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Aaron McCollum

June 7

Regarding Aaron McCollum

I am currenlty editing my interview with Aaron McCollum.. It should be out by the end of the week. In the meantime, Aaron’s living situation changed rather suddenly and he is looking for a new place to live in the Southern California area. He needs a reasonable rent and although he currently lives in Pasadena, he would consider relocating somewhere in the surrounding LA area. He doesn’t have a car so he needs to be centrally located within reach of transportation. If you know of anything please send him an email at:


Going to South Africa – donations welcome

June 3

Going to South Africa – donations welcome

I am going to South Africa around June 18th for 10 days… the flight is costly so any donations are welcome. I will be filming the ruins on the Solstice and Michael Tellinger and covering as much as possible with the equipment I have…

Evacution planned for Tampa Bay, Florida?

It’s not completely clear yet but the following items are coming through from sources:

1. News articles on possible evacuation of Tampa Bay (plans) – This is interesting since before the spill, someone sent me google maps views of UN vans sitting on a hidden airstrip in Florida… rows and rows of white vans just sitting there…. maybe 4000. What did they know and when did they know it?

2. Just received this:   from a source UNCONFIRMED.:   […”via ________ a mate: I listened to a Louisiana radio broadcast this morning, with professional service personnel and they were saying that several, police, and home guard had resigned packed up their families and headed north as they had received planning instructions that on a date between the 15th and 20th of June there are mass evacuations of all … UN people transporter vehicles in total 100’s of thousands, I’ve seen the google sat shots it’s real. Just don’t go.”] — Unconfirmed.

Myself and at least two other people I know were having EQ symptoms and for myself, a feeling I can best describe as seasickness on land… things are better today.

Update on release of Parts 2 & 3 of Ashayana Deane

June 2

Update on release of Parts 2 & 3 of A’shayana Deane

Parts two and three of the A’shayana Deane interview will be released sometime in the next few days. On YouTube, Part One has already gotten 31,495 views after just a few days…

Addendum to Duncan’s vision

I received the following communique today from a friend of a friend speaking for Duncan.

They wrote:

“…Due to an article on Before It’s News that posted your blog article, I had to add a paragraph since they were indicating that D was saying the earth’s rotation would stop. New text below:

Visions – Oil Spill and Earth Changes

We’ve been getting a lot of response from the vision Duncan had a few days ago relating directly to the BP Oil spill, volcanic eruptions, and general earth changes. The contents of his vision are posted over at Kerry Cassidy’s Blog at Project Camelot Productions. You can read about that vision [below] in her post of May 31.

There are two addenda to this topic that we wanted to add. The first is that Duncan also saw in this vision that the sinkholes that are becoming more and more prevalent around the world are also to be included as a result of the Earth losing its lubrication (oil). You can see a picture of the recent sinkhole in Guatemala HERE.

Secondly, Duncan describes a vision which he had over fifteen years ago while standing on the beach in Delaware. As often happens in his visions, his vision turns black and white and everything freezes. That is what happened this time and then he saw a new land mass rising out over the East Coast.

One more thing: Duncan did not see the Earth’s rotation stop completely or permanently. What he saw was the overheating (volcanoes) and friction (loss of the lubricating layer of oil) causing the mother of all rotational hiccups, the power of which would be so powerful as to result in a complete pole shift. He said he saw that after the pole shift, the Earth would continue to rotate, but obviously in a different rotational pattern than we have currently.

Duncan hastens to add a disclaimer on all his visions: These visions never give a timeline or a specific date. Also, as we create our future, timelines can change so whereas a vision can be accurate for one potential future, it may become irrelevant if we shift to a different timeline. These visions are not ever meant to be taken as fact and it is important that every person use their own intuition and instincts regarding any information of this kind. And he really really hopes he’s wrong about this.”

The above is not paraphrased but quoted as received..

– All interview parts here.

Oil Eating Microbes – Solution to BP Oil Spill

June 1

Oil Eating Microbes – Solution to BP Oil Spill

I encourage you to watch this video and send it around to any contacts you have in government and Congress. The fact that this solution, among many others is in the public domain (Dan Burisch’s Lotus Project can also clean up polluted waters etc) is clear proof that the PTB have created this situation in order to push the timeline see below for more on this….

Link is here:

The tragedy of Gaza

May 31

The tragedy of Gaza

Regardless, of your view of what's going on in the Middle East, the destruction and starvation of children and others in Gaza is unacceptable. Please watch the following appeal for Aid to Gaza and donate to this cause if you are moved to do so. Gaza aid video banned by the BBC and SKY… linked here so that it is not overlooked.

Duncan O'Finioan weighs in on the intention behind the BP Oil Spill

The following is paraphrased by a friend of a friend and edited and annotated to protect all identities by me, Kerry:

Duncan is a psychic warrior for those who don't know. Watch our video with him herefor more info about that.

Recently he had a vision that involved oil being the "lifeblood" of the planet — he said that this is more real than we know.

…"He said picture the earth with the crust and the inner core. Some people believe the earth is hollow, some not, but he thinks it is more honeycombed. Then he said, all that molten nickel and stuff is rotating in a different direction to help balance the earth. What if the layer of oil is like the oil an a ball bearing? This is what he saw. The oil itself acts as a lubricant to protect the surface from all the molten stuff getting out and allowing the rotation to happen smoothly.

If the oil gets sucked out, you lose that lubrication and buffer. Just like if you are trying to run a car with no oil what happens is the engine locks up, but also two other things: tremendous heat from the friction and lots of shaking, also from the friction."

If the PTB caused this on purpose… Follow the logic.

Note: this goes along with my previous posts (see May18 to the present)…

The message from Duncan continues:

"Earthquakes, check. Volcanic eruptions, check. Pole shift as the earth would flip on its axis without the counterbalancing of the spinning interior. Tsunamis, weather changes. etc. etc. — total cataclysm.

This discussion of ours occurred yesterday, before I had a chance to listen to your interview with Jay Weidner. Now it seems even more imperative that we pass this along to you. I had also brought up people hoofing it off this world completely for supposedly safer pastures.

So that's the long and short of it. Suck out the oil, eliminate the lubrication, the planet locks up and overheats and rumbles like my old Acura times a billion and flips over."

For more info about Duncan his website is: Duncan O'Finioan.com

My radio show with Jay Weidner

May 27

My radio show with Jay Weidner

Available here.. today's radio show apparently covered areas that Jay has not addressed in quite this amount of depth in the past. We talked about a wide range of topics, including: 2012, alchemy, the Illuminati agenda, the Illuminati evac plans and their colony on Mars and more. Must listen..

Seismic events worldwide and the Icelandic volcano

The following Article from UCL (University College London) news has been brought to my attention:

.."Icelandic President Ólafur Grímsson has warned governments around Europe that a significant eruption at the volcano is close. "We [Iceland] have prepared … it is high time for European governments and airline authorities all over Europe and the world to start planning for the eventual Katla eruption," he said."

And on top of this we had another spike in the USGS seismic read-outs around the world today. See this pdf for more…. or click on this image to download PDF file of wolrdlwide:


Two audio interviews and Part One of the Ashayana Deane interview

May 24

Two audio interviews and Part One of the Ashayana Deane interview this week

I just completed a fascinating interview with Michael Tellinger, to be released in the next day or two. In addition, I have an audio interview with a new whistleblower, John Urwin, author of the obscure but crucial book called The Sixteen. To be released in the next day. In his words, the techniques he liearned were from ‘off world’.

i have also completed the ediing on Part One of the A’shayana Deane interview and that will be released in the next couple days as well.

Coming next week: an audio interview with Michael Tellinger

May 21

Coming next week: an audio interview with Michael Tellinger

I am very pleased to announce I will be doing an audio interview with Michael Tellinger on Monday. This interview will cover an update on his work with Johan Heine at Adam's Calendar and the Makomati Ruins in South Africa. His book Slave Species of God, deals with the genetic engineering of humans and the Annunaki.

Project Camelot YouTube Account Issue

The real reason Bill no longer has access to the Youtube account…is that he insists on using music on his videos that is copyrighted. This is the real and only reason. I established this account as a Director on Youtube in the early days of Youtube. Use of copyrighted music and images is illegal and would result in being dropped as a director and we would lose the ability to post videos longer than 10mins in length.

Letter from the Oil Fields of Oklahoma

I received the folllowing letter confirmation of the info on my May 20 post from a person who wishes to remain anonymous:



I worked for my uncle in the oil/gas fields in the corner of Kansas, Oklahoma, Colorado and Texas during high school and college. 

He had an oil field hauling company. Basically, he had specialized trucks which moved the rigs from site to site–taking them down and setting them up.

What few 'color' videos I have seen on this well do seem to support, at least to some degree, the statements of the commentator on the film you reference in your blog.

Even in black and white it is clear allot of gas is coming out. In color, it appears that gas as well as sulfur are coming out. Several other statements about them not vacuuming up oil for later processing as they did around Saudi Arabia does make one suspicious.

I looked at several films, but I believe it was in the one you reference that he spoke of how thick oil was and that it was not fluid, but a very thick substance needing heat to flow freely. This is definitely not true! It may be of some oils, but none that I have ever seen.

I also worked with U. S. Customs in Galveston, Texas (among other locations). We had to supervise the discharge of various petro-chemical tankers in Texas City, Texas. I have seen plenty of crude and all of it was very fluid. 

In any event, it appears that those in charge are deliberately not taking any serious steps to stop the disaster. 

It looks like the powers-that-be finally have their solution to cull the herd without any finger pointing at them as we might have in other circumstances. After all, this is just an unfortunate act of nature.

Not sure I have been of any assistance, but I think the commentator on the referenced video had a number of VALID points.


Watch the Kemner video to learn more….just below here.

New Interview with Aaron McCollum – Coming Soon

May 19

New Interview with Aaron McCollum – Coming Soon

I just completed a new interview with Aaron McCollum. This is his in depth personal story. It should be released sometime next week.