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Movie “Knowing” – BP oil spill and the plot behind it

May 18

Movie "Knowing" – BP oil spill and the plot behind it

It occurred to me that the oil spill had to be engineered from higher levels and my only question was, why? What did they hope to gain?

A source has contacted me to reveal the following:

Apparently, a faulty gasket was installed and allowed to fail. The ultimate objective has to do with the movement of the North Atlantic conveyer… In the end, what we have here is a move in the chess game of Weather Wars.

From Wikipedia:

"It is believed that North Atlantic Deep Water formation has been dramatically reduced at times during the past (such as during the Younger Dryas or during Heinrich events), and that this might correlate with a decrease in the strength of the Gulf Stream and the North Atlantic drift, in turn cooling the climate of northwestern Europe…"

Although the exact way this will play out is unclear. However, the gist of it all is that the spill moving up the Northeast coast of the U.S. will head toward Iceland (what is it about Iceland that is such a trigger point/focus for things at this time one wonders) and then over to Europe. Result? Further cooling of the UK and North Europe and destruction of the fisheries industries in those areas, plunging Europe into food shortages and economic turmoil.

What this source said is that this is all part of the very long range plan to roll out the Anglo-Saxon Mission. Large contingents are making plans to go off-world and elsewhere in the long run.

This source also cited the movie KNOWING as containing a precursor event very similar to the actual oil rig explosion in the Gulf… this info is all over the net. See this YouTube video clip from the movie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmgeA3dr2uY

Coincidence? I think not. This is called fore shadowing. An Illuminati signature move.

So what do we have? More volcanic rumblings in Iceland, further predictions of ash in the skies affecting travel… How does this serve the 'masters' you have to ask and the answer is obvious. People are limited, can't move around a freely etc. etc.

The endgame is they are moving toward population thinning and control. This is all part of it.

Update with the team from Giza Geomatrix

May 16

I did an update with the team from Giza Geomatrix today. The audio interview should be released sometime on Monday if things go as planned.

Please go to the new link above called LETTERS TO CAMELOT to view fascinating letters we get from viewers.

Update on Off-world Monitoring of our progress

A source has reported that the secret gov has the technology to see craft in our skies that are not visible to the naked eye.. and to ascertain, the type of occupants and other details about the off-worlders as well. Reports are that our skies are inundated at this time with the craft from numerous star systems monitoring the situation down here. And so the stakes increase as wel move forward…

From M Jackson – another explanation of Peter Sterling’s video interview

From: M. Jackson

used with permisssion

Just viewed Peter Sterling's video. From my perspective, his experience was derived from beliefs he already held. I consider these types of tales a test of our gullibility. I witnessed Drunvalo Melchizedek whom he referenced falling into this trap and being used to see how far those who listen to Drunvalo might run. I was one of the first to hear Drunvalo's message more than 20 years ago now during an event in Hawaii. In the year 2000 or thereabouts, I witnessed Drunvalo being played like a puppet on a string by government forces, who he claimed to have met in DC. He disclosed in a gathering I attended in Rhinebeck, NY at Omega Institute that our water supply had been spiked and humanity had 18 months. The saving grace "clustered water" that he happened to be promoting. I watched people in zombie fashion fall in step. After the event, I was asked to share my observations of the event — and shared that it was a sad day. We were all tested. The dark forces (or service to self cabals) are not concerned about this segment of the population in pursuit of ascension, spirituality or in short hand New Age folk. Today, we as a group demonstrated an impressive level of conditioning that poses no threat to their aims. It was a wake up call to me — on how no stone is left unattended and how we are managed and monitored by these concerns.

Peter presents us with another opportunity to discern where we stand in the wake of the experience he details. Not to pick on either Drunvalo nor Peter, I have to say that I observed myself as I listened and felt myself to be alert and at peace. The truth that is with me this moment shows up in this way…. I feel the greatest opportunity before us NOW is to recognize the sentient nature and beingness of Earth. I feel the memories of prior folds in time involving the cyclic changes on this planet. They are rapid, chaotic and game-changing. We all can play a role as a portal for energies that organize the emergent forms to come as we transition. I feel it serves to be in relationship with the planet, with its various kingdoms: mineral, plant, and animal and with celestial bodies in our immediate galactic community. Awareness through interconnectedness and interdependence. The wisdom that guides will be everywhere present on this planet. Our antennas' need to be engaged. Jamming the human antenna is the easiest way for those in 'service to self' to eliminate opposition and any threat to the control they seek to maintain. Project Camelot is providing a fine service. I appreciate the stand you take to allow people to come forward and your attention to following the thread that links seemingly disparate topical areas. It is helpful to know "who is who" on the gameboard. I know it is important to support your work and I see that I will be able to do more in the short term.


Let me commend you and your team

Dear Kerry and team,

Let me commend you and your team for the great work that you all undertake.  I am from London and wished to share some information with you.  Every evening a helicopter comes above where I live with my girlfriend. Before we hear it, a pulse or a wave seems to pass through our bodies. Immediately, my muscles in the neck tense up, and I start to have mild dizziness and a sensation in the head that one feels when talking on the mobile phone for a while but multiplied many times over.  As it leaves, the sound of the copter is still ringing in our heads for a while after and the next day we develop a rash akin to eczema. Whatever it is, it seems to strip our immune system in some way and leave us feeling like empty shells.  I do not know why they are doing this to London and what their agenda is. It has been happening for years and I had to tell someone about it.  I hope you can investigate and spread awareness about this matter for the good of us all.  I found that sitting under trees seems to reverse the damage caused by it all.

Your anonymously. Xx.


Andy Lloyd – Dark Star

Andy Lloyd – Dark Star | Los Angeles, May 2010 | mp3 | mov

We visited Andy Lloyd in North England in the middle of a very cold and stormy winter day. He and his wife warmly welcomed us into their home for a hot lunch and then we sat down and talked about his theories on the 2nd sun, or Brown Dwarf that he has been researching for over 10 years. As it happens, his theories are just now gaining support. There was even a recent newspaper article in the SUN about the possibility. Here is an excerpt from his email:

[On Mar 13, 2010, at 9:44 AM, andy lloyd wrote:

Hi Kerry,

I’m glad you’re enjoying the book! Yes, I saw the article in the Sun, which has a circulation of about 7 million. That’s a lot of Brits finding out about this possibility for the first time. I looked at the article on their website and the comment board attached to the article had a lot of discussion about 2012, so I imagine that most readers thought that there might be an imminent threat from comet showers sent our way by the ‘Death Star’ Nemesis. Either way, the article shows just how seriously this subject is now taken in the astronomical community. It also follows on nicely from some of the material we discussed in our interview.

I think the Sun picked up the story from the following excellent science article published the day before:


In this article, various brown dwarf theories are described – from a red dwarf Nemesis body about half a light year away, to a multiple-Jupiter-mass object in the Oort Cloud. Personally, I believe it is nearer than the comet could, as we discussed. The expectation is that if such a body exists, then WISE will find it.

He went on to say:

“I’m hopeful that it will be found in the constellation of Sagittarius. But this is one of the densest areas of background stars in the sky, due to the Milky Way, so the hunt will be that much more difficult in this area.

Many thanks,

Andy Lloyd’]

Whereas, coming from the investigations of Camelot I think it is highly likely that even if WISE finds something, I doubt we will hear about it until it’s too late. And I also think it’s very possible if not certain that the secret space program has full knowledge of not only the location but the path the Dark Star and it’s accompanying planets are taking.

In fact, Henry Deacon aka Arthur Neumann mentioned the 2nd Sun to us several years ago now when we first made contact with him. He said it was “common knowledge” within the halls of the various alphabet agencies–albeit at a certain level of secrecy.

Meanwhile, Andy has now put his knowledge and insights to work creating very readable fiction that I have to say, after reading his first book, “Ezekiel One”, comes very close to a very possible truth in ways some may find too close for comfort. And yes, he has had some “interest from Hollywood” already and he is just now about to publish his second book in the proposed trilogy, called “The Followers of Horus”. Needless to say, I hope to be among the first in line to read it once it is released.

Kerry Lynn Cassidy
Los Angeles, CA

May 2010

planetary system

Andy Lloyd Books: Dark Star (2005); Ezekiel One (2009); & The Followers of Horus (2010)


Peter Sterling – Adventures with Ayahuasca

Peter Sterling – Adventures with Ayahuasca

Los Angeles, May 2010 | .mp3 | .mov

Several months ago we interviewed Peter Sterling. Due to sound issues we did not release it at that time. I have since found a work around that has eliminated most, though not all of these issues. This interview took place on the beach, hence the sound of the ocean became problematic. Upon Peter’s request I have now re-edited it and am releasing it here for the first time.

Due to the subject matter which concerns his encounter with 2 gray aliens during an Ayahuasca experience, we have included a cautionary note at the beginning of the video, reprinted here as well. While, clearly, Peter has the best of intentions, it is not at all certain that the information you are about to hear, is the truth.

A Project Camelot Production

Special note: Project Camelot does not agree with the message contained in this video. Due to problems with sound we have hesitated until now to release this interview. At Peter’s request we are releasing it now for viewing. We encourage you to use discernment when watching and remember that often, the Grays use screen memories and have an agenda behind their actions.

We release this interview at this time as an investigation into the nature of reality and one person’s testimony to his experience.

We also cannot recommend use of Ayahuasca nor do we reject it.

Kerry Lynn Cassidy
Project Camelot
May 2010

May 11, 2010 Further Explanation

Due to the number of emails I have received regarding this video I have decided to go into a bit more detail as to why the information in this video is problematic and may actually be very misleading. And to explain why, knowing this I would go ahead a release it.

Going into 2012 and the future beyond we are clearly entering a time when, regardless who you speak to, we will be encountering increasing changes here on the planet as well as within the nature of humanity. Even now, many people would agree that they are experiencing changes in how they perceive “reality” or what has until now been considered consensus reality by most. With the added influence of climate changes, electromagnetic changes, the changes on the sun and the geophysical play of forces around us along with the continued roll-out of the NWO amidst a gradual but sincere, mass awakening on this planet it is no wonder people are highly charged emotionally and some are even becoming more and more mentally unbalanced.

Project Camelot was set up to bring forth the testimony of whistleblowers from black or secret projects along with the discoveries of experiencers and researchers. We did not set ourselves up to be arbiters of taste (such as mainstream media). On the contrary, we established Project Camelot in order to get the truth out regardless of the guise or apparent contradictions found therein. The aim was and still is, to challenge the consensus view of “reality” and what it means to be human, at this time on this planet. Therefore, nothing, could be considered “off limits” for us to investigate.

In putting out the information using the interview format, on video and audio we purposely used this approach in what I have repeatedly referred to as “guerilla filmmaking”. And that is what it is. Our technical skills were never the focus. What the intention is, is to get the truth out whenever and however possible. Which leads us to the question, what is truth? Is one man’s truth another man’s deception? One can get pretty philosophical when considering the real nature of this multi-dimensional multi-verse we live in. Suffice to say, that within the various levels one can view from, it has been our premise that there is much more going on here on Earth, than is addressed by consensus reality and it is worth investigating. In other words we really do live in a matrix (or series of matrixes) and that it behooves us to find out what is really going on…

To that end, Project Camelot presents witness testimony. We are not about documentation or tangible “evidence” although we don’t reject those aspects should they be offered. However, finding tangible evidence is not our focus. Our focus is getting the testimony of individuals before the camera, under questioning, to reveal what it is they know, think they know or are in the process of finding out. Therefore, everything our witnesses say, and yes, I call them all witnesses because they are bearing witness to the nature of reality and their experience and sharing it with us… is to be considered.

We chose our witnesses with care and use a lot of our own intuition in bringing any particular story forward for consideration by our viewers. We are not going to tell you what is true and what is false. We will not put ourselves in the paternal position of telling you how to think, what to think or what conclusions to draw. On the contrary. I have a profound conviction in the abilities innate within each and every spiritual being to be able to discern and decide for themselves what they choose to believe as truth. And I have an even greater dedication to the freedom and sovereignty of each person to make their own choices as to what resonates and what does not.

We are not here to spoon feed you “the truth” about the nature of reality or what it means to be human. That is for you to decide. What we will do is present what we find to be worth considering. Both the positive and negative aspects of our realities… We want to open the dialog not close it down.

Therefore, with the above in mind I wish to offer the following in regard to Peter Sterling’s personal testimony about his experience with the Grey ETs he encountered during an Ayahuasca experience. You are welcome to disregard what I say if it does not resonate. In addition to presenting the opinions, views and witness testimony of others, we at Project Camelot, both have our own views and opinions. And you will, from time to time, encounter those, while visiting this website, or watching our videos.

Some people are confused because the Greys that communicated with Peter referred to ascension and elevating our frequency in order to move off planet and go into the 5th dimension. So what is so different, people are asking, than what for example David Wilcock talks about? The difference is this. The Greys are stating unequivocally that the Earth is going to become uninhabitable. They are telling Peter to abandon this planet. To prepare to leave. In essence they are saying our future is certain…and this is not the only problem with this story, but I leave it to you to determine what else may be amiss.

A very good primer for understanding the nature of positive (service to others) vs. service to self or negative ETs is the work of Marshall Vian Summers, Allies of Humanity. Or the work of Alex Collier. Or Laura Knight-Jadczyk. All three of these people are dealing with of- planet beings that have conveyed, very well, what the positive service to others beings consider to be the proper way to behave with regard to offering guidance while at the same time respecting the sovereignty and freedom of choice that is crucial to humanity at this time, on this planet in this dimension.

If you use discernment and listen carefully to what Peter describes as what he was told, you will begin to question whether the Greys Peter is communicating with are truly service to others… and whether they just might have an agenda.

It is absolutely, crucial at this time, that each and every one of us develop our own ability to discern truth from falsity with understanding. Why now? Because from my point of view, it is highly likely at some point in the future, many of you may be faced with a choice on whether to believe a scenario not unlike that depicted in the TV series “V” where you will be faced with the kindest most genuine of beings, offering you choices on what direction to go in the future. And if you have not learned how to use your own powers of discernment you may well experience an extremely unpleasant future or even a destructive end. Therefore, Project Camelot encourages you to think and consider all sides of every question. We do not learn only from seeing the positive… in fact in this dimension the lessons are most concerned with seeing the polarities and attaining the mastery to discern how to balance the light and dark.. How to love with wisdom. How to see with the heart and go beyond the illusion of opposites into the unity of one. No one can do this for you. Nor should they.

Kerry Lynn Cassidy
Project Camelot Productions

Peter’s site:


Letter from a Soldier – Forced vaccines

May 14

Letter from a Soldier – Forced vaccines


Now you can truely see the type of shit that these guys are putting the rest of the ARMY through. And by "Those guys", I mean the Rockafeller Faction. They are still in charge at the highest levels at the pentigon and still pushing their global agenda of mass vaccinnating everyone under Military command. That means that they are going to try one more time before 2012 to FORCE this innocculation on the global public at large. Make no mistake, they have something up their sleeve. The fact that this is even still being pushed in our sector is proof of that. 

Im am sending this to you again Kerry along with the company news letter and a predeployment frago, (fragment order). This is just a hospital unit but they like to try and sound high speed. The fact of the matter is that the poor people (officers), who are pushing this agenda dont even know about the Disclosure Project, Project Camelot, or about the Baxter incidents'. And whats even worse is that the young soldiers who are just children themselves have been turned in to not much more than trained dogs at this level. They only know what they see on American Idol and Sports Center. They are programmed to follow orders without much question and do NO RESEARCH into the what is currently going on arround them academically or globally as far as archeology goes not to mention what has been going on in the Military Industrial Complex for the last 70 years. They know NOTHING about it. 

But with reguards to the bullitan sent out here, you can see that they are almost literally holding a gun to our heads and demanding that we take a forced "at gun point" vaccination. 

Our fore-fathers would roll over in their graves if they knew about this. Yet it doesnt even bother anyone I know at this hospital, nor does this form of communistic totalitarian terrorism seem to bother anyone at the higher command levels. 

Please post the bullitan itself on your website if you like, but once again I ask that you not include the delivery list of addresses. This has got to be seen by everyone to be believed. THIS IS TERRORISM FROM WITH-IN THE STRUCTURE, and the kids in this sector are scared not to take it.

Out for now, (sorry about the poor spelling, its been a looong day)

> Date: Thu, 29 Apr 2010 17:22:17 

> Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
> Caveats: FOUO

> Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
> Caveats: FOUO

> BLUF: If Soldier fails to get H1N1 or fails to provide proof; Soldier will
> not get paid for BA

> Please read the attached FRAGO especially page 4. Below is the supporting
> portion of the OPORD.

> Influenza vaccination is a mandatory immunization in accordance with (IAW)
> Army Regulation 40-562, Immunizations and Chemoprophylaxis, 29 SEP 06,
> paragraph 4-8.b. All military personnel must comply with immunization
> requirements, unless medically exempt IAW Army Regulation 40-562, paragraph
> 2-6. Personnel receiving immunizations during a unit-sponsored event shall
> be in a duty status when receiving any DoD directed immunization (e.g.,
> ordered period of service, inactive duty training (IDT), rescheduled
> training (RST), or readiness management assembly (RMA)). Commanders will
> enforce the following policy: Soldiers who do not comply with mandatory
> Novel A(H1N1) vaccination, who are not medically exempt, will not receive
> credit for attendance for the first Multiple Unit Training Assembly (MUTA)
> and all subsequent MUTAs that they fail to comply with the mandatory
> vaccination IAW Army Regulation 135-91, Service Obligations, Methods of
> Fulfillment, Participation Requirements, and Enforcement Procedures, 1 FEB
> 05, paragraph 3-1.a. Soldiers present at a scheduled IDT will not receive
> credit for attendance unless they perform assigned duties in a satisfactory
> manner as determined by the unit commander. Soldiers who do not receive
> credit for attendance for any of the reasons noted above will be charged
> with an unexcused absence (chap 4, sec III).

> Staying ARMY STRONG!
> Assistant Chief Nurse
> 328th CSH/Alpha Company
>Phone: removed

> CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email message, including any attachments, is
> for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain Sensitive but
> Unclassified (SBU) information or Privacy Act Data. If you are not the
> intended recipient, please contact the -removed- by reply e-mail and
> destroy all copies of the original message. Thank you.

> Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
> Caveats: FOUO

End of letter from a soldier

Michael Tellinger – Temples of African Gods

Michael Tellinger : Temples of african gods

Los Angeles, May 2010 |.mp3 | .mov

I decided to do an audio interview with Michael Tellinger in order to provide an upldate on what is becoming worldwide attention on the ruins in South Africa. The stone circles including Adam’s Calendar were brought to the forefront when Johan Heine contacted Michael Tellinger, author of Slave Species of god back in 2007 to tell him about the discovery of a massive set of stone ruins located in South Africa. As the author of an investigation into the Annunaki and the genetic engineering of man, Michael iinstantly saw the connection to his own work.

Now, years later, with more scientists beginning to recognize the importance of these sites, known as Adam’s Calendar and Makomati, Michael is spending more of his time showing interested parties what has been found. His investigations into these ruins have yiellded secrets regarding the origins of humanity, the technology and knowledge that resides in this place and the signfiicance this has for our future.

In addition, this interview happened as part of what became a strange synchronicity with a controversy that has erupted aournd Michael Tellinger and Credo Mutwa. In a special effort to clear up this controversy, I have asked Michael to talk about this and reveal details of his relationship to Credo. I sincerely hope that the information here will clear up this misunderstanding. More and more, in this field of research, journalists and personalities find half truths or misconceptions and take it upon themselves to publicize them either for their own advancement or for some nefarious purpose that is not immediately clear. This is a call to all those who have participated in this to come forward with public apologies and understanding.


Official Statement by Michael Tellinger – 26 May 2010

On Credo Mutwa and the accusations of fraud.

Due to certain developments beyond my control, I have been drawn into an unfortunate situation where a faceless, nameless individual supported by a group of so-called journalists have started spreading malicious lies about me stealing large amounts of money from Credo Mutwa. At first I saw it as a minor irritation that would just go away if I ignored it, since it is without any merit or substance, but to my surprise, these allegations have grown in their venomous nature to the extent that they have convinced some prominent international authors and respected journalists to fall for these lies. The lies and allegations against me have been so well planned that they have even created some doubt in the mind of my dear friend baba Credo and his wife Virginia.  It has also led to the souring of relationships between me and some prominent international authors, who in my opinion should have done more to investigating the source before siding with those that began the rumours.

So, I now feel that it is imperative to go on record for all to see that whoever has concocted these accusations is guilty of launching a smear campaign against me for some inexplicable reason.

My relationship with Credo and Virginia Mutwa is healthy and I have warned them to be aware of this sinister activity. I can categorically state that I have done my very best to help raise funds for Credo and Virginia, and will continue to do so into the future.

The allegations are as follows:  An anonymous, faceless individual, who states that he represents a large organisation of over 10,000 people, donated a large sum of money towards Credo Mutwa, which he paid into my account. I have been accused of keeping the money and not paying it to Credo, thereby stealing large amounts of money from him. A group of journalist were given this information upon which they called Credo and asked whether he received a large amount of money from me, which was due to him. Obviously Credo and Virginia responded with surprise and stated that they had not received any money from me – there was no money donated in the first place. But what it did manage to do, is sow the seeds of doubt with Credo and Virginia about my levels of credibility. This is what saddens me most.

I can categorically state that I have received no large donations or even small donations for Credo. To this point all my attempts to raise money for Credo have not been successful.  I did send out an email to my database asking people to donate money and help Credo, after he told me that he was in dire straits when I saw him in March 2010.

I recently released a DVD of myself in conversation with Credo which is selling on my website, www.zuluplanet.com – for which Credo is receiving a very substantial royalty – much larger than normally allocated by publishers.

In about Jan 2010, we created a donation button to raise money for Credo’e cultural village in Soweto, which was completely ruined and broken down. This amazing space was created by Credo himself several decades ago and was/is filled with his art and spirit. I responded to a plea from a group of young concerned South Africans who were devastated by the condition of the village. They saw it as a window of opportunity to bring some pride back to Soweto and restore a precious part of our cultural history.  Any money raised in this attempt was going to go to the restoration of the village. We did not receive any donations.

When I visited Credo at his house in March 2010, he told me that he had disassociated himself from the village and he had no more feelings for it. We immediately removed the donation button and planned to reintroduce it later, with the intent to raise money for Virginia’s hospital for abused children, which she is building behind their house. Virginia showed me the partially constructed building and explained where and what still needed to be completed. I left there with a promise to do what I can to help raise funds for the hospital.

Not long after this these accusations against me began.

So, to make it very simple and expose this devious, venomous individual and the horde of so-called journalist who fell for his lies, I propose the following. Since we all know who I am, but we do not know who this individual is – Tell us your name; tell me and the journalists that surround you, how much you deposited; when you made the deposit; and into which account you made the deposit.

If this account actually belongs to me, I will gladly disclose all deposits made into my account on that day for all to see if I actually received any such donation.

I trust that this will be that last we ever hear of this, and our faceless individual will probably never be revealed. I hope this satisfies those who may have had doubt, and makes all of us realise how vulnerable we are to malicious and slanderous attacks by those who want to damage our reputations for reasons of their own.



Yours sincerely

Michael Tellinger
Keep exploring.


Letter from Dave Gardner

May 24, 2010

Statement On Credo Mutwa’s Village in Soweto.
To whom it may concern,

My name is Dave Gardner and I am writing this email to speak of my
involvement with Credo Mutwa’s Village in Soweto. I am a young South African
and am extremely passionate about the true history of this country and of
course much more. One man who has been a guiding light for all who are in
search of truth is none other than Baba Credo Vusamazulu Mutwa. Towards the
end of last year I visited Credo’s Village in Soweto and was extremely
saddened by the current state of the village and the people who were working
there. During my visit to the village I felt very inspired to try and make a
difference and in conversation with the locals there decided that we would
do our best to clean up the village and try and make it the place that
stands to its name, Kwa-Khayalendaba, Home of the Story.

When I got home later that day I contacted Michael Tellinger, whom I had
formed a good friendship with, and we discussed what we could possibly do in
order to help and try restore Credo’s Village to its former glory. I did
quite a lot of research into the village and spoke to all the official
people involved. Of course it came as no suprise to find a large amount of
controversy surrounding the village and I knew that things would not go as
smoothly as we would hope, but such is life. At the time Michael was about
to release his DVD with Baba Mutwa and this was a perfect opportunity to
also draw attention to the village. Unfortunately money was an issue and it
was clear that funds needed to be raised in order to back the project that
we had hoped was going to be a success. In combination with the DVD Mike
gave people the oppurtunity to donate money towards the village however this
did not last long because Credo soon informed Mike that Credo had
disassociated himself with the village and that we should focus our energy
on something else. As far as I know, no money was donated and Mike and Credo
have discussed rather focussing on raising money for Virginia’s Clinic.

I have listened to what Baba Credo said and have not been back to the
village. This is what I know to be the truth. Please feel free to contact

Kind Regards,

Dave Gardner

Enclosed pictures of the destruction of Credo’s Village:

More pictures of Michael at the Stone Circles and Ruins of South Africa

Michael Tellinger’s websites:

Adam’s Calendar






Update on Giza

May 12 – Update

An update on Giza

I received the following information from my source who calls himself "KM or Kid Maste"r. If true the implications are important:

This is an update of the GIZA info. I just met with my contact and we discussed recent events while i showed him the Giza Geomatrix website. He has corroborated that the information on said website is in fact similar to his intel. In fact, he joked about how similar it was to his training in the service. Anyway the basic story is that during the Apr 23rd incident when we had "anamolous" weather as was reported by weather.com that night when we were supposed to have had clear skies, someone may have entered the Chamber of the Sun and started some kind of charge. This was supposed to have tilted our axis a few miles off. I asked specifically how far, he didn't know but there should be a noticable difference in star maps etc. This would have been the second time the U.S government was reading a heat signature from the apex of the pyramid that is supposedly made of a material called STERN alloy. I have yet to find any information on it, but he told me it is not a metal of this planet.

What i do know is that the military doesnt know how the device works and does not want to damage the device or anyone else to damage the device. In face some excavaters recently dug into something of a sand trap while searching thru some of the ruins and they have decided they dont want anyone to continue digging unless they know they wont trigger some kind of trap.or intended diversion. But there is quite a lot of digging happening there now and there are 3 governments involved, one that he did not name the other 2, of course, US and Egypt.

Some other tidbits of info is that from what he was told, only 2 of the pyramids work and there is one of which is 72 stories in depth as it is an upside down pyramid that was built in spain. He says there are several unknowns as well…


Further Explanation regarding the Peter Sterling video

The recent release of the video interview with Peter Sterling is raising a lot of questions. This is a good thing. Please Click Here to see my Further Explanation for the release of this video and some of the basis for why we do what we do at Project Camelot.

Letter from T

Letter from T**** C******, May 11, 2010

used with permission

From: [address removed]
Date: May 11, 2010
To: <kerry@projectcamelotportal.com>
Subject: Peter Sterling Interview and Comments on Camelot

Kerry Cassidy,

Hola. Before I start the bulk of this letter, I am going to tell you a little about myself. I am a 22 year old male from Washington state. I attended an arts based high school and have been interested in art for basically all my life. When I was about 16, I began experimenting with things like marijuana, mushrooms, and LSD. I had a lot of experiences that changed the way I looked at the world, or whatever. Typical of someone who does this kind of thing. By the way, I would NEVER do anything like this again, except for a little pot now and then, but no psychedelic substances. When I was 18, in my Junior year (old for a Junior, I know) my father informed me about something called Astral Projection, and I was skeptical, but intrigued by the whole concept. Before this I had an almost purely Atheistic, scientific, "nuts & bolts" view of reality. I started researching this and eventually was able to produce an OOBE. To cut a long story short, as an 18 year old kid, I realized in that experience that I had a lot of growing up to do before I took on the responsibility that comes along with dealing with these types of experiences. So I decided I would just work on out-of-body stuff in the sleep sate, instead of consciously doing this. But, with having this experience, I now knew that what is being put forth in the mainstream scientific establishment cannot possibly be an accurate representation of the way reality really works.

I began researching online to try and find some people who had information on more metaphysical views on reality. I didn't find ANYTHING worth mentioning for about 3 months, but I stuck with it. I also had reconnected with an old family member that knew quite a bit about some of this stuff, and was a clairvoyant, did "readings" for me, and it opened up some new doorways for me. As far as the internet research, I soon came across a website called "Divine Cosmos". It was the first site that I found where I felt that the information being presented in his online books, was, to a significant degree, pretty accurate. At least insofar as his scientific info. We have some differences in philosophy, but overall, I feel that his scientific work has a lot of very valuable info. This was all in my Junior year. To try and make this quick, throughout the rest of my time in High School, I was very into David's work, began reading Cayce readings, was researching Atlantis, hypnosis, practicing clairvoyance, etc. and basically stopped coming to school. I was only there about half the time; I guess I had better things to do…

After I got out of High School, I was still researching all on my own (VERY few people take me seriously). I was poking around online trying to find legitimate info on ET's. All I seemed to be able to find were these videos on youtube of supposed alien autopsy photos, and UFO's. Some of the stuff seemed like it might have been real, but most of it, I felt, was a bunch of bullshit. Then, I came across two videos online that I felt were FAR more legitimate than anything else I had seen. One was an interview done in like 1993 with this guy Alex Collier, interviewed by Rick Keefe. I'm sure you know exactly what interview I'm talking about. The other video that I felt was legitimate, was this interview on youtube with this guy Dan Burisch. With these interviews, I can now look at someone right in the eyes, read their expressions, mannerisms, energy, etc. and decide for myself if I think they are full of shit or not. I felt that they were both presenting what they felt was truthful information. Whether MJ-12 is being honest with Dan, and the Andromedans with Alex is a whole other subject of discussion. But anyway, I still went on researching and was enjoying it.

The summer that I started watching this stuff (2007) I came across a book by a guy named Daniel Pinchbeck. In some of his books, he mentions this powerful psychedelic form the Amazon called Ayahuasca. Now, I already had several experiences with mushrooms and LSD, as I mentioned, so I basically had this sort of "I can handle anything" type of attitude. I ended up finding an online supplier for ayahuasca, and I ordered some of this stuff. This was in October of 2007. So, I found a recipe for the tea online, and I brewed this stuff up. Now, I thought that this was going to be like mushrooms or mescaline or something… boy was I in for a big surprise! I had two trustworthy friends of mine "trip-sit" me while I did this. We went out to the middle of the woods where I started drinking this stuff. About twenty minutes after consumption, I threw up, and apparently most people do. Immediately, this stuff started kicking in. At this point, I was sitting there with my eyes open and experienced this sort of telepathic connection with ALL of the plant life surrounding me, and it was VERY intense. The visual experience was like, if you could imagine a blend between 3rd and 4th density. I was in the 3rd density still, but it had this "dream-like" quality to it. Now, since this substance does indeed open this sort of access to higher densities, something really wild happened pretty quickly, and I swear, I'm not making this up (I LOATHE people who make shit like this up). I had two or three beings, astral beings, appear behind me. Although they were non-physical beings, they appeared to be like astral reptilians, which kind of confused me because I had only heard of the physical ones through Collier. It scared the shit out me, Kerry. Seriously. What I was able to pick up off of them, is that basically they are very cold, ruthless, beings with an "I don't give a fuck about you" kind of attitude. My friends looked at me while this was going on (they didn't know these guys were behind me) and asked if I was alright. They said that I was very pale, and I looked like I was dead. Terrified, I said to them, "Get me the fuck out of here, NOW!" We walked back to their car, and I laid down in the back seat and closed my eyes to try and make all of this go away, but instead I had the experience of being propelled through a wormhole or something (kind of like on the show Stargate) and I ended up in a place that was totally white and VAST. There were four or five more alien like beings, who appeared to be waiting for me. These beings were more androgynous and seemed very friendly. They were certainly much nicer than the other bunch! So they appered to be apologizing to me for what had just happened to me, and appeared to be doing some kind of energetic work on my non-physical body. It was actually quite pleasant. It was like I was on a conveyor belt or something, moving, and these beings were working on me as I went by. If you could imagine having water poured on you face, but it moves through all the cells in your body and it feels like it's cleaning out all of the shit that has built up over the years. As they left, in the 3rd density we were just pulling up to the house I was staying in at the time. All that happened to me in the back seat of a Volkswagen Bug. Pretty funny huh?

So, as I'm stepping out of the car, I'm still in this higher plane, but I could still walk around, and a third and final entity appeared to me. This one was like a big energy being that didn't have a body, but it tried to identify itself to me as "Mahavishnu".

I was a little intrigued for a minute, but then I guess I kind of thought, " If you really are who you say you are, what the fuck are you talking to me for?" I just kind of ignored it, and walked inside, sat down by the fireplace, and basically had my own adventure that wasn't tainted by the presence of these entities, and my own personal adventure was FAR MORE FASCINATING than talking to some alien. I really can't describe it, because it is very difficult to translate experiences that take place in higher densities into words, and I'm sure you know exactly what I mean. But I will say that there was ONE thing that I felt very, very strongly during this experience, that does correlate, in a way, with the testimony of this Peter Sterling. It has to do with 2012. I felt that there was indeed some kind of transformation about to occur in 2012. I had already been reading Wilcock's material on 2012, and this was like validation to me, at the time. So after this experience ended, I just kind of stood up, and was like, "That was the craziest thing that has ever happened to me" and just kind of went on with my life. Also, as a side note, earlier in the summer I somehow got this e-mail form Divine Cosmos (I NEVER get e-mails from them; I'm not even quite sure how I got on their mailing list) saying that he had a new 3 1/2 hour interview, and of course I watched it and really enjoyed it.

So I go on with my life. One day, in December 2007 if I remember correctly, I'm over at my friend's house, and they are about to go somewhere, and I asked if I could stay at his house to use his computer. I checked the Divine Cosmos site and he has this link to a new interview called "Jumproom to Mars." So I start watching this interview and I see David sitting here in a restraunt with these two other people. I'm thinking, "Well, these are probably a couple friends of his." But then, I had recognized your voice as the woman who conducted the 3 1/2 hour interview, but I'm sitting here thinking, "Who the hell is this Australian guy?" I watched the interview and was totally blown away. This was the most amazing information I had ever heard, at the time. So then I noticed that this video was tagged "Project Camelot." So I went to the old Camelot site, and I start clicking on the interviews, and I found that interview with Dan Burisch again. Then it hit me. I had been watching your interviews for months, but I thought they were just random interviews on youtube, but it was like in my mind I heard, "This is Project Camelot. This is what we do." I VERY quickly realized that I had stumbled onto a very valuable source of information that had info on just about everything I wanted to know about, and even then your database was relatively small. I also soon realized that this "Australian Guy" was Bill Ryan, one of the co-founders of Project Camelot. And that he's not Australian at all, which I thought was kind of funny.

Over the next few years I kept up with your work, and even today I check your site almost daily. I have watched almost all of your interviews, many of them several times. I used to listen to them at work when my employers were out of town. I used to make handmade jewelry, so my employers would leave a lot to go do art shows. One of my favorite interviews was with John Lear, and ironically, I don't agree with a lot of what he says, but he's just such a character. It was also the interview that opened a whole new doorway for me. In the last 10 minutes or so in part 2 of the "John Lear Tells All" you guys mentioned a series of books called MATRIX. The way you guys were talking about it made it sound like something that was too far out of reach for me to ever get a hold of a MATRIX book. I eventually just said "Fuck it", why don't I search for Val Valerian on Amazon and see what pops up. I didn't want to search for MATRIX, because it's pretty damn obvious what is gonna pop up. I found some used copies of these books and I bought a copy of MATRIX IV, used for like $90. I didn't care though, I was thrilled to have even just one of these books. And besides, I wanted to see what was to special about this Val Valerian's info, that would cause John Lear to re-evaluate his position on "Planet X", just by the mention of his name and his books. The book came and it was a whopping 1080 pages, thicker than a phone book. I was living in an apartment with my mom at the time, and got my own place in the beginning of August 2008. By this time, I had found this website called "trufax" that apparently sold MATRIX books. So, when I got my next paycheck, I made like a $200 order and got all 3 volumes of MATRIX V, as well as a copy of MATRIX III, for a friend of mine who wanted one of the books.

The next day, I accidentally left my phone at home when I went to work that day. I got home, put some minutes on my phone, and was messing around on my computer. I had my dad drop me off a Photo Shop program earlier that day, and I was pulling pictures from the NASA archives into Photo Shop, and messing around to see if I could find anything. Loved the interview with Hoagland, by the way, which is where I got the idea to do this. As I'm sitting here doing this, my phone rings and it's from a restricted number. I got this really queasy feeling in my stomach, and I answered the phone. "Hello?" I said, somewhat nervously. "Hi, I'm calling to speak with " _______" says this deep voice on the other end of the phone. "This is him" I replied. He says, "This is Val Valerian from Leading Edge International Research Group, I received an order from you today for the MATRIX V Trilogy and MATRIX III Volume 1. Are you sure you don't want MATRIX VI instead of MATRIX III, it would go much better with the MATRIX V Trilogy." I replied, "No, actually the MATRIX III is for a buddy of mine." He says, "Well, are you sure you don't want Volume 2 of the MATRIX III set? It's much better. It's 5 bucks more, but I'll cover the difference." Nice guy, huh? I wasn't really sure what to do, because it was for a friend. So I told him I would think about it for a minute, but in the meantime I asked him if I could ask him a few questions. He says, "You got info?" And I'm sitting here like, "Uhhhh, no." So I explained to him how I found his books, through a John Lear interview, and how I found MATRIX IV on Amazon. When I mentioned MATRIX IV, he just burst out with laughter. He said that the stuff in MATRIX IV was all based on the "Flower of Life" material put forth by Drunvalo Melchizedek, and when they had started the MATRIX V project they realized it was all bullshit, so they removed MATRIX IV from publication. It was a matter of personal integrity, which I respect greatly. He said that there were some things in there that were "worth taking a look at" but ultimately MATRIX IV was a dead-end for anyone seriously trying to progress spiritually. We ended up talking for just over an hour, and it was probably the wildest conversation I've ever had, even though he did most of the talking.

The reason I am telling you this, is because you had mentioned in the "John Lear Tells All" interview that you have a copy of MATRIX V. Since I finished that book, I have always wondered how you feel about it. Now, I am not looking for any kind of "validation" for where I am from you, or anything like that. I know how I feel about the MATRIX V books, and I don't really give a shit what other people think about it, insofar as letting someone else's opinion of it effect mine. I have a couple friends who know about the MATRIX V set, but none of them have read it, so I've never really discussed the material with anyone. I've been reading this stuff for almost 2 years now, and I've gotta say that my life has changed pretty dramatically. So here are a few questions for you, in case you do decide to write me back, and I hope you do because I would really like to hear what you think about this stuff.

-Have you read at least the first volume of MATRIX V in it's entirety?
-If so, how do you feel about it?
-Have you done any work with Hemi-Sync, or anything with the Monroe Institute?
-How do you feel about "The Author's" info on the concepts of "Lightsiders", "Darksiders", and "Balance"?
-Have you experienced anything out of the ordinary that may be a result of reading MATRIX V?
-Have you read any of the later volumes of MATRIX V?

I would guess, that you probably don't get a whole lot of e-mails about MATRIX V, because it's not exactly "popular" in the alternative information circuit, if you know what I mean… It would be great to hear from you about this, truly. With all of that being said, now I can get to why I am choosing to e-mail you in the first place. This new interview with Peter Sterling.

I am very, very pleased that you put a disclaimer on this interview. It seems like you were very hesitant to post this interview, and I understand why. Or at least I think I do.

I love the work that both you and Bill have put out over the years. You guys down at Camelot have impacted my life in such a dramatic way, that I really don't know how to say thank you. I would not be where I am, as far as my understanding of myself, who I am, what I am, where I am, etc. if it were not for you guys. I would not have found the MATRIX books, which were instrumental in my progression of myself, if you guys would have never mentioned them. I truly thank you from the depths of my soul. You guys mean a lot to me. 

There are not many people who you guys have interviewed, that I didn't enjoy listening to. Patrick Geryl was one of them. Ironically, I started to read one of his books a couple years ago, and I hated it. I didn't even realize that he was the same guy, until he started talking about floating in boats in the middle of the ocean to try and save ourselves from a cataclysm in 2012. 

You guys had also, rightfully, placed a disclaimer on that interview as well. That shows that you guys do have integrity, and it shines through in you work. However, I DO NOT like to say something like this to you, AT ALL, but I think that the recent interview with this "Peter Sterling", may not be the best idea in the world. I told you what happened to me when I took ayahuasca. The only reason I did it, is because I heard someone talking about it in a book, and thought it might be "cool" to try. I know that a lot of younger people, mid-teens – early twenties, are starting to "wake up" and they watch your interviews. I am COMPLETELY for free speech, and freedom of thought, and all the rest of it, but I think that people like Peter Sterling, Daniel Pinchbeck, and others, are very irresponsible in the way they present this type of information, regarding the use of psychedelic substances. Teenagers like to experiment. Younger people in general like to experiment. Basically what I'm trying to articulate to you, (and I'm sure you can tell I'm choosing my words carefully here) is that there are people out in the world you might see this interview, and despite the fact that there is a disclaimer, they might want to try this stuff anyways. This is a dangerous area to be moving into, and I KNOW this from my own experiences. There are entities out there on the astral who just wait for people who can be easily manipulated, like me when I was 19, or like this Peter Sterling, and they just fuck with you! It doesn't take a fucking rocket scientist to figure that out! Think back to that entity who identified itself as "Mahavishnu" to me. What a joke! But there are people out there who have experiences like this, and they think that they are "chosen" or are "given a message for the world to hear" and take it totally seriously. This Peter Sterling is just another one of these people. If I, at 22 years old, have enough of an intellect to be able to figure that out, and this Peter Sterling (who I'm guessing is in his mid-30's) can't figure that out, it shows where he is spiritually and intellectually. He stated in his interview that this ayahuasca experience of his happened only 3 or 4 months prior to the interview, and I can tell he is just "in awe" of what happened to him and his experience with these "greys". He really believes that what these aliens were telling him was truthful, and maybe some of it was, but it is laced with lies.
There are natural ways to achieve out-of-body states, as I know you know, and people who engage in psychedelics are doing themselves a dis-service, as I did to myself. I have had experiences in other realms, without the use of these substances, which is why I don't use drugs anymore. Except for pot, and I know that is something I need to work on, and I consciously recognize that. But pot is practically harmless, and I was actually using it for medical reasons, believe it or not. Just three or four days ago I was diagnosed with a bacterial infection called H Pylori, which causes stomach ulcers and cancers. I may well have had it for over a year. I had to smoke pot to ease my nausea, and to boost my appetite and I never knew what was wrong with me. I was prescribed some anti-biotics and some other allopathic crap, and after three doses of this stuff it was causing me more problems than it was supposed to solve, and I knew it probably would but I tried it anyway just to see for myself. Luckily, I have my handy-dandy bottle of MMS, thanks to you guys and Jim Humble! I've been taking it for not even 24 hours and I am already feeling better. But anyway, I'm getting off track here…

I think you probably understand my point on the whole ayahuasca thing. But I think I have a couple more points to make before I conclude this message. It is my personal opinion that this whole new-age ayahuasca thing is something that is being intentionally allowed to be publicized because the "darkside" wants people to engage in this type of activity because it adds confusion to their life, gives them afalse sense of spiritual freedom, they share their experiences with others, and, as you know, the sheep follow the sheep. There are new-age sheep as well. Take a look at these pseudo-shamans in South America who want people to do this stuff, and look at the words they use in order to trick people into doing this. They say it's a "Medicine", an "Elixir"; they sugar-coat their sentences with words like this and people buy into this shit. As far as I'm concerned, and I'm not trying to insult the guy, Peter Sterling is just one more guy on a LONG list of people who believe the have a message for humanity that is somehow beneficial. Stating publicly that people need to "evacuate the planet" for 2012, and encouraging people to basically trust these aliens, get on that ship, get off the planet, etc. has the potential to have some consequences that are beyond serious. I can see it now…. the aliens come down and say, "Hey, we're here to "save" you all, come with us!" Then people trust them and go, but instead of being brought to a "Lush 5th density planet, made just for us", they are brought right back to the Orion system and become the P+45's, the P+52's,etc. I'm not saying that that is what I think will happen for sure, But it wouldn't surprise me. At all.

My destiny is here on Earth. If there is a cataclysm in 2012, I want to be HERE when the shit hits the fan. I KNOW that I am immortal. If my physical body dies in a disaster, boo fuckin' hoo. I could care less. I am actually really excited for whatever is to come, even if that involves the death of the physical. I see it all as an opportunity to take our lives in a brand new direction, and I can't wait. A lot of people in the alternative information circuit seem to have the impression that "our destiny is in the stars", and that implies that our destiny is confined to playing this 3rd density "game". It is my personal conclusion, based on my research and experiences, that our destiny is an another density. Despite my conclusions, I am not out there in the world sharing this with people; if they really wanted to know, they would have figured it out by now. And I am not trying to imply that I've got it all figured out or anything like that, but I feel that I know a whole hell of a lot more than most people in the world.

Although I didn't state it directly, one of my intentions in sending you this letter, is to hope that maybe you will consider pulling that interview. I really, really don't like the fact that I am asking you to consider removing an interview, because I think that it is important for people to be able to express their views and opinions and experiences, however I think that Project Camelot kicks way too much ass to have your reputation be effected just because this guy insists on you releasing his interview.

It is my personal opinion that if he feels the need to encourage drug use, trusting aliens who he doesn't even know, etc., he should do it on his own time on his own website. Project Camelot is becoming more and more well known by the day, and there are people out there in the world who are going to be looking to you guys for advice and information, and I would urge you to try and think about how hearing an interview with a guy like Peter Sterling might effect some people. Personally, I am glad I had my ayahuasca experience when I did, because now I am able to spot people like this very easily, and I know exactly where they are spiritually, because I've been there!

I have put my heart into this letter, Kerry, and have spent the better part of my afternoon doing so. As stated previously, I would really love to hear back from you regarding this letter. Remember my MATRIX V questions for you, as well. I know they were kind of in the middle of the letter, but that's all that I would really like to ask you about at this point. Everything else I wonder about just kind of comes throughout the course of your work. Even if you don't have the time to get back to me through e-mail, I hope you do take this as one of the biggest "Thanks!" I've ever given to anyone, despite the fact that I don't really like this new interview, or the potential it has to have an adverse effect on people. And, as stated previously, I can tell you were kind of hesitant about releasing that interview, with a good reason to be! I would just really hate to have some naive kid, who doesn't know any better get mixed up with a bunch of astral entities who are going to do nothing more than play games with them. I am not out there trying to "save the world" but I do care about the direction out planet goes. This time period in history is too damn important to be fucked up by people who have a "message for humanity" that has the potential to lead people in a direction that may not be the best thing for us.

If I didn't care about the planet, and the people here, and Project Camelot, I would not have taken 3 or 4 hours out of my day to write you this letter (I guess I type kind of slow). I hope you consider what I'm saying, and I hope to hear some feedback. I know you use something called "Skype" to chat with people. I have never used it, and I don't even know if it will work with my computer, but hey, if it's not too difficult to set up, maybe one of these days we can have a chat. We can talk MATRIX V, and the state of the world or whatever. If you want to that is! Take care, Kerry Cassidy! 

Take risks! (sound familiar?)
-T [name removed]



Further Explanation regarding the Peter Sterling video

The recent release of the video interview with Peter Sterling is raising a lot of questions. This is a good thing. Please Click Hereto see my Further Explanation for the release of this video and some of the basis for why we do what we do at Project Camelot.
