a place of, and so was Terra, before earth became earth down here, there was a star here called (Ashalay?) and that was actually the host star that the fragments of Terra were put in to begin this solar system down here in density one. That’s described a bit in Voyagers. But this is showing the offset, where, this is the, say this is the north axis of um, of m31, this is Milky Way’s. They’re off tilt with each other and that actually creates distance in space time. A couple million light years. What is it two hundred million? I forget, I used to know. Anyway, but so that’s just showing in these maps.


Now you can see that just a little bit closer when you bring it in just that little part, that shows, those misalignments, where this was the natural structure, and that’s the structure of the M31 Andromeda’s galaxy’s core template, right? And these are twelve. The twelve main stargates, in that universe, by the way. This is our Milky Way system and right here on the number three gate, that is where they are still connected, alright?


These others, there’s and there’s a whole set of these that show the black hole system, its called the Prosaic black hole and it’s a mess. I mean this just, You can see the dynamics of how it works, and the energy twists and stuff, but I’m not going into that on this one, you know on this particular presentation, because ah it takes forever. But this is showing the offset so, and what that translates into is that distance that we’re seeing between M31 galaxy and, and The milky way galaxy, but they are one and that is our home system. And if we are going to ascend out of the Vecka matrices, we have to ascend through there. Anything in this matrix has to go out through where it came in from, because of the encryption that you carry. You will carry the encryption of the gate you came out of, so you need to use them to go back, you know, in the Adashi returns.


K: Ok


A: So anyway, that’s showing some of that. anymore here? Ah… yes this is gives an idea of how this, when you put the probability  ah the Hara bodies, right? That are the that form the probability sets, and if you see, look in here, we had a whole bunch of these, and bless Willa, she, her and Bob type set them all, all the little numbers, so you know which lines. Because this becomes important. We actually use drum codes to bring in very specific frequencies by using the numerical coordinates that go with the specific systems we’re trying to bring the energy in from, to bounce out the ones from the black hole systems that are coming in. I mean it’s quite sophisticated the technologies they’re showing us to use


K: Oh ok, very interesting


A: we’re all learning how to beat on drums, right? If you can’t beat on it, stomp on the ground, right? You’re an energy system, stomp, get the vibration in. But this is showing us the same thing, um, that we were looking at before, where it shows the Ukatha Rista map, right? And we’re over here. But now its showing the probability systems that we’re in. so where our lil Kathara grid is, there’s actually, every one of these has a system that looks just like this, but a smaller one right? And then every one of these inside of that has that. So you have all of these probability systems on each level. And you have what, um, at a certain point you’ll see there’s ones that are the meta-galactic level, and the meta-galactic level is where we’re having issues with the parallel meta galaxy that goes down into the galaxy and the black holes link in the center, and that’s where, our parallel, what’s called our parallel Vecka, um we are in Vecka 5, and they are in Vecka 2, that would be our parallel, they’re at 90 degrees, they’re actually pulling, you know, pulling our system in. so this is just another way of looking at it, but, showing not just the bones, but also showing the many many layers. The wheels within wheels, the spheres within spheres, and these are all probability fields that interact with each other and pass through each other. So there are gate systems between all of these organic ones, and now there’s wormholes that don’t belong there too. So it’s it’s, it’s a really big story.


K: No doubt about it.


A: right? It’s just. Yeah Sometimes I just go. This is just a simple one after you saw just a little bit and like these are very detailed. Like we, we tend to get, I think everyone carries, I think everybody carries ah little magnifying glasses around with them at this point for any of the chart facts that come out at workshops, because all of these are actually numbers that mean something, and words that mean something, right? But you usually need like a micro lens to read it.


But this is showing a close up of the section of that map that we just saw that corresponds to, um to our galaxy, and its showing how these connect, can be translated, these locations can be translated into, like where is the Milky Way core. Ok if we go and find Milky Way on, this is something like, in the science books, right?  The local group of galaxies. We got the Milky Way here, we got M31 up here, right? These are those two that used to be together. This is what science already knows, by you know, studying space the way they study it. This, the the core of Milky Way, they already know, has a black hole in the center of it. The core of Milky Way’s black hole, would be right here. M31 is right here, and we are in this twisted down offset, here. In these spheres. So you can literally find us in the maps, and this is how they, the ones, the Adashi masters they, they, you know they they’re they’re, they will not use words like timeliness and that kind of stuff. They hate that power thing, cause it’s a twist on power. You know, the lord concept, where, oh lord and master, you know I’m so above you. They really just don’t come from there. They are adepts; they are adept at what they do. Yes they have achieved krist star ascension, blah.


Anyway, they, they use these, these are the coordinate maps. And you know how they use them? Once you get to the point where you ascend, you simply visualize it. It runs the encryption through your field, bang zoom you’re gone, you’re they’re. Speed of thought, and that’s what you know, full ascension is.


K: so there’s a purpose behind showing this


A: yes


K: in other words, such that the individuals that see it, can then begin to internalize the maps themselves and


A: yes


K: and then start, because there’s going to be


A: it will help, it will activate, it will bring back their own ancient awareness of this things


K: Activating their memories, yeah?


A: yes, that’s why the the guardians wanted to be able to show


K: Ok


A: that’s why we use tons of graphs every time we have a workshop


K: Ok


A: 1:39: 28 Right? Yeah, but it it helps. I mean it – if you, you can read em’ forever and kind of go, oh, ok I kind of get that, we just tell people don’t worry about it. Just watch the sequence and it often it is the sequence because they’ll show this graph then they’ll show this and they create a wave. You know an activation wave. That If you have the codes that correspond to this in you, if you don’t it wont effect you at all, you’ll say awlll – whatever…right


K: Uh huh, right


A: You will start to; it will help you wake up. To the, you know to the ancient knowledge if you carry it.


K: Ok and is there correspondence in some of the crop circles?


A: yes, they’re both sides


K: yes, ok


A: yeah some of them are very not friendly, and some of them are. I remember we were really thrilled when, we actually, the guardians actually said, that’s ours that was only one…


Unknown: Yeah


A: There was one. It was a number of years ago but we actually have a picture of it on one of the covers of our templar manual thing. Yeah, where is that Milk Hill, on that thing.


Unknown: Milk hill, yeah


A: Yeah… In England. Give me this, oh this is just showing you, we talked about the overlap between our, us and our parallel, ok? We’re back in these maps again; these are called probability maps, when we look at them with just the balls without the bones,


K: And when you’re calling them probabilities, are you saying that that, in other words, that means that certain things could change… within these maps?


A: um,


K: certain areas could…


A: it means that each


K: Activate, certain other places could close down….


A: yes and no. yes, but within a parameter..


K: ok…


A: within a set parameter. After a certain set of things occur, a probability locks in


K: Ok..


A: and then whatever is in that probability must follow through to whatever the natural next point is


K: Ok


A: and that’s what we’ve been stuck in. we’ve actually been stuck in this probability system on for Earth, for ages now… for many, about a hundred thousand years longer than we should have


K: and you’re saying that the probability system here locked in, and that’s why they’re doing a 200 year evac, as what, as you call it


A: um, the probability locked in when the, when the solar core closed, the sun is dying


K: Ok


A: alright, and that is going to start at some point, create, well, red pulse, which is a vapor wave that takes out any life on the planet and, at, when that, when that event happened, that is something you cant go backward from, alright? So you are locked into that probability and then you there…there are are, various versions of what you might see, but certain things are going to happen period, and you cant change them no matter how much you push out and visualize it right? Or no matter how man people you get together to do a world peace meditation.


K: Mm Hmm, Right


A: right? Because we try to do those too right?


K: Yes


A: to help the grid. Yeah, so we did lock into that probability. And you know, in, when the the solar gates thing happened. The fact is that in our system…


K: ok, but id also like to talk about why or how that happened, that the sun did end up in that place,


A: ok


K: locked in, um. But we don’t need, need to digress right here… just for future


A: it’ll probably get me in trouble if I answer that one, fully, but what don’t I always anyway? There’s ah, ah, ah a group of, there are a bunch of different, there’s not just zetas that we’re talking about. The Zetas are the little guys on the block. Don’t even worry about them at this point. Um, there’s a group called the Theatens, and they also run a very popular (Moten?) on the planet. And There’s ah, and another group called the Borja, they are from, um a parallel Ekasha, part of the black hole system, they have been trying to get control of the grids here. Every bodies fighting over tha – the death star Merkaba, cause it’s it’s here and it can be activated, and now


K: So you’re saying that these


A: there’s a bunch of systems that are fighting over this, right? Well they actually tried to activate what’s called the Mica – the Mica Meca complex. The Mica Meca complex is a set. Mica is on parallel earth, and the Meca complex is here and it is set in wormholes that connect in through the Theaten grids, there’s like certain implants here that the Theatens put in. so they actually tried to blast through to activate that, and take it away from the other groups who are…. F.A. groups that are activating it and it it overloaded the sun, the solar core. And that creates a spasm, and when a, when a prana seed spasms, it locks. And when it locks, it cuts the connection to the natural breathing that would happen between it and its dark matter template and that is when Barto starts. And the sun entered its Barto cycle when that occurred.  And it was grid wars, if you want to chalk it up to one thing, grid wars. Again this is stuff that is happening not because nature had it happen or god had it happen. No, this is because people are acting like crazies in this universe. You know they are, they’re just like so far gone in the don’t get it anymore that  you know, we all came from the same place, that we’re supposed to work together peacefully, and, you know this crew just doesn’t get it, the ones dealing with the, these, these particular level of mechanics


K: ok, but are you talking about um, when you say Theatens and other groups, are you talking about off planet beings that have come here? That are here, maybe, are they physically incarnating?


A: Yeah


K: are they taking over bodies, that sort of thing?


A: yes those too


K: Ok, yeah, and then also, what about the ships that we’ve been seeing near the sun. What are they trying to do?


A: depends on which ones they are, I think you have various ones up there.


K: Ok, but is there


A: I just got – ours aren’t up there


K: I mean


A: you just… alright, guardians said they’re not theirs


K: Ok, but if they’re there, in other words, if the sun is a done, you know basically locked into this, then what would be the purpose of having ships there at this time?


A: Ok, I just got, 2012, 2012, 2012. There’s an alignment that’s occurring in 2012, that has to do with the solar core, and whether or not its prana seed is working, the alignment occurs, because it doesn’t involve the Rasha body or the dark matter template, um, they just said it has to do with 2012. I wonder if this has to do with what this workshops about? See every workshop they reveal another level of something, and this time they’re revealing stuff about what they’re calling the ancient arrow sites, um the twelve plus twenty four ancient arrow sites. That the guardians are activating this weekend.


K: ok


A: Yeah, we’ll know about it Monday


K: That brings us in the Wing make- material and we want to address that as well at some point


A: that’s a better point after Monday, because that’s what they’re going to talk about in this workshop and I didn’t know


K: ok well there’s a synchronicity there


A: they hadn’t mentioned it in, since Voyagers was written, and you know I was just like looked at some of the pictures, felt the encryption and was like oh boy, that stuff, ok, pretty but ah, right? No thank you. Um, Yeah some of it’s alright but some of it has that twist to it. But all of the sudden I mean, what do they what is the name of it, I don’t have the thing here, it was a really funny title


Unknow: the (wing knows?)


A: No… they called, they called the workshop, the ah, what is it, the makers of wings and other things?


Unknown: Yeah


K: Ok


Unknown: That was it


A: yeah… and it’s not just about that. And its not the people that are involved with the wing makers, that you know, these people are well meaning people and you know its fascinating and they’re trying to figure out what it is,


K: sure,


A: but it’s the particular group of the ET’s that they’re dealing with, these are a, these are a group of nephilim, alright? They, they’re called the Corteum and they are part what is called ah, the the (Nekromiton Andromey?) hybrid with Jehovian Annunaki. Alright, the Nekromiton Andromey are known as the beetle people. Right? They had a lot to do with ancient Egypt and stuff. Yeah  and scarab worship and things because their home form looks like that. Ah, anyway. Anyway stop. Ok I just got anyway sshhhh.


K: Ok


A: Talk about Wingmakers later.


K: Ok


A: but I don’t want to offend any of the Wingmakers people, I’m sure they mean well, and, but what we didn’t know is, you know so they’re saying, ok we’re going to do Wingmakers so I have to go look up a little bit on it and say what is this stuff anyway. And its, you know – all the sites have the same story and I have about a four second attention span when it comes to stuff I’m really not interested in anyway unless the (guardians?)  tell me I have to read it, and there’s nothing there that said anything accept oh there might be a few other sites, there might be seven and the ah guardians said, uh they’re the seven broken arrows. We’ll call them the ancient arrow sites, all of them. They’re our sites, they were our sites. There are seven of them that have been compromised, but they’re are twelve primary plus twenty four. So, we’re going to learn about what they are in this workshop. Its news to me but I have a feeling they’re connected to the spanner gates. The NavAho gates. I just have a feeling. They’re the one set of gates they haven’t revealed the sites the locations for except for one. The revealed spanner 7


K: so you’re talking about twenty four and that corresponds to the 24 DNA and


A: oh, the twenty four stands of DNA


K: Yeah


A: um they use twelve’s and twenty fours a lot in things like stargate configurations and that kind of thing. Usually there’s primarily twelve and then there’s various other increments of twelve. And we have to find out what the twenty four other sites are so its like


K: ok


A: here we go again. I’m one of the people that really enjoys going to workshops, because I like what I learn, because I don’t know the information before I go. I don’t know if you know this about the presentations


K: No I didn’t


A: I’m lucky if I get an itinerary.


K: Oh


A: I’ve walked into workshops and gone well, you know its the orientation night, hello everybody thank you for being here, ah, its one of those mystery workshops, don’t know what its about yet, don’t even have an itinerary, right?


K: so you get downloads during the workshop


A: all during, yeah


K:  ok and and how do you remember it all


A:  and then I go down and present them, it comes through on a wave and some of it sticks


K: and they record it? 


A: some of it sticks, and diagrams


K: ok


A: diagrams, diagrams many many diagrams


K: Ok, interesting alright, very good


A: yeah but It comes through live, it’s always live


K: ah, ok we’re down to three minutes


A: Again?


K: believe it or not. I don’t know what happened to this hour, but


A: I could probably talk forever,


K: yeah, um ok,


A: what’s what what we found neat about these is the fact that first of all it was in direct response to the techniques that the guardians said to do, and they didn’t let us know the first time, right? Just do these projection techniques and things and it was a big surprise right and then they told us the calling, how to actually call them, and they showed up, again. And they are the intricate ones and that kind of stuff, but it wasn’t just like one person with a camera. This was like a while bunch of different people,. Some of them their first time at a workshop, you know, saying do I want to go to workshops or not, you know


Unknown: Um its ok they’re not, they’re not filming they’re just


A: getting orb pictures and it was just like one of those little gifts


Unknown: we’re filming, we’re filming,


A: you know from the universe kind of thing. You go, Hmm cool, we got orbs, we never looked for orbs….they found us. But now its becoming important because we’re learning a lot more about the, about the orbs and what it means in relation to, um, what needs to be done for 2012,


K: Ok


A: yeah, they’re teaching us to become orb whisperers as they say…and, and its hilarious because like when we’re doing the dancing and drumming circles, you’ll see how people will be like, you know dancing and stuff and there’ll be orbs like dancing up on their fingers and stuff.


K: That’s lovely, yeah


A: Um, this diagram was ah is is a close up of a certain section, of the maps, that we showed you before that plug into the, you know, pictures that science draws of the galaxy and that kind of thing. Its showing our milky way system and the um, and the um, M31 that we’re a part of in our probability set, in our Vecka. And over here is the parallel Vecka and over in this parallel Vecka there is a bunch of- there’s a cluster of fall systems. That is the black hole system called the alpha black hole system. They’ve created as as you can see these, um probability fields – these, balls within balls – overlap each other, right? And in part of their natural configuration, that there is an overlap between them.



Well what the, the alpha system is doing in the parallel universe is using the um metatronic, Atlantean death star Merkaba technology to reverse, if you reverse certain curves using that technology, you can harness ah certain part of the field next to you and drag it in to your system, and that is what they’re trying to do.


This place in in between here, normally they would just be normal pass-throughs, but this one is all convoluted with all sorts of implant structures that are wormhole structures. They refer to this as the dragon’s eye.


The word dragon comes in, actually not because of big winged creatures, but there was a race that got involved with all of this very far back in time called the dragoon. And the dragoon races took sides over which sides of the fallen ones they were gonna side with, and the dragoon races ended up with some of theirs fallen trying to help the others, and then you ended up with ones that wanted them all exterminated, ones that wanted just the one side exterminated, ones that just wanted the other side. The, the dragon races are actually the the the dra, blahhh, dragoon race line, it is a reptilian based race line. Reptilian crossed with, um, what are called (Equary?). An’ Equary are ah ah a group of the ones that originally called (Aquary?), before they fell. The Aquary are from the Aquarian matrix that are the hosters, the ones that are helping here. Some of them incarnated into the fallen matrices to try and assist and a group of them had, this is ancient way like you know a couple billion years ago, um they got um ensnared in one of the fallen angelic dramas and they ended up falling. Meaning they ended up in a fall system and they lost their ascension codes and the distinction with them is they become the Equary, where they use the e instead of the a on the front


K: Huh


A: and they


K: do they have a memory? Will they have a memory of when they weren’t fallen?


A: Um, it depends on the fall honestly, it depends on um, cause the the blank slate technology when this thing does its whole thing it just completely wipes you clean, where you don’t remember anything, you wake up and its like, yeah just born here, what am I? Who am I? Where am I? That kind of thing. Um, there are, be-because that happens when the transition of that fall occurs, cause there is a final point of transition when the death star Merkaba activates and literally rips you apart and drags you into another field and then kind of assembles you in a facsimile on the other side… um there are almost like time capsules, but they leave for themselves so they can re-find the memory and when you re-find it and discover it somewhere else, it puts that memory back in, so they, they will get a facsimile of the memory that that you know,  that they would have had otherwise. But, the fall codes, once the metatronic activations in a in a body have taken place, to where those Merkaba fields have activated to a fifty five spin, a more higher fifty five or higher, there there’s no turning back for the gene code at that point , the consciousness is trapped in that body and the only way out is a hosted Barto, which means when the body does its  natural death thing it would need help, the consciousness, just getting out of that body And it would have to go through a rehabilitation process of that Kali, kali Rema path of step back  and have to come back out and reincarnate into the matrix again, to, you know, to try to get back in the ascension thing, so…


K: Ok, um,  and I’m also going to ask you at some point about, uh, what are, um beings that are like artificial intelligence but they are not ah, they don’t incarnate, they’re um, in essence clones without souls without… you you understand where I’m going with that?


A: I think so…


K: Um, so where, because we understand that the, that the dark side is using a lot of those um, and actually, you know sorry to bring this up but the Wingmaker material talks specifically about a race of, in essence they call them robots which are, you could be calling them androids, whatever, that are actually, were, according to that material were on the way here.


A: Hmm


K: So, at some point id like to address where those beings…


A: they’re already here….


K: yeah


A: first of all, um


K: ok, go ahead


A: If if you had to pick between the two, the Corteum and those guys,


K: yes


A: You’d probably want to pick those guys, not the Corteum,


K: Ok


A: um, both of them like, one is bad as the other, as far their intentions and what they’re up to, but yes there are, there are a lot of different races who have gone in that direction in attempt to preserve their finite life spans.  Where they started with transferring consciousness from and old and dying body, into a new cloned body. Cloned off their own, like, you know just make another copy, but the copies get weirder and changed every time, just like a photocopier copy, copy after copy after copy and eventually you say, what is that? Right, well there are races like that, some of them are already here.


Um, as far as invading, ah, I think they’re watching too much Caprica, but ah, yeah seriously, because, in the beginning that’s how it started you know, before the Galactica series, that’s actually something that is ah, they’re they’re showing some of this drama, in those series on


K: sure


A: On TV, but as far as , we’ve we’ve not been, you know our our team has not been warned about anything like that as far as worrying about that being a problem


K: Ok


A: its like, if it is, its small, compared to the rest of the things that are on the plate right now


K: Ok


A: cause it’s not going to matter much if anybody invades, if it rolls in 2012. Right, the planet, right? It’s not going to matter much then, because that would wipe out life here, its not going to roll though.


K: right


A: It would have if the intervention wasn’t given, like full tilt, roll. I mean


K: I understand. Ok so and we can also talk about that. We can talk about , in other words, what was planned in terms of, are you talking about a pole reversal, are you talking about a pole shift in which it the planet itself would roll, um and


A: crust spin


K: I’m sorry


A: crust spin


K: crust spin, yeah, and that was planned for 2012 apparently, and you’re saying its been stopped…


A: postponed


K: postponed, yeah until 2027 is it? 22 some..


A: no it’s ah 2230


K: 2230


A: Yeah


K: ok, and um then what’s going to happen instead?


A: we’ll talk about that when we get through these pictures


K: Ok, so


A: because these pictures will help understand what we’re walking into in the first place, or what we’re walking around on in the first place, and once we, you know once we understand that, then we can talk about, ok what do you do about that? Especially when they’re trying to activate it and you know make all this stuff it happen in 2012


K: Ok


A: there’s certain things I mean, we have really strange titles to some of our workshops, we’ve got “mirror in the sky” we’ve got “orb fest” here but they all mean something. There are very specialized grid dynamics that we are being taught so we can anchor the frequencies here of the things that are actually creating buffer fields, for some of this, and ah, it its actually the fields that we’re helping the guardians to anchor, and they’d be able to anchor it alone if they were here, but you need an anchoring rod, and that’s what our shield, we call it a shield, the group shield, anchors here the frequencies they send in, and they’re actually giving a counter pull, so there fifty five activation on the Merkaba cant go all the way in 2012. Because if it did, it would spin something called the planetary rods, and we’ll see what they are in a little bit. Um, we have a rod and a staff. Actually we have two rods and a staff. On the planet, and they are key energetic configurations that have to do with vortices and things like that. And they’ve made, the ah, by moving the rods, before, they have, well, they they moved it from like Pangaea to whatever the next stage was, to the next stage, it breaks the crust and it shifts it depending on what ways you pull the rods, and that, but it, you have extinctions and things happen on the surface when they do that. They’re planning to move the rods again in 2012 and we’re, the, not the little people on the ground, we’re just helping the guardians to anchor it, but, the guardians are going to stop that


K: ok


A: temporarily. They can’t prevent it but they can hold it off long enough for, for to when the gates to close. When the gates close, they have to pull their energy out. When they pull their energy out, that merkaba’s gonna activate, you know the metatronic merkaba will, the death star will activate on this planet or what’s left of the planet by then, so, that’s why evacuation can be a good thing


K: ok and that is sparking more questions


A: of course…


K: but I’m going to let you go on…


A: ok, right. You should- anyway, so that was the dragons eye. I just wanted to show you about that – it’s in between our ah our our universe, where where, which is really our, they call it the Meta galaxy; it’s our Meta galaxy, Milky Way and m31, and the parallel. And the parallel is the alpha system that has the black hole systems there that have wormholed their way through into our system. That are trying to pull our system down as quantum food. Ok?


K: Ok great


A: yeah, next one, this is going quick, right?


Unknown: this one is


A: Yeah, it gets into the interesting stuff now, a little closer to home because we kind of started high in structure, right?


K: yes


A: and now we’re working down, alright now, so we went from the galactic level, meta-galactic level, let’s go down to the solar system level. This diagram shows the natural structure of an organic living solar system. Notice, everybody has this little funny shape called it looks like ah, ah star of David or six pointed star, that is a Merkaba star, alright? It implies a Merkaba field. Which would be a three dimensional, you know, star tetrahedronal field around them.


Alright, and there would be, they come in sets of twelve planets. They have specific relationships ratios and sizes in relation to each other and in relation to their center sun. Everyone of them have gates in the center, everyone of them has a central staff of energy that it rotates around, and it has two rods. One coming out, well, the rod comes out this way and the chamber comes out front to back, right? The sun would have the same thing; they all have their north pointing up. And their south pointing down, right?


They each spin on their axis at a reciprocal rate to each other, and their rods and chambers pass through each other and spark. Because, the rods can be very very long energetically, so even know the ah stars and planets may be, you know, long distances apart, the energy fields, that their rods you know are sending, would interface. And when they interface they spark and they generate quantum and there are certain periods in the natural breathing cycle, or expansion and contraction of energy cycle, where there’s these wonderful arches that take place between the sun and the tops of its planets. And then the planets and the bottom of the sun. Its called the solar symbiosis cycle and it’s a natural living structure of a living solar system. And it generates its own quantum and it expands and contracts and in, every, all of the planets would have a Corona sphere, they would look like stars. That doesn’t mean you couldn’t live under the Corona sphere, but from the outside they would look like stars. And that would, that, our our system started out this way after the fall from Terra. There was, it was actually taken, the remnants of Terra were taken back in through that um Kali Rema step back, and re-seeded, brought back out. At, down in density one, as this solar system. So that’s how we did the fall from terra. They actually pulled us back in through the Kali Rema path and pulled us, re-birthed this system back out. And it was re-birthed back out in this natural configuration. So that is a natural solar system and that’s what we used to be.


Next one, in a natural solar system. Sorry. This is just showing, for instance, with each planet, the natural solar system you’d have the solar rod, right? And this one would have, it’s not shown on this diagram, but you’d have the rod of the planet and they would exchange energy together. And there would be energy arching through the planet and there would be energy arching up and down here. There’s another diagram that shows it a lil better. But, this would be, every bodies, notice the north axis would be the same. There wouldn’t be an ecliptic, because the north axis on both planets and sun would be pointing up in the same direction. That means, now there’s something called the planetary shield that it’s an invisible ah, platform of energy that ah- deflection field that actually forms from the planet spinning and its part of the actual Merkabic structure, and it goes horizontal to whatever the vertical is. So you would have this one, horizontal, it would be the same horizontal as this one, where they would just be spinning in the same plane. That allows for the natural energy circulation and exchange that’s supposed to take place in the living system. Um, I don’t know if you’ve, probably looked at places ah ah like um the scientific representation of our system, doesn’t look anything like that, you know, I think its Uranus is on its side, where it literally rotates on its side…


Now, when it’s a living system, this would be the natural organic electromagnetic energy flow around a planet. This is called the YanYun flow and we have half a book I think dedicated to these. The Kathara 2-3 manual deals with these heavily and it shows the formation of them, what they do. You know these are the natural ah ah electromagnetic flows of a living breathing system that has the capacity to – through its core – interact with other living breathing systems around it. Its part of the natural structure. Now, this looks nothing like the electromagnetic fields we have around our planet right now. Our magnetosphere and all those things, alright? There’s a reason and ill, we’ll see that in a minute.


When a planets doing what its supposed to and a solar systems doing what its supposed to, it goes through periods where it actually, the whole system will disappear because the two um, Hara, Hara bodies that its vector is, you know its it’s manifesting with it, will pull into the center, recharge, and come back out again. When they recharge, the planets and the whole solar system will, go into this configuration of light body spirit body structure. Its called the chariot of fire, and, its literally part of the ascension vehicle. It’s not the whole thing but that’s showing some of the dynamics involved in it.


Now we used to be an ascension system. Notice in the chariot of fire, there is that Merkabic structure again. Now this is just a simple, um Merkaba structure, its bi-vecka which means it has one cone going down and one cone coming up, there’s mush more complex structures. But this would be the natural kind of thing that if this was a living breathing system, and same with the galaxy, the galaxy would have the same type of interaction. The galaxy does not have every, you know its galactic plane is tilted, things are tilted all over the place in the galactic plane, and our solar system is in the same position.


The natural ones have these configurations. The Flat plane, the solar symbiosis arches, you know, with the breathing between them, the ability to go into chariot of fire state. These, this little diagram here that’s on the Kathara grid shape, right that core template shape, it has, at 45 degrees it has two of its, ah, petals we call this the lotus, right? These are lotus flows, they’re core flows, and they allow for, actually movement of, on these flows you have series of spheres actually and it allows for the movement of the spheres so they spark, they generate quantum and then they open up again. So it’s a self generating system, it’s a perpetual motion continually living system.


Alright, here again are the YanYun flows, the natural ones, the natural Merkabic structure with the straight shield deflection shield and natural Merkaba, so that’s what it’s supposed to look like.


And, lets go back to the solar system level, this is, this is, this is a bit messy because I never had this one type set, but, at the moment, this is our solar system..


Unknown: Not straight


A: in the center there, you have the inter planets, right? We’ll look at earth in a minute as far as how its sitting in its solar plane that gives us the elliptic and all of that. This is the orange cloud that is, you know out in space and around our system.


What should have been Nibiru, our twelfth planet, not our tenth, it was our twelfth planet, I believe Sheeron was our eleventh and then Pluto and then where the asteroid belt is there was another one called Malduck and that exploded, so, this is a mess. This solar plane is twisted here where you have ah Pluto’s orbit, right? That’s already gone whacky out this way. Then you have Nibiru that actually comes in, I forget, I have the date somewhere, every three thousand thirty six hundred something like that, ah, years. On the other end of it, there’s another, it’s an artificial body that was actually created by squashing together fragments of of planetoids and things and partially pieces of the moon as well. This one is called wormwood and it was meant to counter balance the orbit of this and they go in and out of the density two I think Sirius system. I think that’s where they said it was. I have it written down I haven’t done the Nibiru stuff in a long time, but it its literally a cycling machine that was the their watchtowers here and it wasn’t just so they could come in and watch us, every three thousand years, or you know seed new information, it was to counter balance this one. On this one we have over here, what is the names on here,  I haven’t looked at these in ages… the Matraya moon, and up here I believe was the clarion. These were other bodies taken from elsewhere to create this… they’ve literally this. These are beings that are moving planets. They’re moving stars. God, we’re worried about little grays?


Seriously, I mean at this point, whatever you go ahead abduct me, you know? You’ll be sorry. You know ill fight back this time. No, I’m just kidding, but anyway, it, the thought of, the scale of what is going on here, this is not natural. We don’t see this one yet. It was due to come back in, actually, not Nibiru, Nibiru’s not due for, I forget its like a couple thousand years still, but, wormwood was going to be coming back in. Fortunately, wormwood, in 2003, became wormwoods because it was shattered. It was down, it was going into the orbit of parallel earth at the time, cause they parallel earth is connected in here the orbits of that we’ll see later in other stuff. Um, but it it was at least shattered, but it is still a massive um, ah asteroid belt, or not belt but mess, and it still potentially can come back in. if it does, it creates total havoc when it comes in. They, these orbits come in, I believe its between ah Mars, Mars Mars and Jupiter, I think is where they they pass up and it causes a bit of havoc on the system. When full rip is allowed, when they come in at a certain level of density, because there’s a way they play with the dimensions here where they can bring them in without totally tipping the system. Without, you know, totally wiping out the solar system, that’s why they’ve been able to do this cycle before. But, when the full gates are open, and they allow this in a stellar activation cycle, where they’re activating the 55 merkaba, it will actually, the these will be used to flip the whole plane and drag it in. and that’s, they’re literally ah, I don’t know what kind of game you would call this, but they’re literally using very advanced physics.


K: So are you saying that they’re all artificial bodies? Are you saying that Nibiru or wormwood…


A: No, that was one of the natural planets or stars


K: that was natural, ok


A: Yeah, one of them was earth


K: What about wormwood?


A: No, that was created. I think part of it were pieces of the moon and something else. I remember, they told us about that awhile ago. And the moon is not a normal body either. That’s artificially created as well.


K: yes


A: And it because it keeps certain things at certain spin rates, that they have to keep in order to keep the vortice connections to the wormholes and that’s why this whole thing is n…, that why our whole solar system is a mess, because they were creating wormholes…


K: Ok, what about a brown dwarf? Is there a brown dwarf in there?


A: possibly, I know there’s ah white dwarfs, like Sirius B, um brown dwarf, it its possible I would have to ask them.


K: ok so the other axis that you got there, um, there are two other planetary bodies


A: yup


K: what are they called?


A: This one they call the Matraya, moon,


K: Ok


A: And I, it was like a long time ago, a number of years ago that they gave this particular information, so its probably somewhere back, either like in the writings or or on the videos where they explain, you know is Matraya, you know, where’d that come from? Cause some of this stuff they actually dragged in from the parallel system, to, you know to counter balance it. Clarion, this one up here, was, no, was related to it, I think it was a piece of the other one that’s, ah what was that, there’s clarion and there’s the other one that was a normal part of here, Sheeron. Aright so you have clarion up here that I think was a piece of Sheeron. Sheeron used to be, um, one of the normal um ones, and I think it was, you had Nibiru, Sheeron, it was eleven, Sheeron used to be eleven but what’s called Sheeron now, got stuffed down here, part of it got broken off, became Clarion, thing that they’re using up here, and you have one of these controlled by the weeso – (Weesa Dec’s?) black hole system which was the (Weesa?) matrix that I pointed out on those maps? You have (Weesa Dec’s?) and (Weesa Drac’s?) and they don’t like each other. They’re fighting. You have the Annunaki and the (Amacron?) Draconians. They don’t like each other, and they’re both fighting. Then you have Weesa Drac’s that like the Draconians and you have the Weesa Dec’s that like the Annunaki. I mean it’s hilarious. It, It’s sad its really just sad. But there are a whole bunch of groups on each side of this polarity drama. Then you have the Krystics sitting in the middle going oh boy, you know?


They’re not fighting with anybody but, there, what do you do when everybody’s hell bent on destroying each other? Because that’s just what’s been happening down here for eons. So anyway, this is what our solar system looks like up here, this artificial it’s like a wobbling orbit. It’s not just our planet that wobbles. We, there’s actually a wobble created in the solar plane itself, it’s actually taken the solar plane, where it doesn’t sit flat in the galactic plane anymore. I think it’s around a 45 degree tilt to the, you know to the galactic plane. And it also created this thing here that threw the core and especially in the closer to the core planets like earth and the sun, it has harnessed how fast things spin, which means its harnessed the time pulse, so it could – through this device, they have been able to progressively get control over how fast things spin so they can synchronize the spins of things over here with the things that they’re trying to merge them with on the parallel side. It’s a bizarre and fascinating and horrifically morbid technology this death star technology.


Now, what that creates on a planetary level, when we look at our poor little earth sitting in the middle of this, and its not just that this has happened on the solar level, they’ve also put the same type of mechanisms in the planetary core and in the star gate systems here, to create the same effect to plug our planet into that whole system. They’ve done it on the other planets too, the ones that don’t have, anything that has its axis that’s not tilted the same as the sun, is either in its normal place and the sun got tilted, which is part of the case here, or its not in its right place, cause they should all be sitting on a natural, you know vertical and horizontal plane with each other.


This is what we have right now and like the science tells us this is normal and this is natural, you know, well our planets’ tilted about 23.5 degrees, and it does this cycle called the procession of the equinoxes, and you know


K: Right 



A: we’ve got the ecliptic shield you know, that cuts through, you know the sun shield is here and ours you know comes here. This is totally twisted, this, our our our planet is tilted it’s it this messes up its entire system. Its not just tilted. When, this one here shows at least a relatively normal looking Kathara grid inside, there’s a whole set of un – unsacred? Not sacred geometries that go with the death star Merkaba stuff. It has to do with the shapes of the flows. Where before we had the, I talked about those ah the arms that you know… petals that stood out like this and they’re 45 degree angles and they phase and spark and generate quantum, right? There’s another on that has them pulled down like this, where they look much more like a flower. We call it the daisy of death, or the bloom of doom, but they’re phase locked, where they can’t phase and that means they can’t generate quantum. It means it’s a planet that is dying because it can’t breathe. And that’s one of the things and it constricts the Kathara grid at the center. It (____ ?) something. I think we have one that shows that.  What that also does, is create a bulge at the equator, where it squashes the natural spherical shape down. Hello to earth.


K: Is there also ah, is there also a correlation with the cross. In other words, the actual symbol of the cross reflecting what is in essence this frozen inability to generate, yeah


A: yes, yes and and even more. That has to do with the mutation of natural Shalaya light units, into, forcing them into the vesica piscis dead light unit configurations, the sign of the cross 


K: Interesting, yeah


A: The original cross has the perfectly equal, and it’s called the (Rueshay?), and it has perfectly equal. I think the Celtic cross is the closest you get these days as far as symbology.


K: and it fits inside a circle


A: Yeah


K: in other words, cause then you know it’s


A: Yeah I don’t have mine on, anyone have one on? Its one of our sacred symbols.


So, this is right now we have, this is all part, part of the mechanics of the ah death star Merkaba…ah technologies, we have the un natural procession of the equinoxes, this is called the sexton shield. It’s actually the, it’s a distortion shield of energy that keeps those vortices spinning at their you know tilted angle. It keeps us aligned with, we we flip between being aligned with Polaris, which we are in that phase now, and flipping back ah into alignment with Vega. And we just keep cycling back and forth and we’re all going back and forth in the procession of the equinoxes, and they’re not normal. There, they just released in, when was Ireland, November last year? They just released, October? Yeah, They just released some fascinating things about the old pagan rights and stuff and what, what this actually has done in its relationship with parallel earth, this was done for a reason and the cycles of the equinoxes and the solstices have to do with alignments between parallel earth  and here and between parallel earth and the center of the milky way galaxy, the black hole there and that’s what were looking at coming up on in 2012, and that’s why 2012 was you know the Mayans got the word it was going to be the end of times and those kind of thing because of the dark road. Yeah the dark road alright.


So, these things, these configurations that we’re seeing, the sexton shield is not the natural clock or or shield that…that the natural spin ration that you would have for the planet on its axis. They actually have been accelerating time for the last thirteen thousand years, to make it faster so it would catch up with the ah parallel anti particle universe so they could merge them. And it means our days have gotten shorter, our spin has gotten faster, as far as on the planet and that kind of thing.


There’s other aspects to this that are created by this technology and all of these go together, right? Like when you see one it implies the others.


This is our poison apple. This is the net field, ok? Now part of the poison apple isn’t shown here, ill show that on this one, but um this is literally a containment net. It is ah (Ashona?) which means that made up by Vecka units instead of light units. A containment harness and this is what the um the death star Merkaba actually creates around a planet a system or a body. When you work those Merkaba mechanics, this is what you’re creating, its a torsion field that turn… constantly circles energy in on itself, but it does not have a connection to anything outside of itself, except of what it can feed off at its center, from its core.


And this is, there are there are three levels of this that actually move in earths atmosphere, and they literally control, one of them runs through like the magnetosphere area and actually there’s three others down from that so there’s really four, four major layers of this. It controls, it reminds me of that old thing, we control the vertical, we control the horizontal remember that show that used to say that? I think outer limits or something used to say that on TV? Well its kind of like, yeah, they they pretty much do, all of these net systems are plugged into things like the HAARP machine and ah, I’m sure the hadron collider has something to do with activating all of these too. I heard that they just had their first good test yesterday or something? Yeah? This week? Good timing, why not.


Unknown: Full activation..


A: Full activation, yeah. So these net fields are responsible for literally wiping out the DNA. Science has already figured out that DNA is sensitive to a couple of things. It’s sensitive to radiation, it could destroy DNA. It’s sensitive to magnetism, electromagnetism. You mess with the magnetic fields, you mess with the DNA. That, just like its blocking the natural currents and flows that would normally come into the planet, it does the same thing to the biology’s on this planet. This is why we have no memory. It’s wiped it right out of the DNA. It’s actually still in there, it’s in junk DNA, it’s in pieces, that’s what were working with the technologies that the guardians give to re-assemble.


K: I see


A: and it does it to controlling the epigenetic overlay. Which is the chemical sheath that science is just learning, actually triggers, what how genes will behave in the DNA, alright? So it’s the culmination of both. But this is why we have no memory of our race memory or any of that. And this is what is holding the mutation in the body. Right now our own bio fields and the biofields of the life forms on the planet carry all of these same mutations. We carry these, we carry the wobbling vortices, we carry the phase locked, you know bloom of doom – in their flows in and of that and if we are gonna ever get out of here, while we have time left with the gates are open.  It’s amazing the gates are even open or even still usable after all of this, but we need to reverse mutate our bodies, and we have been working for ten years with that.


We’ve worked through the light body layers we worked through the spirit body layers now were into something called the (AhGee?) body layers that they’re kind of, the AhGee body is interesting its ah ah a combination between the the spirit body and the light body and the atomic body, that once you master that, it allows you to actually do the transfiguration and turn into light. The the first stage of that is called glide – where you’ll learn to bi-locate, where you put yourself into orb and you go elsewhere and bi-locate and then come back. But you still have, leave a body here. The second stage, is what we’re working on now, is um called translocation where you get to the point where you can do a certain level of transfiguration of a certain quantum of your atoms into light temporarily so you can go visit elsewhere and take your body with you but you’ll still be keyed to the space time imprint or encryption of this planet until a certain other thing happens, right?


So that’s the, that’s called a slide, slide one. The third thing is called slide two or span. That’s called um where you learn how to ah trans ah not just translocate where your going to visit and then come back, but transmigrate where you actually can be free and you do not have to come back here, you do not have to incarnate back here. That has to do with releasing something called the (Vabodi?) cell that is the donated quantum from the egg and sperm of your parents that was not your spirit body encryption. That has to be released, before you can be freed from the space time location in which those two things came together. It gets released as, what’s called Vabodi dust, right? So, there’s this whole process, anyway, involved with it.


While we have this going on, we are literally, the planet is keeping us mutated because the visitors are keeping the planet mutated and at this point, good luck fixing the planet because, look at the solar system, look at the galaxy. This problem is going on all the way up into the galax- galactic level and there’s a certain point where the quantum that is going down is larger than the quantum that can pull it back and that is what’s occurring and that’s why there’s 200 years left on the gates.  As far as two hundred years earth time from where we are, sorry


K: ok but isn’t, isn’t it true that the planet is a being


A: yes


K: and also is going to be able to escape this


A: it chose the path of Kali Rema, which is the step back path alright? Instead of the path of fall


K: so it’s going to implode and, and then re-emerge


A: yeah, it will go back into that that middle density that happens to be called the (Edons?), out here the the density – remember when we, ah I don’t have one really, yeah I do, on this graph, let me get my stickies off there, right? When we have the um the Hara bodies, right? And we had the the core the inner, the middle and the outer domains, they each have names. This outer domain area where we are now, where we’re experiencing the Kali Yuga, um that is called a radon, right? And this one is called an (Edon), and then this one, the inner one is called an (Adon) and ah the core is called, what is it called again? I can’t even remember its been so long since I taught this, it’s the core. Leave it at the core. But anyway, you got the dons, right? So this is the garden of Edon, right? it’s the step back to where it is innocent and pure, when you do the step back, it clears anything off your encryption that didn’t belong there in the first place and its literally, its passing, they call it passing through the ring of fire. In order to get back into the purity and then you get to come back out again and try again. Or at least you get to try again.


K: Ok, um but I also have a question as…where is Terra in this equation, because


A: Ok, alright well part of Terra was, is, what we’re sitting on. This solar system is part of Terra. The other part of Terra is um when we look up in the sky and see Alcyone. The Star Alcyone in the Pleiades cluster. Alright? That is the remnant of what, what Terra was. So if you take Alcyone and take the quantum of this solar system here, minus the few pi-bits that didn’t belong here that weren’t from here, and you put all that quantum together, you would have had Terra. And density two.


K: Ok but, but my understanding was there was going to be that – that once there is an ascension group, that’s going to leave here and go to Terra.


A: That was before the (Brisdon?) project failed.


K: Oh


A: That failed in 2003


K: I see


A: so at this point, the Voyagers books, we have, you would not believe what we have been moving through. Since that. We’re on mission upgrade 44…45? Yeah, I have a list of them somewhere, yeah where they at, yeah just cause it gets amusing to look at. Right where you just say, oh my god, there’s been that many mission upgrades. First there was the attempt to salvage this was all the stuff they were trying to do before the thing that happened with the sun. Once that happened, there-there’s nothing that can be done at that point. But, we still have ascension, but it’s like the fly by the seat of your pants. Keep these gates open and you got two hundred years to get anything that’s going up out of here. And that’s what happening at this point. So Voyagers was written ten years ago.


K: Yes


A: You know, yeah a lot has happened


K: Ah well, ok so but, ah, the… ha ok. Um, my minds going too many places at once here, ah, but if they’re not going to Terra and maybe you’re getting to this, then we, where are they going? And, are they going back to Alcyone, or jumping where, or is that, you know they’re making up their minds


A: They’re going home-home. There’s a few steps to get there, M31


K: O-k


A: Andromeda galaxy


K: Oh, alright


A: that’s where we’re aiming back. But there’s a few steps in between


K: ok


A: the first set of steps has to do with something simply called higher earth. We’re in the lower earth planes, they’re a set of planes that are still in predicaments, they’re still connected to this mess that we’ve been looking at but they’re in much better shape, they’re not under the net. And that’s the first stage, where we go to higher earth. Then there’s a level beyond that, that’s still part of the earth planes quantum that is called median earth. Then we go back to remembering when they were telling us about the history of how they seeded the-the amenti rescue mission in and created the solar system. There was a host star here that earth, amenti earth, had been seeded into. And that was called Ashalay. So that will be the next stage. And from Ashalay, we’ll move through um, ah there’s another layer that has to do with the level of energy called the (Iradonis?) layer that we don’t really have to get into cause it gets really complicated as far as different types of energy. But, it’s another set in between before we get to Eartha in M31. But that is where we’re going. And from there, that’s where originally the encryption here emerged from. From there you can go where you want basically. But it’s a process of getting of of re-evolving back to where we can do full krist star. You know evolution on our own, because right now we’re being hosted you know where-we we’ve been given frequency just to support us in the process until we can hold that frequency ourselves. So Terra was where we were aiming until the Brisdon project failed and at this point in this system, since, since those books were written, there were, um intergalactic wars that were taking place here that involved what was called the Ecka, and the Ecka is, if you remember the the maps that showed one Kathara grid and then four of them together with the thing at the center, right? The thing at the center is the Ecka. That’s a little kathara grid and that’s like the, they call it the well for earth that would be like the inner earth would be there and that kind of thing. It wouldn’t be in here, its actually up there. Its like a high level. That actually fell, in one of these wars. Eckas can fall. The Eckasha above it cant, but the Ecka did.


K: but, what happened to the begin- the beings that were there?


A: um they’ve gone into various places. There’s some of them are in the state of here. They’re doing evac this whole system; Vecka system is actually being evacuated. So going vertically, the usual way, wasn’t an option anymore. That’s why they had to take us from just going into harmonic Merkaba states or harmonic ascension states into transharmonic, where we could actually go through and in to, into the um, like the Edon domain, there’s a space between the Raydon and Edon, its called the aurora continuum. You have to have a transharmonic Merkaba ability to be able to go through there and then come back out again someplace else. So that is the technologies they’re teaching us because vertical is not an option anymore, unless you want to end up in one of the wormhole sets going um into the fall. So it’s been a really rough trip since the books were written, actually. But, ah, we’re all still standing and you now guardians are still giving us information, so. Rather leave on a happier note though


K: Ok, um


A: before we do a break


K: that’s ok, well we, lets, yeah let’s keep going


A: There’s not much up here. Ok, as far as the poison apple fields go, this one shows the shape better, right? You have that net field around it but see that little shape right there? Looks like an apple?


K: yes


A: that’s the shape of our magnetic fields, the basic shape of our magnetic fields; even know there’s flux all over


K: there’s a crop circle that looks like that


A: lovely, hi Metatron, alright. This thing here, right a lot of people using that as their logo these days, right? Yeah


K: and that


A: that is the phased locked


K: Ah


A: arcs that can’t phase, with the constricted, if you look, you can look at this more closely if you want to you can see the difference. There’s two Kathara grids there. One the artificial tree of life which has taken the natural proportions and pulling them in where it actually squeezes it and that changes the shape of the sphere and gives you a bulge at the equator like our planet has because that is what’s, that is the configuration our plant is, has in light body right now


K: interesting


A: and this is also connected to something called Metatrons cube and something called the Fibonacci spiral, Fibonacci spiral


K: and what is this – this center bit right there in this


A: see that… (Undeterminable / speaking low)


Unknown: The dark


K: the dark, is that a black hole or


A: Um no that’s just, that is another one of their twisted, ah like-these we call them Kathara centers, but we know that on our grids these are actually stargates, right? Right you take this down into the planet and that’s where you got stargates connections, have stargate connections. Alright and these are twisted ones, so these would line up with the stargates that interfaced with the amenti gates, to harness the amenti gates, that – that’s just one of them here. But if you look at that its,  if if you look at the teachings, of, that goes with that logo, um, you’ll be amazed to see how it fits in re- when it sits next to what eternal life creation is. All of the shapes that they’ve shown us, they’ve shown us how they fit together, what the processes are, that they work from. They don’t just say, here there’s a that, you know. That’s a sacred. Why is it a sacred? It does what… right?


They’ve shown how the pieces fit together, what the processes are, and then they’ve shown how those things – what they do to that structure. And so, anyway, this is, there’s all sorts of pieces that show… we’ve had to do this because this is what is taking down the planet. These dynamics and people now practicing them. Again, just like in Atlantis, it’s like Atlantis rising again. It really is. The same, how did we get into this predicament?


K: very much so


A: look around you, same way


K: yeah, yeah


A: gullibility, on a certain you know a certain level. Where, oh sure ill try that, right. Not wanting to hear it. If somebody’s trying to say ah maybe you want to think about that first. How, the the same way that right now you have a whole new age movement that was supposed to be a movement of enlightenment and everybody loving each other, to being a bunch of back biting people practicing anti-Krystic Merkaba mechanics that are harming themselves and harming the planet. How did that happen? You know. Same question for Atlantis, how did that happen?


K: But there’s also the misuse of crystals, ah, that id love you to talk about a little bit at some point if you are willing


A: There’s all sorts of really strange things being done with crystals. I think id probably rather get through those- this stuff and that that’s kinda like


K: yes, I mean we can have


A: that’s kind of like orbs; you know crystals, orbs, tarot cards. No, I like tarot cards, id like to design a deck actually. They’re really good for just letting spirit comment to you, give you waking dream material back to you, yeah. Now crystals are another subject and we do take them very seriously, they’re very powerful beings actually and they can be used in terrible ways, and right now, speaking… yeah speaking of crystals, it was really funny because right around, I think it was about 2002, the guardians um were starting to teach us about the Nibiru-notic crystal bases that are here. They’re subterranean crystal installments that were planted here and actually seeded from Nibiru, and used to create, literally spike the grids, to receive Nibiruan frequency and to receive wormhole frequencies and that kind of thing.


Not all of the crystals in the world, under our world are like that, but some are. Right when um we were being given this information, this lady appears in one of the workshops and she goes, I’ve seen them – I went there, and she brought photos and it blew my mind. Look at this


K: Oh wonderful, yeah


A: this is Leela, she actually was one of the few that got to go down there cause she knew the scientist


K: Is that like, I think they’re in Mexico


A: yeah its Chihuahua, yeah and there’s many others like that actually on the planet


K: Ok


A: but these are one, this one was seeded, it’s a Nibiruan cluster


K: Oh


A: actually, yeah so


K: but what happens to the people that go inside there though, it must be pretty intense,


A: well, if they don’t die from the heat, right? It’s like 107 degrees


Unknown: Its 150, 150 degrees…


A: yeah, yeah its really bad. Frequency wise, well they were, you could do interesting things with those. Now they’re not so bad because the guardians have worked in a way that has recalibrated them, because there’s been a whole bunch of deals and treaties going on, because the ones that that broke the original ah treaty of Altair that was set, that was talked about in in the Voyagers book, ah they found that they lost that round and the other ones were going to take them over and take over their grids. So a bunch of them handed them handed their grids back over to us and kind of – we’ll be nice now. Right?


It kind of comes down to a split between the Annunaki and the Drac’s, right? And the Drac’s you have (Ambercon?) Draconian, you have um there’s there’s  (Odetaton?) reptilians, and a bunch of others. And then on the Annunaki side you have the Thothian Annunaki and, which are like the snake people, and you have the ah the ah Jehovian Annunaki and a number of others and then you have the Weesa’s, taking sides. You have the Wessa Drac’s, Wessa Decs,


K: and what about the Sirian Annunaki, where do they fit in?


A: they have, they can come both Jehovian, there’s some Jehovian ones,   


K: oh, ok


A: and then like Nibiruan ones are primarily Thothian, but not all. Annunaki tend to hang together. And then the really fancy Annunaki gene code are the Enochians. Alright? Where they took both Annunaki groups and created a master race, right, gene line, so the Enochian Annunaki. Yeah, They’re usually high illuminati guys. Yeah, running around with 33 degree pluses and things. You know. But hey it’s cool, you know takes a village


K: ok, ah yeah well we could get into more detail on that but um, I guess lets ah lets move on. Should we take a break now, or do you want to


Unknown: it’s up to you


K: go up to the end


A: yeah why don’t we take a break?


K: ok


A: cause I’ve, I’ve hit that spot where we get into the planes of earth, which gets fascinating, because this is where we get into the spherical maps and the vertical maps going up and down from the core up into the atmosphere


K: ok


A: and we start finding out where we’re going to learn to orb to and eventually where that space is going to become physically solid as well as this space so we’ll be able to move through and that’s what our teachings are teaching us how to do, go home, yeah.









Project Camelot Interview of A’shayana Deane by Kerry Cassidy


Sarasota, Florida May 2010



K: Hi I’m Kerry Cassidy from Project Camelot and I’m very pleased to be here with A’shayana Deane, ah and basically I think I’m going to let you do your own introduction as to who you are and some of your background.  You know it’s interesting to hear you talk about yourself, just briefly, cause we’re going to be talking about the material most of the time. So for example, um I would say that you are the author of the Voyager books. Part of the appeal is for people to kind of get your personality,


A: Right


K: and if you get a question that you are not quite prepared for, your personality will start to show.


A: well its showing, what do you do with that, I don’t know how to describe myself, you can describe me…


K: and and its very, no and and and its very delightful so um I don’t think you have anything to worry about, so but at any rate, you want to say you’re, you’ve come here to teach about accession


A: Yes


K: would that be accurate?


A: Yes, that would be very accurate


K: At this time on the planet, and ah


A: Yes, yeah right. And I-I’m know as speaker one in the Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order, and that was a commission that was given to me, and the other two speakers, there are three of us, are are present in the room, with us so… 


K: Ok you’re an American Citizen


A: yes


K: In this life,


A: Yes


K: Ok, and where did you grow up, in what state? Would would that be ok?


A: well I was born in Pennsylvania,


K: ok


A: and I was raised in Pennsylvania, and um New York and then moved to New Jersey and then moved to Florida, and then to England and then to Arizona and then to Colorado and then back to Florida


K: Ok so you’ve been around


A: Yes


K: Ok great


A: yes, actually following spiritual guidance, we were asked to move, once it was past the, you know the childhood and adolescent times, the the moves were following what I was ah, advised to do by the guardian alliance


K: Ok wonderful and you are in touch with what you call the guardian alliance


A: that’s what they call themselves


K: Ok


A: yes,


K: And, ah, do you consider yourself ah a chaneler, because I I’m aware of what it is you do but I’m going to ask you questions that are may seem wrong, ok


A: feel free


K: and, and so at at that point you can correct me and it’s totally fine


A: It’s not channeling, in fact we teach against channeling because it’s dangerous. It is a process of electronic data streaming that it’s quite sophisticated but it doesn’t work like channeling, channeling involves literally another um entity coming in and sharing a body with you and that is not permitted in our teachings because it can actually damage your DNA. This is an electronic data streaming called keylontic transmission and it is literally electronic data streaming but inter-dimensionally as opposed to simply you know on the horizontal like we do it here and that is the way the that the guardian alliance communicates with me and has since childhood but they have also in in my ah younger years I had both negative abductions with negative groups of visitors and it was the guardian alliance that actually rescued me from those situations and I Iv’e learned a lot about why I had the experiences it had to do with the contract I came in with, but it takes most people quite a few years to wake up and realize what they came in to do, what they birthed in to do, and ah that was why I i had the issues with the um, with Zetas and things like that when I was in my younger years.


By the time I was 12 the guardians had begun teaching me for the commission that I later learned what it was for speaker one for the Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order and ah, its, once once that became clear, the experiences weren’t frightening.  Before they were frightening. The, you know abduction experiences and uh the ones with the guardians weren’t though they were very different they didn’t involve little grays’ and they didn’t involve uh, spaceships. They involved literal teleportation through Merkaba vehicle and those kind of things so it’s been a colorful way of, of to get to the point where I am here teaching the material that I’m teaching, it has been very interesting and colorful. In the first few years um I was required to speak about that a lot that’s why I don’t like to speak about myself anymore, I’m honestly board with the subject of me.


K: Sure


A: right because the first few years that we went public with the books and everything it was all about me and my story, and I’m tired of my story, its out there go read it if you want to… but you know, this is the interesting stuff, the information we’re teaching so


K: I totally honor the fact that you’ve told your story many times and and it is out there and so I do encourage people to ah to go out and investigate ah, her background, to watch other audio and video presentations she’s done because their excellent and I have watched a few of them and I’d love to watch more and she’s an excellent speaker and and so I do encourage you to investigate if you’re watching this. Um, so what id like to do from here is really get into what the agenda is of what we call, ah,  the service to self or negative oriented ET’s, visitors, um what have you and and then if you could talk about that and then if you could also talk about what the positive side, ah service to others is doing, what their objective is in being in contact with us here and so on, so that’s where we want to go


A: Ok, do we have to take the short road or can we take the more interesting road


K: Let’s take the interesting rd…


A: ok, because the interesting road, by the time we get to answering that question, will make a lot more sense and the interesting road does have to do with some of the other questions. When I had, you know, we had asked you – you know just give us a few questions or something that you’re planning to ask you had listed a couple things like you know ah ascension mechanics, ah you know the the human race and where its going and this kind of thing. Um…there is a way to explain this that we’ve been working for ten years. Every workshop, this is our 84th coming up, and every one is new information. It’s the next level of information so we have been, the guardian alliance has been providing us with progressively growing teachings since the Voyagers books were out. Very, very technical teachings on ascension on stargates on understanding planetary stargates, galactic stargates, universal stargates, how they all work, what the process of ascension is, all of this thing.


In understanding some of those things like what is a stargate anyways, what is ascension anyways – right – and understanding some of those it brings us to the point of where we actually are right now on the planet which explains what is going on with the visitors. It explains what their agenda is, why they’re doing what they’re doing and what we can do about it, because their is a negative and positive side to this, but the picture is much bigger than most people realize, even people in the UFO movement, and people in the new age movement. They have pieces of the story. When I found out what this story was, as it progressed, because I had my cellular memory turned on, for awhile I had incarnational memory since I was very small, so it was not new to me, but when, when the guardians revealed progressively the the scope of this drama, I was horrified at first, honestly, I was terrified and, um, moved past that to the point of realizing, wow I mean,  it is so tiny the little dramas that we’re worrying about here this is much, much bigger.


And the reason the information is important now, and for ten years we hardly did any media at all, we didn’t do interviews, we had a couple little interviews, we turned down a lot of radio interviews and that kind of thing cause we wanted to kinda just fly under the radar and do our things.  We do our workshops, people come to our workshops we didn’t heavily advertise them. The reason why we’re coming out and speaking now is because the guardian alliance has asked us to. They are on now what is called official disclosure protocol because of things that are occurring. 2012 is very important and so are the periods right after it. There – this – to ah coin a phrase from Anderson Coopers’ show, ah, planet in peril. Ah Yes. To put it mildly. So if I can explain some of the things that are taking place now in a certain, its a sequence, and your free to interrupt at any point,


K: Ok


A: Right, but it will help get a ah little bit to the more full understanding of what are the visitors up to, what is their agenda, and where are we at with that situation. It’ll also include the information you said, you know what about the stargates and what are the status of those, it’ll, it will show where that is


K: Great


A: and its like the quickest sequence you can do, right, this has been, you know, ten years worth of work, now we can look back and see what this is all about and see where its going, so, if you don’t mind, I will you know put a couple charts up.


K: No Problem


A: The first thing I would like to do if we’re going to talk about what is happening on the planet now, it does involve ascension, and ascension does involve stargates. But what is ascension anyway? There’s a quick way to explain this and it has to do with graphs and I use these graphs because seriously pictures paint a thousand words. If it hadn’t been, and all of these graphs are literally transmitted from the guardian alliance and I I take them down by hand, because I don’t have computer art skills so they’ve all been done in like you know black and white form and then thanks to a team of volunteers they’ve put lot of work into putting them into computer, you know, finishing so they’re decent. Most of them are.  You can tell the ones that are still, the ones I did on a photocopier, you know with a photocopier, but this one, this particular diagram, and also I will qualify these by saying, you’re going to see diagrams that are one out of, there might have been 50 diagrams in that series explaining every piece of how that worked, what it is, the structure of it all of this, I’m just going to show certain diagrams that will show structure, because structure is important.


Science here is getting into um, quantum physics, and all of those things and oh maybe there’s dark matter and all of these wonderful maybes.


There is a whole order of these things, yes there’s dark matter, yes quantum physics are real, but they have no idea the structures that are involved, this is not a hap hazard cosmos or universe. Some of these things, if you’re going to understand what ascension is, you need to understand what context it’s happening in and that’s why the guardians gave us the context in the first place. In the early days they taught us about 15 dimensional physics and that’s not meaning theres only 15 dimensions. Dimensions run in sets of 15 and there are many many many different sets of 15 dimensional matrices that have particular order that form galaxies, universes cosmoses, plural. It is a multi cosmos, not just a multiverse. Now when you think of ascension and stargates that you ascend through it implies there is an order of stargates within these greater structures. So I’ll show you this diagram first.


K: Let me ask you, where the diagrams came from, in other words, do they, are you getting, you say you’re getting this sort of data stream


A: Mmm hmmm


K: electronically,


A: M Hmm


K: And when you say that, it’s, I’m assuming that you’re ah visualizing, maybe you’re getting a visualization…


A: No I just see them


K: Ok


A: yeah


K: and then are you, how do you transfer them onto the paper, how do you, you know, you draw them, really? Ok…


A: I’m known as the white out queen because a lot of times they’ll come down like one diagram like this that’s all like – you know looks like a single thing,


K: Very Intricate


A: there’ll be like six different images on it


K: Wow


A: and like 20 different layers


K: Ok


A: and I call it a pull back process where the whole big thing comes down in one data stream that it might takes me like 6 hours just focused completely on 1, getting it all down and that’s even without the words and labels and arrows and stuff


K: Ok


A: that’s just getting the shapes and structure. Then we’ll pull them out, right, where I’ll make photocopies and white out that part and then you’ve got that one, white out this part and then you have that one and then you might have like a series of ten of them out of the one that came in, so its almost like, uh, what do they call those files um where they condense everything?


Unknown: Zip…


K: Yeah


A: Zip File, yeah, so it comes in like a zip file


K: Ok I hear you


A: and when it opens, it ah, there’s a lot of heat involved actually, you can feel the the DNA activation. It comes through, the chakras activate and there’s like this heat field around me when its coming through or sometimes, depending on the line, cause there – there’s different lines, different ones, ah ah different levels of the guardian alliance communicate, you know, from different places and some of the lines come in cold, like you know shivers, some of them come in hot


K: Ok


A: so some of them carry the images and that’s where the images are coming from and at this point there are thousands of them. There are thousands of intricate diagrams…


K: Fabulous


A: That you know, come in this way,


K: Ok yeah, that – that’s great


A: Alright, this one for instance, this is part of a huge series now, and this is a very simple one as you’ll see in some later ones that it grows. If we can think of this, I I wanted to use this as a very simple way to explain what ascension is. Ascension is about evolution, it’s actually about re-evolution.


The guardians refer to it as ah re-evolutionary determinism. Yes there is a pre-determined framework of creation within which creation you know occurs, but you have free will within that framework and you start out as part of the whole, they refer to it as the god source consciousness field. And from that place, you can enter into material experience that is all taking place within that god source consciousness field. There is no place outside of god. All of this takes place within the body of the consciousness of god source. They consider the structures in which and through which matter materializes and forms, and identities individuate, they consider that part of the manifest body of god source and they’re talking about the cosmoses being a manifest body and there is a field of just pure cognition that is beyond that. It is eternal, it is always aware. Time as we know it in linear form is just not a reality there but it’s understood as an experiential quality within the framework of materialization.


So in that context of understanding a little bit about how we look at god and the concept of god, yes there is one, its not some big (burly)? dude, on a, you know with a big white beard that’s gonna  send you to hell if you’re bad, um right. There is structure involved in this. Now we’ve got, we went through what is called particia creation which takes you from the first unit of consciousness, in the consciousness field of god that did something, went under certain changes, from those changes that shape grew and literally created the spherical wheels within wheels or spheres within spheres that is the hidden structure behind all cosmic order, and even galactic order, planetary order and your own bodies order and atoms order. So this, if you think of it as just an example of a cosmos, alright you have a center point, alright and you have a sphere. Where you see circles they’re actually spheres of energy, alright you have, you have one sphere, two sphere and a third one in the center the smaller ones, and lots see these little ones in the center.


What this is showing us is, consciousness comes out from the center point into this domain or this sphere, its called the the um Hara Body and first it individuates into the two larger spheres and they individuate into sets, and this all happens at the same time, right. It expands outward. These are called, when it expands outward, its called Eckashi expansion cycles. Where consciousness is coming out from the god source consciousness field into the smaller form or structure of materialization and expands out through these cycles simultaneously. One on each side. This particular line is referred to as a vector.  Time vector. Time space vector. One end of it is referred to as an event horizon, so one time vector has two event horizons.


All right, now here we have a core. Here you have and inner, here you have a middle and here you have an outer domain. On each side. Reality fields take place within all of those. So it’s not just that there are numerous reality fields, you have ones in the outer bands, you have ones in the middle, inner and core bands.


The process of coming into existence is expanding out through experiential cycles within the Eckashic expansion cycle till you get to this point. When you get to this point, now you’ll see in this next graph, these are actually time cycles with names.


They’re called Yugas. When you get to this, which is called the Kali Yuga, there are several options, and one of the options, which is the natural evolutionary process, which is accession, that is the natural process by which eternal life beings, and most everybody started as eternal life beings, are, would naturally undergo. After you expand out yet through the incarnational cycles here, and you would go through what is called a Krist Star Turnaround. Alright? Where you enter these little cycles behind. They’re called the Adashi return cycles, where they’re the going back into source cycles.


This is the process, when you expand out at this point, if you were able to make this Krist Star Turnaround, your atoms will actually transfigure into eternal life, light atoms, and at that point, whatever form you hold there, becomes an eternal form that you can materialize and dematerialize at will.


You, you become what’s called an Adashi adept, and some people call them ascended masters but that term is terribly abused on this planet, so the guardians do not like to use it. Um, but the Adashi adepts are the ones who have made it through that change and they are now what are called Mashaya-Hana individuals which means they have, they are eternal life, and they can manifest, de-manifest at will. They go back through the cycles, go back in the center and they can actually rebirth as collectives, like as suns and those kind of things. Its an amazing process where a being lets say as small as like a human being can actually evolve, re-evolve, to go back into the state of even being like a sun or a star, and it is an eternal process, there is no death involved in that process. That is the natural process for life forms. So when we’re talking about ascension, it is about doing the natural re-evolutionary process, but that is not happening on this planet.


When we get to this point of the Kali Yuga expansion there are other things that can happen too. There are certain qualities about the science of ascension that are very very much about physics. Alright, and there are consequences in physics if things are not working well on a planet, it affects the body of the people who live on it and the animals who live on it and plants that live on it, and if certain things are not working well in a body, the DNA does not function properly, the body will not produce the chemicals and the particular one called celestaline, that is required in order to allow the atoms to merge their with anti-particles without annihilating. That allows particle and anti-particle to come together, they shift angular rotation of particle spin and you can literally turn into a radiation wave. And that would, that’s, what it means actually to go into full Merkaba and be able to go through gates. That is the process by which you go through star gates.


So, if we talk about ascension, it is the natural process of being able to expand out, you were out in the Kali Yuga cycles, finally are out here, now we have choices. We can ascend, or, if we get stuck here there is another path that we can take. It’s called the ah Kali – Kali Rema path. It is the path of step back. You can go back here, to the stage before, and then have to rebirth out again into the cycles and the outer domain. It’s almost like a restart, do it over again, so hopefully you, you know fulfill all your ascension codes it’s what it’s about so the activating your atom to the point where they can fully transfigure, and if you can do it in a cycle again, then you can ascend again. 


There is another path that can occur here, there are basically three paths. The other one is called the path of Kali Dema.


That is the path of fall. That is where you get stuck here, you cant step back and you cant go forward because of the choices you were making in your life that are affecting directly what your DNA can do, and what consciousness you’re aligning yourself with affects the frequency that your body is able to carry. And if you get stuck here, you will reincarnate in this cycle until the quantum you came in with, burns out. And then you will do what is called a space dust return.


Where ashes to ashes dust to dust, you will come to a point where you don’t have enough energy to reincarnate into another body into another time cycle. And you will eventually simply just go back, and eventually everybody goes back. But, if you go back in ascension you go back whole, if you go back in step back, you can come back out and go back out whole, but if you do the fall path, you do come back eventually as space dust where your body dies and your consciousness can no longer hold together and it fragments and just becomes part of the local environment. But the local environment at times goes through natural cycles that have to do with stargate cycles and ascension cycles where all these little ah time tracks pull in together and then come back out again.


At that point, anything that gets stuck out here gets drawn back into the center. So this is why god source doesn’t look at it as loosing anyone in the fall path. It’s the experience of you loosing your connection with the universe that it’s really about.


So in, to get  to understanding stargates and everything I wanted to explain on this simple diagram about the cycles that we are in, cause right now we are in that Kali Yuga cycle and those three choices are facing us very much now, and more than they might usually because this planet is in the middle of a drama that people here have forgotten but they knew during the Atlantean periods, they knew ten thousand years ago what was happening here and we have forgotten that knowledge, so anyway, lets go to the next diagram, if I spend this long on everyone we’re going to be here for 6 years!


K: No, that that’s actually very helpful and I think that was very clear


A: sorry about the coughing


K: thank you, that’s ok, no problem


A: This next one is just a little bit similar to that one, its showing the structure of that one a little bit more clearly. The reason I’m showing you this is just for down bottom here. I’m not going to read them all or anything but the detail level that were giving, each of these different states, I’ve tal… we’ve talked about the the core and the uh, the inner the middle and the outer domains of reality, within which reality takes place, right, they each have a different state of matter, a different type of matter, a different density level of matter, and different states of consciousness that go with them so I just wanted to point that out. So when we see this diagram we’re seeing the three, the Kali Hara, its called the Kali Hara system, and we have the Hara bodies and the, you know, the time, space time structures within the Hara bodies, so these are large energy structures that you don’t see, and you don’t even see these, or you don’t see it, your not walking around in your field counting your little balls, right, but they’re there. This structure, the cosmos is created with this structure, but its much more complex, but when you see it, it implies um structure but also time and evolution and that is a good way to show the ascension process, where as you expand out, you go through experiences in the time- in the levels of the time matrix, and then come back in through the Adashi return cycles. So the word Adashi, for instance, is something, you know, that is ah special to us, because we are following the path of Adashi, the path of Krist Star Return.


When I use the word Krist star, by the way, any of the words like Kryst, or anything like that, we spell it with a K. Its either K-r-i-s-t, sometimes we use shorthand, or K-r-y-s-t, there’s a reason for that. Its not, b-because we’re basing everything on the bible or anything like that, nothing against the bible, but its spelt with a K because that’s how it originally was and what it refers to, are, its actually, there’s seven um syllables to it, we often will just shorten it to five, its, ah, the first seven audible sound tones of creation and they are ka, ra, ya, sa, ta, ha la, and we, we often just shorten it to, you know, ka, ka ya ra sa ta, Krist, right, so that’s why we use the word Krist. It has to do with the sound tones, the vibrations.


The first audible sound tones, when we get into first particai creation before all these structures occur, in the cosmos, there are certain things that happen on a very very very nano micro level, that ah, the first, what would be audible sounds or audible vibrations and that is why we use that word – Krist. So that’s where it’s coming from. It’s not saying yeah we’re Christian, that’s uh, which means we are not this, and we’re not that and we’re not the other thing, its something that belongs to everyone, you know and every language.


(24:26) So anyway, that’s just another version of showing the same structure. This is part of a much larger structure, and has to do with stargates. So, we’ll go because what the, what the drama that’s happening on the planet now, with the visitors and all of that has to do with stargates, if it has to do with ascension, it has to do with stargates too, and who’s fighting over them.


So the next diagram, this is called, the (Illum Iradona?) Spirit Body, and the reason I’m going to show you the spirit body structure, this is a diagram that has many purposes, but if you remember that last diagram, this one, is a bit more detailed. It is still showing structure.


This is a simplified, and each one of these pieces and flows and all of the different elements of this have been analyzed, there’s like a hundred graphs to this sequence, what it comes with is this structure that is referred to as the Illum Iradona Spirit Body, which is different than your light body structure, different than your atomic bodies, yeah, this part of that structure. The cosmos has this too. When you see these little petal things, these are actually flows of energy, ok, now think cosmic, right.


Inside of this you have those, that, the ah Hara ball structures, with the time cycles, moving, in and out of this, but if you notice here there are twelve points on this, there are twelve petals, each one of those would have a line, running down it, that comes out the other side, right, each would be a vector line, so you’re not just dealing with one vector, where you have two event horizons, you are dealing with sets, of um, sets of six vectors that form twelve event horizons and there’s more than that too but that’s the ones you can see in this diagram. The spirit body structure, is built on, I mean, on on on this particular structure and these flows here, you have some of the outer flows, that are called the lotus flows, those lighter ones in the pink, and then these little things that you can see part of, they actually go all the way down to the core, but then there’s another layer of them here and another here, these are called uh, the core flows or the NaVaho flows.


The NaVaho word has to do with the particular part of the creation cycle that is the first, where where the particai units, which are the first units of consciousness that materialize, are actually born. It’s a word that has to do with the NaVaho cycles. So, these are called the NaVaho ah, core flows. This has to do with stargates.


A: (26:40) Alright, the next one, we’ll show you, these stargates, now if you take the circle away, and the ball structures away and just look at the flows here, again we have those outer petals, we call them the lotus petals, we call this the living lotus


K: Ok,


A: Alright, and these are the natural core flows of an eternal life creation, which means energy flows out but it also turns around comes back. It just doesn’t flow out and expand until it destroys itself, and burns itself out, that’s what science is watching happening to this universe because it’s not functioning normally, in our local galaxy, anyway, stargates.


This, these structures, these flows, now this applies to a cosmos, it applies to a galaxy, it applies to a planet, a planet has a structure like this. And it applies to our bodies as individuals. It applies to atoms, actually. They have their little own structure like this. Each one of these, core – core structures – core flows, represents a stargate that has particular structure. When you look at it on a on a planetary level, it, they are literally points on the planet that interface with these energy flow systems that connect into core and under certain conditions, they activate, and they literally allow space, time and matter to turn into radiation and pop up somewhere else.


K: Ok


A: They are passageways.


K: So, you’re talking about twelve major stargates?


A: There are twelve; they go in sets of twelve. On this planet, there are a whole lot more, because the main twelve, which are called the Halls of Amenti Stargates, they actually fell in 2003, they they fell under the control of the service to self, um groups, lets put it, we call the them F-A’s, fallen angelics, alright,


K: Ok


A: that’s what we refer to them as, um, and, there are about five different what are called interfaced gate systems that were put here by the guardians a long time ago because this isn’t the first time that there’s been gate wars, on this planet. In fact, two seedings of the human race were wiped out, by the same type of, they call em Templar wars, cause’ they’re fighting over the Templar.


The stargate system on a planet or in the universe is referred to as the Templar, and that word refers to Template Pillars. That’s what the Templar word means. That’s, I mean the whole Knights Templar and all of that stuff, I mean these, these things were from the old old records from Atlantis. They had pieces of them.


(28:59) So anyway, when we’re talking about stargates, or ascension, in ascension, the process of doing that turn around and be able to go back into the eternal life cycles, has to do with getting your body able to where you can pass through the natural structures of stargates. Now that’s great if you’ve got your body in shape, but if your on a planet that’s – templar is messed up, you’re going to have a problem, you’ll get stuck on the planet and your body will reflect whatever distortion is in the planet. That’s why people right now, die on this planet and don’t ascend instead.


Death is not a natural condition, it occurs on planets that have a distortion in their stargate structure, where the natural flows are not occurring, which creates distortions in the biological forms on that planet. so we have been locked into this planet, this has been a prison planet for at least thirteen thousand years and actually, a lil further back than that but there are little bits of times where gates were working properly. this is the first time, why everything is coming to a head right now, is because it was known in twenty two thousand three twenty six B.C., which was the last stargate opening cycle, and that one failed, that this would be the next one. They knew this time period would be the next one because there’s a specific time frame in which the gates open and they stay open for a period of time and they close again. That’s why it’s all coming to a head again. So…we got stargates…  (30:06)


K: Ok, but when you say the gates are going to open, you’re talking about the twelve that have been taken over, so to speak, those, I’m assuming, are not gonna open.


A: Oh yeah, they’re opening them,


K: they’re going to be open


A: and we’re opening the others, the Guardians, they’re opening the others


K: the, ok, even though they were taken over, they’re able to go in and and open them


A: oh yeah, they open them into the black hole wormhole systems.


K: oh, into an, ok that’s not a good place


A: You can still use them but you know, it takes you into fall systems


K: right


A: yeah, and that is what is happening on this planet


K: So, so there has to be alternate stargates that are going to be used


A: Mmm Hmm, and that, that is what we have been helping the Guardians, actually bring, you have to, they need to be activated, they’re old dormant systems, but they’re rescue systems


K: Ok


A: and at this point, the reason why the Guardians are even speaking publically, publically about this information in interviews, is because in ah, I think it was March 25th of 2007, something occurred in this solar system that just, shut the program down.


We are on a 200 year evac program period, and that’s it. The gates are closing. Permanently. The gates are closing in this galaxy, permanently. In 200 years.


K: When you say something happened in the galaxy, can you explain a little more?


A: I’ll get to that


K: Ok, ok great


A: Yeah, there’s some other diagrams for that one, yeah


This is looking at one of those core flows, you know just its structure, and there’s like a, there’s a pillar, a chamber, inside of this. There’s merkaba fields that activate which we’ll deal with later if you want to see some of those pictures, but this is one of the NaVaho core flow gates.


Now, the other ones, that aren’t shown on here, that look like the lotus petals, they’re usually the flows, that when a stellar activation cycle happens, they’re usually the only ones that open because they will take you to the next density level up. Or even two densities up. They’ll give you vertical ascension, but not diagonal or going back in and back out again. They’re, they’re very limited actually in their capacity but you can still ascend through them. When the planet, and the only time they open these is if they’re seeding a new race on the planet, or, if they are evacuating a race on the planet. And these core gates are opening on the planet, because this is an evacuation. We have a two hundred year warning. Because, something happened with the sun, that its, it’s not going to be, one is not going to be able to live on this planet by about 2976. And it’s going to be before that actually but that’s when it explodes from what they said.


That we’re in a timeline and we’re stuck in a timeline, Voyagers mentioned it, that if we didn’t make certain changes in with with the stellar activation cycle, and reach a certain level, we were going to get dragged into a probability alignment in which the planet literally exploded because of the mechanics that were occurring with, the um, the Zetas and different, you know, intruder races, and that is a probability line we got stuck in and that’s why, we’re on um, we are on a evac order, and that’s why we’re speaking about it publically.


There are things we can do, its not like, ahhhhh – you know the world is ending. No, in fact, this is really good, because what could have happened in 2012 isn’t going to, but there’s certain ones that really want it – want these things to happen and I will talk about those a little bit, in a little while.


But this is the core gate structure, and its, you know, its very detailed, I just really put these up not to read every little thing, to-to let you know, and let the public know, that they are there and the sophistication of this material. This is why, talk about me, I’m not important, what’s important is look at this material, it blows MY mind.


K: Yeah


A: You know I I – and the breadth of it, I mean it covers everything from stargates to biology to um you know cosmic structure to, ah, pre-particai physics, I mean, it’s an amazing body of material. Ah if this wasn’t serious, they wouldn’t be giving us this information.


So, anyway, that’s core gate structure, and they are activating the core gates. You wanna see how a core gate would sit on a planet to get an idea, this gives a gives you an idea. Thats just like a landscape painting behind it, its actually a mural that I did on my wall in a house in Arizona we lived in, but it shows, right, here’s the sky and here’s like you know the land and here’s like the subterranean levels below the land and going down to the core, it shows how these gate flows work, when they’re open.


And there would be twelve of these on the planet, and when you would pass into it, you wouldn’t see this thing standing in the air, there would be a certain field and only if your DNA was keyed to it, would you even know it was there. If your DNA was not activated to be in co-resident energy form, with that structure, you’d walk right through it, past it, not even know it was there and you’d still be in the same place. But, if you have certain things activated in the body, in the DNA, in the DNA template, in the light body in the spirit body structure ect, in your anatomy, you would be able to see it, and you would know where to stand in it. And you would know what to do and how to breathe, and you could use it and go in ascension. So…


K: (34:52)Ok so the twelve stargates that we’re talking about, which have been, ah, interfered with, lets say, ah, they’re located certain places on the planet, physical places

A: Yup, yup

K: Ok

A: Yup, the outer ones are the ones that fell, the core ones wont fall

K: the core ones wont fall

A: no, they cant fall, they wont let them

K: ok so those are, those are the ones that  are – you say – ancient

A: Yeah

K: that are being reactivated as you call it

A: yeah

K: ok

A: yeah

K: and those are also located at certain,

A: yes

K: places, on the planet

A: yeah and in different places

K: different places

A: yup, the outer ones surface at one, you know one set of twelve places, and these in another

K: so there would be a lot of um misdirects, I’m I’m thinking, and there are a lot of misdirects going on – on the planet right now, to where certain people are directing people to, focus on certain areas of the planet which contain these stargates, thinking that they are, you know, ascension stargates, when in fact they are taking them to another place

A: yes

K: That’s not so good

A: exactly

K: ok

A: yeah, what they are, they are being guided to fall stargates, so they’re not, they don’t call it, they’re not called stargates, they’re called wormholes

K: ok

A: and wormholes lead to black hole systems that are finite life systems, and right now they are feeding on our living system and killing it basically, and that is why the intervention is happening, that is why the NaVaho core gates are being opened, because we didn’t stand a chance, in this one, we were, the there was planned by lets just say the negative ET’s and visitors that the, there were five other occasions that extinctions were launched on this planet. They were before the humans were on it. Um, this was going to be the sixth extinction, and it was scheduled for 2012 and ah because of what the guardians are doing, that is not going to happen. We’re not fighting with anyone, we’re standing, we’re standing in the frequency of the Krist and we are being taught um masters templar mechanics to be able to assist them, we’re the ground crew, just like on the other side you have what we call the Metatronic crew that are working the ah, the Atlantean death star, merkaba stuff that is what runs the wormholes. There’s a whole bunch of people running around thinking they’re doing ascension,

K: yes, exactly

A: that aren’t and that is what is heartbreaking,

K: Yes

A: when I started to go public with the guardian teachings, like, oh great, you know, everything’s going to be great and the new age movement,  and everybody, you know, we’re going to love each other, oh my god, I ended up like the black sheep, in the new age movement, why? Because we exposed the teachings of Thoth. Not any of the people here, we exposed the records. Thoth broke the emerald covenant, way back in the Atlantean period. He stole one of the CDT plates, took the knowledge from it, and created the emerald tablets of Thoth which had a bunch of mechanics that were the death star mechanics. He helped in the takeover, and he still is. Yeah

K: ok

A: Cause that being is still in existence, he, pops back and forth, you know, he can travel through time in his little, ah, death star merkaba, but, it wasn’t just Thoth, there’s a whole bunch of them. So when, it was pretty heartbreaking as this-this information, because I was thinking, oh great we’re all going to love each other and you know, yeah,  its ascension time. Yeah right, ah it didn’t work that way because nobody wanted to hear it and it’s too bad. At least there was some people that wanted to hear it because they came to workshops and the thing is, we asked the people that were teaching the other stuff, nicely. Said, why don’t we just have a public discussion about it? You know, seriously, we’ll each put up half of a room cost and you know invite – free to the public, and just let’s discuss the the topics, the issues. They wouldn’t. But what they started to do was blackball me behind my back, at the workshops, tell people to be afraid of me, tell em’ oh you’ll die if you use your merkaba that way. We have more merkaba mechanics than they can dream about. I mean, they they couldn’t touch the stuff with a ten foot pole. That’s why, they wouldn’t even take on the challenge – of -come lets talk about it. Let’s talk about the history. That, that you could say, well it’s this or that, but these mechanics are indisputable. Because, they don’t have the things to link them together. The guardians showed us, all of these different things, sacred geometry – how it fit – not just a – oh here it’s a this. What is a that? What does it mean? How does it connect to the cosmos? They showed cosmic structure in order to show how it’s supposed to work, and then they showed where the distortions they’re teaching fit and what they do, to pervert it.

So it’s been very intense, in, since we came out with the work and it hasn’t changed, but there’s a group of us that just resonate with this and go, wow, you know just wow, ok no problem. You know like, gee

K: yeah, ah well that’s one of the reasons I’m here and you know I’m aware of the distortions out there, I’m aware of the attacks and so on so forth, and again I have to say that people need to really go into their hearts, they need to use their heart and their intelligence to discern what resonates, and we’re presenting this as what resonates, I’m going to say, personally with me, but also with what I think people need to be aware of and then they make their own decision. We’ve got plenty of the other side, of information out there and I think its time that we hear from this side. And I, and and so I really want to thank you, for, for making this opportunity possible.


I do want to say that, um, there are a lot of people out there that are following, um, the wrong path. And, ah if there’s a way that you can also talk about the distinctions, so that they can be aware. Like, if you get this, you might be quest you might want to question more, the path you’re on. In other words, certain things will come, ah to the fore during meditation, certain things will come to fore even in their everyday life, where they’re getting a lot of (40:30) interference on certain levels and so on so forth, that can indicate that they are being, taped into by, ah, service to self ET’s, and and I, if you have that, and you want to sort of  want to share that, we don’t have to do it now because that would be maybe off the topic a little bit here but maybe later on..

A: I think we’ll probably come in, if we can move a bit with, with the sequence.

K: Ok

A: the reason why the guardians gave this sequence was cause its an easy way to touch a whole bunch of the bases, give a rounded picture, to go right into, you know, answering the questions that you wanted you know answered,

K: Ok

A: So if you want to go off the sequence its ok, but I think

K: no, lets, lets go with this, and um also, just one one other thing that you’re saying we got this information, and you’re talking about yourself, are you talking about other members of your group also getting this information?

A: Some of us do

K: Ok

A: yeah all have a, kind of special relationship our own special relationship, I have the, the translators’ contract, which means I-I’m the secretary, right. I take down the writing, but, even like the other speakers, have a rapport also

K: Ok

A: with the Guardians, and a number of people in the groups, have developed, a rapport with them as well.

In fact we work with them to help them do that, that’s what the guardians would like is to, you know, start communicating, where, they can start teaching people directly, because we’re like a little bottleneck on the information, you know, its only given through the workshops and that kind of thing,

K: Right

A: yeah, so I I talk about it as we, not that I’m plural, but that there’s a bunch of people that are interacting with the guardians directly. ill just go really quick on these then, cause that’s another point I want to get to, but we can pop through these but I want to bring something up that’s very important.

As far as telling the difference between some of the teachings, too, this in general is just showing just basic stargate structure like how they work, when you have the core gates we saw before, these are what happen when you have those other flows that happen, the lotus petal flows. When you have a stargate area, you have two vortices of energy, one electrical, one magnetic, and when they activate in the center, they come together, and, one goes down, one goes up, and they form what’s called a bi-vecca merkaba field. Alright, and that Merkaba field, is ah, well what does it mean, ah, moving light body mer-ka-ba, right? The ah Merkaba field, is the field that, actually, if its around you, if its a natural one that occurs, around you, its also occurring within you and that is what allows your atoms to bond with their anti particle and transmute and transfigure so they can go through gates. So this is basic stargate structure as far as the the Amenti gates were structured on this structure and those kind of things. There’s more to that – there’s the Merkaba part.

Alright, there’s the two vortices right, and this is when they come together to form a Merkaba field. now this is a merkaba field that’s just done with vortices, these get more specific, where they have fins, where they actually like ah, three sided pyramids, that move through each other, but I just wanted you to see the basic structure of when stargates activate, these merkaba fields, which are vortice fields, um 43:40 you know activate within them and also within your body and around your atoms and in your atoms. This thing here, is something that I would like to point out, this is called a Kathara Grid, light sound one, ka-tha-ra. It is literally the radiation template upon which everything in the eternal life systems are structured. It is the first creation template and it has very very specific proportions. Some people say, Oh that’s the tree of life, but actually if you look at it, it isn’t, it’s actually the tree of eternal life.

When you see something that is different than this, say, ah it has maybe ten of these centers instead of twelve, right, this has twelve, or maybe its longer and skinnier, or it doesn’t have the lines in the same way, what that is is a twisted radiation creation template, and its passed off as the tree of life, some of, in certain teachings. Its actually the tree of artificial life, it is – goes with – the what’s called the death star Atlantean merkaba mechanics, the Metatronic mechanics. This is the natural structure, of what is called a Kathara Grid and in a minute you’ll see how important this is because literally the structure of cosmos, of stargates, but all of those structures we saw a little bit of, with the the circles, the spheres, right? Wherever you see a sphere it implies there was, we call these the bones. You have the bones and the balls. The bones are the radiation template that is built on Kathara Grid, and Kathara Grid will always have these proportions, they’re very specific proportions in relation to each other. And that is a living template, and what that template and the structures built upon it, will be living.

Our body structure, we have one that runs through our body, that right now is very mutated, because of the planet and we’ll see that a little bit of that later. But, we are moving to reactivate the natural imprints.

So the Kathara Grid I wanted you to see cause it will help you understand the maps. If you’re going to understand stargates, and wonder where, ok If I ascend, where am I going? Right? Seriously, if you’re going to leave, ah where are you going? Do you even have a clue as to where, what the choices are, you know like? They, they’ve shown us where these maps go, this is the beginning of understanding maps.

I’ll just show you this really quick, because this is showing, there’s a sheet that talks about, I’m not going to talk about all the proportions right now cause its heavy detail, but, this sheet explains about how this actually controls how particles interact with each other and all sorts of things…from angular rotation of particle spin of particles in universes and that kind of thing. So this is just showing the specific proportions, it is very important. So when you see something using as a sacred geometry, this structure, that is not built on those proportions, it is, actually representative of one of the other teachings that is teaching distorted template mechanics that have to do with wormholes and black holes. Alright so anyway, (I’ll take these)

K: Interesting

A: Yeah the more of this came out, the more horrified I was, I really was, I was like, oh my god, fellas please, you know? I don’t want, I don’t want to have to talk about this. Right, it was very hard. Now at this point, I-I have ta, I have a sense of humor about it, you know, whereas ok, so I’m the pariah of the new age movement, whatever. Somebody has got to, to let people know about this, that’s why I still do, because it makes more sense than the other stuff that’s being taught, and there’s so much love in these teachings and in caring about people enough. Like ok so you might be mad at me because you liked that paradigm over there and I just kinda don’t mean to be a whistleblower, but if you’re hurting yourself with that merkaba, maybe you should not do that, you know, anyway go back on this.

Sorry, this is showing simply, remember that little Kathara Grid structure, right? Well here’s one, here’s another, these cluster, alright? These are radiation templates that cluster to form very complex structures. This particular structure we call the stairway to heaven, alright? One of these Kathara Grid structures, would hold, ah, four densities, density levels of our um, local universe, alright? Let’s say the Milky Way galaxy, but there’s actually more to it than the Milky Way, so that would be like our local, universe. It actually includes ah, Milky Way and Andromeda M31 galaxy, alright, and it’s connected to another one. The one that um, this angle, 90 degrees to it would be considered its parallel, it also has a light field that goes with it, so these are intricate structures that are formed from these templates, and where you see these structures, these are the bones again, you will have spheres of energy and spheres within spheres, built upon them.


So, you, there there are various levels, there is, these are called the Vecka systems and four Veckas come together and at the center, an Ecka system forms, and ah the Ecka systems form a cluster and they form what’s called an Eckasha system, then there’s an Eckasha A system, an Eckasha Aya system and they all form this big cluster that’s called the Ukatha Rista Body. The Ukatha Rista Body is one cosmic creation body. Now our own personal anatomy, has these levels to it, alright, they connect to those levels of the cosmos that we were born into, and full ascension is actually turning back on in our atomic structure, all of the frequencies involved with all of those spaces. So we’re down here in the Vecka worlds, the next thing is we have to move up into the Ecka and then from the Ecka, this is the long way to ascended, by the way, that’s when the gates are working well, so, the normal way for ascension would be you would work your way through re-evolution, through the Vecka system up the densities. We’re in density one here, we’d work up to density four, then we go to the Ecka level and your growing and getting lighter and your matters’ less dense and your getting more control over it and your getting more consciousness, you know, more god, god consciousness, and that kind of thing. And then you would work to the Eckasha level, and then you would work to the Eckasha A level and then the Eckasha Aya level till you got up here.

The, at any one of those points, you could experience the Krystar turn around and it would take it you the next level. Right? Then there’s the quick way to ascend. When it’s ah evac, when there’s an evac situation and that’s what we have. Where, these are called, um harmonic gate systems. It implies that – it’s built on a system of dimensional harmonics, which means you have to take them in sequence, harmonically one by one. It’s the low, the slow train, right? 

There is something called the trans-harmonic continuum, that actually runs between them. It requires a very specialized type of merkaba vehicle and um ah, accelerations in the light body and spirit body anatomy to be able to do it, but those core gates, they’re also the NaVaho gates, also called the spanner gates, they are able to do that.

They are trans-harmonic. Where they can actually jump the scale, so you can jump from here to here or from here, you know, to there. So you can move, you have more liberty of where you can go, in ascension in a sense, your able to actually you – you become a time jumper, basically. Instead of just a straight, you know ascension the hard way; you go boing boing boing boing, that kind of thing.

So, that is the system we’re working on, because at this point, all of the natural structures of the outer gates have been damaged. The Amenti gates are damaged, we are stuck down here and the same thing is happening through the Milky Way. Its not just here, it’s not just in our solar system. Our solar system is a mess, but the Milky Way is a mess too. That black hole at the center?(50:30) that’s not an accident, that was done on purpose. That was done three hundred and sixty billion years ago, we actually used to, the Milky Way actually used to be a part of Andromeda Galaxy and it was literally forced into what is called Fall, and now there’s many light years between them, at least a couple, I forget how many light years are between them, two million light years, something like that? But they were once one, that is actually our home galaxy, the Andromeda M31, but right now we’re in the Milky Way which is a fallen, phantom part of it. And there’s still, it it wasn’t a full Fall system, until recently, when certain changes occurred that mean the ah the quantum of energy going into the negative Fall path, is larger than the one pulling back the other way, and at that point there is, it is a galactic evac where they’re pulling out the ones who can still go, you know, the consciousness that can still follow the ascension path is being evacuated out because the gates will close. Once they close and a system falls, that system won’t immediately blow up or anything, it will have a finite life span. It no longer has the direct currents coming in, the inflow of currents coming in from the larger structure of space time and source, so it becomes a finite system that feeds on itself, until it eats up its own quantum, and then it implodes and goes back as space dust.

So, we are at crossroads, a huge crossroads right now. We are on a planet that is going in the the fall direction, but this planets actually going to take that path I mentioned, the step back path, but that requires losing its body and it’s going to do that. Not while we’re on it, but that is what we’re headed for, but right now we have two hundred years to before these gates close, in the ah in the Milky Way galaxy and that includes here, so this is why they’re giving the advanced ascension teachings now. And, ah that is why, crazy people like me come out and talk about them…

K: Ok, um yeah

A: with their vocabulary, because they’re, we could use a dictionary honestly

K: No, you mean I know, I expect people, its good if they go, what did she talk about there, I don’t get it, or go investigate you see

A: Right

K: I’m not, we’re not here to answer all their questions, actually

A: Ok

K: You know

A: well I don’t mind

K: Investigation is, is getting involved,

A: Right

K: and if they get involved they learn

A: Right

K: and then it becomes part of them, so its ok

A: yeah, well when we see the structures, when I’m showing things like the structures, they’re these are structures that ah that are not known out here yet, they have words that describe them, you know,

K: Sure

A: they have names for that structure, that’s a Hara Body or that’s a Ukatha Rista Body, right, you know and that’s a Vecka and that’s a Ecka, these-these are part of the actual ah templates, of of the layers of creation going all the way back up into expansion, into god source consciousness field. They are the literal bones of our space-time orientation, so they are time references when I talk about a Vecka system. That is down here, closer to where – we are in a Vecka system, right? When you get up to the next level of ascension, there is The Ecka system, which is at the core of four Veckas, then you get up from there, and you have what’s called ah, an Eckasha system, which has, a set of all the smaller ones inside of it, right? and the Eckasha A system, and then, you go up into the Ukatha Rista System which is really, they are words, to describe things, that make perfect sense, you know, to the people that are describing them, the guardians,

K: Sure

A: they’re words in the ancient what’s called Anahazi language, which was the first spoken language in this time matrix, so a lot of the language that is used, you know, that its like, what is that? It Its -Its translations from those languages because they carry the meaning.

K: Ok does Anahazi relate to Anastasi?

A: Actually, it does

K: Ok

A: The the Anastasi were connected to, to the guardians, Actually

K: So, did they ascend? Is that why they disappeared?

A: Some of them did, others, they were actually raided from what I heard. They were raided and um overtaken by another group, and some of that other group became An-Anastasis as well where they became violent and the originals ones weren’t like that, and yeah some of them were evac’d locally is what I heard

K: Ok (54:24)


K: The Kabbalah, is gotta be, I mean you know I’m gonna just say it here ah, to my understanding from what your telling me is that Kabbalah is not the ah, the positive ascension path.

A: I would put this – this way, in relation to the Kabbalah, or the bible, or the Koran, or any of the texts that are out there. There are elements of truth all of which came from the original teachings that were on this planet. There were twelve legions of the Krist, twelve bodies of teachings that went with the CDT Plates. There are pieces of those that have wound up in the religions of today and there are distortions in all of them as well. Which means, they all carry a mixed path.

K: Ok

A: and the way to tell, it takes a while to develop the sensitivity, but there’s something inside invisible, of everything, be it a cup or a cosmos or um a set of letters written on a page. There’s something called an encryption. An encryption is a very specific radiation signature. That is underlying, it’s in the dark matter template. When you get to a certain point, in DNA activations, which sensitize your inner senses in your body, you, can, know with direct cognition, you can read a sentence and know which part is taking you in which direction

So, anything, like the Kabbalah, there’s some beautiful things in the Kabbalah and they also use a mutated ah tree of life, because they don’t remember any different, and they were tricked, just like there’s a lot of great things in the Christian religion, that are, you know, true to form, and a lot that aren’t. There’s been trickery ever since the Atlantean periods here. Well there was before too, but that was the, you know,  big showdown for trickery, 56:14 and what we have now are the trickle down ideas and piecemeal memory and piecemeal history of what could be salvaged from that time.

There’s a reason we don’t remember. We’ll get into that a little bit, when we get into that stuff I talked about at the end, that was important, but, our stance isn’t to make any of the other paths wrong. There’s only one that we actually will stand against. If they’re directly teaching metatronic death, death star merkaba, we have to address that, we don’t address the people who are teaching it, we feel bad for the people who get caught up in that. I feel bad for anybody whose contacted by, by Thoth, because well I’ve known Thoth in other lives and I’ve known Thoth in this life and he’s, you know, once upon a time he was a speaker, you know an emerald covenant speaker, and he broke the emerald covenant, and he decided to go with the, with the Annunaki races and um, go into a Fall path, and stole the technologies, and part of what he did is why this planet is going in the path it is now.

So it isn’t the people, that, you know we don’t blame the teachers, of those things, or the-the people listening to channels and they don’t know what the heck they’re listening to I mean you know oh great you know its-its cute and its fun, and its lovely, and yeah right, check its resume, but how do you? You know, where?

Any of the religions, any of the new age or the old age religions, there’s good and there’s not good in both of them, and its almost like you need to feel out and feel what works right for you, but don’t limit to yourself to just saying, oh well it has to be the Jehovah god, or it has to be the Allah god, or it has to be the this god or that god. You can call god whatever you want, but you know god doesn’t really need you to call “it” anything, it is beyond gender qualification. We were created in the image of god, all of us, and that doesn’t mean we are all male or all female, it means we are all living consciousness fields, that have the potential of direct creation and eternal life, and that is what that line meant.


So the Kabbalah is fine, certain parts. Certain parts aren’t. Same applies to every paradigm, that is, you know traditionally on the planet and a lot coming in from the new age, except for the death star mechanics, they’re very direct, you know – not sacred geometry. So if

K: Ok

A:  that answers that question

K: Yes, absolutely

A: ok, Good

K: Thank you

A: Alrighty, where are we? Back to this, um I just want to share this again quickly. This again is the diagrams we’ve used to show the structure of the spirit body, with its flows and its core flows. And that’s also the gate structures and all that. It means, that the cosmos has sets of spirit bodies, there’s like lots of these embedded within each other, and we also have our spirit body. When I refer to our spirit body, as part of our anatomy, it is structured in this same way. Ok and we’ll see in the next one, how that fits in, with, remember the ah stairway to heaven? And the Ukatha Rista Body? Right? Those structures are actually part of what’s called the light body anatomy. Be it on the cosmic level or the personal level, this is how they fit together. This is that Ukatha Rista thing with all those little inter woven Kathara grids, right? And this is the basic structure of spheres within spheres. From the spirit body, the cosmic spirit body, they all of those exist to them, every one of those little Kathara grids, would have a set of these, right? These become the spirit body, ah, the the twelve spheres in the spirit body, that remember go in sets, across a vector line, right? And at certain points they actually pull in, to the center, and that’s how, at a certain point of expansion, you contract back into the center and go back in to god source. (59:33)

These are actually, this is how the, the Adashi Adepts, the ones who have achieved ascension actually use these structures as maps. The- These are literal maps of how they judge. If you are here, and you want to go to Serious B, density two, right? These are the maps they use to get there. They are the gate interface maps; we can locate ourselves on these maps. There’s one that shows exactly where we are, in the ah milky way galaxy in tha, cause we’re partly we’re actually M31 Galaxy, but we’re a part that’s twisted off but still connected to it, energetically, we can show our location and also show the locations where the black hole systems are that are interfacing here that are messing with us now and where the guard- the main guardian groups are coming from, and where they’re helping us so these are literally maps.

These maps then translate into, these are all probability fields. So you might have one, say galaxy, and its twelve different probable expressions, and they inter, all of these are spinning, right? And they inter-interface with each other, all of the time, they’re like bubbles within bubbles that don’t collide and collapse each other – well they’re not supposed to. If they’re doing the death star mechanics, they actually do, but, there’s a natural system of probabilities, so its not just we have a parallel universe, right, we have many parallel systems and adjacent systems and neighboring systems and so this is literally the structure of the maps of the cosmos. This is – these are the structures you use. Once, say, you get to the point where you can ascend, well you have to first of all decide where you want to go, and then, um, where’s the map to get there? these are the maps, so I wanted to show you how those structures, that are on a small level, our own, our own multidimensional anatomy is structured that way, but on the large level, that, this is the structure of the maps of the cosmos.

There is a structure that science does not know about yet, they have no idea how complex it is. Each one of these structures, they’ve taken it from the first little- they call it a particai unit, the first unit of consciousness, how that structure grew, each stage right, so we have like hundreds of diagrams that go with these that show how the Kathara grids’ all filled out. To show how these structures of the spirit body and their flows filled out. Inside of the spirit body flows which isn’t on this one, you’ll actually find where, what is called the hall of records, exists. What it is, the Akashic record, all of that thing. Its part of this anatomy structure, the planet has one the solar system has one, the galaxy has one ext. So these are not just, interesting little diagrams on a paper, these are very practical. They’re just as practical as a map you’d buy down at the gas station to get you know somewhere horizontally. Next one please…

K: OK and isn’t it true that we also have twelve incarnational bodies, that have incarnated simultaneously – that mirror the same pattern there?

A: Um, seventeen hundred and twenty eight

K: Ok, but

A: simultaneous, you’re existence implies the seventeen hundred and twenty seven others

K: Ok

A: that are you (1:02:30)

K: Ok

A: Different forms

K: but there are, there is something to do with the twelve,

A: Yes, they’re sets of twelve

K: Ok

A: Yeah, yeah you have your first twelve, and then have, well it it basically it has to do with the density levels. We’re in density one down here, density two, you have and you have your incarnate identity here, you would have a set of twelve incarnates. And if you put those twelve back up to density two, you would have one soul. Right? That is your soul, your density two level of identity. Now, that one soul would be a would be a group of you know eleven others as part of a set of twelve.

K: Sure

A: and you pull all those together come up to density three, and that’s where you are an oversoul. And that oversoul is part of a group of twelve oversouls, that, you pull it up to density four, is an avatar. And then you have four… you have a group of twelve avatars, pull it up to density five, and then you would have your Rishi identity, which is your fully formed Vecka level identity. To come into the densities down here but there’s other levels of identity that are even, that go up beyond the fifteenth dimensional system. Those five densities that I just talked about, each have three dimensions, so there’s your fifteen dimensional stack right there…

K: Ok

A: …in one time system. So, does that help?

K: yes, that’s great, yes

A: yes in twelves, many twelves. Yup. This is just a real quick glimpse to show that these time cycles that we’ve talked about in relation to these structures, they are quite specific. These were given as far as time frames. One time vector here on-on this planet,
and they are using translations into earth time. As we know, earth time, one time vector is uh seven hundred thirty eight years. One time continuum is ah four thousand four hundred and twenty six years. One (Yuago?) is twenty six thousand five hundred and fifty six years, A Yuago time cycle is a stargate cycle. That is when the stargates on the planet open. Once every, that period. Right?

Right now its distorted into what are called the false Yuga cycles and we’ll show you what is at the end, but these go all the way up there as galactic levels, there’s universal levels, and these are the, the structure of time and and how it works and that yes you can take it rght into, you know, periods of time. It is because we are in a stellar activation cycle right now and the last one was twenty six thousand five hundred fifty six years ago and it failed.  The gates did not open, they had to be shut closed because we got raided. Um that was called the (Eoni?) massacre period where, it was, there was a lot of, ah, ah ships mowing people down, actually. In that one,

K: Ok

A: Beam, Beam Ships

K: And was this, this, we’re not talking about Atlantis here, we’re talking prior?

A: Ah there were several phases of Atlantis.

K: Ok

A: Alright, The last phase of it, um, um the last pieces of it went went under in 9558 B.C. but way before that there was Atlantis. There was in seeding one, there was an Atlantis, in seeding two there was an Atlantis and on Terra, there was an Atlantis, that’s where it all came from and ah Lemuria. You had Lemuria, Lumenia there were different spellings of the names but they were the same places and the same soul groups inhabiting them.

K: Right, yeah

A: so this was like, um the, the 9558 BC period, you know the last period, that was like the late Atlantean period.

K: Ok

A: so, there was a lot of Atlantis period anyway. But these, these stargate cycles, this is the cycle that our gates open on this planet, this planets gates are supposed to open on the twenty six thousand five hundred and fifty sixth year cycle. It’s now been shortened because of what they’re doing to the planetary grids and the stargates and the templar. To, to what’s called the false Yuga cycles, which is plugged into the, the ah processions of the equinox. Which is not natural, and we’ll look at what that is about and, when that started. Cause that really, really came into fore about thirteen thousand years ago when a major victory, on, and this was an Atlantean drama, a major victory on, just lets say the dark agenda side had occurred. They created something called the (Torral?) rift, it is a time rip and it was, they literally plugged earth’s templar into this time rift and knew that when it came to the next stellar activation cycle, they would use it to draw earth in. Its not just earth they’re after, earth connects still to its ah corresponding planet or star actually in M31, it is called Eartha, there is still a direct energetic link between the gates. They’re after M31 as well, so its much bigger drama than people here realize. They’re not just after little earth,(1:06:46) Earth has always been a fighting place because of its connection to the larger universe and because it was connected as part of what was called the krystal river host. That was when, a long long time ago, three hundred and sixty billion years ago, when, um the milky way fell out of M31, there was a whole collective of guardian beings from various other, you know, I hate the word ascended just because of the way its misused down here, um of the Adashi adepts. People who formed a coalition to assist in trying to re-evolve the Milky Way back into its natural position so it could continue as an ascension system.


So, um, excuse me now I’m getting interrupted, they want me to go somewhere else. Ok I don’t know sometimes that’ll happen, I let you see that, I don’t have to let you see that but I did, um alright they’re saying go somewhere else for now, we’ll come back to that. Ok. Anyway they don’t want me to talk about galactic history yet. Ok. I get that sometimes. Even when I’m on stage

K: Ok Yes,

A: where ill just get a like little hello… what…

K: ok, why are you saying, what is their motivation, and if you want to put this question off till later we can do that, but what you’re saying, they were after earth, they were after Eartha , and they were after it  because of its connection with the larger universe, so why? What is their motivation for taking us down,

A: what is the core

K: for closing us off and making it a finite system?

A: what is their core objective? Right, what is the core objective? Food. They are in a black hole system that has fallen. They’re, Because of the nature of the physics dynamics involved with creation, the way eternal life creation works, is when a thing falls, it loses its connection to the the inflow and backflow of energy from the source consciousness field, which means it gets left with only the quantum it had, when it fell. Now, everything is spinning, that takes energy, it uses up its energy, and if it doesn’t suction energy off something else, it will implode and go back to space dust return.  Which is what a system is meant to do so everybody, nobody gets stuck and every gets to go home. Either as space dust or you know whole through ascension, whichever – at least you go home.

These groups that have adopted the, the false creation, they’ve tried to recreate the creation, because they didn’t like the consequence their own choices brought to them, in relation to the physics reactions to the actions they took. They ended up in a fall system and they wouldn’t face the reality that you know, you can make peace with that. Even if you’re in a fall system. You can say, well you know what, that was that was pretty dumb to get ourselves into that but we’re here we can handle ourselves with grace. We can still love creation. We can still act in loving ways. They decided instead it would be more interesting to keep themselves alive by using a vampire technology. They are going after it for quantum food. To feed their system. If they can harness this system, literally the entire quantum of energy that is in this system will be drawn into their black hole system which will give their whole system more life.

So they’re postponing the inevitable, but they will, they keep using these technologies to do that and they pray on living systems. But there is a point in time, where that backfires and they’re getting very close to that point too. So anyway, that

K: Ok

A: that is the core motivation, its not that anybody’s mad at anybody else, or they’re fighting over this toy or that toy, this is big. They are fighting over survival and they’re, they feel they have to kill the living systems in order to have that energy as food. Period. and that becomes the most important obsession for them, and it is a twisted thinking, when when a being gets that far into de-evolution where it really has no remorse, they don’t have what you’d call emotional bodies like we do anymore, they don’t care. They, they just take. And they don’t care about giving, they don’t think about that, and they don’t want to hear it. You can’t rationalize with a certain level of fall consciousness, so that is what we’re dealing with and that is why it is a very large story. But, ah it’s really not very personal story, you know its like, don’t take it personally. Do you take it personally if you’re swimming and a shark rips off your leg? It’s a shark

K: Sure

A: you had a leg, it swam by, I mean, you know, what are you going to hate the shark? It’s just doing what its instinct moves it to do and that’s kind of like what is happening here. So that’s that’s how, how I’ve been taught to look at it, and I’m I’m at peace with it, I don’t like it but I’m at peace with it in that regard. but I will stand for the things that, for me, that mean most to me, and I I believe in the loving creator god source field and I believe in being fair to people, and I believe in telling the truth, even if its hard, and I believe in facing the truth even if you’d rather pretend it wasn’t there and dealing with it and taking it forwarded from there

K: Yes

A: So anyway, those consciousness don’t think like that. But, that’s what it means for me, you when I say, you know we stand in the Kryst, that’s what it means. Its not fighting with these beings, you know, i mean you can do that but they’re just engaging your energy anyway but we do have to stand and work the gates here. Somebody has got to take care of the remaining gate potentials here, so that consciousness can evacuate out within the next two hundred years that is going on the upward swing, so, is that good enough?

K: Ok, yeah

A: I could go on more tangents…

K: Very good

A: So this is just showing the time, like there are literally translations into earth time, and this would apply like go, so this is on Venus, or something and then you could translate them into Venus time, which would be different because time has to do with how fast things spin, and all of that, you know like, you know… never mind. Physics of of ah you know how long your day is and your side real time and all of that, crazy stuff that I don’t like.

With all the structures and processes that we’ve learned, that have to do with that structure, of the spirit body, and it’s ah Hara centers, which are the probability structures that at certain periods, pull in, right and that’s an ascension cycle when they actually pull in, and then a new creation comes back out. There are ways to track those cycles. There are ways to track from point of conception, onward, how your, your body grows in cycles, and there are also ways to track an evacuation cycle. And ah, they all kinda use this diagram. This diagram has to do with Octans, and specific ways that energy is divided up on and and within those structures that we’ve looked at, and it, this is just showing, its called the the lowed out schedule from 2008 to 333 AD cycle, now it doesn’t mean we get that the the gates are going to be open here from 333 AD, they’re gonna close over here in 2230, that is when the gate systems here close. But this is actually showing that ok, once you get through here, there are certain stages, we made it through what was called ah ah, call it the Kali Hara ah celebration. We call it a celebration. At the time after certain things happen in 2007 as we moved into 2008.


If we did not hit on this planet a certain level of core vibration, we would have gone into fall right there. We would’ve not been able to hold a host, all of the gates would have shut except the fall gates and we would’ve all been stuck and it would’ve well we’d all been extinct in 2012, that was the other sides plan, um but we did make the the vibration for the Kali Hara which allowed us to pick up into the host, which is called the krystal river host, this has to do with a stream of energy currents that are coming in from a matrix that ill show you later on the maps, that are the, you know the the high level of the guardian alliance. They’re like the ones that wrote the books originally, they’re like the sommeliers from our matrix, these are are massive messianic beings, and that means they’re the eternal life beings, the ones who have gone through the Adashi return cycles, and you know… so they’re anyway, we were able to pick up the host, the planet was, where it could anchor those frequencies as long as there was somebody here to anchor it and that is what our groups have been doing.


We are, you know I mean our bodies are energy, everybody’s bodies are energy, and we’re all anchoring something, and right now the planet, most of it, is anchoring the Metatronic currents and w, it, there’s a few people, just because they happen to have the DNA codes that they are connected with the Kryst and don’t know it, are just, you know, going about their little lives, but anchoring it, you know the the the good currents anyway. But there are I’m, I’m not aware of any other groups that are working at all with the with the Krystic energies as far as the gird works they’re doing. So we go around and we do grid work… and you know very specific grid work. You know, you see these types of diagrams? Well when we go to do like grid works some place, we know what a vortice is, right we know where to go, we know this information, we don’t just go, you know, play like ah planetary guardian like a lot of people do unfortunately. People that are inadvertently anchoring the negative currents and opening gate sites on the you know worm hole codes because they don’t know, cause nobody taught them you know the difference between them.


So anyway we made this, into this, into this cycle and this is good because if we didn’t it would have been all over by, in 2012. But, this, we passed the Kali Hara cycle, we’re in this cycle period right here, right now.  Which um we haven’t come to the center point yet, that’ll be 2027, when we hit this point in the cycle, there are certain energy changes that take place here, certain accretion cycles, that means energy coming in cycles, right? These are accretion cycles where energy pulls in to a certain point, there are certain things that happen each of these stages, so we are right here and this stage is the first stage of the, what’s called the Kali Krysta cycle. This is, what’do they call this one, the Barta phase, and then over here, there’s the ah the Masha phase I believe, and that’s where you get the Mashaya Hana word from, and the word messiah was twisted from that word, The Mashaya Hana word in the ancient Atlantean teachings, that’s an Anahazi word, having to do with, you know, this cycle…

K: Ok and its related, is it related somewhat to Mahayana? Mahabharata?

A: Yes…

K: Yes…

A: very much, in fact some of the, a lot of the Mahabharata texts were some of the remnants that had come up from the (Maharata?) texts that you know were the translations to the CDT plates much earlier. yeah, so anyway, we have till this point when we get over here, that is 2047, I don’t have it marked on this one, but this would be the point in the cycle that would be 2047, and this is where something called an in fold happens. Where, when we go back to remembering the vector line, with the Hara bodies on it right? And at certain points they pull into the center and then come back out again? That is going to occur with the energy systems in, in ah, literally in the parts of this galaxy that can hold the host including earth, including our own fields.

So, right now we’re making it through this part of the cycle. They’re certain changes that will happen here, this is a point, that middle point, during which, something called the Barto chambers open. Now the Barto chambers, um, it, it can be a pleasant thing or it can be a time when people evac the quickest way possible. and we are still looking at the potentiality of there could be major earth changes that occur, during this period, um

K: and that’s the years

A: and this point its like if we get this far… because what’s happening between now and 2012..is is pretty rough and what some of the other ones, like those who make wings, um have planed for 2019 isn’t to be pretty either. So, we’re trying to help keep the grid stable and the consciousness stable. Just by working energy, you know, as-as opposed to trying to go out and preachin’ anything, you know we’re just, we teach what we teach, but, there are some, this is a really bumpy period we’re going through here because of what the service to self ones are doing,  and they are seriously just trying to use this. They’re trying to take our planet, forget about us, they don’t care; they were planning to exterminate us in 2012, and just use it as torque to drag a whole larger system in to feed their black hole. So, when you have an objective like that you really don’t care, they don’t care how many people are lost, but the guardians do and that’s why we’re still here so we’re moving through this period now, We’re probably somewhere right about here… because this would be 2027, There’s some rough spots coming in 2019 and 2022,  and also we are in the middle, not quite the middle, but um in march of ah, I think it was march 25th 2007, there were certain things that a particular group of the raider races called the Borja, that are connected with the Theatens, um they kind of work together, they’re on the negative side. They’re, they’re part of the groups that are fighting over whose going to control this beast machine, this death star merkaba here, um, they did something with the solar gates of  the core of the sun, and they force closed what is called the prana seed.

Now the prana seed has to do with sophisticated anatomy. We all have one and so do planets and galaxies. When a prana seed closes it starts, it forces the Barto, and which means it forces the beginning of the death cycle. And our sun is dying as of that point. That doesn’t mean it’s immediately going to die. There are fifteen layers of the dark matter template called the Rasha body that need to separate from the physical matter body. That will be done in 2022. Now, there is a gamma burst that is released and right now it’s being buffered. Every time one of those, they call em ring waves, solar ring waves, releases, and they will get stronger as it goes into the higher levels of the rings, the higher numbers of those fifteen. And, fifteen comes in 2022. So, um so far so good, we haven’t had any major gamma bursts, you know solar flares that’ve wiped everything out (1:20:00). But these are other potentials that we are looking at as well.

K: Ok

A: as well as Earthquakes and you know the usual stuff that end times dramas bring, oh Gosh, but, it’s not as bad as a lot of the things that some of the other people are teaching. I’ve heard certain people say that oh, we won’t even be here by 2013. Yeah that’s one of the death star people.

K: Uh huh, ok, yeah

A: right…So I’d love to have a public debate about that one mister so and so

K:  yeah, it would be great to do that, I agree

A: We invited that person,

K: Oh really

A: I think you know who I’m referring to,

K: Yes

A: years ago, 

K: I see,

A: Yeah

K: interesting

A: so anyway, this is showing the cycle. There are certain different things that happen in this amazing structure of the planetary, ah solar galactic and uh universal, spirit body and light body structures. Its a very specific process that is involved with Kryst Star evolution which is going into that where you fulfill, the um, where you, fulfill meaning, acreate or bring in all the frequencies in the template that you needed to make that Adashi turnaround, where you can um immortalize your atoms and go into the eternal life, you know, going back cycles and planets and solar systems and galaxies can do that too.

So there’s a portion of this system, this galaxy system that can still do that. With the the extra frequency that is being added, by that host system, that is called the Aquarian matrix. And it’s actually, the Aquarian matrix, is um, they have the prototypes of the, what the humans here were actually, like, designed on. The genetic prototypes were from there. Even though we weren’t directly from the Aquarian system, we’re from M31, and ah and from this particular, um Universe, once, you know the Milky Way once it fell, but they are they are very close. Closely related genetically you know to us in that regard. So they’re not like, when I talk about the he other ones, you don’t have to expect like you know very strange looking beings like you know Octopi. Some some very nice ascended ones do look like that, but, these look very human like, but much much larger.

K: Ok (1:22:04)

A: you know, very very tall. Yeah, anyway so this is the cycle we’re in at the moment. Now, this, this one’s good.  This will show a little bit. This is how these, we can start understanding these as maps.

Here, that’s a pretty colored one. I’m so glad people cared to take my black and white messes, right like these, and you know do them properly on the computer. This again is just showing the bones, or the inter woven Kathara grids. Right, of the Ukatha Rista Body, which is like one cosmic body, right? Now in here, Aquinos Eckasha matrix, we’re down in here. Aquinos is actually the name of M31, that’s the official name as far as the ancient records go and all of that…

K: Ok

A: and ah we are a part of, we-we were the Aquinos, ah you know, universe, they call it, ah universal system. And we call it the ah, the um M31 Andromeda galaxy but it’s actually the Aquinos universe. Now, we’re located down here. Up here is the Aquarian Eckasha matrix. Right up here. So, we’re down here, and they’re up in this section, so its literally showing the relationships like you know ok one lives over here and one lives in you know Pennsylvania, ones in California, right? That kind of thing, and there’s another one, there’s a black hole system a fall system right here that’s called the (Wesolay?) system, and…what’s, what’s interesting about this whole creation is falls can happen, where where part of the spherical structures of that system literally no longer energetically connected to the grid. They still hang in the grid, but they’re cut off from it. They can only happen on the Vecka and the Ecka levels. A whole Eckasha can’t fall. Once you get to the Eckasha layer, none of those other layers can fall. And its just it’s a different type of existence, where you don’t worry about the different polarity dramas that end up in falls and things.

So, but this shows us, where yeah we’re here, um, the ones that are helping us here. this is ah, they call it ah um, its a its an eternal matrix that the purpose they choose to stay in incarnation, or stay in existence, is, to kind of play the helpers, for any of the other systems that do need, you know wants to go in. where They’ve actually, they live by let my will be thy will, as far as source goes, and they want nothing other than to fulfill what, you know, sources intention is, which is a loving intention and you know an assisting attention. So, they find their joy in being of service to assisting the evolutions in you know in the lower matrices and they hold this, these frequencies pure. They – Their systems stay pure enough where they can actually send currents in and help systems or hold them up, so they don’t fall, and that’s what they’re doing, with our system right now.

This little red one right here, that’s our parallel. Our immediate parallel system on this level. And this one is a black hole system. Alright, the parallels of fall. We have a parallel earth and that fell- finally finished falling in 2003. We have a parallel Milky Way, that is a mess, and ah, its called the alpha system. That was the first black hole. They look at us as the Omega system. They’re the beginning, we’re the end. They’re planning to pull the two systems together, using the ah, death star merkaba mechanics.

So this is the locations anyway, of where- who whose on first, we’re here, over here in the Aquinos, that system, the parallel, is running, and here our buddies that are helping us with the Krystal river host, sending us energy to literally stop, you know its kind of like sending big energy arms down to hold us up, because these guys are pulling so much energy out of us, we would have fallen already, this this whole galaxy would have, and then ah up here there’s another system. This system the (Wessa?) system, is connected with this one, they’ve linked through wormholes to the center of their cores, their Ecka cores, and create a structure, ah uh system of um wormhole structures. One of them is (YodeyVodhey??) wormhole structure. And any – thing – any channeling’s and stuff coming from that stuff its coming right out of (Wesohlay?) and that kind of stuff, and that is a fall system. So there’s, the trickery that is going on here is heartbreaking. You know, it it seriously is.

K: Ok can you talk at all about the dimensional aspect of this, because certain of these systems aren’t in certain dimensions…… no?

A: um… because certain of these systems aren’t in certain dimensions…

K: Because,

A: I’m trying to frame that in my mind, with what we know

K: In other words, it seems, well, ok, in, at least in the, what’s out there, we’re talking about four dimensional beings, being, you know, the negative service to self coming in through

A: we’re talking about fifteen dimensional beings being negative some of them too,

K: Oh really, so going up much higher levels

A: Yeah

K: then is currently thought…

A: Oh yeah… 

K: ok because that’s interesting, that your saying

A: Metatron,

K: There’s a back up,

A: Metatron for example, Metatron is an entity, he’s a Rishi entity, fifteen dimensional Rishic identity and that collective fell. But it was still on the Vecka level, alright, when you get up past the Vecka levels, cause fir-, we have our density levels, their inside of a Vecka level. Veckas go in sets of four and at the center is an Ecka, all that stuff is inside of something called an Eckasha level. The Eckasha level can’t fall. But any of the consciousness or the structures below that can.

K: Ok and what levels of density, then, are we going down, from there?

A: 1:27:25 Each set,  of each Vecka, each Kathara Grid lets say, those little structures that you saw, each of those has like four density and implies a fifth density when you cross through the center. Whether you find that Eckasha on the lowest densities in the Veckas or up in the highest in the structures of the Ukatha Rista body where it can’t fall, they, it’s all consistently; there are five densities and fifteen dimensions to each set.

K: Ok

A: they have different types of matter and um different density levels of matter. some are heavier than others, and that kind of thing. So but that – that part is consistent from the smallest all the way up to the largest. It is just the the finest or the refinement of the matter type changes as you go up into the ones that cant fall, there’s a refinement  to the energy and the consciousness there that you don’t find in the one, you know in the lower systems. Even the best of the lower systems. So that, I thinks that how I would answer your question for now…

K: Ok, and if you get the ah the light beings that manifest here, that are really um manifesting, in other words, they really are light beings, what level are they coming from?

A: It depends

K: Could be, anyone one… from what level up

A: There- There’s ah an old saying, that light can deceive, but sound tells the truth. Sound is the vibration, right?

K: Ok

A: the encryption

K: mm hmm

A: Its a feel thing. You can have really beautiful light beings, that are coming in the form of, that are actually FA’s or fallen angelics, that are coming to mess with you. You can have really really ugly ascended ones that are really good. They come from many different levels. We are learning to turn ourselves into light. We are the the things they are teaching us now, we’re learning first bilocation, next is um ah translocation, and then eventually get to do transmigration, but that requires having ah certain things where you actually aren’t trapped by the planetary time cycles anymore.

So, light beings – where do they come from? Well they could come from here, you know, they could come from Venus next door. They could come from the highest levels or the lowest levels. There are light beings that come and visit out of the black hole systems and there are ones that come and visit from the higher levels. So just because it’s a light being, doesn’t mean its good light.

K: Ok

A: They’ve made a distinction. They taught us some very interesting mechanics about the difference of light or radiation signatures, right? There is something called ah Shalaya living light and it’s a very specific configuration. It is created out of three units that form a light unit, and matter forms actually build out of these, right? And there is another type of light that forms through using the, actually the natural light the organic light that comes from first creation, natural creation, organic creation. Is tha, the, the three balls. I don’t have one here but it’s like they call it the Tribeca, where it’s like three. One ball on top and two small ones and that is what the structure of the light unit is. It has the ability, for those – the two little bottom balls, to phase in and out like this, and spark when they do, so it can generate its own quantum. So it’s eternal, right?

There’s another type of light that is not organically occurring. It occurs by bending the natural laws of physics and using the various forms of the death star merkaba, mechanics. And that is called, the ah Shona light field. And it is a dead light field. And it is made of ah they call it the vesica piscis configuration, where it is just two light things together like that – right? Two., And they spin and they spark, but they have to attach to something in order to feed, or they’re finite and their spin actually burns them out until they collapse and fall apart. Which means the matter forms that they’re built on collapse and fall apart. So they’re al- they’re finite light. And, so that is you know light beings. is it a light being made out of a Shona field, or is it a light being made out of an organic Shalaya field. Same thing with orbs. Right?

K: Yes, absolutely

A: you can have positive and negative orbs. I’ve met some very nasty orbs in my day when I was younger. I used to run from them, I was terrified of them. Right cause they would turn into Zetas, right. Yeah

K: Yes

A: the Red ones you had to look out for with the Zetas – yeah I’m not saying all red orbs are zetas, but yeah so its, there’s things that can be used. Just because it’s a phenomena doesn’t mean it’s always good or always negative. Right

K: Sure

A: it – it that’s where learning the sense encryption helps

K: ok that’s, and that’s very valuable

A: yeah

K: for people to hear

A: yeah. Good. Ok, back to where were we? oh we can go through this quicker over here for ancient times. This is showing a close-up of that. This- this isn’t, these aren’t my hand drawn ones, right? Which in certain ways, I can read them better, probably cause I drew them, but, but they’re much prettier when they’re done on the computer. This is showing that same thing, it just happens to be tilted the way drew I it first, right

K: I see

A: that’s that same thing that was at the top before, and this is showing right here where our Vecka system is right? Right here, but this here is pulling it out so you can look at it a little more closely. Instead of just having a natural Kathara grid structure, right which is the the bones that our sphere there would be built on, there’s this tilt, right? The bones are here. The natural Kathara grid, that’s the Aquinos matrix which is, um M31 Andromeda, and this is the Milky Way. Now, We’re still energetically connected through earth. Right to, if if you notice there’s numbers on, these little centers. They’re called Kathara centers. Through number three on the Andromeda, or the M31 grid, and number three earth on this grid, they are connected. That is the link that has been holding the Milky Way. Connected to, ah Andromeda and If the host mission was to try to help ((1:33:11) the milky way evolve back into its natural position, cause if something gets stuck like that, eventually it will fall and be off the grid that’s where it will become finite until it burns out its quantum. So there’s always rescue missions to try to bring something back. Earth has been a place of, and so was Terra, before earth became earth down here, there was a star here called (Ashalay?) and that was actually the host star that the fragments of Terra were put in to begin this solar system down here in density one. That’s described a bit in Voyagers. But this is showing the offset, where, this is the, say this is the north axis of um, of m31, this is Milky Way’s. They’re off tilt with each other and that actually creates distance in space time. A couple million light years. What is it two hundred million? I forget, I used to know. Anyway, but so that’s just showing in these maps.


Now you can see that just a little bit closer when you bring it in just that little part, that shows, those misalignments, where this was the natural structure, and that’s the structure of the M31 Andromeda’s galaxy’s core template, right? And these are twelve. The twelve main stargates, in that universe, by the way. This is our Milky Way system and right here on the number three gate, that is where they are still connected, alright?


These others, there’s and there’s a whole set of these that show the black hole system, its called the Prosaic black hole and it’s a mess. I mean this just, You can see the dynamics of how it works, and the energy twists and stuff, but I’m not going into that on this one, you know on this particular presentation, because ah it takes forever. But this is showing the offset so, and what that translates into is that distance that we’re seeing between M31 galaxy and, and The milky way galaxy, but they are one and that is our home system. And if we are going to ascend out of the Vecka matrices, we have to ascend through there. Anything in this matrix has to go out through where it came in from, because of the encryption that you carry. You will carry the encryption of the gate you came out of, so you need to use them to go back, you know, in the Adashi returns.


K: Ok


A: So anyway, that’s showing some of that. anymore here? Ah… yes this is gives an idea of how this, when you put the probability  ah the Hara bodies, right? That are the that form the probability sets, and if you see, look in here, we had a whole bunch of these, and bless Willa, she, her and Bob type set them all, all the little numbers, so you know which lines. Because this becomes important. We actually use drum codes to bring in very specific frequencies by using the numerical coordinates that go with the specific systems we’re trying to bring the energy in from, to bounce out the ones from the black hole systems that are coming in. I mean it’s quite sophisticated the technologies they’re showing us to use


K: Oh ok, very interesting


A: we’re all learning how to beat on drums, right? If you can’t beat on it, stomp on the ground, right? You’re an energy system, stomp, get the vibration in. But this is showing us the same thing, um, that we were looking at before, where it shows the Ukatha Rista map, right? And we’re over here. But now its showing the probability systems that we’re in. so where our lil Kathara grid is, there’s actually, every one of these has a system that looks just like this, but a smaller one right? And then every one of these inside of that has that. So you have all of these probability systems on each level. And you have what, um, at a certain point you’ll see there’s ones that are the meta-galactic level, and the meta-galactic level is where we’re having issues with the parallel meta galaxy that goes down into the galaxy and the black holes link in the center, and that’s where, our parallel, what’s called our parallel Vecka, um we are in Vecka 5, and they are in Vecka 2, that would be our parallel, they’re at 90 degrees, they’re actually pulling, you know, pulling our system in. so this is just another way of looking at it, but, showing not just the bones, but also showing the many many layers. The wheels within wheels, the spheres within spheres, and these are all probability fields that interact with each other and pass through each other. So there are gate systems between all of these organic ones, and now there’s wormholes that don’t belong there too. So it’s it’s, it’s a really big story.


K: No doubt about it.


A: right? It’s just. Yeah Sometimes I just go. This is just a simple one after you saw just a little bit and like these are very detailed. Like we, we tend to get, I think everyone carries, I think everybody carries ah little magnifying glasses around with them at this point for any of the chart facts that come out at workshops, because all of these are actually numbers that mean something, and words that mean something, right? But you usually need like a micro lens to read it.


But this is showing a close up of the section of that map that we just saw that corresponds to, um to our galaxy, and its showing how these connect, can be translated, these locations can be translated into, like where is the Milky Way core. Ok if we go and find Milky Way on, this is something like, in the science books, right?  The local group of galaxies. We got the Milky Way here, we got M31 up here, right? These are those two that used to be together. This is what science already knows, by you know, studying space the way they study it. This, the the core of Milky Way, they already know, has a black hole in the center of it. The core of Milky Way’s black hole, would be right here. M31 is right here, and we are in this twisted down offset, here. In these spheres. So you can literally find us in the maps, and this is how they, the ones, the Adashi masters they, they, you know they they’re they’re, they will not use words like timeliness and that kind of stuff. They hate that power thing, cause it’s a twist on power. You know, the lord concept, where, oh lord and master, you know I’m so above you. They really just don’t come from there. They are adepts; they are adept at what they do. Yes they have achieved krist star ascension, blah.


Anyway, they, they use these, these are the coordinate maps. And you know how they use them? Once you get to the point where you ascend, you simply visualize it. It runs the encryption through your field, bang zoom you’re gone, you’re they’re. Speed of thought, and that’s what you know, full ascension is.


K: so there’s a purpose behind showing this


A: yes


K: in other words, such that the individuals that see it, can then begin to internalize the maps themselves and


A: yes


K: and then start, because there’s going to be


A: it will help, it will activate, it will bring back their own ancient awareness of this things


K: Activating their memories, yeah?


A: yes, that’s why the the guardians wanted to be able to show


K: Ok


A: that’s why we use tons of graphs every time we have a workshop


K: Ok


A: 1:39: 28 Right? Yeah, but it it helps. I mean it – if you, you can read em’ forever and kind of go, oh, ok I kind of get that, we just tell people don’t worry about it. Just watch the sequence and it often it is the sequence because they’ll show this graph then they’ll show this and they create a wave. You know an activation wave. That If you have the codes that correspond to this in you, if you don’t it wont effect you at all, you’ll say awlll – whatever…right


K: Uh huh, right


A: You will start to; it will help you wake up. To the, you know to the ancient knowledge if you carry it.


K: Ok and is there correspondence in some of the crop circles?


A: yes, they’re both sides


K: yes, ok


A: yeah some of them are very not friendly, and some of them are. I remember we were really thrilled when, we actually, the guardians actually said, that’s ours that was only one…


Unknown: Yeah


A: There was one. It was a number of years ago but we actually have a picture of it on one of the covers of our templar manual thing. Yeah, where is that Milk Hill, on that thing.


Unknown: Milk hill, yeah


A: Yeah… In England. Give me this, oh this is just showing you, we talked about the overlap between our, us and our parallel, ok? We’re back in these maps again; these are called probability maps, when we look at them with just the balls without the bones,


K: And when you’re calling them probabilities, are you saying that that, in other words, that means that certain things could change… within these maps?


A: um,


K: certain areas could…


A: it means that each


K: Activate, certain other places could close down….


A: yes and no. yes, but within a parameter..


K: ok…


A: within a set parameter. After a certain set of things occur, a probability locks in


K: Ok..


A: and then whatever is in that probability must follow through to whatever the natural next point is


K: Ok


A: and that’s what we’ve been stuck in. we’ve actually been stuck in this probability system on for Earth, for ages now… for many, about a hundred thousand years longer than we should have


K: and you’re saying that the probability system here locked in, and that’s why they’re doing a 200 year evac, as what, as you call it


A: um, the probability locked in when the, when the solar core closed, the sun is dying


K: Ok


A: alright, and that is going to start at some point, create, well, red pulse, which is a vapor wave that takes out any life on the planet and, at, when that, when that event happened, that is something you cant go backward from, alright? So you are locked into that probability and then you there…there are are, various versions of what you might see, but certain things are going to happen period, and you cant change them no matter how much you push out and visualize it right? Or no matter how man people you get together to do a world peace meditation.


K: Mm Hmm, Right


A: right? Because we try to do those too right?


K: Yes


A: to help the grid. Yeah, so we did lock into that probability. And you know, in, when the the solar gates thing happened. The fact is that in our system…


K: ok, but id also like to talk about why or how that happened, that the sun did end up in that place,


A: ok


K: locked in, um. But we don’t need, need to digress right here… just for future


A: it’ll probably get me in trouble if I answer that one, fully, but what don’t I always anyway? There’s ah, ah, ah a group of, there are a bunch of different, there’s not just zetas that we’re talking about. The Zetas are the little guys on the block. Don’t even worry about them at this point. Um, there’s a group called the Theatens, and they also run a very popular (Moten?) on the planet. And There’s ah, and another group called the Borja, they are from, um a parallel Ekasha, part of the black hole system, they have been trying to get control of the grids here. Every bodies fighting over tha – the death star Merkaba, cause it’s it’s here and it can be activated, and now


K: So you’re saying that these


A: there’s a bunch of systems that are fighting over this, right? Well they actually tried to activate what’s called the Mica – the Mica Meca complex. The Mica Meca complex is a set. Mica is on parallel earth, and the Meca complex is here and it is set in wormholes that connect in through the Theaten grids, there’s like certain implants here that the Theatens put in. so they actually tried to blast through to activate that, and take it away from the other groups who are…. F.A. groups that are activating it and it it overloaded the sun, the solar core. And that creates a spasm, and when a, when a prana seed spasms, it locks. And when it locks, it cuts the connection to the natural breathing that would happen between it and its dark matter template and that is when Barto starts. And the sun entered its Barto cycle when that occurred.  And it was grid wars, if you want to chalk it up to one thing, grid wars. Again this is stuff that is happening not because nature had it happen or god had it happen. No, this is because people are acting like crazies in this universe. You know they are, they’re just like so far gone in the don’t get it anymore that  you know, we all came from the same place, that we’re supposed to work together peacefully, and, you know this crew just doesn’t get it, the ones dealing with the, these, these particular level of mechanics


K: ok, but are you talking about um, when you say Theatens and other groups, are you talking about off planet beings that have come here? That are here, maybe, are they physically incarnating?


A: Yeah


K: are they taking over bodies, that sort of thing?


A: yes those too


K: Ok, yeah, and then also, what about the ships that we’ve been seeing near the sun. What are they trying to do?


A: depends on which ones they are, I think you have various ones up there.


K: Ok, but is there


A: I just got – ours aren’t up there


K: I mean


A: you just… alright, guardians said they’re not theirs


K: Ok, but if they’re there, in other words, if the sun is a done, you know basically locked into this, then what would be the purpose of having ships there at this time?


A: Ok, I just got, 2012, 2012, 2012. There’s an alignment that’s occurring in 2012, that has to do with the solar core, and whether or not its prana seed is working, the alignment occurs, because it doesn’t involve the Rasha body or the dark matter template, um, they just said it has to do with 2012. I wonder if this has to do with what this workshops about? See every workshop they reveal another level of something, and this time they’re revealing stuff about what they’re calling the ancient arrow sites, um the twelve plus twenty four ancient arrow sites. That the guardians are activating this weekend.


K: ok


A: Yeah, we’ll know about it Monday


K: That brings us in the Wing make- material and we want to address that as well at some point


A: that’s a better point after Monday, because that’s what they’re going to talk about in this workshop and I didn’t know


K: ok well there’s a synchronicity there


A: they hadn’t mentioned it in, since Voyagers was written, and you know I was just like looked at some of the pictures, felt the encryption and was like oh boy, that stuff, ok, pretty but ah, right? No thank you. Um, Yeah some of it’s alright but some of it has that twist to it. But all of the sudden I mean, what do they what is the name of it, I don’t have the thing here, it was a really funny title


Unknow: the (wing knows?)


A: No… they called, they called the workshop, the ah, what is it, the makers of wings and other things?


Unknown: Yeah


K: Ok


Unknown: That was it


A: yeah… and it’s not just about that. And its not the people that are involved with the wing makers, that you know, these people are well meaning people and you know its fascinating and they’re trying to figure out what it is,


K: sure,


A: but it’s the particular group of the ET’s that they’re dealing with, these are a, these are a group of nephilim, alright? They, they’re called the Corteum and they are part what is called ah, the the (Nekromiton Andromey?) hybrid with Jehovian Annunaki. Alright, the Nekromiton Andromey are known as the beetle people. Right? They had a lot to do with ancient Egypt and stuff. Yeah  and scarab worship and things because their home form looks like that. Ah, anyway. Anyway stop. Ok I just got anyway sshhhh.


K: Ok


A: Talk about Wingmakers later.


K: Ok


A: but I don’t want to offend any of the Wingmakers people, I’m sure they mean well, and, but what we didn’t know is, you know so they’re saying, ok we’re going to do Wingmakers so I have to go look up a little bit on it and say what is this stuff anyway. And its, you know – all the sites have the same story and I have about a four second attention span when it comes to stuff I’m really not interested in anyway unless the (guardians?)  tell me I have to read it, and there’s nothing there that said anything accept oh there might be a few other sites, there might be seven and the ah guardians said, uh they’re the seven broken arrows. We’ll call them the ancient arrow sites, all of them. They’re our sites, they were our sites. There are seven of them that have been compromised, but they’re are twelve primary plus twenty four. So, we’re going to learn about what they are in this workshop. Its news to me but I have a feeling they’re connected to the spanner gates. The NavAho gates. I just have a feeling. They’re the one set of gates they haven’t revealed the sites the locations for except for one. The revealed spanner 7


K: so you’re talking about twenty four and that corresponds to the 24 DNA and


A: oh, the twenty four stands of DNA


K: Yeah


A: um they use twelve’s and twenty fours a lot in things like stargate configurations and that kind of thing. Usually there’s primarily twelve and then there’s various other increments of twelve. And we have to find out what the twenty four other sites are so its like


K: ok


A: here we go again. I’m one of the people that really enjoys going to workshops, because I like what I learn, because I don’t know the information before I go. I don’t know if you know this about the presentations


K: No I didn’t


A: I’m lucky if I get an itinerary.


K: Oh


A: I’ve walked into workshops and gone well, you know its the orientation night, hello everybody thank you for being here, ah, its one of those mystery workshops, don’t know what its about yet, don’t even have an itinerary, right?


K: so you get downloads during the workshop


A: all during, yeah


K:  ok and and how do you remember it all


A:  and then I go down and present them, it comes through on a wave and some of it sticks


K: and they record it? 


A: some of it sticks, and diagrams


K: ok


A: diagrams, diagrams many many diagrams


K: Ok, interesting alright, very good


A: yeah but It comes through live, it’s always live


K: ah, ok we’re down to three minutes


A: Again?


K: believe it or not. I don’t know what happened to this hour, but


A: I could probably talk forever,


K: yeah, um ok,


A: what’s what what we found neat about these is the fact that first of all it was in direct response to the techniques that the guardians said to do, and they didn’t let us know the first time, right? Just do these projection techniques and things and it was a big surprise right and then they told us the calling, how to actually call them, and they showed up, again. And they are the intricate ones and that kind of stuff, but it wasn’t just like one person with a camera. This was like a while bunch of different people,. Some of them their first time at a workshop, you know, saying do I want to go to workshops or not, you know


Unknown: Um its ok they’re not, they’re not filming they’re just


A: getting orb pictures and it was just like one of those little gifts


Unknown: we’re filming, we’re filming,


A: you know from the universe kind of thing. You go, Hmm cool, we got orbs, we never looked for orbs….they found us. But now its becoming important because we’re learning a lot more about the, about the orbs and what it means in relation to, um, what needs to be done for 2012,


K: Ok


A: yeah, they’re teaching us to become orb whisperers as they say…and, and its hilarious because like when we’re doing the dancing and drumming circles, you’ll see how people will be like, you know dancing and stuff and there’ll be orbs like dancing up on their fingers and stuff.


K: That’s lovely, yeah


A: Um, this diagram was ah is is a close up of a certain section, of the maps, that we showed you before that plug into the, you know, pictures that science draws of the galaxy and that kind of thing. Its showing our milky way system and the um, and the um, M31 that we’re a part of in our probability set, in our Vecka. And over here is the parallel Vecka and over in this parallel Vecka there is a bunch of- there’s a cluster of fall systems. That is the black hole system called the alpha black hole system. They’ve created as as you can see these, um probability fields – these, balls within balls – overlap each other, right? And in part of their natural configuration, that there is an overlap between them.



Well what the, the alpha system is doing in the parallel universe is using the um metatronic, Atlantean death star Merkaba technology to reverse, if you reverse certain curves using that technology, you can harness ah certain part of the field next to you and drag it in to your system, and that is what they’re trying to do.


This place in in between here, normally they would just be normal pass-throughs, but this one is all convoluted with all sorts of implant structures that are wormhole structures. They refer to this as the dragon’s eye.


The word dragon comes in, actually not because of big winged creatures, but there was a race that got involved with all of this very far back in time called the dragoon. And the dragoon races took sides over which sides of the fallen ones they were gonna side with, and the dragoon races ended up with some of theirs fallen trying to help the others, and then you ended up with ones that wanted them all exterminated, ones that wanted just the one side exterminated, ones that just wanted the other side. The, the dragon races are actually the the the dra, blahhh, dragoon race line, it is a reptilian based race line. Reptilian crossed with, um, what are called (Equary?). An’ Equary are ah ah a group of the ones that originally called (Aquary?), before they fell. The Aquary are from the Aquarian matrix that are the hosters, the ones that are helping here. Some of them incarnated into the fallen matrices to try and assist and a group of them had, this is ancient way like you know a couple billion years ago, um they got um ensnared in one of the fallen angelic dramas and they ended up falling. Meaning they ended up in a fall system and they lost their ascension codes and the distinction with them is they become the Equary, where they use the e instead of the a on the front


K: Huh


A: and they


K: do they have a memory? Will they have a memory of when they weren’t fallen?


A: Um, it depends on the fall honestly, it depends on um, cause the the blank slate technology when this thing does its whole thing it just completely wipes you clean, where you don’t remember anything, you wake up and its like, yeah just born here, what am I? Who am I? Where am I? That kind of thing. Um, there are, be-because that happens when the transition of that fall occurs, cause there is a final point of transition when the death star Merkaba activates and literally rips you apart and drags you into another field and then kind of assembles you in a facsimile on the other side… um there are almost like time capsules, but they leave for themselves so they can re-find the memory and when you re-find it and discover it somewhere else, it puts that memory back in, so they, they will get a facsimile of the memory that that you know,  that they would have had otherwise. But, the fall codes, once the metatronic activations in a in a body have taken place, to where those Merkaba fields have activated to a fifty five spin, a more higher fifty five or higher, there there’s no turning back for the gene code at that point , the consciousness is trapped in that body and the only way out is a hosted Barto, which means when the body does its  natural death thing it would need help, the consciousness, just getting out of that body And it would have to go through a rehabilitation process of that Kali, kali Rema path of step back  and have to come back out and reincarnate into the matrix again, to, you know, to try to get back in the ascension thing, so…


K: Ok, um,  and I’m also going to ask you at some point about, uh, what are, um beings that are like artificial intelligence but they are not ah, they don’t incarnate, they’re um, in essence clones without souls without… you you understand where I’m going with that?


A: I think so…


K: Um, so where, because we understand that the, that the dark side is using a lot of those um, and actually, you know sorry to bring this up but the Wingmaker material talks specifically about a race of, in essence they call them robots which are, you could be calling them androids, whatever, that are actually, were, according to that material were on the way here.


A: Hmm


K: So, at some point id like to address where those beings…


A: they’re already here….


K: yeah


A: first of all, um


K: ok, go ahead


A: If if you had to pick between the two, the Corteum and those guys,


K: yes


A: You’d probably want to pick those guys, not the Corteum,


K: Ok


A: um, both of them like, one is bad as the other, as far their intentions and what they’re up to, but yes there are, there are a lot of different races who have gone in that direction in attempt to preserve their finite life spans.  Where they started with transferring consciousness from and old and dying body, into a new cloned body. Cloned off their own, like, you know just make another copy, but the copies get weirder and changed every time, just like a photocopier copy, copy after copy after copy and eventually you say, what is that? Right, well there are races like that, some of them are already here.


Um, as far as invading, ah, I think they’re watching too much Caprica, but ah, yeah seriously, because, in the beginning that’s how it started you know, before the Galactica series, that’s actually something that is ah, they’re they’re showing some of this drama, in those series on


K: sure


A: On TV, but as far as , we’ve we’ve not been, you know our our team has not been warned about anything like that as far as worrying about that being a problem


K: Ok


A: its like, if it is, its small, compared to the rest of the things that are on the plate right now


K: Ok


A: cause it’s not going to matter much if anybody invades, if it rolls in 2012. Right, the planet, right? It’s not going to matter much then, because that would wipe out life here, its not going to roll though.


K: right


A: It would have if the intervention wasn’t given, like full tilt, roll. I mean


K: I understand. Ok so and we can also talk about that. We can talk about , in other words, what was planned in terms of, are you talking about a pole reversal, are you talking about a pole shift in which it the planet itself would roll, um and


A: crust spin


K: I’m sorry


A: crust spin


K: crust spin, yeah, and that was planned for 2012 apparently, and you’re saying its been stopped…


A: postponed


K: postponed, yeah until 2027 is it? 22 some..


A: no it’s ah 2230


K: 2230


A: Yeah


K: ok, and um then what’s going to happen instead?


A: we’ll talk about that when we get through these pictures


K: Ok, so


A: because these pictures will help understand what we’re walking into in the first place, or what we’re walking around on in the first place, and once we, you know once we understand that, then we can talk about, ok what do you do about that? Especially when they’re trying to activate it and you know make all this stuff it happen in 2012


K: Ok


A: there’s certain things I mean, we have really strange titles to some of our workshops, we’ve got “mirror in the sky” we’ve got “orb fest” here but they all mean something. There are very specialized grid dynamics that we are being taught so we can anchor the frequencies here of the things that are actually creating buffer fields, for some of this, and ah, it its actually the fields that we’re helping the guardians to anchor, and they’d be able to anchor it alone if they were here, but you need an anchoring rod, and that’s what our shield, we call it a shield, the group shield, anchors here the frequencies they send in, and they’re actually giving a counter pull, so there fifty five activation on the Merkaba cant go all the way in 2012. Because if it did, it would spin something called the planetary rods, and we’ll see what they are in a little bit. Um, we have a rod and a staff. Actually we have two rods and a staff. On the planet, and they are key energetic configurations that have to do with vortices and things like that. And they’ve made, the ah, by moving the rods, before, they have, well, they they moved it from like Pangaea to whatever the next stage was, to the next stage, it breaks the crust and it shifts it depending on what ways you pull the rods, and that, but it, you have extinctions and things happen on the surface when they do that. They’re planning to move the rods again in 2012 and we’re, the, not the little people on the ground, we’re just helping the guardians to anchor it, but, the guardians are going to stop that


K: ok


A: temporarily. They can’t prevent it but they can hold it off long enough for, for to when the gates to close. When the gates close, they have to pull their energy out. When they pull their energy out, that merkaba’s gonna activate, you know the metatronic merkaba will, the death star will activate on this planet or what’s left of the planet by then, so, that’s why evacuation can be a good thing


K: ok and that is sparking more questions


A: of course…


K: but I’m going to let you go on…


A: ok, right. You should- anyway, so that was the dragons eye. I just wanted to show you about that – it’s in between our ah our our universe, where where, which is really our, they call it the Meta galaxy; it’s our Meta galaxy, Milky Way and m31, and the parallel. And the parallel is the alpha system that has the black hole systems there that have wormholed their way through into our system. That are trying to pull our system down as quantum food. Ok?


K: Ok great


A: yeah, next one, this is going quick, right?


Unknown: this one is


A: Yeah, it gets into the interesting stuff now, a little closer to home because we kind of started high in structure, right?


K: yes


A: and now we’re working down, alright now, so we went from the galactic level, meta-galactic level, let’s go down to the solar system level. This diagram shows the natural structure of an organic living solar system. Notice, everybody has this little funny shape called it looks like ah, ah star of David or six pointed star, that is a Merkaba star, alright? It implies a Merkaba field. Which would be a three dimensional, you know, star tetrahedronal field around them.


Alright, and there would be, they come in sets of twelve planets. They have specific relationships ratios and sizes in relation to each other and in relation to their center sun. Everyone of them have gates in the center, everyone of them has a central staff of energy that it rotates around, and it has two rods. One coming out, well, the rod comes out this way and the chamber comes out front to back, right? The sun would have the same thing; they all have their north pointing up. And their south pointing down, right?


They each spin on their axis at a reciprocal rate to each other, and their rods and chambers pass through each other and spark. Because, the rods can be very very long energetically, so even know the ah stars and planets may be, you know, long distances apart, the energy fields, that their rods you know are sending, would interface. And when they interface they spark and they generate quantum and there are certain periods in the natural breathing cycle, or expansion and contraction of energy cycle, where there’s these wonderful arches that take place between the sun and the tops of its planets. And then the planets and the bottom of the sun. Its called the solar symbiosis cycle and it’s a natural living structure of a living solar system. And it generates its own quantum and it expands and contracts and in, every, all of the planets would have a Corona sphere, they would look like stars. That doesn’t mean you couldn’t live under the Corona sphere, but from the outside they would look like stars. And that would, that, our our system started out this way after the fall from Terra. There was, it was actually taken, the remnants of Terra were taken back in through that um Kali Rema step back, and re-seeded, brought back out. At, down in density one, as this solar system. So that’s how we did the fall from terra. They actually pulled us back in through the Kali Rema path and pulled us, re-birthed this system back out. And it was re-birthed back out in this natural configuration. So that is a natural solar system and that’s what we used to be.


Next one, in a natural solar system. Sorry. This is just showing, for instance, with each planet, the natural solar system you’d have the solar rod, right? And this one would have, it’s not shown on this diagram, but you’d have the rod of the planet and they would exchange energy together. And there would be energy arching through the planet and there would be energy arching up and down here. There’s another diagram that shows it a lil better. But, this would be, every bodies, notice the north axis would be the same. There wouldn’t be an ecliptic, because the north axis on both planets and sun would be pointing up in the same direction. That means, now there’s something called the planetary shield that it’s an invisible ah, platform of energy that ah- deflection field that actually forms from the planet spinning and its part of the actual Merkabic structure, and it goes horizontal to whatever the vertical is. So you would have this one, horizontal, it would be the same horizontal as this one, where they would just be spinning in the same plane. That allows for the natural energy circulation and exchange that’s supposed to take place in the living system. Um, I don’t know if you’ve, probably looked at places ah ah like um the scientific representation of our system, doesn’t look anything like that, you know, I think its Uranus is on its side, where it literally rotates on its side…


Now, when it’s a living system, this would be the natural organic electromagnetic energy flow around a planet. This is called the YanYun flow and we have half a book I think dedicated to these. The Kathara 2-3 manual deals with these heavily and it shows the formation of them, what they do. You know these are the natural ah ah electromagnetic flows of a living breathing system that has the capacity to – through its core – interact with other living breathing systems around it. Its part of the natural structure. Now, this looks nothing like the electromagnetic fields we have around our planet right now. Our magnetosphere and all those things, alright? There’s a reason and ill, we’ll see that in a minute.


When a planets doing what its supposed to and a solar systems doing what its supposed to, it goes through periods where it actually, the whole system will disappear because the two um, Hara, Hara bodies that its vector is, you know its it’s manifesting with it, will pull into the center, recharge, and come back out again. When they recharge, the planets and the whole solar system will, go into this configuration of light body spirit body structure. Its called the chariot of fire, and, its literally part of the ascension vehicle. It’s not the whole thing but that’s showing some of the dynamics involved in it.


Now we used to be an ascension system. Notice in the chariot of fire, there is that Merkabic structure again. Now this is just a simple, um Merkaba structure, its bi-vecka which means it has one cone going down and one cone coming up, there’s mush more complex structures. But this would be the natural kind of thing that if this was a living breathing system, and same with the galaxy, the galaxy would have the same type of interaction. The galaxy does not have every, you know its galactic plane is tilted, things are tilted all over the place in the galactic plane, and our solar system is in the same position.


The natural ones have these configurations. The Flat plane, the solar symbiosis arches, you know, with the breathing between them, the ability to go into chariot of fire state. These, this little diagram here that’s on the Kathara grid shape, right that core template shape, it has, at 45 degrees it has two of its, ah, petals we call this the lotus, right? These are lotus flows, they’re core flows, and they allow for, actually movement of, on these flows you have series of spheres actually and it allows for the movement of the spheres so they spark, they generate quantum and then they open up again. So it’s a self generating system, it’s a perpetual motion continually living system.


Alright, here again are the YanYun flows, the natural ones, the natural Merkabic structure with the straight shield deflection shield and natural Merkaba, so that’s what it’s supposed to look like.


And, lets go back to the solar system level, this is, this is, this is a bit messy because I never had this one type set, but, at the moment, this is our solar system..


Unknown: Not straight


A: in the center there, you have the inter planets, right? We’ll look at earth in a minute as far as how its sitting in its solar plane that gives us the elliptic and all of that. This is the orange cloud that is, you know out in space and around our system.


What should have been Nibiru, our twelfth planet, not our tenth, it was our twelfth planet, I believe Sheeron was our eleventh and then Pluto and then where the asteroid belt is there was another one called Malduck and that exploded, so, this is a mess. This solar plane is twisted here where you have ah Pluto’s orbit, right? That’s already gone whacky out this way. Then you have Nibiru that actually comes in, I forget, I have the date somewhere, every three thousand thirty six hundred something like that, ah, years. On the other end of it, there’s another, it’s an artificial body that was actually created by squashing together fragments of of planetoids and things and partially pieces of the moon as well. This one is called wormwood and it was meant to counter balance the orbit of this and they go in and out of the density two I think Sirius system. I think that’s where they said it was. I have it written down I haven’t done the Nibiru stuff in a long time, but it its literally a cycling machine that was the their watchtowers here and it wasn’t just so they could come in and watch us, every three thousand years, or you know seed new information, it was to counter balance this one. On this one we have over here, what is the names on here,  I haven’t looked at these in ages… the Matraya moon, and up here I believe was the clarion. These were other bodies taken from elsewhere to create this… they’ve literally this. These are beings that are moving planets. They’re moving stars. God, we’re worried about little grays?


Seriously, I mean at this point, whatever you go ahead abduct me, you know? You’ll be sorry. You know ill fight back this time. No, I’m just kidding, but anyway, it, the thought of, the scale of what is going on here, this is not natural. We don’t see this one yet. It was due to come back in, actually, not Nibiru, Nibiru’s not due for, I forget its like a couple thousand years still, but, wormwood was going to be coming back in. Fortunately, wormwood, in 2003, became wormwoods because it was shattered. It was down, it was going into the orbit of parallel earth at the time, cause they parallel earth is connected in here the orbits of that we’ll see later in other stuff. Um, but it it was at least shattered, but it is still a massive um, ah asteroid belt, or not belt but mess, and it still potentially can come back in. if it does, it creates total havoc when it comes in. They, these orbits come in, I believe its between ah Mars, Mars Mars and Jupiter, I think is where they they pass up and it causes a bit of havoc on the system. When full rip is allowed, when they come in at a certain level of density, because there’s a way they play with the dimensions here where they can bring them in without totally tipping the system. Without, you know, totally wiping out the solar system, that’s why they’ve been able to do this cycle before. But, when the full gates are open, and they allow this in a stellar activation cycle, where they’re activating the 55 merkaba, it will actually, the these will be used to flip the whole plane and drag it in. and that’s, they’re literally ah, I don’t know what kind of game you would call this, but they’re literally using very advanced physics.


K: So are you saying that they’re all artificial bodies? Are you saying that Nibiru or wormwood…


A: No, that was one of the natural planets or stars


K: that was natural, ok


A: Yeah, one of them was earth


K: What about wormwood?


A: No, that was created. I think part of it were pieces of the moon and something else. I remember, they told us about that awhile ago. And the moon is not a normal body either. That’s artificially created as well.


K: yes


A: And it because it keeps certain things at certain spin rates, that they have to keep in order to keep the vortice connections to the wormholes and that’s why this whole thing is n…, that why our whole solar system is a mess, because they were creating wormholes…


K: Ok, what about a brown dwarf? Is there a brown dwarf in there?


A: possibly, I know there’s ah white dwarfs, like Sirius B, um brown dwarf, it its possible I would have to ask them.


K: ok so the other axis that you got there, um, there are two other planetary bodies


A: yup


K: what are they called?


A: This one they call the Matraya, moon,


K: Ok


A: And I, it was like a long time ago, a number of years ago that they gave this particular information, so its probably somewhere back, either like in the writings or or on the videos where they explain, you know is Matraya, you know, where’d that come from? Cause some of this stuff they actually dragged in from the parallel system, to, you know to counter balance it. Clarion, this one up here, was, no, was related to it, I think it was a piece of the other one that’s, ah what was that, there’s clarion and there’s the other one that was a normal part of here, Sheeron. Aright so you have clarion up here that I think was a piece of Sheeron. Sheeron used to be, um, one of the normal um ones, and I think it was, you had Nibiru, Sheeron, it was eleven, Sheeron used to be eleven but what’s called Sheeron now, got stuffed down here, part of it got broken off, became Clarion, thing that they’re using up here, and you have one of these controlled by the weeso – (Weesa Dec’s?) black hole system which was the (Weesa?) matrix that I pointed out on those maps? You have (Weesa Dec’s?) and (Weesa Drac’s?) and they don’t like each other. They’re fighting. You have the Annunaki and the (Amacron?) Draconians. They don’t like each other, and they’re both fighting. Then you have Weesa Drac’s that like the Draconians and you have the Weesa Dec’s that like the Annunaki. I mean it’s hilarious. It, It’s sad its really just sad. But there are a whole bunch of groups on each side of this polarity drama. Then you have the Krystics sitting in the middle going oh boy, you know?


They’re not fighting with anybody but, there, what do you do when everybody’s hell bent on destroying each other? Because that’s just what’s been happening down here for eons. So anyway, this is what our solar system looks like up here, this artificial it’s like a wobbling orbit. It’s not just our planet that wobbles. We, there’s actually a wobble created in the solar plane itself, it’s actually taken the solar plane, where it doesn’t sit flat in the galactic plane anymore. I think it’s around a 45 degree tilt to the, you know to the galactic plane. And it also created this thing here that threw the core and especially in the closer to the core planets like earth and the sun, it has harnessed how fast things spin, which means its harnessed the time pulse, so it could – through this device, they have been able to progressively get control over how fast things spin so they can synchronize the spins of things over here with the things that they’re trying to merge them with on the parallel side. It’s a bizarre and fascinating and horrifically morbid technology this death star technology.


Now, what that creates on a planetary level, when we look at our poor little earth sitting in the middle of this, and its not just that this has happened on the solar level, they’ve also put the same type of mechanisms in the planetary core and in the star gate systems here, to create the same effect to plug our planet into that whole system. They’ve done it on the other planets too, the ones that don’t have, anything that has its axis that’s not tilted the same as the sun, is either in its normal place and the sun got tilted, which is part of the case here, or its not in its right place, cause they should all be sitting on a natural, you know vertical and horizontal plane with each other.


This is what we have right now and like the science tells us this is normal and this is natural, you know, well our planets’ tilted about 23.5 degrees, and it does this cycle called the procession of the equinoxes, and you know


K: Right 



A: we’ve got the ecliptic shield you know, that cuts through, you know the sun shield is here and ours you know comes here. This is totally twisted, this, our our our planet is tilted it’s it this messes up its entire system. Its not just tilted. When, this one here shows at least a relatively normal looking Kathara grid inside, there’s a whole set of un – unsacred? Not sacred geometries that go with the death star Merkaba stuff. It has to do with the shapes of the flows. Where before we had the, I talked about those ah the arms that you know… petals that stood out like this and they’re 45 degree angles and they phase and spark and generate quantum, right? There’s another on that has them pulled down like this, where they look much more like a flower. We call it the daisy of death, or the bloom of doom, but they’re phase locked, where they can’t phase and that means they can’t generate quantum. It means it’s a planet that is dying because it can’t breathe. And that’s one of the things and it constricts the Kathara grid at the center. It (____ ?) something. I think we have one that shows that.  What that also does, is create a bulge at the equator, where it squashes the natural spherical shape down. Hello to earth.


K: Is there also ah, is there also a correlation with the cross. In other words, the actual symbol of the cross reflecting what is in essence this frozen inability to generate, yeah


A: yes, yes and and even more. That has to do with the mutation of natural Shalaya light units, into, forcing them into the vesica piscis dead light unit configurations, the sign of the cross 


K: Interesting, yeah


A: The original cross has the perfectly equal, and it’s called the (Rueshay?), and it has perfectly equal. I think the Celtic cross is the closest you get these days as far as symbology.


K: and it fits inside a circle


A: Yeah


K: in other words, cause then you know it’s


A: Yeah I don’t have mine on, anyone have one on? Its one of our sacred symbols.


So, this is right now we have, this is all part, part of the mechanics of the ah death star Merkaba…ah technologies, we have the un natural procession of the equinoxes, this is called the sexton shield. It’s actually the, it’s a distortion shield of energy that keeps those vortices spinning at their you know tilted angle. It keeps us aligned with, we we flip between being aligned with Polaris, which we are in that phase now, and flipping back ah into alignment with Vega. And we just keep cycling back and forth and we’re all going back and forth in the procession of the equinoxes, and they’re not normal. There, they just released in, when was Ireland, November last year? They just released, October? Yeah, They just released some fascinating things about the old pagan rights and stuff and what, what this actually has done in its relationship with parallel earth, this was done for a reason and the cycles of the equinoxes and the solstices have to do with alignments between parallel earth  and here and between parallel earth and the center of the milky way galaxy, the black hole there and that’s what were looking at coming up on in 2012, and that’s why 2012 was you know the Mayans got the word it was going to be the end of times and those kind of thing because of the dark road. Yeah the dark road alright.


So, these things, these configurations that we’re seeing, the sexton shield is not the natural clock or or shield that…that the natural spin ration that you would have for the planet on its axis. They actually have been accelerating time for the last thirteen thousand years, to make it faster so it would catch up with the ah parallel anti particle universe so they could merge them. And it means our days have gotten shorter, our spin has gotten faster, as far as on the planet and that kind of thing.


There’s other aspects to this that are created by this technology and all of these go together, right? Like when you see one it implies the others.


This is our poison apple. This is the net field, ok? Now part of the poison apple isn’t shown here, ill show that on this one, but um this is literally a containment net. It is ah (Ashona?) which means that made up by Vecka units instead of light units. A containment harness and this is what the um the death star Merkaba actually creates around a planet a system or a body. When you work those Merkaba mechanics, this is what you’re creating, its a torsion field that turn… constantly circles energy in on itself, but it does not have a connection to anything outside of itself, except of what it can feed off at its center, from its core.


And this is, there are there are three levels of this that actually move in earths atmosphere, and they literally control, one of them runs through like the magnetosphere area and actually there’s three others down from that so there’s really four, four major layers of this. It controls, it reminds me of that old thing, we control the vertical, we control the horizontal remember that show that used to say that? I think outer limits or something used to say that on TV? Well its kind of like, yeah, they they pretty much do, all of these net systems are plugged into things like the HAARP machine and ah, I’m sure the hadron collider has something to do with activating all of these too. I heard that they just had their first good test yesterday or something? Yeah? This week? Good timing, why not.


Unknown: Full activation..


A: Full activation, yeah. So these net fields are responsible for literally wiping out the DNA. Science has already figured out that DNA is sensitive to a couple of things. It’s sensitive to radiation, it could destroy DNA. It’s sensitive to magnetism, electromagnetism. You mess with the magnetic fields, you mess with the DNA. That, just like its blocking the natural currents and flows that would normally come into the planet, it does the same thing to the biology’s on this planet. This is why we have no memory. It’s wiped it right out of the DNA. It’s actually still in there, it’s in junk DNA, it’s in pieces, that’s what were working with the technologies that the guardians give to re-assemble.


K: I see


A: and it does it to controlling the epigenetic overlay. Which is the chemical sheath that science is just learning, actually triggers, what how genes will behave in the DNA, alright? So it’s the culmination of both. But this is why we have no memory of our race memory or any of that. And this is what is holding the mutation in the body. Right now our own bio fields and the biofields of the life forms on the planet carry all of these same mutations. We carry these, we carry the wobbling vortices, we carry the phase locked, you know bloom of doom – in their flows in and of that and if we are gonna ever get out of here, while we have time left with the gates are open.  It’s amazing the gates are even open or even still usable after all of this, but we need to reverse mutate our bodies, and we have been working for ten years with that.


We’ve worked through the light body layers we worked through the spirit body layers now were into something called the (AhGee?) body layers that they’re kind of, the AhGee body is interesting its ah ah a combination between the the spirit body and the light body and the atomic body, that once you master that, it allows you to actually do the transfiguration and turn into light. The the first stage of that is called glide – where you’ll learn to bi-locate, where you put yourself into orb and you go elsewhere and bi-locate and then come back. But you still have, leave a body here. The second stage, is what we’re working on now, is um called translocation where you get to the point where you can do a certain level of transfiguration of a certain quantum of your atoms into light temporarily so you can go visit elsewhere and take your body with you but you’ll still be keyed to the space time imprint or encryption of this planet until a certain other thing happens, right?


So that’s the, that’s called a slide, slide one. The third thing is called slide two or span. That’s called um where you learn how to ah trans ah not just translocate where your going to visit and then come back, but transmigrate where you actually can be free and you do not have to come back here, you do not have to incarnate back here. That has to do with releasing something called the (Vabodi?) cell that is the donated quantum from the egg and sperm of your parents that was not your spirit body encryption. That has to be released, before you can be freed from the space time location in which those two things came together. It gets released as, what’s called Vabodi dust, right? So, there’s this whole process, anyway, involved with it.


While we have this going on, we are literally, the planet is keeping us mutated because the visitors are keeping the planet mutated and at this point, good luck fixing the planet because, look at the solar system, look at the galaxy. This problem is going on all the way up into the galax- galactic level and there’s a certain point where the quantum that is going down is larger than the quantum that can pull it back and that is what’s occurring and that’s why there’s 200 years left on the gates.  As far as two hundred years earth time from where we are, sorry


K: ok but isn’t, isn’t it true that the planet is a being


A: yes


K: and also is going to be able to escape this


A: it chose the path of Kali Rema, which is the step back path alright? Instead of the path of fall


K: so it’s going to implode and, and then re-emerge


A: yeah, it will go back into that that middle density that happens to be called the (Edons?), out here the the density – remember when we, ah I don’t have one really, yeah I do, on this graph, let me get my stickies off there, right? When we have the um the Hara bodies, right? And we had the the core the inner, the middle and the outer domains, they each have names. This outer domain area where we are now, where we’re experiencing the Kali Yuga, um that is called a radon, right? And this one is called an (Edon), and then this one, the inner one is called an (Adon) and ah the core is called, what is it called again? I can’t even remember its been so long since I taught this, it’s the core. Leave it at the core. But anyway, you got the dons, right? So this is the garden of Edon, right? it’s the step back to where it is innocent and pure, when you do the step back, it clears anything off your encryption that didn’t belong there in the first place and its literally, its passing, they call it passing through the ring of fire. In order to get back into the purity and then you get to come back out again and try again. Or at least you get to try again.


K: Ok, um but I also have a question as…where is Terra in this equation, because


A: Ok, alright well part of Terra was, is, what we’re sitting on. This solar system is part of Terra. The other part of Terra is um when we look up in the sky and see Alcyone. The Star Alcyone in the Pleiades cluster. Alright? That is the remnant of what, what Terra was. So if you take Alcyone and take the quantum of this solar system here, minus the few pi-bits that didn’t belong here that weren’t from here, and you put all that quantum together, you would have had Terra. And density two.


K: Ok but, but my understanding was there was going to be that – that once there is an ascension group, that’s going to leave here and go to Terra.


A: That was before the (Brisdon?) project failed.


K: Oh


A: That failed in 2003


K: I see


A: so at this point, the Voyagers books, we have, you would not believe what we have been moving through. Since that. We’re on mission upgrade 44…45? Yeah, I have a list of them somewhere, yeah where they at, yeah just cause it gets amusing to look at. Right where you just say, oh my god, there’s been that many mission upgrades. First there was the attempt to salvage this was all the stuff they were trying to do before the thing that happened with the sun. Once that happened, there-there’s nothing that can be done at that point. But, we still have ascension, but it’s like the fly by the seat of your pants. Keep these gates open and you got two hundred years to get anything that’s going up out of here. And that’s what happening at this point. So Voyagers was written ten years ago.


K: Yes


A: You know, yeah a lot has happened


K: Ah well, ok so but, ah, the… ha ok. Um, my minds going too many places at once here, ah, but if they’re not going to Terra and maybe you’re getting to this, then we, where are they going? And, are they going back to Alcyone, or jumping where, or is that, you know they’re making up their minds


A: They’re going home-home. There’s a few steps to get there, M31


K: O-k


A: Andromeda galaxy


K: Oh, alright


A: that’s where we’re aiming back. But there’s a few steps in between


K: ok


A: the first set of steps has to do with something simply called higher earth. We’re in the lower earth planes, they’re a set of planes that are still in predicaments, they’re still connected to this mess that we’ve been looking at but they’re in much better shape, they’re not under the net. And that’s the first stage, where we go to higher earth. Then there’s a level beyond that, that’s still part of the earth planes quantum that is called median earth. Then we go back to remembering when they were telling us about the history of how they seeded the-the amenti rescue mission in and created the solar system. There was a host star here that earth, amenti earth, had been seeded into. And that was called Ashalay. So that will be the next stage. And from Ashalay, we’ll move through um, ah there’s another layer that has to do with the level of energy called the (Iradonis?) layer that we don’t really have to get into cause it gets really complicated as far as different types of energy. But, it’s another set in between before we get to Eartha in M31. But that is where we’re going. And from there, that’s where originally the encryption here emerged from. From there you can go where you want basically. But it’s a process of getting of of re-evolving back to where we can do full krist star. You know evolution on our own, because right now we’re being hosted you know where-we we’ve been given frequency just to support us in the process until we can hold that frequency ourselves. So Terra was where we were aiming until the Brisdon project failed and at this point in this system, since, since those books were written, there were, um intergalactic wars that were taking place here that involved what was called the Ecka, and the Ecka is, if you remember the the maps that showed one Kathara grid and then four of them together with the thing at the center, right? The thing at the center is the Ecka. That’s a little kathara grid and that’s like the, they call it the well for earth that would be like the inner earth would be there and that kind of thing. It wouldn’t be in here, its actually up there. Its like a high level. That actually fell, in one of these wars. Eckas can fall. The Eckasha above it cant, but the Ecka did.


K: but, what happened to the begin- the beings that were there?


A: um they’ve gone into various places. There’s some of them are in the state of here. They’re doing evac this whole system; Vecka system is actually being evacuated. So going vertically, the usual way, wasn’t an option anymore. That’s why they had to take us from just going into harmonic Merkaba states or harmonic ascension states into transharmonic, where we could actually go through and in to, into the um, like the Edon domain, there’s a space between the Raydon and Edon, its called the aurora continuum. You have to have a transharmonic Merkaba ability to be able to go through there and then come back out again someplace else. So that is the technologies they’re teaching us because vertical is not an option anymore, unless you want to end up in one of the wormhole sets going um into the fall. So it’s been a really rough trip since the books were written, actually. But, ah, we’re all still standing and you now guardians are still giving us information, so. Rather leave on a happier note though


K: Ok, um


A: before we do a break


K: that’s ok, well we, lets, yeah let’s keep going


A: There’s not much up here. Ok, as far as the poison apple fields go, this one shows the shape better, right? You have that net field around it but see that little shape right there? Looks like an apple?


K: yes


A: that’s the shape of our magnetic fields, the basic shape of our magnetic fields; even know there’s flux all over


K: there’s a crop circle that looks like that


A: lovely, hi Metatron, alright. This thing here, right a lot of people using that as their logo these days, right? Yeah


K: and that


A: that is the phased locked


K: Ah


A: arcs that can’t phase, with the constricted, if you look, you can look at this more closely if you want to you can see the difference. There’s two Kathara grids there. One the artificial tree of life which has taken the natural proportions and pulling them in where it actually squeezes it and that changes the shape of the sphere and gives you a bulge at the equator like our planet has because that is what’s, that is the configuration our plant is, has in light body right now


K: interesting


A: and this is also connected to something called Metatrons cube and something called the Fibonacci spiral, Fibonacci spiral


K: and what is this – this center bit right there in this


A: see that… (Undeterminable / speaking low)


Unknown: The dark


K: the dark, is that a black hole or


A: Um no that’s just, that is another one of their twisted, ah like-these we call them Kathara centers, but we know that on our grids these are actually stargates, right? Right you take this down into the planet and that’s where you got stargates connections, have stargate connections. Alright and these are twisted ones, so these would line up with the stargates that interfaced with the amenti gates, to harness the amenti gates, that – that’s just one of them here. But if you look at that its,  if if you look at the teachings, of, that goes with that logo, um, you’ll be amazed to see how it fits in re- when it sits next to what eternal life creation is. All of the shapes that they’ve shown us, they’ve shown us how they fit together, what the processes are, that they work from. They don’t just say, here there’s a that, you know. That’s a sacred. Why is it a sacred? It does what… right?


They’ve shown how the pieces fit together, what the processes are, and then they’ve shown how those things – what they do to that structure. And so, anyway, this is, there’s all sorts of pieces that show… we’ve had to do this because this is what is taking down the planet. These dynamics and people now practicing them. Again, just like in Atlantis, it’s like Atlantis rising again. It really is. The same, how did we get into this predicament?


K: very much so


A: look around you, same way


K: yeah, yeah


A: gullibility, on a certain you know a certain level. Where, oh sure ill try that, right. Not wanting to hear it. If somebody’s trying to say ah maybe you want to think about that first. How, the the same way that right now you have a whole new age movement that was supposed to be a movement of enlightenment and everybody loving each other, to being a bunch of back biting people practicing anti-Krystic Merkaba mechanics that are harming themselves and harming the planet. How did that happen? You know. Same question for Atlantis, how did that happen?


K: But there’s also the misuse of crystals, ah, that id love you to talk about a little bit at some point if you are willing


A: There’s all sorts of really strange things being done with crystals. I think id probably rather get through those- this stuff and that that’s kinda like


K: yes, I mean we can have


A: that’s kind of like orbs; you know crystals, orbs, tarot cards. No, I like tarot cards, id like to design a deck actually. They’re really good for just letting spirit comment to you, give you waking dream material back to you, yeah. Now crystals are another subject and we do take them very seriously, they’re very powerful beings actually and they can be used in terrible ways, and right now, speaking… yeah speaking of crystals, it was really funny because right around, I think it was about 2002, the guardians um were starting to teach us about the Nibiru-notic crystal bases that are here. They’re subterranean crystal installments that were planted here and actually seeded from Nibiru, and used to create, literally spike the grids, to receive Nibiruan frequency and to receive wormhole frequencies and that kind of thing.


Not all of the crystals in the world, under our world are like that, but some are. Right when um we were being given this information, this lady appears in one of the workshops and she goes, I’ve seen them – I went there, and she brought photos and it blew my mind. Look at this


K: Oh wonderful, yeah


A: this is Leela, she actually was one of the few that got to go down there cause she knew the scientist


K: Is that like, I think they’re in Mexico


A: yeah its Chihuahua, yeah and there’s many others like that actually on the planet


K: Ok


A: but these are one, this one was seeded, it’s a Nibiruan cluster


K: Oh


A: actually, yeah so


K: but what happens to the people that go inside there though, it must be pretty intense,


A: well, if they don’t die from the heat, right? It’s like 107 degrees


Unknown: Its 150, 150 degrees…


A: yeah, yeah its really bad. Frequency wise, well they were, you could do interesting things with those. Now they’re not so bad because the guardians have worked in a way that has recalibrated them, because there’s been a whole bunch of deals and treaties going on, because the ones that that broke the original ah treaty of Altair that was set, that was talked about in in the Voyagers book, ah they found that they lost that round and the other ones were going to take them over and take over their grids. So a bunch of them handed them handed their grids back over to us and kind of – we’ll be nice now. Right?


It kind of comes down to a split between the Annunaki and the Drac’s, right? And the Drac’s you have (Ambercon?) Draconian, you have um there’s there’s  (Odetaton?) reptilians, and a bunch of others. And then on the Annunaki side you have the Thothian Annunaki and, which are like the snake people, and you have the ah the ah Jehovian Annunaki and a number of others and then you have the Weesa’s, taking sides. You have the Wessa Drac’s, Wessa Decs,


K: and what about the Sirian Annunaki, where do they fit in?


A: they have, they can come both Jehovian, there’s some Jehovian ones,   


K: oh, ok


A: and then like Nibiruan ones are primarily Thothian, but not all. Annunaki tend to hang together. And then the really fancy Annunaki gene code are the Enochians. Alright? Where they took both Annunaki groups and created a master race, right, gene line, so the Enochian Annunaki. Yeah, They’re usually high illuminati guys. Yeah, running around with 33 degree pluses and things. You know. But hey it’s cool, you know takes a village


K: ok, ah yeah well we could get into more detail on that but um, I guess lets ah lets move on. Should we take a break now, or do you want to


Unknown: it’s up to you


K: go up to the end


A: yeah why don’t we take a break?


K: ok


A: cause I’ve, I’ve hit that spot where we get into the planes of earth, which gets fascinating, because this is where we get into the spherical maps and the vertical maps going up and down from the core up into the atmosphere


K: ok


A: and we start finding out where we’re going to learn to orb to and eventually where that space is going to become physically solid as well as this space so we’ll be able to move through and that’s what our teachings are teaching us how to do, go home, yeah.





Camelot Kerry Cassidy Island Online News

A Look Inside Project Camelot – Fritz Stammberger Interviews Kerry Lynn Cassidy

Los Angeles, May 2010| .mp3 | .mov

See parts 2-8 here!

Original interview by: islandonlinenews.com
Official description from islandonlinenews.com youtube channel

" In this in-depth interview Fritz Stammberger talks with Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot about how Project Camelot got started, what they have been doing and what they have discovered over the past 4 years. Some of the fascinating topics covered include black projects, star-gates, e.t's, the reptilians, the annunaki, the origins of man, off world space fleets, the new world order, holographic reality, dreams, and plans that exist to control and manipulate the human race. Don't miss this inside look at "the anti thesis to the new world order" with Kerry Cassidy who, in our opinion, is one of the greatest conspiracy analysts of all time. Travel with me, Fritz Stammberger, down the rabbit hole for 'A Look Inside Project Camelot'.

www.islandonlinenews.com "

A’shayana Deane – Ascension Mechanics-Original

A’shayana Deane – Ascension Mechanics | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3

Sarasota, Florida May 2010 | NOTE: no changes have been made.

I went to Florida to interview A’shayana Deane, author of the Voyager books. Her previous work details the history behind the genetic engineering of the human race and the numerous ET races that have been interacting with and shaping our destiny here on Earth as well as throughout the many multi-verses. This information is highly complex and detailed. She and two other “speakers” as they call themselves are receiving this information via telepathic downloads. They have been trained by the Guardian Alliances, a group of ETs who protect the secrets of ascension and the stargates on this planet and others from what they call the self-interested Intruder races.

This interview is the first part of several hours I spent with Ashayana Deane and the others working with her on briinging the science of Keylonta to the planet. Keylonta is the science of “light, sound, subconscious symbol codes and base codes of matter”. The many images on the video of charts and “maps” depict these concepts in a visual manner aimed at stimulating memory and re-awkening the DNA pathways in the viewer. The .pdf files for download are available for purchase at Azurite Press to assist those who are interested in following along more closely while watching the video.

Because of the complex but vital information presented here I encourage anyone who is interested to do further research and to visit the website for more information. Classes and DVDs are available there as well: Azuritepress.com

Kerry Lynn Cassidy

May 2010


June 11, 2010

Change of plans: No re-editing to be done on Ashayana Deane videos after all

I am reposting the Ashayana Deane videos without re-editing. I received word today that James has decided he will not take legal action as long as his letter is posted on my site (already done) along with the videos and on Youtube.

Quoted from the Letter from James of Wingmakers.com below (excerpt):

…”I have no further objection to holding them back as long as Kerry is willing to include my response on YouTube and her own site. I simply wanted to be transparent and share my reaction to the inaccuracies. I have said my peace.”

For the complete Letter from James – (scroll down or go to his page linked here)

I am in the process of re-uploading to Youtube and it’s taking a huge long time because the files are so large. Hopefully they will be uploaded by the end of the weekend.

Although this is now resolved, for those of you who doubt the seriousness of this issue here is an excerpt from the email I received from Mark Hempel threatening legal action:

From: “Mark Hempel”
Date: June 9, 2010 9:22:01 AM PDT
To: <[email protected]>
Subject: Follow-up letter

Dear Kerry,

I have watched the video interview of Anna Hayes.

I believe the four items I mentioned in my previous email were accurately portrayed by those who wrote me about this issue. There were other condescending textures in the body language, facial expressions and tone of Anna Hayes, but these are admittedly more subjective, and comparatively irrelevant. What is on tape—and therefore notsubjective—are the accusations clear, libelous, and malicious. Whether Anna or her “hosts,” are responsible is irrelevant so far as our legal counsel is concerned. The fact is that the four items I mentioned in my email dated June 7, 2010 are accurate examples of libel and defamation, and there is no wiggle room on the matter. “I have tape” as they say.

With regard to WingMakers LLC, I am in charge of all legal and operational details. My role as COO of WingMakers LLC is to protect the image of the brand in all its forms including the Lyricus Teaching Order, WingMakers, EventTemples, and Sovereign Integral websites.

Anna Hayes is simply wrong on every account related to the WingMakers, and she well knows it. The karmic trail she weaves when she tells lies of this magnitude is ill-advised.

I request the following:

1. A retraction by Anna Hayes relative to her accusations levied against the WingMakers.

2. Either remove the video/PDFs from your site and YouTube (and any other outlets), or edit all mentions of WingMakers.

Short of this, I will, on behalf of WingMakers LLC seek a legal remedy. If you have some other suggestions I will listen over the next 48 hours via email. I am not interested in engineering some debate between James and Anna Hayes. To do so would only serve Project Camelot and her own cult. Please let me know of your intention in the next 48 hours.

Kerry, this is a matter we take very seriously, and I want to emphasize this.
**** end of excerpt

Posted below are statements from my blog re: the removal of statements by A’shayana Deane regarding Wingmakers



As many people know I was asked by James of Wingmakers to remove the comments made by A’shayana Deane in her video interview with regard to Wingmakers. This is a highly unusual situation. In fact, I don’t recall it ever happening before to any Camelot video.

The issue here is complex. As a filmmaker and investigative reporter, it is inevitable that various people I interview are not all going to agree. In fact, many people in this sector don’t like each other or have huge issues with the writings and viewpoints of every other researcher/experiencer. As a filmmaker/journalist I have a choice as to who to interview. I welcome bringing forward differing points of view because this widens the playing field and allows people to use their own discernment when considering all sides of the story.

Unfortunately, the line between attacking someone and voicing a difference of opinion or criticism is very thin and often wavering. In this case, the information regarding the Wingmakers has been excellent. We did a written interview with James a couple years ago and I believe it contains a great deal of wisdom. By the same token, my recent interview with A’shayana Deane is also, in my view, an excellent presentation of her material, from her sources. Both James and A’sha are speaking for their sources who, are off-planet and may inhabit other galaxies, dimensions or levels in this vast complex of multi-verses. They are both speaking from their hearts, believe what they are ‘getting’ from their sources and are working to convey their information for the betterment and upliftment of humanity, and they are both very passionate light warriors for their cause.

At the moment, we have warring factions on this planet between ETs, humans who are “us” in the future, extra-dimensionals, intra-dimensionals, discarnate beings and so on. In the midst of all of this, we at Camelot are endeavoring to bring forward what we consider the best and most important information we can find, regardless of the source. And this is crucial.

It is not enough to simply counsel people to KISS (keep it simple stupid)… We need thinking beings actively engaged here on planet Earth if we are to survive the coming changes. I encourage everyone to consider opposing points of view regardless of where they come from… simply because in doing so your powers to discern will grow. This is, in my view, the best way to learn.

As a filmmaker/investigator of this multi-verse and matrix I firmly believe in pushing the envelope. I am well aware that our witnesses (as I call them) often see things very differently. This is the point. It is in viewing the vast aspects of creation that we begin to learn what it means to be a creator.

The comments A’sha made in my interview are not complete in that, as she explains, she was about to, at the time of this interview, go into a workshop where she felt she would be given more extensive information with regard to the Wingmakers. What is not clear, is whether the Wingmakers she is referring to are indeed the same Wingmakers as those talked about on the Wingmakers.com website or whether A’sha and James are talking about different groups of beings.

I have received many emails asking why the comments A’sha made have to be removed… is Camelot bowing to the pressure of “interest groups”? Actually no. But I choose not to get involved in a legal battle either. And so, under the circumstances, with no clear indication as to whose source is more right than the other and because I firmly believe both A’shayana Deane and James of Wingmakers.com are coming from the heart, I am removing the offending statements. This is not, I wish to state, however, how I would recommend they deal with their differences.

I have asked both of them to:

1. Engage in dialog either in public or in private to discuss their differences.


2. To make public statements as to their viewpoints on this matter, which I have agreed to post fully, without editing on this website.

From my pov, what is most crucial at this time is for differing factions to begin talking to each other. The time for secrecy is over.

This is a time when uniting toward a common goal (the upliftment or enlightenment of humanity) is crucial. Lightworkers or Light Warriors as I prefer to call them, need to unite and begin to work together. People who represent various ET and humanoid/human races need to openly discuss their differences. We can only benefit by more openness and full disclosure… The truth is out there and inside each of us… and we need to confront our differences with love and understanding. Only then can we begin to move forward to build the new future that awaits us.

Kerry Lynn Cassidy
Project Camelot
June 10, 2010


What follows is a Letter from James of Wingmakers regarding statements made by A’shayana Deane in her interview with me filmed on April 2010.

My name is James, the creator of the WingMakers materials, which launched in November 1998, nearly 12 years ago. A’shayana Deane has made defamatory and unsubstantiated remarks regarding a body of work I have worked to develop since I was a teenager (many years ago I must admit). I’ve always endeavored to produce materials that reflect coherence and to help build a shared vision of truth. I simply want to share a perspective on the importance of behavioral intelligence, using both fiction and non-fiction, presented in text, visual images and music formats.

I am a human man, originally from Spain, and have chosen to remain anonymous because I don’t wish to mix my personality with the materials I create. I do not have a staff, or any organization. Mark Hempel, my web manager, is the closest thing to an organization that I have since he operates my four websites. I do not do workshops or make speeches. In twelve years, I have never spent a dime on marketing or promotion. I have done three interviews. I’ve written over 1,000 pages of free material that is both fiction (mythological-based WingMakers) and non-fiction (papers like Spiritual Activism and the Six Heart Virtues).

Until two days ago, I had not been aware of A’shayana Deane. I have never written or spoken about her or her group (or any other group for that matter). It is not my place to critique the works of others, and if she had offered a critique of my work, I would understand. Not everyone likes what I have produced, and like anyone who creates music, art, or writings, they will have their critics. But what A’shayana Deane has said on this video is not a critique of my material, but rather a gross inaccuracy that can be potentially confusing and stressful to people.

So why did I ask Kerry to edit the tape? Wouldn’t this only bring more attention to the inaccuracy? Yes, I believe it will, but the moment that A’shayana Deane made these inaccuracies, I had no choice but to deal with them. Here are the primary inaccuracies, as they pertain to the WingMakers materials:

1) The identity of the WingMakers is not how I have portrayed them, but rather they are a fallen race of ETs with a dark agenda.

2) That the WingMakers art and music activate a DNA response from those who view or listen to the material that brings about a negative merkaba.

3) That the WingMakers caused the recent earthquakes in Chile, killing innocent lives.

I asked Kerry Cassidy to edit this information from the video not because I didn’t want people to know about these inaccuracies, but as a matter of principle. I’m well aware that the genie is out of the bottle. I know that A’shayana Deane had her own people filming the interview (in addition to Kerry) with the intent to make a DVD for resale on their site. I have no intention to try and withhold the information from the public, to the contrary, I am planning to shine the light on it so those involved can understand why we, who write and talk about love and light, forgiveness and understanding, and the higher principles of Spirit, can actually demonstrate something of what we say.

I have written a body of work (non-fiction) that deals with behavioral intelligence. Part of this work focuses on what I have called the Six Heart Virtues, which consists of appreciation, compassion, humility, forgiveness, understanding and valor. Collectively, these virtues constitute the frequency of what humanity has termed “love.” These are the qualities that flow from the heart and help each of us express our true self in the moment. They become the new criteria for our actions. When someone attacks our integrity, for example, we can apply understanding and forgiveness.

In respect to this situation, A’shayana Deane has a remarkable facility to articulate big concepts. She appears bright, cheerful and I will assume well-meaning. While I have not studied her books and other materials, I respect what she has created and know that it could only occur out of a strong commitment, and I offer that observation to those that work with her as well. Sometimes sitting in front of a camera for six hours, and the pressure of being “on” causes even the best speaker to make slip-ups. Perhaps, as Kerry has suggested, when A’shayana Deane uses the term “WingMakers” she is referring to a different race of ETs. I don’t pretend to know what is in another’s heart, but when the work I have spent the better part of my life creating is attacked, no matter the reason, I will step forward to defend it. I may not be successful, but I believe I owe this to the hundreds of thousands who have seen the art, listened to the music, and studied the materials.

I have written in many of my non-fiction works about the Era of Transparency that is coming to this planet. It is in the spirit of this transparency that I have included in this response my letter that I sent to A’shayana Deane inquiring about the nature of her inaccuracies. I have yet to receive a response, but I hope that she will respond soon, and to be fair, I only sent it to her yesterday.

All of us in this community need to find our own way into coherence. There is no magic or mantra to invoke coherence. It is done through the behaviors—how and what we express through our thoughts, words, feelings and actions. We need to create a shared vision of truth from out of an increasing quotient of coherence. And this shared truth must arise from humans—we, we must develop it. It is not going to be deposited in our hands from the skies or God or ETs. It will be a collective human creation, and one that I hope we can all contribute to.

I forgive A’shayana Deane for her inaccuracies. I hold no malice towards her, and wish her well in her work. I hope she is successful in her endeavors, and if she would like to work together in some future time, I would gladly consider it. I believe this is how we who write about the love, light and sound of the higher dimensions, who appear to have beneficial insights of the higher truths, should walk our talk. Otherwise, separation and polarity seeps in, and how can a shared truth arise in such an environment?

If people would like to see the original video sections that I have asked to be edited, I would encourage them to write to Kerry Cassidy and request this. I have no further objection to holding them back as long as Kerry is willing to include my response on YouTube and her own site. I simply wanted to be transparent and share my reaction to the inaccuracies. I have said my peace.

Thank you for listening.

From my heart to yours,


The email below has been added to this post as of 5:00pm PST at Jame’s request.
This email is for Asha.

My name is James.

I am the creator of the WingMakers in terms of their identity on this planet. If you search the web, or anywhere else, before November 28, 1998, you will not find this term. The story, the Ancient Arrow Project is the same. I created the story. The art, the music, the philosophy, the Neruda interviews, and the non-fictional works related to the story, were also created by me. The Ancient Arrow Project is part of this mythology. It is not meant to be taken literally, and since the terms are designed as mythos memes, how is it that they have suddenly become the property of your group?

You speak of the WingMakers as an ET race that has fallen and is now of a negative character. In my mythology, the WingMakers are depicted as the Central Race, the eldest race in the multiverse. They are time-shifted humans. And yet you have appropriated, or perhaps better said, hijacked this term and have now chosen to redefine it. For what purpose do your definitions reduce it to a fallen race of ETs with evil intent?

You also imply that the Corteum and WingMakers are one and the same. Again, the Ancient Arrow Project is something I’m quite familiar with. I wrote it. It came from my mind to the paper. It was not channeled. So, please explain how you know more about the true identity of the characters that I created than I do? The Corteum and WingMakers in my story are not the same, and neither of them is evil or fallen.

Regarding your comments that the WingMakers art and music deform the DNA of those who view or listen to it—inexplicably diminishing their ability to form the correct merkaba vehicle (as defined by the Guardians), on what basis do you say this? Again, I am one humble man who devoted my entire life to this mission. I created all of this work. I understand it better than anyone as to its purpose and mission, so how is it that you can tell me what its true purpose is?

If you would like to discuss the concept of coherence and its relation to the development of a shared vision of truth, I can do this, and will be most delighted to do so. This is the core reason I am here. This is the core reason for all of my materials to exist. And yet you so casually paint them as negative. Please explain to me what your motive is in doing so.

Perhaps this is all a misunderstanding. Parallel worlds interceding upon this one… or some anomalous rift in the reality of two people (you and I) who could be supportive of one another. Instead, you have chosen to attack my works. I hope you will take the time to answer my questions. They are not rhetorical.

From my heart to yours,


EventTemples.com | Lyricus.org | SovereignIntegral.org | WingMakers.com



Ashayana Deane’s brief response to James, more to come…

From: Asha Deane
Date: June 10, 2010 3:59:29 PM PDT
To: [email protected]
Subject: GA/Asha Deane response to Wingmakers

Hi Kerry, Ashayana Deane here. I’m really sorry you ended up caught in the middle of this “Wingmakers” issue. I just became aware of your site-posting regarding this issue, and of your posting of Jame’s letter, today (June 10, 2010) at about 4PM; as I write this note it is 5:37PM. In my opinion you did a wonderful job in being fair and balanced in your commentary. I’m writing this note to you to let you know that the GA & I would like to respond to Jame’s posted letter (& to his very accusatory personal e-mail to me) if you would be kind enough to post my letter on your site also.

I’d also like to call to your attention that whatever copyright infringements James has hinted that I have done do not apply for the following reason: In our 2002 Publication of my/GA “Voyagers-Secrets of Amenti-2nd Edition” non-fiction book (Granite Publishing), on pages 553-554, the GA provided a commentary of their opinion pertaining to a group of actual, not fictional, “service to self” ETs, who are “commonly known in the public domain” as the Wingmakers & Corteum and the earth human “Labyrinth Group” associated with the “Ancient Arrow” archaeological site, whom according to the GA are being covertly manipulated and deceived by the aforementioned non-fictional ET groups. This information has been in published form in my book for 8 years, through which period I had no personal knowledge of “James’ fictional Wingmakers” story. My knowledge of the subject was limited to the commentary the GA published in 2002 and that the names the GA chose to use in their transmission were “commonly known in the public domain” in “some form or another”, and thus the GA had the right to make commentary and express their opinion regarding names that could be found in the public domain. If there was any unintentional “right infringements” in our use of those names, my publisher saw no issue with it in 2002; the book is still in print just as it was published in 2002 as a 2nd Edition to my 1999 1st edition.

Personally, I’m wondering at this point if James’ fiction story was a bit more “directly inspired” or channeled than he realizes…but either way the GA’s “Wingmakers” commentary was a small part of a much larger verbatim transmission on numerous subjects that is in my 2002 book, and THAT information is directly a part of the GA’s CDT-Plate historical information (there are 24 Ancient Arrow trans-harmonic star-gate sites on earth, that were created by and originally belonged to the GA-Elohei and related Mashaya-hana Adashi Adept councils; 7 of these 24 sites fell into the hands of the HISTORICAL “Wingmakers”/”Corteum” non-fiction ET groups.). An interesting question for me is “Did James invent these names as he says he did, or did his “spiritual inspiration” actually give him those names from the CDT-Plate historical record, which is “common knowledge’ among most ET races?

Whatever the answer to that question is, I don’t really care, and feel that James is sincere and well-meaning, even if our respective “Wingmakers” accounts differ; since we are both motivated by truth and helping others to become more aware and enlightened, I don’t see why James has a problem with the public having the right to explore “different perspectives” on an issue. I’d be glad to have a public discussion with James, if he is interested, and it saddens me that he feels the need to accuse me of “attacking” his work, when the reality of what I have done is simply report what the GA’s perspective is on something found in the CDT-plate historical records and which is published in my book for 8 years. Hopefully in my responding to his letter , James and I can reach a “space of peace” regarding it being all right for people to have different ideas and opinions and to share them, so that others have the opportunity to examine and compare ideas for themselves and make their own decisions. In our recent April 2010 workshop the GA revealed more information pertaining to the GA- Ancient Arrow sites and affectionately referred to the “above mentioned historical and current service to self ET races” as the “Wing-dongs” (as in “how can they be so silly in thinking their invasion-plan from the future-parallel can actually still work 2011-2013”..). Perhaps James would prefer I call the “GA’s Wingmakers” “Wing-dongs” instead…or maybe “Wing-dings or Wing-things”? I think the whole issue over the names is silly, and that people have a right to view both perspectives on words that are found “as common reference in the public domain”. James is fully entitled to his fictional perspectives on the “Wingmakers”, and the GA and I are likewise entitled to our perspective; truly sorry he has found this threatening as no harm to him or to his work is intended by me or the GA. Hopefully we can all come together in a common vision of loving, mature understanding in a shared vision of “every one’s right to express their understanding of truth and share that truth to inspire growth and empowerment for others”.

Thanks Kerry, for your time and for the interview; as for your being pressured by James to edit out my interview statements regarding the GA’s Wingmakers for fear of copyright issues, you have every right to allow me to speak about information contained in my own published books for 8 years; he has no right to “try to silence” you, me or the GA via the intentional “Information Black-out” he is trying to use to create in order to protect his own interests. I trust you will continue to do what you feel is right and fair. As it will probably take me a day or two (June 11-13, 2010) to write a thoughtful direct response to James’ posted letter, if you feel it would be helpful to people visiting your site you have my permission to post this private e-mail to you in its entirety, until my official response to James is rendered. Posting this e-mail may help dispel some of the public confusion emerging over you feeling the need to “edit/sensor” my interview. Much love and respect to you Kerry, and to James, with whom I hope to share a public discussion with sometime soon if he is willing. …With Light, Love, Awareness & Freedom…Ashayana Deane

Ashayana Deane’s website:



Interview Transcript



Project Camelot Interview of A’shayana Deane by Kerry Cassidy


Sarasota, Florida May 2010


K: Hi I’m Kerry Cassidy from Project Camelot and I’m very pleased to be here with A’shayana Deane, ah and basically I think I’m going to let you do your own introduction as to who you are and some of your background.  You know it’s interesting to hear you talk about yourself, just briefly, cause we’re going to be talking about the material most of the time. So for example, um I would say that you are the author of the Voyager books. Part of the appeal is for people to kind of get your personality,


A: Right


K: and if you get a question that you are not quite prepared for, your personality will start to show.


A: well its showing, what do you do with that, I don’t know how to describe myself, you can describe me…


K: and and its very, no and and and its very delightful so um I don’t think you have anything to worry about, so but at any rate, you want to say you’re, you’ve come here to teach about accession


A: Yes


K: would that be accurate?


A: Yes, that would be very accurate


K: At this time on the planet, and ah


A: Yes, yeah right. And I-I’m know as speaker one in the Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order, and that was a commission that was given to me, and the other two speakers, there are three of us, are are present in the room, with us so… 


K: Ok you’re an American Citizen


A: yes


K: In this life,


A: Yes


K: Ok, and where did you grow up, in what state? Would would that be ok?


A: well I was born in Pennsylvania,


K: ok


A: and I was raised in Pennsylvania, and um New York and then moved to New Jersey and then moved to Florida, and then to England and then to Arizona and then to Colorado and then back to Florida


K: Ok so you’ve been around


A: Yes


K: Ok great


A: yes, actually following spiritual guidance, we were asked to move, once it was past the, you know the childhood and adolescent times, the the moves were following what I was ah, advised to do by the guardian alliance


K: Ok wonderful and you are in touch with what you call the guardian alliance


A: that’s what they call themselves


K: Ok


A: yes,


K: And, ah, do you consider yourself ah a chaneler, because I I’m aware of what it is you do but I’m going to ask you questions that are may seem wrong, ok


A: feel free


K: and, and so at at that point you can correct me and it’s totally fine


A: It’s not channeling, in fact we teach against channeling because it’s dangerous. It is a process of electronic data streaming that it’s quite sophisticated but it doesn’t work like channeling, channeling involves literally another um entity coming in and sharing a body with you and that is not permitted in our teachings because it can actually damage your DNA. This is an electronic data streaming called keylontic transmission and it is literally electronic data streaming but inter-dimensionally as opposed to simply you know on the horizontal like we do it here and that is the way the that the guardian alliance communicates with me and has since childhood but they have also in in my ah younger years I had both negative abductions with negative groups of visitors and it was the guardian alliance that actually rescued me from those situations and I Iv’e learned a lot about why I had the experiences it had to do with the contract I came in with, but it takes most people quite a few years to wake up and realize what they came in to do, what they birthed in to do, and ah that was why I i had the issues with the um, with Zetas and things like that when I was in my younger years.


By the time I was 12 the guardians had begun teaching me for the commission that I later learned what it was for speaker one for the Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order and ah, its, once once that became clear, the experiences weren’t frightening.  Before they were frightening. The, you know abduction experiences and uh the ones with the guardians weren’t though they were very different they didn’t involve little grays’ and they didn’t involve uh, spaceships. They involved literal teleportation through Merkaba vehicle and those kind of things so it’s been a colorful way of, of to get to the point where I am here teaching the material that I’m teaching, it has been very interesting and colorful. In the first few years um I was required to speak about that a lot that’s why I don’t like to speak about myself anymore, I’m honestly board with the subject of me.


K: Sure


A: right because the first few years that we went public with the books and everything it was all about me and my story, and I’m tired of my story, its out there go read it if you want to… but you know, this is the interesting stuff, the information we’re teaching so


K: I totally honor the fact that you’ve told your story many times and and it is out there and so I do encourage people to ah to go out and investigate ah, her background, to watch other audio and video presentations she’s done because their excellent and I have watched a few of them and I’d love to watch more and she’s an excellent speaker and and so I do encourage you to investigate if you’re watching this. Um, so what id like to do from here is really get into what the agenda is of what we call, ah,  the service to self or negative oriented ET’s, visitors, um what have you and and then if you could talk about that and then if you could also talk about what the positive side, ah service to others is doing, what their objective is in being in contact with us here and so on, so that’s where we want to go


A: Ok, do we have to take the short road or can we take the more interesting road


K: Let’s take the interesting rd…


A: ok, because the interesting road, by the time we get to answering that question, will make a lot more sense and the interesting road does have to do with some of the other questions. When I had, you know, we had asked you – you know just give us a few questions or something that you’re planning to ask you had listed a couple things like you know ah ascension mechanics, ah you know the the human race and where its going and this kind of thing. Um…there is a way to explain this that we’ve been working for ten years. Every workshop, this is our 84th coming up, and every one is new information. It’s the next level of information so we have been, the guardian alliance has been providing us with progressively growing teachings since the Voyagers books were out. Very, very technical teachings on ascension on stargates on understanding planetary stargates, galactic stargates, universal stargates, how they all work, what the process of ascension is, all of this thing.


In understanding some of those things like what is a stargate anyways, what is ascension anyways – right – and understanding some of those it brings us to the point of where we actually are right now on the planet which explains what is going on with the visitors. It explains what their agenda is, why they’re doing what they’re doing and what we can do about it, because their is a negative and positive side to this, but the picture is much bigger than most people realize, even people in the UFO movement, and people in the new age movement. They have pieces of the story. When I found out what this story was, as it progressed, because I had my cellular memory turned on, for awhile I had incarnational memory since I was very small, so it was not new to me, but when, when the guardians revealed progressively the the scope of this drama, I was horrified at first, honestly, I was terrified and, um, moved past that to the point of realizing, wow I mean,  it is so tiny the little dramas that we’re worrying about here this is much, much bigger.


And the reason the information is important now, and for ten years we hardly did any media at all, we didn’t do interviews, we had a couple little interviews, we turned down a lot of radio interviews and that kind of thing cause we wanted to kinda just fly under the radar and do our things.  We do our workshops, people come to our workshops we didn’t heavily advertise them. The reason why we’re coming out and speaking now is because the guardian alliance has asked us to. They are on now what is called official disclosure protocol because of things that are occurring. 2012 is very important and so are the periods right after it. There – this – to ah coin a phrase from Anderson Coopers’ show, ah, planet in peril. Ah Yes. To put it mildly. So if I can explain some of the things that are taking place now in a certain, its a sequence, and your free to interrupt at any point,


K: Ok


A: Right, but it will help get a ah little bit to the more full understanding of what are the visitors up to, what is their agenda, and where are we at with that situation. It’ll also include the information you said, you know what about the stargates and what are the status of those, it’ll, it will show where that is


K: Great


A: and its like the quickest sequence you can do, right, this has been, you know, ten years worth of work, now we can look back and see what this is all about and see where its going, so, if you don’t mind, I will you know put a couple charts up.


K: No Problem


A: The first thing I would like to do if we’re going to talk about what is happening on the planet now, it does involve ascension, and ascension does involve stargates. But what is ascension anyway? There’s a quick way to explain this and it has to do with graphs and I use these graphs because seriously pictures paint a thousand words. If it hadn’t been, and all of these graphs are literally transmitted from the guardian alliance and I I take them down by hand, because I don’t have computer art skills so they’ve all been done in like you know black and white form and then thanks to a team of volunteers they’ve put lot of work into putting them into computer, you know, finishing so they’re decent. Most of them are.  You can tell the ones that are still, the ones I did on a photocopier, you know with a photocopier, but this one, this particular diagram, and also I will qualify these by saying, you’re going to see diagrams that are one out of, there might have been 50 diagrams in that series explaining every piece of how that worked, what it is, the structure of it all of this, I’m just going to show certain diagrams that will show structure, because structure is important.


Science here is getting into um, quantum physics, and all of those things and oh maybe there’s dark matter and all of these wonderful maybes.


There is a whole order of these things, yes there’s dark matter, yes quantum physics are real, but they have no idea the structures that are involved, this is not a hap hazard cosmos or universe. Some of these things, if you’re going to understand what ascension is, you need to understand what context it’s happening in and that’s why the guardians gave us the context in the first place. In the early days they taught us about 15 dimensional physics and that’s not meaning theres only 15 dimensions. Dimensions run in sets of 15 and there are many many many different sets of 15 dimensional matrices that have particular order that form galaxies, universes cosmoses, plural. It is a multi cosmos, not just a multiverse. Now when you think of ascension and stargates that you ascend through it implies there is an order of stargates within these greater structures. So I’ll show you this diagram first.


K: Let me ask you, where the diagrams came from, in other words, do they, are you getting, you say you’re getting this sort of data stream


A: Mmm hmmm


K: electronically,


A: M Hmm


K: And when you say that, it’s, I’m assuming that you’re ah visualizing, maybe you’re getting a visualization…


A: No I just see them


K: Ok


A: yeah


K: and then are you, how do you transfer them onto the paper, how do you, you know, you draw them, really? Ok…


A: I’m known as the white out queen because a lot of times they’ll come down like one diagram like this that’s all like – you know looks like a single thing,


K: Very Intricate


A: there’ll be like six different images on it


K: Wow


A: and like 20 different layers


K: Ok


A: and I call it a pull back process where the whole big thing comes down in one data stream that it might takes me like 6 hours just focused completely on 1, getting it all down and that’s even without the words and labels and arrows and stuff


K: Ok


A: that’s just getting the shapes and structure. Then we’ll pull them out, right, where I’ll make photocopies and white out that part and then you’ve got that one, white out this part and then you have that one and then you might have like a series of ten of them out of the one that came in, so its almost like, uh, what do they call those files um where they condense everything?


Unknown: Zip…


K: Yeah


A: Zip File, yeah, so it comes in like a zip file


K: Ok I hear you


A: and when it opens, it ah, there’s a lot of heat involved actually, you can feel the the DNA activation. It comes through, the chakras activate and there’s like this heat field around me when its coming through or sometimes, depending on the line, cause there – there’s different lines, different ones, ah ah different levels of the guardian alliance communicate, you know, from different places and some of the lines come in cold, like you know shivers, some of them come in hot


K: Ok


A: so some of them carry the images and that’s where the images are coming from and at this point there are thousands of them. There are thousands of intricate diagrams…


K: Fabulous


A: That you know, come in this way,


K: Ok yeah, that – that’s great


A: Alright, this one for instance, this is part of a huge series now, and this is a very simple one as you’ll see in some later ones that it grows. If we can think of this, I I wanted to use this as a very simple way to explain what ascension is. Ascension is about evolution, it’s actually about re-evolution.


The guardians refer to it as ah re-evolutionary determinism. Yes there is a pre-determined framework of creation within which creation you know occurs, but you have free will within that framework and you start out as part of the whole, they refer to it as the god source consciousness field. And from that place, you can enter into material experience that is all taking place within that god source consciousness field. There is no place outside of god. All of this takes place within the body of the consciousness of god source. They consider the structures in which and through which matter materializes and forms, and identities individuate, they consider that part of the manifest body of god source and they’re talking about the cosmoses being a manifest body and there is a field of just pure cognition that is beyond that. It is eternal, it is always aware. Time as we know it in linear form is just not a reality there but it’s understood as an experiential quality within the framework of materialization.


So in that context of understanding a little bit about how we look at god and the concept of god, yes there is one, its not some big (burly)? dude, on a, you know with a big white beard that’s gonna  send you to hell if you’re bad, um right. There is structure involved in this. Now we’ve got, we went through what is called particia creation which takes you from the first unit of consciousness, in the consciousness field of god that did something, went under certain changes, from those changes that shape grew and literally created the spherical wheels within wheels or spheres within spheres that is the hidden structure behind all cosmic order, and even galactic order, planetary order and your own bodies order and atoms order. So this, if you think of it as just an example of a cosmos, alright you have a center point, alright and you have a sphere. Where you see circles they’re actually spheres of energy, alright you have, you have one sphere, two sphere and a third one in the center the smaller ones, and lots see these little ones in the center.


What this is showing us is, consciousness comes out from the center point into this domain or this sphere, its called the the um Hara Body and first it individuates into the two larger spheres and they individuate into sets, and this all happens at the same time, right. It expands outward. These are called, when it expands outward, its called Eckashi expansion cycles. Where consciousness is coming out from the god source consciousness field into the smaller form or structure of materialization and expands out through these cycles simultaneously. One on each side. This particular line is referred to as a vector.  Time vector. Time space vector. One end of it is referred to as an event horizon, so one time vector has two event horizons.


All right, now here we have a core. Here you have and inner, here you have a middle and here you have an outer domain. On each side. Reality fields take place within all of those. So it’s not just that there are numerous reality fields, you have ones in the outer bands, you have ones in the middle, inner and core bands.


The process of coming into existence is expanding out through experiential cycles within the Eckashic expansion cycle till you get to this point. When you get to this point, now you’ll see in this next graph, these are actually time cycles with names.


They’re called Yugas. When you get to this, which is called the Kali Yuga, there are several options, and one of the options, which is the natural evolutionary process, which is accession, that is the natural process by which eternal life beings, and most everybody started as eternal life beings, are, would naturally undergo. After you expand out yet through the incarnational cycles here, and you would go through what is called a Krist Star Turnaround. Alright? Where you enter these little cycles behind. They’re called the Adashi return cycles, where they’re the going back into source cycles.


This is the process, when you expand out at this point, if you were able to make this Krist Star Turnaround, your atoms will actually transfigure into eternal life, light atoms, and at that point, whatever form you hold there, becomes an eternal form that you can materialize and dematerialize at will.


You, you become what’s called an Adashi adept, and some people call them ascended masters but that term is terribly abused on this planet, so the guardians do not like to use it. Um, but the Adashi adepts are the ones who have made it through that change and they are now what are called Mashaya-Hana individuals which means they have, they are eternal life, and they can manifest, de-manifest at will. They go back through the cycles, go back in the center and they can actually rebirth as collectives, like as suns and those kind of things. Its an amazing process where a being lets say as small as like a human being can actually evolve, re-evolve, to go back into the state of even being like a sun or a star, and it is an eternal process, there is no death involved in that process. That is the natural process for life forms. So when we’re talking about ascension, it is about doing the natural re-evolutionary process, but that is not happening on this planet.


When we get to this point of the Kali Yuga expansion there are other things that can happen too. There are certain qualities about the science of ascension that are very very much about physics. Alright, and there are consequences in physics if things are not working well on a planet, it affects the body of the people who live on it and the animals who live on it and plants that live on it, and if certain things are not working well in a body, the DNA does not function properly, the body will not produce the chemicals and the particular one called celestaline, that is required in order to allow the atoms to merge their with anti-particles without annihilating. That allows particle and anti-particle to come together, they shift angular rotation of particle spin and you can literally turn into a radiation wave. And that would, that’s, what it means actually to go into full Merkaba and be able to go through gates. That is the process by which you go through star gates.


So, if we talk about ascension, it is the natural process of being able to expand out, you were out in the Kali Yuga cycles, finally are out here, now we have choices. We can ascend, or, if we get stuck here there is another path that we can take. It’s called the ah Kali – Kali Rema path. It is the path of step back. You can go back here, to the stage before, and then have to rebirth out again into the cycles and the outer domain. It’s almost like a restart, do it over again, so hopefully you, you know fulfill all your ascension codes it’s what it’s about so the activating your atom to the point where they can fully transfigure, and if you can do it in a cycle again, then you can ascend again. 


There is another path that can occur here, there are basically three paths. The other one is called the path of Kali Dema.


That is the path of fall. That is where you get stuck here, you cant step back and you cant go forward because of the choices you were making in your life that are affecting directly what your DNA can do, and what consciousness you’re aligning yourself with affects the frequency that your body is able to carry. And if you get stuck here, you will reincarnate in this cycle until the quantum you came in with, burns out. And then you will do what is called a space dust return.


Where ashes to ashes dust to dust, you will come to a point where you don’t have enough energy to reincarnate into another body into another time cycle. And you will eventually simply just go back, and eventually everybody goes back. But, if you go back in ascension you go back whole, if you go back in step back, you can come back out and go back out whole, but if you do the fall path, you do come back eventually as space dust where your body dies and your consciousness can no longer hold together and it fragments and just becomes part of the local environment. But the local environment at times goes through natural cycles that have to do with stargate cycles and ascension cycles where all these little ah time tracks pull in together and then come back out again.


At that point, anything that gets stuck out here gets drawn back into the center. So this is why god source doesn’t look at it as loosing anyone in the fall path. It’s the experience of you loosing your connection with the universe that it’s really about.


So in, to get  to understanding stargates and everything I wanted to explain on this simple diagram about the cycles that we are in, cause right now we are in that Kali Yuga cycle and those three choices are facing us very much now, and more than they might usually because this planet is in the middle of a drama that people here have forgotten but they knew during the Atlantean periods, they knew ten thousand years ago what was happening here and we have forgotten that knowledge, so anyway, lets go to the next diagram, if I spend this long on everyone we’re going to be here for 6 years!


K: No, that that’s actually very helpful and I think that was very clear


A: sorry about the coughing


K: thank you, that’s ok, no problem


A: This next one is just a little bit similar to that one, its showing the structure of that one a little bit more clearly. The reason I’m showing you this is just for down bottom here. I’m not going to read them all or anything but the detail level that were giving, each of these different states, I’ve tal… we’ve talked about the the core and the uh, the inner the middle and the outer domains of reality, within which reality takes place, right, they each have a different state of matter, a different type of matter, a different density level of matter, and different states of consciousness that go with them so I just wanted to point that out. So when we see this diagram we’re seeing the three, the Kali Hara, its called the Kali Hara system, and we have the Hara bodies and the, you know, the time, space time structures within the Hara bodies, so these are large energy structures that you don’t see, and you don’t even see these, or you don’t see it, your not walking around in your field counting your little balls, right, but they’re there. This structure, the cosmos is created with this structure, but its much more complex, but when you see it, it implies um structure but also time and evolution and that is a good way to show the ascension process, where as you expand out, you go through experiences in the time- in the levels of the time matrix, and then come back in through the Adashi return cycles. So the word Adashi, for instance, is something, you know, that is ah special to us, because we are following the path of Adashi, the path of Krist Star Return.


When I use the word Krist star, by the way, any of the words like Kryst, or anything like that, we spell it with a K. Its either K-r-i-s-t, sometimes we use shorthand, or K-r-y-s-t, there’s a reason for that. Its not, b-because we’re basing everything on the bible or anything like that, nothing against the bible, but its spelt with a K because that’s how it originally was and what it refers to, are, its actually, there’s seven um syllables to it, we often will just shorten it to five, its, ah, the first seven audible sound tones of creation and they are ka, ra, ya, sa, ta, ha la, and we, we often just shorten it to, you know, ka, ka ya ra sa ta, Krist, right, so that’s why we use the word Krist. It has to do with the sound tones, the vibrations.


The first audible sound tones, when we get into first particai creation before all these structures occur, in the cosmos, there are certain things that happen on a very very very nano micro level, that ah, the first, what would be audible sounds or audible vibrations and that is why we use that word – Krist. So that’s where it’s coming from. It’s not saying yeah we’re Christian, that’s uh, which means we are not this, and we’re not that and we’re not the other thing, its something that belongs to everyone, you know and every language.


(24:26) So anyway, that’s just another version of showing the same structure. This is part of a much larger structure, and has to do with stargates. So, we’ll go because what the, what the drama that’s happening on the planet now, with the visitors and all of that has to do with stargates, if it has to do with ascension, it has to do with stargates too, and who’s fighting over them.


So the next diagram, this is called, the (Illum Iradona?) Spirit Body, and the reason I’m going to show you the spirit body structure, this is a diagram that has many purposes, but if you remember that last diagram, this one, is a bit more detailed. It is still showing structure.


This is a simplified, and each one of these pieces and flows and all of the different elements of this have been analyzed, there’s like a hundred graphs to this sequence, what it comes with is this structure that is referred to as the Illum Iradona Spirit Body, which is different than your light body structure, different than your atomic bodies, yeah, this part of that structure. The cosmos has this too. When you see these little petal things, these are actually flows of energy, ok, now think cosmic, right.


Inside of this you have those, that, the ah Hara ball structures, with the time cycles, moving, in and out of this, but if you notice here there are twelve points on this, there are twelve petals, each one of those would have a line, running down it, that comes out the other side, right, each would be a vector line, so you’re not just dealing with one vector, where you have two event horizons, you are dealing with sets, of um, sets of six vectors that form twelve event horizons and there’s more than that too but that’s the ones you can see in this diagram. The spirit body structure, is built on, I mean, on on on this particular structure and these flows here, you have some of the outer flows, that are called the lotus flows, those lighter ones in the pink, and then these little things that you can see part of, they actually go all the way down to the core, but then there’s another layer of them here and another here, these are called uh, the core flows or the NaVaho flows.


The NaVaho word has to do with the particular part of the creation cycle that is the first, where where the particai units, which are the first units of consciousness that materialize, are actually born. It’s a word that has to do with the NaVaho cycles. So, these are called the NaVaho ah, core flows. This has to do with stargates.


A: (26:40) Alright, the next one, we’ll show you, these stargates, now if you take the circle away, and the ball structures away and just look at the flows here, again we have those outer petals, we call them the lotus petals, we call this the living lotus


K: Ok,


A: Alright, and these are the natural core flows of an eternal life creation, which means energy flows out but it also turns around comes back. It just doesn’t flow out and expand until it destroys itself, and burns itself out, that’s what science is watching happening to this universe because it’s not functioning normally, in our local galaxy, anyway, stargates.


This, these structures, these flows, now this applies to a cosmos, it applies to a galaxy, it applies to a planet, a planet has a structure like this. And it applies to our bodies as individuals. It applies to atoms, actually. They have their little own structure like this. Each one of these, core – core structures – core flows, represents a stargate that has particular structure. When you look at it on a on a planetary level, it, they are literally points on the planet that interface with these energy flow systems that connect into core and under certain conditions, they activate, and they literally allow space, time and matter to turn into radiation and pop up somewhere else.


K: Ok


A: They are passageways.


K: So, you’re talking about twelve major stargates?


A: There are twelve; they go in sets of twelve. On this planet, there are a whole lot more, because the main twelve, which are called the Halls of Amenti Stargates, they actually fell in 2003, they they fell under the control of the service to self, um groups, lets put it, we call the them F-A’s, fallen angelics, alright,


K: Ok


A: that’s what we refer to them as, um, and, there are about five different what are called interfaced gate systems that were put here by the guardians a long time ago because this isn’t the first time that there’s been gate wars, on this planet. In fact, two seedings of the human race were wiped out, by the same type of, they call em Templar wars, cause’ they’re fighting over the Templar.


The stargate system on a planet or in the universe is referred to as the Templar, and that word refers to Template Pillars. That’s what the Templar word means. That’s, I mean the whole Knights Templar and all of that stuff, I mean these, these things were from the old old records from Atlantis. They had pieces of them.


(28:59) So anyway, when we’re talking about stargates, or ascension, in ascension, the process of doing that turn around and be able to go back into the eternal life cycles, has to do with getting your body able to where you can pass through the natural structures of stargates. Now that’s great if you’ve got your body in shape, but if your on a planet that’s – templar is messed up, you’re going to have a problem, you’ll get stuck on the planet and your body will reflect whatever distortion is in the planet. That’s why people right now, die on this planet and don’t ascend instead.


Death is not a natural condition, it occurs on planets that have a distortion in their stargate structure, where the natural flows are not occurring, which creates distortions in the biological forms on that planet. so we have been locked into this planet, this has been a prison planet for at least thirteen thousand years and actually, a lil further back than that but there are little bits of times where gates were working properly. this is the first time, why everything is coming to a head right now, is because it was known in twenty two thousand three twenty six B.C., which was the last stargate opening cycle, and that one failed, that this would be the next one. They knew this time period would be the next one because there’s a specific time frame in which the gates open and they stay open for a period of time and they close again. That’s why it’s all coming to a head again. So…we got stargates…  (30:06)


K: Ok, but when you say the gates are going to open, you’re talking about the twelve that have been taken over, so to speak, those, I’m assuming, are not gonna open.


A: Oh yeah, they’re opening them,


K: they’re going to be open


A: and we’re opening the others, the Guardians, they’re opening the others


K: the, ok, even though they were taken over, they’re able to go in and and open them


A: oh yeah, they open them into the black hole wormhole systems.


K: oh, into an, ok that’s not a good place


A: You can still use them but you know, it takes you into fall systems


K: right


A: yeah, and that is what is happening on this planet


K: So, so there has to be alternate stargates that are going to be used


A: Mmm Hmm, and that, that is what we have been helping the Guardians, actually bring, you have to, they need to be activated, they’re old dormant systems, but they’re rescue systems


K: Ok


A: and at this point, the reason why the Guardians are even speaking publically, publically about this information in interviews, is because in ah, I think it was March 25th of 2007, something occurred in this solar system that just, shut the program down.


We are on a 200 year evac program period, and that’s it. The gates are closing. Permanently. The gates are closing in this galaxy, permanently. In 200 years.


K: When you say something happened in the galaxy, can you explain a little more?


A: I’ll get to that


K: Ok, ok great


A: Yeah, there’s some other diagrams for that one, yeah


This is looking at one of those core flows, you know just its structure, and there’s like a, there’s a pillar, a chamber, inside of this. There’s merkaba fields that activate which we’ll deal with later if you want to see some of those pictures, but this is one of the NaVaho core flow gates.


Now, the other ones, that aren’t shown on here, that look like the lotus petals, they’re usually the flows, that when a stellar activation cycle happens, they’re usually the only ones that open because they will take you to the next density level up. Or even two densities up. They’ll give you vertical ascension, but not diagonal or going back in and back out again. They’re, they’re very limited actually in their capacity but you can still ascend through them. When the planet, and the only time they open these is if they’re seeding a new race on the planet, or, if they are evacuating a race on the planet. And these core gates are opening on the planet, because this is an evacuation. We have a two hundred year warning. Because, something happened with the sun, that its, it’s not going to be, one is not going to be able to live on this planet by about 2976. And it’s going to be before that actually but that’s when it explodes from what they said.


That we’re in a timeline and we’re stuck in a timeline, Voyagers mentioned it, that if we didn’t make certain changes in with with the stellar activation cycle, and reach a certain level, we were going to get dragged into a probability alignment in which the planet literally exploded because of the mechanics that were occurring with, the um, the Zetas and different, you know, intruder races, and that is a probability line we got stuck in and that’s why, we’re on um, we are on a evac order, and that’s why we’re speaking about it publically.


There are things we can do, its not like, ahhhhh – you know the world is ending. No, in fact, this is really good, because what could have happened in 2012 isn’t going to, but there’s certain ones that really want it – want these things to happen and I will talk about those a little bit, in a little while.


But this is the core gate structure, and its, you know, its very detailed, I just really put these up not to read every little thing, to-to let you know, and let the public know, that they are there and the sophistication of this material. This is why, talk about me, I’m not important, what’s important is look at this material, it blows MY mind.


K: Yeah


A: You know I I – and the breadth of it, I mean it covers everything from stargates to biology to um you know cosmic structure to, ah, pre-particai physics, I mean, it’s an amazing body of material. Ah if this wasn’t serious, they wouldn’t be giving us this information.


So, anyway, that’s core gate structure, and they are activating the core gates. You wanna see how a core gate would sit on a planet to get an idea, this gives a gives you an idea. Thats just like a landscape painting behind it, its actually a mural that I did on my wall in a house in Arizona we lived in, but it shows, right, here’s the sky and here’s like you know the land and here’s like the subterranean levels below the land and going down to the core, it shows how these gate flows work, when they’re open.


And there would be twelve of these on the planet, and when you would pass into it, you wouldn’t see this thing standing in the air, there would be a certain field and only if your DNA was keyed to it, would you even know it was there. If your DNA was not activated to be in co-resident energy form, with that structure, you’d walk right through it, past it, not even know it was there and you’d still be in the same place. But, if you have certain things activated in the body, in the DNA, in the DNA template, in the light body in the spirit body structure ect, in your anatomy, you would be able to see it, and you would know where to stand in it. And you would know what to do and how to breathe, and you could use it and go in ascension. So…


K: (34:52)Ok so the twelve stargates that we’re talking about, which have been, ah, interfered with, lets say, ah, they’re located certain places on the planet, physical places

A: Yup, yup

K: Ok

A: Yup, the outer ones are the ones that fell, the core ones wont fall

K: the core ones wont fall

A: no, they cant fall, they wont let them

K: ok so those are, those are the ones that  are – you say – ancient

A: Yeah

K: that are being reactivated as you call it

A: yeah

K: ok

A: yeah

K: and those are also located at certain,

A: yes

K: places, on the planet

A: yeah and in different places

K: different places

A: yup, the outer ones surface at one, you know one set of twelve places, and these in another

K: so there would be a lot of um misdirects, I’m I’m thinking, and there are a lot of misdirects going on – on the planet right now, to where certain people are directing people to, focus on certain areas of the planet which contain these stargates, thinking that they are, you know, ascension stargates, when in fact they are taking them to another place

A: yes

K: That’s not so good

A: exactly

K: ok

A: yeah, what they are, they are being guided to fall stargates, so they’re not, they don’t call it, they’re not called stargates, they’re called wormholes

K: ok

A: and wormholes lead to black hole systems that are finite life systems, and right now they are feeding on our living system and killing it basically, and that is why the intervention is happening, that is why the NaVaho core gates are being opened, because we didn’t stand a chance, in this one, we were, the there was planned by lets just say the negative ET’s and visitors that the, there were five other occasions that extinctions were launched on this planet. They were before the humans were on it. Um, this was going to be the sixth extinction, and it was scheduled for 2012 and ah because of what the guardians are doing, that is not going to happen. We’re not fighting with anyone, we’re standing, we’re standing in the frequency of the Krist and we are being taught um masters templar mechanics to be able to assist them, we’re the ground crew, just like on the other side you have what we call the Metatronic crew that are working the ah, the Atlantean death star, merkaba stuff that is what runs the wormholes. There’s a whole bunch of people running around thinking they’re doing ascension,

K: yes, exactly

A: that aren’t and that is what is heartbreaking,

K: Yes

A: when I started to go public with the guardian teachings, like, oh great, you know, everything’s going to be great and the new age movement,  and everybody, you know, we’re going to love each other, oh my god, I ended up like the black sheep, in the new age movement, why? Because we exposed the teachings of Thoth. Not any of the people here, we exposed the records. Thoth broke the emerald covenant, way back in the Atlantean period. He stole one of the CDT plates, took the knowledge from it, and created the emerald tablets of Thoth which had a bunch of mechanics that were the death star mechanics. He helped in the takeover, and he still is. Yeah

K: ok

A: Cause that being is still in existence, he, pops back and forth, you know, he can travel through time in his little, ah, death star merkaba, but, it wasn’t just Thoth, there’s a whole bunch of them. So when, it was pretty heartbreaking as this-this information, because I was thinking, oh great we’re all going to love each other and you know, yeah,  its ascension time. Yeah right, ah it didn’t work that way because nobody wanted to hear it and it’s too bad. At least there was some people that wanted to hear it because they came to workshops and the thing is, we asked the people that were teaching the other stuff, nicely. Said, why don’t we just have a public discussion about it? You know, seriously, we’ll each put up half of a room cost and you know invite – free to the public, and just let’s discuss the the topics, the issues. They wouldn’t. But what they started to do was blackball me behind my back, at the workshops, tell people to be afraid of me, tell em’ oh you’ll die if you use your merkaba that way. We have more merkaba mechanics than they can dream about. I mean, they they couldn’t touch the stuff with a ten foot pole. That’s why, they wouldn’t even take on the challenge – of -come lets talk about it. Let’s talk about the history. That, that you could say, well it’s this or that, but these mechanics are indisputable. Because, they don’t have the things to link them together. The guardians showed us, all of these different things, sacred geometry – how it fit – not just a – oh here it’s a this. What is a that? What does it mean? How does it connect to the cosmos? They showed cosmic structure in order to show how it’s supposed to work, and then they showed where the distortions they’re teaching fit and what they do, to pervert it.

So it’s been very intense, in, since we came out with the work and it hasn’t changed, but there’s a group of us that just resonate with this and go, wow, you know just wow, ok no problem. You know like, gee

K: yeah, ah well that’s one of the reasons I’m here and you know I’m aware of the distortions out there, I’m aware of the attacks and so on so forth, and again I have to say that people need to really go into their hearts, they need to use their heart and their intelligence to discern what resonates, and we’re presenting this as what resonates, I’m going to say, personally with me, but also with what I think people need to be aware of and then they make their own decision. We’ve got plenty of the other side, of information out there and I think its time that we hear from this side. And I, and and so I really want to thank you, for, for making this opportunity possible.


I do want to say that, um, there are a lot of people out there that are following, um, the wrong path. And, ah if there’s a way that you can also talk about the distinctions, so that they can be aware. Like, if you get this, you might be quest you might want to question more, the path you’re on. In other words, certain things will come, ah to the fore during meditation, certain things will come to fore even in their everyday life, where they’re getting a lot of (40:30) interference on certain levels and so on so forth, that can indicate that they are being, taped into by, ah, service to self ET’s, and and I, if you have that, and you want to sort of  want to share that, we don’t have to do it now because that would be maybe off the topic a little bit here but maybe later on..

A: I think we’ll probably come in, if we can move a bit with, with the sequence.

K: Ok

A: the reason why the guardians gave this sequence was cause its an easy way to touch a whole bunch of the bases, give a rounded picture, to go right into, you know, answering the questions that you wanted you know answered,

K: Ok

A: So if you want to go off the sequence its ok, but I think

K: no, lets, lets go with this, and um also, just one one other thing that you’re saying we got this information, and you’re talking about yourself, are you talking about other members of your group also getting this information?

A: Some of us do

K: Ok

A: yeah all have a, kind of special relationship our own special relationship, I have the, the translators’ contract, which means I-I’m the secretary, right. I take down the writing, but, even like the other speakers, have a rapport also

K: Ok

A: with the Guardians, and a number of people in the groups, have developed, a rapport with them as well.

In fact we work with them to help them do that, that’s what the guardians would like is to, you know, start communicating, where, they can start teaching people directly, because we’re like a little bottleneck on the information, you know, its only given through the workshops and that kind of thing,

K: Right

A: yeah, so I I talk about it as we, not that I’m plural, but that there’s a bunch of people that are interacting with the guardians directly. ill just go really quick on these then, cause that’s another point I want to get to, but we can pop through these but I want to bring something up that’s very important.

As far as telling the difference between some of the teachings, too, this in general is just showing just basic stargate structure like how they work, when you have the core gates we saw before, these are what happen when you have those other flows that happen, the lotus petal flows. When you have a stargate area, you have two vortices of energy, one electrical, one magnetic, and when they activate in the center, they come together, and, one goes down, one goes up, and they form what’s called a bi-vecca merkaba field. Alright, and that Merkaba field, is ah, well what does it mean, ah, moving light body mer-ka-ba, right? The ah Merkaba field, is the field that, actually, if its around you, if its a natural one that occurs, around you, its also occurring within you and that is what allows your atoms to bond with their anti particle and transmute and transfigure so they can go through gates. So this is basic stargate structure as far as the the Amenti gates were structured on this structure and those kind of things. There’s more to that – there’s the Merkaba part.

Alright, there’s the two vortices right, and this is when they come together to form a Merkaba field. now this is a merkaba field that’s just done with vortices, these get more specific, where they have fins, where they actually like ah, three sided pyramids, that move through each other, but I just wanted you to see the basic structure of when stargates activate, these merkaba fields, which are vortice fields, um 43:40 you know activate within them and also within your body and around your atoms and in your atoms. This thing here, is something that I would like to point out, this is called a Kathara Grid, light sound one, ka-tha-ra. It is literally the radiation template upon which everything in the eternal life systems are structured. It is the first creation template and it has very very specific proportions. Some people say, Oh that’s the tree of life, but actually if you look at it, it isn’t, it’s actually the tree of eternal life.

When you see something that is different than this, say, ah it has maybe ten of these centers instead of twelve, right, this has twelve, or maybe its longer and skinnier, or it doesn’t have the lines in the same way, what that is is a twisted radiation creation template, and its passed off as the tree of life, some of, in certain teachings. Its actually the tree of artificial life, it is – goes with – the what’s called the death star Atlantean merkaba mechanics, the Metatronic mechanics. This is the natural structure, of what is called a Kathara Grid and in a minute you’ll see how important this is because literally the structure of cosmos, of stargates, but all of those structures we saw a little bit of, with the the circles, the spheres, right? Wherever you see a sphere it implies there was, we call these the bones. You have the bones and the balls. The bones are the radiation template that is built on Kathara Grid, and Kathara Grid will always have these proportions, they’re very specific proportions in relation to each other. And that is a living template, and what that template and the structures built upon it, will be living.

Our body structure, we have one that runs through our body, that right now is very mutated, because of the planet and we’ll see that a little bit of that later. But, we are moving to reactivate the natural imprints.

So the Kathara Grid I wanted you to see cause it will help you understand the maps. If you’re going to understand stargates, and wonder where, ok If I ascend, where am I going? Right? Seriously, if you’re going to leave, ah where are you going? Do you even have a clue as to where, what the choices are, you know like? They, they’ve shown us where these maps go, this is the beginning of understanding maps.

I’ll just show you this really quick, because this is showing, there’s a sheet that talks about, I’m not going to talk about all the proportions right now cause its heavy detail, but, this sheet explains about how this actually controls how particles interact with each other and all sorts of things…from angular rotation of particle spin of particles in universes and that kind of thing. So this is just showing the specific proportions, it is very important. So when you see something using as a sacred geometry, this structure, that is not built on those proportions, it is, actually representative of one of the other teachings that is teaching distorted template mechanics that have to do with wormholes and black holes. Alright so anyway, (I’ll take these)

K: Interesting

A: Yeah the more of this came out, the more horrified I was, I really was, I was like, oh my god, fellas please, you know? I don’t want, I don’t want to have to talk about this. Right, it was very hard. Now at this point, I-I have ta, I have a sense of humor about it, you know, whereas ok, so I’m the pariah of the new age movement, whatever. Somebody has got to, to let people know about this, that’s why I still do, because it makes more sense than the other stuff that’s being taught, and there’s so much love in these teachings and in caring about people enough. Like ok so you might be mad at me because you liked that paradigm over there and I just kinda don’t mean to be a whistleblower, but if you’re hurting yourself with that merkaba, maybe you should not do that, you know, anyway go back on this.

Sorry, this is showing simply, remember that little Kathara Grid structure, right? Well here’s one, here’s another, these cluster, alright? These are radiation templates that cluster to form very complex structures. This particular structure we call the stairway to heaven, alright? One of these Kathara Grid structures, would hold, ah, four densities, density levels of our um, local universe, alright? Let’s say the Milky Way galaxy, but there’s actually more to it than the Milky Way, so that would be like our local, universe. It actually includes ah, Milky Way and Andromeda M31 galaxy, alright, and it’s connected to another one. The one that um, this angle, 90 degrees to it would be considered its parallel, it also has a light field that goes with it, so these are intricate structures that are formed from these templates, and where you see these structures, these are the bones again, you will have spheres of energy and spheres within spheres, built upon them.


So, you, there there are various levels, there is, these are called the Vecka systems and four Veckas come together and at the center, an Ecka system forms, and ah the Ecka systems form a cluster and they form what’s called an Eckasha system, then there’s an Eckasha A system, an Eckasha Aya system and they all form this big cluster that’s called the Ukatha Rista Body. The Ukatha Rista Body is one cosmic creation body. Now our own personal anatomy, has these levels to it, alright, they connect to those levels of the cosmos that we were born into, and full ascension is actually turning back on in our atomic structure, all of the frequencies involved with all of those spaces. So we’re down here in the Vecka worlds, the next thing is we have to move up into the Ecka and then from the Ecka, this is the long way to ascended, by the way, that’s when the gates are working well, so, the normal way for ascension would be you would work your way through re-evolution, through the Vecka system up the densities. We’re in density one here, we’d work up to density four, then we go to the Ecka level and your growing and getting lighter and your matters’ less dense and your getting more control over it and your getting more consciousness, you know, more god, god consciousness, and that kind of thing. And then you would work to the Eckasha level, and then you would work to the Eckasha A level and then the Eckasha Aya level till you got up here.

The, at any one of those points, you could experience the Krystar turn around and it would take it you the next level. Right? Then there’s the quick way to ascend. When it’s ah evac, when there’s an evac situation and that’s what we have. Where, these are called, um harmonic gate systems. It implies that – it’s built on a system of dimensional harmonics, which means you have to take them in sequence, harmonically one by one. It’s the low, the slow train, right? 

There is something called the trans-harmonic continuum, that actually runs between them. It requires a very specialized type of merkaba vehicle and um ah, accelerations in the light body and spirit body anatomy to be able to do it, but those core gates, they’re also the NaVaho gates, also called the spanner gates, they are able to do that.

They are trans-harmonic. Where they can actually jump the scale, so you can jump from here to here or from here, you know, to there. So you can move, you have more liberty of where you can go, in ascension in a sense, your able to actually you – you become a time jumper, basically. Instead of just a straight, you know ascension the hard way; you go boing boing boing boing, that kind of thing.

So, that is the system we’re working on, because at this point, all of the natural structures of the outer gates have been damaged. The Amenti gates are damaged, we are stuck down here and the same thing is happening through the Milky Way. Its not just here, it’s not just in our solar system. Our solar system is a mess, but the Milky Way is a mess too. That black hole at the center?(50:30) that’s not an accident, that was done on purpose. That was done three hundred and sixty billion years ago, we actually used to, the Milky Way actually used to be a part of Andromeda Galaxy and it was literally forced into what is called Fall, and now there’s many light years between them, at least a couple, I forget how many light years are between them, two million light years, something like that? But they were once one, that is actually our home galaxy, the Andromeda M31, but right now we’re in the Milky Way which is a fallen, phantom part of it. And there’s still, it it wasn’t a full Fall system, until recently, when certain changes occurred that mean the ah the quantum of energy going into the negative Fall path, is larger than the one pulling back the other way, and at that point there is, it is a galactic evac where they’re pulling out the ones who can still go, you know, the consciousness that can still follow the ascension path is being evacuated out because the gates will close. Once they close and a system falls, that system won’t immediately blow up or anything, it will have a finite life span. It no longer has the direct currents coming in, the inflow of currents coming in from the larger structure of space time and source, so it becomes a finite system that feeds on itself, until it eats up its own quantum, and then it implodes and goes back as space dust.

So, we are at crossroads, a huge crossroads right now. We are on a planet that is going in the the fall direction, but this planets actually going to take that path I mentioned, the step back path, but that requires losing its body and it’s going to do that. Not while we’re on it, but that is what we’re headed for, but right now we have two hundred years to before these gates close, in the ah in the Milky Way galaxy and that includes here, so this is why they’re giving the advanced ascension teachings now. And, ah that is why, crazy people like me come out and talk about them…

K: Ok, um yeah

A: with their vocabulary, because they’re, we could use a dictionary honestly

K: No, you mean I know, I expect people, its good if they go, what did she talk about there, I don’t get it, or go investigate you see

A: Right

K: I’m not, we’re not here to answer all their questions, actually

A: Ok

K: You know

A: well I don’t mind

K: Investigation is, is getting involved,

A: Right

K: and if they get involved they learn

A: Right

K: and then it becomes part of them, so its ok

A: yeah, well when we see the structures, when I’m showing things like the structures, they’re these are structures that ah that are not known out here yet, they have words that describe them, you know,

K: Sure

A: they have names for that structure, that’s a Hara Body or that’s a Ukatha Rista Body, right, you know and that’s a Vecka and that’s a Ecka, these-these are part of the actual ah templates, of of the layers of creation going all the way back up into expansion, into god source consciousness field. They are the literal bones of our space-time orientation, so they are time references when I talk about a Vecka system. That is down here, closer to where – we are in a Vecka system, right? When you get up to the next level of ascension, there is The Ecka system, which is at the core of four Veckas, then you get up from there, and you have what’s called ah, an Eckasha system, which has, a set of all the smaller ones inside of it, right? and the Eckasha A system, and then, you go up into the Ukatha Rista System which is really, they are words, to describe things, that make perfect sense, you know, to the people that are describing them, the guardians,

K: Sure

A: they’re words in the ancient what’s called Anahazi language, which was the first spoken language in this time matrix, so a lot of the language that is used, you know, that its like, what is that? It Its -Its translations from those languages because they carry the meaning.

K: Ok does Anahazi relate to Anastasi?

A: Actually, it does

K: Ok

A: The the Anastasi were connected to, to the guardians, Actually

K: So, did they ascend? Is that why they disappeared?

A: Some of them did, others, they were actually raided from what I heard. They were raided and um overtaken by another group, and some of that other group became An-Anastasis as well where they became violent and the originals ones weren’t like that, and yeah some of them were evac’d locally is what I heard

K: Ok (54:24)


K: The Kabbalah, is gotta be, I mean you know I’m gonna just say it here ah, to my understanding from what your telling me is that Kabbalah is not the ah, the positive ascension path.

A: I would put this – this way, in relation to the Kabbalah, or the bible, or the Koran, or any of the texts that are out there. There are elements of truth all of which came from the original teachings that were on this planet. There were twelve legions of the Krist, twelve bodies of teachings that went with the CDT Plates. There are pieces of those that have wound up in the religions of today and there are distortions in all of them as well. Which means, they all carry a mixed path.

K: Ok

A: and the way to tell, it takes a while to develop the sensitivity, but there’s something inside invisible, of everything, be it a cup or a cosmos or um a set of letters written on a page. There’s something called an encryption. An encryption is a very specific radiation signature. That is underlying, it’s in the dark matter template. When you get to a certain point, in DNA activations, which sensitize your inner senses in your body, you, can, know with direct cognition, you can read a sentence and know which part is taking you in which direction

So, anything, like the Kabbalah, there’s some beautiful things in the Kabbalah and they also use a mutated ah tree of life, because they don’t remember any different, and they were tricked, just like there’s a lot of great things in the Christian religion, that are, you know, true to form, and a lot that aren’t. There’s been trickery ever since the Atlantean periods here. Well there was before too, but that was the, you know,  big showdown for trickery, 56:14 and what we have now are the trickle down ideas and piecemeal memory and piecemeal history of what could be salvaged from that time.

There’s a reason we don’t remember. We’ll get into that a little bit, when we get into that stuff I talked about at the end, that was important, but, our stance isn’t to make any of the other paths wrong. There’s only one that we actually will stand against. If they’re directly teaching metatronic death, death star merkaba, we have to address that, we don’t address the people who are teaching it, we feel bad for the people who get caught up in that. I feel bad for anybody whose contacted by, by Thoth, because well I’ve known Thoth in other lives and I’ve known Thoth in this life and he’s, you know, once upon a time he was a speaker, you know an emerald covenant speaker, and he broke the emerald covenant, and he decided to go with the, with the Annunaki races and um, go into a Fall path, and stole the technologies, and part of what he did is why this planet is going in the path it is now.

So it isn’t the people, that, you know we don’t blame the teachers, of those things, or the-the people listening to channels and they don’t know what the heck they’re listening to I mean you know oh great you know its-its cute and its fun, and its lovely, and yeah right, check its resume, but how do you? You know, where?

Any of the religions, any of the new age or the old age religions, there’s good and there’s not good in both of them, and its almost like you need to feel out and feel what works right for you, but don’t limit to yourself to just saying, oh well it has to be the Jehovah god, or it has to be the Allah god, or it has to be the this god or that god. You can call god whatever you want, but you know god doesn’t really need you to call “it” anything, it is beyond gender qualification. We were created in the image of god, all of us, and that doesn’t mean we are all male or all female, it means we are all living consciousness fields, that have the potential of direct creation and eternal life, and that is what that line meant.


So the Kabbalah is fine, certain parts. Certain parts aren’t. Same applies to every paradigm, that is, you know traditionally on the planet and a lot coming in from the new age, except for the death star mechanics, they’re very direct, you know – not sacred geometry. So if

K: Ok

A:  that answers that question

K: Yes, absolutely

A: ok, Good

K: Thank you

A: Alrighty, where are we? Back to this, um I just want to share this again quickly. This again is the diagrams we’ve used to show the structure of the spirit body, with its flows and its core flows. And that’s also the gate structures and all that. It means, that the cosmos has sets of spirit bodies, there’s like lots of these embedded within each other, and we also have our spirit body. When I refer to our spirit body, as part of our anatomy, it is structured in this same way. Ok and we’ll see in the next one, how that fits in, with, remember the ah stairway to heaven? And the Ukatha Rista Body? Right? Those structures are actually part of what’s called the light body anatomy. Be it on the cosmic level or the personal level, this is how they fit together. This is that Ukatha Rista thing with all those little inter woven Kathara grids, right? And this is the basic structure of spheres within spheres. From the spirit body, the cosmic spirit body, they all of those exist to them, every one of those little Kathara grids, would have a set of these, right? These become the spirit body, ah, the the twelve spheres in the spirit body, that remember go in sets, across a vector line, right? And at certain points they actually pull in, to the center, and that’s how, at a certain point of expansion, you contract back into the center and go back in to god source. (59:33)

These are actually, this is how the, the Adashi Adepts, the ones who have achieved ascension actually use these structures as maps. The- These are literal maps of how they judge. If you are here, and you want to go to Serious B, density two, right? These are the maps they use to get there. They are the gate interface maps; we can locate ourselves on these maps. There’s one that shows exactly where we are, in the ah milky way galaxy in tha, cause we’re partly we’re actually M31 Galaxy, but we’re a part that’s twisted off but still connected to it, energetically, we can show our location and also show the locations where the black hole systems are that are interfacing here that are messing with us now and where the guard- the main guardian groups are coming from, and where they’re helping us so these are literally maps.

These maps then translate into, these are all probability fields. So you might have one, say galaxy, and its twelve different probable expressions, and they inter, all of these are spinning, right? And they inter-interface with each other, all of the time, they’re like bubbles within bubbles that don’t collide and collapse each other – well they’re not supposed to. If they’re doing the death star mechanics, they actually do, but, there’s a natural system of probabilities, so its not just we have a parallel universe, right, we have many parallel systems and adjacent systems and neighboring systems and so this is literally the structure of the maps of the cosmos. This is – these are the structures you use. Once, say, you get to the point where you can ascend, well you have to first of all decide where you want to go, and then, um, where’s the map to get there? these are the maps, so I wanted to show you how those structures, that are on a small level, our own, our own multidimensional anatomy is structured that way, but on the large level, that, this is the structure of the maps of the cosmos.

There is a structure that science does not know about yet, they have no idea how complex it is. Each one of these structures, they’ve taken it from the first little- they call it a particai unit, the first unit of consciousness, how that structure grew, each stage right, so we have like hundreds of diagrams that go with these that show how the Kathara grids’ all filled out. To show how these structures of the spirit body and their flows filled out. Inside of the spirit body flows which isn’t on this one, you’ll actually find where, what is called the hall of records, exists. What it is, the Akashic record, all of that thing. Its part of this anatomy structure, the planet has one the solar system has one, the galaxy has one ext. So these are not just, interesting little diagrams on a paper, these are very practical. They’re just as practical as a map you’d buy down at the gas station to get you know somewhere horizontally. Next one please…

K: OK and isn’t it true that we also have twelve incarnational bodies, that have incarnated simultaneously – that mirror the same pattern there?

A: Um, seventeen hundred and twenty eight

K: Ok, but

A: simultaneous, you’re existence implies the seventeen hundred and twenty seven others

K: Ok

A: that are you (1:02:30)

K: Ok

A: Different forms

K: but there are, there is something to do with the twelve,

A: Yes, they’re sets of twelve

K: Ok

A: Yeah, yeah you have your first twelve, and then have, well it it basically it has to do with the density levels. We’re in density one down here, density two, you have and you have your incarnate identity here, you would have a set of twelve incarnates. And if you put those twelve back up to density two, you would have one soul. Right? That is your soul, your density two level of identity. Now, that one soul would be a would be a group of you know eleven others as part of a set of twelve.

K: Sure

A: and you pull all those together come up to density three, and that’s where you are an oversoul. And that oversoul is part of a group of twelve oversouls, that, you pull it up to density four, is an avatar. And then you have four… you have a group of twelve avatars, pull it up to density five, and then you would have your Rishi identity, which is your fully formed Vecka level identity. To come into the densities down here but there’s other levels of identity that are even, that go up beyond the fifteenth dimensional system. Those five densities that I just talked about, each have three dimensions, so there’s your fifteen dimensional stack right there…

K: Ok

A: …in one time system. So, does that help?

K: yes, that’s great, yes

A: yes in twelves, many twelves. Yup. This is just a real quick glimpse to show that these time cycles that we’ve talked about in relation to these structures, they are quite specific. These were given as far as time frames. One time vector here on-on this planet,
and they are using translations into earth time. As we know, earth time, one time vector is uh seven hundred thirty eight years. One time continuum is ah four thousand four hundred and twenty six years. One (Yuago?) is twenty six thousand five hundred and fifty six years, A Yuago time cycle is a stargate cycle. That is when the stargates on the planet open. Once every, that period. Right?

Right now its distorted into what are called the false Yuga cycles and we’ll show you what is at the end, but these go all the way up there as galactic levels, there’s universal levels, and these are the, the structure of time and and how it works and that yes you can take it rght into, you know, periods of time. It is because we are in a stellar activation cycle right now and the last one was twenty six thousand five hundred fifty six years ago and it failed.  The gates did not open, they had to be shut closed because we got raided. Um that was called the (Eoni?) massacre period where, it was, there was a lot of, ah, ah ships mowing people down, actually. In that one,

K: Ok

A: Beam, Beam Ships

K: And was this, this, we’re not talking about Atlantis here, we’re talking prior?

A: Ah there were several phases of Atlantis.

K: Ok

A: Alright, The last phase of it, um, um the last pieces of it went went under in 9558 B.C. but way before that there was Atlantis. There was in seeding one, there was an Atlantis, in seeding two there was an Atlantis and on Terra, there was an Atlantis, that’s where it all came from and ah Lemuria. You had Lemuria, Lumenia there were different spellings of the names but they were the same places and the same soul groups inhabiting them.

K: Right, yeah

A: so this was like, um the, the 9558 BC period, you know the last period, that was like the late Atlantean period.

K: Ok

A: so, there was a lot of Atlantis period anyway. But these, these stargate cycles, this is the cycle that our gates open on this planet, this planets gates are supposed to open on the twenty six thousand five hundred and fifty sixth year cycle. It’s now been shortened because of what they’re doing to the planetary grids and the stargates and the templar. To, to what’s called the false Yuga cycles, which is plugged into the, the ah processions of the equinox. Which is not natural, and we’ll look at what that is about and, when that started. Cause that really, really came into fore about thirteen thousand years ago when a major victory, on, and this was an Atlantean drama, a major victory on, just lets say the dark agenda side had occurred. They created something called the (Torral?) rift, it is a time rip and it was, they literally plugged earth’s templar into this time rift and knew that when it came to the next stellar activation cycle, they would use it to draw earth in. Its not just earth they’re after, earth connects still to its ah corresponding planet or star actually in M31, it is called Eartha, there is still a direct energetic link between the gates. They’re after M31 as well, so its much bigger drama than people here realize. They’re not just after little earth,(1:06:46) Earth has always been a fighting place because of its connection to the larger universe and because it was connected as part of what was called the krystal river host. That was when, a long long time ago, three hundred and sixty billion years ago, when, um the milky way fell out of M31, there was a whole collective of guardian beings from various other, you know, I hate the word ascended just because of the way its misused down here, um of the Adashi adepts. People who formed a coalition to assist in trying to re-evolve the Milky Way back into its natural position so it could continue as an ascension system.


So, um, excuse me now I’m getting interrupted, they want me to go somewhere else. Ok I don’t know sometimes that’ll happen, I let you see that, I don’t have to let you see that but I did, um alright they’re saying go somewhere else for now, we’ll come back to that. Ok. Anyway they don’t want me to talk about galactic history yet. Ok. I get that sometimes. Even when I’m on stage

K: Ok Yes,

A: where ill just get a like little hello… what…

K: ok, why are you saying, what is their motivation, and if you want to put this question off till later we can do that, but what you’re saying, they were after earth, they were after Eartha , and they were after it  because of its connection with the larger universe, so why? What is their motivation for taking us down,

A: what is the core

K: for closing us off and making it a finite system?

A: what is their core objective? Right, what is the core objective? Food. They are in a black hole system that has fallen. They’re, Because of the nature of the physics dynamics involved with creation, the way eternal life creation works, is when a thing falls, it loses its connection to the the inflow and backflow of energy from the source consciousness field, which means it gets left with only the quantum it had, when it fell. Now, everything is spinning, that takes energy, it uses up its energy, and if it doesn’t suction energy off something else, it will implode and go back to space dust return.  Which is what a system is meant to do so everybody, nobody gets stuck and every gets to go home. Either as space dust or you know whole through ascension, whichever – at least you go home.

These groups that have adopted the, the false creation, they’ve tried to recreate the creation, because they didn’t like the consequence their own choices brought to them, in relation to the physics reactions to the actions they took. They ended up in a fall system and they wouldn’t face the reality that you know, you can make peace with that. Even if you’re in a fall system. You can say, well you know what, that was that was pretty dumb to get ourselves into that but we’re here we can handle ourselves with grace. We can still love creation. We can still act in loving ways. They decided instead it would be more interesting to keep themselves alive by using a vampire technology. They are going after it for quantum food. To feed their system. If they can harness this system, literally the entire quantum of energy that is in this system will be drawn into their black hole system which will give their whole system more life.

So they’re postponing the inevitable, but they will, they keep using these technologies to do that and they pray on living systems. But there is a point in time, where that backfires and they’re getting very close to that point too. So anyway, that

K: Ok

A: that is the core motivation, its not that anybody’s mad at anybody else, or they’re fighting over this toy or that toy, this is big. They are fighting over survival and they’re, they feel they have to kill the living systems in order to have that energy as food. Period. and that becomes the most important obsession for them, and it is a twisted thinking, when when a being gets that far into de-evolution where it really has no remorse, they don’t have what you’d call emotional bodies like we do anymore, they don’t care. They, they just take. And they don’t care about giving, they don’t think about that, and they don’t want to hear it. You can’t rationalize with a certain level of fall consciousness, so that is what we’re dealing with and that is why it is a very large story. But, ah it’s really not very personal story, you know its like, don’t take it personally. Do you take it personally if you’re swimming and a shark rips off your leg? It’s a shark

K: Sure

A: you had a leg, it swam by, I mean, you know, what are you going to hate the shark? It’s just doing what its instinct moves it to do and that’s kind of like what is happening here. So that’s that’s how, how I’ve been taught to look at it, and I’m I’m at peace with it, I don’t like it but I’m at peace with it in that regard. but I will stand for the things that, for me, that mean most to me, and I I believe in the loving creator god source field and I believe in being fair to people, and I believe in telling the truth, even if its hard, and I believe in facing the truth even if you’d rather pretend it wasn’t there and dealing with it and taking it forwarded from there

K: Yes

A: So anyway, those consciousness don’t think like that. But, that’s what it means for me, you when I say, you know we stand in the Kryst, that’s what it means. Its not fighting with these beings, you know, i mean you can do that but they’re just engaging your energy anyway but we do have to stand and work the gates here. Somebody has got to take care of the remaining gate potentials here, so that consciousness can evacuate out within the next two hundred years that is going on the upward swing, so, is that good enough?

K: Ok, yeah

A: I could go on more tangents…

K: Very good

A: So this is just showing the time, like there are literally translations into earth time, and this would apply like go, so this is on Venus, or something and then you could translate them into Venus time, which would be different because time has to do with how fast things spin, and all of that, you know like, you know… never mind. Physics of of ah you know how long your day is and your side real time and all of that, crazy stuff that I don’t like.

With all the structures and processes that we’ve learned, that have to do with that structure, of the spirit body, and it’s ah Hara centers, which are the probability structures that at certain periods, pull in, right and that’s an ascension cycle when they actually pull in, and then a new creation comes back out. There are ways to track those cycles. There are ways to track from point of conception, onward, how your, your body grows in cycles, and there are also ways to track an evacuation cycle. And ah, they all kinda use this diagram. This diagram has to do with Octans, and specific ways that energy is divided up on and and within those structures that we’ve looked at, and it, this is just showing, its called the the lowed out schedule from 2008 to 333 AD cycle, now it doesn’t mean we get that the the gates are going to be open here from 333 AD, they’re gonna close over here in 2230, that is when the gate systems here close. But this is actually showing that ok, once you get through here, there are certain stages, we made it through what was called ah ah, call it the Kali Hara ah celebration. We call it a celebration. At the time after certain things happen in 2007 as we moved into 2008.


If we did not hit on this planet a certain level of core vibration, we would have gone into fall right there. We would’ve not been able to hold a host, all of the gates would have shut except the fall gates and we would’ve all been stuck and it would’ve well we’d all been extinct in 2012, that was the other sides plan, um but we did make the the vibration for the Kali Hara which allowed us to pick up into the host, which is called the krystal river host, this has to do with a stream of energy currents that are coming in from a matrix that ill show you later on the maps, that are the, you know the the high level of the guardian alliance. They’re like the ones that wrote the books originally, they’re like the sommeliers from our matrix, these are are massive messianic beings, and that means they’re the eternal life beings, the ones who have gone through the Adashi return cycles, and you know… so they’re anyway, we were able to pick up the host, the planet was, where it could anchor those frequencies as long as there was somebody here to anchor it and that is what our groups have been doing.


We are, you know I mean our bodies are energy, everybody’s bodies are energy, and we’re all anchoring something, and right now the planet, most of it, is anchoring the Metatronic currents and w, it, there’s a few people, just because they happen to have the DNA codes that they are connected with the Kryst and don’t know it, are just, you know, going about their little lives, but anchoring it, you know the the the good currents anyway. But there are I’m, I’m not aware of any other groups that are working at all with the with the Krystic energies as far as the gird works they’re doing. So we go around and we do grid work… and you know very specific grid work. You know, you see these types of diagrams? Well when we go to do like grid works some place, we know what a vortice is, right we know where to go, we know this information, we don’t just go, you know, play like ah planetary guardian like a lot of people do unfortunately. People that are inadvertently anchoring the negative currents and opening gate sites on the you know worm hole codes because they don’t know, cause nobody taught them you know the difference between them.


So anyway we made this, into this, into this cycle and this is good because if we didn’t it would have been all over by, in 2012. But, this, we passed the Kali Hara cycle, we’re in this cycle period right here, right now.  Which um we haven’t come to the center point yet, that’ll be 2027, when we hit this point in the cycle, there are certain energy changes that take place here, certain accretion cycles, that means energy coming in cycles, right? These are accretion cycles where energy pulls in to a certain point, there are certain things that happen each of these stages, so we are right here and this stage is the first stage of the, what’s called the Kali Krysta cycle. This is, what’do they call this one, the Barta phase, and then over here, there’s the ah the Masha phase I believe, and that’s where you get the Mashaya Hana word from, and the word messiah was twisted from that word, The Mashaya Hana word in the ancient Atlantean teachings, that’s an Anahazi word, having to do with, you know, this cycle…

K: Ok and its related, is it related somewhat to Mahayana? Mahabharata?

A: Yes…

K: Yes…

A: very much, in fact some of the, a lot of the Mahabharata texts were some of the remnants that had come up from the (Maharata?) texts that you know were the translations to the CDT plates much earlier. yeah, so anyway, we have till this point when we get over here, that is 2047, I don’t have it marked on this one, but this would be the point in the cycle that would be 2047, and this is where something called an in fold happens. Where, when we go back to remembering the vector line, with the Hara bodies on it right? And at certain points they pull into the center and then come back out again? That is going to occur with the energy systems in, in ah, literally in the parts of this galaxy that can hold the host including earth, including our own fields.

So, right now we’re making it through this part of the cycle. They’re certain changes that will happen here, this is a point, that middle point, during which, something called the Barto chambers open. Now the Barto chambers, um, it, it can be a pleasant thing or it can be a time when people evac the quickest way possible. and we are still looking at the potentiality of there could be major earth changes that occur, during this period, um

K: and that’s the years

A: and this point its like if we get this far… because what’s happening between now and 2012..is is pretty rough and what some of the other ones, like those who make wings, um have planed for 2019 isn’t to be pretty either. So, we’re trying to help keep the grid stable and the consciousness stable. Just by working energy, you know, as-as opposed to trying to go out and preachin’ anything, you know we’re just, we teach what we teach, but, there are some, this is a really bumpy period we’re going through here because of what the service to self ones are doing,  and they are seriously just trying to use this. They’re trying to take our planet, forget about us, they don’t care; they were planning to exterminate us in 2012, and just use it as torque to drag a whole larger system in to feed their black hole. So, when you have an objective like that you really don’t care, they don’t care how many people are lost, but the guardians do and that’s why we’re still here so we’re moving through this period now, We’re probably somewhere right about here… because this would be 2027, There’s some rough spots coming in 2019 and 2022,  and also we are in the middle, not quite the middle, but um in march of ah, I think it was march 25th 2007, there were certain things that a particular group of the raider races called the Borja, that are connected with the Theatens, um they kind of work together, they’re on the negative side. They’re, they’re part of the groups that are fighting over whose going to control this beast machine, this death star merkaba here, um, they did something with the solar gates of  the core of the sun, and they force closed what is called the prana seed.

Now the prana seed has to do with sophisticated anatomy. We all have one and so do planets and galaxies. When a prana seed closes it starts, it forces the Barto, and which means it forces the beginning of the death cycle. And our sun is dying as of that point. That doesn’t mean it’s immediately going to die. There are fifteen layers of the dark matter template called the Rasha body that need to separate from the physical matter body. That will be done in 2022. Now, there is a gamma burst that is released and right now it’s being buffered. Every time one of those, they call em ring waves, solar ring waves, releases, and they will get stronger as it goes into the higher levels of the rings, the higher numbers of those fifteen. And, fifteen comes in 2022. So, um so far so good, we haven’t had any major gamma bursts, you know solar flares that’ve wiped everything out (1:20:00). But these are other potentials that we are looking at as well.

K: Ok

A: as well as Earthquakes and you know the usual stuff that end times dramas bring, oh Gosh, but, it’s not as bad as a lot of the things that some of the other people are teaching. I’ve heard certain people say that oh, we won’t even be here by 2013. Yeah that’s one of the death star people.

K: Uh huh, ok, yeah

A: right…So I’d love to have a public debate about that one mister so and so

K:  yeah, it would be great to do that, I agree

A: We invited that person,

K: Oh really

A: I think you know who I’m referring to,

K: Yes

A: years ago, 

K: I see,

A: Yeah

K: interesting

A: so anyway, this is showing the cycle. There are certain different things that happen in this amazing structure of the planetary, ah solar galactic and uh universal, spirit body and light body structures. Its a very specific process that is involved with Kryst Star evolution which is going into that where you fulfill, the um, where you, fulfill meaning, acreate or bring in all the frequencies in the template that you needed to make that Adashi turnaround, where you can um immortalize your atoms and go into the eternal life, you know, going back cycles and planets and solar systems and galaxies can do that too.

So there’s a portion of this system, this galaxy system that can still do that. With the the extra frequency that is being added, by that host system, that is called the Aquarian matrix. And it’s actually, the Aquarian matrix, is um, they have the prototypes of the, what the humans here were actually, like, designed on. The genetic prototypes were from there. Even though we weren’t directly from the Aquarian system, we’re from M31, and ah and from this particular, um Universe, once, you know the Milky Way once it fell, but they are they are very close. Closely related genetically you know to us in that regard. So they’re not like, when I talk about the he other ones, you don’t have to expect like you know very strange looking beings like you know Octopi. Some some very nice ascended ones do look like that, but, these look very human like, but much much larger.

K: Ok (1:22:04)

A: you know, very very tall. Yeah, anyway so this is the cycle we’re in at the moment. Now, this, this one’s good.  This will show a little bit. This is how these, we can start understanding these as maps.

Here, that’s a pretty colored one. I’m so glad people cared to take my black and white messes, right like these, and you know do them properly on the computer. This again is just showing the bones, or the inter woven Kathara grids. Right, of the Ukatha Rista Body, which is like one cosmic body, right? Now in here, Aquinos Eckasha matrix, we’re down in here. Aquinos is actually the name of M31, that’s the official name as far as the ancient records go and all of that…

K: Ok

A: and ah we are a part of, we-we were the Aquinos, ah you know, universe, they call it, ah universal system. And we call it the ah, the um M31 Andromeda galaxy but it’s actually the Aquinos universe. Now, we’re located down here. Up here is the Aquarian Eckasha matrix. Right up here. So, we’re down here, and they’re up in this section, so its literally showing the relationships like you know ok one lives over here and one lives in you know Pennsylvania, ones in California, right? That kind of thing, and there’s another one, there’s a black hole system a fall system right here that’s called the (Wesolay?) system, and…what’s, what’s interesting about this whole creation is falls can happen, where where part of the spherical structures of that system literally no longer energetically connected to the grid. They still hang in the grid, but they’re cut off from it. They can only happen on the Vecka and the Ecka levels. A whole Eckasha can’t fall. Once you get to the Eckasha layer, none of those other layers can fall. And its just it’s a different type of existence, where you don’t worry about the different polarity dramas that end up in falls and things.

So, but this shows us, where yeah we’re here, um, the ones that are helping us here. this is ah, they call it ah um, its a its an eternal matrix that the purpose they choose to stay in incarnation, or stay in existence, is, to kind of play the helpers, for any of the other systems that do need, you know wants to go in. where They’ve actually, they live by let my will be thy will, as far as source goes, and they want nothing other than to fulfill what, you know, sources intention is, which is a loving intention and you know an assisting attention. So, they find their joy in being of service to assisting the evolutions in you know in the lower matrices and they hold this, these frequencies pure. They – Their systems stay pure enough where they can actually send currents in and help systems or hold them up, so they don’t fall, and that’s what they’re doing, with our system right now.

This little red one right here, that’s our parallel. Our immediate parallel system on this level. And this one is a black hole system. Alright, the parallels of fall. We have a parallel earth and that fell- finally finished falling in 2003. We have a parallel Milky Way, that is a mess, and ah, its called the alpha system. That was the first black hole. They look at us as the Omega system. They’re the beginning, we’re the end. They’re planning to pull the two systems together, using the ah, death star merkaba mechanics.

So this is the locations anyway, of where- who whose on first, we’re here, over here in the Aquinos, that system, the parallel, is running, and here our buddies that are helping us with the Krystal river host, sending us energy to literally stop, you know its kind of like sending big energy arms down to hold us up, because these guys are pulling so much energy out of us, we would have fallen already, this this whole galaxy would have, and then ah up here there’s another system. This system the (Wessa?) system, is connected with this one, they’ve linked through wormholes to the center of their cores, their Ecka cores, and create a structure, ah uh system of um wormhole structures. One of them is (YodeyVodhey??) wormhole structure. And any – thing – any channeling’s and stuff coming from that stuff its coming right out of (Wesohlay?) and that kind of stuff, and that is a fall system. So there’s, the trickery that is going on here is heartbreaking. You know, it it seriously is.

K: Ok can you talk at all about the dimensional aspect of this, because certain of these systems aren’t in certain dimensions…… no?

A: um… because certain of these systems aren’t in certain dimensions…

K: Because,

A: I’m trying to frame that in my mind, with what we know

K: In other words, it seems, well, ok, in, at least in the, what’s out there, we’re talking about four dimensional beings, being, you know, the negative service to self coming in through

A: we’re talking about fifteen dimensional beings being negative some of them too,

K: Oh really, so going up much higher levels

A: Yeah

K: then is currently thought…

A: Oh yeah… 

K: ok because that’s interesting, that your saying

A: Metatron,

K: There’s a back up,

A: Metatron for example, Metatron is an entity, he’s a Rishi entity, fifteen dimensional Rishic identity and that collective fell. But it was still on the Vecka level, alright, when you get up past the Vecka levels, cause fir-, we have our density levels, their inside of a Vecka level. Veckas go in sets of four and at the center is an Ecka, all that stuff is inside of something called an Eckasha level. The Eckasha level can’t fall. But any of the consciousness or the structures below that can.

K: Ok and what levels of density, then, are we going down, from there?

A: 1:27:25 Each set,  of each Vecka, each Kathara Grid lets say, those little structures that you saw, each of those has like four density and implies a fifth density when you cross through the center. Whether you find that Eckasha on the lowest densities in the Veckas or up in the highest in the structures of the Ukatha Rista body where it can’t fall, they, it’s all consistently; there are five densities and fifteen dimensions to each set.

K: Ok

A: they have different types of matter and um different density levels of matter. some are heavier than others, and that kind of thing. So but that – that part is consistent from the smallest all the way up to the largest. It is just the the finest or the refinement of the matter type changes as you go up into the ones that cant fall, there’s a refinement  to the energy and the consciousness there that you don’t find in the one, you know in the lower systems. Even the best of the lower systems. So that, I thinks that how I would answer your question for now…

K: Ok, and if you get the ah the light beings that manifest here, that are really um manifesting, in other words, they really are light beings, what level are they coming from?

A: It depends

K: Could be, anyone one… from what level up

A: There- There’s ah an old saying, that light can deceive, but sound tells the truth. Sound is the vibration, right?

K: Ok

A: the encryption

K: mm hmm

A: Its a feel thing. You can have really beautiful light beings, that are coming in the form of, that are actually FA’s or fallen angelics, that are coming to mess with you. You can have really really ugly ascended ones that are really good. They come from many different levels. We are learning to turn ourselves into light. We are the the things they are teaching us now, we’re learning first bilocation, next is um ah translocation, and then eventually get to do transmigration, but that requires having ah certain things where you actually aren’t trapped by the planetary time cycles anymore.

So, light beings – where do they come from? Well they could come from here, you know, they could come from Venus next door. They could come from the highest levels or the lowest levels. There are light beings that come and visit out of the black hole systems and there are ones that come and visit from the higher levels. So just because it’s a light being, doesn’t mean its good light.

K: Ok

A: They’ve made a distinction. They taught us some very interesting mechanics about the difference of light or radiation signatures, right? There is something called ah Shalaya living light and it’s a very specific configuration. It is created out of three units that form a light unit, and matter forms actually build out of these, right? And there is another type of light that forms through using the, actually the natural light the organic light that comes from first creation, natural creation, organic creation. Is tha, the, the three balls. I don’t have one here but it’s like they call it the Tribeca, where it’s like three. One ball on top and two small ones and that is what the structure of the light unit is. It has the ability, for those – the two little bottom balls, to phase in and out like this, and spark when they do, so it can generate its own quantum. So it’s eternal, right?

There’s another type of light that is not organically occurring. It occurs by bending the natural laws of physics and using the various forms of the death star merkaba, mechanics. And that is called, the ah Shona light field. And it is a dead light field. And it is made of ah they call it the vesica piscis configuration, where it is just two light things together like that – right? Two., And they spin and they spark, but they have to attach to something in order to feed, or they’re finite and their spin actually burns them out until they collapse and fall apart. Which means the matter forms that they’re built on collapse and fall apart. So they’re al- they’re finite light. And, so that is you know light beings. is it a light being made out of a Shona field, or is it a light being made out of an organic Shalaya field. Same thing with orbs. Right?

K: Yes, absolutely

A: you can have positive and negative orbs. I’ve met some very nasty orbs in my day when I was younger. I used to run from them, I was terrified of them. Right cause they would turn into Zetas, right. Yeah

K: Yes

A: the Red ones you had to look out for with the Zetas – yeah I’m not saying all red orbs are zetas, but yeah so its, there’s things that can be used. Just because it’s a phenomena doesn’t mean it’s always good or always negative. Right

K: Sure

A: it – it that’s where learning the sense encryption helps

K: ok that’s, and that’s very valuable

A: yeah

K: for people to hear

A: yeah. Good. Ok, back to where were we? oh we can go through this quicker over here for ancient times. This is showing a close-up of that. This- this isn’t, these aren’t my hand drawn ones, right? Which in certain ways, I can read them better, probably cause I drew them, but, but they’re much prettier when they’re done on the computer. This is showing that same thing, it just happens to be tilted the way drew I it first, right

K: I see

A: that’s that same thing that was at the top before, and this is showing right here where our Vecka system is right? Right here, but this here is pulling it out so you can look at it a little more closely. Instead of just having a natural Kathara grid structure, right which is the the bones that our sphere there would be built on, there’s this tilt, right? The bones are here. The natural Kathara grid, that’s the Aquinos matrix which is, um M31 Andromeda, and this is the Milky Way. Now, We’re still energetically connected through earth. Right to, if if you notice there’s numbers on, these little centers. They’re called Kathara centers. Through number three on the Andromeda, or the M31 grid, and number three earth on this grid, they are connected. That is the link that has been holding the Milky Way. Connected to, ah Andromeda and If the host mission was to try to help ((1:33:11) the milky way evolve back into its natural position, cause if something gets stuck like that, eventually it will fall and be off the grid that’s where it will become finite until it burns out its quantum. So there’s always rescue missions to try to bring something back. Earth has been a place of, and so was Terra, before earth became earth down here, there was a star here called (Ashalay?) and that was actually the host star that the fragments of Terra were put in to begin this solar system down here in density one. That’s described a bit in Voyagers. But this is showing the offset, where, this is the, say this is the north axis of um, of m31, this is Milky Way’s. They’re off tilt with each other and that actually creates distance in space time. A couple million light years. What is it two hundred million? I forget, I used to know. Anyway, but so that’s just showing in these maps.


Now you can see that just a little bit closer when you bring it in just that little part, that shows, those misalignments, where this was the natural structure, and that’s the structure of the M31 Andromeda’s galaxy’s core template, right? And these are twelve. The twelve main stargates, in that universe, by the way. This is our Milky Way system and right here on the number three gate, that is where they are still connected, alright?


These others, there’s and there’s a whole set of these that show the black hole system, its called the Prosaic black hole and it’s a mess. I mean this just, You can see the dynamics of how it works, and the energy twists and stuff, but I’m not going into that on this one, you know on this particular presentation, because ah it takes forever. But this is showing the offset so, and what that translates into is that distance that we’re seeing between M31 galaxy and, and The milky way galaxy, but they are one and that is our home system. And if we are going to ascend out of the Vecka matrices, we have to ascend through there. Anything in this matrix has to go out through where it came in from, because of the encryption that you carry. You will carry the encryption of the gate you came out of, so you need to use them to go back, you know, in the Adashi returns.


K: Ok


A: So anyway, that’s showing some of that. anymore here? Ah… yes this is gives an idea of how this, when you put the probability  ah the Hara bodies, right? That are the that form the probability sets, and if you see, look in here, we had a whole bunch of these, and bless Willa, she, her and Bob type set them all, all the little numbers, so you know which lines. Because this becomes important. We actually use drum codes to bring in very specific frequencies by using the numerical coordinates that go with the specific systems we’re trying to bring the energy in from, to bounce out the ones from the black hole systems that are coming in. I mean it’s quite sophisticated the technologies they’re showing us to use


K: Oh ok, very interesting


A: we’re all learning how to beat on drums, right? If you can’t beat on it, stomp on the ground, right? You’re an energy system, stomp, get the vibration in. But this is showing us the same thing, um, that we were looking at before, where it shows the Ukatha Rista map, right? And we’re over here. But now its showing the probability systems that we’re in. so where our lil Kathara grid is, there’s actually, every one of these has a system that looks just like this, but a smaller one right? And then every one of these inside of that has that. So you have all of these probability systems on each level. And you have what, um, at a certain point you’ll see there’s ones that are the meta-galactic level, and the meta-galactic level is where we’re having issues with the parallel meta galaxy that goes down into the galaxy and the black holes link in the center, and that’s where, our parallel, what’s called our parallel Vecka, um we are in Vecka 5, and they are in Vecka 2, that would be our parallel, they’re at 90 degrees, they’re actually pulling, you know, pulling our system in. so this is just another way of looking at it, but, showing not just the bones, but also showing the many many layers. The wheels within wheels, the spheres within spheres, and these are all probability fields that interact with each other and pass through each other. So there are gate systems between all of these organic ones, and now there’s wormholes that don’t belong there too. So it’s it’s, it’s a really big story.


K: No doubt about it.


A: right? It’s just. Yeah Sometimes I just go. This is just a simple one after you saw just a little bit and like these are very detailed. Like we, we tend to get, I think everyone carries, I think everybody carries ah little magnifying glasses around with them at this point for any of the chart facts that come out at workshops, because all of these are actually numbers that mean something, and words that mean something, right? But you usually need like a micro lens to read it.


But this is showing a close up of the section of that map that we just saw that corresponds to, um to our galaxy, and its showing how these connect, can be translated, these locations can be translated into, like where is the Milky Way core. Ok if we go and find Milky Way on, this is something like, in the science books, right?  The local group of galaxies. We got the Milky Way here, we got M31 up here, right? These are those two that used to be together. This is what science already knows, by you know, studying space the way they study it. This, the the core of Milky Way, they already know, has a black hole in the center of it. The core of Milky Way’s black hole, would be right here. M31 is right here, and we are in this twisted down offset, here. In these spheres. So you can literally find us in the maps, and this is how they, the ones, the Adashi masters they, they, you know they they’re they’re, they will not use words like timeliness and that kind of stuff. They hate that power thing, cause it’s a twist on power. You know, the lord concept, where, oh lord and master, you know I’m so above you. They really just don’t come from there. They are adepts; they are adept at what they do. Yes they have achieved krist star ascension, blah.


Anyway, they, they use these, these are the coordinate maps. And you know how they use them? Once you get to the point where you ascend, you simply visualize it. It runs the encryption through your field, bang zoom you’re gone, you’re they’re. Speed of thought, and that’s what you know, full ascension is.


K: so there’s a purpose behind showing this


A: yes


K: in other words, such that the individuals that see it, can then begin to internalize the maps themselves and


A: yes


K: and then start, because there’s going to be


A: it will help, it will activate, it will bring back their own ancient awareness of this things


K: Activating their memories, yeah?


A: yes, that’s why the the guardians wanted to be able to show


K: Ok


A: that’s why we use tons of graphs every time we have a workshop


K: Ok


A: 1:39: 28 Right? Yeah, but it it helps. I mean it – if you, you can read em’ forever and kind of go, oh, ok I kind of get that, we just tell people don’t worry about it. Just watch the sequence and it often it is the sequence because they’ll show this graph then they’ll show this and they create a wave. You know an activation wave. That If you have the codes that correspond to this in you, if you don’t it wont effect you at all, you’ll say awlll – whatever…right


K: Uh huh, right


A: You will start to; it will help you wake up. To the, you know to the ancient knowledge if you carry it.


K: Ok and is there correspondence in some of the crop circles?


A: yes, they’re both sides


K: yes, ok


A: yeah some of them are very not friendly, and some of them are. I remember we were really thrilled when, we actually, the guardians actually said, that’s ours that was only one…


Unknown: Yeah


A: There was one. It was a number of years ago but we actually have a picture of it on one of the covers of our templar manual thing. Yeah, where is that Milk Hill, on that thing.


Unknown: Milk hill, yeah


A: Yeah… In England. Give me this, oh this is just showing you, we talked about the overlap between our, us and our parallel, ok? We’re back in these maps again; these are called probability maps, when we look at them with just the balls without the bones,


K: And when you’re calling them probabilities, are you saying that that, in other words, that means that certain things could change… within these maps?


A: um,


K: certain areas could…


A: it means that each


K: Activate, certain other places could close down….


A: yes and no. yes, but within a parameter..


K: ok…


A: within a set parameter. After a certain set of things occur, a probability locks in


K: Ok..


A: and then whatever is in that probability must follow through to whatever the natural next point is


K: Ok


A: and that’s what we’ve been stuck in. we’ve actually been stuck in this probability system on for Earth, for ages now… for many, about a hundred thousand years longer than we should have


K: and you’re saying that the probability system here locked in, and that’s why they’re doing a 200 year evac, as what, as you call it


A: um, the probability locked in when the, when the solar core closed, the sun is dying


K: Ok


A: alright, and that is going to start at some point, create, well, red pulse, which is a vapor wave that takes out any life on the planet and, at, when that, when that event happened, that is something you cant go backward from, alright? So you are locked into that probability and then you there…there are are, various versions of what you might see, but certain things are going to happen period, and you cant change them no matter how much you push out and visualize it right? Or no matter how man people you get together to do a world peace meditation.


K: Mm Hmm, Right


A: right? Because we try to do those too right?


K: Yes


A: to help the grid. Yeah, so we did lock into that probability. And you know, in, when the the solar gates thing happened. The fact is that in our system…


K: ok, but id also like to talk about why or how that happened, that the sun did end up in that place,


A: ok


K: locked in, um. But we don’t need, need to digress right here… just for future


A: it’ll probably get me in trouble if I answer that one, fully, but what don’t I always anyway? There’s ah, ah, ah a group of, there are a bunch of different, there’s not just zetas that we’re talking about. The Zetas are the little guys on the block. Don’t even worry about them at this point. Um, there’s a group called the Theatens, and they also run a very popular (Moten?) on the planet. And There’s ah, and another group called the Borja, they are from, um a parallel Ekasha, part of the black hole system, they have been trying to get control of the grids here. Every bodies fighting over tha – the death star Merkaba, cause it’s it’s here and it can be activated, and now


K: So you’re saying that these


A: there’s a bunch of systems that are fighting over this, right? Well they actually tried to activate what’s called the Mica – the Mica Meca complex. The Mica Meca complex is a set. Mica is on parallel earth, and the Meca complex is here and it is set in wormholes that connect in through the Theaten grids, there’s like certain implants here that the Theatens put in. so they actually tried to blast through to activate that, and take it away from the other groups who are…. F.A. groups that are activating it and it it overloaded the sun, the solar core. And that creates a spasm, and when a, when a prana seed spasms, it locks. And when it locks, it cuts the connection to the natural breathing that would happen between it and its dark matter template and that is when Barto starts. And the sun entered its Barto cycle when that occurred.  And it was grid wars, if you want to chalk it up to one thing, grid wars. Again this is stuff that is happening not because nature had it happen or god had it happen. No, this is because people are acting like crazies in this universe. You know they are, they’re just like so far gone in the don’t get it anymore that  you know, we all came from the same place, that we’re supposed to work together peacefully, and, you know this crew just doesn’t get it, the ones dealing with the, these, these particular level of mechanics


K: ok, but are you talking about um, when you say Theatens and other groups, are you talking about off planet beings that have come here? That are here, maybe, are they physically incarnating?


A: Yeah


K: are they taking over bodies, that sort of thing?


A: yes those too


K: Ok, yeah, and then also, what about the ships that we’ve been seeing near the sun. What are they trying to do?


A: depends on which ones they are, I think you have various ones up there.


K: Ok, but is there


A: I just got – ours aren’t up there


K: I mean


A: you just… alright, guardians said they’re not theirs


K: Ok, but if they’re there, in other words, if the sun is a done, you know basically locked into this, then what would be the purpose of having ships there at this time?


A: Ok, I just got, 2012, 2012, 2012. There’s an alignment that’s occurring in 2012, that has to do with the solar core, and whether or not its prana seed is working, the alignment occurs, because it doesn’t involve the Rasha body or the dark matter template, um, they just said it has to do with 2012. I wonder if this has to do with what this workshops about? See every workshop they reveal another level of something, and this time they’re revealing stuff about what they’re calling the ancient arrow sites, um the twelve plus twenty four ancient arrow sites. That the guardians are activating this weekend.


K: ok


A: Yeah, we’ll know about it Monday


K: That brings us in the Wing make- material and we want to address that as well at some point


A: that’s a better point after Monday, because that’s what they’re going to talk about in this workshop and I didn’t know


K: ok well there’s a synchronicity there


A: they hadn’t mentioned it in, since Voyagers was written, and you know I was just like looked at some of the pictures, felt the encryption and was like oh boy, that stuff, ok, pretty but ah, right? No thank you. Um, Yeah some of it’s alright but some of it has that twist to it. But all of the sudden I mean, what do they what is the name of it, I don’t have the thing here, it was a really funny title


Unknow: the (wing knows?)


A: No… they called, they called the workshop, the ah, what is it, the makers of wings and other things?


Unknown: Yeah


K: Ok


Unknown: That was it


A: yeah… and it’s not just about that. And its not the people that are involved with the wing makers, that you know, these people are well meaning people and you know its fascinating and they’re trying to figure out what it is,


K: sure,


A: but it’s the particular group of the ET’s that they’re dealing with, these are a, these are a group of nephilim, alright? They, they’re called the Corteum and they are part what is called ah, the the (Nekromiton Andromey?) hybrid with Jehovian Annunaki. Alright, the Nekromiton Andromey are known as the beetle people. Right? They had a lot to do with ancient Egypt and stuff. Yeah  and scarab worship and things because their home form looks like that. Ah, anyway. Anyway stop. Ok I just got anyway sshhhh.


K: Ok


A: Talk about Wingmakers later.


K: Ok


A: but I don’t want to offend any of the Wingmakers people, I’m sure they mean well, and, but what we didn’t know is, you know so they’re saying, ok we’re going to do Wingmakers so I have to go look up a little bit on it and say what is this stuff anyway. And its, you know – all the sites have the same story and I have about a four second attention span when it comes to stuff I’m really not interested in anyway unless the (guardians?)  tell me I have to read it, and there’s nothing there that said anything accept oh there might be a few other sites, there might be seven and the ah guardians said, uh they’re the seven broken arrows. We’ll call them the ancient arrow sites, all of them. They’re our sites, they were our sites. There are seven of them that have been compromised, but they’re are twelve primary plus twenty four. So, we’re going to learn about what they are in this workshop. Its news to me but I have a feeling they’re connected to the spanner gates. The NavAho gates. I just have a feeling. They’re the one set of gates they haven’t revealed the sites the locations for except for one. The revealed spanner 7


K: so you’re talking about twenty four and that corresponds to the 24 DNA and


A: oh, the twenty four stands of DNA


K: Yeah


A: um they use twelve’s and twenty fours a lot in things like stargate configurations and that kind of thing. Usually there’s primarily twelve and then there’s various other increments of twelve. And we have to find out what the twenty four other sites are so its like


K: ok


A: here we go again. I’m one of the people that really enjoys going to workshops, because I like what I learn, because I don’t know the information before I go. I don’t know if you know this about the presentations


K: No I didn’t


A: I’m lucky if I get an itinerary.


K: Oh


A: I’ve walked into workshops and gone well, you know its the orientation night, hello everybody thank you for being here, ah, its one of those mystery workshops, don’t know what its about yet, don’t even have an itinerary, right?


K: so you get downloads during the workshop


A: all during, yeah


K:  ok and and how do you remember it all


A:  and then I go down and present them, it comes through on a wave and some of it sticks


K: and they record it? 


A: some of it sticks, and diagrams


K: ok


A: diagrams, diagrams many many diagrams


K: Ok, interesting alright, very good


A: yeah but It comes through live, it’s always live


K: ah, ok we’re down to three minutes


A: Again?


K: believe it or not. I don’t know what happened to this hour, but


A: I could probably talk forever,


K: yeah, um ok,


A: what’s what what we found neat about these is the fact that first of all it was in direct response to the techniques that the guardians said to do, and they didn’t let us know the first time, right? Just do these projection techniques and things and it was a big surprise right and then they told us the calling, how to actually call them, and they showed up, again. And they are the intricate ones and that kind of stuff, but it wasn’t just like one person with a camera. This was like a while bunch of different people,. Some of them their first time at a workshop, you know, saying do I want to go to workshops or not, you know


Unknown: Um its ok they’re not, they’re not filming they’re just


A: getting orb pictures and it was just like one of those little gifts


Unknown: we’re filming, we’re filming,


A: you know from the universe kind of thing. You go, Hmm cool, we got orbs, we never looked for orbs….they found us. But now its becoming important because we’re learning a lot more about the, about the orbs and what it means in relation to, um, what needs to be done for 2012,


K: Ok


A: yeah, they’re teaching us to become orb whisperers as they say…and, and its hilarious because like when we’re doing the dancing and drumming circles, you’ll see how people will be like, you know dancing and stuff and there’ll be orbs like dancing up on their fingers and stuff.


K: That’s lovely, yeah


A: Um, this diagram was ah is is a close up of a certain section, of the maps, that we showed you before that plug into the, you know, pictures that science draws of the galaxy and that kind of thing. Its showing our milky way system and the um, and the um, M31 that we’re a part of in our probability set, in our Vecka. And over here is the parallel Vecka and over in this parallel Vecka there is a bunch of- there’s a cluster of fall systems. That is the black hole system called the alpha black hole system. They’ve created as as you can see these, um probability fields – these, balls within balls – overlap each other, right? And in part of their natural configuration, that there is an overlap between them.



Well what the, the alpha system is doing in the parallel universe is using the um metatronic, Atlantean death star Merkaba technology to reverse, if you reverse certain curves using that technology, you can harness ah certain part of the field next to you and drag it in to your system, and that is what they’re trying to do.


This place in in between here, normally they would just be normal pass-throughs, but this one is all convoluted with all sorts of implant structures that are wormhole structures. They refer to this as the dragon’s eye.


The word dragon comes in, actually not because of big winged creatures, but there was a race that got involved with all of this very far back in time called the dragoon. And the dragoon races took sides over which sides of the fallen ones they were gonna side with, and the dragoon races ended up with some of theirs fallen trying to help the others, and then you ended up with ones that wanted them all exterminated, ones that wanted just the one side exterminated, ones that just wanted the other side. The, the dragon races are actually the the the dra, blahhh, dragoon race line, it is a reptilian based race line. Reptilian crossed with, um, what are called (Equary?). An’ Equary are ah ah a group of the ones that originally called (Aquary?), before they fell. The Aquary are from the Aquarian matrix that are the hosters, the ones that are helping here. Some of them incarnated into the fallen matrices to try and assist and a group of them had, this is ancient way like you know a couple billion years ago, um they got um ensnared in one of the fallen angelic dramas and they ended up falling. Meaning they ended up in a fall system and they lost their ascension codes and the distinction with them is they become the Equary, where they use the e instead of the a on the front


K: Huh


A: and they


K: do they have a memory? Will they have a memory of when they weren’t fallen?


A: Um, it depends on the fall honestly, it depends on um, cause the the blank slate technology when this thing does its whole thing it just completely wipes you clean, where you don’t remember anything, you wake up and its like, yeah just born here, what am I? Who am I? Where am I? That kind of thing. Um, there are, be-because that happens when the transition of that fall occurs, cause there is a final point of transition when the death star Merkaba activates and literally rips you apart and drags you into another field and then kind of assembles you in a facsimile on the other side… um there are almost like time capsules, but they leave for themselves so they can re-find the memory and when you re-find it and discover it somewhere else, it puts that memory back in, so they, they will get a facsimile of the memory that that you know,  that they would have had otherwise. But, the fall codes, once the metatronic activations in a in a body have taken place, to where those Merkaba fields have activated to a fifty five spin, a more higher fifty five or higher, there there’s no turning back for the gene code at that point , the consciousness is trapped in that body and the only way out is a hosted Barto, which means when the body does its  natural death thing it would need help, the consciousness, just getting out of that body And it would have to go through a rehabilitation process of that Kali, kali Rema path of step back  and have to come back out and reincarnate into the matrix again, to, you know, to try to get back in the ascension thing, so…


K: Ok, um,  and I’m also going to ask you at some point about, uh, what are, um beings that are like artificial intelligence but they are not ah, they don’t incarnate, they’re um, in essence clones without souls without… you you understand where I’m going with that?


A: I think so…


K: Um, so where, because we understand that the, that the dark side is using a lot of those um, and actually, you know sorry to bring this up but the Wingmaker material talks specifically about a race of, in essence they call them robots which are, you could be calling them androids, whatever, that are actually, were, according to that material were on the way here.


A: Hmm


K: So, at some point id like to address where those beings…


A: they’re already here….


K: yeah


A: first of all, um


K: ok, go ahead


A: If if you had to pick between the two, the Corteum and those guys,


K: yes


A: You’d probably want to pick those guys, not the Corteum,


K: Ok


A: um, both of them like, one is bad as the other, as far their intentions and what they’re up to, but yes there are, there are a lot of different races who have gone in that direction in attempt to preserve their finite life spans.  Where they started with transferring consciousness from and old and dying body, into a new cloned body. Cloned off their own, like, you know just make another copy, but the copies get weirder and changed every time, just like a photocopier copy, copy after copy after copy and eventually you say, what is that? Right, well there are races like that, some of them are already here.


Um, as far as invading, ah, I think they’re watching too much Caprica, but ah, yeah seriously, because, in the beginning that’s how it started you know, before the Galactica series, that’s actually something that is ah, they’re they’re showing some of this drama, in those series on


K: sure


A: On TV, but as far as , we’ve we’ve not been, you know our our team has not been warned about anything like that as far as worrying about that being a problem


K: Ok


A: its like, if it is, its small, compared to the rest of the things that are on the plate right now


K: Ok


A: cause it’s not going to matter much if anybody invades, if it rolls in 2012. Right, the planet, right? It’s not going to matter much then, because that would wipe out life here, its not going to roll though.


K: right


A: It would have if the intervention wasn’t given, like full tilt, roll. I mean


K: I understand. Ok so and we can also talk about that. We can talk about , in other words, what was planned in terms of, are you talking about a pole reversal, are you talking about a pole shift in which it the planet itself would roll, um and


A: crust spin


K: I’m sorry


A: crust spin


K: crust spin, yeah, and that was planned for 2012 apparently, and you’re saying its been stopped…


A: postponed


K: postponed, yeah until 2027 is it? 22 some..


A: no it’s ah 2230


K: 2230


A: Yeah


K: ok, and um then what’s going to happen instead?


A: we’ll talk about that when we get through these pictures


K: Ok, so


A: because these pictures will help understand what we’re walking into in the first place, or what we’re walking around on in the first place, and once we, you know once we understand that, then we can talk about, ok what do you do about that? Especially when they’re trying to activate it and you know make all this stuff it happen in 2012


K: Ok


A: there’s certain things I mean, we have really strange titles to some of our workshops, we’ve got “mirror in the sky” we’ve got “orb fest” here but they all mean something. There are very specialized grid dynamics that we are being taught so we can anchor the frequencies here of the things that are actually creating buffer fields, for some of this, and ah, it its actually the fields that we’re helping the guardians to anchor, and they’d be able to anchor it alone if they were here, but you need an anchoring rod, and that’s what our shield, we call it a shield, the group shield, anchors here the frequencies they send in, and they’re actually giving a counter pull, so there fifty five activation on the Merkaba cant go all the way in 2012. Because if it did, it would spin something called the planetary rods, and we’ll see what they are in a little bit. Um, we have a rod and a staff. Actually we have two rods and a staff. On the planet, and they are key energetic configurations that have to do with vortices and things like that. And they’ve made, the ah, by moving the rods, before, they have, well, they they moved it from like Pangaea to whatever the next stage was, to the next stage, it breaks the crust and it shifts it depending on what ways you pull the rods, and that, but it, you have extinctions and things happen on the surface when they do that. They’re planning to move the rods again in 2012 and we’re, the, not the little people on the ground, we’re just helping the guardians to anchor it, but, the guardians are going to stop that


K: ok


A: temporarily. They can’t prevent it but they can hold it off long enough for, for to when the gates to close. When the gates close, they have to pull their energy out. When they pull their energy out, that merkaba’s gonna activate, you know the metatronic merkaba will, the death star will activate on this planet or what’s left of the planet by then, so, that’s why evacuation can be a good thing


K: ok and that is sparking more questions


A: of course…


K: but I’m going to let you go on…


A: ok, right. You should- anyway, so that was the dragons eye. I just wanted to show you about that – it’s in between our ah our our universe, where where, which is really our, they call it the Meta galaxy; it’s our Meta galaxy, Milky Way and m31, and the parallel. And the parallel is the alpha system that has the black hole systems there that have wormholed their way through into our system. That are trying to pull our system down as quantum food. Ok?


K: Ok great


A: yeah, next one, this is going quick, right?


Unknown: this one is


A: Yeah, it gets into the interesting stuff now, a little closer to home because we kind of started high in structure, right?


K: yes


A: and now we’re working down, alright now, so we went from the galactic level, meta-galactic level, let’s go down to the solar system level. This diagram shows the natural structure of an organic living solar system. Notice, everybody has this little funny shape called it looks like ah, ah star of David or six pointed star, that is a Merkaba star, alright? It implies a Merkaba field. Which would be a three dimensional, you know, star tetrahedronal field around them.


Alright, and there would be, they come in sets of twelve planets. They have specific relationships ratios and sizes in relation to each other and in relation to their center sun. Everyone of them have gates in the center, everyone of them has a central staff of energy that it rotates around, and it has two rods. One coming out, well, the rod comes out this way and the chamber comes out front to back, right? The sun would have the same thing; they all have their north pointing up. And their south pointing down, right?


They each spin on their axis at a reciprocal rate to each other, and their rods and chambers pass through each other and spark. Because, the rods can be very very long energetically, so even know the ah stars and planets may be, you know, long distances apart, the energy fields, that their rods you know are sending, would interface. And when they interface they spark and they generate quantum and there are certain periods in the natural breathing cycle, or expansion and contraction of energy cycle, where there’s these wonderful arches that take place between the sun and the tops of its planets. And then the planets and the bottom of the sun. Its called the solar symbiosis cycle and it’s a natural living structure of a living solar system. And it generates its own quantum and it expands and contracts and in, every, all of the planets would have a Corona sphere, they would look like stars. That doesn’t mean you couldn’t live under the Corona sphere, but from the outside they would look like stars. And that would, that, our our system started out this way after the fall from Terra. There was, it was actually taken, the remnants of Terra were taken back in through that um Kali Rema step back, and re-seeded, brought back out. At, down in density one, as this solar system. So that’s how we did the fall from terra. They actually pulled us back in through the Kali Rema path and pulled us, re-birthed this system back out. And it was re-birthed back out in this natural configuration. So that is a natural solar system and that’s what we used to be.


Next one, in a natural solar system. Sorry. This is just showing, for instance, with each planet, the natural solar system you’d have the solar rod, right? And this one would have, it’s not shown on this diagram, but you’d have the rod of the planet and they would exchange energy together. And there would be energy arching through the planet and there would be energy arching up and down here. There’s another diagram that shows it a lil better. But, this would be, every bodies, notice the north axis would be the same. There wouldn’t be an ecliptic, because the north axis on both planets and sun would be pointing up in the same direction. That means, now there’s something called the planetary shield that it’s an invisible ah, platform of energy that ah- deflection field that actually forms from the planet spinning and its part of the actual Merkabic structure, and it goes horizontal to whatever the vertical is. So you would have this one, horizontal, it would be the same horizontal as this one, where they would just be spinning in the same plane. That allows for the natural energy circulation and exchange that’s supposed to take place in the living system. Um, I don’t know if you’ve, probably looked at places ah ah like um the scientific representation of our system, doesn’t look anything like that, you know, I think its Uranus is on its side, where it literally rotates on its side…


Now, when it’s a living system, this would be the natural organic electromagnetic energy flow around a planet. This is called the YanYun flow and we have half a book I think dedicated to these. The Kathara 2-3 manual deals with these heavily and it shows the formation of them, what they do. You know these are the natural ah ah electromagnetic flows of a living breathing system that has the capacity to – through its core – interact with other living breathing systems around it. Its part of the natural structure. Now, this looks nothing like the electromagnetic fields we have around our planet right now. Our magnetosphere and all those things, alright? There’s a reason and ill, we’ll see that in a minute.


When a planets doing what its supposed to and a solar systems doing what its supposed to, it goes through periods where it actually, the whole system will disappear because the two um, Hara, Hara bodies that its vector is, you know its it’s manifesting with it, will pull into the center, recharge, and come back out again. When they recharge, the planets and the whole solar system will, go into this configuration of light body spirit body structure. Its called the chariot of fire, and, its literally part of the ascension vehicle. It’s not the whole thing but that’s showing some of the dynamics involved in it.


Now we used to be an ascension system. Notice in the chariot of fire, there is that Merkabic structure again. Now this is just a simple, um Merkaba structure, its bi-vecka which means it has one cone going down and one cone coming up, there’s mush more complex structures. But this would be the natural kind of thing that if this was a living breathing system, and same with the galaxy, the galaxy would have the same type of interaction. The galaxy does not have every, you know its galactic plane is tilted, things are tilted all over the place in the galactic plane, and our solar system is in the same position.


The natural ones have these configurations. The Flat plane, the solar symbiosis arches, you know, with the breathing between them, the ability to go into chariot of fire state. These, this little diagram here that’s on the Kathara grid shape, right that core template shape, it has, at 45 degrees it has two of its, ah, petals we call this the lotus, right? These are lotus flows, they’re core flows, and they allow for, actually movement of, on these flows you have series of spheres actually and it allows for the movement of the spheres so they spark, they generate quantum and then they open up again. So it’s a self generating system, it’s a perpetual motion continually living system.


Alright, here again are the YanYun flows, the natural ones, the natural Merkabic structure with the straight shield deflection shield and natural Merkaba, so that’s what it’s supposed to look like.


And, lets go back to the solar system level, this is, this is, this is a bit messy because I never had this one type set, but, at the moment, this is our solar system..


Unknown: Not straight


A: in the center there, you have the inter planets, right? We’ll look at earth in a minute as far as how its sitting in its solar plane that gives us the elliptic and all of that. This is the orange cloud that is, you know out in space and around our system.


What should have been Nibiru, our twelfth planet, not our tenth, it was our twelfth planet, I believe Sheeron was our eleventh and then Pluto and then where the asteroid belt is there was another one called Malduck and that exploded, so, this is a mess. This solar plane is twisted here where you have ah Pluto’s orbit, right? That’s already gone whacky out this way. Then you have Nibiru that actually comes in, I forget, I have the date somewhere, every three thousand thirty six hundred something like that, ah, years. On the other end of it, there’s another, it’s an artificial body that was actually created by squashing together fragments of of planetoids and things and partially pieces of the moon as well. This one is called wormwood and it was meant to counter balance the orbit of this and they go in and out of the density two I think Sirius system. I think that’s where they said it was. I have it written down I haven’t done the Nibiru stuff in a long time, but it its literally a cycling machine that was the their watchtowers here and it wasn’t just so they could come in and watch us, every three thousand years, or you know seed new information, it was to counter balance this one. On this one we have over here, what is the names on here,  I haven’t looked at these in ages… the Matraya moon, and up here I believe was the clarion. These were other bodies taken from elsewhere to create this… they’ve literally this. These are beings that are moving planets. They’re moving stars. God, we’re worried about little grays?


Seriously, I mean at this point, whatever you go ahead abduct me, you know? You’ll be sorry. You know ill fight back this time. No, I’m just kidding, but anyway, it, the thought of, the scale of what is going on here, this is not natural. We don’t see this one yet. It was due to come back in, actually, not Nibiru, Nibiru’s not due for, I forget its like a couple thousand years still, but, wormwood was going to be coming back in. Fortunately, wormwood, in 2003, became wormwoods because it was shattered. It was down, it was going into the orbit of parallel earth at the time, cause they parallel earth is connected in here the orbits of that we’ll see later in other stuff. Um, but it it was at least shattered, but it is still a massive um, ah asteroid belt, or not belt but mess, and it still potentially can come back in. if it does, it creates total havoc when it comes in. They, these orbits come in, I believe its between ah Mars, Mars Mars and Jupiter, I think is where they they pass up and it causes a bit of havoc on the system. When full rip is allowed, when they come in at a certain level of density, because there’s a way they play with the dimensions here where they can bring them in without totally tipping the system. Without, you know, totally wiping out the solar system, that’s why they’ve been able to do this cycle before. But, when the full gates are open, and they allow this in a stellar activation cycle, where they’re activating the 55 merkaba, it will actually, the these will be used to flip the whole plane and drag it in. and that’s, they’re literally ah, I don’t know what kind of game you would call this, but they’re literally using very advanced physics.


K: So are you saying that they’re all artificial bodies? Are you saying that Nibiru or wormwood…


A: No, that was one of the natural planets or stars


K: that was natural, ok


A: Yeah, one of them was earth


K: What about wormwood?


A: No, that was created. I think part of it were pieces of the moon and something else. I remember, they told us about that awhile ago. And the moon is not a normal body either. That’s artificially created as well.


K: yes


A: And it because it keeps certain things at certain spin rates, that they have to keep in order to keep the vortice connections to the wormholes and that’s why this whole thing is n…, that why our whole solar system is a mess, because they were creating wormholes…


K: Ok, what about a brown dwarf? Is there a brown dwarf in there?


A: possibly, I know there’s ah white dwarfs, like Sirius B, um brown dwarf, it its possible I would have to ask them.


K: ok so the other axis that you got there, um, there are two other planetary bodies


A: yup


K: what are they called?


A: This one they call the Matraya, moon,


K: Ok


A: And I, it was like a long time ago, a number of years ago that they gave this particular information, so its probably somewhere back, either like in the writings or or on the videos where they explain, you know is Matraya, you know, where’d that come from? Cause some of this stuff they actually dragged in from the parallel system, to, you know to counter balance it. Clarion, this one up here, was, no, was related to it, I think it was a piece of the other one that’s, ah what was that, there’s clarion and there’s the other one that was a normal part of here, Sheeron. Aright so you have clarion up here that I think was a piece of Sheeron. Sheeron used to be, um, one of the normal um ones, and I think it was, you had Nibiru, Sheeron, it was eleven, Sheeron used to be eleven but what’s called Sheeron now, got stuffed down here, part of it got broken off, became Clarion, thing that they’re using up here, and you have one of these controlled by the weeso – (Weesa Dec’s?) black hole system which was the (Weesa?) matrix that I pointed out on those maps? You have (Weesa Dec’s?) and (Weesa Drac’s?) and they don’t like each other. They’re fighting. You have the Annunaki and the (Amacron?) Draconians. They don’t like each other, and they’re both fighting. Then you have Weesa Drac’s that like the Draconians and you have the Weesa Dec’s that like the Annunaki. I mean it’s hilarious. It, It’s sad its really just sad. But there are a whole bunch of groups on each side of this polarity drama. Then you have the Krystics sitting in the middle going oh boy, you know?


They’re not fighting with anybody but, there, what do you do when everybody’s hell bent on destroying each other? Because that’s just what’s been happening down here for eons. So anyway, this is what our solar system looks like up here, this artificial it’s like a wobbling orbit. It’s not just our planet that wobbles. We, there’s actually a wobble created in the solar plane itself, it’s actually taken the solar plane, where it doesn’t sit flat in the galactic plane anymore. I think it’s around a 45 degree tilt to the, you know to the galactic plane. And it also created this thing here that threw the core and especially in the closer to the core planets like earth and the sun, it has harnessed how fast things spin, which means its harnessed the time pulse, so it could – through this device, they have been able to progressively get control over how fast things spin so they can synchronize the spins of things over here with the things that they’re trying to merge them with on the parallel side. It’s a bizarre and fascinating and horrifically morbid technology this death star technology.


Now, what that creates on a planetary level, when we look at our poor little earth sitting in the middle of this, and its not just that this has happened on the solar level, they’ve also put the same type of mechanisms in the planetary core and in the star gate systems here, to create the same effect to plug our planet into that whole system. They’ve done it on the other planets too, the ones that don’t have, anything that has its axis that’s not tilted the same as the sun, is either in its normal place and the sun got tilted, which is part of the case here, or its not in its right place, cause they should all be sitting on a natural, you know vertical and horizontal plane with each other.


This is what we have right now and like the science tells us this is normal and this is natural, you know, well our planets’ tilted about 23.5 degrees, and it does this cycle called the procession of the equinoxes, and you know


K: Right 



A: we’ve got the ecliptic shield you know, that cuts through, you know the sun shield is here and ours you know comes here. This is totally twisted, this, our our our planet is tilted it’s it this messes up its entire system. Its not just tilted. When, this one here shows at least a relatively normal looking Kathara grid inside, there’s a whole set of un – unsacred? Not sacred geometries that go with the death star Merkaba stuff. It has to do with the shapes of the flows. Where before we had the, I talked about those ah the arms that you know… petals that stood out like this and they’re 45 degree angles and they phase and spark and generate quantum, right? There’s another on that has them pulled down like this, where they look much more like a flower. We call it the daisy of death, or the bloom of doom, but they’re phase locked, where they can’t phase and that means they can’t generate quantum. It means it’s a planet that is dying because it can’t breathe. And that’s one of the things and it constricts the Kathara grid at the center. It (____ ?) something. I think we have one that shows that.  What that also does, is create a bulge at the equator, where it squashes the natural spherical shape down. Hello to earth.


K: Is there also ah, is there also a correlation with the cross. In other words, the actual symbol of the cross reflecting what is in essence this frozen inability to generate, yeah


A: yes, yes and and even more. That has to do with the mutation of natural Shalaya light units, into, forcing them into the vesica piscis dead light unit configurations, the sign of the cross 


K: Interesting, yeah


A: The original cross has the perfectly equal, and it’s called the (Rueshay?), and it has perfectly equal. I think the Celtic cross is the closest you get these days as far as symbology.


K: and it fits inside a circle


A: Yeah


K: in other words, cause then you know it’s


A: Yeah I don’t have mine on, anyone have one on? Its one of our sacred symbols.


So, this is right now we have, this is all part, part of the mechanics of the ah death star Merkaba…ah technologies, we have the un natural procession of the equinoxes, this is called the sexton shield. It’s actually the, it’s a distortion shield of energy that keeps those vortices spinning at their you know tilted angle. It keeps us aligned with, we we flip between being aligned with Polaris, which we are in that phase now, and flipping back ah into alignment with Vega. And we just keep cycling back and forth and we’re all going back and forth in the procession of the equinoxes, and they’re not normal. There, they just released in, when was Ireland, November last year? They just released, October? Yeah, They just released some fascinating things about the old pagan rights and stuff and what, what this actually has done in its relationship with parallel earth, this was done for a reason and the cycles of the equinoxes and the solstices have to do with alignments between parallel earth  and here and between parallel earth and the center of the milky way galaxy, the black hole there and that’s what were looking at coming up on in 2012, and that’s why 2012 was you know the Mayans got the word it was going to be the end of times and those kind of thing because of the dark road. Yeah the dark road alright.


So, these things, these configurations that we’re seeing, the sexton shield is not the natural clock or or shield that…that the natural spin ration that you would have for the planet on its axis. They actually have been accelerating time for the last thirteen thousand years, to make it faster so it would catch up with the ah parallel anti particle universe so they could merge them. And it means our days have gotten shorter, our spin has gotten faster, as far as on the planet and that kind of thing.


There’s other aspects to this that are created by this technology and all of these go together, right? Like when you see one it implies the others.


This is our poison apple. This is the net field, ok? Now part of the poison apple isn’t shown here, ill show that on this one, but um this is literally a containment net. It is ah (Ashona?) which means that made up by Vecka units instead of light units. A containment harness and this is what the um the death star Merkaba actually creates around a planet a system or a body. When you work those Merkaba mechanics, this is what you’re creating, its a torsion field that turn… constantly circles energy in on itself, but it does not have a connection to anything outside of itself, except of what it can feed off at its center, from its core.


And this is, there are there are three levels of this that actually move in earths atmosphere, and they literally control, one of them runs through like the magnetosphere area and actually there’s three others down from that so there’s really four, four major layers of this. It controls, it reminds me of that old thing, we control the vertical, we control the horizontal remember that show that used to say that? I think outer limits or something used to say that on TV? Well its kind of like, yeah, they they pretty much do, all of these net systems are plugged into things like the HAARP machine and ah, I’m sure the hadron collider has something to do with activating all of these too. I heard that they just had their first good test yesterday or something? Yeah? This week? Good timing, why not.


Unknown: Full activation..


A: Full activation, yeah. So these net fields are responsible for literally wiping out the DNA. Science has already figured out that DNA is sensitive to a couple of things. It’s sensitive to radiation, it could destroy DNA. It’s sensitive to magnetism, electromagnetism. You mess with the magnetic fields, you mess with the DNA. That, just like its blocking the natural currents and flows that would normally come into the planet, it does the same thing to the biology’s on this planet. This is why we have no memory. It’s wiped it right out of the DNA. It’s actually still in there, it’s in junk DNA, it’s in pieces, that’s what were working with the technologies that the guardians give to re-assemble.


K: I see


A: and it does it to controlling the epigenetic overlay. Which is the chemical sheath that science is just learning, actually triggers, what how genes will behave in the DNA, alright? So it’s the culmination of both. But this is why we have no memory of our race memory or any of that. And this is what is holding the mutation in the body. Right now our own bio fields and the biofields of the life forms on the planet carry all of these same mutations. We carry these, we carry the wobbling vortices, we carry the phase locked, you know bloom of doom – in their flows in and of that and if we are gonna ever get out of here, while we have time left with the gates are open.  It’s amazing the gates are even open or even still usable after all of this, but we need to reverse mutate our bodies, and we have been working for ten years with that.


We’ve worked through the light body layers we worked through the spirit body layers now were into something called the (AhGee?) body layers that they’re kind of, the AhGee body is interesting its ah ah a combination between the the spirit body and the light body and the atomic body, that once you master that, it allows you to actually do the transfiguration and turn into light. The the first stage of that is called glide – where you’ll learn to bi-locate, where you put yourself into orb and you go elsewhere and bi-locate and then come back. But you still have, leave a body here. The second stage, is what we’re working on now, is um called translocation where you get to the point where you can do a certain level of transfiguration of a certain quantum of your atoms into light temporarily so you can go visit elsewhere and take your body with you but you’ll still be keyed to the space time imprint or encryption of this planet until a certain other thing happens, right?


So that’s the, that’s called a slide, slide one. The third thing is called slide two or span. That’s called um where you learn how to ah trans ah not just translocate where your going to visit and then come back, but transmigrate where you actually can be free and you do not have to come back here, you do not have to incarnate back here. That has to do with releasing something called the (Vabodi?) cell that is the donated quantum from the egg and sperm of your parents that was not your spirit body encryption. That has to be released, before you can be freed from the space time location in which those two things came together. It gets released as, what’s called Vabodi dust, right? So, there’s this whole process, anyway, involved with it.


While we have this going on, we are literally, the planet is keeping us mutated because the visitors are keeping the planet mutated and at this point, good luck fixing the planet because, look at the solar system, look at the galaxy. This problem is going on all the way up into the galax- galactic level and there’s a certain point where the quantum that is going down is larger than the quantum that can pull it back and that is what’s occurring and that’s why there’s 200 years left on the gates.  As far as two hundred years earth time from where we are, sorry


K: ok but isn’t, isn’t it true that the planet is a being


A: yes


K: and also is going to be able to escape this


A: it chose the path of Kali Rema, which is the step back path alright? Instead of the path of fall


K: so it’s going to implode and, and then re-emerge


A: yeah, it will go back into that that middle density that happens to be called the (Edons?), out here the the density – remember when we, ah I don’t have one really, yeah I do, on this graph, let me get my stickies off there, right? When we have the um the Hara bodies, right? And we had the the core the inner, the middle and the outer domains, they each have names. This outer domain area where we are now, where we’re experiencing the Kali Yuga, um that is called a radon, right? And this one is called an (Edon), and then this one, the inner one is called an (Adon) and ah the core is called, what is it called again? I can’t even remember its been so long since I taught this, it’s the core. Leave it at the core. But anyway, you got the dons, right? So this is the garden of Edon, right? it’s the step back to where it is innocent and pure, when you do the step back, it clears anything off your encryption that didn’t belong there in the first place and its literally, its passing, they call it passing through the ring of fire. In order to get back into the purity and then you get to come back out again and try again. Or at least you get to try again.


K: Ok, um but I also have a question as…where is Terra in this equation, because


A: Ok, alright well part of Terra was, is, what we’re sitting on. This solar system is part of Terra. The other part of Terra is um when we look up in the sky and see Alcyone. The Star Alcyone in the Pleiades cluster. Alright? That is the remnant of what, what Terra was. So if you take Alcyone and take the quantum of this solar system here, minus the few pi-bits that didn’t belong here that weren’t from here, and you put all that quantum together, you would have had Terra. And density two.


K: Ok but, but my understanding was there was going to be that – that once there is an ascension group, that’s going to leave here and go to Terra.


A: That was before the (Brisdon?) project failed.


K: Oh


A: That failed in 2003


K: I see


A: so at this point, the Voyagers books, we have, you would not believe what we have been moving through. Since that. We’re on mission upgrade 44…45? Yeah, I have a list of them somewhere, yeah where they at, yeah just cause it gets amusing to look at. Right where you just say, oh my god, there’s been that many mission upgrades. First there was the attempt to salvage this was all the stuff they were trying to do before the thing that happened with the sun. Once that happened, there-there’s nothing that can be done at that point. But, we still have ascension, but it’s like the fly by the seat of your pants. Keep these gates open and you got two hundred years to get anything that’s going up out of here. And that’s what happening at this point. So Voyagers was written ten years ago.


K: Yes


A: You know, yeah a lot has happened


K: Ah well, ok so but, ah, the… ha ok. Um, my minds going too many places at once here, ah, but if they’re not going to Terra and maybe you’re getting to this, then we, where are they going? And, are they going back to Alcyone, or jumping where, or is that, you know they’re making up their minds


A: They’re going home-home. There’s a few steps to get there, M31


K: O-k


A: Andromeda galaxy


K: Oh, alright


A: that’s where we’re aiming back. But there’s a few steps in between


K: ok


A: the first set of steps has to do with something simply called higher earth. We’re in the lower earth planes, they’re a set of planes that are still in predicaments, they’re still connected to this mess that we’ve been looking at but they’re in much better shape, they’re not under the net. And that’s the first stage, where we go to higher earth. Then there’s a level beyond that, that’s still part of the earth planes quantum that is called median earth. Then we go back to remembering when they were telling us about the history of how they seeded the-the amenti rescue mission in and created the solar system. There was a host star here that earth, amenti earth, had been seeded into. And that was called Ashalay. So that will be the next stage. And from Ashalay, we’ll move through um, ah there’s another layer that has to do with the level of energy called the (Iradonis?) layer that we don’t really have to get into cause it gets really complicated as far as different types of energy. But, it’s another set in between before we get to Eartha in M31. But that is where we’re going. And from there, that’s where originally the encryption here emerged from. From there you can go where you want basically. But it’s a process of getting of of re-evolving back to where we can do full krist star. You know evolution on our own, because right now we’re being hosted you know where-we we’ve been given frequency just to support us in the process until we can hold that frequency ourselves. So Terra was where we were aiming until the Brisdon project failed and at this point in this system, since, since those books were written, there were, um intergalactic wars that were taking place here that involved what was called the Ecka, and the Ecka is, if you remember the the maps that showed one Kathara grid and then four of them together with the thing at the center, right? The thing at the center is the Ecka. That’s a little kathara grid and that’s like the, they call it the well for earth that would be like the inner earth would be there and that kind of thing. It wouldn’t be in here, its actually up there. Its like a high level. That actually fell, in one of these wars. Eckas can fall. The Eckasha above it cant, but the Ecka did.


K: but, what happened to the begin- the beings that were there?


A: um they’ve gone into various places. There’s some of them are in the state of here. They’re doing evac this whole system; Vecka system is actually being evacuated. So going vertically, the usual way, wasn’t an option anymore. That’s why they had to take us from just going into harmonic Merkaba states or harmonic ascension states into transharmonic, where we could actually go through and in to, into the um, like the Edon domain, there’s a space between the Raydon and Edon, its called the aurora continuum. You have to have a transharmonic Merkaba ability to be able to go through there and then come back out again someplace else. So that is the technologies they’re teaching us because vertical is not an option anymore, unless you want to end up in one of the wormhole sets going um into the fall. So it’s been a really rough trip since the books were written, actually. But, ah, we’re all still standing and you now guardians are still giving us information, so. Rather leave on a happier note though


K: Ok, um


A: before we do a break


K: that’s ok, well we, lets, yeah let’s keep going


A: There’s not much up here. Ok, as far as the poison apple fields go, this one shows the shape better, right? You have that net field around it but see that little shape right there? Looks like an apple?


K: yes


A: that’s the shape of our magnetic fields, the basic shape of our magnetic fields; even know there’s flux all over


K: there’s a crop circle that looks like that


A: lovely, hi Metatron, alright. This thing here, right a lot of people using that as their logo these days, right? Yeah


K: and that


A: that is the phased locked


K: Ah


A: arcs that can’t phase, with the constricted, if you look, you can look at this more closely if you want to you can see the difference. There’s two Kathara grids there. One the artificial tree of life which has taken the natural proportions and pulling them in where it actually squeezes it and that changes the shape of the sphere and gives you a bulge at the equator like our planet has because that is what’s, that is the configuration our plant is, has in light body right now


K: interesting


A: and this is also connected to something called Metatrons cube and something called the Fibonacci spiral, Fibonacci spiral


K: and what is this – this center bit right there in this


A: see that… (Undeterminable / speaking low)


Unknown: The dark


K: the dark, is that a black hole or


A: Um no that’s just, that is another one of their twisted, ah like-these we call them Kathara centers, but we know that on our grids these are actually stargates, right? Right you take this down into the planet and that’s where you got stargates connections, have stargate connections. Alright and these are twisted ones, so these would line up with the stargates that interfaced with the amenti gates, to harness the amenti gates, that – that’s just one of them here. But if you look at that its,  if if you look at the teachings, of, that goes with that logo, um, you’ll be amazed to see how it fits in re- when it sits next to what eternal life creation is. All of the shapes that they’ve shown us, they’ve shown us how they fit together, what the processes are, that they work from. They don’t just say, here there’s a that, you know. That’s a sacred. Why is it a sacred? It does what… right?


They’ve shown how the pieces fit together, what the processes are, and then they’ve shown how those things – what they do to that structure. And so, anyway, this is, there’s all sorts of pieces that show… we’ve had to do this because this is what is taking down the planet. These dynamics and people now practicing them. Again, just like in Atlantis, it’s like Atlantis rising again. It really is. The same, how did we get into this predicament?


K: very much so


A: look around you, same way


K: yeah, yeah


A: gullibility, on a certain you know a certain level. Where, oh sure ill try that, right. Not wanting to hear it. If somebody’s trying to say ah maybe you want to think about that first. How, the the same way that right now you have a whole new age movement that was supposed to be a movement of enlightenment and everybody loving each other, to being a bunch of back biting people practicing anti-Krystic Merkaba mechanics that are harming themselves and harming the planet. How did that happen? You know. Same question for Atlantis, how did that happen?


K: But there’s also the misuse of crystals, ah, that id love you to talk about a little bit at some point if you are willing


A: There’s all sorts of really strange things being done with crystals. I think id probably rather get through those- this stuff and that that’s kinda like


K: yes, I mean we can have


A: that’s kind of like orbs; you know crystals, orbs, tarot cards. No, I like tarot cards, id like to design a deck actually. They’re really good for just letting spirit comment to you, give you waking dream material back to you, yeah. Now crystals are another subject and we do take them very seriously, they’re very powerful beings actually and they can be used in terrible ways, and right now, speaking… yeah speaking of crystals, it was really funny because right around, I think it was about 2002, the guardians um were starting to teach us about the Nibiru-notic crystal bases that are here. They’re subterranean crystal installments that were planted here and actually seeded from Nibiru, and used to create, literally spike the grids, to receive Nibiruan frequency and to receive wormhole frequencies and that kind of thing.


Not all of the crystals in the world, under our world are like that, but some are. Right when um we were being given this information, this lady appears in one of the workshops and she goes, I’ve seen them – I went there, and she brought photos and it blew my mind. Look at this


K: Oh wonderful, yeah


A: this is Leela, she actually was one of the few that got to go down there cause she knew the scientist


K: Is that like, I think they’re in Mexico


A: yeah its Chihuahua, yeah and there’s many others like that actually on the planet


K: Ok


A: but these are one, this one was seeded, it’s a Nibiruan cluster


K: Oh


A: actually, yeah so


K: but what happens to the people that go inside there though, it must be pretty intense,


A: well, if they don’t die from the heat, right? It’s like 107 degrees


Unknown: Its 150, 150 degrees…


A: yeah, yeah its really bad. Frequency wise, well they were, you could do interesting things with those. Now they’re not so bad because the guardians have worked in a way that has recalibrated them, because there’s been a whole bunch of deals and treaties going on, because the ones that that broke the original ah treaty of Altair that was set, that was talked about in in the Voyagers book, ah they found that they lost that round and the other ones were going to take them over and take over their grids. So a bunch of them handed them handed their grids back over to us and kind of – we’ll be nice now. Right?


It kind of comes down to a split between the Annunaki and the Drac’s, right? And the Drac’s you have (Ambercon?) Draconian, you have um there’s there’s  (Odetaton?) reptilians, and a bunch of others. And then on the Annunaki side you have the Thothian Annunaki and, which are like the snake people, and you have the ah the ah Jehovian Annunaki and a number of others and then you have the Weesa’s, taking sides. You have the Wessa Drac’s, Wessa Decs,


K: and what about the Sirian Annunaki, where do they fit in?


A: they have, they can come both Jehovian, there’s some Jehovian ones,   


K: oh, ok


A: and then like Nibiruan ones are primarily Thothian, but not all. Annunaki tend to hang together. And then the really fancy Annunaki gene code are the Enochians. Alright? Where they took both Annunaki groups and created a master race, right, gene line, so the Enochian Annunaki. Yeah, They’re usually high illuminati guys. Yeah, running around with 33 degree pluses and things. You know. But hey it’s cool, you know takes a village


K: ok, ah yeah well we could get into more detail on that but um, I guess lets ah lets move on. Should we take a break now, or do you want to


Unknown: it’s up to you


K: go up to the end


A: yeah why don’t we take a break?


K: ok


A: cause I’ve, I’ve hit that spot where we get into the planes of earth, which gets fascinating, because this is where we get into the spherical maps and the vertical maps going up and down from the core up into the atmosphere


K: ok


A: and we start finding out where we’re going to learn to orb to and eventually where that space is going to become physically solid as well as this space so we’ll be able to move through and that’s what our teachings are teaching us how to do, go home, yeah.









Project Camelot Interview of A’shayana Deane by Kerry Cassidy


Sarasota, Florida May 2010



K: Hi I’m Kerry Cassidy from Project Camelot and I’m very pleased to be here with A’shayana Deane, ah and basically I think I’m going to let you do your own introduction as to who you are and some of your background.  You know it’s interesting to hear you talk about yourself, just briefly, cause we’re going to be talking about the material most of the time. So for example, um I would say that you are the author of the Voyager books. Part of the appeal is for people to kind of get your personality,


A: Right


K: and if you get a question that you are not quite prepared for, your personality will start to show.


A: well its showing, what do you do with that, I don’t know how to describe myself, you can describe me…


K: and and its very, no and and and its very delightful so um I don’t think you have anything to worry about, so but at any rate, you want to say you’re, you’ve come here to teach about accession


A: Yes


K: would that be accurate?


A: Yes, that would be very accurate


K: At this time on the planet, and ah


A: Yes, yeah right. And I-I’m know as speaker one in the Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order, and that was a commission that was given to me, and the other two speakers, there are three of us, are are present in the room, with us so… 


K: Ok you’re an American Citizen


A: yes


K: In this life,


A: Yes


K: Ok, and where did you grow up, in what state? Would would that be ok?


A: well I was born in Pennsylvania,


K: ok


A: and I was raised in Pennsylvania, and um New York and then moved to New Jersey and then moved to Florida, and then to England and then to Arizona and then to Colorado and then back to Florida


K: Ok so you’ve been around


A: Yes


K: Ok great


A: yes, actually following spiritual guidance, we were asked to move, once it was past the, you know the childhood and adolescent times, the the moves were following what I was ah, advised to do by the guardian alliance


K: Ok wonderful and you are in touch with what you call the guardian alliance


A: that’s what they call themselves


K: Ok


A: yes,


K: And, ah, do you consider yourself ah a chaneler, because I I’m aware of what it is you do but I’m going to ask you questions that are may seem wrong, ok


A: feel free


K: and, and so at at that point you can correct me and it’s totally fine


A: It’s not channeling, in fact we teach against channeling because it’s dangerous. It is a process of electronic data streaming that it’s quite sophisticated but it doesn’t work like channeling, channeling involves literally another um entity coming in and sharing a body with you and that is not permitted in our teachings because it can actually damage your DNA. This is an electronic data streaming called keylontic transmission and it is literally electronic data streaming but inter-dimensionally as opposed to simply you know on the horizontal like we do it here and that is the way the that the guardian alliance communicates with me and has since childhood but they have also in in my ah younger years I had both negative abductions with negative groups of visitors and it was the guardian alliance that actually rescued me from those situations and I Iv’e learned a lot about why I had the experiences it had to do with the contract I came in with, but it takes most people quite a few years to wake up and realize what they came in to do, what they birthed in to do, and ah that was why I i had the issues with the um, with Zetas and things like that when I was in my younger years.


By the time I was 12 the guardians had begun teaching me for the commission that I later learned what it was for speaker one for the Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order and ah, its, once once that became clear, the experiences weren’t frightening.  Before they were frightening. The, you know abduction experiences and uh the ones with the guardians weren’t though they were very different they didn’t involve little grays’ and they didn’t involve uh, spaceships. They involved literal teleportation through Merkaba vehicle and those kind of things so it’s been a colorful way of, of to get to the point where I am here teaching the material that I’m teaching, it has been very interesting and colorful. In the first few years um I was required to speak about that a lot that’s why I don’t like to speak about myself anymore, I’m honestly board with the subject of me.


K: Sure


A: right because the first few years that we went public with the books and everything it was all about me and my story, and I’m tired of my story, its out there go read it if you want to… but you know, this is the interesting stuff, the information we’re teaching so


K: I totally honor the fact that you’ve told your story many times and and it is out there and so I do encourage people to ah to go out and investigate ah, her background, to watch other audio and video presentations she’s done because their excellent and I have watched a few of them and I’d love to watch more and she’s an excellent speaker and and so I do encourage you to investigate if you’re watching this. Um, so what id like to do from here is really get into what the agenda is of what we call, ah,  the service to self or negative oriented ET’s, visitors, um what have you and and then if you could talk about that and then if you could also talk about what the positive side, ah service to others is doing, what their objective is in being in contact with us here and so on, so that’s where we want to go


A: Ok, do we have to take the short road or can we take the more interesting road


K: Let’s take the interesting rd…


A: ok, because the interesting road, by the time we get to answering that question, will make a lot more sense and the interesting road does have to do with some of the other questions. When I had, you know, we had asked you – you know just give us a few questions or something that you’re planning to ask you had listed a couple things like you know ah ascension mechanics, ah you know the the human race and where its going and this kind of thing. Um…there is a way to explain this that we’ve been working for ten years. Every workshop, this is our 84th coming up, and every one is new information. It’s the next level of information so we have been, the guardian alliance has been providing us with progressively growing teachings since the Voyagers books were out. Very, very technical teachings on ascension on stargates on understanding planetary stargates, galactic stargates, universal stargates, how they all work, what the process of ascension is, all of this thing.


In understanding some of those things like what is a stargate anyways, what is ascension anyways – right – and understanding some of those it brings us to the point of where we actually are right now on the planet which explains what is going on with the visitors. It explains what their agenda is, why they’re doing what they’re doing and what we can do about it, because their is a negative and positive side to this, but the picture is much bigger than most people realize, even people in the UFO movement, and people in the new age movement. They have pieces of the story. When I found out what this story was, as it progressed, because I had my cellular memory turned on, for awhile I had incarnational memory since I was very small, so it was not new to me, but when, when the guardians revealed progressively the the scope of this drama, I was horrified at first, honestly, I was terrified and, um, moved past that to the point of realizing, wow I mean,  it is so tiny the little dramas that we’re worrying about here this is much, much bigger.


And the reason the information is important now, and for ten years we hardly did any media at all, we didn’t do interviews, we had a couple little interviews, we turned down a lot of radio interviews and that kind of thing cause we wanted to kinda just fly under the radar and do our things.  We do our workshops, people come to our workshops we didn’t heavily advertise them. The reason why we’re coming out and speaking now is because the guardian alliance has asked us to. They are on now what is called official disclosure protocol because of things that are occurring. 2012 is very important and so are the periods right after it. There – this – to ah coin a phrase from Anderson Coopers’ show, ah, planet in peril. Ah Yes. To put it mildly. So if I can explain some of the things that are taking place now in a certain, its a sequence, and your free to interrupt at any point,


K: Ok


A: Right, but it will help get a ah little bit to the more full understanding of what are the visitors up to, what is their agenda, and where are we at with that situation. It’ll also include the information you said, you know what about the stargates and what are the status of those, it’ll, it will show where that is


K: Great


A: and its like the quickest sequence you can do, right, this has been, you know, ten years worth of work, now we can look back and see what this is all about and see where its going, so, if you don’t mind, I will you know put a couple charts up.


K: No Problem


A: The first thing I would like to do if we’re going to talk about what is happening on the planet now, it does involve ascension, and ascension does involve stargates. But what is ascension anyway? There’s a quick way to explain this and it has to do with graphs and I use these graphs because seriously pictures paint a thousand words. If it hadn’t been, and all of these graphs are literally transmitted from the guardian alliance and I I take them down by hand, because I don’t have computer art skills so they’ve all been done in like you know black and white form and then thanks to a team of volunteers they’ve put lot of work into putting them into computer, you know, finishing so they’re decent. Most of them are.  You can tell the ones that are still, the ones I did on a photocopier, you know with a photocopier, but this one, this particular diagram, and also I will qualify these by saying, you’re going to see diagrams that are one out of, there might have been 50 diagrams in that series explaining every piece of how that worked, what it is, the structure of it all of this, I’m just going to show certain diagrams that will show structure, because structure is important.


Science here is getting into um, quantum physics, and all of those things and oh maybe there’s dark matter and all of these wonderful maybes.


There is a whole order of these things, yes there’s dark matter, yes quantum physics are real, but they have no idea the structures that are involved, this is not a hap hazard cosmos or universe. Some of these things, if you’re going to understand what ascension is, you need to understand what context it’s happening in and that’s why the guardians gave us the context in the first place. In the early days they taught us about 15 dimensional physics and that’s not meaning theres only 15 dimensions. Dimensions run in sets of 15 and there are many many many different sets of 15 dimensional matrices that have particular order that form galaxies, universes cosmoses, plural. It is a multi cosmos, not just a multiverse. Now when you think of ascension and stargates that you ascend through it implies there is an order of stargates within these greater structures. So I’ll show you this diagram first.


K: Let me ask you, where the diagrams came from, in other words, do they, are you getting, you say you’re getting this sort of data stream


A: Mmm hmmm


K: electronically,


A: M Hmm


K: And when you say that, it’s, I’m assuming that you’re ah visualizing, maybe you’re getting a visualization…


A: No I just see them


K: Ok


A: yeah


K: and then are you, how do you transfer them onto the paper, how do you, you know, you draw them, really? Ok…


A: I’m known as the white out queen because a lot of times they’ll come down like one diagram like this that’s all like – you know looks like a single thing,


K: Very Intricate


A: there’ll be like six different images on it


K: Wow


A: and like 20 different layers


K: Ok


A: and I call it a pull back process where the whole big thing comes down in one data stream that it might takes me like 6 hours just focused completely on 1, getting it all down and that’s even without the words and labels and arrows and stuff


K: Ok


A: that’s just getting the shapes and structure. Then we’ll pull them out, right, where I’ll make photocopies and white out that part and then you’ve got that one, white out this part and then you have that one and then you might have like a series of ten of them out of the one that came in, so its almost like, uh, what do they call those files um where they condense everything?


Unknown: Zip…


K: Yeah


A: Zip File, yeah, so it comes in like a zip file


K: Ok I hear you


A: and when it opens, it ah, there’s a lot of heat involved actually, you can feel the the DNA activation. It comes through, the chakras activate and there’s like this heat field around me when its coming through or sometimes, depending on the line, cause there – there’s different lines, different ones, ah ah different levels of the guardian alliance communicate, you know, from different places and some of the lines come in cold, like you know shivers, some of them come in hot


K: Ok


A: so some of them carry the images and that’s where the images are coming from and at this point there are thousands of them. There are thousands of intricate diagrams…


K: Fabulous


A: That you know, come in this way,


K: Ok yeah, that – that’s great


A: Alright, this one for instance, this is part of a huge series now, and this is a very simple one as you’ll see in some later ones that it grows. If we can think of this, I I wanted to use this as a very simple way to explain what ascension is. Ascension is about evolution, it’s actually about re-evolution.


The guardians refer to it as ah re-evolutionary determinism. Yes there is a pre-determined framework of creation within which creation you know occurs, but you have free will within that framework and you start out as part of the whole, they refer to it as the god source consciousness field. And from that place, you can enter into material experience that is all taking place within that god source consciousness field. There is no place outside of god. All of this takes place within the body of the consciousness of god source. They consider the structures in which and through which matter materializes and forms, and identities individuate, they consider that part of the manifest body of god source and they’re talking about the cosmoses being a manifest body and there is a field of just pure cognition that is beyond that. It is eternal, it is always aware. Time as we know it in linear form is just not a reality there but it’s understood as an experiential quality within the framework of materialization.


So in that context of understanding a little bit about how we look at god and the concept of god, yes there is one, its not some big (burly)? dude, on a, you know with a big white beard that’s gonna  send you to hell if you’re bad, um right. There is structure involved in this. Now we’ve got, we went through what is called particia creation which takes you from the first unit of consciousness, in the consciousness field of god that did something, went under certain changes, from those changes that shape grew and literally created the spherical wheels within wheels or spheres within spheres that is the hidden structure behind all cosmic order, and even galactic order, planetary order and your own bodies order and atoms order. So this, if you think of it as just an example of a cosmos, alright you have a center point, alright and you have a sphere. Where you see circles they’re actually spheres of energy, alright you have, you have one sphere, two sphere and a third one in the center the smaller ones, and lots see these little ones in the center.


What this is showing us is, consciousness comes out from the center point into this domain or this sphere, its called the the um Hara Body and first it individuates into the two larger spheres and they individuate into sets, and this all happens at the same time, right. It expands outward. These are called, when it expands outward, its called Eckashi expansion cycles. Where consciousness is coming out from the god source consciousness field into the smaller form or structure of materialization and expands out through these cycles simultaneously. One on each side. This particular line is referred to as a vector.  Time vector. Time space vector. One end of it is referred to as an event horizon, so one time vector has two event horizons.


All right, now here we have a core. Here you have and inner, here you have a middle and here you have an outer domain. On each side. Reality fields take place within all of those. So it’s not just that there are numerous reality fields, you have ones in the outer bands, you have ones in the middle, inner and core bands.


The process of coming into existence is expanding out through experiential cycles within the Eckashic expansion cycle till you get to this point. When you get to this point, now you’ll see in this next graph, these are actually time cycles with names.


They’re called Yugas. When you get to this, which is called the Kali Yuga, there are several options, and one of the options, which is the natural evolutionary process, which is accession, that is the natural process by which eternal life beings, and most everybody started as eternal life beings, are, would naturally undergo. After you expand out yet through the incarnational cycles here, and you would go through what is called a Krist Star Turnaround. Alright? Where you enter these little cycles behind. They’re called the Adashi return cycles, where they’re the going back into source cycles.


This is the process, when you expand out at this point, if you were able to make this Krist Star Turnaround, your atoms will actually transfigure into eternal life, light atoms, and at that point, whatever form you hold there, becomes an eternal form that you can materialize and dematerialize at will.


You, you become what’s called an Adashi adept, and some people call them ascended masters but that term is terribly abused on this planet, so the guardians do not like to use it. Um, but the Adashi adepts are the ones who have made it through that change and they are now what are called Mashaya-Hana individuals which means they have, they are eternal life, and they can manifest, de-manifest at will. They go back through the cycles, go back in the center and they can actually rebirth as collectives, like as suns and those kind of things. Its an amazing process where a being lets say as small as like a human being can actually evolve, re-evolve, to go back into the state of even being like a sun or a star, and it is an eternal process, there is no death involved in that process. That is the natural process for life forms. So when we’re talking about ascension, it is about doing the natural re-evolutionary process, but that is not happening on this planet.


When we get to this point of the Kali Yuga expansion there are other things that can happen too. There are certain qualities about the science of ascension that are very very much about physics. Alright, and there are consequences in physics if things are not working well on a planet, it affects the body of the people who live on it and the animals who live on it and plants that live on it, and if certain things are not working well in a body, the DNA does not function properly, the body will not produce the chemicals and the particular one called celestaline, that is required in order to allow the atoms to merge their with anti-particles without annihilating. That allows particle and anti-particle to come together, they shift angular rotation of particle spin and you can literally turn into a radiation wave. And that would, that’s, what it means actually to go into full Merkaba and be able to go through gates. That is the process by which you go through star gates.


So, if we talk about ascension, it is the natural process of being able to expand out, you were out in the Kali Yuga cycles, finally are out here, now we have choices. We can ascend, or, if we get stuck here there is another path that we can take. It’s called the ah Kali – Kali Rema path. It is the path of step back. You can go back here, to the stage before, and then have to rebirth out again into the cycles and the outer domain. It’s almost like a restart, do it over again, so hopefully you, you know fulfill all your ascension codes it’s what it’s about so the activating your atom to the point where they can fully transfigure, and if you can do it in a cycle again, then you can ascend again. 


There is another path that can occur here, there are basically three paths. The other one is called the path of Kali Dema.


That is the path of fall. That is where you get stuck here, you cant step back and you cant go forward because of the choices you were making in your life that are affecting directly what your DNA can do, and what consciousness you’re aligning yourself with affects the frequency that your body is able to carry. And if you get stuck here, you will reincarnate in this cycle until the quantum you came in with, burns out. And then you will do what is called a space dust return.


Where ashes to ashes dust to dust, you will come to a point where you don’t have enough energy to reincarnate into another body into another time cycle. And you will eventually simply just go back, and eventually everybody goes back. But, if you go back in ascension you go back whole, if you go back in step back, you can come back out and go back out whole, but if you do the fall path, you do come back eventually as space dust where your body dies and your consciousness can no longer hold together and it fragments and just becomes part of the local environment. But the local environment at times goes through natural cycles that have to do with stargate cycles and ascension cycles where all these little ah time tracks pull in together and then come back out again.


At that point, anything that gets stuck out here gets drawn back into the center. So this is why god source doesn’t look at it as loosing anyone in the fall path. It’s the experience of you loosing your connection with the universe that it’s really about.


So in, to get  to understanding stargates and everything I wanted to explain on this simple diagram about the cycles that we are in, cause right now we are in that Kali Yuga cycle and those three choices are facing us very much now, and more than they might usually because this planet is in the middle of a drama that people here have forgotten but they knew during the Atlantean periods, they knew ten thousand years ago what was happening here and we have forgotten that knowledge, so anyway, lets go to the next diagram, if I spend this long on everyone we’re going to be here for 6 years!


K: No, that that’s actually very helpful and I think that was very clear


A: sorry about the coughing


K: thank you, that’s ok, no problem


A: This next one is just a little bit similar to that one, its showing the structure of that one a little bit more clearly. The reason I’m showing you this is just for down bottom here. I’m not going to read them all or anything but the detail level that were giving, each of these different states, I’ve tal… we’ve talked about the the core and the uh, the inner the middle and the outer domains of reality, within which reality takes place, right, they each have a different state of matter, a different type of matter, a different density level of matter, and different states of consciousness that go with them so I just wanted to point that out. So when we see this diagram we’re seeing the three, the Kali Hara, its called the Kali Hara system, and we have the Hara bodies and the, you know, the time, space time structures within the Hara bodies, so these are large energy structures that you don’t see, and you don’t even see these, or you don’t see it, your not walking around in your field counting your little balls, right, but they’re there. This structure, the cosmos is created with this structure, but its much more complex, but when you see it, it implies um structure but also time and evolution and that is a good way to show the ascension process, where as you expand out, you go through experiences in the time- in the levels of the time matrix, and then come back in through the Adashi return cycles. So the word Adashi, for instance, is something, you know, that is ah special to us, because we are following the path of Adashi, the path of Krist Star Return.


When I use the word Krist star, by the way, any of the words like Kryst, or anything like that, we spell it with a K. Its either K-r-i-s-t, sometimes we use shorthand, or K-r-y-s-t, there’s a reason for that. Its not, b-because we’re basing everything on the bible or anything like that, nothing against the bible, but its spelt with a K because that’s how it originally was and what it refers to, are, its actually, there’s seven um syllables to it, we often will just shorten it to five, its, ah, the first seven audible sound tones of creation and they are ka, ra, ya, sa, ta, ha la, and we, we often just shorten it to, you know, ka, ka ya ra sa ta, Krist, right, so that’s why we use the word Krist. It has to do with the sound tones, the vibrations.


The first audible sound tones, when we get into first particai creation before all these structures occur, in the cosmos, there are certain things that happen on a very very very nano micro level, that ah, the first, what would be audible sounds or audible vibrations and that is why we use that word – Krist. So that’s where it’s coming from. It’s not saying yeah we’re Christian, that’s uh, which means we are not this, and we’re not that and we’re not the other thing, its something that belongs to everyone, you know and every language.


(24:26) So anyway, that’s just another version of showing the same structure. This is part of a much larger structure, and has to do with stargates. So, we’ll go because what the, what the drama that’s happening on the planet now, with the visitors and all of that has to do with stargates, if it has to do with ascension, it has to do with stargates too, and who’s fighting over them.


So the next diagram, this is called, the (Illum Iradona?) Spirit Body, and the reason I’m going to show you the spirit body structure, this is a diagram that has many purposes, but if you remember that last diagram, this one, is a bit more detailed. It is still showing structure.


This is a simplified, and each one of these pieces and flows and all of the different elements of this have been analyzed, there’s like a hundred graphs to this sequence, what it comes with is this structure that is referred to as the Illum Iradona Spirit Body, which is different than your light body structure, different than your atomic bodies, yeah, this part of that structure. The cosmos has this too. When you see these little petal things, these are actually flows of energy, ok, now think cosmic, right.


Inside of this you have those, that, the ah Hara ball structures, with the time cycles, moving, in and out of this, but if you notice here there are twelve points on this, there are twelve petals, each one of those would have a line, running down it, that comes out the other side, right, each would be a vector line, so you’re not just dealing with one vector, where you have two event horizons, you are dealing with sets, of um, sets of six vectors that form twelve event horizons and there’s more than that too but that’s the ones you can see in this diagram. The spirit body structure, is built on, I mean, on on on this particular structure and these flows here, you have some of the outer flows, that are called the lotus flows, those lighter ones in the pink, and then these little things that you can see part of, they actually go all the way down to the core, but then there’s another layer of them here and another here, these are called uh, the core flows or the NaVaho flows.


The NaVaho word has to do with the particular part of the creation cycle that is the first, where where the particai units, which are the first units of consciousness that materialize, are actually born. It’s a word that has to do with the NaVaho cycles. So, these are called the NaVaho ah, core flows. This has to do with stargates.


A: (26:40) Alright, the next one, we’ll show you, these stargates, now if you take the circle away, and the ball structures away and just look at the flows here, again we have those outer petals, we call them the lotus petals, we call this the living lotus


K: Ok,


A: Alright, and these are the natural core flows of an eternal life creation, which means energy flows out but it also turns around comes back. It just doesn’t flow out and expand until it destroys itself, and burns itself out, that’s what science is watching happening to this universe because it’s not functioning normally, in our local galaxy, anyway, stargates.


This, these structures, these flows, now this applies to a cosmos, it applies to a galaxy, it applies to a planet, a planet has a structure like this. And it applies to our bodies as individuals. It applies to atoms, actually. They have their little own structure like this. Each one of these, core – core structures – core flows, represents a stargate that has particular structure. When you look at it on a on a planetary level, it, they are literally points on the planet that interface with these energy flow systems that connect into core and under certain conditions, they activate, and they literally allow space, time and matter to turn into radiation and pop up somewhere else.


K: Ok


A: They are passageways.


K: So, you’re talking about twelve major stargates?


A: There are twelve; they go in sets of twelve. On this planet, there are a whole lot more, because the main twelve, which are called the Halls of Amenti Stargates, they actually fell in 2003, they they fell under the control of the service to self, um groups, lets put it, we call the them F-A’s, fallen angelics, alright,


K: Ok


A: that’s what we refer to them as, um, and, there are about five different what are called interfaced gate systems that were put here by the guardians a long time ago because this isn’t the first time that there’s been gate wars, on this planet. In fact, two seedings of the human race were wiped out, by the same type of, they call em Templar wars, cause’ they’re fighting over the Templar.


The stargate system on a planet or in the universe is referred to as the Templar, and that word refers to Template Pillars. That’s what the Templar word means. That’s, I mean the whole Knights Templar and all of that stuff, I mean these, these things were from the old old records from Atlantis. They had pieces of them.


(28:59) So anyway, when we’re talking about stargates, or ascension, in ascension, the process of doing that turn around and be able to go back into the eternal life cycles, has to do with getting your body able to where you can pass through the natural structures of stargates. Now that’s great if you’ve got your body in shape, but if your on a planet that’s – templar is messed up, you’re going to have a problem, you’ll get stuck on the planet and your body will reflect whatever distortion is in the planet. That’s why people right now, die on this planet and don’t ascend instead.


Death is not a natural condition, it occurs on planets that have a distortion in their stargate structure, where the natural flows are not occurring, which creates distortions in the biological forms on that planet. so we have been locked into this planet, this has been a prison planet for at least thirteen thousand years and actually, a lil further back than that but there are little bits of times where gates were working properly. this is the first time, why everything is coming to a head right now, is because it was known in twenty two thousand three twenty six B.C., which was the last stargate opening cycle, and that one failed, that this would be the next one. They knew this time period would be the next one because there’s a specific time frame in which the gates open and they stay open for a period of time and they close again. That’s why it’s all coming to a head again. So…we got stargates…  (30:06)


K: Ok, but when you say the gates are going to open, you’re talking about the twelve that have been taken over, so to speak, those, I’m assuming, are not gonna open.


A: Oh yeah, they’re opening them,


K: they’re going to be open


A: and we’re opening the others, the Guardians, they’re opening the others


K: the, ok, even though they were taken over, they’re able to go in and and open them


A: oh yeah, they open them into the black hole wormhole systems.


K: oh, into an, ok that’s not a good place


A: You can still use them but you know, it takes you into fall systems


K: right


A: yeah, and that is what is happening on this planet


K: So, so there has to be alternate stargates that are going to be used


A: Mmm Hmm, and that, that is what we have been helping the Guardians, actually bring, you have to, they need to be activated, they’re old dormant systems, but they’re rescue systems


K: Ok


A: and at this point, the reason why the Guardians are even speaking publically, publically about this information in interviews, is because in ah, I think it was March 25th of 2007, something occurred in this solar system that just, shut the program down.


We are on a 200 year evac program period, and that’s it. The gates are closing. Permanently. The gates are closing in this galaxy, permanently. In 200 years.


K: When you say something happened in the galaxy, can you explain a little more?


A: I’ll get to that


K: Ok, ok great


A: Yeah, there’s some other diagrams for that one, yeah


This is looking at one of those core flows, you know just its structure, and there’s like a, there’s a pillar, a chamber, inside of this. There’s merkaba fields that activate which we’ll deal with later if you want to see some of those pictures, but this is one of the NaVaho core flow gates.


Now, the other ones, that aren’t shown on here, that look like the lotus petals, they’re usually the flows, that when a stellar activation cycle happens, they’re usually the only ones that open because they will take you to the next density level up. Or even two densities up. They’ll give you vertical ascension, but not diagonal or going back in and back out again. They’re, they’re very limited actually in their capacity but you can still ascend through them. When the planet, and the only time they open these is if they’re seeding a new race on the planet, or, if they are evacuating a race on the planet. And these core gates are opening on the planet, because this is an evacuation. We have a two hundred year warning. Because, something happened with the sun, that its, it’s not going to be, one is not going to be able to live on this planet by about 2976. And it’s going to be before that actually but that’s when it explodes from what they said.


That we’re in a timeline and we’re stuck in a timeline, Voyagers mentioned it, that if we didn’t make certain changes in with with the stellar activation cycle, and reach a certain level, we were going to get dragged into a probability alignment in which the planet literally exploded because of the mechanics that were occurring with, the um, the Zetas and different, you know, intruder races, and that is a probability line we got stuck in and that’s why, we’re on um, we are on a evac order, and that’s why we’re speaking about it publically.


There are things we can do, its not like, ahhhhh – you know the world is ending. No, in fact, this is really good, because what could have happened in 2012 isn’t going to, but there’s certain ones that really want it – want these things to happen and I will talk about those a little bit, in a little while.


But this is the core gate structure, and its, you know, its very detailed, I just really put these up not to read every little thing, to-to let you know, and let the public know, that they are there and the sophistication of this material. This is why, talk about me, I’m not important, what’s important is look at this material, it blows MY mind.


K: Yeah


A: You know I I – and the breadth of it, I mean it covers everything from stargates to biology to um you know cosmic structure to, ah, pre-particai physics, I mean, it’s an amazing body of material. Ah if this wasn’t serious, they wouldn’t be giving us this information.


So, anyway, that’s core gate structure, and they are activating the core gates. You wanna see how a core gate would sit on a planet to get an idea, this gives a gives you an idea. Thats just like a landscape painting behind it, its actually a mural that I did on my wall in a house in Arizona we lived in, but it shows, right, here’s the sky and here’s like you know the land and here’s like the subterranean levels below the land and going down to the core, it shows how these gate flows work, when they’re open.


And there would be twelve of these on the planet, and when you would pass into it, you wouldn’t see this thing standing in the air, there would be a certain field and only if your DNA was keyed to it, would you even know it was there. If your DNA was not activated to be in co-resident energy form, with that structure, you’d walk right through it, past it, not even know it was there and you’d still be in the same place. But, if you have certain things activated in the body, in the DNA, in the DNA template, in the light body in the spirit body structure ect, in your anatomy, you would be able to see it, and you would know where to stand in it. And you would know what to do and how to breathe, and you could use it and go in ascension. So…


K: (34:52)Ok so the twelve stargates that we’re talking about, which have been, ah, interfered with, lets say, ah, they’re located certain places on the planet, physical places

A: Yup, yup

K: Ok

A: Yup, the outer ones are the ones that fell, the core ones wont fall

K: the core ones wont fall

A: no, they cant fall, they wont let them

K: ok so those are, those are the ones that  are – you say – ancient

A: Yeah

K: that are being reactivated as you call it

A: yeah

K: ok

A: yeah

K: and those are also located at certain,

A: yes

K: places, on the planet

A: yeah and in different places

K: different places

A: yup, the outer ones surface at one, you know one set of twelve places, and these in another

K: so there would be a lot of um misdirects, I’m I’m thinking, and there are a lot of misdirects going on – on the planet right now, to where certain people are directing people to, focus on certain areas of the planet which contain these stargates, thinking that they are, you know, ascension stargates, when in fact they are taking them to another place

A: yes

K: That’s not so good

A: exactly

K: ok

A: yeah, what they are, they are being guided to fall stargates, so they’re not, they don’t call it, they’re not called stargates, they’re called wormholes

K: ok

A: and wormholes lead to black hole systems that are finite life systems, and right now they are feeding on our living system and killing it basically, and that is why the intervention is happening, that is why the NaVaho core gates are being opened, because we didn’t stand a chance, in this one, we were, the there was planned by lets just say the negative ET’s and visitors that the, there were five other occasions that extinctions were launched on this planet. They were before the humans were on it. Um, this was going to be the sixth extinction, and it was scheduled for 2012 and ah because of what the guardians are doing, that is not going to happen. We’re not fighting with anyone, we’re standing, we’re standing in the frequency of the Krist and we are being taught um masters templar mechanics to be able to assist them, we’re the ground crew, just like on the other side you have what we call the Metatronic crew that are working the ah, the Atlantean death star, merkaba stuff that is what runs the wormholes. There’s a whole bunch of people running around thinking they’re doing ascension,

K: yes, exactly

A: that aren’t and that is what is heartbreaking,

K: Yes

A: when I started to go public with the guardian teachings, like, oh great, you know, everything’s going to be great and the new age movement,  and everybody, you know, we’re going to love each other, oh my god, I ended up like the black sheep, in the new age movement, why? Because we exposed the teachings of Thoth. Not any of the people here, we exposed the records. Thoth broke the emerald covenant, way back in the Atlantean period. He stole one of the CDT plates, took the knowledge from it, and created the emerald tablets of Thoth which had a bunch of mechanics that were the death star mechanics. He helped in the takeover, and he still is. Yeah

K: ok

A: Cause that being is still in existence, he, pops back and forth, you know, he can travel through time in his little, ah, death star merkaba, but, it wasn’t just Thoth, there’s a whole bunch of them. So when, it was pretty heartbreaking as this-this information, because I was thinking, oh great we’re all going to love each other and you know, yeah,  its ascension time. Yeah right, ah it didn’t work that way because nobody wanted to hear it and it’s too bad. At least there was some people that wanted to hear it because they came to workshops and the thing is, we asked the people that were teaching the other stuff, nicely. Said, why don’t we just have a public discussion about it? You know, seriously, we’ll each put up half of a room cost and you know invite – free to the public, and just let’s discuss the the topics, the issues. They wouldn’t. But what they started to do was blackball me behind my back, at the workshops, tell people to be afraid of me, tell em’ oh you’ll die if you use your merkaba that way. We have more merkaba mechanics than they can dream about. I mean, they they couldn’t touch the stuff with a ten foot pole. That’s why, they wouldn’t even take on the challenge – of -come lets talk about it. Let’s talk about the history. That, that you could say, well it’s this or that, but these mechanics are indisputable. Because, they don’t have the things to link them together. The guardians showed us, all of these different things, sacred geometry – how it fit – not just a – oh here it’s a this. What is a that? What does it mean? How does it connect to the cosmos? They showed cosmic structure in order to show how it’s supposed to work, and then they showed where the distortions they’re teaching fit and what they do, to pervert it.

So it’s been very intense, in, since we came out with the work and it hasn’t changed, but there’s a group of us that just resonate with this and go, wow, you know just wow, ok no problem. You know like, gee

K: yeah, ah well that’s one of the reasons I’m here and you know I’m aware of the distortions out there, I’m aware of the attacks and so on so forth, and again I have to say that people need to really go into their hearts, they need to use their heart and their intelligence to discern what resonates, and we’re presenting this as what resonates, I’m going to say, personally with me, but also with what I think people need to be aware of and then they make their own decision. We’ve got plenty of the other side, of information out there and I think its time that we hear from this side. And I, and and so I really want to thank you, for, for making this opportunity possible.


I do want to say that, um, there are a lot of people out there that are following, um, the wrong path. And, ah if there’s a way that you can also talk about the distinctions, so that they can be aware. Like, if you get this, you might be quest you might want to question more, the path you’re on. In other words, certain things will come, ah to the fore during meditation, certain things will come to fore even in their everyday life, where they’re getting a lot of (40:30) interference on certain levels and so on so forth, that can indicate that they are being, taped into by, ah, service to self ET’s, and and I, if you have that, and you want to sort of  want to share that, we don’t have to do it now because that would be maybe off the topic a little bit here but maybe later on..

A: I think we’ll probably come in, if we can move a bit with, with the sequence.

K: Ok

A: the reason why the guardians gave this sequence was cause its an easy way to touch a whole bunch of the bases, give a rounded picture, to go right into, you know, answering the questions that you wanted you know answered,

K: Ok

A: So if you want to go off the sequence its ok, but I think

K: no, lets, lets go with this, and um also, just one one other thing that you’re saying we got this information, and you’re talking about yourself, are you talking about other members of your group also getting this information?

A: Some of us do

K: Ok

A: yeah all have a, kind of special relationship our own special relationship, I have the, the translators’ contract, which means I-I’m the secretary, right. I take down the writing, but, even like the other speakers, have a rapport also

K: Ok

A: with the Guardians, and a number of people in the groups, have developed, a rapport with them as well.

In fact we work with them to help them do that, that’s what the guardians would like is to, you know, start communicating, where, they can start teaching people directly, because we’re like a little bottleneck on the information, you know, its only given through the workshops and that kind of thing,

K: Right

A: yeah, so I I talk about it as we, not that I’m plural, but that there’s a bunch of people that are interacting with the guardians directly. ill just go really quick on these then, cause that’s another point I want to get to, but we can pop through these but I want to bring something up that’s very important.

As far as telling the difference between some of the teachings, too, this in general is just showing just basic stargate structure like how they work, when you have the core gates we saw before, these are what happen when you have those other flows that happen, the lotus petal flows. When you have a stargate area, you have two vortices of energy, one electrical, one magnetic, and when they activate in the center, they come together, and, one goes down, one goes up, and they form what’s called a bi-vecca merkaba field. Alright, and that Merkaba field, is ah, well what does it mean, ah, moving light body mer-ka-ba, right? The ah Merkaba field, is the field that, actually, if its around you, if its a natural one that occurs, around you, its also occurring within you and that is what allows your atoms to bond with their anti particle and transmute and transfigure so they can go through gates. So this is basic stargate structure as far as the the Amenti gates were structured on this structure and those kind of things. There’s more to that – there’s the Merkaba part.

Alright, there’s the two vortices right, and this is when they come together to form a Merkaba field. now this is a merkaba field that’s just done with vortices, these get more specific, where they have fins, where they actually like ah, three sided pyramids, that move through each other, but I just wanted you to see the basic structure of when stargates activate, these merkaba fields, which are vortice fields, um 43:40 you know activate within them and also within your body and around your atoms and in your atoms. This thing here, is something that I would like to point out, this is called a Kathara Grid, light sound one, ka-tha-ra. It is literally the radiation template upon which everything in the eternal life systems are structured. It is the first creation template and it has very very specific proportions. Some people say, Oh that’s the tree of life, but actually if you look at it, it isn’t, it’s actually the tree of eternal life.

When you see something that is different than this, say, ah it has maybe ten of these centers instead of twelve, right, this has twelve, or maybe its longer and skinnier, or it doesn’t have the lines in the same way, what that is is a twisted radiation creation template, and its passed off as the tree of life, some of, in certain teachings. Its actually the tree of artificial life, it is – goes with – the what’s called the death star Atlantean merkaba mechanics, the Metatronic mechanics. This is the natural structure, of what is called a Kathara Grid and in a minute you’ll see how important this is because literally the structure of cosmos, of stargates, but all of those structures we saw a little bit of, with the the circles, the spheres, right? Wherever you see a sphere it implies there was, we call these the bones. You have the bones and the balls. The bones are the radiation template that is built on Kathara Grid, and Kathara Grid will always have these proportions, they’re very specific proportions in relation to each other. And that is a living template, and what that template and the structures built upon it, will be living.

Our body structure, we have one that runs through our body, that right now is very mutated, because of the planet and we’ll see that a little bit of that later. But, we are moving to reactivate the natural imprints.

So the Kathara Grid I wanted you to see cause it will help you understand the maps. If you’re going to understand stargates, and wonder where, ok If I ascend, where am I going? Right? Seriously, if you’re going to leave, ah where are you going? Do you even have a clue as to where, what the choices are, you know like? They, they’ve shown us where these maps go, this is the beginning of understanding maps.

I’ll just show you this really quick, because this is showing, there’s a sheet that talks about, I’m not going to talk about all the proportions right now cause its heavy detail, but, this sheet explains about how this actually controls how particles interact with each other and all sorts of things…from angular rotation of particle spin of particles in universes and that kind of thing. So this is just showing the specific proportions, it is very important. So when you see something using as a sacred geometry, this structure, that is not built on those proportions, it is, actually representative of one of the other teachings that is teaching distorted template mechanics that have to do with wormholes and black holes. Alright so anyway, (I’ll take these)

K: Interesting

A: Yeah the more of this came out, the more horrified I was, I really was, I was like, oh my god, fellas please, you know? I don’t want, I don’t want to have to talk about this. Right, it was very hard. Now at this point, I-I have ta, I have a sense of humor about it, you know, whereas ok, so I’m the pariah of the new age movement, whatever. Somebody has got to, to let people know about this, that’s why I still do, because it makes more sense than the other stuff that’s being taught, and there’s so much love in these teachings and in caring about people enough. Like ok so you might be mad at me because you liked that paradigm over there and I just kinda don’t mean to be a whistleblower, but if you’re hurting yourself with that merkaba, maybe you should not do that, you know, anyway go back on this.

Sorry, this is showing simply, remember that little Kathara Grid structure, right? Well here’s one, here’s another, these cluster, alright? These are radiation templates that cluster to form very complex structures. This particular structure we call the stairway to heaven, alright? One of these Kathara Grid structures, would hold, ah, four densities, density levels of our um, local universe, alright? Let’s say the Milky Way galaxy, but there’s actually more to it than the Milky Way, so that would be like our local, universe. It actually includes ah, Milky Way and Andromeda M31 galaxy, alright, and it’s connected to another one. The one that um, this angle, 90 degrees to it would be considered its parallel, it also has a light field that goes with it, so these are intricate structures that are formed from these templates, and where you see these structures, these are the bones again, you will have spheres of energy and spheres within spheres, built upon them.


So, you, there there are various levels, there is, these are called the Vecka systems and four Veckas come together and at the center, an Ecka system forms, and ah the Ecka systems form a cluster and they form what’s called an Eckasha system, then there’s an Eckasha A system, an Eckasha Aya system and they all form this big cluster that’s called the Ukatha Rista Body. The Ukatha Rista Body is one cosmic creation body. Now our own personal anatomy, has these levels to it, alright, they connect to those levels of the cosmos that we were born into, and full ascension is actually turning back on in our atomic structure, all of the frequencies involved with all of those spaces. So we’re down here in the Vecka worlds, the next thing is we have to move up into the Ecka and then from the Ecka, this is the long way to ascended, by the way, that’s when the gates are working well, so, the normal way for ascension would be you would work your way through re-evolution, through the Vecka system up the densities. We’re in density one here, we’d work up to density four, then we go to the Ecka level and your growing and getting lighter and your matters’ less dense and your getting more control over it and your getting more consciousness, you know, more god, god consciousness, and that kind of thing. And then you would work to the Eckasha level, and then you would work to the Eckasha A level and then the Eckasha Aya level till you got up here.

The, at any one of those points, you could experience the Krystar turn around and it would take it you the next level. Right? Then there’s the quick way to ascend. When it’s ah evac, when there’s an evac situation and that’s what we have. Where, these are called, um harmonic gate systems. It implies that – it’s built on a system of dimensional harmonics, which means you have to take them in sequence, harmonically one by one. It’s the low, the slow train, right? 

There is something called the trans-harmonic continuum, that actually runs between them. It requires a very specialized type of merkaba vehicle and um ah, accelerations in the light body and spirit body anatomy to be able to do it, but those core gates, they’re also the NaVaho gates, also called the spanner gates, they are able to do that.

They are trans-harmonic. Where they can actually jump the scale, so you can jump from here to here or from here, you know, to there. So you can move, you have more liberty of where you can go, in ascension in a sense, your able to actually you – you become a time jumper, basically. Instead of just a straight, you know ascension the hard way; you go boing boing boing boing, that kind of thing.

So, that is the system we’re working on, because at this point, all of the natural structures of the outer gates have been damaged. The Amenti gates are damaged, we are stuck down here and the same thing is happening through the Milky Way. Its not just here, it’s not just in our solar system. Our solar system is a mess, but the Milky Way is a mess too. That black hole at the center?(50:30) that’s not an accident, that was done on purpose. That was done three hundred and sixty billion years ago, we actually used to, the Milky Way actually used to be a part of Andromeda Galaxy and it was literally forced into what is called Fall, and now there’s many light years between them, at least a couple, I forget how many light years are between them, two million light years, something like that? But they were once one, that is actually our home galaxy, the Andromeda M31, but right now we’re in the Milky Way which is a fallen, phantom part of it. And there’s still, it it wasn’t a full Fall system, until recently, when certain changes occurred that mean the ah the quantum of energy going into the negative Fall path, is larger than the one pulling back the other way, and at that point there is, it is a galactic evac where they’re pulling out the ones who can still go, you know, the consciousness that can still follow the ascension path is being evacuated out because the gates will close. Once they close and a system falls, that system won’t immediately blow up or anything, it will have a finite life span. It no longer has the direct currents coming in, the inflow of currents coming in from the larger structure of space time and source, so it becomes a finite system that feeds on itself, until it eats up its own quantum, and then it implodes and goes back as space dust.

So, we are at crossroads, a huge crossroads right now. We are on a planet that is going in the the fall direction, but this planets actually going to take that path I mentioned, the step back path, but that requires losing its body and it’s going to do that. Not while we’re on it, but that is what we’re headed for, but right now we have two hundred years to before these gates close, in the ah in the Milky Way galaxy and that includes here, so this is why they’re giving the advanced ascension teachings now. And, ah that is why, crazy people like me come out and talk about them…

K: Ok, um yeah

A: with their vocabulary, because they’re, we could use a dictionary honestly

K: No, you mean I know, I expect people, its good if they go, what did she talk about there, I don’t get it, or go investigate you see

A: Right

K: I’m not, we’re not here to answer all their questions, actually

A: Ok

K: You know

A: well I don’t mind

K: Investigation is, is getting involved,

A: Right

K: and if they get involved they learn

A: Right

K: and then it becomes part of them, so its ok

A: yeah, well when we see the structures, when I’m showing things like the structures, they’re these are structures that ah that are not known out here yet, they have words that describe them, you know,

K: Sure

A: they have names for that structure, that’s a Hara Body or that’s a Ukatha Rista Body, right, you know and that’s a Vecka and that’s a Ecka, these-these are part of the actual ah templates, of of the layers of creation going all the way back up into expansion, into god source consciousness field. They are the literal bones of our space-time orientation, so they are time references when I talk about a Vecka system. That is down here, closer to where – we are in a Vecka system, right? When you get up to the next level of ascension, there is The Ecka system, which is at the core of four Veckas, then you get up from there, and you have what’s called ah, an Eckasha system, which has, a set of all the smaller ones inside of it, right? and the Eckasha A system, and then, you go up into the Ukatha Rista System which is really, they are words, to describe things, that make perfect sense, you know, to the people that are describing them, the guardians,

K: Sure

A: they’re words in the ancient what’s called Anahazi language, which was the first spoken language in this time matrix, so a lot of the language that is used, you know, that its like, what is that? It Its -Its translations from those languages because they carry the meaning.

K: Ok does Anahazi relate to Anastasi?

A: Actually, it does

K: Ok

A: The the Anastasi were connected to, to the guardians, Actually

K: So, did they ascend? Is that why they disappeared?

A: Some of them did, others, they were actually raided from what I heard. They were raided and um overtaken by another group, and some of that other group became An-Anastasis as well where they became violent and the originals ones weren’t like that, and yeah some of them were evac’d locally is what I heard

K: Ok (54:24)


K: The Kabbalah, is gotta be, I mean you know I’m gonna just say it here ah, to my understanding from what your telling me is that Kabbalah is not the ah, the positive ascension path.

A: I would put this – this way, in relation to the Kabbalah, or the bible, or the Koran, or any of the texts that are out there. There are elements of truth all of which came from the original teachings that were on this planet. There were twelve legions of the Krist, twelve bodies of teachings that went with the CDT Plates. There are pieces of those that have wound up in the religions of today and there are distortions in all of them as well. Which means, they all carry a mixed path.

K: Ok

A: and the way to tell, it takes a while to develop the sensitivity, but there’s something inside invisible, of everything, be it a cup or a cosmos or um a set of letters written on a page. There’s something called an encryption. An encryption is a very specific radiation signature. That is underlying, it’s in the dark matter template. When you get to a certain point, in DNA activations, which sensitize your inner senses in your body, you, can, know with direct cognition, you can read a sentence and know which part is taking you in which direction

So, anything, like the Kabbalah, there’s some beautiful things in the Kabbalah and they also use a mutated ah tree of life, because they don’t remember any different, and they were tricked, just like there’s a lot of great things in the Christian religion, that are, you know, true to form, and a lot that aren’t. There’s been trickery ever since the Atlantean periods here. Well there was before too, but that was the, you know,  big showdown for trickery, 56:14 and what we have now are the trickle down ideas and piecemeal memory and piecemeal history of what could be salvaged from that time.

There’s a reason we don’t remember. We’ll get into that a little bit, when we get into that stuff I talked about at the end, that was important, but, our stance isn’t to make any of the other paths wrong. There’s only one that we actually will stand against. If they’re directly teaching metatronic death, death star merkaba, we have to address that, we don’t address the people who are teaching it, we feel bad for the people who get caught up in that. I feel bad for anybody whose contacted by, by Thoth, because well I’ve known Thoth in other lives and I’ve known Thoth in this life and he’s, you know, once upon a time he was a speaker, you know an emerald covenant speaker, and he broke the emerald covenant, and he decided to go with the, with the Annunaki races and um, go into a Fall path, and stole the technologies, and part of what he did is why this planet is going in the path it is now.

So it isn’t the people, that, you know we don’t blame the teachers, of those things, or the-the people listening to channels and they don’t know what the heck they’re listening to I mean you know oh great you know its-its cute and its fun, and its lovely, and yeah right, check its resume, but how do you? You know, where?

Any of the religions, any of the new age or the old age religions, there’s good and there’s not good in both of them, and its almost like you need to feel out and feel what works right for you, but don’t limit to yourself to just saying, oh well it has to be the Jehovah god, or it has to be the Allah god, or it has to be the this god or that god. You can call god whatever you want, but you know god doesn’t really need you to call “it” anything, it is beyond gender qualification. We were created in the image of god, all of us, and that doesn’t mean we are all male or all female, it means we are all living consciousness fields, that have the potential of direct creation and eternal life, and that is what that line meant.


So the Kabbalah is fine, certain parts. Certain parts aren’t. Same applies to every paradigm, that is, you know traditionally on the planet and a lot coming in from the new age, except for the death star mechanics, they’re very direct, you know – not sacred geometry. So if

K: Ok

A:  that answers that question

K: Yes, absolutely

A: ok, Good

K: Thank you

A: Alrighty, where are we? Back to this, um I just want to share this again quickly. This again is the diagrams we’ve used to show the structure of the spirit body, with its flows and its core flows. And that’s also the gate structures and all that. It means, that the cosmos has sets of spirit bodies, there’s like lots of these embedded within each other, and we also have our spirit body. When I refer to our spirit body, as part of our anatomy, it is structured in this same way. Ok and we’ll see in the next one, how that fits in, with, remember the ah stairway to heaven? And the Ukatha Rista Body? Right? Those structures are actually part of what’s called the light body anatomy. Be it on the cosmic level or the personal level, this is how they fit together. This is that Ukatha Rista thing with all those little inter woven Kathara grids, right? And this is the basic structure of spheres within spheres. From the spirit body, the cosmic spirit body, they all of those exist to them, every one of those little Kathara grids, would have a set of these, right? These become the spirit body, ah, the the twelve spheres in the spirit body, that remember go in sets, across a vector line, right? And at certain points they actually pull in, to the center, and that’s how, at a certain point of expansion, you contract back into the center and go back in to god source. (59:33)

These are actually, this is how the, the Adashi Adepts, the ones who have achieved ascension actually use these structures as maps. The- These are literal maps of how they judge. If you are here, and you want to go to Serious B, density two, right? These are the maps they use to get there. They are the gate interface maps; we can locate ourselves on these maps. There’s one that shows exactly where we are, in the ah milky way galaxy in tha, cause we’re partly we’re actually M31 Galaxy, but we’re a part that’s twisted off but still connected to it, energetically, we can show our location and also show the locations where the black hole systems are that are interfacing here that are messing with us now and where the guard- the main guardian groups are coming from, and where they’re helping us so these are literally maps.

These maps then translate into, these are all probability fields. So you might have one, say galaxy, and its twelve different probable expressions, and they inter, all of these are spinning, right? And they inter-interface with each other, all of the time, they’re like bubbles within bubbles that don’t collide and collapse each other – well they’re not supposed to. If they’re doing the death star mechanics, they actually do, but, there’s a natural system of probabilities, so its not just we have a parallel universe, right, we have many parallel systems and adjacent systems and neighboring systems and so this is literally the structure of the maps of the cosmos. This is – these are the structures you use. Once, say, you get to the point where you can ascend, well you have to first of all decide where you want to go, and then, um, where’s the map to get there? these are the maps, so I wanted to show you how those structures, that are on a small level, our own, our own multidimensional anatomy is structured that way, but on the large level, that, this is the structure of the maps of the cosmos.

There is a structure that science does not know about yet, they have no idea how complex it is. Each one of these structures, they’ve taken it from the first little- they call it a particai unit, the first unit of consciousness, how that structure grew, each stage right, so we have like hundreds of diagrams that go with these that show how the Kathara grids’ all filled out. To show how these structures of the spirit body and their flows filled out. Inside of the spirit body flows which isn’t on this one, you’ll actually find where, what is called the hall of records, exists. What it is, the Akashic record, all of that thing. Its part of this anatomy structure, the planet has one the solar system has one, the galaxy has one ext. So these are not just, interesting little diagrams on a paper, these are very practical. They’re just as practical as a map you’d buy down at the gas station to get you know somewhere horizontally. Next one please…

K: OK and isn’t it true that we also have twelve incarnational bodies, that have incarnated simultaneously – that mirror the same pattern there?

A: Um, seventeen hundred and twenty eight

K: Ok, but

A: simultaneous, you’re existence implies the seventeen hundred and twenty seven others

K: Ok

A: that are you (1:02:30)

K: Ok

A: Different forms

K: but there are, there is something to do with the twelve,

A: Yes, they’re sets of twelve

K: Ok

A: Yeah, yeah you have your first twelve, and then have, well it it basically it has to do with the density levels. We’re in density one down here, density two, you have and you have your incarnate identity here, you would have a set of twelve incarnates. And if you put those twelve back up to density two, you would have one soul. Right? That is your soul, your density two level of identity. Now, that one soul would be a would be a group of you know eleven others as part of a set of twelve.

K: Sure

A: and you pull all those together come up to density three, and that’s where you are an oversoul. And that oversoul is part of a group of twelve oversouls, that, you pull it up to density four, is an avatar. And then you have four… you have a group of twelve avatars, pull it up to density five, and then you would have your Rishi identity, which is your fully formed Vecka level identity. To come into the densities down here but there’s other levels of identity that are even, that go up beyond the fifteenth dimensional system. Those five densities that I just talked about, each have three dimensions, so there’s your fifteen dimensional stack right there…

K: Ok

A: …in one time system. So, does that help?

K: yes, that’s great, yes

A: yes in twelves, many twelves. Yup. This is just a real quick glimpse to show that these time cycles that we’ve talked about in relation to these structures, they are quite specific. These were given as far as time frames. One time vector here on-on this planet,
and they are using translations into earth time. As we know, earth time, one time vector is uh seven hundred thirty eight years. One time continuum is ah four thousand four hundred and twenty six years. One (Yuago?) is twenty six thousand five hundred and fifty six years, A Yuago time cycle is a stargate cycle. That is when the stargates on the planet open. Once every, that period. Right?

Right now its distorted into what are called the false Yuga cycles and we’ll show you what is at the end, but these go all the way up there as galactic levels, there’s universal levels, and these are the, the structure of time and and how it works and that yes you can take it rght into, you know, periods of time. It is because we are in a stellar activation cycle right now and the last one was twenty six thousand five hundred fifty six years ago and it failed.  The gates did not open, they had to be shut closed because we got raided. Um that was called the (Eoni?) massacre period where, it was, there was a lot of, ah, ah ships mowing people down, actually. In that one,

K: Ok

A: Beam, Beam Ships

K: And was this, this, we’re not talking about Atlantis here, we’re talking prior?

A: Ah there were several phases of Atlantis.

K: Ok

A: Alright, The last phase of it, um, um the last pieces of it went went under in 9558 B.C. but way before that there was Atlantis. There was in seeding one, there was an Atlantis, in seeding two there was an Atlantis and on Terra, there was an Atlantis, that’s where it all came from and ah Lemuria. You had Lemuria, Lumenia there were different spellings of the names but they were the same places and the same soul groups inhabiting them.

K: Right, yeah

A: so this was like, um the, the 9558 BC period, you know the last period, that was like the late Atlantean period.

K: Ok

A: so, there was a lot of Atlantis period anyway. But these, these stargate cycles, this is the cycle that our gates open on this planet, this planets gates are supposed to open on the twenty six thousand five hundred and fifty sixth year cycle. It’s now been shortened because of what they’re doing to the planetary grids and the stargates and the templar. To, to what’s called the false Yuga cycles, which is plugged into the, the ah processions of the equinox. Which is not natural, and we’ll look at what that is about and, when that started. Cause that really, really came into fore about thirteen thousand years ago when a major victory, on, and this was an Atlantean drama, a major victory on, just lets say the dark agenda side had occurred. They created something called the (Torral?) rift, it is a time rip and it was, they literally plugged earth’s templar into this time rift and knew that when it came to the next stellar activation cycle, they would use it to draw earth in. Its not just earth they’re after, earth connects still to its ah corresponding planet or star actually in M31, it is called Eartha, there is still a direct energetic link between the gates. They’re after M31 as well, so its much bigger drama than people here realize. They’re not just after little earth,(1:06:46) Earth has always been a fighting place because of its connection to the larger universe and because it was connected as part of what was called the krystal river host. That was when, a long long time ago, three hundred and sixty billion years ago, when, um the milky way fell out of M31, there was a whole collective of guardian beings from various other, you know, I hate the word ascended just because of the way its misused down here, um of the Adashi adepts. People who formed a coalition to assist in trying to re-evolve the Milky Way back into its natural position so it could continue as an ascension system.


So, um, excuse me now I’m getting interrupted, they want me to go somewhere else. Ok I don’t know sometimes that’ll happen, I let you see that, I don’t have to let you see that but I did, um alright they’re saying go somewhere else for now, we’ll come back to that. Ok. Anyway they don’t want me to talk about galactic history yet. Ok. I get that sometimes. Even when I’m on stage

K: Ok Yes,

A: where ill just get a like little hello… what…

K: ok, why are you saying, what is their motivation, and if you want to put this question off till later we can do that, but what you’re saying, they were after earth, they were after Eartha , and they were after it  because of its connection with the larger universe, so why? What is their motivation for taking us down,

A: what is the core

K: for closing us off and making it a finite system?

A: what is their core objective? Right, what is the core objective? Food. They are in a black hole system that has fallen. They’re, Because of the nature of the physics dynamics involved with creation, the way eternal life creation works, is when a thing falls, it loses its connection to the the inflow and backflow of energy from the source consciousness field, which means it gets left with only the quantum it had, when it fell. Now, everything is spinning, that takes energy, it uses up its energy, and if it doesn’t suction energy off something else, it will implode and go back to space dust return.  Which is what a system is meant to do so everybody, nobody gets stuck and every gets to go home. Either as space dust or you know whole through ascension, whichever – at least you go home.

These groups that have adopted the, the false creation, they’ve tried to recreate the creation, because they didn’t like the consequence their own choices brought to them, in relation to the physics reactions to the actions they took. They ended up in a fall system and they wouldn’t face the reality that you know, you can make peace with that. Even if you’re in a fall system. You can say, well you know what, that was that was pretty dumb to get ourselves into that but we’re here we can handle ourselves with grace. We can still love creation. We can still act in loving ways. They decided instead it would be more interesting to keep themselves alive by using a vampire technology. They are going after it for quantum food. To feed their system. If they can harness this system, literally the entire quantum of energy that is in this system will be drawn into their black hole system which will give their whole system more life.

So they’re postponing the inevitable, but they will, they keep using these technologies to do that and they pray on living systems. But there is a point in time, where that backfires and they’re getting very close to that point too. So anyway, that

K: Ok

A: that is the core motivation, its not that anybody’s mad at anybody else, or they’re fighting over this toy or that toy, this is big. They are fighting over survival and they’re, they feel they have to kill the living systems in order to have that energy as food. Period. and that becomes the most important obsession for them, and it is a twisted thinking, when when a being gets that far into de-evolution where it really has no remorse, they don’t have what you’d call emotional bodies like we do anymore, they don’t care. They, they just take. And they don’t care about giving, they don’t think about that, and they don’t want to hear it. You can’t rationalize with a certain level of fall consciousness, so that is what we’re dealing with and that is why it is a very large story. But, ah it’s really not very personal story, you know its like, don’t take it personally. Do you take it personally if you’re swimming and a shark rips off your leg? It’s a shark

K: Sure

A: you had a leg, it swam by, I mean, you know, what are you going to hate the shark? It’s just doing what its instinct moves it to do and that’s kind of like what is happening here. So that’s that’s how, how I’ve been taught to look at it, and I’m I’m at peace with it, I don’t like it but I’m at peace with it in that regard. but I will stand for the things that, for me, that mean most to me, and I I believe in the loving creator god source field and I believe in being fair to people, and I believe in telling the truth, even if its hard, and I believe in facing the truth even if you’d rather pretend it wasn’t there and dealing with it and taking it forwarded from there

K: Yes

A: So anyway, those consciousness don’t think like that. But, that’s what it means for me, you when I say, you know we stand in the Kryst, that’s what it means. Its not fighting with these beings, you know, i mean you can do that but they’re just engaging your energy anyway but we do have to stand and work the gates here. Somebody has got to take care of the remaining gate potentials here, so that consciousness can evacuate out within the next two hundred years that is going on the upward swing, so, is that good enough?

K: Ok, yeah

A: I could go on more tangents…

K: Very good

A: So this is just showing the time, like there are literally translations into earth time, and this would apply like go, so this is on Venus, or something and then you could translate them into Venus time, which would be different because time has to do with how fast things spin, and all of that, you know like, you know… never mind. Physics of of ah you know how long your day is and your side real time and all of that, crazy stuff that I don’t like.

With all the structures and processes that we’ve learned, that have to do with that structure, of the spirit body, and it’s ah Hara centers, which are the probability structures that at certain periods, pull in, right and that’s an ascension cycle when they actually pull in, and then a new creation comes back out. There are ways to track those cycles. There are ways to track from point of conception, onward, how your, your body grows in cycles, and there are also ways to track an evacuation cycle. And ah, they all kinda use this diagram. This diagram has to do with Octans, and specific ways that energy is divided up on and and within those structures that we’ve looked at, and it, this is just showing, its called the the lowed out schedule from 2008 to 333 AD cycle, now it doesn’t mean we get that the the gates are going to be open here from 333 AD, they’re gonna close over here in 2230, that is when the gate systems here close. But this is actually showing that ok, once you get through here, there are certain stages, we made it through what was called ah ah, call it the Kali Hara ah celebration. We call it a celebration. At the time after certain things happen in 2007 as we moved into 2008.


If we did not hit on this planet a certain level of core vibration, we would have gone into fall right there. We would’ve not been able to hold a host, all of the gates would have shut except the fall gates and we would’ve all been stuck and it would’ve well we’d all been extinct in 2012, that was the other sides plan, um but we did make the the vibration for the Kali Hara which allowed us to pick up into the host, which is called the krystal river host, this has to do with a stream of energy currents that are coming in from a matrix that ill show you later on the maps, that are the, you know the the high level of the guardian alliance. They’re like the ones that wrote the books originally, they’re like the sommeliers from our matrix, these are are massive messianic beings, and that means they’re the eternal life beings, the ones who have gone through the Adashi return cycles, and you know… so they’re anyway, we were able to pick up the host, the planet was, where it could anchor those frequencies as long as there was somebody here to anchor it and that is what our groups have been doing.


We are, you know I mean our bodies are energy, everybody’s bodies are energy, and we’re all anchoring something, and right now the planet, most of it, is anchoring the Metatronic currents and w, it, there’s a few people, just because they happen to have the DNA codes that they are connected with the Kryst and don’t know it, are just, you know, going about their little lives, but anchoring it, you know the the the good currents anyway. But there are I’m, I’m not aware of any other groups that are working at all with the with the Krystic energies as far as the gird works they’re doing. So we go around and we do grid work… and you know very specific grid work. You know, you see these types of diagrams? Well when we go to do like grid works some place, we know what a vortice is, right we know where to go, we know this information, we don’t just go, you know, play like ah planetary guardian like a lot of people do unfortunately. People that are inadvertently anchoring the negative currents and opening gate sites on the you know worm hole codes because they don’t know, cause nobody taught them you know the difference between them.


So anyway we made this, into this, into this cycle and this is good because if we didn’t it would have been all over by, in 2012. But, this, we passed the Kali Hara cycle, we’re in this cycle period right here, right now.  Which um we haven’t come to the center point yet, that’ll be 2027, when we hit this point in the cycle, there are certain energy changes that take place here, certain accretion cycles, that means energy coming in cycles, right? These are accretion cycles where energy pulls in to a certain point, there are certain things that happen each of these stages, so we are right here and this stage is the first stage of the, what’s called the Kali Krysta cycle. This is, what’do they call this one, the Barta phase, and then over here, there’s the ah the Masha phase I believe, and that’s where you get the Mashaya Hana word from, and the word messiah was twisted from that word, The Mashaya Hana word in the ancient Atlantean teachings, that’s an Anahazi word, having to do with, you know, this cycle…

K: Ok and its related, is it related somewhat to Mahayana? Mahabharata?

A: Yes…

K: Yes…

A: very much, in fact some of the, a lot of the Mahabharata texts were some of the remnants that had come up from the (Maharata?) texts that you know were the translations to the CDT plates much earlier. yeah, so anyway, we have till this point when we get over here, that is 2047, I don’t have it marked on this one, but this would be the point in the cycle that would be 2047, and this is where something called an in fold happens. Where, when we go back to remembering the vector line, with the Hara bodies on it right? And at certain points they pull into the center and then come back out again? That is going to occur with the energy systems in, in ah, literally in the parts of this galaxy that can hold the host including earth, including our own fields.

So, right now we’re making it through this part of the cycle. They’re certain changes that will happen here, this is a point, that middle point, during which, something called the Barto chambers open. Now the Barto chambers, um, it, it can be a pleasant thing or it can be a time when people evac the quickest way possible. and we are still looking at the potentiality of there could be major earth changes that occur, during this period, um

K: and that’s the years

A: and this point its like if we get this far… because what’s happening between now and 2012..is is pretty rough and what some of the other ones, like those who make wings, um have planed for 2019 isn’t to be pretty either. So, we’re trying to help keep the grid stable and the consciousness stable. Just by working energy, you know, as-as opposed to trying to go out and preachin’ anything, you know we’re just, we teach what we teach, but, there are some, this is a really bumpy period we’re going through here because of what the service to self ones are doing,  and they are seriously just trying to use this. They’re trying to take our planet, forget about us, they don’t care; they were planning to exterminate us in 2012, and just use it as torque to drag a whole larger system in to feed their black hole. So, when you have an objective like that you really don’t care, they don’t care how many people are lost, but the guardians do and that’s why we’re still here so we’re moving through this period now, We’re probably somewhere right about here… because this would be 2027, There’s some rough spots coming in 2019 and 2022,  and also we are in the middle, not quite the middle, but um in march of ah, I think it was march 25th 2007, there were certain things that a particular group of the raider races called the Borja, that are connected with the Theatens, um they kind of work together, they’re on the negative side. They’re, they’re part of the groups that are fighting over whose going to control this beast machine, this death star merkaba here, um, they did something with the solar gates of  the core of the sun, and they force closed what is called the prana seed.

Now the prana seed has to do with sophisticated anatomy. We all have one and so do planets and galaxies. When a prana seed closes it starts, it forces the Barto, and which means it forces the beginning of the death cycle. And our sun is dying as of that point. That doesn’t mean it’s immediately going to die. There are fifteen layers of the dark matter template called the Rasha body that need to separate from the physical matter body. That will be done in 2022. Now, there is a gamma burst that is released and right now it’s being buffered. Every time one of those, they call em ring waves, solar ring waves, releases, and they will get stronger as it goes into the higher levels of the rings, the higher numbers of those fifteen. And, fifteen comes in 2022. So, um so far so good, we haven’t had any major gamma bursts, you know solar flares that’ve wiped everything out (1:20:00). But these are other potentials that we are looking at as well.

K: Ok

A: as well as Earthquakes and you know the usual stuff that end times dramas bring, oh Gosh, but, it’s not as bad as a lot of the things that some of the other people are teaching. I’ve heard certain people say that oh, we won’t even be here by 2013. Yeah that’s one of the death star people.

K: Uh huh, ok, yeah

A: right…So I’d love to have a public debate about that one mister so and so

K:  yeah, it would be great to do that, I agree

A: We invited that person,

K: Oh really

A: I think you know who I’m referring to,

K: Yes

A: years ago, 

K: I see,

A: Yeah

K: interesting

A: so anyway, this is showing the cycle. There are certain different things that happen in this amazing structure of the planetary, ah solar galactic and uh universal, spirit body and light body structures. Its a very specific process that is involved with Kryst Star evolution which is going into that where you fulfill, the um, where you, fulfill meaning, acreate or bring in all the frequencies in the template that you needed to make that Adashi turnaround, where you can um immortalize your atoms and go into the eternal life, you know, going back cycles and planets and solar systems and galaxies can do that too.

So there’s a portion of this system, this galaxy system that can still do that. With the the extra frequency that is being added, by that host system, that is called the Aquarian matrix. And it’s actually, the Aquarian matrix, is um, they have the prototypes of the, what the humans here were actually, like, designed on. The genetic prototypes were from there. Even though we weren’t directly from the Aquarian system, we’re from M31, and ah and from this particular, um Universe, once, you know the Milky Way once it fell, but they are they are very close. Closely related genetically you know to us in that regard. So they’re not like, when I talk about the he other ones, you don’t have to expect like you know very strange looking beings like you know Octopi. Some some very nice ascended ones do look like that, but, these look very human like, but much much larger.

K: Ok (1:22:04)

A: you know, very very tall. Yeah, anyway so this is the cycle we’re in at the moment. Now, this, this one’s good.  This will show a little bit. This is how these, we can start understanding these as maps.

Here, that’s a pretty colored one. I’m so glad people cared to take my black and white messes, right like these, and you know do them properly on the computer. This again is just showing the bones, or the inter woven Kathara grids. Right, of the Ukatha Rista Body, which is like one cosmic body, right? Now in here, Aquinos Eckasha matrix, we’re down in here. Aquinos is actually the name of M31, that’s the official name as far as the ancient records go and all of that…

K: Ok

A: and ah we are a part of, we-we were the Aquinos, ah you know, universe, they call it, ah universal system. And we call it the ah, the um M31 Andromeda galaxy but it’s actually the Aquinos universe. Now, we’re located down here. Up here is the Aquarian Eckasha matrix. Right up here. So, we’re down here, and they’re up in this section, so its literally showing the relationships like you know ok one lives over here and one lives in you know Pennsylvania, ones in California, right? That kind of thing, and there’s another one, there’s a black hole system a fall system right here that’s called the (Wesolay?) system, and…what’s, what’s interesting about this whole creation is falls can happen, where where part of the spherical structures of that system literally no longer energetically connected to the grid. They still hang in the grid, but they’re cut off from it. They can only happen on the Vecka and the Ecka levels. A whole Eckasha can’t fall. Once you get to the Eckasha layer, none of those other layers can fall. And its just it’s a different type of existence, where you don’t worry about the different polarity dramas that end up in falls and things.

So, but this shows us, where yeah we’re here, um, the ones that are helping us here. this is ah, they call it ah um, its a its an eternal matrix that the purpose they choose to stay in incarnation, or stay in existence, is, to kind of play the helpers, for any of the other systems that do need, you know wants to go in. where They’ve actually, they live by let my will be thy will, as far as source goes, and they want nothing other than to fulfill what, you know, sources intention is, which is a loving intention and you know an assisting attention. So, they find their joy in being of service to assisting the evolutions in you know in the lower matrices and they hold this, these frequencies pure. They – Their systems stay pure enough where they can actually send currents in and help systems or hold them up, so they don’t fall, and that’s what they’re doing, with our system right now.

This little red one right here, that’s our parallel. Our immediate parallel system on this level. And this one is a black hole system. Alright, the parallels of fall. We have a parallel earth and that fell- finally finished falling in 2003. We have a parallel Milky Way, that is a mess, and ah, its called the alpha system. That was the first black hole. They look at us as the Omega system. They’re the beginning, we’re the end. They’re planning to pull the two systems together, using the ah, death star merkaba mechanics.

So this is the locations anyway, of where- who whose on first, we’re here, over here in the Aquinos, that system, the parallel, is running, and here our buddies that are helping us with the Krystal river host, sending us energy to literally stop, you know its kind of like sending big energy arms down to hold us up, because these guys are pulling so much energy out of us, we would have fallen already, this this whole galaxy would have, and then ah up here there’s another system. This system the (Wessa?) system, is connected with this one, they’ve linked through wormholes to the center of their cores, their Ecka cores, and create a structure, ah uh system of um wormhole structures. One of them is (YodeyVodhey??) wormhole structure. And any – thing – any channeling’s and stuff coming from that stuff its coming right out of (Wesohlay?) and that kind of stuff, and that is a fall system. So there’s, the trickery that is going on here is heartbreaking. You know, it it seriously is.

K: Ok can you talk at all about the dimensional aspect of this, because certain of these systems aren’t in certain dimensions…… no?

A: um… because certain of these systems aren’t in certain dimensions…

K: Because,

A: I’m trying to frame that in my mind, with what we know

K: In other words, it seems, well, ok, in, at least in the, what’s out there, we’re talking about four dimensional beings, being, you know, the negative service to self coming in through

A: we’re talking about fifteen dimensional beings being negative some of them too,

K: Oh really, so going up much higher levels

A: Yeah

K: then is currently thought…

A: Oh yeah… 

K: ok because that’s interesting, that your saying

A: Metatron,

K: There’s a back up,

A: Metatron for example, Metatron is an entity, he’s a Rishi entity, fifteen dimensional Rishic identity and that collective fell. But it was still on the Vecka level, alright, when you get up past the Vecka levels, cause fir-, we have our density levels, their inside of a Vecka level. Veckas go in sets of four and at the center is an Ecka, all that stuff is inside of something called an Eckasha level. The Eckasha level can’t fall. But any of the consciousness or the structures below that can.

K: Ok and what levels of density, then, are we going down, from there?

A: 1:27:25 Each set,  of each Vecka, each Kathara Grid lets say, those little structures that you saw, each of those has like four density and implies a fifth density when you cross through the center. Whether you find that Eckasha on the lowest densities in the Veckas or up in the highest in the structures of the Ukatha Rista body where it can’t fall, they, it’s all consistently; there are five densities and fifteen dimensions to each set.

K: Ok

A: they have different types of matter and um different density levels of matter. some are heavier than others, and that kind of thing. So but that – that part is consistent from the smallest all the way up to the largest. It is just the the finest or the refinement of the matter type changes as you go up into the ones that cant fall, there’s a refinement  to the energy and the consciousness there that you don’t find in the one, you know in the lower systems. Even the best of the lower systems. So that, I thinks that how I would answer your question for now…

K: Ok, and if you get the ah the light beings that manifest here, that are really um manifesting, in other words, they really are light beings, what level are they coming from?

A: It depends

K: Could be, anyone one… from what level up

A: There- There’s ah an old saying, that light can deceive, but sound tells the truth. Sound is the vibration, right?

K: Ok

A: the encryption

K: mm hmm

A: Its a feel thing. You can have really beautiful light beings, that are coming in the form of, that are actually FA’s or fallen angelics, that are coming to mess with you. You can have really really ugly ascended ones that are really good. They come from many different levels. We are learning to turn ourselves into light. We are the the things they are teaching us now, we’re learning first bilocation, next is um ah translocation, and then eventually get to do transmigration, but that requires having ah certain things where you actually aren’t trapped by the planetary time cycles anymore.

So, light beings – where do they come from? Well they could come from here, you know, they could come from Venus next door. They could come from the highest levels or the lowest levels. There are light beings that come and visit out of the black hole systems and there are ones that come and visit from the higher levels. So just because it’s a light being, doesn’t mean its good light.

K: Ok

A: They’ve made a distinction. They taught us some very interesting mechanics about the difference of light or radiation signatures, right? There is something called ah Shalaya living light and it’s a very specific configuration. It is created out of three units that form a light unit, and matter forms actually build out of these, right? And there is another type of light that forms through using the, actually the natural light the organic light that comes from first creation, natural creation, organic creation. Is tha, the, the three balls. I don’t have one here but it’s like they call it the Tribeca, where it’s like three. One ball on top and two small ones and that is what the structure of the light unit is. It has the ability, for those – the two little bottom balls, to phase in and out like this, and spark when they do, so it can generate its own quantum. So it’s eternal, right?

There’s another type of light that is not organically occurring. It occurs by bending the natural laws of physics and using the various forms of the death star merkaba, mechanics. And that is called, the ah Shona light field. And it is a dead light field. And it is made of ah they call it the vesica piscis configuration, where it is just two light things together like that – right? Two., And they spin and they spark, but they have to attach to something in order to feed, or they’re finite and their spin actually burns them out until they collapse and fall apart. Which means the matter forms that they’re built on collapse and fall apart. So they’re al- they’re finite light. And, so that is you know light beings. is it a light being made out of a Shona field, or is it a light being made out of an organic Shalaya field. Same thing with orbs. Right?

K: Yes, absolutely

A: you can have positive and negative orbs. I’ve met some very nasty orbs in my day when I was younger. I used to run from them, I was terrified of them. Right cause they would turn into Zetas, right. Yeah

K: Yes

A: the Red ones you had to look out for with the Zetas – yeah I’m not saying all red orbs are zetas, but yeah so its, there’s things that can be used. Just because it’s a phenomena doesn’t mean it’s always good or always negative. Right

K: Sure

A: it – it that’s where learning the sense encryption helps

K: ok that’s, and that’s very valuable

A: yeah

K: for people to hear

A: yeah. Good. Ok, back to where were we? oh we can go through this quicker over here for ancient times. This is showing a close-up of that. This- this isn’t, these aren’t my hand drawn ones, right? Which in certain ways, I can read them better, probably cause I drew them, but, but they’re much prettier when they’re done on the computer. This is showing that same thing, it just happens to be tilted the way drew I it first, right

K: I see

A: that’s that same thing that was at the top before, and this is showing right here where our Vecka system is right? Right here, but this here is pulling it out so you can look at it a little more closely. Instead of just having a natural Kathara grid structure, right which is the the bones that our sphere there would be built on, there’s this tilt, right? The bones are here. The natural Kathara grid, that’s the Aquinos matrix which is, um M31 Andromeda, and this is the Milky Way. Now, We’re still energetically connected through earth. Right to, if if you notice there’s numbers on, these little centers. They’re called Kathara centers. Through number three on the Andromeda, or the M31 grid, and number three earth on this grid, they are connected. That is the link that has been holding the Milky Way. Connected to, ah Andromeda and If the host mission was to try to help ((1:33:11) the milky way evolve back into its natural position, cause if something gets stuck like that, eventually it will fall and be off the grid that’s where it will become finite until it burns out its quantum. So there’s always rescue missions to try to bring something back. Earth has been a place of, and so was Terra, before earth became earth down here, there was a star here called (Ashalay?) and that was actually the host star that the fragments of Terra were put in to begin this solar system down here in density one. That’s described a bit in Voyagers. But this is showing the offset, where, this is the, say this is the north axis of um, of m31, this is Milky Way’s. They’re off tilt with each other and that actually creates distance in space time. A couple million light years. What is it two hundred million? I forget, I used to know. Anyway, but so that’s just showing in these maps.


Now you can see that just a little bit closer when you bring it in just that little part, that shows, those misalignments, where this was the natural structure, and that’s the structure of the M31 Andromeda’s galaxy’s core template, right? And these are twelve. The twelve main stargates, in that universe, by the way. This is our Milky Way system and right here on the number three gate, that is where they are still connected, alright?


These others, there’s and there’s a whole set of these that show the black hole system, its called the Prosaic black hole and it’s a mess. I mean this just, You can see the dynamics of how it works, and the energy twists and stuff, but I’m not going into that on this one, you know on this particular presentation, because ah it takes forever. But this is showing the offset so, and what that translates into is that distance that we’re seeing between M31 galaxy and, and The milky way galaxy, but they are one and that is our home system. And if we are going to ascend out of the Vecka matrices, we have to ascend through there. Anything in this matrix has to go out through where it came in from, because of the encryption that you carry. You will carry the encryption of the gate you came out of, so you need to use them to go back, you know, in the Adashi returns.


K: Ok


A: So anyway, that’s showing some of that. anymore here? Ah… yes this is gives an idea of how this, when you put the probability  ah the Hara bodies, right? That are the that form the probability sets, and if you see, look in here, we had a whole bunch of these, and bless Willa, she, her and Bob type set them all, all the little numbers, so you know which lines. Because this becomes important. We actually use drum codes to bring in very specific frequencies by using the numerical coordinates that go with the specific systems we’re trying to bring the energy in from, to bounce out the ones from the black hole systems that are coming in. I mean it’s quite sophisticated the technologies they’re showing us to use


K: Oh ok, very interesting


A: we’re all learning how to beat on drums, right? If you can’t beat on it, stomp on the ground, right? You’re an energy system, stomp, get the vibration in. But this is showing us the same thing, um, that we were looking at before, where it shows the Ukatha Rista map, right? And we’re over here. But now its showing the probability systems that we’re in. so where our lil Kathara grid is, there’s actually, every one of these has a system that looks just like this, but a smaller one right? And then every one of these inside of that has that. So you have all of these probability systems on each level. And you have what, um, at a certain point you’ll see there’s ones that are the meta-galactic level, and the meta-galactic level is where we’re having issues with the parallel meta galaxy that goes down into the galaxy and the black holes link in the center, and that’s where, our parallel, what’s called our parallel Vecka, um we are in Vecka 5, and they are in Vecka 2, that would be our parallel, they’re at 90 degrees, they’re actually pulling, you know, pulling our system in. so this is just another way of looking at it, but, showing not just the bones, but also showing the many many layers. The wheels within wheels, the spheres within spheres, and these are all probability fields that interact with each other and pass through each other. So there are gate systems between all of these organic ones, and now there’s wormholes that don’t belong there too. So it’s it’s, it’s a really big story.


K: No doubt about it.


A: right? It’s just. Yeah Sometimes I just go. This is just a simple one after you saw just a little bit and like these are very detailed. Like we, we tend to get, I think everyone carries, I think everybody carries ah little magnifying glasses around with them at this point for any of the chart facts that come out at workshops, because all of these are actually numbers that mean something, and words that mean something, right? But you usually need like a micro lens to read it.


But this is showing a close up of the section of that map that we just saw that corresponds to, um to our galaxy, and its showing how these connect, can be translated, these locations can be translated into, like where is the Milky Way core. Ok if we go and find Milky Way on, this is something like, in the science books, right?  The local group of galaxies. We got the Milky Way here, we got M31 up here, right? These are those two that used to be together. This is what science already knows, by you know, studying space the way they study it. This, the the core of Milky Way, they already know, has a black hole in the center of it. The core of Milky Way’s black hole, would be right here. M31 is right here, and we are in this twisted down offset, here. In these spheres. So you can literally find us in the maps, and this is how they, the ones, the Adashi masters they, they, you know they they’re they’re, they will not use words like timeliness and that kind of stuff. They hate that power thing, cause it’s a twist on power. You know, the lord concept, where, oh lord and master, you know I’m so above you. They really just don’t come from there. They are adepts; they are adept at what they do. Yes they have achieved krist star ascension, blah.


Anyway, they, they use these, these are the coordinate maps. And you know how they use them? Once you get to the point where you ascend, you simply visualize it. It runs the encryption through your field, bang zoom you’re gone, you’re they’re. Speed of thought, and that’s what you know, full ascension is.


K: so there’s a purpose behind showing this


A: yes


K: in other words, such that the individuals that see it, can then begin to internalize the maps themselves and


A: yes


K: and then start, because there’s going to be


A: it will help, it will activate, it will bring back their own ancient awareness of this things


K: Activating their memories, yeah?


A: yes, that’s why the the guardians wanted to be able to show


K: Ok


A: that’s why we use tons of graphs every time we have a workshop


K: Ok


A: 1:39: 28 Right? Yeah, but it it helps. I mean it – if you, you can read em’ forever and kind of go, oh, ok I kind of get that, we just tell people don’t worry about it. Just watch the sequence and it often it is the sequence because they’ll show this graph then they’ll show this and they create a wave. You know an activation wave. That If you have the codes that correspond to this in you, if you don’t it wont effect you at all, you’ll say awlll – whatever…right


K: Uh huh, right


A: You will start to; it will help you wake up. To the, you know to the ancient knowledge if you carry it.


K: Ok and is there correspondence in some of the crop circles?


A: yes, they’re both sides


K: yes, ok


A: yeah some of them are very not friendly, and some of them are. I remember we were really thrilled when, we actually, the guardians actually said, that’s ours that was only one…


Unknown: Yeah


A: There was one. It was a number of years ago but we actually have a picture of it on one of the covers of our templar manual thing. Yeah, where is that Milk Hill, on that thing.


Unknown: Milk hill, yeah


A: Yeah… In England. Give me this, oh this is just showing you, we talked about the overlap between our, us and our parallel, ok? We’re back in these maps again; these are called probability maps, when we look at them with just the balls without the bones,


K: And when you’re calling them probabilities, are you saying that that, in other words, that means that certain things could change… within these maps?


A: um,


K: certain areas could…


A: it means that each


K: Activate, certain other places could close down….


A: yes and no. yes, but within a parameter..


K: ok…


A: within a set parameter. After a certain set of things occur, a probability locks in


K: Ok..


A: and then whatever is in that probability must follow through to whatever the natural next point is


K: Ok


A: and that’s what we’ve been stuck in. we’ve actually been stuck in this probability system on for Earth, for ages now… for many, about a hundred thousand years longer than we should have


K: and you’re saying that the probability system here locked in, and that’s why they’re doing a 200 year evac, as what, as you call it


A: um, the probability locked in when the, when the solar core closed, the sun is dying


K: Ok


A: alright, and that is going to start at some point, create, well, red pulse, which is a vapor wave that takes out any life on the planet and, at, when that, when that event happened, that is something you cant go backward from, alright? So you are locked into that probability and then you there…there are are, various versions of what you might see, but certain things are going to happen period, and you cant change them no matter how much you push out and visualize it right? Or no matter how man people you get together to do a world peace meditation.


K: Mm Hmm, Right


A: right? Because we try to do those too right?


K: Yes


A: to help the grid. Yeah, so we did lock into that probability. And you know, in, when the the solar gates thing happened. The fact is that in our system…


K: ok, but id also like to talk about why or how that happened, that the sun did end up in that place,


A: ok


K: locked in, um. But we don’t need, need to digress right here… just for future


A: it’ll probably get me in trouble if I answer that one, fully, but what don’t I always anyway? There’s ah, ah, ah a group of, there are a bunch of different, there’s not just zetas that we’re talking about. The Zetas are the little guys on the block. Don’t even worry about them at this point. Um, there’s a group called the Theatens, and they also run a very popular (Moten?) on the planet. And There’s ah, and another group called the Borja, they are from, um a parallel Ekasha, part of the black hole system, they have been trying to get control of the grids here. Every bodies fighting over tha – the death star Merkaba, cause it’s it’s here and it can be activated, and now


K: So you’re saying that these


A: there’s a bunch of systems that are fighting over this, right? Well they actually tried to activate what’s called the Mica – the Mica Meca complex. The Mica Meca complex is a set. Mica is on parallel earth, and the Meca complex is here and it is set in wormholes that connect in through the Theaten grids, there’s like certain implants here that the Theatens put in. so they actually tried to blast through to activate that, and take it away from the other groups who are…. F.A. groups that are activating it and it it overloaded the sun, the solar core. And that creates a spasm, and when a, when a prana seed spasms, it locks. And when it locks, it cuts the connection to the natural breathing that would happen between it and its dark matter template and that is when Barto starts. And the sun entered its Barto cycle when that occurred.  And it was grid wars, if you want to chalk it up to one thing, grid wars. Again this is stuff that is happening not because nature had it happen or god had it happen. No, this is because people are acting like crazies in this universe. You know they are, they’re just like so far gone in the don’t get it anymore that  you know, we all came from the same place, that we’re supposed to work together peacefully, and, you know this crew just doesn’t get it, the ones dealing with the, these, these particular level of mechanics


K: ok, but are you talking about um, when you say Theatens and other groups, are you talking about off planet beings that have come here? That are here, maybe, are they physically incarnating?


A: Yeah


K: are they taking over bodies, that sort of thing?


A: yes those too


K: Ok, yeah, and then also, what about the ships that we’ve been seeing near the sun. What are they trying to do?


A: depends on which ones they are, I think you have various ones up there.


K: Ok, but is there


A: I just got – ours aren’t up there


K: I mean


A: you just… alright, guardians said they’re not theirs


K: Ok, but if they’re there, in other words, if the sun is a done, you know basically locked into this, then what would be the purpose of having ships there at this time?


A: Ok, I just got, 2012, 2012, 2012. There’s an alignment that’s occurring in 2012, that has to do with the solar core, and whether or not its prana seed is working, the alignment occurs, because it doesn’t involve the Rasha body or the dark matter template, um, they just said it has to do with 2012. I wonder if this has to do with what this workshops about? See every workshop they reveal another level of something, and this time they’re revealing stuff about what they’re calling the ancient arrow sites, um the twelve plus twenty four ancient arrow sites. That the guardians are activating this weekend.


K: ok


A: Yeah, we’ll know about it Monday


K: That brings us in the Wing make- material and we want to address that as well at some point


A: that’s a better point after Monday, because that’s what they’re going to talk about in this workshop and I didn’t know


K: ok well there’s a synchronicity there


A: they hadn’t mentioned it in, since Voyagers was written, and you know I was just like looked at some of the pictures, felt the encryption and was like oh boy, that stuff, ok, pretty but ah, right? No thank you. Um, Yeah some of it’s alright but some of it has that twist to it. But all of the sudden I mean, what do they what is the name of it, I don’t have the thing here, it was a really funny title


Unknow: the (wing knows?)


A: No… they called, they called the workshop, the ah, what is it, the makers of wings and other things?


Unknown: Yeah


K: Ok


Unknown: That was it


A: yeah… and it’s not just about that. And its not the people that are involved with the wing makers, that you know, these people are well meaning people and you know its fascinating and they’re trying to figure out what it is,


K: sure,


A: but it’s the particular group of the ET’s that they’re dealing with, these are a, these are a group of nephilim, alright? They, they’re called the Corteum and they are part what is called ah, the the (Nekromiton Andromey?) hybrid with Jehovian Annunaki. Alright, the Nekromiton Andromey are known as the beetle people. Right? They had a lot to do with ancient Egypt and stuff. Yeah  and scarab worship and things because their home form looks like that. Ah, anyway. Anyway stop. Ok I just got anyway sshhhh.


K: Ok


A: Talk about Wingmakers later.


K: Ok


A: but I don’t want to offend any of the Wingmakers people, I’m sure they mean well, and, but what we didn’t know is, you know so they’re saying, ok we’re going to do Wingmakers so I have to go look up a little bit on it and say what is this stuff anyway. And its, you know – all the sites have the same story and I have about a four second attention span when it comes to stuff I’m really not interested in anyway unless the (guardians?)  tell me I have to read it, and there’s nothing there that said anything accept oh there might be a few other sites, there might be seven and the ah guardians said, uh they’re the seven broken arrows. We’ll call them the ancient arrow sites, all of them. They’re our sites, they were our sites. There are seven of them that have been compromised, but they’re are twelve primary plus twenty four. So, we’re going to learn about what they are in this workshop. Its news to me but I have a feeling they’re connected to the spanner gates. The NavAho gates. I just have a feeling. They’re the one set of gates they haven’t revealed the sites the locations for except for one. The revealed spanner 7


K: so you’re talking about twenty four and that corresponds to the 24 DNA and


A: oh, the twenty four stands of DNA


K: Yeah


A: um they use twelve’s and twenty fours a lot in things like stargate configurations and that kind of thing. Usually there’s primarily twelve and then there’s various other increments of twelve. And we have to find out what the twenty four other sites are so its like


K: ok


A: here we go again. I’m one of the people that really enjoys going to workshops, because I like what I learn, because I don’t know the information before I go. I don’t know if you know this about the presentations


K: No I didn’t


A: I’m lucky if I get an itinerary.


K: Oh


A: I’ve walked into workshops and gone well, you know its the orientation night, hello everybody thank you for being here, ah, its one of those mystery workshops, don’t know what its about yet, don’t even have an itinerary, right?


K: so you get downloads during the workshop


A: all during, yeah


K:  ok and and how do you remember it all


A:  and then I go down and present them, it comes through on a wave and some of it sticks


K: and they record it? 


A: some of it sticks, and diagrams


K: ok


A: diagrams, diagrams many many diagrams


K: Ok, interesting alright, very good


A: yeah but It comes through live, it’s always live


K: ah, ok we’re down to three minutes


A: Again?


K: believe it or not. I don’t know what happened to this hour, but


A: I could probably talk forever,


K: yeah, um ok,


A: what’s what what we found neat about these is the fact that first of all it was in direct response to the techniques that the guardians said to do, and they didn’t let us know the first time, right? Just do these projection techniques and things and it was a big surprise right and then they told us the calling, how to actually call them, and they showed up, again. And they are the intricate ones and that kind of stuff, but it wasn’t just like one person with a camera. This was like a while bunch of different people,. Some of them their first time at a workshop, you know, saying do I want to go to workshops or not, you know


Unknown: Um its ok they’re not, they’re not filming they’re just


A: getting orb pictures and it was just like one of those little gifts


Unknown: we’re filming, we’re filming,


A: you know from the universe kind of thing. You go, Hmm cool, we got orbs, we never looked for orbs….they found us. But now its becoming important because we’re learning a lot more about the, about the orbs and what it means in relation to, um, what needs to be done for 2012,


K: Ok


A: yeah, they’re teaching us to become orb whisperers as they say…and, and its hilarious because like when we’re doing the dancing and drumming circles, you’ll see how people will be like, you know dancing and stuff and there’ll be orbs like dancing up on their fingers and stuff.


K: That’s lovely, yeah


A: Um, this diagram was ah is is a close up of a certain section, of the maps, that we showed you before that plug into the, you know, pictures that science draws of the galaxy and that kind of thing. Its showing our milky way system and the um, and the um, M31 that we’re a part of in our probability set, in our Vecka. And over here is the parallel Vecka and over in this parallel Vecka there is a bunch of- there’s a cluster of fall systems. That is the black hole system called the alpha black hole system. They’ve created as as you can see these, um probability fields – these, balls within balls – overlap each other, right? And in part of their natural configuration, that there is an overlap between them.



Well what the, the alpha system is doing in the parallel universe is using the um metatronic, Atlantean death star Merkaba technology to reverse, if you reverse certain curves using that technology, you can harness ah certain part of the field next to you and drag it in to your system, and that is what they’re trying to do.


This place in in between here, normally they would just be normal pass-throughs, but this one is all convoluted with all sorts of implant structures that are wormhole structures. They refer to this as the dragon’s eye.


The word dragon comes in, actually not because of big winged creatures, but there was a race that got involved with all of this very far back in time called the dragoon. And the dragoon races took sides over which sides of the fallen ones they were gonna side with, and the dragoon races ended up with some of theirs fallen trying to help the others, and then you ended up with ones that wanted them all exterminated, ones that wanted just the one side exterminated, ones that just wanted the other side. The, the dragon races are actually the the the dra, blahhh, dragoon race line, it is a reptilian based race line. Reptilian crossed with, um, what are called (Equary?). An’ Equary are ah ah a group of the ones that originally called (Aquary?), before they fell. The Aquary are from the Aquarian matrix that are the hosters, the ones that are helping here. Some of them incarnated into the fallen matrices to try and assist and a group of them had, this is ancient way like you know a couple billion years ago, um they got um ensnared in one of the fallen angelic dramas and they ended up falling. Meaning they ended up in a fall system and they lost their ascension codes and the distinction with them is they become the Equary, where they use the e instead of the a on the front


K: Huh


A: and they


K: do they have a memory? Will they have a memory of when they weren’t fallen?


A: Um, it depends on the fall honestly, it depends on um, cause the the blank slate technology when this thing does its whole thing it just completely wipes you clean, where you don’t remember anything, you wake up and its like, yeah just born here, what am I? Who am I? Where am I? That kind of thing. Um, there are, be-because that happens when the transition of that fall occurs, cause there is a final point of transition when the death star Merkaba activates and literally rips you apart and drags you into another field and then kind of assembles you in a facsimile on the other side… um there are almost like time capsules, but they leave for themselves so they can re-find the memory and when you re-find it and discover it somewhere else, it puts that memory back in, so they, they will get a facsimile of the memory that that you know,  that they would have had otherwise. But, the fall codes, once the metatronic activations in a in a body have taken place, to where those Merkaba fields have activated to a fifty five spin, a more higher fifty five or higher, there there’s no turning back for the gene code at that point , the consciousness is trapped in that body and the only way out is a hosted Barto, which means when the body does its  natural death thing it would need help, the consciousness, just getting out of that body And it would have to go through a rehabilitation process of that Kali, kali Rema path of step back  and have to come back out and reincarnate into the matrix again, to, you know, to try to get back in the ascension thing, so…


K: Ok, um,  and I’m also going to ask you at some point about, uh, what are, um beings that are like artificial intelligence but they are not ah, they don’t incarnate, they’re um, in essence clones without souls without… you you understand where I’m going with that?


A: I think so…


K: Um, so where, because we understand that the, that the dark side is using a lot of those um, and actually, you know sorry to bring this up but the Wingmaker material talks specifically about a race of, in essence they call them robots which are, you could be calling them androids, whatever, that are actually, were, according to that material were on the way here.


A: Hmm


K: So, at some point id like to address where those beings…


A: they’re already here….


K: yeah


A: first of all, um


K: ok, go ahead


A: If if you had to pick between the two, the Corteum and those guys,


K: yes


A: You’d probably want to pick those guys, not the Corteum,


K: Ok


A: um, both of them like, one is bad as the other, as far their intentions and what they’re up to, but yes there are, there are a lot of different races who have gone in that direction in attempt to preserve their finite life spans.  Where they started with transferring consciousness from and old and dying body, into a new cloned body. Cloned off their own, like, you know just make another copy, but the copies get weirder and changed every time, just like a photocopier copy, copy after copy after copy and eventually you say, what is that? Right, well there are races like that, some of them are already here.


Um, as far as invading, ah, I think they’re watching too much Caprica, but ah, yeah seriously, because, in the beginning that’s how it started you know, before the Galactica series, that’s actually something that is ah, they’re they’re showing some of this drama, in those series on


K: sure


A: On TV, but as far as , we’ve we’ve not been, you know our our team has not been warned about anything like that as far as worrying about that being a problem


K: Ok


A: its like, if it is, its small, compared to the rest of the things that are on the plate right now


K: Ok


A: cause it’s not going to matter much if anybody invades, if it rolls in 2012. Right, the planet, right? It’s not going to matter much then, because that would wipe out life here, its not going to roll though.


K: right


A: It would have if the intervention wasn’t given, like full tilt, roll. I mean


K: I understand. Ok so and we can also talk about that. We can talk about , in other words, what was planned in terms of, are you talking about a pole reversal, are you talking about a pole shift in which it the planet itself would roll, um and


A: crust spin


K: I’m sorry


A: crust spin


K: crust spin, yeah, and that was planned for 2012 apparently, and you’re saying its been stopped…


A: postponed


K: postponed, yeah until 2027 is it? 22 some..


A: no it’s ah 2230


K: 2230


A: Yeah


K: ok, and um then what’s going to happen instead?


A: we’ll talk about that when we get through these pictures


K: Ok, so


A: because these pictures will help understand what we’re walking into in the first place, or what we’re walking around on in the first place, and once we, you know once we understand that, then we can talk about, ok what do you do about that? Especially when they’re trying to activate it and you know make all this stuff it happen in 2012


K: Ok


A: there’s certain things I mean, we have really strange titles to some of our workshops, we’ve got “mirror in the sky” we’ve got “orb fest” here but they all mean something. There are very specialized grid dynamics that we are being taught so we can anchor the frequencies here of the things that are actually creating buffer fields, for some of this, and ah, it its actually the fields that we’re helping the guardians to anchor, and they’d be able to anchor it alone if they were here, but you need an anchoring rod, and that’s what our shield, we call it a shield, the group shield, anchors here the frequencies they send in, and they’re actually giving a counter pull, so there fifty five activation on the Merkaba cant go all the way in 2012. Because if it did, it would spin something called the planetary rods, and we’ll see what they are in a little bit. Um, we have a rod and a staff. Actually we have two rods and a staff. On the planet, and they are key energetic configurations that have to do with vortices and things like that. And they’ve made, the ah, by moving the rods, before, they have, well, they they moved it from like Pangaea to whatever the next stage was, to the next stage, it breaks the crust and it shifts it depending on what ways you pull the rods, and that, but it, you have extinctions and things happen on the surface when they do that. They’re planning to move the rods again in 2012 and we’re, the, not the little people on the ground, we’re just helping the guardians to anchor it, but, the guardians are going to stop that


K: ok


A: temporarily. They can’t prevent it but they can hold it off long enough for, for to when the gates to close. When the gates close, they have to pull their energy out. When they pull their energy out, that merkaba’s gonna activate, you know the metatronic merkaba will, the death star will activate on this planet or what’s left of the planet by then, so, that’s why evacuation can be a good thing


K: ok and that is sparking more questions


A: of course…


K: but I’m going to let you go on…


A: ok, right. You should- anyway, so that was the dragons eye. I just wanted to show you about that – it’s in between our ah our our universe, where where, which is really our, they call it the Meta galaxy; it’s our Meta galaxy, Milky Way and m31, and the parallel. And the parallel is the alpha system that has the black hole systems there that have wormholed their way through into our system. That are trying to pull our system down as quantum food. Ok?


K: Ok great


A: yeah, next one, this is going quick, right?


Unknown: this one is


A: Yeah, it gets into the interesting stuff now, a little closer to home because we kind of started high in structure, right?


K: yes


A: and now we’re working down, alright now, so we went from the galactic level, meta-galactic level, let’s go down to the solar system level. This diagram shows the natural structure of an organic living solar system. Notice, everybody has this little funny shape called it looks like ah, ah star of David or six pointed star, that is a Merkaba star, alright? It implies a Merkaba field. Which would be a three dimensional, you know, star tetrahedronal field around them.


Alright, and there would be, they come in sets of twelve planets. They have specific relationships ratios and sizes in relation to each other and in relation to their center sun. Everyone of them have gates in the center, everyone of them has a central staff of energy that it rotates around, and it has two rods. One coming out, well, the rod comes out this way and the chamber comes out front to back, right? The sun would have the same thing; they all have their north pointing up. And their south pointing down, right?


They each spin on their axis at a reciprocal rate to each other, and their rods and chambers pass through each other and spark. Because, the rods can be very very long energetically, so even know the ah stars and planets may be, you know, long distances apart, the energy fields, that their rods you know are sending, would interface. And when they interface they spark and they generate quantum and there are certain periods in the natural breathing cycle, or expansion and contraction of energy cycle, where there’s these wonderful arches that take place between the sun and the tops of its planets. And then the planets and the bottom of the sun. Its called the solar symbiosis cycle and it’s a natural living structure of a living solar system. And it generates its own quantum and it expands and contracts and in, every, all of the planets would have a Corona sphere, they would look like stars. That doesn’t mean you couldn’t live under the Corona sphere, but from the outside they would look like stars. And that would, that, our our system started out this way after the fall from Terra. There was, it was actually taken, the remnants of Terra were taken back in through that um Kali Rema step back, and re-seeded, brought back out. At, down in density one, as this solar system. So that’s how we did the fall from terra. They actually pulled us back in through the Kali Rema path and pulled us, re-birthed this system back out. And it was re-birthed back out in this natural configuration. So that is a natural solar system and that’s what we used to be.


Next one, in a natural solar system. Sorry. This is just showing, for instance, with each planet, the natural solar system you’d have the solar rod, right? And this one would have, it’s not shown on this diagram, but you’d have the rod of the planet and they would exchange energy together. And there would be energy arching through the planet and there would be energy arching up and down here. There’s another diagram that shows it a lil better. But, this would be, every bodies, notice the north axis would be the same. There wouldn’t be an ecliptic, because the north axis on both planets and sun would be pointing up in the same direction. That means, now there’s something called the planetary shield that it’s an invisible ah, platform of energy that ah- deflection field that actually forms from the planet spinning and its part of the actual Merkabic structure, and it goes horizontal to whatever the vertical is. So you would have this one, horizontal, it would be the same horizontal as this one, where they would just be spinning in the same plane. That allows for the natural energy circulation and exchange that’s supposed to take place in the living system. Um, I don’t know if you’ve, probably looked at places ah ah like um the scientific representation of our system, doesn’t look anything like that, you know, I think its Uranus is on its side, where it literally rotates on its side…


Now, when it’s a living system, this would be the natural organic electromagnetic energy flow around a planet. This is called the YanYun flow and we have half a book I think dedicated to these. The Kathara 2-3 manual deals with these heavily and it shows the formation of them, what they do. You know these are the natural ah ah electromagnetic flows of a living breathing system that has the capacity to – through its core – interact with other living breathing systems around it. Its part of the natural structure. Now, this looks nothing like the electromagnetic fields we have around our planet right now. Our magnetosphere and all those things, alright? There’s a reason and ill, we’ll see that in a minute.


When a planets doing what its supposed to and a solar systems doing what its supposed to, it goes through periods where it actually, the whole system will disappear because the two um, Hara, Hara bodies that its vector is, you know its it’s manifesting with it, will pull into the center, recharge, and come back out again. When they recharge, the planets and the whole solar system will, go into this configuration of light body spirit body structure. Its called the chariot of fire, and, its literally part of the ascension vehicle. It’s not the whole thing but that’s showing some of the dynamics involved in it.


Now we used to be an ascension system. Notice in the chariot of fire, there is that Merkabic structure again. Now this is just a simple, um Merkaba structure, its bi-vecka which means it has one cone going down and one cone coming up, there’s mush more complex structures. But this would be the natural kind of thing that if this was a living breathing system, and same with the galaxy, the galaxy would have the same type of interaction. The galaxy does not have every, you know its galactic plane is tilted, things are tilted all over the place in the galactic plane, and our solar system is in the same position.


The natural ones have these configurations. The Flat plane, the solar symbiosis arches, you know, with the breathing between them, the ability to go into chariot of fire state. These, this little diagram here that’s on the Kathara grid shape, right that core template shape, it has, at 45 degrees it has two of its, ah, petals we call this the lotus, right? These are lotus flows, they’re core flows, and they allow for, actually movement of, on these flows you have series of spheres actually and it allows for the movement of the spheres so they spark, they generate quantum and then they open up again. So it’s a self generating system, it’s a perpetual motion continually living system.


Alright, here again are the YanYun flows, the natural ones, the natural Merkabic structure with the straight shield deflection shield and natural Merkaba, so that’s what it’s supposed to look like.


And, lets go back to the solar system level, this is, this is, this is a bit messy because I never had this one type set, but, at the moment, this is our solar system..


Unknown: Not straight


A: in the center there, you have the inter planets, right? We’ll look at earth in a minute as far as how its sitting in its solar plane that gives us the elliptic and all of that. This is the orange cloud that is, you know out in space and around our system.


What should have been Nibiru, our twelfth planet, not our tenth, it was our twelfth planet, I believe Sheeron was our eleventh and then Pluto and then where the asteroid belt is there was another one called Malduck and that exploded, so, this is a mess. This solar plane is twisted here where you have ah Pluto’s orbit, right? That’s already gone whacky out this way. Then you have Nibiru that actually comes in, I forget, I have the date somewhere, every three thousand thirty six hundred something like that, ah, years. On the other end of it, there’s another, it’s an artificial body that was actually created by squashing together fragments of of planetoids and things and partially pieces of the moon as well. This one is called wormwood and it was meant to counter balance the orbit of this and they go in and out of the density two I think Sirius system. I think that’s where they said it was. I have it written down I haven’t done the Nibiru stuff in a long time, but it its literally a cycling machine that was the their watchtowers here and it wasn’t just so they could come in and watch us, every three thousand years, or you know seed new information, it was to counter balance this one. On this one we have over here, what is the names on here,  I haven’t looked at these in ages… the Matraya moon, and up here I believe was the clarion. These were other bodies taken from elsewhere to create this… they’ve literally this. These are beings that are moving planets. They’re moving stars. God, we’re worried about little grays?


Seriously, I mean at this point, whatever you go ahead abduct me, you know? You’ll be sorry. You know ill fight back this time. No, I’m just kidding, but anyway, it, the thought of, the scale of what is going on here, this is not natural. We don’t see this one yet. It was due to come back in, actually, not Nibiru, Nibiru’s not due for, I forget its like a couple thousand years still, but, wormwood was going to be coming back in. Fortunately, wormwood, in 2003, became wormwoods because it was shattered. It was down, it was going into the orbit of parallel earth at the time, cause they parallel earth is connected in here the orbits of that we’ll see later in other stuff. Um, but it it was at least shattered, but it is still a massive um, ah asteroid belt, or not belt but mess, and it still potentially can come back in. if it does, it creates total havoc when it comes in. They, these orbits come in, I believe its between ah Mars, Mars Mars and Jupiter, I think is where they they pass up and it causes a bit of havoc on the system. When full rip is allowed, when they come in at a certain level of density, because there’s a way they play with the dimensions here where they can bring them in without totally tipping the system. Without, you know, totally wiping out the solar system, that’s why they’ve been able to do this cycle before. But, when the full gates are open, and they allow this in a stellar activation cycle, where they’re activating the 55 merkaba, it will actually, the these will be used to flip the whole plane and drag it in. and that’s, they’re literally ah, I don’t know what kind of game you would call this, but they’re literally using very advanced physics.


K: So are you saying that they’re all artificial bodies? Are you saying that Nibiru or wormwood…


A: No, that was one of the natural planets or stars


K: that was natural, ok


A: Yeah, one of them was earth


K: What about wormwood?


A: No, that was created. I think part of it were pieces of the moon and something else. I remember, they told us about that awhile ago. And the moon is not a normal body either. That’s artificially created as well.


K: yes


A: And it because it keeps certain things at certain spin rates, that they have to keep in order to keep the vortice connections to the wormholes and that’s why this whole thing is n…, that why our whole solar system is a mess, because they were creating wormholes…


K: Ok, what about a brown dwarf? Is there a brown dwarf in there?


A: possibly, I know there’s ah white dwarfs, like Sirius B, um brown dwarf, it its possible I would have to ask them.


K: ok so the other axis that you got there, um, there are two other planetary bodies


A: yup


K: what are they called?


A: This one they call the Matraya, moon,


K: Ok


A: And I, it was like a long time ago, a number of years ago that they gave this particular information, so its probably somewhere back, either like in the writings or or on the videos where they explain, you know is Matraya, you know, where’d that come from? Cause some of this stuff they actually dragged in from the parallel system, to, you know to counter balance it. Clarion, this one up here, was, no, was related to it, I think it was a piece of the other one that’s, ah what was that, there’s clarion and there’s the other one that was a normal part of here, Sheeron. Aright so you have clarion up here that I think was a piece of Sheeron. Sheeron used to be, um, one of the normal um ones, and I think it was, you had Nibiru, Sheeron, it was eleven, Sheeron used to be eleven but what’s called Sheeron now, got stuffed down here, part of it got broken off, became Clarion, thing that they’re using up here, and you have one of these controlled by the weeso – (Weesa Dec’s?) black hole system which was the (Weesa?) matrix that I pointed out on those maps? You have (Weesa Dec’s?) and (Weesa Drac’s?) and they don’t like each other. They’re fighting. You have the Annunaki and the (Amacron?) Draconians. They don’t like each other, and they’re both fighting. Then you have Weesa Drac’s that like the Draconians and you have the Weesa Dec’s that like the Annunaki. I mean it’s hilarious. It, It’s sad its really just sad. But there are a whole bunch of groups on each side of this polarity drama. Then you have the Krystics sitting in the middle going oh boy, you know?


They’re not fighting with anybody but, there, what do you do when everybody’s hell bent on destroying each other? Because that’s just what’s been happening down here for eons. So anyway, this is what our solar system looks like up here, this artificial it’s like a wobbling orbit. It’s not just our planet that wobbles. We, there’s actually a wobble created in the solar plane itself, it’s actually taken the solar plane, where it doesn’t sit flat in the galactic plane anymore. I think it’s around a 45 degree tilt to the, you know to the galactic plane. And it also created this thing here that threw the core and especially in the closer to the core planets like earth and the sun, it has harnessed how fast things spin, which means its harnessed the time pulse, so it could – through this device, they have been able to progressively get control over how fast things spin so they can synchronize the spins of things over here with the things that they’re trying to merge them with on the parallel side. It’s a bizarre and fascinating and horrifically morbid technology this death star technology.


Now, what that creates on a planetary level, when we look at our poor little earth sitting in the middle of this, and its not just that this has happened on the solar level, they’ve also put the same type of mechanisms in the planetary core and in the star gate systems here, to create the same effect to plug our planet into that whole system. They’ve done it on the other planets too, the ones that don’t have, anything that has its axis that’s not tilted the same as the sun, is either in its normal place and the sun got tilted, which is part of the case here, or its not in its right place, cause they should all be sitting on a natural, you know vertical and horizontal plane with each other.


This is what we have right now and like the science tells us this is normal and this is natural, you know, well our planets’ tilted about 23.5 degrees, and it does this cycle called the procession of the equinoxes, and you know


K: Right 



A: we’ve got the ecliptic shield you know, that cuts through, you know the sun shield is here and ours you know comes here. This is totally twisted, this, our our our planet is tilted it’s it this messes up its entire system. Its not just tilted. When, this one here shows at least a relatively normal looking Kathara grid inside, there’s a whole set of un – unsacred? Not sacred geometries that go with the death star Merkaba stuff. It has to do with the shapes of the flows. Where before we had the, I talked about those ah the arms that you know… petals that stood out like this and they’re 45 degree angles and they phase and spark and generate quantum, right? There’s another on that has them pulled down like this, where they look much more like a flower. We call it the daisy of death, or the bloom of doom, but they’re phase locked, where they can’t phase and that means they can’t generate quantum. It means it’s a planet that is dying because it can’t breathe. And that’s one of the things and it constricts the Kathara grid at the center. It (____ ?) something. I think we have one that shows that.  What that also does, is create a bulge at the equator, where it squashes the natural spherical shape down. Hello to earth.


K: Is there also ah, is there also a correlation with the cross. In other words, the actual symbol of the cross reflecting what is in essence this frozen inability to generate, yeah


A: yes, yes and and even more. That has to do with the mutation of natural Shalaya light units, into, forcing them into the vesica piscis dead light unit configurations, the sign of the cross 


K: Interesting, yeah


A: The original cross has the perfectly equal, and it’s called the (Rueshay?), and it has perfectly equal. I think the Celtic cross is the closest you get these days as far as symbology.


K: and it fits inside a circle


A: Yeah


K: in other words, cause then you know it’s


A: Yeah I don’t have mine on, anyone have one on? Its one of our sacred symbols.


So, this is right now we have, this is all part, part of the mechanics of the ah death star Merkaba…ah technologies, we have the un natural procession of the equinoxes, this is called the sexton shield. It’s actually the, it’s a distortion shield of energy that keeps those vortices spinning at their you know tilted angle. It keeps us aligned with, we we flip between being aligned with Polaris, which we are in that phase now, and flipping back ah into alignment with Vega. And we just keep cycling back and forth and we’re all going back and forth in the procession of the equinoxes, and they’re not normal. There, they just released in, when was Ireland, November last year? They just released, October? Yeah, They just released some fascinating things about the old pagan rights and stuff and what, what this actually has done in its relationship with parallel earth, this was done for a reason and the cycles of the equinoxes and the solstices have to do with alignments between parallel earth  and here and between parallel earth and the center of the milky way galaxy, the black hole there and that’s what were looking at coming up on in 2012, and that’s why 2012 was you know the Mayans got the word it was going to be the end of times and those kind of thing because of the dark road. Yeah the dark road alright.


So, these things, these configurations that we’re seeing, the sexton shield is not the natural clock or or shield that…that the natural spin ration that you would have for the planet on its axis. They actually have been accelerating time for the last thirteen thousand years, to make it faster so it would catch up with the ah parallel anti particle universe so they could merge them. And it means our days have gotten shorter, our spin has gotten faster, as far as on the planet and that kind of thing.


There’s other aspects to this that are created by this technology and all of these go together, right? Like when you see one it implies the others.


This is our poison apple. This is the net field, ok? Now part of the poison apple isn’t shown here, ill show that on this one, but um this is literally a containment net. It is ah (Ashona?) which means that made up by Vecka units instead of light units. A containment harness and this is what the um the death star Merkaba actually creates around a planet a system or a body. When you work those Merkaba mechanics, this is what you’re creating, its a torsion field that turn… constantly circles energy in on itself, but it does not have a connection to anything outside of itself, except of what it can feed off at its center, from its core.


And this is, there are there are three levels of this that actually move in earths atmosphere, and they literally control, one of them runs through like the magnetosphere area and actually there’s three others down from that so there’s really four, four major layers of this. It controls, it reminds me of that old thing, we control the vertical, we control the horizontal remember that show that used to say that? I think outer limits or something used to say that on TV? Well its kind of like, yeah, they they pretty much do, all of these net systems are plugged into things like the HAARP machine and ah, I’m sure the hadron collider has something to do with activating all of these too. I heard that they just had their first good test yesterday or something? Yeah? This week? Good timing, why not.


Unknown: Full activation..


A: Full activation, yeah. So these net fields are responsible for literally wiping out the DNA. Science has already figured out that DNA is sensitive to a couple of things. It’s sensitive to radiation, it could destroy DNA. It’s sensitive to magnetism, electromagnetism. You mess with the magnetic fields, you mess with the DNA. That, just like its blocking the natural currents and flows that would normally come into the planet, it does the same thing to the biology’s on this planet. This is why we have no memory. It’s wiped it right out of the DNA. It’s actually still in there, it’s in junk DNA, it’s in pieces, that’s what were working with the technologies that the guardians give to re-assemble.


K: I see


A: and it does it to controlling the epigenetic overlay. Which is the chemical sheath that science is just learning, actually triggers, what how genes will behave in the DNA, alright? So it’s the culmination of both. But this is why we have no memory of our race memory or any of that. And this is what is holding the mutation in the body. Right now our own bio fields and the biofields of the life forms on the planet carry all of these same mutations. We carry these, we carry the wobbling vortices, we carry the phase locked, you know bloom of doom – in their flows in and of that and if we are gonna ever get out of here, while we have time left with the gates are open.  It’s amazing the gates are even open or even still usable after all of this, but we need to reverse mutate our bodies, and we have been working for ten years with that.


We’ve worked through the light body layers we worked through the spirit body layers now were into something called the (AhGee?) body layers that they’re kind of, the AhGee body is interesting its ah ah a combination between the the spirit body and the light body and the atomic body, that once you master that, it allows you to actually do the transfiguration and turn into light. The the first stage of that is called glide – where you’ll learn to bi-locate, where you put yourself into orb and you go elsewhere and bi-locate and then come back. But you still have, leave a body here. The second stage, is what we’re working on now, is um called translocation where you get to the point where you can do a certain level of transfiguration of a certain quantum of your atoms into light temporarily so you can go visit elsewhere and take your body with you but you’ll still be keyed to the space time imprint or encryption of this planet until a certain other thing happens, right?


So that’s the, that’s called a slide, slide one. The third thing is called slide two or span. That’s called um where you learn how to ah trans ah not just translocate where your going to visit and then come back, but transmigrate where you actually can be free and you do not have to come back here, you do not have to incarnate back here. That has to do with releasing something called the (Vabodi?) cell that is the donated quantum from the egg and sperm of your parents that was not your spirit body encryption. That has to be released, before you can be freed from the space time location in which those two things came together. It gets released as, what’s called Vabodi dust, right? So, there’s this whole process, anyway, involved with it.


While we have this going on, we are literally, the planet is keeping us mutated because the visitors are keeping the planet mutated and at this point, good luck fixing the planet because, look at the solar system, look at the galaxy. This problem is going on all the way up into the galax- galactic level and there’s a certain point where the quantum that is going down is larger than the quantum that can pull it back and that is what’s occurring and that’s why there’s 200 years left on the gates.  As far as two hundred years earth time from where we are, sorry


K: ok but isn’t, isn’t it true that the planet is a being


A: yes


K: and also is going to be able to escape this


A: it chose the path of Kali Rema, which is the step back path alright? Instead of the path of fall


K: so it’s going to implode and, and then re-emerge


A: yeah, it will go back into that that middle density that happens to be called the (Edons?), out here the the density – remember when we, ah I don’t have one really, yeah I do, on this graph, let me get my stickies off there, right? When we have the um the Hara bodies, right? And we had the the core the inner, the middle and the outer domains, they each have names. This outer domain area where we are now, where we’re experiencing the Kali Yuga, um that is called a radon, right? And this one is called an (Edon), and then this one, the inner one is called an (Adon) and ah the core is called, what is it called again? I can’t even remember its been so long since I taught this, it’s the core. Leave it at the core. But anyway, you got the dons, right? So this is the garden of Edon, right? it’s the step back to where it is innocent and pure, when you do the step back, it clears anything off your encryption that didn’t belong there in the first place and its literally, its passing, they call it passing through the ring of fire. In order to get back into the purity and then you get to come back out again and try again. Or at least you get to try again.


K: Ok, um but I also have a question as…where is Terra in this equation, because


A: Ok, alright well part of Terra was, is, what we’re sitting on. This solar system is part of Terra. The other part of Terra is um when we look up in the sky and see Alcyone. The Star Alcyone in the Pleiades cluster. Alright? That is the remnant of what, what Terra was. So if you take Alcyone and take the quantum of this solar system here, minus the few pi-bits that didn’t belong here that weren’t from here, and you put all that quantum together, you would have had Terra. And density two.


K: Ok but, but my understanding was there was going to be that – that once there is an ascension group, that’s going to leave here and go to Terra.


A: That was before the (Brisdon?) project failed.


K: Oh


A: That failed in 2003


K: I see


A: so at this point, the Voyagers books, we have, you would not believe what we have been moving through. Since that. We’re on mission upgrade 44…45? Yeah, I have a list of them somewhere, yeah where they at, yeah just cause it gets amusing to look at. Right where you just say, oh my god, there’s been that many mission upgrades. First there was the attempt to salvage this was all the stuff they were trying to do before the thing that happened with the sun. Once that happened, there-there’s nothing that can be done at that point. But, we still have ascension, but it’s like the fly by the seat of your pants. Keep these gates open and you got two hundred years to get anything that’s going up out of here. And that’s what happening at this point. So Voyagers was written ten years ago.


K: Yes


A: You know, yeah a lot has happened


K: Ah well, ok so but, ah, the… ha ok. Um, my minds going too many places at once here, ah, but if they’re not going to Terra and maybe you’re getting to this, then we, where are they going? And, are they going back to Alcyone, or jumping where, or is that, you know they’re making up their minds


A: They’re going home-home. There’s a few steps to get there, M31


K: O-k


A: Andromeda galaxy


K: Oh, alright


A: that’s where we’re aiming back. But there’s a few steps in between


K: ok


A: the first set of steps has to do with something simply called higher earth. We’re in the lower earth planes, they’re a set of planes that are still in predicaments, they’re still connected to this mess that we’ve been looking at but they’re in much better shape, they’re not under the net. And that’s the first stage, where we go to higher earth. Then there’s a level beyond that, that’s still part of the earth planes quantum that is called median earth. Then we go back to remembering when they were telling us about the history of how they seeded the-the amenti rescue mission in and created the solar system. There was a host star here that earth, amenti earth, had been seeded into. And that was called Ashalay. So that will be the next stage. And from Ashalay, we’ll move through um, ah there’s another layer that has to do with the level of energy called the (Iradonis?) layer that we don’t really have to get into cause it gets really complicated as far as different types of energy. But, it’s another set in between before we get to Eartha in M31. But that is where we’re going. And from there, that’s where originally the encryption here emerged from. From there you can go where you want basically. But it’s a process of getting of of re-evolving back to where we can do full krist star. You know evolution on our own, because right now we’re being hosted you know where-we we’ve been given frequency just to support us in the process until we can hold that frequency ourselves. So Terra was where we were aiming until the Brisdon project failed and at this point in this system, since, since those books were written, there were, um intergalactic wars that were taking place here that involved what was called the Ecka, and the Ecka is, if you remember the the maps that showed one Kathara grid and then four of them together with the thing at the center, right? The thing at the center is the Ecka. That’s a little kathara grid and that’s like the, they call it the well for earth that would be like the inner earth would be there and that kind of thing. It wouldn’t be in here, its actually up there. Its like a high level. That actually fell, in one of these wars. Eckas can fall. The Eckasha above it cant, but the Ecka did.


K: but, what happened to the begin- the beings that were there?


A: um they’ve gone into various places. There’s some of them are in the state of here. They’re doing evac this whole system; Vecka system is actually being evacuated. So going vertically, the usual way, wasn’t an option anymore. That’s why they had to take us from just going into harmonic Merkaba states or harmonic ascension states into transharmonic, where we could actually go through and in to, into the um, like the Edon domain, there’s a space between the Raydon and Edon, its called the aurora continuum. You have to have a transharmonic Merkaba ability to be able to go through there and then come back out again someplace else. So that is the technologies they’re teaching us because vertical is not an option anymore, unless you want to end up in one of the wormhole sets going um into the fall. So it’s been a really rough trip since the books were written, actually. But, ah, we’re all still standing and you now guardians are still giving us information, so. Rather leave on a happier note though


K: Ok, um


A: before we do a break


K: that’s ok, well we, lets, yeah let’s keep going


A: There’s not much up here. Ok, as far as the poison apple fields go, this one shows the shape better, right? You have that net field around it but see that little shape right there? Looks like an apple?


K: yes


A: that’s the shape of our magnetic fields, the basic shape of our magnetic fields; even know there’s flux all over


K: there’s a crop circle that looks like that


A: lovely, hi Metatron, alright. This thing here, right a lot of people using that as their logo these days, right? Yeah


K: and that


A: that is the phased locked


K: Ah


A: arcs that can’t phase, with the constricted, if you look, you can look at this more closely if you want to you can see the difference. There’s two Kathara grids there. One the artificial tree of life which has taken the natural proportions and pulling them in where it actually squeezes it and that changes the shape of the sphere and gives you a bulge at the equator like our planet has because that is what’s, that is the configuration our plant is, has in light body right now


K: interesting


A: and this is also connected to something called Metatrons cube and something called the Fibonacci spiral, Fibonacci spiral


K: and what is this – this center bit right there in this


A: see that… (Undeterminable / speaking low)


Unknown: The dark


K: the dark, is that a black hole or


A: Um no that’s just, that is another one of their twisted, ah like-these we call them Kathara centers, but we know that on our grids these are actually stargates, right? Right you take this down into the planet and that’s where you got stargates connections, have stargate connections. Alright and these are twisted ones, so these would line up with the stargates that interfaced with the amenti gates, to harness the amenti gates, that – that’s just one of them here. But if you look at that its,  if if you look at the teachings, of, that goes with that logo, um, you’ll be amazed to see how it fits in re- when it sits next to what eternal life creation is. All of the shapes that they’ve shown us, they’ve shown us how they fit together, what the processes are, that they work from. They don’t just say, here there’s a that, you know. That’s a sacred. Why is it a sacred? It does what… right?


They’ve shown how the pieces fit together, what the processes are, and then they’ve shown how those things – what they do to that structure. And so, anyway, this is, there’s all sorts of pieces that show… we’ve had to do this because this is what is taking down the planet. These dynamics and people now practicing them. Again, just like in Atlantis, it’s like Atlantis rising again. It really is. The same, how did we get into this predicament?


K: very much so


A: look around you, same way


K: yeah, yeah


A: gullibility, on a certain you know a certain level. Where, oh sure ill try that, right. Not wanting to hear it. If somebody’s trying to say ah maybe you want to think about that first. How, the the same way that right now you have a whole new age movement that was supposed to be a movement of enlightenment and everybody loving each other, to being a bunch of back biting people practicing anti-Krystic Merkaba mechanics that are harming themselves and harming the planet. How did that happen? You know. Same question for Atlantis, how did that happen?


K: But there’s also the misuse of crystals, ah, that id love you to talk about a little bit at some point if you are willing


A: There’s all sorts of really strange things being done with crystals. I think id probably rather get through those- this stuff and that that’s kinda like


K: yes, I mean we can have


A: that’s kind of like orbs; you know crystals, orbs, tarot cards. No, I like tarot cards, id like to design a deck actually. They’re really good for just letting spirit comment to you, give you waking dream material back to you, yeah. Now crystals are another subject and we do take them very seriously, they’re very powerful beings actually and they can be used in terrible ways, and right now, speaking… yeah speaking of crystals, it was really funny because right around, I think it was about 2002, the guardians um were starting to teach us about the Nibiru-notic crystal bases that are here. They’re subterranean crystal installments that were planted here and actually seeded from Nibiru, and used to create, literally spike the grids, to receive Nibiruan frequency and to receive wormhole frequencies and that kind of thing.


Not all of the crystals in the world, under our world are like that, but some are. Right when um we were being given this information, this lady appears in one of the workshops and she goes, I’ve seen them – I went there, and she brought photos and it blew my mind. Look at this


K: Oh wonderful, yeah


A: this is Leela, she actually was one of the few that got to go down there cause she knew the scientist


K: Is that like, I think they’re in Mexico


A: yeah its Chihuahua, yeah and there’s many others like that actually on the planet


K: Ok


A: but these are one, this one was seeded, it’s a Nibiruan cluster


K: Oh


A: actually, yeah so


K: but what happens to the people that go inside there though, it must be pretty intense,


A: well, if they don’t die from the heat, right? It’s like 107 degrees


Unknown: Its 150, 150 degrees…


A: yeah, yeah its really bad. Frequency wise, well they were, you could do interesting things with those. Now they’re not so bad because the guardians have worked in a way that has recalibrated them, because there’s been a whole bunch of deals and treaties going on, because the ones that that broke the original ah treaty of Altair that was set, that was talked about in in the Voyagers book, ah they found that they lost that round and the other ones were going to take them over and take over their grids. So a bunch of them handed them handed their grids back over to us and kind of – we’ll be nice now. Right?


It kind of comes down to a split between the Annunaki and the Drac’s, right? And the Drac’s you have (Ambercon?) Draconian, you have um there’s there’s  (Odetaton?) reptilians, and a bunch of others. And then on the Annunaki side you have the Thothian Annunaki and, which are like the snake people, and you have the ah the ah Jehovian Annunaki and a number of others and then you have the Weesa’s, taking sides. You have the Wessa Drac’s, Wessa Decs,


K: and what about the Sirian Annunaki, where do they fit in?


A: they have, they can come both Jehovian, there’s some Jehovian ones,   


K: oh, ok


A: and then like Nibiruan ones are primarily Thothian, but not all. Annunaki tend to hang together. And then the really fancy Annunaki gene code are the Enochians. Alright? Where they took both Annunaki groups and created a master race, right, gene line, so the Enochian Annunaki. Yeah, They’re usually high illuminati guys. Yeah, running around with 33 degree pluses and things. You know. But hey it’s cool, you know takes a village


K: ok, ah yeah well we could get into more detail on that but um, I guess lets ah lets move on. Should we take a break now, or do you want to


Unknown: it’s up to you


K: go up to the end


A: yeah why don’t we take a break?


K: ok


A: cause I’ve, I’ve hit that spot where we get into the planes of earth, which gets fascinating, because this is where we get into the spherical maps and the vertical maps going up and down from the core up into the atmosphere


K: ok


A: and we start finding out where we’re going to learn to orb to and eventually where that space is going to become physically solid as well as this space so we’ll be able to move through and that’s what our teachings are teaching us how to do, go home, yeah.





Something’s Happening at Giza

May 1

Something's Happening at Giza

We are being sent information that under cover of darkness, items are being excavated and removed from the area beneath the Sphinx. This video has been shot under great duress, to reveal to the world what is going on there. According to the website of Richard Gabriel:

"…However we can say right now, a couple of days ago we captured the exact moment under a full moon where they are removing items from below ground in the area in front of the Sphinx Temples. and it is a part of an ongoing SCA approved excavation project which has been in operation for almost one year.

Items of Great Importance are being openly removed by the Egyptian Authorities in front of the village people as well as the world.. and in other areas like this one! No one has been able to do a thing about it up to now. In the latest hour one Egyptian source claimed there was nothing found; however,eyewitnesses disagree."

This is a stunning violation of our right to know our history. I have offered the filmmakers a live interview to discuss and make public what is going on here.